It BeginsRapture On 04/8 FAILURE What Theyre NOT Telling You!

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➡ This text talks about a prediction that the world will end on April 8, with signs like earthquakes in New York and California, and a large number of cicadas appearing. The author criticizes people who believe these signs are prophetic, saying that they’re just normal events. They also criticize a YouTube prophet who claims God told her the world will end on April 8. The author believes that the American church is in trouble, not because of these signs, but because it’s too quick to believe in false prophecies.


So April 8 is the rapture, and it is the door to the New Jerusalem as we unlock the end to a second coming. Anything you’d like to add to that? It’s really good. It sums it up really well. As we’re approaching April 8, we only have a few days, so it’s very important for you to listen to this as we’re approaching April 8 and we have the cicadas popping up out of anywhere now, we have earthquakes in New York.

We have earthquakes in California. We have CERN that’s starting up on April 8 as well. Is all of this just coincidences, or could the rapture actually happen on April 8? Do they have a point? We’re going to look at a prophet on YouTube who claims that God told her himself that it’s going to happen on April 8. I pray that this broadcast opens up your eyes. Take a few moments, take a few scriptures.

Let’s analyze all of this through the scriptures. We’re following a breaking news alert now. An earthquake shook the northeast today, including New York City. Reports say the quake had a magnitude of 4. 7, with residents reporting they felt rumbling across the eastern seaboard. But New Jersey has activated their state of emergency operations center. New York City closing some of its tunnels right now just for inspection. We’re not hearing any reports of any damage or injuries, which is some good news.

But from this video, you can see some cracks in the road in neighborhoods. Let’s go over to Plumas county now, where a series of earthquakes have hit tonight. This is just east of Lake Alamore. The first one hitting at 630 tonight. That one clocking in at about 4. 5 magnitude, another at 4. 3, and a final at 2. 9. So just a little bit of rocking over there.

People down in Sacramento, though, reported feeling a rumbling. There has been no report of damage. It may soon feel like the end of the world. It may soon feel like the end of the world. Resilient creatures, some prime number years, they come out to say hello. Periodical cicadas, the kind that emerge every 13 to 17 years, are expelled, expected to start showing up in just a few weeks.

But this time, there could be more than we can handle. A rare double dose of the bugs that can sing as loud as jet engines is about to hit the south, then move north to the midwest, all thanks to a combination of two separate types of cicadas that haven’t bred at the same time since 1803. Now, maybe it’s because I live in Florida, and in Florida, I see all types of bugs, mosquitoes from small to big, crocodiles from small to big.

I don’t need to go to a safari, I live in Florida. You have frogs galore. Every frog you want, from Puerto Rico frogs to cuban frogs, the chupacabra. I could see the chupacabra in front of my house and it would not scare me because I live in Florida. So people are going crazy about some cicadas because they’re saying that this is a prophetic event. You should come to Florida.

I’ll show you all types of varieties of cicadas popping out left and right. But for some reason in the church, we’re at a point that cicadas popping up left and right is a prophetic sign from the heavens. Now, I don’t want to be that guy, I don’t want to be that brother that comes here to annoy you. I don’t like to do that, alright? You’re my family member in Jesus Christ, you know that I’ve been here since 2008.

These videos are not monetized, so I’m not making these videos for you to click them so that I can get paid. So if I’m making this video, I know it could sound annoying to some of you, but I really, really mean well. Hear me out here. The church in America is in so much trouble, you don’t have to worry about no cicadas. You ain’t gonna have to worry about no earthquakes in New York, nor any earthquakes in California.

What we really have to worry about is the fact that judgment starts at the house of God according to the scriptures, and the american church is at a state that we’re grasping at straws for anything at all that seems prophetic. And you know what that is? That’s pathetic. Yes, an eclipse is going to pass, but here you have so many congregations that are now at a point where they’ve taken an eclipse that is able to be calculated.

In other words, we already know when the next eclipse is coming. That’s not a surprise. The heavens declare the glory of God. Eclipses, right? All of these events are basically God’s awesome, beautiful timepiece in the heavens. There’s nothing more beautiful than to see the glory of God declared in the heavens, but leave it to the american church to turn anything and everything into a spectacle. And that’s what I don’t like.

That’s what I don’t like. Here you have a channel called rapture ready Saint 144,000. She says that the Holy Spirit spoke to her to the point that she’s in tears at one point. And that on the 8 April, the rapture is going to happen. Okay? And she clearly declares it that the rapture will happen on that date. What we’re going to be going through tonight is coming literally from the Holy Spirit himself.

And we’re literally 32 days away from the rapture. And we’re literally 32 days away from the rapture. This video is not for those that are not born again, as once we reveal what the Lord has revealed to us, you’re not going to be able to deny this anymore. It seems like in the church we have a really hard time testing things to the scriptures. Jeremiah 23 six. Thus says the Lord of hosts, hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you.

They make you vain. They speak a vision of their own heart and not out of the mouth of the Lord. Just because people get on the microphone and they start talking about God, or they start saying the church terms that you like, you know, they decree, they declare, they. You know, they. They tell you that they’re filled from the Lord. Thus does the Lord. And the modern day church has taken God’s name in vain in such a horrendous way.

This one is going to prove once and for all that the Lord is taking his true prophets home on April 8. So April 8 is the rapture, and it is the door to the new Jerusalem as we unlock the end to a second coming. Anything you’d like to add to that? It’s really good. It sums it up really well. You might as well just say, hey, listen, I think something crazy is going to happen on April 8.

That, hey, that’s a conversation. But the moment you bring the Lord into it and you say, duh, says the Lord, at that point in time, you’re in dangerous territory, you know, Jeremiah 1414. Then the Lord said unto me, the prophets prophesy lies in my name. I have sent them not. I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them. They prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, a thing of not and the deceit of their heart.

You know, I come from the hispanic church, and I’ve told you guys many times, in the puerto rican church, when you walk into a latino puerto rican pentecostal service, everyone wants to immediately lay hands on you. Everyone’s speaking in tongues. And I’m not saying that the gifts of the spirit aren’t real. I believe in the gifts of the spirit, but in the. At least in the churches I used to go to, even the cockroaches in the bathroom will speak in tongues and talk to you and want to lay hands on you.

Everyone has a prophecy. Everyone has a special anointing, everyone has a special decree and declare. And you know what? Why it upsets me is because what this causes is people to then not believe that God moves. Not believe in the gifts of the spirit, not believe in the gifts of prophecy, not believe in the gifts of healing, not believe that God is real. Because when they encounter false prophets, like these YouTube prophets and these many congregations out there that are telling people that something amazing is going to happen on April 8, and then nothing happens, then we have to pick up the broken pieces, because then you’re gonna have all of these people that believe that something would happen, nothing happens.

And guess what the prophets are gonna do? They’re not gonna repent. They’re not gonna repent. The YouTube viewers are gonna act like, oops, nothing happened. Oops, I did it again. And it’s business as usual in the western church in America. And that’s annoying, that’s exhausting. And I’m sorry, but it’s wrong. You don’t play with people’s emotions like that and much less use the scriptures. It’s ridiculous. You know, the crazy part is that channel that says rapture.

Ready saints 144,000. She has a livestream scheduled for April 9. How is she going to press the livestream button on April 9 if she’s raptured? These are just the little subtle things that you see that these false prophets do. Yet the church ignores it. But tally the earthquake in New York and the earthquake in California, it’s the line of the eclipse tally. Well, I mean, why don’t we keep on going down the line then? It was a magnitude 6.

289 miles from Dandan in Saipan, Taiwan had a 6. 4 this week. Japan had a 6. 1 this week. If we keep on going, we’re noticing that earth is groaning all around the world. No one is saying that the earth is not groaning. No one is saying that. You should just look at all of these signs and say, WHOOP didi. Do just another day in America. No, you should be watchful.

You should look at all of these things and say, man, Jesus Christ is coming. We got to preach the gospel. But what you’re seeing is just a lot of fear, and God has not given us the spirit of fear. In fact, in Luke 20 111, it says, in great earthquakes shall be in diverse places, in famines and pestilences and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

Why did God warn us of these things? So that you would not be in a frenzy, in a panic and fearing because God has not given us the spirit of fear. Not only that, but the american church swears that Jesus Christ was, was born in Brooklyn. The apostle Paul is from California. Luke is from Texas. Right. Peter’s from the deep woods here in the land, Florida. Jesus Christ is Maga.

He’s a republican. Right. The american church is so focused just in America, but I’ve just shown you all of these earthquake that are happening all over the world. But because we live in America, we want to americanize everything about Jesus. And I totally get it. You’re looking at all of these things and you’re saying, tally, earth is groaning. This is crazy. I totally get that. However, be careful when using dust, says the Lord.

Be careful when saying the Lord told me because I’m going to keep track of it. And I’m writing down all of these channels, I’m downloading all of their videos so that we can go over this when the prophecy aren’t real. And I’m not doing that out of pride to say, hey, I was right, you’re wrong. No, I’m doing that because it is exhausting to see the many hurt people that come out of these church system, the many wounded people that trust in a man or a woman.

Nothing happens. Thus, says the Lord, nothing happens. And then that person is at a point that they’re hurt, they’re bitter, they wouldn’t dare step at a local country congregation, and they’re wounded for the rest of their lives. When you play with God’s children, that’s serious business. You need to be very, very careful. So as April 8 is approaching, here’s my thoughts on it before we conclude. And I have to make this video short because I have to take my computer to get some stuff done to it tomorrow.

I think April 8 is going to come, the eclipse is going to happen, and April 9 people will start making excuses that they miscalculated something. And that’s why something didn’t happen. And because the church in America is lukewarm, right? We’re lukewarm. We’re going to make more excuses for the failed prophecies, more excuses for the failed events, and then we’ll start calculating something else. And then you’re going to see that Passover is going to come.

So then they’re going to make a calculation with Passover, and then you’re going to see that the elections are going to come. So now God’s going to give them prophecies of Donald Trump, prophecies of Biden, Obama is going to appear in their dreams, and all of a sudden it’s a new cycle of deception in the church in America. And I hope that I’m wrong. None of that is a prophecy.

All of that is based on experience. The Lord didn’t tell me any of that, but I’ve lived through it cycle after cycle after cycle. And I see the people that are wounded and hurt by the church, and then the false prophets continue to do what they got to do. It’s a shame. We should be ashamed. And notice that I even say we, we could do better. We have to do better.

God’s gonna hold the church accountable for all of these crazinesses that are happening. And notice that I am not telling you that all of these events, they just, hey, it’s just happening. It’s another day in America. No, I get what you’re saying and I get what you’re seeing, but you have to keep it biblical, you have to keep it scriptural, and we have to really, really stop allowing the spirit of fear to ruin our lives and to rule our lives.

Let’s pray for a moment. Heavenly Father, thank you for your dear son Jesus Christ. And thank you for protecting us and guarding us as we navigate through these crazy days that we’re living in on earth. Heavenly Father, if there’s a brother, if there’s a sister who is wounded by the many events that have happened before that were prophesied that never came true, or maybe by April 8, they may be let down again.

May they understand that that had nothing to do with you, Jesus Christ. There’s a lot of people out here that will call themselves representatives of the most high. They will prophesy in his name. They will speak in his name. They will say all sorts of things in his name. And when the things don’t come to pass, they do not repent. Allow us, heavenly Father, to have the discernment and to be the bereans that you’ve called us to be, that we compare what they say to the word of Jesus Christ.

And if what they said does not align with the word of Jesus Christ, we are to obey God rather than man in the name of Jesus Christ. If there is someone going through anxiety, going through depression, going through extreme fear, going through extreme worries, heavenly Father, remind them that you have already overcome and that you warn us of the things that are coming, not so that we walk around in fear and prophesying decree and declaring and false prophesying left and right.

No, you warn us of the things that are to come so that we can have peace and understanding. If we walk with the most high, if we walk with the father. You don’t have anything to fear in Jesus mighty name. As always, thank you for viewing the video. Thank you for sharing the video. If you can take a few seconds to share this with a friend and their family member, hopefully they can at least be prepared as we head into this weekend and we head into this crazy event.

Love you guys very, very much. Thank you for considering supporting this channel as a non monetized channel. Your support goes a very long way. God bless you and your whole family. I’ll go ahead and leave a video on the screen. Go ahead and check it out. This upcoming Wednesday, you’re invited to our livestream. All right. You’re invited to our livestream and we’re going to be discussing the April 8 eclipse and the rapture prophecies that at that point in time didn’t come true.

God bless you, your whole family, and thank you for passing by. .


Spread the Truth

3 thoughts on “It BeginsRapture On 04/8 FAILURE What Theyre NOT Telling You!

  1. Avatar Of Carrie Halamar
    Carrie Halamar says:

    The Rapture is false doctrine… No one dissappears. Christians should know they are to be here during the tribulation to bring more to Christ. The Rapture already happened! Heaven and Hell are a state of mind. The Great Tribulation is here. I have proof!

    • Avatar Of Tommy Truthful
      Tommy Truthful says:

      Yeah I don’t believe in the Rapture myself my mother does she yells at me all the time. But I don’t think it hurts for others to believe in it if that’s what helps them be a better person.

  2. Avatar Of Angela
    Angela says:

    Hope a lot of people saw this before yesterday. Or see it today. Probably a lot of heart broken people out there.

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