➡ The speaker discusses his commitment to his ministry, even at the risk of losing his online platform. He credits his success to the support of his wife and team, and the growth he’s experienced since 2008. He encourages those upset with his new content to reach out to him directly, and emphasizes his primary goal is to serve God and provide content for his followers. He ends by expressing gratitude for his journey and the support he’s received.
➡ We gather every Monday to discuss and understand God’s greatness. Thank you all for joining and see you next week.
I feel as though the Lord has put you in the position of leadership And so I’m looking towards you but overnight. I was praying and preparing for this and The Lord said I want you to do this with Tally today because it’s really awesome. Awesome. Awesome excited So brother, I’ve got seven questions here for you And and the Lord put them on my heart and I think this is important For people to know your heart and these different questions All right, let’s do and by the way guys I I I I know none of these questions, so let’s see what’s going on He’s getting a little bit of payback because he does this to me was on the video sometimes And you know what? I just count on the Holy Spirit.
I know that you will also So brother TFG ministries whose is it? Yeah It’s God’s ministry. It’s a TFG ministry belongs to Jesus Christ Just like any other ministry out there belongs to Jesus Christ You know These are the name name associations with what ministry but honestly man even thinking of all of these things You know, we have to have names and stuff like that like the Church of Ephesus or the church You know the different churches, but man the division that’s in the church Chris is insane all the denominations out there There’s so many denominations out there man that I don’t want people to think that this is a denomination or a certain Different type of thing like that.
It’s not it’s just all of what we do man belongs to the Lord man. So he is He’s the he’s the king on that one So that means that means his ways goes above our ways and all of those things. Yeah, have you always considered it is No, no But I only know that because God’s convicted me to change those things so initially when ministry started you get a little bit puffed up and you get a little bit of pride and you think you got a little bit of something going on with you, you know, but It wasn’t I tried everything brother Chris that you can think of it to try to be You know successful on YouTube and stuff like that, which is constantly looking at the algorithm looking at the views looking at the this How can I grow this? How can I grow that? it wasn’t until I Mean honestly, man, and this was 2010 2011, you know until I lost myself man.
I woke up one day disgusted Just feeling nasty feeling super nasty about this man because I was like, what have I become? You know what I mean? And that’s what I gave it to him and from that point on He’s been able to shine because the main goal is for him for people to look to him not to me But a point in time was and it happens to I mean it happened to me Maybe it hasn’t happened any of you preaches out there when you think that you’re that you’re you’re the hottest stuff But you’re not Praise the Lord, brother.
What do you believe is the profound purpose the father has for allowing you to utilize this significant platform That’s a good question For me it’s I have There’s always been a deep Aspect in my heart for the people that have come out from a lot of the aspects that I’ve come out of in the church so a lot of videos that That you see on the channel are aimed at those that are scattered the scattered sheep out there And the aim has always been for this channel to be up like a pit stop at NASCAR Where you need to get your tires refreshed get the car shined up get some gassing you and get you going to be a place where people can tune in every week and get refreshed in the Lord and Hopefully hopefully now with the Bible TV channel that we have that we encourage all of you to go check out over there We want to make like a little bit of a bridge where if you enjoy the it’s content here You can go over there and get more seasoned meat for you All right more deeper stuff and we have live services there.
So that’s the other component to it, but My heart out there Chris is to take those that are wounded and help them get Bandaged up and on their way so that they can fulfill their call for Jesus You met you mentioned to me a while back When we started streaming these live streams that you actually had some people that said they would unsubscribe If you’re continue down that path of doing that, you know that conversation we had Yes, sir. How did that affect you? Well because it’s happened so many times God’s prepared me for it.
You know what I mean? But because of those preparations I can tell you that it’s happened throughout the years many many times that Brother we have to rely on the Lord you know, we have to rely on the Lord and you know it it’s really hard when brothers and sisters treat each other that way where You hold manipulation as a tactic You know, and I don’t I’m not a fan of it. I think it’s witchcraft, you know The channels free everything here that’s available is free. The channels ad free is not monetized So there’s nothing on here this charge for if their ad is because of copyright.
I have nothing to do with that So I just try to tell brothers and sisters in the Lord. Listen, you know It’s we’re doing the very best that we possibly can and we have to try everything we possibly can to win souls for Jesus Christ This is about the harvest. So initially is one of those things that I always go and try to self-reflect brother Chris Because I don’t want to me I want to make sure that it’s not because I’m doing something crazy Yeah, you know what? I mean, you can’t just think that you know it all But at the same time brother if there’s a brother or sister out there that says I’m gonna unsubscribe because of this I can’t you know, I mean What can I do about it? I can’t make everyone happy.
I have to make the Heavenly Father happy You know and I just keep things in perspective for people, you know, and just remind them listen, dude This you know, we’re out here doing the very best that we can for the Lord. It may not be the very best No, I could totally get that we’re just trying. We’re just trying, you know what I mean? And then we got to keep going man brother How many so good this is a good question How many subscribers would you be willing to lose if one more soul could spend eternity with our beloved Savior? Oh That’s a great question man All of them brother all of them listen, man There’s gonna be a time and in fact in my life that wasn’t an answer I could give you You see what I’m saying Chris because You Know we have to be transparent with each other today.
I can tell you taking them all the way Because God has taught me many times not to idolize the the outreach channel and it came in many aspects of I remember one time my brother Chris When the holy hip-hop movement was really really big and intense that I felt by faith from the Lord to speak out on it and make certain documentaries on it and I had a couple of Labels out there. They reached out, you know, like, you know and They had a lot of threats, you know, and and it was intimidating I was like, oh, but if I if I do what God tells me then I have to do this But if I do it, I’m gonna lose the channel and I’m gonna get sued You know and that put at the forefront the idolatry aspect that ministry can become for us, bro Because it could be you know, man You know, so now I can tell you take them all if you want to but That wasn’t always the answer Chris and the only reason I can give you that answer now is only because of Jesus But and his strength because if someone’s watching out that it has a channel, you know How hard it is to build these things up.
It takes a long long time But if God left the 99 for one, how are we not gonna do that? you know But but like I said, I say that now but with the disclaimer that brother it took many years to get to that point Because it’s idolatry and ministry is for real. Thank you, brother You know these last two questions you really have kind of already answered So I’m just gonna read them and if you want to add anything to then you could but Have you resolved in your heart that your primary goal is to do the will of the Father? Regardless of the cost and you just kind of touched on that and praise the Lord for that brother And I don’t know if you want to add anything to what you said and then the last question is When you kind of touched on this too, many people may ask why would you risk? What you have taken many years to build? So I don’t know if you want to comment anything on those last two But this is this is really good for people to see your heart concerning these things, brother Well during the COVID days, bro during the days of the pandemic, you know People need an encouragement But that encouragement came at the risk of you losing your channel and Not only this channel many other channels had to make that decision of Encouraging people feeding them and then coming to the realization that you come to your channel has taken away That happened to me various times Once you have that happen to you you learn You learn to learn to learn to not idolize it anymore because you go one day from High number of outreach at your channel to nothing the next day But because you’re obedient to God it just turns right back around again I Brother I also have to tell you this I have a good wife I have a very very good wife who makes my job very very easy for Jesus Up until this point in my life, man I’ve always worked two or three jobs to pay the bills and then Edit all night and sleep three to four hours, you know When I tell you that I’ve set three or four or five hours a night for years to make this happen It’s a reality Okay, and my wife could have easily just came to me Chris and said oh But you don’t spend enough time with me.
She could have easily said oh, but you always in ministry No, that’s not what she did Chris She would make everything so simple for me that when I would come in my computer will be on my this would be on My Bible will be here. The food will be ready. The cook will be It’s a team effort man, and even now as we’re doing what we’re doing with Brother Chris sister Heidi Shannon Amy earnest right sister see right sister Tracy from her channel, right? My brother drew bloom on his channel, right ten from falling world films So many people that come together to help me trace myth trace myth has been talking to me since this channel Had very tiny outreach It’s a team effort So if I can give you any of these answers today boys because of all of you that have held me accountable and have corrected me The moderators mad guns and Nancy, you know, all of the people that Play a big part in all of this and to hold me accountable.
It’s I can’t say the Holy Spirit stirred me to say this, but I think it’s important What would you say to those that are considering to unsubscribe? About this new content and things that you’re trying to achieve. What would be the one thing you’d want to say to them? Well, I mean listen brother, you know I don’t want any of you to just leave because you’re upset at me for something that I don’t even know I did wrong So reach out to me at brother neptali at gmail.com so we can talk it out.
But hear me out here for a moment. All right The what we’ve done here is something pretty unique Okay, this is pretty unique and this is only done by the power of Jesus Christ. I want you to think about this. Okay You know, we’ve been at this since 2008 You know the large majority of you have grown with me throughout that process if you look at the older videos to now You see the growth and maturity thanks to Jesus and in 10 years you’re gonna see the growth and maturity from this day Okay, so so you’ve seen that all right, you’ve seen the amount of hours put into this stuff This stuff is it may look easy, but it’s a lot of work.
It’s a lot of work Okay, we wouldn’t be coming together to do all of these things right to create either content to have an hour a second added channel Bible TV to Do Saturday services Sunday services Wednesday services We wouldn’t be able to we wouldn’t be doing all this if we didn’t have the right intentions So just go to the Heavenly Father and ask him and when you do so, I’m so confident so confident that he’s gonna be able to let you know the answer that if the Outcome is that you have to subscribe.
I totally get it But just know that I always still be there for you at brother neptali at gmail.com All right, that’s the important part You can run away from this channel, but just don’t run away from Jesus man. That’s the important part for me All right. We’re just trying to provide extra added content to make sure that you guys can have something throughout the week and Yeah, man, I Love every button man. I love every one man, but I have to love God first brother, you know So brother real quick.
Were you a little bit nervous? Like oh, what’s the good I feel like I’m gonna interview man I’m gonna job interview right now, man. No, I’m just kidding. It was awesome. It was awesome. I appreciate being surprised man Man I love it man. I do this to you all the time. So, you know, they’ll pay back. That’s awesome. That’s awesome That’s a blessing man and to all of you that are watching Hopefully you’re enjoying these Monday segments. Our aim is just to be transparent with you as brothers and brothers in the board, you know Like like what I always tell people, you know Cuz you know you you go to the goodwill you go you’re gonna find something You can’t be upset that you found something used at the goodwill if you go to the go well So same thing with this.
We’re imperfect people. We’re just trying to do our very best So hold us accountable keep God first seek him first. Let him be the one that you seek. We’re just brothers That’s it. That’s all we are. You know, may he be the one that’s always glorified And On the screen as this video ends, you’re gonna see a video from Bible TV. That’s our second channel Okay, if you like these conversations go there we’re gonna have two or three of them a week over there Okay, plus our services as well. Alright, so you have two different options Alright, you have here these devotionals plus a weekend-long 25 30 minute video, which is documentary style Which I like to make them that way because that’s I just love making videos But you have options you have options and they’re all free.
So that’s the best part so God is awesome and God is good any final words, brother Chris anything else you think it’s just been a real blessing brother You and I on a personal level it’s pretty amazing the friendship and bond and being of one accord and all the Conversations that we go through as the Lord is guiding us. It’s quite amazing and and brother you and I are Hopefully an example to others that we can be a one accord a old man that lives in the cornfield in, Michigan There’s a Puerto Rican guy down in Florida loves the heat and not so fond of it That’s it man God is good, bro.
He’s awesome man and hope you guys understand that he is awesome He loves you guys so much So so so much and if you guys need anything we have an are you struggling section on our website TFG ministries calm? All right. So if you’re struggling throughout the week, man, hit us up on there, too All right, and I’m brother Chris. Would you mind closing us out in prayer? I think we’re so thankful for this opportunity We’re thankful for the growth that you’re allowing in us and we are so thankful that your presence is with us Lord Oh Beloved Holy Spirit how wonderful it is to know that we can go to you constantly with everything And that you can help guide our path and keep us on the narrow path.
That’s pleasing to you Lord Thank you for Tally’s transparency and his ever increasing love for All of those that you’ve allowed him to minister to May we all continue to grow to be better servants for your honor for your glory in your name or Jesus we pray Amen man, God is awesome Thanks to every single one of you for tuning in yet again, remember every Monday we’ll get here together All right, and we’ll talk things through and we’ll reason with each other because God is that awesome All right. So thank you all and Chris any final words All right, then love you guys.
See you next Monday You