SC – Traffic Stop Breakdown #2 (Longer Version)

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➡ The text discusses the importance of understanding your rights during a police encounter. It emphasizes that police officers are enforcers working for a corporation and do not inherently have power over you. The text also highlights the concept of consent, stating that officers often try to trick individuals into giving consent, which then gives them jurisdiction. Lastly, it criticizes the lack of constitutional knowledge among police officers, suggesting that they are not adequately trained to uphold the rights they are supposed to protect.
➡ is a free resource that educates about the common law in the United States, which is different from statutes and codes. It emphasizes that in the U.S., the people are sovereign, meaning they hold ultimate power, and the government can only exercise powers granted by the people through the Constitution. The site warns that arresting someone without their consent, even for offenses like drunk driving, can be considered kidnapping and treason, as it goes against the Constitution. It also mentions a growing movement working to return the government to its constitutional boundaries, with plans to hold public servants accountable for overstepping their authority.


What’s your name and badge number? Debbie Griffin, badge number 193. Thank you. What’s your name and badge number? What is your name and badge number? I don’t consent. Okay. I’m invoking my fifth amendment. No. So when he says he’s invoking his fifth amendment right, that’s your right to remain silent and therefore not incriminate yourself. As I’ve said before, every traffic stop is an opportunity for them to get evidence on you and you to get evidence on them. They are just human beings, just like us, sitting in a uniform. That’s it. There’s literally nothing special about them.

They do not have power over you. That’s not how it works. They’re actually enforcers working for a corporation. They can’t make you do anything, but we were born into a world where they told all of us, that’s just what you do. You listen to the police. Yes, they have their uses. We all know their power is getting too much. And when you understand, your rights come back. Now you’ll see that this long pause here is a tactic that they do. So they’re in your mind and you trip yourself up and you agree to their contract, verbal contract.

Alright, hang out with my partner at Oakwood, okay? Feel free to roll the window down and talk to him. That would be consenting. So again, by them asking him to roll down his window, it’s not about the window being rolled down. Obviously, they can speak to you while the window’s up. You can hear each other through the window while it’s up. The reason why they want the window down is because they’re giving you an order. And if you accept that order, you are now in contract with these people. And this is the only way they have jurisdiction over you.

So the first pause was a minute. Now this pause is two minutes and 30 seconds. I’m going to go ahead and speed it up and get back to them yet again repeating themselves because that’s all they can do is try to get you to trip up. And once they realize they’re being stonewalled, they go bye-bye. So you’re going to roll down the window? No, I’m not consenting. I can’t hear you. I’m not consenting. I can’t hear you. Roll the window down. Turn your vehicle off. No. So he just said roll your window down, turn your vehicle off.

What do you think would happen in a normal world if a police officer told you to turn off your ignition and you said no? Because he’s sitting there holding his composure, keeping his hands where they can see him, sitting there dealing with the harassment. There is nothing they can do. There is nothing that they can grab to inch themselves forward. There is no aggression to go off of. There is no excuse to violate your rights any more than they’re doing as you’re watching this video. And they know this, waiting for him to slip up.

I’d like you to roll your window down. I don’t consent. I don’t consent. They need your consent, and the only way to get your consent is to trick you. They can’t tell you they need your consent. So they’re just going to sit there and stare at you. Literally think about this. Look at this. Absolutely ridiculous. Think about it. If you never had to get pulled over, imagine a PTSD you feel when you see a cop. All for nothing. The other window is down. If you want to talk to me, you can go to that side away from the…

Okay, well go over there then. Go to the other side. Go over there. Now you would think at this point they would just leave if clearly they’re at a stalemate. But the reason why they can’t leave is because they’re going to get in trouble if they do that. Because they’re trained to maintain that pressure, maintain authority. Because it’s all fictitious. It’s all hollow. It’s like a little tiny chihuahua that is barking and more vicious than a pit bull. Because it needs that inflation of aggression. Because at the end of the day, it has absolutely no power over you.

Hello, sir. I need you to sign a copy of this. This is a… I wrote you a fixed ticket for your window tent. I don’t want any tickets. Okay, well, I have one here for you. And if I… Sign your copy? If I don’t sign it, then what? Then you’ll go to jail. Okay, then I’ll sign it under duress and void it. Do you have a plan or do you need one? Now, like I said before, if you don’t sign, you will go to jail. But when you sign 1-308-UD, that means under duress, you’re using their uniform commercial code against them, reserving your rights.

Here you go, sir. Hey. Bye, sir. You too. Thanks for backing the Constitution. So you see, he dodged every trap that they set. He didn’t engage in the verbal contract, which is also called a tacit agreement. And at the end, the final trap is they ask you to sign, and if you don’t know what you’re doing and you don’t sign, they can arrest you. So that’s the final trick. He beautifully did everything right. Now, at this point, you take the fix it ticket, you write into the courts, ask them certain questions, and then it gets dismissed because they can’t answer those questions.

So just remember, these police absolutely do not work for you. They’re not here to help you with your rights, okay? They’re not here to enforce the Constitution. In fact, I can prove it to you. You can ask 99% of police officers any part of the Constitution, and I can almost promise you they’d never know. Check out this compilation. I think it’ll blow your mind. You can tell us the First Amendment. Okay, what is it? Yes, sir. What’s up? I’m doing a report for school, okay? And my professor wanted me to ask one police officer if they could give me the five parts of the First Amendment.

Okay. So maybe you can find a police officer to do that, okay? Would you be able to do that? I’m not going to be doing any of that for you right now. Why not? Well, because I don’t have to. Can you tell me the five parts of the First Amendment? You don’t know? I got nothing to say. Five parts of the First Amendment. Can you help me out? No, I got to get gold, buddy. Okay, I just want to make sure you’re all set. The five parts of the First Amendment.

I’m not going to talk about that in a minute. I was wondering if you could tell me the five points of the First Amendment, sir. No, sir. No? Do you know them? Sir. The five parts of the First Amendment. Can you help me out? I do not, sir. I’m on vote for call right now. Have a good day, though. All five parts of the Constitution and the First Amendment. Could you just say it for the video? No, I ain’t going to say it for you. What are the five points of the First Amendment? You tell me what they are.

I was wondering if you could tell me the five points of the First Amendment. Five points of the First Amendment. I better tell you right now. You’re the five points of the First Amendment. Could you help me out? Do you know the First Amendment, sir? I was wondering if you could tell me the five points Something all right? You all right? How’s it going, brother? Six dash. The five points of the First Amendment. I thought we recovered from the First Amendment. Did you swear an oath to the Constitution? I don’t have the right to speak.

Please read your song. Well, this is specifically pertaining to your job. What’s your badge number? I’m wondering if you could tell me the First Amendment. We’re doing a story on the Constitution. Get something going. My teacher said I have to ask one officer the First Amendment. Could you help me out? Okay. Do you know it? The five parts of the First Amendment? I can even give you freedom of speech. That’s the easy one. There’s four others. Do you know? Yeah, yeah. I got a lot going on, though. So I like it.

Can you tell me the five parts? You don’t know it? Why not? I’m taking a poll from officers. If you could tell me all five points of the First Amendment. Would you happen to know that, sir? Can you tell me the five points of the First Amendment? My father is. He’s the expert on the Constitution? Wow. No? How seriously did you take your oath to the Constitution? I took an oath so very seriously. Cool. What’s the First Amendment? Mark, we’re not having this conversation. Do you need anything? Yes, I was curious.

You took an oath. That’s what you get paid to do is to uphold my personal. I was just curious if you knew it. How could I still do that? Like, what are you doing? Where are you from? Argentina. Yeah, here in the United States, they work for us. So whether you believe it or not, this is the truth. Yes, it does feel like it’s too good to be true. Yes, some of us have spent years doing things that we absolutely did not need to do. Just because you don’t have the time to research it doesn’t make it not true., it’s free. I put it out there just so we’re all on the same page and they can go away and we can have our rights back. That’s what I get out of it. It’s free for you. Please go check it out., go now. When you are enforcing statutes and codes, you are not enforcing law. Law in these United States of America refers to the common law. Due process of law is process according to the law of the land. Due process of law in the latter, the fifth article of amendment to the Constitution refers to that law of the land which derives its authority from the legislative powers conferred upon Congress by the Constitution of the United States exercised within the limits therein prescribed and interpreted according to the principles of the common law.

Mr. Justice Matthews, delivering the opinion of the court in Hurtado v. California, 110 U.S. 516, 3-sub-CT, 111, 292, 28-L, Ed, 232, 1884, as was upheld in Ex parte Cerny, 55-Cal, 212, and Smith v. Andrews, 6-Cal, 652. Any court that uses statutes is considered an inferior court. Inferior courts are those whose jurisdiction is limited and special and whose proceedings are not according to the course of the common law. Since we are guaranteed a Republican form of government in the United States of America, all government agents are required to obtain the consent of the governed.

That means you are required to get the consent of each and every single people. Statutes are merely corporate policy for the corporation for whom you work. The people of this state, as the successors of its former sovereign, are entitled to all the rights which formally belong to the king by his prerogative. So if you arrest someone for driving under the influence when he informs you he does not consent, the first felony that you are guilty of is kidnapping, because you do not have the authority to detain a people because people are in fact sovereign.

In our country, the people are sovereign, and the government cannot sever its relationship to the people by taking away their citizenship. Our Constitution governs us and we must never forget that our Constitution limits the government to those powers specifically granted or those that are necessary and proper to carry out the specifically granted ones. As noted in Afro-Yim v. Rusk, sovereignty itself is of course not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law. But in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people by whom and for whom all government exists and acts.

And from Yekwo v. Hopkins, we remember that these principles have long been recognized. But be that as it may, there is no such thing as a power of inherent sovereignty in the government of the United States. It is a government of delegated powers, supreme within its prescribed sphere, but powerless outside of it. In this country, sovereignty resides in the people, and Congress can exercise no power which they have not, by their Constitution, entrusted to it. All else is withheld, as stated in the legal tender cases. At the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people, and they are truly the sovereigns of the country.

But they are sovereigns without subjects, with none to govern but themselves, as per Chisholm v. Georgia. The people of this state, as the successors of its former sovereign, are entitled to all the rights which formally belong to the king by his prerogative. According to Lansing v. Smith. Now read that last quote. Do you, as a police officer, believe you could give the king a speeding citation or arrest him for driving under the influence? Of course not. So, how does this become treason? The Constitution for the United States of America guarantees us the common law, as we see in the Hurtado v.

California case above. It also guarantees a Republican form of government in Article IV, Section IV. So, when you arrest someone for driving under the influence, and he has caused no injury, and he has not consented to your jurisdiction, you are warring against the Constitution. That is treason. Treason is a capital offense. The worst enemy to the United States of America are Americans serving as public servants who war against the Constitution and try to find ways to punish the people who are their superiors. The people are sovereign, and public servants who attempt to use the terminology of sovereign citizen against the people for demanding the protection of their sovereignty are also guilty of warring against the Constitution.

There is no such thing as a sovereign citizen. There is a very large movement of people in these United States that has been working towards returning our government to within its bounds. We now have superior court judges, continental United States marshals, and common law grand jury administrators who will administer the grand juries. We are very close to having the arrest of the first judge and police officer ordered by a grand jury. The charges for the judge will include perjury, conspiracy against rights, 18 U.S.C. 241, and deprivation of rights under color of law, 18 U.S.C.

242, seditious contempt of Constitution, and the most egregious offense, treason. The police officer’s charges will most likely include all but the perjury charge. The perjury charge the judges are guilty of is submitting a document to the jury to inform the jury that the defendant in this case has pleaded not guilty when in fact the accused objected to the code and jurisdiction. Of course, the police officer could also be charged for perjury if he is the one who does as one in Texas did by claiming that the state of Texas was a victim because a people had cocaine.

Exactly how was Texas injured? This is obviously a ruse to fool the people because under common law for a crime to exist there must be an injured party. So when a police officer claims the state of Texas was injured, that is also a false statement constituting perjury. [tr:trw].


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