A couple days back, she did just that, when she dropped a music video for her new popular song Mamushi, which got over 3 million views in just one day. While the fans are gathering behind Meghan, they seem to fail to realize just what exactly Meghan is telling her fans through her music videos. As in this music video, we are showing the dark truth about Meghan Thee Stallion. Hey you guys, I hope all is well. Welcome back to the truth is where I drop new videos every other day exposing the truth. In today’s episode, we will be talking about Meghan Thee Stallion’s new music video.
Let’s get right into it. Ever since Meghan Thee Stallion made her comeback in 2024, there has been something off about her. Her entire image became much darker and it could be seen in all of her recent videos. If you have seen any of the videos Meghan has been putting out this year, you might have noticed this demonic serpent theme used in It started with her music video for her song Cobra, in which we see Meghan Thee Stallion’s rebirth into this new serpent image. She is shown appearing as a serpent with snake eyes in the video.
She is then seen coming out of the serpent’s mouth, even showing herself shedding her serpent’s skin while being watched by a strange group of people. What this was representing was Meghan’s rebirth, the birth of the new Meghan Thee Stallion, who identified with this serpent. You may be asking why she chooses to identify as a serpent. Well, it’s because of what the serpent represents biblically. In her next music video for Hiss, we saw Meghan hatching out of an egg, continuing the rebirth theme from her last video. She also showed herself walking into a dark room full of serpents.
And then, in her next video BOA, Meghan continues this serpent imagery, this time showing herself as a serpent video game character who devours the players who play the game. In one scene, she is shown using a serpent staff which she uses to destroy one of the players. This staff is an obvious representation of the serpent staff used in the occult. Also, notice how we can spot the masonic checkerboard floor in the scene. These occultists love putting the masonic checkerboard floor in music videos to show their alliance to Freemasons. In the final scene of the video, she shows herself becoming the serpent.
This is the same imagery she continued to show in her latest music video from Amushi. Again, the central theme for this music video is Meghan being a serpent who devours men. In the video, we see Meghan the stallion transform into a serpent and they vower a man whole while she’s supposed to be hooking up with him. She does the exact same thing in the very next scene, showing herself transform into a giant serpent and swallow another man. A lot of this serpent imagery ties back to the occult and its connection to ancient Rome.
In ancient Rome, the serpent goddess Hanjita was associated with witches, snakes, and magic. In La Nuvium, which was close to Rome, a big snake was declared a god and they offered sacrifices to it. This is exactly what Meghan the stallion is showing us, depicting herself as this snake goddess who devours the men she encountered. Some would say it just like she did to Tori Lanes after he got involved with her. In another scene of the video, we see Meghan the stallion dancing in front of a red moon, which is again another indication of occult practice.
Like I exposed before, occultists practice something called moon magic. In moon magic, the red moon represents a rebirth and a great change. This was the same imagery shown to us at this year’s BET award, with Will Smith wrapping inside of a magical circle with a red moon behind them. All this imagery is connected. She is showing herself as a serpent devouring souls and then in the next scene using moon magic. These artists are openly revealing their occult ties to their music videos. By the end of the video, we see Meghan the stallion surrounded by some sort of coal.
They are all wearing all black with their faces painted blue. The men of the coat are shown to be possessed and controlled by Meghan the stallion, who is shown as the serpent. These artists are telling us exactly what they are into. In all of Meghan’s recent videos, she is playing the serpent. We all know what the serpent represents and here we have Meghan depicting herself as this serpent. Meghan is revealing to us her price for fame. Notice how this rebrand happened after she signed to rock nation. She has been a puppet since the beginning, but the moment Jay and Beyonce got their hands on her, everything about her got so dark.
They gave her a Grammy and Beyonce gave her a feature, but she had to sell her soul and be used by Jay Z in order to get that. Just take a look how Meghan is presenting herself. If it’s not as a serpent, it’s as the literal devil, as she did a whole devil themed mix tape where she did photo shoots dressed as the devil. These music videos she keeps on dropping just further confirms everything I have said about her. Meghan sold her soul years ago. She’s a puppet being used to push whatever agendas the elite ask her to push.
Just like we recently saw with Meghan being brought out by Kamala Harris during one of her support rallies. Kamala had Meghan on stage dancing for votes, which just shows how much of a puppet she is. It is truly sad to see just how far America has fallen. America is becoming the movie idiocracy. The masses are so lost that they don’t see what’s going on. We got Trump bringing out drill rappers who are out on bail for taking people out. Come on up here, fellas. One thing, one thing I want to say, one thing I want to say, they always gonna whisper your accomplishments and shout your failures.
Trump gonna shout the wins for all of us. Make America great again. And Kamala with Meghan, who is pretty much the worst role model you can think of for young women in the entire planet. America has become Babylon. Society has been successfully corrupted. We don’t need any more proof of Meghan selling out than this. She is openly being used by the elite at this point, and there’s no hiding after that. People need to realize that artists like Meg The Stallion are made with only one purpose to push agendas. Since the beginning of Meghan’s career, she has been pushing a damaging agenda to young women, promoting everything that God instructed a woman shouldn’t be.
Meghan tells her fans not to fall in love and to cheat and use men for money. She raps about using her looks to her advantage and tricking men into buying her things. This is what Meghan’s music promotes, and this is what her young friends are being programmed by. They use artists like Meg to push these agendas purposely in order to influence people, to act like they need them to for their new world they’re creating. This is what Meghan’s music is doing. The imagery she has been showing us confirms this. Why else would she be using all this demonic serpent imagery? Why would she be presenting herself as Satan? Fans of this demonic music brush it all off and call it art.
The thing is, this art is a reflection of who these artists truly are. This is the public image Meghan has created for herself. This is what she wants people to look at her as, as a serpent who devours souls. Sadly, so many souls are hypnotized by Meghan’s music and are following her down a path of destruction. Because of artists like Meg and Cardi B, we are seeing the decay of morality when it comes to women. The young girls that grew up listening to these women in their teens were heavily influenced by these women.
It’s the reason we see so many women selling their beauty on OF. These rappers basically made it cool for girls to do this. They’re destroying the traditional woman God created and replacing her with the Babylon woman. It’s crazy, because ironically this is exactly what the serpent is here to do, and that’s who Meghan The Stallion is presenting herself as. If you’re a fan of Meghan, I suggest you rethink this, as Meghan is just a puppet being used to control you. We are in a spiritual battle and just by looking at these music videos, you can clearly see what side Meghan is truly on.
While our world is becoming darker and darker and more lost than ever before, thankfully we can be assured that God always wins in the end. No matter what these puppets do, no matter what they plan, God always takes the victory. While now they might have set up their kingdoms under the serpent, one day it will all come crashing down with the serpent leading the fall, just like it did in heaven. Don’t let these false idols guide you to a burning end. Wake up, open your eyes, and see this evil for what it really is.
Well, I’ma end this one here, but before you guys go, I just wanted to ask you to like, comment, and share this video so others may see the truth. I wanna thank you all for watching, and I’ll see you guys in the next one. [tr:trw].