ITS CONNECTED! Their CEREMONY Ends | Mind Blowing Collab with LEAK PROJECT | 7 Years in the Making |

Spread the Truth




➡ The text is a conversation between two individuals discussing various topics. They talk about their friendship, the speaker’s recent car accident and concussion, and their thoughts on the recent Olympics. They discuss the symbolism they see in the Olympics, relating it to ancient Greek rituals and ceremonies, and how they believe it reflects the current state of society. They also touch on their personal beliefs and understanding of different faiths and cultures.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including their belief in God, the interpretation of religious and spiritual symbols, and the influence of these symbols in society. They also talk about their experiences and observations, such as winning awards on a Dionysius-themed cruise and noticing symbolic elements in ceremonies. The speaker emphasizes the power of faith and words, and criticizes the fear and negativity spread by influencers. They also mention a future show about the monkeypox and make a humorous comment about a celebrity’s fashion choice.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the idea of life being a simulation, the power of fear, and the interpretation of religious beliefs. It suggests that our reality might be a creation of our consciousness, and that fear can be both a survival tool and a hindrance. The text also explores the concept of Christianity, arguing that it’s more about personal relationship with God than following religious doctrines.
➡ The speaker discusses their belief in seeking personal understanding of God, promoting a special t-shirt, and sharing their thoughts on the Olympics. They also mention their novel, which tells the story of a young man named Thomas James who experiences miraculous events and has a great purpose. The speaker encourages the audience to subscribe to their channel and check out their novel.


Yeah. Rex Bear is here. Rex Bear. Everybody is here. The legend. I don’t know if you, you know who he is, if you watch leaked project or not, but it’s. This is like, this is very, this is very full circle, Rex, because when I started, because we probably started around the same time, I was a big fan of yours. I still am. But you were like one of the very first people to actually kind of put me on. I think he put me on when I had like 20,000 subs or so. And if we can jump back to these people, like McMahon.

Vince McMahon, that’s his name, right? I mean, what is he like when you, when is he as intense when you talk to him off the air as he is on the air? What are these people like? And let’s get more into them, how they could be Patsy’s and don’t even realize it. We’ve been fast friends for many years. You’re somebody that I consider to be probably one of the smartest guys that I know in like, any kind of archaeological or anything you think of. Checks in the mill. Yeah, right. It’s kind of like you’re just an incredible, fascinating, smart wealth of knowledge.

And when I saw that you were talking about Dionysius, when, you know, in relation to the Olympics, I was like, this is a whole, you know, I didn’t even. I didn’t dig deep enough into the Olympics. So I want to welcome everybody to the show. Say hello, Rex. Hello, Halo. Thank you for the opportunity. It’s great to see you. I am so glad that you survived that opportunity, and I pray and I hope that you and your family heal better than before. Oh, yeah. Thanks. You’re talking about the car accident, which now has given me access to now digital feedback and stuff.

Yeah. Now I got a concussion, too. I went to see a specialist and I really got upset because I couldn’t spell orange backwards. You try it, right? Everybody try it at home. It’s not that easy. But I couldn’t do it. And then I couldn’t count backwards with seven. It was very strange. And then he was like, close your eyes. And I was like, stumbling over. I just found out that the dandan got the concussion. It’s all good, though, because it’s like, it’s all working together for the good. This is a new adventure we’re on. And my goodness, what a great time to talk about important things, but when you’re a little bit loopy, you get Rex bear on the show.

When I get loopy? Yeah. Just have me on the show, and then we’ll get crazy. I had a concussion a couple years ago, so I remember what it was like. And I did interviews for, like, the next month, and I was kind of. I was definitely not firing on all cylinders, let’s put it that way. So I just needed to. I just needed to have you on. And I wanted to get this done while it was timely. Because in the news right now, the Olympics are like everything, you know, that they got. There’s a skateboarder who won a medal, he won a bronze, and the medal is already deteriorating.

It’s like. It’s already like this. If this Olympics wasn’t the most symbolic, spiritually speaking, about just the, you know, the repulsion of what man has become, it is one big occult thing after another. You know, people getting sick swimming in the scene we say seen, but it’s actually pronounced sin. The swimmers are literally getting sick vomiting. Today we found an Olympic swimmer dropped out because the Sin river is so polluted. What does that say? What is it saying today? It’s like telling us something, but you have a whole other. I did a little bit of a show on this because I connected it to a video that I did.

Good grief. It was like 22 months, three weeks, and three days before the event, I did a video where I was featuring Kali Yuga, and everybody was like, who’s this blue creature? And I said, oh, my goodness. Well, he’s on the COVID as you see right there. He’s on the COVID of the thumbnail. And it was just incredible, because the day that video was basically laying out how disgusting and perverse and just repulsive mankind gets. They get lazy. They don’t care about relationships. Religion means nothing. They go wherever they want. Just becomes a great picture of what today is.

You know, the more power you have, the more spiritual you are. It’s horrible. And then I hear that you’re talking about how it’s connected to Dionysius, and I said, I don’t know as much about that, but it’s like, it sounds like, you know, the bacchanal, if you will, is kind of going down. So, you know, start. Start to, like, just express that to me and tell me what you think. Well, buckle up, buttercup. Cause it’s going to get bumpy. So I watched this, you know, I turn on the Olympics, I watched the opening ceremony, and I made it through about two minutes, and I was like, this is really bizarre.

And I turned it off, and then I started thinking, what was. What were they representing? What is this about and then I started reading some of the tweets and some people saying, oh, you know, it’s a mockery of the last supper. Right? And at first, I was like, oh, well, if that’s what it is, then that’s, that’s terrible. But the more research I did, I was like, but wait. This isn’t, this isn’t mocking the last supper. This is actually an ancient Greece ritual and ceremony, and it’s connected to Dionysus, and they would get trashed and wasted, just wasted and wild ceremonies and literally summon insanity.

That’s one of the parts of the ritual. Didn’t they also go about and, like, riot and, like, loot and take, like, you know, do terrible things to, like, women and men and just like, all right. I mean, it was, it’s just like, and it’s on display right now. It’s just lead us down this path a little bit more, of becoming insane, because that’s something that I didn’t even picture. But today, everybody is insane. So would they just get, like, wasted on, would they just get, like, just completely drunk and wasted and just, you know, go into debauchery? Midnight debauchery.

Right. The deviants, the. Well, okay, so there, there’s a lot of dark stuff associated with certain rituals, and there’s also just a lot of idiocracy, and, you know, think of heathens and, and just think of people that are just, like, all about pleasure, and they, you know, they just, they don’t care. What’s that one? What’s that one? Tv series. I don’t watch it, but there’s a name for it on Showtime or Kardashians. No, it’s this one where they basically, people, like, don’t really care what they do in front of other people. They just like, ah, whatever.

I don’t, I don’t remember the name of it. Sounds like Love island, the show that Danielle was trying to get me to watch, which I say I cannot watch this show. Well, this is actually, like, a sitcom type show, and I can’t remember the name of it. But anyway, it’s just what I’m thinking of. So what really I see happen, this ritual, this thing that took place, this, this opening ceremony connected to Dionysus, is a, they were showing, they were showing insanity. They were creating insanity. It’s like this ritual of craziness, of breaking the chains, of doing the opposite, of, like, literally just getting, getting rid of all your ego and morals and values at a time and just letting it go.

But there’s also there’s also something connected to breaking out of the chains of traditional structure. Okay? So you can look at the show did it. That show did it. You want to talk about breaking the chains? It broke. It broke. The Internet is what it did. It did. And, and, you know, what’s wild is the amount of people. So it immediately created division, especially in the, in the religious communities. Right. And I can see why. Like I said, man, I’m not christian, but I’m, like, agnostic, but I’m also gnostic. But I don’t really label myself as anything.

Well, you know, listen, you’re, you’re a person that believes that there is more, you know, I mean, you wouldn’t be seeking and doing what you, but, you know, the label’s got to go as far as I’m concerned. So don’t, don’t, don’t worry about, you know, whether or not you’re this or that. I mean, you understand pretty much. I mean, I’ve talked to you about this. You understand all, you know, the culture and the different faiths of the world, and you can kind of see that there’s, there’s a symbolic representation. What I’ve been saying on the show is the fact that where I saw Kali Yuga, other people saw, know, the, the last Supper all tied together.

You saw Dionysius. Now here you have three different sects basically sharing a similar message, an end times message, if you will, where, you know, all bets are off. And it’s kind of like, why wouldn’t a great, you know, source, creator, architect, whatever you want to call it, like, you know, my father God, you know, that’s the way I, I look at it. Like there’s a, a great relationship through Christ, but why wouldn’t that story be accessible? And why wouldn’t, you know? Because there’s so many people that don’t know, say, the New Testament or the old. So God would have to reveal himself.

The truth would have to be revealed through these different stories. So I do see more than just one story being laid out, and that’s the Dionysius thing is like, is this. Tell me, what’s, like, the end result of this? Like, where does it, where does it lead to? Well, it’s, first of all, it’s older than the last Supper. I mean, the ritual itself was around before Jesus walked the earth in flesh form. So it’s interesting when you look at society today and you realize people use the term antichrist or satanic or luciferian, but they don’t even necessarily know what they got their own definition, which is cool.

I’m not saying that that’s wrong, but the actual literal definition of those words, like opposer or illuminated one. I mean, it’s not somebody with horns and a tail. Adversary. Yeah. You’re obviously whispering in somebody’s ear, saying, okay, do it. Do it. It’s. Well, I mean, you know what? It’s. What’s interesting that it’s not like that, but we do get these thoughts, these negative thoughts that we kind of think are ours, that make us think the worst, you know? Are you gonna let her talk to you that way? Are you gonna let him, you know, do that to you? Right.

So, I mean. Oh, yeah. I. There is some kind of spiritual battle going on. But you’re right. It’s like the idea that it’s something with pitchfork, even though they do carry the pitchfork, even though you got, like, what’s all these symbols with their devil horns? They’re showing you. They’re showing. But there was a time when that wasn’t evil, too, bro. Like, that’s maybe what they’re doing now. They’re trying to represent it towards this darkness and towards evil. But there was a time if you were. If you had horns, you were revered as somebody of a higher stature.

Moses had horns. There’s a statue of Moses with horns. Yeah. Well, the horn. The horn is, in scripture is. Is not something to be scared of. The horn is, you know, it’s power. So you have these little horns that are on the beast, if you will. Right. Or these little natures, these powers. You know, the horn is a very. That’s why we blow the shofar. It’s a horn. I got a shofar that I blow. It was given to me. It was a gift. It’s one of my favorite gifts. You know, Dionysius is something that is. I went on a cruise once, the carnival cruise, and it was like the whole theme of the cruise was Dionysius.

And I didn’t even realize it until I got in. And I understood was like. And it was very. I felt like. And this is when I was in my twenties, and I was, you know, I was always, you know, a believer, and someone that was seeking, wanted to serve God. So I felt like, I’m like, oh, I’m. I’m in the middle of this. And I brought Danielle on this cruise. And you want to know something there? Because I’m very outgoing. I won two awards. I won two awards. I won. First of all, I won the american idol, because back then, american Idol was like the thing.

And I sang that’s life. And I also won Mister Enchantment of the seas. Can you imagine? I’m on like, this Dionysus boat in, like, debauchery everywhere. And they crowned me mister enchantment. It was like just the silliest thing ever because there were all these young guys and they were doing all this, like, perverse stuff and with dancing and doing all this stuff, and everybody was judging. And I was like the old guy who’s like overweight at the time, you know, the sweet innocence. Yeah. And, and I did, like, ballet and they, it was very interesting. I walked around the whole cruise with it with, with a thing to embarrass Danielle.

It’s great. That’s awesome, man. You know, I mean, I think sometimes if we just realize that there’s a purpose behind an agenda. So first of all, I’m thinking to myself, who in the world initiated this? Right? Like we decided, okay, this is what the ritual is going to be for the opening ceremony today, ladies and gentlemen. Well, they say it’s the artistic director, but there’s no way that all came from him. You know, I mean, exactly. They say that, but what’s really the truth? Wouldn’t it be cool if we could be like a fly on the wall and we can hear? Because we go back and look at the 92 ceremony and the 2012 ceremony, and those are weird, man.

Yeah. Now, it’s the progression of events that is strange. In the book of revelation, it talks about a beast that rises from the sea. Here we see humanity at the sea and the jellyfish that look like viruses. Well, out of that bursts this black specter looking evil thing that soon then attacks the humans, infecting them, if you will. If these be viruses, if they look like viruses. After the beast is released and it attacks the humans, well, what happens next in the sequence of events is what’s even stranger. The beast goes away and we find this very disturbing image, which really looks like the virus of the crown, all of those red spikes.

But if you look closer, you’ll see a bunch of people. A bunch of people. It’s almost as if now the people are the virus themselves. I’m not saying that’s the case. 92 ceremony in the 2012 ceremony. And those are weird, man. Yeah. Sydney 2000 games were just as bizarre. Look at these jellyfish. The place. That’s how the whole thing started. A little girl falling asleep. It’s always a little kid. There’s the anglerfish that I was talking about in a recent video. This is from 2000. Then the little girl’s chased by zombies, like, a horde of zombies, which are just driving her to this kind of crazy looking, demonic creature that’s behind them.

To this witch doctor, the witch doctor, who’s surrounded by people who look like they’re wearing masks. But don’t worry, you’ll be safe with me, says the witch Doctor. And then at the end, the dragon and everybody comes together to worship the alien, which is quite weird. That’s how it ends. And then everybody at the end is so happy, the whole world comes together. Look at that symbol on that guy’s belly. That means extinction, by the way. So when I saw the ceremony that took place recently, I think that they were, for whatever reason, whoever’s behind this, they’re opening up a world of insanity and confusion and chaos and debauchery.

And it’s good you look at the rise and fall with the way the world is. I see a bright future, bro. The future’s so bright. I do, too. Can I tell you something? I have a belief that faith literally creates and that our words have great power and that, you know, the more we nurture a negative thought and we put it out there even though it’s not a reality. But I, for whatever reason, we’re programmed to think this is, you know, this is going to be the next thing. Oh, we’re going to be in this. And you hear all the top influencers giving us a non stop diet of fear.

You know, fear, insecurity, worry, doubt. It’s coming down. You know, it’s like the. The new thing now is the. The pox. The monkeypox. You know, I’m going to be doing a show on this. And it’s funny because Doja Cat was dressed up and, like, had her head shaved, and she was completely red, and she had all these little rubies all over her face. And I. And I, on the show, I said, oh, you look like red Hulk. And I said, like in the Marvel movie Red Hulk? And I said, and so what are you saying? What are you saying? That in the future, we got to worry about the devil pox? Are the pox coming? We got to worry about the monkeypox next.

And it was exactly like, I don’t know, was it 80 weeks? We hear the. Of the thing. So it’s kind of like, there’s more. We have more. We can open our eyes, and I look and not be scared. You know, it’s interesting. Doja cat, you know, she’s, um. Looks like she’s gonna be in a new Marvel movie. I think she’s gonna play, um. I think the news is she’s playing the she Hulk, the red she Hulk. Except for this one’s got the pox. I’m just kidding. She’s not in a Marvel movie. She did that on purpose.

Believe it or not, she did it on purpose. She, like, she covered herself in rubies. Like, I don’t know, the Scarpielli fashion show, something Schiaparelli haute couture show, fashion week in, uh, in Paris. She’s like, I know what I’m gonna do. You know, I’m gonna just shave my head bald. She was bald. I don’t think she shaved her head bald, but she’s bald, and then she’s gonna be red, and she’s gonna be covered in rubies. If there was ever a picture of, like, the most carnal, basic thing, that would be that, you know, Adam ruddy red.

We’ve talked about redhead. Talked about a lot of baldness on the show. Is Doja Cat saying something? Is that gonna be like the devil pox? They’re gonna call it. People gonna turn red, come down, because, you know, they’re gonna line up, be told we gotta. We can’t work unless we get what they tell us to get. Or you get the devil pox, because we have more. We can open our eyes and look and not be scared, you know, how’s I pet goat start, right? Fool me once, right? Shaymon. Shaymon fumi, right? And all of this stuff is.

It’s, like, playing out. Like, speaking of Kali Yuga, the connection between, you know, that. That and their ceremony, you know, in I pick coat, there’s the. The Kali yuga. The dance goes down, right? The apple rolls over to Obama’s feet. It opens up in a lotus. And Kamala means lotus. Obama was literally sitting in that school in the video, which people can see right now. And then not long after, he was actually in a school, sitting in a chair next to the letter f under 666, you know, wearing a Santa hat. The two of them together, it’s like.

It’s just. It’s. It’s. There’s something else going on. Like, what do you think? Do you think we’re, like, in some kind of a. See, I don’t have a problem with simulation theory. I don’t. But if we were in a sim, because God, of course, Jesus said, this world is not mine. I’m not from this world. Right? If this was my kingdom, I would fight like you fight. I would attack like you attack. I would do things different if this was my kingdom. This isn’t my kingdom. I’m here to set people free from this place. So is it too far fetched to think that this is a simulation? Like God created a simulation, but it’s not our home? The scriptures say that we’re seated in heavenly places.

Is it possible that really who we really are is more, and we’re kind of booted in? Maybe we have more of a say over what’s happening. What is your man like? Isn’t everything that’s going on in your life something you believed was possible? Oh, yeah, yeah. I would say the seven laws of hermetics are pretty cool if you look into that, just because it’s a basic outline of what we’re seeing briefly. Can you briefly explain them? Like, briefly sum them up or just give us a laws? The principle of mentalism, the. The all is mine, the universe is mental.

Okay. Oh. You know, there was a scientist who just came out and said that the mind is a creation of consciousness, that the brain doesn’t exist, because, you know, at first it was kind of like where the consciousness is a creation of brain, but the brain only exists because of the consciousness. So go on. That’s what you’re saying? Yeah, like in the news this week. Well, I mean, matrix, bro. Matrix simulation. But then you have to ask yourself, what’s YOur definition of a simulation? And that’s, that can take up a whole podcast in and of Itself.

But you’ve got the principle of, the principle of mentalism, the principle of correspondence, the principle of vibration, the principle of polarity, the principle of rhythm, the principle of cause and effect, and the principle of gender. So all of that is within the universe. And when you hear the term as above, so below. Right, right. Well, no, and then it’s the exact same. And that’s the prayer, by the way. You know, it’s, it’s, it’s, um. The prayer is as it is, um, um, in the earth, as it is in heaven, you know, so it’s like, that’s the prayer, that’s the Lord’s prayer, you know, our father who art in heaven, you know, the truth that’s in.

And the kingdom of heaven’s within us. The higher, you know, I call God, the higher, you know, as it is in that realm is the ways of God is heaven. Let it be. So here. So we got to bring, we bring in from our thoughts, we bring something that is infinite and infinite possibility, and we bring it, and we project it into this realm, you know, so that’s why I don’t want to project fear, you know, so. And I think that’s. And I know that’s what you do on the channel because you understand the power of words.

Well, I mean, look, it’s good to be prepared, not scared. If you. If you have fear, you have to question that fear. Why are you scared? I mean, I fear I things every day, so I’m not going to be the kind of guy that’s like, oh, man, I have no fear because that would be a total lie. But I, you know, like, if you’re running across the street, or let’s say you walk across the street and you don’t look because you had. When I was a little kid, I decided I was going to ride my bike across the street, and I wasn’t going to look either way.

I’m serious. I’m like, let’s see what happens if I don’t look. I got hit by a car. Oh, my gosh. And the lady was more freaked out than I was. I was okay. I got up, she’s like, are you okay? I’m like, yeah. She’s like, are you sure? I’m like, yeah. And so she’s like, can I help you? Can I do it? I’m like, nope. I just want to get the heck out of here. So I’m a little kid. I ride my bike. I get out of there a few weeks later, maybe it’s a few months later, my dad looks at my bike, and he’s like, what happened to your bike? Your front.

Your front forks are bent. And I’m like, uh. So fear. My point is, fear can be a. It can keep you alive. It can. It can be one of those things to get you out of a bad situation. But if you let it, if you let it overtake you, then you know that that’s a whole other story. Then obviously, fear is what you need to fear. But when I said I’m not Christian, let me. Let me kind of clarify that. So I was raised Christian. I was raised Lutheran, baptized Lutheran, went to awesome church. You know, parents raised me that way.

Amazing experiences. But the more research I have done and the more people that label themselves as that term based upon their beliefs and what they’ve been taught, I know religion, religions kind of push. I mean, it’s because you know what it is? They take a terminal. Because I am considered a Christian, right. But I understand today that it didn’t matter that I used to baptize myself a million times. I don’t go to a literal church. I don’t believe what mainstream Christianity believes because I know that the scriptures, they don’t back that up. That religion has been used as a tool to hurt people, to control people.

Reason why I’m here is not to push people away from, because, you know, it’s like my people always ask me, like, why do you always, why do you preach from the Bible? Why do you teach from the Bible when you understand that, you know, Abraham didn’t have Bible, Isaac didn’t have Bible, Jacob didn’t have a Bible. Right? So you understand that it’s more about relationship. Well, I said, well, I do it because I got to help people out. That’s why I read all the other holy books, too, because I want to use that story to help people, you know, draw them out.

That’s what Moses means, to draw them out. So you don’t have to, like, a person is judged by their heart. In scripture, it says very clearly, it says that, oh, well, they’re baptizing, but not, you know, but they’re not one of us. And he’s like, if you’re not against us, you’re for us. It’s kind of like the same thing. If you’re doing the same thing, who cares if you’re of John or of this or of that denomination is division, and there’s not supposed to be any division in Christ. And wouldn’t have been wonderful if there wasn’t so many corrupt religious teachers.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if people could just understand that there is a God, there’s a creator, and he created us and that we are as Jesus said. He says, as I am. So are you in this world. That’s very heavy. I’m the firstborn among many. So there’s a connection, there’s a relationship, and it’s our story as well. That’s why I wouldn’t know salvation if it wasn’t for Jesus, because I didn’t know Jesus. I wouldn’t know what Jesus finally understood. So now I take up the cross and then I go to a place where I am also resurrected to be born again.

So you don’t ever have to do that, because I know you to be a man that knows that there is more. But who’s to say what the more is? Is it going to be some guy from the Catholic Church? Is it going to be some guy who’s now marrying nine year old girls away? That’s the new law in one of these countries. Crazy, you know, crazy. It’s no wonder people, you know, push. Push the idea of a loving God away. So. But you don’t do that. You don’t. You’ve never done that. I just don’t know exactly what God is.

Right. So. And how do you find out? What do you do? Ask? Who do you ask? Are you going to ask me? You could ask me. I’ll talk, but I’ll tell you. You got to ask God. You got to do it on your own. Yep. That’s what the t shirt that I have, by the way, I want you all to get this, because it’s. This is it. Buckle up, buttercup. You got one more day. By next week, this shirt is gone. This was a specialty shirt by a nice guy in israelite. He watches the show’s name, Tyler, and he stepped out in faith.

He has, like, a pajama company that he started. He really. He went on a limb here. So I always tell people it’s he doesn’t sponsor me, but he designed this nice little graphic for me. So it was kind of a specialty thing, you know? Um, yeah. So get it, everybody. Make sure you hit the like as well. And subscribe. Something’s going on with buckle up because, you know, I’ve been saying that the past few months, and I noticed you and others have been saying it, saying it forever. Yeah. So there’s buckle up. What does that mean? That means to gird up your loins.

That’s why I use that up your loins. It’s like to strengthen yourself. It’s in the Bible. Ironically, the number of pages of my novel. Look at this plug, huh? Ever. Do you know that the number of pages in this is the exact number and strongs for to gird yourself? Buckle up. I didn’t do that on purpose. How kooky is that? Yeah, I’ve been telling everybody since, what, 2014 to buckle up? Because I said that in the next, you know, you know, ten years or so, it’s going to be like. It’s going to get crazy. And. And here we are, just like you said, it’s the Bacchanal going down at the Olympics.

It’s gotten crazy. I love the name of that river, the Sin River. Sin. Well seen. It’s S E I n e. I thought, okay, now you call that sin? It’s pronounced sin. That’s the way you pronounce overflowing with the loose. Okay, so let’s go back to when they had the Olympics in Tokyo. People were freaked out about Fukushima when they had the Olympics in Beijing. The athletes were freaked out about the pollution in Beijing. So it’s not the new. It’s been going. And. And let’s go back. Let’s really think about this, ladies and gentlemen. Who started the Olympics? Like, and what kind of rituals were they doing when it started? You think stuff, I’m sure.

Probably weird. I think they used to do it in the nudity. I think they’re. Their butts and their coolies and everything else were hanging out. And I don’t think it was just when they’re pole vaulting. Oh, why are they showing this stuff? Why do I have to have this? I was gonna say forced down my throat. My God, this is not this Washington. Why do I have to have this? I have a head injury, Rex. I was gonna say, just blame it on the head injury, bro. That’s what I do. Every time I mess up. I’m like, well, why do they have to put it right in front.

Oh, my God. Right in front of my face, Rex. Who wants that at the Olympics? They did. Okay. That’s what they did. Oh, and then you read. And then you read the news articles. They’re like, well, it was such a great performance. The only people that didn’t think so were fundamentalists and far right wingers. Oh, my gosh. I wonder who wrote this article. Such division. So what we got to do is we got a love, we gotta forgive, you know, and we gotta just do better. Well, listen, man, I want to tell everybody where they can find you because I don’t pay for the long version.

I’m trying to keep myself shorter. Where can everybody find besides forcefully? I love you, bro. You’re. Aw. Listen, my wife needs to get a new car, right? I penny pinch. I literally. I have more than I need. And also, this is a good thing because it keeps me on point, you know, because who wants to? Because we could go on for hours, you and I, you know, and maybe when I, you know, I’m not so cheap, we will. But. But the links will be in the description, so everybody should subscribe. I mean, really. And he has such a.

Just a great diverse. I mean, you have such a broad spectrum. And you, like, you’re one of the legit, like, old school. You were the guy. You. You. I mean, like, you were the guy. I watched you, you know? Well, all the people that have. Have come to my channel are. They know me because I first knew you, because you brought me on. And I remember, probably got like a couple thousand subs when I went on that show back in the day, you know, you KJ. Um. We love you, man. Same here, brother. You’re a good dude.

I love what I do. I’m thankful to be here. Very grateful. You can check me out on Patreon and leak project and also YouTube and rumble and all the amazing social media platforms, because I’m everywhere. Yeah. Are you on x, too? You’re on x, right? Yeah, I have a feeling. And that’s going to be the place. I really like sharing there. I’m at Jacob Israel, 71, what is your. What’s yours on x? Leak project. Leak project? It’s rec 42 or leak project. Yeah. Okay. I’ll find the link. Thank you so much for coming on, man. You know, it was such a great show until we started talking about.

Oh, it got even better then, man. That’s where the blue in the last show, I was talking about Harry’s walls, you know? Oh, yeah, yeah. Have you checked out the hairy balls? Harry’s walls. Harry balls, Harry’s walls. So weird. Oh, that’s going in the bloopers. Real, bro. This is definitely going in the bloopers. All right. I love you, dude. I’ll talk to you soon. All right? Love all of you. Enjoy the trailer to my novel. Goodbye. September 10. Mars hangs closer to the earth than it has 6000 years. Like the light that led men from the east to a child in a manger, it could well be a sign of good things to come.

Thomas James shall be his name. The world will change because of him. In the small town of Bethel, in a time not unlike our own, a child with a great purpose is born. Years later, alienated by its peers and abused, Thomas suffers a devastating loss when it appears he has nothing left to live for in the world. This is when his true calling begins. While trying to escape the sinister powers that be, a terrifying vision haunts him. Miraculous events seem to follow the peculiar young man as he struggles to come to terms with what he was born to do.

The stage is set. The time is at hand. The truth will rise, and a revolution will begin. The startling revelation of who Thomas James is truly will change the lives of those around him and set off a chain of events long ago foretold. There is more to this novel than one might think. Inside these pages hides the treasure just waiting to to be discovered. So if you’ve ever wondered if there’s more to life or why it is we suffer, then this story will not only captivate you, it may just open your eyes to a truth that could set you free.

Find out what is in us all that makes us heed the calling.


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