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➡ The video discusses various topics including a new currency system, symbolism, and conspiracy theories. It also promotes a survival company, USA Survival, and encourages viewers to be prepared for emergencies. The host discusses the symbolism of recent events and connects them to Illuminati theories. The video ends with a discussion about a podcast featuring Elon Musk and Donald Trump, suggesting it was pre-recorded.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics including the symbolism in Masonic rituals, the significance of certain dates and numbers, and their connections to events and figures such as Donald Trump and Elon Musk. They also touch on the influence of secret societies, predictive programming in media, and the role of the Knights Templar. The speaker believes that these elements are all interconnected and play a part in world events, including the assassination attempts on public figures. They also mention their struggle with nicotine withdrawal.
➡ The text discusses various secret societies, including the Knights Templar and the Assassin Order, and their influence on historical and current events. It mentions their significance in the construction of Washington, D.C., and their connection to various symbols and rituals. The text also refers to the Thuggie, another secret society, and their worship of the goddess Kali. Lastly, it discusses the influence of these societies on mainstream media and popular culture, including the Olympics and various celebrities.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the perceived decline of Snoop Dogg’s popularity in the U.S., his role in the Olympics, and his influence on global culture. They also delve into the symbolism in Snoop Dogg’s music and its connection to the Knights Templar and the goddess Kali. The speaker further explores the origins of the term ‘thug’ and its relation to the cult of Kali, and how this is reflected in modern pop culture. They conclude by expressing their personal opinions on various artists and the influence of the Illuminati in the music industry.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, including the symbolism of the Olympics closing ceremony, the influence of the Illuminati, and the significance of certain numbers and dates. They also mention the role of celebrities like Tom Cruise and Snoop Dogg in these theories, and the potential connection to Scientology. The speaker suggests that these events and symbols may be part of larger, hidden agendas or rituals.


Yo, what up? It’s donut and you tuning into all your illuminati news. As you enter the room, please smash the like button. Share the video out. Something evil is planned. Worldwide systems are being activated. We got a lot to show you, a lot of symbolism, a lot of crazy stuff going down. Introducing the new currency system of CBDCs, the bank Africa. We’re going to get into that symbolism. That water woman, Kimberly, shout out to her over on the patreon, pointed out some symbolism of this being the world map. And you can see the bridge for the bridge currency.

We’re going to get into it. It’s going to be a wild, wild show. A lot of systems are being activated, a lot of crazy symbolism. We had a Trump on the Twitter space yesterday, the Olympic satanic closing ceremonies. We got a lot of catch up on. But before we start, I like to give a shout out to my sponsor, USA survival. Got them links down below. Make sure to stay prepared. I like to give a shout out to my sponsor, USA survival. Be prepared in any emergency. Get your food storage, get your bug out bags. Got those links down below.

When these events happen, these fires or whatever, it’s gonna have a bug out bag. I got this stuff. I’ve been rocking with this stuff for over ten years. I’ve had food storage for over ten years. Bug out bags, they’re good gifts. Costco selling these apocalypse buckets. There’s a reason Costco knows what goes down before things go down. They’re in the know. They know that food will run out during some sort of event. Please go to USA survival. Let them know I sent you. Be prepared in any emergency for the dog days coming ahead. Get your food storage, your bug out bags and other supplies as well.

Yes. Be prepared at USA survival. Right here. Click the link down below. Got promo code. Just write donut and you get a promo code. You get a percentage off of it. Get one of your bug out bags. We got these fires happening over in Athens. We’ll get into how that’s symbolic for the dog days approaching us. But this is crazy right here, this evil plan worldwide. Right here. How. This is America, this is South America, this is Africa, this is Australia. This is the satanic witchcraft. Circle all the eyeballs around the world viewing the new system being put into place.

And as you can see, the bridge connecting. Because Africa must be banked. Half of Africa is not banked. And once you study cryptocurrency and blockchain and all this, you know it’s the truth. Even the Economist magazine with the Phoenix having the artist Phoenix playing, and their plan was thwarted by bees, which goes into some illuminati symbolism, masonic order of the bees symbolism there. And right here is the world currency. It looks like the stellar logo, but stellar changed their logo so they can match it with this. But they definitely are connected to the bridge currency. XRP and IBM and all that.

But, yeah, here’s some bridges on the currency. It’s all about finance, financial institutions. That’s what that’s was cracky. Lacking in this ritual that started on the water with the bridges. We have Billie Eilish right here, representing California, because they’re passing the torch, the California for the Olympics, as she’s wearing the 35, a three and a five for the Olympics, as France on the Illuminati card is the three in the five. And while this Olympics is going on, the us debt market hit 35 trillion. All coincidence. All coincidence. No, it’s nothing. This is the ritual of the new currency of the bridge system.

Currency happening. It’s all maritime law. It’s all water rituals. They open the ceremony for the world to see on the water, which is the maritime law. It’s a shout out to Jordan Maxwell. He’s the guy who made this famous, is the maritime law. People don’t give him credit. I’m going to give him credit where credits do. Right here. It’s the financial system. Why do you think Joe Rogan has burned the boats? Burn the boats. While the boats at the Olympic ceremony was trending, so all the mainstream Netflix accounts and whatnot, it all goes into banking. Even look at the color scheme.

The red, white and black is the Knights Templar colors, and the Knights Templars are the bankers. How the crusades spawned the world’s first financial services. Right here, the pirates of the Caribbean. Skull and bones. Three, two, two. It’s all symbolic for these gangs, as you see right here during the ceremony. You had the gold in the silver, the gold in the silver, and then they had the grease flag. And while this was going on with the assassin order holding the flag, all these secret societies. Evacuations ordered in Athens, right here as Athens classical. Athens is where the Olympics was started, created right there.

So is all fire ritual. And the next big fire ritual will be burning. Mandy. Burning man, 2024, black Rock desert. All run by google, right? Google owns most of black rock desert. And we just had a Google employee pass away for the helical rising ritual. I thought the Eiffel Tower was going to collapse on the helical rising ritual. It did nothing. It did not collapse. And what I think it is is that the helical rising rituals are connected to sacrifice. I think it’s. I was wrong thinking it was going to be a building collapse, but we did have ritualistic deaths.

So I think that the helicopter rising might be connected to not collapsing, but ritualistic deaths. So right here, how to get burning man tickets. Burning man is this huge ritualistic ceremony where the elites go to do the orgistic, drug taking debauchery, rolling around in the mud. And when they do it, they get visions. And once they get the visions, they figure out who to hire. That’s how they hired Eric Schmidt. Actually, it’s in a book. I’m not making that up. They. The people at Google, like, literally went to burning man to do orgies and drugs and summon Eric Schmidt.

That’s seriously what it goes down here, because they’re communicating with entities. And here’s Elon Musk and Donald Trump. They just did a podcast together, and I tweeted that it was pre recorded. I said, this is pre recorded interview, and I got yelled at by probable spam. Look at this. You officially suck. Go back to smoking cigarettes. You’re far too gone now. Just lost any weight you hold. No, it was not pre recorded. I mean, it’s not even a dis. It’s not a diss out. People are just crazy. Questioning the mainstream narrative makes people upset. It was absolutely prerecorded.

Every single thing that Trump does is intentional. Why? And even Elon, these are two big figures. You record something, you make sure it’s perfect and good. Edit out anything bad. That’s what he does in all of his interviews, every single interview he’s ever done. He controls the camera angle. He controls everything. So why wouldn’t it be pre recorded? To make sure it’s perfectly smooth. It’s not a diss. It’s the way the world actually operates. It’s how world operates. People we’ve been lied to for so long that just something true breaks the brain. And that’s. That’s what I think.

I think it was a pre recording. And even the DDoS attack on it, the system, while they were trying to stream this, Elon’s like, oh, there was an attack. There was an attack on the system. And we just hit 1028, the 128 code watching. Please smash the like button. I’m going to remind everybody every time we crush through a thousand people to share the video out, like the video we’re streaming on multiple platforms. So, yeah, and look at everybody up in the comment section. Hello. Christopher Mackey, krabby donut. Yeah, I’m crabby. I’m still off with nicotine.

So I am, like, pissed off and happy and pissed and just moving along. So, yeah, I am definitely crabby for sure. No. 100 on here donut. A DDos equals war in Gematria. So they had an attack on this stream and nobody could get in on it. Right. But then it worked eventually. And then they played this brainwashing type music throughout it to put you into the trance. This is what Trump does. He goes to speak at the rally, but he don’t appear. He appears very late because he wants the mainstream media to be focused on it.

He said this. This is what he does. It’s brilliant. It’s brilliant. So this is all staged and fake? They’re like, yeah, we had a DDO DS attack on our stream because they don’t want this message out there. Oh, my goodness. It makes it realistic. It’s sort of, kind of what, how Alex Jones pushes the products. It’s the same thing as the war of the worlds, making you part of the movement. Like is the war of the worlds. And people actually believe it. The radio shows and whatnot. This is all just factual, true stuff that pisses people off.

That pisses people off. So I thought the towers were going to collapse on August 12. And here is something shared by Luca on Twitter that on the release date November 12, right here, this Paris thing happens. There’s just a lot of things with. With dates and all that. So, yeah, let’s get into. We got some dolphins. We can talk about dolphins. Today. We’re gonna talk about baffle. Met in the Knights Templars in the Kali yuga, and how it’s connected to the thuggies and decapitation rituals, secret societies and mind control bluebirds. Predictive programming. This was interesting. Predictive programming.

In this film, ugly Americans, the tv show Ugly Americans, the president gets sniped in the ear. Some more predictive programming right there. It’s in the ugly Americans tv show. I want to go into some masonic connections to the king kill 33 ritual. Sheila says, hey, donut. Hey, y’all. I literally just finished watching that crazy movie leave the world behind five minutes ago. I’m not sure how I feel about it. Crazy af rel. That movie is crazy. It’s part of the Netflix propaganda brainwashing. I like. I like Trump. I think he’s hilarious and cool, but he might be the Antichrist too.

That’s what someone says. So let me show you the symbolism right here. Connected to the Trump assassination attempt. So this is a masonic magical square. Everything happens in a square. You got the pope assassination in the square. And the numbers are usually these numbers. And when you make the masonic compass, it has 713. That’s the date the assassination attempt happened, on the 13th day of the 7th month, on seven one three, right there, making the masonic compass. And during the chat that Trump was doing with Elon, he was bringing up the perfect angle. He said that he was saved by God because of the perfect angle.

He kept on saying those words exactly the perfect angle. And the perfect angle is the masonic square. Encompass. So let me read this. Masonic ritual tells us that a square is an angle of 90 degrees or the one fourth part of a circle. A square then, is a perfect thing. If it is 89 degrees or 91 degrees, for example, it is not perfect and therefore not a true square. When Masons are taught to act upon the square, they are being admonished to deal with every fellow creature with whom they come in contact, on the level, and in an upright manner.

They are taught to strive to be a perfect human being, just as a square is a perfect entity. So I think that there’s something up with him saying a perfect angle in the perfect. Yeah, it’s crazy stuff. And here’s John D with the compass in the circle. And his birthday was seven one three as well. It’s all alchemical. Look, this guy’s holding the big compass looking like some chopsticks, and right there, it’s all alchemical. Everything going on is alchemical and diversions. So the Eiffel Tower was evacuated yesterday or the day before, and it was a diversion, an instance of turning something aside from its course.

So there’s a lot of diversions, in my opinion, at this event. So where is this angle? So the masonic squares equals the trinity that you see right here. The Trinity, which is the 47th problem of Euclid. And in the middle borns the baby. So it’s the Trinity and the baby, and each one is a planet or a star. Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. So Jupiter and Mars are about to make a conjunction tomorrow on the 14th. And a lot of astrologers are saying something going pop off tomorrow on the 14th of because of this rare conjunction. We’re coming up on the 47th president.

And this is all connected to masonic alchemy, Knights Templar type rituals, even in golf, in games that we play, this is the 354. That’s why you got par three four, par five. It all is symbolic. It’s all symbolic. Yeah. And Jupiter as well was the symbol for the Olympics. That 24, that’s 120. Foe that 25 riding on them. 25. I’m still getting off of the nicotine, so it’s still very uncomfortable to. To podcast. I’m relearning how to do everything. It’s. It’s so awkward. It’s so awkward. We got decoding with Cody up in here as well. Shout out to decoding with Cody.

He says Donald Trump. Donald J. Trump equals 148. 148. Crowley, love, 418. I’m happy you brought that up because I got some Celine Dion connected to Abraham. So 418 means Abra Hadabra in Gematria with Aleister Crowley. Alistair Crowley, who was a spy for the British Empire. He let me find where I put that. He was obsessed with the 418 number. Let me see where I put the Shaleen DN. Oh, it was already there. I didn’t have to go anywhere. It was seriously going to be the next thing I was going to bring up was Celine Dion and the Celine Nunu.

So Celine Nunu, this is all nights Templar right here. It’s the tectonic order. The black and white, the checkerboards. You even got a Knight Templar baby right there. It’s the new children being born. And these color codes are very important. Like I was saying, the Netflix was showing the Knights Templars, and the black and white is the teutonic knights that they’re showing here, the teutonic order, where you get the iron Cross that you see right here. The Iron Cross comes from the teutonic order. And I even asked someone on rumble, be like, donut Donuthenne, he thinks the Knights Templars are still running stuff when they were all burnt at the stake in the 13 hundreds.

And just, uh, I mean, like, God bless that individual. Um, just people just don’t look at reality and believe the mainstream narrative. So you’re telling me thousands of people that were Knights Templars, only a handful, maybe twelve to 20 of them, were burnt at the stake, but they ended. What happened to all the other thousands of them? So just. Just is just like, oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. The color coding is so important. Okay, so where I was trying to get at, here’s Candace Owens show. She’d shown to eye to black white lives matter. I even went up in her chat because she was talking about occult history, and I was like, I’m gonna.

I’m withdrawing off cigarettes. I see she talk about a cool history. You got knights templars up in the chat room. Templars for Christ in America. But the Templars were satanic baphomet worshippers. They, you know, I mean, for bloodshed rituals, they wanted blood. So I went up in there and I was going to correct her and yell at her, but then she did a pretty good video and I felt super guilty. Uh, but she does try to blame everything on my people, the J’s. And she’s sort of leaves out a lot of the malfeasance of her own institutions that she’s part of.

Neo. She’s a neophyte to a lot of institutions. So I was like, I’m withdrawing off nicotine. So I’m all pissed off. And she says, if there’s any Jews who know about these symbols, how you. You’re all saying s? And I was like, okay, I’m gonna respond to her because she asked me. And I said, I’m Jude, Candace, I know about these symbols. Jordan Maxwell breaks it down very well. And she responded back to me. So that’s pretty cool. So shout out to the Candace Owens. We’ll see what happens with her. I mean, it’s going to be pretty obvious who’s controlled opposition and who’s not controlled opposition, especially if you want to get into the.

If she wants to dive into the, the religious stuff. And she gonna be freaked out. She gonna be freaked out. Yeah, we’ll see what happens. Because the truth always be popping up. Someone says, I’m famous. I am famous. Yeah, I’m not famous at all. It’s funny. Oh, the Jays made baphomet, but go ahead and blame the white man. Uh, okay, Scott, starboard the, the bafflement. The Jays made. Okay. Woo woo. The Jews and the Europeans get scapegoat. Did before what they do. The whole thing is, is all the religions are just camouflage for elite satanic sects.

And Candace was actually explaining it very well. Um, so I felt bad and I was like, oh, my bad up in there. And if she has me on, I would apologize for being. For being mean to comment, but I am withdrawing off of the nicotine. Still, it feels like. So I’m very cranky. And, uh, but these orders are super important to secret society research. That’s what I research. I research the Illuminati. I research the Knights Templars and the hash ashens. During the Olympics, you had right here, the main character of the Olympics was a hasashen, an assassin, as Donald Trump.

They had an assassination attempt on the world stage on him. Then the Olympics are all about the assassinations, the hash ashens and the thuggie. Let me show you. Let me show you. What’s up? So I showed you the gold and the silver. I think there’s a connection there. But there’s a connection to all of the, um, assassin cults. The assassin cults that love death. Because these are death cults. They love the decapitations in the head. Chop, chops, chop, chop, chop, chop. Slides. All right, let me show y’all. Let me show y’all. Let me. How do I move the camcorder? We’re moving camcorders over.

See this? That’s the camcorder. We move it over to the Logitech pro. All right, let me see. Wait a second. Okay, there we go. There we go. So we’re moving over to the camcorders. Just showing you how important these secret societies are. Oh, okay. So. So this is morals and dogma. This is morals and dog, well, order out of chaos, written by the guy who created the KKK, Albert pike. And I’ll show you some interesting things that are in this book right here. Our secret architecture to our nation’s capital. This just shows you how the secret Knights Templar masonic orders are important to the building of Washington, DC.

So it’s all ritualistic. And on the day, August 10, that you can see highlighted right there, August 10 of each year, that’s when his astrology room was dedicated to this date, August 10 and the day centering upon it for the helical rising, which took place yesterday. The helical rising, Asserius is very serious to Albert pike and all of America. It’s super important to these secret societies. So the secret societies right here, Life magazine, you see, it’s the Knights Templar color coding of the red, white in black. All logos are this color supreme double xl. That’s the Templar color code.

So this is Life magazine created by three, two, two. Skull and bones member who pushes, oh, you know, mushrooms and the mushroom cults. Okay, so. So let’s open and see what is the most important secret societies to the mainstream media, to this. So they have the introductory. Skip past the intro and go to chapter one. What is the most important for chapter one? It’s the Knights Templars. The Knights Templars are the most important for chapter one. Chapter two. Oh, well, we’re still on chapter one. Chapter one, it’s the assassins. It’s not even the Knights Templars. The first chapter is says the Knights.

So it’s the Knights Templars and the Assassins. Those are the two most important secret societies. The assassin order and the Knights Templars. Even according to the mainstream sculling bones newspaper. Then it goes into the Freemasons. And I’m gonna be dropping. I got illuminate. I got Illuminati comic I’ve been working on. I got the link down below. It’s not this one. This is a paranoid american one. But I been working with paranoid american to make one of these chit tracks. It’s coming out amazing. So I got that. That link down below. Make sure to go sign up.

Or you could just go to Illuminati comic.com. so I showed everybody the Knights Templars, the assassin order. I showed everybody that in my last videos. But what I did not show you was another order called the Thuggie. This is where we get the word thug from, because they worship pali, like, California decapitated, head in, the tongue out. The sacred assassins. These are some more assassins. They would kill. They. I think they killed, like, half a million tourists. So they would assassinate and kill for the goddess Kali. They were the thuggie. And that’s where you get thug life.

And who was the main person part of this Olympics? It was thug life. Snoop Dogg. Snoop do double g. Let me change my camcorder. Now back to my original one. Thank you, Jessica, for sharing out Illuminati comic.com. and I hope I’m making sense right now. I’m just trying to show you that the assassinations with Trump and the Olympics and all the secret society elements are all paying homage to decapitation, blood shed rituals. So, Candace, if she starts talking about the p two lodges, then maybe I will believe that she’s nothing controlled opposition at all. I. I’m just in a very, very strange place with my research, my research of the Knights Templars, the Illuminati, the assassin order.

Here’s the Illuminati game, right? They have an edition called the Assassin. This is all just basic conspiracy theory 101, is that the Illuminati stems from the Knights Templars in the assassin order. And then right here is Andrew Tate. He put this meme up there using the meme magic. He hearted it where him and his brother are. Assassin, Knights Templar going against the Jews in the urban monoculture. But right there is just the symbolism of the knights Templar and the assassin order working together, which I thought was interesting because I’m into symbolism. The meme became real Cobra Tate because it goes into memetic magic, where the memes do come real, because words don’t matter anymore.

The talisman. The words don’t matter anymore. And this is after the Olympics where they told the Christians to go out into the streets. But the Templars and the assassins, they work together. They’re the militia of heaven. This was a book written by the OtO member, James Wasserman. And here’s Alex Jones. Alex Jones also thinks. I don’t know if he thinks it, but he shared a meme of the final solution for Israel will be the Knights Templar takeover. We covered that as well. So these are just the symbols. I’m not dissing any of these people. I’m just saying, like, look, I’m into symbology, I’m into symbolism, I’m into the history of the secret societies, and I’m not going to ignore the symbols.

And right here, I kind of went on a tangent, but we were talking about that 418. Dakota Cody was showing the 418. Right here is Celine Dion’s website. The Knights Templar website. I was showing right here, Celine Nunu, with all the Templar shit. The little kids wearing the new world order t shirts. Imagine the world. So this was crazy. Right here they have John Lennon. John Lennon opened the Olympics with the song imagine, which is imagine a borderless world. And that’s what is being pushed right now, where they open the borders. That’s what’s being pushed. And then you got different cultures, bloodshed, ritualing each other with the open borders.

But her website, dang it, where is her website? I might have exited out of it. I can’t believe I exit out of it. It was super important. It was super important. I effed it up. So Celine Dion, she got a website and it has that code in it. And a 418 is have Abraham and the kabbalistic magic of Aleister Crowley. It also had the one to eight in it as well. And here’s some Celine Dion t shirts that they sell at Walmart. My heart will go on. There’s another Celine Dion. Sure, on the Walmart or who’s ebaydeh? My heart will go on.

Celine Dion. So Celine Dion, we all know her from the Titanic. And the Titanic, the lights went out at 218. And when the boat sinks, so the boat. The lights went out in the boat, sunk at 218. That’s the text number that. That Biden sent out. The emergency text number at 218. Just like on eight. Eight. The Lionsgate portal, the 808 Hawaii went up into fire in Lahaina in just a couple years. Before that, they got sent an emergency text number at 08:08 in the morning. Eight. Eight. It’s hh. That’s why Miley Cyrus has her hh and so does the alt, right.

They have the Hh for Hil. Y’all know who. So the hh. The eight. The eight eight. Donald Trump started his stream last night with 88 followers. His mar a Lago raid happened on eight eight, and his text number was 88022. It’s all connected. It’s crazy. It’s crazy. So the 218 right here. 218 squid games. This is the big code for the collapse. Maybe it’s this date. Maybe it’s 218. I thought it was going to be 812. There was definitely rituals, though, that went down. But the Eiffel Tower didn’t collapse. But this 218 is definitely important. Bridge collapse equals 128.

Here’s 128 right here. Uh, this was released on eight eight. This was tommy truthful slide of the show. Euphoria illuminati. I got the one two eight in there. So it’s. It’s all over the place. And even on eight eight, they found a bunch of ieds, explosives up in Hawaii. Crazy stuff. Some crazy stuff. I like to remind everybody to go to my sponsor down below, USA survival. If you’re just tuning in, I got a promo code now, so you get a percentage off. And I I’m got one of these bug out bags I just ordered. It’s a two day survival bug out bag.

So what I’m going to do is I’m going to go out and do some. I had a homeless friend, and he didn’t say he was homeless. He said that he’s urban camping. I’m like, bro, you ain’t urban camping, dog. You just. You homeless. So I’m going to do some urban camping with this bug out bag once it gets delivered, and survive off this for two days and tell you how it goes. If I got those leaks down below, just write doe nut in the. You’ll get. You get a percentage off. Hopefully I’m making some sense. I’m gonna go to some comments before we get into to some more secret society stuff.

A y’all. A yo, when Lambo for XRP. I Lambo on XRP. Cut like three, four years ago because I got in at then it went up to like a dollar almost. And then I sold it all. And then I started donut just passed through one, two, eight viewers. Dope. Hi to all you critical thinkers. What’s today’s topic? Hi to you, Joseph. We’re talking about a bunch of stuff donut factory says. What was the Celine Dion website? It was her new new website. Her new new. Where they’re creating the new children, where she throws all the black goo all over the children and in the commercial at a hospital, which is like the hospital ours.

The Knights Templars hospital ours. Yes. Check out archaics little blurred from yesterday in the band Phoenix and how it lines up with insights into one three eight year event. And tie that into Jesus and let’s get ready to rumble. Snoop Dogg is a clown. Snoop Dogg, bro, Snoop Dogg is just out played, washed up illuminati rapper no one cares about in the United States. Nobody gives a shit about Snoop Dogg in the United States. I went to his concert in 2016 in Arizona. He was performing at the, the fair, and it was a huge venue, and there was only probably 150 people in a packed venue there to watch Snoop Dogg, because nobody cares about Snoop Dogg in America.

But around the world, America is the start of cult, the start of culture, the death cult. Then the urban monoculture invades the rest of the world. And so Olympics, it’s the biggest ceremony for the entire planet. The whole planet is watching. The lead guy who lit the torch is Snoop Dogg. And who closes the ceremony is Snoop Dogg. He was awarded wearing the Knights Templar baphomet chain. The baphomethead is this a drogonous male female creature that they worship with a goat head. And that is why you saw so much male female stuff during the Olympics. And then they pissed off all the Christians and galvanized them.

And then you had the Illuminati agents telling everybody to go fight, in a sense, to go out and protest and whatnot. This is what I think is going on. I think that Snoop Dogg is being pushed for the whole world, because what does Snoop Dogg rap about? Snoop Dogg raps about gang banging, both physically, erotically, and. And in. In gangs. Talks about that. He talks about drugs, smoke weed every day, getting everybody hooked on drugs. Murder, murderer. He’s murder, Inc. You know, that is the message pushed worldwide for the world, because that’s what the world likes.

The world loves death. Because the world is a death cult. People choose barabbas over Jesus. Let’s not forget that. So most of the world, the mainstream, they’re going to choose barabbas over Jesus. They’re going to choose criminal more than good. The world loves death. And here’s the death cult of the thuggie, right? We got Callie, like, California Kali, the goddess. There’s, I believe, Shiva. Kali, cutting off the head. Look at all the head. Decapitation, arms. And this is where we get the word. Thug is from the cult of Dougie, who worshiped Cali. And right here is Kanye West, Knights Templar, showing the Kali yantra.

This is for his song about Paris with Jay Z, another Templar. Huge, huge Templar Illuminati. And Jacob Israel. He was the first one on this, though, way before me, but he was showing, like, the blue person and the Kali yuga cycles. We’re in a kali yuga right now. This is why people talk about fourth turning. I believe. I believe it comes from that. So blue. That’s also what Snoop Dogg is. He’s a crip, right? So it’s blue from Cali, and he rapped about it in his video for the whole world to see. And here’s the thuggy thug life that Snoop Dogg’s known for.

Thug life comes from the thuggie. They were a gang of murderers and robbers for the goddess Kali. They would use drugs and all that. Get the victims, kill them. I mean, they killed, like, half a million people. Like, I think they, like, pretty much killed as much people who were killed in Ukraine and whatever. And check this out. Here’s the thugs worship in Cali. And look, you see the palm tree up in the background. Remember that? Because that’s the Knights Templar palm tree. The palm tree is symbolic for the Templars. The one on one podcast broke this information, and it was mind blowing.

So remember that when you see your local palm trees, they’re holding the universe together. And here is the red hot chili peppers who do the sex magic. And the guy sticking his tongue out. The guy sticking his. Look at that tongue. Look at that big ass tongue. He was perfect for it because he’s doing it for Cali, because they’re passing the torch of the Olympics to California and even the California state. Doesn’t it look like a tongue down here? If you think it’s a stretch, it’s not even the Rolling Stones. We all know this image of the Rolling Stones with Mick, who plays Lucifer, who helped end the hippie movement at the Altamont.

The free concert, the satanic concert that was protected by the hell’s Angels. That was all to remove the hippie cult that was created by the CIA using hallucinogens. This tongue for the Rolling Stones is dedicated to Cali. It’s even on the Wikipedia, the Cali tongue. So it’s not a stretch at all. This is what’s going on. Here’s Hollywood, Hollywood, Inglewood Hollywood. The movie magic comes from the wood of a Holly tree. Jordan Maxwell. Shout out to Jordan Maxwell. Here’s another entity connected to Cali, of Ragda. Wow, wow, wow. Michael Jordan with the tongue out. Einstein with the tongue out on his 72nd birthday.

It’s all symbolic for the 72 virgins or the 72 names of God and just the blue right. Yeah. On the left side. Yeah, that. That crip side, you know, that ain’t no way to play like I play. I cussed so much, he thought I was a dj. One chick, one, two, three. Snoop do double cheat I get that picked up and making I be a. Snoop Dogg got the same energy whenever Snoop Dogg dropping like a hot come out. Everybody want that with me everybody wants to dance with me when. Drop it like a hot. When the.

When the peeps in the crib drop a lot hot. Everybody want to dance with me because I got this. The Snoop Dogg energy. Snoop Dogg stole that line from Lil Wayne. Everyone said, drop it like a hot. That’s Lil Wayne. Lil Wayne created drop it like a hot. No, he didn’t, donut. Snoop Dogg created it. It’s like, nah, go back and listen to 400 degrees by juvenile, and you’ll see in the song, back that ass up. Which got changed to backs that ass up. Juvenile. Very juvenile of him to do that video. Lil Wayne, he was, like, 13 or twelve, doing like you.

He was. He was raped. That whole, like, birdman thing. He had him, like, doing weird stuff. Let’s pray for Lil Wayne. Lil Wayne is the only illuminati member that I respect, though. Lil Wayne. I like Lil Wayne. He’s even got the song November 18, the Drake song. Yeah, but anyway, that was my ego. Sorry about that. Shut up, ego. Shut up. You don’t have snoop Dogg energy, donut. You’re pathetic. Oh, there goes my super ego. Okay, here is, uh, the tupac wearing the thug life. You see the thug life royal arch right here? Oh, it says 50 right there.

I bet you like 50, Tupac. All this is just created for brainwashing. I like Tupac, though. He gets. He’s, like, therapy for heart when you’re going through the hard times. So that’s where the thuggie coming from. And I also think it coming from some. Some. Some jewish kabbalah stuff, too, like Spock and whatnot. I always think that that’s a was coming from, and then there’s, like, the crip stuff, too, so. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know anything. I don’t know anything. What should we talk about next? Should we talk about the fallen angels? Yes, I think we should.

I think. I think we should. What up, ck? Justin? Now, where is Chan chan chan Wu tang. Woo dong. No one thinks Snoop is the greatest. No. To poop dog. Snoop. Snoop do double G. Credit to Jordan Maxwell. But tie that back in with Jesus and let’s all get ready to go. Gin and juice, that’s yeah, sipping on ten and juice lay back with my mind on my money and my money and my mind got me the dinner abadonda destroyer. I appreciate all y’all sticking, sticking with me for this, uh, this stream. I know I ain’t bringing that heat like I usually bring that heat, yo that fire but I’ve usually got nicotine running through my blame through my veins to my brain and I could speak better because it gives me the energy but now I ain’t got no energy just trying to steal my energy.

Okay, sorry about that. We almost crashed through, uh, 2000 people up and been up in here. I’m gonna remind everybody to smash that, like, button. Share the video out. You see that? Thug life on park low, not snoop. Mm mm mm. All right, I’m just reading the. Reading the comments and I’ll get back into it. And get back into it. This is so stupid. Oh, damn. I got coffee. Hmm. I forgot I got coffee. I got a haircut too. I hate my haircut. I think I look so. Ah, I hate it. So that’s why I got beyond little screen right here, cuz I’m insecure.

I’m insecure. But I got my donut shirt on by black, black doughnut, doughnut, donut, donut, donut shirt. Let’s talk about the fallen angels. So the closing ceremony, the dystopic ceremony, the closing ceremony of the Olympics. You had the fallen angel fallen from the sky, the voyager, the golden voyager, because it’s into the alchemy, I believe, of the gold standard. And passing the torch to Tom Cruise in Hollywood. Hollywood. Scientology cults and alien cults. Tom Cruise to perform death defying stunt at dystopian Olympic ceremony. As he is one of the California angels falling from the sky. As he is a part of the Illuminati.

As you could see him throwing up the Roc with Kanye and his movies that expose the Illuminati. He’s part of the twin peak Scientology cult right here, created by Hubbard. Hubbard created the Scientology UFO cult. That’s why everybody’s on mushrooms micro dosing as the government’s telling you that aliens existed just like Scientology was telling you. All the same shit. And the twin Peaks is as above, so below the two A’s, the Aleister Crowley, the a and the a, which we don’t know what it stands for, but we could see the symbolism of the twin Peaks worldwide.

Here is the shark attacking the Eiffel Tower. It’s the pyramid going up as above. Here’s the pyramid of the Eiffel Tower going below as above. So below, you connect this. You get the hexagram. You get. Or the Star of David or whatever, which is more ancient. It wasn’t even a jewish symbol. And here’s the a. You see, it’s the two peaks. It’s the a in the a, the two pyramids, the two mountains for Venus and Adonis. Or it could be for Apollo and Artemis, the aa, the divine twins with opposing aims. And here’s some imagery of that, as you can see right there.

Yes, yes. That’s why you got McDonald’s, the golden arches. This is all occult. This is the occult. This is Apollo. This is the Apollo. Him. The hymn to Apollo. The piano player playing the hymn to Apollo. So I’m starting to think that it isn’t Venus and Adonis and it is Apollo and Artemis. But I don’t know. It can mean very different thing. But they’re playing the hymn to Apollo. And the lady who put on the flame ceremony, her name is Artemis. Like, I. I feel like this. A thing is going crazy. So we’re entering the 33rd week of the year.

As the 33rd Summer Olympics closes out in the 33, hurricanes are attacking our shores. August 14, tomorrow, mun Monday. Any Monday. Tomorrow. Oh, this is 2023. Oh, my God. Dumb donut is dumb. Okay. We’re entering the 33rd week of the year, though. Anyway, so. And someone pointed out, before I realized through water woman Kimberly, who I actually got a sign off here pretty soon because we got a call that we got to do, she pointed out how this was America, South America. It was. It’s the world. And here’s a satanic witchcraft thing. But they had a bridge, and it goes into the bridge currency.

But from above, it’s a dog. And ex karma says it’s Anubis, which makes sense. The dog. You got snoop Dogg there as well, throwing up that baffle mat. You know how they do. Doctor Dre, this. So this is what. Why do they play? Has been rappers on the world stage for the Olympics and the Super bowl, because that’s what they want the masses to see. They want the satanic death cult energy for the masses. And here’s the one two eight. A is 1128. Got the 128 up in there during the dog star. During the dog days.

Sirius, the dog star, and the dog days. This. All this event was going on on August 11. Even when I looked up YouTube on Google, it says August 11, 2010, which is weird. Here’s August edition of Robin Williams with a dog. And then he was sacrificed on the dog days on 811, on that day of the Olympics with Snoop Dogg performing with the dog star, and Robin Williams was sacrificed. So I think that I was wrong with the collapse of the Eiffel Tower and what it is for the helical rising ritual, it is a sacrifice. It’s not to kick off an event, but I do think the event is going to kick off tomorrow with the whole Jupiter and Mars conjunction.

Mars is the God of war and Jupiter makes things even bigger. So it’s making war even bigger. And here’s August. This chick died. She was the creator of YouTube in Google. There’s a lot there. The she died the same pretty much day as the cancer. Doctors died with their family. Dog in the airplane. The cancer moonshot. Joe Biden, the moon. Yeah. All this stuff about dogs and news, it’s crazy. The dog star. So this guy climbed up the Eiffel Tower and I think it was a diversion because he’s friends with Tom Cruise and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and I think something was going to happen on the Eiffel Tower.

So they said climb up. So they had a reason to evacuate the tower because he was the reason. So I think that was the wild card. And even this picture, doesn’t that look like smoke? It’s her hair, but it looks like smoke. But it’s definitely in the predictive programming, just like super tramp. This album has the twin Towers and it says 911. It says 911 just flipped upside down in reverse. 911 on the twin towers. That’s crazy. Doctor Dre is a two one eight as well. One two eight code. Hanging out with Bill Gates. Hanging out with Bill Gates.

Snoop Dogg made a half a million dollars every day of the Olympics because he is a illuminati, not Templar. All. All them are part of the Illuminati. And let’s get into the dolphin stuff now. Dolphins, Illuminati dolphins. Up in the news. Our next vice president, he is connected to the Mii magic of the dolphins. Check this out. All the memes. I was the first one to share these memes of me loving the dolphins. But now this guy’s famous, JD Vance for the dolphin. The Illuminati dolphins are back and people are making all these dolphin memes of him, which are sexually charged.

No, JD Vance did not say he had sex with the couch cushions. And then he shared this dolphin thing and everyone tripping. I. By tripping out, are you sharing about the dolphins and he shared this dolphin thing on the 128 day, the same day that Kamala shared her masonic 47th president thing. Yeah, yeah. I got a lot more opinions. I talked about it yesterday. We did a Zoom call and we, we went over a lot of this information and that was a lot of fun. So I got the link down below if you want to come hang out with your boy and a bunch of other people.

We do these new Zoom calls over on the Patreon where you get to hang out is a lot of fun. We learn, I learned so much as well. And plus there’s exclusive content as well. Make sure to go over there. We were going over some topics that just burnt out. Talking about, let me see if I got, oh, oh, here’s the website I was talking about with Celine Uno down here. I decoded this, this, these numbers right here on Celine Dion’s website and it equals four one eight the abracadabra. So they’re definitely doing magic rituals on you and your kids.

So please support the show. If you like the show, go support our sponsor USA survival. Got those links down below. Get yourself a bug out bag and put in promo code donut and you get a percentage off. Anyway, much love everybody. It’s donut and God bless.

  • Unnamed -

    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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