Paris Olympics SATANIC Closing Ceremony

Paris Olympics Satanic Closing Ceremony -
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➡ The article discusses the symbolism seen in the closing ceremonies of the Olympics, suggesting it may represent biblical stories such as Lucifer’s fall. The author questions the motives behind these symbols, wondering if they are meant to pay homage to false idols or demonic realms, which are warned against in the Bible. The author also mentions the performance of a hymn to Apollo, a false god according to the Bible, and the representation of a golden figure falling from the sky, which they believe symbolizes Satan. Despite these concerns, the author acknowledges that there are athletes who promote Jesus and his teachings during the event.
➡ The main message is to focus on following Jesus Christ’s teachings, rather than getting distracted by worldly matters. It emphasizes the importance of love, obedience to God’s commands, and living according to Jesus’s truth. The hope is for everyone to be well and blessed.


The closing ceremonies wrapped up for the olympics the other day and once again there was imagery that was very suggestive of the story of Lucifer’s fall or the demonic realm or paying homage to false idols. All things that the bible completely warns against. So the highlight of this show and we’re gonna have to do this video like this because the copyright stuff is crazy for these videos but was this figure was the highlight of this show and it was the golden voyager as you can see this golden figure falling down from the sky we’ve seen this many times in the past they like to do this at these shows and you kind of wonder why would they do this Lady Gaga did it at the Super Bowl coming down from the sky kind of with lightning once again why do they do that well it refers to the fall of satan now let’s just look at something real quick what is something that’s demonic well it’s resembling the characteristic of demons or evil spirits something that is just referencing or kind of highlights something that’s very similar to the demonic realm.

Ephesians 6 12 tells us for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places so this is kind of the framework that you have to view something like this event and wonder what are they trying to get across here because what exactly are we dealing with and when we look also what Jesus said in Matthew 12 30 he who’s not with me is against me and he who does not gather with me scatters abroad so again you have to ask yourself does it look like the person or the people putting on these shows are gathering with Jesus are with Jesus or are they scattering abroad on something that has nothing to do with him i would choose the latter so the highlight again of this show was this figure this golden voyager which very again very much symbolizes like the fall of satan or like the bible tells us satan masquerades like an angel of light again this is very dark type of imagery this is something you would maybe imagine at a play that had a storyline with an evil figure once again we see these hooded figures like this one riding on the white horse with the nations falling after it in the opening ceremonies now something to take note of about this golden figure after it had come down they did something again this is what the news is saying about it who is the golden voyager at the olympics closing ceremony after that person or that scene took place what they did was they played a hymn to Apollo which we can know that these other gods are false gods the bible warns specifically against gods that are false gods you shall have no other gods before me this is a serious command in the eyes of god exodus 23 through 5 you shall not make for yourself a carved image kind of like that thing any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water underneath you you shall not bow down to them or serve them for i am the lord your god for i the lord your god and my jealous god visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me this is old testament this was serious commands because the the israelites were breaking this constantly with god following after these false gods very similar to this now again what’s interesting is after this whole thing of this figure falling from the sky very similar to the story of lucifer they played this hymn to apollo what is a reference to apollo in the bible well we actually have that in revelation 9 after the fifth trumpet the locust from the bottomless pit and then what is verse 11 and they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit whose name in hebrew is abaddon but in greek he has the name apollyon it even almost looks like this figure is dancing over this what became one of the olympic rings but like a portal kind of like the opening maybe to the bottomless pit now some people may think that that’s silly to try to make references to this stuff but you got to think once again jesus said this and it’s the truth either you’re gathering with him and you’re for him or you’re scattering abroad and you’re not and we we’re battling with things that are not just flesh and blood in this world now i want to point out jesus did say in luke 10 in the reference why we see people coming down from the sky at all these events because well luke 10 18 through 20 and he said to them i saw satan fall like lightning from heaven but for those who follow jesus behold i give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you nevertheless do not rejoice in this that the spirits are subject to you but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven satan is referred to as falling from heaven like lightning once again why we see these figures fall like this why many of these events we see them coming from the sky why many celebrities decide to go out and get lightning bolt tattoos what else is it they just like rain and thunderstorms or is it because they’re referencing something they’re signed for some sort of allegiance to the fallen realm now this is also something that somebody pointed out in reference to this whole closing ceremony thing we’ll read this here well i just watched some of the photos of the closing ceremony of the paris olympics and i’m happy that i boycotted this allegedly this is how it started it’s no surprise the 33 olympics which has sometimes occult meetings tied to cremationary the golden voyager descending from the sky like lucifer’s fall from heaven with a leg bent and put and postured like the hanged man who is an occult figure representing the ultimate surrender you can see it here same exact kind of logo that you would see on this tarot card which is witchcraft it’s the occult it’s warned that we’re not supposed to follow these things when we look at some of these images i don’t think it plays it here in this video but at the at a point of this this figure was kind of raised up all these people kind of gathered around him lifted him up worshiped him followed after him this is very similar to what the bible says will happen with the dragon the false prophet and the antichrist in the last days here we can see it here this person lifted up got down worshiped too and you just kind of again have to ask is this just some form of display or what’s the people’s motives are they gathering with jesus or are they scattering abroad here’s the portal that they were kind of dancing around very similar to the bottomless pit opening up reference very clearly in the book of revelation again just kind of weird that this is the things that they’re promoting at these sporting events you would think that these events would be focused on the nations uniting together people joining together playing sports but that’s not what we see we also saw this an angelic figure reference to another fallen god the fallen god the false god of nike just like the similar reference to wings that we saw in the opening ceremony just a lot of references to false gods to false ways to not the truth of jesus christ you just got to ask what’s the point of this at a sporting event once again really makes no sense unless you understand that there’s forces at work and many of these people probably don’t even know that they’re just ushering in getting the world look how many people are sitting here getting used to the fact that one day people will be following after a fallen angel following after the dragon they’ll be forced to lift him up on high like this trying to lift him up and if you don’t get the mark of his name on your hand or your head you will be beheaded and you can’t buy or sell that’s the truth of the world that’s coming that’s what the bible says and so we know it’s true and maybe this is some form of satan at work in the world getting the world ready to this to this type of spiritual type of thing this seems more spiritual than art in my personal opinion now not everything in relation to what’s going on the world is ever evil is ever all bad there’s also good in the world a lot of athletes promoting jesus saying that without jesus they have nothing you know great great scenes of athletes talking about the truth of jesus christ in this event and that will continue on until the last days really you can never shut up the church you can never shut up people who follow jesus christ posted a full video on that on my channel here if you’d like to see that as well and that’s really what we have to keep our main focus on while it’s important to look at what satan is doing in the world and be wise as serpents and harmless as doves what really matters at the end of the day are you loving like jesus are you doing the things that god commands us to do and not living for the ways of the world but living for the ways and the truth of jesus christ so i hope and pray you’ll do that i hope and pray you’re well thanks for watching and god bless


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1 thoughts on “Paris Olympics SATANIC Closing Ceremony

  1. Avatar Of Frances Green
    Frances Green says:

    The whole thing was a open demonstration of the power of this systems god. Many athletes were pictured with their medals covering one eye. It is the exposure of and the drawing of as many humans as possible to the real darkness of the world we are in. Satan draws with promise of the hearts desire for sucess, riches and celebrity and as the scriptures tell us he is devouring like a lion because he has little time left.

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