➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including an upcoming prayer group, a friend’s travel plans, and their concerns about the treatment of homeless people during natural disasters. They also express worry about climate change and its potential to increase the severity of hurricanes. The speaker advises listeners to prepare for emergencies, focus on their community and family, and strengthen their spiritual connection.
➡ The speaker is deeply engrossed in studying the Gnostic Bible, finding it intriguing and sometimes challenging to comprehend. They discuss the different interpretations of Lucifer in Gnosticism and Christianity, and the complex hierarchy of deities. They also explore the concept of reincarnation, suggesting we may reincarnate through our male lineage. The speaker emphasizes the importance of discernment and personal spiritual growth in understanding these complex ideas.
➡ The text discusses the concept of reincarnation and life path numbers, suggesting that the number of times a person reincarnates is linked to their life path number. It also delves into astrology, specifically the upcoming Age of Aquarius and its potential impact. The text also touches on numerology and gematria, highlighting the significance of certain numbers. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of understanding one’s astrological signs in both Western and Eastern traditions.
➡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of personal growth and spiritual connection, rather than focusing solely on religious beliefs. They discuss the idea of reincarnation and the afterlife, suggesting that death is a personal journey and that those who are spiritually connected don’t fear it. They also touch on the topic of weather changes, attributing them to electromagnetic pollution rather than global warming. The speaker encourages listeners to focus on improving their own lives and helping others, rather than worrying about things beyond their control.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the rise in technology and its impact on spirituality, the increase in natural disasters, and the importance of individual and community empowerment. They also touch on various theories and beliefs, emphasizing the need for open-mindedness and unity rather than division. The speaker encourages listeners to focus on solutions, such as supporting constitutional sheriffs and setting up community gardens, rather than relying on government or external entities for salvation.
➡ The speaker is encouraging listeners to join their online community, Truth Mafia, where they share exclusive content and updates. They’re also planning to launch a shop and ways for members to earn money by promoting their work. They discuss the importance of using mainstream platforms like YouTube and Facebook to grow their network, but also stress the need for caution in what is shared on these platforms. They also mention their work with healing frequency music and a device that helps with energy and protection.
➡ The speaker is discussing a new product that can clean up environmental damage, including electromagnetic pollution and improving agricultural yields. They plan to get wealthy influencers involved to fund the installation of these devices around the world. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of focusing on solutions rather than arguing over problems, and encourages community involvement in these efforts. They also express concerns about the potential dangers of experiments at CERN.
➡ The speaker discusses strangelets, a different form of matter made up of up, down, and strange quarks. They express interest in researching more about strangelets and their connection to CERN, a European research organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. The speaker also shares personal anecdotes about their family and discusses the importance of health supplements. They end by emphasizing the importance of cherishing time with loved ones.
➡ Always show love and forgiveness to those around you without judgment. Strive to be the best version of yourself and contribute to saving our planet. Be skeptical of the medical system and explore holistic alternatives. Stay connected by subscribing to the newsletter for exclusive content and updates.
Click on it. It’ll take you over to truthmafia.com, and you’ll opt in to our daily newsletter. Matter of fact, here, let me show you real quick. And then we got an amazing episode for you guys today. We’re going to talk about. Well, I don’t know. I should say amazing, but there’s a lot of crazy stuff going on. There’s rumors of homeless people disappearing due to these storms. I mean, this is a huge trending story right now. And, I mean, I’ve kind of thought this for a long time that, I mean, not, they were using the storms to do it, but I pretty much figured out they’ve been getting rid of homeless people.
Right. I kind of thought that anyways. But they’re saying they’re using these storms. And whoever said that before? Well, Edward Snowden told us that. Remember, he had that episode wherever he was talking, I think it was back in 2013, and he was talking about geoengineering and that one day it would be used as population control. Now, when you go to check that out, now, you know, they use their little fact check to try to discredit it. But I remind you, this, that fact check admitted an open court. It’s an opinion. So you can go research that yourself.
Now, pops, how are you doing today? If I was any better, son, I’d be flying with the angels. So what do you think about this stuff, dude? Like, we all remember, dad, 2015. You might not remember, you weren’t really involved in this type of stuff then, but you. You’ve been studying this for a long time, so you might have known. Time they. They shut down, they had this thing called Jade Helm, pops. I don’t know if you remember that. Yeah, matter of fact, it was in your neck of the woods down there in Texas, and it was a military operation, and everybody got weirded out because they were like, all the Walmarts were shutting down.
And then they had all these, like, weird fences going up and guard towers going up. And there was rumors that they. They were building FEMA camps under the Walmarts. Now, you know, I don’t know if that actually happened or not, but they did have that military drill. Whenever an empire plans, they’re not planning five years ahead. These people are thinking 30, 40 years ahead of time. So back in 2015, that’s when all the videos were going viral of the un bringing in all their tanks, you know, their helicopters, all that stuff. Remember guys on the railroad tracks? It was.
That was all 20 615 during Jane Helm when that went viral. And now there’s all these videos going viral talking about eyewitness testimony of people disappearing. And there was a video that was back when Harvey happened. I don’t know if you ever seen that one, dad. I’m going to show you a clip of it here in a second. Where the homeless people were talking about, they didn’t go into the shelter place because they were being killed. Did you ever say, you know, there’s some things we can’t say. I got to be careful what I say. But, you know, um, organ harvesting is a big business.
Yes, sir. And they’ve also lost 150,000 children that’s crossed the border. And we know what kind of big business goes on there in multiple ways. Right. Uh, when you’re a luciferian, satanic person, you actually feed off of that, right? You feed off of. Let me. Come on here. Hey, brothers and sisters, make sure to share, like, spread it out. Let me make sure this is up a little bit so you can see the top. But when you’re, you know, when you’re on the dark side, on your luther’s luciferian side, you know, those things are. You’re in those businesses, you know, I mean, those businesses are, you know, money makers for you because you have no morals, you have no scruples, you have no feelings.
You actually get off on all of this evil stuff. It feeds you. Like you were talking about last week. You want to call it loose, you want to call it energy. Whatever it feeds, they feed on that. And I was telling everybody, you know, now we’re getting a new category for tornado, we’ll probably end up getting a new category for a hurricane. And the world’s going to continue to shake, and of course, they’re going to utilize all of this chaos to increase their revenue in those enterprises. I mean, you know, it just is going to happen.
And it, you know, again, just go on Google and search how much of these body parts are going for. No, you’re so right, dude. And they. They definitely were, matter of fact, 2017 when this video was shot of this survivor, what he was. You know, this was after Hurricane Harvey and stuff. That was right after Kenneka Jenkins happened. And she was this person, dad, that. It was right after the eclipse. So, you know, 41 days after that eclipse, we had the Las Vegas shooting. But 22 days after it, we had that girl go disappearing at the Crown Plaza in Chicago.
Her name was Kanika Jenkins. And the story was Shedden. There’s like all these videos of her walking through the kitchen and just real weird. Like, if you’re at a hotel, you’re not going to be going around and chilling in the kitchen, right? I’ve been in many hotels and I’ve never been in the kitchen where people are working. Like, it’s an actual working kitchen. But anyways, they said her organs were stolen and harvested and in that. So at first I think, oh, it’s total b’s. You know, it’s probably just. People try business, but, dude, I love thousand of dollars per person when you cuddle.
You know, I think it’s a few hundred thousand. No, it’s more. Yep. More than that. You’re talking. Yeah, yeah. Just for a heart, you can get a couple hundred thousand pops. So you got them. You know, somebody gets gutted, you’re talking millions, but at least a mil. I don’t know. There’s different figures out there. I was seeing a chart that somebody put up that, you know, that I think that was on tick tock and it had, you know, I mean, there’s so much information out there now, you don’t even know what is what, you know? I mean.
Yeah. You don’t know real what’s new. We’re talking about the kidneys and the liver and the brain. Well, the brain can’t be transplanted, but the heart and the valves and all these kind of stuff, they buy the brain for other things, you know, studying science, stuff like that. They buy the brain and. But, yeah, man. I mean, it’s like a multi trillion dollar business. You know, it’s up there probably. I’d probably say it’s probably even more than the drug. I don’t know if it’s trillions, but it’s hundreds of millions, that stuff. There’s no doubt about it.
I’m sorry. Hundreds of billions of dollars? Yeah. I don’t know, but it is. It is what? Wrong. And they’re using a lot of this weather stuff to disappear. These people, it looks like. Right? It looks like they’re, you know, they’re you’re using some of this stuff. Yeah, they got all the underground facilities, so, you know, it’s not hard. People are like, where were they taking them? Well, I mean, they got whole civilizations. Whenever you see a city like New York City, just think, what’s under that? You know what I’m saying, pops? Oh, it’s a horror show that’s underneath there, and there’s a horror show underneath a lot of cities and a lot of things going on.
You know, it’s interesting, you know, I know you title these, these new shows. We do, but we talk about more than just what you put the image on. Right. We always talk more about that. And I was in contact with a friend of mine who’s pretty connected to, you know, that political scene stuff and the stuff that I just can’t stand and, you know, you. I think everybody can start feeling that, you know, this is escalating. You know, every week this is escalating more and more and more, and these things that we’re talking about right here are just going to become more commonplace.
It’s just going to be happening more and more and more and more. But we were talking. I said, you know, I can let the federal government fall apart. You know, I hope it crashes and burns. We got to focus on our local situation, you know, our neighbors, our friends, our family. How are we coming together? How are we building community gardens? How are we, you know, helping each other? How are we supporting each other, son? You know, next week, we’ll have the prayer group launched and all of that. There’s just a couple more things that we have to do, Jack and I, and he’s traveling to go see your boy Ajax, or a caca, what’s his name? Archaic.
Yeah, archaics. You know, going to one of his things. I said good luck. I like, I like saying right here behind my computer and on the mic and talking. But a lot of good things will be launching next week. Also, plug Jack with archaics. Before I gave him his email and stuff, but he’s a busy dude, you know what I’m saying? Yeah, yeah, he’s a busy dude. So I wish him good luck if he goes to one of his, his events. Archaics would definitely take time. Jason is his name. He’ll take time out and talk to him, though.
He’s not, you know, he’s a social. Well, if you don’t, then you don’t have people coming to your events, right? I mean, you know, it’s just that way. You should see his rottie, dad. You would love his roddy. A big old head on him, just like Beethoven, the one we had. He’s got a big rod. He’s older. Older, though. But he’s down there in Texas with you. So let me play this, and hopefully, yeah, hopefully Jack gets a hold of him. I know Jack’s like, that’s like Jack’s superhero when it comes to. Well, don’t worship any people.
Worship God. That’s it. But, dude, everybody else is the same as we are. There’s nobody better than anybody else. He’s the one that really got me to even know who archaics was. And then I reached out to him on my own, you know, but we’ve done, like, three podcasts since then. But, um. Can you hear this, dad, who’s got his dog, bubba? Yes. Jake, who is homeless. Jake, you’ve found yourself some shelter here. Why. Why are you outside during this entire hurricane? Well, I chose not to go inside yesterday because the Salvation army and Russian winds homeless shelter where they were accepting people were caught killing everybody that was in there.
I’m sorry. Okay, all right. So clearly, your homeless were caught killing everybody that was in there. Some of the people who’s like, okay, okay. So clearly you’re homeless. Just, like, dismisses them. If you’re a real reporter, wouldn’t you say? What do you mean they were killing people? But you see that guy try to, like, shut them up, that we’re going to the FEMA. Fusion centers were not to be heard or seen from again. Rescue response for Hurricane Harvey. And the first thing that I noticed there that it was like the purge. All I could hear that night was car alarms going off and glass breaking and gunshots.
Luckily, I was able to bed down and get things ready and unpack my guns and ammunition, and I got zero sleep that first night. We made our way down to Katy, Texas, and when we got there, we were stopped because they had finally blocked the roads down. And we were just off of, I tend, where they had FEMA, National Guard, DEA, FBI, Secret Service. They had emergency management from Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, and others there. And it was a big clusterfuck because they were just running around, like, not doing anything but stroking each other because that was happening down there.
So what I think they were doing with, and I’ve been saying this, you know, I think it’s been going on, dad, since Hurricane Katrina, bro, they’ve been exterminating homeless people, but now it’s ramping up. And, you know, right before all these natural disasters popped off, we had the Georgia guide stones just blow up like that. That should have let you know when you seen them Georgia guidestones blow up. You guys should have known. Oh, they’re about to. Really? This is from, like, 2017. So this is a few years back. Yeah. This is hurricane. Yeah, from 2017.
But we just had this one right now. Right, this new one, and I’m wondering if they’re still doing this today. So the videos that are going viral. Yes, they. The video is from 2017, and most people don’t even know that they’re resharing it. Like, it’s from this. But yes, it was brought up first back then during Hurricane Harvey, at least when it first went viral. But people are talking about it before that. Dad, this is the new one, and this one was down in your area. Pops, you didn’t get hit by this? No. I’ve got one of those devices in my backyard, and it keeps me pretty safe.
Are you by the ocean, though? In Texas? No, I mean here in Austin. I’m not by the ocean. Oh, not even close to it. But. So you wouldn’t have to worry about stuff like this in your part of Texas, right? No, no, no. We don’t get that. Who gets hit with this? Like, what part of Texas? No, that’s down by the Gulf of Mexico, but not here. Oh, yeah. They got hammered, bro. Yeah, down by the Gulf of Mexico. That’s where that’s happening. So, yeah, there’s been a lot of rumors, and I know in my own city, you know, just from me walking around, I know a lot of this location.
I’ve seen a lot of the homeless people since I was younger here. And, like, a lot of them, you’ll. You’ll. You’ll remember some of them, you know, because you end up liking some of them. And there were some I would give money to, and then I just. After Covid, I don’t see them no more. It’s like, what the hell? A lot of the homeless people are, definitely. But then you go to one of these states, like, um. Like, freaking, uh, San Francisco, and they say it’s over ran over out there. You know, they’re. They’re. They’re defecating in the streets, I guess.
I don’t know. But, yeah, this was the big one. That world’s a mess. We know. We know what we got going on. They’re doing a lot of things in every crisis. They’re doing, you know, evil stuff. That’s what they’re doing. And again, like I said, you know, we’ll be talking about this in the next couple weeks about a big, the problem we talked about with the, you know, the atmosphere being eaten pretty much up and that if we don’t stop it, if we don’t reverse it, all this other stuff that we’re talking about won’t even make a difference, you know, because it’ll be like, here’s, here’s the thing you was talking about.
Could climate change, why do they label everything with climate change? It’s so annoying. Could climate change breed a whole new category of hurricane? That was back when Hurricane Irma happened and raised into the Caribbean. That’s when they were talking about changing the categories. What was the. Yeah, I mean, they’re getting ready to add another category for the, for the, for, yeah, look, these things are going to get worse and they’re going to get more intense. But I, like, I’ve told everybody, stay focused on, on good things. Get involved in your local community. Get with the family that understands it, you know, work with those, those family, do that, you know, start, you know, making sure that you can thrive and move forward in what is going to be coming upon the old system.
Because the old system is going to fall apart. It’s falling apart. And the, the falling apart is only going to accelerate. I mean, there’s things I can’t say right now because this individual is under an NDA and told me some stuff. But look, this is getting even, ready to accelerate even more in a big, big way. So I hope everybody is, you know, making sure you got food, you got water for a few weeks at least, and that you got a plan for you and your family. You don’t need to stress over it. You just need to do it.
You know, I’m, I’ve got my plan together and I’m focusing on the things that we’re going to be talking about over the next couple of weeks. And I’m not going to stress over it, but, yeah, there’s going to be more hurricanes, more tornadoes. I think of brother Ryan, who’s involved with us with the patriot stuff. He was talking about that Ohio where you, our son had four times more tornadoes this year than it did at any time. Yeah. Yeah. We’re getting, I just talked to a lady from Ohio this morning, too, and she was telling me she was from some weird part of Ohio I never even heard of, though.
But, um, she was saying it’s getting bad down there with the weather, too. Like, she’s from like the southern, western part of the state, you know what I mean? Southwest part. Yeah. Which is far away from me. So, so people. I don’t think people realize how big Ohio is. It’s a big state. It’s a big state. But, you know, as far as the weather, it’s just going to get more crazy. Everybody’s got to protect themselves. They got to be, you know, again, working on spirituality, working on their relationship with the creator. And, I mean, I’m getting more and more into this gnostic Bible, and I can tell you there’s some things that I believe they should have put in the regular bible, but there’s other things that people.
I mean, I’m reading. I’m, like, into 450 now, page 450. And there’s stuff in there that is even hard for me, even though, you know, and I’m reading it again and looking at it, not to understand, but to comprehend. You know what I mean? You know, just even how Lucifer was created and how, know the whole planet, they don’t look at Lucifer as a bad guy in gnosticism. Well, he’s the. He’s the chaos, he’s the darkness, right? He’s the. He’s not the same thing as he is in Christianity. You know what I mean? It’s a. It doesn’t look like he’s a good entity, but he thinks he’s the highest entity at one time, and he didn’t know that there was a higher entity.
Yeah. But also got involved in creation. So it’s very interesting, bro. It’s Yahweh of the Bible that is, you know, I. I mean, it’s. It’s very interesting. Just put it that way. So there’s even a God above that, that. So Sophia created him, and then she has a creator above her that really doesn’t go into. It really doesn’t go the. What’s it called? The monad or the. I forget the name, how it’s pronounced. The Madain or something, what they call that top deity. It never really gets into his or its sexuality. Really, though, as far as.
Yeah, no, I mean, it says it starts out with the male creating the female and the child and all of that, you know, in the secret book of John is pretty understandable. The secret book of John, the way they lay it out and how then the creations create and the creates, creates, creates, so on and so forth and so on. Just like we all procreated, right? You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me. Yeah. Right. I mean, that’s the truth. And you wouldn’t reincarnate if it ain’t for my kids, right? I’m just saying, you know, all of that stuff is.
Or my junior, you would reapply very, very interesting. And it’s mind boggling for most people. And I don’t know really right now how important it is to where we’re currently at, right. And what people need to do right now, right. Because people can go down or. I’m always studying. You know that about me, son. I’ve been doing it for decades. But when I look at the information, well, that’s great knowledge for me to have. I have to discern it. I have to pray and meditate on it, right? I have to meditate on it and see what resonates with my spirit, right? What I, you know, feel resonates with my spirit.
But at the end of the day, when I’m sitting with them, when I’m hearing like Enoch, did he go to the creator directly? Was it an in between person? There’s a lot of stuff that, you know, the gnostic Bible brings up, the nox that scriptures bring up, that’s for sure. Yeah, I’m gonna bring an expert on here. Ani as horror. I tried to get him today, but he was busy. But I’m gonna get him on here. He’s like, man, dude, he can get into this, this part of the scripture with the gnostics, that. And he’s not even religious, but he just studies all that stuff.
And that’s where, like, everything comes from. It’s the origin of everything. Why we use the number seven so much, why all the secret societies use it. But nobody even knows about gnostics. You know, they go. They go back as far as what? Like people talk about the mesopotamian sumerian gods, but this is way before that. Yeah, it’s interesting. It’s been an interesting read. I look forward to reading it every day, you know, I look forward to reading it. But again, I don’t know. I know all this information is inside me. And as all my DNA opens up and I get 100% of my capabilities, I’ll know it all.
I’ll know it all 100%. I’ll know it right now. I don’t. And there’s so many different people out there talking, you know, with one saying, this is the way it is, 100%, and another one saying, this is the way it is, 100%. I don’t believe anyone knows 100% the way it is. Right. I just don’t think so. But I could be mistaken. Who knows? And divine princess, what I was meaning because I’m my father’s son, so it. You like me I would reincarnate through one of my sons, right, Carmine or Mario. And my dad has other boys, too.
He has little Jimmy and Michael. So if they have a kid one day, yeah, he could reincarnate through that. And depending on, you know, this is my theory on it, through reading a lot about reincarnation, which they took out of the original scripture. And the math just proves it over and over. When you look at the mathematics of it proves that is the universal language of the creator, mathematics. But, um, yeah, we definitely reincarnate through our, the male lineage, I believe. And you, you know, the elites knew this because look at how they structured everything. They didn’t care who in their family was wealthy.
They just made sure their whole lineage was wealthy. These people, like the Rothschild, right? It’s their whole. That way, no matter who they reincarnate back through the family, they always have wealth. And they’ve been doing this over and over. And, you know, some of these people, who even knows if they reincarnate anymore? I don’t know. You know. Yeah. I mean, you, you have a, you know, you get to a point where you’ve done it enough times where you can choose to come back or not. Well, I’m talking about. I’m thinking. I’m thinking they’re cheating dad with some type of maybe technology, you know? Well, look, again, when technology supersedes spirituality, the planet crumbles, right? Civilization crumbles.
And again, with this AI situation that we’re hearing about, let’s call it the AI God created by the dark side, whether it was Satan or his minions or whatever, that could be the final battle after those thousand years they talk about, right? Because the beast gets voice. I mean, look at where AI is going right now, dude. Your past, it is moving. Um, that dude you was going to have on, he talked all about that, how the last battle would be us battling this AI, this beast. And, you know. Yeah, he’s, he’s fascinating on that subject.
Yeah, I’m gonna get him on because he, you know, he wants to talk about his books. His books are good. I’m done with that one. I’m into the other one. A lot of good information in there. Definitely something worth people to read, no doubt about it, and discern on it and get discernment on it. I don’t. Eric. So they know. Oh, that’s, that is Ishmael Perez. And the books are these, these ones. This one, our cosmic origin, that’s on Amazon. I’m reading this one, the secret government, that’s on Amazon, too. So, I mean, these books are very good.
A lot of great information in there. Again, I believe that as you get more spirit spiritually advanced, that you’ll get information yourself. I don’t know whether this guy’s right. You know, how. What percentage of what he’s saying is right? I don’t know. But it’s something that when the spirit said, I get those books and read them. I got the books and read them. I pray on the discernment, on what, you know, resonates with me as being fact and not. And then again, I work on my, you know, my. My vibration, my frequency, so that I can access all of the records written from the beginning till now in the.
What is it called? Son records. The Akashic records. Pops, that’s within you, right? Within you. Okay? So I’m going to continue to work on that so I can access them myself. The Akashic records are within the ether, right there within the ether that we can tap into. This is what Tesla talked about a lot. And Bella, to answer you, you said, what is the gematria number for reincarnation? Well, here, let me show you real quick. My sister, I’ll show you. It’s easier to explain it this way. So let me show you this. Reincarnate, right? Equals 108.
And here’s the two important ciphers. 34. Now, what did we have in 34 that we’ve been learning the last couple weeks? Tethered. Remember, all the technology tethered to the archons is in that cipher. But 108 is very important. This is a very sacred and holy number. Reincarnate equals 108. So the theory is that we reincarnate six times as a female, six times as a male, and depending on, like, how tragic your death was, that’s. It could take you a thousand or 2000 years to reincarnate again. But. So we reincarnate six times as a male, six times as a female.
That’s one reincarnation cycle. A total of twelve times, right? We have the twelve. Where are you getting this information from, son? Twelve tribes of it all. I mean, I’ve read it in many different ancient scriptures, which I put on my blog on reincarnation. It’s up on truth mafia. You can just go on the blog on reincarnation and look at all the link. Yeah, the gnostic text that talked about it. Gnostics talked about reincarnation. Do and reincarnate equals 108. So they said, we. If you looked at it as your life path number, dad. Like, okay, so me, I’m a life path number.
Three so I. Technically, from this theory, I would reincarnate 36 times. Right? So that’s the number for old souls. And it’s 117, which is my birthday, January 1736. That’s the neo code. You know, there’s a lot in that when I do my decodes, guys, you know, I cover all this stuff, but. So if you’re. If you’re life path three, you’ve reincarnated 36 times, which, you know, you’re. You’re about halfway through your journey as a life path nine, you would reincarnate 108 times, because nine times twelve is 108, which reincarnate equals 108. So I did a whole blog on this and proved it mathematically in every single breakdown and instance.
So I think the reincarnation by twelve, the mathematics supports that the best. You know what I mean? As far as math goes. But yeah, there’s different. Some people say we reincarnate Dad, 13 times, other people say twelve. There’s different numbers. I’m just saying, with the twelve, it makes sense. You know what I mean? Yeah. Again, that’s why. No, I. I feel that I’m pretty old soul myself and. Well, what’s your life path number? Yeah, I don’t even know. Um. I can do it for you. What? Your birthday. Dad. I don’t. I don’t know. But, um. It is.
You should. You don’t even know your own father’s birthday. Shame on you. Tell them, folks. Shame on him. I always get it wrong. I say the third or the 13th, right? Yeah. So. But, you know, at the end of the day, we are all here for this moment in time for a purpose. Everyone watching this live now, dude. Everyone watching this in the future, you’re a three, bro. You’re exactly like me. Mine adds up to 30, just like yours adds up to 33. Plus zero is three. So you’re like path three, just like me, bro. We’re very creative, artistic.
We’re good talkers. Well, remember the. The Aquarius is coming in for the next, I think, 20 or 30. I forget how many years. It’s decades. Okay, in. I think it’s September. Hold on, let me. Let me take a look. And it’s been coming in. Then it went out again. Right, but it’s getting. Coming in to stay. What, you mean Aquarius? Are you sure you’re not talking about Pluto’s return coming back in November? Dad, hold on. It’s no age of Aquarius. Pluto supposed to return in Aquarius and stay there until like 2040 something, right? Yeah, it’s age of.
Yes, age of Aquarius coming in. And it’s been. It was bouncing in and out. Yeah. And now it’s getting ready to stop. Now it’s getting ready to stick and stick pretty severely, you know, for decades. Well, if you just look at that and what’s around that, it’s really, really powerful on the change aspect of it for all of us in a big, big way. And it’s interesting what’s going on right now and that this thing, I think, is popping, what, again in September sometime where it’s gonna stay. November pops. Is it November? Yeah, that’s what. Me and Donut did a podcast on it.
Pretty sure that it was a while ago. We did it. We did it like right at the beginning. But yeah, I’m looking. When age of Aquarius date 2004. And if there’s a Lauren. Lauren. Seven. Seven. Watching this. Lauren 777. Almost got your decode done, too, sweetheart. I tried to email you, but I think you’re. I don’t think I got messages in the wrong DM email or something. So. Yeah, so it’s coming in and like you said, is going through with. With the Pluto situation. Yeah. And it’s gonna. It’s gonna last like a long, long, long time.
It starts on November 19, 2024, Pluto and Aquarius. And doesn’t get done for over two decades again. Right. Yeah. Where you’re gonna see a lot of rapid change happening. And it’s interesting because it’s like a 26,000 year cycle. So it’s very interesting what’s going on with, you know, that the. Scott, the heaven is the, you know, the. The stars in the heavens, you know, are for signs and wonders. Yeah. And they surely are for signs and wonders. I mean, there’s no if and buts about it. Yeah. And to answer your question, Rhonda, how you say, you know, a lot of people think 13 is a bad number.
And my dad was born on the 13th, actually. A very sacred number where we get. Where we. It’s actually the number of the matrix. One of the best numerologists in the world. His name is Gary the numbers guy. He’s a cocky little dude, but he can be cocky because, I mean, he is. You got to give him credit. He was one of the first people in the game teaching numerology. I’m talking back in 2008 and stuff, you know, where I learned about the number eight attracting money and just a lot of the stuff I learned as.
As far as numerology goes. And remember, there’s a difference between gematria and numerology. Gematria is a form of jewish mysticism. The only cipher you can technically call Gematria is Latin, Hebrew, Jewish, that one. But the oldest and purest one is called Chaldean. And this goes back to Mesopotamia and Samaria. It’s based on one through eight. They wouldn’t use the number nine because the number nine was so divine, so they wouldn’t even use it in their mathematics. It’s based on one through eight. Add that up, one through eight, what’s it add up to? 36. So 13 equals 31.
It’s the mirror reflection. The matrix is 31. Even our boy donut, that’s his number, 31. So it’s a big number. You’ll see that 13 number heavily encoded in the matrix. And Gary, the numbers guy, if you go check out his instagram, he has a whole video about the number 13, but he doesn’t even cover that. 13 equals 31. I don’t know if Gary don’t know about Gematria or he just doesn’t get into it. But, um, what he breaks down on the number 13 is very fascinating. Yeah. I mean, they, they want to bastardize all these good numbers and make them look like they’re bad numbers.
And it’s not true. And it’s interesting, you know, it’s interesting where we’re going and what’s going on right now. Where we’re headed into this Aquarius. Right into the Pluto Aquarius dance for almost two decades. For 20 freaking years. I mean, that’s a long time, Mandy. That’s a long time. And then when you look at what that does, everything that’s going on right now makes a lot of sense. Makes a lot of sense. Pretty, pretty interesting and exciting. Well, I mean, you know, the creator is the master number guy. Right? The master number person. So a lot of these numbers do have, you know, these on the dark side, they believe in the numbers.
You know, they follow the numbers. They do things by the numbers. And even on the good side, they look at the numbers, they make sure the dates right for things to have a better chance at succeeding. Well, yeah. And all of that. If you’re a life path three and your birth card is your destiny card is a ten of diamonds, there’s certain days that are going to vibrate with you and be positive for you and there are certain days that are not. And that goes against your astrological sign. But most people are worried about our western astrology, which really matters is your eastern astrology.
You know, the western astrology. It’s good to know it and stuff. But the eastern astrology matters a little more in the vedic astrology. You know, that’s a whole other level. Most people don’t even know what that’s about. So I’m actually working on a blog right now about vedic astrology. It’s very fascinating, though. You’re something different, dad. Invade your vedic astrology, you would be something, not a tourist. You know what I’m saying? Well, yeah, I. I was looking for. I had. Huh. I wonder what you are in vedic astrology. Let me look. That’d be interesting because your whole personality is so Taurus.
What? Well, I’m Taurus the bull, and then I’m a wood snake in eastern astrology. In China, I’m a wood snake. The snakes coming up, January 28 to 2025. Yeah. And that’ll be my year, of my 60th, 60 young years young birthday will be on, on next that next may, so. Oh, it is, yeah. Next night I’ll be 60. Okay. Vedic astrology. Oh, wow. This is very interesting. You are a sun sign. It’s called. They have some crazy names to pops. Surah Rashi, which is s u r y a r a s h I. That’s the Taurus version, your birth chart.
And you have key planetary influences here. I’m going to drop this for you in the. In your chat. Yeah. All I know is I’m here for this moment in time to do what I’m doing and to continue to get more insight, more download more, you know, discernment and to continue to course correct and make sure that moving down the path to help as many people as possible get to the light and start stepping into their power because they need to. I mean, one thing is to be educated, another thing is to be indoctrinated. You know, just like I say, it’s about relationship.
It’s not about religion. It’s not. And, you know, because I know a lot of religious people that do a lot of bad stuff. And then there are a lot of good religious people, too. Right? So. But, you know, it’s about relationship. It ain’t about religion. And, you know, educate, but don’t get indoctrinated by it. Don’t let it grab you in your life. You know what I mean? I mean, I’m moving forward, full steam ahead based on what the creator has given me in my mission. That’s it. You know, and, you know, I love the fact that we have education, you know, with what TJ is doing, with truth mafia, what some other folks are doing.
But I stay focused myself, personally. I want to be. I want to understand. That’s been why I read the book, you know, from Ishmael, and I’m reading the gnostic Bible because I’m always reading something. I read a lot of books, but I’m not, you know, fretting over them. I’m not, you know, crawling under my desk and hiding because what I read inside of them, what I’m doing is just absorbing the information, meditating on it, and I’m continuing to move forward. And again, as you get more and more spiritually connected and you’re, you know, you’re. You get, like, more of a connection continues to grow, a lot of this stuff will come to you more and more and a lot more stuff.
But we got to look at what are we doing in our own backyard right now besides praying? Like, next week, the prayer circle will be up and done. Everybody can start going in there, declaring, decreeing, you know, this isn’t about religion. This is about us helping each other, sending love and light, right. Setting love and light. Hey, don’t that guy Joey Diaz a little bit right there? Henry. Henry, brother Henry loved you, my man. He is Joe Rogan’s friend. The guy that karate Joey does all the videos, smoking. I love that guy. He’s the funniest dude in the world.
But we got some good stuff coming out from. From what we’re doing with sovereign radio, what we’re doing with Sheriff Mack for the constitutional sheriff situation, because, again, son, you know, the sheriff is the highest law enforcement. We’re dealing in this reality right now. Right. And we’re getting our spiritual connection to get us to move up in vibration and frequency so that as this shift happens, we shift the right way. But at the same time, we got to handle the situation going on right now, right now in our own backyard and make sure that we’re participating in helping, you know, change things for a positive way until whatever happens happens, right? Okay.
We don’t die. We’re eternal beings. So what’s to be afraid of? If every single person died today on this planet, we’d all be having a big party in heaven together, because we’re all eternal beings except for the ones that aren’t, right, that are here, that aren’t. All the rest of them of us would just be fine. We would. If some catastrophe happened, the whole planet was gone. We all would be fine. Well, we’d be one. I don’t know if we’d all be in the same place or not, right? But I’m saying the people of the light, the people that love unconditionally, that forgive on, it wouldn’t be the end for them, right, pops? For sure.
No, it really actually would be. They would want. They don’t want to come back. But it’s. This is the thing, dad. I’ve learned death is our. It’s our own journey, brother. It’s not like, okay, when you die, maybe we do read like. I hope we do, because I’d love to see grandma, your mom and my grandma, but I think we were born on our own and we die on our own. That’s one journey we do on our own. You know what I mean? Yeah, but you’re instantaneously transitioning to the soul family, you know? Your soul family.
Right. The family that you’ve been reincarnating through, you’re instantly, you know, in their presence. I mean, if you look at all of these near death experiences. Yeah. When you look at all of these near death experiences where people died and came back, like 15 minutes, 20 minutes later, uh, even sometimes longer than that and sometimes shorter than that, they all don’t want to come back. Most of them don’t, unless they were in it, you know, getting a glimpse of hell. But the ones that go to the light, they don’t want to leave. They don’t want to come back.
You know what? The people believe in the truther community, though, and this is all tied to the archons, that when you go into the light, that is the archons shape shifting, coming to you as your loved ones, and they trick you and you go back into the reincarnation cycle. I don’t know. They’re harvesting that energy from us, that loose energy. So they don’t care if we’re in a state of fear, terror, or if we’re loving each other. It’s all energy that they can harvest. But it’s like we’re. But. But that’s the theory of it, anyways. When you go into the light, you’re really going back into the moon, and it’s back into that whole reincarnation cycle.
That’s the theory on it anyways. Yeah. I don’t know. It could be. You know what I mean? It could be. They say turn away from it, pops, and go into the darkness. Who’s gonna. That’s gonna be scary, though. So you’re supposed to turn away from the bright light, the white one, and go into the darkness. And then through the darkness, you find, like, some golden light, and that’s supposed to bring you back into your energy body, your true form, where you wake up. I don’t know. Yeah, I mean, I really don’t know. And again, at this point in time, it’s.
We’ve got all this stuff shaking, you know, all these things going on and. Yeah. Why would we want to come back? Absolutely. Once you’re back to creator, you wouldn’t really want to come back, right? I mean, long is you’re not in that, but there’s a lot there talking about that. That’s all been. All been taken down, too. Or if you’re a teacher, that is what you’re coming back to do. You’re kind of sacrificing yourself for other people. You know what I mean? Yeah. Also what I heard is that that whole process of capturing people and continuing to bring them round and round is all being, like, dismantled and destroyed because of the ascension of at least of us on planet Earth.
Because we’re praying Earth is going. I mean, we can just go look at the Schumann resonance on Earth. By the way, did you hear that the mantle is now going in the other direction? Where’d you hear that at? Yeah, it’s. It’s going. It’s reversed. Just said. Yeah, yeah. They’re saying that the mantle now is going in the opposite. It slowed down for the last few years. Now it’s going in the opposite direction. Oh, wow. I didn’t know that. We just had to do some research on that, son, and bring that to everybody’s attention on what’s going on.
I think that’s really important for everybody to know. And what are the effects of that? What are the effects? Dangerous flash floods tear apart New Mexico. Dude, this weather, like, bro, I feel like I’m stuck in some timeline that the weather is just crazy as hell. Is it, like, only me that’s seeing this? No, everybody’s seeing it. More people see the weather than ever before. But we talked about that a few shows back when we talked about the weather warfare stuff that, you know, a lot of this, you know, there is weather warfare devices. They know heart, all that stuff.
But also, you know, there is the fact that our environment are, you know, our atmosphere is being eaten alive by, you know, electromagnetic pollution. So what are we doing about it? We’re not doing anything about it. They said whether or not. Here, I’ll show you guys. It. It says it’s becoming. They just are normalizing it now. Hold on. Let me go back here. Where’s the one I just. Yeah, that one. Share. Okay. Scientists warn dangerous and widespread weather phenomenon is becoming 35 times more likely and will only get worse. So I. Dude, I just think they keep blaming it on global warming.
I don’t even believe in that shit, pops. Do you? Look, I believe in what I just said about the electromagnetic pollution. Yeah. I believe that’s what’s driving everything. But that’s not global warming. No, no, this is. This is. This is happening because we’re making it happen. Yeah, with all the tech again, spirituality, righteousness, technology. When people start only focusing on technology, which I think that our population is really into technology, wouldn’t you say? I mean, they’re really into technology. And a lot of people are falling away from their spiritual connection. That’s when things fall apart completely.
Oh, wow, look at this. Weather, fatalities, everything. It’s like everything’s up right now. Especially when it comes to the weather. Just in 2023, they were on the wise. Wait till we get to the end of 2024, dad, and we see these numbers, I bet you it’s gonna be so crazy, bro. Look, that was 2001. Was this one. Okay, that’s weather fatalities for 2023. Ten year average till 2014 to 2023. Damn. 2023 was a bad year. Now you guys want to know something? So, 223, right. 223, what is heart called high active Auroral research program. Right. Research facility.
When you put their full name in the gematria calculator, guess what it equals? 223. And when was heart patent? On August 11, the 223rd day of the year. So, you know, that’s a number of natural disasters. And, Rhonda, you’re in the. You’ve been watching me since the beginning, girl. Didn’t I say the year 2023 would be the year of unnatural disasters? And then 2024, because we’re in the year of the dragon, it’s going to be the year of fires. They always go by the astrology, everything they do. So the elites are using it, and we. We can use it to kind of figure out what they got going on, right? See, Rhonda knows.
She’d been here since the beginning. Yeah, I remember. Sister Rhonda. Our sister Rhonda said that brother Ismail Perez, it might be a robot. So I don’t know. Wow. We’re gonna have him on to find out anyways, you know, robot what? Rhonda. Why? She comes up with some crazy shit sometimes. But anyways, we’ll be that. We’ll bring that robotic man on and we’ll. I don’t have him. We’ll have him. We’ll have him answer questions and give his input. You know, again, it’s not about, you know, one of the things as we’re building our sovereign radio system. You know, I don’t agree with every show host.
And if I said that, oh, you can’t come on, be a part of the show unless you agree with me. Then why am I any better than the darkness? Because that’s what the darkness wants. They want you to agree with them. Only what they say can you do. That’s it. You’re not allowed to divert one way or the other. You must toe the line with what they said. Well, to me that’s communism. Oh, they still do that. Like if you’re a true seeker and you don’t, you might not believe in flatter. You do believe in flatter.
Then the other people that don’t believe it got to hate you. They hate each other. The. Yeah, you can’t listen. Who gives a shit if it’s flat around? It was destroyers, bro. It was designed to be that way. All of it was. Right. But I’m just saying to me, that doesn’t make a damn difference for me today. Well, that won’t affect whether the earth is flat or it’s round. It doesn’t affect me in any way. Go back anyway. Of fighting over it is just stupid. And we need to focus on solutions and coming together in meditation and declare and decree, because we are the sons and daughters of the most high creator of all things, that all things live within, and it lives within all things and we’re the sons and daughters of it.
So we need to claim that. Claim this planet, declare a decree together and make it happen and not fight whether, oh, well, earth is round or is it flat? I don’t give a shit. And in divine princess, you’re right. Things only do matter when they’re observed. They even prove this scientifically. So, you know, molecules act differently when they’re observed than they do when no one’s watching them. You know, it’s the observer effect. So there’s a lot of things that, you know, I kind of have that feeling with NPC’s. Are they even real when they’re not being used? Like these non player characters out here or when one of us people that do have a soul and do have a consciousness when we’re not observing them, are they gone? I mean, it’s a.
It’s a cool question to ask, right? It’s interesting. Anyways, this, the slit experiment, right? Yeah, it’s very fascinating. And it definitely proves that there is an observer effect. You know about that? Tesla said that this might not even be a plan. This might be a demand. So I don’t know. No, again, it isn’t going to change anything that’s going on for me today, you know, with what we’ve got going on here, as we start rolling out more solutions over the next couple weeks that are going to help people get through all this stuff and let’s come together and like I said, let’s step into our power and declare and decree and make a change here and help bring this planet to the next dimension, right to the fourth or fifth or wherever it’s going to be.
Don’t wait for any president to save you. Don’t wait for any government to save you. Let it fall apart. Let it be. Let it fall apart. It’s all going to crumble. It’s not sustainable. It’s not. Okay. The whole thing is just a Ponzi scheme and it’s built on quicksand. Yeah, they’re interesting, though. I agree with her. I. I like to look at different theories just because I find it fascinating. Flat earth, I won’t knock it, because it was the first thing I believed in when I got away from the whole spinning ball theory. So it got me to where I would look.
Something ain’t right here. Something ain’t what they taught me in school. I don’t believe what they’re saying. Something’s wrong. But it was a good stepping stone that led me into simulation theory. But that’s for me. It’s in anyone that tells you they know the real truth is a compulsive liar. Because we don’t know. I don’t know. I’ve been trying to get dad to go up in a balloon with me. You know, he ain’t trying to go in the damn balloon. Pop said we’re gonna see Sister Rhonda. Gin is talking about, you know, Ishmael, milam, Albert here, both trumpers.
Gross. She’s funny. But here’s the thing. We’ll see who this dude picks for vice president, but really. Oh, is he? He’s not a trumper, Ishmael, is he? I think he thinks that he’s involved with the, you know, the positive side of the equation. Again, it’s irrelevant. It doesn’t matter. All the people could put their hope in that and let’s see what it gets them. Yeah, but I’m not going to hate to do just because of that. There’s a lot. And again, that’s the thing. Whether. Yeah, I mean, listen, if you want to hate, like, the majority of the population of the United States, I mean, you know, let’s be honest.
You know, the majority of the United States, they’re not looking to, you know, be involved with the person that can’t even speak and crapping his pants up on stage, blowing crap all over the place and can’t even think, can’t even talk, is an empty shell of a human being, maybe not a human being at all. Maybe wrong what they’re doing, because you shouldn’t mistreat old people like that. Like, he’s an old, elderly man, someone’s grandpa. Is he a pervert? Oh, most definitely. But now he probably doesn’t even have an idea of what the hell’s going on.
So, you know, put him in the old people home and leave him alone. They’re using them, though. I’m gonna tell you the truth, dad. This is my theory. My theory is way out there, bro. You know, I like supporting people like Sheriff Mac, and we’re gonna have him on this show, Cspoa.org. you know, Sheriff Mac, who’s actually out there working on getting more constitutional sheriffs in the counties with a posse behind them of the citizens, which they’re legally allowed to do. They’re the highest law enforcement in that county. They don’t have to listen to the governor.
They don’t have to listen to the president. They don’t have to listen to anybody. They’re the highest elected law enforcement in that county and still 45 states. So we’ve been working with Sheriff Mac now, TJ, for how long? Like three and a half. Almost. Yeah, three and a half years. Yeah, almost. It’ll be four years by the end of this. And, you know, more people need to stand behind him and help him so we can go through faster and clean up these sheriffs in these counties. Get real patriotic sheriffs in there that believe in, you know, the rights and liberty of its civilians, its citizens, and, you know, focus on that.
Focus on getting community gardens set up. You know, whether you can’t grow outside and you can only grow inside, that’s okay. The technology that’s available to grow inside is amazing. You can get a group of people together on voting for Putin. I tell you what, he’s a hell of a better freaking president than any of these we got going on. Speaker one. I’m with Wheezy. I’m rocking with her. I’m going with Putin, too. You know, I mean, I’d like to get. I’d like. I don’t think we could have Scott Bennett on, you know, Facebook, because he probably would get us a problem on there.
Yeah, but I like this dude. He was over in Russia. As they’re dropping bombs, you know, on the people, I mean, I guess they did some terrible things on a beach. Let’s bring them on rumble, dad. We’ll do a rumble exclusive with them. Yeah, we can do a rumble excuse of like some of these people. We’re gonna only be able to do a rumble exclusive with you. We don’t want to mess. Remember folks, I want to teach you something and this has to do with what I teach on the mastermind and what I tell other PIs patriot influencers is you want to use the big boys like yeah, YouTube and Facebook and all that to make a bigger network and get the list built.
You got to be careful what you say. So you got to toe the line, but build the list because then you can say whatever you want on rumble and your own hosting and all of that where then you can expose it to your people on your list. That’s why telling everybody, get on our list. Get on our list because we’re getting ready to really be rolling things out. And when stuff happens, we’re going to be sending alerts out and everything. So make sure you go to truth mafia.com and forward slash newsletter, get on the list or go right to the side panel, get on the list, get into that list and get your friends into that list because a lot of alerts, a lot of stuff is going to be coming out that as this thing is rolling out and it’s going to accelerate right here.
Guys, look, do me a favor, take 2 seconds out right now and go over on truth mafia.com. you can find the link in the comments and just come right here. See this? No fake news, no clickbait. Put your email in there. Boom. Subscribe now. Oh, I already subscribed to that one. So let me just have. Bam. Thank you for signing up. Well, see, that’s it. That’s where you can get, you know, free memberships. We’re going to be updating this too as we launch some other things. I’ve got an update already on this, but if you can become part a member of the truth mafia, become a member, you know, and support what we’re doing here too.
But we’re going to come out with a lot of things where you’re going to be able to make money by sharing the content. You can’t even see the members only content unless you’re a member. So there’s a ton of stuff on here you’re not seeing. I’m trying to work with my dad to figure out, there’s a way around that where you can see it, but you wouldn’t be able to click on it and view it unless you’re a member. And we’re also going to work. We’re going to have an email getting put together. So every time I drop new members only content, all the members will get an email.
That’s something we can do easily. Right, pops? Yeah. And the bottom line is, too, she’s in the comments right now. One of my followers, she’s a member, and she said she’s an older lady and, you know, it’s hard for her. She said that would be the easiest thing if they just got notifications whenever new member only content dropped. And everybody I mentioned it to, they all said it’s a great. Yeah, we’ll just make sure you put that into the teamworks and then we’ll get that sorted out. Yeah, that’s working. Right. Thanks for Leslie, we appreciate you.
Absolutely, absolutely. So lots going on. Lot continue to go on. But again, you know, I don’t believe no white horse and shining arm is coming to save everybody right now. That’s just my opinion. I’m not acting like I believe that. I’m going to continue to move forward on taking, you know, my power and doing what I can do to help people. Make sure you put a.com on the end of that healing frequency music. Also, if there’s an issue with any of the videos, let us know. I went through my Dropbox. I got all of those videos.
No, I went. I looked at them all me and Carmine did the other night. They were all workers. Yeah. And my son and I are going to put another YouTube. We already built a YouTube channel. It’s up. We activated one. We’re going to put all those videos back on YouTube because we want them to be free for humanity to help. And I’m telling you, people that have played those videos in their environment, they feel much better and their vibration and their frequency is getting better and they’re attracting good things because some people can’t get out of that negative vibration.
And now we have technology that I’m working with, paranoid american with, where we’ll be able to create songs at exactly specific frequencies. So you’ll have a, you know, couple hour video, and then dad can put them up. And we have some new people that create music holistically and organically that we’ll be talking to, too, to bring their stuff to you guys. So, you know, we can have some real organic, good frequency music, because it’s good when I’m doing my meditation. Sure. That last thing, son. I can’t share anything. I can’t like pull people up on the screen for some reason.
Why does it take that away from you? I never stopped nothing. So you were able to do that before. I don’t understand why you can’t do it now. I don’t know what. Figure it out. We’ll figure it out for next time. But I’ll put up the sister that talked about. No, no, go back to above that one. Above that conspiracy music. Shared the frequency link. Oh, that’s what you want to do, brothers and sisters. You want to get that music into people’s, you know, environment. Let that start helping, you know, heal them. She’s been for a long time, that man to girl.
Yeah, have them do that, you know, that’s really important. Really, really important. Really important. So you want to take some questions tonight, son? I would like to take some questions, yeah, if you guys have any questions, hit us with some questions. Another thing I’m going to be looking at, I’m setting up a shop right now, guys, so there will be a shop get a couple weeks. It’s going to take me to get all put together, but it’ll be available on truth mafia. No, no, it’s going to be available on shop dot. Truth mafia. Yeah, well, it’ll be a shot for truth mafia, but yeah, it’ll have it right there on the, on the navigation and it’ll be there and we’ll have some good stuff there to help again, you with the team and continuing to build out and expand and all that.
And then again, we’re going to be launching some ways for you all to be able to make money by spreading the word about what we’re doing here and helping, you know, as we start rolling in to these other solutions and what we’re doing, you’ll be able to help spread the word and when people come into the system, it’ll be your link related to that particular thing. And then you’ll be able to start building multiple streams of income so that you can start making a living by living through transfer spending. Right. And teach other people how to do it.
And a lot of these companies, you don’t have to be on a monthly shipment or anything like that. It’s just referring something that’s important. Right. Something that’s important. A membership or a product that can help you with your energy body and your pineal gland or protection, like we do with body line. TJ, I did get this in because I. Yeah, the device that I talked about. I’ll talk. I’ll bring it out. I’ll bring it out. It’s. Listen, this needs to be like a neighborhood thing. It needs to be like a neighborhood thing. But this year will come in a bigger.
You can see that sun. That’s the new one that has more meat to the bone. And this has over 200 frequencies. Now, you put this an inch up. Now I got this one because I want to use it as example, is the one that goes on the bottom of your. Your monitor or where you need a smaller one? Not on the monitor screen. On the monitor. So this one goes on the cell phone one inch from the bottom. And I got to tell you something. When I went to the American Republic, I got this new phone, because I had the same phone for, like, four years.
I’m not one of those that upgrade every freaking year, but I had it, and I didn’t get a disc, and I freaking had it down there, and I was feeling it because I don’t have the device either outside of my ground. And I got back and I procrastinated. I didn’t get it. So about a week ago, I got it, and I put it on, and instantaneously, I felt the difference. Yeah, this goes beyond Suge Knight. We have Suge Knight ground up in these bands, and there’s over 300 frequencies in this one. I actually have a grounding map underneath my desk.
Hold on. Oh, shug night, when I tell you something, it’s the truth. Okay, listen. Right. That’s my grounding mat underneath my desk. And we’ll have them grounding mats available here in a couple weeks on our shop. And we have these shug night necklaces coming, guys, just like a lot of these people have seen the ones on my son’s site, and it’s very similar. It. But you can drop that into a cup of water that’s dirty, and it even cleans the water. I made a commercial about it. So a lot of really cool stuff is in the works that we’re going to have brother Richard on this show, too, from, you know, from the company that does the product that you have, you with your legs.
Yes. And we’re going to talk about those devices and the big ones. These are very expensive. I mean, we’re talking 50 grand to install the big ones now, not the small ones that are, like, 10% of that, but the big ones. We’re going to be bringing in people that are worth millions of dollars, tens of millions of dollars, hundreds of millions of dollars. And we’re bringing them in to get to do a donation for an installation. And we’re going to have a map showing the world, defend planet Earth. And we’re going to set these up. These are the ones that have.
That are giant and. Whoa. What the heck happened to my dad? Hey, guys. It threw dad out at exactly 1 hour and 13 minutes into this live. Ain’t that crazy? 1 hour and 13 minutes and dad disappeared. What happened? Put me back on. Okay, so I was talking, so I don’t know what. That was very strange. 113 is the occult is the secret society’s number. You don’t want me saying this, dude. I. That’s a big number with them when it comes to suppressing information and shit. Like, wow, that was amazing that they did that. Exactly. At one, one, three it comes.
Wow. So anyways, I’m going to talk. Anyways, we’re going to bring brother Richard on. He’s going to talk about this stuff and these, what they’re called, Zeds. We’re going to bring in people that have money. You know, they can make a donation to get one of these put in to the ground. We’re going to go after some of these big influencers like Mister Beast. We’re all going to attack Mister Beast and say, you got to get involved in this, man. We need to get. And we’re going to create the website defend planet Earth and we’re going to have these all over the place.
Oh, my. Get involved with him. Strategically located. Who? Mister Beast, dude, he’s all. No, no, I’m saying. I’m talking about people like him have a lot of money. Oh, yeah. He should go ahead and buy a hundred of them and, you know, they’ll get, they’ll get put into a specific. A specific area. Right. We don’t need him anyway. Gender on our youth. I mean, you can tell with this logo, his logo is the transgender flag. And his get. His co host just turned into a transgender. So, you know, I mean. Oh, yeah, I don’t care about what all he’s doing.
I was just using him as an example. That are good influencers that make a lot of money, we’re going to get them involved in spreading the word. But one of my business partners, very wealthy, and he’s going to bring it out to a lot of other wealthy people and they’re going to make donations and they’re going to get their name on it, okay. Their name on it and it’s going to be put in a specific area and we need 330 of these. So we said we’ll go and round it off to 333 because that’s not a bad number and we’ll round it off to that.
But we need 330 of these around the planet, strategically located. And then we’ll start reversing the damage to the atmosphere. We’ll start reversing the damage to everything on the ground, to our plant life, to all of our stuff will actually start reversing all that stuff. And these are, there’s a few of these out there that the big ones cover. The one in my backyard covers a mile in about a mile and a quarter around from my house and 200 km up. I haven’t had any big storms here, rain, but nothing like, you know, what was supposed to be happening just ain’t happening in this neighborhood since I got that device.
This thing, the big ones are, they start at 750 course all the way up highs. You can go cleaning by the way, and they work their way over a period of time to around 2000 km. So I meant kilometers, not kilometers, kilometers. So this is a powerful thing to help clean up the damage from the electrical magnetic pollution, but also clean up all of the ground because the agricultural units and these now the new ones, the smaller ones are all copper, you know about that, son? And they’ve got these antennas and all this. Well the agriculture ones, they increase the crop by double.
No pesticides, no fertilizer and half the water and double the yield. Bigger plants, bigger stuff. So, and this is, by the way, they’re out there being used already. They just upgraded this next version. And again, we’re going to bring Richard on. You and I will talk about that because he’ll talk about what’s going on and then how this is going to help, you know, affect the change because we got to get cleaning up everything. We got to clean up our atmosphere, we got to clean up our rivers, we got to clean up our oceans, we got to clean up our soil.
We got to make sure everybody’s got a place to live. Energy, food, water, all of these things. We got to move down that direction, that righteous path, that light path and put our energy and our focus on the solutions to get this thing done. I see everybody arguing, oh, is the earth flat, is the earth round, is it? Who gives a, you know what, stop arguing over stuff, let’s get things done, you know. Well, it’s up to people like us to not even address it because, you know, we like, we don’t even address it no more.
Dude, when people say stuff in the comments, the best thing is not put energy into it, because then it. It brings that, you know, energy out. So just ignore it. Don’t put no energy into it, because it’s up to us content creators to stop it. So all we have to do is not pay attention to it, and it stops. Well, again, focusing on the solutions. We don’t have to pay attention to it. And, you know, as we start bringing this stuff out and everybody sees it, like, if you need one in your neighborhood, you go to your neighbors, you bring the science to them, you bring all of that stuff, and, you know, oh, yeah, somebody said something about the hydrogen water bottle.
Yeah, I’ve been drinking this stuff now for about. Since, I think I told you guys before. And it really works. And really, I could feel. Feel the difference in my stomach. But, yeah, we got to focus on the solutions in the group. We got to keep positive, keep positive frequency, you know, do positive things again, declare and decree that that whole prayer circle that the community set, I’m going to get rid of some of this stuff. Distraction. I want to keep it very clean, mission oriented, that where everybody can come in, connect, gather for free, doesn’t cost you anything.
You’re going to sign up for a free membership in one of the sites that my son and I and our team are putting together. You’re going to be able to go into community, and you’re going to be able to gather together and work together for all of these things that we need to be working on on a local level, on a county level, like self sufficiency, for God’s sakes. Everything’s just in time. What are we waiting for? For all of it to break down. What happens when no one has food, son? Well, you know, people are going to be.
It’s going to be like Mad Max out there. I think we start eating each other, right. I’m worried more about what they’re doing with CERN. That’s what scares me the most out of everything, because they’re showing it to us in the movies. There’s so much predictive programming of them opening up dimensions. And this person, you see the comment on the screen is talking about strangelets. Well, most people don’t even know what that is. And one of the primary concerns with these strangelets are, if they’re stable or not, they could theoretically convert normal nuclear matter, this strange matter, upon contact.
And this is what they’re looking for, whether they’re harvesting it at CERN. Right. These strangelets, even that name sounds weird to me. I don’t know why it kind of reminds me of stranger things. But strangelets are made up of up down and strange quarks. Normal matter is made of up down. Corkse. So the addition of strange quarks makes strangelets, you know, a different form of matter. And, yeah, it’s. It’s. You can look into it more, but it’s all about at CERN. I would actually like to do a decode on it because, you know, I’m looking at it now, and I never really looked into it before.
And strangeless is 38 in Chaldean, which is a. Just a huge number. It’s on the COVID of murder by numbers, the number three and eight. So, yeah, I would definitely like to look into that a little more. I haven’t even heard no one talk about strangelets in a couple years. So that was interesting, Aurora, that you brought it up made me think of it again, but I would like to see what they got going on over there at CERN. But the strangelets, what have they said lately? Have they mentioned anything on their strangelets? Let’s look. Let’s type cern real quick.
See our cern. Have you ever heard of these strangelets, dad? No, I didn’t hear of them till a couple years back, dude. Didn’t. Like, this was right around the same time all that Jade Helm stuff was going on, and. Oh, here it is. Okay, so here’s their website. They kind of break it down for you. I swear, guys, I’ve read almost everything on CERNs website. No joke. And I’ve read nothing on their website, son. Oh, dude, I read it all because it fascinates me so much, bro. There. This was tied into their creating these microscopic black holes, the strangelets.
You know, that’s what everybody was talking about at the time, thinking that it was going to make this black hole. Kind of like they showed us in the Simpsons. Remember, go to the Simpsons. They started up the particle accelerator, and it created a small black hole. And I. And the small black hole ate up all of, um, wherever they’re from. Where are they from in the Simpsons? I always forget the name of that place, but, yeah, it, uh, it ate up everything. And in certain is the biggest magnet in the world, guys. So this thing has to be having an effect on.
Well, let’s just play devil’s advocate. If the world is spinning, which we all know, probably, but let’s say it was, for example, and then they’re using this thing. You don’t think that’s gonna have an effect on that? 100% it will. I mean, it would have an effect on it. No matter if it’s a spinning, a simulation, flat, whatever, it’s still gonna have an effect. Me personally, I think it’s the same thing they used during the tower of Babel, that whole story. I just think it was a stargate. It wasn’t an actual tower that they built to the heavens.
But, you know, I have. I can’t prove that. That’s just my theory on it. But, um. Yeah, I mean, that’s all I got for today, pops. You got anything else? Anybody got any questions? Here, let’s read through this. The whole monetary systems changing, that’s for sure. I don’t know how fast it’s going to happen, but it is. Yeah. I didn’t put the nano soma. Oh, yeah. You might want to. You might want to do that. Put that link in there, son. Put the. Put what I put with the copy and then put the link in there.
Okay. That’s really important. I mean, I take that stuff, by the way, I got the new. One of the new things that are coming out in this stuff, man, I told. I told my client about it today. I said, my dad said they got some. No stuff because she. Oh, my gosh. Hold on. My home girl, she’s actually put this up. My big shenanigan also over here. Oh, I gotta tell you. And she said, I don’t know. She said she tried it already, and she said it didn’t taste bad. I said, no, it doesn’t taste bad at all.
Look what it did for you. It’s that ingredient that’s in it and how it’s broken down to get into the cell that’s making that impact. I showed everybody the energy body. Remember last time I showed everybody the energy body that was going on after the five sprays of that, how it was all dented before the five sprays, and then it wasn’t dented. I think we get more into that next week, but make sure you put that link in there, because that’s important for people. And again, you know, what you need to do is you need to.
You need to look at what are you spending your money on that’s serving you, and what are you spending your money on that’s not serving you? You do like a column, you know, get a piece of paper, right, draw a line down the middle. Put all of the stuff that you’re taking every day, you know, if you’re taking prescriptions, start, you know, doing whatever you need to do. I mean, they told me I’d be in a wheelchair on Social Security disability and with a morphine pump, taking all kinds of narcotics on top of that for the rest of my life.
That’s what they told me in 1994, I can tell you. I don’t take any prescription drugs. And they had him on some hardcore, you know, some people stole them at the kennel and they were laying in the ditch with their head down in there throwing up. That’s how just this one little pill you did. You were bad. PJ was a bad youth. I did to whoop his rear end and a few times. But I regretted taking them. I didn’t know what they were at that time. I’ll tell you what I learned. Poison. It is poison. And I lost my brother Joey, your Uncle Joey, who you loved a lot too, at 40 years old, because he got on there, look.
Yeah, nothing’s a cure. Nothing’s a cure all. You know, I take that and then I take a lot of other stuff along with it because nothing is a cure, all, right? You know, nothing, right? But it works really good. It helps a lot of people. I see it myself, you know, with what’s going on with my son and myself and other people. It’s working great with pets, too. So it’s just another solution to help people, right? It’s just another solution to help people. And I take, I got, you know, I take CBD oil, vape. I got CDC spray here.
I’ve got. I’m taking the real shit, bro. I got gummies. Well, we know, son. You know, you’re, you’re over there hitting up the real stuff. Lady rock. It doesn’t taste bad. I told her today when me and her talked on the phone, I said, it tastes like tears. That’s what it reminds me of when you cry and it goes in your mouth, that salty tear taste. Yeah, it really, I mean, I up my nose and what I’ve noticed is my breathing has been a lot better. Really, really good. I take nanosoma at really good stuff. And your supplements, like multivitamins, work better when on nanosoma? Absolutely.
That was just put up there. Put that up. Send real quick at the bottom. Oh, yeah. Because girl asked me today. The girl, I showed up there. Her, she said, should I quit taking my supplements. I told her, absolutely not. I don’t. Look, I don’t. You know what I mean? I mean, I take two days a day. I think you said these on Amazon, right? I take this, I don’t care. This is all organic by the garden of life. I take this and my wife takes this, I think one time that they could only take the Nano soma.
That’s what they say. I don’t. I mean, I’m taking this for. For male stuff that when you get to be 59 years young, you got to take. I mean, I. I take a lot of stuff. I spend a few hundred dollars a month on a supplementation. And the reason I do is I watch my mother spend $1100 a month on prescription. And she died by drowning in her own fluid through that. Filled her lungs up while she was going to the bathroom. That’s how grandma Marshall died. Yeah, at 64 years old. Dude. My other grandma, she died real crazy too, bro.
Like, she just went her last day on earth. She was talking all kinds of stuff, seeing crazy things and, you know, but I was. I was in the hospital on the day she died. I had a freaking kidney stone. So they put me in the hospital and matter of fact, me and that grandma, you know, she was. She was a crazy one, my grandma Donnie. And we had just gotten a big fight two days before she died, and I didn’t even get to tell her I was sorry. That stuff still messes with me, even though I know she, you know, that’s.
Grandma knew, like, I was definitely one of her favorite grandkids, so. But you always think you’ll have more time with people than you. You end up having, you know. Absolutely. Absolutely. You gotta be careful how you especially talk to your loved ones because it could be the last time you talk to them and you think, oh, I’ll have another chance, but absolutely. Got it. You got to be unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness, and non judgmental. You know, not, you know, not sitting there trying to judge everybody, you know, worry about yourself, become the best you can be.
Step into your power. Let’s help save this planet and move into the 5D together. Yep. Yeah, I agree with you, brother. I think the medical system is set up to keep us sick, so we need to learn as much of the holistic stuff as we can. And. Yeah, thank you guys for joining us today. Make sure you smash that, like, button. If you guys ever do anything for me, I ask you to please take out a minute and go join the newsletter. That way you get the emails. You won’t just get my emails. You’ll get everything that’s getting dropped by the truth mafia.
But I’ll make sure mine are, like, exclusive. So, you know, because I know a lot of you guys come to watch my stuff, and I’ll make sure that you get all them so thank you, guys. Hit the like button, share the video, and we’ll see you next week. Same time, same place. We’re out of here.