➡ The speaker discusses the impact of trauma, conspiracy theories, and the importance of self-awareness. They mention how they navigated through the pandemic by hiring a shaman and focusing on their internal voice. They also talk about their experience with comedy, describing it as a form of rejection therapy and a way to manipulate people’s feelings. They emphasize the importance of patience and self-development in mastering any skill, including comedy.
➡ This text encourages us to find our purpose in life by focusing on what we can give to others, rather than what we can gain for ourselves. It suggests that our purpose is not tied to our societal roles, but rather to the joy or value we can bring to others in various ways. The text also emphasizes the importance of resilience, continuous self-improvement, and never giving up, even in the face of failure or criticism. Lastly, it highlights the importance of having a goal or end game, and reevaluating our paths when necessary.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of finding purpose in life, drawing from Japanese philosophy and personal experiences. They emphasize that achieving goals doesn’t always bring fulfillment, but identifying a purpose can make life more meaningful and exciting. They also mention the importance of gratitude and how unexpected rewards can come from pursuing your purpose. Lastly, they encourage people to take time to identify their purpose, offering to provide resources and guidance for free.
➡ Comedian Bootsy Greenwood is planning a live comedy show and podcast event at a local comedy shop in Summerfield, Florida. The exact dates are yet to be confirmed, but the event is expected to take place in October. Bootsy invites everyone to join him for this event, which promises to be a fun-filled gathering. He also encourages his fans to follow him on his website and social media platforms for updates.
➡ The speaker discusses the comedy industry, comparing it to a secret society with gatekeepers who control who gets to succeed. They criticize mainstream comedians like Joe Rogan, suggesting that their success is more about their name than their talent. The speaker encourages aspiring comedians to create their own opportunities instead of trying to fit into the established order. They also touch on their own experiences with gatekeeping and the satisfaction of building something from scratch with the right team.
➡ The author discusses their process of simplifying complex texts to make them easier to understand, using a book they’ve read multiple times as an example. They also touch on the importance of universal principles found in various spiritual books, and the idea of reincarnation. The author also shares humorous anecdotes about societal norms and the challenges of navigating them.
➡ The text discusses various unconventional beliefs and practices, including the idea that life’s ultimate purpose is to connect with our inner soul, which is seen as God. It also mentions unusual practices like consuming one’s own bodily fluids for enlightenment, and the use of body parts for healing. The text also talks about the cycle of life and death, and the concept of using natural substances like honey for healing. Lastly, it mentions the idea that urine can contain trace amounts of gold, and the use of human body parts in traditional Chinese medicine.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the exploration of human body parts and fluids, the concept of love, and the impact of negative forces on love. They also delve into the Kabalian, a book that attempts to unify all religious systems, and its potential author, William Walker Atkinson. The speaker also mentions the influence of Eastern philosophies on Western thought during a specific period in American history. Lastly, they promote their Patreon and other platforms where listeners can access more content.
➡ The text discusses the Kabalion, a document that combines principles from various religions. It emphasizes the principle of mentalism, which suggests that everything is first a mental construct before it becomes physical. The text also explores the concept of mental gender, dividing the psyche into the observing ‘I’ and the experiencing ‘me’. It encourages balancing these aspects for a fulfilling life and warns against nihilism, promoting instead the idea of inspired action without attachment to outcomes.
➡ The text discusses the joy of dancing and how it can inspire others to join in, creating a shared experience. It also talks about the importance of perspective and mindfulness in dealing with life’s ups and downs, like a gas crisis. The text further explores the concept of alchemy and the power of controlling one’s mental and emotional state. Lastly, it discusses the idea of being influenced by group energy and the importance of maintaining personal agency.
➡ The speaker discusses the power of words and how they can influence people’s actions and perceptions. They also touch on the importance of creating opportunities rather than waiting for them, and the value of investing in personal growth. The speaker also mentions the potential of words to ‘possess’ people, influencing their actions and decisions. Lastly, they express their discomfort with persuasive tactics used in sales, but acknowledge their effectiveness.
➡ The text discusses the power of words and hypnotism, questioning if they can influence people’s actions and perceptions. It also explores the concept of astral projection and the idea of unlocking one’s true self. The text further delves into the importance of purpose and perseverance, suggesting that continuous effort can lead to mastery and insight. Lastly, it introduces the Japanese concept of Ikigai, which combines what you’re good at, what you can be paid for, what the world needs, and what you enjoy into a single purpose.
It’s like we totally gloss over the actual principles that are in operation. And the first one being the principle of mentalism, that everything is a mental construct before it’s a physical construct. Infinity is real. If infinity is real, whatever it is that you can think of, it already exists beyond, like, even the things that you can think of beyond that, all those things exist, too. So instead of having to, like, create this thing and, like, work really hard, you can just already know that whatever that thing is in your mind already exists in the mental plane.
Welcome back to another episode of the one on one podcast. I’m your host. As always, make sure to check out the show on all social media platforms. TJ, ojp.com, at the one on one podcast, on pretty much any podcast platform, any social media platform. We’re there. Make sure to check out the Occultist Mundi Homunculus Edition. 88 pages of Homunc goodness. And we also have the other ones professionally printed. If you want the armchair occultist Reader’s Digest, make sure it’s the best toilet paper money can buy. So make sure to get your copies tjljp.com or on the Ko fi store.
We also have the comic books on there. Also follow me on Twitch or on the one awon Media YouTube channel I am streaming every Tuesday at 06:00 p.m. eastern. Come and hang out as I play games and we talk. It’s usually a good time. We have Joe Roop is there a lot, and we just talk about anything and everything. So make sure to check me out on there links down in the description. And today we have a guy who hasn’t been on the podcast in a while, and. And I like this guy. What up, Owen? What up, Juan? It’s a pleasure to be here, man.
Thanks for having me. It’s been too long, dude. How you been? It’s it has been too long, dude. I’ve been busy. Things have been good, though. I can’t complain. I’m just. I’m happy to be back kicking it with you, though. It’s nice. I’m glad you’re hanging with Joe Root, man. That’s my boy. Yeah. I love Joe. Shout out to Joe. Lighting the void. Make sure to check him out. Fringe. Fringe dot fm. And dude, plug your stuff before we get into it. We’re gonna be talking a little bit about the kabalion today. Some alchemy, some reality manipulation, all that good stuff.
Where can people find you on your podcast? Hell yeah, man. So my podcast is called Blue Collar mystics. I call it that because, well, I’m like, I’m a simple person. I grew up in West Georgia, and I feel like if I can’t teach a meth head to meditate, then I’ve done something wrong. So, you know, really, I’m all about taking this esoteric occult crazy and just, like, bringing it down to the ground level, making it as simple as possible so we all understand it. So I think we’re all blue collar mystics. Anybody who’s digging down into the final rabbit hole, which is our self.
So blue collar mystics is my podcast. I go by Bootsy Greenwood on the ones and zeros. That’s my stripper name. So, you know, if you need a little bit of late night entertainment, holler at your boy, too. But boots of greenwood.com is my website, and you can find me on YouTube. Bootsy Greenwood. And that is. Yeah, that’s. I’ve got a bunch of videos just talking about a lot of this stuff. I break it down. I got the whiteboard, and I just write, you know, stick figures and stuff on there to try to illustrate these reality concepts and, you know, fuse it with stuff that hopefully can be really helpful for people.
I’m just trying to empower, inspire a little bit and show people, you know, where I’ve come from, because I was at the pits of despair, you know, in the. In the conspiracy realm, and I had to kind of dig my own way out. So that’s kind of why we’ll be talking about the kabalion today. That’s one of the big books that really helped me start to understand this stuff. Yeah, definitely. It’s funny you mentioned the. What I call the interdimensional crackheads that need to be stopped. And actually, Joe was just ranting about this past Tuesday about the interdimensional sluts that need to be stopped and need a quit line to society.
So there’s something there, dude. These. These interdimensional crackheads are taking over the 711, so they must be stopped. And we’re here to do that. And I just want to say, bro, you know, we’re talking about comedy, and, you know, before we start recording, and I want to say, I admire people who do it for a living, dude, because it was one of those type of things where there’s something to be said about the power that trauma has, right. To transform. Now, obviously not all trauma is good trauma, but I do believe in putting yourself in uncomfortable positions to better yourself.
Right. To advance. Because we get sometimes how you mentioned these. These rabbit holes sometimes, and the conspiracy, especially where you just start to believe that everything is fake and gay, and it might very well all be fake and gay. Like, for all we know, we don’t know. That’s the thing. And part of the kabalion that I. That I enjoyed listening to you in my ear holes today for a couple hours, and I’m going to be talking to you for another hour. And so here is the idea of right, all is mind, all is mental. And if you’re able, if alchemy is the transformation of mind, or not just alchemy, but magic, right? The way I’ve come to understand magic is putting yourself in the state of mind to bring forth that change.
So when I did stand up, I’m not gonna lie, bro, it was traumatizing as hell. Mm hmm. It was. It was scary, man. And it was something weird, right? Cuz we’re on this platform, you know, people tune in me and you’ll make a dick joke. We don’t know who laughs and who doesn’t. We’re probably bombing, dude. We’re probably. The people are like, man, these guys need to shut up. And when you’re up on the stage, dude, I wasn’t expecting the real time feedback, that feedback loop. So I’m just like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And I’m like, oh, wait.
I’m looking at this lady in her eyeball and she’s disgusted by the stuff that I’m talking about. That’s a real dude, that’s a real reaction. I literally was up there, bro, and I didn’t know where to look. It was like 200 something people was more people than expected. And I’m looking, and when I hit. When I hit the punchline of the dog dick, I looked this guy in the front row. See, I’m like, do you remember the last time you saw a dog dick. Like, looking at him, bro, in his. I was looking through his soul and the look on his face, I.
Dude, it’s just, like, imprinted in my mind. He’s like, he didn’t know what to do, bro. And I’m like, man, these are real people that I’m talking, dude. It was the craziest. And there was a heckler, bro. I had a heckler the first set out. Holy heckling, dude. And it was just, I was like, I admire people who actually. You do that. Like, you do this, and I can’t imagine doing it. Like, I did it for fun, bro. Like, my friends were there. Paranoid American was there. Donut was there. Sam Tripley was there. A bunch of people who listened to the show were there.
And I was having fun, but I thought I was gonna faint. I was chain smoking cigarettes before going, before going on. I was about to like. And this guy things like, bro, you are. I was like, I didn’t get this over with, man. I just. I got. I got to get up there. I almost tripped going up on the stage, dude. Classic. It was very traumatizing, okay, to say the least. And, yeah, I told my last joke in the middle. Told my middle joke at the end. Mm hmm. It was. It was something else. But I believe putting yourself in these positions to further right that the.
And I recently talked about this on. On a stream I was doing about. And I could have swore this. This was part of, like, Marvel or DC canon, where they really. Any hero goes through a sort of transformational trauma. Like, Spider man gets bitten by a spider that kind of transformed. Maybe that’s trauma. Captain America goes to, like, a special program in the army to trans. So there’s something with the superhero, and then you bleed into, like, the occult conspiracy realm of, like, MK Ultra, where they’re trying to create the Ubermensch, and that’s part of the Kybalion, the Kabali on, you know, the.
This overman, this Superman. Right? So, yeah, dude, I’ll shut up. But absolutely, the trauma is. Can be used in a beneficial way. Right? Not the bad kind of trauma, but, yeah, I’m absolutely with you as well with this. This. The conspiracy really mold your mind and not in the best way possible, and you’re able to take it. And I say, you know, get people out, dig people out of the rabbit holes that they’re in. And I think that’s really important, especially nowadays where you can’t even trust your eyes, bro. Yeah, that’s true with AI and everything, right? I.
When the pandemic happened, dude. I was totally lost, and I had a really hard time with that in so much. I actually hired a shaman at the time to help me because it was like, I don’t know who to believe. I don’t know what is going on. I’m so lost. And in my mind, I was like, if I can’t hear my own internal voice, I’m. Because that’s what really matters. My internal voice might tell me to get the out of here and go to somewhere else. My neighbor might need to stay here and that we may have completely different paths, but I know that no one can tell me what I need to know internally, and that’s the most important thing that we can know.
And I just. I got into it. Maybe I’m just, like, a little bit emotionally sensitive or even fragile, but I got, like, like, into, like, a victim mentality. Studying a lot of the conspiracy stuff. And it was just like, it’s. Everybody’s got their different level that they can take and not be, you know, some people can read this all the time and it doesn’t affect their mental state at all. But for me, like, I had to really be mindful about what I was consuming. Right? Like, it’s like, the other day, I almost clicked on a Russell brand video.
I didn’t do it. It was like the biggest win. I was like, I just ran a marathon or something. Yeah, because, like, it just takes one, you know, I’m one and I’m down that hole. Just one more Alex Jones video. Just like Alex Jones lullabying me to sleep, you know what I’m saying? And it’s like, so I had to just shift what I was focusing on, and that was really helpful for me. And what I found, these certain books, I realized that basically, a lot of the things that we’re talking about and experiencing, it’s nothing new.
There’s nothing new under the sun. And it’s been like that for a long time. And it’s good to know what’s going on, but we have to learn how to understand what’s going on, but also protect our inner ecosystem and make sure that we’re okay, because we, we don’t. We all have the right to feel good. We all have the right to be happy, pursue happiness at the very least. And so it’s. It’s a balance, you know, we want to know what’s going on, but we also need to be able to really understand ourselves at a deep level.
And then that way, we can be guided on the path that’s meant for us, you know, whatever that is, because it’s all different for each one of us. But, dude, I love what you’re talking about with comedy is so true. All the things you’ve experienced. I’ve experienced it so many times. And I had a girl on the podcast, actually, a couple of weeks ago, and she was talking about rejection therapy. She was actually. She’s actually a personal stylist, so she was talking about, like, basically peacocking. She’s like, wear outrageous outfits and go out and see what happens, you know? And she was talking about rejection therapy.
And I’m like, holy. That is basically what comedy is, because you do get that instant feedback, and, you know, you’re looking. You’re saying the dog dick line, and then all of a sudden, someone’s looking at you and they’re mortified. Yeah, dude, it’s like the Joe Rogan’s line of, like, bombing, where it’s like, it’s like sucking a thousand dicks in front of your mom or whatever he says. And there was a local comedian that came up to me after the show, and he’s like, dude, everything that you said, cuz, bro, I tell history. Like, I talk about history.
Everything that I cover is history. You know, it’s in the. There’s records, it’s in the book. Like, that’s history if you want to believe in it or not. It doesn’t matter. And he came up to me, goes, dude, it was hilarious because nobody knew what the you were talking about, dude. That’s how I started. I started out trying to talk about these high level ideas on a comedy stage where people are like, bro, where’s the dick joke? You know what I’m saying? Like, they had no idea. So it’s taken me, you know, quite some time a to get comfortable.
I mean, I remember when I first started, there was a comedian that I really look up to. He opened up for Tom Segura and Doug Stanhope, and he was a friend of mine named Carlos Valencia. He lives in Charlotte, but he told me that it took him five years just to get comfortable on stage, and he’s one of the funniest I’ve ever met. Like, he just doesn’t stop. He can’t turn it off. Like, he’s always on. And I was shocked to hear that. But in my own development, like, I totally get that, because, like, when you’re on stage, you’ve got all these people looking at you.
They’re all having their own expectations. You feel their energy. A lot of them have an attitude. They’re like, okay, you better make me laugh. You know, like, they’re not on your side. It’s a, it’s dead out there, and there’s nothing you have to create all the energy you have to bring it, and you can’t let a hundred or 200 people dictate to you how you. It’s the ultimate alchemy, you know what I’m saying? Because you have to generate that emotion yourself and bring that to them. And until you start getting that loop going, they’re just like a brick wall, and that’s it.
So it’s a. It’s definitely a trying thing, but I encourage people to do it, but also to have patience with it, because it’s like, do you become like a master mechanic in a year, or do you become a great painter in a year or a great copywriter or any of those? It’s like, no matter what it is and for whatever reason, I don’t know, I was deluded. I was like, I’ll be good at this in a couple of years. You know, it’s taken some time to even just, you know, get comfortable with it. But the more that I’ve gone on stage and experienced it and had that rejection therapy, the more you kind of build a callousness to it.
You don’t even care, like, what the audience is like. You know, you go out there and you bring your set, and you start to. I call it snake charming. Andrew Schultz used to say it was like bull fighting. I’ve heard him say. But to me, it’s like, to me, it’s like snake charming because you have to go out to the audience and they’re like, let’s say you’re hosting, too. That’s even harder, right? Because they’re not warm. They haven’t laughed yet. They’re not, like, in a vibe. So you have to basically, like, you know, seduce them into liking you and then get them to laugh and then keep them laughing.
And then as soon as they’re, like, on your side, bring the next comic up so that they keep that momentum going and going, because it really is. It’s like, it’s this, like, dance where you have to, like, lull them into a hypnotic state. I mean, we’re all in hypnotic states all the time. You know, it just depends on kind of which one, right? Like, we’re all in some different state of consciousness or vibe or however we want to call it. We’re all collective, collectively hallucinating all the time. We just agree all together that this is what reality is.
And right, you’re talking about comedy being the sort of esoteric are which it is, right. Making somebody feel a certain type of feeling. And I was thinking today, right, because we’re gonna be recording this, and I was thinking about how this gesture. Gesture archetype or like the clown, and how the clown is also related to the nephilim, according to some people’s research, right, this idea of. And then you’re talking about manipulating people’s feelings, people’s realities, which we know feelings are the different, right, the divine comedy, because I’ve been playing Dante’s inferno. So the divine kind, there’s different feeling, heresy, anger, gluttony, like all these different things.
And the, it’s interesting because a gesture, like a kind gesture, it’s something that could be done kindly, but then you have the gesture, right. Of this person that kind of. So I’m like, what, where’s the connection there? Is there a connection of, like a kind gesture and a gesture, right. Because there’s something though, that class of people, right, back then, during the, the renaissance or whatever, they always were very close to the court, like the royalty in some sort of way. And I’ve heard people even talk today about how the comedy movement. And I’m talking about like the mainstream comedy movement, right? And we’re talking about Joe Rogan, all these guys, which, let’s be honest, bro.
Let’s be honest for 1 second. Let’s be honest. All right, let’s do. I like it. Rogan, isn’t that funny. And I think that people only show up to watch his stuff because he’s Rogan. What if these, this comedy scene, how some people say, is part of the three letter agencies, if you will, right? Because we’re talking about the jester class, right? This, this person that could kind of survive, but they live with the royalty, but they weren’t actually. They could touch them, they could be around them and make them laugh, right? Like, what if this comedy scene is just that? Because I’m thinking about Rogan’s the SA.
Didn’t he make one? The sacred clown? I could have swear I went to go see him live, Orlando, when he did that. Or speaking of not being funny, but I went to go see, I’ve seen him do. And he was good. I mean, you know, he had a great, he had a great set. Was, it was fun to watch. But your point is very well taken. And as someone who is in the industry, like, are you there? Gate. It’s gatekeeped for sure. 1000% there’s tons of hilarious comedians that you’ll never see or hear. I mean, there’s a line out the door of people who just aren’t accepted by the group.
And, you know, I mean, I could even talk about experiences that I’ve had where society, bro, say it. It’s a secret society. I mean, essentially it is. I mean, it’s like we. We went and did, like, a show down at a spot, and no one was. Everyone was, like, mean to you, and, like, they didn’t even acknowledge you, and it’s like. And then they just, like, lambasted you on stage, like, you do, like, a roast battle or something. Then all the judges just pick on you. It feels like being bullied in high school or something. You know what I’m saying? And it’s just like.
It’s just a. It’s just personal. But it’s funny, too, because a lot of the people who are, I guess, I don’t know, black bald is probably not the right word, but just not embraced by the industry. They don’t have the entrepreneurial, like, prowess to go and just do their own thing, and that’s all you have to do, because, like, everybody wants to be made by this industry that you oppose and hate. It’s like, if you hate the established order, why are you trying to join it? Start your own thing. Like, it’s not that hard to go to the bar down the street that you are going to be drinking beer in anyway, and just be like, yo, can we do an open mic here? It’s really that easy.
And not enough people are willing to do that. But that can grow into an entire circuit, that can grow into an entire tour, that can grow into an entire group of people. And if those people have the correct mentality of abundance and not just willing to cut each other’s throats so that they can feature for Marlon Wayans or whoever. You know what I’m saying? Like, nothing against Marlon Wayans. Super funny. But, like, if I’m going to feature for some comedian that everyone else came to see, then I haven’t made it yet. I’m just their feature. What the.
Who cares? Nobody cares if I hosted their show. They’re not going to follow me on instagram. They’re not going to come see me at the club until they’re seeing me at the club. I haven’t made it yet. You see what I mean? And all it takes is a few like minded people who have the right mentality to go and work together. Look at Monty Python. You know, what they were able to do, you know, just a few dudes sitting in a room for a couple hours a day. It’s really not that hard. Look, what you and Thomas have done with paranoid America, with the comic books, I mean, the y’all have done is hilarious.
It’s phenomenally well done. Like, it’s just as well done as any of the mainstream. So. So, you know, like, shadow band. Yeah. So there you go. And so that’s how you know you’re doing some good. For the record, I don’t believe in shadow banning. I believe in, like, just make better that people like, like, that’s, and that’s the thing about creating content or creating anything with art, because comedy is art, too. It’s like, well, they didn’t laugh. We’ll get better. You know, like, what will be better? And that pushes you to be better and innovate, and again, step outside of that boundary of like, oh, I’m just gonna keep trying this because.
But at the end of the day, I always tell everyone, have fun. If you’re not having fun, don’t do it because you’re not gonna be passionate about. You’re not gonna enjoy it, and it’s just gonna be another chore, another thing, another drag. Like, oh, here we go again. But you’re absolutely right, dude. And, man, I hate gatekeepers, dude. That’s one of the things that turns me off the most about even the podcasting brothers, a Ton of Gatekeepers. It seems like everything is, is all about, you know, you have to get through this guy or that person or this and that.
And unfortunately, I mean, a lot of times, like, it’s. I take it for granted how far I’ve come, because there’s people on, there’s people on, like, Reddit. If you go, like, the Podcasting Reddit that are getting, dude, they’re getting, like, 50 downloads, you know, like, oh, I got 50 down this month. I’m like, oh, you know, like that. We’ve come a long way, you know, like, and millions of downloads now versus these people who will, you know, you have to break through that barrier. And it sucks, dude. Like, making Something New and starting a brand from Scratch sucks.
But how you said, if you get the right Team around you, it’s definitely possible. And that’s one of the things that I experienced, how you said this gatekeeping. When I was looking for a place to do Sam’s show here in Orlando, I hit up a couple of comedians, and I’m like, hey, dude, I’ve seen you do a lot of shows at XYZ. Would you like to collaborate? Like, here we have, you know, it’s going to be for Sam triplet using his name, right, to, like, see if you could get something. Hey, it’s gonna be for Sam Tripley, you know? Could you help? Yeah, I don’t.
I don’t know of any clubs, bro. You po all your reels. Are you at some club? You can’t, like, you know anybody there that you get the owner? Like, come on, dude. You’re not gonna be at some dude’s club and not know somebody to at least be able, like, dude, I’m not looking for a free hand. I, like, everything’s gonna be coordinated, but it’s like, yeah, I actually don’t know any. I was like, oh, okay. I see how it is. It’s fine, dude. Don’t worry about it, you know, but those same people come a knock, and when they see you up into the right, you know, I’m saying, yep.
And it’s like, sure, dude. I mean, it is what it is, and it. And it feels so good to be, like, I’m good, dude, or not even open up their. Their message or anything after the fact, I just book them and take a cut, you know? Hey, and that’s fine. That’s what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna. You’re absolutely, like, you got the connections. Yeah, dude, I get a cut. Awesome. I wasn’t looking for a handout. I was just looking for a spot to be able to do it locally here, you know? And I figured, like, if we establish a relationship, it can be a reoccurring thing.
So everybody wins every single time. But now. So, back again to this gatekeeping stuff. And one of the interesting parts that, about the Kabali, and I don’t even want to get into that, because I was listening to you read it today, and people can find that on your. On your YouTube channel, the audiobook version that you did, and you also translated it. Yeah, I mean, I don’t know if you can do that. I mean, I translated it from English to English. Right. Like, it’s like. Like the Gen Z version. It’s like spirituality is litty, fam, you know, like, sit down and open up your third eye crown, bruh.
You know, and. But I just wanted to make it more consumable. If you read the old version, it’s got. Just got old writing, and, you know, I just wanted to make it more easier to understand. Like I said, you know, like, I want to take it and I make it available to this and make it as simple as possible and just boil it down. So that was really my goal, and I learned it so much by doing that. Like, it really helped me to understand the concepts a lot because it was a book that I read quite a few times, and I really kind of struggled with a lot of the concepts in there.
There’s one chapter in particular that’s kind of like, you could probably just skip it because it’s like, it’s talking about. It’s a correspondence chapter, which is a great idea, as it’s, it’s where the, as above so below idea comes from. But they talk about the plane of mineral mind, the plane of plant mind, the plane of, you know, all these different planes of existence. And then they talk about how they’re all linked together, you know, as well. And it’s like, is that really important? And I almost skipped it, but I was like, no, I’m going to keep this legit because I’ll probably do a summary, too, where I just summarize everything in, like, 30 or 40 minutes, and then I can skip it.
But I want to keep it intact because I’m not trying to, like, you know, piss off the gods. And fortunately, thoth has not stricken me yet with any lightning bolts. So I’m good to go as far as that goes. But as far as the principles, man, they’re tried and true. And you find these principles in all these other spiritual books, too, whether it’s Ralph Waldo Emerson or James Allen, or the Vadim Zeland transurfing book or the Bhagavad Gita or the Dao de Chingenk. Like, these principles are universal, and they’re really the things that are the, I would say, game rules to the simulation, essentially can, for those that don’t know about the kabbalah, can you give us a brief breakdown of like.
Because it’s one of these books that is anonymous. And I was, I did an episode yesterday with, with Alex Myers, and we, we talked about the book of Aquarius, which is this anonymous book that came out, and it’s revealing you how to create the fault. It’s urine, right? They’re like, hey, if you drink your own piss, it’s the philosopher’s stone. I’m like, and he’s like a, you know, how have you ever tried to create the fire there? I hear it’s. It’s from your pee. And I go, listen, do these alchemists have tried their excrement, their piss, their blood, their everything? I’m sure there’s something.
The kidney stones. Is that the. Has anyone ever tried to eat their kidney stone? I mean, I don’t. Dude, I don’t know. I mean, he. Crush up your kidney stone and snort it. Is that, like, the answer of all? Can you imagine, bro, if that was, like, the answer to all of reality, how wild that would. The dumbest things that’s in your face, like, the most simplest thing, because sometimes it’s hidden in plain sight, bro. But everybody ignores it. I’m not drinking my piss anytime soon, and I’ve seen people who. Dude, they’ll marinate it for weeks, dude.
Bro, that’s. That’s disgusting. Maybe that’s. Hey, maybe that’s what Bear Grylls was on, dude. What if he knew the secrets? Bear Grylls knew the secrets to reality and he was showing us and. Nope. Everyone has always made fun of that guy. Like, I was drinking his own piss. That’s the first thing they say about him, drinking your own pee. But what if he knew, right? Like, it. Because sometimes it be like that, right? It’s like some we’re so focused on, oh, more, more, more. You know, let’s find the deeper meaning to the Olympics, a breakdancer that everyone’s losing their mind over.
It’s like, oh, with this whole conspiracy of. Who gives off about this lady breakdancing? Yeah, whatever. She sucked. I thought it was. I thought it was lame, you know, but it’s all. It goes viral, dude. The dumbest things go viral, man thing, right? Yes. Bit on it. Good for you. You girl. Like, why are you so special? You know what I mean? Because she said the quiet part out loud, bro. You know, saying, like, she said the quiet, and that’s. Again, I feel like the. These people that go viral, they’re like these archetypes. And especially nowadays, where you have to pussy foot and.
And tiptoe around all these different. I was on the phone my dad today, and he was ordering something at Starbucks, and the guy sounded kind of flamboyant. And he’s like, my. Again, my guy, my guy. My dad’s one of these older guys. He’s almost 50 years old now. My dad’s kind of young for my age. 50. He had me at 1850 years old. And he’s like, thank you, sir. And then the person’s talking. He sounded kind of, you know, kind of gay, and. And then he said, thank you, sir, again. And I was like, dad, don’t.
Don’t say sir. So he’s just, you never know. He’s like, oh, there’s only two genders. And he goes on this whole realm like, yes, dad, but we’re in a place where he’s making your drink, bro. He’s gonna spit in your chai tea if you call. If you sir, it’s ma’am. You know, like. Like, I tell him, sir. And, man. And I catch myself sometimes too. Not that I really care, but again, I think we’re in this indoctrination. And sometimes I’ll be on the phone for whatever. Work or something. I’m alright, thank you, sir. Or, yes, sir.
And I catch what’s like, hopefully it was a sir and not a they. Them, he, whatever the hell they identify as. Like, sir, I identify as a homunculus, all right? So don’t ever call me that again. Right. I’m an interdimensional being. That’s what I identify as. So, yeah, this indoctrination, we have to kind of, like, tiptoe around all these subjects. And I forgot what the. I was going with that, but. I’m sorry, continue on. No, that’s. I can’t stop thinking about your dad drink. I’m drinking coffee right now, and I’m like, he’s sipping it. He’s like, creamy.
Is that. It was a hot tool, bro, in his dress. Is that clit juice? What is that? What am I putting on here? I. But, no, I mean, the same. Yeah, it’s crazy. We do have to tip. It’s weird, you know, because the truth is, is that we don’t want to offend anybody. That’s. That’s all projection. And it’s like people just. They want to be offended, I think, a lot of the time. And, you know, we were raised to say, yes, ma’am, yes, sir, no, ma’am, no, sir. You know, I don’t know. I try and comply with whatever the rules are just because I care about people, and I.
That’s fine. It’s not a big deal. I’m making an effort. And if they get up, I mean, I. Dude, I’ll tell you a story off air that’ll crack your ass up. But I can’t. I can’t share it here. You understand? But I really do. Like, I go the. I go the effort. But to your point, like, may it. Could it be drinking pee? Who knows? I watched this one dude on tick tock who was talking in the. You know, during the pandemic about going up to the North Pole and drinking the living water. And I was like, well, it could be you.
I mean, you go up there and sip the living water and just, boom, you’re out of the matrix. You become the thing it could be, but we don’t really know. That’s what’s crazy about it. But I. What the Kabalion really, I think is doing, and I’ll say this too, I’m like super obsessed with the Bhagavad Gita. Like, that’s my right now. But, like, the ideas really overlap. And ultimately it is about, like you were talking about becoming that Ubermensch. It talks about polarizing to your highest self. So whatever you see that as. And the way that people used to do that is they would look at a picture of Jesus, not him on the cross, but like, the transfiguration is really like osmosis.
It’s about basically, like marinating in the essence of what it is that you want to be and bring into the world. So it’s like you look on Jesus and then you begin to take on his characteristics. You begin to embody unconditional love and these values of fruits of the spirit or whatever. And so that was a big part of, like, gnosticism and starting to understand, like, the values of purity and spirituality and all those things because I think ultimately I believe in reincarnation. The kabalion talks about it in that book. Bhagavad Gita talks about it as well.
And so, like, maybe we don’t make it out of here this time, but that doesn’t mean that, you know, we don’t learn a whole lot and then maybe come back and then learn more and then come back and then learn more and then eventually get to the point where I. We do get out of here. Because the Bhagavad Gita says that is the ultimate purpose of life, is to connect to the ATmA, which is the soul within us, that is God. And when we actually do that, then we basically, you know, break through the barriers of whatever this fake gay simulation is.
I love the meme you posted today. It was like, everything is fake and gay because that’s essentially what it says, right? That’s not incorrect. That’s. That is like they say in Hinduism, all is Maya, right? Like, it’s all Maya, it’s all illusion. So it is all fake and gay, right? Like, it’s all just kind of. But the rules and the parameters to leverage reality, those exist so that we can get the things, some of the things that we want, some of the things that. How funny is it that google has got AI popping up first now? I just noticed that today.
I didn’t ask for it, but, yeah, shout out to Sean Alger from, from the weaving spiders welcome for that meme he had. He texted it to me, and he always sends me good stuff, but. Right. Speaking of this, I just looked up. Urine does contain trace amounts of gold. Huh. Listen, dude, I don’t know if you ever read or looked into the box saga where they were. Where they were sucking their own dicks for enlightenment. They were blowing loads into their mouths for enlightenment. And then it turns out that, like, the loads contain DNA and information, so literally, it was enlightening to consume it.
Right. And there’s where you get it. Maybe the dudes that got tired of sucking their own dicks are like, dude, let’s just hold it in, man. We don’t have to keep doing this no more. Hak to a. Let’s just hold it in. Right? Let’s just stop jerking each other off. Because there was like a hierarchy of. There was a guy who tickled the balls, the other guy stroked him, and then, yeah, dude, it was like a. Wow. It was like a. It was like a swastika of dudes, but they were jerking each other. It’s. Read it.
It’s in the box saga. But, yeah, the urine can contain trace amounts of gold. Gold can be found in urine when it’s absorbed into the blood and filtered out of the body in an ionized salt form. And this is interesting because the Chinese, they would quite literally, and these were taoist monks and taoist alchemist. They would collect. They were. This is where you get the. The mellified man from, which is a legend about a person that towards the end of their life, they would sacrifice themselves for the good of their people. And they would only eat honey towards the end of their life until their urine became honey, their sweat became honey, their ecstatic became honey.
And then when they would pass on that, they were purified. They would be put in a sarcophagus or a tomb full of honey, and it would be closed off, and they would just let them marinate for 100 years. And then in 100 years, they’d open up the tomb, casket, whatever. And they’d take. They’d break off a piece of that Kit Kat bar, and it would heal people, right? So they take a piece of the guy that had mellified himself, the honey Mandev, and they would use it as a. Some sort of elixir to cure people. And the Chinese.
And this is. And it comes from a chinese account of an. Of an arabic story or something like that. And it was this Guy who wrote a book, the largest encyclopedia of, like, chinese herbalism, like, in the 16th century. And as soon as he finished writing that book, he dies, bro. Like, he wrote the most extent. Here, I’ll pull it up. The Bang Bang Kao gung moo. So the bank. How Gong moo is a compendium of material. Medica, or great pharmacopoeiA, is an encyclopedic gathering of medicine, natural history, and chinese herbology, compiled and edited by Li Shenzhen and published in the late 16th century during the Ming dynasty.
And this dude, Bro, as soon as he was done with it, he died. He, like. He, like, was exhausted from. From writing this book. But the point is that they use body parts and different things to here. So the content, it was. Let me find it here. But they had 11,000 prescriptions, and it was a lot of. It was, like, the sediment at the bottom of urine, right? Like. Like, a lot of those things. The. The. Yeah, let me pull it up because it gets crazy, but there’s something to it. I’m not gonna be doing anything with my own semen or my urine, but I’m just saying it’s interesting that they would use the body to heal the body, right? Whenever, like, leaves fall off of one of my trees, I let the leaves fall were next to the plant or the fruit, right, because what better fertilizer than fruits of whatever come from that tree? You get what I’m saying? Like, it keeps.
It’s an endless cycle. It’s like the kabalion says, where there’s a cycle of rebirth, right? So it’s born, it matures. It. What was it? Like, some sort of expansion? And then it peaks and it matures. Yeah. And then it. And then it dies. Right? Like, after it hits that maturity point. Yeah. That’s fruit, right? It falls into the ground, it comes back up, and it just. It’s an endless. It’s the ouroboros, bro. Right? That’s all it is, so. But, yeah, urine does contain gold. Well, dude, this is crazy that you mentioned that about the honey, because I just had, like, one of my.
One of my best friends who’s, like, one of the smartest on the face of the planet. He’s, like, just genius. Genius level. They won’t even tell him how smart he is. They’re like, oh, you. You’re really smart. We can’t tell you the number, sir. You’re autistic. Oh, yeah. Basically, that’s what we say to him, you know? But he’s the sweetest too. But, like, he was telling me about manuka honey. Have you ever heard of manuka honeydeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh? No. How do you spell that? Okay, so it’s m a n uk a. It’s from New Zealand. And so you can apparently take manuka honey and you can put it in your wounds and it’ll heal your wounds.
And so that’s how the aborigines in New Zealand would use that as a cure all for pretty much everything. They eat it, they put it in their wounds, and it fights infection, staph infection, all this kind of stuff. I had never heard of it, but he literally, we were literally talking about it literally two nights ago. And I have a picture. Yeah. Of it that he sent me because he’s talking about what he’s been eating. You know, we’re talking about our health stuff. And so, yeah, so essentially, I don’t know how that might connect to some, like, burying bodies in honey, but, like, somehow or another, like, that’s a very, like, healing, like, medical type of substance.
I have mad honey. You ever heard about that? Mm hmm. So mad honey is a honey that comes from the himalayas, and there’s a flower that the bees pollinate from, and it’s got a neurotoxin. So the bees will pollinate this flower at a certain time of year, and when they come back to make the honey, have trace amounts of that neurotoxin and it gets into the honey. And when you take the honey, it’s got psychedelic effects. Oh, that sounds called mad honey. Yeah, yeah. I have a, I know somebody who has some who bought some off the Internet, right? So, yes, I’m trying to find the list of stuff that.
So man. Okay, so man is medicine. Here we go. Here we go right here. So included 35 human drugs. That’s it. That’s actually a good title, man as medicine. Because if we were put here, right, by goddess earth and there’s certain people who have. Who have violated the laws of nature, if you. All right, and I think this is where nature is unforgiving. So maybe certain STD’s came forth from a man interacting with an animal and in an appropriate way. Right. And therefore, you have to pay now for what you did in that point time. Right? Because this all ties into the nephilim.
And the reason it ties into the nephilim is because allegedly back then, they were able to get gold from the urine of the nephilim. I don’t know. Somebody told me about that yesterday, some theory. And I was like, sure. And this is where the year does urine contain goes like, yeah, it does. And here we have the man is medicine, where they have a bunch of different things, like the prescription 33 human feces. What if that’s the secret to reality, bro? Right? So human earwax. Human? Neither. And one of my favorite grimoires. Oh, that’s. That’s a weird thing to say.
One of my favorite magical recipes that I’ve seen was, you needed to get the water that ran off the ass of a woman that was facing towards the east or something like that, bro. Dude, these. Now, that could be cold for code for something. I don’t know. Right? But can you imagine having to collect the ass cheek water of. You got to make sure you face the Easter, and then let me get the water turning off your ass cheeks. But, like, human teeth, human nails, white sediment of human urine. Processed white sediment of human urine. Urinary stones.
Human milk, saliva. What the hell is human Tartar? Tartar what? Anyway, I guess from your teeth, like, maybe, I don’t know. Human. Go. A ghost of a hanger. How do you even collect that? So, fun fact, they believe that the semen of a hanged man, wherever it would fall, would grow a homunculus or a. A. The hell’s that plant that looks like a man? It’s in Harry Potter. The screaming plants. Anyways, I don’t know. Human placenta. Processed fluid of human placenta. Umbilical cord. Human penis. There you go. Now we’re cooking with gas. All right. Human mummy.
And then human beings from different locations and human beings in extraordinary forms. Again, these were. These were stuff. The hell is that? These were things that. Look, how do you get a picture of my dick? Here’s my chode. Right? So it’s like they were experimenting back then with this sort of stuff, dude. I mean, it makes sense that we can heal ourselves. If we can drag ourselves out of the rabbit hole, we can heal ourselves. But we’re being constantly bombarded, bro, with garbage, with stuff. And let me say that as I take a hit of my vape.
So, interesting connection, dude. I didn’t think we’re going to be talking about this today, but we are. We’re here. Well, it’s fascinating. I mean, I know. I remember when you were on the homunculus thing for a while, and, you know, I was interested in that. You know what I mean? And then. And the box saga stuff has always been kind of interesting to me, I think does great work, and I think he’s a great guy. We’ve talked a couple times. We’ve had him on the show. And it’s like when you go back in time, you start to see all these, like, pottery things of people, like, coming and things, and, like, it’s just gross.
Like, it’s all this, like. And it’s like you guys didn’t have the Internet, so you were just kinky, you know? And I’m not one to kink shame. You know, I believe everybody can. You know, I’m a very. Between two consenting adults. Yes, absolutely. Right, exactly. But. But I mean, when you look at this art and the sculptures and stuff, it’s. It’s very clear that there’s some sexual going on, like, sexual ritual stuff that is. Is definitely nothing part of our social, you know, it’s just taboo as far as, like, we’re concerned. Right. And so I’m not an ethno centrist either, where I think that our culture is better than anyone else’s.
But at the same time, like, this stuff sounds pretty. Pretty far out. Like, and that’s coming from me, dude. I’m pretty. Woo. So, dude, I mean, and that’s the thing, bro, that the word fetish, the original meaning before it was put into the psychosexual way, meant dwelling place of an entity or a demon or a spirit. And it’s weird that in the Kabalian, it also talks about the use of the sexual energy. And I love the way that Joe put it where it’s like, yeah, it’s. It’s the marriage between a man and a woman when they come together.
Like, love, right? The love. And I’m not talking, like, love under will do with, you know, none of that gate, but I’m talking about, like, love of looking down at your own son or a loved one and loving them. Like, you don’t know how to explain that feeling, bro. It’s a weird feeling. And I’m not talking about lust. I’m talking about loving somebody. Something. I look at my little son, like, I just want to squeeze you, bro. Like, he’s so cute, you know, I just want to. And sometimes I’ll be squeezing and sometimes I’ll hear, like, something crack and be all right.
You okay? Like, these kids are still developing, you know, so I’ll squeeze them and just, like, hold them in and. And it’s just like that. And he’s like, this is why the divorce rates are at a higher, because there’s something that comes, a force that comes in between everything and wants to break it apart. And that’s what perhaps Satan is, or that’s what evil is. That’s what the devil is like this thing that doesn’t want people to love. And look at the state of the world now, bro, where it’s very hateful, very this very that very polarizing which links into the kabalion, right? The polarization.
It’s all about poles and holes at the end of the day. Well, again, it’s just I find it super interesting that how you’re saying these in this particular book, right, written anonymously by the, the three initiates. I know this pioneer, William Walker Atkinson, attorney, merchant, publisher and author, as well as an occultist and american pioneer of the new thought movement. He is the author of the pseudonymous works attributed to Theron Q. Doomon and Yogi Rahman Chakra Sharaka. Interesting. So they think it’s this guy. Do we really know? This was published in 1908. So it’s got the perspective, right, of all, everything else that you were talking about.
The Bhagavad Vida, the Mahabharata were. And the way I’ve come to understand it all, any religion really, is you’re tapping into something. What you use it for is up to you. The Jedi use it for good, the Sith use it for evil, right? But they’re tapping into the same thing. And I think that’s what all, that’s all it is. But it’s a current, it’s a flow. It might be the current of your piss, right? The flow of your pit. Who knows, dude? It’s possible. Yeah. I mean, and what’s interesting about a new thought period in this time in american culture is like people got obsessed with a lot of the esoteric stuff, but that’s when this is the, this is the first time when eastern books were translated in the west.
So all the dow te Ching, the Bhagavad Gita is the first time. And so, and then you’ve got the transcendentalists who are my heroes. I mean, they nailed it as far as I can tell. Like, if you could read Emerson self reliance, that if I had to pick one book, you know, and it take you an hour to read, it’s like, what is more profound than that, you know, and, but, but this was a very interesting time in american history because it was, we were able to peer into the eastern ideas and thoughts for the first time because that’s when they first were translated.
So this particular book is definitely attributed to William Walker Atkinson or the three initiates, these anonymous masons. But he basically takes and he puts everything in category with seven different laws. And people talked about this for ages and ages, you know, and this is, these, these ideas are meant to unify all the religious systems. It’s not a new, it’s not a new cult. It’s basically meant to take everything and put it together because you weren’t allowed to say it was heresy, to say that, oh, well, I mean, the Christianity stuff is basically the same thing as Islam.
You know, you’d be like, oh my God, you were, you were a fanatic. You were a crazy person for saying something like that. You couldn’t, you weren’t allowed to make those kind of equalizations or comparisons. So what it is, is that the kabalion, which they don’t even know, it says in the kibbalion, we don’t even know what the Kabalyan actually means, like the meaning of that word. But they keep saying it. Yeah. Other than it was passed down just from word of mouth from master to student, master to student, master to student. So over time, like a game of telephone, you know, you’re gonna have some variation in things, but it doesn’t necessarily have any real meaning attributed to it.
So what do we got there? Just want to remind everyone, make sure to check out the show on Patreon. Patreon.com, the one on one podcast. I constantly get emails. Oh, only one episode a week? Yeah, one episode a week for the public. But for as little as $5 a month, you can get up to two, sometimes three, sometimes one episode per day on the Patreon, as well as on the YouTube channel as a member for as little as $5. And there’s also on the Patreon, over 250 episodes only found on there. There’s an extensive backlog of episodes, so check that out if for those interested, for those asking, make sure to follow the show on YouTube.
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Yeah, it’s not necessarily linked to the kabbalah, but it could be. But this is all just because they couldn’t write it down. They. They had to pass it down through word of mouth. Because if you were caught with a manuscript like this, then you would be in a lot of trouble because the power structure itself was like, well, we believe in, you know, catholicism or whatever. Fill in the blank. Doesn’t matter. And the kabalion is meant to take all the ideas from all of these different religious systems and boil them all down into the principles, which is what’s really more important anyway, right? Like, essentially, the way we think about politics or anything else is like, we attribute things to this person or this party or whatever.
It’s like we totally gloss over the actual principles that are in operation. And the first one being the principle of mentalism, that everything is first a mental construct before it’s a physical construct. Infinity is real. So, like, I love this because it’s helped me so much in my own journey. It’s like so many people try and work really hard to, like, manifest something. They think they have to generate it or create it. But in reality, if infinity is real, whatever it is that you can think of, it already exists beyond, like, even the things that you can think of beyond that, all those things exist, too.
So instead of having to, like, create this thing and, like, work really hard, you can just already know that whatever that thing is in your mind already exists in the mental plane. So then at that point, it becomes about bringing it into the physical, which is a bit of a process, but you don’t have to fight so hard to, like, manifest stuff. Dude, it already exists in the ether. There’s like, a version of each of us, like, infinite versions of it. And it’s like, if you want to get to that person, then you write, you know, or put in some sort of form what that version of yourself is, that higher self or over mensch or whatever, however we want to call it, and then transfigure yourself to it.
So you focus on that particular version and you vibrate towards it or whatever, you know, gay, you know, thing we want to say about, like, how to actually do it. You know, you’ll manifest it, but you focus on that thing. And where attention goes, energy flows as above, so below, you know, all these principles, it just comes back to you because you’re basically through osmosis or focus or attention, putting your emphasis of what. What it is that you want on that thing. And by doing that, it, it just brings it into reality essentially by itself. I mean, you’re still taking action and doing those things.
Sure. I don’t think you could get to sit around and just all of a sudden a check comes in the mail. Like the secret taught, you know, like that was obviously a hoax, but it took a lot of these ideas and sort of broke them apart and used some of them that you won’t. You’ll notice there’s no law of attraction in here, right? Like there’s mentalism, correspondence, vibration, polarity, rhythm, you know, gender and cause of effect. That’s a controversial one. Gender, right. Well, the biggest, to me, the biggest key in the Kabalion, if you were just going to read one chapter, I would read the principle of mental gender because that particular chapter breaks apart the psyche.
And it does it same, kind of similar as the east does where he talks about the I and the am and splits those two things apart. So the I and the am or the I and the me. Okay, so same thing. I am is me. Okay. In this scenario. But to think about it, the eye is the masculine, static observer. Like, the eye is never changing. It’s, it’s the part of us that’s always conscious, and I’m paying attention to everything, that part of ourselves. And then the me is the mental womb or the feminine. And so that’s this emotional range, the up and down, the, the thoughts that just kind of come out of nowhere, seemingly.
Right? Like, so we’ve got these two parts of our psyche, and in order to unify them, paradoxically, which paradox is one of the laws, you have to break them apart. So that is super powerful because, like, as you do meditation or whatever it is that you’re doing, you can start to learn to identify with that observer and then also, you know, lean in to that experiencer. You basically got the observant observer and the participant in the psyche. And so you want to be able to use both, obviously. Like, we’re here to experience the range of emotion.
We’re here to experience life and have fun as humans. Doesn’t mean we’re going to be some weird stoic that just doesn’t do anything, just sits at the wall all day like a, you know, like just a lump. That’s no fun. But if you’re aware that the observer is your, you know, is at the, like, fundamental aspect of your consciousness, and then you can kind of live there and then lean into that feminine, then you’re kind of playing this dance within your own psyche. And then you can have. You can have fun and then still stay grounded and centered.
Like, it’s not always easy, but if you can practice that, then whenever you start to have a flare up or get angry or upset or you have, like, a strong desire for something, you’d be like, okay, well, check. Let me check myself. You know, like, kind of lean back into the eye, because I know that I’m leaning a little bit too far into the me. So it becomes, like, this balance or dao, you know, like the yin yang kind of thing. Right? Same kind of thing. To so separate the psyche in order to reunify it. I think that’s probably the most powerful chapter.
You know, people, I think, get sort of stuck in the eastern stuff because it’s like, oh, you have to detach and you have to not like anything. And desire is bad, but it’s like, you can see where it’s hard to cut you off. Where. No, that part of it, too. Right? Because we’re talking about the balance, right? The middle path, the. You got the left pillar, right pillow, left hand path, right hand path. And you have the center, right. And you can see where that part of, like, detaching. And again, it’s hermetic. So it’s very gnostic.
And one thing that I. I don’t like about gnosticism or really any black pill, is where, like, everything is fake and gay. So what does it all matter? Yeah. Right? I just let me piece out of this reality, and you can see where that could attach itself to, like, worse things. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nihilism, which is what, again, we’re talking about. The uber mentioned. That’s what Nietzsche was like, listen, God is dead, but we killed them. Like, read the whole quote. Read that whole book, bro. It’s like, we killed him. And he was talking about, you know, this.
It brings in. It opens that door for nihilism, which then it leads you down this path of not having a purpose. Right. Not feeling useless. And there’s nothing more dangerous, bro, than someone who has nothing to lose. Could not agree more. 1000% agree. And that’s why I love the Gita so much, too, is because, like, christian is like, dude, I don’t want to fight. It’s like, I don’t want to do this, but it’s like, dude, you have to. You have to. You have to embrace your dharma. You know that your dharma is your action, right? Action, the correct action for you.
And everyone’s obviously going to be different in that. Like, what their dharma is. Like, for me, is to go up on stage and bomb talking about my taint. You know what I’m saying? That’s just, that’s just my dharma. So, like, that’s what I have to do. So I go up and I fight. You know, I go up and I do the thing. And so that is what’s leading us to that purpose. But that is also what’s leading us to get out of that desire state, because there is a higher state or form of what we would consider desire, which is just called inspired.
What does he call it in the Bhagavad Gita? It’s like, it’s basically like inspired action, right? It’s like you’re doing this thing, but you’re not doing it with any outcome attached, right? Like, you’re not doing it because you’re going to get a direct result. You’re just doing it because you’re inspired to do it and you’re not worried about the fruit of the outcome, which is, like, amazing when you can get into that state. Like, I’ve been working myself, just trying, like, learning how to emotionally get there. And it’s a, it’s, it’s a bit of a process.
It’s. It can be a lot of work, but once you get there, it’s so fun because you’re not worried. You’re in this state of indifference, which sounds kind of bad. Like, oh, indifference. That doesn’t sound fun, but you’re, like, having fun by doing the thing. It’s like, dancing is a great example. It’s like, why do we dance? Is there some outcome that’s going to come from dancing? Like, no, I just like dancing. I enjoy moving my body. It feels good, and that’s enough. And so the results that come from that generally, like dopamine, you know, just a higher.
A higher level of awareness. Just having, you know, having a good time and sharing with people. And then that becomes this momentum that people start to take inspiration from, right? Like, you’re actually, there’s one video where some dude, like, starts dancing in, like, a San Francisco park, you know, and then, like, everybody’s kind of looking at him weird, you know, and they’re like, what’s going on? And they’re like, he’s the weird one. But then everybody else starts dancing. And then every more people start dancing, and then before too long, you know, the three onlookers, they’re the weird ones.
You know what I mean? Because we’re all collectively agreeing. This is the new norm. This is the new thing. So therefore, it becomes the reality, right? Yeah, absolutely. And it’s all meant. That’s all mental right there. And then it’s also vibratory, you know, because the people are picking up on the. On the vibration or emotion of it. So then it becomes, like, the thing, you know? But, yeah, I mean, I. I’ve learned a lot just by, like, practicing this stuff. And the Kabalians really helped me to see from a higher perspective, because that’s really a big part of it, too, is, like, leaning into that eye and having, like, a higher perspective of it, because it talks about how the pendulum is going to swing.
So it’s like we have a gas crisis one week, for instance, and everybody freaks out and goes and buys seven gallons of gas and stows it in their basement. But then two weeks later, gas is lower than it’s been in six years. If you have perspective and you have the awareness and just the mindfulness to be able to lean into that eye, you’re like, okay, there’s a gas crisis this week. Cool. What’s coming next? You know, it’s like, let’s fill the car up, or whatever, and then you’re not affected at an emotional level like that. That’s, like, one of the things that it talks about at the end of the Kabalion is that people who know how to use their will, and some people don’t even know that they’re doing it right.
Like, but people that know how to use their will, that masculine will that is derivative of the eye in order to influence their feminine, the am, right? It’s like, just like, all the symbology of, like, the, you know, downward triangle, the chalice, and the upward of the phallus. You know, the phallus impresses upon the subconscious chalice, and then it creates emotion. So by actively doing that and being in control of our own mental state, emotional state, whatever you want to call it, consciousness level, then that puts you on a completely different. In a. In a completely different place.
You know, just by being aware of that, that’s really what. That’s really what alchemy is. It’s the cosmic cream pie. You know, we could just call it that, dude. So really, really quick, bro, because this is. This is interesting, right? So inspiration. And this is inspiration and enthusiasm have been two words that have always intrigued me because inspiration, right? And speaking of the Nephilim, we have Genesis two here. And the Lord formed man of dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. Right? We’re all homunculus.
Deep down inside. So once you learn to love your homunculus, you can love yourself and. Right, so inspiration meant immediate influence of. Of God or a God, especially under that which the holy books were written from french, old french inspiration, inhaling, breathing in inspiration. And it continues and continue. So you’re having this divine spark, right. The sense of evolution seems to be from breathe into. To infuse animation or influence, thus affect, rouse, guide or control, especially by divine influence. And then here, enthusiasm has kind of sort of the same thing. Divine inspiration produced by certain kinds of music, etc.
To be inspired or possessed by a God. Be rapt. What does that be? Rap. It’s like. Like raptured, rapturous. Be in ecstasy as. Look what rapt means. What does that mean? So completely fascinated by one. It. By one is see by what one is seeing or hearing, having been carried away bodily or transported to hell. Yeah, you’re right. Raptured. Yeah. And so divinely inspired, possessed by God and excessive religious emotion through the conceit. Conceit of special. Or conceit of special revelation from God. Interesting. So these words were literally like you’re being possessed by something. And that, you know, and the.
The dancing example you talked about, there was this book that I read. I believe it was written in 1888 or 1889 sometime where Nietzsche died. And it’s by Gustav Laban. And I’ve talked about this before. I did a. That. The crowd. Yes, the crowd. Yeah, yeah. That phenomenal book. Yeah, yeah. And the. The contagion that he talks about that weaves in and out of the crowds. Right. And how you’re saying it possesses people quite literally, because. Right. We’re talking about civil unrest. Well, we had all those riots in 2020, all this stuff where people were acting out of character.
They were being inspired and very enthusiastic towards what was going on. And it led to people losing their lives, you know, in some places that were being attacked. Because again, there’s something about the contagion, bro, and that plays into the law of correspondence, isn’t it? Like the where or maybe cause and effect. It’s both. Yeah, well, the cause and effect is great too, because, like, thinking back to, like, that I and the me, right? Like, if we’re. If. If we’re at the effect, then we’re basically just at the whim of our me, right? Like the emotional state that we’re in, like, oh, everything’s bad or everything’s good, or however I feel is.
Is influencing me. Whereas people who are alchemists, they actively can control their mood and I’m not saying that’s easy to do by any stretch of the imagination, especially in the world that we live in now with so much stimulus coming at you. But really that’s where we want to be. We want to be able to position ourselves at the cause and not at the effect. So if we’re in a riot, we’re like, okay, look, I’m not going to get looped into this. You know what I’m saying? Like, I have agency. I’m aware of what I’m doing.
And I’m not just going to like blindly start throwing bricks that are just so happen to be a stack of them right here. I can’t imagine why that might be. But, you know, having agency and being at a, the cause and then. Yeah. And correspondence to as above, so below, so like, as whatever that group energy is, we’re being influenced by it. Reality transurfing. The Vadim Zeland guy, he calls that pendulums. And even in Cabal, even in the Kabalion, they talk about pendulums. Like, I did not add that in there. Like, not. Most of the stuff that he talks about is in the Kabalion.
It’s just the Kabalian super dense. And then reality transurfing, I think I have a copy of it is a little. Because they, they take these principles, how you said they’re universal. So they take these principles and then they form their, their online course on how to manifest whatever it is, right? And it’s like, here you go, you can have all. Who is, who is like that? There was, there’s a famous guy was like that. Not Andrew Tate. Is Andrew Tate kind of, sort of like that? Not really. Right? I’ve never really paid attention to much of his stuff.
I know he was like teaching people how to turn girls into Onlyfans models. That was his whole thing. He’s like, he’s like the g or something they call him. I never really pay much of attention to stuff. I’ve watched a good bit of like dating and pickup stuff, but I never some, he always rubbed me the wrong way. Like, I never, I don’t think it was him necessarily, but there are several people who talk about that stuff in, in that sort of sphere. There’s a bunch of those types of influencers like Dan, Bill Zarian and some of these other guys, which, they’re fraud.
A lot of them are frauds, bro. Like that Dan Bullseye. And Guy was, was freaking broke, you know, like he was like going broke and losing all his money and all the houses and Eric. Because, again, that speaks to something higher, right? So especially when it comes to being a man that sort of. That met that I want to say is, like, toxic mask. No, I’m not even gonna say that. But, you know, I’m saying, like, the. The. The archetypal man. The. The. What the hell they call the people who chop down the trees. The, like, lumberjack.
Lumberjack, like, manly man. You know, I’m saying, like, that man speaks to people, and there’s, like, this evil devolution from that. So it goes back to that quote where, you know, hard men create good times or something. You know which one I’m talking about? Yeah. And it seems like, you know, my dad going through the drive through. Okay. Thank you, sir. I identify as man. It’s not sir. It’s ma’am. You know, it’s like, that sort of where. Whatever, dude. Whatever happened to sticks and stones may break my bones, right? But words are all powerful now. We’re back in the.
The Renaissance era, where there were grim wars, bro. Words have so much power over other people. Dude, I said on. On stage with. With Sam Tripoli, and he looked at. Because there was. The whole crowd went, and Sam looked over. He’s like, that’s like saying the n word nowadays. I was like, what? Quit being a bunch of, you know. Like, what are you talking about, dude? Yeah, some places, dude, and I. And I. And a lot of the. A lot of the comedy, like, places, they. They’re super. Like, yeah, they would totally, like, blackball you for saying something like that.
Like, there’s some places where you. You could still. You can’t cancel me. I’m already uncanned. Yeah, I’m already canceled. Again, you can’t. There’s nothing more dangerous than a man that has nothing to lose. What the are they gonna do to me? So I’m gonna call your boss. Call him dude, my phone. Or, you know, like, who cares, bro? Like, and. And that’s the thing. Words now are everything, bro. And it goes back to these dudes, like, john Dina, where Kelly were speaking to spirits. Oh, it’s the same version, bro. It’s the same thing nowadays. Like, oh, you got to refer to them by what they identify as, bro.
What? It’s a lot of fear. You know, it’s fun. And I’ve wondered this question, too, a lot, because, like, if you’re gay, you can say that. So it’s like, how many dicks do I need to suck to get a pass? You know what I’m saying? Like, 666 bro, I mean, you know, and if I drink my own homunculuses, you know, can I then, you know, use that as a phrase? You know, I. For me, like, yeah, I don’t know, I try to avoid. And it’s like, I didn’t even do a joke that I wanted to do so bad just because I was like, well, I’m just gonna skip.
I’m not gonna do this joke, you know, cuz I’m like, it’s not gonna necessarily help me. It’s. It’s a weird thing because you got to pick your battles, you know what I mean? It just is what it is. Like, it’s not like people aren’t saying it like crazy, you know, it’s like the c word or whatever, you know, is like the new thing you can’t say. But there is a truth to oppression, math, and people being able to get away with things, you know, if they are of a certain persuasion or if they do identify a certain way, then they can say those words, you know? So.
But I don’t know. I mean, I don’t make the rules. We just have to work around them in this particular world. But the other part of it is creating that, you know, that other system, the actual other system where it’s like, we don’t have to play by these rules over here. That’s what I’ve learned over the past couple of years. It’s like, well, if I want to get booked, which, good luck. As a straight white dude getting booked on shows, that’s pretty hard. You got to be good. What do you mean? Like comedy shows? Yeah, like comedy shows.
Or I can create my own shows and create opportunities for other people and book them. Then I get stage time because I created the show. I can do the show, my own show, and I give them stage time. So I start booking other people, and then they’ll book me as a result of giving them an opportunity, as opposed to how many people would view it of, like, well, I’m funny. Why isn’t anybody booking me? No one’s hitting my line. Why isn’t anybody booking me? This is unfair. But it’s like, dude, you have to create the opportunities.
You can’t just sit around and expect. It’s like you doing the podcast, you know what I’m saying? It’s like you’re talking about these podcasters who are just getting 50 downloads, dude, I know what that was like. I remember starting my channel. I just got super lucky, like, figuring, like, I didn’t even figure anything out. I was literally, just like, I’m going to share this stuff. I didn’t know there was a whole industry of people coach. I didn’t know any of that. I was just, like, drawing stick figures on a whiteboard, trying to help people, you know what I mean? And I didn’t realize it was a billion dollar industry, really, you know, like self help type of thing.
Like, yeah, self help stuff. You know, like, people will. Yeah, people will sell their courses, and a lot of them are really good. Some of them are, you know, some of them are frauds. It’s true. But, like, a lot of the stuff that I bought is really good. Not everything was, but, you know, usually you get a nugget or two out of it, and then there’s people who have systems where they can teach you how to, you know, do your branding and your podcasting or, you know, whatever, and then other people would be able to teach you whatever their area of expertise is.
And that’s. It’s. It’s extremely. It can be extremely valuable because think about the amount of time that you could save. For instance, if somebody could help me. Ten x my set, my comedy set. Well, I’ll be at the seller, you know, if I want. You know, like, my set would be so good because my set’s pretty good, but if I could. Ten exit. How much money is that worth? If I had all the money in the world, I’d be like, 50 grand. Here you go. Let’s ten x my set. Like, it’s no. It’s a no brainer at that point, you know? And so some people who understand insight and are.
And want to, like, basically put the gas down on their growth or whatever it is that they’re trying to learn, they’ll. They know that money is less valuable than time by a lot. Time is the most important thing back. Yeah, but. But they’re probably so busy working on their business and they’ve got all these other obligations that they don’t have the time to study something. So it’s like this book, the reality transurfing book, is, like, super long, or like, the kabalion, even. It’s like somebody might be like, man, I really don’t have time to study the kabalion for a couple of years.
Can you get on a call and help me figure out how to apply it to my life? And I’m like, yeah, of course. So you’re telling me, bootsy, that the $250 I spent to have a past life transgression and talk to my higher self was a scam? Dude, I had a past life. Transgression is like, in a past life, you were an Amco transmission technician. That’s what I do now. What the. So funny how. Just a feedback loop, right? It’s like she looked you up on, like, LinkedIn or some. I was talking to Joe. We were talking on, you know, one of the streams on Tuesday nights at 06:00 p.m.
eastern, Twitch tv slash 101 podcast. The. We were talking about how he doesn’t believe in hypnosis, right? And it’s like, well, what do you, what do you. And then we started talking about, well, you know, we’re talking about words. Sticks and stones and all this. Well, do words possess people? Because, you know, whenever. And we’re talking about. I think we were talking about the. When. When that whole thing with Chris Brown and Rihanna came out. And we’re like, listen, dude, we don’t know what was said behind closed doors, okay? And sometimes women will push certain buttons and things happen, right? I’m not saying I can.
I don’t condone that. I’m just saying, like, we were in that context of. And then that led into, like, hey, what can words possess you? Because when William Burroughs, a chaos magician, talked about, there’s a string of words that will unravel you, unravel your reality, will drive you insane, will fizz you, fizzle you out of existence. It’s like, what if the words are the. The keys, right? Literally the keys to reality and to possession. Like, you hit this. The. A salesman can hit the right amount of words, right amount of things to get you to buy something, dude, will get you to give into something.
I I wasn’t ever blessed with that. It’s funny because I have a podcast. I wasn’t blessed with persuade. I don’t like that, dude. I think that’s scummy. Like, trying to sell things. Like, I never really did like that. But that’s part of manifesting the change and bringing forth things to, to, to happen, right? The way you speak about something, the way you, you. So we were talking about that, and then I was like, well, there’s people. There’s videos. And again, it could be faked of dudes coming in their pants because this dude hypnotized him and made him, I think it was.
They made him believe that he was having sex with, like, Madonna or something. Some, like, hot. Well, Madonna’s. He starts throwing up everywhere. Maybe not Madonna, but, you know, you. Somebody else said, ha. But you. Somebody else, Jlo or any, any, anyone else, right? Insert anyone else? And the dude jizzed in his pants. And now that could have been made up, right? Could have been fake. You could have called on some dude in the crowd and it was actually his friend. A dude wakes up, but he was under this spell essentially because he was hypnotized. And of course Joe doesn’t believe in hypnotism.
I was like, dude, I mean, I’d be pretty pissed off if I was up on stage. And then I came to and I’m just like, what the hell is this? You know, I’d be, I’d be mad, bro, I’d be angry. So it’s like, do words have, have that power where they’re able to vibrate in your ear holes a certain type of way and it’s like the manchurian candidate or the over the Ubermensch, right? Where you’re just like. And then you’re a sleeper cell or something. Artichoke, dude. Like, yeah, like whatever, bro. Like who knows? I think that reality.
And I started reading, thanks to Joe, I’ve been hanging out with him a lot. I started listening to the right, speaking of reality, not being, being much more malleable than we’re led to believe, but it was the book by you pull it up here. By Robert Monroe, the journeys out of the body. I started listening to it today Cuz Joe had told me about it and dude, it’s some crazy stuff, man. He’s talking about, you know, the astral self, the higher self and letting go and you being able to do other stuff with that. He says that maybe.
Is that part of, is that a more advanced technique of what the Kabalian is talking about? Because I believe it was in either this book or the Kabali. And I think it was in this book where he’s like all the mystics knew about this. All the ones that were in the secret societies, the secret circles knew about this technique and that’s how they were able to join the club, right? Like the, this, this group of people who have this ability that they’re able to astral project and do God knows what in these other realms. Like, like, you know.
Yeah, dude. I was fascinated with the Robert Monroe stuff too, because like he’s talking about in the beginning of the book, like how he went to a psychologist friend and he’s like, I think I’m going crazy. I think you need to commit me. Yeah, because he’s like, I’m rolling under my bed and put my hand through the floor. This is up. Like that was Carl Jung too, though, bro. You know, Carl Jung was on the same boat where he. But, you know, the stuff that he was doing was kept under wraps for a while, too. And I believe his.
His red books were the ones that came out recently, like 2010, because it was, it was woo woo, bro. But it was about going within yourself to dig out stuff. I mean, I still, till this day’s trying to rap, it’s so dense. But again, using this active imagination, like, yeah, we were talking about the devil. I. Have you ever. Have you ever. Have you ever talked to the devil before? Right? Is the devil real? Like, what is that? You know, like, all is the go a show a real thing? Are we just talking to different aspects of ourself in different forms? You know, I know what Joe’s take is on that, and I tend to agree with them.
This. It’s, it’s, it is versions of ourselves, you know, like, and all paths lead to Krishna anyways. I mean, it’s all going to the same place. This is a Bhagavad Gita says it’s weird that he doesn’t believe in HIpaA hypnotism because like, I do. I definitely do. And even just NLP, you know, neuro linguistic program. I believe in that, though, before, like, all right, relax your anus. Sorry, myself with that said, everyone, relax your anus. I did start with that, Rose. Relax your anus, everybody. We’re about to go in and you know, just think of, you know, count between.
And then they’re just like, oh, listen, dude, I don’t know. I’m gonna talk to hypnotist on Friday, tomorrow for the show. He does hypnotism, but I don’t know. He’s gonna do it on air. But the. I don’t know, man. Cuz there’s a lot of fraudsters when it comes to this sort of stuff too. Like you’re saying there’s a lot of good books, but there’s a lot of people who are full of. Mm hmm. Right. And a question that I have for you, right, because we’re talking about unlocking your true self, perhaps fulfilling your destiny and doing all these other things, being good at your craft, being good at what you do.
But maybe something that a lot of people don’t talk about. When is it okay to call it quits and go, hey, maybe I suck and I should do something else? That’s a good question. That was some of my mom’s best advice for me. She was like, son, she really didn’t want me to play football. She would be like, you can always quit. You can always, always quit. Don’t forget. But, I mean, I don’t know. That’s it. That’s a good question. I don’t know, man. I’m of the opinion that you just keep barreling through, and eventually you’ll find your way you’ll find that crack in the dam eventually.
And it sucks to try and try and try and try and work and work and work and just keep hitting dead ends and keep hitting dead ends and keep hitting dead ends. But, like, I set up a YouTube channel and an entire Google infrastructure the other day for Athens comedy, which is a brand that I’m building here locally, and I did it so efficiently that Google shut down my account because they thought I was a robot. That’s how many times I’ve done this. You know what I’m saying? Like, I’ve done this so many times that they’re like, nope, that’s an AI bot, right? And so it’s like, because I’ve done the process so many times, it’s kind of automatic for me.
And so whatever it is that you’re doing, you keep doing that, and you keep learning these little tweaks and nuances, you’ll start to catch on to things other people have never noticed before. And that’s when you can start to give some really great insight to other people. So I say, I don’t really believe in quitting, but, like, if you hit a wall, just go a different way and try to find a way toward whatever that other thing is, and eventually, you’re going to find your talent, your penis showing game, as they say in the movie, waiting.
Right? Like, you’ll figure it out. And. And so, for me, like, the biggest thing I like to work with people on is purpose. Like, because if you don’t know and have, like, a purpose, like, I like it written out as a statement. Personally, that’s just my how I do it. Doesn’t matter. Like, and you can do it however you want, but, like, if you don’t know what that is, you don’t have really, like, a reason why you do what you do. There’s really not much room to grow from there. Like, what else are you gonna do? How are you gonna stay centered? How are you gonna stay focused? How are you going to be able to endure those days that are inevitable or a lockdown or what the ever is coming down the pipe, you know, if you don’t have what that is? So, to me, like, just digging down into that and into your own, you know, reason for being.
Or icky guy, if you want to look that up, it’s ikigai. For people out there who are looking that up, it’s a Japanese. It’s like a japanese modality. It’s what you’re good at, what you can be paid for, what the world needs and what you like doing all synthesized into one thing. Go to images. Yeah. So you see those circles and they all, like, overlap into your passion, your mission. Creep. It’s literally a japanese technique. Exactly. No, it’s just me. I’m hiding behind a bush. It’s me. I’m a creep. But. But, yeah. Like, that’s, like, for me, like, one of the best exercises that I like to share with people is to just jot down, like, each one of these quadrants, like, what it is for you.
And then also I’ll add this as, like, a nuance because this was something that I was obsessed about. Right? Like, this is something that I was able to find through a lot of trial and a lot of error. Write down the things. Also the opposite, the things that you’re not good at, the things you can’t be paid for, the things the world doesn’t need, and the thing that you don’t love doing. Right. Like, so you can process of elimination that right off. But what you’re going to see is you’re going to see things start to overlap between the four columns, and then you can start to take that and develop that, and then you can kind of mold that into a bit of a purpose statement for yourself and get a good idea of, like, what is it that I’m here to do? Because I’ll say this, your purpose has nothing to do with you.
It has something to do with everyone else. It’s not about you. It’s about other people and what you can do and give to them. So to be cheesy and a little corny for a second, my purpose is to bring people joy. It’s. That’s it. But I can do that in a lot of different ways. Like, there’s many different functions. Like, I can bring people joy on a podcast. I can bring people joy on stage talking about my tiny penis. You know, I can bring people joy in the grocery store line when I’m at Target or whatever.
You know what I mean? So it’s that function. It doesn’t matter what your role in society is. That has nothing to do with your purpose. So go ahead and divorce those two things and think about what you can actually give to the world. And what it needs, you know, all those, all those types of things and synthesize those things. And then you can cultivate, like, a little bit of a motivational statement for yourself. And whenever you’re, like, having a hard time, just come back to that, or even in the morning or journaling, come back to that and then link that into your higher self.
You know, that transfiguration thing that we’re talking about, the beginning, you know, or over, over soul and what your conception of that is. Now, don’t compare yourself to this perfect version of yourself, because then you’re just going to beat yourself up for not being perfect. But start to think about those capacities, those characteristics, and then just think on those things. Like in the Bible says, you know, think on these things, you know, joy and love and all these, all these things and those aspects of yourself, and you’ll start to embody them. I mean, they’ll just start to happen a little bit.
Another japanese thing is like the Paso opaso thing, where it’s like, a little bit of improvement, like 1% better every single day. Just a little bit better, a little bit better, a little bit better every day in every way, I’m getting better and better and better. And so, like, if you just kind of start that process, you could just take two or three minutes at the beginning of the day, tape something on your mirror, just a reminder on your phone that goes off. Like, I have a reminder that goes off on my phone every day at noon.
I do, too. It pops up. You’re a piece of, and then perfect, right? And so whatever works for you, that’s, you know, what you’ve got to do there. But, like, I like as far as, as far as, like, you know, just moving the ball forward and when to give up, I say never give up. There’s, like, even probably a, there’s probably a point where you push past for everyone. Like, if you could talk to any comedian honestly, like, they’d be like, dude, I, there were so many moments where I never thought I would make it. It was so bleak, man, and it’s so heartless.
And the other comedians are just savages. They don’t care about you at all. Like, it is the most heartless industry, hands down, that I’ve ever experienced, and I can’t imagine there really being another one that’s harder to navigate than comedy itself. It is literally the most savage industry that I could imagine. And so by having a lot of failure and a lot of criticism and negative feedback, and the audience hates you sometimes and all the other comedians hates you. It makes you so resilient and it makes you really dig down deep into that. So that purpose, whatever that is for you, and you can make it less corny.
Please give me a note, you know, less gay, less gay if possible. But, but yeah, I mean, for me, you know, that’s, that’s the big thing that I would say to anybody who’s like, I’m thinking about giving up. Don’t keep going. You’ll figure it out. You’ll find the crack in the dam and eventually you will find your stroke and who knows what, whatever that is. People need it. People need that from you. So stick in there. Don’t give up. My mom was wrong about a lot of stuff. I love my mom, but, you know, yeah, she was right about me quitting football because I was not a football star.
So she actually did nail that one. No, I love that dude. I think that, right. I don’t think that we reevaluate because we get in this hamster wheel of things and I don’t think that we, me, me and myself, myself included. I think I’m gonna try this out, bro. It’s like because sometimes you feel down, you feel stressed out. Cuz I’m working. Like, man, things aren’t going good, blah, blah, blah. There’s more bad days than good days. So let’s step back, reevaluate and see if this, right, because if you don’t have a goal, it’s so important what you’re saying.
If you don’t have a goal, if you don’t have it, like an end game, what are you doing? Right? You know, and dude, I’m a kind of guy who, I’ve winged it almost the 30 years of my life. I’ve winged it as much as I could. I’m gonna go with the flow. But once you have kids and everything, you got to start buckling down and start analyzing things a little bit more strategically because not just you anymore, you know, I’m saying like, people are depending on you. So I’m gonna try this out, dude, you know, reevaluating with everything.
I mean, with work, with the podcast, with everything else. And it’s like, hey, and then cut off what you need to cut off and do what you got to do. I think that’s, that’s so important, bro. Like that, that just clicked you like, so what are you doing? You know, when people ask me, oh, you have a podcast? Yeah. What’s it about? Stuff. There’s a great thing that Judy Carter teaches. That just popped into my head, too, because, like, she’s so good about, like, kind of selling yourself and what it is that you do, and she’ll have this, like, framework where it’s like, you know, how people have a hard time, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Well, I then fix the problem, right? And then people will be like, whoa, I need that. Like, how can I get that? And it’s like, that’s such a simple way to, like, phrase it. And I’m like, well, you know how people aren’t really sure, like, what their meaning is or, like, have, like, a really strong understanding of, like, why they’re here on earth? Well, I help them kind of tease that out and put it into. Into action or whatever. And so anybody can kind of take that framework and, you know, use it to kind of do a little bit of a call to action and let people know what it is that they do.
Because, like, I know you’re making this podcast for a reason. You’re reaching people with amazing information, insights into stuff that I would have never found. And, dude, the homunculus stuff, I remember when we first talked about it blew my mind. And so much of the stuff that you’ve done with Thomas, like, has just been so cool. I got all y’all stuff in there. Thanks, Rob. I got a bunch of stickers on the fridge, and I got. I got books on the shelf and stuff. I love what you guys are doing. The art, the art itself, you know, is uplifting, and it’s fun people.
It’s engaging for people. Lets them maybe take a little break from feeling existential doom and melancholy, which we all deal with. You know, like, even in our chat in telegram, one of the guys last night was like, well, maybe we’re supposed to be separate to feel this way. And ironically, you know, back to the idea of paradox, it’s like, yeah, we’re separated, but we’re also united in our separation. Like, we’re feeling that same emo, you know, like, emotions like that stuff. And we can relate to each other. And some of the best art in the world, it comes from that place of pain.
But the reason why it’s relatable is because everyone actually feels like that on the inside. So it’s like it’s uniting, ironically, to have that separation. And so, you know, just looking at things that way. And the Kabalion is really good for that because it can help you reframe anything. It’s like you can literally take the opposite of any argument and argue it, which is a cool skill to have, you know? And it’s not. But. But I’m with you on the whole, like, nihilism thing. I think that’s. That’s why I like the icky guy thing. It’s a reason for being ancient japanese art, you know, art form or, I don’t know, idea, philosophy, what have you.
Interesting. Coming from a. From a culture of people that have some of the highest rates, you know, it’s like. And they’re like, a lot of unfulfilled. And my wife’s half japanese. Her mom’s side of the family is all japanese. So again, they. This is like, it’s like a cultural thing, but then here you have this thing of, like, maybe that’s how they created it, but, like, man, we’re tired of feeling this way. We got to find some purpose and. And fulfillment, because it’s all. That’s what it’s all about, man. Exactly. Exactly. Even just finding, like, it doesn’t have to.
Like, I’ve. I’ve accomplished some goals in my life, and it’s like sometimes you hit the goal and you’re like, well, now I feel just as empty as I did before when I wanted the goal. But just identifying what that is and the way to it, that’s enough. That’s what he says in the transurfing book, is that when you find your goal, it makes your life a celebration, because you’re like, yeah, I got something to live for. I got something to do. It’s exciting. I can’t wait to do this thing. And some days are obviously, admittedly, much harder than others.
We long for things. People break our hearts. All kinds of crazy shit happened, but it’s so much easier to deal with that stuff than it would be without that direction. And it’s just. It’s just defining, you know, your reason why and understanding why it is that you do the things that you do and can really help you to contextualize yourself and your life. It’s like a lot of people ask me how I do as much stuff as I do, bro. Like, like the old dad joke was all going to the same place, you know? It’s like I see my life going in one direction.
These are just, like I say, functions are different than the purpose. These are just things that I’m doing that are ultimately getting me to that goal, to that destination. So you might wind up learning all kinds of weird skills along the way, which are great. And then you can leverage those to help yourself make money, make other people money, you know, make make people’s lives easier, whatever. But you’re on the way to that one specific goal, that one specific purpose, and then that’s what dharma is from the Bhagavad Gita. It is your purpose. It is purposeful action, right? Action.
And it’s devoid of the fruit. You do it because you want to do it because it’s what you know you need to do, not because you’re going to get a direct result from it. And what’s awesome about that is then you start getting indirect results, and things start coming to you from unexpected places. People will hit you up on Instagram and be like, hey, man, you changed my life, or whatever. Like, dude, I was crying today because someone sent me an Instagram message about how much, you know, one of the. The videos that I. Things that I was talking about on YouTube helped him.
I’m like, I’m an easy crier, so it’s pretty easy to do, like, finding Nemo. For me, that’s a tear jerker. But, like, you know, it means a lot, and that’s worth doing it. That’s, you know, if I. If I could. If I could work five years or seven years or whatever just to get one response like that, it’s like, wow, you know, I’m floored and humbled that I was able to touch somebody like that. And this is, like, somebody who’s, like, a really high achiever, you know, somebody who’s done very, very well for themselves. I’m like, sometimes I get on just, like, calls with people who are.
Who have been following my work, and I’m like, why are you hitting my line? Like, you’re a genius. Like, you know, and it makes me feel, you know, awesome. But also, like, kind of like, I get that a little bit of an imposter syndrome, too, where I’m like, wow, do I even deserve to be, you know, in this network? But that’s what true gratitude is, you know, is understanding that and being able to experience it. You know, it’s like, we can try to drum up gratitude and do your gratitude journal, but if you’re not actually feeling the gratitude, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work.
Yeah. And from our conversation today, bro, I feel pretty inspired and. And refreshing. Right? Because it’s not. It’s. A lot of this stuff is doom and gloom, black pill. Like, oh, it’s all fake, it’s all gay. Like, whatever. And I think that this conversation really just, like, you know, motive motivated me a little bit more to. I gotta reevaluate things and, you know, have a different perspective how you’re saying, you know, doing different things is just different facets of yourself, right. And just in a different. From a different perspective. So you’re doing this. You’re doing that.
Because I get that question a lot, too. Like, how are you doing so much? It’s like, well, I’m having fun, man. You know, having a great time, and that’s what it’s all about, dude. So, yeah, absolutely. Blew my mind. I mean, you’re blowing my mind. All this drinking your piss. You know what I mean? I’m like, all this. No, but, but see, but seriously, like, all of this stuff. And then the honey thing was kind of an interesting sink, too, because, like, my friend Tommy, like, the most scientific person on the face of the planet, like, you would never, ever be able to pull one over on him.
He’s so smart. And then he’s telling me about this honey that you put, you know, you put in your wound, and it heals all the stuff. And I’m like, what? And then you’re talking about them putting people in honey and eating there, but all of it’s crazy. It blows my mind. So, dude, your work is awesome, man. Like, you’re discovering things that I had no idea even existed, and I’m a super nerdez, so good job. Thanks, dude. Yeah, and I think that my journey, that was, like, one of the things that when I was up on stage talking about jerking off into jars, I think there’s, like, something that clicked from him.
Like, all my work has come to this point of me talking about jerking off in front of, you know, a crowd of people, looking this one guy in his eyeball, asking him about dog dicks. Like, this is. This is me, you know? Like, this is here. This is it, bro. This is. I just transcended to another dimension and just, like, peace out of this, man. Who knows, bro? But. Oh, and want to leave us with anything else, you know, before we wrap, I really enjoyed our conversation, but I think this is great, and I have to have you on more often, dude.
Cuz it was. It was. It’s been a minute since. Yeah, we lost. It has, man. I always follow you and love what you’ve been doing, but, yeah, like, I want to have you on to come, come hang out very, very soon. I’m podcasting again pretty consistently. I was doing a really long series with my friend Abby, which. Which was really fun, but, like, for those 18 or 20 episodes or something like that, right in a row, it was like, it was just she and I doing stuff. So I’m doing, you know, podcasts with more guests now, again, and she’s coming on next week.
Awesome, dude. No, she’s a. A genius. She’s brilliant. So, yeah, I just. Yeah, I want to encourage people, you know, sit down, take a minute. Another tool that I learned when I was, like, trying to find purpose. There’s a guy named Steve Pavlina. I think he’s in a BDsm now, but he was a big self help guru back in the day. He quit. He quit, and he’s like a gimp now, but. But he figured it out. But he said, if you just sit down and write down what you think your purpose might be for 30 minutes is what I think he said.
And then when you. It doesn’t. There’s no rules. Write whatever you think. And then when you write the thing that makes you cry, that’s what your purpose is now. You don’t have to cry, but, you know, if you feel some type of way where you’re just like, it hits you, you know, gutturally, then, you know. And so I did that. That’s where I started. And then I started finding all these other things because it didn’t work for me the first time. I had to try it a couple more times, and then. So the icky guy. And I’ve got some other tools and stuff.
If people want to hit me up, I’ll give you resources, purpose stuff. I teach that completely for free. I’m working on putting an offer together with Joe Roop and a couple other people to really try and leverage some of this information and then help people, basically, once they figure out what they want to do, put that into action and so help them out. So we’re working on that in the background making that happen. So, yeah, follow me, bootsy Greenwood, and, yeah, come see me do some dick jokes. I’m doing them all over the place. I’m having fun loving doing comedy.
So much fun. We got to get together Irl, bro, in real life. And I said in October, I don’t know exactly the dates or anything like that. The guys have been talking about it. I have to ask them again. But the Brohemian Grove, a live comedy show pod, they want to do, like, a podcast day. Like, there. It’s a whole thing, a whole event at a local comedy shop in Summerfield, Florida. So I’d like to see you there, too, bro. And. And anyone else listening, there was a lot of people who showed up that listened to the show, and it was.
It was pretty. Pretty weird, you know, having people who talk about admiring your work and showing up and. And supporting. But, yeah, I’d love to do something in real life sometime. Maybe it’ll be that the first time. Who knows? We’ll have Joe fly out, too, or something. Okay. I’ll pick his ass up. I’m gonna go pick him up. I’ll drive to Arkansas, grab Joe root, stick him in my trunk. Let’s do it. Let’s do it. Well, we’ll shoot down from there. So. Yeah, it’s a middle. Middle of. Middle of Florida. Yeah, Summerfield, Florida. Yeah, up toward Dorcala, which is closer to you because you’re up in your.
Near the border. No, yeah, I got. Well, I’m up near Atlanta, but, yeah, I’m not far. Like, I’ve got family in Jacksonville. I got family in Orlando, so. Okay, cool. Yeah, well, we’ll make it happen, dude. And did you have a website? Yeah, it’s just bootsy greenwood.com. all right, cool. Yeah, post the links in the description, and, yeah, this was great. As always, everyone make sure to follow the show on social media at the one on one podcast, tj ojp.com, all that good stuff. Also, follow me on Twitter, tick tock. Twitch streaming every Tuesday at 06:00 p.m.
eastern. Toys. A good time. And, yeah, dude, as always, everyone, catch you on the other side.