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➡ Logan, the host of Decode Your Reality, discusses his discovery of monkey pox during a flight where he watched a movie called Monkey Man. He believes there are hidden signs and connections between events, movies, and news, and uses numerology and religious references to decode them. He suggests that these decodings are not meant to scare, but to raise awareness. He also discusses the concept of duality in religion, using examples from Christianity and Hinduism.
➡ The text discusses the symbolism and deeper meanings found in the movie “Monkey Man”. It explores the connections between the main character’s birth card, the Jack of Clubs, and religious figures like Jesus and Lucifer. The text also delves into numerology, tarot cards, and the concept of the Kali Yuga, suggesting that these elements are all interconnected. The author concludes by linking these themes to real-world issues like poverty and addiction.
➡ The World Health Organization and other related organizations are all performing their roles effectively. There’s no need to worry, just stay informed. This is Logan from Decoder Reality, signing off until next time.


All right, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be. My name is Logan, your tour guide, and this is Decode Your Reality, and today we’re going to be breaking down and decoding some mainstream, something I don’t really get a chance to do too much. Following in the footsteps of Zombieland, got a really big draw for that topic. Well, this will be monkey pox decoded. And I, again, I’m just the messenger, and I didn’t even know this was a thing. I only found out about this because I just got back from a short trip to visit my family in the US, and as I was coming back on the plane, I was flying Delta on the way back.

Even that had significance. Delta, Dalith, The Dream. Well, in the front of the screen, and in front of the chairs there as you fly Delta, in the long flights they have, the screen’s still there. And you have these selections of movies that you get to pick, or shows, or whatever. And that’s how I found this. I was looking up the movie, which is this one right here, Monkey Man. This is the one I chose for the inflight entertainment. But of course, I did see this one, and I didn’t connect the two at the same time because I was just starting on my flight.

I wanted to pass the time by, and I wasn’t putting two and two together, but of course I was looking for signs as I always do. And it was after that I found this that I saw the clue. And to me it was a big one, and I want to be very clear that this decode is not to instill any fear. This decode is to instill awareness, so you could become aware of the consciousness around you. So this is a thing, and this is how I found this because I started decoding the movie. This.

This is what got me started on this. This movie right here. Amazing movie. And then it led me to this, and today is August 18th as I shoot this right now, which has massive significance because Jesus and Christ both equal the number 18 in Calidean numerology, and you’re going to see that the Christ is part of this monkey pox. Absolutely it is. So I don’t know how big this is going to get, but this is just another layer of the onion for the demise of the worldwide population and the big fear instillment and all that kind of stuff, right? So all these news stations have come out with this, and this again is August 18th.

You’re looking at this August 18th. So as I as I chose monkey man, or it chose me just looking for clues. And that’s the one I watched right here. I started to decode this this morning, and it led me to this monkey pox. I had no idea it even existed on the world stage because it’s rather a new thing. But when you look at this movie, which is an amazing movie, Dev Patel, it was his directing debut. He was in slumdog millionaire and some other really good ones. But when you take a look at the Wikipedia on this, the story behind this without giving really anything too much away was based on a young boy.

He watches his mother die, and it’s inspired by his mother telling him tales of Hanuman, which is this is all in the Hinduism cosmology, which is tied right to Christianity, which is tried right to Judaism and all the other religions. It’s all the same thing. It’s a big Ponzi scheme, as I have been seeing for a very long time now. And this is what it was wrapped all around was was Hanuman. And Hanuman was is part of Jesus. Because you have Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, the Tri Murphy, and that’s tied to Jesus and Lucifer, good cop, bad cop, Shiva and Brahma destruction, generate, destroy, etc.

I mean, I could go on and on and on. And when you start to look at the deities involved, and they were they were in this this this movie, you’d see them amazing movie, definitely highly suggested to go check it out. Okay, so that’s that’s what we’re gonna start with. And then then of course, I didn’t watch this one. I didn’t really care for the trailer. I thought it was pretty vanilla and lame. So I didn’t watch it. I probably won’t even watch it. But I just so interesting that these this these movies come out literally so close to one another.

I think this one came out. Yeah, 2024. And then Monkey Man, of course, as well came out on 2024. And now we have this not a coincidence, because the movies are in entrenched with the news. Absolutely they are. But then you’d have to consider folks that all these directors and actors, they all have to be in on the conspiracy to get one past you. And I just don’t buy that. So this is what we started with. And this is what I’m going to decode here for you, ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be a rather short one.

Now they got through all my rambling. Let’s get into the bulk of the decode. And you can see that this movie came out on March 11th. And this right here, folks, is Jesus speaking in Matthew 10, verses 34 saying, I didn’t come to bring peace, but a sword. This is it in the original Greek off to the with the 24 letters instead of 26. You can do the ancient Greek if you want to. But the connection was very clear. There’s the 311. There’s the 311 in the Gregorian calendar. And the 311 is the 64th prime number.

And the 64th card in the tarot. And there’s the message. It’s the king of swords. And this sword is Jesus with the sword. And I’m coming with a sword. I’m not coming with peace. See, this king of swords, as I’ve already mentioned in my zombie land, we decoded the molar mass of xylazine, and it was the king of swords. Xylazine being put into the heroin and the fentanyl. And that is another Jesus layer of I’m cleaning up this reality. I’m coming with a sword, zombie land, drug addicts dying, overdosing all part of the movie.

And being tied to the 64th element called gadolinium. gadolinium is that you’re in a movie. We’re inside of a movie. It can be horrible at times. It can be amazing at times. See, we’re in the Kali Yuga stage. I’m not I’m not even I’m not even I don’t think we’re even we just got in there. I mean, I was like, Oh, we’re moving out of Kali. I’m not sure about that. We’re in the Kali Yuga right now, folks. And the swords coming out. And the sword means many things. And theology, they wanted to tell you it means death.

And now you get Lucifer as well. And you get the pale horse and death and all the four horsemen and the apocalypse. And this is all coming out. And it’s through different channels, different layers. And now you know that one of them will be this. I don’t know how big it will be. It doesn’t matter, because it will be a thing. It is a thing. The other big one that has the 19 attached to it, also part of Jesus and the sword. Absolutely. This is the C 19 right here, folks. You can bet your bottom dollar on it.

Okay, you can bet your bottom dollar on it. Here it is in zombie land. I showed that Kensington Incorporated on March 6th, which is the four of swords, which is asleep. Like these people have these codes of the nightmare. Can’t get off the drugs. Addicted can’t get off. Don’t want to be sick or whatever the reason is. And it’s part of the sword. And this is not just in Pennsylvania. It’s around the world in you’re seeing the tower moments happening all around the world. And this is tied to hell, which is tied to the only scripture in Isaiah 14 verses 12, which mentions maybe the crossover of Lucifer, which is Shiva and Jesus is Shiva.

So Jesus and Lucifer one in the same, just different characters, same character, just different, different portrayals of the character. So that’s what you’re looking at. You’re seeing that. And this movie was all about it. This movie was all about revenge and the, um, the antagonist and protagonist. These stories, if you go read it and I’ll leave these links, you can click on them in the description of the video and you can read all about it. And it is like this right here. The, uh, and as you see, it’s raw. Ramayana, right? These battles, these battles going on.

It’s always around the battles, the wars, and it’s raw. So much raw reference. It’s not even funny. And raw is not even a thing in the Hinduism cosmology. It’s from ancient Egypt. But of course you know that this is a Ponzi scheme and you have, uh, Shiva and Shakti here, the dualistic nature or Rama and Sita, his consort. Folks, it’s just, it’s, it’s Rama, raw, but it’s not even a thing in Hinduism, not raw, but all found from this movie, monkey man. And again, I would highly suggest you go check it out.

So you’re seeing it all around the world. You’re seeing the sword come out. It’s coming out. And that’s what it was here. So I’m going to take a look and break down this movie, folks. And I’m going to start with the director, the writer, one of the writers, the main star, Dev Patel. And he was, look at the birthday he has, April 23rd, 1990. And this is his birth card right here. The Jack of clubs. What does Jesus start with? The letter J. The Jack is the Jesus. The Jesus is the Jack. And this is the 24th card in the deck.

It’s a fire air card and it’s tied to the 24th element called chromium. Chromium is a Greek word chroma, meaning color light into matter. And you see that it has the skull with wings on it. It doesn’t get any more apparent than that right there to tell the story that this is now happening being in the Cali Yuga. And the jacket clubs converts into the 34th card in the deck. The Knight of Wands 34 is going to tie to the moon as well, because 34 is selenium and selenium is the consort of the sun.

Now we have referencing points to Jesus tied to the moon. Of course moon is the sin God. Jesus says, I’ll take your sins away. So the sun and the moon are tied to Jesus, tied to Lucifer. Absolutely. 1000%. No denying that here. Right. And this is the connecting point. They’ve labeled it as just the short version. And you see the 24 and we know that the original word for Jesus is Jesus. And it comes from the Greek and there’s the 24. 24 hours in a day. There’s the reference and connecting point to the chromium, the skull with wings.

This is a skull with wings. Of course, now they urging you to get this. And now everybody out there, I shouldn’t say everybody, but a lot of you will be like, I’m not doing that. I’m not getting that because you now we’re in fear of, or essentially we’re against that. Whereas you go back a hundred years, people were getting them all over the place, especially the smallpox. So you could see how this is so connected. It’s ridiculous. And the chemistry comes through once again, once again, it comes through. Okay. It comes through once again.

And then here’s the referencing point to not only the Christ, Jesus saying, I’m coming with a sword, but to the Kali Yuga itself. Because there’s that 18. Remember 18 is going to, the root of 18 is nine and nine is endings and completions. We’re in the nine of spades year 2024, the nine. Okay. So these connections are very crystal clear, very, very crystal clear. So let’s get into this theology and show you this is the, again, part of the playbook, right? No fear, zero fear, just awareness. So here it is in the ancient Greek.

We did the modern notice it’s 33 letters. Obvious. That’s what that is. 33 is arsenic and that’s going to be tied to Jesus and Lucifer. 33 arsenic is poisonous. The sword is poisonous. The poison can run through many different things in this reality. One of them can be this. Some can actually be that. Some can be the drugs, poison, arsenic. See what I’m saying, folks, the sword arsenic poison. Six is man. Well, man, six is the baby. Six is you and I, the body. Okay. So this has got a three three nine and now I’m going to do the methodology, which I’ve done many times.

And that is what tarot card is it? Well, we just do the methodology using the simple calculator, the trustee calculator. We take the three three nine, we subtract the total amount of tarot cards. 78 is the most popular. We’re going to do that four times and we get it all the way down to the number 27 and the 27 tarot card is 501. And this card, ladies and gentlemen, is a card of fighting. See, listen to what I’m saying. When you go read this, Matthew 10 verses 34, Jesus saying, I’m not his family.

When you read, let me just show you, let me just go off and show you this here. Actually, I have it right here. When you read 10 verses 35, you’re going to see that Jesus goes on to say, see, for I am come to set a man at variance division against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, meaning Jesus is the wedge, the wedge, the division, the fighting, the job of the Christ is to divide and argument. And this is the card of currency because 27 in Chaldean is currency.

And it’s also the word vampire. Vampire is 27. So the vampire is tied to the Christ, which is using mankind for currency through this whole peace and evil, peace and calamity, peace and sword, the Yugas, the Kali Yuga, where we’re the farthest away from source energy, the fighting, right? That’s what this means here. So then I’ve done the theology. I’ve done this many times now where let’s do some theology numerology, if you will, or theology, alchemy, and you count up all the verses where this chapter 10 verses 34 lands and you add them all up, you add up all 10 of the chapters verses.

Here it is. You add them all up and you get 307, right? Chapter one’s got 25 verses. Chapter two’s got 23 all the way down to the chapter 10 verses 34. You add them all up and you get 307. And that is a prime number. It’s the 63rd prime number. And now what’s the tarot card? Another sword. Now you get the queen of swords. You know, the words flower of life equals 63, non-player character equals 63 and the queen of swords. And the flower of life, folks, is the all-seeing eye of Shalom Ra.

Flower of life is 63. That’s the Shalom Ra. And the queen of swords and the king of swords and the jack of swords, these are all revolutionary cards. The cutter. The queen is a no-nonsense queen. These swords are not ruling with emotions. They’re ruling with authority over the aspects of logic and discernment. They’re not using emotions. And that’s the lord of this reality. The owner of this reality doesn’t rule with emotions. It rules with law. It rules with law, folks. So the last slide I have here, two slides left on the short decode.

When you go look up on the calendar, and I like to look to the leap years, because leap years are every four years and they’re special. So this would also go to November 3rd. But the November 2nd day is the 307th day in leap years, which ties to that Jesus coming with the sword. And the November 2nd card is the five of diamonds. And remember, the five of diamonds is the card that’s tied to head of the snake. You see, this is the 69th card in the deck. And we know that office, which is the word for serpent in Greek is 69.

Because we’re in the belly of the beast. And when it’s time for the change to happen, this is what you’re going to get. You’re going to get hard times. This is the game of life. And the change of the game of life. And it wanting you to choose sides. That’s why Jesus said to the church of Laodicea and my lukewarm decoded. Hey, you’re either with me or against me. You’re either with me in the side, the church, or you’re not with me and you’re outside on your own. See neither. I don’t want neither, man.

For me, lukewarm. And you don’t have to play anymore. And this is what it looks like, folks. This is what it all comes down to, you know, is the sword in this layer of our reality is addictions, skid row, homelessness, poverty. This is the cancer. This would be considered the cancer or the disease of the world. And again, the, you should be grateful. You didn’t get this part of the code, not looking down upon those that did, but being grateful that you didn’t get this. Because I wouldn’t want to be in these people’s shoes.

These people can’t get off the streets. Part of the sword, folks. It’s part of the sword. So that’s what I got for you, ladies and gentlemen. Monkeypox decoded, very short and sweet. The message I had for you, the message I got coming back to Mexico just a day ago. And, you know, remember this, this was found on the 18th. Today I’m shooting this August 18th and I just come right here. Not an accident. And I’m not trying to do this, folks. I am not trying to do this. I didn’t do this consciously. I did it because I watched this movie on the plane.

And let’s see it. And I knew after decoding, I knew what this whole thing meant. Right here. And this is why the mainstreams tied into theology and theologies tied into the church and the churches tied into the state and the states tied into the government and the government’s tied into the World Health Organization and the World Health Organization is tied to this organization and this tied to that organization and they’re all doing their jobs. Everybody’s doing their job. You’re doing your job. I’m doing my job. No fear, just awareness. So anyway, ladies and gentlemen, that’s what I got for you.

I’m going to leave you here. My name is Logan for decoder reality. Until next time, we will see you later. [tr:trw].

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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