➡ The text discusses the influence of the Illuminati, a secret society, on various aspects of society, including education, music, and popular culture. It suggests that the Illuminati’s methods of control and influence are still present today, even if the group itself isn’t. The text also mentions the impact of technology, particularly smartphones, on mental health and stress levels. It ends by suggesting that many people may be unknowingly addicted to stress.
➡ The text discusses the impact of stress and the role of social media platforms like Twitter in spreading information and knowledge, comparing them to the historical Illuminati. It also mentions the creation of an Illuminati comic and merchandise, encouraging readers to spread awareness about the Illuminati. The text ends with a mention of Bill Gates and his involvement with genetically modified mosquitoes, hinting at a potential conflict of interest when it comes to pest control.
➡ The text discusses a man’s journey from creating music for TV shows to working in Disney’s animation department. It also talks about his concerns over the use of pesticides and the influence of companies like Monsanto on food production. The text further delves into the impact of fast food chains like McDonald’s on people’s health and behavior. Lastly, it mentions the man’s interest in creating a comic book about the Illuminati.
➡ In 2012, the speaker started a comic book publishing company called Paranoid American, focusing on conspiracy and occult-related material. Over the past twelve years, they’ve produced games, music, and artwork on these themes, with the highlight being an Illuminati comic. The comic, along with other titles, aims to educate readers about various conspiracy theories and occult topics in an engaging way. The speaker encourages everyone to support their work and learn more about these intriguing subjects.
As you can just see the symbolisms all over the simulacrum. And we are here with paranoid American. We are teamed up to do a comic book called the Illuminati Comic book. You can catch it at Illuminati comic book. Calm. Paranoid American does some fantastic work. You got to go subscribe to his best. His. Yeah, the best. Go to his. Go to his YouTube channel. Let me go to this camcorder. Whoo. Okay. Alrighty then. We got the doughnut pov right now. This is. Yeah, we’re going to go over the books. Then we’re seeing what donut sees. This is wild.
Wow. Is that the Disneyland castle or is that the Illuminati castle? I. I would argue that it’s the Disneyland castle. The Disneyland castle. We’re going to go over it. We’re going to go over dolphins. Dolphins are in the news, and you could just see the dolphins in Atlantis right there. You got a bunch of conspiracy books. I got illuminati books all over the place. Illuminatus. Dolphins in the Illuminati as well. We’re going to get into that. I even got a free masonic book. And look, they got dolphins imprinted in it. I wonder what that’s all about.
I mean, we just got a ton of information to cover. But first, go click the link down below and notify yourself on the launch once we hit 200 that you see down here. Oh, we just got one new person. Whoo. Once you sign up to this, we go and drop it. I’ll play the song real quick for everybody to get them hyped for the Illuminati comic while they tell you. Illuminati comic. Illuminati comic. Learn about the full history of the bavarian illuminati. Adam Weishaupt, columbratos, Jesuits, rosicrucians, freemasons, and more from the 18th century to modern day.
We expose it all that’s right. Is the. That’s. That’s what’s up, bro? That’s on go hard videos. Gonna be really hype, too. We’ve been working on a really good video for this. I was supposed to have the video done for this stream, but now you are. No, no. Good things take time. Good things do take time. But I’m glad that you’re here. Paranoid. Got your website down below. You do some amazing work with all of your comics and all your work. But we’re gonna talk about the Illuminati today. And. Yeah, this is something that I’ve been interested in since I was a little we.
Conspiracy theorist, paranoid american. Like. Like mid nineties, I think I came across the concept of illuminati, and I’ve kind of been putting off addressing it just because it’s such a huge, giant I. Very important sort of subject. Right. And I always felt like I wouldn’t be able to do it service until I had done more research. And I think between me and you, we’ve read damn near every book that’s ever been published on the Illuminati. At least a good majority of them even, like, they’re really hard to find ones, dug up all the old newspaper articles and everything.
So I think that we’re finally. We’re. We’re sort of ready to consolidate all this information and put it into a new format for people to really be able to enjoy, because it’s not fun. Like, as much as I love this topic, doing research into it is really, like, painful. You know what I mean? Like, a lot of the source material, they don’t really pitch it up and phrase it like it’s a cool nineties Nick tune or an action movie or anything. It’s. It’s almost always this really slow, dry historical nonfiction. So I think that we’re going to be the first ones to make not just a whole breakdown of the Illuminati, but an interesting version of it.
Not some. Something that’s going to put you to sleep or that you’re going to have to, like, work through. Like, it’s actually going to be the most entertaining Illuminati history ever published. And you found some great articles that I’m going through, going back to the 18 hundreds in the newspapers. Of the 18 hundreds, this one’s from 1924. Talking about the Illuminati, I mean, you found some wild finds, me being interested in the Illuminati news. I mean, the comic book is going to be absolutely intense. It’s going to be super dope. So I just want to remind everybody, before we really dive deep into this topic today, tonight, to go to the.
Notify me on the launch. I got those links down below. Now, the Illuminati, you could google it. Everyone talks about it. It seems to be sort of a mythology, which could have been on purpose. The lightning strike, all this different stuff, this lore, all the pyramids that we see. But the Illuminati is an actual real secret society, and secret societies is what controls the simulacrum. The secret societies control the big events that go down. You got Disneyland Castle. I mean, Disneyland is based off of this Illuminati castle. I mean, how big is Disneyland? Disneyland is huge.
And this is just a book on different secret societies. I got. I got all these different books up. Robert Anton Wilson talks about the Illuminatus, the dolphin. And that’s something I kind of want to bring up before we dive deep into the Illuminati, that there was lonely, sexually frustrated dolphin attacks happening. We’ve been warning. We’ve been warning everybody for years now on the dolphin attacks that were coming. And, I mean, hopefully you guys are prepared. I got the food storage down below for when these lowly dolphins are going to start attacking. The next Jaws remake is going to be wild.
Yeah, jaws ain’t got shit on these dolphins. Now, these bottlenose dolphins are very connected to the alien agenda, the mind control, the John C. Lilly, and even the Illuminati card game. The Illuminati’s card game warned everyone about these sexually depraved dolphins. And if you look at the xenomorph, it’s similar to a dolphin. Just like the Mars attacks, the game echo so many different things connected to the dolphins. There’s even a Simpsons episode that shows the dolphins taken over. Have you seen that episode? Paranoid American, that one. And there’s also the king of the Hill episode that shows, like, a very real version of what’s going on in Japan right now.
Oh, really? Yeah. If you look at the dolphin Illuminati music video, the next time it shows on, like, secret society of good guys. A lot of the end scenes are got that overlay from that actual episode from King of the Hill. And it was. That was the first time that I think I ever even came across this phenomenon. Right. There’s not a lot of other animals that end up doing this. And I always wonder, too, if, because dolphins are very sentient beings, sometimes they get, compared to having a similar sort of brain capacity, at least like an emotional iq of a humanity, uh, but, like, almost a small child, but they’re almost like little dogs of the sea.
And maybe they have some kind of a. Yeah, this is it right here. But maybe they’ve got some kind of a connection with humans where they can sense that you also have the same frustration, the same kind of lonely, deep inner feelings, and it’s just like a bridge between those two. So he was okay. I see. Yeah. So he gets traumatized from it. Like, Hank Hill essentially gets PTSD because they have him, like, pet a dolphin. And the dolphin, again, you can sense that he’s sexually frustrated. So the dolphin kind of bridges the gap. Right? And the Simpsons episode is the scariest.
It’s. I mean, it’s absolutely terrifying. I’m not sure if you’ve seen the Simpsons one. I think you just said that you saw it, but anyone who hasn’t seen it, they’re showing you the truth of what’s about to go down. The dolphins are going to come out of the water, and we’re going to have to be their slaves, and they’re going to be the masters. It’s all shown in the Illuminati. Well, they wouldn’t necessarily have to come out of the water. There’s another theory that planet X, or Nibiru, or whatever the water planet is, is that when it comes close enough to the planet earth, that was the first time, was when earth got populated by dolphins, because they were able.
The planet was close enough that these alien species of dolphins could actually jump into our, you know, our sort of reality, and that the next time that it comes in, either they can leave or maybe even more will come. And that could be this scenario that you’re kind of showing, like, Simpson’s kind of making a joke out of it, but that this might be, like, a huge lifetime event that only happens because of this elliptical orbit that planet x, or whatever the water planet is currently on. And Simpsons going back into the Illuminati, I remember seeing the Simpsons episode of the secret society, how they were able, the stonecutters, and they were able to take a secret pass passage through a mountain.
And I was like, I just understood that that’s how the world actually operated, that there’s these secret societies, and we see it on the mainstream today with what just took place of the Olympics, full of secret society symbolism, paying homage to the french revolution, which was orchestrated by the Illuminati. The symbol was the phrygian cap of the Illuminati as well, going back to Mithra. And then you had the assassin going. And that’s where a lot of the Illuminati hierarchy, spiritualism comes from, is from the assassin order. So it’s like, on the world stage today, but the public does not know.
I’m sure the public, you bring up the Illuminati to the public, they’re going to know what you’re talking about, but they’re not going to know how true it is. They’ll probably just know the Da Vinci code kind of. Yeah. At its most, like, nefarious level, the Illuminati is essentially about using violent overthrow of governments. And that’s kind of their connection to the hash hashin is that was also the primary goal of the hash Hashin, or the old man in the mountain, was that he was using assassination and violence in order to enact change politically by just taking out all the adversaries.
Right. So the Illuminati, which is, I don’t know, it’s probably like six centuries later, because I think the old man in the mountain and the hash Hashin is from the 12th century. So by the time you get to Illuminati now we’re talking late 18th century, and they have the same goals, which is to take out political rivals through violence. But their version isn’t necessarily the same as, like, training military aged young men and getting them into places they. The way they see it is that they can kind of control all of the clubs and the places where society is getting sort of like, all the rules are being decided on in these free masonic lodges in.
In the educational system in particular. And, in fact, if you want to trace back Illuminati, really, you can look at the education system. The education system, once it was removed from the order of the Jesuits, it kind of gets into the hands of atheists and this enlightenment movement, and that’s kind of the exact same trajectory that it’s been on ever since. And I don’t have really a pro or a con for this happening, but it’s definitely a very real after effect that we’ve got secular education. That is kind of the predominant way of learning now. That comes directly from the Illuminati.
That’s exactly what Adam Vysopp had originally set up. He was so sick of the Jesuits running everything, the Catholic Church running education, that he decides he wants to make it all as atheist as possible. Right, right. It all gets into all these different religious institutions. And the book that Adolf wrote, adolf was actually the real creator of the Illuminati. Adolf, he came up with pretty much the pecking order, the hierarchy, he wrote it all. Adam Weishaupt right here, who came up with the idea of the Illuminati. Yeah, Vysehopp was sort of the idea man, or almost like the producer, right? But von Nige, he was the one that wrote the theme song and came up with the outfits and wrote all the degrees, like, all of the symbolism and everything that actually went into the secret society aspect, that was von Nige.
But the way that it was run and the actual goals of it all, I really think that that was still Vyse op Vysop was like, I’m just going to create this pyramid scheme where I’ve got ultimate control over knowledge and academic power and eventually political power. And von Nige was just like, damn. Like this. This guy knows what he’s doing, and I can use this as a vehicle to gain and spread occult knowledge. So I think that that was von Nige’s entire goal from start to end. He just wanted to be able to have an excuse to go and dig up all these old esoteric grimoires and texts and bring it back into, like, his modern time, right, the late 18th century, because he had seen that all these occult proverbs and arcane teachings had kind of like, fallen to the wayside again, because of jesuit influence, right? And then he wrote a book called Philosophy Reply.
And he just was just super dissatisfied with the Illuminati, which he built. So everyone says it was created on 1776, but it wasn’t in formation and actually operating until probably a little bit later than that. It just. It’s a very interesting story how this is how it all going down. And I was gonna say, I think the original question is, are you being mind controlled by the Illuminati? Yeah, definitely. You 100% are. Because the original Bavarian Illuminati, they took over the education system, they took over popular music. They ran the music industry. Um, and then there wasn’t really a movie industry, but, uh, if you were to go based on, like, theatrical plays and putting on that was also their infiltration of French Freemasonry.
So all those things are still true today. You’ve still got a music industry that’s controlled by somebody, right? You’ve still got an education system that’s controlled by somebody. And I don’t think it necessarily matters as much if you say that somebody is the Illuminati. The thing is that the original Bavarian Illuminati, they created the system, and they. They basically showed everyone else the formula of how this works. And that system is what still lives on. It is. It’ll almost be like the CIA, right? Everyone in the CIA can come and go, but the CIA itself will continue to live on.
So in that way, yeah, the Illuminati still is here, and it still runs everything. Yes. And also, people don’t know that Beethoven was trained by the Illuminati. So Ambach and a whole bunch of other names that didn’t get as popular as though. But those are the three pop star child pop stars of their time. They were the Michael Jackson’s of their time. The Justin Biebers. Yeah, like. Cause Bach was literally like a child. I think he was more than ten years old when he got involved with all them. The Illuminati controlled the publishing. They controlled all of the music lessons.
Again, even in academia, when it came to music lessons, they controlled that as well. So when I guess originally, when I heard someone talking about Beyonce and Jay Z being in the Illuminati for the first, I don’t know, decade, I was laughing in the back of my mind, like, oh, that’s such a silly concept. But as soon as you realize that the Bavarian Illuminati literally controlled pop music in their time, then it doesn’t seem as far fetched that a similar analog group would be doing the exact same thing today. Now, we just crashed through over a thousand people tuning in live.
We’re streaming all over the place. I want you all to smash that, like, button, share this video out, and most importantly, go subscribe to Paranoid Americans YouTube channel. I got that link down below. Go check out his website. He’s got a ton of dope comics, stickers, all that good stuff. And we both teamed up. And this is the most important part of the video, is going to the Illuminati comic comm. We gotten to get this up to 200, and then we’re gonna drop it so y’all can get that pre order going. How about this, too? How about we drop a little surprise that anyone that signs up on this page before it actually launches? So if you’re.
If you’re able to click that button that says, notify me when this launches and you get your list in there. When you do get a copy of this comic, we’ll throw in an exclusive donut trading card. You’ll be able to get this particular donut trading card is that you got to sign up before the campaign actually launches, bro. Your training cards go hard. So, going back to the question of are we being mind controlled by the Illuminati? There is some reports coming out that I want to talk about cell phones. Cell phones ban spreads in schools.
Mental health worries. I know I’m mentally unstable for my cell phone addiction. So I cannot even picture, like, how this is going down with people way younger than me. It’s time to ban smartphones in the workplace. And what I’ve noticed through mind control, NLP kind of tactics of marketing and kind of narcissistic gaslighting, you know what you could just see in daily life of people trying to boss people around? It’s like a micro macrocosm that the way I’m looking at Twitter in X is it is a cortisol addiction. Harvard trained psychologist shares three signs you’re addicted to stress.
The number one killer, stress. It’s a lot more common than you think. A lot of people, including myself, are addicted to the high of cortisol, of stress. And with cortisol and the amygdala. The amygdala and cortisol are both involved in the body stress response. The amygdala hijack happens when you get trolls yelling at you or screaming at you. You leave the prefrontal cortex going to the reptilian brain. So there might be real reptilians out, you know, because our amygdala is being hijacked, or the reptilian brain takes over. Now, this can happen in so many different ways, and I think this is happening on X.
It’s an AI algorithm which has just hijacked your boy donuts brain going on it. I went on it. I was cortisol hijacked, started yelling at people. People started yelling at me. And that’s the illuminati, right? Like, if there is an Illuminati today, wouldn’t it be Twitter? Yeah. Well, the Illuminati essentially like the way that the word is phrased and it’s been historically used, and even the etymology of it, illuminati essentially represents in the. In the classic form, a pyramid scheme where one person at top has all the information, all the resources, all the. Everything of the whole organization.
And can any point make a direct call or a command to anyone under him, whether it’s a capo or whether it’s some grunt on the street, they’ve got that capability. And the way that it used to run before there was twitter and Internet and everything, the illuminati is that you could ask Adam vysop any question you could think of. He was kind of like the Og chap, GPT. He would ask him a question usually by, like, letter that took like, a week or two to deliver. So he had two weeks to kind of figure out the answer and send it back to.
So no matter what you asked this dude, he could get you the answer. He could know any science, math, philosophy, any question at all. He could find any book. And it almost seemed like this dude was all seeing and all knowing. And it was kind of true, but it was more like when someone asked him a question, he was like, oh, I know who I can ask that could figure out who they would ask to get that answer, essentially. So you could almost imagine Adam Vysop running this switchboard where no matter who calls or who has what question about what, he can always appear to be the ultimate authority on everything to everyone.
So if a king comes and asks him to get an answer on something, he can get that. And this is basically, we’re describing intelligence agencies. The Illuminati was just one of the very first international groups that was put together with the sole focus of becoming an intelligence agency. You can make an argument that Rosicrucians and Jesuits, or Freemasons and all that, like, they’re also secret societies that can run from behind the scenes, but a lot of those, they’re based on, like, other versions, like, they were. The origin of the Freemasons, for example, was to make sure that you could get paid a certain wage if you went to do a certain job, and you wouldn’t have to prove yourself if you knew how to be a mason, you would just have to know secret code signs and handshakes and stuff like that.
But none of that necessarily had anything to do with gaining knowledge that, like, that assumed that you knew the knowledge in order to get that job. When the bavarian illuminati was created, that was the number one goal, was, how can I have a monopoly over knowledge? And now, any platform that does that today, and I would argue Twitter and every other social media network, that’s literally all they traffic in. They traffic in information and knowledge. So, yeah, it’s a very more high tech, complicated version, but it is exactly the same as what the Illuminati formula aims to kind of create.
Now, this is what woke up Jordan Maxwell in a big way, was these records that you showed over on your ex of Myron Fagan. I call him fagan. I think it’s Myron Fagan. I think that’s what it is. I’ve seen these in the wild, but I didn’t grab them because I was being silly. Oh, man. So, like, are these the originals, you think? Because they got the Knights Templar color coding, which I cover, the red. These are absolutely the originals. They usually go for 600 ish for all three. Or they go for around 150 to 200 a piece.
If you can find them out in the wild. If you see one of these things out in the wild, and it’s less than $50, when I saw it, they were in dollar bins. But I didn’t. I didn’t know what I was looking for at the time. And I figured, like, oh, it’s just a guy talking for about three or 4 hours. I was looking for music. You gotta jump on them opportunities, like. So I jumped on the opportunity, and I saw that paranoid American put out a comic with the homocologist, the one on one podcast, but they had an issue.
Look at this. My eyes, like, making my. I gotta pull it in. Glasses on glasses. I jumped on the opportunity to get the holographic Alex Stein copy. No one’s got this. There’s probably, like, what? Only, like, 1015 people with this covers in existence, but I think only, like, ten people actually own them. So I jumped on the opportunity and I got an autograph. So, like, this will go down in history. Like that CFR issue that we saw right there. And that’s what you get over@illuminaticomic.com. by going to the. Notify me on the launch. You’ll get early access to the cool little goodies.
What are some cool goodies that are, like, for sure gonna be. For sure. There’s gonna be a bunch of sticker packs. There’ll be a whole bunch of exclusive illuminati donut stickers. Probably do a couple patches. We’ll definitely have an ep length something. It’ll either be a cassette tape and. Or a little lp, maybe. And I know that me and you have been tossed around the idea of doing some black light posters. That one’s kind of on the cusp of all this. Yeah. The goal is for this thing to be an event, and that the illuminati pamphlets, we’re really trying to make it so that people can get big packs of these, like, 5100 of them and share them all with friends, family.
But even more important, like, leave it behind. If you’re going out to eat, you, like, leave it in with a generous tip, too, so they don’t just throw it out and think you’re a dick, but leave it out in schools, libraries, walmart, you know what I mean? Just, like, put these things everywhere you can so that people start learning about illuminati because there’s. It’s not going to come up in school. It’s not going to come up in college. Probably the only time this stuff ever comes up is YouTube videos or, like, weird things that are either making fun of it or kind of being a parody about it.
This is 100% serious historical factual fact check take on illuminati. And it. And it doesn’t shy away from all the modern claims. Like, beyonce’s in here, Wu Tang is in here, Lady Gaga’s in here. But it’s also got Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, von Nige, Jesuits, rosicrucians, alum brodos. It literally has everything you could ever need to know to be an expert on the illuminati, or at least kind of keep up with one. Right? And this is a little bit. Little sneak peek of some of the art that’s in it, where you’re going on this adventure with your boy donut and paranoid american and the illusion of reality of what do you see here? Is there four? Is there three right there? It’s going to be dope.
I mean, it’s such a. It’s so sick. I’m really excited for it. That’s so dope. And we were talking about illuminati, and something that I think about is, like, the syllables of illuminate. Illuminate. It’s five syllables, like insane clown posse or the doughnut factor. No. Doughnut factory. Donut factory, illuminati. Insane clown posse. What’s up with that paranoid merkin pair? Paranoid? Um, no, you just gotta say merkin. Paranoid. Mercury paranoid merca. Yeah. So. Oh, man, that’s gonna be so dope. So there was, like, really no agenda for this except for. Oh, right here. I wanted to show that there’s these.
They’re spraying pesticides to prevent the spread of potential sicknesses. And I had a segue to go into. I, like, I’m not operating correctly today. Well, today I’m not. Speaking of illuminati. I just wonder when, if Bill Gates reads one of these articles that says they’re taking out mosquitoes, if he gets angry because he’s got the. The genetically modified mosquito. I don’t know about that. No, I don’t think so. We got a kind of. We got to kind of use code words on that. That’s where I eaters. Something about the word bill and then mixing that word in with jeans, that those two words cannot, like, be connected.
Also maybe denim pants. Bill. Billy bills denim pants. Super skeeters. No, but. But continue. But just. But that. That when he see, because it seems like he’s invested quite a lot in this particular thing that he’s doing with these skeeter guys. And when there’s these massive operations to basically take them out, it almost seems like there’s a behind the scenes war where some people are trying to get rid of what he’s creating as a vector, and then he wants to develop that vector. He sees these skeets as not a nuisance or a problem, but as like, a vehicle that he can make use of.
Yes. And so they’re spraying pesticides in New York and in Massachusetts. They’re under curfew. So people got to be home. They’re under curfew because of the eee and what I was. Okay, where I was trying to get with this. Oh, okay. So this is where I was trying to get at. I was trying to get at, in yesterday’s episode, we were talking about the food products, and there’s going to be a new Big Mac, big arch, big time, huge. Biggest burger ever existing. Everybody loves McDonald’s, Warren Buffett, Kanye, Trump. Everybody can agree that the McDonald’s is what people worship and love because it’s coming straight from the United nations with BTS promoting it.
Travis Scott gets a sponsorship deal with it. This is how they hijack the brain of me. From the happy meal, the happy meal product to adult. You’re an adult and you still dream of the french fries because this is how they program the people become dumb dumbs and for life. Yeah. So you eat the burger, and then you become the burger like you are what you eat. Sorta. You know what I mean? And the segue I was trying to get into with the pesticides that they’re spraying on the mosquitoes, they’re spraying these pesticides. Well, Monsantos, right, is the pesticides.
Where’d you go? Paranoid. We need to see that beautiful face. Um, so what I was trying to get at was with Monsanto’s. You can. You could go. You could go. It’s fine. It’s fine. I just like to see the reaction. I actually just meant to mute. I didn’t mean to turn the camera off. The Monsantos takes over the corn, the pesticides, and then it becomes its own product. So people can’t plant corn because they can be like, oh, yo, that corn ain’t our corn. Because the corn has changed. The structure of the corn has changed, but it’s under the copyright of Monsanto.
And Monsantos is part of Bayer, and Bayer knowingly sold HIV to people because they didn’t want to lose a profit. So that’s kind of weird. I just thought. Story always freaked me out. And make sure to go to illuminati, comic.com. well, and I mean, Monsanto essentially being the illuminati of food, right? Like they, they become the centralized food bank in a way, because they’ve, they’re actually issuing patents to real live products, right? I think they’ve even got patents on some bacteria, or at least they tried to. I think that that’s still been like a dicey situation when it comes to an actual living organism as opposed to the seeds that you can plant.
But that if they can almost imagine a reality, right, where they can predict where the next natural evolution of a plant might be. If a certain crop was on the cusp of adopting some new set of characteristics, that would become part of its sort of, like, new structure, right. If they can predict that and they can patent an artificial version of it before it happens naturally, then they could just bide their time, register it now wait a couple, however many years, centuries, millennia. But once it actually comes to pass, now they have essentially a trademark or a copyright protection, some sort of intellectual property rights over something that will naturally occur.
And it’s all that is is the exact same scenario that you were talking about where a farmer has one of his crops cross pollinated by another farm that used Monsanto chemicals or Monsanto seeds, and then once that cross pollinates with their crop, then Monsanto owns their crop. But if you just scale that up to one next step to where, like, oh, well, too bad that this, the heirloom seeds that youve been using have actually naturally evolved into this patented product that you can no longer own or youd have to more realistically pay a license in order to own it.
Yes. I mean, it’s absolutely crazy, crazy stuff. What do you think about the, the Bayer logo? That looks kind of weird. Bear. Bear? It reminds me of a magic square. You know, like the little Abraham square or the tenant square from the movie Tenet, which was this. I think that was a saturnian square. Yes. There’s something also very, like, Enochian about it. John D. Enochian, where John Dee would write down a certain phrase or a name or a concept on this magical square, and then he would trace lines through all the different letters to kind of spell it out.
And that was the creation of some of those enochian magic seals that he would create, had, like, all these little squiggly lines on it and stuff. A lot of that was the result of just tracing through the letters in one of these magic squares. So anytime I see Bayer, it seems like it’s a circular version of a magic square. Wow, look at that. Good, good catch. Great catch. So we got, we just a ton of, ton of stuff up in the news, but if everybody just tuning in, gonna go play a song real quick for everybody.
Here we go. In the lawn like I’m in the house. Throw them in the oven. Wicked clam. Loving that body rubbish. I hated that body. But don’t tell I lied. Learn about the full history of the bavarian illuminati. Adam Weishaupt, alumbrados, Jesuits, rosicrucians, freemasons, and more from the 18th century to modern day. We expose it all. That goes so hard, bro. A lot of people have been hitting me up to asking where they can find the full version of the ice cream pals song. So if you just go on Soundcloud and you search for sound scientists as the band, you’ll find it on there along with, I think, like 368 other songs.
So you can get that, you can download it, you can play, do whatever the hell you want with it. Yes. Ice cream pals. Look, I’d be going to, uh, here, I’ll just pull up like YouTube. Yeah, I’ve got, I’ve got like three or four songs on the sound scientist page on YouTube, too. I just. The Soundcloud, you can go and download the original version and everything, the mp3 and, and do whatever you want with it. I just go to ice cream pals, dead bodies. That’s how I find it. And look at all this. You got try to send some people over that way.
The. But we got a bunch of people that did sign up. We got over seven new people that just signed up. So go subscribe over there. Seven people. They’re gonna be getting some exclusive donut trading cards when they, when they back it, when it launches. Oh, that’s so dope. That’s so dope. Yeah. I don’t know. Today has been kind of like a weird day for me, energetically. I think it’s just too much computer time. I don’t know. Is that even possible? No, that’s all I do. It’s all I do for years and years, evolving into a new human species.
You’ve been on, like, three podcasts today. You were on one before you went on this one, and then you’re going to go on the secret society of good guys one after this. Yeah, it’s busy out here, man. Yes. So before we close up shop because I know you got that podcast going on. Um, tell us a little bit about these comics, your website, your YouTube. I want everybody to go subscribe to Paranoid’s YouTube channel. I got those links down below, but his website as well, and kind of tell us what we’re getting into with this Illuminati chit track comic book, of course.
Well, it would help if. If people know a little bit my background. I don’t usually break it all the way down, and I’ll make it quick. But I started doing music. I had some music placed on VH one MTV adult swim. Also the in decline who did bum fights, which is probably not. That’s what I grew up on. Like is that those guys were partying with my babysitter in the background. That’s hilarious. So, yeah, I had. I had my first official music placed on bum fights. And then from there I got all the way up to basically adult swim.
And as soon as my music got placed on Adult swim, I just got the bug was like, I wish I could be doing the cartoons that are playing after my music is playing. So I ended up, not because of this, but I ended up working at Disney, in the animation department for over ten years. I was basically like an in betweener, a tweener animator, and I did a bunch of like, game stuff. But during those ten years at Disney, I remember at one point I was looking around, I was like, man, it would be so awesome if these people were working on artwork and music and projects about Mkultra or about Illuminati or about secret societies.
And they weren’t. They were working on, you know, lame stuff, Disney stuff. So at that moment, it was like 2012, I decided to start my own thing, paranoid american, as a comic book publishing company, to basically do exactly what I was doing at Disney, but focus entirely on conspiracy and occult related material. So it’s been twelve years plus now where I’ve been putting out all this conspiratorial occult related games, music, artwork, everything. And the culmination of that is going to basically be this Illuminati comic. And the Illuminati comic this. What you’re looking at right now is from MkUltra Comic, and they’re based on these chick track pamphlets.
And chick tracks are really great ways to kind of put out a essentially what was propaganda, right? But this is like the good version of propaganda. This is using the format of propaganda to teach anti propaganda sort of material. So that’s what the chick tracks are. I got books here called Illuminati homunculus owner’s manual I did with Juan from the one on one podcast. Homunculus owner’s manual is a great example for what we’re going to do with the very illuminati, where this breaks down the historical premise of what a homunculus is, past, present, and even future.
Um, what else we got? Chosen one, which has got Sam Tripoli in it. Sam Tripoli’s, uh, all ages book about cryptids called Chaos twins. There’s so many. I think I’ve got over 60 titles right now, and they’re all completely unique type of stories that you wouldn’t find anywhere outside of paranoid american, because it’s. I mean, the. The very reason I do any of this is because I wanted to go out there and buy a comic book on illuminati, right? I. And it didn’t exist. So I figured that I would have to be the one to make it so the next person that goes looking for it, it will exist.
And that’s exactly what we’re doing with the Illuminati comic. Oh, damn. We got two more sign ups. Whoo. Yeah. And so that’s where y’all gotta go to. I mean, he puts on these campaigns, and they’re so dope, and they got just a bunch of extra memorabilia. We’re gonna add a bunch of goodies. So let’s get that up to 200 so we could drop. Drop it so we can get this out there for all y’all, because it’s going to be super sick. I appreciate you coming on paranoid. I know you got to go over onto that next show, so I’m going to keep it short and simple and play us out with the dope song.
Oh, yeah. Thanks for having me, man. I’m excited to work on this with you. I’m even more excited for this to be in people’s hands so they can see how dope this is. It’s going to be off the hook. Everybody go click the link down below and go get notified on the launch. It’s donut and paranoid. Paranoid American. Click the link down below. That’s right, it’s the illuminati comic from donut and paranoid American. Get yours now@illuminaticomic.com. learn about the full history of the bavarian illuminati. Adam Weishaupt, alombrados, Jesuits, rosa cruze, freemasons and more. From the 18th century to modern day, we expose it all.
Bro, that goes so hard, bro, that’s tight. Thank you, everybody, for tuning in. Click, leave. Blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.