➡ A series of strange events have been captured on video, sparking online debates. These include a mysterious green ooze and smoke from the ocean, sightings of a massive creature in lakes worldwide, and unexplained sinkholes and rifts appearing globally. Additionally, videos of people seemingly displaying superhuman abilities have surfaced. The causes and explanations behind these phenomena remain largely unknown, leading to various theories and speculations.
➡ Isaac, a social media influencer, has been posting videos that appear to show him levitating, leaving his followers divided on whether it’s a trick or real. Despite suspicions of green screens or special effects, no one has been able to replicate his feat or figure out how he’s doing it. The article also discusses various strange phenomena and sightings, including a mysterious breathing hole in a frozen lake and encounters with a creature known as the Rake. Despite numerous theories, these mysteries remain unsolved.
➡ The text discusses various unexplained phenomena captured on video, including potential sightings of strange humanoid creatures, unexplained noises in the woods, and odd occurrences that some suggest might be glitches in a supposed digital simulation we’re living in. It also mentions videos showing unexplained natural phenomena like water geysers appearing out of nowhere. The text questions whether these are hoaxes or evidence of unknown entities or phenomena. It also discusses the theory that we might be living in a digital simulation created by a higher intelligence.
➡ Marly Charlie, a 22-year-old internet user, shared videos of strange occurrences at her home near a small church. In these videos, her face appears to glitch and become transparent, leading some viewers to suggest supernatural explanations. Despite suggestions of camera malfunction, the consistent oddities in her videos have sparked widespread interest and speculation. Marly continues to post videos, further fueling the mystery and intrigue surrounding her experiences.
When it comes to unexplained phenomena, this is it. From unexplained phenomena in the skyd to mysterious cracks and holes that are appearing all over the world, to this bizarre phenomenon in the ocean, not only that, we also got superhuman powers, glitches, and the list goes on. This is one of the best compilations that I’ve put together for you guys. Now get some popcorn. Sit tight because this is gonna be a good one. And don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe to the channel with notifications on for more videos like this. Are you guys ready? Well, let’s go.
If you’re an animal lover, you’re probably aware that dogs and cats can sense, hear, and see things that humans can’t. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. Don’t have now this is mostly because dogs and cats can hear and see through a spectrum of frequency that humans can’t. This means that sometimes your dog or cat may start acting strange out of nowhere for no reason. And if you’re out in the woods or in a very distant place, you should pay attention to it and maybe get the heck out of there as fast as possible.
This is sort of what happened with Alice, a TikTok account who usually posts videos in the UK. Walking her dog Miko in the woods one certain day. She was in the same trail that she usually takes when this happened. You okay? Maybe. Come here. It’s okay. I’m scared it’s gonna get dark. It’s like literally twilight right now. So. Okay. I don’t know whether it’s cause I’m filming a TikTok, but I’m starting to get really scared. Like, regardless, I have to go over there. I thought it must be an animal. Oh my God. Finally. Sounds like it’s back there instead of right in front of me.
So I think I’m in the clear. Someone please tell me what the noise is. Whatever it is that’s making these noises. Alice’s instinct is telling her to get the heck out of there, but she goes back thinking that it might be some sort of injured animal. Now I’m just thinking, like, what if it’s a dog that’s, like, caught in, like, some thing? I don’t know whether to go find it. I’ve come back. I’ve come back. It’s moving around, so, like, it’s now moving around, so, like, I’ve walked back because I thought it might be injured, but it’s moving around, so it’s not in one spot.
It’s moving, and it’s. I think it stopped. Curious and scared, Alice goes back home thinking that this might be some sort of unknown creature. Being that she’s always taking this same trail and never heard anything like this. The next day, she takes the trail once again with Miko. But this time, things go a bit different. This is what happens next. Okay, so I’m at the start of the trail, which goes up to the woods. However, my dog’s refusing to come with me, so we’ll see if I get there before the sun sets, which is in 30 minutes.
I’m trying to get there, but the dog’s acting really weird, like, his tail’s down. You okay, Miki? You’re right, Annie. Good boy. And it’s just. It’s getting dark quicker than I thought it would. I walked past these yesterday, and I didn’t think they were creepy back then. Now they are. Everything is now. Miko, come. Come on. That day, Miko, her dog, sensed something strange in that woods, and Alice should have gotten back to her car and gone home that exact moment, but she didn’t. She actually started a live video in her instagram while she continued on investigating the trail.
According to her, nothing much happened. This is until she went back to her car. Her viewers were sending her messages saying that they saw someone behind her. And this is what happens next. Okay, gang. Okay, I’m back in my car now. I just saw a bat as well. So this is, like, the prime time to leave. What? Alice spots what appears to be some sort of footprint just next to her car. Her viewers also say that they saw something or someone behind her. Whatever it is that was following Alice that day, her dog sensed it, and she should have paid attention to it.
However, my dog’s refusing to come with me, so we’ll see if I get there. Now, keep in mind that this is the only strange video that Alice has. Ever uploaded into her account. She’s not doing this for views. So whatever this thing is, it got her and her dog pretty spooked. And I guess that if it wasn’t for her viewers telling her to get inside her car and leave, a something else might have happened that day. In your opinion, what do you think was making those sounds and chasing her around in the woods that day? And has anything like this ever happened to you? Traveling with friends or family can be loads of fun, and I guess most of the times we expect things to go just about right, but sometimes things turn out to be different.
And this is sort of what happened with Corian and his friends, who traveled to Switzerland to a small city by the name of Kanderstag. Now, according to Corian who I spoke to, him and his friends were taking photos of the town. And it was around 09:00 p.m. that evening when a friend of his noticed something odd. They got their cameras and immediately started recording it. And this is what they caught on camera? Yeah. Yeah. Holy look. Look at that. Yeah, I have no clue. What appears to be a humanoid shaped figure can be seen flying in the sky, and Corian and his friends were completely baffled.
It couldn’t be. They tried taking pictures and zooming in with the binoculars so they could see it better. However, it didn’t seem to work out very much. Okay. There is a floating. There’s nothing under it. No. What? At the time, they shrugged it off and went back to their normal lives. This is when, the next day, they seemed to spot what appears to be the same thing, but this time, in another part of the mountains. This is what they caught on camera. Oh, that’s beautiful. Quality. Hello? Oh, it’s there. Yeah. What the hell? No, I see that now.
It’s been there for 14 hours. It’s not paraglider. Corian was randomly filming the mountains when all of a sudden they seemed to spot what appears to be the same thing. But this time, video quality is much better. And we can see that it’s white and blue, and this time it’s floating sideways, a bit different. What is this thing? Corian and his friends immediately focus on the object, and we can see it a bit better, but still it’s very difficult to make out what it is. Corian posted the video to Reddit, and it amassed millions of views and thousands of comments.
People were talking about it all over social media. One Internet user suggests that it could be a balloon. The Korean stayed there for more than an hour taking videos and pictures, and it stayed there floating in the same place. So it couldn’t be. One person suggested it could be power lines. But to be very honest, I don’t see any power lines in his photos. And the second video, which has better quality, so I’m not too sure about power lines. It seems the more questions were made, the more mysterious it became. It’s two yano, you got normal hinte the monies.
The monies is kapa. Now, this isn’t the first time something like this happens. Other flying humanoid videos have been captured on camera, and I guess the most compelling video was captured by Nadine Lorenzi, who saw what appears to be a humanoid figure flying just next to his airplane. In some of these videos we could even speculate its a balloon or maybe a jetpack. However, in some of them its as baffling as it can get. And I guess its the case with Corians video. In your opinion, what do you think Corian captured on camera? Whats your take? When I usually go fishing on a sunny day with my friends and family, I dont expect anything but fun moments.
But sometimes strange things happen. Holy were going to get trapped in that. We gotta go. We gotta go. And on July 5, 2022, something even stranger happened to Jimmy. Now, Jimmy and his family were out fishing in the Florida coast, to be more precise, 72 miles off of Sarasota. They were having a good time, when all of a sudden they spot something falling from the sky. They try to get closer to it, when all of a sudden they see this green ooze coming from within the ocean. When they got even closer, they saw some sort of smoke coming from where this object fell.
Now, what’s even stranger about this is that Jimmy and his brother at the time, tried to contact the coast guard about it, and for some mysterious reason, communication systems were down. After posting this video to TikTok, it amassed millions of views and thousands of comments. Some people suggested that this could be some sort of paint marking from rocket boosters, but there were no other ships around, which makes this a bit strange. In your opinion, what do you think this is? And should have Jimmy gotten closer to it in the first place? A couple of weeks ago, Taylor Braid, one of our subscribers, emailed me a chilling video that I ended up featuring on the channel.
In this video, Taylor and her friend are kayaking on a lake in Ontario, Canada, when all of a sudden, they spot what appears to be a massive creature swimming just next to them. Now, if you haven’t seen this video fully, please do check it out. The thing is, at a certain moment, Taylor becomes dizzy because of the waves this creature is leaving behind. But she goes back to recording and captures the creature making a U turn. Whatever this thing is, it was massive, and she caught it all on camera. But the question is, what is this? A couple of days after publishing this video to my YouTube channel, dozens of subscribers came in with videos of what’s supposed to be the same thing, and it was captured all over the world.
In this next video, for instance, we can see a family having a good time on a lake in Argentina, when all of a sudden, this happens. Check this out. Whatever this monster like creature is, it was captured by this family in Colico Lake in Argentina. And now, scared by what they’re seeing, they try to warn the other group of people just next to them. Cuidado. Whatever it is that this family caught on camera, they saw it clearly and it scared them. The thing is, Internet users were divided. Some think that this is a phenomenon that occurs in certain lakes or waves caused by the tides, while others believe that this might actually be some sort of ancient monster like creature that inhabits lakes all over the world.
But I guess that when it comes to creepy sightings like this one, the most chilling one was recorded by Akiribar, YouTube channel. On April 2021, he writes, something unusual was recorded in an old mine in Kolubara, Serbia. Whether this is a huge catfish or a mysterious animal, no one knows yet, but the video shows that this is something huge. In the video, we can see what appears to be a crane operator recording a lake just next to a mine in Kolubara, Serbia. To the top right, you can see a highway with cars, when all of a sudden, this is captured on camera.
At first, what appears to be a giant eel or maybe a whale like creature can be seen swimming in the lake. But the crane operator continues recording this baffling video. And this is what happens next. A massive creature is captured on camera in Kolobaras herbia. Whatever this thing is, in my opinion, it’s too big to be any known animal. And I guess this is exactly what the person who was recording was thinking. To the top right, you can see the highway and cars just as a reference for size. So, again, whatever this thing is, it’s huge.
The more we find evidence of such creatures, the more questions we have. Questions like, why have these creatures been spotted all over the world throughout time, where they hide, where they come from? Is it maybe from some sort of underwater cave system that we’re not aware of? In your opinion, what do you think is going on here. Is this really some sort of monster like mystery creature or is it something else? What’s your take? Just imagine the following situation. You’re cooking dinner at your house, when all of a sudden you hear this loud boom, and when you go outside, things look different.
Well, this is sort of what happened in San Antonio Chalco in Mexico, a couple of weeks ago, when a family noticed a rift opening just next to their house. It started very small and it began to grow until it became really big. I mean, 25 meters deep and a couple of meters wide. Now, experts believe this has something to do with strong rain, but other than that, there is absolutely no explanation for this phenomenon. But it seems that it’s not just in Chalco, Mexico. Rifts like this one and sinkholes have been opening all over the world for the last couple of years, and no one knows exactly why.
In Africa, for example, a huge rift opened up. And at first, people thought it had to do with the fact that Africa is separating into two continents, or maybe that it was an earthquake. But then experts came in and actually said it had to do with none of them. It was a mystery. Something very similar occurred with a sinkhole that opened up in Chile recently, just next to a copper mine. At first, experts thought that this huge sinkhole that opened up was linked with the mining just next to it. But after taking a detailed look into this massive sinkhole, experts are now unsure of what really caused it and why it keeps growing in size.
Whats most intriguing is that sinkholes and rifts like these ones keep showing up. And some of them actually remain a complete mystery. But just like you and me, there are some people out there who are curious to find out what hides beneath these sinkholes. A youtuber by the name of Tacrax actually did a curious experiment where he throws an iPhone into a sinkhole. And this is what he captured on camera. Pretty crazy, guys. You can see there’s steam coming straight out of this water, grass growing on the edges here. Supposed to be about 140 to 180 degrees fahrenheit, but it’s super sick.
Literally in the middle of nowhere. Techrax and his team carefully fly the phone into the sinkhole water. And this is what happens. For some mysterious reason, Tac Rax actually records what sounds like a demonic voice coming from within the sinkhole. Whatever this is, to this day, it’s a mystery, just like most of the rifts and sinkholes showing up all over the world. But this isn’t the only video portraying strange things that happen below the surface. In 2018, engineers were repairing a tunnel in Medellin, Colombia, when they noticed this mysterious phenomenon and started recording it. While some believe that this is some sort of interdimensional portal that was caught on camera, experts think that this is due to the water pressure building and pressing against the floor of the tunnel.
However, it only occurred once or twice. What makes it really strange? And to this day, the reason remains a complete mystery. Now, taking into consideration that humans have only been able to dig 12 km deep into Earth’s crust, the reasons for these mysterious rifts and sinkholes could be many. In your opinion, what do you think is going on here? Why is this strange phenomenon occurring? I remember when I was much younger, I used to watch superhero movies and ask myself if one day I would also have superpowers. As I grew up, I found out it wasn’t exactly like that.
But that’s okay. Cause it basically happens with everyone, or almost everyone in this video. For instance, Jeff Janeesh was walking his dog in Russia in the woods, when all of a sudden, something catches his dog’s attention. He followed his dog, and what happened next left him speechless. He comes upon what appears to be a mother and a daughter supposedly levitating, hidden in the middle of the woods. Throughout time, there have been many people who have shown to have some sort of superpower. From buddhist monks levitating and changing their body temperatures to Wim Hof withstanding extreme cold temperatures.
There are a few people out there who have superhuman powers that to this day, experts can’t explain. Now, what I find interesting is that most of these superhumans claim to use some sort of altered state of mind to achieve most of these abilities. It’s as if they have unlocked the human brain somehow. That ball of light, that awareness, and consciously move it to any area of the mind that you want to go to. And if somebody or something is pulling that awareness to an area of the mind that you don’t want to go to, you use your willpower and your powers of concentration.
Now, if this is the case, then maybe it would help explain some really strange videos out there. A couple of weeks ago, a man by the name of Isaac Luna started posting strange and odd videos to social media. Isaac usually posts videos of him doing his daily chores. Establish my territory. He knows this area is mine. Or exercising his body and mind. This is until last week, when his subscribers noticed something odd. This, for instance, is the first video where things start to get strange with Isaacs account. That’s the movement like that. If you have any questions, let me know.
But everyone should be able to do this movement. When I first watched this video, I was pretty sure that this man was somehow levitating, using some sort of camera trick or maybe a rope. And I guess most people thought that, too. His Instagram and TikTok followers were completely divided between, is this a camera trick, a green screen, or is it maybe real? This is when Isaac posted his second video in a different setting in his backyard. Check this out. However it is that Isaac is doing this, he left most of his viewers baffled. But still, there were people who thought he was using some sort of green screen or a special effect.
Isaac then posted a third video in the grass in the middle of his backyard, not touching any wall. Check this out. As Isaac posted more of these videos, it became stranger by the day. If it’s a trick or not, no one knows how he’s doing it. People all over the world were trying to do the same thing on TikTok and Instagram without any success. And to prove that he wasn’t using any green screensh, Isaac posted a fourth video showing his backyard. He also posted a couple of the methods that hes using to achieve this. The books that hes reading, the Tesla coil that he bought, and what he calls exercising the core energy every day.
Whatever it is that’s going on here, I’m pretty sure that it should be a trick. But no one has figured out how it is that he’s pulling it. In his last video, we can see clearly he’s not using any rope of any sort or green screen special effect. Check this out. Focus. Lift. How is it that Isaac is doing this? If it was supposed to be some sort of elaborate trick, there would be hundreds, thousands of people maybe doing the same same thing on TikTok and Instagram. And this isn’t the case. So what’s going on here? Is this maybe the real deal? Is it some sort of glitch in the simulation, or is it some sort of superpower? What’s your take? Hi, I’m back, but just for a few seconds.
So, in this next video, we feature several different stories, and in one of them, I’m featuring the Glimmerman. This is actually the first time ever that I feature the Glimmerman on the channel, which is this invisible humanoid creature that lurks the woods at night, sometimes during the day. But it’s very similar to the movie the Predator. And what you’re about to watch is real. It really happened. It’s legit. But the thing about it is, there’s very little information about the Glimmerman. But if you search, you’ll find several stories from people all over the world. And these stories are real.
So whatever’s out there, well, it’s creepy. Are you ready? Because this is gonna be a wild compilation. From the Glimmerman, to mysterious glitches in the matrix, to cryptids, Bigfoot and other creatures, this is gonna be a wild one. Well, let’s go. Every single day in the US alone, 150 million cars and trucks are hitting the road. That’s a lot of people driving. And if you stop to think about the fact that most of these people have a camera with them, it would be very likely that at some point someone is going to capture something really strange on camera by chance.
What is that? Mom, you see this? No. What the hell is that? UFO over there? And this is sort of what happened with stay light Reddit user when he was with a couple of friends and he spotted something really strange on camera, something that he couldn’t quite explain, and he did what anyone would do, and he started recording it immediately. This is what he got on camera. At first. What appears to be a dark figure can be seen hovering just above their car. If we take a look at it closely, it really looks something like a Harry Potter dementor, something out of a horror movie.
Some Internet users slapped comments saying that this could actually be some sort of kite, which at some point makes sense. But staylight Reddit user posted a part two of the video and this is when things really get weird. Check this out. I am zoomed in, posting an electric fire went into the clouds and went up into the clouds. Yo, I swear to these people, these niggas is hiding alien spacecraft in the cloud. Wow. Facts. Wow. Where did it go? Whatever this thing is, it seems to be emitting some sort of electricity from it, and at some point it goes up and disappears completely into the clouds, which isn’t exactly the typical behavior of a kite.
Internet users were completely divided. Some actually think that this is an Led kite and others are stating that led kites do not shine or emit electricity like this. Not only that, they don’t disappear into the clouds like that. There was another Internet user that stated if it was a kite, don’t you think the tentacles would be flying backwards, not in front of it? Well, to be honest, I hadn’t paid attention to that before. But after watching the video a couple of times, he may actually be right. But I’m not too sure. In your opinion, what do you think is going on here? Is this some led kind of some sort? Or is it something else entirely? Now, I don’t know about you, but I am definitely a dog lover.
And if you’re a dog lover too, you’re probably aware of the fact that dogs can sense and hear things that humans can’t. Now, taking that into consideration, Brucho Syndicate is a YouTube channel who usually walks his dogs. And his YouTube channel is full of videos of him doing so what do I see I can’t fix in one particular video, on January 2014, he was walking his dog in the middle of nowhere. Just before sunset, he was traveling into vast fields to escape modern and urban life. This is until his dog led him to a frozen pond, or maybe a lake.
While this is where things get really weird. And Brutos syndicate found himself face to face with a very strange phenomenon, one that, to this day, no one has a perfect explanation to what really is going on here. And this is what Bruccio syndicate caught on camera. What appears to be a breathing hole can be seen inside the frozen lake. And Bruccio’s syndicate very bravely tries to capture it all on camera. In a certain moment, you can actually see this thing forming a wider hole, as if there’s something inside the lake digging its way out. Bobruccio’s syndicate continues on recording.
And this time, he zooms in a little bit more, and this is what he sees. What the. For you what? The Internet users were completely baffled by this mysterious phenomenon that Bruccio caught on camera that day. Some believe it could be a volcano, but Bruccio says that in the middle of Europe, where he lives, there are no active volcanoes. And I don’t think this is the case. There were a few Internet users that suggested that this could actually be a small meteor crater impact site, along with maybe some sort of mysterious object that was somehow hidden underneath.
Other Internet users believe this could be actually a hot spring, which kind of makes sense. But Bruccio replied to his subscribers that he checked many hot spring videos out there on YouTube, and according to him, they don’t look anything like this mystery phenomenon that he caught on camera. Needless to say, to this day, this continues on being a mystery, and I have absolutely no idea what it is that Rucho caught. What I do know is that his subscribers asked him to go back there on a summer day, and he did, and this is what he saw.
Here we go. Oh, my God. This is so nasty. Look at that. It’s, like, glowing. I don’t think this is healthy. Oh, man. Oh, that’s so slimy. That’s nasty. Oh. Oh, man. Can’t believe how nasty. It’s like, what the f is this place? I see it. Rucho syndicate finds this spot once again. But it seems that whatever this thing is, it isn’t there anymore. Which makes this even weirder. In your opinion, what do you think is going on here? When it comes to strange encounters with mysterious creatures, there are several reports all over the world of people who have supposedly seen creatures that sometimes can be described as something coming out of a horror movie.
And this is the case with a creature known as the Rake. Now, the rake is supposedly a fictitious character that was elaborated by four chan users around 2003. And even though it is considered just an urban legend, there are supposed artifacts that may prove the existence of such a humanoid creature, such as a sailor’s log from 1691 and a journal entry translated from Spanish dated from 1880. And searching for these kind of humanoid encounters, I found quite a few videos that that I have no explanation for, such as an Internet user by the name of petite cinnamonroll.
Check this out. Oh my gosh. Look at all the fog. It’s like a horror movie. Oh, man. Street light. Now, in this case, the video is too short, and petite cinnamon Row hasn’t posted any other follow up video on the subject, so it’s very hard to say if it is indeed a rake, a humanoid creature, or something else. What I do know is that her reaction is pretty much legit, and since she hasn’t posted any other follow up videos, I don’t think she’s doing it for views. But there’s more. A YouTube channel by the name of whole other level outdoors, posted a video of an exploration he did in the woods at night when he found himself face to face with a very strange noise that several Internet users agree that it isn’t coming from wolves, foxes, or anything like that.
Check this out, man. We’re here in camp. Do you hear that? You think that’s a yolk or a sasquatch? But I guess that one of the most compelling videos when it comes to strange humanoid encounters was posted by James Galley, YouTube channel. In this video, a group of men are hunting in the woods at night when they hear a strange sound coming from a river nearby. They made the mistake of getting closer to it, thinking it was an animal. And this is what happened. Whatever this thing is, many Internet users agree that this might actually be something like the rake.
Jim V. Says there is no way that this could be a human. First of all, because that’s way too skinny for a person. Secondly, look at how ridged its back is. Only a person with a spinal cord deformity would have a back like this. And finally, Anhe and most convincingly, look at the size of the light being reflected off of its eyes. Its far too big for a human. Now I dont know if I agree 100% with Jim, but he has a point. Its just way off. Its too strange. In your opinion, do you think its all just a hoax? Or is there a possibility that there are strange humanoid beings living out there deep in the woods? Now I don’t know if you agree with me, but I would say that humans have achieved a lot of advance in the few hundred years.
And if you compare nowadays with the old times, well we know a lot more about the world that we live in, the universe in general, we know a lot more. But still there are loads of things to learn and things that we can’t easily explain to. You see that moving the plane is it yo, nothing is moving. The flag’s not waving. What? The water. Just to set an example. We know only 20% about the oceans and we can’t have dig deeper than 12 km into the earth’s crust. So there’s a lot to learn. And I guess that because there’s still a lot to learn, some people coin unexplained things as a glitch in the matrix or in the simulation, as if we were living in a digital simulation created by a higher intelligence.
Now of course this is just a theory created by some actors who believe that we can’t disprove, neither prove if we are living inside of a simulation which makes things interesting. What is it? Hello? Now of course this is just an idea, a theory, but there are a few videos out there that actually makes us scratch our heads and ask, are we actually living in some sort of simulation? It’s the case with a video, for example, that was posted by Reddit user idripe. His town was hit by a hurricane and he captured something completely chilling and unexplainable on camera.
In the video we can see a tree branch that was broken by hurricane winds. However, there is one thing about this video. The fence is completely intact. How did this occur? In this next video posted by Vara Jozada, we can see what appears to be a couple of unidentified objects in the sky when all of a sudden this happened. What? What? What was that? You guys? I got that. I got that. Now, Jozada was at a music festival called Lost Lands in Ohio. And some Internet users think that maybe because she was in a music festival that these could be laser lights.
But taking into consideration several laser light videos coming in from festivals, I don’t think this is the case. Now, this isn’t the only time that such a glitch occurs in the sky. What the hell is that? Recently in Taiwan, locals were surprised by a mysterious phenomenon. Check this out. Now, to make things even weirder, in Saudi Arabia, in the middle of the desert, water started pouring out of nowhere. Now, this could be a random occurrence. However, the same thing occurred in Saudi Arabia in a different location in the same week. Not only that, in Japan, it happened, too.
A few days later, a water geezer can be seen rising up to 30 meters high in Hokkaido, in the city of Oshamambi. What makes this all very strange is that it happened all in the same week. So either this is a glitch, or there’s a very good explanation to it. Have you ever yourself caught a glitch on camera? And in your opinion, what do you think about these glitches? Now, I don’t know about you, but when I watched the movie the predator for the first time, I was really scared about the fact that that thing could become invisible in the middle of the woods while it hunts.
I was really scared, but at the same time, I was really happy that it was was just a movie. But what if it isn’t just a movie? A couple of weeks ago, Ravenlove Eleven uploaded a video where her and her husband witnessed something completely unexplainable in their backyard, and they were able to capture it all on camera. But before I go into this video, I would like to show you guys two other videos that were uploaded to social media a couple of years ago. Videos that I thought were maybe fake. And now there’s a possibility that they were actually real.
In one particular video, recorded supposedly in 1997, a father and a son are hunting in the woods when they come face to face with what appears to be a cloaked figure. Check this out. Do you see that? Over there? Look. Look over there. Do you see that? What the hell? Wait, wait, wait, wait. Cause that was it again. Right there. Right there. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I don’t like this. You see that? Right there? Look, look. Oh, my God. What appears to be an invisible figure can be seen moving quietly in the woods. The father and the son realize that they’re not alone, and they run as fast as possible.
The video quality isn’t exactly that good, so it’s very difficult to say if this video is the real deal. But it doesn’t stop there. Bob Garrett, a Bigfoot investigator, released a video by the name of 3 miles in the. And in this video, we can see what appears to be the same thing happening, but in a very different place in a different time. Many youtubers released videos analyzing this part. One of them was paranormal intelligence YouTube channel, and the other one was Scott Carpenter. In both videos, we can clearly see what Bob Garrett captured on camera.
Check this out. Did you see that? You probably didn’t. It was too quick for the human eye, but Bob Garrett captured it on camera. And we can now slow mo and review the footage over and over. And we can clearly see the same invisible figure hiding in the woods, but it doesn’t stop there. A couple of months ago, Ravenlove Eleven was enjoying her time with her family in their backyard in North Carolina when something really strange happened. Something that they can only describe as one of the most sinister things ever. And they caught it all on camera.
And this is what happened. I don’t see anything. What the heck? It’s like there’s something up there. No. What the f. Internet users were completely baffled and divided. Some believe they can actually see something up there in the trees, or while others think that this is due to the soil becoming weaker and wind. However, in my opinion, I don’t see how this has anything to do with the soil becoming weaker or the tree eroding or anything like that. In the beginning of the video, we can clearly see it’s as if there’s something hanging in the tree and jumping from one side to the other.
Not only that, I don’t see any wind, but I could be wrong. In your opinion, what do you think is going on here? When searching for a strange phenomenon online, you’ll find a variety of videos that will probably leave you as baffled as one can be. And in the past few months, there have been quite a few videos that have been creeping people out that I would say have absolutely no explanation to it. And it’s sort of the case with an Internet account by the name of Marly Charlie, 22. Now, if you take a look at her videos, most of them are normal family and random videos about their daily lives.
But on July 8, Marlee Charlie found out something really strange and creepy about this place where she lives at. Tonight, I will make another video to show you that this is not a joke. I am not playing. This is the road to the church. I am in the country, and this is the now, I’m not sure exactly where this is because she didn’t disclose the location but she lives in front of a small church, and in one specific night, she was able to capture something completely unexplained on camera. And this is what happened, y’all. I am in my yard.
Watch my face. This is not an app doing this. This is my yard. The church is behind me. Watch my face, church. You can see straight through me. I kid you not. Look at this. Whoa. Watching this video over and over, you can see her face glitching when she points it at the light pole. Some people noticed, for example, that it appears as if a skull overlaying her face, as if a spirit or an entity is present at that moment. But even weirder is the fact that she becomes sort of transparent at a certain moment in the video.
Her video became a viral sensation, and there were thousands of comments pouring in and they asked for more videos. So Marlee Charlie posted other videos to show everyone that this was indeed some sort of glitch. And this is when things become even creepier. Check this out. I don’t know what it is about these videos, but they have a really creepy and strange vibe to it, one that I can’t exactly describe. In the second video, we can see her face somewhat, shapeshifting once again as if there’s something there with her. And taking into consideration that in her first video, we can clearly see through her, I would say that there’s something really strange about this place.
Some Internet users suggest that it could be her camera malfunctioning, but I don’t think so due to the fact that it wouldn’t make her become completely invisible. Not only that, there’s something strange about the vibe in this place. It could be maybe that the church is haunted somewhat, or it could be that Marley Charlie captured a legit glitch in the simulation on camera. Either way, there’s something uncomfortable about these videos that she did, and I’m not sure why. What do you think? Well, this is it for now. But we do have more videos. Don’t forget to check them out.
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