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➡ The video discusses the significance of the number seven in various contexts, including cryptocurrency, numerology, and astrology. It highlights the connection between important historical events and the number seven, such as the date Israel declared war on Hamas and the Hebrew seven-year cycle called the Shemitah. The video also explores the relationship between the number seven and Saturn, the God of harvest in mythology. Lastly, it delves into the connection between the number seven and upcoming dates, suggesting potential significance or events.
➡ The text discusses a theory that major wars and significant events are linked to specific date numerologies, particularly the numbers 68 and 86. It suggests that these numbers, found in the dates of World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War, and recent conflicts, are part of a ‘war code’. The text also connects these numbers to upcoming dates and events, including the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election. The author believes this pattern could influence future geopolitical events and market trends.
➡ The speaker believes that the United States will enter a war in 2025, based on historical patterns and the Chinese zodiac. They also predict a bullish trend in the cryptocurrency market, particularly after the solar eclipse in October 2024. They suggest that the distraction of the upcoming election will impact the markets, with many waiting to speculate until after the results. The speaker also shares their theories on the election and the potential impact on Bitcoin’s price, suggesting a possible trend reversal if Bitcoin can break into price discovery.
➡ The speaker predicts that Bitcoin could reach nearly 100k by January 2025. They also anticipate a significant event related to a war this weekend, particularly involving Israel. They expect a short-term peak in September, followed by a correction around the election, but predict a strong recovery and new highs for the stock market by December. They remain optimistic for the crypto market in early 2025 and advise not to be distracted by any incoming fear.


Welcome to another day in the Matrix. This is waters above. I got a really important video for you all today, so we’re going to jump straight into this gnosis. And if you’re new here, we do cryptocurrency, technical analysis and combine it with gematria, numerology and astrology. To understand these markets, feel free to subscribe and turn on the Bell notification to stay updated on when new videos come out. And make sure to give this video a like and share this channel with other conscious beings to help grow our community. And with that being said, let’s take the clear pill.

So we have tomorrow, September 13 is a Friday the 13th, and it connects to one of the most important dates over the past five years. And that’s October 7, 2023, the date that Israel declared war on Hamas, which was the key event to kick off what some would call World War Three. And before we dive deeper into this specific code, it’s important to bring up the significance of the number seven, not only in Zionism and Kabbalah, and even exoterically in Judaism. So I want you to consider the HebrEw new year, Rosh Hashanah. It starts on the HebrEw month of Tishri, their 7th month biblically.

Then they practice a seven year cycle called the Shemitah. It is tied to the harvest, which ties back to Kronos, or Saturn. In mythology and Kronos, Saturn is your God of harvest, also known as father time. And then you have their Sabbath day on Saturday. It’s Saturn’s day on their 7th day. Day of the week. Well, October 7, 2023, it was on a Saturn’s day, a Saturday, just like the Yom Kippur war, which started on October 6 of 1973, you’ll also see, was on a Saturn Day. This was a ritual to Saturn and Baal. This is father time and the father of the Matrix, the king of the gods, Yaldabaoth, and also known as the Demiurge, or Yahweh.

This is Jupiter, Zeus father son. This is why a lot of the Hollywood movies you see play that dynamic. Getting back to this, the reason why this event last year happened on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war also has to do with the number seven, because as I mentioned earlier regarding the seven year cycle called the Shemitah, you then have an even more powerful cycle of seven cycles of Shemitah being 49 years or seven sevens. And this comes back to the jubilee. So after seven cycles of seven Shemitah, or 49 years, on the following year, the 50th year, they practice biblical Jubilee, this event on October 7 last year.

And note the seven on the 7th day of that month landing on a Saturn’s day, Sabbath day, the 7th day was scripted. They could not start that war until after the Jubilee was over because during the final shmitah in the 49 year cycle and biblical jubilee, they cannot have any blood on their hands. But once it’s over, it becomes hunger games real quick. So now that you have that foundation regarding the number seven, we’re going to continue this theme throughout today’s decode. And it’s important that I laid out that foundation for you because you’re going to see how this all connects.

So let’s get back to the jubilee, which effectively ended on September 16 of 2023. And you’re going to see that from this date to the date of the war being declared, they were 21 days apart. Also, you have it being on a Saturn’s day, coincidentally. And this number 21, you could break it down to three sevens. Seven plus seven plus seven equals 21. And 777 is your jackpot number. Also, this number 21 ties directly back to the gematria of Saturn. This mythology that we’re talking about. Father time and the ruler of kabbalism. Well, getting back to this 21 code, well, I want us to actually now step into 2024, where we are today.

We’ll be having this upcoming Friday the 13th is connected to this specific date of October 7 of 2023. And I, we have this very important number that many people will probably overlook. And that’s the number 343. Again, keep in mind the number seven here we were talking about the 7th day of October. We’re also in the gregorian year of 223 when this event happened. Three plus two plus two. Seven. And it’s on a Saturn day. Well, this 343 is when you take seven times seven. Times seven is 343. That’s 2777 connections I just gave you along with this upcoming Friday the 13th, tomorrow being a 21 standard date numerology.

Again, seven plus seven plus seven tied to Saturn. Oh, and I have one more. We are also in the 37th week of the year in the gregorian system. Esoterically, 37. You speak it out. It’s three sevens. Seven. Seven. Seven. And we’re in the true 7th month in the system, not the 9th month. September being the 9th month makes no sense because just look at the etymology. September, it starts with the prefix septem. In Latin, that means seven. We have 343 days. Seven times seven times seven. This also happens to be 49 weeks, which is seven squared.

Seven sevens, which also happens to be eleven months. And seven days. This is where the September 11 code comes into play, because as I mentioned moments ago, September, starting with the prefix septem, is the number seven. Making September 11 actually 711 or eleven seven written internationally, that’s your 117 code. One one seven code. And remember the year that event happened. It was in 2001. Remove the zeros. Using the rules of numerology, you have 2001. Remove zeros, it becomes 21 again, 777. And what’s significant about the year 2001 was that it was a Shmita year. This is why we had the.com bubble to start off that.

And then it ended with a bang, literally. September 11, World Trade center attacks in New York City. That was all tied to a Shmitah ritual. Then we had, seven years later, on the following shmitah was the housing market crash, the subprime mortgage crisis. And something I shared here on this channel almost four years ago was the significance of this shmitah cycle in regards to the market. All our big events in the markets are tied to shmita cycle, but that would require a separate video to break down even further. And I actually teach about this thoroughly in my decoding mastermind course that’s available@watersabove.com.

you could check that out if you’re interested. Now, getting back to this September 11 ritual and the year 2001, remove the zeros. You have 21. That comes back to Saturn, 21. And this Friday the 13th tomorrow is actually connected to the upcoming hebrew new year, Rosh Hashanah, by 21 days. And this is a very important Rosh Hashanah because it’s on a solar eclipse and the final solar eclipse of our solar cycle and the last bit of solar cycle energy until the total lunar eclipse on March 13 of 2025, which is exactly six months away from today.

So about a half a year from now. Also, if we don’t include the end date, this 343 code that I was talking about earlier regarding October 7 of last year, Israel war. It connects to Saturn day. September 14, we have another Saturn connection. And this number seven again, because it’s the 14th day. And that number 14 is two seven, seven is 14. Now, when we connect October 7, 7th day, 343 days. Seven, seven, seven. You get where I’m going with this? Remember, we’re also talking about the 37th week of the year seven, seven. Also the final day of the 37th week, Sunday, September 15, has a very important code to it.

But before I get into that, we have more seven connections. It’s the 107th day left in the year. Drop the zero and you have 1717 is the 7th prime number, also 107 is the 28th prime number, also divisible by seven. Seven times four is 28. But what’s most powerful about this date is the fact that September 15 has a 68 double digit date numerology, which I call the war code. Remember earlier I spoke about the Yom Kippur war, which was on October 6 of 1973? Well, let me just quickly break this down for you esoterically. October, it starts with the prefix octo, like octagon, has eight sides, making October actually the 8th month in the cycle, not the 10th.

And we have the Yom Kippur war on the 6th day of the true 8th month, written six eight. Internationally, there you have your 68 code. And coincidentally, this leaves 86 days left in the year. The mirror of the number 68. Remember, everything is mirrored, not mimicked. These are the rules of alchemy. So, getting back to this, this was a very ritualistic date all the way back then, and it was revisited just last year on that 50th anniversary. And we talked about that a little bit earlier. One thing that’s absolutely wild about October 6 of this year, and it’s a code that I want to show you really quickly for 2024.

Remember, I was talking about the 86 days and the six eight code for the September 15. We’re also 21 days apart. We were talking about that with Saturn. This is your 68 war code, just for you to have the information. Most major wars are associated with the number 68. We have. World War one had a 68 double digit date numerology. World War two had the 68 double digit date numerology. Vietnam had the 86 double digit date numerology. And even the most recent Russia Ukraine invasion back in February 2022, that had a 68 double digit date numerology, which is why I call it the war code.

Also this year, the former president of Iran died in the helicopter crash on a 68 double digit date numerology, right after Iran launched a drone strike against Israel. Again, kind of pushing us into the next phases of what we’re calling World War three. So I am keeping this upcoming Sunday in mind specifically because of that. But with October 6 being right around the corner, that will be the eve of the one year anniversary of this war with Israel and effectively tied specifically to the day of the am Kippur Yom Kippur war, which leaves 86 days left in the year.

And if we include the end date, we could actually tie that back to the date of the Trump assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania, which was on Saturn day, July 13, by 86 days. Pretty incredible stuff. And for those that want to see how even more coded this all is. Israel’s Independence Day, which is the 14 May of 1948, also has an 86 double digit date numerology. You can’t make this up. Now I want to see something interesting. We were just talking about October 6 of this year. We were talking about also October 7 of last year, the real key date in this world War three narrative.

I want you to see how they both have the same double digit date numerology and the same standard date numerology. And guess what else has a 60 and 15 numerology? The upcoming presidential election of the United States. November 5, 2024. Super Tuesday Super Martes. The day of Mars, day of the God of war. Right. But then you have the 60 60 1515 connection. I want you to keep this in mind because there’s some code here. They, all those dates I just shared have the same date numerology. And now we’re going to get into reducing it further.

60, you dropped zero. You have 615. One plus five is six. The number six is sex. It’s tied to the sexogram. It’s tied to the hexagram, the symbol of the flag of Israel. This is the hex. We talk about this in magic. Well, hex gives you 15. And I just showed you all the connections with the 15 date numerology. Also not only just tied to some key events, but the upcoming election and also another 15 connection in the same cipher, in the chaldean cipher is Israel gives you 15. Funny enough, Israel also has the 64, which was the date double digit date numerology of the Trump assassination attempt, and also the double digit date numerology of Trump’s birthday this year.

You can’t make this up. Also, speaking of the number 15, we have that, another cipher in war with that 15 there. And we’re talking about how this upcoming Sunday of the 16 September has the 21 moment. The 15 September has the 68 date numerology. So I just want to get back on track here. So now let me just kind of share my opinion all on all of this, since these are dates that are right around the corner. They’re things that I’ve been bringing up quite often, actually, especially inside of my Patreon for the mastermind community. So if you guys are interested in a lot of those behind the scenes updates and my weekly Red Pill podcast that is available@patreon.com.

waters above. And that membership is incredibly affordable for how much value you get. Not only a weekly podcast that’s typically an hour to an hour and a half long. But I also do text market updates. I also share whenever I’m personally buying or selling any of my investments, as well as it includes a discord community with tons of like minded individuals decoding this matrix together, following these markets, following these geopolitical events, and supporting each other in the process. So just want to share my opinion on all of this now that I laid out the foundation for you.

We have tomorrow being Friday the 13th, that energy spilling into Saturn’s day the 14th, and being released into the 15th on this war code date. And this is where we transition into the 38th week of the year, which is probably the most important part of all of this. So now that we’ve got here, I hope you’ve been taking notes with this 38th week of the year right around the corner. So I’ll be wrapping up today’s decode here, getting into as many little nuggets of wisdom along the way, of course. But we have this upcoming 38th week of the year, and this is probably the most important week of the year regarding the energy of these markets, which I know you’re all here to know more about, specifically for the crypto market and the significance of this number 38.

It ties back to a decode that I released back in February this year called the year of the dragon decoded, talking about the chinese zodiac. And I go into the esoteric connections for the key number of this year of 2024 and the hebrew year of 5784, which reduces to 24. And esoterically, the number 38. Well, that’s three, eight, eight. And eight plus eight plus eight equals 24. And we’re talking about the year of the dragon, named after this constellation, Draconis, which gives you the 38, as well as the mirror 83. So you could see this is all synchronized together.

And on, remember, three eight is 24. And on September 16, the first day of that 38th week of the year, we have a 24 standard date numerology. So how perfectly synced is that? And then we have this connection between September 16 and October 3, which is Rosh Hashanah. And if we include the end date, you’ll see they are two weeks and four days apart. So another 24 connection also October 3, the day of the hebrew new year, is leaving 89 days left in this year. And that’s the 24th prime number. And this will be the last day of the hebrew year 5784, which is the 24.

An absolutely wild coincidence. And all I did was connect two dates. And we’re not, like, pulling things out of nowhere here. We’re using the most significant connections with the calendrical systems of arguably the most important calendar, especially given where Israel is in the whole conversation. It’s what is ruling all of the energy in this world right now. And everyone is giving their energy to it. So this is important stuff, guys. And also this happens to be the day leading into our upcoming lunar eclipse. And we need to discuss that because right after that lunar eclipse, as it finishes off in energy, Wednesday, September 18, we have an FOMC meeting.

So the Federal Reserve’s FOMC will be from the 17th to the 18th. Fed chair Powell will be speaking next Wednesday. And notice how September 18, just to throw this out, there is the 26th date numerology, but it’s also the 262nd day of the year, which is the palindrome of the number 26. 26 forward and backward. And earlier I showed you the gematria of the word draconis, talking about the draconis constellation tied to the dragon, or draco. And this is, of course, considering the chinese year of the dragon that we’re in. Well, draconis gives you the 26, so we have more synchronicity there as well.

And this upcoming FOMC meeting, when Fed chair Powell speaks, will also be eleven months and eleven days from October 7 last year, the Israel war date. So there’s your 1111 code. Make a wish. Now, a lot of analysts are speculating the market is due to have a heavy correction for this upcoming FOMC meeting because of the supposed rate cuts incoming and what would be our first rate cuts of the year. And I just want to let everyone know that there’s a pattern for the year of the dragon. And we’re seeing this happen month after month whenever analyzing dragon years.

I’m just going to quickly pull up the s and P 500 chart because I’ve been tracking this now publicly also here in YouTube videos pretty much since the beginning of this year. So I just want to go over this pattern really quickly. And that’s we initially top out in the month of September, and then we correct into the election timeframe, typically about a week to ten days after the election. And then we have a macro bottom, or I guess we could call it a microcycle bottom would be a more specific term. A microcycle bottom is formed about a week to ten days after the election.

And then it follows by a really solid pump into the end of the year, where typically we actually see higher highs in the indices by November into December post election. And I’ve documented this in many videos going through each dragon year, all the way back to 1928 into 1929, which led to the Great Depression, when the market topped in surprise, the month of September of 1929, the year of the snake. So naturally, next year will be the year of the snake. I’ve already called for this publicly in so many podcasts and so many interviews that I’ve been on that in 2025, if this war narrative continues, which I believe it will, the United States of America will enter this war during the year of the snake, as they always had in the world War two.

Example, World War one, Vietnam, 2001, Afghanistan. I could keep going the year of the snake, and USA military going to war go hand in hand, and I don’t think it’ll be any different this time. So keep that in mind, everyone. So it’s just considering what I shared before about all of the data that I’ve researched going back to 1928 almost a hundred years ago, and trading into the year of the snake, which is naturally more bullish, actually, than any highs made in the year of the dragon. It’s another reason why I’m bullish on q 120 25, and I cover that thoroughly in my year of the snake decoded.

It’s a sneak preview that I included as bonus material in my crypto decoding blueprint, and that’s also a part of my decoding mastermind course over on my website. But getting back to this pattern, I do have to say that although this dragon year has many volatile events happening simultaneously, a pattern is a pattern. And I feel the crypto market is being. Getting hit hard because of suppressed energy moving into the release of this bottled up energy, which I believe will be set off by this upcoming solar eclipse on October 2, less than a month away. I see it being no different than October of last year.

So let me quickly just show you that example. In October last year, right here, during our second solar eclipse of the solar cycle, the crypto market took off not only bitcoin, but the entire altcoin market as well. Then we go back to the prior bull run, starting in this kind of like Q four timeframe of 2020, peaking in 2021. When you look at September and October of 2020, we started breaking out right then into effectively the end of October, start of November, breaking out of an over three year resistance that we were faced with. And that happened during October.

We could even check in with the cycle before that in 2017 right over here. And if we look at the relationship of. Let me see right here. So we have a dip into September, and then we have this recovery phase in October and then by November, we’re up and heading into the peak of the cycle. All of these are around the fourth solar eclipse of our solar cycle, just like we have coming up on October 2 of 2024, less than a month away. It will be our last solar eclipse of the solar cycle. And after this eclipse, it’s typical when we see the expansion in the crypto market.

And considering it’s already been six months now of sideways and down for bitcoin, and the entire sentiment around this crypto market has reset, it’s become quite bored. Many people have flipped full blown, full blown bearish. Even the people that were screaming back in Q one talking about how these institutions buying are going to send us up to, you know, crazy new prices immediately. And I was one of the few that was really telling people to relax because you don’t want the market to just break out in a straight line. It’s not healthy. So everyone was talking about bitcoin, bitcoin, institutional inflows, and this, that, and the third.

And here we are today. You know, we. We have not seen price discovery. So it’s important that whenever something is popular, you almost immediately accept it as it’s wrong and it’s a distraction. So what we’ve been through now is six months of sideways and down. The whole sentiment has reset. A lot of the narratives that we heard back in Q one are no longer being brought up. So unless this solar lunar cycle concept breaks for the first time in the history of the entire bitcoin chart going back to the genesis of bitcoin, then we should be expecting up after the fourth solar eclipse of our solar cycle or after October of 2024.

And lastly, the other thing to consider, with it being an election year and probably the most prana siphoning election of all time, just know that the masses are distracted by that election and they’re not concerned with the markets. And many will actually wait to speculate until after that election, which is typical and why I said, in the traditional markets, it’s normal to see a correction into the election timeframe and then a pivot slightly after it once we have the results. Although I just released over on Patreon a new decode of the us election, and it’s pretty much just something I did because I’ve been getting so many requests to do it, and I finally did it.

And I share my theories on what I see going down for this election between Trump and Harris. I share some what could be very plausible scenarios, three key scenarios, if you’re interested in that, that’s available@patreon.com. watersabove and probably one of the most mind blowing pieces of data I’ve compiled regarding politics. And I normally don’t touch on politics, but I’ve received a lot of feedback that it was such a neutral presentation. You know, I wasn’t picking any sides. I was very unbiased and neutral in my approach of how I looked at the code. So I’ve been getting amazing feedback on that and I really appreciate that, even though I dived into a subject matter that I normally don’t even get close to.

But getting back to this, we have this upcoming lunar eclipse and we’ll have to see how that goes with the next FOMC meeting on September 18. Keep an eye out for the 60k bitcoin level somewhere around this 0.5 fib. When looking at the macro fib, pull from the swing high down to the swing low, that’s a very important level. And recovering that level would show confidence in bitcoin’s ability to hold this lower 50k range. Although no parties until bitcoin can get back above this 65k area, that would show somewhat of a trend reversal energy. And we’re still in this horizontal trading range until bitcoin can break into price discovery, which would it still stands at anything over 71,500 or a weekly close over seventy two k.

And a gem I can share with you. To wrap up today’s video regarding bitcoin’s scripted price action, some of you might remember me talking about bitcoin’s highest daily close, which was on March 13 of this year. And I say daily close because it was the highest candle closure we had. And what’s so amazing about March 13 of this year is bitcoin closed its only daily candle at only day. It’s closed at it was on the 73rd day of the year. So I decided to look into what’s the day, leaving 73 days in the year. And that is the 19 October.

Now, what’s so incredible about this is that’s also a 73 double digit date numerology. So how wild is that? And when you include the end date, it’s seven months and seven days. Seven times seven is 49. And the mythological archetype Satoshi Nakamoto turned 49 years old this year. And Satoshi is symbolic of Saturn. And October 19 happens to be on a Saturn’s day. Now you want your mind to really be blown even more when we connect this to Satoshi’s 49th birthday and we don’t include the end date we end up with 197 days between Satoshi’s 49th birthday and this date that we discovered, October 19.

197 is the 45th prime number. And Satoshi’s birthday is on April 5, the four five gregorian date. And because we’re utilizing the week numbers as well in our decodes, the fact that this date of October 19 lands in the 42nd week of the year. Now, this makes sense because the key number of this year, as I showed you earlier, is 24, and the mirror of 24 is 42. And another, another number connected to Saturn, 42. This also is the week of the last eclipse of the year. And this is a very important time frame to consider energetically for the crypto market because this also happens to be around the time where inside a real astrology will be transitioning, where the sun is moving out of Virgo and it’s moving into Libra, the scales.

And again, this is in sidereal astrology, not tropical. And what else equals 42 and 24? Well, let’s bring in the gematria of Libra. The sign will be in, and that’s 42 and 24. It’s perfectly synchronized. So this really confirms my thesis that after the pair of eclipses that we’ll have this month and next month, September 17 and October 17, after that is when I suspect the bullish energy should come back to the crypto market. And the 42nd week of the year should be the pivot. And once Saturn goes direct, which is mid November, around November 15, as you can see here in this chart, we should already be breaking out of this bull flag that we’re in now, which has a breakout target of just under 100k, which could very well be accomplished by January at the start of 2025.

And perhaps, as we see how this next couple of weeks goes, I could dial that in even more. But I did fully decode the all time high. What I see bitcoin doing this cycle and the upside targets, that is in my crypto decoding blueprint. So I’m going to wrap up today’s video here. Don’t be shocked if something happens tomorrow for Friday the 13th of into Saturn day. And then we have the war code this Sunday. I’m expecting a ritual tied to this war happening this weekend, especially with Israel. We have the FOMC meeting next week. Most anticipate rate cuts, but we already showed you the pattern of a short term top in September leading into a corrective phase right around the election.

I’ve shared that in so many of my past YouTube videos. So if you’re new to this information, go rewatch those. And then I do suspect after the election we’ll have a solid recovery into new highs for the stock market by December as we close off the year. And I’m personally bullish even for Q one of 2025 for the crypto market as well. And bitcoin’s best performing months are October and November, with emphasis on November this year specifically, so any incoming fear is just a distraction. Stay focused. I appreciate every single one of you, and I’m wishing you all an amazing rest of your day in the matrix.

Much love.


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