➡ The text discusses a movie that explores the concept of nuclear homunculi, which is the idea of using magical powers for destructive purposes, similar to a nuclear weapon. The movie also delves into the psychology of crowds and how they can become a living entity, influencing events. It further explores the idea of government experiments on psychics, drawing parallels with real-life projects like the Montauk project and Project Stargate. The text also suggests that the movie’s themes could be interpreted as a commentary on the use of nuclear weapons and the psychological warfare associated with them.
➡ The text is a casual conversation about anime, specifically focusing on the dark themes in the manga Akira. The speakers discuss their interpretations, fan reactions, and even make connections to other anime. They also mention their merchandise and encourage viewers to share their thoughts and follow their platforms.
➡ The speaker discusses the concept of understanding and belief, stating that just because we don’t understand something, it doesn’t mean it’s not real. They also touch on the topic of nuclear power and weapons, suggesting that they might not be what we traditionally think they are. The speaker also mentions the idea of UFOs and interdimensional portals, suggesting that these might be the real reasons behind certain global events. Lastly, they discuss the idea of language and how it can sometimes limit our understanding of complex concepts.
➡ The text discusses the complex themes in the show Twin Peaks and the movie Akira, drawing parallels between the two. It suggests that both narratives involve interdimensional entities, nuclear explosions, and philosophical concepts like Taoism and alchemy. The text also explores the symbolism of colors, particularly red, and the idea of rebirth and destruction in alchemy. Lastly, it touches on the concept of the singularity, the merging of man and machine, and the creation of a new reality.
➡ The text discusses the symbolism and deeper meanings in a Japanese anime. The characters’ names have significant meanings, such as Kaori meaning ‘smell’ or ‘scent’, possibly symbolizing the weaving of a new reality, and Kaneda meaning ‘gold’ or ‘metal’, possibly representing value or currency. The text also explores the idea of information as a living entity, suggesting that beliefs can lead to actions, even death. The discussion ends with the concept of initiation in ritual magic, where one gives up their life force to sustain an entity on the other side.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the concept of God, the Knights Templar, and the monetary system. It also delves into symbolism, the idea of reality, and the potential for its collapse. The text further explores the concept of Nephilims, interdimensional beings, and the influence of ideologies. Lastly, it touches on the idea of information being a form of infection, the role of alchemists, and the potential dangers of scientific experiments like those at CERN.
➡ The text discusses various concepts such as the balance of good and evil, the idea of reincarnation, and the significance of the number 26 in religious and spiritual contexts. It also explores the influence of the manga Akira on Kanye West’s work, suggesting that his experiences and career trajectory mirror those of the characters in the manga. The text further delves into symbolism, particularly the use of red and the bicycle, and ends with a discussion on the theory of Kanye West being a clone.
➡ The text discusses various concepts, including the idea of interdimensional colors like indigo and turquoise, and their relation to ‘indigo children’ who are believed to have supernatural abilities. It also explores the concept of Homunculi, souls pulled into inanimate objects, and the idea of containment spells in magic. The text further delves into the significance of information, likening it to forbidden knowledge, and draws parallels between these ideas and various anime and manga series.
➡ The text discusses a project that aimed to unlock psychic abilities in humans, with successful subjects being assigned numbers. It references various religious and philosophical concepts, such as the tree of knowledge, the symbolism of numbers, and the idea of reality being an emanation of a source. The text also delves into the symbolism in anime, particularly the idea of destruction and rebirth, and the significance of childlike faith in wielding power.
➡ Project Sunshine was a series of research studies that started in 1953 to understand the effects of radioactive fallout on people. The researchers would take bodies that had been exposed to nuclear radiation, often without the knowledge or consent of the deceased’s family, to study the effects on their flesh. This discussion also touches on the idea of trauma revealing superpowers within people, a common theme in superhero stories. The conversation ends with speculation about the existence of a black market for body parts, possibly for occult rituals.
All that and I, and that’s pretty much it. Make sure to check out the patreon. Patreon.com, the one on one podcast for exclusive episodes. Only found on there. Over 250 episodes only found on there ad free. All that good stuff and welcoming us again. The mask, the myth, the legend. Jury Z from Cave podcast. What’s up, bro? What’s going on, man? One more time, baby. One more time. Can you play your stuff before we get started? Yeah. Make sure you guys follow us at the cave on all platforms at the k four v three, because we have some projects that I’m excited about that you might care about.
One is occult anime. Obviously, breaking down the occult symbolisms in anime. We got Dragon Ball, we got ghost in the shell, we got Pokemon lined up. So we got that and we got this other one I’m excited about called cinematic symbolisms, where we do the same thing, but with movies, because there’s a ton of movies. So kind of encompass that. And, bro, you got to come on and break down some Nicolas Cage movies because I just saw a dream scenario. Oh, yeah, dog that crazy, bro. I know we talked about dreams. The last one, that was a mind, but yeah, follow me at the cave.
You can find me there. And check out the website cave.com k four v three links down in the description. And I don’t know about you, bro, but I think last time I tried a different approach, I told people they were fake and gave that. Didn’t share the show. The last episode you and I did was did pretty well, performed pretty well. And I don’t know if it’s because people stop being fake and gay and actually shared the episode or what it was, but it was a success on my end. And so, yeah, if you’re not faking gay, make sure to share the show.
Share this episode we’re gonna be talking about mostly centered around Akira, but I found a lot of stuff that relates it to Homunculus, relates it to Mkultra, the Montauk project, all this craziness. I did put together a slideshow. It’s not complete because when it comes to this sort of thing, you can just go crazy connecting all the dots. And if you put together a presentation, I’ve been there, where you start putting together a presentation and it just never ends, because you just find more and more and more. And sometimes I feel like you just got to send her, you know, you just got to send it how it is.
And the homunculus will. Will win in the end, right? Will come through. So maybe talking about Akira is going to be full of spoilers. If you haven’t seen this movie that’s over 30 years old at this point, what is it? It was in 88 that it came out. 1988. Yeah. And we’re in 2024. So that’s 36 years. So if you haven’t seen the movie after 36 years, jump on it. The last time I’d seen this movie, I had actually found this movie. Quick little story. I found it. I was at a. I think it was at a pond store or something like that, or a thrift shop, and I found it on vhs.
I thought it looked interesting, and I bought it. And I remember seeing this movie. I want to say, dude, I was probably eleven or twelve years old, something like that. I was. I was a young kid. Mm hmm. And re watching it in 2024 and shout out to, you know that from the YouTube chat, he’s the only guy who showed up for the watch party. So it’s just me and him in the discord. And if you want to participate, I get it. When you make people jump through hoops, you got to connect your Patreon to the discord and jump in the day.
It’s a lot for some people, so they’re not gonna do it. So that’s probably why people didn’t show up. But for the next one, I’ll probably do it differently. But either way, if you’re a patron, make sure to connect your discord to your Patreon, because there’s a members only chat, and I was planning on doing watch parties on there. I might switch it up to make it easier for people to access. But shout out to him. He stuck out the whole way through free movie dog. You know, why not? Why not jump through the hoops? And also, we watched the original english dub from 1988.
That changes from the 2001 dub, which I heard was inferior to the 1988. So shout out to him for sticking it through throughout the whole time. And it, it was great because he’s not that deep into the occult. So he was asking me a lot of questions and it was making me, like, connect dots as I was watching the movie, right. And I hadn’t seen this movie in so long, I didn’t remember anything, to be honest. Like, I remember, I remember the one scene that stuck with me as a kid that really messed me up when his, when his intestines spill out.
I remember seeing that as they can go, oh, yeah. And he was tripping. Right. And it wasn’t really spilling out. It was a hallucination. Yeah. So that part always stuck with me as a kid. But everything else, like, I remember bits and pieces, but a lot of it, you know, you never pay attention as a kid. You’re just watching it for the visuals. And I, this seems to be one of those movies that’s like, set, the, the set, everything after that. It had the biggest budget of its time, I believe was $8 million for, for an anime of its time.
And it’s beautiful. Like, for a 1988 movie, an anime, it’s gorgeous. Like the colors and the illustrations and everything is just beautiful. So it’s a manga, right. That they turn it into an anime. And there was talks here and there to turn into a live action, which would be sick. And at one point they were even talking about DiCaprio being in it. I think in 2017 they stopped it to produce Ragnarok or something like that. I read on the wiki page, I think Leonardo DiCaprio had a production company that bought the rights for it, but they were trying to whitewash the cast.
I think they had, of course, Leonardo DiCaprio as Kaneda, obviously. And then I think they were going to cast Joseph Gordon Levitt as Tetsuo and Kristen Stewart as Kai. Really? They dropped it. And then Tycheedi Waititi ended up picking it up and he wanted to base it more off the manga than the movie and made. He wanted to make the cast more culturally diverse. Sure. But he got hired for Thor Ragnarok, and so that they dropped it after that. So it’s kind of cursed, quote unquote. But, bro, like I said, like, after watching it, like, now, so ahead of its time, bro, the animation is so dope.
And it’s not even just the animation in the illustration, even the story of it, bro, like, they’re depicting 2019 and you could say kind of accurately. Yeah, it seems like underground bases. Right? That’s where they kept Akira. Yeah. And the diversity and the almost war for control, you know, more war for your mind type of thing. Like, and I think that’s what’s going on, especially nowadays, a lot of psychological warfare with DARPA lifelog, you know, MySpace, Facebook, like, all these people. This is all government projects. I mean, let’s be honest. Like, this is all government entities collecting data, mining your data, and they’re making, in my opinion, virtual homunculi of each and every single person listening now who has a digital footprint.
One of my biggest regrets before starting this was not wearing a mask like you, bro. Like, I should have wore a mask and should have concealed my identity, but I didn’t think I was gonna stick it around this long, to be honest. Mm hmm. And I didn’t think it was gonna grow to where it’s grown now. So, yeah, definitely some predictive programming on that end of the movie, you know, since it was written in 1988. And. And I’ll be honest, dude, like, government conspiracies don’t do it for me. And by government conspiracies, I’m talking about, like, the.
Any conspiracy where harp or even maybe MK ultra, like, I don’t know, like shallow level for you. Like white belt kinda not. It’s not that it’s white belt, but I like more of the occult, esoteric magic. Sort of like John D type shit. Yeah, like that. Opening up interdimensional portals, using people to open up. Like how this whole movie is kind of relates to something I’ve been tossing around. The concept of what I’ve dubbed nuclear homunculi, or nuclear homunculus, where, in my opinion, if you can use a homunculus, all these grimoires to become invisible, become impervious to mat.
To. To pain, live longer, and any other crazy magical thing, why wouldn’t you be able to use it as some sort of nuclear weapon of sorts. Right? And you have all these stories in the Bhagavita Mahabharata and all these stories of ancient nuclear war. I mean, that was a concept thor. Look at Thor. Had the freaking hammer with the. With the lightning and everything else. So that’s something I’ve been tossing around. This movie kind of confirmed it for me of like, hey, maybe there’s people and relating it to Twin Peaks. Bob, you know, he’s born from, like, this nuclear explosion.
We have the concept of nuclear weapons opening up rifts in space and time and letting things through. 1947, Roswell, after the Trinity site, the Trinity site, they had the jumbo were allegedly, they try to create a radioactive homunculus or this nuclear homunculi, according to some. Right. They never told us what it was for, but it was a sort of vessel. Mm hmm. And so as I’m watching this movie, remembering everything and trying really writing down notes, I’m like, wow. It came. Right. There’s the civil unrest aspect of it, which has something to do. Maybe it’s cultivating that energy of.
Right. If you look into the psychology of crowd by Gustav Laban, he always talked about, like, this is a guy who is talking about the psychology of a crowd, how a crowd, because becomes its own living organism, its own entity, and a crowd. There’s guidelines a crowd has to meet to fall into that category, including a nation, including a town, including a small gathering of people. Like, there’s different guidelines you follow that will classify something as a crowd. Now he’s talking to you about all this academic stuff up front. This book, the psychology of crowd. I forgot the.
I think that’s the name of it. Anyways, Gustav Levant. I’ve done an episode on it, and there’s one aspect that he talks about where he can’t really put his finger on it. He calls it the contagion. And it’s something that weaves itself in and out of the crowd and brings out the worst in people. So in this movie, you have this civil unrest of the people coming out. Right. And then there’s an interesting aspect where. And me. And you know, that we’re wondering what. How the people knew of Akira, but come to find out that this is based 31 years after the first destruction that came forth from Akira, after he lost control of his powers.
So these animes do that where they show you, like, sort of the aftermath, and as you’re going, they. They kind of paint the picture, the background information of what happened prior. And then towards the end, you get the flashbacks of, wow, they were all together in that program. That’s almost, like, stranger things, right? That’s the whole thing. Stranger things of trying to bring forth these ESP, or telepathic powers in these children who. A lot of them were abandoned. There were orphans. And you come to find out that that’s how that was their whole connection. So as I’m watching this, I’m like, okay, this is really interesting.
And it blew my mind at all the dots I connected after the fact. And even going through the visual symbolism, which we’ll get into, I guess that I put together a slideshow here with some of the symbolism, but super alchemical, but maybe start us off with the background of the creator, because I know you have some connections there because I didn’t really look into him all that much. I saw he was very decorated, though, as far as a lot of awards and different things that he had. Yeah. So his initial project, I think it was called Domo.
So Katsuhiro Otomo is the creator of Akira, but he had a project prior to Akira called Domo. And it’s also about psychics. So he’s had this fascination with psychics. And I think Akira, the manga is his magnum opus because the manga ended in 1990. So that was two years after Akira. So essentially he was working on the manga before Akira while he was filming. We’re not filming Akira while he was directing and producing the film. Akira after Akira as well. So, you know, when you’re creating storylines, sometimes the crowd reception and their ideas kind of help you come up with more ideas to make the story more believable or more appealing.
So with all that, I feel like the manga is his kind of masterpiece opposed to the film, because initially the film didn’t even do that well when they came out in theaters. I thought, honestly, bro, when I watched it the first time, I didn’t really get it. It’s when you keep watching it and you’re watching it over and over again, it makes sense because it’s essentially three stories in one. Right? Like, you’re kind of misled to believe that Tetsuo or Kaneda is Akira because it’s titled Akira, but Akira is revealed later on. And honestly, I think they should call the movie Tetsuo instead of Akira.
I feel like that would have been easier for people to interpret the movie and take in. But it’s about a biker gang one. It’s about government experiment psychics. Right. And it’s about this almost kind of christ figure in Akira because, you know, they’re trying to usher in the second coming of his. And one of the factions that are excited for Akira to come back is a religious cult. Right. So, yeah, Domu and then Akira, obviously, everything’s tied in with psychics. And what’s cool about what we’re going to get into is there’s actually CIA paperwork and files that you can look up of these projects that are tied into all this.
You know, like the Montauk project. Like stranger things used to be called Montauk before they finalized it and made. Made it stranger things. Yeah, and then project Stargate with. With Ingo Swan and Pat Price, who are actual psychics. And there’s, you know, remote viewing experiments that they’ve done. So it’s going to get crazy. And I think we talked about the last time we had a kiratorium on, man. Like, how tapped in are these guys? Where are they getting their information, though, bro? Because we’re talking about american projects. Do other governments. What’s the japanese version of MKL Charl? What’s the chinese version of MkHL char? What’s the.
Because it can’t just be the. Our government doing this sort of stuff, I think. I mean, look at the Nazis, bro. The Nazis. For a long time, we’re doing a lot of occult stuff. I mean, that’s. That’s what it all was about. They were trying to find relics, the. The holy grail, the spear of Destiny, all these crazy things they were trying to find. So that’s why, to me, whenever I do focus on something, I always look at it from an occult perspective, because that’s something that goes, in my opinion, transcends reality. The. The concept of obtaining power from an outside source for whatever reason.
That’s universal, right? It’s the faustian bargain. It’s the faustian pact. It’s. It’s this faustian complex that man has always had to obtain knowledge or obtain power from an outside source other than what’s on in the world, right? And when you’re talking about these cultists that came out, they, in my opinion, Tatsuo becomes this Messiah figure, right? Because they thought he was Akira, and he sort of. Here, let me pull up my presentation here real quick, because I have something on that. Let me see if I can pull. I have so many, I have sick. Only 16 slides.
Not that crazy. This movie’s deep, bro. And shout out to the others that have broke this movie down. But there is a lot you could say about this movie. Summer stretches. But like I said, you could link this back into other government projects, would declassified paperwork, which is crazy, man. So we have this guy, I don’t know his name, but this guy, where they were carrying him around, consume our unclean hearts. There’s a lot of fire going around. And in my opinion, I related this to the phoenix, right? The rebirth through fire, which, if you look at nuclear weapons, they are kind of a rebirth through fire in Japan especially.
I mean, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, when they drop the bombs on them. And I believe that there’s people living there now, right? There’s people. I’m gonna cut you off real quick, bro. Do you think. Be honest. Nukes are fake and gay? Listen, dude, that’s one. That is it psychological warfare that they’re running on people. And if they were real, why doesn’t everyone else just pop off? Right? You have North Korea and I, and, and Kim Jong un talking about always, there’s always that threat, that imminent danger, that threat that, it’s almost like the hegelian dialectic where they present a problem, they present you the solution, and then it goes all over again.
Right? And it’s for you to build trust. Do I believe that they’re fake? No. Do I believe that they could, that there is, and, and for 1 second, let’s throw out nukes. Let’s throw out atomic. What? Let’s throw that term out of is there something that can cause massive destruction? Absolutely, I believe that there is. There are things. And just, and listen, do this. I always say this just because you don’t understand it. And by you, I’m not talking about you. I’m talking about the person that doesn’t believe that the, that the world is full, that the world is round or gravity doesn’t exist.
There’s something, there is something that weighs us down. Call it whatever. Call it the spaghetti monster, call it whatever you want to call it. There’s something, if you don’t want to call it gravity, whatever, who cares? But just because you don’t understand a concept doesn’t make it fake and gay. Okay? We have to, we have to, we have to solidify that because a lot of people who are looking at this, they don’t under, let’s be real. They don’t understand it. Mm hmm. I can’t break down to you rocket science or atomic blah blah blah or quantum fit, whatever, I can’t break that down for you.
But just because I don’t understand it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s fake and gay. Who understands God? What is God? Is God an atomic weapon? Like, but you can’t grasp your mind around God, so does that make him fake and gay? Is God fake and gay because you don’t understand him? Maybe for some people, yeah, I don’t understand God, so I’m agnostic or whatever. There’s a source, blah, blah, blah. Sure, that’s, that’s a valid argument, but one of the things I always try to put forth is, listen, just because you don’t get it doesn’t mean that it’s not real because you haven’t observed seeing.
Seeing sometimes is believing, right? But yeah, hey, I think, therefore I am cogito, or goes on. Because they car was like, yeah, you can see it, but your senses might be tricking you, which is Tutsuo, right? Seeing all this crazy stuff that he was seeing, and then it wasn’t there. So seeing is not always believing. And one of the interesting parts about what Tatsuo was seeing and in the scene where he’s in the room where the bears come out and all the. All the toys and everything animate, it’s interesting that the blood got them to go away.
Dog, you caught that, too. So on the glass, right? The blood technology, bro. The blood technology, in my opinion, is very powerful, and I think that that’s utilized throughout the 33rd parallel, which Hiroshima and Nagasaki both straddled. The 33rd parallel. Harry S. Truman was the. The president. The s allegedly stood for Solomon. I believe he was the 33rd president, if I’m not mistaken. Let me double check that. Harry S. Truman, President but I ask if it’s fake and gay for this reason. 33rd president. Nuclear bombs and atomic. That’s crazy. S is for Solomon, apparently. S allegedly is for Solomon.
Let me see. What has been on s alone is a sus letter. So, yeah, sus, it’s contained into it, right. But I was thinking, what if nuclear bombs aren’t bombs? What if they’re like an implosion of some kind of advance, you know what I mean? Weapon or, you know. You know what I mean? Kind of like hydrogen, where it can be an efficient fuel of source, and it. You can use a lot of. You know what I mean? You could do a lot with hydrogen, but at the same time, the inverse of that is you could blow up.
It’s one of the most combustible chemicals or elements. But what’s interesting is they obviously always say that the UFO has come out when nuclear warfare is at play, right? And so I had a conversation with this guy, and it’s interesting because I don’t think aliens will come and observe if we can make bigger bangs. I think they’ll come and observe if we’re opening up portals, you know what I mean? Opening up windows in the back of their house, and they’re like, oh, what the. We need to go regulate. So I think it’s more of an interdimensional implosion, almost like some CERN type that’s going on opposed to, you know, a huge bomb that has radiation.
You know what I mean? Because there also is that conversation of radiation. Yeah. Is it real or not? Because, you know, so real quick, did you know that Harry S. Truman actually had no middle name? His parents gave him the middle initial s to honor and please his grandfather’s Anderson ship. Truman and Solomon Young. Since the edge. Since the s did not stand for a name. Harry didn’t use a. Didn’t use a period after it for most of his life. Interesting. You didn’t use a period after, so you just put the s in between his tuna.
That’s. That’s the serpent always finds its way in the garden, bro. Always. Exactly. Got it, bro. So the reason I believe that nuclear, at least nuclear power is real. Mm hmm. And one of them, one of the main things, one of the main driving factors behind my ideology when it comes to nuclear energy is the meeting of Falconelli. And I forget the guy’s name, bur I want to say Berger. And in 1925 or something like that. Don’t quote me on this, but Falconelli reveals the secrets. He go. He tells them before the Manhattan project, five years, approximately.
And this is when the OSS went and looked for Folkinelli, the last greatest alchemist. So the government was looking for this immortal alchemist. They’re like, how the hell does this guy have all the knowledge? Where did he get his information from? We got to find this guy to ask him, and he pretty much reveals the secret of alchemy. And he says, the alchemists have always had the secrets of nuclear weapon. Nuclear power, right? Because the secret to the Manhattan project and the way that they were able to come up with nuclear energy was by placing highly purified materials in a geometric form.
In a geometric pattern. Bro, that’s full metal alchemist right there. I’m saying, like, these are. You place everything out. It’s. It’s about the manipulation of matter to bring forth a change. So when you split the atom, whatever the atom is, it brings forth this chain reaction, and that’s how you get the big explosion, right? Allegedly. So that’s why I believe that there is something. Maybe there’s something more to it. Like how you’re saying, maybe it is this occult aspect, significance. And the reason I love doing the streams on, on Twitch and YouTube. On Sunday night, for example, somebody asked me about UFO’s, and they, because I’ve seen a UFO, and they asked me to go, do you think UFO’s are angels? Hmm.
And I was like, well, UFO’s are fake and gay. Our angels faking a. But it’s like questions like that that arise from the stream. So make sure to follow Twitch TV slash one on one podcast live every Tuesday night at 06:00 p.m. eastern. But these concepts, right? The. The UFO phenomenon has always been one of those. And. And lately, I don’t know about, you but I feel like it’s taken a turn for more of like, oh, the UFO movement is all a government psyop. It’s all. It’s all fake and gay. They want to take your attention away from this, that and the.
In the other. And I’m like, maybe. It’s definitely. That’s the thing. I think it’s a mix of both. So to wholeheartedly believe in one side, I think that’s where you yourself overdose, you know what I’m saying? Yes. So kind of, I feel like for me, the faking gay, the art of the fake and gay is what I call it, is almost a way to just. You know, it’s like when. When people are selling you, you’re just like, nah, I’m good. You know what I mean? You just automatically negate what they have to say where there is a power to that, but at the same time, you miss out on opportunities.
Yes. Because of that as well. So it’s a double edged sword. Exactly. But I was going to say, I also think that we get lost in these words, you know, like I said, language is a trap sometimes if you don’t have enough words to convey what you’re trying to say. So back, like what you said, the alchemists back in the day, the witches back in the day, the healers back in the day, they were differentiated as alchemists, healers, and warlocks. You know what I mean? And doctors. But now they’re all just scientists. Now it’s all just science.
Yes. Now there’s all doctors, even though if you look into it like the people at CERN, it’s like you guys are kind of alchemists, you know what I mean? But they’re just scientists, so weapons of mass destruction, I feel like, is a deeper, you know what I mean? Term than it’s conveyed. Because, you know, there’s all that talk about we go into the Middle east for Stargate portals, which kind of gets into this too. So I don’t know, I think it’s interesting that to kind of break apart the terms, because I feel like sometimes the terms limit the concepts that it’s trying to represent.
So in Twin Peaks, which you should check out, bro, Bob is this entity, this interdimensional entity from the black lodge, right? And Bob is again born from this nuclear explosion. So one of the things that stood out to me when I was watching this, this is the gadget from. This is the nuclear bomb, allegedly, right? This is the. What they used in the Trinity testing. And if you look at this picture here, it looks like an alchemical vessel, right? It looks very similar to when tetsuo goes into the deep underground military base and finds a kira.
And that’s when you start to piece together because I forgot the. The girl’s name, the. The one that’s with Kaneda kai, where she starts to get very philosophical and he tells her like, yo, calm down. Where she’s talking about how Akira is and everything, how Akira is the birds and all the animals and everything. And it seems like Akira when you look at it from a taoist perspective. Akira is the way where it’s like this sort of animism or everything has a. A spirit. And that’s why Gundam, these big giant mech robots. It’s a spiritual thing, bro.
They literally blessed the head of the Gundam that. The one. The facility they closed down. They had shamans, bro, blessing the head of the gundam, dude, before they opened it up. So you have this alchemical vessel here and then you find out, wait a minute, they looks like a womb to a little bit because, you know, that’s what turns into a huge ass baby at the end. And they say the nuclear, if you will, or Akira’s return is the birth and rebirth cycle. And that’s part of alchemical lore, bro. So when I was watching this, I go, and in my opinion, Kai and Kaneda.
Kaneda was almost like this messenger, very mercurial character. And the red face king, in my opinion, that becomes the Ubermensch when, when Tetsuo puts on that red cape. You caught that he was red pilled, bro. He. Did you catch that? Before he put on the cape, everything he wore was blue, no? Yeah, bro. And, you know, ignoring the blue hospital gown. He was wearing blue throughout the whole movie. I put on the red cape, and I think the red cape was a rebellion flag. So there’s also the red pill. Probably not the. Not the political red pill, but, you know, the woke sense.
Well, both sense, you know, you can use both. I mean, they were rebels, bro. What do rebels never want? They don’t want government, right? They don’t. They want the government to step off. So it is. But also, like in the. In the beginning of the movie, they’re like, oh, you don’t want me to tell you what’s in that drink. Like, you know, they’re kind of woke in a sense, where they’re aware of, you know, chemicals into food and all that. And the capsules. Right? The. The pill, which is part of the. The pill gang. This, this, this gang, they’re a part of this biker gang, right, which I try to find a, like an alchemical or a connection between, like a biker gang.
Maybe you have like the one percenters, like the Hells Angels, which is a has been. I saw a picture on Reddit where the Hells angels were apparently on the way to Colorado where that whole thing is popping off with the alleged immigrants. I think they’re venezuelan immigrants. And they have the whole thing with Venezuela going off right now, which I didn’t know anything about, but I found out in the, in the twitch streams, right, the chat be popping off. That was a, they were just riding out for Labor Day, cuz. Like biker gangs. Yeah, I mean, right out for Labor Day.
Yeah. So, but you see how information can get manipulated and so Akira as well can get manipulated because not only did the military kind of want to just shut it down, the scientists wanted to keep furthering their experiments because they had a breakthrough with Tetsuo. That’s the, okay, that’s the alchemist, bro. That’s the faustian counterpart of like, keep going. And then when he gave him the chemicals without the, the, the colonel guy knowing, he’s like, what’d you do? Right? He’s like, oh, his energy levels are over 9000, right? It’s like, well, I’ve never seen this aura before.
So we’re talking about auras and all this stuff. And in my opinion, when Tatsuo puts on the red cape, he becomes the Ubermensch. He becomes for sure the, the overman that was there who was abusing his power. Because with great power comes great responsibility, right? And this is why, in my opinion, Kaneda comes out as this mercurial guy because he’s trying to send the message of like, hey, bro, yeah, you have all this power, but, you know, don’t go out of control with it because you want to keep pushing the envelope. And if you really look at mercury, right, it is red.
So. And that’s why Akira is wearing the red. His bike is red. And you know, there’s, there’s a replica of this bike which is pretty dope that, that they made. But if you look at it, right, so you have Tatsua here being, well, in my opinion, Akira is the golden sun, the, the alchemical child, the byproduct, all right? And then we have like this sort of offshoot with a, with tetsuo who’s trying to become that. And in my opinion, he does become at the end of the movie because part of alchemy, bro, part of alchemy is the dist.
This is getting into Tracy Twyman territory, where she talked about it a lot, where it’s about the destruction of one reality and the rebirth of a new one. So again, spoiler alert. Okay, we have the. I’m gonna jump to the ending here really quickly. That’s also the symbolism of the bikes, because it’s cycles. Oh, think about it. If it’s a. It’s a futuristic setting, why wouldn’t they just do hoverboards? Neo Tokyo. So it’s the. Okay, we got it. So at the end, we have the singularity, right? This. Oh, yeah. The singularity is one of those things where people talk about it, right? We’re in a neo Tokyo, very futuristic, very technologically advanced.
And a lot of people say that the singularity, it existed before the big bang, and eventually we will all were all traveling maybe on a bike. Right, on a motorcycle, to the singularity, when this is where you get into transhumanism and all that, where man will merge with the machine, which kind of was sort of at the end when he’s on the throne. See, I have a picture of it. Yeah. He was kind of connected to it, right? Like, fused into it. I can’t find it. Damn it. Yeah. So let’s see here. Ted Suo throw. I didn’t even realize those, uh, files that they kept Akira and look like medication vials.
Yeah, bro. So here. So at the end, when he’s fusing to that throne and the threat. And you have the. The vials of Akira in the background where they had to take him apart because they wanted to understand and is very alchemical, bro. So you have the. The scientists, right, going kind of sort of haywire and. And doing his own thing. Rogue in the background. We’re always. The alchemist is always tinkering with things that, to try and find that philosopher’s stone. So at the very end, you have the singularity, which falls into the hands of Kaneda.
And in the background, right, Akira had created an entire different reality. So he birthed forth this entire other universe after the destruction, and, you know, everything got engulfed. The. The psychic kids, they. They sacrifice themselves, essentially. They’re like, well, there’s nowhere else to go. We have to become one with this thing that’s happening. And so the monad is something that’s really interesting in this, because Monad Ology got freed Labnas, which this is because of this guy. We have the ones and zeros that power our computers. It’s the matrix Leibniz was also looking for the philosopher’s stone.
Okay. He was involved. He was going around Europe collecting stories of people who had created the philosopher’s stone. This was a guy who was highly steeped into the occult, and he had something called monadology, which essentially was about breaking reality down to a simple substance. Well, you know what else was a simple substance? God was also a simple substance. So if you think about the concept of a homunculus, some used it for the acquirement of God like powers, while others used it for becoming a God. So at the end, you have this little singularity, this little monad, which a lot of people say that we’re all rushing towards and we’re all going to be.
Or the singularity. Terrence McKenna talked about it. But the concept of the rebirth through fire. Right, and using alchemy to destroy one at one reality and birth a new one. So you have mithras coming forth from the rock wall. According to some people’s research, he had left the reality behind and was coming into the new one. Okay, so that’s the rock symbolism there. And then I did a little breakdown of the names here because I thought it was interesting. We have Kaori. So at the end, his girlfriend comes out, right? And obviously he kills her after he.
She gets absorbed into him when he becomes this giant homunculus baby, which we’ll get into. But Kaori, it was interesting because it means smell or scent, right? So fabric or weave. So maybe the fabric of reality weaving a new reality, she was sort of sacrificed. And if you look at her thing here kind of looks like the. The. Yeah, it was different that she had that pattern on. Right, because why wouldn’t she have red like everyone else? Right. So we have this kind of weird pattern here. That’s interesting. And then Kaneda. Kaneda actually means gold or metal, money or currency.
The character Canadian means gold or metal. Money occurs. So we have kaneta, meaning gold or metal. Right. Or currency. We’re talking about the. The sea of reality. Maybe we can kind of sort of twist it into that. And he’s wearing red. He’s always trying to talk him down from that ledge, always trying to. And he kind of stops him. And I was thinking to myself, I go, what the hell is Kaneida doing running towards the danger? You have this guy who’s got. He’s Superman. He’s trying to take him down. I was like, this dude’s not gonna do anything, but he ends up.
Right. I think the ray was the thing that took his arm off, the. The huge thing. But if you look at this. This is from the manga, and we have the girl in the white, and we have Kaneda in the red. And I also looked at Tatsuo as the Rebbes, right? Which is the end product of the alchemical magnum opus or the great work. The sun and the moon correspond to female halves, just as the red Kingdom white queen. So we have this alchemical rebbe’s entity thing. Now, mind you, he’s not. He’s not. I felt like his head was getting bigger and bigger.
Like we went on, for whatever reason we have in this might. It might have subtly done that. Because I do believe that when you kind of become a vessel for something greater, you have to compensate by materializing more, which is why he was growing and needing to fuse with different organic material. You know what I mean? Yeah. But also, did you look up that Akira, the kanji, is the sun and the moon together. So it goes back to why it’s bicycles as well, and it’s not cars. The kanji for Akira is a sun and moon. What’s kanji? It’s the, like, chinese or the japanese symbolism of ithood, Akira kanji.
So it goes back to the bicycles. So the name Akira can be written in many different kanji in Japanese, but one popular option, which is a combination of the character sun and moon. Whoa. This goes into light coming from the sun, which again, it goes into cycles. And I guess there’s this huge zodiac sign symbolism behind it that I don’t fully understand yet, but it goes into the homunculi or the indigo children that we’ll talk about, you know what I mean? Because one of them was bedridden, one of them was walking around, and one of them had a hovercraft and necessarily wasn’t walking.
So it’s almost like they’re waiting for cycles. But Tetsuo intercepted it, you know? So these children, they age, but they stage children. Okay, so that’s why I was like, good thing I’m breaking this down with you, bro. This is perfect. So one of the first things that gets revealed with the light, if you will, right? They shine the light on him. And Akira also means. Akira also means there’s a wisdom, truth, the sun, a moonlight, bright, intelligent. If you mean all these are terms for the illuminated ones. Illuminati. Right? The enlightens, Los Alambrado. So we have all this akira.
Similar. So literally, the name of this japanese anime or manga. I haven’t read the manga. The manga has different breakdowns, but could you could interpret it as the illuminati. I mean, in some, the illuminated ones. Also, when you talked about the singularity, the point of singularity, I saw this post about sono luminescence. It reminds me of that, too. Look it up. It’s like a. It’s like a phenomena where a bubble, when it bursts. Oh, yes. Ashes with light, right? The energy. Yeah. And if you. And if you look into the last scene, it kind of collapses.
And he says, I am Tetsuo. You know? So it’s almost like the word if you want to get biblical about it. Every collapse, an underwater bubble with a sound wave, the light is produced, and nobody knows why. Wow, that’s wild, dude. What’s interesting, too, bro, is what happens when the sperm goes into an egg and gets fertilized. There’s also a flash of light, and they blame it on zinc. But who knows if, you know, that’s another science dumbing down. A spiritual phenomenon exactly like light beings. Maybe that’s when the light being is infused into the. Into the womb, right? The moment of conception.
And maybe that’s what brings forth the soul or whatever it is that we know about, we interpret as a soul. That’s why I, dude, like thinking about our nuclear weapons, fake and gay and all this other stuff you see. You know, I’m saying, bro, there are other questions that are so much deeper that we don’t understand that that flat Earth is like the least on my totem pole of things to investigate as we’re trying to navigate this reality. Let’s. Let’s first figure out why the hell one of those things that you talked about where it gets.
It makes its way into a crowd. You know what I mean? I think. I think it’s like a concept parasite right now, that hundred percent people. Well, weirdly enough, you talked about information. I believe information is a living organism is a living entity. That that is right. Informational life forms that are come forth from. As soon as somebody things thinks of it or where do akashic records type? You think it’s more like a living information? I think there are type shit. Ergor Tulpa thought form XYZ. I think that information. Think about it, bro. Think about it.
These cultists in the Akira movie were. They literally died because of an ideological thing that they believed in, a concept they believe, and they’re like, oh, this is Akira. And it led to their deaths. People. There have been martyrs, what I call memetic martyrs throughout all of history, which are people remember. We remember knowledge, information, because they died first set. Information because of their beliefs. Okay, so information is a hundred percent. Now. Information can be manipulated. We know that is history, fake and gay. How many, how many years have been added to history? And all this other stuff.
What are we being told? What aren’t we being told? The same sort of concept with this, like, the, we know the government is behind it, and now it’s gonna be unveiled. Apocalypse. Apocalypse means the unveiling. So we have this other apocalyptic, post apocalyptic neo Tokyo that goes through another rebirth. So there’s the. The phoenix, the rebirth through fire. And so we have 26, which is at the beginning of the movie. And he come, he comes in early in the movie, and this is what allegedly unlocks the powers in Tetsuo when he comes into contact with this 26.
Now, an interesting part about 26 is coming into contact with him, unlocks this in Tutsu. And that’s how they’re able to locate him and find out, like, oh, he’s got similar powers to Akira. And it’s interesting. You mentioned, like, the entire movie, you’re thinking Akira is Kaneda when he’s actually not. And that was one of the things that, you know, that was like, yo, so what’s Akira? And I’m like, Akira is something else. Brokira is a force. Akira is. And then you found out the end of the movie. He actually watched the movie after we had watched.
He’s like, bro, I couldn’t process it the first time around, dude, trust me, I was taking notes and all that. And so if you think about it, and this is a Philip K. Dick. And I told you to check out Philip K. Dick. Oh, yeah. He talks about how the gnostics, right? There’s. There’s concepts of frozen information. So you have this in these informational parasites that once you come into contact with that certain piece of information, you. You will die. And that information used you as a parasite, and you will continue. So you’re trying. Let’s take the, the alchemist for a second.
The alchemists were always trying to find the philosopher’s stone. What if, when they were initiated, and this is part of initiation. I recently did an episode on the physics of ceremonial magic and subtle energy, where we talk about what rituals are for, the physics behind it. And part of ritual magic and subtle energy, the manipulation of it, is initiation. And the way I’ve come to understand initiation is initiation is when you’re giving up your life force to sustain an entity on the other side. Xyz, God, whatever, you know, a miscellaneous gods, what I call the, you know, and God we trust.
What God? You know, it’s on our money. What God are we. Are we talking about the God of the Bible? Are we talking about another miscellaneous God of these people that. That have created the foundations of our country? The monetary system and all that? I mean, the Knights Templar, which we have the modern day monetary system of credit and loans, right? They were worshiping Baphomet. Well, what was Baphomet? Well, Baphomet was this other. This entity on the other side. And what. The interesting part about Baphomet is that one of the early renditions of Baphomet was meat.
Now, the interesting part about meat, let me find it here. This is meat. And the interesting part about meat is that. That’s wild. She, they, them, whatever is holding up the pillars of reality. Of reality. Now, what happens if she pulls that down? Huh? What happens then? Will reality fall in itself? Is that what an atomic weapon is? Pulling down the chains of reality to collapse reality in on itself? Right? I don’t know. So I’ll interject and say this too, bro. To add to that, there also is symbolism with the biker gang rival that they were with the clown gang.
Right? Now, if you want to get international, we’re getting nephilims in, right? Oh, I didn’t catch that, bro. Led Tetsuo to 26, one of the people from the clown gang. So you could say that they somewhat intervened for Tetsuo to intercept the powers, right? And there’s one scene where the clown gang is wearing a red cross that looks like a templar. So why that too, dog? And we talk about nephilims, and nephilims are giants. And I know there’s this new conversation about nephilims being interdimensional. I think that’s why they’re giants. Because they’re so massive as a light body that the vessel that they need almost, you know, manifest as a tumor or a giant.
You know what I’m saying? Yeah. Well, how you’re saying where we’re talking about his head. His head, yeah. And the. The concept that this. This meat suit isn’t enough sometimes for the power. And that’s where the moon children or the indigo children also can come in. But damn, I didn’t catch the. The nephilim. The nephilim biker. And a key thing, because in the. In the manga, it doesn’t reveal that they’re all like, drug addicts. So again, you know what I mean? If you look into the nephilim clown thing, I think the basis of it is that they are the jester clowns that you see in the DMT realm.
Right? The clockwork realms. Yeah, the DMT realms kind of attract you to the DMT realm. I mean, the DMT entities kind of attract you to the DMT realm when you have trauma. Which, again, is why these orphans are chasing them in bikes. You know what I mean? And they’re in this constant, like, bickering with each other. So here really quick. So we have meet here, holding up the chains of reality, right. And she can bring them down. And I think that if you start messing with the wrong energies, you can collapse reality in on itself. You should check out genuflect by Tracy Toyman.
That’s. That’s a book about concept like that. That book changed my life. And so the 26. All right. And what I was saying about the informational life forms, Philip K. Dick talks about the Nakamoti library, and we, you know, we have library for those that always make fun of me. The way I say it, the lie. Very library. Go yourself. Eat my ass. How’s that? So the concept of this information that was locked away, that was frozen, suspended in space and time, right. For once upon a time. And the concept was that once the gnostics came into contact with this information, that’s why they were persecuted, and that’s why they were wiped out, and they needed to be eradicated because they were poisoned, essentially, with information.
If you can take that even into a modern day sense where people take their ideologies, again to the grave. Yeah, it’s a good way to put it. Over my dead body, I believe something that’s different from what you believe. Therefore, we’re gonna fight about it. And there’s only room for one of us around these parts, and there’s only going to be one homunculus that’s going to be the victor in this. So he talked about that and how the gnostics had come into contact, and the gnostics were what they were alchemist. So initiation could be part of that, of maybe when you’re initiated, you.
You are infected with this information. And once you’re infected, you’re initiated for life. And you need to complete the great work. Well, the great work for some, and in my opinion, in Akira, is about the purification and the alchemization of reality itself. I believe that what they’re doing at CERN, bro, ties into all this. They’re trying to, quite literally, they talk about, well, we might make a black hole, and it might collapse reality in on itself. Well, I’m pretty sure we all saw the masonic movie Spider man into the spidey verse. And what happens there? They create a black hole.
And also in the live action they would with Doc Ock, they also create a black hole that sucks everything in. The power of the sun. Yeah, the power of the sun. The black sun perhaps. Right. We talk about. I think there. There’s a. I saw something and I don’t know if it’s real or not, so take this with a grain of salt, if you will. But there was this thing I saw where you can order sunlight with an. Is that dude bringing. So check this out, bro. Bring it. Kind of had that in the movie too.
I mean, I think Tetsuo got hit with a direct energy weapon. Right. Against Kaneda. Well, if we look at the. The satellite, when he goes out into outer space, which is fake and gay. I know when he goes on to outer space and he attacks the. The directed energy weapon. Yeah, it was a laser, bro. Izejdehe pretty much. That’s wild. Right up too. Yeah. So I believe this is the one reflect orbital. And I can’t read this because. Is this a medium? Oh, actually I can read this. Hold on. Because I have a. I use this for research.
So there is an app where you can order sunlight. It’s not a good one. Where you can. So. That’s so nuts, bro. I did see that on Twitter and. Yeah, that’s like, you order sunlight wherever you are. And the picture was. The video I saw was a dude in the dark. And then he clicks on his. On his app and it shines a lot. So is the sun faking gay? I mean, I know that they. Was it the Japanese that made an artificial sun? Japanese artificial sun. I think they might have made an artificial moon. Somebody made an artificial sun.
And. And the Japanese, I think, made an artificial. Are here. And a donut in Japan. Shout out to donut. They created a son. They simulated a son. Just want to remind everyone, make sure to check out the show on Patreon. Patreon.com slash the one on one podcast. I constantly get emails. Oh, only one episode a week. Yeah, one episode a week for the public. But for as little as $5 a month, you can get up to two, sometimes three, sometimes one episode per day on the Patreon, as well as on the YouTube channel as a member for as little as $5.
And there’s also on the Patreon, over 250 episodes only found on there. There’s an extensive backlog of episodes. So check that out. If for those interested, for those asking, make sure to follow the show on YouTube. One one podcast, also one one media. I am going live every Tuesday on there streaming. I also go live on Twitch TV slash one on one podcast. So make sure to check me out on there Tuesdays, 06:00 p.m. eastern. And make sure to get your copy of the occultist Monday homunculus owners manual, all that good stuff at tjdeh ojp.com. can pick up your copies there, or go over to the kofi.
I’m on facebook. Twitch, kick, rumble, all that good stuff. You know where to find it. And enjoy this episode. Okay. Yeah. So Japan always tries that. I don’t know. It’s hard not to build your culture. The holy grail. Yeah. What happened in Hiroshima, Nagasaki. I mean, you got Godzilla based off of it, right. Which is a huge monster that tears things apart, which, again, can be destruction before you get the rebirth of creation. Right. And Tetsuo as well, and Akira. But it’s interesting because in the movie Akira, the bomb, or the explosion is black and white.
And when Tetsuo gets caught by the scientists or the military, they’re amazed by his energetic imprint. Right? Oh, it’s. This matches Akira in the manga, because I kind of looked into the manga too. When Tetsuo takes Akira out from the underground base, he’s cryogenically frozen, so his body’s still intact. And they actually ruled together Tetsuo and Akira. And they. I think they kind of exploit some of the cult, of the cult, religious cults that take the psychic drugs, because there’s drugs that people take to kind of try to be psychic. So getting into Mkultra, I think the manga kind of connects that a little bit more, you know? But I think it’s yin, yin yang, you know what I mean? And again, going back to the bicycles, two wheels, in order to make the whole thing work, I think Akira needed a tetsuo in order to balance almost a creation type of, you know, like a God complex type thing where there’s not a satan and there’s a God, there’s a bad, there’s a good.
Mm hmm. And that’s part of even Jack Parsons when he was trying to do the. The Babylon working ritual, where he believed he was saving humanity by balancing things out, by bringing forth the scarlet woman, you know, Babylon into reality. So that is a concept of balancing out the karmic scales. You have the wheel of karma as well. In taoist alchemy, they believe that they could escape Samsara and this, this reincarnation cycle by creating the golden child, right, birth force from their solar plex or their crown chakra or whatever. And they could live out the rest of existence without having to reincarnate.
So in the manga, too, I think Kai Kaneda’s girl is a medium, and that’s why she’s able to really talk to these espers or these kids. She was also being possessed too. Yeah, she’s also being possessed, which goes to the symbolism of the scarlet witch, because, you know, Kaneda doesn’t have powers. It’s her that has powers. And she. She’s wearing red too. You know what I mean? And in the end, the espers are like, oh, she helped us. You know, we could use her. So it’s one of those things where, yeah, she, you know, in the, in the lore, she birthed these homunculis, but the end, they’re taking care of her type, you know, I mean, or using her because of that, but.
And they were getting information out to Kaneda through her. So she was the medium the entire movie. You know, she’s. These kids are possessing her. And in my opinion, 26 seems to be like one of the main ones, right? He’s the one that talks a lot, and he’s the first one that we see where when the light, the, the illumination is brought forth on him. And 26 is interesting because we’re talking about before space and time, the singularity, God birthed reality into existence first. There was light, right? And it was good. And 26 is the numerical value of the divine and most holy.
Yahweh is 26. Yah vahe. The Torah was given on Mount Sinai in the 26th generation of mankind. There were ten generations from Adam to noach, ten generations from noach to Abraham, and other six generations from Abraham to Moses. So again, you have that 26 number. It means oneness. Yahweh is one, but also carries ideas associated with the number four. The most holy name. The most holy name has four letters, dominion, authority, fullness, giving of Torah and holy spirit. So two times 1326, they always say 13 is an unlucky number, right? But it’s probably the most lucky because two times 26 equals Yahweh.
Denoting that 26 is related to 1313, means covenant, love and unity. Mankind is created in the image of Yahweh. 26. Not coincidentally, the Bible begins to describe the creation of mankind in the 26th verse on the Torah scroll. In Hebrew, this is true even in english Bibles. Genesis 126. Then God said, let us make man in our image according to our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, over the cattle, and over the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on earth. So one is the monad oneness, right.
This is why the Pythagoreans viewed God as a number, bro. Right. They were the first ones to be tapped into the matrix, and that’s why they were like God. You know, tend is the. The highest. The one in every single number has an occult significance to the Pythagoreans. I’ve done a breakdown of it on. It’s on Patreon. Check it out. The pythagorean number symbolism. I did it a long time ago, probably four years ago. And I break down all the numbers one through ten. And his name was Takashi. Right? So in feudal Japan, the name Takashi was often given to people who were loyal, honorable, and determined.
These attributes were highly valued, especially among samurai warriors. And I thought it was interesting. Takashi Murakami is a japanese contemporary artist who has collaborated with the fashion brand Louis Vuitton. So Kanye west, as he really was, hell, inspired by Akira. If you look at Kanye west. Yes, bro. Kanye west wore all red. And that’s because of Kaneda. No, his career, bro, and his music video. Stronger. It’s literally Tetsuo’s operation. What dog? Not only that. So how did Kanye west get famous? How did he get powers? Car accident. Just like Tetsuo. Trauma. Yeah. And then what happened? That he gained powers.
Right. But before that, he kind of was bullied, as he would say. He was marginalized. Right. They wouldn’t give him respect as a rapper, and then he became a rapper. They wouldn’t give him respect as an artist or a designer. Then he made, you know, yeezys, and so he really. And now he’s kind of the bad guy. So he really took the red pill, bro. He took. Exactly. Make America alchemical again. I think that might be the ritual thing that. The initiating ritual that you were talking about to taking the red pill, right, in the matrix.
Two, you take the red pill in order to finalize and solidify that. All right, we’re going down the rabbit hole. There’s no turning back type. Thinking about. I’m thinking about the. The meme of when it’s like when Morpheus sees me take both pills at the same time. It’s like, honestly, that’s what I would do, bro. Like, I’m not too sure. So I’ll just take both and see what happens. Katsuria Otomo the creator of Akira. This movie is my biggest creative inspiration. That was Kanye west in August 27 of 2018. Yeah. So in subsequent tweets, Kanye insisted that the influence of Akira can be felt throughout his work.
Every stage show I’ve ever worked on, every video. Not just stronger, every product. Even when I was in the hospital, I would think, oh, this is like a cure. Yeah. The video for graduation single stronger is a homage to the film, dude. What? Oh, yeah. Go on YouTube and type in Akira. Kanye west. Oh, there you go. Yeah, but mute. Mute that. Look at that, bro. Wow. This is news to me. Not. And he’s in the hospital. There’s the bikes, and I’m a big Kanye west fan. Hell, yeah. Same here, bro. And then there’s him in the MRI scanners.
Him breaking out of the hospital. It’s literally tetsuo bruh when he’s. Yeah, when he’s in the. Again, you think about the stronger, right? Whatever makes you. What doesn’t kill you just makes you stronger. So it’s about, like, what, literally becoming the strongest being or whatever. The Overman, the Ubermensch. And this plays into. What do you say? Since prince was on Apollo Paul Apollonia. That’s a long aben on you. Yeah, but, bro, it’s funny because I’m kind of hesitant about Gemma Shia. And like I said, I do think there’s some ground to it because I think enochian language is tied into that.
But it’s interesting. Like I said, looking back into the bicycle symbolism or the motorbike symbolism, 13 is unlucky on its own. And what happened to Akira and what happened to Tetsubo sucked, bro. They were literally. You know what I mean? Science experiments. But together, they’re God. So again, a bicycle. Both of those in one vehicle. So it’s got a bike. Make you navigate. Yeah. So it’s got a bike. So let’s see here. Like Akira, this is not only the greatest animation achievement in history, the subject matter is so relevant to the current state of the world.
Kanye. Kanye’s tweets are the perfect opportunity to revisit his previous since deleted Akira tweet. No way. Spirited away is better than Akira. No way. Sorry, was just looking at a YouTube top ten anime film, spirit away. We should do spirited away. Spirit away is one of my favorite movies. So we can. We can go and do that. That’s wild, dude. See, I know this is crazy. Yeah. I mean, I know you’ve seen Kanye wear the all red too, right, Kanye. And it plays into. Right, Kanye west being a clone. I mean, there’s that whole concept of when he died.
You know, when he’s in the car accident. Did he. Did he die in the car accident? And then I also came up with the concept of a lot of the. A lot of rappers always have their mouths sewn shut. Like, 50 cent had his mouth sewn shut for a while. I know Kanye west had his mouth so shut for a while. And that was, like, one of the things I forgot which song was that he rapped while he had a. Through the wire, and he wrapped it in the hospital bed. So, again, like, him gaining powers in the hospital bed after the accident is very parallel to Tetsuo.
Damn, bro. Drop. Another crazy thing is the fact that he feels like people are trying to tell him he’s schizophrenic and people trying to tell him he needs meds, right. Is almost like where tetsuo feels like he’s getting stronger and they need to keep taking these pills in order to kind of keep his power at bay and keep him from becoming this baby giant. So cancer information overload type of we have, right? The. The children were interdimensional, and I. And I wanted to kind of link it into the color because they have an interesting color scheme.
So there’s a debate whether or not indigo is purple or blue. Like, well, those. Those colors don’t exist, bro. Ah. They’re not another dimension, would you say? They’re non spectral colors, so your brain makes them up when you’re looking at these different shades, because technically, they don’t exist on the color spectrum. So that, in my opinion, that’s what plays a role into, I’ve called it an interdimensional color, where the. That’s why they were interdimensional. So I have. Turquoise can be made from indigo because then, right, you have the indigo children, and indigo is one of those colors that is, again, non spectral.
But turquoise is not the same as indigo. Some say that the color indigo is not part of the visible light spectrum because it’s difficult to distinguish from shades of blue and cyan and the light spectrum. And then we have indigo children, which is a sort of new age concept of children who have these supernatural abilities. Again, a messiah, which is part of the homunculus lore, bro, where they’re trying to birth amos a new messiah. This. This moon child has the. The traits of the moon or whatever it is, right? So they have extra sensory powers. And some of the concepts of the homunculus and.
Or the moon children is that sometimes you need a fully grown person, because the fetus can’t take this elemental coming down into it and entering it because it destroys it. So this concept again, is his head growing on some lamb? You know, like, his head is super huge. Like, what? What’s in Lamb’s head? Well, according to some, lamb is a spaceship. Lamb is a. Is a vessel that you enter through to visit other dimensions and other realities. And that’s not me making that up. That’s part of the lure, bro. That’s Typhonian Oto. So why I thought these guys were Homunculi is because they always alluded to the fact that it’s not their time yet.
They’ll be reborn at the right time. Right. So going back to Homunculus, the homunculus lore, you’re essentially pulling souls into an inanimate sub object, right. But that soul probably had a due date to come into this dimension, but it was prematurely, you know, over here. Yeah. In jaculated. It depends where you’re speaking from, you know? Yeah. So, you know, that’s why I think the government did some in the movie or in the manga in order to create them and prematurely manifest them into this dimension. You know what I mean? And so that’s why they kept saying, and they were down to sacrifice themselves, because they’re like, oh, we’re close, you know what I mean? Our time is coming.
All makes sense now. When you start looking at it from, like, this perspective, like, what in the world? Like, people are probably listening. Like, what the are these guys on dog? You know what? Dragon Ball actually ties back into this because we mentioned the containment spell was one of the most powerful techniques or moves. Right. And it doesn’t matter what your power level is, and even Superman is susceptible to magic, I think it’s. I don’t know. But containment spell, period, is a witchcraft or a magic concept, right? Mm hmm. Even in Akira, they were able to contain them, you know what I mean? So they’re able to contain God too.
And I went over contemporary head, right? The brazen head was essentially like ancient Chad GPT, where they were trying to kind of siphon a demon into there. So, yeah, the containment spell or some kind of like, way to package something into a small pill, if you will. Again, I mentioned earlier that I think doctors and scientists is a up term because it doesn’t really encompass alchemists and witchcraft and all that. But if you look at the pharmaceutical company, first of all, those names are so crazy. You could call them spells like supracatal fagilis, you know what I mean? It’s almost like some of these medication names, like, you know, they’re actual medication names.
And it’s interesting because I know you’ve seen, like, these chemical reactions where if you put a chemical into sulfur or something, it almost explodes into a snake. So some of these pills, like, they’re powdered form and they’re little, but after they go through some kind of chemical reaction, something happens to yield these effects. So it’s essentially magic, and it’s essentially a containment spell that gets, you know what I mean, released into you in order to conjure something. So again, I was having a conversation, my friend. Like, these manga and these anime artists, like, before they get into drawing, I feel like they do hella research before.
You know what I mean? Practicing drawing because their connections to the occult and some religions are on point, bro. Well, I personally think that Leonardo da Vinci, if he was born in this time, would be an animator dog, you know what I’m saying? What was cool about the. The artist, what’s his name? Otomo? Mitsu. Mitsushiri. Katsu. Katsu. Yeah, we know what you’re talking about. The thing about him is when he made his movie or his anime or manga Domo, the original one, he had it set in a huge apartment complex building. So he said he got really obsessed with drawing apartment complex buildings.
That’s why in Akira, you see a lot of, like, neo industrial architecture, you know what I’m saying? So it’s almost like he was able to take the material world and then recreate it into 2d, you know what I mean? Which tells me that they almost have a concept in the deeper understanding to it, because it feels like one of those. One of those things where in order to really understand it, you need to be able to teach it or speak about it, right? So enabled to be able to understand if you can draw it. I feel like that’s a deeper understanding of it, in a sense, you know? Now, if you can put that in an animation or a movie or a manga or an anime, then you’re able to kind of really tell a story with some deep undertones, you know what I mean? You ever seen the.
The Akira pill right there, red and redden. You ever seen these coffin apartments in Japan? You ever see about that? No, I haven’t. Oh, yeah, there’s people living like this, bro. In Japan, they got these little captives capsule homes, but they get charged, like, I don’t know, crazy amounts of money to live like this process crazy, dude. Yo, it’s wild, dude. Spoiler alert. It’s reality. Yeah, reality. So it reminds me also of Judge Dredd, the dread movie. That’s an awesome movie, too, where they take the drug to slow down or whatever. Damn, bro. See, when you have these parallel stories, they must be talking about the same.
You know what I mean? Again, going back to Akira being this. This information deity, you know, that was kind of bleeding into Tetsuo because that was kind of overloading him. He was having almost these schizophrenic panic attacks of Akira, saying, I’m Akira. You know what I mean? Yeah. So maybe that tapping into the reality is almost sometimes overwhelming for people. But you could say that those people are the visionaries, because those are the revelations and divisions. Those are the memetic martyrs. Bros are the people that die for the information that is possessing them. And again, with great power comes great responsibility.
And in my opinion, dude, I think that information. Not from an occult perspective, of, like, oh, it’s too dangerous to know that one thing. I think that the information that you got to be careful of today is like, you walked in. Into the wrong room at the wrong time, saw some powerful person doing some stuff that they shouldn’t have been doing, and now you’re a liability. So now you got to go down that. I think that, to me, that’s the forbidden knowledge, that. That. That you shouldn’t have it, and. Right. Let’s go back to the Garden of Eden.
Since the very creation of time, it’s all about. It’s been about information, bro. It’s about what? Yeah, listen, you can eat from all these trees. You see this tree here? You see this other tree here? But there’s one tree. I’m gonna put it here. But don’t eat from this one tree. The tree of what? Of knowledge of good and evil. And it’s like, well, when you tell a kid not to do something, they’re probably gonna want to. What does that red button do? And therefore, that’s why we’re here today, bro, because they ate from that tree that they weren’t supposed to eat from.
And now. Right, so the project. What color? Apples? Red, right? Red. There you go. No. Well, they woke up. They woke up in some religions. Sumerian, mesopotamian. The tree of knowledge of good and evil is actually a date palm. So the date fruit was the. Because they don’t ever say that it was an apple. That’s. You’re being programmed right there, bro. It was a fruit, jobs. It was never an apple that, you know, everyone always. Always. And if you think of an apple that gets the worm, the parasite, the Illuminati worms, right? The concept and boulders get your.
Your control by this Illuminati worm entity that if you don’t get it out of, you’re gonna implode in on yourself, right? So they put all this in games. But. But the project was a military experiment designed to bring out about. Bring about psychic abilities in humans. Those subjects who successfully displayed psychic abilities were given numbers. At least 41 subjects were known to have displayed such abilities. And this is what they’re alluding to in the anime the entire time. This kind of bleeds into the Montauk project to MK ultra type of thing, where their experiments were Project Stargate, real things that happen in real history.
And at some point during these experiments, the powers of subject 28, Akira, grew out of control, leading to the destruction of Tokyo. And then when you look at 28, indicating that 28 is linked both to four and seven, as mentioned in Hebrew, numbers one through ten, four and seven are indeed connected. And picture many of the same things. 14 plus 14 equals 28, linking Messiah to this number as well. So we have this Messiah figure, right? Akira, right? He was sent by Akira. He is Akira, part of the homunculus lords again, bringing forth this new messiah, this artificial messiah.
A full lunar month can be. Can occur only in only 28 days. Jewish thought associates 28 with seasons as below. Thus, 20 has to do with holy time and the calendar. King Solomon enumerated 28 times seasons or purposes for everything under heaven. And that’s King Solomon being right to some that the. Well, Adam was the first mason to some, right? According to the lore of some secret societies. But King Solomon was also a mason. And I’ve been studying for my general contractor’s license, and I’m seeing a lot of 33s, bro, angles and. And spacing and all for trusses.
And 33, 33 of this, 33 that. You know, all these numbers are in masonry, which construction constructing of a new reality deconstruction. So you break it down to the monad. Wow. Interesting. Yeah, bro. Word magic. Let me ask you something, bro. Did you watch that or listen to the Joe Rogan and Terrence Howard podcast? I got through half of it. So what’s interesting is, again, bubbles, right? Going back to sono luminance. And it’s interesting because this model that he had were a bunch of bubbles, and in between those bubbles were different angles or angels, right? And it’s interesting because angels are technically supposed to be outside the bubble.
And I don’t know, I think what we’re seeing is when the angels kind of go into the bubble, that’s when it bursts. Or that’s when you kind of get an imbalance. Yeah, yeah. Or like nephilim, you know, when they, with people within here, there’s some kind of imbalance or, or, uh, nephilim type where you get like this abomination. You know what I mean? And the hydrogen. Right, so hydrogen bomb. Right. The high dragon. And dragons are always known in hydrogen. Yeah. Always known for Germany. Like the black sun, bro. Yeah. Holy. Oh, I heard too, that what’s his face, Akira was a symbolism for Osiris because Osiris was chopped up.
Right? Oh. And so kind of Cyrus here was chopped up too, and contained, again, a containment spell. Wow. Yeah. So let me bring up here. So at the end, right, we have this scene, and I know you’re gonna be doing ghost in the shell. We have this ghost in the shell. It’s got this weird thing. And this always stood out to me. I’m like, wait, this is, this looks really familiar. And it’s almost again the one. The moan at it is the source is the one, and he emanates out reality. So essentially what we’re experiencing now, according to the emanationists were, who were the platonists, the neoplatonists and the gnostics, reality is an emanation of the source of the one.
So you have the upper eons and the lower eons. And the upper eons, is this what they described it as, the watery light? And this is where the source, or the one, or this androgynous being exists, or the source. And then the lower eons are the material reality. That was it, according to gnostic lore, was created by Yaldabaoth, which is the Satan archetype. This, you know, devil archetype, he’s the one that created reality, and therefore he rules over it. So when I saw this, and he’s sitting on the throne becoming one with, you know, his arm is, he’s like, oh, check it out.
I made it out of there. She’s like, oh, you have an arm? Or I forgot. Who asked him? He’s like, yeah, neat, huh? But he’s like, hurting him. And it’s like molding and infusing with the chair he’s on. And it just reminded me of similar to how in full metal alchemist, they have the gates right on the other side. And this emanation of the tree. And this, this is actually an upside down date palm tree. So we have the roots, right, the root of all evil. The root of Xyz. So the root, and therefore the tree grows.
And, and we’re here. Okay, so this isn’t, this is Robert Flood. So you get into flooding philosophy and all that, and I’ve done a breakdown on the, on the patreon of that. You can check that out, patreon.com 101 podcast. But he becomes this giant blob entity thing, and then he kind of sort of becomes this little homunculus baby. But as he’s sitting at this throne, around him is Akira. And Akira was dissected and put away because the scientists wanted to understand why his powers had gone out of control, because they obviously didn’t know why. And so he, I related this to, if we’re looking at it from a perspective, alchemical perspective, the philosophy Phileas philosophorum, the philosopher’s child, made by true students of philosophy, is a symbol in alchemy.
In some text, it is equated with the philosopher’s stone, but in others, it assumes its own symbolic meanings. Other terms for the philosophy Phileas philosophy forum includes Phileas Sapatia, the child of wisdom, infus noster, that our child infus Solaris sun child, infants lunaris, the moon child, and infants Solaris lunaris, the sun moon child. So this alchemical birth, it’s always a kid or a child. It’s interesting. Well, I think that’s the reason why they’re targeted, bro. Yeah. And it’s funny because the kids, you know, are the homunculi, the indigo children, they’re essentially still childlike. And I think that was why they were attacking Tetsuo with teddy bears and, like, child toys.
And I guess it was a symbolism for Tetsuo being an adult. He’s already kind of gone through puberty, so he’s kind of too old to yield the power because you kind of have to have childlike faith again. You know what I mean? And so that’s why he’s kind of deformed and eventually turned into a big baby, because the power will kind of make you who you really are. And so since it went to Tetsuo, it be, it made him what he is, which is a big baby. Drove him away with the blood. Right? Yeah, not the blood.
So they literally backed up when he cut his foot open. That was, I don’t think they would have highlighted that if it wasn’t for anything. So and so, yeah. That’s alluding to blood magic of some sort, blood rituals. I think that all. It’s a, it’s a very powerful form of technology, in my opinion. So we have here, right, there are several images that have been used to represent the Phileas Filias philosophy. Among these are the transform hermetic Hermes, the child of the Red King, and the white queen. So again, I remember I assigned the white queen to his girlfriend, and then he was the Red King because he put on the red cape and he absorbs her, right? So Kaneda doesn’t get killed inside of him when he’s absorbed by him, but his girl does.
So again, that’s that fusing. And. And after this happens, you see a cure. When everything starts to blow, a cure comes forth from that, and he is released. So again, I looked at Akira as this. The. The Rebbe’s at the end of the day, too. So I think that in this movie, a lot of people can assume the different positions of. Right. This alchemical lore. But in the end, Akira, in my opinion, is about the alchemical destruction and rebirth of a reality right at the end of the day. So, yeah, I definitely think it has that.
And it talks about cycles, too, because it’s constantly going on. So there’s that, too, just to go back into the chopped up body parts. Have you heard of Project Sunshine? No. So I guess it’s a series of research studies that began in 1953. So before Akira, right. To ascertain the impact of radioactive fallout on the world’s population, what they would do is they would take dead that had nuclear radiation, and they would just confiscate them from parents without their knowledge, because obviously parents won’t allow that, right? Whoa. So they would. So they could. They could study their flesh for this radioactive isotope.
And, dude, let me read this. Doctor Willard, the AEC commissioner in 1955, he said something that human samples are often the prime importance, and if anybody knows how to do a good job of body snatching, they will really be serving their country. So there’s something about kids, there’s something about radiation. Again, going back to new and all of that stuff, I honestly thought it had something to do with X Men, you know, like that made a mutants. But I think it fits more with Akira because they chopped up his body parts and you’re studying him, and he’s involved in some kind of nuclear fallout, right? If you will think about it, if this is messed up.
So did Project Sunshine steal the corpses of children? Yeah, I believe in think about it. So we’re talking about radioactively, right, these nuclear homunculi. So what if they were searching for that? Like, how does this alter I have to censor that for YouTube because it will think of it as something else. So how does it alter our. Can we bring so this concept of revealing superpowers within people through trauma? Right, yeah, I’ve talked about that before. And how usually almost all superheroes almost have some traumatic upbringing right there. They come forth from some traumatic event that brings forth their power.
Right. I know about this, brother. There’s wild, but, yeah, I believe that they could have definitely stolen some baby. Yeah, I think too, then, yeah. Obviously the nuclear explosion and Hiroshima changed a lot of in comics and fiction. I heard that prior to that, it was all about gods and occult, right. And it wasn’t until nuclear fallout that they started experimenting with, like, radioactive superpowers. And so they really banked on it, you know what I mean? But this project Sunshine is real. So again, going back to tying in actual CIA experiments into Akira. Yeah, there’s that too.
Godzilla was supposed to be a nuclear cloud. I think that was the initial adaptation of him. Yeah, bro. So it’s. It’s forever imprinted. This informational entity is forever imprinted in all of history. So. So our nuclear weapons, fake and gay? I don’t know, dude. I don’t know, ro. Is it all just to keep a hold and grasp? But, like, at the end of the day, I’ve always said this, what can I do to stop some nuclear attack of somewhere if our government wants to hit the red? But what can I do as a citizen to stop them? Right? Like, I have no power over that.
So is it this egregoric, parasitic entity that’s in the back of our subconscious all the time? Because it always seems that we’re always at the verge of. Of nuclear war. Like all this, every single day, it’s all. It’s getting worse. It’s getting worse, it’s getting worse. And it just keeps going. It keeps going, keeps going. But does it ever get work? Like, does it ever get worse? Yeah, you know, I’m saying, like, you think that if King Jamun was like, yeah, I’m gonna detonate. You don’t. You don’t think they would have taken his ass out already, bro, you know, saying.
Right, so, yeah, so I think it might be more like Stargate, where that again, I shot this theory out that I think the wars are more trying to gather mythological artifacts that can probably be used as weapons of mass destructions, but that might not be what they’re intended for, but in the wrong hands, just like Tetsuo, they can be dangerous. You know what I mean, so I think that’s why I yield. I raised the question. Do you think nukes are faking gay? Because I think it’s more that. You know what I mean? I think it’s more osiris like, you know, weapons of destruction.
Fake and gay. Get it? Okay. So there you go. That’s why missiles look like dicks. And you seen, um, Austin Powers too? I’m sure I have. Where he’s. That looks like a huge. Yeah. Yeah. Come in, Dick. Oh, man. Do you have anything else to add? I think. I think we. We touched on a lot. Let me see. So again, going back to stranger things, right? There’s always a monster that comes out. There’s the Montauk monster, but I’m talking about the demigorgon. Yeah. So the demigorgon looks up. So it looks like a flesh monster, kind of like Tetsuo that came out from a portal.
You know what I mean? Oh, there’s also that. And in. When I did the research on the Montauk project, I came across the Montauk chair. And I guess it’s like a table chair that the psychics would sit on almost like Cerebro from X Men, and it would amplify their. Their psychic abilities. And so what’s interesting is if they had a sample, like they had hair from a previous psychic, they can kind of channel that person. So again, that’s what the experiments were when they flashed back into Kira’s life. You know, they had him in the table.
I think they’re alluding to the Montauk table or the Montauk chair. And I think that’s why they had his body parts still, so that they can use them and try to channel his consciousness with the other test subjects. Because if you paid attention to the numbers, like tetsuo was in number 887. So they’ve had a ton of experiments from 28, 26, and 25. Akira was supposed to be 28. So. So. And also, that’s part of the homunculus store. And all these grimoires. They. These grimoires teach you what body parts of the homunculus mixed with what gives you x power.
So that’s part again, of this. Of this lure of breaking these homunculi down, breaking God down to a substance, which is what the. You know, which was the philosophical understanding of monadology, where everything could be broken down, including God. And therefore, in my opinion, that’s why that ties directly into Homunculus. Because you were trying to be a God by doing XYz with the body parts of it. And do we know that there’s. There’s black markets for. For body parts, though? I was watching this. This thing on Netflix. I think it’s called the unexplained or something or other unsolved mysteries or something like that.
And I clicked on one that it was about, I think the name of it was the head. And apparently they. There was this kid walking in the woods and they found this head. He found the head of this lady on the ground, and it was like it was completely preserved because it had already been embalmed when, like, they took it off and they haven’t been able to figure out whose head it is. And then in the documentary, there was this other lady that in the fifties, somebody broke into her crypt or whatever and took her head.
So they were like, oh, it’s that lady’s head. It turns out it wasn’t that lady’s head. So that baby’s head is still missing. And they’re like, well, there was the satanic cult that was around the area that might have taken the head to do occult rituals. And I’m like, bro, there’s people out here snatching heads and doing God knows what with these heads, bro. Mm hmm. Right? And they still don’t. They’re like, at the end, like, if you have any information as to whose head this could be, call the number, blah, blah, blah, 1800 head or something like that.
I’m making that part of. But they were like, if you have any information on who this could be, like, tell us. They like, even offered up a reward, I think it was for anyone who could figure out whose head it was. But dude, that’s one. That’s one case of something that might be going on in the background that we don’t know about. So we’re talking about Project Sunshine, which I believe that, bro, I believe that they could have done that to study the effects of this. And that ties directly into what happened at the Trinity side, where they were allegedly trying to create this nuclear homunculus and this radioactive homunculus in this vessel, right? And the vessel x.
The vessel exploded. So I’m thinking, what if they did? Yeah, something in there and it explode, cuz it got right. Like the Tetsuo swells up to this huge abomination at the end. And I love body horror. So, like, that to me, really, when I was like, dance looks crazy, right? So he’s swelling up. And then from there, you had to really be educated in order to make that seem real. You know what I mean? So shout out to shout out to him for that one. I want to cuss in Japanese by saying it wrong. You know, saying conjure up a, conjure up a dragon living room.
Oh, shoot, bro. Did I think. But I will say this, dude. I think there’s a darker, tragic story in this. I think. Well, first of all, in the manga, Kaori is Tetsuo sex slave. Like, he would just. Yeah, they would have orgies because obviously they were like, Akira. Why is super dark? Akira and Tetsuo ruled together and they were exploiting the cults that almost worshiped them. You know what I mean? So they were doing all types. But we should start reading the mangoes, the animes. Okay. One thing I’ll say before we sign off is, yo, you anime fans, you guys are hilarious, bro.
We’re already doing a deep dive on, on these occult anime movies and shows and you’re like, oh, watch. Watch the original dub. Oh, read the subtitles. Oh, read the manga. Like, shut down. You read the man, you do the breakdown. So. Yeah, that’s what I’m saying though, bro. It’s so deep. You can’t get it all, bro. I mean, that’s just a reality. You can’t get the whole thing. So. Yeah, we missed something. Cool. Call us a retard in the chat and in the, in the comments and let us know and argue with the other people, whatever it is.
So one last point I’ll make, bro. Interesting callback. Remember, we, I think the epiphany and the high point. High point from the last episode we did was Majin Buu and McDonald’s and Ivan Meat, right? Yeah. Someone said in the comments, pink blob. Right? And then the chicken nuggets being the pink meat, you know, or eating majin buu, bro. Yeah. Interesting. But I also think that plays into this too, because like you said, tetsu will turn into a pink blob, right? Like a mass monster. And so I think there’s something about, like, they said something about, like, the amoeba.
The amoeba can’t contain the human energy, but the same time the human energy can’t contain the God energy, bro. That’s why it’s becoming a cancerous tumor right there. And that’s a. How many nuggets, me, baby? 24. 24. Five. Yeah, bro, I got you. I’m gonna, I’m gonna brand that. I’m gonna get together with, with a, with a brand deal that makes nuggets or something. I’m gonna bring. I’m gonna bring to the world the Hmong among nuggets. And it’s gonna be mystery meat. You’re not gonna know where the meat comes from. Don’t ask any questions. Just know we got the special sauce.
Yeah, that’s about it. We covered a lot, and we missed something. You dog. That’s right. And if you’re not faking gay, share the show. If you’re not faking gay, follow me on Twitch, follow me on YouTube. All that good stuff live every, every Tuesday at 06:00 p.m. make sure to check out cave, his stuff. Links will be down in the description and let us know if you want to see it. Any other anime? I know this one, again, was iconic. I grew up with this. I remember seeing this as a kid. I don’t. Again, I don’t remember, but.
Oh, and if you watch this movie, after watching this episode, it’s gonna hit different. It’s one of those, it’s one of those things where every time you watch it, over it, it feels different and you kind of catch something you missed, you know? Yeah, yeah. And that’s why when I was watching it, I was taking notes, and, you know, that was like, bro, you sure you got. I was like, he’s like, you taking notes on my. Yeah, he’s like, you sure you got, you. You don’t got to watch. I got it. All right, I’ll make some connections.
And I said, there’s. There’s plenty more. And I like the way that we related this to other stuff too. It’s not just solely based on Akira, but yeah, guys, check it out. Let us know what you thought of this episode. If you enjoy it. Might be doing more of these because there’s so much to dig at. And this was fun, dude, want to plug yourself again for the people? Yeah, man. Follows at the cave. Like I said, we got occult anime series and cinematic symbolisms coming out, so make sure you follow us on all platforms to stay updated.
Checks out. Cave.com occult anime shirts too. Did you get your sweater, bro? I did get my. So I was going to wear it for this, but I’d be too hot. Cave K four v three. Sure, check them out. Yeah, I got my colt hoodie. It’s in my closet. I was gonna wear it, but I was gonna be sweating my ass off, cuz. And they’re good quality, bro. I like the quality. I have the other, the original cave hoodie that you had sent me. I really like the quality. It’s good stuff. So, guys, check them out. Support the channel, support the show.
All that good stuff. Let us know what you thought of this. And as always, everyone will catch you on the other side. Stay safe, my beautiful little homunculi. And fomunculi later.