➡ Walton, a worker, claimed he was abducted by aliens after seeing a strange light and disc-shaped object in the woods. He described the aliens as hairless with large eyes, but they didn’t communicate with him. In the 1980s, New York’s Hudson Valley became a UFO hotspot, with many reporting a large, silent, fast-moving craft. In 2006, a similar object was seen hovering over Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport, but the FAA dismissed it as a weather phenomenon.
A case that many believe could be one of the first recorded UFO events in modern history, though it’s often categorized differently. This is the famous Fatima event, which took place in 1917. A phenomenon that has been reinterpreted by some researchers is possibly one of the earliest mass UFO sightings in the 20th century. The Fatima event of 1917 is one of the most extraordinary and widely discussed phenomena in religious and paranormal circles. It’s typically framed as a Marian apparition, a series of appearances by the Virgin Mary to three young shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal. However, some researchers have reinterpreted this event through a modern lens, suggesting that it may have been a UFO encounter.
Between May and October 1917, three children, Lucia Santos and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto, reported six apparitions of the Virgin Mary. The most famous of these is the Miracle of the Sun, witnessed by tens of thousands of people on October 13, 1917. The children reported that the Virgin Mary had promised a miracle on that day, and indeed, those present saw something extraordinary, according to eyewitness accounts. The sun appeared to dance in the sky, change colors, and zigzag towards the earth before returning to its normal position. Some described it as a spinning disc that emitted radiant colors.
The event lasted for about 10 minutes and was seen by people up to 25 miles away. The Catholic Church interpreted the event as a divine miracle, affirming the children’s visions. In recent decades, some UFO researchers have suggested that the Miracle of the Sun may have been a UFO sighting. The description of a spinning, brightly colored disc that moved erratically through the sky has striking similarities to many modern UFO reports. Additionally, the fact that so many people witnessed the event adds a level of credibility and intrigue to this interpretation. Another intriguing aspect of the Fatima event is the three secrets revealed to the children by the apparition.
These secrets included visions of hell, predictions of World War II, and the eventual assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II. Some researchers speculate that these visions could have been induced by an advanced extraterrestrial intelligence, trying to communicate with humanity through symbolic and prophetic imagery that would resonate with the children’s religious background. Skeptics have offered various explanations for the Miracle of the Sun, including mass hallucination, psychological phenomena, or atmospheric effects. However, these explanations struggle to account for the scale and consistency of the eyewitness accounts, leading some to believe that something truly extraordinary occurred that day.
Regardless of the interpretation, the Fatima event has had a profound impact on both religious and paranormal communities. It’s a key example of how an event can be understood in vastly different ways depending on the cultural and temporal context. Whether seen as a divine miracle or a UFO encounter, the Fatima event continues to captivate and inspire debate over a century later. 2. The Battle of Los Angeles, 1942 Fast forward to the early hours of February 25, 1942, and we find ourselves in the midst of World War II. Los Angeles was on high alert, fearing another attack like Pearl Harbor.
Suddenly, unknown objects were spotted in the sky, triggering an intense anti-aircraft barrage. The mysterious objects withstood a massive amount of artillery fire, but no wreckage was ever found, and the identity of the objects remains unknown. This event, later known as the Battle of Los Angeles, has become a cornerstone in UFO history, as it involves both military personnel and civilian witnesses. 3. The Mantell Incident, 1948 On January 7, 1948, Captain Thomas Mantell of the Kentucky Air National Guard tragically lost his life while pursuing what he believed was an unidentified flying object over Fort Knox, Kentucky. Witnesses described a large metallic object in the sky, which Mantell attempted to chase in his P-51 Mustang.
The official explanation that Mantell was chasing the planet Venus has been met with skepticism, as many argue that Venus would not have been visible in daylight at the time. This incident remains one of the earliest cases of a fatality linked to a UFO sighting. 4. The Lubbock Lights, 1951 On August 25, 1951, residents of Lubbock, Texas witnessed an unusual formation of lights flying in a V-shape across the night sky. The phenomenon was seen by many people, including a group of professors from Texas Tech University, who even managed to photograph the lights. Despite extensive investigations, no definitive explanation was found, and the Lubbock Lights continue to be one of the most well-documented UFO sightings of the 1950s.
5. The Washington, D.C. UFO Incident, 1952 In July 1952, a series of UFO sightings over Washington, D.C. caused widespread panic and forced the U.S. Air Force to scramble jets to intercept the mysterious objects. The sightings were corroborated by radar and visual confirmations from both civilian and military pilots. The event led to a press conference by the Air Force, where they attempted to downplay the sightings, attributing them to temperature inversions. The Washington Flap remains one of the most significant UFO incidents involving U.S. military and government personnel. The Pascagoula Abduction, 1973 October 11, 1973, two coworkers who were fishing on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi.
But what happened that evening would change their lives forever, and become one of the most well-documented abduction cases in UFO history. Hickson and Parker claimed they were taken aboard a spacecraft by strange, robotic beings with claw-like hands and carrot-shaped heads. They described a terrifying experience, where they were subjected to a physical examination before being released. Their story was met with skepticism, but the fear and trauma they exhibited were unmistakable. Despite initial disbelief, the Pascagoula Abduction has become one of the most studied cases in the annals of UFO war. Still, nearly 50 years later, Calvin Parker is sticking to his story.
He says he was abducted by something out of this world in Pascagoula back in the 70s. And with all the recent UFO sightings, our Shelby Meyers wanted to check in on Parker. She’s here in studio with us right now to find out more about the story, Shelby. Yeah, Baron Lanese, Calvin Parker is always interested when UFO sightings or talk of aliens make national headlines. He’s hoping to get some kind of answer as to what happened to him on the banks of the Pascagoula River all those years ago. It was an encounter Calvin Parker says was out of this world.
I felt just shot immediately or something in my arm, and just calm me. It’s like a common agent. So this thing carried me to the steps of the craft. On the banks of the Pascagoula River near Ingalls Shipyard at 19 years old, Parker says he and Charles Hickson were fishing when extraterrestrial beings carried them into a spaceship to examine them. And she took her right hand into two little fingers on that. She started running down my throat. Well, I got the chalk choking, and I was having a hard time breathing. Well, she took out her fingers and just kind of stood there and kind of looked at me.
Now, she didn’t say nothing, but mentally, I felt like she said, we’re not going to harm you. For close to four decades, it was Parker’s deepest and darkest secret until 2018, and he decided to share it with the world, letting me interview him for the first time in 2019. He told me then, and he still tells me now the same story of how aliens or some creatures abducted, examined, and dropped them back off. 7. The Cash Landrum Incident, 1980 On December 29, 1980, Betty Cash, Vicki Landrum, and Vicki’s grandson Colby were driving home through the piney woods of Texas when they encountered something that would leave them with both physical and emotional scars.
The trio saw a diamond-shaped craft emitting intense heat and light hovering above the road. As they watched, military helicopters surrounded the object, seemingly escorting it. The heat was so intense that it caused burns, nausea, and other symptoms of radiation poisoning in all three witnesses. The case gained national attention, and the victims even filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government, though it was ultimately dismissed. The Cash Landrum incident remains one of the few UFO cases involving physical evidence and significant injury, raising questions about government involvement in extraterrestrial encounters. 8. The Travis Walton Abduction, 1975 Perhaps one of the most famous abduction cases in history, the Travis Walton incident occurred on November 5th, near Snowflake, Arizona.
Walton was part of a logging crew working in the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest when they encountered a glowing disc-shaped craft. Walton approached the craft and was suddenly struck by a beam of light, causing him to be thrown back violently. His coworkers fled in fear, but when they returned, Walton was gone. For five days, Walton was missing, leading to intense police searches and speculation. When he reappeared, Walton claimed he had been taken aboard the craft, where he encountered strange beings who examined him. His story was met with both belief and skepticism, and he passed multiple polygraph tests.
The Travis Walton abduction remains one of the most well-known UFO encounters. Well, we’d just finished a long, hard day’s work in the woods. We loaded our chainsaws into the back of this truck that we were in. It was a crew cab truck, so that there were seven of us able to fit into the truck. We started to get dark, we’d headed out of the area, and we were driving out this very rough road when we saw light coming through the trees. Right away, there was something strange about it. When we finally got around these trees to where we could see the source of the light, we saw a large disc-shaped object hovering above the trees there.
And you actually got out of the truck, didn’t you? Yeah, I just thought this thing was just going to be gone in a flash, and I’d missed a chance to sit up close. So I got out and went towards it. The rest of the guys on the crew were yelling at me to get away from there and get back in the truck. But as I got up closer to it, I started to have misgivings about getting so close to it. And when I got up there, it suddenly got louder and started to move and rise up.
And so that scared me, and I jumped down behind the end of a log there, and I said, yeah, I’d better get out of there. Did you not feel some sort of pull towards this? Well, you know, you’d have to know how I was back then. How was it, by the way? I was kind of an impulsive sort of person and a bit of a risk-taker. And the guys yelling at me to get away from there, they were so scared, and that just kind of egged me on. Not like that anymore. You were one of the guys, you were one of the eyewitnesses.
Yes, I was his foreman, and I was driving the truck that day. And he was frightened, as you just mentioned there? We were more frightened. He was a little braver. Well, can we actually get to being actually drawn up into the spacecraft? What did you feel instead? Well, I decided, yeah, I’d better get the heck out of here. And as I raised up to go, something hit me. It just felt like I’d been hit by a truck or something. It felt like an electric shock, and I just blacked out. And then you found yourself on board, and you were, you say, face-to-face with aliens.
What did these alien beings look like? Well, I didn’t come to real quickly. I was in a lot of pain, and I finally got to where I could focus my eyes. Up to that moment, I remembered going up to it and being hit by something, so I assumed I was in a hospital. But what did you see? What did you see when you came to? I saw these creatures standing over me, and at that moment, I just became hysterical. What did they look like? They were humanoid-looking, you know, two arms and two legs and like that.
But they were hairless creatures. They had these enormous eyes. Did they communicate with you? No, it was strictly one-way street. I was screaming all kinds of things at them, but I never heard them make any kind of sound. The Hudson Valley region of New York became a hot spot for UFO activity during the early 1980s, with thousands of witnesses reporting sightings of a massive Evoir boomerang-shaped craft that could hover silently before accelerating at incredible speeds. The wave began in 1982 and continued for several years, with the most famous sighting occurring on March 24, 1983, when the object was seen by hundreds of witnesses, including police officers.
The craft was described as being larger than a football field, with bright lights arranged in a V-shape. Despite numerous investigations, the Hudson Valley sightings were never fully explained, and the case remains one of the largest and most well-documented UFO waves in American history. 10. The O’Hare International Airport Incident On November 7, 2006, a disc-shaped object was reported hovering over Gate C-17 at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport. Witnesses included airport employees, pilots, and passengers, all of whom described the object as a metallic, saucer-shaped craft that hovered silently before shooting up into the sky at an incredible speed, leaving a hole in the cloud cover.
Despite the detailed reports from multiple credible witnesses, the FAA initially dismissed the sighting as a weather phenomenon. However, the incident gained widespread media coverage and remains one of the most high-profile UFO sightings in the modern era, particularly given its occurrence at one of the busiest airports in the world. For more information on the O’Hare International Airport, please visit ohare.com for more information. For more information visit ohare.com