➡ The text discusses various legends and theories about Merlin, a character from Arthurian legend. Some believe Merlin lived for centuries, had magical powers, and was a sage or monk. There are also theories that Merlin built Stonehenge with the help of giants. The text also mentions the story of King Arthur’s birth and the sword in the stone, which only Arthur could pull out due to a spell or his virtue.
➡ The Rise TV series, “Relics of Power,” explores the Nazis’ search for powerful artifacts, including a crucial relic, the Ghent Altarpiece, believed to hold the key to world domination. The series also delves into the mysteries of abandoned UK castles and the legend of King Arthur, including the belief that King Henry II tried to erase Arthur’s history due to jealousy. The series suggests that Arthur’s tomb was discovered in the 15th century, but its current location is unknown. The series is available on Rise TV for a monthly subscription fee.
➡ The text discusses a story about King Arthur, his second wife Guinevere, and his sword, Excalibur. It suggests that the sword and Arthur’s remains were hidden to prevent misuse. The text also delves into the concept of secret orders, specifically the Order of the Dragon, which is linked to the Pendragon name. Lastly, it promotes a coffee product and a series on vampires, particularly focusing on Vlad the Impaler and Dracula.
➡ The text discusses the historical and mythical figure of King Arthur, known as Pendragon, and his connection to the Merovingian bloodline. It suggests that Arthur was a righteous king who undertook quests, possibly for the Holy Grail or the Ark of the Covenant. The text also explores the meaning of ‘Pendragon’, which could mean ‘head dragon’ or ‘great leader’, and the theory that Arthur’s bloodline may have been mixed with a satanic element. The discussion also touches on the Merovingian family’s claim to be descendants of Jesus and their conflict with King Charlemagne.
➡ The text discusses the historical figure Charlemagne and his family’s belief in their special bloodline and clairvoyant wisdom. It also mentions the Merovingian family, who were seen as evil and were eventually overthrown by Charlemagne. The speaker shares their personal interest in King Arthur and Charlemagne, as they believe they are a descendant of Charlemagne. The text also touches on the concept of 13 powerful families and their desire to keep their bloodlines pure.
➡ This text discusses the importance of preserving history, even as some forces try to erase it. It also promotes a subscription to their email list, which offers a free guide to alien races. The text ends with an invitation to join them on Rise TV for a monthly fee, where they will discuss various topics, including a gruesome historical event known as the Cleveland Torso murders.
Alongside fantastic 14th century tapestries was King Arthur’s tomb found? Why are historians so quick to dismiss his story as a myth or a fantasy? Could the wizard, Merlin, the epic tale of the knights of the round, tale, the holy Grail, and even the sword and the stone have been real as well? Join us. Ben Chasteen. That’s him. And rob counts. That’s me. On this edge of Wonder live show, as we leave no stone unturned in finding out the truth about King Arthur. I did not write that. Bend it. That was me at the end of the show.
Don’t miss the meditation slash prayer along with our live q and a only on rise tv. So with that, we’ll see you guys out on the edge. Tentagel. Tentagel Castle is the name of it, so just, at least in English, but hey, guys, are you listening to our edge of Wonder podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or elsewhere? Please leave us a five star rating and review. And also remember, hit like, subscribe, follow all that good stuff. Comment below wherever you’re watching us rumble Kanjing world. And remember to, like, follow and subscribe on Rumble Ganjing World, Tintagel, Twitter, Instagram, Tagal, Graham, and Facebook.
Oh, anyway, all that good stuff. How are you doing, Rob? Good. I’m excited about this episode because I’ve always wanted to do a dig on King Arthur. Yeah. You know, as most stories unfold, they find more evidence and they become less myth than fact. So I’m looking forward to this. I mean, look at. Look at. Just look at, you know, the trojan war and Achilles and all of that stuff. They’re finding more and more evidence of these things. Noah’s ark used to be a myth. They’re. They’re finding all kinds of things that are pointing to that same thing with the city of Troy.
Exactly. That’s what I mean, there’s a lot of things, you know, and I think a lot of things have been found yet. They’ve kind of been kept from us, too. Like the story of Joseph in the Bible, actually, where he becomes a. Like a pharaoh, and he’s got all the brothers, and it’s a long, long story. But anyway, there’s. There’s very hard proof now that that whole story is real. But in our mainstream history now, it’s like the timelines haven’t changed. So it’s. Or not. I mean, not. Not like, not like a paradoxical timeline shift. I just mean, like, in a sense of something, or like, oh, well, this is actually dated this time, which doesn’t follow this period, so therefore it can’t be true.
But it’s like, wait a minute. You know, processes are so screwed up anyway. That’s. That’s one of the main issues behind it, you know? And. And then, like, you know, you have people trying to rewrite history and all kinds of things throughout the years, you know? And they do that every year anyway. They do that on the news. Every time I watch the news, they’re rewriting history. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay, well, why don’t we. I mean. Okay. Kind of do kind of a recap of kind of, I guess you could say, like a timeline of King Arthur’s life.
I mean, okay, it’s first mentioned and around, like, the mid. Let’s see what that would be. The 10th. Or get the centuries confused. 12th century, because we’re ahead. So 10th century. So 1111. Around, like 1150. 1138. There was a book by Geoffrey Monmouth, and it’s called the history of the kings of Britain. This is one of the first recorded stories, I guess you could say, of King Arthur. And before that, he appeared in a welsh poem. And that’s where we really kind of first hear who he is. Now, Arthur was the son of Uther Pendragon, and we’ll kind of get into the word, the name Pendragon, because that’s all rabbit hole in itself, too.
Like. And, um. And supposedly Arthur conquered all the way back to, or conquered Iceland, Denmark, Norway, and even had conflicts with the roman empire. So. Well, I want to mention something here. Yeah. One of the reasons why J rr Tolkien wrote Lord of the Rings is because he was so upset that the Brits basically lost their history in around 1066 when the Normans invaded over in England. So the Normans invaded, they end up destroying a bunch of british culture, which this would have been a part of. So this coming out in 1138, or whatever it was that you were just saying, 1130 ish, that time period is.
It seems like them remembering some of the old stories and trying to bring some of them back, I guess. What do you think? Yeah, no, I think that’s a big part of it. I mean, when you look at Merlin and Gandalf, I mean, they’re basically the same. The same person. Gandalf’s just way cooler. Yeah. And they both are guiding a person who’s destined to become, like, the king of mankind, basically, this righteous kingdom. Whereas Merlin, it’s King Arthur. With Gandalf, it’s Aragon, Aragorn. So, um, you know, and I think there’s so many similarities between these stories.
Um, that. I mean, you know, another factor is, could all this be real? Even lord of the Rings. Right. And, um. And even. Even the sword itself, uh, you know, well, this. The sword is known for, you know, cutting off the hand of or lord of the. But, you know, then there’s all this myth and legends around the Excalibur sword as well, too. So, um. Yeah, let’s see. So, I mean, he’s. They say that his birth is sometime in the late fifth or 6th century. So he’s early. I mean, which would be like 400 or 500, you know, some.
Yeah, because they’re there. That’s where I was getting confused earlier, because it’s like zero is one, and then. So it’s like, right now we’re in the 21st century, even though it’s the 20th. So it’s all confusing. I wonder if Arthur had any encounters with the squonk. Ben, what do you think? He probably killed it with a sword. And that’s why they’re forever sad. He had, like, a wonk head up on his. You know, the taxidermy is like. That’s his doorway as he walked into study. So he had. He had very famous battles against the Saxons, which is actually documented in history.
Yeah. So, I mean, a lot of scholars believe that Arthur is made up of various different kings in one person. And then, I mean, and then other people believe that he. He was who he was. There’s a famous battle of Baden Hill, which is cited as one of the greatest victories. But again, evidence for all this stuff with Arthur being directly involved is a little bit hard to come by. And then, of course, there’s the roundtable that everyone knows forming the knights of the roundtable, where everybody among his knights are all equal. And then there’s key events, too, which we’ll kind of get into.
We’re going to get into some of this, a little bit more detail. The quest for the holy Grail. Then you have the whole Lancelot and Guinevere and everything else, which we kind of dirty story. Yeah. And then supposedly there was, like, a civil war, and then, you know, and then Arthur. And then Arthur is taken to Avalon, and that’s where the story kind of. That’s where his story ends. But the legend of Arthur is born, I should say. What is Avalon and the king Arthur legendary? It’s a. It’s a land like area. Well, no, no, no.
It’s a real place. And, um, I mean, now it’s not called Avalon anymore, but you can actually trace it back. In fact, that’s what we’ll get into because they think they found his tomb. And, um. Well, here it’s saying. It’s a misquote. This is very similar to that valinor or new numenor in, um. In, um, lord of the Rings. That’s interesting. I know. I get it. But, see, back. Back then, a lot of different, depending on who. Who was king and who had the land. Like, different places were called different things. And that’s another reason why it’s kind of hard to follow this through history.
But piecing this all together, I have an idea of what happened and why Arthur became more of a legend instead of more factual. And I will explain that. You’re gonna get into that now? We could get into it right now. I mean, is there more that you need to explain? No, no, no. We’ll. Well, now I was just gonna get into. I’m ready to debate the really cool stuff with, like, Merlin. Yeah, yeah. All right. Let’s get into that. You know, and then, like, the name Pendragon and some of the legends. Yeah, I’ve looked into Pendragon before.
That’s a pretty interesting name. Yeah, it sure is. Yeah. But, mer, man, there is so much to talk about with Merlin. I don’t even know. Like, it’s just overwhelming, really. But Merlin, he’s described in multiple different ways. No one really knows. Some say he’s, like, lived for centuries. Some say, like, the immortal Taoist in the west, kind of. Yeah, exactly. Some say that he was, like, a. Born of, like, his mother was human, but she was like, she. Because some people refer to him as, like, a devil. So it’s like this. This, like, demon thing. Well, I think.
I think magicians or wizards were often considered to be that. Yeah, I kind of. And, you know, and I. I don’t. I think, like, Gandalf is more of appropriate way to look at him. But he did seem to have some kind of magical powers, or at least like an alchemist in some aspect. And then, like other people say, he was a sage or like a monk, you know, that cultivated himself or some kind of like, sort of like the Obi Wan Kenobi of this. Yeah, that would be. I mean, in reality, Star wars, you know, new hope is the King Arthur story.
It’s a lot of it. Yeah. That’s where it also has a lot of roots from it. Well, not that one. Well, I guess you could say Obi Wan Kenobi. I guess you could say that. I was thinking of the old. The old Obi wan. The original Obi wan. Not. Not that version of Obi Wan, but it’s. They’re all the same, I guess, except for the actors. You gotta. You gotta do a search for old Obi Wan, and then it’ll come up. Original Obi Wan, the OG. Yeah. Um, so, yeah, what’s super interesting? Oh, yeah. So I have this.
It’s. I’ve had this book for a long time, this Arthur of Albion. Yeah, Albion. And it’s such an amazing book. Sorry, can you hold the COVID up so I can see painting? Oh, wow. Yeah. And the really redheaded, huh? Surprise. Seriously. And in, like, you know, the. Draw the paintings in here. And just, like, the way the book is really laid out, it’s such an amazing book. And I’ve had this for a really, really long time. So I was reading it again. I haven’t read it in a long time. I’ve been fascinated with the story of Arthur, King Arthur since, like, since I can remember.
As a kid, I just. It was something I always gravitated to and in my heart. Knights got wizards, which is, you know. Yeah. And then, like, Disney. Disney had that, you know, the sword in the stone movie, and I always loved that and everything else I was growing up as. They ruined it. Right, because it’s Disney. Yeah. Well, I mean, this was in the sixties, you know, but. But, I mean, they left out a ton of stuff. You know, they. They really just, like, took, like, a whole bunch of information and just made it into this.
Like, you know, that kid is. I know. Seriously, there’s no way that kid is pulling that sword out of that stone. And why is a stone an anvil? That’s what I don’t. It’s not a stone. That’s an anvil. Now, Merlin, the. The story goes that Merlin made a prophecy that a great king will rise and shall rule over the lands and even, like, basically stand up against Rome as well, or fight against Rome. And he said his name would be Arthur. This is before Arthur was born. And, um, then lose. At this time, 300 or 400 ad, the Roman Empire definitely stretched into England.
Yeah, they did. Now, they were, like, the emperor, around 300 or something. So, yeah, they were kind of on the, uh, you know, like the last froze, I guess you could say, of their far away from Rome. So. Yeah. But I think, you know, I have a feeling that Arthur did a lot. And like I said, I now understand why he’s kind of been erased from history, but. So, with Merlin, no one really knows what happened to him. Some say he fell in love with a beautiful fairy woman from one of the ladies of the lake, which also goes along with the whole story.
And then he casts spells around the area to make it all, like, disappear to humans. And then Arthur or Merlin. Merlin. And he’s still there to this day, waiting for Arthur’s to return, hanging out with his lady in the lake. Yeah. Or the other story is that he built, like, a house made of all glass that that’s essentially like a magic house that no one can see him, but he can see everything that’s going on. What if he, like, falls out of bed at night and the glass breaks? Doesn’t seem realistic to me. Yeah, probably not.
Anyway, those are just stories about where he went. So how Arthur was born. Supposedly, Merlin disguised the new british king, which is uther Pendragon, and he entered in the Tintagel. Tintagel Castle, where he meets, um, this woman named Igerna, who was the wife of the enemy of the time, of the king. And together they conceive Arthur, and that’s how, supposedly, Arthur is born. Wait, so who conceived Arthur? Well, his father. Yeah. And then. And then the wife, the. Basically the queen of his enemy. So it’s like he goes there specifically and is like, okay, you know, and then that’s how Arthur is born.
Now, the other story. So with the sword and a stone, the story is that Merlin created the stone in the sword and put, like, a. I don’t want to put. I don’t want to say curse, but a spell on it. Yeah. That essentially only Arthur would be able to pull it out of the store or the stone. But the other aspect is, I mean, realistically, it’s more of, like, a virtue thing. Like, only the most virtue person, like, the virtuous person who is destined to be king, can pull the sword out, which you could still say is only Arthur.
Anyway, it’s kind of like, either way, he’s just destined to have this sword. Now, here’s one of the coolest factors that I. I remember reading this a long time ago because it’s in the book. There’s actually a photo of Stonehenge, but there’s a whole entire story that Merlin built Stonehenge. And I have never heard this before. This, to me, is one of the really, really cool factor. So he. So supposedly, Merlin, being as old as he is, no one really knows how old he is. He could be like century or, you know, whatever. Being around that long, knew how to read the stars, had super advanced knowledge of astrology, and together with the help of giants who aided him, built Stonehenge in order to accurately predict more of, like, coming events and celestial phenomena.
And, you know, because it does align with the equinoxes. And then the giants would have their, like, dance celebrations around the equinoxes and. Which is why they’re so big, because though, that. That way the giants can get in there and, you know, it’s kind of like their place, too. So. And this is the really interesting thing, is that King Arthur came from Wales. Well, they’ve always thought that the. That the Stonehenge. The stones came from like. Oh, yeah. Part of. Yeah, like it’s. It’s much closer to. Right. It’s like a hundred miles away or something like that.
Yeah. Well, now they. They’ve found it’s. It was first constructed in Wales and then it was moved. So they have no idea how that. How this thing was moved or who moved it or whatever. So it would kind of make sense now, I mean, if this whole story of Merlin is true, that, you know, maybe using special powers and the help of giants and everything else, like, then, you know, maybe he constructed it there to make sure it works, and then they brought it over, you know, where they need to be, and then that’s part of it.
So, you know, it’s. But. But now they. Now you could say, well, they say Stonehenge is a lot older than, you know, because it wasn’t built. It was built before Christ. Right. So. Well, what’s interesting is, like, again, we don’t know how long Merlin lives. Like, maybe he built this thing, like, long ago, and then through that, he was like, oh, there’s going to be this king that will be born. It’s like, we really don’t know. Maybe somebody knows somewhere and that’s, you know, that knowledge may be hidden from us or been lost in history, but.
All right, why don’t we show a trailer and we get back, we’ll talk about the knights of the roundtable, the last name, a pendragon, and so much more. The weird thing about Pindar, too. Okay, and then we’ll have a discussion. War, conquest, death. Most world War two historians will highlight the politics of the time but gloss over the truth behind. Behind hitlers quest for power. The blood spattered trail the Nazis smeared across the globe cannot be forgotten, even today. But what if details were lost in the aftermath of the manic effort to create a Third Reich? Or what if they were left out of the history books on purpose? What if the Nazis were searching for something else? Particular artifacts Hitler had researched feverishly in his darkest days, objects so extraordinary he believed they held the answer to world domination, objects that had the power to change the course of history itself.
These were the relics of power. One relic was most crucial to the Nazis plans, one that brought together all the relic mysteries, but was a mystery itself because it was missing and contained a secret map. The ghent altarpiece. What a great trailer, man. Yeah. That series is on Rise TV. We have about nine episodes in the relics of power series, and this just, if you want to go through some of the most amazing relics in history and, you know, kind of discover how Hitler was after these things, this is definitely the series for you. And this is all on rise TV.
If you subscribe to our channel and support our work for just $12.99 a month, you can get access to this and so much more, like a thousand videos we’ve got up there. So, yeah, if you’d like to help us out and help us keep the lights on, definitely think about supporting our work, we’d appreciate it. Yeah, we really appreciate all of you, all of your support on Rise TV. And also, if you’re following us on rumble, please subscribe to our rumble channel so we can continue to grow that as well. So thank you. All right, why don’t we come back to the knights of the roundtable discussion, because that’s such a pretty intense discussion, and we can go a little bit more into the mysterious castles, and then we’ll come back to the last name of Pendragon because it’s such a crazy rabbit holes.
But, um. What’d you say? I said, all of this stuff is that all this stuff really go off on. On last name and, I mean, yeah. And it was hard, because I do want to get to the point of also why I believe this was hidden from history for so long. Um, you know, because once again, when you’re studying King Arthur. Everything is like, oh, it’s like myths and legends and everything. But it wasn’t always the case that it was Miss myths and legends. That’s what’s really fascinating. The further back you go. Now, one of the.
The other aspect of the UK is that there are a lot of abandoned castles where no one really knows who built them and who was like. Yeah. Ruling in these castles. So, like, rob, if you want to talk about these. These three castles here. So these are three castles in the UK that. That really don’t have a lot of information about them. Yeah, we got these. Action. So. Sorry, action. Acton Burnell Castle, which was abandoned in 1420 ad. So it’s in Shropshire, might not be entirely mysterious in terms of who built it, thanks to historical records, but its abandonment since 1420 AD leaves plenty of room for speculation on who might have used it last or why it was left to the elements.
I mean, it looks like a pretty big castle, so, yeah, it’s weird that these things just get abandoned, you know? Yeah. And there’s not a lot of, like, historical evidence to say, like, who. Like, how long was it. Who built this? How long was it there for? You know, was it multiple people that used it or did they see multiple conquerors come in and. Yeah, I like all these. Look at it. So there’s a few more here. Yeah. So Rhys Stormell castle is in Cornwall. It’s crazy. It’s circular like that. So it’s got a unique circular design and it kind of whispers tales of being potentially the first castle built by the Normans, yet no one really knows who the exact builders are.
Looks cool, you know? Okay, then there’s also Darleton Castle. I might not have pronounced that properly. Durlton, maybe in Scotland. Now, while its initial construction in the late twelve hundreds is documented, the full scope of its users over the centuries, especially during its decline. Oh, mystery. Yeah, yeah. It, like. No, they don’t. They have no idea who. Who was basically using this castle after that or before that. It’s so weird. Once again, it’s just strange that you have these, like, giant castles that are just, like, you know, crumbling away. So, um, this is going to get into, um, the tintagel castle that we’re going to start talking about here soon, which is where they think they found the remains of King Arthur.
And it’s part of the king Arthur’s story. But before we get to that, I want to bring in Henry II, because he’s a very important figure in the King Arthur’s overall story and he’s not brought up a lot, but King Henry II was dominating much of Europe and invading the Welsh to take it over. He was really trying to take over everything of, of the UK. So he heard the story is, and this isn’t just stories that he specifically had this, like, jealousy over King Arthur, whether Henry. So the story is that King Arthur would return one day and become king.
And this scared Henry Iihdeme. Whether it’s true or not, at this time, the entire welsh people believed in King Arthur. So he tried to invade Wales to completely take it over, but he failed. His men couldn’t really track the treacherous terrain. It was just too hard for them in the mountains. They weren’t used to it, and so they fled and went back. And so he never really got through Wales. And this gate, the people, the welsh people had a lot of hope because of the prophecy that King Arthur would return or that he didn’t actually die.
There was that story too. So that one day he would return to the throne. I believe this is why it’s been taken out of history. I think that king. Because Henry. I specifically think that Henry II went out to try to destroy any kind of artifact, recorded history, anything about King Arthur. And just because he was jealous, because he. He could control the sword or what? Well, no, no, no, no, because. Because he would one day take over and his line would no longer be king. Right. I mean, think about how many King Henry’s. Yeah. So he’s trying to hide it like every other king, trying to avoid his fate.
Yes. So I think that was the main reason why it’s been taken out of history books. So he’d like, once again, he probably went around whatever they conquered. Any mention of King Arthur, any kind of artifact, whether it’s related to King Arthur or not, was probably burned, which is probably why a lot of history has kind of been lost. You know, it was either destroyed, burned people, killed, all kinds of things. So, um, there was this whole massive thing about keeping King Arthur’s tomb a secret. And it was only written about where he was supposedly located.
And supposedly King Arthur was mortally wounded in combat. And this was against the Saxons. And then he was brought to the isle of Avalon, which is they. They think that’s pretty much the Tintagel castle, where the Tintagel castle stands today. So this is why it gets really fascinating. So they believe that he was actually saved, that he didn’t die and. But when he did finally die, the story is that he was buried roughly about 15ft deep and two stone pyramids were placed between his burial site and if you look, it kind of resembles that here. And these monks end up finding his what they believe they found his grave.
And today there’s actually a plaque now where. Where they originally found it. And they found it, I think, in the 15 hundreds. So, um, what they wrote. Well, let me see. Um. Yeah, look at that. Right on screen. Yeah. Arthur’s tomb in the year of. The bodies of King Arthur and his queen were said to have been found on the south side of the lady chapel, the 19 April 1278. The remains were removed in the presence of King Edward I and Queen Eleanor to a black marble tomb. Tomb on the site. This tomb survived until the dissolution of the abbey in 1530.
Well, where are they now? So, yeah, that’s the big question. So, okay, so after King Henry’s second death, or the king Henry II after his death, um, that’s when this was found and the tomb was found 16ft deep. There was an oak hollow and it was between two stone pyramids. The monks, um, of the, um, Glastonbury abbey discovered the tomb. They, they said originally it was completely, um. And this is like, compiled from a bunch of historians that came out talking about this. There’s a whole documentary that they made about it and everything else. So, um, originally, when they found the stone that, like, his tomb, basically there was nothing on it, but when they moved it underneath it, they found a large lead cross and then they noticed there was writing underneath because they didn’t want to keep it right on top.
And, like, you know, so anyone could see that. You would have to kind of lift it up in order to see it. And what was found was the words. It was. That was inscribed with the words, here lies King Arthur with Guinevere, his second wife. Guinevere. Guinevere, I’m sorry, Guinevere, his second wife on the isle of Avalon. So his first wife, they don’t know. No one knows. Okay. That’s just added a whole new. They married to Lancelot before and that’s the triangle. What’s going on here? It definitely adds a whole new layer to it. Yeah, I couldn’t find it anywhere.
Talking about his first wife, whether, you know, did she die? Did something happen? No mention of it. So that, that in itself almost led people believe that this, this is probably real. And supposedly, along with the tomb, they found a braid of her golden hair that was inside of it and King Arthur’s sword, the Excalibur. And then one of the big banking elites stole the sword just kidding. I just made all that up. Maybe Pindar pen. Okay, yeah. Explain this. Okay. Let’s talk about. Let’s talk about. Oh, yeah. I know what Pendar is, but let’s talk about the Pendragon name.
Is this supposedly Excalibur? What’s this? Well, yeah, I mean, that’s like, if it’s way too feminine to be Excalibur. I had a. I actually had a replica, and my brother has it. I tried to take it back with me, and I was like, I can’t get it on that plane. It’s too big. But, um. But, yeah, it’s. It’s a cool. I mean, that’s what. That’s what, historically, that’s how it’s depicted. But what. Whether. What, like, what you saw right there, if you look up, the Excalibur is, like, around. Because there is, like, some descriptions of it that it was, like, around and just the normal hilt and everything and handle and whatnot.
But it was like, supposedly it had kind of more magical powers, though. It wasn’t just a normal sword because Merlin made it or had it made or. That’s why. Yeah. Yeah. So that. That’s why. It’s not that, you know, whether that’s why it’s so important. It’s like whoever had that sword all would. I mean, it’s kind of like Aragon and his sword, too. It’s like whoever has that sword is, like, destined to be king, you know? And I guess it’s the same thing. So the story is that when the monks found it and found everything, they wanted to hide the sword as to, like, you know, so nobody bad would try to use it on some kind of, you know, for.
For nefarious purposes or anything else. So that’s been the question. Where is all this? No, no one also knows where his remains are. Supposedly, they. They move the remains somewhere to protect it. They removed the sword somewhere, probably underneath the Vatican. But I wouldn’t be surprised if the Vatican came in, was like, yeah, but that kind of leads to the whole roundtable and, um, knights of the Templar discussion and this pen dragon. Um, this is real. This is really, really weird. We had a whole seat, or we have a whole series talking about the Order of the dragon on Rise tv.
And this is kind of the start of it really gets into this. In the UK, the dragon name was very crucial. And really, you could say the very first Illuminati order was the order of the dragon. That’s kind of where everything kind of stems from. Well, it’s one branch. Yeah, I mean, that, but that’s, like, the. The first secret order is what I’m trying to say. Like, the. Like, when you’re talking about, like, a secret order, you know, that’s kind of like the first one that that’s. That’s mentioned. There might have been, you know, I’m sure there’s a whole bunch of secret orders all throughout history, but that’s, like, how it kind of leads getting into, you know, the families.
Let me just say that, you know, like, the 13 families and bloodlines and all that kind of stuff, that’s, you know, it goes deeper than that, but that’s kind of where it starts, when you’re starting to research this and look into it. But the name Pendragon, so pen means, um, in Welsh, the root word pen means head. So you could literally say, like, the head dragon in this case. Oh, no. Yeah. So pen dar, that ain’t good in the west. Yeah. Yeah. Literally means that. But why don’t we break for. This is a great time to break for a trailer because we’ll come back, and then we’ll get into, like, what this all means, who Pindar is, how it’s related to the 13 royal family, things going on here, and, yeah, before we have a trailer, have you guys been looking for a way to support our content and want something in return that’s really going to help your day? Well, we’ve got metaphysical coffee now, so if you stay up all night researching fun stuff like King Arthur, like we do, I mean, you probably have a lot on your own plate or something like that.
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What truths are lurking in our legends? They couldn’t possibly be based on a real life monster, could they? Vlad the Impaler was not just known for his war tactics. Some say that he was also the world’s first vampire, Dracula. But is it all just a batting tale or are the movies talking about something real? Find out in part one of Edge of Wonders Halloween series, Vlad the Impaler and Dracula. Ben, did I tell you I rewatched Bram Stoker’s Dracula the other day? Oh no, I haven’t seen that in a long. Dude, you should. It’s. I direct, like direction wise, it’s the best horror movie ever made.
I think like the way that they, like Francis Ford Coppola’s hat tip to vampire movies and just the story itself was like so incredible. The special effects it was pulling off with the shadows and all of that stuff. And actually this story was the inspiration for us digging into this entire thing and vampires, of which we have multiple episodes on there. And the story is so much more fascinating than any of you understand. And there’s so much accurate crap in this movie. Like, I could take you through this movie and, and bring out certain things and tell you the history of why certain things are the way that go back to actual history.
And it’s kind of scary that Francis Ford Coppola knew all of this or that Bram Stoker did. So there’s some truth to a lot of this. It feels like a real story. There’s more truth to it than you’d think. And we’ve got all the juice on Rise TV, so if you like that kind of stuff, definitely check it out. You can subscribe and support our work. Just 1299 a month. And we’ve got all kinds of stuff on there about werewolves and all kinds of other things too. Definitely check that out. If you like that kind of horror stuff, we like to get to the bottom of these things and try to find out where they came from, not just like, you know, celebrate the stories themselves, which a lot of people do, you know.
Right. No, that’s exactly it. Yeah, no, that I have. Yeah, I haven’t seen that movie in a long time. I’m gonna have to. Freaking good, dude. It’s well done. I mean, I know, freaky. It’s just well done, you know? Yeah. I mean, I’m not big on horror movies, but it’s. It’s a. It’s not, though, horror movie. Yeah. Really. It’s really. It’s a thriller. And, you know, even the way they portrayed. What’s the guy’s name? Van Hausen or whatever. Van Helsing. Yeah. Yeah. It’s Anthony Hopkins playing him. And he’s. He’s just as crazy as Dracula, but on the other side, like, it’s.
He’s a really. It’s really funny. Yeah. All right. Okay. Why don’t we into probably the weirdest conversation of the night, this whole thing with Pendar and Pendragon. So when I, you know, I completely forgot that King Arthur’s last name is Pendragon. Yeah. So when I was looking this up again, I just was kind of, like, dumbfounded. I was like, wow. You know, and this makes so much more sense. So, you know, of course, you have, like, the. The 13 family bloodline names and everything, which one of them is the merovingian bloodline name. So another reason why they, like, for more of a esoteric reason why is that, you know, everything about Arthur is.
He’s, like, always been. He is, from my understanding, a very righteous king, very righteous person. So supposedly, Merlin had them go on certain quests to look for certain things, one being potential, like, what is the Holy Grail? Or, you know, there’s. But there’s different ways of looking at this. Either they were actually looking for the Grail or were potentially could be, like, the ark of the covenant or something like that. Or they were trying to keep it safe because bad guys were after it. Yeah, exactly. And King Arthur was just somebody that he would always just do the righteous thing.
I mean, from a matter of speaking, you can almost compare him and Jesus. Like, he was a very, like, righteous kind of figure, you know, came after Jesus and kind of, like, followed in the same footsteps, especially against Rome, everything that’s going on, you know, which is another reason why they might have wanted to make him more into a myth, too. But with going back to. So, like I said, the last name Pendragon, the. The welsh root pen means head. The other thing about Arthur. Let me go back real quick. I forgot in Welsh, art means bear, and Arthur means bear, man.
So it’s really interesting because, again, it kind of proves that, at least according to the welsh history that Arthur is a real man, a real person. Because, like, yeah, why would that. You know, why would that, like, that’s just kind of an interesting little tidbit there, but, um. But, yeah, so getting back to this, so again, pen. Pen means head. So, like a head dragon. Um, there’s also, like, negative connotations behind it, such as, like, blame, hate, judgment. Like the word, the root word pen, depending on how you look at it. So the title Pendragon was.
So I was, like, looking into this. It was borrowed from middle English, from Welsh, where it originally indicated a literal, a literal dragon. So the story is that, or a great leader or the highest commander. So either one, his father actually killed a dragon, or he was just named that after some great deed or the person that he is. Um, and once again, you. You. Okay, so this is where it gets kind of, like, weird and esoteric here. But this Pindar figure is supposed to be the highest classification within, I guess you could say, like the Illuminati or, um, you know what, whatever, whatever you want to say.
You know, the bloodlines, all the stuff. Like, it’s like, who’s really ruling the world? And I guess you could say it’s this title of Pindar and it’s p I n d a r. Um, supposedly it’s abbreviated to mean, like, interested? Yeah, we talked about this on a show, like, a long, long time ago, and I kind of, I had to, like, kind of go back and, like, kind of relook at this again because I was like, oh, that’s right. Yeah. Um, symbolically, Pindar is the highest power. Now, supposedly, you know, if you have, like, the ruling elite families and all the, all those elite people and everything, it’s kind of like, you know, then you have the, like the pope.
It’s like, what’s at the, what’s at the, what’s at the center of the. What’s at the highest point of the pyramid? What is the eye? And supposedly that is the eye of Pandar, who’s, like, overseeing everything, and it’s not human, but then it’s like, whoa, what is it? You know, is it like the reptilians? Is it like the, like a satanic aspect of it? And I think it’s like, choose your pick at that point, you know? Yeah. To me, they’re kind of one in the same, depending how you look at it. You know? I mean, I think through throughout history, when you’re talking about, like, reptilians, it’s like, yeah, I mean, they would especially back in those times, everything would just be a demon.
You know, that. That’s it. So whether they come from, like, wherever they come from, that’s how they looked at it. So. But I just find this so fascinating. And there’s a. There’s so much backstory with this. And then the merovingian family, too. And the merovingian family was more of the. That’s where supposedly with, like, the holy grail is not just the cup, but it’s also the bloodline of Christ, and how the merovingian family tried to take over that. And they were at war with King Charlemagne during that time, who was trying to wipe them out. And that’s a true story.
The Merovingians were very evil, and King Charlemagne was trying to fight against them pretty much the whole time, and supposedly he completely wiped them out. However, there’s evidence to show that really, they just went in hiding until they slowly started rising to power again, more in the shadows. So, I mean, are you claiming that Arthur’s bloodline is evil? No, no, no, no. By all means, I’m not. But they might have taken this aspect of King Arthur. You know, it’s kind of like what they claim with Jesus to, like, the meroving. And again, I’m not saying this.
This is what they believe, right? They believe that they are from a descendant of, like, Jesus’s bloodline that mixed in with a satanic element. So imagine, like, Jesus, again, this is all in the holy blood and holy grail, you know, and the book. Like, imagine that Jesus and Mary secretly had a kid together. That kid ends up, you know, having our families centuries down the line. Somewhere in point, the story is that Lucifer was watching them. Lucifer mixes his blood with that bloodline, creates his offspring, which is the merovingian family and descent. And so Lucifer is a human being walking around.
Well, that’s. I mean. No, no, no. It’s like Lucifer would be. He came in the form of, like, some entity. I see. Kind of like it. It’s like mocking how Jesus was born. Think of it that way. Yeah. Jesus was born, and through the Virgin Mary, God came and made Mary pregnant. Right? It’s like Lucifer coming to a woman and saying, I’m going to make you pregnant. You’re going to have my offspring. That’s kind of, you know, the only thing I would say here, it’s, like, very interesting, like, the entire thing to think about. But I imagine that the king who’s there now, King Charles.
King Charles is that. That’s his name. Right? Yes. Yeah. Okay. The king in England. Sorry, I just had a brain moment there. But, um, he is very, very obsessed with Vlad the impaler. They all were. Right? Well, yeah, yeah. I mean, he’s. He. Like, he’s proud to be the. I know. He even owns Windsor family castle or something in Transylvania. Like, he’s very obsessed with this figure in history. And I would imagine that there would be just as much of a to do over King Arthur if there was any direct connection there to the current kings that are in.
I think they think that they’re more a part of the. The dragon or the, you know, bloodline of Vlad, and somehow that they migrated over there, which is even weirder when you think about that story, because Prince Vlad actually went to London for a while. You know, in that story, he was looking for Mina, his, like, long lost dead bride or whatever, and so it’s like. It’s just. There’s just all kinds of weird stuff that. Right. You know. Yeah. Well. And kind of going back to. So this was actually in our relics of power episode on the Holy Grail, getting back to King Charlemagne.
So my understanding is that King Charlemagne might have actually been the legend of King Arthur kind of coming to light because King Charlemagne is known as one of the greatest kings. Yeah, he, you know, of our era, supposedly, like, had the full grail, like, wisdom or something. Yeah, well, because he was so righteous that supposedly he was granted this, and he was fighting against. Like I said, he was opposing the Merovingians, like, hard. Right. I mean, in a sense, he was kind of standing up to what would almost now be called the ruling elite. You know, it was like he was kind of trying to stop a lot of that from forming a lot of the dark aspects of things, including, you know, like, later, centuries later.
Then you have, like, the. The entire thing about the knights Templar, you know, and all that, what happened, and my understanding, it became very. It was very righteous starting out, and then the weird things. Super interesting. Listening. Listen to this. Charlemagne was reportedly the recipient of the full Grail wisdom. His family had several relics of power, overthrew the opposing merovingian family, and came from a long line of grail protectors. Charlemagne’s family believed that their bloodstream was implanted with the capacity for clairvoyant wisdom. They surrounded themselves with loyal adapts of grail knowledge. Yeah, and you know what’s weird is that.
So I. I mean, I. My. I come from King Charlemagne, like, my descendants, or I’m a descendant of his. You know, Charlemagne yeah, I actually am. And. And so that’s another reason why I’ve been so obsessed with the story of King Arthur. And when I was, like, younger, I really looked into this a lot. Like, that’s why I have this book, you know, like I was telling you in the beginning of the show, like, I have this. You know, I got this. Like, probably. I probably got this 14 years ago now, maybe even longer than that.
And just my whole life, I’ve just been into King Arthur. And so my understanding is that King Charlemagne was part of the Arthur bloodline and that they were really doing some great things and he was doing some really great things against what was, like, this evil that was forming, which would be the other side. Like I said, more of the merovingian side that that was trying to do things in an evil way. But eventually, King Charlemagne pushed them all out and. But like I said, they kind of. History will tell you that they fade out. The last one died, and that’s it.
But I’m like, no way. No way. You know, we know that there’s way more to that, and especially now with everything that is going on, and that’s the merovingian side again, that’s. Well, Ben, what did the Merovingians do that was so evil? Do you know? You know, off the top? Were they just, like, ruthless leaders or something? Or, like, ruthless leaders that were just trying to do everything? I mean, imagine, like, imagine a world leader today. Honestly, they probably can’t even. Like, the Merovingians probably couldn’t even compare to what’s going on in today’s world, especially when you talk about China and what’s going on over there, you know? But.
But, like, imagine. Imagine, like. Like, during that time period, having a family that’s really evil like this. Just purely selfish, you know? But. But not just selfish, like, doing things. Sorry, go ahead. I just. My mind is kind of racing. I was just going to say something silly, so why don’t you finish that thought? Yeah, no, no, I was just going to say, like, um, you know, in a sense, trying to gain power by using supernormal means. Right. Because they believed that they were descendants of both Jesus and Lucifer at this point. So it’s like, they believe that they were, like, extremely special.
And that’s why, with the 13 bloodlines, the last one is the Merovingian, and that’s the one that’s supposedly. And also in the matrix, in the first matrix, you have mervynian, the Merovingian, the french guy who’s controlling everything within. Super annoying, that dude. Yeah. Yeah. So slap the accent off of his. That’s why they used. They used that name in the movie itself. And a lot of people don’t know much about the Merovingian. That, look at that cocky face. They really picked that guy. Well, he did. I know, because you just can’t stand him at all. You just want to punch him so hard in the face.
Right. But which is great, you know, he is. He just did such a great job acting. I was going to say, I would be really fun if there was, like, a mortal kombat game that had, like, different kings that you could select and be, and they each had different powers. And, like, there was, like, the Merovingians and they were all, like, weird and evil. And you had Charlemagne, and he was like, you know, and then you had, like, the Habsburgs and. Oh, yeah, just like, hanging down and they’re finishing moves. They just open it up and try to eat someone.
Yeah, yeah, that’s. I mean, and that’s the thing about, you know, be careful or we’ll have incest together and create a new habsburg. Well, and that’s the whole thing about the 13 families, right? It’s. It’s like keeping their bloodline pure, which is why they all have ancestral background now. Because the finishing move look like, from this guy. Well, that. That’s. Those are the ones that were drool all over him. Burning incest. I free. Their jaws were so protruded that they were. They were, like, incessantly drooling. Like, they couldn’t stop themselves from, like, drooling and stuff. But this is the one guy on the right that everyone says looks like Mark Zuckerberg.
It might actually be him. What’s the same guy, Benjdehe, have that look, though? Or. I know, it’s just. I’m not talking about the jaw here. It’s like. It’s like, I don’t know. Yeah. And then, well, and then they were. They were inbred so bad. This family. I forget the family’s name, which bro. That their jaws kept getting, like, worse and worse and worse and bigger and bigger and bigger over time. And then these poor painters were like, here’s a picture and make it beautiful. Beautiful, but make it accurate. Yeah. I don’t want to die. That’s a true story.
It’s literally. What? Like, be, like the worst commission you could ever want. Like, you’d be like, I’m. No, I’m really a bad painter. You don’t want me. You want this guy over here, like, go talk to Leonardo da Vinci or somebody else. Anyone else, you know? Yeah. Lindsey, show this map real quick. So, in this book I have, there is this map that. This is so fascinating. Like, just kind of zoom in. There’s actually Stonehenge on this, and it does, like, it goes. So this is, like, this whole thing about the story of King Arthur. And, like, all these places are kind of relevant to certain aspects of King Arthur’s life or his, like, father or Merlin specifically.
And, like, you can see Stonehenge. What’s number 36? And over there, it says that it was, like, something about dancing. Yeah, go over to the right, Lindsey. And it was number 36. So it tells us what happened. Yeah, go over to. Go over to the far right there. The key aspect. Yeah. What is. I took this photo, so it’s like, it’s. Sorry. It’s not great. But anyway, what’s that second word? Dance? Like, can you zoom in? I can’t see. It says, giant dance. Giants dance. The great circle of Stonehenge. I mean, that’s my understanding, is that giants built that.
Well, yeah, but that’s the story is that with Merlin or Merlin using the giants, because that. That’s why it was part of the equinoxes. And then for the solstices, the giants would celebrate their holidays, um, with their, like, special, like, come on. Look how. Look how small Stonehenge is there, and look how big the sword and the stone is. Who did this? What artist did this? I’m just kidding. So funny. But, yeah. Anyway, but going back to the kind of wrapping up of the 13 families, you know, I mean, originally, there was, like, these 13 names.
Now there’s a whole bunch of names, you know? And it’s just. I mean. Well, apparently the Lancelot bloodline is in there in one of these. That’s what I called Lancelot. It’s called break spear or something. I don’t know. Yeah, break spear. Yes. So you have, like, the 13 family names, but then there’s, like, the deeper. I should say the deeper. Well, there’s. I mean, you know what? They may all be the same family names, but there’s 13 over in Europe, and there’s 13 that classically have been mentioned by guys like Fritz Springmeyer, you know, I’m saying.
Yeah, exactly. I mean, like, yeah, I mean, then those. Those names are just common names, but it’s like, once you start getting a little bit deeper, then it gets crazy. Oh, it’s all crazy. It’s all so. And that. And that’s where kind of. That’s where I start. Like, the research started leading to, like, okay, who’s kind of at the pinnacle of all this, and it’s this Pindar figure, you know, that supposedly isn’t human. Again, you can look at it as, like, is it some kind of, like, reptilian thing or demonic thing or Lucifer or whatever, but supposedly that’s at the top of this thing that’s directing everybody else, so.
Or everyone’s just secretly reptilians, shape shifting reptilians. Don’t say it, Ben. Oh, man. We gotta. We actually have to leave the, uh, the platforms now. Um. You ready to do that, Mister Ben? Yeah, I think, um. I think, yeah, I think kind of real quick to summarize everything, you know, before we jump over. I think, once again, I think that, you know, this thing has been kind of erased by various different kings throughout history because they feel it’s a threat, especially if they’re an unrighteous king. I mean, can you imagine, like, you know, or the Normans.
I mean, the Normans also destroyed a bunch of this when they invaded. So, I mean, it happens, all this, it’s happening right now with our own Internet. You know, things are being deleted and erased throughout history to change. We don’t even know. Yeah, we don’t even imagine how much history the military has created that we know nothing about. Yeah, I can. I can tell you that when I was working on this, I just got this, like, immensely deep feeling coming over me that was just like, wow, there’s just been so much that was lost through history because various people wanted it destroyed.
And I’m like, that’s why we don’t. Because a lot of. A lot of things were built for the people of the future, for us. They let. They literally left it here for mankind in the future to discover ourselves and figure out who we are and where we came from. And it’s been destroyed by nefarious people all throughout the centuries. Yeah, it’s the story of the human race right there. We don’t have answers to a lot of things. I don’t like our YouTube channel. Our YouTube channel was destroyed by those nefarious creatures. They were. It was, yeah.
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Alright now anyway, just check out this trailer and join us on Rise TV, please. Who is the mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run? The Cleveland Torso murders are some of the most gruesome killings that have ever taken place in America. Some believe it was worse than Jack the Ripper’s crimes on September 5, 1934, this small, forsaken neighborhood that probably would have faded away into oblivion etched its name in history. And the weird part is, is that there were very suspicious circumstances revolving around the suspect suspects, which adds even more mystery to these horrible crimes. Little did they know at the time that this would end up becoming the biggest investigation in the Cleveland Police Department’s history.
This is an edge of one Halloween special, and I promise we’ll try to make you laugh through this dark topic. Get your questions ready because it’s time for our live Q and a session exclusively on Rise TV.