Since you’ve been gone, they’ve felt an emptiness. And let me tell you, sweetheart, that missing piece is you. They went to great lengths to mistreat and undervalue you, doing everything they could to show disinterest. But when you finally stepped back, when you allowed them to leave, it hit them. They lost something important. What they’re missing now is you. I’m so grateful for your continued support and for always being here. Fate brought you together with someone, but pride drove you apart. Whether you walked away or they pushed you away, now they are feeling your absence deeply.
A part of them left with you the moment you decided to walk away. Yes, fate may have brought you all together, but it was pride that tore everything apart. Pride kept them from being honest, from apologizing, and from reaching out. It controlled the relationship, leaving no room for real connection. You may have found yourself apologizing for things you didn’t even do, just to keep the peace, to be the bigger person, to avoid conflict. You wanted everything to flow smoothly without any chaos. But deep down, you knew they were in the wrong, and yet they were too prideful to admit it or apologize.
Pride is what broke everything. Whether it was a friendship, a relationship, or even a job situation. Maybe you had a boss or co-workers who were too proud to recognize your efforts or admit that your ideas were good. They refused to acknowledge that you were just a little smarter than the average. And so, what did you do? You walked away. You took your energy back. You decided to say, enough is enough. And the moment you did, they felt it. Right now, someone is realizing your absence and thinking about how they failed to show up for you.
Someone is now sitting alone, thinking about how they failed to show up. Whether it was in a friendship, a marriage, or any relationship, they’re reflecting on the fact that they didn’t do what they should have. They know you weren’t asking for too much, only what you truly deserved. Now they’re realizing what they did to you, and it’s hitting them hard. They thought that when you left, or when you both parted ways, it would be the end. But when you walked away, you took a piece of their heart with you, and now they feel the emptiness left behind.
That missing piece is you. You might look back and think it was all a waste of time, or that you lost something in the process. But in reality, you gained so much more. You discovered the strength to stand on your own, the wisdom to see things clearly before they even unfold, and the integrity to walk away when something no longer serves you. You found the courage to put yourself first. What might seem like a loss was actually a gain. Your gain. They were used to you always being there, always saying yes, always giving in, and sacrificing for their needs.
They got so comfortable with your kindness that the moment you chose to put yourself first, they were shocked. When you decided to walk away, they couldn’t believe it. And while you may feel like you wasted your time, energy, emotions, and even money, the truth is, you gained more than you lost. Now you know how to fly on your own. You can see things clearly long before people even say a word because of everything you’ve been through. You’ve learned to walk away with integrity instead of waiting around, hoping someone will change. Yes, you’re loving, patient, and forgiving.
But now you understand that at some point, you have to ask yourself, why am I still here? That’s the lesson you’ve learned. And I’m here to tell you today, it wasn’t a waste of time. You’ve gained so much wisdom, strength, and knowledge from that situation. Whether it was a relationship, a job, or even dealing with a family member. You’ve grown stronger and wiser through it all. It wasn’t a loss, and you should know that. Some people thought they could play the out of sight, out of mind game with you. But in the end, they played themselves.
They believed that by distancing themselves, they could forget about you. But now, they realized they were wrong. Some people knew your worth, but they didn’t want to admit it. They didn’t want to love you the way you deserved or acknowledge your value. They just couldn’t step up and be the person you needed them to be. This isn’t about blaming others or tearing anyone down. This is about encouraging you, about helping you see things clearly. Some of you might be wondering why things turned out the way they did. This message isn’t for everyone, but if it resonates with you, then you know it’s for you.
Some of these people liked you, even loved you, but they couldn’t meet your expectations. Maybe they felt your love was too intense, or maybe they thought you were asking for too much. But honestly, if you are someone who is humble and grounded, you know you weren’t asking for anything extravagant. All you wanted was time, attention, and love. Basic things that should naturally be given in any meaningful connection. But now, the days of chasing after people, of begging for love or validation, are over. You’ve learned from your experiences, and you’ve grown stronger because of them.
If someone thought pushing you away would make them forget about you, they were wrong. They avoided their own feelings and played games, but the moment you walked away, they felt the loss. A part of them left with you, and they now realize what they had. They lost a part of themselves when you left. Now let’s talk about something important. They broke their own hearts by ignoring, disrespecting, and pushing you away. All the things they did to sabotage the connection, were just a way to play it cool, to keep up a front. They didn’t realize at the time how much harm they were causing, both to you and to themselves.
Some people act out, doing and saying things that are hurtful, all to maintain a facade. They put on a mask, not understanding how much it affects the people around them. But back then, they couldn’t see it. They were blinded by their own actions. They thought they were doing what was best for themselves, but in the end, they broke their own hearts. They’re feeling that now. I’ve told you before, your presence matters, and so does your absence. Right now, someone is feeling the weight of your absence. A piece of them left with you, and they might not even fully realize it yet.
They’ve been keeping up the act for so long, pretending like they don’t care, staying silent. But now, the truth is hitting them hard. They thought they could easily replace you, whether in a job, a friendship, or a relationship. But they’re finding out that it’s not that simple. They’re struggling to fill the space you left behind, and that’s no accident. Whether it’s a job or a relationship, they thought someone else could take your place. But there’s only one you. No matter how many people they bring into their life, whether they’re dating, working with, or just surrounding themselves with, they’ll never be able to fill that void.
You bring something unique, an experience that no one else can provide. When you walk into a room, you change the atmosphere. And when you leave, people feel that too. Your presence has an impact, and so does your absence. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. No matter where you go, you make a difference. You carry a special light, a unique energy that’s meant for specific places, people, or tasks. You’ve been chosen for a reason, destined to make an impact in the spaces you find yourself in. It’s not by accident that you’re there. You’re protected and guided wherever you go, whether it’s a certain job, a relationship, or a new journey.
It’s your path, and you’ve been appointed to walk it. But sometimes, we forget this. We forget our own purpose and strength. However, you’re learning now. You’re growing and evolving. Whether others recognize it or not, whether they acknowledge you or give you any sort of praise, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you know. You have a deep understanding now that no one can take away from you. Through your experiences, you’ve built a solid foundation of self-trust. Your intuition is strong, and you know who you are. This is where everything begins. By believing in yourself. [tr:trw].