Why do we know so little about Harris and Obama? Who do we trust? | Michael Franzese LIVE! Ep. 23

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➡ The speaker discusses a live stream where they waited for viewers to join, talked about a recent trip to Los Angeles, and a potential reality show. They also discussed a tough interview Kamala Harris had with Bret Bear, expressing skepticism about the Democratic party. They mentioned a hectic day and rescheduling a call, and greeted various viewers from different locations. The speaker also mentioned watching a video by Candace Owens about Barack Obama and encouraged viewers to watch it too.
➡ The video discusses Barack Obama’s background, comparing it to Kamala Harris’s. It mentions that Obama’s literary agent claimed he was born in Kenya, and he spent his early years in Indonesia before moving to Hawaii. The video also questions the authenticity of Obama and Harris’s connections to the black community, suggesting they are pandering for votes. It ends by expressing distrust in these politicians, accusing them of lying and questioning their ability to follow through on promises.
➡ The text discusses concerns about political elites, including Bill Gates, and their connections to Jeffrey Epstein. It also criticizes the policies of Biden and Harris, suggesting they negatively impact everyday people. The author expresses support for Donald Trump, arguing he is a strong leader who stands up to enemies. The text ends with concerns about potential election fraud and the importance of the upcoming election.
➡ The speaker expresses concern about the fairness of elections, suggesting that there may be attempts to manipulate the results. They criticize the current administration for their handling of various issues, including immigration and financial responsibility. The speaker also accuses the media of being complicit in spreading misinformation and calls for the welfare of American citizens to be prioritized. They end by urging for fiscal responsibility and a return to fair elections.
➡ The speaker criticizes the current political leadership, accusing them of not taking responsibility for their actions, particularly in relation to the withdrawal from Afghanistan. They also discuss the changing role of organized crime in America, suggesting that the government’s crackdown on the mafia was more about making headlines than reducing crime. The speaker questions why similar efforts aren’t made to tackle other criminal gangs and suggests that there are ulterior motives at play. They also express concern about potential corruption and cover-ups within the political and entertainment industries.
➡ The speaker criticizes political figures for alleged dishonesty and hypocrisy, particularly focusing on Bill Clinton and Kamala Harris. They express frustration over perceived double standards in the treatment of Donald Trump compared to other politicians. The speaker also questions the handling of border control and immigration policies, and calls for more transparency and accountability from those in power.
➡ The speaker passionately expresses their frustration with political leaders, accusing them of not serving the people who elected them. They argue that these leaders are self-serving and deceptive, and they should be held accountable for their actions. The speaker also emphasizes their support for Donald Trump, criticizing Kamala Harris’s character and competence. Lastly, they share their personal experience with the Menendez brothers, asserting their belief in the brothers’ claims of abuse and arguing for a review of their case.
➡ The speaker believes that two men who spent over 30 years in prison deserve a chance to restart their lives. He also discusses various topics including the potential release of a list by Trump, the possibility of Don Junior running for office, and his admiration for JD Vance. He warns about the dangers of unhealthy relationships and the importance of understanding what we consume, both in terms of food and information. Lastly, he advises investing in gold and silver for financial security and promotes his non-alcoholic wine and online community.
➡ The speaker is inviting people to join their online community, which currently costs $10 a month. This community offers benefits like one-on-one mentorship, phone calls, private visits, and future events. The speaker emphasizes the importance of family, community, and helping each other. They also encourage members to be safe, healthy, and aware of their surroundings, and express their hope for a healthier America.



We’re live. And obviously I’m going to wait for people to come in because Rumble is always a little bit behind me when we jump on. So we got 60 people right away. I can’t see you yet in the chat, but welcome for the first 60. I just got back from Los Angeles. I had a drive there, met with some people from a production company that want to do a reality show on me. So I had a good meeting with them. Who knows if it’ll happen or nothing. Crazy industry, I got to tell you that people, but doesn’t hurt to sit with them and see what happens.

They’re pretty well heavyweights in the industry, so we’ll see what happens. And, okay, we got a bunch of people jumping in. I’ll wait till I see some people in the chat. Meanwhile, just to start a little bit of an excitement here, I just listened to the Bret Bear interview with Kamala Harris and I was, I’m a little, you know, I have questions about Bret Bairn, whether he really likes Trump or not, because, you know, Fox is more conservative than not. And I was kind of concerned about what the interview would look like, whether it be softballs or not, but it wasn’t.

He really came at her on the border. He came at her on some items that were very important and she responded. Looks like she got a little bit angry. She’s not used to people attacking her. When I say attacking her with the truth and asking her hard questions, she usually gets softball. So you can probably watch it. I’m sure it’ll be up on YouTube. Fox might repeat it later on, but they, they always carry these things online. So look at it. Make your own decision up, you know, on that. And you know how I feel probably.

Chats are starting to come in, Michael. It’s great. Mitchell, we missed you and Sam on the call Tuesday. Oh, yeah? What happened? Oh, gosh, I’m sorry, Greg. I didn’t know that. I don’t know what happened. Anyway, today, yesterday was a hectic day. We’ll have to reschedule that. So just get in touch with me or get in touch with Sam. We’ll reschedule. Call maybe tomorrow or Friday. We’ll get it done. Sorry about that. Negotia 80. Good evening. How are you? More people jumping in. Yeah. Anyway, it wasn’t a softball interview, so give her credit for at least sitting down one time, you know, for an interview with a real reporter that’s going to ask her real questions that the american people want answers to.

And, you know, to me, there’s nothing she can do at this point. And we’re going to get into that a little bit today also. These democrats are just hard to trust. You know, that’s, that’s the bottom line. They’re hard to trust. You know, a couple of things are happening in this past week that makes you question them even more. You know, instead of building confidence in them, they make you less trustworthy, trusting of them. So that’s just the reality of it. But let’s see how it goes. First time here, Lauren LB. Nice to meet you, Lauren, at least online.

Hello from Chicagoland. I love Chicago, one of my favorite cities. I don’t like it as much in the wintertime. I’m sure, sure you know it, I’m saying about that, but I love Chicago. It reminds me so much of New York, but easier to get around. It’s kind of a miniature New York with all the great stuff, great restaurants, great people, just, uh, and a beautiful city. Uh, Stephen Mahey, folks. How are you? Danai from Texas. How you doing? JWP 40. Good evening. Michael from North Island, UK. Wow. I love Ireland. Boy, I love all the time that I’ve spent there.

I’ve been there three times now. Love the people and just love the country. You’re all great there. So thank you for tuning in. I wonder if Conor McGregor is one of the people you enjoy. I’m sure the people of Ireland are proud of him. He surely represented your country well. He and I become somewhat of friends, so we communicate back and forth. He and I do. And his team. So good guy. Steve. Hello from Costa Mesa. Oh, my neighbor, my wife and daughter were just there getting their nails done. I was told they’re on their way back now.

So we got about 100, almost 200 people in. Did anyone watch the Fox Harris interview? Yeah, I was just talking about that. I just got, it was only a half an hour an interview, but I watched it before. We’re getting on now. Just ended. She didn’t answer darn question, just more Trump bashing. Well, that’s the, that’s the bottom line in their campaign is not to resolve issues. It’s to put this fantasy out there that they’re going to turn from their own administration what they’ve caused in the past four years, and now all of a sudden they’re going to turn from the bad and go into the good.

I don’t get it, but that’s what they’re trying to run on. Hello, everyone. Gisela. Hi. From George island. Wow, that’s a good place. Nice to meet you and I guess we can start to get into it. Oh, what happened here? I lost my screen. What happened? Yeah, just go ahead, unmute yourself and I’ll put you. Okay, how about now? Good. All right, I think I’m back. I don’t know what happened. Rumble sometimes has issues, technical issues. But anyway, we’re back. Okay. I have to start off with something today that I just happened to come across. I’m sure many of you are familiar with.

Excuse me, with Candace Owens. She’s brilliant. I just love the way she delivers her messages. She’s very straightforward. She seems to be very honest to me, and she’s very knowledgeable and she’s brilliant. I will say that I happen to like her very much. I don’t know her. Never had anything, any contact with her whatsoever. But I do watch her material. She’s just great. And she has good researchers. She does some good things. And she did a little piece on Barack Obama. Now, for those of you that may not know, Barack Obama is now out there actively campaigning for Kamala Harris.

They pulled out the big guns because she’s in trouble. And people, I will tell you this. I believe if this election is fair, and that’s a big if, because these Democrats, they don’t play fair. And this is not a conspiracy theory. It’s none of that. It’s just the truth. They don’t play fair. I know this from going back to my days in the mob. They don’t. And I believe it’s going to be a challenge to make sure that what happens on election day is fair. There’s going to be some skullduggery. There’s no question about it. There’s going to be attempts at fraud.

It’s already happening. To what degree? Hopefully it’s not going to be to a degree where the election is compromised. We’ll see. But I believe if they play fair, Trump is going to win because this woman just cannot, she just cannot be that appealing to that many people to beat Donald Trump. She just can’t. In my view, I think more highly of America and its american citizens than that citizens. Now, are we getting non citizens to vote? Yeah, they’re trying to do that and we’ll talk about that today. But anyway, Barack is out there and he’s castigating, he’s berating black Mendez for not voting for Kamala Harris and he’s really giving it to them because she is losing the black vote because my black brothers and sisters.

And I say that because, listen, that’s just the way I feel I’m a Christian and I don’t look at people’s color. We’re all one in the kingdom of God. And what I’m seeing now is that he’s out there castigating them and berating them. But they’re too smart. They really are. They’re seeing through Kamala Harris. They’re seeing through the Democratic Party finally, because the Democrats have been pulling the wool over their eyes for years and years and years, pandering to them, telling them they’re going to do all these great things and then they do nothing. And it’s been like that for decades.

Not just for years, for decades. They promise, promise, promise get the vote and do nothing. And that’s the way it’s been. And now, okay, our black brothers and sisters are beginning to see that they are. And a lot of the comments I see on social media, especially from black men, they’re seeing right through her. They’re not buying it. They’re seeing right through her like everybody else is. So here’s the deal. Barack now, you know, panicking, got to get the black vote because they’re losing it. So he goes out and he’s doing his thing. And Candice always says, you know what? It’s about time we really look into Barack Obama.

He’s had favorable treatment. We haven’t looked into his background. We don’t go into any of that. But now we’re going to do it. And she put out this great video. It’s on my x. If you see it. I mean, if you’re on x, go and look at it and watch the video. I want you to watch the video. It’s only about ten minutes, but it’s, it’s packed with good information about Barack. And in many ways, the way Candice puts it, Barack is a lot like Kamala Harris with her shady background and his shady background. So let me go back and I’ll summarize it and watch the video to get more detail.

I’ll summarize it. You know, back before, first of all, way back when, when Barack was trying to get a book sold that he had written, he had, he had an agent, a literary agent, and I believe maybe an agent that represented him. And she wrote a biography about him. And in the biography, she states that he was born in Kenya. Now, this is his literary agent stating, and the document is up there in detail. You can see it, that he was born in Kenya. Now, if you remember during the election when, when Donald Trump was saying that he was born in Kenya, that he wasn’t born in Hawaii.

Everybody was abusing Donald Trump and calling him racist and saying all of these things because that’s what he said. Well, it turns out that Barack Obama’s own literary agent put it in his biography that he was born in Kenya. Now continue. Is it true or not? She put it in there. Who knows? Okay, but it’s in there from his literary agent. Move on. From Kenya, he went to Indonesia, and he spent ten years in Indonesia. That’s where he was raised by his white mother. He didn’t spend time with his father. He spent time, he was raised by his white mother in Indonesia up until he was ten years old.

So when did he get to America? When was he born in America? There’s no record of that that we can see from his own literary agent. He’s born in Indonesia. I mean, he’s born in Kenya, he goes to Indonesia, and then at the age of ten years old, he goes to live with his white grandparents in Hawaii, his mom’s mother and father, his white grandparents. So he’s raised by his white mother and his white grandparents. Now, when he’s in Hawaii, his grandparents were obviously wealthy. They were very well off. He went to a school, a catholic school originally, and then a public school.

But the catholic school in today’s dollars, from what I understand, the tuition was about $31,000 a year. So he was part of an elite crowd that were able to go to a private catholic school, the tuition being about $31,000 a year in today’s dollar. Okay? Now, there was only, according to her research, there was only about 5900 black people in all of Hawaii at that time. 5900 people of black nationality, black race in Hawaii at that time. And none of most of all of them were in the military. So he wasn’t brought up and raised with black people.

He was raised with a white mother and white grandparents, and then he went to an elite school. So he wasn’t part of the hood, he wasn’t part of the brother crowd. But now he’s out there like Kamala Harris, similar indian mom, you know, who claims to be black. But they weren’t brought up that way. They weren’t raised that way. So now what are they doing? They’re pandering to the black because of their skin color, and they want to make themselves part of the black race. The black. And it’s not true. Now, again, this information is coming from his, his people, not from Trump side, not from any conservative side.

It’s coming from his own people. And Candace puts it out there, and she does a very good job of it. So what I’m saying is these people are just shady. Can we trust any one of them? Do you realize how often they mislead us, how hypocritical they are, how fraudulent they are and what’s going on? Are they just breeding people to run for office? Where are they finding these people and creating a story behind them and then installing them? Because you remember Kamala Harris? She wasn’t elected to do anything. She was installed after Joe Biden was stabbed in the back and removed.

She was installed. She didn’t get a single vote from any american citizen. Not one. There was no primary. There was not one. She was installed. Barack Obama, it seems like his background was, was created so that he could become a candidate. So my question is, how could we believe or trust these people to follow through with anything? Do you realize all of the lies that they’ve spread to us, all of the lies that they’ve thrown at us, they’re just not trustworthy in any way, shape, or form? They’re nothing. I’m not seeing anybody in the chats. Are people in here? If you’re in here, say something in one of the chats.

I want to make sure that we’re not having a technical issue. Vlad, are we okay? Okay. Yeah. There we go. Okay. We’re good. Yeah. So, you know, my question is, people, and I say this time and time again, just apply this. Okay, now it’s working. Just apply this to your own life. If you have people around you, your wife, your husband, your business partner, you know, your next door neighbor, a relative, and all of a sudden they do things that cause mistrust between you or mistrust of that person. How do you keep going back for more? Are you going to get in business with somebody that you can’t trust? Are you going to marry somebody that you can’t trust? You know, are you going to really associate with somebody that you can’t trust other than just, you know, a kind of arm’s length, you know, relationship? These people have been constantly lying to us.

They lied to us about Biden’s, you know, ability to serve as president. They lie to us about what’s going on at the border. They lie to us on and on and on and on and on. And, you know, how can we give them yet another chance, another chance to lie to us for another four years? And it’s not only that they’re lying us about trivial matters. They’re lying to us about matters and issues that affect our lives. And let’s go back to Donald Trump, because some of you up there are going to say, what about Donald Trump? Well, I’m going to ask you this.

Tell me what lie Donald Trump has placed on any of us that dramatically affected us in a negative way. He was president for four years. What did he do during those four years that impacted us in a negative way? Does he embellish things? Yes. Does he say he was the greatest president with the greatest policies? Yes, he embellishes. But they’re not lies that are hurting us. Not at all. When Kamala Harris gets up there and lies consistently about it not being her fault, what’s happening at the border, not being her responsibility of the crime that’s being caused in this country because of illegals coming in over the border that haven’t been vetted.

I mean, people that have been murdered, you know, apartment complexes that are being taken over. And I know they want to downplay that, but it’s true. I read it all the time. This is a fact. You have the group from Venezuela, these gangs that are taking over apartment complexes, you know, scaring people. We have crime in the streets. They don’t want to take responsibility for it. They want to shrug it off. They even want to blame Donald Trump. And it’s so ridiculous. You know, I have not heard Joe Biden ever take responsibility for anything. And Kamala Harris is following suit.

She contradicts herself left and right. She won’t take responsibility for anything that happened through her three and a half years. She says she wants to turn the page, but turn the page on what? It’s been her administration, but she won’t even admit that she’s turning the page on that. She said she wouldn’t have changed in an interview. She wouldn’t have changed anything. You know, that Joe Biden did. She went along with all his policies and then. Yet she says, I’m not Joe Biden. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t have it both ways. The woman talks out of both sides of her mouth, which normally ends up in a word salad anyway.

She doesn’t answer questions properly. She really has no policies, you know, so the question is, how can we trust them again? We can’t. They have a record. And once again, to quote, you know, the great Giants coach Bill Parcell, you are what your record says you are, and you have Donald Trump’s record and you have her record to compare. Put them side by side, and that’s what you got. That’s it. Now, I can keep nitpicking. And it’s not really nitpicking. It’s just pointing out the facts. Because every day there’s news about both candidates. There really are.

And look, it speaks for itself. And I believe in many ways there’s only two people, there’s three sets of people that are going to vote for Kamala Harris. One, the elites, where she’s in their pocket, where they’re getting favors, whether through the Green New Deal that they know Donald Trump is not going to go along with, or some other favors that they have people on the top, the elites, the money people that will vote for her because they know Donald Trump is the anti person. I’ve heard through the grapevine for some reliable sources that there are people on the top that are worried, very worried that Donald Trump said he’s going to release Epstein’s black book, let’s call it a black book, his client list, his friends, people at the top are worried about that.

You know, Bill Gates, from what I understand, is terrified of that. I found out, and I heard this through, again, a reliable source. I know somebody very close with this person, that his wife had enough and divorced him because of his relationship, Bill Gates relationship with Epstein. She didn’t want him to. She thought Epstein was the devil. She didn’t want her husband, you know, having a relationship with him. But it persisted. Bill Gates may have some things to worry about. All right, he’s a billionaire. Who cares? He’s not going to jail. But I guess he’s worried about his image.

He wasn’t too worried about it then because he thought he could cover everything being with Epstein. But that’s the real reason for their divorce. That’s what I’m hearing. And again, these are reliable sources. This isn’t from social media, from people that I believe are in the know, because I know people on that level. You know, so how can you trust any of them? They lie to us consistently. The second group of people, and these are the people that I feel for. These are the people that, as a result of the policies that Biden and Harris have implemented and the Democratic Progressive Party, they’re out every day trying to make ends meet.

They’re working sometimes two jobs. They’re trying to put food on the table, you know, pay their rent and do what they need to do to survive in this upside down economy that we have. So they’re not in the know. They don’t sit down and have the, they couldn’t watch the interview right now with Kamala Harris and Bret Baron Fox, they don’t have the time or the luxury to really research these candidates and see what’s going on. So they’re Democrats, okay? She gets on, she talks nice. We’re going to give new opportunities. I’m going to be giving away money that, and they say, oh, that’s good.

And so they vote for her, you know, and then there’s the other group. And I think this is a major, major group that just hates Donald Trump. The, the Trump Derangement syndrome, because they’ve been fed so much nonsense about this guy, so many lies from the left, that, again, this divisive Nick trickles down from the top, and they’ve demonized him. They’ve made the devil out of him. They’ve made Hitler out of him. They’ve did everything possible to put it in people’s heads that this was the second coming of Satan. And they just hate him. They don’t even know why they hate him.

Well, he’s a narcissist. You know what? So hot. If his narcissism causes him to want to be the best possible president, he can be fine. All the lies they tell about him, he’s going to tear up the constitution. What evidence do we have of that in his four years of his presidency? None. So again, I’ve said this many times, people, these are very bad people. Barack Obama, Candace Owen exposed him. He’s berating black people. The guy didn’t even grow up black. He didn’t even grow up black. And you know what in there, okay, she states that he has gay tendencies or he is gay.

And this is based upon a letter that he wrote. You know, you know, there’s things circulating now about Michelle Obama being a transsexual. And there’s some people are swearing by it, just by her, her physique. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but it’s out there. It’s out there that Barack could be gay. He wrote a letter about his gay tendencies. That’s what Candace Owens has put out there. Who knows? There’s so much nonsense around these people. We just want straightforward with Donald Trump, you see, what you see is what you get. Like it or don’t like it.

At least it is who he is. You know what you’re getting with him, with these other people. Who knows? And we can’t afford that. And again, I’ll leave you with this, because this is so critical. You cannot, you cannot have any ounce of faith in Kamala Harris dealing with some of the very chaotic and very dangerous people she has to deal with in this world. You cannot see her standing up to Putin. You cannot see her standing up to Iran. You cannot see her standing up to China. You just can’t. They are foaming at the mouth wanting her to become president because they are hell bent on destroying America.

In the back of their minds, in the forefront, they’re not going to let us know about it. They want to destroy. They want to take us down. We need strong leadership. And like it or not, he’s proven it many times. Donald Trump is a strong leader. He stands up to our enemies. America needs Donald Trump right now because he’s the only option. There is nobody else. It’s Trump and Harris. We have to pick one or the other. And for me, it isn’t even, there’s not even a question or a doubt that it’s got to be Donald Trump for the sake of America.

Now, again, why am I saying this? Spread the news, people. On November 5, I’m going to be with Patrick Ben David. He’s got a big event at a new property that he just purchased. And I’m going to be there. Sammy Gravano is going to be there. A number of other people, I don’t know who they are on the guest list. We’re going to be talking about the election that night. It’s going to be something very important. I going to tell, tell you, I am, I don’t get that nervous. And I’m not a guy that’s filled with anxiety at all.

I’ve dealt with a lot in my life. I have anxiety over this election. It is so important, so critical. And I know every four years people say that. But you know what? Again, I’m 73 years old and in my lifetime, I don’t think there was ever a more critical election for the direction of this country. And if we don’t choose right, I’m telling you, all you people that make the mistake, and it will be a mistake of voting for Kamala Harris. It’s going to be on your hands. Unfortunately, the people that are not voting for her are going to have to suffer along with you, you know, and I just hope we make the right choices, people.

That’s it. Any comments about this before I move on to the next subject? Let me see. The canadian prime minister is pure evil. I believe that you people also have a tough situation on your hands with him. Progressive, liberal, just, I mean, they border on socialism and communism. They really do. They really do. What they accuse Trump of is exactly what they’re doing. Trying to do. And remember this, please. On election day, understand this. There will be attempts at fraud. There will be. I just heard this recently. I mean, I think it came down yesterday. A judge in Georgia said that the, the results of the election must be certified.

Even if there is fraud in the election, even if it’s there, they have to certify the votes. Why, if this fraud suspected, why must you certify a fraudulent vote? Why? In other words, an illegal migrant that votes illegally and you know it. You have to certify that vote either. What are they saying? Anybody come to the polls? Don’t worry about it. You can vote. We’re going to certify you in Georgia. This is horrendous. The Department of Justice is suing, okay, certain states that are trying to make sure that the election day votes are legal, they’re suing them.

Why don’t they want oversight here? Why? What are they worried about? What are they worried about? Why don’t they want oversight? Why don’t they want to make sure that there is no fraud at the voting booths? I mean, come on, what more evidence do you need? This is actually happening now. I just pray, hope and pray these next couple of weeks that people really get their eyes open and really look at their families, look at their situations, look at the country, look at the chaos, you know, look at what’s happening at the southern border. Look at how they’ve been sneaking people in overnight, how they’re trying not to have them, you know, have id at the voting booths.

Look at all the stuff that they’re doing to try to rig this election in their favor. They are doing it. This is not a pipe dream by Trump. It’s really, really happening. They’re doing it. It’s right in front of us. And let’s pray that we can overcome this. Larry, Trump has an important job. You know, it’s her job to make sure that this comes off the right way. Let’s hope that she can pull it off. She’s got a lot on her hands. I know that. Fortunately, she’s got a lot of people. I think thousands, maybe even 100,000 people, I heard that number thrown around that are trying to police, you know, the voting count.

Let’s hope that she’s successful and it works because I believe that this is a fair election. Trump is going to win because most of the people in America are just too smart to, they’re not falling for this nonsense in this baloney. They’re just not. So that’s that. Let me see some questions. My fellow Americans, I pray every day we don’t have an armed uprising after the election. You know what? That’s very, very true. I believe that. I believe that we could have a lot of, I don’t want to say a lot of violence, but we’re going to have a lot of people that are very upset if Trump doesn’t win this election.

I really mean that. The other side, they, they, they riot over anything. And remember, all their riots were just people, peaceful demonstrations, as we saw buildings burning down and people getting beat up and killed. You know, they’ll lie about that, too. You know, hopefully, though, because, look, I can see from a lot of your comments, a lot of people are just very upset. And if they believe that this election is rigged, I don’t know what’s going to happen. I don’t want to see violence. I don’t want to see people get, getting hurt. We don’t want to see that.

So let’s, hopefully we have a better result. The only difference between a liberal and a communist is voting rolls. How crazy is that? You know, if we don’t have fair elections, we have nothing. It’s all about fair elections. If we don’t have them, people, we have nothing. So let’s hope and pray that this works the right way and we get four years of returning this country back to normal. Biden, Harris DOJ is suing Virginia for removing illegals from the voting rolls. Exactly. They’re suing Virginia for removing illegal aliens. And I think, I think what’s his name, Youngkin, has removed 6500 people that were illegally on the voting rolls, and they’re suing him for it.

Why do they want them on there? They don’t care about fair elections. They only care about winning. And I’m telling you, I’m not a conspiracy theorist at all, theorist at all, but do I believe the last election was rigged? Absolutely. No question in my mind. And I’ve heard from people that were involved in it and they said the same thing. And these weren’t only people. These were people that worked and said that there was so much fraud going on, they couldn’t even keep up with it. And when they talked about it, it was just dismissed and thrown under the rug.

So, you know, know, is it going to happen again? They’re already trying your mafia democracy at its worst. Not actually yours, Michael, but everyone gets it. It’s the truth, people. It’s absolutely the truth. We have a mafia democracy. The administration right now is acting exactly like that, but worse, because they’re getting away with it. We didn’t get away with it for that long. They finally came down on us. Let’s hope that we, the people, speak loudly enough this coming election and we get the attention of these people in power to say, we’ve had enough. Don’t play with us anymore.

We’ve had enough. Do it the right way and take care of business the way you’re supposed to and have the welfare and the benefit of the american people first and foremost in your mind. Make us a priority and make keeping America safe a priority from both our foreign enemies and those that are coming across the border. We have to do that. We have to speak loudly in that regard. I’m from Kenosha, Washington, Wisconsin, rather. I have numerous pictures and video of how they practically destroyed ten blocks of my city during the antifa riots. Yeah. And they said it was, what, the summer of peace or something.

I forget what they put. It’s so ridiculous. You want to dismiss it from your mind. And the media, shame on the media. Shame on every one of them, because they’re complicit in this. Because if the media did not go along with this, it wouldn’t be happening. They’d be exposed. It wouldn’t be happening if the media did. Not if the media, Joe Biden, the Democratic Party, and those 51 alleged CIA or, you know, intelligence office didn’t lie about the laptop that the FBI had already authenticated from Hunter Biden. If they didn’t lie about that just before the election, Biden probably would have lost, even with the fraud.

But they lied. They deceived us. The media should be ashamed of themselves. The Democrats have bought off all the mainstream media platforms and they inject their, you know, lies into them because they’re all afraid of Donald Trump because he’ll do the right thing, and they’re not into the right thing. They don’t want to do it. They want to bankrupt our country. Kamala Harris, with all her new. She’s going to, where’s she going to pay for any of this stuff? Where. And to be perfectly fair, the same thing for Trump. Don’t be running up the bill anymore.

We can’t afford it. You’re destroying the future for our children and grandchildren. You got to become fiscally responsible. Congress, it’s incumbent upon you, you have to tighten the american belt, because we can’t do this for much longer. We just can’t. Those people that paid into Social Security, it will fall apart. Medicare, it will fall apart. You can’t keep giving out free everything. It just doesn’t work. It’s common sense. It’s math. It’s just common sense. Sense. You can’t do it anymore. If Trump loses, the union is done for. All the red states will definitely, probably pull away from it because by then it will be for sure a stolen election again.

Well, listen, I can’t say I disagree with you. We got to hope that doesn’t happen. The Democrats are the threat to democracy. They always accuse the other side of what they are actually doing. You’re so right, Kim. Kim Lawrence so right. Everything they accused Donald Trump of doing, they’re doing themselves. Lawfare, all these phony impeachments, everything. How they killed the impeachment on mayorkas. Mayorkas, he should, he’s treasonous. He is the one that’s allowing these open borders. Kamala Harris and Biden want to lie that it was Trump’s fault. We had to secure border. Biden reversed all of the security measures that, that Trump put in.

And then he wants to blame Trump. Mayorkas went along with it. Mayorkas is a phony, hypocrite, evil man because he’s got blood on his hands and he doesn’t care. You saw what happened. He went out and bought sushi while North Carolina people were dying, while FEMA had no money because he gave all the money. To who? Illegal migrants. They don’t care about the people of the United States. They only care about your vote. And after they get it, you could be damned. They don’t care about you. It’s proven they, we’ve seen it. It’s happening on a daily basis.

Biden didn’t care about the gold star families. He wouldn’t even give them a phone call. Harris the same thing. They berated Trump when Trump was invited to the memorial and he went and they didn’t even make a phone call. They don’t care about us. They don’t care about the military. They don’t care about your inflation problem. They don’t care about any of that. They live on their high horse and their, you know, ivory towers and they don’t care about anything else but staying in power and living off a taxpayer’s dime. That’s all they care about, every single one of them.

Nancy Pelosi never wants to get out of power. She never had. You can never give that woman enough money. She robs and steals as much, as much as money. 84 years old, whatever the heck she is, she still needs more. She’s worth probably a half a billion dollars ain’t enough. She still wants to drive around and live on your dime. Still living on your dime. And then they want to talk about taxing the rich and letting everybody pay their fair share while they’re robbing us left and right. Now I got to tell you this. I’m telling you this, remember, because I still have that criminal mind in my background.

I know how they operate. And in the back of my mind, rather remember this, I guarantee you, if there was ever a real, real intelligent, you know, analysis of money going over to Ukraine, I guarantee you there’s kickbacks coming to certain people in the United States. I would bet my life on it. I know the game. It’s coming back. There’s no question in my mind these people are not that benevolent. They could care less about Ukraine or anything like that. Money is coming back because if they can give money to Ukraine and yet are reluctant to give it to their own people here in the United States, guaranteed.

There’s funny business going on there. Thousand percent. That’s how they operate. No doubt about it. Conspiracy theory. Give me a break. I was on the street for 20 years. I know how these people operate, okay? They do everything with getting back something for their own selves. Trust me on that. Kim Lawrence, they couldn’t call the gold star families because they’re the ones that caused the death with their outrageous pull out of Afghanistan. Absolutely. And he won’t take responsibility for that either. He’ll blame Donald Trump. He’ll blame anybody else. He has blood on his hands for what he did.

He didn’t listen to any of his advisors. He wanted to be the big man and pull out of Afghanistan and stop that war. So he did it like he did everything else, like half assed. Remember, Barack Obama’s own, you know, policy person said, quote, Joe Biden has been wrong on every foreign policy issue in his entire career. That was Barack Obama’s person saying that, along with Barack Obama saying, quote, never underestimate the ability for Joe Biden to f things up. That was Barack Obama, and he’s done that for four years. And Harris is as bad or worse.

Worse. That’s what you want to put back in office, people. Come on, come on. God forbid if things do go off the rails and we end up in another civil war, do you see the mafia and other organized crime groups role in America changing? If so, how so? You know, that’s crazy. T times New York. You know, the mob is not what it used to be during my era. You know, the government cracked down on it and did a lot of damage. You know, and I have to bring this up and again on these, we’re just having conversation.

Anything that comes to mind, we can talk about, because there’s so many issues pending weekly that we’re dealing with that are affecting our lives that we could just talk about them. I got to ask you this. They came down on the mob like there was no tomorrow. Why? It’s very simple. Headlines. Isn’t that they’re so interested in stamping out crime in the streets because a lot of these guys are on our payroll. Remember that. But you know why? Because John Gotti makes headlines. You arrest John Gotti, okay, and you convict him. It’s a career move. You’re in the headlines.

You’re in the news. You don’t see that when any other group. Not at all. It’s only with the mafia. We made headlines. That’s why they make movies about us. That’s why you see all this stuff. That’s why, you know, it’s on Netflix. That’s why I get called all the time to do these things, because the genre doesn’t die. It makes news. It’s worldwide so people can build careers on coming after the mob. Number one. Number two, we don’t shoot at them. Number three, they come after us to arrest us. We don’t run. We put our hands out.

You put the handcuffs on, and we go. And if we do run, we go on the lam until you find us. We’re easy in that regard. And we make careers. That’s why they came after us. Why did they not go after the venezuelan gang with a vengeance? Why did they not go after those gangs in Chicago that are wreaking havoc where people are dying every weekend? Because it doesn’t. It doesn’t benefit them in any way. They don’t care about cleaning up the streets. Why isn’t the FBI targeting them with the RICO act and really making a move? They could clean up Chicago the same way they cleaned up New York and other cities where we were.

They can do it if they chose to. They don’t want to. They don’t put resources there. Not at all. The same reason they’re letting people come over the border. They want it. They have an ulterior motive. P. Diddy. How could this go on for 20 years? How could it go on for 20 years? They knew about it because maybe people on the top that were engaging in things with P. Diddy, okay, kept this thing quiet. But how many people were abused sexually and otherwise? I’m reading some stuff that’s horrible. I read about a woman today that was sexually abused by Diddy and a number of other people.

Only because, okay, she made a remark that, that Diddy was involved in Tupac Shakur’s murder. So they went after this woman, they lured her into a place, and then they gang raped her. Horrible. She filed a lawsuit about it. Is it true? She filed a lawsuit about it? That’s all I can say. But you know what? One thing, okay, two things, okay? But when it comes to five, 6710, 2050 over a 20 year period, something’s wrong there. Why didn’t they go after this guy? Why don’t they go after these people like they went after the mobile? Well, now they have to.

The only reason they’re going after Diddy the way they did is because of that leaked, you know, video that came out with him beating up his, his, his ex girlfriend. Then they finally, people said, hey, that’s enough. It’s outrageous. We got to go after this guy. Now. My thing is, are they going to try to sweep some of it under the rug like they did with Epstein? Hundred percent. They did it with Epstein. Guaranteed. If Trump ever does come into office and release that book, people are going to be scared. Maybe that’s one reason why they keep trying to assassinate the guy, because he don’t care about those people.

He’s not beholden to any one of them. He’s not. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care if they like him or not. He wants to do a job. And they’re worried. They’re worried. People say, oh, you know, so the Harris said today, oh, Trump is going to go after, he should go after the people that are breaking the law. Why? Nothing. He should. That’s what the Justice Department should be doing. All the people, equally equal justice under the law. All the people, not only the select few that you want to go after. So, yeah, maybe they’re worried because a lot of these people have blood on their hands, dirt on their hands.

No question about it. No question about it. Democrats in the deep state, this is oak lawn junkie, one of my most loyal people, if not the most loyal oak lawn junkie. Thank you very much for being on here again. Democrats in a deep state are very desperate. Nothing they do surprises me anymore. We’ve seen three attempts on Trump’s life, and the media doesn’t even hardly cover it. They don’t want to. They’re blaming Trump. They’re blaming Trump for his own assassination. Like he’s causing that. He’s out there campaigning. He’s causing it because he’s out there campaigning. They’d rather him not campaign.

They’d rather just install Kamala Harris. We know that. So they’re trying to eliminate him. And I’m telling you this, throughout his four years in office, if he gets elected, he’s going to have to be careful. He’s going to have to be careful. I have recommended to people around him that he hire his own security firm. He’s got the money, pay for it that he can trust along with the secret service. Either that or install all people in secret service that he knows are capable and are going to do the job. There are people out there. We have good people in this country.

There’s no question about it. We don’t mean Dei hires. We mean good people that are capable to do the job. I hope Dan Bongino steps up. I really mean that. I mean, Dan is a big factor on here on Rumble. And his voice is so important. It really is. He speaks the truth and he speaks it out loudly for everybody to hear. But he has experience. I’m hoping that he commits and comes forward and says, let me run the secret service or be of an advisor or be a big part of it because he’ll clean it up.

He’ll do the right job. We need people like that. There are a lot of good people out there. They just don’t want to hire them. They don’t. They want to hire Kamala Harris. Is Dei. What do you think? She is? And she’s a wrong dei. She’s a woman. Okay? But you know, nothing wrong with that. Hey, listen, there are very capable women out there that can do a job, no doubt as good or better than men. I totally, 100% believe that. I say this all the time. My wife in some areas is a lot more capable than I am.

She has better perception of people than I do. Really? When I’m paying attention, I’m good, but sometimes I could be a little lapsed. Not my wife. She’s strong in that regard. And there’s things that she just does better than me. There are women that are just more capable in certain areas. I totally agree with that. So. But Kamala Harris was Dei because she’s not capable. She had no good record at all. Okay. We know how she came up the ladder through Willie Brown and the famous people that she knew. She attached herself to important, prominent people.

Whatever she did with them, I’m not going to get into that, but that’s how she got her positions. It’s a fact. That’s it. It’s a fact. She’s not black. She didn’t hang out with blacks. She wasn’t brought up in a black neighborhood. You know, she’s pandering to them now, trying to do that. It’s all nonsense. It’s all a fraud. These people are nothing but frauds. Wise up, Michael. Remember, ABC reporter had the Epstein story way before his final arrest. ABC made her squash that story because Clinton was involved. Right? You know what? It’s funny how they keep parading Clinton out there.

They keep parading him out there. It’s a joke. Who could have any real respect for this man? And I want to tell you this, Clinton is a brilliant guy. I saw an interview with him one night way while he was, he had just got out of office. He wasn’t the president, but it was a late night talk show. I forget what one. It was maybe 1520 years ago. It was a long time ago, but he had such command of every subject that was thrown at him. He’s a brilliant guy. Unfortunately, his character didn’t match his brilliance in that regard.

We know what he did. He was probably Epstein’s greatest friend. He claims he never knew anything about Epstein, but we knew he knew everything. He indulged, he engaged, no question about it, the same way he did with Monica Lewinsky and the white. We know that. And they keep parading him out. They cover him up. And yet Donald Trump, because in 2006, allegedly, okay, he had sex with a woman in a hotel room. They indict him for. They try to indict him for it, or they do indict him for whatever they, they hit him with. You know, a lawsuit.

He goes to trial, he gets a huge fine. It’s such a joke. It really is. If you can’t see through it, there’s something wrong. You’re really, really drinking the Kool Aid. You can. Clinton, Clinton, you want to parade this guy out there now? Come on, people. And yet you want to go after Donald Trump the way you did? It’s so obvious. It really is. You know what? I wish, I’m telling you the truth. I wish that I would. I can question or debate one of these people. I really mean it, because, number one, I wouldn’t let them overpower me.

And I’m not saying I thought Bret Baier did a good job today. He really did. Because he asked her the tough questions. No question. But I would tell him straight out, who the hell are you kidding? Do you think you take us all for suckers? Let me point this out to you, Abcdef. I would go through right down a gamut. And every time they’ve something out of their mouth. That was fraud. I polled them to it. You’re lying right now. Let me prove it to you. You’re lying and I’ll show you Biden. Okay? You didn’t know anything.

Well, let me show you. Here’s a laptop that you said was russian disinformation. Okay? Why did they use it against your son? Why does your same justice Department use it against your son and convict them based upon evidence that was in that laptop that implicates you, Joe Biden? Give me an answer to that. No, no, no. Give me an answer. The american people want to hear it. They’re all listening. Give me an answer. To blame Donald Trump for that. Who’s to blame for that? The whistleblowers? Are they all lying? Why would they be lying? They work for you.

They work for the IR’s. That’s a government agency. Why would they be lying? What do they got to gain? They have nothing to gain because they know you’re going to come after. As a matter of fact, they got fired. They’re trying to take their pension away. So you want to go after honest people that have been verified. The laptop shows, corroborates the things that they’re saying. Come on, tell me. Kamala Harris, you claim, you claim that you went to find the root causes of what was happening at the border. Okay? That was your job. You said it was your job.

Show me the results. Where’s your report? I want to see what are the root causes? Three and a half years, you had to find the root causes. You never went to the border. But you said you never went to Europe. Your sly, sarcastic remark. So these countries that you went to to find out the root causes of what was going on at the border. Let me see your report. Report to the american people. They want the answers because people are getting killed in this country and you’re not giving us answers. Oh, you had a border bill.

Well, how come Democrats voted against it, number one. And you know when the border bill came up, when you found out that Americans were concerned that people in this country were getting killed because of your policies, because people in this country were losing jobs because of your policies, because taxpayer money was paying for these people, because of your policies, then all of a sudden, it became important. So you come up with a border bill that was totally full of bull. But what happened to the three years prior to that? Before you realize it was an election problem for you, tell us.

Explain it to us. The american people want to know? And now you’re going to change that? How are you going to change it? How are you going to change it? Isn’t a question of putting the border patrol agents. We didn’t need more border patrol agents when Trump was there because he closed the border. You opened it up. Why? And what about these people that went through the process legally to become legal citizens? Why are you slapping them in the face by letting these people come in and giving them money and giving them credit cards and giving them housing and giving them food? Why are you doing that? Do you not care about these american citizens that are now had to work hard to become an american citizen? And what are you going to do about Aurora, Colorado, okay, where this venezuelan gang group, okay, took over an apartment complex.

It’s a fact. And if you’re going to deny it, let’s get the people in here, okay, that are reporting this in the news, that have been victimized by this, and talk to them. I’ll bring them for you. Kamala, you want to hear them? So don’t deny it and don’t lie about it. Why are you not putting your justice department and the FBI right on that right now and get rid of these people? Why are you not deporting them immediately? We want answers. We want answers. Not B’s, not escaping responsibility, not looking for another scapegoat. We want, I wish I had the opportunity.

I mean it. Because you know what? I am fired up about this because you’re affecting the lives of my children and my grandchildren and the people that I love and the country that I love. Yes. So I want to know. I’m in concerned, tax paying citizen and I want to know. I would ask them straight out and I wouldn’t let them get around me at all. And every time they gave me a lying answer, which is every time, every time they gave me a fraudulent answer, I would throw it right back in their face because it’s all a lie and it’s easily provable based upon their record.

But, you know, reporters, journalists, you know, they’re either on their side, in their, in their pockets, and so they throw softball stuff at them or they trying to be diplomatic and nice and they don’t come out there at them hard, you know? And like I said, Brent Baird did a good job today, but I wish he would have just looked, stop the nonsense. Stop it. We know you’re lying. We have your record. We have you criticizing yourself. We have your form. We have what you’ve done already. And now you’re saying you’re going to do just the opposite.

It’s a lie. You had an opportunity to do this. You didn’t do it. Why should we trust or believe you now? What is in your record that makes us believe you now? And how did you get appointed, by the way, to become the attorney general in California? Tell us, what was your relationship with Willie Brown? I want to know, why did he support you? What were you doing with Montel Williams? I want to know. We have a right to know. You want to be in the biggest office in the world? We are putting our lives in your hands.

In a way, we have a right to know who you are, what your character is. You have put Donald Trump through the mud. We’ve seen everything. He’s had to defend himself multiple times. He’s out there. He’s talking. He’s meeting with everybody. He’s sitting down with, with opponents and people on his side alike. We want you to do the same. Who are you not to do that? We are granting you possibly the greatest office in the world. And who are you not to be honest and forthright with us? She’s got to be talked to like that, you know.

Hey, listen, this is how we did it on the street. Straight out. We had to sit down, you know, we put you to the test. You got to tell us straight out, you’re not getting around a bush. We ask you a question, you got to give us an answer. And if you don’t give us an answer, you’re out of here. You lose the argument. You’re done. You’re finished the same way with Harris. You don’t give us an answer, you’re out. You’re done. You don’t deserve this privilege if you’re not beholden to us, because we’re the ones putting you in office.

We’re the ones paying your salary. We’re the ones putting our lives and the future of our families lives in your hands. They think that we’re their servants. They’re our servants. That’s what our constitution is designed for, to make them serve us in our best interests, in the country’s best interests. And they just totally, totally flat out deceive us. It’s disgusting. These people are disgusting in their behavior. I’m telling you. And listen, you know what I have christians saying to me? Michael, you’re getting too riled up. You got us. Listen, Jesus was no wimp. Remember this? Jesus stood up to the Pharisees when they were misleading the people.

And he looked at them in a crowd and said, hypocrites who are you kidding? Basically, I’m summarizing. You’re doing this for yourself. You’re not doing this for the benefit of the people. You want us to give you praise, honor, and glory. No, he stood up. He was no wimp. When he went into the temple and he saw what was happening in his father’s house, he overthrew the tables and he said, get out of my father’s house. And that’s what we need to say to, to these people in Washington. Get out of our house. It’s our house.

It’s not theirs. And yes, I’m riled up because I do care. I do care about the future of this country. I do care about my children and my grandchildren, and so should all of you. And this is not a personality contest with, it’s a character issue, but it’s not personality. You may not like some things about Donald, Donald Trump. Nobody is perfect. The only perfect person here has died on a cross and rose into heaven. There’s no other perfect person. We’re never going to get a perfect person anything. I’m totally imperfect, and so are all of us.

But Donald Trump right now is the best person for the United States of America, period. He’s the best person for the world right now. Even those enemies, because he’ll put those enemies at bayou. You know, I’m sorry for getting riled up, but please understand where I’m coming from. I’m coming from a good place. I’m not coming from a, you know, and look, I’m not here calling Kamala Harris all names. I call her what’s appropriate. She’s a liar, she’s a hypocrite, she’s totally incompetent, and she’s a fraud, and she has a record and she has her own mouth and her own actions and her own behavior to prove that.

I’m not making fun of, you know, the way she looks. I’m not going to make them. I’m basically, I’m condemning her character and her behavior. Running for president of the United States, that’s it. And her character and behavior as vice president, which was terrible, incompetent. And that’s the truth. I don’t get into name calling. I’m not into that. I am attacking her character because she’s out there and I’m attacking her behavior. Running for president and as vice president. That’s it. And she’s fair game for that. Fair game. Okay. Think of all those that watch Jesus die.

One could have found the ladder. And how, you know, and people, again remember this, and I’m going to be doing something important on this in the coming days, probably with Andrew Tate. Now some of you, oh, Andrew, let me, let me tell you something. Andrew Tate has influence over a lot of the young men that he’s been a great mentor to. Whether you believe it or not, if you go on his platform, he’s teaching young men to do the right thing. Both Andrew and Tristan. And I asked Andrew, I said, andrew, look, I believe there’s no question biblically I am supported by this.

The sin of omission is as serious and sometimes even more serious as the sin of commission. Meaning if you see a wrong being done as a Christian or as a human being and you have an ability to do something to try to stop that behavior, you don’t do it, you’re committing a sin that’s wrong because you’re allowing something to continue that you might have been able to put a stop to. Did he, his behavior, people that stood by and did nothing when they could have done something, they committed a sin of omission, because look at how many people were hurt as a result of their keeping quiet.

Now, sometimes, don’t get me wrong, there were some women that had a right to be fearful and there might have been some guys to a right to be fearful. Okay? And I’m not saying that in every situation somebody has to come forward because there are extenuating circumstances. But those of us like myself that are in a position to do so, we need to do it. So when I’m talking passionately to you, I’m talking because I care and I want to stop what’s going on in this country right now. I want to stop the injustice. I want to stop it.

I want to put an end to it because it’s dangerous for us. And I’m seeing the decline of this great nation. I mean it. And so, yes, I’m not going to commit the sin of omission. I’m not. I’m going to speak out and I’ll speak out until November 5. And if it’s appropriate, I’ll speak out afterwards. But I, hopefully it won’t be necessary. And I mean that. Okay, I was going to get into something. I’m going to answer some questions now. I mean, I went on with this because I can continue to go on. I was going to talk about the Menendez brothers, but I will say this, I just put you up to date on that.

I think some of you know, if you watch my videos, I did eleven months in La county jail with the Menendez brothers. The Menendez brothers. I pronounced it wrong and we were in solitary confinement together. I spent eleven months with Lyle, the older ones, and two months with Eric, who was moved from that tier. They separated the two brothers at some point. And I can tell you this, just to summarize it, 100%, I believe those boys were abused. Lyle opened up to me. He told me a lot of things during that time. I believe the abuse was real from both the father and the mother, sexually, physically, and other ways they were abused.

There’s no question they were in fear of their father and their mother. No question in my mind, based upon my relationship and what was revealed to me and what I observed during that time. I spent eleven months, twenty four seven. The only time we were apart is if, you know, Lyle went for attorney’s visit or I went for attorney’s visit. Otherwise, we were together twenty four seven. And I believe that. I do not believe that they were given a fair trial, because in the second trial, they were tried once, hung jury, because the abuse was allowed to be admitted as evidence in the second trial, for some reason, and the jury didn’t believe them.

That full jury, it was a hung jury, and they had to be retried. So they go to trial again, and this time, the same judge does not allow any evidence of the abuse to come in. The prosecution at the time was able to keep it out. I don’t know the details as to why, but new evidence has now emerged to prove that these people. Strong evidence to prove that these young boys were absolutely abused by their father. I believe that, again, personal experience with them, and it’s strong evidence. The district attorney, Gascon in LA, is reviewing that evidence.

Because remember back then, when this happened in 1989, that’s 30 some odd years ago, we didn’t believe that men were sexually abused. It was women. And it wasn’t even highlighted like it is today after Harvey Weinstein, the me too movement, and all of that. But now this is a different time. And people know, but men can be abused. Boys can be abused also sexually. So now it’s a different timeframe, it’s a different mentality of people, and the evidence is pretty strong. Eric wrote a letter to his cousin Andy, years before the murder happened, saying that he was abused by his dad.

He was in fear of him, one of the Menudo boys. Menudo was an all boy band that Jose Menendez, who was in that business, he was an agent, he managed this group. And one of the boys came forward and said, he abused me. When I was 14 years old, I believe so. The evidence should have been allowed in. The conviction should have been manslaughtered. If anything, it should not have been first degree murder. They should not be doing life in prison. And I do hope that they get a break, and I believe they will. The whole family is supporting them.

And I believe these young men did over 30 some odd years in prison, and I believe they deserve a break. They’re in their fifties now. They deserve to be out and be able to resume what’s left of their lives. And I hope and pray that they get the break. That’s my position on it. I believe they will, and that’s it. Some of you may disagree. It was a heinous crime, no doubt, but there are mitigating factors in things at times. These are not serial killers. They weren’t hardened criminals before this happened. They weren’t murderers before this happened.

None of that. There was an extenuating circumstance that caused them to do what they did. Could they have done something else? Yes. We’re not going to get into all of that. Bottom line, I believe that they should be released, and hopefully that’ll happen within the next couple of weeks. Okay. Diddy is going to get convicted, and Epstein, because very powerful people can’t afford to have him open his mouth. That could be another reason why they’re afraid of Trump. I’m just throwing it out there because he says he’s going to release the Epstein list. A lot of people are going to be on that.

They’re going to be very, very unhappy. Same as the people on Diddy’s list that are going to be very unhappy if it comes out, unless they were able to cover that up, too. We’ll see what happens. Okay, I got four more minutes. Omni omnial investments. I wouldn’t be surprised if Don Junior runs after him. Who knows? I like JD Vance. I really do. I like his composure. I like his demeanor. He’s. I like the background, the upbringing that he had. I love the way he answers questions. He’s great in the debate, and I think he’ll be very capable, get four years under his belt as vice president.

I think he might be somebody that can pick up the mantle from that point. We’ll see. You know, but first, Trump has got to win. Men get more physically and psychologically assaulted by women than they’re willing to admit. Very possible. You know, anything’s possible today. I mean, we see, you know, women today, they’re different than they were 34 years ago. We know that. But you know, who knows? I heard on it. I heard on a video about mother, sister, family. I think they knew. They believed the boys. Yes. And one other thing I want to say, and then I’m going to end with this, people.

The next video that I do on YouTube and probably on rumble two will be about women who fall in love. Romantic. Well, fall in love as it is a romance with serial murderers. Very fascinating. And I give reasons. I quote an article from a psychiatrist that did an intense study on this and give reasons why. It’s fascinating. Why would a woman be attracted to Jeffrey Dahmer who not only killed his victims, but dismembered them and ate them? Why would somebody be attracted to somebody like that? Want to marry him, send them pictures of themselves in bikinis? Why would somebody.

Why would a woman want to be attracted to Charles Manson? Why would a woman want to be attracted to Ted Bundy? Or there’s a guy by the name of Watts, his last name. He killed his pregnant wife and his three and four year old daughter. And he gets romantic letters sent to people want to marry him. Women, what the heck, you know? So I did a video on it. It’s very interesting. It’ll probably come out possibly tomorrow or Friday, but you got to watch it. You know, some people, it’s very, very sad, you know. And ladies, I have to tell you, if you’re in an abusive relationship, you know, you got to get out of it.

You have to get out of it. I don’t want to get into this now. I get into it in a video, but take a look at it and that’s it. So I got to wrap it up, people. It’s 439. I got to get going. I’ll get two or three more questions or statements. Men get more physically. Okay, we saw that they’re putting mRNA vaccine your food. You need to do this right now. Track docs. You know what? I’m going to tell you this, people. I listened to Robert F. Kennedy Junior while I was in the gym.

I listened to an interview that he had about our foods. It scared the heck out of me. I really mean that. And you know what? We got to look into the food that we’re eating. I’m telling you, if you go to Europe, you don’t feel the same after you eat. You don’t gain the weight, you don’t put it on because they put no junk in their foods. Everything is fresh. There is such a difference here. We got to start reading the labels and demanding that the FDA don’t put this garbage in our foods. One more thing I have to say, people.

Look, I’ve told you this time and time again, we have very uncertain times coming up. If Kamala Harris gets elected, especially the stock market is going to go crazy. Banks, our money is not going to be safe. I really mean this, and I feel it. You got to invest some of your assets in gold. That’s it. I’ve been plugging this for a reason. Gold crest Metals, LLC. They. They’re very reputable. If you mention my name, you go on. You call 808 445011. If you mention my name, you can get up to $5,000 in free silver, depending upon what your financial situation is.

You have to look into gold and silver. Gold is actually, right now, on the rise. Remember what I tell you about gold and silver. If the banks were to collapse, if everything were to go bad, the stock market goes under, the banks collapse, nothing left. Your assets are gone. You have no Ira. You have nothing anywhere in the world. If you have gold and silver as a precious metal, it can be used. It still has value. Whether you’re here in Russia, in China, on a mountaintop, anywhere, gold and silver will always have value that you can trade.

It’s security for yourself and your family. I’m not telling you to dive into it with everything. I have been into it heavy. I can tell you right now, but I’m not telling you to dive into it. But you least need to make the phone call if you want to protect your assets. I’m telling you this especially if this woman becomes president. These banks are going to go crazy at some point because this country is in tremendous debt, and there’s only so much longer that we can support the debt before our dollar becomes practically useless. If we don’t change this trend, we.

We’re all going to be in trouble. So do me a favor. Do yourself a favor. Do your family a favor. Get in touch with gold crest metals. Again. Call 808 445011, mention my name. And again, up to $5,000 in free silver, depending upon your financial situation. Or you can visit them online at goldencrest metals.com. do it. Just make the call. Doesn’t cost you anything. Listen to what they have to say. I guarantee you. And you don’t have to have a lot of money. You don’t have to. Oh, my. I hear gold and silver. I got. No, you don’t.

You could even use some of gold and silver to back up your ira, and then you know it’s for real. It’s solid, 100%. Gold crest metals. They’re a good company. They’re very reputable. I trust them once again. 808 445011. Mention my name up to five grand in free silver. Or go on and visit goldcrest metals.com. do that, people. I got to wrap it up. I will tell you this. Okay, just an update. Friendseastwine.com. we’re having major success. I really mean it, people. Major success. Our wine, our non alcoholic wine is now going to be held in Walmart.

Okay? They love the bottle. They love the taste. We’re going in Walmarts. You know, we’re going to start in the region and hopefully get all, all over the country and all the states that Walmart is in. We’re having a lot of success. Go on friendseastwine.com. we’re going to be doing some specials for the holidays. I know you’re going to love it, people. And thank you for supporting us. Those of you that do one last thing, and I saved it for the end because I didn’t want to be saying this during the middle. If you need a community, a family that you want to be involved in, I’m asking you now to go on michaelfrancis.com family and join our family.

It’s $10 a month. We made it so that anybody could join because we want you to be part of this. We have developed courses that we know will help you that are in there free of charge. You’re going to get Zoom calls with me at least twice a month. We’re doing Bible studies. And after the Bible study, they’re free. Bible studies to everyone. But the only one that can ask questions and get follow up are you. The members. Go on it. Right now we have people joining every day. We have a couple hundred people already is a soft launch.

We haven’t even put it out there yet because we want to get my loyal followers that follow us on Rumble, follow us on YouTube to jump in there and get the benefit of that. It’s not always going to stay at $10 a month, but we want you people. You people are special to us. I see the same names on here quite a bit, you know, so come on. And even I’m going to be offering at some point in time one on one mentorship with me. We already have some people that are jumping on that. I’m doing phone calls.

We’re having, you know, private visits. At some point we’re going to have events where we’re all going to be getting together, people. You know what’s missing in this country, family, community, a sense of like minded people getting together in fellowship and helping one another. We need that. We’re bringing it back. I have a great team that’s working with me that are totally invested in this. I am asking you, go on, francis michaelfrance.com family and become a member. Become part of my crew. I guarantee you, you’re going to like it. Every one of you are going to come back to me and tell me, michael, this was the best thing that you ever did for me.

I appreciate it so much. And if not, hold me to it and tell me why. I want to know why. Okay? Please do it. Michael franzis.com family going to have to wrap it up, people. I’ve been on this an hour and 15 minutes. I want 15 minutes over the time. But hey, I love talking to you. Forgive me if I get a little bit excited and I get a little bit passionate, but, you know, I’m totally invested in what’s happening in this election, what’s happening in this country. I want to do my part to enlighten people and hopefully to help make this place a better place and being a source of inspiration and encouragement for all of you.

Excuse me. So that’s it. How do I always leave you? Same way. Be safe, ladies. I always stress it with you. Please be safe. You know, watch your surroundings. Wherever you are in a parking lot, every state now is a border state. We got some shady people out there. Just be aware of it. Be aware of your surroundings. You know, I always am. It’s part of my whole life. I’m always aware of my surroundings. You need to do the same. Be healthy. Watch the foods. Read the labels. I’m telling you, a lot of junk in our food that we got to get rid of.

And if Trump comes into office, he’s going to have, I think Robert Kennedy is going to be heading this agency, and we need it. We need to be healthier here in this United States. We have the most obese people in the world because of all the junk they put in our foods. Be safe. Be healthy. And of course, I mean this to all of you. God bless each and every one of you. God bless your family. God bless your loved ones. God bless your communities, your town, your villages. And yes, God bless America. And yes, people, I’ll see you next time.

Take care. It.


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