➡ The text discusses various theories and connections between occult symbols, ancient gods, and modern society. It suggests that those in power may be invoking ancient energies to control the masses. The text also explores the significance of numbers and symbols in our consciousness, and the potential influence of interdimensional entities. Lastly, it touches on the concept of a ‘reptilian brain’ and its possible origins.
➡ The speaker discusses the concept of Reptilian overlords, which they believe are metaphysical entities trying to control our reality. They suggest that powerful elites are in contact with these entities and use esoteric knowledge and magic to manipulate reality. The speaker also explores the idea of a coded universe, suggesting that numbers and symbols are a language used by these elites. They conclude by discussing the possibility of these entities possessing world leaders and the historical involvement of figures like Hitler in the occult.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of open-mindedness and critical thinking, especially when it comes to controversial topics like government trustworthiness, flat earth theory, and the existence of other dimensions. They emphasize that people should not blindly accept any ideology, but rather be open to wherever the truth leads. They also highlight the dangers of division and polarization within communities, and the need for respectful dialogue despite differing beliefs. Lastly, they express their belief in a higher power and the existence of a multiverse, while also acknowledging the limitations of human perception and understanding.
➡ This text discusses the influence of media and subconscious manipulation on our reality. It suggests that our subconscious is imprinted with ideas from media, which then manifest in our lives. The text also explores the concept of energy transference, or alchemy, in our financial system and architecture. It ends by discussing the power of manifestation and the potential for individuals to shape their own reality.
➡ The text discusses various theories and beliefs about time travel, magic, and the occult. It suggests that certain rituals and symbols are connected to time manipulation and portals. The text also mentions the idea of immortality through consciousness transference and the use of energy harvesting from humans by other entities. Lastly, it touches on the controversial use of children in rituals, which is heavily criticized.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of staying informed and aware in order to navigate the world effectively. They emphasize the power of knowledge and the dangers of ignorance, particularly in relation to media consumption and religious indoctrination. They also highlight the significance of critical thinking and individual perspective in understanding and interpreting information. Lastly, they share their personal journey of awakening and self-improvement, emphasizing the role of intention and effort in achieving goals.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of sharing knowledge and connecting the dots from various sources, especially in the realm of occult books. They emphasize the need for effective communication and the ability to explain complex ideas simply. They also highlight the value of humor in delivering information and the importance of not taking oneself too seriously. Lastly, they stress the importance of feedback and constructive criticism in improving one’s communication skills.
➡ The speaker discusses his experiences with making mistakes in his podcasts and correcting them later. He also talks about a scientific concept called Boltzmann brains, which suggests that atoms could randomly form a human brain with a full set of memories for a brief moment. He mentions his comic book and journal, which cover esoteric and occult topics. The speaker also discusses the different ways people consume content, with some preferring shorter, highlight-style content over longer podcasts.
Ours was at, like, 40, 000. So you’re. You’re up on. Well, Juan got on the Tinfoil Hat podcast. That’s what I was really congratulating him on. Yeah. How was that, bro? With Sam, Tripoli? Yeah, it was good, man. And I just recently did with Gordo from those conspiracy guys. We went on there. I talked about the homunculus a little bit too. So one of the OGs as well. I got on with Sam, Tripoli, and Gordo from those conspiracy guys. I think that it’s a topic that people are so drawn to. It’s so weird that people are drawn to it.
So, you know, it’s awesome, bro. Yeah, that’s cool, dude. Yeah, Sam’s definitely an OG in the game too. Yeah. 100. I don’t think Sam’s an agent either. If he was, he would have blew up way bigger with Joe Rogan because he’s. He’s part of that whole crew. And Joe is definitely a CIA agent, a thousand percent. But I don’t think Sam is. Yeah, the. The episode that he did with. With Rogan was probably pretty hard to watch. Like, I couldn’t. I don’t think I finished it. You know what I mean? Like, I think it was. He makes kind of, in my opinion, humiliating.
But, hey, I mean, I. I love Joe Rogan. He’s one of the first ones that got me into, like, thinking about podcasting. Me too. So I’m a Rogan fan. I’ve seen him live and all that stuff. But how you’re saying once you get to these levels of power, to where you are influential to that extent. I mean, millions and millions of people tuning in and listening, they’re gonna go ahead and capture you because you can’t be spreading too much truth, you know? I mean, you got to keep it at bay. You just give them enough to where they’re.
They’re happy with it. And, I mean, you guys know you guys are. Got big platforms. The moon. Moon landing was fake. And like, I was into his, and then all of a sudden he stopped that. And even his boy Eddie Bravo brought it up to him. Like, bro, are you working with the CIA now? Remember Eddie asked him that live. Did he really? Yes, God, he did. He’s like, bro, you. You know, you used to think the moon landing was fake. Used to be all into conspiracies. And Joe gave some weird answer like, oh, you can’t put your energy into that.
You. You know how he gets into. It was just too draining on me. And I don’t know, this type of stuff, it doesn’t stress me out. It’s. It’s a passion of mine. I enjoy doing it. I like exposing these morons. So it don’t. It don’t bother me at all. I think there’s a way to go about it though, because I call it flying too close to the sun. As long as you don’t touch certain subjects, I think you’re all right. But when you start getting close to certain subjects, that’s when you. You run. When you run the possibility of being targeted for real.
You know what I’m saying? So. Oh, brother, I touch them all. I respect you for that, bro. Yeah, I touch them all. I’m not scared of none of them. But you’re right, you’re right. Go ahead. I also think it’s depending on how big you are. So, like, you, you could talk about certain topics, but if you hit a level of influence, then that’s when you can’t talk about certain things because it’s how much power you got over the minds of the masses, how much reach you have. You’re getting. You’re getting to that. That level that’s scary on YouTube, you know what I’m saying? Once you hit that hundred thousand, they really start hammering you.
I’ve been there, brother. I was at 89, 000 when they took my one page down. I had 88, 000 on Twitter. They knocked that one down. Now they won’t let me get over 25. I just hit 25 or 26, 000 on Tommy. Truthful TV and murder by numbers is at like 50 000. But they threw me out of that six months ago. I haven’t been able to log into that page. So I am only here for a couple minutes because I gotta run at. And 15 minutes. We’ll let you do your thing. I was. I was looking into this last blood moon eclipse, November 8, and that’s when the elections are going on, and the elections are nothing but a selection.
And all the words, like the whole language, the whole Alphabet, is created by magicians, pretty much the symbols that we see. Some symbols control the world. And I even think that the word grammar comes from a magician type word, grimoire or something like that. Grimoire. So the spells and the casting and all this, there’s so many levels of it going on. So the elections, the L elections with the votes, or the votes and the souls to the polls. It’s a magnetic type of energy harvesting with the South Pole, North. North Pole. But when this was going on, this is connected to what you’ve been looking into with Wakanda, because you told me that Black Panther is Osiris.
And when this full moon eclipse happened last year, we had young Dolph assassinated after releasing the Illuminati papers paper out. Then we had the blood moon Eclipse on the 322date November 18, which is going to be tomorrow. And then the. The day after it was the Rittenhouse jury. So we got all this emotional charging. And the same thing’s happening this year where we got Evelyn D. Rothschild passing away. Well, Evelyn de Rothschild not only part of the banking dynasties, he was the guy who released the Economist magazine where it had the New World Order type cryptocurrency with the double head with the phoenix rising for the one world currency.
If you remember that cover, it was predicting the. So he’s the guy who released that article. He was the chairman of the Economist magazine when that happened. And he passed away from that cover. What’s that? What year was that cover? It was. It was. It was 1988. Okay, I thought so. So we’re 33 years before the Bitcoin bull run. There’s a connection there too, with the 33. And so there’s all this stuff is going on FTX, which was this huge cryptocurrency exchange collapse. The guy went to mit, which is a deep state. All these colleges are on ley lines.
But this is where they’re groomed in the secret societies to play out the presidencies or the missions from these colleges. And he went to mit. And I’m trying to find some secret societies in mit. And the only one I found might not be existing anymore, or maybe it is, but was called Osiris. And I remember you saying Black Panther and Wakanda are connected to Osiris and the X. And that was released the same time on Friday when this collapse is happening, when Rothschild passing away and this Osiris thing. So that’s sort of what I’ve been looking into right now.
Plus a bunch of other stuff. Yeah, that’s very interesting. And you know, they’re getting ready to collapse. I got some people that play in the stock market, bro, and they are going to collapse this currency. I’ve been trying to warn people and tell them, you know, make sure you got some gold and silver. Stock up on that, because it’s, it’s gonna be, it’s gonna be real out here. And I, I really. And Also tomorrow is November 18th, and Joe Biden came out on October 1st and gave a 666 speech from October 1st, six weeks, six days.
The, the six months, six days. The time frame he was staying in the 666 speech lands on November 18th tomorrow, the three two, two day. And then Trump, Trump freaking announces that he’s running for presidency 666 days after his last full day in office. You know that, right? I was looking at that and I couldn’t, I. It seemed like it was. I couldn’t figure out how to do the time calculation. But yeah, I did hear that. There’s all the 666 stuff. Are you watching us while you’re on here? But you can see this, right, Juan? Yeah, I can see it.
January 19th of 2021 was his last full day in office. That was his last full day. And then he announced he’s running as president. November 15th of 2022. Juan, what’s that say? Yeah, 666 days. It does, brother and QAnon. His little QAnon. Yeah. And then Obama had that 666 birthday party where you can donate the $666. Wow, that’s. So there’s all this stuff. Yeah, I’ll send you the link. And another thing I’m looking at is the occult will, where we had so win, which lands on November 1st when takeoff was assassinated. But we’re coming up on Yule.
And I’ve been looking into Yule and connecting it to that. You know how the Illuminati does this? Okay. Hand sign be. Okay. We’re just talking about. I’ve been kind of, I’ve been kind of connecting that with Yule and oak, because oak sounds a lot like. Okay. And if you look at the Yule log, it’s got three candles on it, which would be the three fingers. And it’s from an oak tree. Usually in the oak, the. Okay. It’s a phallic symbol. So I’ve been connecting that too. So I’ve been just going. I mean, I’ve been down the rabbit hole.
Guess what God is connected to the oak. Jupiter, Sir Nunos, the Celtic God of the underworld. He sits crossed under the oak tree. Yeah. Sir Nunos, look into him, this crazy son. Oh, that’s where Cern comes from, right? Yep. Cernunnos, the Celtic God of the Pan, too. It’s connected to Pan, which is also the. There. That’s the whole Crowley thing with Pan and the hymn to Pan, Jack Parsons and all these guys. So there’s something about that. I actually did an episode last week on. We call it the Politic Cult Enneagram. How the. These in. In God We Trust.
But I named it In Gods We Trust. Because these people in power, they’re invoking different energies. They’re. They’re gods of antiquity. Whether it’s Mithras or rather it’s. Whatever it is, they’re invoking these energies out there in order to. Again, I think it’s to control the masses and it is some MK Ultra, but I think it’s how. What Dona was saying, Grimoires, you know, the homunculus, the. The recipe isn’t a grimoire. So these guys are using these spells in order to control people’s realities, real time with language. The original Alphabet only had 17 or 19 letters in it, and they’ve added all these sigils or glyphs into it after the fact.
And it. I think it. It makes people’s react. It shapes it. We’ve talked about the cinematicians, you know what I mean? Yep. No, I agree with you. Just. Just like they have us living in these square houses, and when you study feng shui, it traps your energy in, you know what I’m saying? So you’re in the house getting all emotional, all the stuff that goes on. And that’s why they. They built in pyramids back in the day, because it allows the energy to flow up. So it has an escape point. Oh, yeah. Wow. This Pan thing that you’re talking about plays a huge role in our psyche today because the whole idea of a devil with the horns and the hooves, that wasn’t like even in the Bible or the Torah, because it was the serpent.
But the horns and the hooves come straight from Pan. And this is where we get Peter Pan. And it’s connected with the green agenda because Pan was the God of nature. And then we got this whole green agenda going on. Right. And there’s a huge connection to that and Pan. I mean, think about when the World was locked down. It was good for the environment. And there’s a. There’s a word I don’t want to say, but this pan God is. The symbology of him is deep, deep in our consciousness. And we don’t even know why the cinemagicians in the paintings, because paintings were around before movies.
And there’s no coincidence that the CIA has infiltrated the painting, modern art, all the way to putting out thousands and thousands of films in Hollywood. But this pan thing is interesting. Even the Tower of Babel at the bottom in the Greek Baruch, whatever. I don’t really know how to say it, but the bottom layer of the Tower of Babel was like these pan creatures that were like, half donkey, half human. And this is where it’s coming from. Like it. And it’s deep in our consciousness. And you talk about the Mithra thing, too. That goes deep, too, with the lot.
So with what you were talking, my people, they’re smart, dude. They know what Code Red is because they study Gematria. And code red has matching 94 with you guys know what out there listening, 148 people on Instagram or Facebook. My apologies, guys. So with the Code Red, you were talking about how it ends with that 33 code, and it shows proof that it, you know, was created by a person. So. Yeah, so the. The sequence. Look up the sequence of what, how the whole world changed. Look up the sequence to it. It ends in 33 days.
And that’s just enough to blow your mind to look at that. Wow. Do you have links to that. That video? Because I’ll make sure I share the links with the people. Yeah, I’ll send it over to you tonight. Yeah, send that. I’ll make sure they have that one. I put all your links in the description to your. To your telegram. So all Juan’s links are down there, guys, as YouTube. He has some amazing content on YouTube. Dude, you should be so much. Your YouTube should be so much bigger. We’re gonna help you get there, though. I don’t know if I want to be bigger, bro, because you guys are scaring me every time I talk to you.
You guys are always being silenced. But that’s why we got to stick together. Right, Donut? Yeah. Yeah. It’s weird. You got to be smarter than the machine. Yeah. Yep, it is. I mean, it. You know, like, when Donut tried to join the live, all of a sudden his Internet’s out in Arizona. Like, come on, man. Yeah, go ahead. I think that there’s gonna be, you know, you Know how we have that cyber polygon? What I’ve noticed from working at a news agency, Independent, one of obviously not like mainstream, the YouTube channel, is that events happen when you least expect it.
And then when my Internet wasn’t working, I was all like, bro, I haven’t even thought about the cyber stuff and the cyber polygon at all. Like, if that happened, that would surprise me because my mind’s not even there right now. Power outages. 56. Like, you know, Trump handed power to FEMA on 313 to 2020. Adds up to 56. 56 people signed the Declaration of Independence. Satan is mentioned 56 times in the King James Bible. And this year is the 56th anniversary of the Church of Satan, which was founded in San Francisco. And then antichrist equals 49.
And you have the San Francisco 49ers. I mean, there’s some crazy going on with San Francisco, man. They’re about to bring that Golden Gates, you know what I’m saying? Right. One more. One more thing that I. I learned before I got a run is that the San Francisco Satanic temple was created April 30th. And they picked that date because the next day is 5:1. Right. The Illuminati founding day. They picked that date because it’s actually a religious holiday called like, will a good dish or something. I don’t. I don’t know the name of it. Operation leading into Beltane.
It’s a holiday to ball where they sacrifice children to ball moloch. It starts April 19th and it’s 13 days through 5:1. It’s called the 13 days of preparation. Oh, wow. I gotta look into that. So it’s all connected. Yeah. And Travis Scott’s birthday is that same day. And it’s. Yeah. Wild in donut. Travis Scott’s birthdays that day and when he decided to murder his fans on 11 5, which flipped that around. 511 equals Saturn. That was 666 months since the founding of the Church of Satan. And he was born on 430, which is the day they were founded.
So wild. Oh, man, it’s just. It’s wild. I’m glad you started. Connected a lot of them dots, though, with them numbers. It takes you down a whole nother avenue. You know, I’ve always loved the symbols. And then you start studying the astrology part of it. There’s so much there. But before you go, because me and Brother Juan are going to talk about some reptilians and interdimensional entities. What is your feel? Donut? On Reptilians. Well, I mean, I just look at it like we got a reptilian brain, right? So I think that there’s a lot of truth to why do we have a reptilian brain.
Just thinking about the whole first. The first Sky God was Anu. Right? So the whole story of them coming down here and in, like, breeding with humans, you know, why do we have this reptilian brain? You see it in the movies. They always showing us the truth, like the Mario Brothers. You got Bowser and these Reptilians there. It’s something I’ve always kind of looked into reading David Ike books. But I’d actually just like to listen now and hear what you two got to say, because much respect to. To you, Tommy and Juan, because I. I highly respect both of you.
You guys go so deep into research, and I’m just so grateful to know both of you and much love. Well, I feel the same about you, brother. Likewise. So, yeah, me personally, my. My theories on them, I think they’re. I don’t think they’re from some Alpha Dracono star system. That I think is all. I think they’re interdimensional entities, and I dropped from the call. Oh, did he? It’s okay. I think they’re interdimensional, and I think that it’s the same thing these Luciferians are worshiping. And when they do these blood sacrifices, it’s because the Reptilians feed on that loose energy.
And then you go back into the Archons. Juan, you know about the Archons, right? And y’all the bay off. So what’s your. What’s your thoughts on that, bro? That’s my stuff, bro. So. Oh, I’m gonna wear this hack. Am I allowed to wear this hat? Says make esoteric or great again, so don’t freak out. So I. My whole take on the Reptilians, because people always hit me up about the Reptilians, because I’m always talking about the Reptilian overlords and all this stuff, so. Mask, too? Yeah. My Halloween. What was that. That mask you wore in Halloween.
Crazy. So my whole thing is. I think that there’s two aspects to this whole thing. I think that there is a metaphysical and a physical. Now, do I think that there is some race of Reptilian as beings? Maybe, perhaps. But when I talk about the Reptilian overlords, I talk about it from a metaphysical point of view. So the. The allegorical point of view, you know, I’m saying the symbolic, where it goes Back to these archons, these forces outside the fabric of reality who are trying to control this, this dimension, this realm that we can perceive. Now the thing is that you have the elites in power who I believe are in touch with entities.
I’ve always, dude, there’s some researchers who, I always wondered like esoteric researchers who go hard and you know, when, when I think I go hard, there’s always somebody who goes harder. And even some researchers that I’ve looked up to when I’ve dug into their, their stuff, I found out something that I, that I call ultra terrestrial knowledge where they’re, they’re getting their information from outside sources. And by outside sources, I’m talking about entities outside of our, you know, perceived reality that are talking to them. You know, I’m saying that’s what the whole, A sphere, the lower astral planes.
And yes, because I always wonder like, how does, how did this person ever come up with these crazy ideas? And then they’re writing books about talking to entities like you know, Baphomet or whatever, you know, just to throw a name out there and I can tell you off air. But the, you know, I, I, I always wondered and the same technology, because I think that magic is a lost technology. Now I don’t, I’m not an occultist. Right. But I study it like deeply. And how you’re saying, I enjoy, I enjoy reading about this sort of thing.
So when I go hard in the pain about something, I like to learn, I like to pick it apart and I like to learn all things about it. So I think that they’re using some sort of lost tech when it comes to the use of this magic now it’s like the Force, right? That’s why all these movies, back to the cinema magicians, that’s why they put all this symbolism in these movies. Art is magic. Art creates synchronicities and your subconscious bleeds into these movies. So these actors, maybe perhaps they’re not doing it intelligently. Maybe it’s not like how life brother.
Yeah. Maybe it’s not how they do it on the Simpsons where it’s like a cabal of a, you know, a certain round table of, of the elite TiVo elites. But maybe just how HP Lovecraft was influenced by in his dreams. Maybe they’re influenced, you know, by the subconscious or something’s going on to where they put these symbolisms into it. So just like the Force, how you can use it for good or you can use it for evil, it’s the same thing. You know, I’m Saying like, these elites, they use it for evil purposes. They. They go above and beyond.
Like the whole, why do they push the Dahmer thing? You know, we did a deep dive on that. It’s like all the symbolism behind that and, and the, the symbol and symbols are the language, the soul. And I flashed this earlier because you talked about being in our houses and how they, They’re. They’re prisons. Well, it goes back to what Pythagoras talked about. I think that. Because you’re into the Gematra stuff, which is awesome. I don’t know. I don’t really know a lot about it. But when Pythagoras said all his number, what I think he was hinting at is some sort of simulation.
Because if all is number, it’s a binary code. If it’s binary code, there’s a programmer. There’s a programmer, you know, the, the Great Architect or whatever it is. So you’re able to glitch the program. You’re able to manipulate the program. You know, I’m saying. And that’s what the elites are doing. They. They know how to hack the frequency, they know how to shift the energy. I try to tell people that all the time. And you know, I study the occult because I want to know my enemy. So if, if you don’t study Kabbalah and, And esoteric magic, all of it, you, you’re really, you’re.
You’re not even it. Playing the game. You can’t even, you know, because you don’t understand the language they speak. And the numbers plays a big role in it. I mean, I never used to be into that one. It just one day I started researching 911 is what did it to me. I heard a podcaster say on 911 flight 77 was hit. Hit the 77 foot tall Pentagon on the 77th meridian. 77 minutes after takeoff. I’m like, what the. That don’t. That’s weird I said that. I feel like someone did that. So I started looking into it, and I found Zach back in like 2013.
Zachary Hubbard. You know, a lot of people think he’s an agent. I don’t know, but he’s still one of the OGs in the game, so you got to give him credit for that. You know what I’m saying? But yeah, it’s, it’s. It’s. It’s also part of like divine harmonics. If there is a creator to all this. They say God spoke everything into existence with the spoken word. And then, you know, every letter has an energy of frequency because it has an. Every letter has a number attached to it. Every number holds an energy and frequency, a vibration.
So there’s something to all of it. Word magic. Why they do it on certain days, on certain ley lines, on certain energy points and the numbers always line up. You know why Trump announced his run for presidency 666 days later? It’s all by design, bro. And you know, it gets to the whole thing where for example, the Pythagorean palaces. This is a really interesting book. It’s about how they use architecture as talismans, right? So even the White House, it could be used as a talisman. The Pentagon is invoking a certain sacred geometry, right? What is that invoking? And the symbolism behind that number and it go.
That’s why the, the Freemasons revere Pythagoras because I think that there is something. Math is the language of the universe. And how you were, how I said earlier, symbols are the language of the soul. Well, to the uninitiated, to the people who are, you know, in ignorance is bliss. The people who choose to turn a blind eye towards it, who don’t care about this sort of thing. Well that’s fine. You can choose to participate in the matrix. But for the initiated, for those that are in the circle, for those that, that are in the know, it’s an entire different language for them it’s, you know, these symbols.
So by them putting it out on, you know, 666 or whatever, it’s not a non to you maybe, you know, Tommy Truth was able to decipher it, but it’s a nod to the other guys in the system that are in the know, in their circle. Now if they’re lizard people or not. I don’t know. You know what I’m saying? No, listen, I don’t think they’re actual lizards myself. I think it’s more an interdimensional entity that’s interfacing from the ace fear, the lower astral plane. And it, it, it possesses the hope. I think it’s like, you know, like possession.
And they’re not able to interface here in the physical. So they’re, they’re possessing world leaders or you know, and it goes to whoever invites that energy in too. And when, when you study deep into the occult, you realize that you look into Hitler and the, the Vril and th society and they were messing with these real Reptilians. I mean whatever the hell that is. So you know, he knew something and they were heavy into the occult in esotericism. I, I seen in that video you did with that one dude, you guys were talking about some of them Nazi doctors, bro.
And like, they were just experimenting on people just to see how long you could live when they infected you with the plague, you know what I’m saying? And so when it comes to MK Ultra, that’s the sort of stuff that people really need to pay attention. Obviously, we, we just went through something pretty big, right? Code red, whatever you want to call it. But when you, when you point out actual history, because I like when I do an episode, bro, when it’s like a historic deep dive, I like to present the facts, right? Whenever I’m starting a new research topic, I look at, we Wikipedia, we keep ideas first to see what the mainstream narrative says about it, and then I dive deeper from there.
So when, when, when you present people with this history and you go, listen, this is the stuff that we know about. This is the stuff that was exposed. Imagine the stuff that we don’t know about. Imagine the things that are still kept hidden because maybe somebody didn’t leak it or whatever it was. And it just proves to you that unfortunately your government doesn’t have your best interest at. What was the whole Ronald Reagan thing, You know, the, the seven most dangerous words is, I’m from the government, I’m here to help. You know what I’m saying? Like that type of.
And the problem is, you know the saying that goes power, what was that? Trump’s a rebranded Reagan. Make America great again came from Ronald Reagan again. It’s the same. It’s two sides of the same coin. That’s why I don’t get lost in these and these political ideologies or anything like that, because they’re, they’re both bad. And, and the problem with it is that how in the Truth or Community right now, you and I were talking before air, how we’re polarized, right? It’s about polarization, about separating. So you’re not able to come together. And we’re not coming together even in the truth of Community, because right now we got the flat Earthers versus the Globers.
We got the people who think space is fake and then the other ones who don’t think, you know what I’m saying? Like, there’s always going to be division. And some people, dude, they’re so focused on this. The, the minor details like, does it affect your life whether that’s true or not? Does it? No. The problem is we’re here to expose. We’re not here to, to push ideologies. That’s the right. That’s the reason we were here in the first place, from ideologies being pushed on us. They want to indoctrinate you into their way of thinking. And I tell my people this all the time.
If you’re a real truther, you can’t get married to an idea. You always have to be open to wherever the truth leads you. You know what I’m saying? Do I believe in flat Earth? Yeah. I believe we live in an enclosed organic simulation. I believe it’s a simulation. I believe it’s a multiverse. Remember I told you the Flat Earthers take it too far though. They’re like space. Everything’s fake. Dinosaurs are fake, nukes are fake. And, and I believe we live in enclosed simulation, but I believe there’s a multiverse. I believe there’s other worlds out there. You know, I, I don’t think nukes are fake.
I think we split the atom. Now, dinosaurs are probably fake. They might have something with that, you know what I’m saying? Because they lie a lot at that. They, they were covering up all them giant bones and. Yeah, the Smithsonian, I mean, they’re again, they’re a bunch of compulsive. It’s. It’s again back to this cabal of people who as long, like, look at kids, bro, right? Kids are the most beautiful thing. And you, a child, when you look at a child play, they live in that world, whatever world that they’re in. Like, my son thinks he’s Optimus Prime.
He thinks innocent man. So. But take that, that’s the micro. Now take it to the macro. The, the people participating in the Matrix. It’s the same thing, bro. Whatever’s presented to them, they live that reality. Whatever movies they’re watching, whatever media outlet they’re. They’re consuming, that’s their reality. And as. And the thing is, I talk about a lot of things, bro. I talk about a lot of things. At the end of the day, I believe in God. I was born and raised Pentecostal Christian. I don’t subscribe to the dogma of organized rel. That’s my only thing I don’t like, again, the, the pushing of ideologies.
But I believe in a God. I do believe there’s a source. I do believe that there, you know, somebody created this. Now when I talk about these crazy things, I think of it like a toy made out of thoughts and ideas. You manipulate that toy, you know, you pick it up and you talk about it and you and you change it up and you put it right back. Doesn’t mean that I subscribe 100 to it. Just because I talk about flatter doesn’t mean it. But people in the community, how you’re saying, they get married to these ideas and they become that idea that, that reality becomes their reality and boom, you’re sucked right back into the system when you were trying to break out to begin with, you know what I’m saying? Like, it’s, it’s, it’s a vicious cycle.
Yeah, no, no, you’re 100, right? And I hate that how people do that. Like, it drives me absolutely mad. Like, okay, so you have this ideology. You can’t sit here and listen to this person talk. And open mindedly as an adult, you know what I’m saying? Like, come on, man, it’s not that serious. You know, you can still give your, you can still inject your opinion, like, yeah, well, I don’t feel that way. And people should be able to have them conversations. But it’s so, the indoctrination is so strong, bro. And you know, when you go into the mainstream, flat earth, that Eric Debay, he’s a 33rd degree Freemason.
I mean, mostly he is, he is. So, you know, they infiltrate everything, brother, and they, they put flat Earth versus hollow Earth when really it’s both. There’s a hollow underworld. It shows that in the script, in the Bible. And that’s why they say they believe it, because what it says in the Bible, then they tell me, tommy, there can’t be a Nibiru because space is fake. Yeah, yeah, yeah, space is fake. So I said, well, you believe in the Bible, right? Wormwood is in the Bible. Revelation 811 talks about Wormwood and what it is. It’s not a planet on an elliptical orbit.
It. I believe it’s a dimension. And a portal starts to open. Have you ever heard of the plasma apocalypse? No. Oh, dude, I gotta get you hit. I love portals. So. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So this, this plasma punches through the firmament and it causes depressurization. And it happens every so often. The Tunguska incident, you heard about that? No, what was that? It’s like this big explosion in, in 1904 or something in the middle of Russia that obliterated like an entire like 11 million trees. And nobody knows what happened or how it happened. And I think that these are glitches in the Matrix, you know, unexplainable things in, in reality that it’s like, where’d that come from? It’s like, well, we don’t know, maybe it’s again, a parallel reality next to ours because we can only see.0035 of the light spectrum, what we can perceive.
We know that the observer effect is a real thing. So what you’re talking about. I love anything that’s interdimensional or portal talk because I do believe it exists. But it goes back to the whole, you know, hermetic principles. I believe all is mental. You know, the. The world is mental because people sit here and they create their own, bro. The placebo effect is a real thing. You know, I’m saying, like people, reality, It’s a fact. Yeah. 100 believe flat earth, then the earth is flat. You get enough people to believe this, then that. That’s the reality of it.
And I agree with that. But people don’t understand that. They can’t wrap their head around that, bro. No, because what I’m saying, it just. It takes. It takes a certain amount of. Of shifting your paradigm and how you’re saying like, I don’t know, it was you or Donut where you were talking about how you. Some people get exhausted by looking into these topics because I think that’s also by design. So you don’t keep looking down that rabbit hole because you do get tired of. Of. And dude, it’s not my job to wake anybody up. You know what I’m saying? I stay in my lane, I put out my content, and whoever resonates with that content or that message, then so be it.
And for those that don’t like it, then it is what it is. But I’m not here to push. I’m not here to debate nobody. I’m not here to push my ideas on anybody. And like I said, I’m people. People are always like, oh, where’d you get your source from? Well, I can give you my source if you truly want it. But other than that, you know what I’m saying? Like, I do my. I do. I put in work, you know, and I. A lot of people don’t have the time, Tommy. And that’s the other problem where we’re in this 9 to 5 environment.
And then it was set up that way. Exact. And when you get home, you gotta spend time with the kids, you know, cook, clean, whatever it is. So you don’t have time, except for that. Maybe that one hour at 9 to sit in front of what? In front of that. That scrying mirror that’s in your living room. You sit down and you intake whatever reality they’re pushing that day. And you take it before you go to bed. So when you go and dream, you dream about that reality that they painted. They’re speaking to your subconscious. And a lot of the times, a lot of the, The.
The choices that we make is made by the subconscious. And you know about the subconscious when it comes to the occult, the ego, whatever you want to call it, it plays an important role, especially in sex magic, because they believe that your subconscious goes up right when you’re at the peak of orgasm. And they imprint things on that subconscious and they bring it back down and it manifests in the Matrix, bro. So they know about that. So what are they doing by speaking to your subcon? They’re imprinting it with the sigils, with the cinema magicians, with all these movies, Hollyweird, Hollywood, whatever you want to call it.
And they’re manifesting realities. That’s why I call Transformers, bro. The Full Metal Alchemists. Any transference or any transmutation of energy is alchemy. When you give money to somebody else, that’s a transference of energy, of wealth. That’s alchemy. Our money system is an alchemical byproduct, right? By the Knights Templar. Who were the Knights Templar talking to? Baphomet. So you have these entities outside of space and time that are manipulating our reality as we speak, bro. There’s a. There’s a feature on the. On Pluto. There’s a mountain on Pluto named after Cthulu. H.P. lovecraft’s Cthulhu. And guess who talked about Pluto being a planet before it was even discovered.
Three years before it was discovered. H.P. lovecraft. Because again, speaking to outside entities or being manipulated by outside entities. And what do they do, these occultists? That’s why you have to pay attention to the Hollywood, because they’ll tell you a story in a movie format. So it speaks to our ancestral roots, of when our ancestors are around that campfire. And everybody loves a good story, right? So they captivate your imagination with fires. What the TV does with the flicker rate. It mesmerized you. And you know that the original colors for the spectrum that you’re. That’s visible, it wasn’t.
You know. You know how you have the three tiles, the. The red, green. And I forgot the last color, but that. They changed that, actually. And I covered on an episode a while back. But I think that’s also part of, again, warping this Matrix and using our own houses. You know, they’re making all these cookie cutter. All these cookie cutter neighborhoods. Well, Vitruvius Right. From the Vitruvian Man. He talked about how certain spaces needed to be laid out a certain way. You can’t use certain rooms a certain way because it messes with the energy in the architecture.
And I did an episode that’s coming out next week, Architect as magician. And I talked to a doctor, a professor who wrote a book about architecture being used as talismans as a. For magical purposes. And we get into that whole idea because to me that’s fascinating where, where you’re able to. You see these cathedrals, a lot of these cathedrals. They attributed the miracles inside those cathedrals to the actual structure itself. Yeah. So they were being used to amplify magical abilities built with the, yeah, the, you know, coned or P. The dome tops. It allows energy to flow cymatics.
I got this one kid that I follow on Instagram, he’s a young kid, but he does like conspiracy type rap. But once in a while he’ll put some stuff out and he was talking about that today. Let me show you him real quick. So my, my people know to follow him too. He’s amazing, bro. You’ll love this kid. Hold on one second. He was talking about it. That’s what got me on it. This gentleman right here, he’s my, he’s my. Tell me that. Yeah, he’s about to make me a. A song. And he talks about how the house is the prison.
I mean it’s amazing how he breaks it down. He brings up. He brings up the cube and I don’t know if you know, but there’s. I did, I did a whole episode and breakdown on that. Did you watch that one? I shared of him. Yeah, yeah, I saw it on your page. And the cube to, to the Pythagoreans it was. It’s the, the procreator of all other shapes. So. The procreator of all numbers. And there’s a phenomenon and I did. This is on my, on my feed. I did a whole, whole episode on. It’s on my rock fin too.
It’s called Pythagorean palaces. Math magicians, number forms in AIs. And that’s a deep dive. I did on the idea of this, this interdimensional architecture and the, the way that they use the ar like how we’re talking about now. And there’s a phenomenon where people see numbers. So in the matrix, you know how the numbers are green and they come down from the screen, all that stuff. Well, there’s a phenomenon where people associate shapes numbers and colors, and they see them, they perceive them. So. But it’s. It’s. Again, it’s a phenomenon. They don’t know why it happens.
They don’t know how it happens. And it only happens to a certain amount of people. And it makes me think about the people who don’t have an intern monologue. There’s a lot of people who can’t think internally. So I think they target certain people who know that they’re able. Like the Neo. Right. They know that they’re able to somehow break out of the Matrix. And that’s why I think they target a lot of people who are in the. Even in the community and all this stuff. Because maybe not saying we have superpowers or anything, but we’re able to perceive reality on a different, you know, kind of sort of.
Yeah, you kind of really sort of have superpowers because once you understand it all, you can literally manifest your reality. And people don’t realize that. Dude, I. I tell these people all the time, you could do anything you put your mind to. Three years ago, Juan, I said, you know, I really enjoy doing this. And my grandfather told me, do something that you love doing, and you never have to work a day in your life. This year, bro, will be the first year ever in my life, legally, that I’ve made almost. I’ll probably by the end of year break 200,000.
And I did that, you know, I do this full time. This is what I do, you know, and I enjoy doing it. And I manifest all that. When I had donut on. On 921, I manifested that. Ask my people. I spoke that into existence. And the very next day, he reached out to me. It was weird as hell. He. We did. Me and Donut did our first podcast. And now he’s like one of my best buddies. We did our first podcast when Jeffrey Dahmer came out on 9 21. And, you know, there was a satanic holiday that day which called for dismemberment.
And then they come out with Dahmer, and it came out 27 years after. 27 years after he was killed. Which. Let me show you this. I’m sure you’ve probably already seen it, but. Whoa, this is crazy. Look at this ritual is 27. And look at his apartment number. This is the craziest thing, dude. So you have angel of death 51 matching Dahmer monster. The Illuminati was formed on five one, right? And then here’s his address. 213 Dahmer. 213 equals 27. Matching sacrifice. He was murdering hella people in there. Yeah. 666. And it was released exactly 27 years after he died.
Wow. So the whole Dahmer thing, I think just like a speculation out there, because this guy was break. Right. Because the occult also goes back to breaking taboos. Well, this guy was breaking all the taboos, dude. He was turning people into freaking stands. And so you see that there, the arch of hysteria, the relationship between that. The arch of hysteria, it goes back to ancient times where they attributed that to demonic possession. So people would assume that when they were demonically possessed, what I think was happening, bro, he was offering these bodies up as vessels for entities.
And I think that’s. That was part of the. Again, it was alchemy. May Maybe some sort of homunculus, because again, it’s all about the. Right. The sodomy. That’s also a sealed vessel, if you really think about that. And what. And. And you talked about Crowley today on your video that I was watching when. When he was doing the Al. Workings and all that stuff and how he was able to enter other states of consciousness by getting, well, you know, penetrated. You know what I mean? So again, there. It’s all the video I did. Yeah, I watched it today.
That’s why. That’s why I wrote to you. I was like, oh, was Victor Nureberg and you. The guy that you were thinking about that he was doing the. The do. Oh, that’s who was doing it. Yeah, Victor Nureberg, which was his. Like his apprentice. And. Yeah, he was in him. And then Crowley said he never had visions like that. Like, he stepped out of his body. They were doing some weird magical workings, and he’s getting blasted. People don’t understand that the sodomy, you know, sodomy is heavily connected to time travel too. You know, I didn’t know that, but it would make sense.
Strange, dude. So can you explain that a little bit? Because I heard you say that and I didn’t know what you meant by that. That’s crazy. Well, I’m gonna. I want to give the person credit. He’s one of my writers on my website, Truth. This is who got me hit to it. My brother, True scrambler. You would love him, Juan. And he breaks it down. Let me put time travel. So somebody put the key of Solomon. And I think the key is also a symbolic reference to the phallus. So the. The key of Solomon is. Is a phallic symbol.
So the. So, like all this time travel stuff, you’ll find Out. It’s connected to sodomy and portals. It’s freaking crazy. Time manipulation. CERN sodomite gateway. This one’s really pretty nuts, but there’s like the. Here, this one, for example, code 88, which. That’s the day Trump got raided, and Trump equals 88 and Margo’s 88. And that was during the Lionsgate portal. But then you find out this 88 code is connected to salvation and time travel. I mean, it’s unreal. I. I think that really has a. A good breakdown on it. Let me. I’m trying to get to this one part so I can read it.
Set in the old west, little NASA’s character is being shot at for trespassing on a farmstead. So he dives into a narrow cave or tunnel which represents the anus or the ritual in sodomy, which becomes a. A time portal. And just like in the show Dark, it transports him to it. This year in Bob’s Time Reset theory. And this is Bob Sheckler. 2019 is supposedly the end of the seven year Shemitah cycle. And this one is special in that Bob predicts we will have to replay it with time resetting back to the year 2012. So this Bob dude, he talks about how the elites want to reset time and they want to go back to before Eve ate the apple, dude, and kill her.
It’s pretty crazy. But see this symbol right here? I can’t. You’re not sharing a screen. Oh, it’s not. Oh, I’m sorry, dude. I’m tripping. So I think that the. The rings of Saturn is also another reference. Are you seeing this now? Yeah. Okay, you see the symbol right here? Do control and. And do the scroll wheel forward, bro. So you can zoom in, hold control, and then use the scroll wheel forward to. To zoom in. There you go, bro. There you go. You gotta get with the times, brother. I gotta get with the times, dude. I’m not very.
This is my dude right here. He’s a cool dude, man. Very intelligent brother. And this symbol, which looks like a CERN symbol, represents the sodomy gateway. We see it a lot. This pattern symbol we see. So I never caught on to this until he. He woke me up to it. I’m about to tell you something that you probably didn’t connect, but there’s a connection between Crowley and cern. There is a guy who was named Michael. I think it’s Michael Crowley Millings or Michael Milling’s Crowley whatever. But this guy, bro, he. His name was Michael Crowley Millings.
And this guy got and helped invent what we have now, a touchscreen, computers, anything. Touchscreen. This guy helped innovate that, that this guy was behind that and he climbed his way up the CERN ladder and made CERN into what it is today. But it’s interesting that I have this idea of again, alchemy. Alchemy. Once you do your magnum opus or your great work, you’re able to achieve immortality. If you look up right now, Jeff Bezos and the Elixir of Life, they’re looking, I think that modern day science is building this, the Amazon building looks like a balls and yeah, yeah.
Again, look, look at the Amazon sign. It’s a palace and it represents 55 matching a noose. Oh geez. So the, the immortal alchemists, they’re able to transmute their consciousness into I believe, other vessels. Back again to this idea of taking over vessels, people. And the, the immortal alchemist, which Crowley was into alchemy and all this stuff. I think that they’re able to inhabit other people’s bodies or something. But anyways, this Michael Crowling guy, in the same year that Crowley died, he added another Crowley to his name. So it was Michael Crowley, Crowley Millings or Michael Milling’s Crowley.
Crowley. Anyways, he. Crowley the same year that Crowley died to his name. Now why would that be? There’s a guy literally named Jack Parsons at CERN that works there. So I, I think these guys are literally the idea of immortality that we’ve been painted in Hollywood. Hollywood consciousness, Yes. I think that it’s not like that. I think it’s another type of way. That’s why they make statues of all these famous people. And as long as people remember your name, as long as they have you, you become some sort of egregore in the ether, in that fifth element.
You’re able to exist there, bro. Dude, it’s, it goes so deep. And that’s why it’s important to understand the occult and, and know about it. Because you’re able to identify these things when you see them. How you’re saying, and especially like this book, the Pythagorean Palaces, it’s like there is imaginary scaffolding in these buildings, but only the initiates are able to see it. They’re able to unlock other realities within these buildings. And I think that’s where psychedelics come into play. That’s why these occultists use psychedelics in their rituals because they’re able to warp their perception in order to enter these other realities and do things outside and look at the whole, you know, back to the reptilian thing.
I think that there are some sort of entities that ex. You can call those reptilian because look at Project Gateway. When they synced up both sides of the brain, everybody in that. In that project saw the same thing. What did they see? Reptilian beings mining the energy from people. Look at the. Look at the movie on Netflix, Homunculus. You know, I was doing the deep dive on the Homunculus on Donuts, a channel. I went on Sam Tripley’s show. I wanted a whole bunch of other shows. The Homunculus movie, it’s about a guy that they. Spoiler alert, they drill a hole in his head here in order to open up his third eye chakra, whatever it is, right for the.
For the pineal gland to be able to breathe. And they talk about little children being able to perceive things, which I believe in that because I’ve seen my son talking to himself or talking to whatever he’s talking to, because I think up until the age of seven, they’re able to see other realities. And in this movie, Homunculus. Homunculi are almost demonic. They attach themselves to people and people’s traumas attach themselves to people. And this guy, after drilling his head, he was able to see these homunculus attached to the people and how, you know, and he was seeing people for what they really are.
Again, check out the movie. It’s actually really great, but it’s really dark and there is. There’s, you know, there’s rape and stuff in the movie. So just. Just a disclaimer on that, because again, it’s part of Netflix, the lizard people. And they’re pushing a sort of agenda, but at the end of the day, they attribute Homunculus to demons, which some. Some scholars attributed the homunculus to an artificial demon, the creation of an artificial demon. So again, I don’t know if that’s connected, but an interesting movie nonetheless. I definitely feel that 100. I think they’re entities interfacing from the.
The lower astral realms. That’s what I believe. And they are harvesting our freaking energy. That’s why they like to keep us in a state of trauma and fear. And like you said, everyone’s seen the same damn lizards, you know, harvesting that energy. And you go back to looking into Hitler and in. In the loose energy. They were running experiments with that. I mean, it’s deep, bro. There’s something there with that. And the elites know about it. They. They understand it. They understand how to shift the energy. They understand how to harvest the energy. And that’s where some of these rituals come into play.
And then, you know, they use the children. Crowley said the best person for sex magic was a young child. Yeah, Curling. Yeah. Because they’re. They. They harvest the energy. No, again, it’s. It’s. They’re being used. You know, look at the whole out of your life. Me mad, dude, when they do stuff to kids. Oh, no, I know. Because if you look at a child, you see how. How innocent they are. And I mean, I’m a father, so. So you can relate, dude. You gotta be the total most scumbag in the whole world to do that. But at the end of the day, I think as long as we are aware of these things, and unfortunately, you still have to participate in the system to.
To be able to live. But again, as long as you’re able to be one step ahead of the next guy, you know, the next guy over, I think you’re. You’re in okay shape. And by listening to shows like this, you know, I’ve had a bunch of your people come over. They’re all really cool and, and supportive. And as long as I think we keep spreading the. The truth, I think it’s going to help, you know, the greater good and keep fighting the good fight. They’ll love you, Juan, because you get deep into it and you talk about some really interesting topics.
So I know. I knew my people would really enjoy, you know, our conversation, and that’s why. And I’m sorry, bro. I know I. We were supposed to do it a couple times, and then I had some stuff happen and I felt really bad. That’s why I hit you today. Yeah, no, it happens, dude. I mean, it’s part of the game. And I do shows almost every day and I’ve had people, you know, it’s. Dude, how’d you land the Sam Tripoli show, bro? I mean, to be honest, bro, that. That I’m forever grateful for, for Donut, because I think Donut really got the ball rolling.
I think he was the one for being able. That that’s the biggest platform I was on up to that point. And I think that in this game, dude, it’s so hard to get recognition. And my whole. My whole aspect is if I’m going to talk about the same things as you, I’m gonna give it the newer twist. I’m. I’m gonna take it above and beyond. Even if we’re going to be touching on the same subjects, but I’m gonna take it and go above and beyond and bring forth a new perspective of even the same topic. You know, switch it up.
So I think by going on there and seeing how that was received, some good, some bad, a lot of people are hitting up like, oh, that’s blasphemy. Again, I’m just a scholar, you know, I mean, I’m just talking about these ideas because the same magic that they’re using for that is the same magic that these reptilian elites or the Illuminati or whoever it is that they use. They’re aware of this, bro. You know, this has been around for thousands of years. A lot of people are going to fall victim for lack of knowledge, you know what I’m saying? So we all know the Catholic Church rewrote the Bible and they took stuff out of their organized religion is indoctrination.
My people don’t get caught up in that. And they all believe in. Most of them all believe the Creator. So, you know, they understand why we do what we do. And if we. If we wasn’t able to tell people this and teach people this, they wouldn’t have that glitch when you just finally realized that ain’t right. And they wake up and it breaks that spell of. Of illusion and hypnosis that these people are casting on them with movies. The predictive programming in the movies, which is magic. It’s called lesser magic. Yeah. 100. And that’s what people don’t understand that.
That a movie is a bunch of sigils one right after the other. And sigils are mandalas. They take your consciousness and they transport it to another dimension. That’s what a lot of people don’t understand. So when you’re sitting in front of your tv, unfortunately. And I love movies, bro. But the problem after I woke up, dude, after I. I became aware of all this stuff because I grew up indoctrinated, you know, I mean, like, Pentecostals were really strict and. And again, you get lost in the sauce and that. Tongues and. Yes, bro. And I. I went to a Pentecostal church one time, bro.
They were handling freaking rattlesnakes. Yes. And if they get bit, they don’t go to the hospital. No. Hey, God allows them heal from poison. I said, this sounds like a bad idea. Yeah. So, dude, I was. I was down in West Virginia and I went to a Pentecostal. It was craziest thing I’ve experienced. The guy, I swear to God, he drunk Strict nine to. To show the people that. God that. Because there’s a Bible verse that says, you know, we’re allowed to handle trample and stuff. So they take that and really twist it and they’re in there.
He almost died, this dude. Almost died. Yeah, dude, he was laid out. I’m like, oh, well, good job, bud. Yeah, well, you know, the Bible says a lot of things, right? And it’s. It’s shrouded in allegory and symbolism. But some people, it goes back to even the. The whole manifesting your own reality where people take it too ser. Too literally. Now, you know, in the Bible, it says, don’t mix certain things together because bad, illicit mixtures or abominable mixtures where you can’t mix certain things together because of certain reactions. Well, you know, the creator doesn’t want you to get bit by a snake.
He made snakes a certain way because of. Because he. You know what I’m saying? Like, it’s a snake, bro. It’s gonna drink poison. Like, people like that. I feel like he ain’t even gonna let you in heaven because you are so dumb that you took that literal. He’s gonna be like, dude, that’s not what I meant. Yeah, you’re down there. Natural selection, strict nine. It’s like that. That story where there’s a drowning man and a boat comes by and to pick him up. He says, no, no, no, God’s gonna save me. And he keeps praying, you know, and then another boat comes by.
No, no, no, God’s gonna save me. And then he drowns, gets to heaven, and God’s like, dude, I sent you two boats. I sent you two boats, bro. What are you doing? I was waiting for the sign. Know what I’m saying? I was 100%. So when. After I’ve woken up, I. I watch these movies differently. And if. If you don’t understand it, you can, bro, you’ve fallen in a. Like a trance. You know what I’m saying? When you’re. When you’re watching a really good movie, you’re there, you. And then these movies that po. You know, they post the, you know, strobing lights.
Why do strobing lights give people seizures? Well, because. Because of the colors and everything. All stuff. But a movie is a s. It’s a bunch of sigils. Just one right after the other one. How about Netflix, dude? When the movie starts, all them colors come at your face. 100, bro. There, it’s. It’s MK Ultra. But that derives from this ancient magic that they were using back then when they were using again. Sigils and all this other stuff, even the Alphabet, even the language, you know, grammar becomes the grimoire, or grimoire becomes the magic. And that’s why it’s spelling when you’re.
That’s why I’m careful about what I say when I say it. Because when. Once you put that intention out there, how you’re saying. Manifesting, bro, I manifested. Going on tripley. I manifested, you know, two and a half years ago, I didn’t think I was going to have a show and keep it going, you know, I mean, and here I am. Because not only did I put the legwork in, because that’s also part of the. The process, but again, I think I feel that everybody’s been. I’ve been aligned with the right people at the right time. You know, we didn’t do this episode before or.
I found Donut. Did you realize that? No, I thought you found me because of Donut. No, no, no, no. I found you the day before. Before I ever even spoke to Donut. Yeah, I found you the first day because I told Donut after we talked, I was like, that’s so weird, because I found your boy. How I found you. I. I don’t know actually how the hell I found you. But you. It was a video you did, and you were talking about the Nick Cage. Yeah. And I left the comment. I’m like, oh, my God, this dude is lit.
And I started watching your stuff, and I remember I did a podcast later that night and told my people about you. I was like, man, I found this dude. And, you know, he. He does amazing content. I said, he should definitely have a much bigger following. And I was telling them, you know, and they kept telling me to get you on. So, yeah, I actually found you before I’ve talked to Donut, which is weird. Yeah. And like I said, I. I’ve been going at it for a long time. I’m pretty sure I’ve been shadow banned and all this stuff because I take it to the next level again, I’m connecting dots.
Not that dots aren’t there, but there’s a certain way to go about it, given the formula, though. And I’m. Bro, I’m reading books and I’m buying books that aren’t even, like, digitally scanned or anything. And. And I’m reading those books and I’m talking about what’s in these, you know, these occult books and stuff like that. And, bro, you know what I’m saying? Like, if they don’t have that up on the Internet anywhere, the only way to get is by getting a copy of this book, you know, I’m talking about the things in that book to people.
And so I’m sure you’re good at explaining it. You’re really good at how you, you know, you present the information. That’s what I like about you when you’re. Yeah, I was so the, the secret. I have a secret. The secret is I was really good at social studies in school. So I was, I was always that kid who remembered all the dates and all the names and all this stuff. And now fill, fill up the knowledge base with a whole bunch of different things and you start to connect the dots. You start to see the connections and you know, that’s why it’s important to support channels like yours and stuff like that.
Because you could give the listeners all the information, all the books that you’ve read, you can give it to them. Are they going to connect all the dots? Probably not. You know, I’m saying like there’s people who talk about this stuff and the reason it sounds easy and they’re, they’re making it sound a certain ways because that person is making you feel that way. Yeah. You know what I mean? They’re make. Because it’s again, it’s an art. There’s a way to go about it and you could be the smartest bribe interviewed people who are the smartest people, but they don’t know how to explain it.
They don’t know how to portray their ideas. And. And you’re dead in the water if you’re not able to efficiently portray the ideas. And no word salad. But I’m talking about efficiently being able to paint a picture in someone’s mind. Yeah. You gotta be able to grasp it, deliver good delivery. You know, I’ve always been a. A good. Definitely a good bullshitter. So that’s that New York thing. But I’m. I really. This is really my passion. So I try my hardest to, you know, teach people how to figure things out. And my one, the best thing probably with my people, they know I’ll never lie to them, bro.
I. I don’t believe in that. I don’t. I’m not gonna say something just to get views. I don’t care about none of that, you know, And a lot of people do do that, bro. They’ll say, they’ll say stuff even though they don’t believe in it. But just because it’s trending right now, it’s called being a shill. Yeah. When you, when you talk about something for some sort of. Bro. Well, you Know, the. A lot of the concepts that I talk about, I don’t necessarily believe them, but again, I’m coming at it from a scholarly point of view, as scholarly as I can, with a little bit of comedy mixing.
Because, honestly, that’s. That’s the alchemical secret where you mix in comedy into it, make it funny. So. Because I get. I get comments all the time. I get comments all the time where they’re like, bro, you know, I was locked in and you threw like a dick joke or something in there, and it just made me bust out laughing because I was in that trance of learning and taking knowledge, and then you come out with some stupid joke, and it made me. It made me laugh because I wasn’t expecting that. But that’s part of. That’s part of the delivery, you know, I’m saying, like, being able to have fun.
Don’t take yourself too seriously. You know, people get locked in and they take themselves too seriously and. And they start to blur everything out. No, no, relax. You know what I’m saying? We’re all in this together and. And back again to the whole thing, forming your own reality. You know, just chill out and look at the bigger picture. Because we’re. We’re. We’re all fighting the same fight. And as long as. When. Until we learn to come together and really, you know, put our heads together in the game, I don’t think it’s going to change. But I think they’re going still.
They’re taking advantage of it 100%. Oh, 100% they are. And, bro, you know, I take myself not serious at all. Like, me. Me and my people, I’ll watch some videos with them, right? Because I’ll find a new video. Like, oh, guys, we gotta watch this together. And then it’ll be an hour long. I’m back here on 700 milligrams of edibles, and by the end of the video, my people hear me snoring. I’m in the chair, out. Yeah, I really don’t care. Yeah, I saw you watching the. That girl today, and you’re like, she just really puts you in a trance, doesn’t she? Which one? The.
I. I’ve seen her channel before. The one that was talking about the Reptilians. Oh, Gigi. Yeah, she’s. She’s good at how she explains stuff, too. And she. She, like. She brings it from a whole nother angle. You know, the way she broke down Lemuria and what the Reptilians were. She. She’s. And then she’s not too. I mean, I’ve always been into melanated women myself and Spanish women, but she’s cute. She’s not terrible to look at. True Scrambler got me hip to her. Yeah, I’ve seen her before. It was through this other girl that I saw. And, yeah, I started watching her videos.
She started talking about some simulation stuff, which is also really fascinating. And then I was put on to her, but I don’t watch her videos regularly. But I saw that you. That you liked her on the video that you put out today. I watched it. It was really good, actually. That was a. Yeah, I thought that one was very good. I never. That was the first video I ever watched of hers. And I kind of. Because I don’t know, man. I usually don’t watch too many females. It’s nothing personal. I don’t know why I’m like that.
But her, like, I can sit there and listen to her. I think. I think the space needs more females, bro. It’s like a sausage fest right now. No, 100% it does. And I. I need to get. I need to branch out and give me a female co host. So you gotta do something, bro. And then sacred masculine, you know what I’m saying? Yeah. And I gotta get you on one of these round tables that I do here soon. We got a plan so you can call my show and. And we can chop it up. I got some really good people that I.
That I come on with. And I like the. I like the round tables, bro, because so many ideas are born on those round tables and connections that aren’t made or are made. And the most recent one I did was with. With Donut and the Dahmer thing, the werewolves. Because that’s also another fascinating topic video y’all did. Yeah, bro, that. That. That was crazy, bro. That was like one of the craziest episodes that I. That I’ve done. And Donut is so fun to podcast with, though. So are you. You know, it’s first time I did with you, but you’re just.
The conversation just flows. It’s like. It’s natural. You don’t have to. To try. And with Donut, it’s. It’s. I do podcasts with a lot of other people, and I’m pretty bad with interrupting, so I. I try to watch myself with that. You know, that’s something I’ve really tried to do better on, not interrupting people, because we all have our. Our little things. You know what I’m saying? I get excited and then I’ll interrupt But I do a podcast with one of my dad’s boys, and he just. He doesn’t understand that pass the ball back and forth.
Like, he just talks the whole way through. Yeah. And it’s not nothing that he’s doing to. To do it on purpose. He just doesn’t. Like you said, it’s a. It’s an art that you perfect, and you just got an art. You got to keep sharpening that sword and. And what you got to do is watch your videos back and be. You got to be able to take corrective criticism. Like, I asked my people, what. What. What do I do that bothers someone? And, you know, I have a bunch of my followers that follow me that I’m close friends with, that I talk to on the phone and stuff.
And, you know, I’ll tell them, be real with me. What’s something I do that annoys you? And then I try to fix that. Yeah, no, I. I’m always open for constructive criticism as well. And I. I always tell people, like, yo, give me feedback. So I got the telegram group 4. I’m on Instagram all the time, so send me a message like, yo, I didn’t like that, or whatever, or, hey, I got this information wrong, because that happens too late. I’ve had people hit me up like, oh, you got this wrong. But when you’re in that flow state, bro, when you’re going, and, you know, and I’m.
And I’m doing these big shows, I’m there too, bro. I’m there for a banger. You know what I’m saying? I’m there for the. For the, for the, for the. The greatest hits, the highlights. So sometimes, bro, it’s like rapid fire machine gun. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, bro. Some of the. Some of the ideas get discombobulated. You know, it’s part of the game. And some people don’t understand that. And. And I’ve been, you know, like, oh, you got this wrong. I was like, okay, I got that one piece wrong. Like, people, I do it all the time.
I’ll get a date wrong or something. Then I just come back on the next podcast. Hey, guys, I got that wrong. My apologies. I meant to say this, you know, and people understand. Real people understand. Like, dude, we’re not machines. I’m not some deep fake computer. People thought I was a. An AI. You know that, dude, they thought all the QANON people said, tommy, truthful is not even real, that you’re a construct. I’m a deep. I’m a. I’M a freaking AI simulation or some, bro. You know, you’ve talked. I’m a real person. I’ve done an episode on NPCs, and the one.
The really fascinating aspect is the Boltzmann brains, where the scientists are like, hey, this phenomenon should be more prevalent than it is. And what it is, is in the vacuum of. If you believe this is for the people who believe in space. For those that don’t. Well, but in the vacuum of space, there’s. There’s something called thermodynamic equilibrium. And what it says, it’s, you know, back to the. To. To the occult. What’s on Baphomet’s forearms, bro? Coagulate and dissolve. Well, atoms and particles are coagulating and dissolving constantly. And according to the thought experiment is that eventually these atoms will come together to form a fully.
A full human brain with a set of full memories, a whole life, a whole existence for one split second. Now think about it. What if you’re that Boltzmann brain that you lived an entire lifetime? Right now this lifetime is just a fabric of. As soon as it. All the neurons come together, boom, it just dissolves back into the nothingness because it can’t survive in the vacuum of space. So scientists say that that phenomenon is actually. Should be more prevalent than it is. So I. I do a publication. I have a. That’s weird. A comic book and a esoteric journal I call the Occultist Money.
You can find on my website the 101 podcast. And I do. I have a comic book too. The chosen one. I got Sam Tripling the next one. You can find that on my website. And I talk about. On the. On the last page, I play. If you’re a Boltzmann brain, send me an email, because what’s your website name again? I think all the links are in the description, but the juan onjuan podcast.com. and you can find all my links, all my. My patreons on there, all my stuff. And I got like, at the one on one podcast, but just put the dot com at it.
Guys. You see it right there. So that’s me. And this is a comic book about conspiracies, bro. I go hard in the paint. I got some fake ads here in the back. Inflatable moloch. Grow your own homunculus. This sort of thing. So I’m teamed up with Paranoid American, the guy I did the MK Ultra episode with. Paranoid American Comics. What. What’s he. I know I’ve seen him before, but I cannot put my Finger on. Where? My latest episode. He’s one of my co hosts. No, but does. Did he ever do other. Yeah, that’s where I seen him.
That’s where I seen him. I knew. I’m like, where did I see this dude at? But I can’t. I could not put my finger on it. He’s good though. So he does stuff like this, the Paranormal American pamphlet, where this is all about MK Ultra, bro. This is the entire history of MK Ultra and it’s just a bunch of like, there’s Fidel Castro, the mafia makes it to learn. Yeah, exactly. So again, it’s a different sort of medium for people to be able to ingest it. Because people don’t want to listen to a two hour podcast or a three hour podcast.
They want the highlights. So you give them the highlights. And that’s what I write about in my, my journal. I give them highlights about esoteric or occulted subjects that you wouldn’t otherwise hear about unless you were listening to my podcast or your show or whoever. Or donut show. We’ve been at 180 this whole time, though. You know, my people, I, I do six hour podcasts and they’ll stay in there almost the whole time with me. So not everyone’s like that, but a lot of people are. They, they want everything like fast food, you know what I’m saying? They can’t watch a video because you ever notice your videos that are 10 minutes and under do the biggest numbers? Yep.
Ain’t that so weird? And why the average person don’t stay on longer than a minute on most videos? Yeah, yeah. Some, again, it’s. It’s for different people, but some people don’t have the time. Some people don’t have the right jobs. They can’t listen to things while they’re. They’re on the job or whatever it is. And I get it, so why not? Hey, if you can’t, here’s like a Reader’s Digest, you know, leave it on your toilet or leave it on your coffee table or leave it. So every time you go sit down, oh, let me pick this up.
Let me learn about something about the occult or whatever it is. And I have people writing articles. What was that? I said the toilet is definitely a great place to have your little book right there. Send me, send me your info after the show so I can phone on the toilet. Guys, I, I was reading some about that. They say it’s really bad for, you know, like people that sit in the bathtub on their damn phone. Yeah, that Frequency goes right through. Through your body. Interesting. Yeah, I believe it. Do some paperwork on it. Dude, it’s.
It’s. It’s really bad. They say it’s bad for your heart. Yeah, I mean anything nowadays is bad for your heart. But send me your info after the show so I can send you a few comic books and a few journals too, so you can. You can have a copy. I know you got a. Another podcast to get to, so you. You let me real quick before you go. I just want to show the people I just did this blog, guys and put all his stuff over here on Tommy Truthful dot com. I’m gonna pin it right now and you guys can come over here.
It’ll. It’s his and Donuts video. Then the one he did with MK Ultra. Guys, you gotta watch this one. I put a couple things out of his podcast that I watched up there that I thought were very interesting. And you want to know something, Juan? 1947, that’s the year after Jack Parsons did the Babylon workings. And then Crowley dies that year. After he opens a portal. Aliens start to show up. Queen Elizabeth gets married. The government sets up the shadow government that merges into magic. You know about that, right? No. Oh, I gotta get you hip.
I’m gonna send you some links. We gotta do another one, bro. Yeah, but I got all your links down here. Is this all the right stuff? Yeah, the 101 podcast.com you can find me on YouTube. The one on one podcast. Any RSS feed, donuts channel your channel now. Yep. And Instagram. Your guys, he’s got a fire. YouTube. Take a minute out right now and go follow his YouTube channel. You know, I wish I could share it in the comments, but it’s not like Instagram or it’s not like. I’ll just put it in the description after. But yeah, brother, I appreciate you coming on.
Appreciate it, bro. So we’ll definitely do one on your platform too, so I can bring my people over there. Yeah, I definitely want to sit down with you and do a full deep dive on something. We. We’ll figure something out and we’ll. We’ll do them sooner than later. Yeah, we’ll get into some cloning. Let’s do it. All right, brother. Thank you, Tommy.