➡ The text discusses the power of thoughts and the spiritual world’s influence on them. It emphasizes the importance of discerning and controlling our thoughts, suggesting that negative thoughts are not our own but influenced by external forces. It also mentions the concept of humans being portals that can release either good or bad into the world. The text further discusses the potential power of rituals and the interconnectedness of the physical and spiritual worlds. Lastly, it touches on the concept of free will and how it can’t be forced, but changes in collective consciousness can influence the spiritual atmosphere.
➡ Emmanuel Swedenborg, a renowned scientist from the 1700s, began having spiritual experiences in his later years, which he documented. Despite ridicule from his peers, he continued to explore the intersection of the physical and spiritual worlds. The speaker suggests that regardless of whether we live in a simulation or a holographic universe, the ultimate truth is that God is in control. He encourages embracing this truth and not letting fear lead us away from it.
➡ The text discusses a dance performance that seemed to depict a man opening another dimension and wrestling with a demon. It also talks about CERN, the world’s largest particle physics laboratory, and its collaboration with artists to encourage creativity in research practices. British artist Suzanne Trister, known for her work exploring conspiracy theories, occult groups, and neuroscience, won an international award and will be a resident at CERN. The text ends with a conversation about not letting fear control our lives and focusing on love, kindness, and service to others.
Salutation. The truth about those spooky spirits in between are going to be revealed. I think that everybody’s got to know just the basics of the spirit world and how it affects you. Otherwise life is never going to make sense. You can look at devils as. These are spirits that are trying to cause you harm, which there really are out there. And actually, you’ve probably felt their influence a lot of times and not realized that that was what was happening to you. From a schoolboy and. Hello, my friends. Jacob’s here. One more time. Thank you for spending some quality time with me in this spooky holiday season.
Everybody’s getting ready for Halloween and there’s a lot more for us to discuss. Are you with the spirits? Do you get all spooked out with all the ghouls and the ghosts and the goblins on the channel? You know that I’ve talked about that world because this is the battle we’re in. We’re in a spiritual battle. We wrestle not against principalities and powers that are literally flesh and blood, but of the spirit world. And believe it or not, I actually have somebody coming on who is a friend of mine. We’ve known each other for, I don’t know, maybe, maybe four or five years or so.
I watched one of his videos years ago on demons, and I was like, he kind of gets it. His whole approach kind of gets it. He has a huge YouTube channel. It’s called off the Left Eye. And before, I was doing the show because we have a lot to talk about. Today. We got cern, today’s Dark Matter Days coming up. They have this huge event, Dark Matter Day. Unlike the darkest day of the year. Okay, how about them apples? Not only that, there’s a Hindu holiday called Dwali. It’s the Festival of Lights. If you saw my last video, you remember Loose, the new Vatican mascot that was just revealed.
It’s all about the lights. And we know that there’s a Lightbringer named Lucifer, but is this something that’s like from the movies? Is the spirit world really something you gotta get all freaked out about? I don’t know. Is the veil lifting over this Halloween spirit season? That’s why I got Curtis Childs here today from off the Left Eye. What’s up, Curtis? Say hi to everybody. Hey, everybody. What’s going on? Jacob, thanks so much for having me. It’s always great to see you, excited to get to talk about all these important things. Well, you’re. Listen, like, if there was somebody that I understood to be into the spirit world, the video that I saw, I mean, you, you have like.
I mean, you have like millions of views, especially on this topic. If you’re the guy, you’re the guy. So why are you the guy so much? How. Yeah, I think that everybody’s got to know just the basics of the spirit world and how it affects you. Otherwise life is never going to make sense. Now do you think, do you think, like when you. The word devil or demon? I’ve, I’ve taught about. This is one of the things that I do on my channel. We talk. Curtis and I also talk because Curtis is very, very skilled in the scriptures as well.
So we talk about this stuff. I always understood devils and demons to be spirits. Jesus said, my truth is spirit. My words are spirit and it is truth. So my truth that I speak is a spirit of truth. So then you would have devils. They would be. Is it like a spirit of deception or a spirit of lies? Is it more maniacal than that? Tell me what you consider a demon to be. Like, what is a devil? Yeah, so any one of us can become a devil. That’s actually what, that’s what you’re trying to watch out for.
So, so a devil is. There’s two ways to look at it. You can look at devils as. These are spirits that are trying to cause you harm, which there really are out there. And actually you’ve probably felt their influence a lot of times and not realized that that was what was happening to you. How would you feel it? How would you feel it? You start to get this urge to just cut this guy off in traffic. Or you ever see somebody get out of their car and start smashing someone’s windshield? Or you have somebody who gets enraged and shoots people up and that’s, that’s coming out of hell.
Yeah, that, that’s hell coming right through you. The, the, the, the root of what the devil is, is the, the love of dominating Other human beings. And if you. Yeah, he’s the father of all lies. Right? So. So, like, I look at possession as something that is, you know, people become possessed by these, these spirits, these devils, these demons. Can we put it in terms that people can understand? Like, could it possibly be like, you believe, like, people come over and they manipulate you and then you have a bunch of lies in your head? Because the father of all lies creates only lies.
So the demon would be the spirit of lies that the truth needs to set us free from. So how would you. How can you make people more aware of what, like, an evil spirit is and how to combat it? Yeah, you know, I’m thinking of. There’s a song by a band called Imagine Dragons. It’s called Demons, and it’s talking about is the beast inside. There’s nowhere we can hide. People always talk about, I’ve got to exorcise my demons. You’re talking about the kind of thoughts, the false thoughts that you have, the kind of evil desires you have that ruin your life.
It’s like, I gotta face my demons. So an awareness of what’s actually going on spiritually just takes that one step further, that there’s actually an influence from the spiritual world. That’s why that stuff pops into your head in the first place. Haven’t you ever, like, why am I thinking that about this person? Why can’t I let this go? Why am I sitting here and ruminating about, I can’t believe that person wrote that comment on YouTube. I’m going to kill. This is what I’m going to say to them. This is going to kill. Like, why is that happen? I don’t even want to be doing that.
And yet here I am, lying awake at night and I’m overcome with these fears and these anxiety. Where’s that coming from? Right, so that, that, that. That’s the demons. Where is that? Like, where, where is that? We know that it’s within us, right? So we know that because everything, everything that goes on is going on within us. Okay, but. Yeah, but where? What place? Where’s this coming? Where’s all that spooky, terrible, lying, deceptive, deceptive, making you feel bad about the fact that you ate too many Oreos the night before? Where’s that coming from? How did you know I did that? So, Jacob, as I understand it, and this is something that a lot of traditions say, we have a spirit and a body.
So you’re not just the meat sack that you’re in. So if you get. If you get hit by A bus tomorrow. Your consciousness lives on because you’re more than just your physical body. So your physical body is somewhere in the world. Right. Yours is where. Where you are. Mine’s in my studio. And we’re getting influenced by each other. Like, the things you’re saying are. Are making me think certain ways. The things I’m saying are making you think certain ways. So that’s the body side. Your spirit. Where’s your spirit? I get you. Your spirit. You’re talking like, almost like ghosts.
Yes, your spirit is somewhere as well. Just like you have a physical body in the physical world, you got a spiritual body that’s in the spiritual world. And just like you’re influenced in the physical world by the people that you hang out with and the newscasts that you hear and the advertisements that come at you, your spirit is influenced by the other spirits that are around you. So you’re hearing and being influenced by things that are going on in the spirit world. And that is what is affecting just about everything that you feel and think. So negative spiritual influences, that’s what we would call demons or devils.
And that’s literally those forces are close to your spirit. They’re not physically in the room with you. It’s a different. It’s a different dimension, however, it’s the consciousness dimension. So you can absolutely have. You can be surrounded by evil spirits, demons that want to do you harm, and you feel that as your feelings and your thoughts and your impulses. Right. And so the best way to combat it, the best way to combat it would be according to you. What do you think? Well, it’s got to be the Lord, like you think. You think I’m going to take those things on? I’ve tried that.
So now, you know, the funny thing is, is that, you know, I’ve seen people become enraged and crazy, and I knew that I could calm their hot tongue with truth love. Jesus did this all the time. You know, a lot of people, when they think of casting out devils and demons, they think of the movies. They think of, you know, what Halloween’s all about. They think of exorcists and everything else. And we’re going to be talking about CERN and them opening portals to other dimensions in a second. Because I want to ask your opinion on that.
Like, do you think that that’s possible? But before we get there, I understand that Jesus taught. He said very clearly, the truth will set you free. What does the truth set us free from? It’s the lies. You know, I’m. I gotta. I. You know, that person, I gotta get back at them or, you know, I’ll never get off the drugs or I’ll never stop drinking. And what’s the point? Point? You know, they keep calling me a failure. Why should I prove them right? All of these, it’s like there’s, you know, and everything that’s online right now is so just like, you know, we’re in the spooky season right now.
Yeah, yeah. Can that manifest through like say like your X app, you know, on the stream? So you think about it, everything that everyone’s posted on X is the stuff that was in their head. And the stuff that’s in their head is influenced by the spiritual world. So whatever’s going on in the spiritual world shows up in your feed, shows up in your mind. So in that way there is a, there is a chain and the truth sets you free. There’s different levels of truth that will set you free in different ways. There’s, there’s little truths like, yeah, I’m mad at this person, but I should forgive them.
You know, Jesus says you gotta forgive seven, seven times 70. But there’s bigger truths, which is, this is the level we’re getting at here, which is that’s not those thoughts that are driving you to try to try to plot revenge against this person. Understand what it is, those are not your thoughts. Right, right. Understand. To understand. I don’t have. Because anything that you feel like is yours, you immediately look at it differently, you embrace it, you have to explain it. But if I, this was what changed my life was to when I was a, you know, 20 year old guy struggling with depression, obsessive compulsive, all this stuff.
And I was getting nailed by these thoughts all the time. The thing that flipped that switch was for me to say, oh, these aren’t mine. Like I can look at these in the same way. Right now you’re saying it’s spooky season online. What everybody’s doing if they’re having to filter through so many messages. You get on your Facebook feed or X or whatever and you’ve got some people on the left, some people on the right, and they’re just all hitting you with these messages. Yeah, division. What you do is you have to look and say, do I really believe that person? Do I really think they know what they’re saying? And you got to discern.
Same thing with your, your phone. Every call you get basically is somebody scamming you. And you know, just by what it says, I’m not going to even pick that up. You got to do that with your own mind. Got to be smart. You gotta. Jesus said, what do you say? He said, you know, take control of your thoughts. You know, decide whether or not test the spirits to see if they be of God or not. And I years ago created this thing. I said, love is a litmus test. I said, you want to live your life right? Use love as your litmus test.
Am I feeling love right now? Then it’s not God. Get rid of it. If it’s not love, if it’s not bringing me thoughts of peace and joy and comfort, it’s not God. Get rid of it. You know, if it’s just shaming me all the time, say okay, I know if I have an issue with that, I’m going to be okay. Enough of that nonsense. Get rid of it. You take your thoughts captive. This is what it means. People don’t understand this because I believe the kingdom of heaven, like the scripture says, is within. So if the kingdom of heaven is within, then the spiritual battle that’s being waged is within.
That also means that I can rule and reign with Christ. Christ being the power and wisdom of God, I can rule and rain these negative thoughts. We’ve been given what, the power over scorpions to on snakes. And Paul shook it off. You know, you light a fire among a bunch of heathens and then a viper is going to come up and bite you. They’re going to say you can’t do that or whatever. I’m sure you get that a lot because just talking about this spiritual world in term, right. It’s. So I think of it as we need to take our thoughts captive.
But speaking of, we need to discern. I think it’s important that we should dis CERN right now. Dude, that’s a. That’s quite a segue pun. Their logo actually is like a 666. It’s a spooky thing. They’re they on their campus. I don’t know if you know, CERN is the. The Great Collider. Yes. And it’s known to be built on the. The Apollyon Temple, which is the Apollyon had the key to the bottomless pit. They’re doing an event right now, you know, on Halloween called Dark Matter Day. Okay. So it just seems spooky. I’m going to actually, toward the end of the video, I’m going to throw to a video that I did God years and years ago about their resident artist that in 2018 was all about the occult, Crowley, the Illuminate it was strange to have this, you know, organization.
They’ve done all these videos. Did you, do you remember back when we met, they did like a fake mock ritual where they did like a sacrifice where the resident students came in and they filmed it and released it online, almost like on purpose. That’s not normal. Right. So my question to you, this is what I really want to know and everybody wants to know is could they open up something and release hell or. Stop worrying. Yeah. Okay. So the, the way that hell gets released into the world is only through human beings. So each of you are, each of us are potentially either a portal where that’s releasing heaven into the world or that’s releasing hell into the world.
Right. I don’t, they’re not going to be able to, regardless of the technology, be able to open the fabric of space time and connect hell to here. Because the, the, there’s a, there’s discrete degrees so it’s non continuous between what’s physical and what’s spiritual. So hell’s already here. The good news is they can’t do it. The bad news is hell’s already here. It’s in you, it’s in me. And the thing that’s going to tip it is what each of us are doing with our own hearts and mind. That’s not to say that there isn’t spiritual power in rituals.
There’s going to be. The biggest ritual is going down tomorrow. The biggest ritual is Halloween. Yeah. I mean, and. Right. And there is a lot of spooky stuff that happens on All Hallows Eve. Right. And it’s, and there’s historical reason for that. Do you think that somehow people could come together and summon like a change in leadership, like the witches that were cursing Trump at the moon? I do. Okay. Human beings can affect each other. Like you. Absolutely. And the physical world and the spiritual world, like I said, they’re very connected. So what we’re doing here and what they’re doing there on that side, those things when they converge can be very powerful.
As far as the details of like what, what they can do or can’t do. I, I think that everybody’s got a box of free will in their heart and, and the free will, nobody can crack that. Even God won’t crack that safe. So nobody’s going to like force you to vote a certain way or, or something. However, like changes in consciousness on a wide scale affect sort of like the spiritual atmosphere. You think about like the, what people thought differently 100 years ago than they do today. It’s because the nature of the general spiritual world around us changes as people change.
So you can affect each other, but you can’t force each other to do anything. Right now you come from the Swedenborg Organization, the Foundation. What is it? What is this place? So he’s like, he’s kind of a big time smart guy, if anything, about the spiritual world and the physical world and how they intersect. If you’re interested in that. You’ve got to know about Emmanuel Swedenborg because he was this convergence of science and spirituality and stuff before. It was cool. He was, he’d be great at cern. They would love him at cern and he would have, he could have got a job there if he wanted.
So Swedenborg was one of the most famous world renowned scientists in all of Europe in the mid-1700s. Was mining engineer, inventor, everything nobleman, Renaissance person. Kind of like a Leonardo da Vinci type guy. And then he started to have spiritual experiences in his 50s and he started to write them down and everything now that people are discovering with near death experiences and like all that stuff that we’re now getting into. He was doing that back in the day. So much so that like the Christian church of his day put him on trial. Because, you know, they’re like, this is what you can’t do, this reputation.
All the scientists, everyone made fun of him. They said, look, there’s, there’s, there’s no such thing as a spiritual world, you idiot. Right. But you know, I’ve learned, I’ve learned, Curtis, that a lot of people, they say that they believe in God and they say that, but they really don’t or they’d live their life differently, you know? Yeah. And, and I see people doing it all the time. Like I’ll do a video and I’ll, I’ll talk about something that I know to be true. And I know that if they embrace it, it’s going to make their life better and everything else, but because they have their ingrained idea of what they think their God is, you know, small, right? Very small and brutal.
It’s the, I call it the Jesus Barabbas religion. You know, it’s. Who do the people want? Do they want, you know, the one that says, you know, forgive if they tell you to walk a mile. Walk too. If they ask for your coat, give them your gloves too. You know, they don’t want that. They want the revolutionary. They want the guy who says Jesus King. Right, right. Don’t give me that Wimpy, wimpy, love your kumbaya. But yet there’s real strength in the power of our thoughts. See, that’s the thing is that I know. Do you believe this? Like, I know that with faith I can come on and I can say to people, you know, things are going to go a different way because if I have a little bit of faith, I can see it go that.
Like I’ve been actively trying to. Because I understand how the spirit world works, right? I. My channel, I always say, don’t judge the fishermen by the bait, has been to draw in people that think these things and then show them the way out, you know, and the way to freedom, which it’s always been within. We have power over our thoughts. That’s why, you know, this whole thing with CERN and everything else they may actually be, I mean, they are literally opening up dimensions. They are creating black holes. There is a lot of spooky stuff attached to it, as I’m going to show in this video that I did.
It’s freaky, but in the grand scheme of things, whose world are we in? Who’s in charge? You know, like, even if, even if we’re in a simulation, some people say we’re in a simulation. Some people think, you know, and it’s an interesting thing because the scriptures say that, that we’re in the place of the dead and Adam, all men die. That we’re on a server, that all the data has been collected from, from whenever it’s been attached to AI and now we think we’re alive, but we’re really AI. And then I, I say to people, how cool is that? We’d literally be living in the place of the dead, right? And we’d literally.
And for thousands of years we could be trapped in this place until one day we’re set free and we’re made in the image of God. Because who, who says that God can’t influence everything. Everything is God. So people get freaked out about Halloween. They get freaked out about ghosts, they get freaked out about ghouls. But in the end, it’s really about lies and truth, you know, and what, what’s, what’s. The most common commandment in the scriptures is don’t be afraid, fear not. Because fear is the tool used by hell to get you caught up in stuff that’s going to lead you away from being set free.
It’s going to lead you away from the truth. Now, when, when your wife watches this, apologize for the whole simulation reference and us being on a server. I’ll. Look, he didn’t mean it. Yeah, I’m making. I’m making. What I’m saying is I’m making, I’m making a case for the fact that if your foundation is on Christ it doesn’t matter what reality becomes. What if they find out tomorrow we are on a server? What if they find out what Stephen Hawking and Herzog said on his post mortem thesis where that we are a holographic universe living on the horizon of a black hole as a bunch of ones and zeros.
That’s what Stephen Hawking says that this is a hologram projected from information. That’s all we are is information. The guy who was the head guy for Barack Obama, the scientific division, James Gates is his name, he said that he used mathematics to look at reality and he reduced it down to what, a Google browser code. The code for Google. And he. And that’s that famous video where he says to Neil DeGrasse Tyson, we are in the Matrix. The Bible even says that we’re in the Matrix. Right. So tell your wife that. I just like science fiction.
I, I think, look, there’s so many things that are, are we’ve even discovered that everybody knows are true about reality that are mind blowing. Even just the idea that there’s, there’s atoms and string theory and all, it’s just all very weird and it’s very out there. That. And you don’t. Right. People can be worried about like who’s running things? Are we on a server? Who’s in charge of that? Any of that could be true and who cares? Because as long as you know the truth of all truths is that God is in charge of this. And God’s intent is to care for you, provide you a hope and a future like everything is.
You believe God would ever give up on you? Why, why would love do that? Why would love do. And why would love and power want to do that? No, like that. That’s the kind of message. That’s the Barabbas religion. That’s the Barabbas religion. Do what I say, believe as I believe or off with your head. That’s not, that’s not how love acts. That’s not how love. You hear about if there’s a character in a movie who is like well you didn’t live up to my expectations or you’re out of here. And then there’s another character who says no matter what you do, I’m going to be here for you.
I’m going to lead you out. Which one do you admire more? Which one is more like you’d think a divine being would be I do believe. I do believe that we are living in a time very much like the scriptures playing out. The story of Trump is almost like Nebuchadnezzar returning Moses in Egypt. It’s like the flood has come, set my people free. It seems like we’re in such an interesting time. And there were always sorcerers in the land. You know, Magi. The Magi, they were the magicians. They were sorcerers. Moses, he beat the sorcerers in a match.
So my point of saying this is, I want. Stick around and watch this with me so we can finish the end of the show. Yeah. But check out this video that I did in 2008. This is freaky. Whatever. You know, it sits. Same thing with those gloves. Same thing with all around us, you know, symbols. They have power in witchcraft, that is in the occult. That is another reason why they hired this artist. I’m sure. I’m not sure. I don’t know. I’m just saying. I’m just putting pieces together here. Salutation on all points of the triangle, respect to the order.
Straight away, we’re into the images of Crowley from a. From a schoolboy and a youth of Revelation. There is the only temple to Apollyon. Cern was built on the Apollyon temple. And the. Who is Apollyon in the Book of Revelation? It’s. It’s the angel, the messenger that was given the key to the bottomless pit that opens up the bottomless pit that there’s no. Which is sort of what they’re doing, if you think about it. And there’s actually a great picture where they actually have that key. And then you factor into the fact that, you know, just a couple of years ago, the whole world was up in arms because they, the visiting, you know, scientists or students or whatever, put on, like, a mock human sacrifice.
And then you add that with the fact that their mascot, which was a beautiful gift, right, was Shiva, the goddess of destruction and renewal. Remember that great dance, they put a symmetry, which was about a man opening up another dimension and, you know, collider going haywire. Next thing you know, it’s wrestling with, like, what seems to be, I don’t know, some kind of a ghoulish demon. And then you factor into the equation the Gothard Tunnel, which was. If you know anything about that, it was just like the most crazy. You would say, you would think Satanic on the outside.
You would look at it. You say, these are people that are worshiping Pan or worshiping Baphomet or worshiping the Antichrist. Because. And the fact that CERN the Collider was actually featured on their big, you know, Jumbotron right before time was stopped and then spun backwards and a dimension was open and spooky spirits came out. That’s, you know, the art that was portrayed while the world leaders stood there and applauded. So weird, man. The world that we’re living in is so weird. So you start to add all this stuff up and you say, well, maybe there’s something to it.
So I stumble upon this article about this really cool artist who is now going to be their spring resident. Two, the Order of the Knights of the Holy Grail. Three. The Order of the Illuminati. So let me read this to you. Okay? CERN is the largest particle physics laboratory and home of the most powerful particle accelerator. Even though they’re making one that’s like so much bigger, that’s another thing. That’s crazy. But whatever. The Large Hadron Collider lhc, not only is CERN smashing particles together at close to the speed of light, it’s also committed to exploring connections and collaborations between artists and scientists.
They’ve been doing this a lot lately in an effort to encourage artistic curiosity and creative perspectives applied to research practices. The Kolide International Award is a three month residency program. The program runs in collaboration with UK’s foundation of Arts Creative Technology, FACT, which fully funds a two month stay at CERN and an additional month at FACT headquarters in Liverpool. A jury comprised of art and science experts named British artist Suzanne Trister the winner of the international award. Now, her body of work, it’s sort of interesting. Take a look. The in taken has mankind that knowledge of tree, the of fruit, the of out bite biggest thee is cybernetics.
Trister’s body of work includes Hexen. Yeah, that’s right, hex. And yeah, 2.0, a historical. Let me read this to you because now I’m sure they’re not into the. They’re not into the occult at all. But yeah, this is the artist they get. Hexen 2.0. A historical profile instantiated in a deck of tarot cards of post World War II federal scientific research programs of mass mind control and the counterculture of grassroots resistance. Which is interesting. Like March for Our Lives. I knew there was going to be a tie in somewhere in 1995. Now get this. In 1995, because, you know, we talk about the time travel at CERN a lot.
We talked about how, you know, actually scientifically, factually, they have actually sent data back in time. It’s possible. And now that we know that gravitational waves exist, that means other dimensions exist. That means we can get into time. So they probably already been. That’s probably what the Mandela Effect is about. I’ve done videos on that. I don’t know this for a fact. I’m just an author who’s putting the pieces together for all of you. You tell me. So, actually, in 1995, this is interesting. Suzanne Trister created the fictional alter ego Rosalind Brodsky, a delusional time traveler who believes herself to be working at the Institute of Miltronics and Advanced Time Interventionality.
I M A T I in the 21st century. Amati is an independent research institute with the government and corporate clients based in South London. Okay. Consisting of drawings and. And interventions. And a film. Yeah, I saw some of the films, but they’re not a cult at all either. And it’s not like Alex Crowley is, you know, heralded as something of importance in her body of work either. Straight away, we’re into the images of Crowley from a. From a schoolboy and the youth. To all whom it may concern. Greetings and help. It has the ability, when appearing in a photograph, to look out at the viewer, making a lot of people feel quite uncomfortable with images because they do appear to have the strength to look back.
Let me just read this little more. Hexen 2039 reveals links between conspiracy theories, occult groups, Chernobyl, witchcraft, the US film industry, British intelligence agencies, Soviet brainwashing, behavioral control experiments of the US army, and recent practices of its civil affairs and psyops psychological operation command. In light of alarming new research in contemporary neuroscience. That’s the description of her work, which she says is based on fact. I mean, I don’t even know what else to say. I don’t know. I don’t know. What are they doing? What are they doing, Curtis? What are they doing over there? Yeah, well, listen, man, people.
People are doing freaky stuff. And certainly, like. Certainly like Swedenborg talks extensively about how there’s this thing called correspondences, which is this is the way that the physical world interfaces with the spiritual world. And you can do things in the physical world that affect the connection between two of them. So you can, for example, have certain rituals where you put things in certain ways that can have an impact. It can. And he talks a lot about nefarious people. Once they learn the rules of how spiritual things work, they will abuse that in order to create negative results.
So I’m not saying they can’t. Here’s a spooky Here’s a spooky thing to think about for Halloween. Spooky. Yeah. Because you think about. Think about it for a second. Think about, like, everybody. The battle of Armageddon. Where are we all. It’s all happening right now. It’s all. It’s always happening right now. I think that the. I think that all this spooky stuff is. Is fun to contemplate, but I’m not too concerned. I’m not too concerned. I think that God’s gonna do some great things in the world, and I don’t think that we need to really worry so much.
I think what we need to do is get our lives back on track. Loving our families, putting our families first, being kind to our neighbors, doing what we can to serve. Because the greatest of all is not those that sit down and are served, but the ones that are doing the serving, you know? Yeah. And I thank you for doing all the serving you’ve been doing, because I’m glad I’ve known you for this long. And it’s nice to finally have you here on, you know, because this took weeks to organize. Right. It was just like, we had to match up our calendars and.
Yeah, we literally talked about it, and I said, I don’t even know what we’re going to talk about. We’ll figure it out. And we went. We went like that. That’s the way. That’s the way it is in the spirit. Well, I think it’s a great. It’s a great message that you have. You’re trying to get people not to be afraid. And I think as soon as fear goes beyond being useful, then you got to jettison it. So there’s a certain amount of concern over what’s happening that you can have if it gets you alert, if it gets you active, but as soon as it starts to become debilitating and pulls you away from doing what you’re talking about, loving your family, being a good person, trusting in God, then you can tell, okay, this isn’t useful.
It means it’s not from God. Things that are from God are useful. So I think it’s a good mission you’re on to. Yes, we got to address these things, look into them. But if they’re ruining your ability to live a happy, useful life, you can get rid of it. You got to get rid of it. You got to get rid of it. You got to shake it off. You got to shake it off. Just like God Poor called it, you gotta shake it off. That’s right. And Taylor Swift Yeah, right. And Taylor Swift. All right, well, listen, how is everybody gonna find you besides the link that I put in the description of the video, which, by the way, this is still my merch.
If you want to support the channel, you know where to go. All the stuff is in the description of the video. You can get all the stuff. It’s fun and it helps me because 100 viewers, well, almost 100, I’d say, like, I’d probably, like, say, like 80% viewers support it because YouTube’s not. I’m sure you feel what I’m talking about, Curtis. Yeah, but so thank you for all that you do find off the Left Eye on YouTube. All the links will be in the description below. Thank you, Curtis, for coming on, and I’ll talk to you soon, buddy.
Bye. Thanks for having me.