➡ The text discusses a historical event in the Mormon church where two men, Sidney Rigdon and Brigham Young, were vying for leadership. Rigdon was unwell and unimpressive, while Young was charismatic and strong. A story emerged years later that Young had transformed into the image of the previous leader, Joseph Smith, during his speech. The text also delves into the controversial practice of polygamy, with Young having over 50 wives, and the belief that men needed multiple wives to reach heaven. The text also mentions the societal pressure and expectations on women in polygamous marriages to bear children.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including dressing up, family dynamics, and religious beliefs. They question the concept of hell and atonement in their former church, and mention the importance of record-keeping in religious institutions. They also compare the Vatican and the Mormon archives, suggesting the Vatican might hold more secrets due to its age and broader focus.
➡ The text discusses the possibility of a connection between the Catholic and Mormon churches, suggesting they might be part of a global order due to their ties with intelligence organizations. It also delves into the practices of these churches, highlighting differences in their rituals and beliefs. The text further explores the history and evolution of the Mormon church, suggesting it has changed over time to adapt to societal trends. Lastly, it touches on controversial topics like blood and sex magic, and the alleged use of a blood amulet by Brigham Young, a prominent figure in Mormon history.
➡ The text discusses the speaker’s experiences and observations as a former Mormon. They talk about various practices and beliefs, including the significance of a centuries-old blood amulet, the use of canes made from coffins, and the importance of unquestioning obedience. The speaker also mentions the church’s love for popular culture like Harry Potter and Star Wars, and their unique practices around holidays like Halloween.
➡ The speaker discusses the changing attitudes and practices within the Mormon church, noting that they have become more progressive over time. They mention the church’s past restrictions on things like tattoos and coffee, and speculate about future changes, such as altering the traditional garments. The speaker also discusses their personal experiences with the church and their views on its leaders, particularly Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. They express a belief that Smith was more inclusive and progressive than Young, who they describe as racist.
➡ The speaker discusses the differences between Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, suggesting that Smith was more interested in women than wealth, unlike Young. They also discuss the possibility of exploring topics like witchcraft and the craft of Mormonism in future discussions. The speaker also mentions some controversial aspects of Mormonism, such as its ties to Hitler and the Vatican, and the secretive nature of some of its rituals. They end by suggesting that the next topic of discussion could be the “Wizarding World of Joseph Smith” and the magical aspects of Mormonism.
➡ This text seems to express a struggle with conflict and misunderstanding, possibly in a competitive environment. It suggests a desire for peace and understanding, but also acknowledges the presence of hostility and negativity. The speaker appears to be asserting their strength and resilience in the face of these challenges.
➡ The text discusses the complexities of polygamy in the Mormon community, focusing on the struggles and conflicts among wives. It also touches on the historical figure Brigham Young, his role in American expansionism, and his influence on the establishment of Salt Lake City. The text further delves into the concept of ‘bleeding the beast’, where some Mormons exploit state resources for their large families. Lastly, it mentions the controversial issue of underage marriages within the community.
➡ The text discusses the relationship between the Mormon Church and Freemasonry. It suggests that being a Freemason might be a prerequisite for rising in the Mormon Church, similar to learning basic concepts before tackling advanced ones. The text also discusses the belief that the Mormons have the only true form of Freemasonry, which they believe was corrupted in Solomon’s time. The conversation also touches on the use of Freemasonic symbols in the Mormon Church, such as on their clothing, and the secrecy surrounding these symbols.
➡ The text discusses the concept of Melchizedek, a priesthood in the Mormon faith, and the role of women in it. It highlights the second anointing, a ritual where a woman gives the final blessing in their home, which is unusual in a male-dominated priesthood. The text also delves into the history of the Mormon faith, including the controversial practice of polygamy, and the construction of the Salt Lake City temple. It ends with a discussion on the origins of ancient writings and the possibility that they originated in the Americas.
➡ This text discusses the complex dynamics of polygamy, particularly in the context of Mormon culture. It explores the potential benefits and drawbacks for women in these relationships, and the societal implications of such practices. The text also delves into the controversial topic of eugenics, and the potential misuse of DNA testing services like 23andMe. Lastly, it touches on racial discrimination within the Mormon community, particularly against people of African descent.
➡ The text discusses various beliefs and interpretations within Mormonism, including the concept of different curses and their origins, the role of Adam as God, and the idea of multiple inhabited planets. It also touches on the questioning and challenging of these beliefs, and the confusion that can arise from the complexity and contradictions within them.
➡ In 1857, a tragic event known as the Mountain Meadows Massacre occurred, led by John D. Lee, the adopted son of Brigham Young. This event involved the killing of a large number of women and children who were part of the Fancher party, non-Mormons traveling through Mormon territory. The Mormons were upset about people passing through their land and tensions were high. After the massacre, children under eight were taken as slaves, and the belongings of the victims were kept by the Mormons.
➡ John D. Lee, son of Brigham Young, tricked a wagon train into giving up their weapons by promising them safe passage. After they were disarmed, they were attacked and killed. This was done under false pretenses, as they were led to believe they were safe. The children under the age of 8 were spared as they were considered innocent, while the rest were killed.
➡ The text discusses a historical event where Brigham Morris Young, son of Brigham Young, performed in drag during the 1900s. This was confirmed by a fact check from Snopes, which found a picture of Young dressed as Madame Petrini. The text also mentions that Young was able to convincingly perform in a falsetto voice, leading some audience members to not realize Petrini was Young. The discussion ends with a humorous suggestion for a new reality show featuring descendants of Brigham Young competing in a drag race.
And if it’s just you, then I’ll get the Heidi version of Brigham Young and to get. Just to get it out of the way ahead of time. You mean Brigham Young. Am I right? Okay, I did. I did the thing. It’s the joke writes itself. How you doing? Are you. Are you excited for Brigham Young today? I am. I am. I’m excited. And I get my new car today, so. Yay. What are the other pleasures of being an ex Mormon? Right? Because if you’re Mormon, you’re not allowed to own cars. Or is that just Amish? No, that’s the Amish.
Yeah. No, we’re good. Potato, potato, whatever. They like their material things, actually, you know that from the Mormon mob. Well, that’s one of the things that I like about them. Well, I might convince you today to not be a Mormon because there’s some heavy things you might have to live up to if you’re gonna do it. Okay, well, okay, so that actually starts out on a good track here, because my understanding is that Mormonism is kind of Joseph Smith. And as we learned in the last episode, even after people start criticizing Joseph Smith and deconstructing the man, there’s an idea that, well, God did talk to him because he had these divine thoughts, and he was able to translate this thing and everything else.
You just don’t worry about that. Like, just focus on the God part. That’s a good part. And to me, Brigham Young is sort of just an extension of that, even more so. And let me open it up to a question, because this is something I just only don’t know. Is Brigham Young a prophet, too? Like, did he talk to spirits? So every prophet for the church since the beginning and every prophet sustained after Joseph in the Mormon Church. Now, remember, there’s lots of Mormon Church branches which we’ll get in today because this caused it. But anyways, whoever sustains them, they say they are a living prophet, seer and revelator.
So even the prophet now, he is a living prophet, talking to God every day, whenever he wants to. That’s what they do. And he hears back, like, if he says, yo, God, are you there? And God texts him back and he doesn’t leave him on red. Yeah. Nope, nope. They believe in direct revelation. It’s not dead like the Catholics believe or other religions believe. There’s a certain timeframe where all, you know, direct interaction with God kind of stopped. And. And Mormons definitely do not believe that. So, okay, so. So bring them young and every other prophet after him.
And I’ll keep saying it like that just because it’s. It sounds that way. So they talk directly to God, to the big. Does he have any influence in the Book of Mormon, or is that all Joseph Smith? No, no, no. The Book of Mormon was divinely written. So he says that that was all given to him magically. Like, perfectly magically. And so this was all divinely inspired. Divinely written, divinely. Everything is divine that comes from the prophets. However, here we go. Here’s the slippery slope of the Mormons. They like to say, well, the prophet’s only a man.
The prophet’s a man, and he can be wrong. So we end up with this thing called the Journal of Discourses. And this is extremely important for anyone that doesn’t. If you’re an eczema or Mormon, you probably know about this. So Momos and Xmos, they know the Journal of Discourses is the books, many volumes of many things. They are. Are like, put together, kind of like scriptures, like JOD, Journal of Discourses 13:2 or whatever. And these are all the things that they really hate that people said. So they just take them out and say, yeah, we don’t want to deal with that anymore.
So that’s where it goes. It’s convenient. It is, yeah. Because when they want people to listen, they say, well, the prophet talks directly to God, and he’s the prophet, seer and revelator. But when they mess it up, they’re like, wow, the prophet’s only a man. So that goes in this other book. So don’t listen. I mean, if I can just be devils or I guess Joseph Smith, advocate in this case, I sort of understand that, though, right? Because if you’re saying that the prophet was just a man, then anyone saying the prophet was a man is also a man.
So anyone that you encounter in the Mormon church ever. Unless they’ve had been second anointed, I assume. But anyone else you talk to, they are prone to the same failures as even a prophet would be. So why not fudge and change the stories as needed? Because if the ultimate goal is to get the divine voice of God or the divine message which transcends human language, then who cares if you take a story out or you change a frog into a salamander, you do any of those things. As long as the end goal is that they get to do the secret handshake through the veil, right? Yeah, well, I mean, they.
They get to make the rules. I know that. So we’re going to run into this today specifically, not so much for Joseph, but more for Brigham. Because Brigham wasn’t a charismatic or so suave like Joseph was. He was a rules with the fist kind of guy. He was coming in in a mess, taking charge and saying this is how it’s going to be. And that’s kind of what Brigham’s known for. And so eventually a lot of things that Brigham says gets washed under the rug by the next prophet after him. And then that prophet’s like, well, brother Young is dead now, and that was then and this is now and la di da.
And this is what we’re doing at this point because he made a lot of problems for the church. I like, I like how the leaders of the church, again from a Roman Catholic perspective, where everything’s like divine decree and you almost feel like you’re not even allowed to interact with this other than thou person. But when it comes to Mormonism, it’s almost just like getting bounced around babysitters or something where it’s like, I don’t care what your last babysitter did. This is how we do it. But it’s. It’s a little bit less official, a little bit more informal.
Did. Did Brigham Young have any words about Joseph Smith when he came in that was like a screw what this guy was about, or did he continue from where Joseph Smith left? Yeah, he continued from where Joseph Smith left. But I will tell you this. He added ad. Added and added. He was. And he did curse Joseph Smith’s wife to hell. So his first. Which one? Okay, yeah, I knew it was coming. And because she was not a supporter of him or so Joseph. When Joseph died, there was a big mess because Joseph had been making lots of promises, as one does to lots of people, including his cousin, Sidney Rigdon, which he made a promise that possibly Sydney was going to start leading the church.
But then he told Brigham, Brigham was in the position in the quorum of the twelfth presidency, that he should be the next one because they have this whole like, division of like how it goes down the line. And so at that point he also had told everyone that his son was going to lead the church. Problem is his son was 11. And so this left a huge disaster. And the problem with Sidney Rigdon was Sidney Rigdon. Well, maybe he wasn’t a cousin. That was Oliver Cowdry. Sidney Rigdon was close with him though. Sydney Rigdon’s daughter made a huge issue with Joseph Smith right before he died.
So there was some ties that kind of got broken there because he wanted to marry his daughter. And she was like, nah, bro. And he was like, well, you’re gonna go to hell then. And she was like, bring hell. She did not care. She was like, I’m, I’m not. I would rather go to hell than be married to you. So there was that. And so it made a big problem between the two of them, obviously, if they’re bros, right? Like bros before hoes. But that didn’t work when it’s your kid. So like he moved away. He’d kind of distanced himself.
He didn’t like say anything bad about the church, but when all this was going on, he got sick. He. He was not feeling well. Sydney Rigdon. And. And so when he showed up to this kind of like a presidential debate about this whole situation, because they’d already all said, Emma’s going to hell. She’s taking her 11 year old kid. We don’t care about her. She doesn’t endorse polygamy. Let her go to hell. So she’s over there. That’s how the RLDS forms. The other two are fighting for this stance of like, who’s going to be the guy? And so basically they gave speeches and got up there and started like, like really like a presidential speech deliverance, right? Like, hey, I’m the candidate, vote for me.
But there’s some things that apparently happened during this speech. Number one, Sidney Rigdon wasn’t feeling well. He felt sick. And he came in looking sick. And he just wasn’t charismatic or great like he normally was. He normally was like that. He looked like weakness and bad. And then we got Brigham with his like, rah, rah, rah, I’m the guy. So he’s kind of like this powerful guy, but also people making it sound like like a Trump versus Biden debate a little bit serious. It was, it was. And then all of A sudden all these people in the crowd.
Now this is, I don’t know what to make of this. This is a story within the Mormon church that wasn’t documented because, because it was too holy to document apparently. I love this when they do this. But nine years later, somehow it gets documented that they, all these people in the crowd saw Brigham Young turn into Joseph Smith. Before their eyes, he transfigured. So I mean it sounds like, you know, Jesus of Nazareth. It was so miraculous. They were like, this is so holy. Let’s wait about 30 years before anyone writes anything about this. Yeah, so it was bad.
So I’ll tell you, like all of a sudden all these people are coming up with that also. A big part of it is, you know, they, the other guy, Rigdon really wasn’t part of the whole like let’s do polygamy thing. And you’ve got all these guys that already have been tasting a little bit of this. Let’s have 10 wives, 20 wives. Do you know how many wives Brigham Young had? See, I cheated. I looked it up. It was, it’s north of 50, 55. So the whole point of polygamy, and I want to tell you guys this, he, he believed in marrying family and he married both his mother in laws.
So he banged both his mother in laws. Okay, well let me, let’s actually clarify on that. If you marry a Mormon man, is it guaranteed you’re putting out for him or, or is there like you just sign an extra wife up because you need help with the laundry? So here’s the thing. I truly believe most of the time it’s sexually related because you’re supposed to go forth and procreate and replenish the earth. This is the whole point of having polygamy. And the problem is our man Brigham, he failed miserably at this. Because I’m going to tell you something like my brother in law came.
He is Warren Jeff’s nephew. He had three wives when, well he, his mom’s when he was little. And by the time he was like 12, there was over 40 kids. Now there’s 12 wives. He doesn’t even know how many brothers and sisters he has. That’s procreating, replenishing the earth. Brigham Young had 55 wives. Did you check how many kids? How many? 57, bro. You failed. I don’t, I mean maybe in the short term, but over a longer period of time, if any of those 57 end up themselves having like 40, then it’s all kind of the same in the end.
I Think, but you know that he has all these chicks he’s supposed to be knocking up all the time and he’s having one night stands basically less than that with some because some really never did procreate. So it’s kind of interesting to me. He had favorites, he played favorites, and everyone knew it and he did not hide it. He had certain wives that he took with him everywhere that he liked way better than other wives. I mean, even if you’ve got 55 husbands, I feel like you would develop a preference for your top three or top five at least.
Sure, yeah, he definitely did. And I, I’d like to bring this quote to the table since we’re talking about marrying. He said this, I believe in sisters marrying brothers and brothers having their sisters for wives. This is something pertaining to our marriage relation. The whole world will think what an awful thing it is, what an awful thing it would be if the Mormons just say, we believe in marrying brothers and sisters. So that’s one of the quotes I bring to the table. Let alone knowing that he married his mother in laws, all the things that he liked to do there.
Unfortunately, this is going to kill your hope of being a Mormon because he does say, the only men who become gods, and even sons of gods are those who enter into polygamy. Others attain unto a glory that may be permitted to come into presence of the father and son, but they will never reign as kings in glory. They had blessings offered unto them and they refused, refused to accept them. So also he said, if you weren’t married by 23, you were a menace to society. That sounds right. Well, but again, with the same justification, can’t, couldn’t I just be like, well, that was then and this is now.
I mean, that’s what they try to say. But I will tell you, like, he also says fun things like this. I have no wife whom I have loved so well that I would not put a javelin through her heart with clean hands. Amen. So there’s that. But I will tell you, this is the split. This is the split eventually in the future with the Warren Jeff’s clan. This is why they held true to the, the whole situation of polygamy, because they truly believe if you do not have three wives, you are not going to heaven. And they don’t care who says what after that because it’s part of the original Joseph doctrine.
So they’re not down. They’re like, no, no, we’re not doing that. And that’s why they left. What if you’re infertile or you’re beyond the age of being able to reproduce. Are you just like, are you going straight to hell? Basically? No, no. You still got to get married though. You still got to get married. So. But. So you would still get married even if it were known that you. There was no chance that you would ever produce a kid. So then what’s your role in Mormonism at that point? Are you two. Two things happen in reality.
The polygamy. I’ll explain. Like if they don’t have kids, they’re really shunned. I knew a lady that was the third wife and she was the youngest wife. And the youngest wife. There’s jokes in Mormonism. They say, okay, what does your oldest wife do? She stays home with the kids. What does your second wife do? She goes to work. What does your third wife do? She makes babies. So, okay, so when you can’t make the babies, she had had her uterus completely burst during her pregnancy and no more babies can come. So she had one and it was a one and done and she was shunned and really looked down upon in the community.
She did go get a job and she did bring in money for the family, which they do. But yeah, it was really, really bad. As the youngest wife, and you can almost guarantee there’s another one coming down the line because you. The second wife, when that happens, there’s a second wife, is she like, well, I guess I’m leaving my job now. Like, does she just know that she’s going to be like the stand in. Well, I mean, it all depends on their family dynamics. It’s really not like first, second, third. That’s kind of an example. But they always continue to have babies clear until they cannot have babies anymore.
Like one is not let off the hook. They’ll have babies like triplets. Like three come at a time. All three different wives. I don’t have an intention to be crude here. I just, I’ve got a curious mind. So is this acceptable or looked down upon or is there a certain technique that. Could you just line up like 10 of the wives in one night and at like 2pm Nope. You knock out that one. At an hour later, you knock out the neck. You just. Or do you have to like shower between, you have to wait days between.
So there’s no funny business. There’s supposedly there has been documented funny business, but there’s supposed to not be funny. Business of interacting with the wife is like they all have separate homes or areas of living. Like they might have quarters in a home. Could they just each have their own bunk bed. Like, it’s actually really kind of crazy. They even each have their own kitchens. Like, when you go into a polygamous home, it’s completely, like. Like, sealed off like these. So does Brigham Young have 55 kitchens? He has a whole bunch of houses. And so back then.
But back then. And one of them is still up. It’s called the Lion’s house, and it’s. You can go tour in Salt Lake City. So. But these women didn’t have their own quarters. They. They quickly came into the knowledge of maybe this should happen because we all hate each other, and they hated polygamy. And. And he knew it. He knew it. There was a lot of women that were complaining, trying to leave him, suing him, all kinds of stuff. And he was like, if you want to go, go, but you’re not. You’re not going to go to heaven now.
You’re a bad person. And so. Yeah, and he actually said he had a bowie knife for anybody that left the church after receiving the knowledge. Like, people like me, or if the wife wanted to leave or whatever. Yeah, it was a whole thing. So. But eventually these polygamy people find out it’s best to divide things up into days. And so, like, he’ll go to this house for this night and that house for that night. And they do it like this in a rotation because of the fighting. So this. This almost sounds like in, like, Goodfellas or in the Mafia, they got a guma.
And the guma is, like, the side piece that gets their own apartment and their own house, and they don’t interact with the wives, and you can have a few different gumas. So it just. It just seems like it makes sense that each wife gets their own house the same way that your guma gets their own apartment somewhere. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. They’re kind of funny about that. Now, there are very few instances, even in the Jacob Hamblin home, where you can go visit as well. In Santa Clara, Utah, he had a couple of wives. And the houses are divided, but the kitchen was shared.
But, like, the bedrooms were like, these are her rooms. These are her rooms. And the kids all slept upstairs together. They always bring the kids in together because they want them to be raised as a family. And oftentimes one mother is more over the children, and one’s, like, more over the cooking or the house chores or getting the hell out of the house and going to work. Like, they’re, you know, they’ll. They’ll talk. Hear me out. This is A groundbreaking idea that needs to be produced asap, but a show that’s like the Bachelor, except everyone’s already wives, and it’s just about constantly ranking.
And it’s all real. Like, all the rooms are video. Sister wives, man. Sister wives. Is it reality or is it fiction, though? That’s a. I think that was a real show. And actually it ended well. The show still goes on, but all his wives left him. But his favorite. He got a younger favorite wife. And normally the first wife is. Is the. Okay, kind of like your mob rules. The wife is the wife, right? Like, she’s the wife. She gets the wifely stuff. You don’t get to be the madam and come on in her house and be like, I’m the.
No, that doesn’t work. So the first wife is the one that’s over everything. But she gave up her position, divorced him legally because the new wife had children that needed to be covered under health insurance, and these kids weren’t his kids, and so it was a whole thing. And so they needed to adopt these children he couldn’t legally adopt. It was a mess. And so eventually this elder wife, she, like, gives up all her position to help the younger wife and then gets screwed because she also was infertile. She only had one kid, so he’s not going to visit her anymore.
Like, why? Right. Yeah. How does. That’s another interesting concept. How does health insurance work for Mormons? Because Mormon signs up for a job and they’re like, oh, yeah, I’d like the family health insurance option, please. And like, oh, great. How many kids you have? And it, like, the form goes up to, like, six. Yeah. And they’re like, no, it’s actually 40. Like, do the insurance companies just say, oh, no, you’re not welcome here? There’s. Well. And a lot of them do what’s called bleeding the beast. And what they’ll do is they’ll claim the first wife’s kids, the one that are under the marriage, and the other wives will go get help from the state, like Medicaid, and say, well, I don’t know who the dad is, so I love that.
Yeah, I am stamps. I’m gonna put that into the tallies under reasons to join Mormonism is that they intentionally bleed the state. Yeah, they bleed the beast. I like that. Yep. Yep. Leading the beast is a real thing. And I don’t necessarily disagree with that. But although it is our taxes, which sucks, but they can print it, though. They can literally just print it. You know, our taxes aren’t going where they should anyway, it’s going to Ukraine. So let’s not be silly. Our taxes only exist to give our currency value. Because if they didn’t force you to pay them in their own money, then there would be no reason to have it at all.
So. Exactly. So I’m like, well, whatever, leave those people alone. They started prosecuting them. The only thing that I think should be prosecuted is what they prosecuted with Warren Jeffs and the big mistake that he made. And the whole reason why my brother in law got kicked out with his two wives. Well, the wives got reassigned. They get immediately reassigned to a new husband and his children. He didn’t see his children for like seven years, but immediately he was like, yo, uncle. Like, this is a bad plan. I don’t know about these underage thing. Like, I, I don’t, I don’t know.
If he asked him to, he won’t tell me. He’s like, I’m not gonna do this. Basically, I don’t support this. These girls are too young. Because his dad, Warren Jeff’s dad, Rulon, he always made sure they were 18. And that’s fair play. Like anything over 18, if you decide to do that and you’re 18, even if you’re brought up in a cult, I don’t care. You still said yes, you know, so. Yeah, well, so again, I read it. I had a little bit. Yeah. And Brigham Young’s youngest wife was 15, Clarissa Ross. So he kind of sets this precedent too.
Right? Yeah. Those days I’m kind of like, well, my grandma was 14, you know, when she got married and had a baby and my grandpa was 16. Like it wasn’t that unheard of back then. Have you reported your, your grandpa to the authorities yet? He’s dead, he’s out. I mean, you can post humorously do it. If you do it in the Mormon court system, I assume, right? No. Nah. That they were married for time in all eternity. They wouldn’t want that. Okay. They get a pass. Well, yeah. So let’s start out with some pros on Brigham Young before we get into all the different cons.
So here, let’s, let’s do a top 10. Just off the top of my head, American expansionism. He kind of represents this early industrious, like, let’s just go ahead and conquer the wilderness and establish cities. And he did it in real life. Like he actually developed large portions. Right. Salt Lake City wouldn’t exist without him. He. He did not mean to do it in America though. When this happened, Utah was part of Mexico. And he was actually running, supposedly. I think there’s a whole lie there, but I. Supposedly he was running from the law because of his polygamy.
But then he gets here, and if you’re running from the law, he’s like, hey, the first thing I’m going to do in Utah is say government that I’m running from. Can we make the railroad here? Because I’ll help you. I mean, technically, it’s still America. It’s just not the United States of America. And if anything, I believe that America is the greatest continent on earth, not necessarily the greatest country on Earth. I think that’s easier to stand behind, so pro American in a general sense. Okay. He’s industrious, probably pissed. He was probably pissed because he named the state Zion and he wanted it to be like the Beehive State and all this stuff.
And it. And then the whole thing happened where Utah ends up back part of the United States, and they were like, nah, bro, we can’t be going with no Zion. You said the Beehive State. He wanted to be called the Beehive State. It is still the Beehive State. It is still the Beehive state. Utah is the Beehive state. You know about bees, too? Don’t even play with me. Yes. No idea what you’re talking about. Come on, get out of here with that. And so, yes, it is. And actually, the emblem on our flag, the seal, is a beehive.
Yes. And there are bees and beehives all over this damn state. Yep. And Brigham Young was a Freemason too. He officially joined not just through proxy of being a Mormon, but he actually joined. Is. Is that pretty common with the prophets? Like, do you have to be a Freemason in order to be a Mormon prophet? Well, it’s changing. So for a while there, yes, it seemed like it. And then all of a sudden it was like, no, no, no, don’t do that. And now it’s like, yeah, it’s fine again. So, I don’t know. I mean, the way that I would see it from way outside point of view, but to be a Freemason first and then rise up in the Mormon Church, it’s almost like you got to take pre trig before you do normal trig, right? Yeah.
Like, you got like, you have to at least learn the basics before you start doing all the advanced frilly stuff. Well, according to them, they will say that you guys don’t have the Freemasonry. That’s true. That the Mormons have the only true form of Freemasonry and that it was corrupted in Solomon’s time and that they, that you guys get a thing right now and then. But they have the true, true Freemasonry. So well, they’re just not high up enough yet. That’s what I’ve, that’s what I always hear as much as I’m studying. And some things that we’re going to go over today, including Joseph Smith, I used to laugh at this.
And then I’ve been delving into different hermetic pieces and ancient like Egyptian masonry and all these different things. And I used to just think they were super crazy because Joseph Smith and Brigham Young had some interesting quotes about people living on the moon and on the sun. But the more you learn about these other branches of Freemasonry, it makes a whole lot more sense and it doesn’t seem so ridiculous and silly. So you’re talking about friend for when you say Egyptian Freemasonry. It’s mostly French Freemasonry, Memphis Miseryum and a few others, which is kind. I, I liken it too.
And I don’t believe that that’s considered regular masonry in the States at least maybe in Europe where they just. Anything goes. But I liken it to the same way that the Mormons would say, oh, everything written in the Bible actually took place here under our feet, like on this land. And everyone else is confused. I think it’s the same thing where like some of the French Freemasonry, Egyptian Masonry and stuff, they just take the same ideas and say, oh, but it happened here, or oh, it happened within this dynasty. Well, and even before the Martinists, I’m talking clear back to magical mystical masonry that goes clear back to Egypt and they’re talking about like a whole bunch of other things on top of it.
So I mean, it depends on where you pop in at, right? Like every time I think I have an answer, I don’t have an answer. So it’s whatever. But I mean it’s like the, from what I can see, from what I’ve, I’ve gathered so far, this is a sect inside a sect, just like you and I have talked about, about the church. You know that there’s this magical weird stuff that nobody else knows and all these other people are just in the crowd and they’re like, we’re just trying to go to heaven. And the top people are doing some weird things.
Like I think that this is the same thing. These mystical rights of Masonry are really hush, hush, try and find a Martinist. Even though they exist. That will come and talk on your show. Well, the other actually. Yeah, that’s. That is now on my bucket list. I will find a Martin to come on talk on the show. Yes. So in your estimation and your biased XMO estimation, how many people even know that the magic of the magic underpants are freemasonic symbols and that’s what’s making them magic nowadays? More than there used to be because of the Internet, but very few probably still.
I would say 50, maybe now because of the Internet. Do they ever come out and say it in temple or if you ask someone, did they. If you’re like, hey, what makes it magic? They’re like, oh, it’s a square encompass. Or is that just never talked about. They talk about the mark and what it symbolizes far before it’s a square encompass for Masons. Like they’re not going to say that. They’re going to say this. Never. Like you never hear that this came from Masonry. I never knew this was about masonry until my husband showed me on YouTube.
So what, what are these? Like, what’s the explanation why there’s a Masonic tools, a square and a compass on your clothing? Like, what’s the non Mason version of that? The ruler on the knee is. Every knee shall bow. Boy, I gotta pull this up because. Right, but why a ruler? Why, why not a happy face? Why not a heart? Why not a, you know, a little swirl or something? Why is it, yeah, a Masonic tool? I, I don’t know why they did that other than that they were all Masons and they. And Joseph Smith kifed your stuff.
I mean we all know that like he got, he did his rights for his Masonic rights and three weeks later he made the temple rights. So I’m like, I just don’t, I don’t think there’s any other way. Right. He, he Christized it. He Christ eyes your signs and symbols. He changed the names to like Christiany stuff and then you know, that’s it. But the square represents just. Well, Masons already have that. It’s called you are great like that. We’re there. Masons already have their own Christianized version. They’re never gonna say that. They’re just gonna tell you that it is.
The square represents justice and fairness of God and that people will receive what they earn. And that compass will lead you in the right direction following the north star. So they’re not going to tell you, oh, I got this from blah blah, blah. It also symbolizes duties to our neighbor, our brother. So it’s all the Things that you’re probably already right. Well, I guess it’s what it stands for. But I guess the underlying question remains like, okay, but why not a mountain or a happy face or any other shape? Why a square encompass? So okay, they can’t tell you that.
And it’s too holy for you to know about. Well, and I mean, I think they basically just don’t want. I, I think nowadays they would be fine with it. And my guess is it’s probably changed because now if you go to lds.org or whatever, they have a whole thing on. Oh, you may have noticed Mormons have Mason stuff. Here’s why. And back in the day that would never occur. You would not be able to ask about that. That’s sacred. Don’t you know that? Like this is what it means, this is why you wear it. That’s all.
And so like that’s all. And you just don’t. And, and also there’s some rules of engagement here. So you can never talk about temple things outside the temple. So you can’t go. Just ask anyone. You’ve got to be in the temple doing a temple session while you’re busy. There’s no way to do that. And then you’re going to be in trouble. Like they’re, how, how much trouble are we talking? Probably disfellowshipped or put on a six month hiatus from the temple or you’ll get a talking to. Or you could end up at court. You can end up in LDS court where you have to go before the quorum and you have to sit there and talk to the people in your area.
And so it can go. When you say court, as there a. Is there an actual chance that you would go to jail or be fined or is this all just like funny religious court? Okay, okay. Excommunicate. I mean, but if you’ve already been through temple, right, if you’ve done it everything excommunicated, but if you’ve been everything up to second anointed, right, because after your second anointed you’re just like, whatever, do whatever you want. I’m, I’ve already got the golden ticket. I’m already going to the chocolate factory slope. Because the, we’ve often argued this between exos. Like if you’re excommunicated after a second anointing, does it really matter? And all, all these people that speak out, supposed anti Mormons or ex Mormons that have got the second anointing, by the way, I never had that.
Are they really just plants, like planted up? You Know, like planned opposition, like, because they really aren’t going to have those consequences. They’ve already had their place made. Sure. Unless they murder someone or deny the Holy Ghost. So I don’t know. Unless it’s a blood atonement. Right? I mean, the blood atoning, you know, Brigham was really, really into the blood atonement. Well, he started it. Didn’t. Didn’t he start the blood atonement? I think it was already going on with. So the. There’s Brighamites and there’s Danites. So I’m pretty sure the Danites predate the Brighamites. And so I think some of it was already secretly going on.
But yes, Brigham Young continued it, and he continued it to a really high level. He was all about the blood of Tony. He. He was 100 on board of that. In fact, there’s some quotes that are just amazing from him. Let me find it. Because it’s. It’s. Yeah. Can. Can women be second anointed? Yes, women are. Actually, you know, I’ve been studying. You know, I’ve been studying about Melchizedek, and Melchizedek is the priesthood that we receive. And I was just looking for my notes, but I think I took them upstairs. But Mel key means male and female.
Right? Like, and then Zeke, I can’t remember what the other part is, but. But it was like the coming together of this. Okay. And that is not how the Mormons play. Play. They play very priesthood. Male, male, male, male, male, man, man, man, man, man. So what. What happens at the second anointing is the woman actually gives the final blessing. She seals it in the bedroom of their home, not in the temple. So entering sex magic a little bit there. They’re not. Wait. In every second anointing, there is con. There’s a sexual component that. I mean, I’m just saying you do it in your marital bedroom.
You do that. Wait, wait, wait. Hold on, hold on. Let’s slow down a little bit. So the second anointing, I’m. I was assuming that you go into, like, a stuffy little temple and there’s a bunch of dudes wearing special coats and stuff, all of that. Yes, but you’re not actually fully second anointed until you go into your marital bedroom, and that’s the final step. And she lays hands on your head, which is unheard of. Like, you do not give blessings as a woman, period. Dot. And this was my question when I was in the temple. This chick is coming at me.
You saw my dumb little video where she’s like, doing the blessings on me. And all I’m thinking is, why is she doing it? Like, where’s the guy? Where is the guy? That she has no authority. She doesn’t hold the priesthood. But she does because she had the second anointing, which made her a priestess. God or goddess of that whole situation is the actual term. So she now has the authority. And back in Joseph Smith times, women did do this. And Xena, I can’t remember her last name right now because she got married to Brigham Young and she was with somebody else, but she was with all these people.
And she was known to have the most blessings that came true in healing back in the day. She’s considered a witch of lds. We have to do an episode on her. But anyway, she. That went away. And then the second anointing part only happens with the women when you’re going through this. So first you go in the temple, you do the stuffy stuff they’re doing, like washing your feet and anointing you with oil and all the things Jesus see stuff. And then when you go home, you do this blessing. She seals it. And that is so unusual to me that a feminine energy would be the last thing that.
But if you know enough about hermetics and you know enough about masonry, it makes 100% sense because they’re bringing the masculine, the feminine together. So, yeah, honestly, this you’re. We’re selling it again. We’re back into, like, the pros here. But yeah, it sounds like there’s absolutely a sex magic component to the second anointing. And the way that you were talking about foot play and oil and, like, it just sounds like a P. Diddy freak off party in some way. Like, when my break out the oil, girl, we’re gonna second anoint up in here. When my great grandma went through her first temple ceiling, they now do it with a representation and a little oil on the top of the head.
But my grandma, because I complained about being naked, my great grandma looked at me and she’s like, I was put in a tub with oil in it, naked. And I was like, what? And she’s like, don’t complain. Like, she was super old. She was like, did. No. And then her grandma shows up, she’s like, well, let me tell you what I had to do. They’re like, no, grandma, not now. No. I was shook and shocked and I was like, holy crap. She’s like, at least you’re covered and stuff. Like, you know, we did all this. And I was like, wow, I’m certainly Glad that wasn’t my.
The Mormon grandma versions of I had to walk two miles to school in two feet of snow are wild. Yes, they are. They are scary. And I. I wore this today, speaking of grandmas and my family, because you sent me that thing on the mic, Max, and I wanted you to know my grandpa was one of the. My great, great grandpa was one of the people that were trying to do what Brigham Young wanted him to do by marrying all the natives so that we could mix our seed with their seed to make them white again.
And she was a mic Mac. Yeah. And delights them. Make them delightsome again. Yep, yep, you got it. We’ll have to do a whole nother show on that one, too, because that one’s fascinating to me about how the hieroglyphics might have actually been Native American. Anyway, it’s totally different. A lot like Enochian, too. I think they might be a combination, but. Well, there’s an interesting theory that I was talking to someone the other day that maybe it’s because a lot of people think that explorers showed up to the Americas and they found remnants of Phoenician writing and Egyptian writing and all these.
And the first thought is, wow, when did the Phoenicians get here? When did the Vikings? When did the Egyptians bring their culture here? What if you flip that on its head? What if everything started in the Americas and sprouted out from there? And it’s not the America somehow had a traveler that dropped off their Phoenician writing. It’s that Phoenician and Egyptian writing started here and it spread out to other places where it took root. I think it’s an interesting concept. There’s. I mean, I would love to talk. I haven’t talked or asked about Narco Longo stuff yet because I don’t know him.
And then I saw some. He’s a good friend. He’s a friend of the show. He’s actually a show sponsor. Yeah, I knew he was. And so I just was a little nervous because I. I didn’t know how to contact him. Let’s get him on. Yeah, hit him up. See if we can get him on. Longtime friend of the show. I have no reason to think that he wouldn’t want to come on here. Yeah, of course. But he does make these conjectures. And I do know that the Grand Canyon is also. Supposedly. There’s like, some, like, different pyramid type stuff in there people are talking about.
So I. I don’t know. 100. Like, I definitely don’t pretend to know where everything began or didn’t begin. But, well, you know, going back to temperamental little bitches, Brigham Young. Another pro of Brigham Young is that again, if you go into the old world aspects of stuff, one of those questions is, how come we don’t make buildings like this anymore? And then it’ll be a picture of this grand, elaborate. Well, guess what? Brigham Young, right? Like, he’s the one that caused the, the Salt Lake City temple to be made, which is one of the last examples of a modern version of these impressive American buildings.
Right. I am going to tell you, like, John Levi has done a lot of work on the Salt Lake temple, not necessarily all the temples, but there are some really low level, excavated four, four floors down underneath the ground of the temple. And I, I’m not saying it couldn’t be done. I’m just saying maybe it was founded and he changed it up. Because I just have a hard time believing with the pictures that I’ve seen with horses and buggies and how heavy the granite slabs were that they were working with. I mean, maybe, but, you know, I’m a conspiracy theorist, so there’s that.
All right, well, let’s get into the, I guess the negative parts of Brigham Young. So polygamy already mentioned that comes up. I, I still don’t know. I still don’t understand truly what the downside of polygamy is outside of the inherent maybe imbalance of power and all that. You know, why be crazy? Why would you want more than one? Like, that sounds awful. Okay, well, hear me out though. Society, you’re over 23, but if you have 50 houses, how the hell else are you going to make sure that those 50 houses are, you know, like house sitters are always around and they’re keeping up and letting you know if a pipe burst or if something needs fixing by putting a duma in each one.
I think these women were pretty freaking self sustaining, like for the most part. I think a lot of these women married Brigham Young after maybe the first 10. Let’s give him 10. After the first 10. He’s getting old and ugly and stuff. Like, come on. And I. He always had like a front fat pad. Like, not like a guy, like a beer belly belly, but he had like a, like a girly belly kind of like weirdly low. Like, so not a dad bod. He had a fupa. He had a fupa. And. And so it’s very unattractive.
I’m just saying. And I don’t foresee these women being like, oh, Brigham Young, so hot. No, no, no, no, no, no. After. No. He could have been like a notorious big, right? Where just, I mean, his sheer, like, command, his like, commanding authority was enough to get people over. The fupa, or women couldn’t do very much in the world at that time. And that gave her status because now she’s the member he became the governor, the governor’s wife. Well, wouldn’t profit be more impressive than governor? No, but also, like, my man talks to God. What does your man do? She gets both.
And he only hits her up probably once a year because he’s not making no babies. So, like, if she don’t like sex and she’s kind of a prude, that might be the greatest gig ever. She gets a house. She’s like, leave me alone. I’ll take care of the pipes, whatever, like, breaks, I’ll fix it. You stay away from my house. You know? But I think some of the women didn’t feel very supported because his 19th wife sued him and tried to get money from him because he wasn’t, like, helping with the kid. But like, I don’t know.
I get the context, but there is something funny about an XMO criticizing a Mormon for not having enough kids. And he only had 57. Like, listen, I have six on my own. He’s slacking, he’s slacking. You should have at least 300 according to you, right? Are you saying that the world would be better if there were 300 initial descendants of Brigham Young? If they all had 10 kids each, which. Or even six, like, that’s a gaggle of kids. But we would all be completely messed up because, like, the DNA thing. Well, so that’s actually another interesting thing.
And I guess he’s already marrying brothers and sisters and mother in laws, so. Well, this is topical because 23 and me, without getting on too much of a tangent, but like, when the P. Diddy thing somehow that same day, or all these, all these people stepped down from 23andMe. Right. But 23andMe is now facing all sorts of financial troubles and they’re for sale. Anyone that wants to buy 23andMe now can buy it. Which is interesting because they have had a huge role in, like, criminal prosecution cases and finding all sorts of medical issues because they’ve got a monopoly on this data.
Well, okay, but if you’re a Mormon. Did I show you the genealogy stuff already? Did I? Yeah, we, we talked about how deep they go into it. But, but what am I thinking was like, if you’re legitimately concerned that your great, Great Grandpa had 50 kids and you might be related to your wife. And even if Brigham Young was all about literal sister wives and you’re not, what better way than to own 23andMe? And now you’ve got like, maybe all Mormons will just get a special app so that when they hook up with someone or they match on the Mormon Tinder or whatever, it lets them know, like, oh, well, she’s only like three removed.
She’s a distant cousin. You’re like, oh, thank God. I’ll tell you what, that should have happened because I’ll tell you why. My family members settled this area. And my family members were all polygamists. And my family members ended up by 1950s, having a high rate of certain ones of the family that were inter married and not knowing it and they had kids. And I say that real, like not retarded, like to be funny or anything like the medical wording of that. And the state came in and they were actually part of a huge eugenics program in Utah.
Most people don’t know about this. And they were taking kids from certain families and I believe they knew about DNA even back then, and sterilizing them. And two of my cousins were removed from their home and sterilized at a very young age. And then give them back like, oh, here you go. They’re all better now. Fix that. Yeah. No, and they didn’t tell the parents. They never told anybody. They fell down on a pair of scissors. Yeah. These people found out later in life like, that they had been medically sterilized. One, it didn’t matter so much because she was handicapped severely and would not have gotten married.
But the other one, he wasn’t. He just was super shy and kind of autistic. And so he could have had a normal life with a wife and everything. It was sad. He was on his own. He lived on his own the majority of his life. And it was pretty sad. So, yeah, there’s a whole eugenics program that kicked off because of this. So just like, I mean, you mentioned, there is kind of a show about it. But also, why not have a Mormon Tinder? And if you do have a Mormon tender, it also makes me wonder, like, you could gamify it so that if you see that there’s a guy looking and he’s only got 49 wives and you could be number 50.
Is there anything in Mormon polygamous culture where if your wife number 10, you get like a free sandwich the next time you come or something? No. But I will tell you this. The Last wife and the first wife are the best gigs, but the last wife, I feel is the better gig because like you’re young and he’s old. He can’t be doing it all that much unless they got Viagra now, but back in the day, I mean, so like you probably got a much better life, right? Like you’re, you’re like just running around doing whatever. They don’t got no DNA.
They, you, she might have her own, what do you call it, Gumois, whatever. Coming over to the house and got this pregnancy. Is he really going to deny it? Like you don’t know. You know, you could be. How, how common would you say that would be to non Jack Mormons, like actual Mormons? The young wife and she’s got her own thing on the side. I’m just saying, like, people be people in and I don’t know, they shouldn’t do it. It’s against the rules. It’s not the what’s good for the goose is not good for the gander, right? But if she shows up and she’s like, I’ve got triplets, like, what 78 year old dude’s gonna be like, it couldn’t have been me.
I’m firing blanks. They’ll be like, yeah, look how like virile I am. Look how much God loves this family. He’s gonna say that unless they come out black, unless they came out black or brown, he would be like, yeah, look at me, I’m the stud, you know, like, look at this. And so I’m just saying, I’m saying that I think that happened more often than not. And also going to 23andMe, how funny is it that maybe they used it exactly like how you said, but reverse technology because they always say Joseph Smith’s line was never traced out to any more kids.
But if you own the DNA, ha ha, on you, right? So who’s to even say any of that? That, that is another hilarious premise. Like a Chappelle show skit where it’s, it’s a, a racist Mormon guy with 20 wives, but he has 200 black kids. But like no one wants to address the elephant in the room. Then they’ll just say, oh no, they were the brown kids. Because remember the brown, the brown squaws you could marry, you could marry the squads, but you couldn’t marry the black people. The black people. We got to get into the black people.
It’s a whole thing. So the black people. He had a lot to say about black people. He was one racist dude. And that’s what he’s probably most well known for. So the. In a speech he did say this. But let me tell you further. Let my seed mingle with the seed of Cain that brings the curse upon me and my generations, and we will reap the same rewards as Cain and. And have the same problems. So he also says, what shall I tell you of the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes with the blood of Cain, the penalty under the law of God is death on the spot.
This will always be so. So he wasn’t going. And actually somebody asked him one time, so when will this be removed, this curse? And he said, when God removes it, I don’t have the authority to take it off. I didn’t put it there. God did. So, yeah, it’s pretty bad. There was the one drop rule on holding the priesthood for a long time. The one drop rule was if in your lineage they even found one drop of African descent. That’s it. You can’t have it even if you’re white as white can be. Now, what. What African are we talking about here? Does this extend into the Middle East? Like, are we just in West African? The only thing they talk about Egyptian.
What about Egyptian? That’s. That’s in Africa, right? They might say they are more brown. It depends on how dark you are. Honestly, if they got like the African type hair and black skin, you know, what about an albino African? Would that be a loophole? He did say a thing about this. He also talked about their. That their curse wasn’t only the curse of their skin, it was curse of a wide nose. So I don’t know. That’s his two things that he talks about it. So a flat nose. A flat nose. That’s what it was. Yeah. So, but like I said, he wasn’t like that about the Lamanites, I.
E. Native Americans. He says, we are now going to the Lamanites, to whom we intend to be messengers. We will show them the consequences of their transgressions and the curse inflicted upon them and the darkness of their skin. We will intermarry with them. They will marry our young women and we will make their young squaws wives. By this means, the Lord that curses their color shall be removed and they shall be restored to pristine beauty. Why do they get a pass? Is there. Is there explanation on why it’s not the same? Layman and Lemuel were the brothers in the Book of Mormon of Nephi.
Nephi is like the main character in the Book of Mormon. And they didn’t do what their father said, so they got a curse of brownness. Unlike the black people who were cursed in the war of Heaven for being fence sitters, they did not choose one side or the other in the war of heaven against when Lucifer fell. They said they just sat there and didn’t know what to do. So God cursed them with the skin of blackness. It’s different. It’s a different curse. Two different curses. So, yeah, one was just not minding their dad, basically. It’s hard to keep track of all of these.
And I’m not, I’m not even becoming an expert. I’m just, I just keep getting more information that makes me more confused over time. But there’s also the, the curse of Cain, right, For, for like the whole murder thing. But then there’s also the curse of Ham, which I’ve heard conflated with the curse of Cain. And this is when he went and he saw Noah in the tent and maybe did something to him. Maybe diddled his drunk dad. They don’t even talk about that. They don’t even talk about that. They only talk about the war in Heaven and they only talk about that.
And the Nephi and the Lamanites, they don’t even bring him up. What’s the Mormon explanation of the Old and New Testament? I mean. Well, you have to remember how the Mormons deal with the Bible. The Bible is only correct in as much. It’s trans, translated correctly. So if they come in and find something they don’t like, there’s a whole Joseph Smith’s translation of the Bible. So he goes through it with a fine tooth comb and like, ah, wrong, wrong, wrong again. Red marks all over. You know, he’s like, he’s like 20 something when he’s doing this.
Yes, yep. And so he goes in and just kind of conveniently makes whatever he doesn’t like, you know, not right. And so anytime you bring up the Bible, which I’ve done a lot with, you know, I’ve always been kind of. I’m a free thinker and I was in debate. So I would go to the bishops and be like, well, what about this? Well, what about that? Well, what about Mother Teresa? And she was a nice lady and never did anything wrong and she didn’t have a husband, she goes, she tortured people. Well, I didn’t know that then, but I’m talking about like, your thoughts on like, pristine people that never did anything bad and they never heard the Book of Mormon, what happens, you know, and, and what if they never got married and what if they’re not a polygamist? And so I would ask these questions, but it was always like, don’t, don’t worry about it.
And we’re gonna get into another huge topic about don’t worry about it, what Brigham Young did. So, yeah, he, he, he had, you know, his idea of God was not the God they say is God. Now have you heard this? No. Tell me about it. So Brigham Young actually said that Adam is God, our God is Adam. I understand, I understand that because, because one of the unique parts of Mormonism which I find absolutely fascinating, and actually there are some very early Christian thinking that did this, I think before the Reformation, but that God was truly a flesh and blood man.
And it wasn’t even an anomaly. It wasn’t like God decided to be flesh and blood. It’s that he was only able to be a God at all because he came from flesh and blood. And I think Mormonism is just an extension of that in a very literal sense. Do you, do you know, though, that he believes he’s the angel Michael? He doesn’t believe that. He’s like God, God, God, like God came into Adam God. He says, I can’t find the quote right off hand, but he says basically that Adam is from another planet and he came here with one of his many wives and that’s how it happened.
And that he banged Mary. There’s no, like, none of this baloney about she didn’t get, she didn’t get banged by a pigeon. And no Holy Spirit, no Holy Spirit did it, Adam did the deed, I. E. Michael. And when you go through the temple, part of getting your new name, you’ll see it happen in heaven. Michael will come down and he will become Adam in the ceremony. And so they say they’ve like taken all this Adam God doctrine out. However, it still was in the temple ceremony when I went. So that. That was far long after.
So I’m like, wait a minute, what? And then they, and, and a Heber Snow, Spencer W. Kimball, he came out specifically and said, we are not to worry about this and who God is and who God isn’t. You guys just leave it alone. And that’s that and don’t worry about it. Don’t worry about that anymore. And so he comes out and basically says everything Brigham Young preached his whole life was bs and so it’s kind of, it’s kind of a mess for them because they can’t get away from that. Like How. What. What do you do to fix that? You know what I mean? It’s bad.
And is this. This is fairly new to me, the. The Adam God idea here and specifically Michael. So is. This is unique to the planet Earth, right? Michael gets sent to Earth, and this is where all this takes place. So on another planet, is it a different angel that got sent there? And it’s not Adam. It’s. It’s, you know, Steve, probably, yeah, because he also believes this and said this. Angels are those beings who have been on earth like this and have passed through the same ordeals we are going through. So they weren’t like God’s heavenly hosts.
They’re just like spirits or whatever that died. They have kept their first estate far enough to preserve themselves in the priesthood. They did not so violate the law of the priesthood and condemn themselves to sin against the Holy Ghost to be lost. They are not crowned with the celestial ones or celestial glory. They are persons who have lived here on Earth but did not make it and magnify the priesthood in the highest degree that others have done who have become gods and even sons of gods. So you have to know. They call God Elohim, but not with Brigham Young.
And they. That’s a title. And Elohim is like a lot of gods, but, like, this is the name they chose for God. So, you know, he also says about, like, who can tell us of the inhabitants of this planet that shines in the evening called the moon? When you inquire about this, you have learned are as ignorant in regard to them, as ignorant of their fathers. So it is in the regard of the inhabitants of the sun. Do you think it is inhabited? I say so. No question of it. It was not made in vain. It was made to give light to those who dwell upon it and other planets.
And so will this Earth when is celestialized. So that kind of helps. They believe there’s lots of planets and lots of people, and lots of this has been done before. Like, even the. In the temple, Lucifer comes and God’s like, yo, what are you doing with the apple crap? Like, what? Why would you do this? And he says, I’m just doing what we’ve done in other worlds. So they have this really big concept of, like, many places are inhabited. Do they all have. Does every planet have apples? I mean, if we’re even talking about an apple.
They do believe that Jesus was, you know, created by banging. I also wonder about that, but it doesn’t say anything about that. Created by what? I mean, you know, there’s Those people that believe Lucifer, the whole, you know, other seed, twin seed thing. Sometimes I wonder if the church believes that because of all. All the banging always going on like that. The twins were. Yeah, lots of banging. And all the kids. So the. The other, I guess, controversial thing we’ve touched on most of them, except for the Mountain Meadows massacre, 1857, I think, and that this one in particular, it wasn’t just, like, Native Americans and militia men and stuff dying.
It was women and children, like, a large number of women. And for what? Being in the wrong place at the wrong time. So John D. Lee was the leader of this massacre, but John D. Lee was Brigham Young’s adopted son, so you have to know that. So he was the one that basically took the fall, but he kind of spoke out a little bit there right before they killed him, because he was like, hey, this wasn’t just me, you know? And so basically what they were doing is they were pissed off because people were going through their territory, and these were other people coming west, and this was the Fancher party, and these people were not Mormon.
They didn’t have permission. There was a lot of tension. There was this war between the Mormons and America kind of, you know, during this time, there was a lot of heat on Utah, and they were pushing them and pushing them. Remember, we were not supposed to be a state here. We were supposed to be Mexico. So everybody’s pretty pissed off that this is all occurring, and now they have to play with the rules again because they don’t want to build another temple of land. There’s Mormons somewhere in Utah during this, and, like, these damn Americans, get out of Mexico.
Mexico’s for the Mexicans. Yeah, they were so upset because they had already lost. Think of how many temples they’d started and lost. Think of how many places they’d been ran out of. So, but, you know, maybe if they quit banging everybody’s wives, I mean, people would not be upset and let them stay, but whatever. Not mine to decide, but I will tell you. So there was heat, and Brigham Young either gave the order or he definitely defended what happened afterward. There’s controversy on whether he gave the order to execute these people. But the dirty part was he used the Native Americans that he built this big, like, relationship with.
Like, they’re intermarrying. Jacob Hamblin is, like, preaching the word to these people. Like, this is a whole thing. They’re trying to bring these people into the fold, and then they’re like, they did it. Well, yeah, because it’s like well, look at this white and delightsome skin. God would never have me do anything wrong. I mean, the sin is right there on the. On the pigment, right? You can tell they’re the bad ones. Do you know what day it happened? Just for funsies, as a conspiracy theorist, I thought I’d share. I mean, I can guess, but what they take a guess.
May 1, September 11, 1854, so. Or 7:18. Something else happened that day. I can never remember what it was, though, so I will tell you. All the men and women were murdered. 120 men, women and children. Any child under eight was taken as a slave. They kept those kids and they kept their stuff, and they never made any. Like, if you’re sorry for something and you’re like, oh, dang, maybe we did a wrong thing. Let’s give these kids back to the people that should have them and like their money. No, they didn’t do that. When you say slave, though, are we talking like, legitimate indentured servitude? They live in slave quarters, or are they just now adopted and part of the family and have to do regular old family chores? Well, for like four to six years, maybe.
Regular chores. And then they get banged, right? Like, shit, they’re going to be the next wife. You know it for sure. You know, if they’re girls, I mean, at least those ones will be less likely to be incestual. Yeah, maybe some of us got out of it, but like, I’m just saying it’s pretty bad. Like, he could have made a lot of things right if he wanted to make it right. And he felt so bad, which he didn’t. He totally 100 defended what they did. And so instead of saying, oops, my bad, we thought they were scary people coming to attack us.
They could have got out of that with like a sorry. A shitty sorry, right? Like, oopsie. And then here’s the kids just claim a castle, doctor. And we were just standing our ground. Yeah, they could have done that and give the. At least the kids back, even if they kept their money, which they did. And it was kind of funny. One of the Brighamites that were involved in this was like, hey, they had a lot of money. Can I, like, have some of the money? And Brigham Young was like, hell no, give me the money, shut up and get out.
Yeah, well, so that’s another, I think, interesting dynamic in this particular massacre, right? There was again, I read ahead a little bit, but there was one particular, like the ones that they attacked in the massacre was called the Fancher Baker Wagon. Train and that this was essentially that were just people that were moving their families to California full stop. That was the main reason that they were even going through Utah, is that Utah just happened to be in the way of them getting over to California. Right. And this is basically a less than a decade after the gold rush, which was 1849, so this is 1857.
So reasonably, these are people that heard about these riches in California. They’re going to get over to California, get in on some of these riches. And part of that, it’s almost like if you had an entire neighborhood and like a full neighborhood packed up U Hauls and put all their stuff in the U Hauls and they’re driving through the worst part of town. Now all of a sudden, there’s a practical reason to assault these people and take their stuff, because they got stuff and you don’t got stuff. And they’ve conveniently put all their things together in a nice little U haul for you.
So if you just kill them and take their U Haul, now you’ve got their stuff, right? So it does seem like aside from the. The tone of the time and aside from any tensions that might have built up, you’re also like, damn, I’m poor. Look at those people that just drove through town that have all this livestock and they got all these clothes and all these resources. Sure would be a shame if something happened to them and we just inherited all their stuff. It almost seems that that would be the bigger driving dynamic. What if they gave him a chance? This is my thoughts on it is like, what if they went up to them and were like.
Because this seems more probable, right? Like, yo, you gotta pay if you want to pass, because we don’t even like you. Because in the Mormon temple ceremony back in the day, they would say things like Methodists. And all these people were like the devil, like the literal devil. Like, like they hated other, like Baptists, Methodists and all these things. So I could see them being like, oh, you want safe passage? Do you like pirates? You know, well, that’s going to cost you some money. And I could see these people, I think they were coming. Where were they coming from? Was it Texas? It was somewhere like Arkansas.
Okay, so if these are hillbillies, they probably were like, suck my. You know what? And. And so they probably were like, no, get out of here. I’m not giving you. Get your Mormon ass out of here. And then they sent the people on them. You know, like, I could see it. I could totally see it. Because, I mean, I don’t think they just go balls to the walls and kill them straight out the gate. Maybe they didn’t want to play their game. Maybe. But also, they’re already being persecuted by the federal government. So you see this train of people with all these resources.
The other thing is, like, oh, they’re. They’re sending resources to our enemies for this next big strike. So this is also your one chance to preemptively attack. And I guess a good offense is the best defense. And I know that’s the inverse of the way that you say, but that’s kind of how they would go about it. Yeah, I mean, it was a dangerous time all the way around because they wanted polygamy to end. And. And that was a fact. Like, the state was not being. They were being persecuted simply because of the polygamy thing. And.
And they were. You know, Brigham Young wasn’t wanting to end that anytime soon. So, I mean, he was so staunch on the polygamy deal that he was like, no, it’s happening. We’re continuing. I don’t give a. Like, whatever you want to do to us. And it didn’t end in his time. It didn’t end until he passed. And so it does make you question. Like, yeah, maybe he was on high alert. Maybe it was just that, I mean, they had their own armies, you know, I mean, the Mormon armies were seriously big, you know? Well, there’s. There’s another aspect to this which makes it even more nefarious.
And I guess this is like the dirtiest part of it, but that leading up to this massacre, it wasn’t a massacre in that two sides went and fought each other, and one side just happened to win. It was that John D. Lee bring him young son, one of his many 57 kids. But one of his sons, he goes up to the wagon train with a white flag of truce and basically says, look, we’re going to give you safe passage. Follow me. We’re on your cause. We’re all men of God here, you know, like, you can trust us.
But just to not freak out our women and children, please disarm yourselves. Give us. Give us all your guns, all your weapons, so that as we give you the safe passage, we don’t feel at threat. And as soon as they give them all of their guns, then they attack and kill them all. So it was sort of done under, like, false pretenses. It’s. Because I will tell you, they don’t. They don’t. Okay. This is kind of like they don’t believe that this is a quote from Brigham Young about his own people. Okay? This is about his own people.
This will put you in the mindset of the orders he gives. This is loving your neighbor as ourselves. If he needs help, help him. And if he wants salvation and it is necessary to spill his blood on the earth in order that he may be saved, spill it. So he was not playing around with these, even his own people, let alone these people. And you have to understand that this continues today in the flds. Whereas they believe we are goyim, much as the Jewish tradition, they don’t call it that, but they. We are damned. We as normal people.
Not just xmos. No, no, no. You, Anybody. Well, not me. I’m a high ranking mason. So I, I am actually transcendent. No, you’ve. You’ve heard the word because you had a Mormon friend, you had a option to listen and you didn’t. So you’re damned. Oh, I’m higher level than that, though. I’m way, way above that. That’s beneath me. Well, they don’t, so. Because they’re not high up enough. I know how this works. I know, I know. They gotta get to the 95th degree. Oh, that’s cute. 95th. I’m on the 130th, but whatever. Yeah, there you go.
And so these people would do this basically because they’re nothing. They are cattle to them. They mean nothing to them. They’re not Mormon. And the reason why they kept the kids under the age of 8 is because the age of 8 is the age that we as Mormons believe you are now able to be acceptable of your own sins. It’s, it’s when you get baptized, it’s, it’s the age you know better, you know, and so that’s why they killed the 8 year olds and left the rest. So the other kids were deemed still innocent, so they couldn’t shed their blood.
But they have no qualms. And I don’t think that it mattered. I mean, you heard what he said about his own wives, like stick a javelin in her, like whatever, with clean hands, man. So he’s not gonna care about these stupid people. He doesn’t care about these stupid people. And, and he doesn’t. I mean, it’s obvious that he doesn’t. You know, I’m just imagine like you’re, you’re, you’re married to Brigham Young and he’s like so distracted and you’re like, honey, what are you working on over there? You’ve been so infatuated in this and you just peek over his shoulder and you just see him writing about, like, stabbing my wife with a javelin with clean hands.
Like, I think I’m gonna go and do the laundry for a third time here. Would you like a sandwich, a foot rub, anything? You would definitely be on red alert. For sure. For sure. And there’s a lot of people that, you know, it, it just so happened if they did like you enough, right? Like, maybe a certain wife would go tell on her husband. This really happened. The Anderson party in Cedar City. She told on her husband for cheating on her one too many times. Well, the Mormons are pretty lax on the guys. Remember how I told you I had the uncle that got excommunicated? It was because he slept with women before he got married to him.
And it happened a bunch and he kept getting it, he just kept coming back. They’ll baptize you again in a year or something. And, and I know he had the second anointing, so I, I know why they just kept going like, okay, whatever. He got married like eight or nine times, I can’t remember. But like this kept happening, happening with him. And I think that’s how they usually address it with men. They don’t go before the council. But a woman, if she cheats, she’s going to go before a council, or if she does something bad, she’s going to have to pay the price.
Whereas a man, it’s not the same. So I find it funny in this one case, this Anderson case, she’s like, yeah, he’s cheating on me. And they cut his head, they slit his throat, they blooded toned him and he freaking dressed up. He like put on the clothes. He’s like, yep, it’s today. I know I’m just a bad guy. So he like nails down in by the hole, dug the hole and was like, okay, let’s get it done, slice it up. Last words, it was still worth it. Oh my gosh. And I’m like, this guy either really loved the girl he did it with or really loved his wife and felt bad.
I don’t know which. But like, I don’t know how they decide in those cases. Like, maybe the wife was hot and they were like, that one needs to be a widow. Yeah. Like the second they chop his head, the guy holding the, the bloody knife is like, so I heard you’re single. Like, come on over and have dinner sometime. I heard you do some great laundry. You, you would be an asset in our society. But it’s kind of funny to me that I’m like, okay, why would they punish this guy? And they’re. And. And Brigham Young had a brothel.
I don’t know if people know this. Two things that were weird about Brigham Young. Number one, he. He owned a brothel. And number two, which was on the way DL. He had a. A son that dressed up as a. He let me find the photo as a trans. Like, as a girl. As a chick. Well, that’s awesome. So there was already Kamala voters even in the early 19th century. Yeah. Apparently we are a red state. But no, very progressive. So Brigham Young son. Brigham Morris Young, son of Brigham Young, dressed up as Madame Petri in 1887 and said that Miss Bridget McCarthy, a fine Irish girl, showed up to the Christmas ball and sang a song.
It was his kid. It was his son. Now does. Is that son potentially gonna become one of the polygamist wives of another Mormon out there? Dude, it’s supposed to be anti homo all the way. No homo, like, in the Mormon Church. I don’t know what was going on there. When I found that today, I was like, what? Because they are like, Brigham Young University got in deep trouble for trying to, like, beat the gay out of people and stuff and, like, doing all kinds of weird things in BYU University. And I’m like, okay, why was this okay, back in the day? I.
I don’t understand. I don’t care. I mean, you know me. Whatever you want to do, go do that if you’re 18. But, like, I don’t get it. I don’t get it. They’re beaten. Beating people up over it. I mean, let’s just. Let’s just say in a game of numbers. And I know that you laugh at his mere 57 children or whatever, but just a game of numbers. I got one. I got. I got one. That’s what I’m gonna say. If you’ve got 57, you’re. You’re gonna have a few outliers, right? Guaranteed. Yeah, he definitely did. But I’m.
I’m shocked that they let it go on. And it wasn’t like, this is the outcast. Bad kid. Let’s kill him. We’ll just have one of the Native Americans kill him and blame it on them. Exactly. Like he said, literally, I have a buoy knife for everyone that leaves the church and showed this big knife at one of his conferences. Like, I mean, you’d be scared. Like, so how does this kid just get away with it? I’m not sure. I’m not sure. I don’t know. It’s a fascination to Me. But he did, and they were proud of it.
There’s pictures of it. There’s a photo of him all dressed. No, I’m talking to an expo here. How accurate is this? Because it sounds like the kind of story that someone would plant retroactively to be like, haha, you’ve got a gay kid. There was a letter confirming it. And also it was in the Salt Lake Herald, and the photo was in the Salt Lake Herald, which is. Was this a letter from Heidi to Heidi? No, no. This is actually in the Deseret News and that in 1902, the Deseret News reported that he had even given a drag performance during the birthday celebration of the president Lorenzo Snow at that time.
And there’s like a. This was in the paper. So I’m like, well, I don’t know. Maybe it was okay because he was no homo and just dressing up. Maybe he was just doing the dress up. But I want people to know I love gay people. And I don’t care if you’re over 18 and you want to do whatever you want to do freaky stuff, go ahead. I don’t care. Like, I got. So don’t come at me. I had to look this up. This is. This is really interesting. I’ve never heard this before. And just by googling it, there’s a whole bunch of pro Mormon resources that are like, this has never been proven.
This is all bs. This is. But then Snopes, which we all know is the absolute beacon of truth because they’re the ones in charge of debunking everything on social media. But Snopes has a fact check on this, and it says, was one of Brigham Young’s son a drag queen? Subtitle. In the 1900s, a cisgender straight men were most likely to give drag performances for comedic or shock value. And then it rates it as true because on a technicality, there is absolutely a picture of Brigham Morris Young dressed up as Madame Petrini. Well, you know, beauty’s in the eye of the beholder, so it’s rough.
That’s why it’s not. It’s not for your gaze. I just have to say this is not for the female gays. Brigham Morris Young dressed up as an old lady. I’m gonna send it to you because I find it hilarious because look at the elbow, bro. You can totally tell it’s a dude. The article says Brigham Morris Young shows himself to be a prime entertainer that exhibits a good falsetto voice and ability to sustain a female character. He also did impersonations of Chinese people and gibbered away in a lingo that sounded like the vernacular of the celestials.
So he gets up on stage dressed like a woman, does a vaudeville act, starts doing impressions of Chinese people by, like, doing. I’m sure he did, like, racist eye things. And then he talks in tongues. And then he’s like, we call that the Aristocrats. And everyone claps and he gets off stage. Wow. Yeah. I don’t know. It. It all seemed a little wild to me when I found it, because I, like you, had never heard this before. I’ve heard a lot of things about Brigham Young, and I actually went to a Russian, like, Google to find this and to make sure, because I was like, what the earth? This is not true.
And that’s where I found the photo. I was like, wow, okay. I guess it’s true. Whatever. And it is true. It’s absolutely true that he has a son, Although Brigham young died in 1877 and this happened in 1902. So this was 25 years after his dad died. So there’s no real way to know what his reaction might have been to this. It could have. It could have been also acceptable, like you said, because it was acting. So whatever. I mean, I. I don’t know, but they’ve been in a lot of trouble. If you’re a rich, elite white man, specifically on the west coast in the early 20th or late 19th century, then this was.
One of the more normal things that you probably could have done was to dress up like a women in front of all your other men people. Because everything was a men’s club back then. Like, women weren’t allowed to really go out of the house or. Or know other men or have conversations. Right. Still be doing this at boho. Bohemian Grove. Well, that’s what I’m saying. It’s. This is basically because Bohemian Grove, I think, is 1880s, so. Bohemian Grove, they would have been doing drag shows way before this thing with Brigham Young, son. Yeah. Yep. Yeah, that’s true.
I mean, I don’t know. I. I think it’s whatever. Like, in my personal opinion, as long as you’re not forcing it on your kid and they don’t want to do it or whatever, if they’re choosing to do whatever they choose to do, that’s fine. And especially if they’re over 18, like, let them live. Like, it is what it is. Like, you can’t do anything about it. Okay. New reality show idea. RuPaul’s Drag Race. Salt Lake City. Mormon Edition. Mormon Edition. And it’s all. It’s all descendants of Brigham Young competing against each other. Oh, my gosh. Well, we all are anyway, right? I.
I mean, it’s like half and half, like Joseph’s descendants and Brigham’s descendants, and that’s all. So if I was a descendant of Brigham Young and I was going to be a drag queen on RuPaul’s Drag Race, my name would be Meadow Massacre. I feel like that would be the absolute perfect Mormon drag queen name. What about Bowie Knife, maybe? Although that kind of conjures Crocodile Dundee to me. Javelin. Javelin. Oh, javelin would be a good one. Javelin’s a good one. Because he did say he would stick a javelin through anybody. He didn’t care. And I do find it, like, fantastically amazing that they go towards this guy.
And I think it happened because he ruled with a fist. But that’s what they needed because everything was so fubar after Joseph Smith died because he was just like a happy guy. Like, like, I’m so happy. Charismatic. But he didn’t arrange anything in case. Right. He never said for sure, like, hey, this is the one. And so, of course, if you’re lost sheep looking for a king, you know, it’s their own fault. They all sustained him. So. So I. I found Morris Young’s wiki page, and there’s actually more to this. All right, so in 1885, he also.
So he gets. So in 1883, Young, the drag queen Young gets married to the daughter of Lorenzo Snow, who. Lorenzo Snow was the fifth president of the LDS Church. So he marries. He keeps it kind of like high up in the upper class. Right? But it says here, in 1885, Young and his wife and their children return from serving a second mission in Hawaii. And upon returning to Utah, Young begins performing in drag and cross dressing as a singer under the pseudonym Madame Petrini. This was not a one off. It says that Young performed as Petrini in north and Central Utah between 1885 to the 1900s.
He could produce a convincing falsetto. And many of the audience did not realize Petrini was young. So he didn’t show up and like, like, oh, wow, we’re gonna see this guy dressing up like a women and doing a performance. He actually, he’s not that attractive. This is crazy. Again, this is not for your gaze. So I feel like you’re not qualified to really talk on this. I’m just saying, let’s see. And we’re not live, so we won’t be able to get any live feedback. But yeah, if anyone’s watching, if you’re not listening and you’re watching. Yeah.
What? Give us a out of 10 rating. Where are we at here? Out of 10? I don’t know. I say a strong too. It’s like a dude, man. He’s a strong two. I mean, look at that face and those arms. He’s. No, he’s holding the dress up because his lungs are like swimmer or his arms are swimmer arms. Like really super long arms with the crazy elbows. But yeah, I don’t know. That’s crazy. Do you think it’s not there? Do you think he just showed up at, at like performance and did singing? Or do you think that, you know, he was picking people up at the Mormon bars, He wanted to be a midwife.
He was like, I’m being left out. I want to be One of the 55 wives of Lorenzo. Geesh. I don’t know. It’s looked down upon. But we all know what. What? Secret societies keep secrets. So who knows? Dicks. Secret dicks. That’s the whole secret. There you go. They’re all wearing dresses. I mean, that’s what they do. They make you wear a dress. If you make it big and you’ve seen people in a dress, you’re like, ah, that’s how they made it. You’re not wrong. In fact, man, I can’t remember the exact name of it. It’s like capify Beta or something.
I’m just. I just made that up. But they’re. There’s a secret society of finance of people on Wall street and their initiation rituals that you have to show up at this huge fancy dinner, but you have to wear a full on evening gown, makeup, diamond necklace, ear. Like you have to go all out as if you were legitimately a rich socialite woman. And they basically berate you and you kind of get mitts. It’s initiation slash humiliation ritual. Right. You’ve been through all the things. Would you do it for another degree? What, put on a dress for another fancy ring? Yeah.
The whole deal. Yeah. What’s the whole? Let’s, let’s not mince words here. Is someone penetrating me? Is that we’re saying the whole deal? Oh, no, just fancy. Fancy dress. Yeah, why not? Why not dress up? I’m progressive. I’m voting for Kamala. Yeah, that’s so funny. I’m like, huh? I mean, I’ve already killed six children and un uncountable goats. So if you say I gotta put a dress on to get my next degree, that’s nothing. Like, there’s blood all over My hands. At this point, you’re like, whatever, it’s fine, it’s fine. Just give me a new hat.
I want another hat. Oh my gosh. Yeah. No, do I get to keep the dress? That’s what I’m worried about. Well, are they gonna call upon it again? Like, hey, Melissa needs to show up at the next party too. Like, if Melissa kept having to show up, that would be sucky. But. Well, here, hear me out. I just want to say that there is a non zero chance that if there was a prominent Mormon husband out there, already has 50 wives, right. He’s like, go approaching the 80s, doesn’t see well, doesn’t hear well. Why not dress up and sneak your way into that family and just get a free house? Well, they probably kept their garments on at all times back then too.
So like, what would he know? You could just swap out like a prison pee, right? You could just wrap a warm pal in a bag and put that under your dress and convince the 80 year old, you know, husband. Yeah, what the hell would he know? Geez. Yeah, no kidding. But they all didn’t get houses all the time. Sometimes they had to share. So that’s kind of. Yeah. You know, but who knows? Whatever. I could see it. I could see it. That’s strange. I don’t know. I mean, Brigham had enough problems with the ones he had.
I mean, that’s what you get for marrying your mother in law. Just saying. I don’t really, I don’t know if I see the, the big taboo about your mother in law. Your mother. Yeah, your, your sister. Yeah, but mother in law, especially if her daughter is sterile or her uterus exploded and now she can’t put out anymore. What, what wrong would be to marry the mother? If anything, it would be like, girl, I love you so much. I want your family to continue. You have to, you have to think about it. Like, he’s banging my mom today.
Today is. Yeah, but if she’s 15, what, the mom’s 30? I mean, come on. Yeah, I, I don’t know. I think that gets sloppy. Same thing with sisters. And well, he’s, he’s all about that. He didn’t care. No, no, this could work, right? If you, if you wanted to get rid of the possible incestuous offspring. If you did bang three different sisters, then you just have their children fight to the death. Ah, there you go. That’s probably what they did, right? Or they branched off into their own. They’re like, there’s too many of us. You guys got to Go over in that part of the city and this part of the city, and then, you know, no, no talking to each other.
Okay, here some more general questions. Just because I’m still getting my bearings. You were mentioning that, you know, you’ll go to hell if you don’t do certain things. Is this a permanent hell or can you get. Can you, you know, atone after a while? Do you just. Do they just kind of put you on the burner for a few thousand years and then they check on you to see if you’re ready to come out of the oven or are you just in there forever? Well, I think if you’re like me and you left the church and you had the full knowledge, you’re probably in there forever.
If you’re not and you just didn’t have the knowledge at all and you never got talked to about anything. They kind of say you go in a waiting room and that you’re waiting there until somebody does your work for you. So you hope upon hopefully that somebody in the 23andMe zone, like, got your name and put it in the temple stuff and that you can get your temple stuff done. So, okay, so almost like a purgatory ass. So. And I know that this is a question I’m asking. I’m talking to Xma. I have to remind myself, this is an xmo.
Here she is trying to steer me away from the true path. But couldn’t you, as an xmo, you show up to whatever the Mormon equivalent of the pearly gates is, and St. Peter’s like, nope, you go in this line, but couldn’t you make the argument that, well, it’s not my fault that the divine message never made its way to me because it was all being said through these infallible prophets on earth. And it’s not my fault for not believing. It’s their fault for not conveying the message the way that God wanted me to understand it. Well, I mean, they might listen, but I don’t know, according to the bowie knife statement, that that would work because he literally says, we believe you, we’re still gonna have to put this javelin through you.
It’s, oh, he’s like, we gotta slit your throat right now. And then if you die before you get your throat slit, you really can’t atone without the shedding of your own blood, Right? Because he says, well, you love your brothers and sisters likewise when they have committed a sin that cannot be atoned for without the shedding of blood, their own blood. Will you love a man or woman Enough to shed their blood. These are quotes from Brigham Young. So I don’t know if you can actually go back from that, because he also says, I’ve known a great many men who left the church for whom there is no chance whatever for exaltation unless their blood has been spilled.
It would have been better for them to spill their blood. The wickedness and ignorance of nations forbid this principle in full force. But the time will come when the law of God will be in full force. So he’s saying, no. I don’t know. I guess modern times would be different than older times. But second anointing basically goes back to Joseph Smith’s time, right? Like 1840s or something. So this is the second anointing has kind of always been around, since Mormonism has been around in a big way. But in the 1840s, if they didn’t have great record keeping, what? Like, let’s say that you get caught doing something you’re not supposed to, they’re like, up.
We’re gonna have to stick a javelin through you. Now we’re gonna have to do this horrible thing to you. Could you just be like, oh, but you don’t understand. You know, 800 miles away in that direction, I got second anointed. You. You can’t do this to me. Do they just put you in a holding cell and send off a messenger to confirm that you were second anointed? Is there a special handshake? Can you do, like, a funny little dance? And now they’re like, up. Actually, super good record keepers. I will tell you that the historical records, for the whole reason why they made a Batman cave for their genealogy records is because they are that good.
And the reason why they are that good is because they keep intricate detail of this stuff. Like, even for Joseph Smith’s first historical records on the second anointing, it’s like September 28, 1843, like, boom, they know it, they have it. So I don’t know. They would. I think it would be in the records. I mean, they have everything. And especially now, so very much like the Catholic Church, they’re just a religious intelligence agency. Yeah, yeah. I mean, they know. They got a whole Batman cave. Three billion. If you. If you could have access to either the Vatican archives or the Mormon archives, which one do you think would have the most secrets? The Vatican.
So the Vatican still are better than the Mormons, then? They’re older? Yeah, I would say so, because the Mormons are going to have the Mormon secrets. But I don’t know how many Other secrets they care about. Right. They’re focused only on one. Whereas the Catholics are like, we better have all the secrets. We got to put this stuff away. Nobody can know about any of this. It’s bad, you know, so that’s my guess. I’ve been to the Vatican. It’s really pretty. And I think you told me last time that we did a show that. But there’s now a Mormon temple that’s right outside the Vatican.
And you don’t just get to put up a temple outside. Not in the Vatican City, but it’s close enough that if you’re doing a tour, you can hit them both in the same day. Right. And you don’t get to put that up unless you at least have a little bit of buy in from the Catholics. The Pope in particular, I think your current. The current Pope for the Catholic Church is under a ton of scrutiny for a lot of things. And I think he’s just like, fuck it. Like, he doesn’t care. Oh, yeah, he does not care.
Like, I’m sorry, he doesn’t care. Yeah, they’ve all cared before this one. So he is the. He is the Kamala of Popes for sure. There is. If you believe in infinite dimensions and realities, then there is a reality in which the Catholic Church combines with the Mormon Church. And at that point, that’s the biggest intelligence organization on the planet. I think that’s already happened. I think they’re all part of the one world order. Look at all their CIA and FBI connections and plus them working together so closely and all of their ties. And then you look at their holdings, look at the money, follow the money.
Right? But I mean, maybe this is just all surface level stuff for normies, but it does seem like there’s one major incompatible or more than one. But baptisms, they completely look at those different transubstantiation and, you know, eating the flesh and the blood. That’s kind of like a. I’ve always understood that as there’s no wiggle room there. If you’re a Catholic and you don’t believe in transubstantiation, then you’re not really Catholic. The Mormons do the whole thing. They do. They’re eating Adam. They’re not eating the real God. Right. Well, they took it back. They took it back, remember? Right, right.
So who knows at this point, right? Like, I mean, in Joseph Smith’s time, I think the, the showing of Adonai on his different things, like, obviously he had some knowledge there about the Adam God theory, because if you search Back far enough into different things. You’ll find some stuff about Adam and Adam. Like, all this can, like, connects together. Are you gonna tell me Adam was dressing up like a woman, too? I mean. No, I don’t think that, but I just think that Joseph was definitely in on a more hermetic philosophy of things. He had a really good friend named Lumen Walters that he was learning all kinds of stuff from.
And this guy was a doctor. He just came back from Europe. And funny enough, guess where he just came back from when he met Joseph Smith? France. And he came back godless heathen that wasn’t like he was before, believing in strange things and they don’t go into it. And I’m like, there’s your link. There’s your link right there, people. But, like, I. I just think that, you know, and I find his name hysterically funny. Like, is this a Mandela effect? Like, his name is Lumen, Like Lightbringer. Good, good. Okay. He’s a real person. I’ve looked him up and looked.
Done a bunch of research on him, but I really do believe this is where his hermetic studies started. And then he started learning from a Jewish guy all these things about Hebrew and Kabbalah. And they don’t want to get into this. They say it didn’t happen, but it did. And so the guy’s name’s in there. Like, we can look it up, But I just am like, he. He was hermetic in nature is what I’m saying. So him and Brigham and his early followers, I believe, are going one way. And then when this state became a state, and.
And they said, quit messing around with this stupid crap, or we’re not going to let you be a state. We’re going to take all your money and all this stuff. Then the president of the church, I believe it was Lorenzo Snow, but don’t quote me on it. I think he was like, cut it out. Like, you guys cut it out. Like, take it underground. Make them your hoes. Like, I. I think that they were just like, stop what you’re doing. We made this sugar factory. We’re helping with the railroad. Like, we need to make money. And it became a core, a corporatization where Joseph Smith and Brigham Young really weren’t about that.
You know, I think Brigham might have been in his later years, but not at first, you know, Like, I don’t know. He was part of the railroad, so maybe he was all along, but who knows? What if he was CIA to begin with type of thing and just sent out west to start the railroad. Who knows? Would have been a little early for the CIA, but, yeah, you get what I’m saying. Like, what if he was already bought and paid for? He did become the governor, you know, like, easy, easy peasy. But he wasn’t giving up those women, I’ll tell you that right now.
So until he died, they kept it going, and everybody was like, yep, Adam’s God, and that’s okay. And all the women, and then he dies. And they were like, forget it all. Go backward. We believe in the other God. And so I’m like, you guys don’t even know what you believe. That’s why you look so shady. I mean, well, it probably gets confusing. Yeah, well, that’s. That’s the one thing. Well, the Catholics, and I’ve just described this a few times, so get. The short version. Is that it’s just, like, legal precedent. The Catholic Church is like the US Supreme Court, where every time they make a decision, they write it down, they document it, and then someone 800 years later will be like, oh, no, no, we’ve already decided what happens on this.
Look, here’s an example of a papal bowl that says, when A plus B gotta have C. And that’s how this goes. And unless you want to challenge this authority, which is a long process, we just go on this legal religious precedent. So in that case, the Catholic Church is. Has one advantage, and that they can be like, this is how it’s always been done. Look, here’s proof. It’s been done like this for a thousand years. In Mormonism, it’s almost like the. A different pro and con, where they can be like, oh, no, no, it’s always been like that.
Trust me. And you’re like, no, no, you can’t look at what we wrote down two years ago, because that’s gone now. Now you just have this version, which is new, which I think is interesting, because you can constantly make sure that you’re compatible with whatever the latest trends and zeitgeist are. And you don’t necessarily have to explain all these weird decisions that were made hundreds of years ago, but also now, when people are like, well, show me the receipts. The receipts is. Trust me, bro. That’s like the Mormon receipt, right? Trust me, bro. Gets people into trouble, too, because the more I study about.
You know, they’ve even called it Celestial Masonry themselves. This is what the Mormons call it, Celestial Masonry. So I don’t. I’m telling you this, like, all of their stuff that they get to once. Once they get to a certain point, kind of like the masons, they open up the vault and go, here you go, right? And before that, it’s all, trust me, bro. Trust me, bro. And then you get to the next level, the second anointing stuff or whatever. But I’ll tell you, whatever they’re telling them. Some people go batshit crazy as soon as they learn about it, because then they really do start slitting people’s throats.
This has been an ongoing thing. You know, the Valo case, which is really popular right now. She went crazy and her kids are dead. We got under the banner of heaven. They went crazy. And blood sacrifice, slit her throat of the wife. And I’ve talked to this guy, a survivor. Like, you get to a certain level on all of this, and all these people get real weird. So what the hell are they telling them at that level that makes some people just break apart mentally? Like, they literally can’t. I mean, it’s all really. Makes me just think of blood magic and sex.
Sex magic. And those two things are combined with knives and stabbings and genetic magic. But. But because I’ve been on, like, a true crime kick lately, but people that die by the knife, those tend to be crimes of, like, sexual passion or some kind of sexual element to it, and which in my occult mind and be like, okay, well, sex and blood magic, kind of the same thing. Like, even Crowley said that, you know, sexual fluids, he named them different types of blood. Because I read the saturny fraternist. Whatever. Don’t touch their papers. Good advice. If you can get them peeled apart from each other, don’t touch them.
So gross. Yeah. Agree. Yes. And speaking about magic, here’s another. Seems like a contentious point because I tried searching it. I found different varying opinions. And then if when I asked chat gbt, which I don’t recommend you don’t, you don’t go to chat GBT to ask about facts because it just spits out whatever makes sense. But I asked chat gbt, did Brigham Young wear a blood amulet? And if so, you know, did he believe in magic? Well, here’s the chat GBT response. There is a myth that Brigham Young wore a blood amulet. However, there is no credible historical evidence that Brigham Young ever possessed or used a blood amulet.
So then you just go in. Yeah, well, not. Not only do they have it, there’s pictures of him wearing it. There’s pictures of the amulet. There’s documentation on where he got it. Apparently he got. And I don’t know how true any of this is, but A guy named Thomas Brown and Captain Cook in the 1700s. And it gets passed down to a pioneer family. The Browns and then Browns give it to young. So it’s got this long back history. It’s not just any old blood amulet. It’s a blood amulet that’s been around for centuries and has been passed down from generation to generation.
And that this is what he wore in the battle or when he was traveling to keep himself safe. Yeah. There’s tons of pictures of this like, and that let alone. I want to do a whole episode on like the Magical World of Mormons because it’s much like Harry Potter and by the way, they love Harry Potter and Star wars and Star Trek, so it makes complete sense. But yeah, all these things and. And canes. He. He possessed a cane as well that had Joseph Smith’s hair from his death braided into the knob of the cane and then it was made from.
They dug him up like multiple times and they dug up Joseph Smith and made a new coffin every time and then made canes out of the dirty, juicy, grody coffin and gave them to Brit. One was to Brigham Young. They gave them to a bunch of them. There’s pictures of them. There’s pictures of these canes. So there’s all kinds of weird stuff. It gets weirder and weirder the more I dive into it. I’m like, what the hell is going on here? Like, I was a Mormon for so long. Why is not. Why do I not know none of this? But now I do, you know, and it’s occulted.
Yeah. When you’re, when you’re growing up Mormon, you’re learning about all this do. Was there any impression on you on like who do you care more about, Joseph Smith or Brigham Young? Are they equals? Is Joseph Smith higher than Brigham Young? Well, whoever’s the current prophet. There’s songs and everything. Follow the prophet, follow the prophet. It’s like a whole big thing. So we just are supposed to follow the prophet and never question anything ever. We aren’t supposed to go learn for ourselves. They came out with when the Internet became big. Doubt your doubts, don’t doubt your faith.
Like they make all these really good little, you know, slangs and you don’t learn any weird stuff. You just. You’re supposed to do what you’re told, period. Especially if you’re a girl. What was that song about trees or something that all the kids. Popcorn popping on the apricot tree. So. So I mean, in that mentality. Yeah, they’re. They’re Rhyming a whole generation of children to actually believe popcorn grows on trees. Because the same thing that would have you not question if a blood amulet is real or if second anointing is real, or if any of these things are real.
You’d be like, well, I better not ask about the popcorn. Like, I already know what the answer is. You don’t ask a whole lot of questions growing up Mormon. That would be one for me. If I was growing up and I was singing this song and I found out one day that popcorn doesn’t actually grow on trees. It was the most fun song in church, though, because it had hand stuff like popcorn popping on the apricot. Like, it was fun. It was fun. But I would find out and be like, well, if they’re lying about the popcorn, what else are they lying about? Yeah, that’s.
Well, I did do that quite a few times and go to the bishop about quite a few things, and I’m sure I got on the naughty list. Like, you can’t be talking. My grandma finally did say, if you want to keep in good standing, you better shut up. And I was like, what? I just want to know the answer. Because, you know, my grandma told me that if you go to the temple, you can’t. You can’t do oral things in your bedroom. And I was like, well, then I’m not going. And I was like, well, that’s enough of that.
Like, we’ll wrap that up. All done. And so I went and asked the bishop because I was brave enough. My grandma was like, no, it’s just. Stop it. You know, just don’t do that. Like, like. And I was like, I gotta know this answer. This is like, this is crazy. This is the actual deal breaker right here. Well, like, anything in your bedroom, like, that’s private. I was like, really? I mean, other than a third person or some kinky weird stuff like dogs or goats, like, come on now. Like, I don’t get it. And the bishop, like, stopped me straight away.
He’s like, that was old. Just. I don’t even want to know. I don’t want to know. Go on your way. I mean, I would love an undercover to go in a temple and just be like, look, I’m really into foot and poop stuff. Can we. Can this be compatible? Is there any way that. You know what he said to me? He said, anything that happens between only you and your husband alone in your bedroom, that you both agree with, as long as it isn’t, like, pornography or, like, you know, bringing a third Person in. Or whatever.
Like kids, dogs, all that weird stuff. Have nothing like that, then we don’t want to know. That’s what he said. Unless you’re second anointed, then you can do anything that you freaking want to, right? Yeah, probably. Yeah, you can’t. Except you can’t deny the Holy Ghost and you can’t kill someone, so you gotta be careful. If you’re into the choking, you know, you can’t accidentally choke her to death unless the. Unless the Lord, you know, divined it. No, no. She needed a javelin if that was gonna happen. Don’t forget, it’s all about that. She slipped and fell on a javelin.
Yeah. Slice. This is a complete tangent, but I think a good place because I. I don’t know if I’ll remember to ask this later, but also, growing up Mormon, is there a Santa? Is there an Easter Bunny? Is there a. Guess what they love the most. Halloween. But yes, there’s all of that and more. Okay, so there’s a Santa Claus. And you tell your kids that Santa was here and he brought these presents and. Yep. Tooth fairy, too. Like, you look under the pillow and there’s a dollar there. All the things. Yep. Yeah, they love holidays.
And you just. That’s what the women do. The women folk decorate and they make toll paintings of, like, the next holiday. Why? The men are learning secret combinations. We’re in their toll painting. Are there popular Mormon Halloween outfits? Like, is there? It would be. They do love Harry Potter, Twilight, all these things. You know, Stephanie Myers that wrote Twilight, she was a Mormon. And so, like, that. That seems to. I didn’t know that. Yeah. Was the Mormon, like, became an ex Mormon and then. And then wrote it or what? No, I don’t think she. I think she just was inactive.
I don’t know that she’s ever been an ex Mormon. I just think she’s not. I think she might be a Jack Mo. So we’d have to see nowadays. But. Yeah, you could watch Twilight with a Mormon lens then. Oh, Twilight was totally. People were like, yeah, it’s fine. Just close your eyes on the sexual part. Like, it’s fine. Like vampires. Like, they. They like the little weird stuff. Like, they’re very all about that. I don’t think, like, Cryptids and stuff like that. They’re not against. They’re. They’re like, yeah, probably true. I’m like, yeah, probably. Kind of seems like an inversion though, right? Because in Twilight, Bella was trying to hook up with, like, three different guys where.
So that was. You know, they changed It. They changed it in 1978. I’ll stop. Or so they say. So they say. But he was Native American, so he would be on a pass. He’s a pass. Well, if. If anything, that’s encouraged because she needs to bring a more delightsome lineage to that whole family. Right? Delightsome. Yep. That’s exactly true. And there’s. He is not the only one to speak of this. That white and delightsome business went on for a long time. Profit after profit after. Well, who’s whiter than a vampire? No one I know. Maybe they’re really into that.
I don’t know. But they don’t. They have, like, the trunk or treats over. They actually ruined Halloween because they do the trunk or treats at the church. Well, I’m not a member. And so. And they also. If any holiday falls on a Sunday, it doesn’t have a holiday here in Utah. So it’s like on the day before, the day after. And so Halloween can never be on a Sunday. Halloween can never be just kids knocking on your door getting candy anymore. They’re at the church. Well, we don’t go to the church, so. Yeah. So if a Halloween falls on a Sunday, they just postpone it.
Like the Mormons will just throw their own Halloween the day after or the whole state? The whole state. That’s the thing. It’s the whole state. So if you’re not a Mormon, do you get to have two Halloweens then? If you live in, like, a Kamoran community, you bet. I take kids twice. I take my kids twice for sure. I’m like, yep, you want some more candy? Let’s go. Yeah. Do Mormons give better candy than Christians or secularists? Just rich people. Yeah, there’s rich Mormons. They do, but otherwise, meh. And I mean, but they’re not against, like, celebrating anything or saying it’s demonic or any of that stuff.
They don’t care. What about coffee flavored candies? Coffee flavoring is okay, but the coffee itself. But I heard they changed it. I heard they’re changing things. They’re so progressive now that they say it is whatever you feel it should be. And I’m like, oh, is that the same for cocaine? Or what’s happening with that? Like, I. I just think it’s funny that they would go back on something that they’ve been like, this is the law for so long, you know, I just. I don’t know. But whatever. Yeah. Who knows? I’m pretty sure they’re progressive enough that you’re going to see, like, them endorse a lot of things over the next 10 years.
If, if they want me to, to join anytime soon, that would definitely be a huge step forward. You go into temple and they’re like, here’s some high thc dabs for you to enjoy while you’re going through this. Here’s an edible. Here’s a line of coke. They just kind of like hook you up on the way in. I could not do that. That makes me psychotic. Weed makes me psychotic. I don’t know why. But yeah, I think I’m allergic. I really do. Who knows? But yeah, I don’t know. I think they’re very less worried about it. Like, they got more.
It used to be no tattoos, no. None of this business. I mean, you had tattoos going to the church. Whoa, you heathen. You know, and so actually I had a tattoo on the back of my neck, and when I got it, I had really long hair. Well, now I wear my hair pretty short and it’s pretty visible and it’s big. There’s just no way. It’s. It’s like all the way down my back. And I know that was like a angsty thing to do, but I didn’t mean it to be. I had the long hair when I got it.
It. But live and learn. Yeah, it’s been. It’s been changing. It’s. It’s changed along the way. So I dare say their biggest thing would be they need to change the garments. Because I think a lot of people complain about the garments. If they really wanted to get quote, unquote progressive, like changing the garments would be a big thing. But I. I don’t know if they would ever do it. I mean, just throwing out ideas. Mormons, we’ve talked about this before, that, that it’s not the garment that’s magic, but it’s the symbol that’s magic. And once the symbol exists, there’s no special anointing or magic blessing or anything that necessarily has to happen.
Just getting the symbol. So, I mean, if they did allow tattoos, you could just get it tattooed on you. And now you don’t have to wear underpants on both boobies. Yeah, that would be kind of hot. Little square encompass, like all like a free masonic sort of thing going on. And your belly button slit, so you just color it in. That’s hysterical. I. I mean, I definitely wouldn’t want my nipples tattooed with that. But hey, whatever. Whatever people want to do, they can do. I just don’t know that it’s. I mean, if you don’t even Know who your own God is? Do you really want to trust them? Like, at least the Catholics always, they never falter.
Their God is this one. And that’s all. Well, maybe until you start getting deep into the Trinity and you’re like, wait, so how about this, this Holy Spirit and God the Father and God the Son stuff? And it’s the less you ask, the more you’ll. You’ll understand. It’s so true. In every, every religion and, or secret society. Right. Just when you think you have it figured out, you don’t know anything. You don’t know. Like that’s the truth. That’s. That’s the truth. I mean, it doesn’t phase me from not trying, but I don’t think you ever, if you, in anything in life, if you’re trying to study anything, it doesn’t matter what it is.
We always say in nursing the scariest nurses, the nurse that never asks for help and thinks she knows it all because those people are. They’re going to kill somebody. Like, that’s terrifying. You want a nurse that even if they’ve been doing this 25 years of something changed yesterday, they’re not afraid to say, what. What’s up with this? This. I’ve never seen this before. Right. Like it’s better to ask. Yeah, you want, you want Nurse Ratchet and not the new training nurse that’s super nice to everyone. Oh my. Yeah, well, you definitely. It could go either way because Nurse Ratched was pretty inflexible and she wouldn’t, I don’t know if she would accept asking questions.
Right. Like, she was kind of a sassy lady, but who knows? I don’t know if gun to head, if you had to pick a profit to follow. Are you going with Smith? Are you going with young Smith? I, I think so too. Because the worst case scenario is that Smith steals your girlfriend or your wife. But worst case scenario, the Brigham Young is that he murders you. Well, and he, you know, there’s a lot of evidence and people actually conjecture that Smith was killed. One of the reasons that possibly Brigham would have had him killed. This is just conjecture that it was because he actually baptized a black person and he wasn’t anti, you know, black people or any of this.
So I’m in that camp, obviously, because some of my family members are black and brown and all the colors of the rainbow. So I, I’m definitely not a racist and I just find that disgusting with having a black niece. And, you know, my other. My nephews are half smoing and half well, another half Hawaiian, half Chinese. Like, I just. It’s. It’s not. Yeah. I don’t think really God cares about any of that. We’re all made in his image, and I think it’s silly for people to think that one’s better than the other. And I don’t think Joseph Smith was that way.
And I do think if he had been let go far enough, that that would have changed earlier. And many people say that that’s one of the reasons that got him killed, because he. He was an abolitionist. You know, he. He didn’t believe in it, so who knows? But that’s. That’s also interesting dynamic is that Brigham Young was a contemporary of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. So when Joseph Smith died, he was in, like, his late 30s, and at that moment, Brigham Young was in his early 40s, so they were almost the same. He was a little bit older.
You could almost see him being like, this young kid, doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing. I could do a better job than this guy’s doing. Yeah, it’s true. And he had been all over the world. You know, he served a lot of missions, so I think he had more worldly knowledge, we’ll say, like, he’d been to England. He’d been. He’d had a lot of exposure to way more things Brigham Young did. And he also knew about how important law was. He. There’s a lot of quotes about law. He was no dummy, okay? He. You know, I don’t think Joseph Smith was dumb either.
And I. I hate my, number one hatred of how Joseph Smith is portrayed as a dumb farm boy that knew all this hermetic knowledge. Get the hell out of here. He was not stupid. And he was studying Hebrew. He was studying all the time. Like, I don’t believe that. And I think it’s actually a tragedy that he is portrayed that way, because whether or not I agree with him, what he did was pretty big. I mean, let’s be honest, you know, like, I mean, he created a complete American religion on his own. Whether or not. Okay, maybe not on his.
Whether or not on his own. Right. With angels or not. Who knows? Angels, demons, we don’t know. But in freemasons, don’t leave them out. They were. They were part of that. Right. It’s a pretty big feat. He’s involved in the Morgan affair. He’s marrying their wives. Like, this is a wild thing that he’s doing. Like, he’s pretty. He’s going all over the place in his era. So you know, Brigham Young just had to pick it up and make it his. That’s not nearly as hard, but. And there’s an interesting thread there, too, that if there’s any relevance at all to that, Brigham Young was upset that more that Joseph Smith was baptizing black people into Mormonism.
And then Joseph Smith dies in a city, Carthage, named after a city in Africa, right? Oh, that’s true. I didn’t think about that. That’s interesting, huh? Well, I know. I know that he did. He did believe in that. And I know that Brigham. One thing about Brigham was. He was a hundred percent a racist. And so, you know, I don’t know that that was where the church was going, honestly. And I also don’t think that Joseph Smith was like Brigham Young in the way that Brigham was hungry for wealth and power and all that. Joseph Smith just seems like this flighty little guy that just wants to bang girls, right? Like, he’s like.
Like, I’m just gonna go find me another wife. And he wants you to pay his bill to get to the girl’s house, too, for sure. But he’s not looking for more. He’s not looking for, you know, tons of money or mansions or wealth. Whereas Brigham Young, I mean, he didn’t live in any shacks, I’ll tell you that. I’ve been to quite a few of his homes. You know, they’re pretty nice. He didn’t look like he ever missed a meal. Worth it if you got. If you got to have the nicest of Brigham Young’s houses that you’ve ever seen.
Worth it. I don’t know. If you had to flip his little FUPA up and down. Oh, nah, I’m. I’m mean, I can’t share. It’s not even about the fupa. I’m. I’m like, I don’t share. Yeah. My husband knows. He’s the same way, so it’s fine. We make a good couple that way. So I’m just like, yeah, mess up that way, and that’s it. Split it down the middle. Well, bye. So that’s all she wrote. Where do we go from here? We’ve. We’ve done. Where do we go from Brigham Young? Like, what’s the next deep dive that we do? I think we should do one on witchcraft and the craft of Mormonism, per se, because there is a lot of stuff that goes into that.
And I think this Xena. Xena Morgan, she’s actually one of my relatives, so I’m vastly interested in this. Can we get her on. Let’s get her on. Not for me. You and Andreas, can you. No way. Don’t do no sales. I’m scared. Please. Yeah. No way. She might show up and then she’ll lie to you just like John D’s angels. And then. But just imagine the amount of. Of traffic and clicks and ad revenue if. If we did the first dance that provably shows that you can summon someone from the dead. It seems like the advantages would outweigh the eternal damnation.
We’re liars. They’ll just say, oh, they lied. But even that would still be interesting. That would still get you the clicks and the reviews and the. Andreas will do it and I’ll come on and tell you all the people. I don’t know if he will. That’s actually a good question. I’ll ask Andreas. I’m actually shocked at the number of people that will not summon a demon with me on a live stream. I wouldn’t summon a demon on a Not live stream. I’m terrified of stuff like that. No way. I already have enough problems with little noises and things that go bump in the night.
No thanks. I’m scared of that stuff. No way. Okay, so. So next show we’ll do Mormon Witchcraft I guess is just. Are we just gonna do. And folk magic? Maybe we should throw that in there since. Okay, I would actually be interested in. Because we did the folk magic and early Mormonism kind of of book review. But in that one we just kind of noted that. Yeah, he had the Magus. Yeah, he had these like goetic sort of grimoire. So maybe if we found exactly where. Where you’re claiming the XMO is claiming that he got this from.
Maybe we can talk about the Magus a little bit more and other books that he was reading. Or there’s another interesting one that I’m. I’ve been searching into is there was. Is a certain Masonry bestowed upon the Mormons upon the prophets of the church. And it has to do with Hitler. And it’s like some masonry that. That was over there and a big deal. But anyway, there’s a lot of ties to Hitler. And one of the people that went to help Hitler’s people after the war ended was the Mormons. I found that very interesting. There’s some weird.
There’s some weird stuff there. And the Vatican. The Vatican was also helpful to the Germans because they saw the Germans as the lesser of two evils between that and communism because communism was godless. And they were like, well, this guy might be bad, but at Least he believes in God. Like we can support people that don’t believe in God at all. So. Yeah, yeah. Or we can think on it. If you guys have any suggestions, Leave it. I know it’s not live, but leave it in the show notes. We’re down to go down that trail, but, but I’m sure there’s plenty, plenty, plenty of trails that we could go down.
There’s a ditty trail. I, I can tell you that right now. I’m staying away from Diddy trails. I’ve. They don’t lead to anywhere good. They lead to Tim Ballard freak off. They lead to white people doing white people’s stuff. Well, let’s, let’s do the witchcraft one and maybe even tie in some other, like, Mormon Halloween. Halloween traditions that maybe we don’t know about because that would be good for October. Well, this will be good anyway because I’ve been wanting to do this. So the magical. The Hogwarts of the Hogwarts of Joseph Smith. I don’t know, but whatever we call it, it’s a perfect one for Halloween time.
So, okay, we’ll brainstorm on like a Wizarding World of Joseph Smith kind of name for that. Yes. And I’ll bring, I’ll bring a slideshow for that one because that one’s pretty fun. So we got snake canes, we got coffin canes, we got all kinds of fun stuff. All right, well, until, until next time. We’ll, we’ll leave it up to you on whether or not you want to become a Mormon. I think I might be more sold now than when we started. That’s my new metric. You’re a menace. You’re a menace to society. You have to get married right away.
That makes me like it even more, though. Like you’re going to legitimately say I’m a menace. Like I’m, I’m in. I like this menace to society because you need to get a couple wives. How’s your girlfriend gonna feel about that? Well, while drinking my juice in the hood, she’s gonna have to go along to get along. She’ll have to be the number one. But she gets a nice house out of it. Or I have to get the house and then give it to her. Still the same. Honestly, some kids, if they’ve got money, if the Mormon Church has the money for it, Imagine if they were like, hey, anyone that converts to Mormonism and starts making Mormon babies, once you’ve got 10 kids, you get a brand new house.
You just won prices. Right. I almost feel that that would Be a huge incentive. They kind of do that in a secret type of way. Right? They do that with their connects because all their business connects. It’s like who you know, not what you know. It’s all about you. You do know that they built a whole suburb here and they called it Mount Olympus for the gods. Just normal Christian Jesus stuff. And they don’t really say whether there’s a God or gods. And we could chuck this in with the magical stuff. They do call him Elohim, which I find hilarious since we know that means plural.
That’s not even a one God deal. Like, come on, you know, this is. And we could go into gods with this whole magical thing because it definitely goes there. So all these fun little rabbit holes. I like to go down. My husband thinks I’m crazy. It’s fine. He’s like, don’t tell me any of this stuff. My mom is still in this makes me feel weird. No, just kidding. Just don’t ask her about the bath full of oil. Right? She’s not old enough. Have to go to the grandma. Grandma. Yeah. So any. Any Mormons out there that have grandparents or great grandparents, just ask them about their temple ritual.
I’m serious. Do it. Because your answer will be you. You won’t. It was a lot. It was a lot. And it was a. It was a 1900s P. Diddy freak off. That’s basically what temple rituals are. I wonder if there were drugs in the oil. Like maybe this is why they were all having visions. Look, you’re gonna have to move fast. Conspiracy cards from Paranoid American are here. Conspiracy cause flip it what’s the deal? Conspiracy toys with that paranoid seal I can unwrap the truth in these stacks stack slip 1, flip 2 get a few these packs facts flip it up what’s next Move fake we flex six foot in the woods stay lying that’s facts MK ultra no cap every y’all 51 is a trap Ross.
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