➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, including the idea that fluoride in the water is a byproduct of the petroleum industry and that removing it could cause problems for corporations. They also talk about the symbolism of eclipses and how they might be used in predictive programming, particularly in relation to Donald Trump and Elon Musk. The speaker suggests that these figures might be using these symbols for their own purposes, possibly to secure a lasting legacy. The speaker also mentions an upcoming comic about the Illuminati.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including RFK’s health initiatives, a food influencer’s campaign against harmful food additives, and the influence of last-minute endorsements in elections. It also mentions a streaming service called Conspire TV, which offers uncensored content on various topics. The text ends with a discussion on the symbolism in popular culture, particularly in relation to the music industry and its potential ties to occult practices.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, pop culture references, and current events. It mentions Travis Scott, Shaggy 2 Dope, and Chris Jenner, and speculates about connections to the Illuminati and other secret societies. The conversation also covers the U.S. election, predicting that Donald Trump will win and bring significant changes to the financial world. The text ends with a promotion for a comic about the Illuminati.
➡ The creators of a comic about the Illuminati are using Kickstarter to fund their project. They’ve noticed that projects which get fully funded quickly tend to get more attention on the site. Their comic is not only for conspiracy theory fans, but also designed to attract a wider audience by being interactive and educational. They encourage early sign-ups for their launch, promising exclusive rewards and additional content.
➡ The text discusses an upcoming launch event that will be streamed daily and offers exclusive goodies to early participants. It also delves into various conspiracy theories, including the influence of secret societies on the education system and the voting system. The text suggests that these systems may be influenced by esoteric meanings of words and symbols. The discussion also touches on the perceived bias in news reporting and the strategies of political campaigns.
➡ The text discusses a conversation about election betting odds, the concept of energy in relation to elections, and the idea of state versus federal citizenship. It also mentions a theory about judges being paid by insurance companies based on the severity of the crimes they convict. The conversation ends with a discussion about multiplication and an upcoming Insane Clown Posse concert.
➡ The discussion revolves around a song, sonic booms related to Starlink, and the use of seals for testing these booms. The conversation also touches on the alien agenda, the use of headphones for psychological experiments, and the connection of these events to the election. The speakers also discuss the rise of Bitcoin, its connection to Elon Musk and Peter Thill, and its potential as a vote of confidence against the traditional banking system. They speculate on the future of blockchain technology and its potential use in voting systems.
➡ The text discusses the fluctuating nature of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, highlighting the influence of external factors such as news and politics on their value. It also delves into the history of market analysis, specifically the use of candlestick patterns, which originated in 1755 Japan as a method to track market emotions. The conversation then shifts to the changing nature of warfare, suggesting that future battles will be fought in financial markets and through AI technology. Lastly, it touches on the ongoing U.S. elections and the launch of an upcoming comic called ‘Illuminati’.
➡ The discussion revolves around the significance of numbers and symbols in the U.S. elections, particularly focusing on Pennsylvania, known as the Keystone State. The speakers also discuss the idea of changing the current election system, suggesting that people should collectively decide who they want as president, rather than candidates campaigning for themselves. They also touch on the topic of gender identity and its spiritual implications. Lastly, they mention the first president of the U.S. colonies, John Hansen, who was black and used to fight in wars.
➡ The text discusses hidden historical facts, such as the existence of 14 presidents before George Washington, including John Hanson, who can be seen on the back of a two-dollar bill. It also explores theories about Abraham Lincoln’s ethnicity and the symbolism of his image on the penny. The conversation then shifts to discuss the idea of magic and spells being used in politics, specifically against President Trump. Finally, it mentions a series of books by Ingersoll Lockwood that eerily predict current events, suggesting a predestined future.
➡ The discussion revolves around the history of secret societies, their influence on the formation of the United States, and the symbolism found in structures like the White House. The speakers also discuss the potential impact of President Trump’s re-election, including the release of classified files and a crackdown on high-profile individuals involved in scandals. They also mention the launch of a comic book about the Illuminati and speculate about its potential as a movie.
➡ The text is a conversation about various topics, including a viral thread on a platform called X, the importance of words and their meanings, and the connections found through Gematria, a system of assigning numerical value to words. The speakers also discuss the phrase “Let’s effing go” (LFG), its potential meanings, and its popularity. They touch on the significance of the number 72 in relation to Bitcoin, and the movie adaptation of the book “Hillbilly Elegy”.
So when you enter the room, make sure to smash that like button and go to the Notify me on the launch. But today is a election day, very important day in America and worldwide because whatever happens is going to affect the rest of the world. And we’re going to talk about these rituals. We’re going to cover it live as we got this website up and go over the symbolism and just a ton of other topics. But yeah, have you been watching this Paranoid all day? What? What? Not all day. Honestly, I, I’ve got, I’ve got my own hot takes on how valid all this is anyways.
But the one thing that I thought was the most interesting is that this election betting odds site, this is an aggregate of all like the top five, I guess, betting sites that lets you bet on the presidential election. And they’ve got popular vote, they’ve got electoral college vote, they’ve got the House, they got the Senate, all that people can bet on. And all of them look like landslides, at least in terms of betting odds. And I don’t necessarily mean think that this means that this is how it’s going to all play out. But it is interesting because they claim to have better, better track record than just regular pollsters because this is the market speaking in some ways.
But also we were mentioning this yesterday. I think it’s fascinating because Vegas and gambling and the intersection of making money and profit off of this weird like prophecy, right? This like weird for telling it’s been happening since forever. Tarot cards and roulette wheels and all of that used to be ways that you would prophesize. And now we’ve got instead of looking at polls, people looking at the sports betting and using that to prophesize who’s going to be the next president. The prophecy has been fulfilled. The 69 prophecy of Elon Musk. And you can also, if you want to put a super chat in the comment, you could always venmo us right here and we will read your super chat.
That’s what that noise is. But the prophecy has been fulfilled of the 69.9, which is also a 666 if you flip it around. Elon tweeted this out doing the dark Maga as you. As you know. And this is a commercial oddly similar to the last election cycle around the same time where it looked like it was going one way and then who knows what happens when you go to sleep and you wake up and it’s all different. Oh, right. Well, I’ve been covering all the elections because I used to work for a geopolitical platform and this is actually one of the videos I’ve edited covering the different topics.
So I was there studying and watching the first election, and I was surprised he won. The mainstream media said he wasn’t gonna win, so I thought for sure Hillary was gonna win. But then he won and I was so surprised because I. I did not see that because of all the fake news and all. And then they tell us Biden got more votes than Obama. Right. That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. So we never know what’s going to happen. Use Common Core math and it makes sense. Common Core math. Then it’ll make sense. Yeah. Then all of a sudden, Joe Biden getting more votes than Barack Obama or Donald Trump makes all the sense in the world.
Well, this documentary that I put together is kind of crazy. And because it goes into a bunch of stuff with this flight list. Well, I’ll play some. Some clips of it maybe. I don’t know. It’s looking a little spicy. It is spicy. Yeah, It’s a spice. It’s a spicy video. But. But I was going back in time and looking at some of the memetic magic that. That Elon has been using throughout the years. And the tiger year, he tweeted. And this was 2022. This is when he was a leftist, I believe. And he. We just heard about Peanut.
Right. Well, this one was flicking the nuts, doing the. Okay, Illuminati hand symbol. Right, too, as well, for the year of the Tiger. And then this whole thing with Peanut just happened. So I’ve been kind of going back in time and looking through older videos of the rituals that were going down around this time for. For election time. And I got all those clips lined up. So we’re going to be going through a lot of these things. We are tuning in to the election rituals. We probably will be joined later with some special guests. But, yeah, it looks like Trump’s gonna win.
I mean, yeah, I don’t believe my eyes though. So I guess I’m, I’m the ultimate black pill skeptic when it comes to elections. Not anything else really. I think elections is where I get the most black pilled. And it didn’t help today too that I’m in Florida and they, this is the weirdest thing in Florida, but you have to have a super majority to pass amendments and they were voting on recreational and it got 56% of the vote but it didn’t get 60% so technically it still failed and it didn’t pass through. So it’s, it’s a surreal thing though because the headlines literally say Florida voted against such and such.
But that’s not really what happened. Florida voted for it. They just didn’t meet the, the right threshold in order to pass it. But just the way that the headlines are phrased as if we all voted against it, which is the objective, you know, untruth. I don’t know, it’s, it’s weird for that to be the norm and for that to be the common vernacular. That sounds very complicated. I didn’t understand any of it, but I’m pretty stupid, you know, And I, when I went to do the election, when I, when I went up in there, I had like a card that kind of tell me what to do, but I was questioning that too.
What’s your thoughts on the never voters? I feel like I, I, I’ve talked to them. A lot of my friends have become this, I’ve been there, I understand. I, I think it’s, it’s, it’s hard to delineate because there’s, if you look at it from the outside, like objective standpoint, right? Like if you don’t know the people, you don’t know their intents, you don’t know why they’re not voting. There’s no difference from a non voter doing it at a protest versus a non voter doing it out of apathy or someone that was just like, oh, I thought that was next week.
Right. The, those are three entirely different classes. I think that if you’re doing it with intent, if you’re a never voter with intent, they should have an option that when you go to vote it’s an option of no confidence so that you can show that like, look, I went through, I stood in line, you know, I, I did my civic duty to give my opinion on where this is all headed and I just opted for none of the above. I think that having that option would at least help delineate the, the people that have pure apathy versus the ones that are doing it to kind of protest the options that we got.
But we don’t have that option because I think that there’s something strategic about blending people that are apathetic with ones that are doing at a protest. What, what I think is kind of interesting that I’ve been keeping an eye out on like a hawk is the mainstream influencers who are America first influencers, voting for Kamala or not voting and telling their following not to go for Trump. I feel like there’s some sort of socialist agenda behind all that. Well, this is another conspiracy, I guess, angle of this. But isn’t it weird how the elections and the way that they draw out mirror the same thing as like a typical television show where it builds up, like they don’t give you the answer right at the head.
You gotta watch the very end and there’s gonna be a cliffhanger. And make sure to turn into the news tomorrow morning because you didn’t get the full episode. We still have to do the big reveal tomorrow. And it’s weird in a coincidental way. Like, how is it so coincidental that it seems to fit perfectly along with how network television and like, advertising programming also has worked for the last 50 years? That’s exactly what happened on the first run. Because I remember I was covering it when I worked at AMTV and I was there till like 2 in the morning.
And once they announced that Trump won, this was when, 2016 or something, I was blown away that I drove home, but everyone was asleep. So it’s exactly what you’re saying. They’re advertisement space, like, how many? But it’s just weird. Like, RFK says they’re going to remove the fluoride in the water first day. Like, I, I mean, just. I don’t know if that’s possible. I don’t think it is possible. The other thing, too is that we’ve been part of it. Again, let’s. Let’s put my tinfoil hat on. I need like, a little, like, indicator, but tinfoil hat is on right now.
But part of the reason that fluoride might be in the water supply is because it’s a natural, like, byproduct of the petroleum industry. And we’ve got like, a very specific infrastructure and, and like, formula on how we process petroleum. And if we just all of a sudden aren’t allowed to put fluoride in the water system, now we’ve got a whole bunch of extra fluoride laying around, which all these corporations are going to have to do something about. And if anything, that almost seems like an anti, like, business attitude, which would conflict with how Trump kind of runs his.
His organization. It seems that. Yeah, I mean, what’s up? And shout out to illegal up in here. Woo. Woo. And shout out to Jessica as well. And Guar Fan Gua Blood Gua. Shout out to Odorus Orangus as well. Rest in peace. But, yeah, I totally. I feel what you’re saying. And let’s go to a little clip real quick. I don’t know if I’m gonna get in trouble, but I’m gonna do it anyway because I think I should be fine. But Elon just tweeted out an edited video. I think this was it. It disappeared. Of the Dark Maga.
And I kind of want to talk about Dark Maga and the Mary apparitions that happen worldwide. I’ll go to that clip. Dark Maga, as you can see, I’m. I’m not just Maga. And then he shows the eclipse. Now, this has been a big part of my decode of this ritual because the Economist magazine, which does all the predictive programming of Trump and the World ahead, showed him as the eclipse. Total eclipse of my heart. More specifically, the world ahead. Well, this is weird about the predictive programming, because this is called the world Ahead. And then you have the world behind.
Right. Like, leave the world. I’m sure you’ve already appointed this one out, but that almost looked like Trump’s haircut kind of swept to the side there, the way that you had the. The eclipse. Let me see. Kind of how he got his golden little locks that he, like, brushes off to the side. Sure does. It sure does. And this is. Why did Elon show this in his edited video? His videos. It’s probably gonna. It’s probably at 50 million views by now. This is not some, like, little mistake on a whoopsie. This is actually Trump as Thanos, the world eater.
Yeah. And they show Trump. They show the 47. Then it goes into the magician, the Dark Maga. But it might not be because witches are saying that they can’t break the force field shield. It might not be the Dark Maga. It could be the merry apparitions. We’re going to bring in that questioning as well, because my Catholic friend brought that up to me, and I thought it was interesting because there’s all these apparitions of people seeing Mother Mary. And so we’re gonna get into that just a little bit. And. But then it goes straight to the eclipse.
And this eclipse as you can see right here is the Donald Trump eclipse of the predictive programming. Everything is surrounding this eclipse. The. So I think that’s. That’s interesting. I’m not sure if you watched any of those decodes. I didn’t see any of this before. This is all new to me. So this has been a big part of my work ever since I started doing these presentations. I was even on the Alex Jones show. Not me personally, but they played one of my videos, and the only critique he had was that I was tying in the astrology.
And I’m looking out for the March 20 date for a big, big ritual, because we got this ecliptical or whatever it’s called the vernal equinox, which makes the crossbones, where we get skull and crossbones. The crossbones are for that. Because that was sort of the new year on 322, usually around. Around this date, but that’s happening at 201. So there’s just a ton of stuff there. And I posted it on Twitter and then it got deleted, and so I had to repost it, which I thought was kind of weird. And that’s six months from around now.
So this is part of my research is this eclipse and its importance. When Kanye west had his Donda event, he showed an eclipse and Elon Musk was in the front row because that. He’s part of that Kardashian apparatus of mind control, you know what I mean? And so him showing this eclipse. My audience, who’s already been looking into all this with me is. I know they’re. They’re probably a little blown away. You see this. And Leave the World behind as well. Leave the World behind is about the reset of the currency system. And they show these eclipses as well.
Apocalypto. Yeah, that’s where my mind always goes, is right to Apocalypto, which represents having this elite knowledge and using it over the populace. It’s sort of like this technology where one, like, what is it? Arthur C. Clark’s, one of his, like, third law or something. But any sufficiently advanced technology indistinguishable from magic, and that’s maga. That’s the whole aspect. If you can control the eclipse, if you control all this. And I think that they’re all latching on to the, like, whatever energy it’s putting out. And I. And it’s for legacy reasons. I mean, in my mind, Trump probably wants the presidency more than anything because this is how you secure, like, a.
Like a Fabian style. Legacy that lasts for generations upon generations, far beyond generational wealth ever could. Right. Just by now, having the Trump name associated with American presidency. This is the new form of kind of American royalty. And I think that Elon Musk is sort of like the pilot fish on the back of Trump as the shark. Right. Because he’s out there on the stage and doing these weird, awkward movements and, like, jumping up in the air. But what he’s doing is he’s been putting everything he’s got into this X symbolism, which I guess is also, you could say, like equinox, all of these.
Eclipse. It’s basically an intersection between two different planes and what Elon’s been doing with this ax, as you’ll see on stage, he jumps up and he sticks his arms and his legs out, and he’s literally making an X with his entire body. Like, he is performing, like, the most powerful sympathetic magic you can until you start doing some, like, you know, a Moloch Ball type ritual. But he’s doing, like, the most clean cut version you possibly can at the height of everyone’s loosh peeking. So I feel like he’s kind of trying to put all the energy into this X symbol that he’s trying to also own.
Absolutely. And I’m so happy that you noticed that, because I noticed that he jumps in the air with his hands up and it’s making an X, and it’s just. It’s charging that sigil. And I share that. And people, I. I got so much backlash. It was. They. A lot of people. I don’t know what’s the opposite of Elon derangement syndrome, but, like, the, like, you got these Trump derangement syndrome. People that are. Seriously, they’re crying, they’re like, absolutely. They’re nuts. They’re part of the left, you know, they. They. They’re just freaking crazy. But it’s also the same thing in.
What would it be in reverse? That, like, if you talk bad about Trump, then you start crying and you freak out. Why you don’t like America just getting triggered. Okay. So people are so triggered when you go after L since we’re talking about L. Right. The elections, the elite. Elon, you. I brought this up, and they’re like, he only rose his hand like that because he was excited, but there’s so many pictures of him where he’s not even excited. And he’s just doing this. He’s just doing the Moloch or the X symbol. I’m gonna play a clip real quick, but before I play this clip, I want to remind everybody because we crashed through over a thousand people.
We’re at 1500 people tuning in right now. Every time we pass through a thousand people, I want to remind y’all to smash that, like, button and share the video out. And we’re doing these streams every single day because we are going to be launching the illuminati comic on 1111. On 1111, you will be able to access the Illuminati comic. I mean, this is going to be. You’re gonna get wicked Smile. You’re gonna learn every single thing about the Illuminati. Paranoid and I have been working on this for over a year now. And I mean, it looks incredible.
Are you under control of the Illuminati? Are you under the mind control on the Illuminate? And we cover it all. So go click the link and you gotta go to this notify me on launch, because we’re gonna launch it on 11 11, and we’re gonna be streaming every day as well. So go here, click that. We already got 526 people. Go to the website. Go do that. Because it’s very important that you go to the notify me because right when this launches, you’ll be able to access certain goodies like I do do Donut VHS boxes every year.
So you’ll be able to access these dope goodies as well. And it’s going to be worldwide. Before it wasn’t. Before it was just America, but we’re going to be able to get everywhere. You’re going to get a dope 5G donut protector, stuff like that. Like just a bunch of cool stuff. But you got to be early. But not just it benefiting you, it benefits us as well, because it gets us into the Kickstarter algorithm. So if y’all can do something for this today, definitely go to this notify me and launch. And I got them links pinned in the chat room in the comments down below.
Paranoid. What. What’s your thoughts on all this? I don’t want to get. I want to get called out for suppressing information here. So RGZ Mac, in the chat mentioned that Elon’s pose is also could be interpreted as the Masonic hailing sign of distress. So, which is like, this is like, hey, all Masons, like, show up. Like, I need. I need help from everybody. So that could also be part of this. I don’t know. I don’t know how strong the Trump Mason vote really is because the Masons are typically split down the middle just like everyone else.
Is. Well, let’s not forget that this is the 47th election. This is very. Okay, fair point. This is, yeah, this, this is what the country was built off of. America. 1776 is built off of masonry and people that were Freemasons. And the whole build, like the damn White House is based off of the Leinster House right here. We’re going to get into that. Well, and I was, I mean, I was watching the news earlier today, and it’s wild how, like, on, on the, like, surface biased everything is. They don’t even try to hide it. They’re like, they’re explaining everything like, this isn’t what we want to see.
And like, you know, like, it was all a phrase as one point of view. But one of the things they were harping on in a critical way was how Trump, in the last, I guess, month or so, they were going hard. The quote from ABC was Trump is laser focusing on young men and that he basically made this statement that he’s doing better with women than Kamala was doing with men, but that the Trump campaign was going to focus just on the male divide. And they were kind of posing it as this, you know, like a sexist thing, like, oh, why would Trump go directly after young men? Isn’t that sort of like feeding into this separation of all? But honestly, that’s the most Masonic thing you could do.
If you’re focusing on just appealing to the men. That’s kind of how the Masonic elections would have happened. Yes. You know, because a lot of men, this red pill space, they very upset with women with the right to vote. So I don’t know if you heard this, but I listened to a podcast, Malcolm and Simone, the base camp, they, they hard. They go, they’re pragmatists. So they’re all about data and all that. And they’re showing how most female voters vote, vote Democrat because of them being married to the state, being married to the government, which kind of goes into the wicked smart research of splitting the family up and handing the baby over to the state.
But pretty soon, imagine every teacher, unless, unless you go to private school, which is already the minority, but the majority go to public education. Public education is in turn funded by government. So by default, you’re. You’re sending your kids to learn about a very specific view of the state in which it is the nanny, it’s the authority, and it’s the provider of all things that are given to you, sometimes including food. It tells you when you can sleep, when you can run, when you can play, when you can think about math when you can think about music.
And once you get into that mentality and you’re locked into it for 10 years plus, especially when your skull is still kind of soft and forming all your original thoughts, it’s a real hard thing to get over, ever. And we just got two new subscribers, and we. You’re going to learn all about this in the Illuminati comic because the schooling system can trace back to John Hopkins. Three, two, two, Skull and Bones, which prior to that is the Illuminati. It’s the secret societies and the secret sex, so you definitely want to go. But for real, though, isn’t it true? Like, isn’t it crazy? Honestly, every single comic that I’ve done now about conspiracies, it all starts with wanting to at least find one thing to disprove.
And that’s kind of how it always goes. And the more I try to disprove it, the more it ends up being like, oh, my God, this can’t be right. And I guess that was when I started publishing comics originally. One of my original taglines, which I didn’t stick with. But that. That fact is in that truth is, in fact, stranger than fiction. And it just is like a cliche that you hear often, but it really is true. Like, some of these coincidences, some of these links don’t make any sense until you see them enough that you just like, okay, I guess this is how it works.
And now it’s just about observing it and not discounting things just because they seem silly at the first take. Well, I’m gonna play a clip on the word L. We’re talking about the elections. Everybody make sure to go to that. Notify me. It means so much. This is an interview I did. I’m going to play a couple old clips of Santos Bonacci and Jordan Maxwell. I asked Santos about the word L, like, in election, so I’m gonna go to that clip. Unless you have anything you want to add on to this Illumina. No, I actually wrote Santos Bonacci in on my presidential ballot today.
That’s crazy. Oh, okay. For sure. Good. Well, he’s in Mexico, so I don’t. No. Yeah, I don’t think it was gonna go anywhere. It’s fine. I don’t think he’s allowed back in the country. Probably not. I will play that. Some pretty spicy things to say this year. Yes. This was before. No, I realized that. Yeah. Yes. Connected with the voting system with Vault Vote, Election L Electric, and going to the different polls. Are we the battery or the magnets to the system. Is there an esoteric explanation to why we’re voting with these words? Like having L in it? Yeah.
Well, L has a certain power to it. L? L, L. You can tell. It’s a very powerful combination of letters. You can tell which letters are soft and feeble and weak and which ones have masculine strength and which ones are forceful and which ones are soft. And we know about sh and boo and ra, and we know how words have an effect, you know, so why do the same words always keep turning up in all cultures? You know, mother is always an M, you know, and daddy is always a B or a baba. Papa. Yes. So each hyperbola is the word of God speaking.
It’s reverberating. Therefore, it is the. So I was asking him about L. He’s all about the word. So That’s. That’s so fire, though, because that. There’s also something manly. Palmer hall talks about this, but when he says that the father is a B or a P. Right. Imagine the air in your mouth as you make either of those sounds. You’re. You’re spraying things out of your mouth. You’re pushing air out of your mouth, but when you make a must sound, you’re, like, letting that energy stay in your mouth and reverbing it around. You’re kind of. This is sort of like a feminine, masculine way of just working with air and energy.
Yeah, because masculine be penetrating and feminine be filling up. Right. Even in the sexual act, you could kind of see that as well. Or electric acts. If you want to plug stuff. Masculine is projecting and feminine is filling up. Right. So, Pa. That’s crazy. That’s tight. That. Okay. What a perfect question. I don’t know if you were talking about a. I guess you were talking about elections because you had a vote, and I think you were showing, like, the red and the blue as terms of, like, the nodes. The. The node and the anode and the battery.
Right. But this is exactly why. I think I mentioned before that why is this. This big cliffhanger thing. Why is it that it’s always. Until the last second, it’s always like, 50, you know, like 49% versus 50%. And it balances back and forth. Unless you’re going to the election betting odds, obviously, where they’re calling it. But the reason why I think they have to make it so it’s always neck and neck. 50. 50 is because that’s how a battery works. So you have to keep half char. Like, each side needs to be equally charged to be efficient.
Right, right. And you bring the souls to the polls. So when Trump came out with them golden shoes, Gold is a conductor of electricity and we’re the electricity where the electrons going to the election to cast our voltage, the cast a vote. And then that 50, 50 balance of the red or blue ship kind of stuff like that. Yeah, there’s some deep, energetic stuff. And Jordan Maxwell would say like that that’s how words are used because you go to jail for battery, you get. You get charged with battery and you put into a cell. I love that.
Yeah. So that was a good clip. Okay, I’m happy. I like that clip. Now. I. Since I had Santos. I’ll bring another clip of Jordan Maxwell. It was the last interview I did with him, I believe or no. Yeah, it was the last interview I did with him. And I asked him a question. I said, yo, Jordan, is there anything you would like to say? So it wasn’t a qu. So it was something. We already went for like over an hour and he’s like in his 80s. And he was like, yeah, I want to say this.
And I was going to go to that clip because it has something to do with being an American citizen, a paranoid American citizen. Unless you want to add anything else on top of this. No, I feel like I need to. I need to see what Jordan Maxwell had to say about it. Okay, let’s go to that clip. My favorite story now. Is there any. And that’s me when. Before I had all the trauma of running Donut full time and looking into. I used to be handsome. I used to. I used to be. Look how handsome. I used to love life.
Look at that. Beautiful. Yeah, I used to love life. You would like to maybe talk about. With. With the audience. Yes, it’s the. It’s a problem of federal citizenship opposed to state citizenship. Most Americans do not know they can become a state citizen. You are a citizen of the state in which you live. If you become a state citizen, you are completely taken out of a federal citizen. So therefore, in fact, the federal government has nothing to say to you. It has nothing to do with you. So you are not under any federal laws if you’re a state citizen.
And so I think that’s very important because the whole subject of state citizenship opens up a whole plethora of facts about laws and regulations and how things work and how they don’t work and why you’re in a court and why do you go to court? Because you’re playing basketball on a court. You’re playing tennis on A court. Now how do you play tennis on a court? You play with a racket. That’s because the whole thing is all a big racket. And the judges are members of an insurance company. And therefore the money, when you write money on a piece of paper, you always put an S and a line through it.
The line through is insurance script. Insurance script. And then you put the numbers of how much money. And so the judges realize that they get paid from insurance companies. Call an insurance company for judges, and if they can find you guilty of a felony, they get paid a lot of money. The less that they find you guilty of, the less money they make. And so I was told that by my attorney friend that the judge is going to try and make this into a felony because he gets paid to do that. He will get paid to find you guilty of a felony.
Like, that’s, that’s some wild stuff. I remember I did this video and I wasn’t like big yet at all. And people are like, oh my God, look, he’s on Epstein Island. I don’t think he’s actually there. Obviously it’s a green screen. They thought this wasn’t a green screen. I’m like, this is a crazy thing being on YouTube. He’s. See the way that I see Jordan Maxwell, especially now after listening to him for so many years, since like the 90s at least. So I got like 30 years of absorbing Jordan Maxwell. So I’ve heard all the bits and pieces that he just spit.
I’ve, I’ve listened to like the three or four hour monologues that all those different things come from. And what he’s doing here is he’s a battle rapper, bro. He’s like dropping bars. He’s like the same way that a freestyler will grab like a little phrase from this song and a phrase from that song and mash it up and turn it into a new song. I feel like Jordan Maxwell was just freestyling for the last, like 20 years of his life. He, he, he was dope. Rest in peace. Jordan Maxwell. Rest in peace. Someone that they’re related to him.
I. People in the chat say a lot of things, though. Yeah, well, Jordan Maxwell is his Hollywood name. It’s not even his real name. So tell us what his real name is and then we’ll believe you. Now I’ll play a little bit more of this Dark Maga clip because I haven’t even watched it. I just played it to the Eclipse and I was like, okay, that’s enough. I’m gonna pull it Up. So I’ll keep on playing it. I’ll start from the beginning real quick and just see if anything else comes to light. And let’s double check to see who’s win.
Did Trump win yet? Mean they’re not calling it on any of the major. Again, this is just the. The five different major betting sites all added together. They’ve c. They’ve called it hours ago for Trump, but none of the. The mainstream site, none of the 270 to win538ABC Real Clear polling. None of them have actually called it yet. Not even come close to it. Look at this one. The AP Press, which is the mainstream. Everyone’s using in the mainstream. Okay, this is. It just took a while to load, probably because of how many people are on the website.
Okay. For show. For show. I’ll play. So what the. What do the betting sites know? Unless it’s just everyone trying to squeeze in, you know, bets at the last minute. But I don’t know, it seems weird that so many people would be so confident. Especially it’s literally 96 to 4%. That’s beyond Vegas odds, right? Usually a margin of error is somewhere around like 5%. This is so far beyond that. Oh, here it is. I was looking for the. The place. Okay. Yeah, see, you’re smart. You’re good with all that. I don’t know anything. I just know multiplication.
Give me a number. Give me two numbers to multiply. 237 and 938. Nothing crazy, though. Okay. Five. Five times three. 15. Bam. Yeah, do another one. You’re like a calculator, bro. Three times four? 12. Look at that. Do another one. Do a harder one. Wow. Three times three, that’s nine. But do a harder one. Like a higher number. 47 times. Well, nothing over. Nothing over. Nothing over 10. Why don’t you tell me what numbers you want to multiply? We’ll do it that way. No, no, no, no, no. Do it one more. Just do a higher one because I just want to show my skills.
13 times 15. Nothing over 10, though. 10 times 10, that’s. That’s a hundred word. You got it in the first try. You see, I’m elementary school multiplication. But that’s fine. I’m good at it. Even if you can’t multiply three digits. You can multiply numbers and get the three digits, which is. Which is impressive on its own, I think. Yeah. Thank you. But this is the thing that you didn’t see that underneath the camera where my hands are, I’m counting with my fingers. I made sure not to be doing this up there, but that’s okay. So I’ll play this clip real quick and let’s see what else the dark magician has to say.
Dark Maga. As you can see, I’m. I’m not just Maga. I’m Dark Maga. My soul and exclusive mission is to go to work. I don’t think I could be playing that music. The Final Countdown. No, I think that one’s pretty covered. There’s that X or the hailing sign of the stress. Yeah, see, like, this was a. This is a big production video. You know what? I’ll just mute the audio. And I know what we could do. I know what we gonna do because we’re gonna have to bring up. We’re gonna have to bring up an Insane Clown Posse thing.
I think they’re gonna have a huge ritual at their next concert. Oh, nice. Even though they. They endorsed Kamala. Violent, jaded Shaggy. Didn’t it? But. Oh, did Shaggy endorse anyone? Shaggy? He’s sober. Oh, he’s. He’s too dope to. To endorse anybody. He too dope. But I’mma play my favorite. Oh, this. This actually pairs really well. Everyone knows this song. I play every stream. Paranoid. And I sing along and I get complaints but this little light of mine I’m gonna let it shine if anyone tells you to stop singing, they’re trying to dim your light that’s within don’t yuck my yum.
Don’t yum. Exactly. So I’m probably gonna be singing along with it. Let’s go. Okay. Let’s go. Oh, Paranoid made this song. That’s what I wanted to say. Well, I conjured it. You made. Yeah, it’s great. Here we go. I just ate my first dead body. Teeth nail cut in my teeth. I can’t. I can’t. I was even paying attention to the video because I like that song so much. Maybe it’s something we’ll break down another day. This video, it’s too ADD for me. This is like clips from Akira. Like, are. Are these all original animated cells that were made just for this, or is this clipped together from, like, movies? It looks like a little mixture of both.
Probably the Grok machine was utilized. Now he’s showing the well, and we’re going to get into the sonic booms. Did you hear about that? There’s going to be sonic booms happening connected to Starlink during and after the election. Did you hear that? Is this related to what Elon was talking about? How they were forcing him to play sonic booms to seals and headphones. It’s gotta be right? Well what are the seals supposed to do about it? I got them them slides pulled up too. The Starlink they kidnap feels and play sonic booms into their head. And this is all connected to the alien agenda.
And this is where I think this is all heading. Like why is the most mainstream podcast got the UFO right there for the subconscious mind. Everybody’s gonna be tripping on them hallucinogens resetting the autonomic nervous system. But let’s see where the heck do I. I don’t know where it is. Here it is. Elon Musk says SpaceX was forced to kidnap and conduct experiments on seals. Here’s why. Isn’t that crazy? I mean they didn’t even use beats headphones. Yeah, they put headphones on the seals and play these loud booms and these loud booms are popping up mysterious boom shake ground in southwest Bloomington over this weekend.
This just happened on November 1st. So when, when they sacrificed the squirrel. I also gotta just. It conjures up some pretty dark imagery too. Whenever the government mandates somebody put headphones on it reminds me of psychic driving which was the Donald Ewan Cameron MK Ultra research where they would put headphones on people and force them to listen to sounds and words and frequencies over and over and over again just to see what would happen at one level. And turns out that it basically turns your brain to mush pretty quickly. Oh man, that’s sad. So like did you hear about the sonic booms though gonna happen after this election? Well, they’re going to be testing some new hyper sonic or I don’t know what the word was but it’s, it’s essentially new, you know, nukes.
That’s. I think that’s part of the sonic boom testing. Yeah, there’s something going on and I think it’s connected to the boring company as well down below where they’re digging underneath the ground. It’s got to be connected to that. Well one of the, the takes that I had read on this and I don’t know how much any of this is accurate but it’s. If you can figure out what the pattern. If you got a whole bunch of seals isolated and you play sonic booms for them to where you can analyze every single thing happening in their like biological response to those booms then you can try and detect certain patterns.
And then if you analyze seals just out in nature, out in the ocean and see if they ever exhibit those same patterns that you tested on them in isolation, that could be an indicator that sonic booms are happening. So you wouldn’t have to hear it, you wouldn’t have to have sensors. You could just monitor the activity of seals and like their heat signature and see, hey, are they exhibiting these same things that when we played it in the headphones, that means they must have heard a sonic boom somewhere else. And I don’t, I don’t necessarily think the sonic booms they’re playing for them are like loud enough to burst their eardrums or do anything like that.
It’s, it’s probably the opposite. It’s probably to see how quiet, like how sensitive are they to the sonic boom and how can we tell when they’re hearing one of them? Whatever it is, it is definitely strange. And I thought that was a weird, strange thing happening during this election as we’re seeing the crypto price, bitcoin hit an all time high. As if you understand bitcoin, blockchain technologies, second layer of the Internet. This is why I worked with, you know, Christopher Green at amtv. That’s why I know a little bit about geopolitics and cryptocurrency. And he was telling everybody back in like 2015 or something, yo, buy Bitcoin.
It was like a $3,000 or whatever when he was also push, pushing it like, and Mark Dice tried to make fun of him and was like, oh, the bitcoin’s a scam. Bitcoin’s a scam. He did all these comments because I was the editor. So Mark Dice told his audience and told everybody not to buy Bitcoin at $3,000 and made fun of the guy. And now it’s at 75 freaking K. So that guy will never admit an apology at all. Well, you know who else will never apologize is John McAfee. I don’t know if you remember his.
What’s wrong with John McAfee? What happened? Well, he wagered that bitcoin was going to hit a million dollars by I don’t know what year, I think 2020 or something. Otherwise he was gonna do something pretty radical live. But he. I remember that. Yeah. Getting taken out before that all had to come to fruition. Well, he also came out before he died and said bitcoin is trash and he pumped Monero. He says bitcoin is just trash and Monero is the only privacy coin. Yeah, but it’s not really about which one has the most utility or privacy at this point.
If anything for sure, bitcoin it right now feels more like the ultimate vote of confidence against the traditional banking system. And I think that even people that don’t understand the fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market, which is probably insane if you can think, you can predict it anyways. But really it’s. It’s about the same thing we’re talking about before. Instead of being apathetic and just not voting and not participating in the banking system, this is people saying, oh, there’s an option that’s outside that. I would rather take a chance on that and take a chance on this thing that looks like it’s just headed towards disaster anyways.
Why not bet on the new thing that might be headed towards disaster, but maybe in a different lifetime? Well, Elon Musk created bitcoin with Peter Till into PayPal mafia. Their first company was X. All this X charging. He pushed Dogecoin. I told my audience, I told everybody. Dogecoin was just to introduce people for the coming CBDCs. They’re going to reset everything, put it on the blockchain so the voting system will be on a ledger that everybody can see through this blockchain technology. And maybe there’s going to be some sort of ritual that goes down tonight for that, because you got to bring in, like, a problem to usher in the, the solution.
But Peter Till, Elon Musk, J.D. vance, connections to Peter Till, I believe as well. This is the, the new Illuminati. They’re the new, like, Rothschild type, you know, figures. They’re not old money. They’re like the new money coming in, power structures. And they’re. I mean, we just live in, like, it’s such a, an interesting time. And I think it’s a topic to, to bring up because this is what, this is what Trump represents, too. Trump is a hundred percent new money. It was like one or two generations back, essentially, versus all the other institutions that he’s up against, which kind of represent old money.
Yeah. And also, there’s just so many interesting things that we could talk about. I don’t know which direction we’re going. I keep on going all these different directions, but let’s see. Did he win yet? I don’t. Dude, it’s. It’s so weird. I don’t know when they’re gonna call it. I still, I really think this just goes and proves my case that they need us to go to sleep and wake up and check on it again. I think that that’s sort of the new, like, we’re all being trained, you know what I mean? Like the same way that you would train an AI model, they’re just training us the same way they would train any other model.
And it’s through a system of kind of rewards and punishments. That’s usually what they call it. The same thing when you’re doing any kind of AI training. And I think that that’s part of it is that we need to go to sleep and wake up in order to complete this next cycle of training. So we just talked about Bitcoin just hit its all time high at 75k which is crazy because if you’ve been watching it, I’ve been watching it since 20, like 15 or 14, I don’t remember when, but why I got my first Bitcoin for $9.
Okay, so you’ve been watching it as well. Now this is the interesting thing is that one piece of bad news like quantum computers, even if it’s not fully there, fully activated yet, but if you have a couple of these top bitcoin people worried about quantum computers hacking the system, which is a story that people in the crypto sphere have been talking about for some, some time, it doesn’t even take the it actually happening, but just the fear of a few of the influencers for it to crash the price or Kamala wins and Trump doesn’t win for it.
So like markets are flu FL fluctuating all, all the time. So you gotta like, you know, be wise in, in wicked smart when it comes to a lot of these topics. And this is what I, I find interesting because we’ve never seen bitcoin go through a credit crunch at all. And we’re in some weird times and I don’t think there’s going to be an economic collapse. And I think we’re gonna also see a lot of all time highs with crypto because that is part of the block. It’s part of Elon, Elon created these cryptos. But Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett, Bill’s best friend, he’s been sharing, selling all of his own stocks, bank of America, all this.
Jordan Maxwell said Bank of America’s ran by either the Japanese or the Chinese mafia, which I always thought was interesting. But what’s your. Have you, do you look at markets at all? Is this something you’re interested in? Not anymore. I used to be all into the candlesticks and like reading oh really? Different rising and falling and even to the point where like the like, like the history on the candlesticks being like a tool of war. And it was about how you would figure out your Rations on the battle that you would send out, you know, during the day, then would come back at night, and that’s how you would figure out how you were doing a battle.
So the original version was reading candlesticks had nothing to do with financial markets. It had to do with, like, warfare. And it’s wild that that’s still the same tools and techniques that now we use, because I think this is really. This is. What’s that? Would these be the candlesticks you’re talking about? I know what you’re talking about with the graphs. Yeah, that, that was. That was based on, like, that method of reading candlesticks in that format was actually like candles that burn up and down. I believe I remember the exact full back story of this. But it was how they would count their rations.
So. And it seems that this is the new battlefield. Like, the new battlefield is the financial markets. It’s not going to be necessarily boots on the ground. It’s going to be, who can pay enough money to their AI machine to fight against the other person’s AI machine and win over it. So interesting you say that because, oh, my goodness, we’re almost passing 2,000 people tuning in live. Make sure to smash that, like, button and share the video out. I like to remind everybody when we pass through a thousand people to share it out that the Elon Musk Joe Rogan interview that just went down, he was talking about how Starlink is a laser military weapon program and that they were nudging people not to really be like, the army is now drones, obviously AI kill drones.
That video games there. It was a big push. Usually they push for working out and like, you know, wrestling with other men and just doing that all day, every day. Getting high with your buddies, rolling around the dirt with them. You know, that was a big part of the podcast, but it kind of switched to, nah, play video games. The more video games you play at a higher level, the more intelligent you will be in surgery or flying drones. So they’re pushing the new. Like the new military is. Whoever’s good at computer games and flying drones.
I’m totally screwed. Well, I guess to. To put a. A bow on top of that candlestick thing too. I. I had to look this up. Yeah, but. But this, it’s remarkable, truly. The candlestick pattern is so remarkable because it’s one of the de facto standards people use to read markets, even right now. And it was created in 1755 by this Japanese guy, and it was in a book called the Fountain of Gold. And his entire Premise was that markets don’t operate on logic, they operate on emotions. So the candlestick readings are really a way to track like the emotions of a market and the emotions of people operating within the market has nothing.
I mean, it has everything to do with tracking the currency itself, but really their emotional indicators. And he believed that all of the money that he was making was truly based on reading people’s emotions. And I think some of the deeper versions of this is that not only was he tracking how much rice was being sold in and out, but he was monitoring people’s overall emotional well being and somehow calculating that into his candlestick analysis. So I. It sounds like he was so prophetic. You know, this is the 1750s that he was already linking emotions with market.
Absolutely fabulous find. I never knew this. This is remarkable. And how many people who are into trading stocks and crypto and bitcoin and all that, I’ve never heard this at all. It’s freaking incredible. Well, he’s also the, the source of this whole concept of a, like a bull market and a bear market. That one is always fighting the other one. Right. Because his, the original analogy was yin yang, that there’s always going to be like sort of this pendulum swinging. So. Yeah, I mean, this is like 300 years ago. And he was on the money. Pun intended.
He was on the money. And you look up the fountain of gold. Funny, Rockefeller Plaza shows the Prometheus. That’s what pops up. Well, and, and I mean the, the full book title is even more fun than that. The full book title of Gold. And then the subtitle. The Three Monkey Record of Money. The Three Monkey Record of Money. Yeah. And this is considered the first book on market psychology ever written. Damn. It’s like Sun Sue’s Art of Trading. I guess that didn’t land. That wasn’t. That wasn’t funny. That’s really cool, dude. Like, I never knew that.
That’s like amazing. So we’re at the elections. We’re going to keep y’all posted. We’re live coveraging it, but we’re at the top of the hour. I want to remind everybody I’m here with Paranoid American. Make sure to go subscribe to paranoid American’s YouTube, especially his Twitter. He’s putting out some very, very viral information stuff that we can’t talk about. So go subscribe to his Twitter because we’re going to be doing some exclusive live streams over there. And look, it looks like Maverick Approach is also with us. Super grateful for Maverick to be joining. What did Trump Win.
Not yet. Not yet. I think we’re still waiting on a few swing states, but the answer is yes, but no. Yeah, we’re still waiting. We’re still waiting. So Maverick has been covering this election very, very heavily. Can you keep us. Tell us what’s going on? Yeah. Before you do, I guess I want to let everybody know we’re doing the Illuminati comic. I got the link down below. Make sure to go to the link of Illuminati comic. And look, we got 532. I’d love to see this hit 600 by tonight before Trump gets elected. Get this 600 Dubby super dope.
Or before we get go into a full. If it doesn’t hit 600, then Trump loses. So you better do your part right now. Yeah, do your part. We got 5:32. Go to the Notify me on launch. We’re dropping this Illuminati comic. It’s gonna be absolutely incredible. We’re dropping it on 1111. Five days. In five days. So make sure to go to the Notify me on launch. But we are here with Maverick. Maverick, tell us what’s going on with the election or whatever you want to talk about. Yeah, I mean, it’s a very interesting night. Changing of the guard.
It is a very high motion, you know, charged night. So it’s very interesting, like what’s going on in Pennsylvania, if you guys didn’t know that. There’s like some. Been some evacuations happening at some voter stations, all kind of crazy stuff happening. But it looks like as of right now, Trump is in the lead. He only needs, I believe, like maybe 40 more to go or something like that. 30 more to go, something like that around there. But Pennsylvania, they’ve had some issues with some of their ballads, and there’s a lot of weird stuff going on there.
And if you guys remember, just last week, ABC put out an accidental error on a. When they’re showing the Grand Prix and it was a. They said as a test, but basically they were showing the election results of Pennsylvania and it was Harris 52 winning and Trump had 47. And I was talking about this earlier with donut on spaces, and I thought that was very interesting because this, the symbolism with the 47, because it’s a 47th President Trump losing at 47%. And now we have all this chaos now in Pennsylvania. So they’re kind of like foreshadowing or alluding to something was going on in Pennsylvania, some kind of discrepancy.
And now we have this. So they always show you before they tell you. So I thought that was interesting. Yes, yes, that is interesting. And the 47, the keystone, it’s part of the 69 prophecy as well. And I was on the space with you and that was a lot of fun. That girl was so cool. I don’t know who that girl is, but I followed her. She was. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She was really cool. So that, that was a great space. Thank you for prophecy. Like why, I mean, I understand the 666 and the sexual symbolism, but like why did Elon post about 6.9.9? Elon has been posting about 69 for most of his career.
And 420. So he posted 6 9, 4 20. Coincidentally, I guess his birthday is 69 days after 420 as well. So he did. Yeah, he did like a schizo splash on the 69. But the keystone State, the state that is so important, it’s a key state for the election. The Keystone is the top of the Royal Arch of astrology. Going back, all the different cults would use this Mithra as well. The keystone is at the top, which is for cancer. And it’s a 6 9. It’s the symbol for the astrology, astrological sign of cancer. And this, Pennsylvania is the Keystone State.
It’s like very, it’s very Masonic because it’s a American election, it’s a US election, it’s the 47th election. So it’s super symbolic for America. And another weird thing too. Somebody said it in the comments and I noticed it a few days ago. So Trump, he was the 45th president and now we have the 47th president. And I thought those numbers were really interesting because, you know, four plus five is nine. Then you have four plus seven is 11. So you have nine, 11. Oh yeah, yeah. So there’s all these weird anomalies that happen with numbers that are like mind blowing.
For real. Well, you got the number 13 works in here too for Pennsylvania because that’s why it was called the Keystone State is because just like a keystone, it’s in the middle that it was in the colonies, it was six on the left of it and six on the right and it being directly in the middle, so it being the 13th state. Oh really? So that’s where that, that comes into play. That’s where the name Keystone essentially came from, is that it was, it was physically like geographically in the middle of each of those sides. So it’s, I mean it’s, it’s kind of been born to be the, a battleground state where things are decided.
It’s, it’s the thing holding up the, the rest of the infrastructure. So is it pointless to even vote if you don’t live in these swing states? And you said it, not me. I mean, I don’t know, it must feel weird though to like be in Idaho and it’s like, do I drive two hours and wait in line for four hours knowing that my entire state’s got like four electoral votes and, and like a state, if you were just drive two hours in the other direction, they got like 50 some. I don’t know. It does seem like some of the states don’t matter as well.
Like no one’s sitting around waiting to see what the Idaho numbers coming in are going to be. Right? Yeah. I think the system altogether just needs to change. I think this whole system that they have just doesn’t make sense anymore. Like again with. And it goes back to even like how the laws are and everything else and what we, you know, stood on, you know, hundreds of years ago to what it is now. It’s, it doesn’t make sense because we’re a much larger country. We have AI now, we have technology all. We have a whole new set of problems now versus what it was, you know, you know, way back when.
So I think the whole system kind of needs a revamp in itself, I think without throwing the baby out with the bathwater maybe. And this is just like a thought experiment, not something, something I think, but the system that we’ve got, maybe the infrastructure and like the scaffolding is usable. But I think one of the biggest problems is that it’s, it’s people that are self serving that end up trying to rise into these ranks. What if we inverted just the process of elections where now you’re not allowed to campaign for yourself. In fact, people collectively decide who they want to be president.
And ideally you’re picking people that are like, no, please, I don’t want to be president, don’t vote me. And then they keep getting more and more votes. I think that’s almost how this system could work in the same confines, but by inverting the entire power structure. So now it’s literally the people deciding who the president, who’s going to represent them. And it won’t come from a pool of people that have already sort of like put themselves up for that role. Like if anything, putting yourself up for that role would disqualify you from it. Right, right. Yeah, I, I agree.
Yeah. It needs to go back to, or change into something where we’re Directly represented. You got my guy right there, Hulk Hogan. Like, you know what’s funny? Like, I always go back to, like, the movies and media and everything else. Isn’t it funny, like, how movies always come true? So, like, you have Hulk Hogan up there campaigning for Trump. What does that remind you of? Remember that movie Idiocy? Idiocracy? Yeah, of course, dude. Yeah. Who was Kamala? Kamala. Is that her name? Kamala? Oh, yeah, she was in that movie. Oh, yes. She was. Maya. Rudolph. Rudolph, who’s playing Kamala now? That’s great.
Yeah. That’s crazy. That’s insane. There you go. She was in that movie. I’ve been telling everybody to watch this movie, Idiocracy. It’s just so on point. And, like, I be debating with, like, not all the time, but a little bit with some people, like, on the. On Twitter, right? Twitter’s just full of just dumb dumbs. There’s some smart people, too, but, like, it’s like, you show people facts. Like, no, no, what you’re saying is not wrong. Here’s the facts. Just pour the water onto the plants, and they’ll grow, and they’ll be, like, licking the toilet. And they’re like, no, like the water.
And nothing worked until he was like, demons are talking to me in my sleep. And the space aliens and that. And then. Then everybody would, like, plant the. The water. And that’s Twitter. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. It’s. It’s again, everything has become inverted. And. And when you show facts and receipts and, you know, we have a whole thing where it’s just like, people don’t know what they’re identifying as anymore. It just gets crazy, right? There’s this whole, like, spiritual aspect to it, too, to where it’s like, if you look at the baphomet, the Baphomet is almost genderless.
It’s like a male and a female type of thing. And, you know, you can kind of look at that as a base point of how, you know, the trans and all that stuff comes into play and playing a whole, like, psyche on us. Like. Like a psyche trip on us to where we don’t know what we are at this point. And when it comes to demons and whatnot, they call themselves them and they. They’re not he or she. So when it comes to those pronouns, now, you got to think about. It’s like, well, what’s invoking this? Like, is it.
Is it something bigger? Because it’s like when you’re calling yourself them or they. Like, who even started that Right. So I always think about those things when it comes to like, you know, spirituality and the trans thing, because it’s, it’s very similar, like eerily similar when it comes to like, the pronouns and all that stuff. There’s a. There’s a bunch, a bunch of wild stuff. And you brought up something interesting on your Twitter space about President Hanson, the first president. Yeah, I never heard about this, but I would like to know about it more. Yeah, yeah.
So before the United States was even the United States, of course they were colonies. So they had a president that was essentially like the president’s seat was more so of a. A commander in chief. Right. So essentially what it is now, but it’s like a, it’s a much more, you know, embellished version of it. But before, you know, the presidents used to fight in the wars. And actually John Hansen, he was. That picture, it’s a little off because he was actually a little darker than that. He was black. He was black. So. And that’s the thing.
When it came to fighting in wars and whatnot, you know, the, the POTUS actually fought in the wars. And if you can actually find John Hansen on the back of a two dollar bill. So if you have a two dollar bill, look on the back and you’ll find a darker man than everybody else. And he’s sitting there in the town hall meeting. And that was John Hanson. So there was a few presidents before George Washington. Actually 14. 14 presidents for George Washington. There you go. And most people don’t know that. So it’s this whole hidden history that is like insane that most people don’t know.
So. But yeah, if you have a $2 bill, look on the back. And he’s there. Yeah. And so this, so this isn’t the first time I’ve heard. So when you brought it up, I thought it was interesting because I had Guy Talon out in Israel and he was breaking down how Abraham Lincoln. Yeah, check it out. I actually got two dollar bills. Oh, he has it. He has it. I don’t know how. I don’t know how close I can show it though. Let me see if I got light on here. Yeah, you can see a guy.
He’s like. I think he’s to. He’s in the left hand corner. I can bring it up on the computer. Yeah, okay. But like Guy Tao was breaking down how Lincoln was black as well. But he also could look at the hair. Yeah, he was like 6 foot 4, 6 foot 5. He had like wool hair, so. Yeah, him too, actually. I don’t know if he was mixed. He may have been mixed. I’m not sure. He wasn’t fully black, I don’t think. Okay. Yeah, I think he was like. Like Kamala black or what? Well, Lincoln’s blacker than Kamala, so.
So. But, yeah, but yeah, that. That’s another thing too. Yeah. This is all hidden history that it’s all inverted like, Like, Like Hanson. Remember when Hanson came out? Oh, the brother group. Yeah, they were. They were definitely girls when they came out. And then it turned out they were actually dudes. That’s. Oh, wow. Yeah, I remember them. I remember them. Yeah, that was. That’s old school, man. Well, 20, 24 dudes. Yeah, man. Oh, man. Not like 1964 dudes. I just said that because I never knew about John Hansen and I thought that was so cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah, It’s.
John Hancock. Was another one of the presidents before Washington was John Hancock. Yeah. You know, like the one that signed the Declaration with, like, the biggest signature, and that’s why they. They call it the John Hancock. He was one of the continental presidents as well. Is that where we get, like, the signature? John Hancock? Yeah. When you say give me your John Hancock, that’s because he. He wrote it so large on. And look at this. Look at all the. On his. On his emblem. Yeah. He’s probably talking about his junk. Right? You probably got a. He’s got a squirrel in there somewhere.
I bet. You too. Yeah. Yeah. Let’s break this down. And these. This is the next thing. Symbolism. I. I could. It’s so interesting how, like, families get married into each other and then they mix the symbols. Oh, like their family crest. Yeah. I never had a family crest because I’m Jewish. So we have to escape every. Oh, yeah, Somebody brought up a good point in the chat, too. So Lincoln. Yeah. He was on the penny. And if you notice, it’s the only brown coin. Yeah. Yes. It’s the brand. So all the coin. Yeah, exactly. That’s what he was saying.
And he’s facing the other way. He’s not facing the other way. Yes. Yeah. So he’s. He’s an outcast. I guess you can say. So he’s facing the other way and everybody else facing the other way. That’s. It’s crazy. I mean, to state the obvious, but it’s the. The smallest form of currency that we’ve got is worth the least. Well, technically, it’s actually worth more because of the copper. Well, but it’s not all real copper anymore. It’s. It’s the Old ones, though, are worth more money. Probably because of the copper, though. The real. The real ones, if you have, like an old school copper one, yeah, you’re sitting on some money for sure.
But what they make now, like, no, but if you have one from way back, then, yeah, definitely is worth some money. Yeah. So I. I was just looking at Elon’s video that had Hulk Hogan. I was thinking of growing my mustache out like that. That’d be hilarious. I don’t know if I could do it. Not easy, man. It actually takes a lot of work. Does it? Okay. Because you would know because you got yours pretty long. I don’t. I don’t have the. The jeans that let me do a full handlebar now. So. Something I wanted to talk about is this Mary.
I know, because something I wanted to talk about is, I assume so the. The Dark Maga and these spells that are being casted on Trump. But all the witches, top witches, have been saying that their spells aren’t working against Trump. And I was telling my Catholic friend, like, about this, and I was like, he’s using dark magic, the Dark Maga, to protect it. And he was like, no, no, no, he’s using Mary. And he was breaking down Mary. And Trump sends out pictures of Mary. And I was like, wow, that makes a lot of sense because of all the apparitions of the Virgin Mary that pop up.
I gotta talk to James Tunney about it. I’ll even upload that video up into here. Oh, it didn’t upload all the way. I’m still waiting for it to download. But so there’s these apparitions that happen all over the world of Mary, and that makes more sense a little bit, too. Do you know anything about this at all, either of y’all? It doesn’t matter. I can. I can talk on the. The Maga witch rituals. And then, like, their spells not working. Another reason that would happen is because this is actually something that historically has happened through a lot of different presidential elections.
But one of the best examples, there was a. A huge movie company called rko. And to. To cut right to the point of the story is that they actually arrange for Aldous Huxley’s research assistant to go to a Satanic ritual meeting, like the 1930s or 40s in the same exact apartment block which Rosemary’s Baby was shot many, many decades later. And while he was there and he observed this actual Luciferian satanic witch meeting, the whole time they were there, they were casting spells against Hitler, and there were basically these witches that were supposed to be acting on behalf of the Allies and they were using what they could to kind of fight the bad guy.
But there was an implication here that they were essentially doing white magic because they’re casting it against the Germans. So maybe the. The magic only works if it’s white magic. If it’s. If it’s fighting against the actual, I guess, dark entity, like whoever the shadow is. And in this case, maybe Trump just isn’t the shadow as much as the TDS tells them it is. It might just be bouncing off. Like, if you’re using white magic against someone that’s already white magic. It just reflects. Oh, okay. That’s pretty deep. I just think, to be honest, like, it’s almost like it’s already predestined.
I think that going back to Ingrussel Lockwood and his book series with the Last president and everything else. Yeah, to be honest, I think this was already predestined. And if you gotta do a deep dive. You guys never heard of those books with the Last president and Baron Trump’s marvelous adventures. Look into that because I’m gonna pull up some slides. So I might play a video for a second, but continue. Yeah, that whole thing is insane because what it’s doing is. It’s like. It’s just showing you a roadmap of, like, everything that is pretty much has happened.
Like where Baron has a mentor named Don who lives on Fifth Avenue. It’s like, it’s too on point, right? And then he, like, runs for president and he’s like, changing the system and it’s like, yo. Like, how. How does this book, like, predict everything to a T? So it’s. It’s kind of crazy. And then how he’s supposed to be the last president and whatnot. Because, remember, what Trump is trying to do right now is trying to dismantle the FBI, the. The irs, the Federal Reserve. That is the entire system as we know it right there. Like, he’s trying to get rid of taxes, like the income tax and everything else that is changing the system.
So he would essentially would be the last president of this regime and then going into a new regime. So, yeah, it’s kind of. It’s kind of crazy. There it is. And that’s Baron Trump. He looks just like him. Shout out to Prison Palace. Prison Palace. She’s going to be joining us as well. She is so researched, it’s incredible. She says Ingerso Lockwood was buying up Radium Springs with Rockefeller and the die Glock Nazi time machine would have ran on radium. Damn. Yeah. And we’re gonna, we’re gonna have her on too as well. No. Yeah. That’s crazy.
Wow. I believe Ingersol Lockwood was around for some of the foundation of the anti Masonic party because he was with the wigs. And the wigs end up turning into the anti Masons after the William Morgan affair. I think I’ve got at least half of that. Right. Right. I remember reading about it because like Masons were who created the country. So this 47th president is gonna be symbolic. If we go back to the White House, like right, right here everybody knows what the White House is. And I learned this on to Terians on slave podcast. But the White House is based off of Leinster House right here in Dublin.
And I ain’t Irish, but my money Dublin. And they would house the Templars out there. That’s hilarious. But so the entire White House is based off of a Templar house, the Knights Templar. So obviously these symbols. If the damn White House is based off of these symbols, then it, it absolutely is important to the symbolism through. You know what I mean? So it’s not a conspiracy. And it’s not. You know, it’s. Well, technically it was a conspiracy originally. It was a clandestine. Originally people that were using clandestine means to achieve some kind of political power. It’s just that the conspiracy worked.
So now it’s no longer a conspir. It was just a successful planning event. It was a conspiracy of men who wanted to go against the British Empire. They conspired. They conspired. But, but even, even outside of the. The Freemasonic origins of that, which was its own secret society, there was also, also another secret society which pulled it off. I, I grasping at the name. I think it was called the Culpepper Group or something. But that was like another like legit secret, malicious society within. The origins of that. I think I’ve got. Have you ever heard of Culpepper before? No.
I looked into a lot of secret societies though. There’s a lot of them. Like, there’s a lot of them. People just think that, you know, there’s just the Illuminati and the Freemasons. But I did like a whole deep dive and like researching all of them. Like some have came and gone, some have transformed into other ones. But yeah, there’s like. I got, I got this book in. In grasp at All Times. It’s one of my favorite sets. No one. I don’t hear people bring this one up very often. It’s called the Secret Societies of All ages and countries.
It’s like this huge double stock set by a guy named Hectorne. It’s actually in our Illuminati comic book because it mentions the Bavarian Illuminati. But it go. It goes through like hundreds of different secret societies that have come and gone throughout the years. And it kind of traces like, because they don’t just kind of disappear and no one ever hears from again. It’s like they sort of dissipate and then the key members, they just go and find other secret size to go into. So it’s this constantly evolving amorphous blob that you can kind of tie like this scarlet thread throughout all of it and tie some of the origins.
And everybody make sure to go to illuminati comic dot com. It looks like we got 532. You go to the Notify me on launch sign up. Let me refresh it to see if it’s still there. 5:34. So we got two new people. So make sure to go sign up to this Illuminati comic dot com. Got the links down, pin below. Make sure to go subscribe to Maverick as well. And Paranoid American. We’re doing these live streams every day for the Illuminati comic as well, because we are launching it on 1111, and this is gonna be huge.
So you want to get early access to it. And you only do that by going to this Notify me on launch sign up. It just takes a moment of your time. You get this first into the email once it gets launched. And it’s so important for y’all to support it. It’s independent, but you’re going to learn all the stuff that we talk about. Very well researched. We’ve worked on it for over a year. The graphics are absolutely incredible. And through your support, we could turn it into a damn movie. So make sure to go to illuminati comic dot com.
But yeah, sorry, whenever. And we got over 2, 000 people up in here as well, so make sure to smash that, like, button. Hey, that’ll be a dope movie, you guys. Yeah, so we’re gonna turn it in like the. The graphics are crazy tight. We’ll get you up in the movie Maverick. Know it. Yeah. Anyone’s even cares or following along with the Vegas odds. Just changed again now with Trump 96% and Kamala just over 3% chance of winning. I don’t know. I want to know where they’re getting these stats from though, because none of the other, like, actual news websites are reporting anything like this.
Yeah, I’m looking right now, actually. I’m trying to see, like, where would they even get those eyes? It’s. They. They combine the averages from the bets that are being taken at Bet, Ferris Markets, Predict It, Poly Market, and Call she, which are 4. Five of the largest sites that allow you to bet on the presidential election. So this is all based on people that are still dumping their money into this, and people are putting more and more into Trump as it gets closer and closer. But, like, are there people at the polls in, like, Pennsylvania that have, like, some kind of insider knowledge and they’re.
Instead of tweeting it and trying to get the first dibs on social media for the clout, they’re just like, I’m just gonna put money into this thing. Yeah, I guess that’s what it is. I think you kind of, like, look around and, you know, of course, X and everything else and kind of get a feel of everything. So I. I know Aiden Ross put a million dollars on Trump tonight, so he’s about to win. Oh, Aiden Ross. Yeah. He put a million dollars. That’s it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then I guess Kamala just said she’s not speaking tonight.
She’s supposed to speak at Howard University, I think, and she said that her team just came out and said she’s not speaking anymore, so. Oh, is she throwing a tantrum like Hillary did? She definitely throwing the. Well, you know what I liked about your stream, Maverick, was I was listening to it, and everybody. What they were saying was exactly what I was thinking, too. I was thinking. I was like, man, if we go to war, we gotta get Hillary back up in the office because she’s a psychopath. And that’s what y’all were saying, too. And I was like, man, like, so it.
It was cool to hear people kind of say stuff that I’m thinking, you know? Yeah. Yeah. And I think that really, like, now once Trump is back in office, we’re gonna see a lot more names, like, fall. He’s gonna come after Hillary, he’s gonna come after that whole Epstein list, that Diddy list, like, everybody. You think so? Yeah, because he said he’s gonna release the JFK files, some UFO files, that Epstein list. Like, he’s gonna clean house. And I think that if he, like, if he doesn’t, then people will really start to look at him kind of sideways.
So I agree. He did say all those things. Yeah. He has to own up to it now, so you gotta. Maybe he also. It’s just a bunch of, like, strange Stuff he, like. He defunded the who. That’s a huge move. But then he also brought in the who in a sense, too. So there. It’d be interesting. And then, like, the. The Alexander Acosta, did he ever dive deep onto him at all? Oh, yeah, you know, I think I did, actually, a little bit. You gotta refresh my memory. But I remember seeing his name. This is. This is very strange.
So when he got elected, right. When he got elected, like, immediately put Alexander Acosta into the office. Now. He was, like, the lawyer for Epstein, who got Epstein off diddling and all that. Note, you know, full Diddy. Full Diddy folded. Alexander Acosta got him off, and then Trump put him in immediately. But Trump also kicked Epstein out of Mar A Lago, and Mar A Lago, when Trump took over it, he allowed Jewish people and black people into Mar a Lago. So, like, right there, like, breaks that whole, like, racist, like, Nazi spell that the. The left has, like, shined over him as well, in my opinion.
But Alexander cost. This is where it gets a little sketchy that there’s dirt on Trump, most likely because of this. Maybe he’s playing the 5D chess, but this is when he first got elected. Putting him in, like, immediately is super sus. As if the Diddy files were there. Yeah, I think Rabbit hole. Maybe we can’t even get too deep into it because we’re on YouTube, but, you know. Yeah, I get you. I get you. But he definitely played five chess because he was anything. So I think he is on the offense now. So when it comes to, like, clearing house and everything else, he kind of has to be, so.
But yeah, I mean, I. I agree with that for sure. We just like to look into everything, you know, we. It’s all freaking strange. And this is a video I did back in a long time ago when, like, everything was crazy. Yeah. Even before now, when it all makes sense. Yes. Yeah, I got a bunch of different clips up here. I got, like. But let me see what other slides that I got for y’all. Maybe other topics. Let’s see what I was looking at. The Leinster House Paranoid Paranormal had an awesome thread on X that went crazy viral.
Yeah, I went through that. That was a nice one. I wish I could. I wish I could talk about it on any other platform. And it’s weird. It’s like. It’s one of those things that. Thank God it went viral on X, because every other platform, it would have gotten me a strike instead of getting viral. Right. Exactly. Yeah. If you guys don’t Know what we’re talking about? We’re talking about the A word that has to do with kids. Think about Monsters Inc. Have you ever seen the movies Monsters Inc. Just think about that. That thread was one is provides endless amounts of fascination for me because there’s so many people and they’ll just respond, this is all bs and it’ll either be like, this is nonsense conspiracy theory, bs or it’ll be people that are conservative and being like you’re discrediting the movement.
This is Q nonsense. But it’s all based on an initial reaction to like the title of the first post. Because if you go into it, in my opinion, it is the most rational take on this subject on any side that anyone’s done on any point of view on this thing. Because I really try and only hone in on like the objective facts that can be proven with names, dates and records and none of the speculation. And some people absolutely can’t handle that. The brain just shuts down and they’re just like, it’s all misinformation. But I mean all the receipts are there.
Which isn’t something that I see enough of. Right. Exactly. Yeah. That was an amazing breakdown. Now we’re gonna, we’re gonna cover that. That in one we’ll do on a non YouTube. Yeah, we’ll get in detail. That’ll actually be a fun episode. So it’s important to go subscribe to us over on Twitter and Rumble because these live streams that we’re going to be doing every single day for the next 30 days or so, some of them are going to only be on X and Rumble because of how crazy the topics are. So make sure to go subscribe to all of us over there as well.
Until Elon Musk buys YouTube. I don’t think he will. YouTube is Google. Yeah, it’s dark. Regretting X a little bit. Yeah, it’s. These are all military weapons. So when Trump laid out the telephone communication systems during the lockdowns, that wasn’t so rednecks can go get high speed naughty films like that wasn’t the agenda. The. The. That’s a. It’s a, a matter of national security to America and her allies to have this telephone communication system working at a high speed connected to what Elon said on Joe Rogan is his military company of the lasers of Starlink. That’s why they can’t hire people unless they’re American to work at Starlink because it’s not a satellite thing.
It is a weapon. It’s fifth generation warfare. So where was I going with this? We’re along for the ride, bro. You can go wherever you want. Yeah, yeah, but this has been so cool, this show today. Here’s Amalek. Amalek is Kamala in Hebrew backwards, which is crazy. And I don’t know much about scriptures and Bible and Torah and all that. I can read Hebrew, so I can see it does say that. But I did a podcast with Charles Moskowitz and they were bringing up Edom. And then I was just thinking that, like, here’s Lady Gaga right behind her, it says Edom.
Like freedom has the word Edom in it. Which I guess was like some crazy stuff in the Bible too. But these words have meaning and like, you know how everyone says, let’s effing go? Like this became like a saying, let’s effing go lfg. Have you noticed this at all? Yeah, it’s caught on. It’s caught on quite a bit. And the. These words are spelled. So, like, I would say this is more of a. And correct me if I’m wrong, but I see this is more of the right more than the left uses this. That’s. That’s a fair point.
I think that definitely can. It could be either side more so. But I think that when you’re talking about more so the right. Yeah, they’re more in. Tuned with kind of with these things with, you know, words and spells and whatnot, it’s like they understand it a bit more. So I can see that. But, yeah, anything with spelling or, you know, words or anything else, they definitely hold power. So. And I think that when it comes to. If you want to get political, the left, it’s more so of. Oh, that’s kind of like, you know, you know, it’s conspiracy, blah, blah, blah.
When it comes to the right, they’re more like, huh, okay, we gotta look into this. We gotta investigate. That’s more kind of the energy on that side. So. But yeah, that. That. That’s everywhere now. So this is everywhere. This LFG lets effing go. Everyone’s saying it. And I’m thinking of the. The word. What is it saying? Like, you say certain words, they’re saying something. And I’m like, lfg. Lfg. Lfg. Like, what is that saying? The only thing I could connect it to with my schizophrenic brain is effigy. Lfg. Effigy. Maybe there’s nothing there, but it is something that I think about.
And then I went to occultdecode.com, where you can, like, put in the gematria stuff. And this is quite interesting if you really want to go down a crazy rabbit hole of different meanings and stuff like this. But there’s a lot of truth to it as well. So a lot of people. Damn. A lot of information. But taking accounts, there’s a lot of weird coincidences. For example, on the 72nd day, Bitcoin hits 72,072 bricks on the back of the dollar. So there’s this connection. And Bitcoin in Gematria is 72. So if you write Bitcoin in Gematria at 72, so Bitcoin equals 72.
On the 72nd day, Bitcoins hit 72, 000. Now, I think that is kind of crazy. So when I look up lfg on occult decode.com, this is powered by Paranoid American that we got down here. I go and I look up all the ciphers. What Is the word 25 connected to? And it’s connected to FEMA, and it’s connected to Bitcoin. BTC equals 25. And it also is 322 as well, like BTC. You see right here, it says 3, 2, 2. That’s crazy backwards. 2, 2, 3. This is why I. I call Gematria occult meth, because it’s, like, it’s addicting, and you can totally just sacrifice everything else you’re doing and start going down these weird rabbit holes and just chasing it forever.
Brother Anya Saru at the Spiritual Shade Room. Just text me at 11. 11, exactly. I know it’s. I know it’s later, but, like, right there, he. Because I was bringing up Edom, and he wrote Edom Adam. Adam Red. Like the. Right. And that’s. That’s wild right there. Well, also, the. The lfg, you said it sounds like effigy, which works, but also elegy, especially if you look. If you look at lfg, it could also say leg, but it’s missing a leg. Right leg, but it’s missing, like, one of its bottom legs. But elegy, which makes me think of Hillbilly elegy, which is J.D.
vance’s thing that basically rocketed him into relevance. He wrote the book Hillbilly Elegy, which then turned into a movie, which made him more of a household name, which ultimately, I think secured him his VP spot. If he didn’t have a book that was adapted into a Hollywood movie, I don’t think Trump necessarily would have picked them. But, yeah, so the. The elegy and Elegy is basically recounting and, like, writing a poem for someone that died. Okay, so Hillbilly Elegy. Lfg. Lfg. That’s. Did you. Did you see this or read it? Hell no. I didn’t know he had that.
I’m not. Yeah. Dude, this is wild. This was what made him relatable to people, I guess, was that he. He wrote this book about people strung up on fentanyl in, you know, like, the ozarks. Oh, okay. J.D. vance is also tied to a lot of tech money, too, big time. So he. Yeah, well, it’s that feel connection, right? Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I love A Beautiful Mind. Oh, this is like A Beautiful Mind on Fentanyl. Okay, I’m gonna check it out. Check that out. I would not want to watch. Is that the actual. That’s the actual. This is the movie adaptation of his book.
Yeah, yeah, that’s the real. The real poster of it. I’m gonna be riding one too, as well about what’s really going on. It’s gonna be called Jugalo Elegy. Yeah, Jugalo Elegy. And all the. We did underneath the bridge. That’s. That’s the thing, though, I like about RFK is that he’s, like, bringing in the health stuff. Yeah, yeah. Even dismantle. Yeah, he wants to dismantle and take a lot of stuff out of the food and whatnot, which is a huge problem as well, because all the stuff. I. I saw this one food influencer called Food Babe. She went up to the Kellogg’s HQ with 400, 000 petition signatures to take out the BHT and the Red 40 and the Yellow 5 at all the food because it’s poisonous and it’s illegal in other countries, and she’s trying to take it out.
And yeah, they. They were, like, pretty pissed because she brought, like, a whole mob of people, and she was just trying to change this whole thing. So I think, yeah, RFK is trying to do that. That’s a big part of it, too, which is tied to Big Pharma and everything else. So that’s another reason that’s why he’s teamed up with Trump, because along with the financial system, the whole Food and Drug Administration as well, they probably got their sights on them too, to take them out. So it’s the food, it’s the money. It’s a lot of stuff that they need to, like, reimagine at this point.
Yeah. And, I mean, the guy is part, like you said, of the tech elite. That’s like that’s the whole thing. Not the PayPal mafia, the tech elite. The, you know, rumble was like, J.D. there’s that connection. And who was the top speaker at the Bilderberg meeting? It was Peter Till. So like this is the new Illuminati that has been. That’s there. It’s this new money. The new Illuminati, right? Rising the power. Right? Yeah, it’s crazy. Yeah. Yeah, crazy. So that’s some of the stuff that I was looking at with the LFG stuff. I, I don’t want to forget about my Juggalo stuff though as well.
Look at Paranoid American. He looks so cool. Oh man. How do you get your beard like that? I’m trying to grow mine out like yours. It’s a long process, man. I don’t, I’ve seen, I’ve met people that are like, oh yeah, eight years. I grew this and know this has been like eight years. And this is as long as it gets, I guess. It’s a long time. Tommy Truthful’s Sephardic Jew now. Shout out. We were, we were talking on the phone about, about it. So this, it does look like Trump is supposed to take Pennsylvania now.
So whatever, whoever, the, the people running the bet sites, like maybe they’re onto something, man. Bro, it looks pretty like I thought he would win too. Just like think about how mainstream this is. The other thing with Joe Rogan, like endorsing him, that’s huge. But he endorsed him like an hour before the election elected date. Like was that just for like that works though, man. Like, like remember the whole the Gustav Le Bon crowd mentality and everything. It’s like the thought, the emotions. Think about the candlesticks, right? It’s all emotion and fleeting. It’s hard to carry emotions months or weeks or sometimes, you know, more than just those like last minute concerts and those last minute.
That’s why October surprise is such a thing. Because that, it’s all about emotion. You fill with emotion and now it changes the course of everything. Despite all the logic and everything that came before it. Like emotional guide what those last moments are going to be. That makes so much sense. Okay, okay. That, that, okay, that call to action like right before it. That and you. And you multiply that by the sense of urgency that’s built in. It’s just a day away. It’s just a couple days away. Yeah. So like you, you know enough about psychology that you pair with, you know, appeal to authority, advocating towards some sort of limited supply and a sense of urgency.
All those are Just multipliers on top of each other. And didn’t you just drop a. A movie with Maverick on that? I watched. Oh, yeah. Mind Games. Mind Games? Yeah, yeah, the Mind Game series. Yeah, it’s. It’s. It actually is really damn good. It gets into that one. The first episodes on Memory palace, which is an ancient technique. You can go to Conspired TV and sign up and get a whole bunch of exclusive access to conspiracy documentaries and. And way more than that. Okay. My documentaries. There’s movies. This is what you’re talking about. Maverick to me.
Yeah. Yes. So that. That’s my streaming service. Yeah. So we got Paranoid American series on there. This is the only place you can get it right now. Yeah. So you guys go to Conspire tv. So it’s a whole series? Yeah, it’s. It’s a super. You can play a little preview if you want it. It will be fine, I think. Yeah, I think it’s a preview. I don’t know if we put the other one up. We may have put the. I think that’s one of the trailers. I’m not sure. But yeah, if you guys go to conspire TV has mind games on there.
Episode 1 and 2 is up. Episode 3 will be up soon. So you guys finish it. I just got to finish it. And it’ll be up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But yeah, it’s super dope. You can find like all kind of stuff on there. There’s like food series on there about food and you know, about all types of stuff that. All the stuff we’re talking about, so. And it’s completely uncensored. It’s a whole streaming service dedicated to it, so. Super sick, though. Nice. Nice. Yeah, I actually watched it. It’s really good. And the site does look like it’s coming together really nicely as well.
Yeah, I know. It’s not easy building these sites there. It’s like, especially with video. I was removed on Video for Life. I think I gotta create a new one. Vimeo. You said Vimeo. Yeah, yeah, yeah, man, they’re just as bad as any others. 2. YouTube is. Yeah, well, yeah, they said I was anti Semitic. Medic. I don’t know. It’s crazy. I knew it all along. Yeah, well, I’m like, all. I. I’m like, seriously, the video. I have the video. I’m like, yo, guys, I’m Jewish and I really want to know why this socialist party was started.
And it seems like there’s some occult connections to it. Bam. Removed for being. That is crazy. But. So I’M I. I’m still resentful at Vimeo because I had that account when I went to, like, film school back in 2000. Well, and plus Vimeo’s it. It’s not the same as YouTube in that you pay money to be on Vimeo. So it’s like it burns a little extra that you got kicked off a platform that’s taking your money. Well, so this right here is interesting and it’s connected to today, November 5th. At least for me, it’s still November 5th, which is Guy Fox Day.
There’s just a lot of stuff with. Remember, remember the 5th of November. V for Vendetta. V for vendetta. But that’s the future Travis Scott trampling event happened on November 5th, happened today. Oh, really? Yeah. Where these kids walk into the mouth of Moloch or Travis Scott, who is owned by Bill Gates. He’s owned by the McDonald’s corporation. And I’ve been connecting because I’m straight Juggalo for life. That’s a fan of icp. So other cult. Yeah. And. And I’m like, why is the mainstream supporting ICP right now? Then Violent J came out endorsing Kamala Harris. Kamala in the continuation of the Obama regime with Biden and all that, which is nothing more than just world communism through the symbolism of the sun rising over the mountain that Jordan Maxwell showed in his dawn of a new day.
That goes back to Hillary, goes back to Bill Clinton as well. That just that continuation of the Democratic mob rule. Travis Scott’s wearing an ICP T shirt now with Ice Spice. And I’m like, why is the mainstream. Why is Drake wearing and. And freaking fin. Jake endorses Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris. I mean, not Camala herself, but under Obama, they made jug. So me, because I listen to the music. I’m a gang member with the, like, Aryan Brotherhood, Bloods, Crips, Aladdin Kings, because I listened to their music and now they’re endorsing that. It makes no sense. But they did this march on Washington and they had all these little antifa plants that are, like, out there.
So I’ve been keeping an eye on them like a hawk. And this is what’s weird. This is where it starts getting really weird. And I think they’re lining up for massive ritual because the Travis Scott not only wearing their t shirt. Weird. November 5th, the Travis Scott event where Kris Jenner, it’s also her birthday, and he’s married into that bloodline with Kanye. The Travis Scott, Kanye Kardashian connection. This Whole bloodline is just absolutely into the satanic occult. Caitlyn Jenner and all that. Metropolis is one of the first movies, which. That’s a whole story on its own of the mouth of Moloch.
And that was the Travis Scott event. Now the new ICP event, the Gathering of the Juggalos 25th anniversary. They’re entering Moloch mouth. The same thing as Travis Scott. What the heck? What the heck’s going on? There’s 15 people. So there’s 15 souls, just like there’s 15 skull and bones members. So I’m looking out for a massive ritual. Shaggy 2 Dope released a song called Illuminati Don’t Want Me, They Want My Cold Body. Right after he dropped that, he was in an almost fatal car accident. So just a lot of strange stuff I’ve been looking at with the clowns.
That’s really interesting. I didn’t know that Chris Jenner’s birthday and that trampoline scenario was on November 5th, which is insane. I didn’t know that. And if you don’t. If you remember as well, of course, V for Vendetta. But I found something interesting with Back to the Future and how I believe it was either New York Post or the New York Times is one of the two. I think it was New York Post posted on Trump not too long ago. It was a cover on a magazine saying that Trump was the referencing Back to the future or something like that.
So New York Times. I think it was either New York Times or New York Post. I don’t remember which one it was. But. And I was connecting that to November 5th, because in back to the Future, that’s the day he. Doc created the flux capacitor for time Travel, which is November 5th. Really? Yeah, it was November 5th as well. Oh, my gosh. See, there it is. Back to the Future. And then in the movie Back to the future, November 5th is where Doc created the. The time travel flux capacitor. Right, right. And even on the clock, I always talk about the 128 code.
Even on the clock, it says 1028, 1 to 8 or something in the morning as well. Oh, wow. That’s insane. Yeah, There you go. So. And I found. Found that that was pretty interesting. So November 5th, man. Yeah, that’s. It’s an interesting date to say the least. Oh, my goodness. This is crazy. Paranoid American just shared some images. I get to see it before for y’all get to see it. It’s freaking crazy going over the. The Moloch mouth. Yeah, well, it’s, it’s all based on this place called Luna Park. I mean, one of the images you showed is from the movie Metropolis, which is one of the more famous ones.
But this is Toy Story Mania, but itself based on something called Luna park, which has been around since the 1930s. But, yeah, these always look so creepy to me, going inside of, like, the mouth of these huge heads. And there’s something ominous about it. Annie’s got them San Paku eyes. Yeah, there you go. Well, it looks like breaking news. Donald Trump is President of the United States. Oh, did they call it? Who called it? Yeah, he just won Pennsylvania. Oh, snap, everybody. It’s everywhere. Yeah, it’s everywhere. Let’s go to the Drudge Report, Rotoshock. Let’s see the update.
This is wild because that means that this election betting website was right four, five hours ago before they even started reporting on any of the mainstream. Because this, because they had him winning it, like, 56%. I mean, earlier today, like, way early today. So where does it say that he won? Or this is just obvious. This is all on X right now. It’s on Fox News. It’s on Watcher Guru. It’s on Leading Report. It’s everywhere. Like, it’s everywhere. Yeah, that’s wild. So what do you think is going to happen now? Well, well, as far as the financial market, when it comes to the whole new system, it’s been what we’ve been talking about with the new financial system, with xrp.
Xrp, the bridge, currency and everything else. You guys remember the, the bridge, the Francis Scott Key bridge? That was, you know, very symbolic because it was the old system falling, you know, stalled. Like the person who made the Star Spangled Banner, his name was Francis Scott Key. It was. The bridge was named after him. So it’s pretty much the old regime of America falling and the new regime coming in. So as far as the financial world, the whole financial world’s about to change, like, completely have an overhaul when it comes to socially, I don’t know. I think that he’ll have China and Russia back in check, and I think he’ll probably end that war in Ukraine and everything else.
But, yeah, I know it’ll be interesting to see what happens, but we do have historical data on kind of what we’ve gotten in 2016 through 2020. So I’m excited, to be honest, I’m excited to see. So I think that the, at least the meme market is going to be bullish for the next four years with Trump at the helm. Oh, for sure. Like mean magic has never had this much potency as it had this moment. And over the next four years, like it’s only going to be building. Yeah, yeah. And I think that with the. I mean the market’s reacted now like bitcoin just hit an all time high tonight.
It. It shows you. And, and then Elon being in the government, he’s definitely gonna have him in the cabinet. We’re gonna see, we’re gonna see some, some wild. You guys, for sure. Like, I think that we’re gonna dis. He’s gonna dismantle all those three letter agencies or most of them. So we’re gonna get tired of winning. You guys are gonna be so tired of winning. And then I’m gonna win some more and win again. So I don’t understand where it says that he won. I’m pretty slow. I haven’t seen anyone call it exclusively, but if you look at the actual polling that’s coming in, it looks like he got Pennsylvania, he got Michigan, he got Wisconsin, he got min.
Oh no, he didn’t get Minnesota, but he also got Nevada and Arizona. So he almost didn’t even need Pennsylvania at a certain point. Interesting. Yeah. So I gotta jump off. I gotta go live now. Yeah, go live. Thank you, bro. Thank you for. Yeah, yeah, thank you for. Thank you for coming on here. Maverick. You’re good. Yeah, for sure. Appreciate it. Go. Follow me guys on YouTube, Maverick Approach. And on Instagram as well. Maverick approach. So I’ll be with you guys throughout these, these streams. I’m gonna definitely jump in throughout the whole time. So. Yeah, thank you, man.
It was awesome. Yeah, for sure. All right, guys, much love. Now we doing these streams every single day for the next 30, 33 days. No, I don’t know how many days, but 30 days or so. How many more days? So what? 35. 35 days? 35 days. Because we are launching the Illuminati comic dot com. If you want to know about these secrets and these secret societies of how the world actually operates, go to illuminati comic.com today and go to the. Notify me on launch. This is super important. Tell us, paranoid American, why is this so important? Look, how many more people do we get? We got 542.
I would love to see this crash through 600 sign ups before we launch tonight. Not. And we’re not launching tonight, but I like to see this cross through 600 tonight. It’s a bull market. So yeah, go ahead and start putting some of that loose energy you got left over. From the election into this. Why is it important? It’s important because so many people know the name Illuminati and it gets thrown around, but I don’t think a whole lot of people truly understand what it means, where it comes from beyond maybe just being a meme or just this vague term of the powers that be that are ruling.
But what Illuminati really means and what it should, should mean. After you read this comic, you get an understanding, is a formula. It’s a blueprint. It’s the way, it’s like a template on how any organization can use blackmail in order to, can create this pyramid scheme of power. And then by having this blackmail network, you can almost act as if you’re this omnipotent, omniscient deity, because you have so many people that are sort of in the fold and that are beholden to you that now if someone that doesn’t realize you’ve got this entire network can ask you a question, you can kind of consult all these people that owe you.
And now you can kind of project yourself as having all the power and the knowledge of everyone under you. And I think that’s kind of the whole basis of not just the Bavarian Illuminati, but every other secret society that comes after it. A lot of them are just completely based on blackmail and this, this sort of subversion of constantly promising things and never quite delivering on it. I mean, it really is. It sounds silly, but it is literally a pyramid scheme. It was one of the original global pyramid schemes that worked so well that now many, many other groups have adopted the exact things that the very Illuminati started.
Yes, and why is it so important for people to go there? Because we’re launching it on 11 11. But why is it so important that people go to, so all these crowdfunding sites, Kickstarter in particular, but their algorithm is based on not just how successful it is, but how quickly it gets successful. If you go and look at the, the highest rated Kickstarter campaigns, one of the biggest things that they like to advertise is fully funded in five minutes, fully funded in 10 minutes, fully funded in less than two hours. The, the faster you can get a project fully funded within minutes or hours, that feeds the algorithm in a way that nothing else really can.
And it, and it sends the signal to the rest of the site that if you were to go to like the comic page, it would float it up to the top. And if it can get that kind of traction, it means it’s escaping the realm of just our. Our niche, sort of conspiracy circles, and it expose it to the normies. And everything that we’ve done with this comic has been not just to be the ultimate fan service for anyone that’s a conspiracy or Illuminati aficionado, but everything has been meticulously detailed, like, scientifically planned to capture the attention of normies and get them into the fold and have them understand why this is so important.
And we. And, I mean, Donut gets so much more credit. He’s such a humble guy, but, like, he was able to make this thing into this really fun, almost like an interactive activity booklet where you’re going through, you’re learning about Illuminati, and now all of a sudden, you’re playing Where’s Waldo? Now all of a sudden, you’re doing, like, a word search. And, like, it’s probably the most interactive of these comics that we’ve ever done. And I can’t think of anything more important than getting normies to acknowledge an actual historical Bavarian Illuminati and not just scoff it off as, like, some silly conspiracy theory that they hear on the Internet.
You’re coming in and out. Can all y’all hear me? Because I don’t know if it’s my Internet or it might be. You just sounded like you came in and out, so I’m gonna. I’m gonna blame your connection. Yeah, continue. I don’t. I don’t know what’s happening. I know Internet says it’s, like, one bar, so my connection’s unstable for the moment. Well, maybe. Maybe they figured out Trump won, and now they’re gonna do the blackout. Like the Black Maga. Yeah. All the power grid just goes down now, and it comes back up, and it’s like, oh, isn’t that crazy? Kamala’s got 300.
What? I don’t want to recommend you to do this. Yeah, everybody, we’re. We’re both on you streaming a YouTube right now, so don’t actually do this. You Donut. But if anyone else is watching and wants to do this, a quick little experiment. If you go to Kickstarter and you click on comics and you look at the top comics that are being advertised, you’re gonna see a lot of comics that are just, like, two people of the same gender kissing each other. That’s, like, the main market for a lot of the comics on this site. So by boosting this and getting it funded within the first minutes or hours of it launching, it’ll put us above all those other sort of.
If Y’all, if y’all get us the 600, we’ll have paranoid and I kissing on the. On the COVID But no, it’s always. It’s important to get it into the algorithm. So going to the notify me on launch helps us get into the algorithm. That’s how this website works. But also they get rewards too, for being early as well. Yeah, if you sign up early, you’re going to end up getting some exclusive things that aren’t necessarily listed on the page. So we’ve got a whole new set of conspiracy cards that’ll be coming out not just in. In the rewards for Illuminati comic, which we’ve got three brand new cards that you’ll only be able to get through this Kickstarter at first, two sign cards from me and Donut, but I’ve also got another 20 different Illuminati cards that depending on what milestones we hit and how many people sign up early, but we’ll just be throwing those, sprinkling them in to.
Anyone that signs up now signs up before we launch in five days from now. So you’ll end up getting some extra stickers and extra prints and a whole. I mean, anyone that’s ever ordered anything from me or Donut knows that whatever you end up getting, we throw in a whole bunch of extras on top of that. And this is going to be no different. In fact, if anything, this is a celebration, y’all. Like, we’re going to treat this as like the ultimate party that’s. I mean, this is the most important thing that we’ve released ever. So, I mean, we’re trying to make it seem like a really big event because it is one.
Yeah. What up? Well, I hope the audio’s coming in. It’s been all kind of weird for me, but thank you so much for tuning in. Everybody. Make sure to click that Illuminati link down below on the pen thing, like the video. Share it out. Go subscribe to Paranoid American. Go subscribe to Maverick as well. Go join over on my Patreon as well. I’m going to be putting out exclusive content over there and. Yeah, Anything else? Illuminati comic.com, you know, I guess hopefully you go. We all go to sleep and wake up and nothing has changed too much, but I guess only time will tell.
Much love and God bless.