Are concerts a form of satanic energy harvesting?

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➡ The text discusses the belief that certain music, television, and other forms of entertainment are not just for enjoyment, but are part of satanic rituals. It suggests that these rituals are used to manipulate people’s emotions and thoughts, and even to control reality. The text also mentions theories about celebrities being part of these rituals, and the use of symbols related to Saturn in various religions and organizations. It ends with a lament about the state of the world.


Make music for a purpose. It’s not just background music. It’s not just, you know, fluffy, light stuff. This is not elevator satanic music. It’s ritualistic music. It is music that by even the act of listening to it, you are participating in a satanic ritual. How does it make you feel? It’s very stirring. It’s very emotionally charged. You can’t listen to this music and say you don’t feel something because you do. I’m sure you would probably feel either hate or fear or rage or something. You’re pretty good at marketing yourself. That’s the devil’s place.

Well, that’s our job. Do you think the devil is alive and well on Madison Avenue? Of course, advertising is the devil’s strength. I think you and I agree with that. The act of manipulating and using the will and using ritual to create change is, by any definition, satanic. And anyone who does that is at least an ipso facto satanist. They were telling a lot of truth in that. And you see how she’s doing right here, the hand symbol? That ain’t the hand symbol for rock and roll where I love you. That is the hex. She is casting a hex, casting a curse on the audience.

How does it go? No, not at you. Not at you people out there in the audience. But this is the difference. Aim it toward red China, would you? This is the sign of the horn. A curse sign. The two fingers extended. This way spread apart for sort of shotgun blast. That was her father talking. Zina Lavey’s father, a satanist, who many people believe is playing the character of Taylor Swift on the world stage. Other people believe there’s some type of vampiric race that lives on forever. And look what her father said. The TV set or satanic family altar has grown more elaborate since the early 50s from the tiny fuzzy screen to huge entertainment centers covering entire walls with several TV monitors.

What started as an innocent rest from everyday life has become in itself a replacement for real life for millions. A major religion of the masses. This is what Anton Lavey says about TV. He literally called it the satanic family altar. And it is guys. Here’s a tweet where this guy says Taylor Swift is a satanist CIA agent named Zina Lavey, which looks kept up over the years due to the adrenal. And I’m not gonna say the full word due to censorship. But this cliff guy, I think he’s right on point. And they throw it right in our face in Hollyweird.

These people let you know who they are. I mean, they’re openly showing us that they’re satanist. Now, they are part of this Saturn Elia death cult. That’s what people don’t realize that we get the word Satan from Saturn. They’re worshiping Saturn. And Taylor Swift concert here where she’s casting spells on the audience. Look what she’s on a black cube. Well, that’s their tie to Saturn. The mainstream media tells us there is a hexagonal storm on the North Pole of Saturn. That’s the Saturn’s a dimension. It’s the dimension of the fallen angels.

And all three Abrahamic religions, they’ve infiltrated it. In Islam, they walk counterclockwise around the Kaaba, the hypercube. In Judaism, they wrap it around the crown chakra. Christianity across an unfolded cube. 9-11, the memorial is two cubes. You see it in the Freemasonic altars. You see it in Alistair Crowley’s The Golden Dawn, his witchcraft coven. They had this same cube symbolism throughout all of it. You find it all over the world. Just like right here, you see the Pope with his Saturn hat, the cult of Saturn. While conquering Egypt, the Roman leaders also came into contact with the ancient dark religious practices that the Orion group had established there, which had continued underground during the Platonic dynasty practices involving the torture and sacrifice of humans, including children.

Many Roman leaders were initiated into these groups. And this laid the foundation for the satanic religion that we see practiced all over the earth by the cabal and its associates to this day. In fact, one of the biggest centers of this satanic worship has been ironically the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church. And at the UN in their meditation room, they also have a giant cube, which is all going back to Saturn, putting that energy into Saturn, just like Bank of America, the 311, which represents the 33 and the cube trapped within the cube.

It’s all Saturn worship tied to these entities. It’s a taking energy. It’s not giving energy. It doesn’t have a central source, where it cannot self-sustain, has to take from others. The vampiric consciousness that is here has created religions, or sport, or philosophies, or any of those. They don’t care particularly which one you follow or which one you attach to. It’s none of their business, which one you do, but as long as you attach to one of them, because each one is connected to a multi-headed or maybe an octopus. So there’s a central point like that, so the strands come out, but they all lead to the same center point, which is a black hole essentially.

It’s a black hole that is pulling energy from people in any way, and they particularly like any of the religions, because that’s precious energy that’s given away like that. Even a lot of the big music gatherings that go on are set up ritualistically. So they don’t care whether you’re cheering or whether you’re booing. It doesn’t really matter, as long as you’re doing it strongly. So even Glastonbury is now set up in a specific way, where the stage, it’s all ritualistically done, were to pull energy from the people. Then they gather that energy, harvest it, and use it then to manifest the false reality that we’re living in, because they can’t create reality.

They don’t have the creative spark themselves, but they do know how to manipulate the ones that do have it, and that’s essentially what the deal is. They’re manipulating this because it’s the subconscious that creates the physical reality, and they’ve hijacked the subconscious of the real creators, and then now we’re stuck in this false reality mess. There’s a lot of complexities that go on exactly how that works, in my opinion. The creation of this reality begins at the young age, so all the textbooks and all the history books are then written so that we all collectively believe this particular thing, so then when we all believe it, we all manifest the reality that’s based on these books.

That’s very sneaky and a very clever way to do it, because how do we know the textbooks? They’re not. The wars are written by the winners, and so the winners write whatever they want to write in there, and then we just believe it. We take it on board, so we start learning that numbers and letters, they only give us a very simple version of what numbers and letters are, and there’s so much more to what numbers and letters are, even phonetically. How word sounds, how you say it when you speak, how it sounds to a person is going to affect them.

It’s not just a word. I think I wrote the other day, and I think people know this, but you spell a word, because words are spells. You say a sentence to somebody, you’re literally saying a spell, and words are really, that old adage, sticks and stones, and I wrote my poems where the words and names never hurt me. It’s not true, because words are very, very powerful. I go further and say, thought matters. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Literally matters. Yeah, yeah. Well, thought creates matter. That bullshit paid, so I sit out here, watch your life slip away, drag back home drowning my troubles away.

It’s a damn shame looking what this world’s come to, for people like me, and people like you. Wish I could just wake up and it not be true, but it is. [tr:trw].


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