➡ The text discusses a film about Donald Trump’s mentor, Roy Cohn, who had a fascination with frogs. The film suggests that Cohn used blackmail to help Trump succeed, and there’s speculation about a scene involving frogs that was left out of the final cut. The text also mentions a recent incident where monkeys escaped from a research facility, and the authors’ upcoming comic book release.
➡ The text discusses how fast food chains like In-N-Out and Chick-Fil-A incorporate religious elements, such as Bible quotes, into their branding. It questions whether this is a marketing strategy or a genuine expression of faith. The text also touches on the relationship between video games and the military, suggesting that gaming technology often starts with the military before transitioning to the consumer market. It ends by mentioning Elon Musk’s comments on AI and drones being the future.
➡ The text discusses a military laser program, the concept of fifth-generation warfare, and the role of news organizations. It also delves into the ideologies of the left and right, the symbolism of socialism, and the concept of mob rule. The text further explores the idea of critical theory, its origins, and its impact on society, particularly its tendency to break down power structures. The discussion concludes with the importance of building and creating, as opposed to merely criticizing, and the value this adds to society.
➡ The text discusses the importance of critical thinking, but warns against excessive criticism that doesn’t lead to constructive solutions. It also mentions the origins of critical theory, tracing it back to Marxist ideals. The author then transitions to promoting an upcoming comic book launch, explaining the process of its creation, its interactive features, and the importance of reaching a certain number of sign-ups. The comic aims to explore the history and influence of the Illuminati, connecting it to modern pop culture and the music industry.
➡ The artist Swap Trap, known for his work on Sam Tripoli’s Chaos Twins, is collaborating on a project that could potentially be turned into a film with the help of crowd funding. The project explores themes of crowd psychology, the Prussian schooling system, and its connection to obedience and authority in the workplace. The creators also plan to provide a private video guide to help readers understand the comic’s panels. The comic, which delves into the history of the Bavarian Illuminati, Freemasons, and more, is set to launch soon.
Illuminatic comic dot com, you know you want it. Get early bird access to massive discounts and exclusive gifts Dropping worldwide. Learn the secrets of the Illuminati. Access the secrets. Join the Illuminati Yacht club. Get the Donut VHS box and join the street team. Click the link below. Limited time only. Yeah, yeah. Illuminati Comic. Illuminati Illuminate. Now that was the AI graphics of Paranoid. You did an excellent job with that. And this is the same utter excellence that you’re gonna get when you get the Illuminati Comic. Once you get this, go to the Notify Me on launch.
We’re almost at 900. If we could get this past 900 in the stream, I would be so happy. We have 896. We need four more people. Go to the Notify Me on launch because this is dropping tomorrow. And before we get into the big news of AI Kill drones and this new Trump film, absolutely crazy. I think it’s full of occult symbolism and some hints of secrets. It was like a gangster film. I mean, you get to see a lot of Illuminati actually parties in the film. That I’ll talk about a little bit, but mostly some of the the frog stuff as well.
It’s a interesting film. We’re going to go over that a little bit. A ton of stuff. But Paranoid, how are you doing and why is this so important that you go to the Notify Me on launch? Because we’re dropping this tomorrow. Why is it so important to support this comic tomorrow when it launches? It’s like the make or break it to get into this Kickstarter algorithm. Can you tell us a little bit about that before we start? Well, I’ll answer a question with a question and say, how important is it for this Illuminati comic to get into the hands of the normies and the people that don’t already know about it that aren’t already in this little bubble.
I’d say it’s paramount. It’s. It’s incredibly important. So that’s kind of what that happens, is that if you can back it, the second this thing launches, then it gets put into the algorithm, into the normie algorithm, and it starts pushing all their normie content down under it. So, I mean, the ideal situation here is that we send a message that this thing is so hot, there’s so many people that want it, that the Kickstarter algo just puts it on the front page. And then people go in there to get their weird, you know, like, woke ass comics that are usually getting pitched on the front page of this site.
They have to kind of like scroll down under this one in order to get to those. And I think that just getting that extra surface area is what takes this from just being a cool little niche comic that’s great for the conspiracy world and the most comprehensive breakdown of the Illuminati. But then it puts it into people’s minds for like, oh, there’s Christmas coming up, or there’s Black Friday coming up. This looks like an interesting, quirky thing to get my nephew. Hell, yeah. Like, we want all the nephews out there to unexpectedly get this thing in their stockings and be like, I’ve never even heard of the Illuminati.
Why do I care about this? And this is the only way we can really get to that next level. We need one more person, just one more person to go to Notify me on launch so we can hit that 900 subscriber goal. So I will cut my hair off if we can get the 900. He’s going to. He’s gonna shave his head. I’ll shave my head. I think there’s a big shaving the head ritual approaching. Shaving is a big part of bowing down to the female Illuminati. Most people don’t know about this, but going back to these ancient cults, the Elysian Mysteries and Demeter and Sabel, it was all about chopping off the masculine.
So shaving go goes apart that. So I think we’re going to see Russell Brand shave the head. It’s going to be crazy into these rituals. And that’s what we get a cover. We cover a lot of these rituals that go down in the hip hop world in this comic. I mean, it. It looks absolutely amazing. Plus, we tie it into all the different secret societies throughout history. It’s a. A really important book. A great gift as well to hand out. And you could even get a bunch of them and join the street team and make a ton of money as well.
So please, tomorrow we’re dropping it at 11:11 Eastern Time. If you can go support the the comic when we drop it, that would mean so much to us because once we get this funded immediately it gets into the algorithm of Kickstarter that we can get this out to the the masses and that’ll me mean a lot. I like what you did here with this Robert Anton Wilson type art. I don’t know if that was intentional. This was like kind of a Schoolhouse Rock inspired. Okay. And also the, the frog stuff was really cool because there’s a lot going on with the frogs connected to Jordan Peterson, who’s Kermit the Frog, who’s connected to the Harvard School.
He is pretty much the Timothy Leary for the alt right. Which kind of gets into some of the Frankfurt School research that I’m going to ask you some questions on critical theory. So we’re going to get wicked smart today. And that’s what it’s all about. It’s all about getting wicked smart. Reading the documents, reading the books and putting it all into a digestible thing. But this Donald Trump film that was just released, the Apprentice. The Apprentice, which is also. Isn’t that Masonic degree? The Apprentice degree? The entered apprentice. Yeah, it’s the first degree. Do you think that that’s symbolism or do you think that.
I haven’t seen the entire movie yet, but I’ll just say yes. Yeah, of course. Well, that was the name of his show too. Right, right. So this movie, it was a gangsta film. Like it was about Roy Con and Roy Con was doing some gangsta espionage and. And they showed the come up of Trump and there was a lot of little hints in the the movie. Like here’s Michael Jackson, I believe. Maybe that’s not Michael, maybe that’s a girl. I don’t know. But I was gonna ask you if you know who any of these people were in the background.
But the thing that, I mean this movie. Yeah, it gets scary. They show you some of the Illuminati or drastic parties. I mean that right there. If we’re talking about entered Apprentice degree, this kind of links to that because I see unless I’m on my eyes are blurry. But he’s got like a tie around which could be the cable toe and he also has his breast exposed, which is another Apprentice sort of thing. It kind of is playing directly into that. I don’t know if you intended to take that exact shot? I didn’t intend it. No, no.
This was just from the movie where they were having a huge same sex attracted orgy in the. In the film, very much like Eyes Wide shut, which had 25 minutes removed out of that Illuminati orgy party. This is kind of where this broke this lore of the Illuminati. In the orgy parties were like the Stanley Kubrick eyes wide shot, Rothschild Mansion, surreal party ball. But this film kind of dabbled in on it. And this was just one of the guys wearing a Nixon mask. And it also showed. Here’s Roger Stone in it. He’s all up in it.
Or doesn’t he have a huge tattoo of Nixon on his back? Oh, so maybe that’s Roger Stone. I’m just playing. I don’t know. It could be because I feel like they were saying some secrets. They were revealing some. Some. Some espionage secrets about Trump that they kind of wanted to scare him. They showed a lot of crazy stuff. It was like a gangster movie. It’s like you’re watching Scarface. Did this have any obvious political bias in it? Like, was it out to make Trump look bad or ridicule or did it? Yeah, it was. It made him look like a psychopathic dawn boss who rose the power.
So someone that you might want to be president of the country. Yeah. And there’s some more photos I got that. That’s pretty wild. But tying it back to the frog thing, like, right here is. Roy cone had all these frogs and they hinted at the frogs in the film and they left out in the film. So he goes and touches this shrine of frogs, right. And here’s a wide shot angle of it and there’s frogs, like all in the room right here. Did Donald Trump actually have lots of, like, toy frogs and stuff? No, no. This is.
This is his mentor, Roy Cones House, who got him. According to the film. This was a. Okay. But Roy cone actually did like all these frogs. That’s wild because now there’s a tangible connection between Shrum and all this Keck magic. Right? Absolutely. Yeah. Isn’t that wild? And they were showing it too, right. In this film. And the guy who played the. Roy Conan the film, he did an excellent job. It’s the guy who played the Murdoch family in that show where they were playing the Murdochs. But anyway, he went on to this leftist propaganda show where he said that there was other scenes of the frogs that they left out because this was really quick in it where he touched the shrine and Roy Cones handler or friend or whatever.
This guy right here got really mad at him when he went near it because so it had very much high importance. And he said that in the movie there was a scene Jeremy Strong reveals frog scene that didn’t end up in the Donald Trump bio biopic the Apprentice. Probably for that private copy that gets sent to the people that would appreciate it. I think it was more of as like a blackmail thing to Trump. Like yo, we left this out. But letting y’all know, don’t, don’t met, don’t, you know, don’t go too far down. I, I don’t know.
You know what I mean? So this was what was left out or they didn’t put in. It’s kind of joking. We’re joking about it, but I don’t think it’s a joke. So they shot a scene. We did shoot a scene. I asked the costume designer to find a full frog suit and he was going to be dressed up and singing I am what I am from George Hearn song from LA Cage Ox Fullace in a frog suit. And that is a well known same sex attracted anthem. So it’s, it’s a, it’s an anthem for that. Okay, so were they saying that there’s some blackmail on Trump being part of one of these? Well, that was what Roy Cohn did was he got blackmail on people having same attracted sex orgies.
And they show it in the, the video and that’s how he got Trump his towers in the film. And then they show like when Trump starts turning into like a transhuman in this scene. It’s, it’s, it really makes you scared of him. So it’s great propaganda but like looking at it as like a, a scar, a Scorsese type casino film. It was gangster like you. This is him having. And this is why the left absolutely loved this movie. Standing applause at Khan’s Film Festival because you get to see Trump do the hard R. You get to see him doing all the nasty stuff.
And the left actually wants to have intercourse with Donald Trump. That’s why they’re always saying F Trump, F Trump because he’s that masculine rock. And they’re this feminine emotional screaming and crying and having meltdowns. They even want to start poisoning men. An article just came out. Women furious about this win glorifying poisoning men and also other stuff. Oh, and also monkeys escape. Oh yeah, we need a monkey counter, bro. Are we still just at 1 of 43 or is there an update on this? Yes. So this was in the News today that monkey Madness watch moment.
43 Monkeys go on a rampage after escaping from a research facility at 28 days later style prison break. Which is like a hint, a nod to the zombie apocalypse. I think they only caught one, but I’ll, I’ll, I’ll google it because this was earlier today when I was grabbing all this stuff. But here are the monkeys. Let’s just let them free. Like, come on. I don’t know if you’ve looked into what they were actually testing on these guys. I don’t know if, if you want them to be free. And honestly, I mean if we’re gonna put our tinfoil hats on, maybe this wasn’t as much of an accident as it was like the next wave of putting something new out there.
It’s very suspicious. It’s absolutely suspicious. And look everybody, we just smashed through over 1300 people tuning in live. We’re streaming all over the damn place. On Facebook, on Twitter, on YouTube, on Rumble. Oh my goodness. Rumble, Rumble. Are you ready to rumble? And we got all everybody up in here. Make I remind everybody when we pass through a thousand to smash that likey poo. Smash the likey poo. Share the video out. It gets it out there. But mo, most importantly, we are dropping the Illuminati comic tomorrow. Can I get a burn, burn, burn. Oh, can I get a.
Yeah, we dropping this comic tomorrow. We trying to get 900 people. We need one more person to sign up. You just click the. It’s right there in the chat or down below. We want 900 people. And it looks like we got 911 now. Oh my God, what a number. Yeah, we crashed through that. We need a thousand now. Now we need a thousand. We mentioned if we can get this to a thousand we’ll make an exclusive sticker that’s just for people that back the comic. We’ll make a little die cut sticker. Were we saying it was going to be an all seeing senpaku eye or something? Oh, dude.
Yeah. I would love like a little great seal with the pyramid and the eye, but it’ll be a psychopath eye and we’ll just throw that into every single physical order. Oh, that’ll be awesome. Look. That’s the new goal is that we gotta crash through a thousand sign ups before tomorrow. We’re launching this comic tomorrow, so go subscribe. It’d be dope after the stream. Let’s see if we could get this to a thousand people because we’re dropping this tomorrow. So paranoid and Paranoid American and myself have dedicated our Time and energy. Last year, we worked on this for an entire year.
And we’re going to be streaming every single night at 11:11 Eastern Time. Around that time. Around that time. And so go. Go do that. Go do that. Now. Let’s get it past a thousand before the end of the show. That would be super dope. We’re at 911 right now. But. But back to the monkey stuff. Anything else you want to talk about? That. That monkey stuff. Monkeys on the loose. I mean, I. I really do think that if you look in. I don’t want to get into what they were doing. Just look into what this particular laboratory that they escaped from.
What was their primary field of research? What exactly were they testing? Alpha. What? What? Yeah, yeah. But, yeah, that’s the name of the company. If you look at the main thing that they had been doing for the last three or four years, it’ll start making more sense as to why maybe these monkeys got out. And we covered that on one of our last shows when it was breaking. So you get that information here first. And we will have a monkey counter pretty soon, too. Yeah, we got to get that monkey counter. Or this thumbnail is a drone.
I’m not even gonna say these word words, but the biggest drone of the war that kicked off during Pluto’s return. So this is how the occult works and why it’s important to get the Illuminati comic first. If you look at the watchtower, the clock on the dollar bill, it’s at a certain time. It’s at 222. The $100 bill, yo. Is at 222. At 222. And that’s the exact time that Biden stepped on the world stage at 2:22pm on 222222, which was Pluto’s return. Which is the return of pluto in the US birth chart. This is huge astrological alignment on 222.
Kanye did his big ritual in front of Elon Musk and other elitists on this date. Even the rapper Pluto is all connected to this because Pluto’s return, Biden, or Biden, is Pluto. He’s associated with Pluto, which is the ruler of Hades, the ruler of the underworld. And this is just a little bit of how Ronald Reagan, the occultist, he was also governor and under Manley P. Hall advisory, he got into power at a certain time. So these astrological alignments are absolutely critical for how the world actually operates. And that’s why it’s super important to. To get that Illuminati comic There’s another really interesting similarity here with Biden and Pluto, and that’s the.
Pluto is the planet that keeps getting demoted and then repromoted from planet into just like space junk back and forth. And one of those reasons is because it’s too far gone. It gets so far out of orbit, it’s so far separated from the reality that we know that it kind of gets declassified. But the other reason is because it’s not powerful enough to maintain its own gravitational force amongst all the other, like, space debris it’s around. Which I think are like perfect analogies for Biden as well. Right. He, like, he lacks the power to. To pull anyone around him and be like, the center.
And also he’s too far gone. Man, that is perfect. That’s a perfect analogy of these different planets, like Saturn. Everyone talks about the Saturn worship and all that. The Grim Reaper and Pluto even got Pluto the dog on Pluto. At least the picture they show us, which is probably fake, but they also show another symbol. And a lot of people do this. I went to in and out last night and I was showing my friend with the Bible quotes, right? The. The Bible passages on them. Yeah, the in and out has occult Bible passages on it because occult simply means hidden.
So hidden in the in and out cup, they got a Bible, John 3:16, like stone cold Steve Austin. Not a lot of people know that. He was blown away. He was like, whoa. But you knew this. Yeah, well, it’s. It’s crazy because a lot of these companies kind of have to hide it from like the most obvious because most people don’t even care. They don’t even look into it. The same thing with Chick Fil? A always being closed on Sundays. Right. That’s a religious thing. And everyone loves them. Some Chick Fil? A. Yeah. Even the Satanists love it.
There’s that scene in Silicon Valley where they’re in the Satanic ritual and they’re eating Chick Fil A and he’s like, oh, I think the dark master will forgive us because the chicken is just so good. Like, one of the funniest things that I remember from working at Disney is like, it was very, very progressive in a. In a good way, you know, and some of the bad ways, part of the reason why. But anyways, I remember when the first boycotts against Chick Fil? A really hit their peak in, I don’t know, 2016 or something. Or it might have been right, right before then.
And then like that whole entire month when they were supposed to be boycotted all of the, like, the same sense attracted people that I work with were bringing in Chick Fil A by, like, the huge, like, vendor nugget full for any, like, the meetings and everything. And a few people eventually were like, aren’t you taking part in, you know, this boycott? Like, this nationwide boycott of Chick Fil A because of, like, the funding and the things that they’re putting their money to? And it was all just like. Like, please, I’m not going to get over my love for Chick Fil A just because of some stupid politic thing.
So it’s. It’s weird that this is one of the few places where people will decide not to boycott. Like, they won’t maybe stick it all the way up. And this because you know that there’s people that probably disagree with Bible quotes on food, but they still eating all kinds of. In and out, bro. In and out. Go hard and out. And the palm tree as well goes into symbolism that the one on One podcast. Hopefully I can get him to talk about the palm tree symbolism. How deep that goes. That’s, like, so cool. I could maybe even play a clip.
If y’all get us past a thousand. I will play a scene of the secret society. Don’t do it. Damn. Don’t do it. Okay, I won’t do it. Well, let’s see. Let’s see if we get. If we get to a thousand. What do you think, though, about. Is this commercializing the Bible? Like, are they selling. Are they using the Bible to sell food or. We’re at 922. We’re almost at a thousand. Well, let’s keep going. Continue. I just got excited. Do you. Do you think that this is an instance of them using the Bible to sell food? Or do you think it’s them, like, sneaking the Bible into people’s food? I don’t think so.
I. I mean, why would you, like, for me, if I. If I. You know, I. I feel like I. I feel like it’s legit. I could be wrong, though. I don’t know. That was just my first gut reaction. I think that they just are religious and they’re like, yo, we’re gonna put that up there. What. What do you think? Drink yourself some Jesus? I don’t know. I think it could be all things at once. It could be a nod to the people that are religious. Well, now, if you’ve got one fast food company that is wearing its heart on its sleeve a little bit, they might be more inclined to back it.
But then also, I don’t know, people like Maybe you’re trying to win them over with how good the food is. And then it’s like, man, if they can make food this good, then. And I mean, we’re. I don’t want to glorify fast food here. I’m saying this a little bit tongue in cheek, but I mean, it is incredibly popular. It’s not like, you know, something that people hide that they like going to in and out. Oh, man. And Chick Fil a seems to get me tired. I remember I used to eat it back when I worked at amtv Massive studio out here in Phoenix.
We’d go get Chick Fil A and it made me tired every time I ate it. And shout out to Tommy. We see Tommy. We see you up in here. Tommy Truffo at the Truth Mafia. Mafia. If you haven’t seen this movie, it’s crazy, bro. It’s a gangster film. I’m watching this tomorrow. It’s on my, my list for things to do tomorrow. And it’ll give you nightmares. Like, it’s like Trump becomes like a, like a. He turns into like a transhuman sorta. I mean, you can only vote for him so many times. I don’t know why they keep selling them so hard.
I don’t like, you already got my vote. You don’t need to do anything else. You don’t need to become transhuman yet. Save that. Save that for the next election. Well, so this, this is interesting too, with the thumbnail with this drone stuff. This is where the future is. Everyone thinks you need to be all like, muscular and tough and, you know, sure. But at the end of the day, Elon and Joe Rogan told everybody that the future bangers are going to be whoever’s the best at expert level on the video game. And it goes into these AI kill drones and whatnot.
So it’s, it’s an interesting, interesting time we’re entering into with. Well, I remember growing like when I was transitioning and moving into the, the military from height. Yeah, yeah, I’m. I’m successfully transitioned now. Congratulations. When I, when I went from high school to military and thank you for your service. Paranoid. Thank you so much. Veteran. We’re here with a veteran. I did it all for you. I did it all for everyone in the chat. But I remember that one of the most popular games was this thing called Arma and Arma and is still, I guess, used a lot today.
In fact, some of the initial footage that was getting like, fake leaked onto the mainstream media a few years ago when, like the conflict started. Some of those were actually screenshots from Arma. They just had like, like looked really good. But Arma was, was Hugh. Arma is a. It was originally a simulation made by the army that I guess ended up becoming like an actual video game because it was so realistic. But this is a perfect example of that. A lot of, A lot of video game technology starts with the military, and then it transitions into the consumer market.
And all it’s doing is, is now they’re sort of allowing the military training to start early and in the private sector so that by the time you’ve got someone that’s old enough to be drafted, they kind of already know how all the different things work. I mean, a lot of people that I will go to the range with and stuff and do competitions with, I would ask them, like, oh, why did, why do you have that particular one? Or why did that. And a lot of the time it’s like, oh, that was my favorite one to pick in Call of Duty.
Or that was my favorite one to pick in Armageddon. And they already know the mechanics. They know what it looks like when you got to refill something, like how every little doodad works. And now you can extrapolate that to helicopters and tanks and even using like these next level drones. So, I mean, the video game and the military industry are way closer than even the Hollywood crossover. People like to talk a lot about the military industrial complex and entertainment, but I think video games, it’s like a direct tap right into the vein of all this. You might be muted if you’re talking.
Thank you. I was muted. This is what they’re bringing up on the news, how the richest man alive plays video games. But you gotta read between the lines. They making this like the top thing, like play video games. It’s gonna make you smart, gonna get you a better job, but you gotta read between the lines. He’s telling everybody about these AI kill drones and that that’s the future. And Starlink satellites are connected with it because they’re a military laser program. It’s pretty crazy. Like, you just gotta listen to the Joe Rogan podcast. That’s like what they’re saying.
It goes into this fifth generation warfare now that we’re in. It’s very interesting. It’s very crazy and interesting stuff. I don’t even know if I could talk too much about it on here, but I think it’s, it’s a fine line. Yeah. Because you don’t want to be seen as like glorifying or capitalizing on this, even though it’s literally what every news organization is doing constantly with all of this. Yeah, smash that, like, button. We got 1600 people up in here. I would love if y’all smash that, like, button. And a lot of stuff going on in the news.
I’m looking at certain things with the left in this ideology of the crowd. In the crowd is the mob, which is the demo. Like democracy, the mob rule, which most majority of the planet falls more in line with the crowd. And Gustav Levan, you know, he wrote a book called the Crowd. And the crowd seems to really like this ideology of socialism where they don’t want to build, they want to get donations and tear down. And it’s just this ideology of the. The left, and even the far right, I feel, is in this ideology as well.
I think it’s very rare to find builders. And once I’ve been breaking down the. The symbolism of socialism, it’s very strange how I get attacked very, very heavily whenever I just bring up symbolism of the truth of the. This just symbol. Symbols is the socialist symbol. Right here is the fist in the rose. That’s just the symbol for socialism. You could just see it with a lot of revolution of. Of the left. It’s this. It’s this ideology of. Of the mob rule and whatnot. I. I get attacked a lot whenever I talk about. Here’s Gustav Levon’s book of the Crowd.
And I think it’s interesting that on his book cover on Amazon, they showed the socialist party as well. But you kind of dive in deeper. It goes much deeper than what I’m saying. I know there’s a lot of nuances with the Frankfurt School and to remove nationalism as well. So I know it gets nuanced, and I’m not wicked smart. That’s why you got to get the comic book to get wicked smile. You get the Illuminati comic book, get wicked smart. But can you tell us a little bit about your research on this thing called Critical Theory? Is that what it’s called? It’s called Critical Theory? Yeah, it’s pretty old.
It goes back to this Frankfurt school. But to put my bias on the table, or at least where I even came across it, I remember hearing about it a whole lot. I was working on video games during the original Gamergate thing that came up, so not I even want to be involved, but I was like, you know, working with a few different studios that were impacted by this. So I kind of had to understand at least what all the hubbub was about. So, long story short, this critical theory is sort of the mechanics behind when someone says, like, oh, that’s woke, or like the DEI things, or any of these new sort of big social movements that tend to get critiqued by one side more than the other.
Right. This all kind of stems from critical theory, along with other things. Like, you don’t want to reduce it down to just everything came from this one source. But critical theory represents the philosophy behind all this, like, where a lot of it came from. And my introduction was through an Andrew Breitbart biography or his autobiography. It was called Excuse Me While I Save the World. Righteous Indignation, I think. And it was. And he came out and he was like, I got dirt on Obama. And then, bam. Dead. Yeah, he. Yeah. So Breitbart’s a crazy story. I highly recommend checking out his autobiography.
I had absolutely no opinion of him before that. If anything, I just thought it was like, wacko, you know, right wing extremism versus the wacko left wing stuff. But he. He goes real hard into two topics that I hadn’t really heard of in detail. One of them was critical theory, and the other one was Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. That one really, really blew my mind. And. And Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals probably would not exist without critical theory to sort of set the stage. So. Oh, okay. Critical, like, it’s a. It’s a large topic. People get like, PhDs in critical theory, and they apply in all different fields.
So to reduce it even to like an hour would be sort of a fool’s errand in a way. But I do, I want to almost paint it in a very biased way, but you can almost separate this type of thinking into creators versus observers, or you could say like, builders versus observers. And this really started coming to a head when Elon Musk made that tweet about, this is going to be a nation of builders. You will be free to build again. Something like that. And I think that that’s also because he’s been positioning himself on the opposite end of this critical theory.
And if you think about it this way, if you’ve got a society where some people build and some people observe, then as you’re observing, you kind of get really comfortable on the sidelines. You get comfortable taking a passive role. But then like, deep side, deep in our brains like this, there’s an instinct to create or an instinct to actually mold the world that you’re in. And if you’re not actively building things with your hands, tangibly, you know, Realistically, then you’re going to start convincing yourself in like psychological ways. Oh well, me providing feedback is me building like, that’s how I’m contributing.
I’m building a blueprint for these people. And I think this is sort of the way oversimplified origin of critical theory is that after someone gets so used to being on the sidelines and just finding criticism everywhere that it turns into that becoming a profession, like now I’m going to be professional at criticizing everything around me. And I think one of the key features of this is that very rarely does it offer any sort of solutions. In fact, the whole premise of critical theory is breaking down power structures. Anything that resembles something that has, you know, power or authority over people, that it needs to be dismantled and recreated all the way from scratch again.
And that’s really not how you build anything that’s just constantly knocking down buildings, knocking down bridges. This is sort of what, you know, like the, the Tartarian guys say that is the worst thing that ever happened is that these new groups came in and just knocked down what was there before that might have been built up and was beautiful and full of knowledge. It just gets knocked down because they want a clean slate. And that’s sort of what this critical theory is, is wanting to knock everything down so that you can build on its remains and sort of proclaim like, I did this, I found this, right? And then we could see this with the leftists, how they destroy the Liberty Bell, right? They ride all over it, they rip down statues, they destroy history.
So this is coming from not building. They’re not building. It’s just about destroying. And it’s this ideology that you can see. And that’s why I’m so grateful to work with Paranoid American on this Illuminati comic as well, because it is building something, building a channel, going out there, editing. And I gotta say, paranoid, you do that. Tommy does it a lot as well. He’s like straight up hustler. And I feel like I do it as well sometimes. I’m. It just building. It’s being an artist, right? An artist likes to paint a picture and. But continue, continue.
It just, it’s just this ideology, you can see that. Just start paying attention to this with. It’s just something I, where I’m at right now in my, my research, how, how critical theory, how critical this is, the, the ideology. But anyway, well, if you’re, if you’re building things in any capacity, even if it’s just creating content in some cases, but if, if what you’re creating in content is bringing new information and building on research, like literally building on other people’s work on top of it. Then over time that adds value. Like usually like building and creating.
Both of these infer adding value somewhere. And the opposite of that, if it’s criticizing, technically it removes value. Now I don’t want to sit here and be like, any criticism that ever happens is always a bad thing. That’s absolutely not the case. In fact, a lot of companies and even like large organizations or groups, they’ll have someone called an ombudsman. And the role of this person is to sort of be this critical eye, to constantly be trying to critique the organization or find chinks in the armor or just general ways to improve. But the difference is that that person is sort of identified and elected to do that specific job.
And they’re also typically qualified in some capacity in that it’s not that they’re being critical for the sake of being critical, to fill some void inside of them. It’s. It’s that they have proven to have a critical eye and attention to detail and to be able to like ferret out things before they cause a problem for you later down the line. So these, there’s absolutely creative and constructive ways to focus on just pure criticism. However, it needs to be an even balance, or at least a cycle. Because when it comes to critical theory, again, if there’s no building that happens, all it does is removes and subtracts.
And that’s something that’s completely detrimental to the person, to society, to a country, to everything at large. If, if too many people are just focused on critical theory. And like I said, this is now something you can get a PhD in. So this is kind of expanding and this is sort of the root of a lot of it. And I mean this, this is not new. It started in 1923, I think in Germany at this Frankfurt School. And it basically was spawned from these Marxist ideals and applying Marxism to psychology and sociology and trying to figure out ways to, to apply this and actually change society through it.
So I mean, it started as like a thought experiment that was heavily inspired by Marxism. So this is the kind of like the very roots of just criticizing everything constantly in order to just become a drain and collapse everything around you. So I’m biased because I’m pro builder for a lot of different reasons. So this usually comes across blatant. As soon as you see someone taking part in this behavior, it might not even be their fault because anyone that’s gone to public school this is sort of the default for a lot of education is that they’re taught to pull things down and point out all the injustices and all the problems of the world.
Because it’s a lot harder to teach people to identify things and then, like, create solutions for them. It’s almost as if you point out enough problems, then magically it hits some threshold and someone will swoop in that cry of like, someone should do something about this. But if you got 50 people all saying, someone should do something about this just because it keeps getting louder and louder, really the best solution is that someone within that group is like. And that thing is right. Right. And this is a big part of my wicked spot for. For Dummies research on the schooling system.
Let me upload just that real quick. I might have some noise when I do it, so I apologize in advance. See, I knew it was going to do that. I knew it was going to be all loud when I did it. But it’s got a lot of cool slides of all this. And everybody go, I want to go check back on the Illuminati comic because me, a paranoid American, are doing these streams every single night. Because we are launching the Illuminati comic, and it’s absolutely important for y’all to get us past the thousand mark tonight. That’d be incredible right now.
We’re not. We’re not doing it for us or. Or for like getting to a thousand and getting this thing blown up on the day one. It’s not as much for us or even for you. It’s for the normies out there that would otherwise never see any of this. Like, it really has to break through that next threshold so that it, you know, too big to fail. Like, we need to have so much support that they can’t rig the results. That’s essentially the same analogy here. So we’re. We’re dropping this comic tomorrow. So it’s very important. I mean, it would be great if y’all go to the notify me on launch that you see right here.
We almost at a thousand. We at 9:30 right now. Let’s get it to a thousand before the end of the stream. And we launch this tomorrow at 11, 11 Eastern Time. And it’s super important to go grab the Illuminati comic so we can fund it. There’s different initiation degrees in it. I’m releasing my donut VHS box on it. It’s going to be swagged out, full of stickers, just a ton of dope stuff that you’re gonna Hear about tomorrow, which I’m very, very excited. International. I think that’s important to point out that if you’re in Australia, Japan, South Africa, Netherlands, Germany, anywhere in the world, we’ll be able to get this to you.
International. And so, and also by signing up too, right now, you’ll get notified right when it launches. And look, we already had 9:31. You get notified because we have an early bird discount and special perks as well, unlimited exclusive offers. So this will get it funded quickly. But also you get a bunch of dope stuff and discounts with it as well. And I’m reading the chat, someone was asking when will they get this in the mail. This actually, it depends on a couple factors. So I’ll give you the short answer is that we’re trying to get it funded and basically printed and shipped out within two months after close.
So it ends somewhere in the beginning of December. So it should be shipping out by early February. We put an estimated deadline of May on everything. Just because if this thing blows up hard enough that we can actually afford to get a huge shipment of these, like, you know, get like a huge pallet of these things made, it might take a little bit longer to fulfill these. Like, me and Donut are literally going to end up meeting up and stuff in all these VHS boxes by hand, most likely. So if it, if it blows up super hard, it might take a little bit longer to fulfill everything.
But yeah, it should. We should be shipping everything out within two months after it ends, which would be late January, early February. All the artwork, everything is already done. We’re just trying to figure out exactly how many of these things to print so that we don’t print too few. And so we don’t print too many. Yeah, Illuminati comic. We already got 933 people signed up. I’m so excited. Get it, get it past that thousand mark. Oh, my goodness. I’m so. I’m so pumped for it. Let’s show them a couple slides from the. The. Com do. Let’s do some previews.
Yeah, this one is actually. This one’s something special. So anyone that gets one of the print versions, any kind, black and white, the color, the VHS box, anything at all, if you order something in the mail, you’re going to get one of these and it’s maybe like 10% done right now. It’s going to be in full color and everything. But Donut had one of the greatest ideas early on. We were working on this and he was thinking we should make this interactive Somehow. And I was just like, what do you mean, interactive? How the hell do we make this? And he said, where’s Waldo? And I was like, you know, you son of a.
I’m in. And we started working on this, and as we were writing this comic out, we would go off on crazy tangents about owl symbolism or 51 symbolism, or just like all these different sort of symbols that you can go down a rabbit hole. And we figured, let’s take. Let’s take all these tangents that we’ve been going down about all these different topics and squeeze it into a massive Where’s Waldo? Poster. So that’s what this is. The very beginnings of this is going to end up having so many different things on it. And along with a little guide of like, find the Freemason, find the Templar, find the.
The Bohemian Grove Owl, find the All Seeing Eye or whatever. Classic Waldo style. It’s definitely dope. And this is like just the. The behind the scenes, but the guy getting it all colored in makes it look dope. Where we tie in, like the Illuminati of today with the music industry, tying it all the way to the past as well with other societies like the Fabian Society, which you covered on yesterday’s video. You know what I mean? Yeah, we. We know everyone doesn’t want to just open this up and just read about a bunch of old white dudes.
So, like, that’s why you’re not gonna find anything that covers the Illuminati in this much depth. And then also has Drake and Tupac and Prodigy and Rick Ross and you, God, and Young Dolph and. And like all these different guys directly related, because those are some of the connections that usually don’t get explained. You. You might find a historical account and then it’ll. It’ll wrap up around the 1830s or something. And then you might hear about someone talking about in the illuminati in the 90s or like, you know, the hip hop Illuminati right now. But what about all the connections in between? Like what happened from the 1880s to the 1980s.
Right? Well, this. This comic gaps all of that, but it also doesn’t just ignore all the claims that have come up in the last 10 years. We. We hit all of it head on and make all the connections. And we do it in such damn style. Look at this. This is the official artist for all the paranoid American playsets for all the pamphlets. He’s also the main artist on Sam Tripoli’s Chaos Twins. His name’s Swap Trap. And he’s an absolute animal. And he does animation. So depending on how far we can push this particular project, we might see some of your favorite panels animated in the near future.
Yeah. And you see how my skill is video editing. I could video edit really good. So with the support of y’all funding this, I’ll be able to also turn this into a film. So moving it from a comic to a film, which is a goal as well, with this comic. So very excited for it. We’re Almost. We’re at 9:41. We’re almost at a thousand. Let’s click that button. Let’s try to get that to a thousand. It means so much to me. Thank you guys and gals so, so much. Amazing. Amazing. It’s amazing. What am I looking at here? I keep.
Is. Are these people in beds or is this. This is like a school, but it’s work. It’s like. It’s desks. It’s the crowd psychology. It’s just the. The crowd, the group think, and the Prussian schooling system. Why people are good workers, why people obey authority to get the jobs. And I put this together, my Wicked Smart for Dummies, which was really, really fantastic. And we kind of went into John Taylor Godo’s work, and we just brought it up to show some. The symbols. And it came with a couple tips. Claim your autonomy and personal agency and individuality.
Wicked smart tip. And then G. Stanley hall connection to the Illuminati, the whole schooling system, the behaviorism and all its connections to secret societies. You know, all that. All that stuff. That was a fun. That was a fun video. I. I actually originally wanted to do public education as my first or second of these pamphlets that we’re doing this comic format. And my. My idea was to. To basically put something about. To grab the attention of people going into the schools, like in colleges or even like around high schools or something. And about how, like, school.
School was like a waste or like, you know, and unfortunately, this worldwide event happened in 2019 that I won’t even mention, but you know what I’m talking about. And then all of a sudden, no one was going to school anymore. There was all in virtual school. And it, like, it blew a whole hole in my plan because now everyone knows that school is like sort of this weird facade because they were experiencing it. They didn’t even have to go to it anymore. It was all just through, like, webcams and whatnot. So, I mean, in that case, it kind of like took over and I ended up not doing the public Education, because public education didn’t exist for like a year or so when I was working on it.
But I got some. Some deep notes on the Prussian system and how, like, where it started and how it kind of, like, got out of control. It’s one of the most fascinating things. And there’s a lot of debunking that goes around. A lot of people are like, no, that’s not true. Like public education. But if you just step back and look exactly how it works, it’s pretty much how the Prussians decided they wanted to restructure this right, make everyone a good soldier. And a lot of this was in also Anthony Sudden’s work as well, with the three two, two, Skull and Bones connection.
Now. Paranoid American. I’m very excited for the drop of this comic book. We’re dropping it tomorrow. Absolutely critical, no pun intended, that everybody sign up for it. We got those links down below. It’ll mean so much to us. Paranoid and I are going to do a massive stream tomorrow as well. We’re probably going to be bringing on a B lady. We’re trying to work that out right now. We’ll see. But you got anything else before we go? Bee Lady, Order the bees. We’re gonna be showing a whole bunch of different previews as we go through each of these every night.
I think we’ll probably reveal another panel, talk about it in detail. And there’s also going to be anyone that, even if you just get the digital copy, anyone at all that gets any of these tiers, you’re going to end up getting a private video where me and Donut are going to walk through the. The Illuminati comic and sort of break down all the different panels. So you even have, like, a little video guide on how to read it and to refer back to in the future. Everything, like, it’s. It’s something that I don’t think either of us have ever done before.
Along with this, every single night, streaming live. This is all new to just show how much effort we’ve put into this thing and how much energy we’re trying to kind of manifest out back the other side. So you heard it. Make sure to go. We’re dropping it tomorrow at 11, 11 Eastern Time. Go sign up, notify me on launch and support us in getting this thing going viral right when it launches. Anyway, it’s Donut and Paranoid American. What’s up? Much love, everybody, and God bless you. Learn about the full history of the Bavarian Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt, Columbrados Jesuits Rosicrucians, Freemasons and more.
From the 18th century to modern day, we expose it all. That’s right. It’s the Illuminati Comic from Donut and Paranoid American. Get yours now@illuminati comic.com.