The Black Goo Matrix: Reptilians Nanoworms and the Battle for Your Soul

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The Interdimensional Agenda: Fallen Angels, Stargates, and Humanity’s Subjugation

For centuries, humanity has been under the influence of entities that operate from realms beyond our understanding. Many people assume these beings come from distant stars, but evidence suggests a different origin. These entities are interdimensional and subterranean, accessing our world through tears in the space-time continuum—wormholes, stargates, and other dimensional gateways. Technologies like CERN are pushing the boundaries of these dimensional rifts, allowing for interaction with entities once only encountered in myths and legends.

Stargates and Ley Lines: The Earth’s Chakra Points

These stargates align with ley lines or dragon lines, energetic pathways connecting monolithic sites like Stonehenge and volcanic hotspots along the Ring of Fire. These points act as gateways where these entities materialize, often seen in flashes of light or enigmatic crafts vanishing as quickly as they appear. The connection between these sites and ancient worship practices cannot be overlooked.

The Reptilian Agenda: Humanity’s Enslavement

The Reptilian Agenda: Humanity's Enslavement

At the heart of this agenda are Reptilian entities—the Watchers, Fallen Angels, or Djinn of ancient texts. Their goals include:

  1. Extraction of LOOSH: Emotional energy released during intense human experiences, whether joy, fear, or despair.
  2. Hybrid Bloodlines: Interbreeding to create blue-blooded elites who infiltrate every aspect of human society.
  3. Mind Control: Using technologies like TV, social media, and black goo, these entities suppress humanity’s awakening and keep us tethered to a false reality.
  4. Division and Illusion: Encouraging conflict through religion, politics, and societal constructs to prevent unity and interconnectedness.

This systematic manipulation is what keeps humanity trapped in cycles of fear and submission.

Reptilians: Shapeshifters Among Us

Eyewitness accounts and ancient lore describe Reptilians as bipedal creatures with humanoid and reptilian features, capable of shapeshifting into human form. This ability allows them to infiltrate society undetected, manipulating politics, economics, and global events. These accounts aren’t confined to modern conspiracy theories—they trace back to the Hopi, Sumerians, and other ancient civilizations, which describe similar beings arriving after catastrophic events.

Eyewitness Testimony

One hunter recounts a chilling encounter where a seven-foot reptilian humanoid shape-shifted into a man before his eyes. The sheer impossibility of this transformation aligns with other testimonies and myths, further reinforcing the idea of Reptilians as interdimensional beings hiding in plain sight.

The Subterranean Connection

Lizard Catacombs Found Under Los Angeles New York Times Newspaper

Evidence of Reptilian influence isn’t just anecdotal—it’s historical. In 1934, the LA Times reported the discovery of lizard people catacombs under Los Angeles, complete with treasures and artifacts. Native American legends corroborate this, describing serpent-like beings emerging after great cataclysms, suggesting a subterranean origin for these entities.

The Hybrid Elite: Blue Bloodlines

The concept of blue blood originates from Mesopotamian legends of Reptilian overlords with copper-based blood. This trait allegedly passed to the Merovingians, a bloodline that spread throughout Europe’s royal families. Modern elites trace their ancestry to these hybrid Reptilian-human origins, explaining their obsession with power and control.

CERN, Black Goo, and Dark Matter

Modern technology like CERN appears to be a tool for harvesting dark matter and interacting with these entities.


Shape shift = 666 (Sumerian Gematria), matching the number associated with dark matter and the Archons—entities believed to control the fallen angelic Reptilian hierarchy.

Dark Matter-Sumerian-666

Black goo, described in films like Prometheus, is believed to be a programmable, sentient substance used for mind control and weaponized to enslave humanity. This substance has connections to historical sites, from Egyptian tombs to modern military experiments.

Black Goo Found An Egyptian Tombs

Black Goo in Pop Culture

Celebrities like Megan Fox, Billie Eilish, and Lady Gaga have been depicted interacting with black goo in music videos, symbolizing possession or transformation. This parallels the idea of a nanoworm—a technological conduit for Reptilian consciousness to take over human hosts.

Ancient Technology and the Draconian Law

The Reptilians’ agenda includes tethering humanity to their system through technological advancements and Draconian laws. This is evident in the Carbon taxes, and the rollout of digital currencies—all tools for centralized control.

Even religious icons like the Fleur-de-lis tie back to the Merovingian bloodline and Reptilian symbolism. These connections, hidden in plain sight, are part of a larger plan to subjugate humanity under a one-world system controlled by the Archons.

The Biblical Connection

Reptilians are the modern iteration of the Fallen Angels described in Biblical scripture. Their pact with humanity—facilitated by rituals like Jack Parsons’ Babylon Working—allowed them access to our realm, exchanging technology for dominion over our species.

This connection aligns with the Garden of Eden, where humanity was tempted by forbidden knowledge. Computer = 666, referencing both technological enslavement and the Apple logo’s biblical allusion to the fall of man.

Predictive Programming and Symbolism

Movies like They Live and Doctor Sleep reveal the Reptilian agenda through predictive programming. The infamous sunglasses in They Live uncover a world controlled by hidden entities. Meanwhile, Doctor Sleep introduces the concept of LOOSH energy, consumed by vampiric entities to sustain their existence.

Even the one-eye symbolism prevalent in media ties back to soul-scraping rituals where hosts are possessed by Reptilian consciousness. The bleeding eye or black goo imagery in Hollywood further reflects this takeover.


Breaking Free from the Oath

Ancient texts suggest humanity swore an oath to the gods, binding us to their control. Breaking free requires acknowledging this pact and reclaiming sovereignty. The first step is awareness—recognizing the symbols, patterns, and rituals used to keep us enslaved.

The Final Word

Whether you believe these entities are extraterrestrial, interdimensional, or fallen angels, the evidence points to a calculated manipulation of humanity. From ancient catacombs to modern technologies like CERN, their influence spans millennia. Now, more than ever, it’s crucial to question the narratives and expose the truth behind these hidden agendas.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments—do you think humanity can break free from this cycle? Share this information and keep the conversation alive!

Check out this detailed blog I did on Black Goo

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➡ Tommy Truthful discusses the theory of Reptilians, beings believed to be interdimensional entities enslaving humanity. These creatures are said to come from another dimension, using technology to control humans and infiltrate society. A hunter shares his encounter with a creature that he believes was a shape-shifting Reptilian. The discussion also includes the idea that these Reptilians have created a hybrid race, the ‘blue bloods’, who are the global elites running the world.
➡ The text discusses theories about ancient bloodlines, oaths to Sumerian gods, and the influence of these on modern society. It suggests that humanity has enslaved itself by surrendering its will to these gods. The text also explores the idea of ‘black goo’ being used for mind control and its presence in popular culture. Lastly, it delves into theories about the substance’s origins and potential military uses, including the development of quantum computers and intelligent nanobots.
➡ Scientists discovered a substance called black goo that showed unusual behaviors like shape-shifting and telepathy. Some researchers experienced severe distress while others felt connected to all living things. The substance was linked to several incidents, including the Deepwater Horizon disaster and a Nazi biological weapon. The black goo is also connected to various religious cults and ancient sacred sites, and is believed to influence human consciousness and behavior.
➡ The text discusses the belief that powerful entities, possibly fallen angels or demons, are manipulating the world through symbolism and advanced technology. These entities, often referred to as reptilians, are believed to have made a pact with human governments, providing them with advanced technology in exchange for certain privileges. The author suggests that these entities feed off human fear and suffering, and that they are often associated with dark rituals and secret societies. The text also mentions the belief in an enclosed system or “dome” that we live in, and the possibility of interdimensional travel.
➡ The podcast discusses the belief that 5G technology and demonic energy are blocked by the same elements. They promote energy wellness bands, available through their website and social media, which supposedly offer protection through certain frequencies. The host appreciates the audience’s support and encourages them to like, share, and comment on their content. The host also mentions a recent absence due to being banned from Facebook and YouTube, but will return on the 20th.



Welcome to Truth this is Tommy Truthful. Today we’re going to be talking about the Reptilians. These interdimensional fallen angelic entities that are enslaving humanity. A lot of people think they’re coming from faraway star systems, but through my research they are inter dimensional and subterranean. They come from another dimension. Ripping a hole in the space time continuum, traveling through these wormholes or these stargates. Like what they’re doing with CERN right now. And these stargates were on certain ley lines or chakra points known as dragon lines around the Earth. We have monoliths on them. Obvious. Now some of them are in locations of major volcanoes on the Ring of Fire where these entities show up in these crafts and then they’re gone instantaneously.

Especially the ancient megastructures where people would go to worship like Stonehenge. Now before we get into this, this is called fair use and allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody. Which doesn’t fringe of copyright under 17 USC 107. So what are these entities? Are they using technology to enslave humanity? I believe so. The Reptilian agenda Subjugate the human species for life force extraction. Which is our loosh. Our. Our loosh energy. This is our emotional energy. Interbreed and establish hybrid bloodlines to infiltrate human culture while ensuring genetic survival. Implement mind control programs to limit the human’s awakening to their true nature.

That’s the black goo. Tv, social media. I think it’s all controlled by these entities. The same as the Watchers, the fallen angels. They’re all the same type of entity. And give humans opportunities to exercise false choices which give them the illusion of freedom. Encourage division in religious, political and social institutions to minimize human interconnectedness. Now, I watched this video on Gaia and the guy said some very interesting things. Here’s a clip from it right here. Guys, These things are not human. They pretend to be. Hidden behind their eyes is pure evil. They wear flesh, but beneath the skin are scales.

What do they want? Why are they here? How long have they been watching us physically? The Reptilian humanoid is described as a bipedal creature with a humanoid shape, but adorned with reptilian features. The reptilian’s anatomy is said to include a long powerful tail which aids in balance and agility. One of the most intriguing aspects of the Reptilian humanoid is its alleged ability to shapeshift. Assuming a human guise at will. This transformative power is said to facilitate infiltration into human society, allowing the reptilian to covertly influence politics, economics and global affairs. The motives behind such influence vary, ranging from a desire for world domination to more cryptic goals.

Origins of the reptilian humanoid vary within different mythologies and conspiracy theories. Some claim these beings hail from a distant planet, suggesting an extraterrestrial origin, while others propose subterranean civilizations hidden beneath the earth’s surface. So my day starts whenever I’m out in the, in the woods and I’m hunting. My day starts probably about 3:00 in the morning. You know, usually hunting season’s cold anyway, I’m not going to get my location. That being said, whenever I go hunting, I get up about three, I try to get out here to the woods about 3, 30, 4 o’clock, set up, I got my stands, everything ready.

I have my cameras, obviously my guns, my ammo. And that’s how it usually starts. And it lasts till pretty much the game’s over. That day, when I’m taking home a prize, everything felt normal for the first few hours. And just when I say tom froze it, it froze. You know, I know, like I said, I know these woods very well. I know everything around me. I know my surroundings, let’s say like that, you know, it was quiet, quiet. And all of a sudden in my scopes I see this bug run past me and this thing was hauling, but should I say, next thing you know, I’m thinking in my head, is this, is this a bear? What’s going on? You know, I’m looking everywhere and it’s right in front of me.

I see this humongous seven foot creature that looks like a lizard. Man, I’ve never seen anything like this in my life. Thank God I was not in my hunting stand. I was boots on the ground in a bush. Because I got up and I ran. I darted as fast as I could to get to this, to see what the hell this is. Because like I said, I know these woods and I’ve never seen this in my entire life. I catch up to this, I’m looking everywhere and only thing I see in front of me is your average human.

I mean, it was so awkward. It felt like this thing got away from me, like to this guy, not see it as well. Like there’s no way. They only have one direction to go. You can’t go uphill after that. That’s the only option you have, is to go uphill when you couldn’t have made it that far. The only thing beside me is a casual human being. I know for a fact I was the Only person out there that entire day by myself, like I said, who’s gonna wake up 3:30 and get out here in the woods? 3:30, 4:00 in the morning, right? There’s no way this guy was in here.

There’s no way. And the only thing that I could think of to myself was, did this thing get away? Where did this guy come from? There’s no way he could have came down there without me hearing him come down a hill full of leaves. By the way, it’s just me and this guy and I’ve never seen this guy in my life. It just doesn’t add up. So that’s when I had to get home and do a little research because I know these woods inside and out. I know what I’ve seen. I know I’m not crazy. I’m, I’m googling everything I can and I’m coming up with solutions now.

Now I’m seeing about these lizard people that worked for, they’re over the government. So this has always been around. They, they are shape shifting lizard people. And I can’t believe my eyes. I cannot believe what I’m reading. And it doesn’t make sense. But I know this happened. I know for a fact this happened to me. Because that entire time when I read this, it blows my mind to think that guy I had a conversation with that didn’t go anywhere and we went separate ways. He’s exactly what I just seen. That’s why I’m talking to you guys right now.

I’m not afraid of walking up, seeing a snake, seeing a bear, being technically stuck in a corner. I’m more afraid now of the unseen and the unknown. I’m terrified of that. And that’s, that’s what’s scaring me to the point that I don’t want to go out here. Like, I feel less of a man and less of a provider now because if I try to explain this to anyone, they’re gonna think I’m a liar and I’m crazy. So what did this guy see? It, the lizard ran past them and then it shape shifts into a human. That’s pretty much what he’s saying right now.

I know that sounds crazy for the average person listening to this, you’re like, man, that is far out there. But check this out. Like I said, through my research, it shows that now they’re subterranean. And this is actually in the LA Times, guys. You can type in your Google search. Lizard people’s catacombs found under Los Angeles, 1934 LA Times. It’ll pop right up on the LA Times, their actual website. You’ll read the article. And it was lizard catacombs with gold found under it. And the Native Americans talked about these entities that showed up after a great cataclysm.

And there’s many different stories about them. The Hopi said they came from another dimension, another realm. And that’s what I believe. I believe they’re interdimensional, these entities and they have created some hybrid race, this blue bloods, these global elites that are running the world. You know, there’s some type of hybrid that was created by them and. And the Reptilians are the same entities that are considered the Watchers or the fallen angels of the Bible. Now here’s another clip where they were talking about the blue bloods. Check this out, guys. Very fascinating. Reporter Linda Howe has an interesting theory on the origins of the term blue blood.

One friend and colleague of mine was Lawrence Gardner. He was tracking the whole significance of certain bloodlines going back into Mesopotamia. I was encountering exactly the same information coming in to my investigations of an alien presence on this planet. And throughout the. We found that we met at sort of a same point and that was that in Mesopotamia that all of the Anunnaki were supposed to be reptilian and that the reptilian biology had blood that was dominated by copper and that they literally had blue colored blood. We have red because we have an iron dominant blood.

So our discussion from his history and my trying to get into it through aliens that have been dominating the Earth, was that the blue blood Reptilians of Mesopotamia led to a group called the Merovingians. And the Merovingians tied later in the timeline directly to France, Germany and that area of Europe, because for some reason that bloodline, the blue bloods, went to Europe. Lawrence Gardner and other people’s work coming through royalty, blue blood tie this connection between the Reptilians, Merovingians in Mesopotamia, and they were literally a reptilian blue blood line. If this is more evidence of a manipulation, how does our DNA and an oath hold weight in our current reality? Anton Parks explains how his studies of several ancient texts reveal similar stories about humankind surrendering their will to Sumerian gods, but that in the end we choose to kneel.

I think that we are still under the influence of the oath sworn by humanity in front of the gods and their chariot. At this particular point, humanity forbade itself from ever knowing freedom and from thinking freely. They more or less enslaved themselves. We can see that in general, human Beings are quite submissive when certain laws pass. Nowadays, instead of saying that we don’t agree, we first say yes. And if we find a couple of brave men who are ready to protest, in that case things can get moving. But it can take decades or hundreds of years before anything happens.

Slavery is a good example. Therefore, I think we are still under the oath that the human race swore to the Sumerian gods in front of their spaceship. I think that there are several ways of breaking this type of oath. First of all, by acknowledging it, by allowing oneself and by saying it out loud. I’m not anymore under the oath that was sworn to the Anunas. And this works for any oath reporter. Yeah, they’re. They’re here. They’re among us guys. This goes back to the Anunnaki, the Aztecs, the Mayans, the Egyptians. They were all worshiping these serpent entities and sacrificing people to them.

This Draconian law that has been set up to enslave humanity. Now you know me, I always look at numerology, right? And in Sumerian gamatria, shape shift is 666, which matches with dark matter, which what are they harvesting with cern? This dark matter, this anti matter. And they can create weapons out of it. They can create bombs that are a thousand times stronger than any nuclear bomb. Just specks of it. I mean this stuff is so unstable they need these huge facilities to house little quantities of it. But that’s what they’re harvesting with CERN from these other realities.

Computer 666, two guys matching ShapeShift. This is the number of the Archons Florida lease. The Florida lease is the symbol of that Merovingian bloodline they’re talking about right there. The blue bloods. And the first computer to ever be sold the Apple computer was $666.66 which that taking the bite from the apple. This goes back to the Garden of Eden and Eve in this forbidden knowledge that humanity was not supposed to have. Now this gets into black goo. Them using this black goo as a form of mind control. This programmable matter, like I mentioned earlier, that was in Promethe.

That was the bio biological weapon. It was a bio weapon in Prometheus. And did you guys see the new video with Megan Fox? Check this out. Why are all these celebrities using this black goo? So Megan Fox just dropped this picture and we’ll talk about the other celebrities in a second. But check this out. She made an announcement with this picture and it was for her pregnancy. And this sent social media into a Frenzy. Because wouldn’t you want the imagery to resemble the exact opposite? Now this got me thinking. I’ve seen this a lot recently. So on Lady Gaga’s last music video, we see this black goo with a dark version of herself throws it up onto her and she indulges in it.

Many think that this was her symbolizing that she is embracing her inner demons. Then on Justin Timberlake’s last music video, he had something very similar. A literal demon is throwing up the same black goo onto him, symbolizing some type of dark possession while it’s all over his face. And demons in the music video continue to surround him. And someone who uses this often is Billie Eyelash. One song, she drinks it and it oozes out of her eyes. On another song, I think she is representing Lucifer and she is covered in it while she spreads her dark wings.

So we can see clearly that this image represents some type of inner strength struggle, some type of possession, or any type of darkness. But why would Megan Fox use this in her pregnancy announcement? Why are all these celebs? Probably because it’s some type of hybrid. And you see how Billie Eilish her eyes was crying the black liquid. This is the nano worm, like the Adobe ad that shows the reptilian brain worm going in through the eyeball. So they’ll take this nanoworm, which is a storehouse for this demonic consciousness, for this archon consciousness, these reptilians, and you can put the nanoworm in the eye.

It wraps around the optic nerve, killing off the host and transferring the consciousness of these reptilians into the host. So many of the famous people, they openly talk about this. I’ll show you a clip in a second. But you see this, this 19 or 1892 cartoon up here with the serpent chasing the woman and her child. And that was for the anti jab. So they knew even back then. Down here you have Sir Nunos, the one with the antlers, and he has the serpent wrapping around him. It goes all the way back to the Orphic mysteries and the Orphic egg.

And then you have Anton Lavey, who is the head of the Church of Satan. He’s always seen with these serpents. And he said this famous quote which I mentioned in one of my other videos. The TV set or the satanic family altar has grown more elaborate since the early 50s. From the tiny fuzzy screen to huge entertainment centers covering entire walls with several TV monitors. What started as innocent escape from everyday life has became in itself a replacement for real life, for millions, a major religion of the masses. That’s what he says about tv, which is used.

It’s some type of fallen angelic tech that is being used to enslave humanity. Just like the black mirror, the phone in front of you. You’re on social media, it’s releasing dopamines and serotonin. When you get likes, it’s more. It’s been proven. This is scientifically proven. It’s more addicting than heroin. Can you believe that? So they’ve enslaved us. It’s all these archons. It’s. It’s technology that’s tethered to them, and it allows them to harvest our emotional energy known as loosh. This is why they keep us in states of fear, terror. And the black goo, the programmable matter, I think it was in the jabbers.

You know what? And some people are infected by this now. It goes all the way back to Egypt, even in the coffins, guys, they found this black goo. Well, what was the whole Egyptian culture all about? They wanted to reanimate themselves after death. So I think they’ve been doing this for a long time now. And I found some pretty crazy theories online about the black gill. They. Here’s one. Black goo is described as a abiotic mineral oil found in the Earth’s upper crust containing significant amounts of atomic gold and iridium. When I seen that, I was thinking, man, was that what the Anunnaki was really coming here to get? Not gold, but this black goo, this with the levels of metonic gold, they.

They would ingest that. And this is how they were living for thousands of years or so the theories go. And they said known deposits are located in Thule island, near Falkland island, under the Gulf of Mexico. Additionally, there is oil shale containing black goo that was released during tetonic events in the Lessus Epsom area. I probably butchered that. It is believed that cracks in the Earth’s crust allowed this oil to escape. And the Falkland War Connection, a film by Miles Johnston, suggests that the real cause of the Falkland war, April of 1982 to June, revolved around black goo.

According to Argentinian accounts, they had contact in 1982 with gray aliens with bluish skin who traded this abiotic non fossil oil. The reservoirs of this oil were allegedly located on the uninhabited Thule island, part of the South Sandwich Islands, under British jurisdiction. The theory claim names that the British government sought samples of the oil from Argentina and decided to use it for their own research, sparking the conflict. Both Argentina and the British forces reportedly sent troops to Thule island which features the volcanic terrain with deep magma chambers. It. And that’s a major leyline, I might add.

It’s speculated that the aliens built facilities within these chambers. And remember I said they. They always show up around these type of locations, right? Especially around that ring of fire area. And they were trading this black gill. After winning the war, the British allegedly transported the black gill to Maricona electric system laboratories. Again, I probably butchered that one for studies. And the goal was to use the substance in military, including the development of quantum computers and intelligent nanobots. This was all the way back in 82. This is one of the theories out here, right on this stuff.

I found so many different ones. Scientists were astonished to discover that black gill not only carried consciousness, but seemed to retain it. The substance displayed unusual behaviors such as shape shifting, telepathic communications, and expressing a desire to not be exploited for military purposes. Between 1983 and 1988, that was when I was born, guys. 1983, 22 scientists involved in this reportedly committed suicide. So they say. While Harold koots Vella claims 43 total staff members were affected, only some experience severe physical and psychological distress, While others describe being connected to source and gaining telepathic links with plants, animals and people.

Unable to work under such conditions, the laboratories were closed down in the black goo, allegedly destroyed. Now we know that’s probably not true because they don’t ever destroy nothing like this. Another incident evolving, this abiotic oil that allegedly was the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Black goo is alleged to have caused technical failures and psychological issues among the workers leading to that catastrophe. Large quantities of the chemicals were reportedly released into the sea to destroy the substance. So they’re saying it wasn’t really an oil spill that was all tied to this black goose stuff.

And then there’s a major more gallons connection. So people are getting more gallons from the chemtrails. And these are these fibers that come out of people’s skin because they’re having some allergic reaction to it. But Coots Villa encountered another variant of the black goo and it was linked to the Nazis biological weapon researches. Unlike the organic black goo which supports all seven human chakras, this archaic variant, pretty much a GMO variant, simplifies the chakra system to three blue, yellow and red, representing intellect, life, energy and sexuality. While it enhances intelligence, it disconnects individuals from the collective consciousness, creating a cold and heartless demeanor.

Kunzfella refers to this as the reptilian consciousness, which played a role in black magic rituals throughout history. Excuse me, guys, I got a cold. My apologies. But yeah, I found some crazy theories on it. Black goo, or whatever you want to call it. This oil, abiotic oil, have reportedly been central to many major religious cults. Fragments were allegedly part of ancient sacred sites such as the oracle Adelphi, the Egyptian occult centers and Bethel. In Indian culture, it is associated with Shiva. Some theorize that the black monolith beneath St. Peter’s Basilica and the black stone of the Cabba and Mecca could also be related to black goo acting as conduits to the collective consciousness.

And I pretty much share that opinion. I think that probably is the case. It probably is tied to these structures around the world. Now, again, when we look at the numerology, guys, the. No. So these Reptilians, they’re the same entities as the vampires? It’s the same entities. Or if it’s not the reptilian itself, the fallen angelic entity, it’s a hybrid that it’s created because the numerology matches perfectly. Especially in Chaldean, which is based on 1 through 8. And it goes all the way back to the Acadians. They didn’t use the number nine because it was considered divine.

So they would. They didn’t use that number. And it’s probably one of the best numbers for decoding. Gematria comes from Jewish Kabbalah mysticism. So the elites have everything encoded with this. And it’s some. We live in some type of. Of super computer, guys. We really do some type of simulation because it’s even encoded with our first and last names. And I’ll get into that a little later. But if you watch the. The cult classic called they Live where they put the sunglasses on Rodney Piper and then he could see the entities running the world. They were really these Reptilian.

In everywhere the signs said obey, Consume, obey. So it was a amazing movie. But they live as 30 matching reptilians and vampires all in that 30 cipher. Matching alien hybrid boosters. How they’re controlling people and getting the you know what inside of them algorithm is also in that 30. Again, they’re using technology to enslave humanity. You see, Joe Biden and Kamala D. Harris are in that cipher. And that’s the number of the Black Death which wiped out like a third of the populace. Carbon tax, guys. And the carbon tax is their whole B system. That’s how they’re going to roll out the digital currency.

All of it based on climate change. Another Reptilian deception. Right. They’re the ones doing it. And demiurge. Demiurge is 30. Well, the demiurge is y’all. The bail. He’s the head archon. He’s the one with the body of the serpent, the head of the lion. His name was Yaldaboth. That’s the one that Jesus Christ came back to expose him as a false God and free humanity from him. And then Jesus was killed for this. For showing humanity that they have the power within them to heal people. Back in the day, we could speak telepathically. I mean, we were so much more powerful than we’ve been led to believe we are.

Because they’re dumbing us down, they’re enslaving us. And also alter egos in that 30. Well, back to the whole droning going in through the eye. All these famous people talk about they have these alter egos and the alter ego comes out on stage and takes over. You guys remember when Beyonce said this, she said the first time an entity came into me, you know, she openly said that because their pulling these entities out of the. Some people believe out of the ether, the lower astral plane and the. The black goo, the programmable matter, the nanow worm is a storehouse for that demonic consciousness.

So again, the alter ego being tied to Reptilians, it makes sense because listen to what she says here, guys. She’s be. They’re being possessed by these entities and it’s killing off the host and taking over the consciousness. The host, Sasha, was in full effect. Sasha is my alter ego. And when people see me, sometimes I think that when they meet me and they speak with me, they’re expecting Sasha. And I’m really kind of shy and not really shy, but more reserved and. And nothing like Sasha, but I guess I wouldn’t be very entertaining on the stage.

So Sasha comes out and she’s fearless. You know, she can. She can do things that I cannot do when I’m in rehearsal. I mean, I can try, but then it just doesn’t happen. I can sing notes and sing strong and do all these things that when I’m just by myself, I can’t do. And I remember right before I performed, I raised my hands up and it was kind of the first time I felt something else come into me. And I knew that was going to be my coming out night for the BET Awards. Yeah, yeah. What went into her was one of these demons, one of these archons.

That’s why we see the one eye bleeding symbolism all throughout Hollywood. In all their movies, you’ll see the one eye bleeding or the black gill coming down the eyes, right? Sometimes it’ll be the one eye covered or a. Maybe a teardrop. You know, teardrops have many different meanings. You know, I got one and I. Not to my knowledge anyways. I haven’t been cloned or droned yet. Not. Not to my knowledge. But who, who knows, right? So this symbolism, it goes back to this soul scraping ritual where they’re act. That’s what the whole selling their soul is tied to.

Taking that Faustian bargain where they make this pact with Lucifer, with these entities. And my boy, True scrambler shout out to gabe from truth he really turned me on to this back in the day. And his YouTube links right there, guys. And his website, but me and him had a conversation on the phone when we first started talking and we were both at. At that time, we both knew about Donald Marshall, right? And Donald Marshall was talking about these cloning centers and this. He said that it was a lizard’s probiotics that would come off the real lizard.

And he said they were killing each other at these cloning centers and these lizards were running at these reptilians. And it sounded so crazy at first, but he said the probiosis would go in the eye, wrap around the optic nerve and take over the consciousness of the host. Well, you see here, that’s the, the eye of Providence, the, you know, the all seeing eye. And you see the leakage going out of it. It has that same symbolism. Well, me and Gabe was talking about what if it’s not a lizard’s probioscus? Because I find out Donald Marshall has all these intelligent connections to intelligence agencies and Masonic places, you know, secret societies.

So what if he was in there to inject that to make it look laughable and stupid. When really it’s technology. It’s black goo, programmable matter. It’s a nanoworm that’s going in through the eye, taking over the consciousness of the host. And that’s what all the numerology shows. So it lines up with that. And one thing I say all the time, people lie. Numbers don’t. You know, that’s why I love mathematics. It’s so pure. It is what it is. But this symbolism, before Donald Marshall came in, people just thought it represented the left handed path, the eye of Providence, die of Horus, many different things.

And then we start learning about this droning, this soul scraping. And there is definitely something to it. I mean these celebrities, they speak through symbolism. Look up what confucius once stated, symbols run the world, not the laws of man. And if you just learn how to speak through symbolism and read their symbolism, just like the hieroglyphs back in ancient Egypt, how they communicated right through pictures, they’re still doing it today, and it’s probably more powerful than anything they could say. This is, this is a real. Right here. So what, there’s different real type ones, real type two, and it’s a little thing that gets in the eye and grows.

Now, see, I think that was all to make it look laughable. I think the reptilian thing is 100% real. I think they’re demons or fallen angels. They want us to believe they’re aliens. That’s part of the deception. When really they’re just changing the name, changing the word around Al e n. Look at the word, dissect it. A lie, you see? And then there’s the needle with the serpent wrapping up it. That’s what they go in through the eye. And that serpent wrapping around that optic nerve, that’s our, our medical symbol. So they’ve showed us the symbolism over and over and again.

The whole alien narrative is to throw us off. So what they do is they’ll mix some truth with the lies to make us look over here and not over here. You know, watch the left hand while the right hand’s robbing you to death. It’s, it’s the oldest trick in the book. But here’s the nanobots going in through the eye. It’s definitely nanotechnology and it’s a storehouse of this demonic consciousness that is being injected into these people and taking over their consciousness. That’s why they have the black eyes. It’s all from these soul scraping rituals. So that person’s dead now.

The lizard, the reptilian, the fallen angel, the alien is taking over that host. And I know that sounds crazy, but the biblical scripture backs it up, guys. That’s what these things are. They’re fallen angels and they’re trying to deceive us by giving them a new name, by calling them aliens or extraterrestrials. And even in the alien narrative, they say the Reptilians are the ones that made a pact with humans. It was the Reptilians that made the pact with humans. Right. Well, with our government anyways. And, you know, I think with all my heart that these are the fallen angels, that Aleister Crowley made contact with them.

Then he trained his protege, Jack Parsons, who did the Babylon workings and opened up that interdimensional gateway in 1946. During that Babylon working ritual where he invited them in. And then our government started getting technology from them. Anti gravity technology, life extension technology, all this advanced technology they’re getting from these entities. And they made a pact with them. So you’ll notice the one thing they never talk about is the Reptilians. Even these alien people. They’ll talk about the Zetas, the Grays, all these different ones, Palladians, but you’ll never hear them talk about the Reptilians. It’s the one thing I get censored over the most.

Because the alleged rumor is that they made a pact with them. Extraterrestrials. But again, I don’t think there’s nothing extraterrestrial about them. Which. Extraterrestrial. That means extra terrain. Anyways, there’s land that they don’t tell us about. Everything’s been a lie and hid to us from the beginning. We’re in some enclosed system that has a firmament over it. It’s some organic simulation that we’re in. And it has an underworld, an inner Earth. And we’ve never left this. This. This dome. That’s. That’s my opinion on it. And we can travel interdimensionally because everything in this reality is coded to the speed of light.

So you have to break the speed of light to go beyond this reality and travel interdimensionally. That’s how they’re doing that. That’s my theory, anyways. And that’s how they travel through this multiverse. And they’ve set up this power structure with the different secret societies. You got the Jesuits, Satan, Lucifer, Yaldaboth, y’all, the bailout at the top, his Jesuit popes, the Black Pope, the White Pope, the great Pope. You know, there’s many different hierarchies. You have the Order of the Golden Fleece. You have the Freemasons at their way. At the bottom, though, people think they’re all the way at the top.

They’re really not. Man, they’re so far down at the bottom, most of them probably don’t even know what’s really going on. You can’t even become a 33rd degree unless you’re invited in. So that’s how they keep the normal people out of it. You know, they. They gotta see if you’re down with the rituals. It gets darker and darker each time. They might have you sacrifice a kid. Then they turn you on to some stuff that involves pedo, you know, hurting a child. And the more you’ll do, the higher up you Rise. That’s also. They can have blackmail on you too.

But they. They want to see how dark you’ll go. That’s taking that left handed path, you know what I mean? And it’s all about harvesting the energy. Why the person is sacrificing the child, which they were doing back in ancient times to Ball and Moloch, right? As they’re sacrificing the child in these occult rituals. These entities known as the Archons, the Reptilians. They feed on the loosh. The emotional terror and torture coming off of that child in doctor Sleep. It was called Steam. Remember the vampiric nomadic entities were feeding off of the children’s fear and terrorist.

It was called the steam that their body would release as they were killing them. And that’s how they lived forever. Thousands of years. That’s that whole vampire narrative. They’ve been doing this guys. These people are out of their mind. The ones running the world. And that’s why we have to spread this truth and expose. There is something going on here. Whether it’s demons, aliens. We need to at least have the conversation and not be scared to have that conversation and share this content. So you know, I really appreciate. I would love to hear your guys’s opinions down in the comments.

Let me know what you think. What do you think these entities are? What are your opinions? If you don’t believe in them, that’s cool. You’re allowed to disagree over here. My job is to provoke thought. As long as I got you thinking outside the box, I did my job. You know what I mean? Because a lot of people just want to be stuck in an echo chamber and hear the same thing over and over. Now as we come to the end of this video, guys, we’re a hundred percent viewer funded. We don’t have millions of dollars funding us like the mainstream media.

So we do decodes. Like we break down your Gematria. Just like I broke down the Gematria on Reptilians and these entities right here you have a code attached to your first and last name. So attached to your first and last name you have what’s called a source code. We all do. And it’ll tell you whether you’re a non player character, NPC first player character. You might be a very rare first player character and a carrier of what’s called the Neo code, where you have certain abilities to bend and manipulate reality to your will. So you can book that.

It’s only 26 bucks. We do it all via email. And you book it on my website, truth if you’re booking a decode, use the promo code decodethematrix, all capital letters. You’ll get an extra 11 off. And then on our shop, we have a Black Friday sale going on. You want to use promo code SALE17, and you get an extra 17 off with free shipping. And everything I have over here, guys, is organic, holistic. We got energy wellness technology. Again, this is truthful if you’re on Instagram, the links in the bio, if you’re on any other platform, it’ll be in the description.

We got these 7.83 Hz frequency pulse waves which you can put by your computer by your bed. And it releases that Schumann resonance frequency that helps for overall wellness. It relieves anxiety, stress, helps you sleep. We have different levels, too. We have one as cheap as $26. We got some that are 60. It just depends on what quality you want. We got some of Tesla’s technology. These energy discs that pull energy out of the ether in the air and, you know, attach it to you in your bio field. We got the M W O F this.

They’re really amazing. We got certain whistles. They’re not really whistles, though, guys. They’re. They’re breathing tools to teach you how to breathe. But you just got to go check it out. We got so many different holistic products over there. Bracelets, necklaces. We got certain ones that block obsidian. It blocks demonic and spiritual attacks. So obsidian is real powerful. The ancients used to wear it. We have necklaces, we have bracelets like the Aztecs, the Mayans. There’s a reason they. They used obsidian so much. It’s the spiritual and protection power it has on it. And one thing I noticed, with a lot of these elements, all the ones that block 5G also block demonic energy.

Ain’t that interesting? So the 5G, I believe, is some type of fallen angelic technology. And we also have these energy wellness bands. They’re a sponsor of our podcast. You can’t get that on truthful that link is in the bio. And if you’re on Instagram, it’s up in my highlights. Just look in the highlights and look in the story and you’ll see the energy wellness band. It’s also in the links on my page. And then it will be in the description. On all other platforms use promo code. Truth Mafia, capital T, capital M, Truth Mafia. And this band is amazing.

It has the Suge Knight, the tour lamine grounded up in the band, and then certain frequencies binded to the hologram which protects you. So I just appreciate you guys rocking out with us today. Thank you for all your love and support. We couldn’t do this without you. Hit that like button. Share this video and please, please leave your comments. Sorry I’ve been gone, guys. I’ve been in Facebook jail and YouTube jail. I’m out tomorrow on the 20th. Truthful out.

  • Tommy Truthful

    Hey guys, Tommy Truthful here, leader of the Truth Mafia, CAPO DEI CAPI. I built one of the biggest alternative media conglomerates in the world, brought together some of the biggest names in the game in the truth-seeking community to combat censorship. People ask all the time how they can join the Truth Mafia. You can't just join; I have to notice you. My team and I research to ensure you have no government ties before we bring you into the family. If you'd like to get your personal decode done by Tommy Truthful and find out your role in this simulation we call life, then links are below.

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