➡ The speaker expresses disbelief in the 2020 election results, accusing Democrats of illicit behavior and voter fraud. They criticize media hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski for their negative portrayal of Donald Trump, but commend Trump for his willingness to engage in conversation with them, seeing it as a sign of his desire to unite the country. The speaker also accuses various political figures, including Joe Biden, of causing division and harm to the country, and calls for them to be held accountable. They end by criticizing Biden’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and his vaccine mandates.
➡ The speaker criticizes various political figures, accusing them of lying, insider trading, and wasting taxpayer money. They argue that these individuals should be held accountable for their actions, suggesting investigations and prosecutions if necessary. The speaker also expresses frustration with the current state of American politics and the misuse of funds, calling for greater transparency and accountability. They believe that the best way to serve the United States is to support those who are genuinely working for its citizens.
➡ The text criticizes the spending habits of Kamala Harris during her campaign, accusing her of wasting money and paying for endorsements. It also condemns the Biden administration, accusing them of fraud and treason, and criticizes their handling of immigration and border security. The author calls for a simpler tax code and criticizes various politicians, accusing them of not doing their jobs. The text ends with a call to never trust these politicians again and a hope for a change in the next four years.
➡ The speaker criticizes various political figures, accusing them of treason and calling for their investigation and prosecution. They argue that the border should be secured to prevent illegal immigration, crime, and drug trafficking. They also discuss the importance of a good economy and criticize those who voted for certain politicians based on a single issue, such as abortion rights. The speaker encourages people to consider whether political policies are rational or irrational when voting.
➡ The speaker criticizes media personalities for promoting division and accuses them of hypocrisy. They express strong anti-abortion views, except in cases of maternal health risk or rape. They also express concern about government waste and the national debt, advocating for accountability and honesty in politics. They believe unity can be achieved by holding those who lie and deceive accountable.
➡ The speaker is expressing his distrust towards the current Democratic Party, stating it has become too radical and socialist compared to the past. He hopes for sensible people to join the party for healthy competition. He also discusses his views on medical marijuana, stating he personally doesn’t support it but acknowledges its potential benefits. He briefly mentions his Italian immigrant background and his business ventures, including a wine deal. Lastly, he talks about taking threats seriously, especially from known individuals.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including his disapproval of illegal immigration, his belief in the innocence of the Tate brothers in their Romanian case, and his plans for expanding his wine brand globally. He also clarifies that he doesn’t blame immigrants for America’s problems, but rather emphasizes the importance of legal immigration. Lastly, he mentions his busy schedule and potential plans for future books.
➡ The speaker shares his life experiences, including living in various places on Long Island and owning businesses. He expresses gratitude for his followers and their engagement with his live chats. He also discusses his strong Christian faith and his views on border control, emphasizing his belief in the importance of safety and health. He ends by wishing blessings on his audience, government officials, and the world.
All we do is buy food, prepare it, and then eat for the entire day. And then we normally have a relaxing three days to follow. So it’s a nice long weekend and it’s, you know, it’s a day of Thanksgiving. We spend it with family. And you know, what’s better than that? You know, it’s just great. So hopefully all of you will enjoy yours. I’m going to be leaving tomorrow for Hawaii. We’re spending Thanksgiving week in Hawaii with most of my family. My son and his wife are going with his in laws. They’re going to the Bahamas.
They happen to be going in the opposite direction. But so while they were away, my other daughter said, dad, let’s go to Hawaii. So I’m going to go with a couple of my daughters and husband and boyfriend and then we’ll be there. So looking forward to it. It’s been a very hectic year, obviously a good year. Ending with the election on November 5th. I think that was a positive for all of us. I’m sure it’s going to prove to be that way. But it’s been a hectic year for me. I’ve been traveling quite a bit and I’ve been very busy with both pizza, wine, speaking, YouTube content, rumble content, and everything else in between.
So I’m looking forward to really relax this coming week and hopefully we can do that. I’m just the opposite of my family. Whenever we go on vacation, when I go on vacation, I like to relax. I like to like stay in one place and just chill and relax. They want to do everything, they want to see everything, they want to go everywhere, they want to do everything. So I kind of tag along with everybody. But this time, the place we’re going to, there’s not much around it. In Oahu, we’re going to a place called Turtle Bay, I believe that we’re going to be forced to relax most of the time at the hotel and maybe some local places to eat, but that’s about it.
So I’m really looking forward to it. Hope everybody, like I said, has a great one. It’s been a great week. Yesterday I had a call with our membership platform. You know, the Franzis family, we call it, we have now about 400 members. We’ve been very quietly launching this. We haven’t put on a big launch yet. We will at some point, but I do a Q and a with them on a weekly basis and, you know, we take all of their questions. So we had a good, a good session yesterday. For those of you that might be interested, it’s michaelfranzese.com family I can tell you right up front, it’s 10 bucks a month.
It’s not going to break the bank at all. But we put a lot of great content in there. I have a lot of courses that I created on leadership negotiation, how to be a boss. We have my movie, God the Father, that’s normally on sale, but in there it’s available for free for anybody that wants to watch it. And I think it’s. We’re going to be doing some live events. We do zoom calls. We have Bible studies. We do a lot. So anybody interested in it, I think it’ll be very beneficial. The main part of it is that it becomes a community where people are helping one another, people becoming friends.
There’s business opportunities to be gained in, and it’s really a good platform. So I encourage you to take a look at it and see if it’s for you. So what are we going to do today? Well, wait a second. One thing. I have a. What should we get mom for Christmas? That’s my daughter asking me, what should we get mom for Christmas? Honey, I’m on a zoom call right now. That can wait. We’re still a month out. But that’s my, you know, always the Christmas presents. That’s what I mean. Here we go. They start early. But anyway, you know, I am still on pretty much of a high.
We’ve been watching everything that’s going on with Trump and his cabinet picks and how he’s trying to put this together quickly so he can get right to work. For those of you that are paying attention, we know that Matt Gaetz is now out of it. He was the pick for the Attorney General. I questioned that. Quite honestly, I didn’t know if that was the right pick for Donald. And I understand what he’s trying to do. He wants to get an outsider in there that is not going to be influenced by the political game. I agree with that because the Justice Department, certainly, the doj certainly needs a lot of reform and cleaning up.
We’re going to get into that a little bit as we go along today. And this new gal, Bondi that came in, she was the attorney general in the state of Florida. She did a great job. She is kind of an outsider. So she’s, you know, she has experience in this role, and I think she’s going to be very good. And that’s to Mark Cuban. To Mark Cuban. Let me tell you, this is with your, you know, Trump doesn’t surround himself with intelligent women. So let’s see if you continue to talk like that. I know you apologize for it.
It was a lame statement, a ridiculous statement. But I think Trump is surrounding himself with a lot of very bright, intelligent women. Tulsi, Gabbard, Bondi, now his pick for his press secretary, all brilliant women. And that deserve to be in that post. And they’ll do a great job, I’m sure. So this is good, good news. And let’s hope that the Senate gets on board and confirms these picks right away so Trump can get to work. Because in the four years coming, he’s got a lot to do. You got a lot to do to straighten out America.
He’s got a lot to do to straighten out the world. You know, this chaos that’s been created in all of these wars, you know, we’re at a dangerous time right now. You know that for whatever reason, Biden okayed Ukraine to use those missiles that were sent into Russia. Russia said that’s possibly a red line. We can start some nuclear chatter right now. It’s been going on, but it’s a little heavier now. And I think Trump can put a stop to that. We hope that he does. Nobody wants to see that. You know, Russia, China, none of us want to see it.
But we don’t want to push somebody either, because that’s the wrong attitude to take. What am I going to talk about today? You know, I put a post up there on X that we can never fall for the lies again. And got a lot of feedback on it, good feedback. And I think people really understood what I was saying. Listen, people are understanding it because look at the demographics across the country. Look at the popular vote. If you have a map of America and you see red versus blue, most of America looks red right now. It’s only in the States that had no Voter id, Believe it or not, no voter id.
Those were all the states that turned blue or that went blue and voted for Harris. In every state, okay, where there was voter id, they voted for Trump. Now, what does that tell you? Doesn’t it lead you to suspect that maybe something Was wrong in 2020? Does it lead you to suspect that when, because of COVID they used the write in votes and it was such a disaster trying to count them? Do you not believe that there could have been some fraud? Well, there was fraud attempts now, in this or last election, okay? The problem for the Democrats was that the Republicans got wise.
Lara Trump led the charge for the rnc and she made sure that these voting boots and these ballots were counted properly. She had a ton of volunteers out there doing the work, and they caught just about every attempt to defraud at the voting boots or in the ballots. They caught every attempt. So could it lead you to believe that maybe Trump wasn’t too far off base in 2020 when he suspected voter fraud and we weren’t aware of it? We never had fraud like that in any of our elections. You know, the Dems were the first one to try it.
So it leads you to believe me, I’m going to be honest with you. I’m convinced there was voter fraud in 2020. I’m convinced. There’s no way that I believe that 81 million people voted for Joe Biden. I can’t believe it. I’m sorry. That’s just my opinion. Do I have anything to back it up? I have a lot of suspicion. I have the behavior of the Democrats, the illicit and illegal behavior of the Democrats ever since 2020, to verify that they will play dirty whenever they have a chance to. They’ve done it for four years. They tried to do it through this election.
So, yeah, I do believe that there was voter fraud. And I think there’s very good reason for me to have that opinion. I believe that Donald Trump was onto something and the Republicans were onto something. But, you know, that’s yesterday’s news. You know, I’ve talked about, you know, uniting the country, and I believe we have to unite the country. And I want to tell you one good, very good sign that Trump is really set on uniting the country. Those two MSNBC hosts, Joe Scarborough and his wife, Mika, I think that’s her name, Mika. For seven or eight years, they’ve been trashing Donald Trump in the worst way.
Trashing him, calling him a Nazi, calling him a threat to democracy, calling him stupid, calling the American people that voted for himself. Stupid. That was their word. Stupid. That’s Joe Scarbo. Who? Blip, by the way. I just dislike that guy. He’s not likable at all. He’s got this elitist attitude that he’s better than anybody else, he’s smarter than anybody else, and anybody doesn’t listen to him is stupid. According to him, I don’t like him. I would tell him to his face. I don’t care for him at all. He shouldn’t even be on the air because he misleads people.
Him and his wife. Well, they trashed him right up until the. The election. And then they go and they want to sit with him. Why? Because they’re in danger. Their ratings are failing. They’re losing people every single day. They’re losing viewers, they’re losing their audience. So now, oh, my gosh, you know, immediately switch now. They go to meet the fascists, they go to meet Nazi, they go to meet Hitler. Doesn’t matter now because now they’re worried about their ratings, they’re worried about their jobs. Okay, so they go meet with them. And of course, what happened? They got ridiculed.
Rightfully so. Megyn Kelly destroyed them. And she’s right. She’s right. How do you turn hypocrites so quick when your own ass is on the line? Unbelievable. That’s what they represent. That’s all of msnbc, that’s all of, you know, cnn. This is what they represent. They’re a bunch of hypocrites that misled us for years. But here’s the telling thing with Donald Trump, he didn’t chase them. He didn’t say, how dare you come to visit me after the way you trashed me? I think he might have done that, you know, four or five years ago through his first presidency, when he was fighting back the attacks all the time.
But this time he said, okay, we had a good, sensible conversation. That’s a sign of a man that wants to unite this country. Think about Donald four or five years ago and think about that act right now. He wants to unite this country. He’s made it very obvious, and that was a telling sign to me. And he’s doing it down the line. He really wants to unite America. He knows America needs to be united. And so that’s going to be our theme, bringing this country back. And I think he’s gone a long way in doing that.
Just look at the popular vote. People are understanding. They’re saying, you know what? We’re not going for this nonsense anymore. We’re not Believing the lies. We’re just not. So I think it’s a good thing. I really do. And I applaud Donald for that, and I hope he continues on that path because a united America is America at its best and at its greatest. And that’s what will make America great again. Uniting. But I did this post and a lot of people came back to me on X and says, michael, we agree with you 1000%. And that is as much as we want to unite the country.
We can’t forget how they divided us. We can’t forget how they lied to us. We can’t forget how they misled to us. To a point during COVID where people suffered and died as a result of that. To a point at the border where people suffered and died. These people have blood on their hands and they should absolutely be held. It’s too dark, Ken. Absolutely be held accountable for this. We cannot let this kind of stuff go. We just can’t. It looks very dark on the screen. Okay, we’re just adjusting the light for all of you out there.
But yeah, it’s. We cannot forget. And I believe that these people have to be held accountable because we can never allow this division to happen again. We just can’t. And so I’m going to go through a number of things to remind us all, yes, unity. But we cannot let them divide us again with their lies, their lies and their hypocrisy. And I believe they should all be held accountable, from Joe Biden to Nancy Pelosi to Merrick Garland to Mayorkas to Adam Schiff. All of them should be held accountable for what they did to this country. They tore us apart in a great way.
And I’m going to go over it and review some of these things. And you know, people are talking about Donald Trump going on a revenge tour now that he’s president. Revenge against all of those people that attacked him unmercilessly. Think about what they did to him. Two impeachments, civil cases, indictments. Raided his house with FBI agents in flak jackets and guns. This is a former president. They raided his house for documents. Never been done before in the history of America. They didn’t do that to Joe Biden, who was actually guilty of. Of having classified documents because he wasn’t the president and he had no right to take them when he took them.
And his own special counsel said he’s guilty of this, absolutely, but he’s too darn demented to take him to trial. He won’t get convicted, but he’s guilty so when they tried to call Donald Trump a convicted felon, actually, it was Joe Biden, by his own special prosecutor, that said he was guilty of holding classified documents. All right, but they didn’t raid his house. They raided Donald Trump’s house because they weaponized the FBI. And believe it or not, that came from the Washington, from the White House, because Merrick Garland, he discussed everything with Joe Biden. That wasn’t an independent Department of Justice.
It’s not an independent Department of Justice. It was a Biden’s Department of Justice. And that’s why Trump has to put somebody in there that’s not going to be politicized, not by him or anybody else. Just do their job. But their job is to hold these people accountable so they don’t get away with it. We don’t get a repeat performance of it. That’s what has to happen. Now, what do I mean by that? Joe Biden, in my mind, is a criminal. He hasn’t been convicted yet. But the evidence that the Department of Justice. I’m sorry, not the Department of Justice, the last place, the evidence that the GOP investigation found about him peddling his vice presidency to make his son wealthy and his family wealthy to the tune of at least $27 million, that was filtered into all of those sham accounts that they had.
That’s all they were. All they were there for, all those companies were there for and all those bank accounts were there for was to collect sham money, illegal money. That’s what they did. All the suspicious bank accounts proved that they had no reason for that money coming in. He was peddling his influence as vice president. In my view, that’s treasonous. When you’re peddling it to China, when you’re peddling it to countries that are not our friends, but our enemies, that’s treasonous. And what did he do then? He lied about it. He said he never met with the business partners.
We found that not to be true. How did we find that out to be true? Through the laptop. The laptop that he lied about that he said was Russian disinformation, that he and Merrick Garland promoted 51 former CIA intelligence agents to lie about the laptop. They out and out lied about it just before the election, at the debate. Biden is an absolute liar. I have no empathy for Biden, none whatsoever. Because he continues to lie. Absolutely. I have no empathy for him because of that. Because what have he did in Afghanistan where he’s got blood on his hands because of what he did through Covid, the way he lied to Us.
The way his whole administration lied to us. The way people couldn’t see their loved ones dying in the hospital. The way he lied to us about the pandemic being a pandemic of the unvaccinated. The way he put people out of work when his White House and his Department of Health issued false mandates that we get vaccinated. And if not, you lose your job. You can’t go back to work. He did that in the military. He did it for people in corporate America. He did it in Hollywood. People were all out of work because of that. And it was an absolute lie.
He lied to us. Fauci lied to us. Don’t let me forget Fauci. Fauci should be prosecuted. He lied to us. He told us we had to stay six feet apart from somebody. And we found out after there was no scientific basis for that whatsoever. He lied to us about the vaccine. He lied to us about closing schools down. They lied to us. And people died as a result of this. People were out of work as a result of this. People couldn’t see their loved ones as a result of this. Businesses closed as a result of this.
They would have destroyed America to make America dependent upon them. You have to be held accountable for this stuff because we can never see a repeat performance of again. And you can never trust a party that does that to you. So the whole Democratic Party has to be reformed or thrown out. If they’re allowed to continue like that, they’re no good. And if there’s any Rhinos or any Republicans that followed suit, the same goes for them. We don’t discriminate in that regard. And people say, oh, Michael, what about the Republicans? Hey, point them out. I’ll say the same thing.
I have no loyalty to them. I have no loyalty to the party. I have no loyalty to the Republican Party whatsoever. I have loyalty to the people that I think are doing the best job for the United States of America and all of its citizens. That’s who my loyalty goes to. That’s who I vote for. That’s who I support. That’s who I speak out for. Remember that Nancy Pelosi? She should be prosecuted, investigated first. And if they find out what I know, they’ll find out that she did insider trading, that she got wealthy on the backs of Americans.
Why we would go to jail for the same actions and the same behavior. She should be investigated and she should be prosecuted if there is evidence to show what I believe to be true, what we all know to be true. How the hell can anybody Say, you know, that she’s the best stock trader in the world. In the world. Because she’s got insider information, she’s cheating and she’ll send you to jail for it without batting an eye. One of the most horrific things Nancy Pelosi did her horrific was stand behind Donald Trump when he was given the State of the Union address and then got up in front of the world and ripped up his paperwork.
What an insult. Who the hell does she think she is? Her father, who is mob connected in Baltimore? Does she think she’s a mafia? If she does, then prosecute her because we all got prosecuted. Go after her the same way. You know her strategy. She was the only speaker of the House that lost the entire House twice. She’s not as brilliant as you say. She’s just as devious and underhanded and she should be investigated thoroughly. And she had the nerve at 84 years old. She gets elected again in California and San Francisco. I don’t know what they’re thinking.
San Francisco is going to hell. Her constituents, she doesn’t do a damn thing. She probably doesn’t even visit there. She doesn’t even go there. They elect her again and she has the nerve to put her name in again to run in 1986. And I, and I’m sorry, in 19, I’m sorry, in 2026, she wants to run again at the age of 84 or 86 or whatever the hell she’s going to be. 86, term limits, people. Get her out of there. This woman is no good for America. Remember, she stabbed Joe Biden in the back. And what does she do afterwards? She blames Joe Biden for Harris’s loss instead of being honest and saying, you know what? Harris was never.
She didn’t receive one vote. She didn’t go to a primary. We installed her because we believe we can control her. That was the only reason she was unqualified. She got less than 1% of the vote when she ran for president four or five years ago. She’s highly unqualified. She’s highly incompetent. But we don’t care. We installed her instead of telling the American public what they now know because they voted that way. She lies. The woman is bad woman in politics. We need to dispose of her, get rid of her. I don’t mean kill her. Let’s be clear in case anybody’s listening wants to put words in my mouth.
I mean get her out of office, investigate her and prosecute her if necessary so that nobody does it again. Adam Schiff what did he do? He lied through the whole Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia. And he continues to lie. So he now is no longer in the House. He gets elected as senator in the state of California. Why? The guys are phony. He’s a liar. He’s a hypocrite. He doesn’t belong serving us. Remember, these are our servants. He just had Trump hatred syndrome like all the others. So he went after him at the expense of the American people.
Because why? Because he divided America. He handcuffed a president that couldn’t do his job properly. He spent over $36 million on a fraudulent investigation. Russia, Russia, Russia doesn’t blink an eye. He doesn’t get held accountable for any of that. So he’ll do it again. No, don’t allow him to do it again. Investigate it. January 6th. Investigate it now. Give a real investigation. Not with Nancy Pelosi. That fraud did. When she wouldn’t allow any Republicans on the investigating team. Okay. When we know that we had agents escorting people in. When she refused. Refused to put the National Guard in place when Donald Trump asked for it.
This was a plan. It was a plot. She’s got people sitting in jail. Sitting in jail. She did that. That don’t belong there. She doesn’t care about you, me, or anyone else. How often did she lie about Joe Biden’s competency until the donor money dried up and they said they’re not going to pay another penny for Joe Biden to run for president. So she stabbed him in the back and then blamed him for it. She’s a terrible woman. She shouldn’t. She doesn’t deserve your vote or she doesn’t deserve to represent you. And I think her legacy now will be cemented.
And I implore Donald Trump’s Department of Justice to investigate that woman. Why not Revenge. It’s justice. So this doesn’t happen again. We cannot have it happen again. And, you know, speak about taxes, people, I’ll tell you something I want to tell you. The Republicans, I mean, The Democrats put 87,000 more IRS agents in place, 87,000 more IRS agents in place to come after your money. They’re not going after the billionaires. That’s a lot of bs. Biden is again lying to you. The Democrats are again lying to you. They’re not going after the billionaires that supported them.
They’re going after you, the middle class. And what are they doing with that money? Let me tell you something. We have a $36 trillion debt not because of you or me or anybody else. Because of the government, because of their wasteful spending, because of the way they waste our taxpayer dollars. They cause this and they want you to pay the price. They want me to pay the price. They forget that we’re taxed on everything. We go to the restaurant and eat, we’re taxed. We buy a pair of shoes, we’re taxed. The clothes on our backs, we.
We’re taxed. We get on a plane, we’re taxed. We go to the gas station, we’re taxed. Everything is a tax. Everything. And they want to sell us, we got to pay more so they can waste it. We just. An article came out today that Joe Biden’s administration, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris spent $227 million. $227 million on a huge scam, trying to quiet us. Those that disagreed with them, and they tried to do research how to get to these social media platforms so that the disinformation that they’re putting on the air stays there and that we don’t have a chance to argue against it or voice our opinion.
They spent $227 million of our taxpayer money on this phony research program trying to quiet us down so that our voice wouldn’t be heard on social media. It’s an article today. Read it. Investigate it. Do it on your own. $227 million. I can’t wait till Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk put this platform on social media showing you the amount of government waste that they’re going to cut out of our lives so that we don’t have to pay for it. You want to cripple the government? You want to cripple America? Stop paying taxes. I’m not telling you to do that because that’s illegal.
And they’ll put you in jail for it. They can do it. We can’t. But if all of America said, hey, the hell with you. We’re not paying our tax until you become accountable to us. We want to see where every dime went. $867 billion is unaccounted for in the Pentagon. $867 billion unaccountable in the Pentagon. The next time you go to the grocery store and pay that tax, ask yourself, where is this going? Why are they abusing us like this? That’s abuse. That is absolute abuse of the American people, randomly just spending our money. You know, there was a movie out there with Danny DeVito called Other People’s Money.
OPM. Watch it. People go wild on other people’s money. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris. KAMALA Harris wasted $1 billion on her campaign. She spent $550 million on her staff. And Donald Trump spent. You know how much? $10,550,000,000. Paying her staff to $10,000,000 that Donald Trump. Donald Trump raised just under $400,000,000. She raised a billion. And she managed to be. How much in debt? $20 million in debt. @ the end of her campaign, she paid billionaire Oprah Winfrey’s company two and a half million dollars to get her endorsement. Ask if anybody on Trump’s team got paid. Ask if Elon Musk got paid, if Vivek Ramaswamy got paid, if Tulsi Gabbard got paid, if RFK Jr got paid to endorse Donald Trump.
No, they believed in him. These people were paid. Beyonce. I heard. I can’t verify it, but I heard from good sources. She got paid $100,000aminute to stand on the stage and endorse Kamala Harris and she didn’t perform. People came there to see her perform. She didn’t perform. It was a fraud. Kamala Harris’s entire campaign was a fraud. The Biden administration, their entire administration is a fraud. I’m sorry, maybe other people won’t say it. I’m telling you, it’s a fraud. I want to read some stuff for you. Absolute fraud. Let’s go to the border for a minute.
Why am I saying this? Because you can never forget this. This has affected your life. Many people died as a result of this. This horrible situation with Lincoln Riley. Horrible. This is a illegal migrant that came into this country, had a criminal background, wasn’t supposed to be here. They didn’t vet him. And you know the worst part of this? The worst part? It was a government paid for plane that took him to the state of Georgia where he became a predator and murdered, raped and murdered Lincoln Riley. The government put him there. How many other neighborhoods did this happen in? Right now in 16 states.
That Venezuelan gang is operating in 16 states. Criminals allowed to come into the country. Why don’t you do something illegal? See how fast they come after you. This is treason. This is treason. They’re betraying the country, betraying the people in the United States. You can never forget this and you can never trust them again. Why would anybody give them power again? These are bad people. They wanted to put you under their thumb so they had total control over you. 87,000 IRS agents to wreak havoc on you. I know, I was a victim of it, but I can’t complain.
Okay? Because I was able to get myself out of it. A lot of people can’t. They’re coming after you, Trump. Get rid of those IRS agents. We don’t need it. Make this damn tax code simple so people can follow it easily. Forget all these loopholes. Forget this stuff that you got to go through mental and physical and, and financial gymnastics just to file a tax return. Simplify it, Congress. Do your damn job. Simplify it for this country. You owe us that. We don’t owe you anything. We put you in office. We owe you nothing. You owe us.
You got a perky job. You got all the perks anybody could want. You’re getting paid. Do your damn job and do what you were elected to do. And that’s make it easier for the people of the United States of America. Give us protection, protect our freedom, protect our borders. That’s what you’re there for. That’s what we put you in office for. And yes, Donald Trump has a mandate to do exactly that right now. And every Democrat that fights against him should be thrown out of office. This. Governor Pritzker, I think in the state of Illinois, I’m going to fight the.
I’m going to fight Donald Trump tooth and nail if they come and try to deport our illegal aliens in this sanctuary city where murders are taking place every weekend. That’s right. Every single weekend. People get killed in Chicago. Every single weekend. Look it up. It’s been going on for years through the Obama administration. He did nothing. That was his home state. He didn’t care. Didn’t do anything. Gang violence there through the roof. He didn’t care. These people don’t care about you. They lie. They lie, people. You cannot buy into this ever again. The way to unite the country is exactly what we did this past November 5th.
We got together and we rejected their lies and their hypocrisy. And I’m going, as things come into my head, that General Miley who said Trump was the worst thing in the world, he could never go back into the White House again. Never. He’s bad. Well, yesterday, I think on a talk show, he said, oh, don’t worry, things are going to be okay. Everything’s going to be okay. We’re a good country. Trump will be okay. How do you reverse yourself like that? Do you think I will ever, ever. You hear me, what I’m saying now? You think I’m ever going to say Biden was a good president? Absolutely not.
Never, not on my deathbed would I say it. He’s a horrible president. You Think I would ever say that Harris is qualified? No. If Joe Biden invited me to the White House to have a sit down, you think I would go? I don’t think so. And if I went, he wouldn’t like it. Because I’m not changing what I’m saying right now. I’m going to say, joe, you’re a criminal. You defrauded the country. You’re treasonous. I can’t change that now. That’s what you did. Don’t give me an explanation. There is none. You should be indicted for racketeering.
The way I was, there’s more evidence against you than there was against me. That’s what I would tell him. So if he invited me on that basis, yeah, I’d go. You think I’d ever sit down with Harris? I would sit down with her in a minute. Tell you you’re a fraud. How dare you defraud the American people by running for an office you had no ability to manage. When I got up and said that your plan to help the businesses in this country and your plan to bring back the economy was garbage because you have no experience in doing it.
Well, you proved it in your campaign when you blew a billion dollars on a wasted campaign and got slaughtered. Slaughtered. You don’t know how to manage anything. You never did in your life. I’d have to tell her that. You think I’d sit down and try to make nice to her? Of course not. If I sat with Nancy Pelosi, you think I’d make nice. No. Tell her you’re a fraud, you’re a hypocrite, you’re a liar, and you’re destructive from my country. I don’t want you here. I want you out. Adam schiff, you blew $36 million. You divided the country while a president was trying to do his job and a damn good job.
You blocked him in every step of the way and you hurt the American people. You’re a fraud. You deserve to be out of office. I would tell him straight. His face. I have nothing to hide. I’m not going to turn around and make nice to him because he’s the senator. I don’t give a darn it. You’re the senator. You know better than anybody else, but these people look. Oh, all of a sudden he’s not a Nazi anymore. Trump. Biden invited him to the White House to sit down, to show he’s a diplomat. But then what is he doing behind his back? I don’t know if you know this, but he’s making it Easier for the illegal migrants to stay in this country.
They’re creating an app so that you don’t have to appear the way you were supposed to appear. This just happened this week. Look at it. It’s unbelievable. He’s trying to block Trump again. You go on the app and you just check in on the app. There’s no way to cite your location. You don’t even have to check in. They don’t know where to find you. He’s making it easier, okay, for the migrants, the illegal migrants to stay in this country and wreak havoc. He’s making it harder for Holman, the new head of border security. He’s making it harder for him to go and find these people.
They’re devious. It’s in their blood and in their system and in their minds. They can’t change, so you can’t put them back in office. You can never trust the lies again. You have to be aware of this. We can never fall back. Hopefully Trump accomplishes enough in this administration over the next four years to make people realize. Wokeness is gone. DEI is gone. Progressive garbage is gone. It’s all over. You also had a president that. From the White House, from the White House said this. It is both outrageous and immoral. Think of those two words, outrageous and immoral.
To ban gender affirming surgery in minor children. That’s your president. That’s your president. That’s the same liar along with Mayorkas. Liar along with Harris. Liar. They should all be brought up for treason as far as I’m concerned. Every one of them should be prosecuted, should be investigated and if found, what I’m telling you here right now, they should be prosecuted because they, it was treasonous what they did at the border because people died, industries were destroyed, people were put out of work, taxpayer dollars were wasted. That’s treason as far as I’m concerned. And they deserve to be investigated and prosecuted.
Mayorkas, that liar. Three and a half years. The border is secure. As 10 to 12 million that we know of, illegal migrants crossed this border and wreaked havoc in many cities across the country. People died as a result. Lankin, Riley and a whole list. Go on. Hannity. He lists all the people that were abused, either murdered or raped, murdered or raped by illegal migrants that were allowed to roam free in this country. I have no empathy for any one of them. No, I have no empathy during COVID for Fauci who as a result of his hypocrisy, his lies, his underhandedness, his denying the whole thing happened In Wuhan, out of China, that he helped fund.
He’s Italian. He belongs in jail. Fauci, She’s Italian like me. She belongs in jail. I don’t give a damn what she is. As a matter of fact, it disgusts me more that somebody from my heritage would do that. Worse than any mobster on the street. Worse. We might have killed one another. Bad enough, bad enough. But nobody elected us to do a job for them and then turn our back on them and betray them. That’s horrible. They’re just as bad as any guy on the street. And worse. I’m sorry. Can’t let these people get away with this.
They have to be held accountable. I’m sorry. That’s justice. It’s not revenge. The FBI. There are many decent agents out there. I know a bunch of them. Some of them that have retired have contacted me online. Michael, it’s appalling what’s going on. How politicized the FBI has become. Needs total reform. That’s what Bondi needs to do. Department of justice, total reform. You can’t weaponize the Department of Justice, the FBI, to go after your political enemies. And that’s what Biden’s White House did. That’s what Garland’s Department of Justice did. They deserve to be held accountable for these things.
People don’t ever forget what they did. If we have a good four years, these coming years, God help us. And if we do, don’t ever forget what they did. Because come 2028, God willing, if I’m still here, and I hope to be, you’re going to hear me reminding you, reminding you, reminding you. Now, I want to talk about something. Let’s make believe for a minute. And this is just continuing what we do. Let’s make believe for a minute. There’s no Republican Party, there’s no Democratic Party. There’s no party whatsoever. We’re just going to have the people up there that are supporting certain agendas and certain policies, and we’re going to call them rational and irrational.
That’s it. There’s no political party. It’s either rational or irrational. So let’s go down the line. Securing the border, having a secure border where people that come into this country have to be vetted so that we can make sure they’re not terrorists, which is alive and well in the world. Terrorism. We know that we saw 9, 11. We saw buildings being blown up. We know that terrorists really exist. And we know that we have political enemies. We have enemies around this world. So you secure the border so that Terrorists can’t be coming in unvetted. You secure the borders so that people that do come in don’t have criminal backgrounds to be able to come in here and wreak havoc on America.
Like happening now, Trent Diagonal from Venezuela, all these gangs. We secure the borders so that drugs can’t come over and kill our people. Like 100,000 people that are dying every year from opioid addiction and fentanyl poisoning. That’s why we secure the borders and we let people come in who we believe are legitimate people who want to enjoy freedom of America and opportunity that America offers and they go through the right procedure to become citizens. Secure border. Is that rational or irrational? It’s rational. So put that in a rational column. Who does that go to, Republicans or Democrats? Ask yourself.
Secondly. Secondly, let’s go to the economy. I guess this could be across the board. I would hope to think that even the Democrats want a good economy. It’s rational. So let’s give that to both sides. They want a good economy. The question is who knows how to deliver it? So at the time of your election, it’s like, okay, who do I think is going to do the best job in delivering a good economy or creating a good economy, providing for a good economy in America? Whatever that candidate is, whoever that candidate is, that goes to them, whether it be a Republican or a Democrat.
I believe that. Right. Okay, let’s go to the last election. Do you believe it would be Harris or to believe it would be Trump? The American people spoke. They believe it’s Trump. Harris doesn’t know her proverbial ass from her elbow when it comes to economics or when it comes to business or anything else. She just proved it in her campaign once again. Billion dollars blown billion dollars of donor money. You know what, I don’t feel bad for you people. I’m sorry, I really don’t. You put your faith in a bad horse. You didn’t do your research, you didn’t investigate, you let Trump derangement syndrome get into your head and you voted for the worst candidate in the history of this country.
Nobody worse than her. Nobody. The most liberal senator. Okay, let me ask you this. While we’re talking about Harris, rational or irrational? Taxpayer dollars should pay for inmates, people convicted of a crime, that is serving prints prison sentences to have gender changing surgery. Whatever it calls taxpayer money should pay for that. Rational, Irrational. Obviously it’s irrational. Well, whose column does that go in? Goes into the Democrat side, the Democrat progressives. That’s what they wanted. That’s what Harris said. Look it up in her speeches, she agreed with that. Rational or irrational? Irrational. Gender affirming surgery for minors without parental consent.
Throw that in too. Rational or irrational? Obviously irrational. That goes into the Democrat side. Biden was for it. Harris is for it. The whole Democratic Party, Progressive Party is for it. Aoc, all of them. Rational or irrational. That goes in the Democrat column just the way it is. Not making it up. Do your work. You’ve. You’ve heard it now for four years, right, people. Rational or irrational? When a president is incompetent, like he was proved to be, should he be removed from office? Rational or irrational? Rational. Correct. Well, they lied about him for three and a half years, said he was competent until he made a disaster out of the debate and then they went after him.
But they gave him that office for three and a half years because somebody else was pulling the strings along with him. I can go on and on and on people with this. It’s not a question of Republican or Democrat, it’s a question of rational or irrational. That’s it. When you vote, when you support somebody, just think of their policies. Rational or irrational. And I’m saying this is irrational. You tell me somebody votes for Harris based solely solely on her position on abortion. Nothing else matters. Now why do I say this? Because many women and many people that were interviewed on a news broadcast said, well, I voted for her because she’s pro abort.
She’s pro. She’s for abortion, pro choice. What about the border? What about crime in the streets? What about the world in chaos? All these wars that we’re having? What about drugs infiltrating this country? None of that matters. None of that matters. The abortion issue is definitely an important issue, but is that the number one issue? In other words, you’re only worried about yourself. That’s it. Nothing else matters. Your economy doesn’t matter. The car you drive, whether you can drive an electric or gas car and have that choice, that doesn’t matter to you. Crime in your neighborhoods doesn’t matter to you.
How much you’re paying for groceries doesn’t matter to you. Whether the world is going Into World War 3 doesn’t matter to you. Gender affirming surgery, minors doesn’t matter to you. DEI appointments for people that are not qualified to be in positions of trust and leadership, that’s not important to you. Makes no sense. It’s totally irrational. But that’s what Democratic voters, many of them, voted for. We heard it. So the next time, just ask yourself, what is rational and irrational? What works best for me and for my country and for my family and for my neighborhood and the people that I love.
What’s best, what’s rational and what’s irrational? The American people have spoken. They said all of this garbage was irrational. And now you know what the great thing is? You don’t have to fear putting up a Trump sign. You don’t have to fear saying you’re anti dei. You don’t have to fear saying you’re anti woke like you were for four years. We’re afraid. People were afraid to state their opinion. And let’s get back to. Let’s get to the mainstream media. Let me tell you something, Sony. Sonny Hostin on the View. That woman is whacked. I’m sorry. She is racist to the core.
Same way Whoopi Goldberg. Racist to the core. And they want to accuse everybody else of race. Sonny hosting can’t have a sentence without talking about race. Billy Dee Williams, she tried to trap Billy Dee Williams and get into a whole racist thing with him. And he said, what are you talking about? He put a stop. He’s got so much class. He put a stop to her immediately with her racist rants. All she talks about is race. The reason Kamala Harris didn’t get elected was because of race. She blamed Latin men. She blamed women. She blamed everything.
Is race not coming to the truth and saying the woman was incompetent, her policies stunk. This administration was a disaster and we don’t want her. But she’s going to sit there and preach to you. The woman should be off the airwaves. She doesn’t deserve to be on there. She misleads, she lies. She’s divisive. She had somebody on her show. Psychologists. Think of the nerve of this. Telling people, telling people that if you voted for Harris and your family voted for Trump, you have every right not to go to Thanksgiving dinner with the family side that voted for Trump.
Who the hell are you, lady, to tell people to divide families over a presidential election? And you claim, you all claim to be the unifying party that you care about everybody. You are a bunch of hypocrites and you proved it. How dare you tell people to stay away from their family on Thanksgiving, a day when we are supposed to be thankful for families, thankful to be alive, thankful for our good health, our recovering health, thankful for our children, for our loved ones. And you tell people because they voted opposite of you, so you make Trump and every one of his followers a devil.
I would pull her license immediately. How dare she misled people like that and try to divide this country and families even further. You know why? Because progressives, many of them don’t believe in families. They don’t. They want you to be divided. They don’t want you to have children. They want parents to have no rights over their children after birthing them and supporting them and getting them through their adolescent years. They don’t want parents to have a say. They don’t want family. That’s why they’re so pro abortion. In any month of a pregnancy. They don’t want you to have kids.
And I stated these people on the, you know, I’m pro life. There’s no question about it. I understand circumstances where abortions are the logical choice. God forbid the health of the mother is at stake. I am telling you right now, you know, I have seven children. If the mother’s life was at stake, I would have an abortion. Was the only answer. I would have aborted the baby. I’m telling you the truth. That’s my position on it. If God forbid, one of my daughters were raped and she didn’t want to have the baby, I would support her in aborting the baby.
I don’t even know if that’s the Christian way. I would have to look at my own Bible and say, you know what, is that right or wrong? But as a human being, as a father, as a husband, that’s my position. I’m sorry, but abortion is birth control. No, absolutely not. You should be ashamed of yourself. Because when you say my body. No, that’s not your body. That’s the baby’s body. That’s a separate and distinct human being from you. That’s why in certain states, many of them, if a man is convicted of homicide of a pregnant woman, he’s convicted of two murders.
So how can you contradict yourself? If it’s a separate body, then why is it not a separate body when you want to abort it? Hypocrisy. There’s plenty of other ways to control birth without it even happening. Plenty other ways. If you’re going to continuously use abortion as birth control. No, I’m sorry, I don’t go for that. That’s my position. Not the progressives abort the baby in the ninth month. That’s right. That’s that. They can throw a wet towel over all of this. That’s what they believe. That’s what they advocate for. And they go under the guise that it’s a woman’s health situation.
No, it’s not. Only if it is, but not every time we Know that they lie to you. They tried to make that the central issue in the campaign. That didn’t work because people said, wait a second, you know, I have to buy groceries, I have to put gas in my car. I have to walk down the streets of my neighborhood that are not safe. I have to worry about World War Three. I have to worry about these illegal migrants coming over the border and taking my job. I have to worry about my taxpayer money being spent on Ukraine in places like this.
I don’t know if it’s valid or not. People, I’m begging you, I’m imploring you because I’m going to be focusing on this. Pay attention to the government waste. When Elon Musk and Vivek Ramos Swami put that up there and show you what your taxpayer dollars are being spent on, then you’re going to realize, wait a second. It’s this government that put us $36 trillion in debt. And it wasn’t only the Democrats. I’m not saying that 36 trillion goes back. So what do we have to do? Trump says we got to stop it. The answer is not raise taxes and put more money in their pockets to waste.
The answer is to stop their wasteful spending. That’s it. All right, we’re at 50 minutes. We’re going to answer some questions right now. I hope you understand what I’m saying, people, and please don’t let me blur the message. Unity. Yes. The American people showed us that we are unified in what we want in this country. We’ve given Donald Trump a mandate. Look at the map. It’s like 90% red almost. Look at the map. So we know what people want. So what we need to do now is be able to unify the country. But how? So that we never have this diversity and this disunification? Not diversity, division.
I don’t want to say diversity. Diversity is a good thing. Division, we don’t have it because the division was caused by lies and hypocrisy and underhandedness and deceitfulness and the desire for control and power. That’s what caused the divisiveness. The unity now will come when we get rid of those and hold those accountable that tried to do that to us. So accountability, unity through accountability, and unity through honesty. That’s what we need. That’s what we want from Donald Trump. So again, I’ll leave it at this. I support Donald Trump’s putting in a person in the Department of Justice that will now investigate thoroughly these people that defrauded the United States by their lies, by their hypocrisy, by their treason, investigate them so that it never happens again and that people know they got to be held accountable for their actions in government so that they don’t put us in this position that we’re in now.
So again, that is how we achieve unity, by weeding out those that should be held accountable for their actions and bringing in an administration and an aura in this country where people want to work together. That is it. Let’s get to some questions. Okay. Give me a minute. I’ll get to. I got to get on the YouTube platform. Since I’m on both YouTube and Rumble now, I have to go on. Let me see how I do it in order to get to the questions. Okay. Actually, comments. Okay, here we go. And this is through the live chat.
Daniel Leslie, Michael, in your opinion, do you think the mafia is still around and do you feel the Canadian mafia is connected to the USA Mafia? Mafia is definitely around. Didn’t go away. Not as powerful as it was during my era. I always say the golden age of the mafia, late 40s, right through the mid-80s. But did it go away? Totally? No. It’s just not the same. And the Canadian mafia, we’re all connected in one way or the other. But do they work together on a daily basis? No. So there is a connection, but not as strong a connection as people might think.
Good question. Davida Lane thank Thankful for this channel and for the people in it. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate that. You’re always going to get the truth from me, the truth as to what I believe. I’m not going to lie to anybody. I’m going to tell you the truth. You can disagree with my beliefs, you can disagree with my opinions, that’s fine. But you’re going to get what I believe to be true. I’m not going to pull the wool over your eyes. I’m not going to tell you something I don’t believe to be true. I’m not going to in any way, shape or form ever intentionally mislead you.
I promise you that. And I’m going to speak out because again, I believe the sin of omission is a serious or maybe more serious commission. When you see a wrong being done and you don’t speak up, okay. And you have the ability to get the truth out to people. It’s a sin of omission and I’m not going to do that. God has been too good to me in my life. Okay. Barry Cockner, thank you Again. People that are donating I appreciate put the money to good use. We don’t ask for it. You’re not required to do that.
But we do appreciate it. And that shows that you know you’re enjoying the content and appreciate the channel. We like that. Barry McCarthy, McCockner, thank you for your donation. After all the stuff that’s happened, how can anyone ever vote for the Democratic Party again? What are your thoughts on this? I don’t trust them. They’ve shown that they’re socialist. You know what? This Democratic Party is not the Democratic Party that I grew up in. There wasn’t too much of a difference between Democrat and Republican at that time. They wanted the same for America. Okay, they had some differences, but not like this.
They weren’t radical, they weren’t progressive, they weren’t crazy. So can you never trust them again? I hope that’s not the case. I hope some good, sensible, rational people get into the Democratic Party because that competition, that diversification is good for us. We need to have those choices. But this kind of Democratic Party, the progressives, no, you can never trust them again. Their agenda is too whacked. They’re too far out there. And that’s why I’m going to keep saying it so we don’t ever fall back into thinking that they’re okay. We have to really vet a candidate in the Democratic Party from this point on.
There are centrists. I thought Manchin was a good guy. There are a lot of good centrist Democrats. We’re just not hearing from them because the Progressive Party shuts them out. But no, I want to see good Democrats and I want to have trust in them again. That’s my feeling. So great question, though. Really great question. But you’re right. This party, they’ve shown they’re socialist. And you’re right, we don’t want socialism in the United States. It’s never worked anywhere in the history of the world. Why do we want it here? We’re a capitalist country. Okay. We move on.
Seeing things. Thank you very much. Did the Mafia think that marijuana was a hard drug in your time? Actually, no, we didn’t think it was a hard drug in our time. And unfortunately, some people dealt with it. I don’t know if it’s a hard drug right now, quite honestly. I wouldn’t take it. I wouldn’t sell it. I wouldn’t do anything with it. But, you know, I mean, medical marijuana, is it good for people? I mean, research and studies shows that it is. I don’t know. I’m not into it because I Don’t like anything to do with drugs.
I’m not going to get involved in it. I’m going to tell my kids never to use it. My grandkids the same thing because I don’t think it leads to anything good. That’s just my opinion. Okay, David Pfizer. Thank you. Hi, Michael. Are you still doing the six bottle deal with one of those bottles being signed? That was a Thanksgiving deal. I think it might still be done. It could be a few. I signed several hundred bottles and people really enjoyed it. We had our biggest month ever in that regard. It was a great deal. Six bottles of wine for 149 bucks and $1 shipping with a signed bottle from me was great.
I’m pretty sure you can go online. Oh, actually, no. I just got word from my team that ended November 18th. But watch, we’re going to be doing a Christmas offering pretty well. I don’t know exactly what it is yet. My team is putting that together. But watch for us. Go to franz eastwine.com and we’ll let you know what that deal is. But it’s going to be a good one, I promise you. And I don’t know if there’s going to be signed bottles or not, but if they ask me to sign, of course I will sign. But thanks for asking.
Okay, we got that. We got that. All right, let’s move on. Mike Holmes, RSO Oil has crushed my Crohn’s. Medical marijuana has been a great thing for me. Okay, great. You know, if it’s helpful for you, I’m not going to talk against it. I’m not qualified to talk against it. And if medical marijuana is helpful to people, then, hey, more power to it. Gyroland, did you ever deal with the Italian mob up in Montreal and the surrounding suburbs in a minor capacity? I was actually a recruitment when we visited people from. From Montreal. I didn’t personally have any business with them.
Nice people, though. To my. To my memory. All right, we’re going to do about 10 more minutes and then I’m going to cut it down. I have a full packed day today. Before I leave tomorrow morning, I’m going to be doing some videos, putting some content together. I got a pack. I got to do a whole bunch of stuff before I leave tomorrow, so. But we’re already at an hour. There was a time Italians were called immigrants. Does Michael know that? Of course. My family immigrated here. My grandparents, they came here legally. They went through the process.
They paid their taxes, they were legally vetted, and they legally became Citizens. What’s wrong with that? Nothing whatsoever. Our arms. America should be wide open for people that want to come here and contribute to our country and make it a better place for them and a better place for us. I absolutely agree. A legal path to citizenship, of course, nobody’s against that. Okay. My wife’s family, all of us are immigrants. There’s nothing wrong with that. We agree with that. But what’s happening now? Come on, people, you know, that’s no good. It’s wrong. Oh, boy. What happened? I lost the.
Hang on a minute. Hang on a minute. Tough when you’re doing this from your phone, but we’ll get it. Okay, here we go. Do you not have a phone case for your phone? Actually, you know, I buy that. I gotta. Maybe somebody could help me. I buy these battery operated phone cases so I don’t have to worry about charging my phone during the day because I’m on it quite often. I do a lot of business on here, but they only last for so long. And then they third one I have. You’re doing everything right. You’re charging them up right.
And then at some point they just shut down. They don’t work anymore. So that’s what happened with my last phone case. I bought a new one and they sent me the wrong size, so my wife had to send it back. And I’m waiting for another one. Meanwhile, I got some other kind of phone thing that just magnetic. You put it back there and it charges. It’s a little bulky. It’s not as good, but yeah, I do because I drop my phone quite often and I mess it up. I keep getting new phones. Okay, Thul Sadum, you are not an immigrant.
If you are from Europe. Laugh out loud. Well, I mean, I was born here in the States, so I’m an Italian American, but my father was an immigrant. He was born in Italy. My grandparents were immigrants. My mother’s grandparents were immigrants, so. All from Italy. Michael Francis, would you take drug addicts threats seriously? You know, it depends on the person. If it’s a drug addict and they don’t know what they’re doing. Yeah, I mean, you got to be careful. You got to know where it’s coming from and who that person is. Take any threat seriously from the person that’s giving you the threat, you know, and we can get into that.
But obviously don’t ever sell anybody short, especially if you know that person. Reno. If it helps. Good for you. Okay, Mikey. Prayers to family and friends of Lincoln Riley. That trial really was sad. Michael, Will the Boys in prison take care of this punk. Michael, no. If it was over, one of your daughters would be game over. Absolutely. I’m sorry. I wouldn’t be able to control myself if it was happened to one of my daughters. I don’t believe I would. And I’m a Christian. I would do everything in my power, but I don’t know that I could, number one.
And you know, I got to tell you something, people, you know, there’s a lot of guys on YouTube and talk about who was a tough guy and this and that and that. Guys. Some guys that cooperated. The guys that. Let me tell you about that. Guys in that life. Every one of us knew how to hold a gun. Every one of us knew how to do what he had to do if we had to. Whether we did it or not, we knew what to do. And we weren’t afraid to do it when we had to do it, if we had to.
And I know I’m talking fast and I’m talking in a way that I think you understand what I’m trying to say. So if guys on there want to be tough guys with other guys and call guys rats and all of that stuff, remember you’re calling capable guys those things. So don’t ever sell anybody short. I’m going to leave it at that. They may take care of this guy in prison. Absolutely. You don’t get away with sorry. And they should. If you got it, can you do well, you know what, that’s an unchristian like thing to say, but that’s what happens, man.
You can take Brooklyn out of the. You can take a boy out of Brooklyn. You can’t always take Brooklyn out of the boy. God forgive me, I shouldn’t be saying something like that and I apologize to you. But what happens to him in prison happens to him. Michael, have you covered Pulp Fiction or any Tarantino’s crime films? I have not. I think Quentin Tarantino is way out there, but he’s a brilliant director, there’s no question about it. I loved Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. He’s wacky, but he’s brilliant and he’s a very sought after director.
But I haven’t covered his films. Michael, is there women in the Mafia as high ranking members? Absolutely not in the United States? Absolutely not. They have some influence in some places in Italy, never to this point in the United States. That’s why Godfather 3 made no sense to me because Talia Shire, she carries some weight, but she really doesn’t in real life here in America. Mike Holmes I grew in California, was just told I should RSO press the other day. I don’t know California. Don’t let me comment on it because we need another four hours on here for me to comment on that.
Demolka25:55 Michael, is it the matter of when, if the expansion of your wine brand to Europe, Polish living in UK and I can’t wait to taste your wine. We are going to be a global brand. We are now talking to people in various countries, India being one of them, Dubai being one of them, Poland being one of them, the United Kingdom being one. We’re also now in Australia. So yes, we plan to be a global brand. It’ll probably take us five years to do that. We’re in about two and a half now. So I think within our fifth year you’ll see us in Europe, if not sooner.
But we’re actively working on it and we have people in those countries that want us. So, you know, it’s all a matter of logistics and mechanics to get it done. Why do you blame immigrants for America’s problems? I’m not blaming immigrants for America’s problems. You’re misreading that. I said legal immigration. We are a welcoming country in that regard, but we want people that have come here and really go after the American dream the right way. They contribute to this country. They work, they raise families, they contribute. We don’t want migrants coming in here illegally that are going into our cities and towns and on taxpayer dollars and some of them criminals that.
Look, it’s documented, it’s in the media every day. I told you, Trent Diagon, the Venezuelan gang is now in 16 states. They’re undermining people, they’re committing crime over apartment complexes. We don’t want that. It just makes sense that people have to come in here legally and contribute to our country. That’s what immigration is all about. Get a job, support your family, raise a family, learn our language, be a benefit to our neighborhoods, be a benefit to the working force. We welcome that. We want people to come in and enjoy our freedom. But you can’t come in illegally and wreak havoc in the country and cut legitimate citizens taxpayer dollars to support you.
That’s not what you’re here for. You don’t come into this country for a free ride. That’s what’s happening. So don’t miss mistake what I’m saying, don’t misunderstand, please. Who the hell voted? Kamala? Well, that’s yesterday’s news. No problem using the front door. I don’t get Oh, I mean, leaving the country. Vlad, Tonia, thank you for your contribution. Michael, do you ship Franz east wines outside the us? I’d like to buy some in Romania. Maybe you could resell them through the Tate brothers. Well, I’m going to mention the Tates. The case against them in Romania is falling apart.
The judge is seeing through it. The judge has ordered the prosecutor to deliver certain materials to support the alleged or the alleged evidence that they have that to this point, they have not been able to deliver. It looks very likely. It’s not a done deal yet that the case against the Tates in Romania will be dismissed by the court for lack of evidence. I have said it and I’ve maintained it all along. The allegations were false, many of them phony. I believe that the Tates are innocent of the charges being lodged against them in Romania. And if the case isn’t totally, it’s going to be greatly reduced in scope, I believe.
But I am hopeful for a total dismissal because what they did to the Tate brothers there was outrageous. I know. I’ve listened, I’ve watched, I’ve researched, I’ve investigated. So I know a little bit more than most people online that make their opinions based upon some of the comments that Andrew Tate has made online. And remember, comments online are not evidence of illegal criminality. I should say they’re not always evidence of that. You have to back it up. Remember that. I’ll give you an instance. Joe Biden. Joe Biden claimed he never met with business partners of Hunter Biden.
And then we found out that he did. He lied. So that that information or those text messages, there’s some weight to it because they back that he lied about it. He did meet with people. So in the Tate’s case, they don’t have that. He made some remarks online that were distasteful, but there wasn’t criminality to back it up. They can’t back it up with criminality. In Biden’s case, they can, because they had $27 million of money that flowed into their accounts based upon him peddling the office of Vice President. And there were text messages and emails to back that up and eyewitnesses to back up that he lied about meeting with these people.
So that’s the difference. Tates don’t have that. So can I bring in this through the Tates? Well, the Tates will have nothing to do unless the Tates and I get together and say, hey, let’s bring Francis Wine into that. I mean, we may end up doing business together. Who knows. We’ll see. I happen to like the brothers. My opinion, and I think a lot of people are going to like them when this garbage is over with. We’ll see. Anyway. Okay. Good day to you, Michael. It would be wonderful if you can answer my two questions. I’m going to answer these two and then we’re going to have one more minute.
Should we expect a new book from you in near time? Not in near time. I am so busy right now with everything that I have going on, people, I can’t sit down and write a book. Will. Will my last book, Mafia Democracy be my last book? I don’t think so. I have some thoughts in mind and that I want to turn into a book or books and that may come. I’m thinking of a series of books. They’re going to be faith related but they’re going to deal with real issues. So. But that’ll be in the future, hopefully.
And how is your wine company doing? We’re doing exceptionally well. Exceptionally well. We’re way ahead of where we should be or where most other companies were at this point in time. We’re doing extremely well. People, and that’s thanks to the people that are enjoying the wine. Thanks to a great team that I have that is marketing the wine. Thanks to a great wine for the price. We have a lot more coming out, different varieties. I’m very excited about it and we’re going to be revealing our plans as we go along and we’re looking for ambassadors for our wine where you can earn some money with it.
So go to franziswine.com contact us, you know, send us an email, whatever. And we’re looking for ambassadors in different states that can help us market the wine. And you’ll earn on it. So you’ve been helpful in all the. People have been helpful. We have many ambassadors out there. They’ve been spreading the word and people are really enjoying it. We’re doing wine tastings, retail outlets around the country and it’s really proving to be well. And how do we know it’s well? Because the people that taste our wine buy it then. And then they come back and buy more so we know that they’re enjoying it.
All right, people, so those are the two questions that I. Let me see last one, last one. Let me do a good one. Michael, I am from the south shore of Long Island, Nassau County. What towns did you visit frequently? Okay. It’s a good way to end our qa. I grew up in Brooklyn and then we moved out to Long Island. I lived In Roslyn for quite some time. I lived in Franklin Square for a little bit, but Roslyn most of the time. And then I moved to. What was it? God, it was so long ago.
Where was I? I forget the name of the town. Darn it. Anyway, I lived on the North Shore the whole time. You know, 73 years old, your memory starts to slightly. You don’t remember things quite quickly. Not that I’m losing my memory. It doesn’t come to me quite quickly. But anyway, I lived all over the North Shore. I mean, I roamed all over the North Shore. It was kind of my territory, especially when I was in that life. I had a lot of influence there and a lot of friends and a lot of businesses. I had two car dealerships.
Well, one was in Nassau. The other one was in Suffolk. Rumpling Chevrolet. But I love Nassau County. I wouldn’t move back there. But I have a lot of great memories there with my family and friends and people that I love. So it treated me well. I was indicted there a few times, but I beat every case, so can’t complain about that. So anyway, people, that’s it for today. Thank you so much for these lives. And you know what I really appreciate is that people are jumping onto the lives afterwards. The last one we did, we got over 200,000 views on.
So, okay, wait, I have to answer this one because somebody made a donation and it was a nice one. Rural man life. Thank you. Stalin said about what happened. Oh, gosh, I lost it. That’s what happens with the ink. Stalin. I’m sorry, but I’m mentioning your name. It jumped. I can’t find it now. Anyway, thank you for your contribution. I think it was more of a comment. But people, the live chat stays on so you can go on and see what he said. But yeah, we had over 200,000 people that tune in afterwards or that watch the lives and make some nice comments about it.
So thank you all for that. We’re going to continue to do it. We’re doing it now on both YouTube and Rumble. And on YouTube we actually post a little bit more because we see that people enjoy the videos. Not as much on Rumble, although when we do think it’s appropriate for Rumble, we will post one. But thank you all very much. People, have a wonderful, wonderful Thanksgiving. A very blessed Thanksgiving to all of you. And people, you know, sometimes a lot of you ask me, michael, why don’t you talk more about your faith? People, look, you know what I’m about, you know who I am, my faith.
Is paramount in my life. I’m not the best Christian in the world, but my faith is rock solid in Jesus Christ. He is my Savior. I do my best to try to emulate my life the way Jesus would want me to. I don’t always succeed. I fail. But I know my faith is everything. And I think people that know me and follow me understand that. So I’m not here to preach to people. I’m not here to turn anybody into a Christian. You know, I hopefully, in the content that I provide, you see that where my morality lies, sometimes I get off and make a mistake.
Like I said, people, hey, I don’t think it’s a mistake. This is my true feelings, you know, with the border. I believe that, you know, Donald Trump should line up the National Guard and tell people, if you bring drugs over this border that are killing my people, we’re going to shoot you. And I believe that sometimes force, just the way it goes, is it right? Is it Christian? But I don’t want to kill people, and I don’t want to injure them, but I don’t want them injuring my family and friends and the people in my country that I care for.
You can’t do that. It’s illegal. You’re killing people here. We got to put a stop to it. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that. Hopefully they get it and Trump is able to deal with it and Homeland Security is able to deal with it and stop it. But, you know, I’m a Christian. Yeah. But I’m a human being, and I don’t try to go against the morality of my faith, against what God is. Has taught us in the Bible. And sometimes I’m just unsure of it. But fortunately, you know, I have good mentors around me, you know, like Pastor Greg Laurie, who, if I have a question and he’ll set me straight, if I’m off base, you know, you need that.
We don’t have all the answers. We need people, you know, and you could read scripture sometimes and you get a little bit confused. But there are people that know how to interpret it better. And I look to them like, again, Pastor Greg Laurie, we. Oh, by the way, we went to see. Gosh, what was the name of the movie? Gladiator 2. Went to see Gladiator 2. I love Gladiator 1. 24 years ago it came out. I love that movie. Went to see Gladiator 2. I recommend it. Was it as great as the original? No. But was it great? Yes, I totally recommend it.
Go see it. It’s about Two and a half hours. But it goes quick. It’s pretty bloody, I gotta tell you that. A lot of action. The acting is great. Denzel. I love Denzel Washington. He was brilliant as always. But everybody that acted was terrific in it. I think you’re gonna enjoy it. So go watch it. It just opened up, I think, tonight. I went to the premiere on. No, it opened up last night. I went to the premiere on Thursday with Pastor Greg Laurie and his wife Kath, who I love. Me and my wife went with them.
So, anyway. All right, I’m rambling enough now. I’m going to leave you the same way I always leave you people. It’s never going to change. Be safe. Let Donald Trump do his job. But until then, and even after then, be safe. Watch your backs, ladies. Please be healthy, rfk. You can’t come soon enough. Clear up this garbage in our food and let’s get people healthy again. Do you know that over 65%, almost 70% of people in the United States are obese? We can’t do that. That is a health problem. Dangerous. Okay. Be safe. Be healthy. And I do mean this, people.
God bless each and every one of you. God bless you throughout this week. God bless your families, your loved ones, your neighborhoods, your communities, your workforce. And yes, God. God bless Donald Trump, his entire administration. God bless all of our people in government. Get them to think like you, Lord, and follow you. And God bless America, and God bless the world. See you next time.