Spread the Truth




➡ The text discusses the author’s interpretation of a song by the band Queen, relating it to the concept of ‘fallen ones’ and the idea of humanity being trapped in a digital universe. The author suggests that we are being led into a digital reality where we become slaves, similar to the ‘fallen ones’ who descended to Earth. The author also connects various elements, such as DNA and oxygen, to this theory, suggesting that everything is interconnected.
➡ The text discusses the idea of a digital reality, referencing the X Files and its creator, Chris Carter. It delves into numerology, biblical references, and symbolism, suggesting connections between the show, the Bible, and the concept of a digital reality. The author also explores the idea of the “fallen” and the “matrix,” using numerology and biblical verses to draw parallels. The text ends with a discussion on the Tree of Knowledge and DNA, suggesting a link between them.
➡ The text discusses the symbolic connections between various concepts, including the Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge, DNA, numerology, and popular culture references like the TV show Westworld and the movie Tron Legacy. It suggests that these symbols and numbers are interconnected and may hint at deeper truths about human existence and consciousness. The text also explores the idea that we might be living in a simulation and that our choices could be predetermined. Lastly, it delves into the significance of certain elements and asteroids, suggesting they might symbolize spiritual concepts or states of being.
➡ The text discusses various symbols and their meanings, including the spade and triangle, which are tied to the alchemical symbol for sulfur and the concept of reincarnation. It also explores the idea of the “sons of God” from the Bible, suggesting they might be represented by minor planets in astrology. The text further delves into tarot card interpretations, particularly the eight of swords and the knight of swords, and their connections to the “sons of God” and the concept of love. Lastly, it draws parallels between these ideas and the story of the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz, who is searching for his heart or love.
➡ This text suggests that life is like a movie or a game, and we are all playing roles in it. It discusses the concept of the “sons of God” from religious texts, who descended into the physical world and became trapped, symbolized by the number 8. The text also explores the idea that women have a powerful influence, drawing from the biblical story of Eve and Adam. It concludes by suggesting that our reality is a complex and fascinating experience.
➡ The text discusses a complex interpretation of biblical numerology, astrology, and symbolism, suggesting that everything is interconnected. It suggests that the Bible, the stars, and even video games are coded with hidden meanings. The author believes that these codes reveal a deeper understanding of life, love, and desire. The text also suggests that these codes are tied to the concept of rebirth and the cycle of life.
➡ The speaker, Logan, shares his deep love for a game and discusses a complex topic he calls “Fallen Decoded”. He spent a lot of time creating this content and is eager to hear feedback from his audience. He emphasizes that his intention is not to offend anyone, but to share information in a straightforward manner. He leaves the interpretation of the information up to the listener.


What you’re about to experience are my opinions and truths. I’m suggesting these possibilities for you to consider, enabling you to come up with your own conclusions. And you’re rushing headlong. You’ve got a new goal and you’re rushing headlong out of control. And you think you’re so strong but there ain’t no stopping. And there’s nothing you can do about it. There’s nothing you can do, no, there’s nothing you can do about it no, there’s nothing you can. Nothing you can. Nothing you can do about it. And you’re rushing headlong. You’ve got a new goal and you’re rushing headlong out of control.

And you think you’re so strong that there ain’t no stopping no, there’s nothing you can do about it. Hey, you used to be a man with a stick in his hand who did it, did it. Who did it do? She used to be a woman with a hot dog stand who did it, did it. Whoop, did it do. Now you got soup in the laundry bag now you got strings you’re gonna lo. You’re getting in a fight where they ain’t so groovy when you’re screaming in the night Let me out of this cheap. Be moving headlong down the highway.

And you’re rushing head long out of control. And you think you stop strong but there ain’t no stopping. And you can’t stop rocking, no, there’s nothing you can. Nothing you can. Nothing you can do about it. All right, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be, my name is Logan, your tour guide, and this is Decoder Reality. And today, ladies and gentlemen, in case you hadn’t noticed, we’re doing a decode on the Fallen Ones. So be Fallen Decoded. And the song that may still be playing in the background is by the band Queen.

One of my favorite songs by this band called Head Long. And this is the song that popped into my head as I was creating the slides. You saw the intro here, trying to get you the idea of the Fallen. The story of the Fallen going down into the computer. And the computer is Earth. And now mankind is creating another fractal. Into the metaverse, into the computer we go, into the cell phone we go. And this is where you’re gonna get the mark, the mark of the beast. All this stuff. That’s what this whole thing’s talking about.

But the fallen, how we all got here through this story. And again, I want to be very clear. I’m not Saying that it’s absolutely true but it is written into the fabric of the code that creates this reality. Just like a book. When a book gets written, fiction, non fiction, it gets written into the fabric of this reality. So of course the Bible is the biggest spell book on the world stage and that’s why I like to decode it. So Fallen Decoder, put on a hair paired phones. Ladies and gentlemen, I promise you this one once again we’ll knock your socks off.

But I want to just start here, give a big shout out to the band Queen and the song Headlong. And the reason why the song popped into my head because of course these angels are going down into the hole, some of them head first and this is the song and you’re rushing head long, okay? And it even says in there, get me out of this B movie. This get me out of this cheap B movie. That’s what Freddie Mercury says. Get me out of this cheap B movie. Get me out of this cheap B movie. Binary.

It says it right in the song. This song came out on the 14th of January and it’s so crystal clear how it’s scripted, how I am scripted, how I am not. I, I this I’m being used to show you this stuff. Ladies and gentlemen. This is why the song popped into my head. You know, it’s Freddie Mercury Mercury the way you think. But nonetheless it’s 141, it’s written 141. And 141 we know is PI, the 3.141 PI which is time getting stuck in time. And then it’s also the square root of 2 which is the binary system.

And he says right in the song get me out of this cheap B beta binary movie. And I bet if you go and decode the lyrics to the song and how many letters there are to come to that exact statement in that song, I promise there’s some code there that will probably blow your mind. I’ll leave that to some of you. Okay, so this is the song that you know, was. It was. Was is for the soundtrack for, for this, for this Fallen Decoded. So let’s jump into this. Here are the four topics for this decode presentation.

Number one, tribe. Number two, Romeo. Number three, woman. And the fourth and final topic, Fallen. And I thought this image right here came out absolutely sick. To give you an idea of perhaps how we all got here in this matrix, the ma tricks. So let’s talk about the first topic now, this one called Tribe. And I’m going to start out in no man’s land. But I’m going to bring it right back into the center point here. Genesis 30, verses 6. It’s like, why would I start here? Well, you’ll see. And it’s the last word in this 30 verses 6, Daniel, right here, you can see that it’s Ra, Shell, Rachel.

And it’s interesting because there is a Rochelle, Nevada, which is the town that is right next to Area 51. And if you start to think about what I’m telling you here, Area 51 is tied to an off limit area and it’s by Groom Lake and the underground alien stuff. Rochelle, I’m telling you folks, this is all connected. I promise you it is. And then they call his name Dan. And Dan is an acronym for DNA. DNA. This is the first time Dan is mentioned in the Bible. It’s in the first book. Remember, chapter 36 is carbon 30 is demiurge.

I could go on and on with this, but here is the full numerology of this scripture. Genesis 76, chapter 30, verses 6. It gives us 112. 112, ladies and gentlemen. And that’s what we’re going to go with to start this thing off. You know, this does reduce down to the number four. Remember that there are four blood types and we’re talking about Dan, DNA, fallen angels, okay? That’s how all this stuff is connected, all this source code. So we’re just going to add to this. And here is the Hebrew numerology for the word Dan, which coincidentally has the same output as the first man called Adam.

No coincidence there. The root for that is nine. Nine’s tied to the devil, okay? That’s why Jesus says, ye are of your father the devil. Because Adam is tied to the devil, the first man the fall. Right? And then we can easily connect it to chemistry, alchemy. And what happens when you become spirit into matter? You start breathing the air. And one of the major components of air is oxygen. You know, oxygen is what oxidizes it. It’s. It’s a killer. It does. Of course. It’s in the air we breathe. And you need it. But if you study oxygen and what it does well, it’s inevitable that you will die.

Okay? You will die. And you are stuck in. We are stuck in this prison. Remember, prison can be spelled out and one of the letters on the periodic table is the O, of course. Then the next one is the N for nitrogen. The two elements that are tied to the air we breathe are the two letters at the very end of prison. So fascinating. And the infinity. Infinity is 26. Stuck in the infinity symbol. The DNA. DNA deoxy. De oxyribonucleic acid. See how all this is connected? I promise you this is how it works. De oxyribonucleic acid.

And that’s duality, because that’s from the ribonucleic acid. And I found this. I found this from watching this episode right here. And I want to say thank you so very much to a new member on Patreon, goes by the avatar named Low, who left me like eight messages in the direct messages and says and mentioned this episode of the X Files. I hadn’t watched it yet and I was. This is the decode that I was working on. Of course, his fate would have it, right. Season 11, episode two. And it was right here, ladies and gentlemen.

And I would encourage all of you to go watch this episode and it will blow your mind. It will blow your mind. And this is all about. Look at what it says. This guy Langley goes into a virtual heaven and says it’s a horror show there. He tells them that the great minds of the world within the virtual reality have been reduced to digital slaves. And that’s all I needed. There was the key word and there it was. And obviously this is what it means. And now we have a really finite point here. The fallen angel story going down into Earth becoming slaves being used.

And then we are creating a digital universe where we. They are. You are promised, which I’ve been saying for many years now that I feel that the paradise that’s talked about will not be what people think it is. And you’ll become a digital slave. Now this. This episode was. Was created by the founder Chris. His birthday, Chris Carter, is on October 3rd. Chris Carter, if we just go here, right, Created this, the X Files. I just want to go and show you this really quick. Chris Carter, this man right here created the X files. Born on October 13th.

I mean, October 13th. Not what I’m. What am I saying? October 3rd, October 13th, you know how big the 13 is. And you know, if you just go look. You just look at his birth card, right? You always get the clues in the birth cards. October, you come down to the 13 and he’s got the nine of clubs, which is card number 22, which is tied to the Titans. The Titans, okay? The Titans is what he’s tied to. And this show right here, this season 11 episode 2, is talking about getting stuck in a digital reality.

The fractal above is Earth becomes a digital reality. Being stuck in The Fallen angel story. They are stuck in this reality called a simulation. Season 11 Episode 2 Season 11 Episode 2 the Big Clues, of course, again is that it’s the first time that Dan is mentioned. Dan is DNA. Adam, the first man being stuck in the matrix in the prison. Folks, the Fallen. This is how you can connect everything when you have the eyes to see it. And I’ll leave this to all of you. The air the January 10 date. Remember, 10 is the binary number.

That’s obvious. That’s what we’re in. The 0 and the 1. The binary system. The running time, 43 minutes. I mean, there’s so many clues here. But I would encourage all of you to go watch this episode. It was very chilling to say the least. So thank you so very much to low for recommending this. As I, like I said, I was, I was decoding this, working on it, and then I got that message and I was just taking a peek and then I watched the episode because I’ve been watching the X Files and there it was.

And you know, there’s so many things that I’m tied to for this right here. But let’s get into this methodology now for the fallen. And this is a new methodology that I’ve. I’ve shown quite a few times now. The first time I think I brought this out was during the decode of the Central Intelligence Agency and their unofficial motto of the truth shall set you free. And it’s when you take, you know, the, the, the Bible, the verses, and you add them all up. All right? You add them all up. So this is chapter six, verses two.

So what we’re going to do right over here, this methodology. Theo. Numerology. God, numerology. We just, it’s. We have to go six chapters in. So here are the first five. And then we add on number two. So there it is in the trusty calculator. I have these backwards, just by the way, I’m starting at Genesis. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. We add up all six of those and we get 140. Okay, 140. This is code that is hidden inside the Bible. So now I want to bring something into this that I can attach to get another clue.

And I’m gonna bring in chemistry. And this was huge. And this was absolutely magnificent. It’s tied to this element called cerium. Cerium comes from the word ceres, which is an asteroid. And I’m going to get into that in a little bit. So cerium has 58 protons, and then it has a total isotope of 140. So this matches the theonumerology of when the sons of God. The very first time. It talks about the sons of God taking wives for themselves and starting to hump, like starting to make babies. And this is where you’re going to get the Nephilim and the giants, etc.

Etc. Okay? This is the very first time. That’s why this is very important in this story. 140 is the total amount of verses that we have here. So we’re just going to run with this. And I have a lot of these things memorized, right? A lot of these words I now I have memorized. I’ve been doing this so long, long. And I knew that this was 140. The tree of Knowledge. Using the same language now, Hebrew, the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And remember that this was the tree that was off limits. And God said to Adam and Eve, you can eat of any tree, but don’t eat of this one, because in the day you do, you will positively die.

And of course, then they knew they were naked. They didn’t know they were. They were oblivious. They were naive. And then they took the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. And then they, they found out they were naked. So they were hiding. They became aware. The Tree of Knowledge. So think about what I’m showing you here. That the sons of God took women, married them and had babies with them. And this is 140 which matches the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. So this scripture talks about the descent the fallen going down into the matrix.

And then this means you get kicked out of the Garden of Eden and you have to go down where you will positively die. Same kind of allegorical expression here. Okay? The Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. The 140. Okay? And you can see that fallen angel is right here. These words are. This is tree of knowledge, Good, evil. Okay? Good, which matches angel and evil, which you have raw here. And if we just remove the, the, the, the additional letter here. This is going to be 36. This is going to be raw. This is going to be DNA.

Right? I already went over this right here with this. 30 plus 6 is 36. That’s Dan. DNA Adam. Okay? So of knowledge is right there. You take off the, the six here, the of, and you’re left with evil right here, raw. And that’s 36. And that’s tied to the fallen, the fallen angels. Right, right there. 42. Tied to evil. Okay? Tied to raw. Tied to our deoxyribonucleic acid. It’s so amazing. But wait, there’s more. So if you take out. If you take away the tree and you just. What kind of tree is it? Knowledge of good and evil.

You remove the word tree and you just leave in knowledge of good and evil. You get the DNA, you get the 106. Why I say the DNA? Because the two base pairs of our DNA, adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine, is a 106. So knowledge of good and evil is tied to our DNA, ladies and gentlemen, which talks about the fall of man biting the apple, means wisdom. It means knowledge. It means knowing. It says, you know, now that man had. Like if you study Genesis 3 verses 22, now that man, you know, has the eyes to see unless he stick out and take his hand from the tree of life and live forever, that scripture.

But it’s clearly the tree of knowledge tied to the sons of God to go down and take wives and make babies. Well, the babies end up having deoxyribonucleic acid. And deoxyribonucleic acid means evil. Okay. Deoxy means to disintegrate. D mon right? D When we decode, we don’t code. We decode. We break the code down. We don’t create the code, we break it down. Deoxyribonucleic is tied to the knowledge of good and evil. That’s how we got here through this story. And again, I want to be very clear. I’m not saying that is absolutely one plus one equals two fact that this is how this worked, but this is how it is written in the storyline that the knowledge of good and evil is tied to our two base pairs of our DNA.

And the story of how we got here was biting the apple because they. You wanted the knowledge, wanting the knowledge. Okay, so this is the story right here. Here’s the scripture of the very first time the tree of knowledge and the tree of life are talked about. Genesis 2 verses 9. So we’re going to do the theo numerology of it. Genesis chapter 1 has 31 total verses. And then we’re looking at Genesis 2 verses 9. So we just add on the 9. 31 and 9 gives us the number 40. So the Theo numerology of the very first time the tree of life and the tree of knowledge is talked about.

I don’t know why you’d put them side by side and tell you don’t eat from that. But it’s the 40, the Theo numerology. And then we’re just going to go into the 40 and I’m going to go right into the string of the golden ratio. Another methodology that we’ve been using over and over and over. And we’re going to tie the cards in the tarot to get the picture. So, you know, I want to digress and say I personally think that the tree of life and the tree of knowledge are one and the same. They are your left and right hemispheres of your brain.

But we have the 40 here. We go into the string of the golden ratio, we plug it in and we find that it’s located at digit 105 and 106 and 105 and 106. When you add those up, what is it equal, ladies and gentlemen? 200 and what? 211. This 105 and 106. 211. I’m just going to come right back up here. It’s a mirror of the 112. So now we have the DNA tied to Genesis 30, verses 6, the raw shell and the 112 and the 112 for the episode of the X Files being digital slaves stuck in a simulation tied to our deoxyribonucleic acid, our DNA.

And then we get the 40 from the very first time these two trees are talked about. And the 40 in the string of the golden ratio is offered up at the 105th and 106th decimal digit. And it, it gives us a 211 total. Say it isn’t so. Of course, that’s how this code works. But when we continue to move into more layers, we can see how all these things start to really come into Play. And the 40, remember, it’s tied to the tree of life and tree of knowledge, both of these doing the theo numerology. Well, it’s the ace of spades.

And this is the picture I have on is the brain. Why? Well, because Westworld, that show on HBO which talks about being mind controlled, is 40. That’s why I have this, the mind there. The aces are the beginning and the spade is I am the spirituality becoming a human being all the way down to the bottom of the barrel. The aces are. And this converts into the 51st card in the tarot called the ace of swords. And this, you, I have the keywords here. New ideas, two sides, green light with the mind, not your heart. Right.

Mental sharpness. This is all tied to the, the implant in your brain, the tree of life and tree of knowledge. And you know, like what can that sword be A tree. You know, the reason why I have two sides here is because this blade has two sides to it. You see that line down the middle? It’s indicating the sword has two sides to it. It’s Kong. It’s. It’s got two sides to it, folks. The Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge right there. You. You can’t miss it. This is how you have to have. This is the eyes to see this when.

When we have these pictures and these things that are connected. This is how this code talks to us, through people. Yeah, we create things. But man, the mind of mankind is not our own, Right? The mind of mankind is not around that. We take the 40. Remember the tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge. And we have the element zirconium. And zirconium has the scarab beetle on there. And that means death and regeneration. And that’s what the Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge is all about. Death and regeneration. Remember the decode that I put out on Indoctrination, which has the indoctrinaire was the word 40.

Indoctrination comes from a Latin word called indoctrinaire, which is. Got a numerology of 40, right? Indoctrination. To keep you a slave of the simulation. So we bring some mainstream into this and the remake of Tron Legacy, this classic movie with Jeff Bridges. And Jeff Bridges in this scene, talking to his son. His son comes down to save him. He’s stuck in this digital. He’s stuck inside this computer, right? Kevin Flynn, he figures out how to go inside the computer. He creates a mirror of himself, which is called Clue. And Clue ends up going rogue. And they become enemies.

Well, the sun figures out how to get in the game, how to get into this. The system goes and finds his dad after 20 years. And. And his name is Sam, of course, Sam Il. It’s so ridiculous, the coding on this. But Jeff Bridges says it’s his game. Now, that’s Clue. The only way to win is not to play. That’s what he said. The only way to win is not to play. So, you know, the question is, are the people that are writing these shows, are they sitting down coding their scripts before they finalize the screenplay? I just don’t buy that.

Now, if a computer wrote the screenplay, well, that may be a different story. But the only way to win is not to play 1 05. Remember what. That 105 was right there. The only way to win is not to play being. Mind controls. Okay, do we. Is this indicating that we have the choice to not play. Well, that’s what this is saying here. But maybe the choice was already written in your screenplay not to play. There’s that factor. But we, we connect this to chemistry to get another deeper clue for this fallen decoded. And now we get into this asteroid called.

Called palace or palladium. Palladium has 46 protons and one of its isotopes is 105 in the. And the palladium is again an asteroid. A piece of a planet. Okay, A piece of a planet. And here is the tarot card to get the picture to match to the protons. It’s the ten of cups. And you know, think about what I’m showing you here. You know, in this movie, Kevin Flynn is. He’s living way away from town and he’s not, it seems like he’s not doing this dance. He’s not doing this right? Like, oh, everything’s groovy and funky and great.

Everything’s beautiful. La la la la. He’s not, he’s. And this card that has the rainbow bridges, the 10 of cups, the co. Partner to this card is the five of spades, which is the card of. I will spit you out of my mouth. The 10 of cups card 46 the not to play. You throw your sword down, right? You throw your sword down. So there’s. This is where we bring in the asteroids here and there. These are minor planets, right? Because like even Pluto, which was a planet but then they downgraded it to a minor planet.

But palace is the third largest asteroid in the solar system, the other being Ceres Investa. But. And we’re going to get into series. But palace being an asteroid, it was discovered on 28th March. Palace. Right. So here is the discovery date. Using Stellarium, the most accurate map of the stars I feel. And what do we have in the sign of Virgo? Now I, I want to postulate that what if these asteroids are the as above and they are the sons and of God, meaning that the asteroids are smaller than the actual celestials that they came from.

Maybe, but that’s what this is saying right here is that the, the Palladium is tied to not playing the game. 46 is the Rainbow bridge. You know, wanting to take wives for themselves, having children. It’s all on the card right here. And the fall of, of the sons of God, it’s all right there. Taking wives of them, having children. It’s right there on the card. And it’s a 10 and 10 is the binary system. Okay? You just got to go as deep as you can with this stuff. So here is the map of the stars, and you can see that not only is palace here during the discovery of it, but Series is as well.

And they are both in the sign of Virgo, the Virgin, the sixth zodiac sign, remember the last day of creation in Judeo Christianity, where the sons and of God were talked about, is day number six. God created day number six and rested on the seventh day. Well, Virgo is sign number six, and that’s carbon. So could it be that energy? There are spirits from these asteroids are there, like, lose their livability on these asteroids? And obviously I’m theorizing here, but what are the odds that Series and Palace were literally conjunct, meaning next to one another in the sign of Virgo during the discovery of Palace? And palace is tied to palladium, and palladium is tied to.

The only way to win is not to play. Right, and, and what does this mean? Remember, ladies and gentlemen, you know, when you want to have an offspring, you’re using Virgo energy because in your zodiac wheel, Virgo is the sixth sign. And six is your legacy and masterpiece. And those of you that have family, it’s linked, right to number six. House number six is tied to your family and your health and your legacy and your masterpiece. So is this alluding to the fact that we are the fallen, we are part of that DNA. And the only way to win is not to play, which means not creating offspring, not doing this, because that’s what the fall.

The sons of God took wives for themselves and they bore children. That’s how they got stuck here through the story. So is that what this clue is saying here? Is that what this is saying right here? Well, let’s continue to find out. I, I went deeper with this palace, right? And I’ve covered palace. You know, it comes from the Greek goddess Athena, which is died to Zeus. But you can see I have it circled here. The old astronomical symbol of palace was this diamond over the cross, Lucy in the sky with diamonds. And there’s also the spade here.

And I’m gonna show you the spade in just a little bit. But it’s also tied to the triangle. And the triangle is the alchemical symbol for sulfur. And sulfur is 16, and 16 is tied to hell, the triangle, Right? So this is here it is right here. And this is for series, and this is palace. And they both have the crosses underneath, meaning matter. The cross is matter. That’s why you’re never going to see me wear a cross or pledge to one because it Just means, yeah, I’d like to reincarnate and become matter again. No, thank you.

Let’s do it. Which I. I’m not saying that it’s a bad gig because I’m a fan of life, but this is so interesting that there’s a spade here and I’m a spade. And I’m going to be showing you how big the spade is here. Okay. How big it is. So let’s get into the second topic now titled Romeo. Okay. Why Romeo, Romeo, Romeo, where art thou? It’s the women calling to the men, you know, the sons of God looking down into the matrix, seeing the daughters of men, seeing that they were beautiful. And then they went and they fell down.

They went down into the hole and they got to make wives of them and, and mate with them and, and have babies. And do this right here. This is the nephew. This is the fallen angel story in a nutshell. The X is the binary 10. The cups is love. The man and woman are right there. The sons of God taking their wives and then bearing children. It’s right there on the card. You can’t miss it. You cannot miss it with this. So easy to see it. Okay, and this is where the Romeo comes in, the romance.

Romeo. Oh, Romeo. Okay, and this.140 being tied to cerium. Ceres, asteroid. So the question is, are the minor planets the sons of God? You got the dwarf plants. Pluto, Eris, Ceres Palace. Are these the. Are these just the sons of God in the astrological aspect? Maybe. Maybe? Well, the sons of God taking wives for themselves. The very first time it was mentioned, the theo. Numerology is 140. Matching it up to cerium. Okay. The sons of God. And this is why I postulated this. Obviously theoretical. It’s a question I’m asking, is it possible that that’s the case? Maybe.

All right. Just maybe. So moving forward into this, we get more into the tarot. And now we get into me, Logan, your host here, your tour guide here. And I say that, ladies and gentlemen, because I’m the lucky one to. To have my birth card tied right to the sons of God. My card is the eight of spades, which is the eight of swords. The eight of swords in the tarot is the trapped and Limited card. Okay? And it’s card number 58, which matches the protons of cerium. Cerium isotope is 140, which is the theo. Numerology of Genesis, 6 verses 2.

So I’m the guy to show this to you. I. I have, you know, let’s Talk about the love trap. I’m going to do it again. Talk about celibacy. Is that the way to win this game? Is that the way to get out of the trapped and limited state, not partaking? The way to win is not to play. Because we continue down here, ladies and gentlemen. And you know, all I have to do is do some more methodologies. And one of them is taking the total of 140 for the sons of God, being this eight of swords, because it’s card number 58.

And then just subtracting the total amount of tarot cards in the deck and we get the number 62. So remember the. The Theo numerology for Genesis 6 verses 2. The very first time that mentions the sons of God taking women and marrying them and having children is 140. All these verses, all five chapters, and then the sixth chapter and verses two, 140 tied to Syria. And are they the minor planets? Cerium being one of Ceres is one of the minor planets. Are they the sons of God? Maybe they are. And now they’re trapped down here, spirit into matter.

Well, when you take that 140 from the Theo numerology and you subtract the 78 tarot cards, you get 62, which matches the damn chapter and verse of Genesis where they first mentioned the sons of God taking the daughters. How about that? Okay, it matches this. So that’s how big the 78 is. The number itself, using it as the bridge. But the 62 is what we’re going to continue to move into. And now we get into the tarot and we get this image here. And the 62 is tied to the Knight of Swords, the 62nd card in the tarot.

I go to the tarot here and the 62nd card, there it is, it’s the knight of swords. Okay, this one right here, card 62. And this card right here is tied to the dream. But the knight of swords is tied to the knight of spades. And it’s just. I just laugh because I like look at some of these women’s faces. It’s like AI didn’t do a great job at the faces here. But anyway, I wanted to get the image because that’s what this means right here. You see, the women are. The women are like calling the men with their beauty.

They’re not consciously calling, they’re just, they. They get to be beautiful. And then the sons of God look down upon the women and they see that they’re beautiful. And the 60, the knight of swords right here is the Is the man on. The man’s on his horse, he has his headgear up, but he’s, he’s got his sword up. And it’s. This is, this is the card of revolution change. And this knight of swords comes from the jack of spades. And that’s why the title of this topic is Romeo, you see, because the sons of God become the jack of spades, which create a revolution.

They’re part of the dream. It’s the Romeo, the handsome Romeo that come down and they take wives for themselves. And it’s this Knight of Swords, this 62, which converts into the jack of spades. And the jack of spades is card number 50. And we just chase that number and there we go, we land in alchemy and look at what number we get now it’s very clear. The sons of God, we started with that, we end with the number 50 in alchemy, the jack of spades. And now it’s tin. And ladies and gentlemen, what is, what is a night wear? Armor.

What is the armor made of? Right? It’s the tin man right here. You can’t miss this. All found from chasing the numbers. The jack of spades being card number 50. And this card number 50 is tied to card number 62. And that’s how we got started with all this. Because 140 being the Theo numerology of the sons of God wanting to take wives for themselves down in the Matrix, ends up becoming the 62. You see how all this is connected? It’s so magical. It’s so very magical. And now you see what is the Tin man, it’s looking for his heart.

So what is this alluding to? Well, the sons of God, they were spirit, right? And they wanted to go play the game. They wanted to go down into the Matrix to feel what it feels like to have sex. They wanted to go feel romance. They wanted to go feel love. That’s what the Tin man and the wizard of Oz was talking about, looking for love. That’s why I have the yellow brick road here, you see. And the women of course are looking for the knight in shining armor. You women are looking. If you’re single, you’re programmed, your DNA, your little devil is programmed to have a knight in shining armor come riding into your living room and carry you off.

Now there are going to be some of you that there are exceptions to that. I’m just going on averages and I’m having fun with this story, so just don’t take it so literal. But if a handsome guy Comes riding in on a horse and he’s that Jack of spades. Well, that’s how babies get made. Because you then have lust, you have sex, and then you fall in love and the rest is history. The Tin man finalizes its journey of looking for its heart. And that’s where the sons of God and theology is tied right into the wizard of Oz and chemistry for the win here.

The bridge along with the cards and the Tarot, etc, etc, and we covered this in Life is but a dream. This, this decode right here. So the question is the sons of God and going down into the Matrix, is it, is it just a dream? Are we just in a dream? Because this man Right here, Mr. Light Rope, Row, row, row your boat Gently down a stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. Life is but a dream. And that’s tied to the Jack of Spades, just tied to the Knight of Swords. His name is tied to the Knight of Swords, the guy who wrote it.

So we just all. A fantasy. Life is just a fantasy. It’s not real. We take it so seriously, but it ain’t real. It’s just not real. So this was a big decode and there’s a lot of merit to this, to this whole story. So we continue on with the Romeo and the sons of God and this is where it gets interesting, right? Because we have the sons of God wanting to mate with the women. Going down into the Matrix, you could see that the words in Hebrew for sons of God matches the 72 angels and demons, the yin yang.

The 72. 72 plus 72 is 144. Okay? For every angel, there’s an opposite demon for that in the Shem. If you’ve ever studied this, 72 and 72, good versus evil, the tree of knowledge. Okay, how about that? The sons of God folks, right there, they saw the daughters and they went down into the matrix. Well, they now become fallen ones, they become watchers, etc. Etc. Now when you do the sons of God in the Chaldean, we get another connection to my birth card, right? I told you that I’m directly connected to this sons, these, this story.

You can see that Sons of God’s sons is 18. Remember what 18 was? Adam, Dan, which is DNA. Those are all 18 in Hebrew numerology. Well, the fullness numerology is the 47, which is the 8 of spades. It’s my birth card, the 8 of swords. Trapped and limited. Down here in the Matrix, when they came down to take wives for themselves. And when you become A son of God. In the Matrix, you are part of a scripted reality. You are now trapped and limited. The 47th card. 8. And the 8 is the prison. The infinity symbol.

The infinity equals 26. Prison equals 26. Planet equals 26. Yode equals 26. Adam and Eve equal 26. Okay, and this element to bridge the gap. 47. 47. It’s silver. You know, remember that in where’s area 51, which is where Rochelle, Nevada is, Perhaps the underground aliens and where our DNA got first made from. It’s in Nevada. And Nevada is known as the Silver State. I’m telling you, ladies and gentlemen, all this is connected. You just got to have all the memorizations of it. Silver has that 108, which is half of the 108 plus 108 is 216.

That’s the divine triangle. 216 plus 216 is 432. 432 hertz is a big hertz frequency. But Silver, why is this so big right here? Because it means that you’re on the silver screen. You’re inside of a movie. How did we get in the movie? Well, through the story of the fallen, spirit came into matter. But this is what life’s all about. You know, again, I. I’ve said this so many times when I was younger, I just never thought of like, yeah, why am I chasing women? Why do I want to get married? Why do I want to have a family? Without ever giving it any thought, without ever questioning it.

It’s programmed in our DNA to go chase somebody, settle down, have a family, buy a house, get a dog, have children, whatever. Without giving it any conscious thought, we’re in a movie. But now we’re waking up and realizing, well, hey, wait a minute. And this is what it means to decode. And you can see the code behind it. See, this means you’re on. That’s why in Hollywood it’s called the silver screen. You’re on it. We are inside of a movie, a game. We’re being controlled. Spirit into matter. Scripted reality. Right? My birth card is the 47th card in the deck.

Right there. That’s my birth card. That’s why I was the person to be. Not. I’m not the only one, but I was one of the people to show you this stuff. It’s not me doing it. I don’t take any credit for this stuff. This is what my code called for, to show you this kind of stuff. So let’s get into the final topic. The fourth and no, actually we have fallen still left. So let’s get into the women. Third, third topic, women, right? Because this is what it’s all about, getting on the silver screen there with the sons of God chasing the women, right? Going down into the hole, going down into the matrix, going down into a fractal, chasing the women.

Well, when you go to this scripture in Genesis 6, verses 2, which talks about the sons of God taking the daughters of men, they were beautiful and they took for themselves wives. This word right here, Nasim, is actually women, okay? The conversion of it. But it’s women. And it’s. So when you look at this, this word in Hebrew, it starts with the letter noon, right? And that’s the 14th letter. And that if you study the etymology of it, it’s the serpent, the snake, okay? Adam saying, okay, Eve, I’ll eat the apple, sure, no problem. That’s why the.

The woman offered the apple to Adam and already, already ate it. It’s tight. 14 is tied to time. Noon is the serpent. And it ends with mem, which is one of the three mother letters. It has the other mother letter in here called Shin Shin. It also has the yod in there as well. But here is the connecting point. We’re talking about the fallen ones now. And the fallen took wives for themselves. Women. There it is. Nasim or Naseem Noon, Shin Yoda, Mem, Okay, Those four. It means women. And when you go down and become a human being from spiritual realm, you will become trapped in the prison.

The aid of spade. Spade is the I am spade suit is I am. It’s your spirituality. It’s what it means to be matter. The spade suit, it’s your physicality as a human being. The infinity symbol is the 8 stuck inside the prison because you decided you wanted to come down and play the game of life. The women, okay? And I had this drawn up so you could see, folks, this is what I’m telling you, is that this reality, it’s a lot of fun. It’s amazing. It’s beautiful. I’m not going to tell any one of you to stop being a human being.

I will never tell you how to live your life. I’m merely here to present you the code and how we got here, the possibilities of how we got here. Well, the story goes that man, Adam was the first human being. And then Eve came along. And Eve is the one who sinned first. So the women are the ones that sin first. And that doesn’t mean anything. So don’t. I’m not saying this In a negative way for you women, I’m not selecting and picking you out. I’m just merely giving you a regurgitation of the story that’s being told.

And this is all about the fallen. And the fallen are all about looking at the beautiful women and wanting to go make wives for them. And when they did that, they got trapped and now they can’t get out. Now, this may be true. There may be. I mean, if you go study the book of Enoch and you study the book of Jubilees, it’ll tell you, right, in those books that the fallen, the deceased, their spirits still here, and they’re the ones to tempt human beings. Now, I’m not saying that’s absolutely true, but I am saying that it’s written in the story, in the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilees, which is not even included in the Bible.

The Latin Vulgate, the, the Protestant Bible, which has 66 books. It’s not included in those. But that doesn’t mean that it’s not true. But this is what this story leads to, folks, is that this women means prison, right? And all of you ladies, all of you ladies have all the power. You easily have all the power to, to get a man to do what you want him to do. And I’m not being like an about this. I’m not saying that you’re going to do this on purpose when it’s a mutual thing. It’s a beautiful thing. I get that.

But I’m saying is that women have the power to be able to seduce men. And that’s. This is why I feel that in the Old Testament, Eve is the one who seduced Adam after she got tricked by the serpent. And this is where you get the fallen angel story. And now the, the spirits get trapped here because they made the decision to come down and play the game with the story here, the women, right? So it gets really interesting from here, folks, that we go back to the Old Testament. We go back to the very first scripture, Genesis 3, verses 2, where the woman talks to the serpent for the first time.

And we do the Theo. Numerology of that. And it’s 58. And the woman said unto the serpent, and the woman said unto the serpent. 58 is the numerology of woman. And this has got 58 total verses. When you add up chapter one, chapter, chapter one and all its verses, 31, chapter two and all its verses, and then you add the two, you’re going to get 58. Chapter two has got 25 verses. It’s 58 total verses. And there’s the woman. Not by accident. This is how this Bible is coded, okay? That’s how this Bible is coded. And I.

I’m. I’m giving all of you another indicator of my position in this reality. And this is my birthday. This is my map of the stars. I was born on February 4, 1973. And look at what I have right here in the sign of. In between Ophiuchus and Scorpio series, the sons of God, right there. Scorpio, sex. Ophiuchus, the serpent bearer. Okay, Here are the verses, by the way. If you do the theo. Numerology of Genesis, three verses two, the woman said unto the serpent. You have 31 plus 25, which is 56. And you add on the two verses of chapter three when you get 58.

58 is the women. Okay, see, this is how this stuff’s all scripted. Okay? That’s how this stuff’s all scripted, ladies and gentlemen. And here is the symbol for series. It’s got the cross. It’s got the cross of the. The matter. Matter of the cross. And ladies and gentlemen, when you mirror them and you bring them together, you know what that is, right? Right over here. Look right over here to the left. Mirror it and then bring it in. And what symbol is that? That is Venus. The women. And that’s how important Venus. And what is Venus? Love.

Humping Venus is sex. And the sons of God are tied to cerium, which have half of Venus’s symbol. Well, the other half would make it a complete cycle. And now you get Venus here. Now it’s spirit into matter. Okay? Spirit into matter. That’s what this symbol means. And it’s Venus. Okay, so the discovery date of Ceres, another dwarf planet again, are these the sons of God? This was discovered on January 1, which is the king of spades card. And it was discovered by Giuseppe Piazzi. And you know, he’s got. My last name is paella. It starts with pie.

He’s got the pazzi right there. Okay, here’s the found. This is the discovery date of series, right? The discovery date of series, January 1, 1801. And look at where series is. It’s in Taurus. And who is the ruler of Taurus? Venus. Venus is the ruler of Taurus. The Taurus field, the infinity symbol, the diabolo. This is the devil card, folks, in the. In the tour, in the tarot. The devil card is a Taurean card, not a Capricorn card. Taurus and Ceres was discovered when it was inside the sign of Taurus. Taurus is ruled by Venus. I go right back up here.

And cerium. Ceres is one half of the Venus symbol. How about that? Is this a mere coincidence? Absolutely not. See, this is the sons of God. And they want to mate with the women. 58 is the protons of cerium. In order to do that, you have to complete yourself by becoming Venus energy. And the Venus energy is right there in Taurus. Right there. I mean, look at this time stamp I just caught. I didn’t do this. This was. This slide was created. I don’t have the date for it, but look at that. 112. Come on. 35 assimilation, folks.

I’m being used to show you this. This is a snapshot of Stellarium. I am being used to show you all of this. This is a humdinger extraordinaire. Okay? The sons of God wanting to take wives for themselves. Venus love beautiful women. Women right on the protons of Syria. You can’t miss it. So easy to see this. So we’re getting down to the tail end of this. Here’s the guy who discovered Ceres, Giuseppe Piazza. Notice his Last name is A25, which is tied to the word fallen. The word fallen is 25, of course. So either somebody’s trying to pull the woolie over your eyes, putting this man on Wikipedia, on all the other websites he’s on, giving this man the credit for discovering series and doing it.

Because somebody knows that fallen equals 25, which I think is absolutely ridiculous. I mean, his Total numerology is 64. 64 is tied to the total amount of codons in our DNA. The tribe of Dan. The fallen angel story. Right? Forget about being. He’s a Catholic priest. Who gives a about that? Okay. Doesn’t matter. Fallen, the fallen ones. And this is where I’m gonna end this. I have like three or four more slides left. This one is off of my theological matrix decoded, which is kind of the co partner of this decode. The fallen. Exodus 13, verses 12.

What? This is when it talks about opening the matrix. Anybody that opens up the matrix becomes property of the Lord. 13 and 12 is what? 25. The fallen ones, they become property of the Lord. And they be. They took wives for themselves because they lusted after them. Every one of you have used lust in your life. When you see somebody, well, that person’s good looking, that is lust. Oh my God, that person’s be so beautiful, so hot. Lust that comes first. Then love comes. Lust, desire. The desire to play the game. See, this is card number 25 in the tarot.

And this is the game MasterCard in the Alice in Borderland on Netflix. The three of wands is the three of clubs. Card number 16. 16 is tied to the word hell. It’s tied to sulfur. Remember, it’s tied to palace, the symbol of palace, if you remember the triangle with the cross below it. Okay, Falling down into sulfur, fire and brimstone, you will positively die. You’ll face death. And then I put this here because I used to play a lot of video games. And the quarter has so much to do with this reality. You want to play again, you slide the quarter through the womb.

This is the. The Matrix right there, the womb. You open up the Matrix every time you slide the quarter in the machine. And the machine says, okay, you have enough. You have three more. Three more plays or however many characters you get. And it wants to go on an adventure. Going into the Matrix, going through the Matrix, the fallen ones. So even this right here, insert coin to play right there on so many of these video games that I played in arcades. And you have the 60 and 60’s tied to the head of the snake. Head of the snake is 60.

Well, this is the head of the snake of a video game, because you can’t play the video game unless you slide a quad quarter in the. In the Matrix, the womb. This is the vagina right here of the video game. The quarter goes in that slot, activates the game, and now you’re off to the races with this adventure. Okay? The desire to play the game, the lust. The lust is 16. The coin represents the 16. And camera is 16. Lights, camera, action, cameras. The coin to make the game turn on. Okay, we have quarter being 21.

21 is love. These two right here, love and lust, they go hand in hand. If you are married, you got married, and a part of your marriage was lust. Every single one of you. There is no exception to that, by the way. There’s no avoiding the fact that there’s lust and desire, and then you fall in love after that. That’s how all this stuff works. We’re wired that way, programmed that way, as above. So below you can see the 21st card in the tarot, the last card in the major arcana, the world card going down through the hole.

And now you become someone who goes on this adventure, the three of wands. And you now have the desire, the lust, to play the game, to slide the quarter into the machine again and again and again. And the last few slides here we see $0.25 is 65, the 65th card in the tarot. There’s the quarter right on the car. It’s the Ace of Pentacles. This card represents the quarter. It represents the 25 cent piece in theology, in religion. It’s going to be the Eucharist in the church. They’re going to offer you this Eucharist right here. To play again, you want to be born again, you got to eat the body of Christ.

You want to play again, you can eat the body of Christ. You want to play again, you got to stick another quarter into the machine. You got to slide it into the matrix to open it up, and then you’ll become property of the Lord. Eat the body of the Christ, you’d be popping property of the Lord. That’s the basis of religion. This. This means the gift of life. Okay, so here’s kind of the lineup. You know, 25 cents being the 65, this becomes the quarter. The quarter gets slid into the slot and you go on this adventure.

And, you know, this is where you have the sons of God, you know, taking wives, having lust and desire. And when you get down into this reality, you fall in love with it. This is why Elvis says, I’m caught. We’re caught in a trap. I can’t get out because I love you too much, baby. I love you too much, baby. Quarter. I love you too much. I’m gonna put another quarter into the womb, into the vagina, to play again because I love this game too much. I love it. Okay, so there you go, ladies and gentlemen, Fallen Decoded.

I know this is going to be some of you. It’s going to be one of your favorite decodes. A lot of information went into this one. It took me a lot of time to create this one. So I hope you enjoyed it and would love to hear what you saw. So drop your comment down there and let me know what you thought. Maybe you saw something differently. And I just want to be clear that, you know, I’m not here to hurt anybody’s feelings. I’m not being a chauvinist. I’m not saying I’m not trying to make fun of anybody.

I’m just being raw and candid. And once again, I am not in control of telling you all this stuff. I’m being used to tell you this stuff. All right? So whatever you do with the information, it’s completely up to you. All right? But anyway, love to hear what you saw, but that’s all I got for today. My name is Logan for Decoder Reality. Until next time we will see you.

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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