They’ve even made statements that they’re going to restore Ukraine’s ability to have nuclear weapons. Well, they never had them to begin with. So there’s a lot of craziness going on right now, not just out of the Biden regime and the Biden administration trying to kick up World War III. This goes beyond that. This goes into NATO, all the people involved with that, all the generals, all the military. It looks like a huge military move is going to be made very soon. They’re telegraphing it openly. Russia is commenting on this. And as Erik Prince just stated, when it comes to this new hypersonic missile that does Mach 9 that they just dropped in Ukraine, Russia did, the United States has no way to stop it.
They have nothing out here on the table, on the world stage that’s known they can stop it. And until they can’t stop one and show proof of it, they’re saying that they’re unstoppable at this point, the hypersonic missiles. And people can argue and say, oh, we got this and we got that. Well, you’re living in a fantasy because these are people that don’t care about us. They may have huge badass weapons, but they’re not going to use them to defend us. It’s all about mauling the people all across the globe. Can’t you see? And they’re going to continue to do that.
We have no iron dome in the United States. We ain’t stopping no hypersonic anything if they start dropping them on this country. And Americans, they’re just going to sleep on it until it’s too late, I feel. Once we get hit, it’s too late. And that can happen at any time. So we’ve got a lot of signs out there that they’re about to strike Russia preemptively. And man, if they do something like that, Russia can strike anywhere at any time. And just think about it. What if Russia was set up down at the border of Mexico and they’re using foreign troops and weaponry to shoot into America? Would we tolerate it? So, hey, coming to a border near you if you don’t watch it.
Trump’s about to turn our border into a full fledged war front. So who’s to say that that doesn’t happen? Things escalate from here. I’m telling you, man, big moves. I’m convinced we’re already in World War III. But again, the Americans ain’t going to see it until we’re hit. And then it’s going to be too late. I hope you guys got a plan. I hope you’re ready. And going into winter, it would be a bad time to be left in the dark in the freezing cold. So have a plan. Join me on the live streams Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9 p.m.
Eastern. I’m talking about this in greater detail. This and a whole lot more. Hope to see you guys there. Much love. [tr:trw].