Who Is Pazuzu Algarad & What Is He Known For?

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Who Is Pazuzu Algarad & What Is He Known For? By Tommy Truthful 12/3/24 

Meet the accused suburban Satanist who allegedly sacrificed animals, boasted about cannibalism, and killed himself while awaiting trial for murder. On October 28, 2015, prison guards reportedly discovered self-proclaimed “Satanist” and accused murderer Pazuzu Illah Algarad dead in his cell. Algarad was reportedly found bleeding from a deep wound on one of his arms. He’d been scheduled to appear in court the next day. He was 36. 666 is the 36 triangular number Pazuzu=666! 


Pazuzu Algarad

Mug shot of Pazuzu Algarad [Forsyth County Police Department]The mainstream media said that he killed himself. He was in a cell all by himself, but the theory behind it is that he asked the prison guards if he could get a small animal to do a ritualistic sacrifice to Pazuzu. He seemed very distressed and scared and mentioned that if he did not do this, Pazuzu would come for him. He was totally obsessed with this Mesopotamian king of the demons that is some type of reptilian demon god. Of course, the guards told him, “Are you nuts? Absolutely not,” and later that night that’s when he was found dead with scratches all over his body and deep wounds bleeding out. Did Pazuzu come for him?

Algarad’s “apparent suicide” may have been the end for him, but for the public, fascination over reports about his alleged involvement in bizarre sex practices, heavy narcotics, and violent occult rituals was just beginning.

Even the dead man’s name generated morbid interest. He reportedly had it legally changed from John Lawson to Pazuzu Algarad in tribute to “the Assyrian king of demons” mentioned in the movie The Exorcist.

On top of that, Algarad was heavily tattooed with Satanic-like imagery and had filed his teeth into spikes.

Specific claims about Algarad’s alleged behaviors included, as the Daily Beast reported, “cutting himself and his buddies, drinking the blood of birds, doing copious drugs, performing ritual sacrifices of rabbits, staging nude orgies, and letting people do whatever they pleased to his abode.” Police alleged Algarad’s libertine lifestyle included murder, as well.

On October 5, 2014 — almost a year to the day before he died — authorities arrested Algarad and his then-24-year-old girlfriend, Amber Burch. The handcuffs came out after officers reportedly discovered skeletal remains buried in the couple’s backyard in Clemmons, North Carolina.

Pazuzu Algarad
Mug shot of Amber Burch [Forsyth County Police Department]
Deputies with the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office said the remains were those of Tommy Welch, 31, and Joshua Wetzler, 32. The two men had been missing since 2009.

According to arrest warrants, Algarad allegedly shot Wetzler to death in July 2009, and Burch helped him bury the body. The warrants further claim Burch fatally shot Welch in October 2009, and Algarad helped her dispose of his body.

An alleged friend of the couple, Krystal Matlock, 28, was charged with accessory after the fact to first-degree murder. The warrants allege she helped Burch bury Wetzler. After taking Algarad and Burch into custody, authorities released a video allegedly shot inside the couple’s home, prompting media reports to dub it a “house of horrors.”


The nine-and-a-half-minute clip depicts a filth-encased, garbage-strewn, “uninhabitable” residence where the words “Evil Will Triumph” appear spray-painted over a doorway amid other Satanic-looking graffiti.

An accompanying report, filed by Code Officer Ken Nelson of the Forsyth County Housing and Community Development Department, describes the house as containing “broken glass and sharp instruments everywhere … hundreds of flies, dead and alive … decayed animal parts and remains,” and “animal cages with carcasses.” The report also notes a “dried blood-like substance” on walls.

Well before being arrested in 2014, police said Algarad had a rap sheet. In 2010, he was charged with accessory after the fact for allowing the assailant in a shooting death of a man named Joseph Chandler to stay at the house.

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In that case, authorities accused Algarad of misdirecting investigators and allowing the suspect to hide out in his home. Psychiatrists who interviewed Algarad at the time reported, “He admitted that he bathed no more than once a year and had not brushed his teeth in years. He felt such actions stripped … the body of its defenses in warding off infection and illness.”

State records indicate Algarad was released on probation following that case.

In a 2014 interview with the HuffPost, a woman named Bianca Heath said she stayed at Algarad’s home for a month in 2005. Heath claimed Algarad spoke proudly to her about killing and eating two prostitutes, after which he allegedly claimed he burned their bodies and buried their remains.

Heath stated in the interview: “Paz told everyone. But I never believed him. I’m sure no one else believed him either. He laughed about the skeletal remains when telling the story on why he did what he did … I never once saw the skeleton bodies. I honestly thought he was lying; now I’m not sure what to believe.”

Speaking to the Winston-Salem Journal in 2014, an unnamed female friend of Burch’s claimed she heard Algarad boast of killing sex workers. She said he claimed to get a drug-like rush from eating the “still-beating heart” of a sacrificial animal.

The anonymous friend also claimed Algarad remained naked during the duration of her visit and acted in a manner she interpreted as “very sexual, very provocative.”

The friend further described feces being piled up all over Algarad’s home and said, “I’m pretty sure I witnessed him peeing in the corner.”

In April 2015, Algarad’s “house of horrors” was reportedly demolished while neighbors cheered.

On March 9, 2017, Amber Burch pleaded guilty to second-degree murder, armed robbery, and accessory after the fact to murder. She received a sentence of up to a minimum of 30 years and eight months in prison with a maximum of 39 years and two months.

Mug Shot Of Krystal Matlock [Forsyth County Police Department]

Five weeks later, on June 5, Krystal Matlock pleaded guilty to conspiracy to accessory after the fact to first-degree murder. She was ordered to serve a minimum of three years and two months with a maximum of four years and 10 months.

If you go back and look at Jeffrey Dahmer’s case, every time he was killing the victims, he would watch The Exorcist. This reptilian demon god Pazuzu was in the film The Exorcist. There were rumors that Jeffrey Dahmer was involved in some type of satanic cult, but that got hushed up by the mainstream media because it most likely was true and probably involved many high-level people in society. That’s why he went so long without being caught.

I mean, this guy had many bodies in his home. The neighbor called constantly, saying that he was over there killing people. This old Black lady that lived next door to him could smell the decaying bodies coming from out of his home, but nothing was ever done.

It is sad that these reptilian entities give the ones who worship them powers and wealth. This has been going on since ancient times. Back in Carthage, they openly sacrificed children just like the Phoenicians—it was part of their actual religion. This is still going on today.

These elites actually had artwork from the cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer in their home, like Podesta. Why would they have this type of artwork unless they were into this type of activity? You see how when Pazuzu was eating the still-beating animal hearts, it gave him a rush? That’s due to the adrenalized blood. This is why they torture the victims before the sacrifice—because it releases a chemical that is very addictive, psychoactive, and literally halts aging. It stops the telomeres in the DNA from withering, which slows down the aging process and regenerates the person.

This adrenalized blood, this chemical that’s being released, is called adrenochrome.

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While the elites are harvesting this substance, these interdimensional reptilian demons are feeding on the LOOSH energy that is being released from the victims—their energetic life force.

This was represented in the Stephen King film Doctor Sleep by the True Knot, the vampiric nomads that could extend their lives by torturing and killing the youth. As they were dying, they would release what was called “the steam,” and these vampiric entities would suck the steam in through their mouths, rejuvenating themselves. That was a representation of this type of energy.


They show us the truth in films because it’s universal law. They believe that if they tell us what they’re doing and we do nothing about it, allowing it to happen, it actually frees them karmically. Not only that, it’s a form of magick known as “lesser magick,” also called “revelation of the method” or “predictive programming.”

They worship this Reptilian Demon!

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Pazuzu=666 (Sumerian),

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Sorceries=666, Mark of the Beast=666, Image of Satan=666,

Dark Matter=666, CERN Is harvesting this Dark Matter from the Upside Down. PizzaGate=666, They were involved in Ritualistic Child Murder, This Reptilian Demon Feeds on the Lower Vibrational Loosh Energy!

He appears when his home girl, Lamashtu, actively seeks out children she can devour. Lamashtu’s father was the sky god Anu.


She bore seven names and was described as seven witches in incantations. Her evil deeds included (but were not limited to): slaying children, unborns, and neonates; causing harm to mothers and expectant mothers; eating men and drinking their blood; disturbing sleep; bringing nightmares; killing foliage; infesting rivers and lakes; and being a bringer of disease, sickness, and death.

Pazuzu, a god or demon, was invoked to protect birthing mothers and infants against Lamashtu’s malevolence, usually on amulets and statues. Although Pazuzu was said to be a bringer of famine and drought, he was also invoked against evil for protection, and against plague. He was primarily and popularly invoked against his fierce, malicious rival Lamashtu.

The Moth Man

When Mothman appeared in West Virginia in 1966, that was also the same year the Church of Satan was founded in San Francisco, and the church of satan worshiped these reptilian demons. Most people are unaware that there was an ancient Mesopotamian demon that looked precisely like Mothman; its name was Pazuzu.

Those unfamiliar with Mesopotamian

demonology may remember seeing this entity as a stone idol found by the character

Father Merrin in the movie “The Exorcist,” which was released December 26, 1973, long after the tragedy at the Silver Bridge and the reports of a winged figure that terrorized the residents of Point Pleasant, West Virginia.


The Mothman was first reported in 1966, specifically on November 15, 1966, in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Two young couples claimed to have seen a large creature with glowing red eyes and wings near an area known as the “TNT Area,” a former World War II munitions site. This marked the beginning of a series of sightings that lasted until the collapse of the Silver Bridge on December 15, 1967.

It’s fascinating from the first sighting of the moth man Until the release of the Movie The Exorcist From and, including Tuesday, November 15, 1966

Date -

To, but not including Wednesday, December 26, 1973=371 weeks Collins elite=371 In Latin Gematria. When connecting one date to another, use Latin gematria to decode dates. Now, let me explain who the Collins elite were.

Collins Elite-Latin-371

The Collins Elite is a shadowy group primarily brought to public attention through the work of author Nick Redfern in his book Final Events. According to Redfern, the Collins Elite is a secretive faction within the U.S. government, particularly connected to military intelligence and the CIA. This group reportedly focuses on investigating the connection between UFOs, alien encounters, and demonic phenomena.

Key Beliefs and Objectives:

  1. UFOs as Demonic Manifestations: The Collins Elite purportedly believes that UFOs and alien encounters are not extraterrestrial in origin but are manifestations of interdimensional or demonic entities. They see these beings as deceptive, aiming to mislead humanity and erode spiritual values.
  2. Religious Orientation: This group allegedly operates under a deeply religious framework with a Christian fundamentalist perspective. They interpret UFO sightings, alien abductions, and paranormal phenomena as evidence of a larger spiritual battle between good and evil.
  3. Prevention of Occult Influence: They fear that contact with UFOs or aliens is akin to engaging with the occult, which could open doors to spiritual corruption or possession. Their mission involves preventing such influences from spreading in society.
  4. Influence on Policy: Collins Elite is said to have advocated for steering government policies to address UFOs through a spiritual lens rather than purely technological or scientific means.

Origins and Secrecy:

  • The group is believed to have emerged in the mid-20th century, possibly as a reaction to the surge in UFO sightings and the perceived spiritual implications of the modern UFO phenomenon.

So you see, it was exactly 371 weeks from the first sighting of the Mothman until the release of The Exorcist—the Movie that featured this demon Pazuzu—which is very significant because that number is tied to the Collins Elite. The Collins Elite is a secretive Christian organization within the government that warned against making pacts with extraterrestrials, believing them to be demonic, which I agree with.

The Mothman and Pazuzu are the same entity—a demonic, reptilian, and interdimensional being. This is why it can disappear instantly. The elites that run this world have been making pacts and deals with these entities since as far back as Mesopotamia, where this demon king originated.

Mothman = 30 in Chaldean Gematria, matching They Live = 30 and Reptilian = 30 in Chaldean Gematria. The movie They Live was a cult classic featuring Roddy Piper. When he put on sunglasses, he could see that the elites running the world were some type of reptilian alien.

In “The Exorcist,” the demonic Image of Pazuzu is depicted as a statue discovered at a geological dig site in Iraq. In several scenes, Pazuzu unleashes his spirit upon a young girl and showcases a “grinning” death face.

Pazuzu, according to Assyrian and Babylonian Mythology, is the king of the demons and

can unleash swarms of locusts, great storms, and drought. Pazuzu is a

demon with reptilian features, a clown-like grin, and large wings.

Although Pazuzu is, himself, an evil spirit, he drives away other evil

spirits and appears to warn humans of coming plagues and misfortunes. According to

ancient writings, Pazuzu arrived in the first Millennium and then disappeared for a

time only to reappear at the turn of a decade, Millennium, or century to warn of a coming


Interestingly, Walt Disney died on the day of the Mothman sighting.

November 15, 1966: This is the date of the first reported Mothman sighting in Point Pleasant, West Virginia.

December 15, 1966: Walt Disney passed away.

December 15, 1967: The Silver Bridge tragically collapsed, killing 46 people. It is also interesting to note that all these events took place on the fifteenth, and CERN equals 15 in Chaldean Gematria, which is opening these interdimensional gateways and allowing these entities to enter.

True Mothman Stories U1 E1733256287803 -The Moth Man Sighting

While this may not have significance to the average investigator, it may come as a

surprise to many people that the first real contemporary glimpse of a winged demon-like

Mothman and Pazuzu came from Disney’s film Fantasia in 1940.

Disney’s Film Fantasia In 1940. The Chernabog Appears In The Segment “A Night On Bald Mountain” And Has Been Called Disney’s Best Representation Of Pure Evil. The Huge, Nocturnal, And Winged Demon

The Chernabog appears in the segment “A Night on bald Mountain” and has been

called Disney’s best representation of pure evil. The huge, nocturnal, and winged demon

is based on the god of the night in Slavonic mythology. At Walpurgis Night. Chernabog

emerges from the peak of Mount Triglaf, near Kyiv in southern Russia, to summon all of

his minions; he eventually throws them all into the mountain’s fiery pit.

The Pazuzu winged demon motif was also used in the Movie Jeepers Creepers.


The “creeper” was able to regenerate and, according to the film’s creators, was

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Human at one time. The creeper would feed every 23 years.

Pazuzu wife Lamashtu=23 (full Reduction), Fallen=23, #fallenangels

Alien=23, We Know They Are Truly the Fallen!

In the behind-the-scenes commentary, the producers of the film say that the Jeepers

creepers’ story is loosely based on the Mothman Legends.

The Image of the winged demon continues to endure, and it seems that the meme or the

psychic construct somehow appears in the scene, accompanied by the “grinning man.”

Before the devastating I -35 W bridge collapse in Minneapolis that happened in 2007

there were reports of Mothman sightings all over the area

Mothman in San Antonio as well. I made some connections between the bridge collapse

in Minneapolis and the sighting in San Antonio since the creature was seen near I-35 as

well. There was also a report of an overpass collapsing near where the sighting destroyed at least 11 cement columns. I believe he will return during the next 911-type event, The Golden Gate Bridge Collapse! You see, there was a sighting during the Silver Gate Collapse!

In 2006, a 53-year-old Cherokee Indian named Wohali and his 25-year-old son said they encountered what could only be described as a man-bat. The creature appeared in

front of them on a highway near La Crosse, Wisconsin, and shrieked and shot straight up. The creature’s sound was so intense that both men had to

pull over to the side of the road to throw up. They remained sick for at least a week after

the encounter.

The Man-Bat was an estimated 6-7 feet tall, sported bat-like, leathery wings with a span

of 10-12 feet, long claws on its feet and “hands,” and a snarling expression on its face.

Wohali’s son said that the creature looked similar to the one that was seen in the Movie

Von Helsing.

Since the sightings of the Large Butterfly in Los Angeles,

there have been

all sorts of reports of Earthquake swarms, severe weather conditions, floods, and

mudslides. There was a sighting just before the errant missile was fired off near

Catalina Island.

Grant Lawrence is the only blogger who details the creature’s sighting. He

reports that an eyewitness named Tim saw the “butterfly” in Montrose, California, Los

Angeles County, just north of the Glendale/Burbank area, at 3:00 pm on

October 15, 2010. According to Tim, it was a partly cloudy day, and he saw something

with wings that did not fly like a bird. The wings moved like butterfly wings. Grant

Lawrence said that the last time something like this happened was in 1942, and the

Battle of Los Angeles. This has been one of the most intriguing UFO events in the

History of the United States pre-dating Roswell.

6 months after the 1942 sighting, a 6.6 earthquake struck the reasonably remote area of

Southern California. #666


areas like the Yellowstone Caldera were on alert. There were also great swarms of

earthquakes in the Santa Monica area, creating a concern for a possible big

quake occurring soon.

Is the butterfly sighting in Los Angeles a precursor to Pazuzu’s return? Only time will tell. He returns during these major events to harvest loosh energy from death, destruction, and suffering.

I can’t wait to hear your guys’ thoughts! Please leave your comments below and let me know what you think about this story. Until next time, my fellow truth seekers, remember: reality is a code—I am the glitch that reveals its secrets.

Tommy Truthful

Source of the story.

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