Galactic Jedis Book Tour: Riverside Intimate Highlights

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➡ The speaker, an author, expresses gratitude for his audience’s support and their shared quest for knowledge about the universe and consciousness. He emphasizes that their collective energy impacts the world and that they are all part of a cosmic destiny. He encourages them to continue seeking truth and understanding through his books and their shared discussions, highlighting that their journey, though challenging, is enlightening and transformative.


Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests and fellow travellers on this cosmic journey. It is with immense honor and profound gratitude that I stand before you today. Not just as an author, but as a fellow seeker of truth and wisdom. My books, our cosmic origins, and the secret government and visible architects were written as invitations. Invitations to explore the uncharted territories of our universe and our consciousness. But, as I travel from city to city, state to state, I realize that the true journey is not just in the pages of these books, but in the connections we make along the way.

And that explains the twelve houses of Lyra. They are a part of the experiment, and yes, they are our ancestors. The work that we have all been doing in the creation of this earth, believe it or not, every single one of you is contributing to the positive timeline. Every one of you, thank you for being here, thank you for doing so. So, it is not just really our work that we do, but also the vibrational frequency that we emanate as a collective, as more and more higher dimensional beings come into human avatars. We affect the collective, we affect the gravitational or gas station human resonance of the planet.

I am reminded why I call you my Galactic Jedi’s. You, the audience, come from diverse backgrounds, yet you share a common hunger for knowledge. As I speak, we are already undergoing mutation. That explains a lot of the physical symptoms, the section symptoms. And so, when we begin to activate, to do the solar flash, guess what? We are going to bring peace to the entire multiverse, as we are told by the order of the ancient days. We are her chosen. Connecting with you is connecting the spiritual warriors and star nations worldwide. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

Thank you for your attention. We were the original Anunnaki, and then us. So, we were one of the Anunnaki. We were the final, you could say, masterpiece in this experiment. Because of the amalgamation of genetics that we have, not only were we given the God source gene, but we were also given the opportunity to ascend beyond the 12th deep. Is that you are part of the council 24, elders. You are one of the elders in our universe. Throughout my travels, I have been privileged to hear your stories. Stories of awakening, of challenge, and of profound transformation.

These narratives are not just personal stories, they are the threads that weave our collective cosmic destiny. Well, I mean, there is a relationship. The Cassiopeians are very related to the Pleiades. In fact, the Cassiopeians are the ones that colonized the Pleiades. There we go. Yeah, so that’s how it happened. It is through our collective growth that we find the strength to face the unknown and to question the unexplained. As Galactic Jedis, your enthusiasm for delving deeper into the realms of truth has sparked waves of change that reach far beyond this room. What’s going to be happening is as we undergo multidimensional integration, which is the true meaning of ascension, we are literally going to be anchoring and collapsing that aspect of ourself.

Change in its own form. So, yeah, so basically you and whoever you are, whether you’re an Archangel or one of the seven mighty Elohim, all you’re going to do is merge with that aspect of yourself. Each city I visit, I meet some of you in person, and these interactions are the highlights of my tours. You are not just readers. You are the living, breathing, heartbeats of our global galactic community. Each location I visit adds a layer of understanding and a new perspective to my own journey. Beyond the 12D, we have what is known as the realms of eternity, the spheres of the central universe.

Traveling is not just about moving from place to place. It’s about seeing our daily realities contrasted against the vast background of the universe. This contrast is not meant to diminish our everyday experiences, but to enrich them, giving us a fuller, more holistic grasp of our place within the cosmos. As we look to the future, my heart is full of gratitude, gratitude for your courage, your curiosity, and your unwavering support. The path we walk is not always easy, but it is always enlightening. I invite each of you to continue this journey with me through the pages of my books and the conversations we share.

Completely devoid of a soul connection to God and her most ancient traditions across cultures refer to this transformation, this solar event that is supposed to sound amazing and exhaust the human species. You know, cultures around the world have described this purifying event that will act as a reset. The solar flash represents a powerful transition offering humanity a clean slate for new growth. We can even see it in our own Bible, the Lake of Fire, but I don’t think it’s hell. It’s a planet we’re describing. Yeah, it’s the solar flash, the Lake of Fire. It’s not what the sinners go, by the way.

It’s the solar flash under everything. And even the Latter-day Saint Church, a Mormon, talked about the solar flash. But the way they describe it is that the righteous are going to be exalted, they used the word exalted, which is another terminology described, upgraded into immorals. And the wicked are going to merge when this event takes place. Together, we are not just learning about the cosmos. We are actively shaping our destiny within it. Our DNA is not just physical. Our DNA, in fact, only 2% or 3% of our DNA is physical. The other 97% is etheric.

It’s different. Thank you, guys. Thank you. As this lake of my book tour concludes and another awaits, remember that this is not the end of our connection. It is just a waypoint on our shared expedition. Someone snapped out of his mic and said, wait a minute. Oh my God, we need all back together to make sure that the organic universe is preserved. Otherwise, we’re going to all lose, you know what I mean? But that’s really huge. It is huge, but we’re going to be the man. So they have to first go into the void of the earth and experience the armored cars.

And, you know, the Jetsons have a futuristic society before they are able to tap into their own pure psychology. Anybody else? Be more specific. I mean, the Hadron Collider was used for multiple things. Well, the main thing that they were trying to do with this Hadron Collider is to open up portals so that nasty entities could come in and, you know, wreck more havoc and create more damage here in our realm. They had some hundred and forty-four strengths, or potential to hundred and four strengths, like we do. Like the Anunnaki deal had eleven strengths. Yeah, so they knew that we were greater than them once we reached their core capacity.

So that’s why they downgraded us because they were fearing that they would come. I mean, I mean, in the spiritual pipeline, I would have never heard of it. But in the business, they were probably living from check, check, check, check, check. How can angels attend? I am excited to bring more insights, uncover more truths, and explore more mysteries with you. Let us step forward with the resolve to expand our consciousness further and to serve as beacons of light for the star nations and future generations. Thank you, each and every one of you.

For being part of this incredible adventure. Yes, everything first happens in the subtle realities before they manifest in the gross or material ones, and so it’s already happened in the universe, absolutely. This other reality experience eventually makes a trap so that when you die, you just keep really incarnated back into what it is it is to form. Yes, because our neighbors underneath were actually instruments of our coms, you know, hosts of our cognates, and that’s what’s causing them. That’s so great, that still doesn’t like the ages of them, where they want to be, not our own age.

They pee off of light, just like we are even though they’re dating? Yes. Same age. Great. Do you think that they connected with the least staff in the high? What’s like dinner in school? You are… You come from a right. A right mind. So you were probably the only student of this, this is a relevant set. A relevant set, a right mind-saver. I mean, I’ve been through it all, you’ve been dating, I’ve been attacking left and right, I’m also a senior. I may be a senior. And it’s just the rush. And I used to box.

On that experience, you were five-five judges. You were like, she’s a warrior. I’m a warrior. But your origin is from Sirius. Sirius. S-I-R-I-U-S, Sirius. You’re Sirius. Sirius. Sirius. Sirius. Sirius. The next chapter awaits, and I am thrilled to share it with you, my Galactic Jedis. I just want to thank you so much. So much to learn. You are a library. I mean, memory is one of the gifts that some people have, but it’s amazing. I’m so glad. Let’s bring the cosmos a little closer to home. [tr:trw].


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