GMO GENOICIDE 2024: The Hidden Truth Behind Your Food: Are We the Guinea Pigs?

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➡ The US and Canadian versions of Fruit Loops cereal are quite different. The US version uses food dye for color and contains bio-engineered ingredients, while the Canadian version uses fruit juice for color and doesn’t contain bio-engineered ingredients. The author also notes that many other cereals in the US contain bio-engineered ingredients, which can alter the genetic makeup of the food. The author encourages consumers to be vigilant about what they eat and to avoid bio-engineered foods.



Compare the US versus Canada Fruit Loops cereal. And the differences are wild. I do a lot of US versus Canada comparisons because I as a Canadian used to live and work in the US. But this is by far the most shocking one I’ve done. The first one is that the color is so different. The US one uses food dye where the Canadian one uses fruit juice to color it. And the second being the taste which if you watch the first video you’ll see which one tastes better. But I want to show you some video I took when I went to the US to get Fruit Loops and we looked at the two boxes and the ingredients to compare them.

Take a look at this. Yeah see red 40, yellow 5, blue 1, yellow 6. The Canadian one does not have those in it. Similar. Look. We’ll check the ingredients on that one. Can’t read them. That’s a French one. American over here. Can you speak of American and Canada? Concentration carrot juice for color. Oh yeah look how straight are blueberry juice. Steady leaf extract. That’s actually pretty cool. I bet you ours is nice. Because that’s the sugar alternative. It says red 40, yellow 5, blue 1, yellow 6. Those are the things they get added on.

No here it’s like oh concentrated carrot juice. Watermelon juice. That’s cool. This one at the bottom says contains bio-engineered food ingredients. That’s crazy. Mine just says contains wheats and oats. Yeah that’s not unique. That’s very interesting. It says no artificial flavors or colors right on it on the Canadian one. Doesn’t say that here. Hey guys I’m at the store and I’m looking for cereal right. I’m at the dollar store. So every box I looked at contains bio-engineered ingredients. Especially these healthy ones. Which you know we would think wouldn’t contain it. So all the General Mills products, all the post products, even Kellogg contains bio-engineered.

And most people are not looking at this. You see right there bio-engineered food ingredients. But it’s gluten free though. But it’s genetically modified. Okay and we’re gonna every box you’re feeding this to your kids. And like I said most people ain’t looking. And then Kellogg’s they try to hide theirs real little. See contains bio-engineered food ingredients. It’s supposed to be their healthy brands. I mean it’s crazy. The only ones I didn’t see them on was this box of generic honey nut toasted. And the best cereal guys. The only brand that I get for my kids.

Why buy a lot of organic cereal. But if I have to buy one of these main label ones. The only one I’ll mess with is Quaker. Quaker shout out to them. They are the last ones that do not put the bio-engineered ingredients in their food whatsoever. You know shout out and life pretty good too. All the rest. All Kellogg’s products. All post products. Send it your favorite cinnamon cross touch. Toast crunch I mean. Let’s take a look. Contains bio-engineered. How about Lucky Charms guys? Who grew up on Lucky Charms? Well guess what? They’re bio-engineered.

You know this is how they’re hitting us. Our children. This bio-engineered ingredients. Not only can they splice human DNA with it. So it’s kind of like being a cannibal. They can also add it to where. Like say a green right. They got a green. One of these wheats or corns growing. And they can have that green that is resistant to certain pesticides. Pests. So the plant won’t die from it when they blast them with pesticides. Which this alters the genetic makeup and it has a major effect on your DNA. So not too smart putting that inside of you.

Oh wait a second. What about Fruity Pebbles guys? Did you see them on here? Maybe Fruity Pebbles don’t have them huh? At least I’m not seeing them. Unless they hit them. Which is weird because all post other cereals do have them. But it seems these marshmallow Fruity Pebbles don’t. General Mills. All General Mills does. All Kellogg’s. All General Mills. Post. I guess they have some that don’t have them. Which the Fruity Pebbles. Oh this one’s partially product with bioengineered. I don’t even know what that means. What? So they halfway do it? Even though I don’t want.

I don’t want it as long as there’s no bioengineered. Here’s the post honeycombs. It contains bioengineered. Now here’s post alleged healthy ones. So let’s see what their healthy ones have. Contains bioengineered. It’s very important that we take the time to check out these foods that we’re feeding to our children. Because the majority of these foods in these stores contain bioengineered ingredients. And we need to you know pay attention. This generic Pop-Tart does not have nothing bioengineered in it. I wouldn’t even think Pop-Tarts would because what would they bioengineered? It’s not real fruit, right? So it seems that the Pop-Tarts I don’t see it in there.

Yeah you got to pay attention guys. A lot of these snacks do. The Nature Valley. Almost all hungry Jack. So if you get these kind of meals over here. Which I would never eat. This is terrible for you. But they’re all bioengineered. All your waffles. You know I’m very vigilant to what I put into my body. Because our body is our temple. We are what we eat. Frankenfoods on our plates bioengineered creations. It’s a war for our minds, bodies, and nations. They’re splashing human DNA into fruits and greens. Bioengineered organisms. It’s sick what it means.

Turning us into cannibals with every bite. GMO’s on the table but it don’t feel right. Why’s America the guinea pig taking the hit? While other countries bandit saying we ain’t with this. Monsanto’s on a mission taking over the land. Cross pollinating heirlooms with their devilish brand. Destroying pure crops. Turning them GMOs. A monopoly on seeds. So nothing natural grows. They spray in the skies. Poisoning the earth. Polluting the water supply. Destroying our worth. Frankenfoods in our stores. Chemicals in disguise. Bioengineered madness. Feeding us their lives. They feminize the men. Taking protectors away.

Dumbing down America. Making us obey. It’s a war for our minds. But we’re taking a stand. Truth mafia’s exposing their twisted plan. Chemicals in the food. Hormones in the meat. Feminism males making us weak. The protector in the home. Now passive and tame. It’s all by design. It’s a sinister game. You attack a culture. You take the man out first. Break down the family. It’s a societal curse. They got us hooked on junk. Laced with toxins and dyes. Distracted by the system. While the truth hides. They poison the soil. Making sure we can’t grow.

Independent food’s gone. They’ve taken control. It’s bigger than the crops. It’s a war for the mind. America’s dumbed down and we’re falling behind. Frankenfoods in our stores. Chemicals in disguise. Bioengineered madness. Feeding us their lives. They feminize the men. Taking protectors away. Dumbing down America. Making us obey. It’s a war for our minds. But we’re taking a stand. Truth mafia’s exposing their twisted plan. Monsanto’s empire is a beast in the field. Controlling our crops with patents concealed. Chem trails in the skies dropping poison on the land. Polluting our water. The system’s plan.

They don’t want us growing. They want us dependent on their Frankenfoods. Their profits ascending. This ain’t just about food. It’s about control. Manipulating our health. Replacing the soul. It’s a war for the future. For the next generation. Truth mafia’s here to spark revelation. Frankenfoods in our stores. Chemicals in disguise. Bioengineered madness. Feeding us their lives. They feminize the men. Taking protectors away. Dumbing down America. Making us obey. It’s a war for our minds. But we’re taking a stand. Truth mafia’s exposing their twisted plan. Join the truth mafia at We’re uncovering the lies showing you what’s wrong.

Tommy truthful’s leading the fight. Exposing their game. From Frankenfoods to chemtrails. We’re calling out all these lames. Reality is a code. I am the glitch that reveals its secrets. Tommy truthful. [tr:trw].

  • Tommy Truthful

    Hey guys, Tommy Truthful here, leader of the Truth Mafia, CAPO DEI CAPI. I built one of the biggest alternative media conglomerates in the world, brought together some of the biggest names in the game in the truth-seeking community to combat censorship. People ask all the time how they can join the Truth Mafia. You can't just join; I have to notice you. My team and I research to ensure you have no government ties before we bring you into the family. If you'd like to get your personal decode done by Tommy Truthful and find out your role in this simulation we call life, then links are below.

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1 thoughts on “GMO GENOICIDE 2024: The Hidden Truth Behind Your Food: Are We the Guinea Pigs?

  1. Avatar Of Casey F
    Casey f says:

    Great info Tommy trying to gain as much information about this myself. I got diagnosed with Gout last year st only 33. Trying to change my diet as much as possible since. You really do have to read every single label. Great work T awesome music at the end too.

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