➡ Over the past few days, Bitcoin’s value has fluctuated, reaching over 100k, then dropping to mid 90k, and then bouncing back to 100k. This volatility also affected altcoins, causing some to drop by nearly 20% in a single day. This video aims to help viewers understand these market shakeouts and prepare for future ones. It also discusses a repeating pattern in the crypto market that could lead to confusion, and offers guidance on how to navigate it.
➡ The article discusses the recent trends in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like Cardano and Chain Link. It suggests that these cryptocurrencies experienced a brief dip in value, similar to patterns seen in December 2020, but are now stabilizing. The author advises readers to consider these dips as potential investment opportunities, but also warns against making hasty decisions based on market fluctuations. The article ends by encouraging readers to stay informed and prepared for future changes in the cryptocurrency market.
➡ I’m excited to work with you to make this our most successful money-making period, and I hope you have a great day.
➡ The article discusses the recent trends in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like Cardano and Chain Link. It suggests that these cryptocurrencies experienced a brief dip in value, similar to patterns seen in December 2020, but are now stabilizing. The author advises readers to consider these dips as potential investment opportunities, but also warns against making hasty decisions based on market fluctuations. The article ends by encouraging readers to stay informed and prepared for future changes in the cryptocurrency market.
➡ I’m excited to work with you to make this our most successful money-making period, and I hope you have a great day.
Welcome to another day in the matrix and what a wild ride it’s been over the past couple days. We watched Bitcoin close off the weekly candle above 100k immediately followed by a liquidation ritual over the past 48 hours correcting down to the mid 90k territory and then less than 24 hours later right back up to 100k again and as we record today’s video we’re almost at 101,000 just as we were on Sunday and during this whole move we watched altcoins get dragged through the mud many altcoins dropping almost 20% in a single day and with the way today is going so far it almost feels like it never happened so if this is your first time experiencing this welcome to your initiation in crypto land but if you were here in the last cycle in 2020 into 2021 then you know it’s just another day in the matrix see when we have too much leverage in this market the market maker does what they do best which is shakeouts and this video is going to be focused on just that so that you can calmly navigate this next phase of the bull run and be prepared for days like yesterday to happen again because we will have more shakeouts like that on our way up to new all-time highs and i have a very important pattern to review with you all today that so far has been repeating nearly identically to this exact moment we’re in now four years ago and you’re going to want to be prepared for this because this next move the crypto market is about to make could be a very confusing situation and we’re going to want to clear up all that confusion in this video today so that you can be 100 prepared for what’s to come so if you’re new here at waters above we’re empowering you to unlock your infinite potential with esoteric investing by combining gamatria numerology and astrology with technical analysis to understand these markets and become a more profitable investor now let’s take the clear pill and i want to start here with this post that i shared on x back on november 26th which was a follow-up to a call that i was making regarding the late november time frame and how we’ve cyclically experienced shakeouts during the united states holiday of thanksgiving here in this chart i kept it nice and simple and i said we are here and left a note above regarding the thanksgiving week dump and this was posted again on november 26th so now let’s move into the charts we’re going to be looking at right over here to the right and you can see november 26th is right there and it’s in fact the lowest we’ve traded since and it’s also the lowest daily close that we’ve had since and then look how the following day on november 27th was a buyback and this turned out to essentially be a v-shaped recovery just like in thanksgiving week of 2020 same time of year same exact shakeout same v-shaped recovery and so far this fractal has been playing out very similar this year in 2024 as it did in 2020 where after this v-shaped recovery we made a slightly new high and then this arduous grind against resistance without an impulsive bullish breakout seemingly coiling up for the next big move and that took almost two weeks so returning back to this post on the day of that correction saying we are here so far we could confirm that to be the case now i want to check out this post that i just released yesterday which is right here and i think this is very powerful because i followed up on that post that i shared back on november 26th during a very bloody day that we were experiencing yesterday in the market when many were getting worried about the correction that was happening thinking that we were going to crash or have something devastating happened i decided to be the voice of column amongst the chaos and i shared this post and i showed this time frame right here and bitcoin around december 9th through 11th and how we dropped into these dates right before the next parabolic phase for bitcoin to finish off the year also noting that we are here with the arrow pointing with this december 9th through 11th in 2020 and that would be right there on the charts so to the left we have the chart from november through december 2020 and then to the right we have our markets today in 2020 bitcoin pivoted between december 10th through 11th and so far here in 2024 that’s exactly how it’s playing out as i record this video and we can see right here what happens next now one thing to point out about this is when we analyze 2020 you’ll see the breakout initiated on this candle here it was december 16th and that’s important to note because december 16th this year which is just a week away is that this is the day after the full moon this month and it’s a very typical pattern for bitcoin to move up bullish from a new or sorry from a full moon into a new moon so i’ll repeat that again clearly it’s very typical for bitcoin to move up bullish from a full moon into a new moon and the full moon this time around is december 15th and the new moon is december 30th into 31st right around our new year and it’s just it’s not just any new moon this is the second new moon of this month making it a very rare black moon and this is something that i decoded thoroughly in a presentation called black moon decoded which is available for our mastermind community membership at patreon.com slash waters above so if you’re interested in that decode and any other perks that come along with my membership such as my weekly red pill podcasts where i review the markets and i cover about four to five different alt coins every single week that our community votes on and just a little over a week ago i released one of my most valuable podcasts to date it was the what i’m investing in podcast dedicated to my entire portfolio i reviewed the charts of over 20 different alt coins and i also answered questions from our community at the end that podcast alone is worth the value of that membership especially since we just got this correction over the past 48 hours um and a lot of what i shared regarding the projects that i covered in that podcast and the ones that i’d be interested in buying if i were to buy came to fruition since many alt coins are still in accumulation territory and we had a 20 to 30 pullback over the past 48 hours and speaking of which i actually did go ahead and accumulate some new alt coins just a couple days ago and patreon supporters also get live updates whenever i buy or sell any investments so that’s another perk that’s included with our mastermind community membership as well as discord access for our community group chat so you could come hang out with the wolf pack hang out with like-minded conscious investors we have the best community in the whole space it’s amazing what we’re doing over there and if you’re interested in joining the link can be found in the description of this video or in the pinned comment below and for the xrp investors that are here with us just a couple days ago i released a new podcast over on patreon dedicated to my upside targets for xrp so you’ll get a ton of value out of that new release as well now getting back to this upcoming full moon and black moon it’s become obvious that bitcoin is repeating this pattern back in 2020 at this exact time of year and pretty much in the exact phase of the cycle the exact same phase of the cycle that we’re in now and with the breakout happening back on december 16 2020 aligning with this year’s moon cycles it’s increasing my confidence that we’re very close to seeing the next big move for bitcoin but what about alt coins well as mentioned in the beginning of this video the next move this crypto market is about to make could be a very confusing situation so let me clear that up and clear up what i meant by that and it has to do with this chart here and what we’re looking at here is bitcoin on the left same as before but this time we have cardano on the right now don’t worry too much about specifically cardano it’s just an example to show you what many alt coins did during this exact phase we were just reviewing which was late november through december in 2020 we reviewed the bitcoin move now let’s focus on what bitcoin did after december 16th which is this candle here versus what cardano did on december 16th after that date well if you look at the left or right of my screen as i hover you’ll see that on the left side of the screen bitcoin continued up but we actually got a correction in cardano that effectively came to back test the prior lows that came in during the dates of december 9th through 11th so this is a gem i’m giving you right now okay so bitcoin was moving up after the initial stall out phase right here during christmas week in 2020 bitcoin held up nicely when when it stalled out momentarily but you can see over here cardano started to correct so i think this is very fascinating we essentially see a recovery after this but this dip is coming back to the same prices of december 9th through 11th which is what we just moved through yesterday into today we had our correction for the past 48 hours and today we’re stabilizing now i’m exposing to you what could happen next when bitcoin breaks out again and what cardano did during christmas week in 2020 wasn’t isolated to just that project let me open up this chart right here and we have chain link on the right now this is december 17th look to the left where bitcoin is and look to what chain link did we pretty much had a flash correction on december 23rd right before christmas and we stayed near supports all the way until new year’s and pretty much the same with cardano and many other altcoins now let’s go back to the cardano chart actually i want to show you what is cardano doing now so we can see we’ve corrected along with bitcoin and yesterday we’ve had a couple of retests to the lows and today we’ve seen a strong pivot and let’s check out what chain link we could all assume it’s probably the same yes it is we also know that yesterday was a liquidation ritual i’m using that term on purpose because every single altcoin corrected at the same exact times right after our weekly close and many people are pointing to it had a lot to do with the 60 minutes episode with brad garlinghouse but that’s nonsense because every single altcoin corrected at the same time so what was done is it was an orchestrated ritual by wales sucking people into the market too many longs were opened in an expensive overbought market and they did what they do best as i said in the intro but let’s get back to this what i would be doing regarding this current market environment is i would be marking off wherever the daily close was on december 9th or 10th on any altcoin that i’m personally interested in and consider that if this fractal were to play out you could see a return back to these prices to the same levels later this month and it wouldn’t shock me if it happened in synchronicity with bitcoin breaking out higher into a new all-time high and then stalling out for a couple days around christmas week just like it did back in 2020 so keep that in mind and if you aren’t exposed to this market at all meaning if you’re brand new to crypto and you want to get invested i have that what i’m investing in podcast over at patreon.com slash waters above for our mastermind community membership and that’s essentially an investing master class for this exact phase we’re in now in this cycle and i am 100 honest during that podcast and i share which projects i would consider investing in and i say which i would stay away from based on current market conditions and with this dip we just experienced and with what bitcoin dominance is doing right now it’s making me feel that this december 2020 pattern that we’ve been reviewing is likely playing out and that this move right here is coming very soon and this is not a time to be asleep at the wheel because these dips are gifts from the gods and by the way i’m not telling you to fomo 100 into this market right now this is not financial advice you need to do what’s best for you and don’t rely solely on the concept of potential dip that could come in a couple weeks for these alt coins because as i showed you the dip might be to the same levels we were at yesterday and most of these alt coins are not even 100 recovered back to their prior highs such as chain link and the cardano example i gave you a moment ago so this is why you need to dollar cost average into position especially when we’re this late into the accumulation cycle so this isn’t fud i’m not telling you that a crash is coming because at this stage and i’ll say it again any and all dips are pretty much instantaneously bought back up and i believe xrp proves the point also i had this post over on x a couple of days ago and i shared this right here and i said this is when xrp will attempt to break out next and attempt is the key word here over the past 48 hours xrp investors have started freaking out because we’ve had a correction alongside everything else having a correction and those who were getting emotional about this just don’t understand how this market works and looking at the price during this post which you can see right here xrp was two dollars and 41 cents and looking at the price today it’s two dollars and 43 two dollars 44 cents we are higher than when i made that post but of course new investors get emotional when markets are correcting and it’s funny because likely the same people that wanted a pullback for the past two weeks are the ones getting mad uh regarding where we are now that xrp is not at all time highs and that shows you the emotions are too strong in this market right now and that’s what the market maker weaponizes against you some words of investing wisdom stop desiring for markets to go up or go down just know what you hold and get your ass in a chair before the music stops in this game of musical chairs i’m a real one i’m telling you how it is yes we’re going much higher for xrp i shared my initial upside targets in my last video but if you don’t expect a 20 to 30 correction after something has gone up 400 in a single month then i just want to remind you that that level of greed is going to make this bull run very very tough for you to navigate because nothing moves up in a straight line and if you’re freaking out about what happened yesterday just look at where we’re at today xrp is the same exact price it was trading at just this friday before the weekend started so relax deep breaths it’ll be okay chief wolf has your back like i always say don’t be a bull don’t be a bear be a wolf follow the moon and we have a full moon coming up next week bitcoin typically pivots around a four to five day window around a new moon or full moon and i don’t need to complicate things here i’ve already told you it’s likely we see bitcoin continue to move up from our next full moon on december 15th throughout the end of the into our next new moon which is around new year’s and if you want to if we see that move in bitcoin into christmas week it’ll likely be coupled with a surge in bitcoin dominance and if bitcoin stalls out in the midst of that move we can see a short term pullback in the altcoins nothing extreme and i’m definitely not calling for crashes right now but i wanted to make this video to show you the scenarios we’re up against so that you can be prepared for the next move in this crypto market and all in all i’m sticking to my call that i made last month that i see xrp at new all-time highs around new year’s heading into price discovery during the month of january 2025 and with this next move for bitcoin it could even happen a little sooner because everything’s really dependent on bitcoin right now bitcoin dominance and i shared with you in my last video that i released this gem regarding total three and i said to you once we can start concretely breaking above this 888 fib that’s when things are going to start getting very spicy and what’s fascinating is the moment we closed a daily candle above the 888 fib total three is altcoin market cap excluding bitcoin and ethereum we shot up straight to retest the prior cycle high and then we came back and corrected to the same technical level this is gorgeous nothing about yesterday was bearish anyone who’s feeling bearish unless you’re absolutely new here just relax it’s this is the way this market moves this thing moved up in a straight line a hundred percent yes we’re gonna have some volatility along the way it’s okay so i’m gonna wrap up this video here um i believe the wolf pack is going to be having a new year’s celebration this year i hope some of you took my advice and watched the tutorial and had to open up a bottle of champagne thank me later um now you should be 100 prepared for what’s coming next in this community over at patreon i just want you to know i’m so grateful to be a part of your journey and i’m looking forward to making this our most profitable bull run together and i’m wishing you all an amazing rest of your day in the matrix much love