Whats Happening in the Skies of New Jersey? LIVE Tommy Truthful

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➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including drones in the sky being linked to government surveillance, alien invasions, and mind control. It also mentions CERN, suggesting it’s opening portals to other dimensions. The text further promotes a podcast called “Truth Mafia,” which aims to expose these alleged schemes. The podcast is sponsored by Body Align, a company offering products that supposedly protect against harmful electromagnetic frequencies.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including the significance of certain dates and numbers, the role of entities like Nibiru and Pazuzu, and the influence of secret societies. It also mentions the idea of a global elite controlling media and events, and speculates about the role of artificial intelligence. The text suggests that these theories are connected to real-world events and popular culture, including the death of Kobe Bryant, the evacuation from Afghanistan, and movies like ‘The Offering’ and ‘Greenland’. The author believes that most people are unaware of these supposed truths.
➡ The text discusses the dark world of organ trafficking, where people are kidnapped and their organs are harvested for sale. The author suggests that this is a widespread issue, with victims often being young adults. He also mentions a disturbing video he once shared that showed this horrifying process in action. The author emphasizes the importance of raising awareness about this issue to prevent it from being ignored or covered up.
➡ The speaker shares a personal story about a time when his daughter was almost abducted by a stranger, emphasizing the importance of child safety. He also talks about his children’s achievements and his daily life, including his gardening activities and his interest in movies and TV shows. He ends by discussing his work on his website, Truth Mafia.com, and his social media platform, Truthful TV.com, where he shares his thoughts and interacts with his followers.
➡ This text talks about the concept of life being a simulation, where some people might be controlled by a machine, like characters in a game. It encourages us to break free from lies, discover our true selves, and see through any disguises. It also mentions a secret code called Gematria used by elites, and the importance of understanding our role and fate in this ‘simulation’.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the anticipation for a new season of a show, the mention of dragons, and the number 121. It also talks about a broadcast from Starbase Texas, mentioning strange occurrences over major U.S. cities and worldwide. The text delves into ancient cultures, their stories about humanoid creatures, and theories about interdimensional beings. It ends with speculations about a future event in 2026 and the influence of ancient knowledge on modern society.
➡ The text discusses various theories about UFOs, aliens, and other paranormal phenomena, referencing historical paintings, tribal knowledge, and personal beliefs. It suggests that these phenomena have been documented throughout history and are connected to other dimensions or entities. The text also discusses conspiracy theories related to numbers, technology, and historical events. Lastly, it questions why unidentified flying objects don’t follow aviation rules, suggesting a cover-up.
➡ The text discusses various incidents of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) near critical infrastructure like military bases and nuclear weapons depots. It suggests that if these UFOs don’t identify themselves, they could be shot down. The text also theorizes a possible connection between these UFO sightings and a potential alien invasion following a nuclear event. It ends by questioning the authenticity of these UFO sightings, suggesting they could be a hoax to create fear and control.
➡ The text discusses the possibility of a UFO threat being used to activate emergency powers and a continuity of government program. It suggests that drone swarms, which are being tested, could be part of this plan. The text also mentions that SpaceX and other organizations need agreements with groups like DARPA to operate in space. Lastly, it talks about the effects of UFO sightings, such as electronic failures and missing time, which are part of the reason for the high level of secrecy around UFOs.
➡ A photo of a plane chasing a UFO, taken in 1990 and hidden for 30 years, was released in 2022. The photo is believed to show a test flight of a UFO, with the plane trying to guide it due to the UFO’s unpredictable behavior. The article also discusses theories about hidden technology, such as invisibility, and suggests that famous scientists like Tesla and Einstein were involved in its development. Lastly, it mentions a machine designed to pick up dead bodies, raising questions about its purpose.
➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, including the idea that our world might be a computer simulation, the existence of hidden lands beyond Antarctica, and the manipulation of information by mainstream media. They also express skepticism about the authenticity of images and videos from space, suggesting they could be created using advanced artificial intelligence (AI). The speaker believes that AI technology is far more advanced than what is publicly known, and that it’s used to create movies and possibly fake space footage. They also mention the unexplored depths of the ocean as another potential source of hidden truths.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics including renaming his computer, using a VPN, and the benefits of Proton emails. He also mentions using the Brave search engine and a website called Truthful TV. He talks about earthquakes and shares his thoughts on various movies and TV shows, emphasizing the importance of a site that allows free streaming. He ends by discussing his new TV and his struggle to use it effectively.
➡ The speaker discusses their dislike for certain movies and their preference for non-musical films. They also talk about their methods to avoid pop-up ads while browsing the internet. They mention a new series they watched about a conspiracy theorist who uncovers an organ trafficking ring, which they found interesting and recommend. The speaker warns about the dangers of organ trafficking in major cities, urging caution especially for young girls.


Lights cut through the mist over Jersey skies Something feels amiss Are they government eyes Are fallen angel schemes? Tech from another realm Straight out of our dreams Interdimensional travelers breaking through the veil Stargates wide open they’re leaving a trail cern’s playing God Ripping holes in the code like stranger things Upside down the portals explode Is it population control? Aliens in disguise Guys Or a mass? I opt to control our minds Every light in the sky makes me question it all what’s real, what’s fake? Who’s behind the call? Drones over Jersey who’s pulling the strings? Government eyes are interdimensional kings Opening portals the upside down unfolds Truth mafias here exposing what’s been sold Drones over Jersey the story’s unsold we uncover the lies we’re breaking the mold they call it surveillance but what’s the real plot? Watching asleep while they taking the shot Alien invasion or a new mass plan? Population control, the fall of man these drones ain’t just tech they’re part of the design to link humanity’s soul to their hive mind CERN’s a Stargate opening the abyss Harvesting dark matter Leaving nothing to miss they summon the archons Controllers are fake While we look to the skies it’s almost too late But Tommy Truthful’s here with the code to expose Breaking down the agenda the truth always shows Drones over Jersey who’s pulling the strings Government eyes or interdimensional kings Opening portals the upside down unfolds Truth mafias here exposing what’s been sold Drones all the Jersey the stories untold we uncover the lies we’re breaking the mold they want us distracted Afraid of the skies While they harvest our energy Feeding the lies Chem trails above Drones in formation Part of the plan A false salient invasion what’s next? A stage attack to bring us in line Using fear as the weapon Weapon controlling our mind but truth mafias rise and we ain’t playing the game Tommy Truthful’s exposing Calling out their names from certain to the drones we connect the dots Revealing their rituals and all their plots Drones over Jersey who’s pulling the strings? Government eyes are in a dimensional case Opening portals the upside down unfolds Truth Mafia’s here exposing what’s been sold Homes over Jersey the story’s untold we uncover the lies we’re breaking Breaking the mold if you want to find out your role in the simulation get your personal Gematria decode@truthful tv.com no hesitation the links in my bio on Instagram check it now.

And in the description on all platforms. It’s time to find out how Truth Mafia is exposing the skies and the schemes led by Tommy. Welcome to another episode of the Truth Mafia podcast. That was a little special intro for all this drone phenomenons that we have going on around the world right now. So make sure you smash that like button. Share this video and let’s get into it today. The episode is brought to you through Body Align and the Energy Wellness disc. Make sure you check out their products. Them links are down below. Amazing sponsor and they got the phone disc.

You can put it on the back of your phone. Protects you against these harmful emf. One of my people said they don’t ship to Canada. I didn’t know that. If they don’t I apologize. There’s a disc on the back of it, certain frequencies binded to that helps to protect from the emf. And then it has the tour lamine, the Sug Knight all grounded up in the band and that’s surgical silicone there. So really amazing product. I got mine on right now. And don’t forget to book your personal decode. That’s over on truthful tv.com truthful tv.com we have two websites.

Truth mafia.com and truthful tv.com truthful tv.Com for I do all my booking. That’s where we have our alternative social media platform. You know with all this censorship so you can share information with like minded people over there. It’s really cool. And not be censored, not have to worry about what you share. Kind of set up just like Facebook where you have your own little area people can follow you. It’s pretty cool. So if you’re new to this platform. In the movie the Matrix there are several people who wake up from the system. They learn to read the hidden code of the green letters and numbers of the Matrix.

This is not just a movie. We too have a hidden code behind everything as well. And it’s known as Gatria. And again that’s on truthful tv.com so let’s get into it. Just so many stories right now with these drones, right you, you got what’s going on over in China. There’s a huge drone narrative drones falling out of the sky in China. Y’all seen this as drones are over New Jersey that are the size of freaking Volkswagens and people are connecting them to UFOs. There’s all these people doing stories on it. All this craziness. Honestly I was trying to take a little time off and Relax.

And then my mom hit me up and she’s like, yo, son, did you see what was going on with these drones? I’m like, ma, you know, I really don’t watch the news. Only time I watch the news is someone tells me something’s going on, right? And then I check it, decode it, break it down for you guys, and that’s about it. I can’t stand their lies. But yeah, she told me to. To look into it. So I did. And I seen it’s not just here in America. There’s all this drone narrative going on everywhere. And you know me, I’m gonna go look at.

I really can’t stand watching CNN or MSNBC or none of that stuff. So I went and watched little Alex Jiggle Jones. Now listen, he’s probably a gatekeeper 100 but he’s. He makes me laugh more than watching the mainstream media, you know, and he puts a lot of codes hidden within his stuff. So I like to break it down and see what all he has encoded in there, considering he’s one of the biggest gatekeepers in the world. Now I know some of you may differ on that opinion. A lot of people think he’s. He’s for us and he’s trying to save us.

And maybe he is. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t know. I don’t know if he’s trying to save us or not. I do agree with a lot of things that he says though, on certain issues. He was talking about Elon Musk. I got some video clips where you were going to get into that and asking Elon why he’s never touched on the whole alien situation yet. But before we get going, this is called fair use and is allowed for purpose of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody, which doesn’t infringe of copyright under 17 USC 107. And don’t forget, guys, make sure you go opt into our 100 free newsletter and that’s on our truth mafia.com website.

So that one’s over on truth mafia.com. that’s where you’ll find all the content creators like Be Dell Donut. You know, there’s tons of people over there, some amazing content creators. I just did one with my boy Phase one. We did one on the. The blood contracts, these Illuminati blood contracts that they’re doing in the fustian bargain. And. And what do you know that’s connected 128 code guys. So yeah, man, it was a really good episode. That’s available over on truth mafia.com you can also watch it if you’re on my Facebook or my rumble or my YouTube.

You can watch it on there as well. It should still be available up there. Unless they took it down. I haven’t checked. I hope not. You know, on YouTube, if I get one more strike on that channel, bye bye, I’m gone. So the good thing is if you’re on my YouTube right now, scroll down and you’ll see there’s two other channels that are pinned to the top of that YouTube. Them are my backup channels. So one, this video streaming to right now, the other one I haven’t put no videos up on yet. I always keep two backup channels because ever since I lost my big YouTube at150,000 followers, they’ve never let me get past 10,000 again.

Every time I get to10,000, boom, they just take me out. That’s how you can really tell who are agents or not. All these people with all these that never lost YouTubes and have, you know, half a million followers. I don’t understand how they do it, but they sure don’t let me do it anyways. I wish I could, but they don’t let me. And the last thing we seen with that 1, 2, 8 code, guys, which ties into all this, the drones over Jersey, everything. Now they’re starting to talk about alien. Remember right before that story blew up, they took over Mount Hermon, which Mount Hermon is where the 200 fallen angels descended to bring man this forbidden knowledge, right? And in Alex Jiggle Jones’s video we’re about to watch this clip of, he starts talking about the interdimensional entities.

And it’s very interesting because he shows a clip of Elon Musk’s post and it. Elon posted it at 1201. 1, 2, 1. Oh, really? Elon? Well, CERN rituals. 1, 2, 1. Antichrist is 1, 2, 1. This is an English ordinal gematria where A is 1, B is 2, C is 3, and so forth. In the first case, Arona, here in The United States, January 21st. So that 1, 2, 1 is a real, a real big day. And then remember, five days after that day, Kobe Bryant dies in a helicopter crash and all that popped off, remember? So on Mount Hermon, you see, they got the eight point star, which is tied to Nibiru, the star of Anu.

It’s over Pazuzu. He has it right over him with the wing discovery, which is also another representation of Nibiru. And then when you look into Pazuzu and his wife Lamatsu. Or in some. In some cultures it’s considered his wife. In other cultures it’s considered like his arch nemesis. Right? It’s very weird, but she’s pretty much Lilith of the Bible. She devours children and her father is Anu. And you can look that up on her own Wikipedia, you know what I’m saying? But this story was released on 12 8, December 8, the day leave the World behind came out, which is 1 2, 8 and Mount Hermon is 156.

Guys, which 911 is the 156 prime number. And 156 equals 128. And remember, on 9 11, the tower collapsed at 10:28am so that was the last story we’ve seen with that. It had the number 33 tied to it. Mount Herman’s on the 33rd parallel. Them triple sixes, they are opening the interdimensional gateways, you know what I’m saying? And I forgot to touch on this. When phase one was on, when we were talking about the Illuminati blood contracts, I just got caught up in the conversation and it was such a great interview that I just totally forgot to touch on this part.

But blood contract is 446. Now, that’s a huge code, right? That’s the code of the global cabal elite. And it’s also the Mainstream Media’s code. 446 guys. And guess what? Remember. Remember when they did that staged evacuation out of Afghanistan with that fake ass plane? Look at that plane there. That plane looks so fake. They had a giant 446 on the bottom of it with the 119 up top. All seeing eyes. 119, you know, it’s 911 in reverse. But there, see the 446 I have underlined with the yellow. And then in the movie Greenland, he got the notification at 4:46pm that him and his family were chosen to go to Greenland.

And that’s a movie about Nibiru. You guys know my theory. I think we’re in some government drill. I really do. I believe all this. The governments are already underground. I think they got AI running the media, AI running, making movies and some more. Because I believe we go through these psychical events and the government knows it. And they’re going to distract us for as long as they possibly can. And some people are starting to catch on. But most people are sheep, you know, they’re just being led right to the slaughter. So the offering is 446, the dark side.

Watch the movie The Offering, it’s a crazy one. It says, no soul is safe. The Offering. And it’s a. A pretty deep movie. I. You guys probably remember it came out a couple years back. But that’s all tied to that 446 code. That’s a huge code. Neo is 446 too, guys. So let’s get into it. Let’s play these videos. The first one, I had a. I had a kind of fast forward past the first like minute and a half of the video because he mentions the jabbers. And he does it in a way. Him and David Ike are both notorious for this.

They’ll do it in a way that, like, you know, you could speak in code. Our people know what you’re talking about, but they’ll just straight say it to where you’re gonna get taken down on YouTube if you replay that. You know what I’m saying? So I skipped past that part in the video has nothing at all to do with it. The whole time he’s talking about aliens and stuff like that, but he just throws that in there, you know, out of nowhere. And that’s stuff. When, when they do stuff like that, it makes me think they are gatekeepers.

Because the average person are like, oh, he’s just trying to tell the truth. No, they have certain words that they say that will get your damn video taken down. But most people ain’t smart and intelligent enough to realize that. You know what I’m saying? And by the way, the solar flares, Whoa, they are ramping up, let me tell you. They’re. They’re blaming these solar flares on why we’re seeing the aurora borealis everywhere. But another thing with Nibiru, back in like 2011, when that whole thing first started, the dude that was talking about it back then, he said, that’s how you’ll know when it’s here.

You’ll start seeing the aurora borealis from everywhere in the United States. And up to that time, I thought he was crazy. I’m like, man, you. We ain’t never seen no damn aurora borealis in the United States. And look at that. It. This was on 11 5. But this is trending today. Right? But this, but this video was shot on 11 5, November 5th. So why is it trending today? That was like a month ago. It’s very bizarre. And 11. And, and look how it’s written. 5. 11, which is what, guys? Saturn. That’s the number of Saturn.

And, and when you really study, the elites, they’re part of this. This Saturnalia death culture, all the secret society stuff, the sign waves, the free Masonic stuff, it’s all tied to Saturn, the sigil of Saturn, a ZL symbol. You know, they’re not really Satanists per se. They’re. They’re part of a Saturnalia death cult that, that’s what they’re part of. It’s infiltrated all three of the Abrahamic religions. So, all right, let’s go, let’s go stop the agenda and oh my God, there’s all these drones, there’s all these UFOs. What is it? And that’s the bare minimum I’m saying in the last few days is this is a message to Russia and others.

We got a lot of advanced technology you don’t know about and we’re going to tell the public it’s you. Meaning we can attack the public and say it’s you. Which could be the main pretext I’ve said for full war with Russia or China is to launch an attack and say Russia did it or China did it or whoever did it. And then. But say, but we can’t prove it. So there’s a major psyop going on here. Alex Jiggle Jones. I was going to bed last night was you at about midnight. And I do this maybe a couple times a month, but I sent a note to myself and I also wrote on the bedside table, ask the question tomorrow.

Why has Elon Musk. Because I went and looked it up when I was thinking about this, spent about 30 minutes looking for statements. Why is Elon Musk shed zero? He says something about everything else. I agree with about 99% of what he says. Why has Elon Musk said zero about the UAV revolution, the UFO invasion? And that’s what it is. Why has he said nothing? And I laid there in bed for 30 minutes saying, yeah, I’m going to have the show headline tomorrow. B. Why has Elon Musk been completely silent and said zero about this phenomenon that has the attention of the world captured? And then I got up at 5:30 in the morning.

First thing I did after I brushed my teeth as I was sitting there at the coffee maker was I went to X and I went right to Ed Elon Musk and he just posted three hours before at 2:30 in the morning. He, unlike me, he doesn’t sleep and oh, unlike me, he doesn’t sleep. What time do you post that, y’all? Oh, 12:01am now go over on your gematria calculator real quick. Go on, go take a Gander and, you know, go on truthful tv.com, truth mafia.com, click on Gamatri Calculator. Throw in CERN Ritual. Here, here, let me just show you real fast.

Well, where are we at? Let me see how many minutes in this is so I can come right back to it. Four minutes. All right, I’m just going to show you real quick. This is very important. All right, Four minutes in. How the hell do I move it off of there? Hold on one second, guys. So you see that? What? That 12, one, right? That’s when Elon posted that screen share. There’s a few things actually that equal this. And that was the first little Rona situation. Oh, CERN ritual. Oh, yeah, Certain rituals. One, two, one. Yeah, and that’s what’s going on.

Watch next. That’s what Alex is going to be talking about, right? You have all these different ciphers, but we’re looking at the English ordinal where A is 1, B is 2, CS 3. Certain rituals 32 in Chaldean, which. That’s the number of the nephilim, right? In 86 in ordinal. When did they pass the jab laws to allegedly protect the children? In 1986, which actually protect the V companies so they couldn’t be sued. That’s what it really was. But, you know, that’s neither here nor there. And the last thing is Stranger Things, where they’re opening up all the portals.

When did it take place? 1986. Which. When the heck are they coming out with five. Whoops. Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. Season five, you know, I need to see that. Season five. Where are you? I guess they said the lockdown. They all went on strike and we just keep getting a bunch of lots. I know there’s going to be so much coding in that. They say there’s dragons in it, guys. I don’t know if that’s true, but I hope so. Oh, man, that would be crazy. Antichrist. Oh, antichrist. 121 as well. Bam. Like CERN ritual.

That’s number the Antichrist. And that’s an English ordinal. Okay, so there you go. There’s them two things. That’s when he posted it. All right, let’s put it back up now. I had to stay. People said, oh, it’s a joke. No, no, no, it’s not. I. I’ll give you my opinion, which is, I know it’s not my opinion because I know his views on things. I will decode this straight. Oh, wow. I didn’t even see this. Check this out, y’all. Look, look. So 12:01am and look how many views it’s got. 30.2 million. The 32. So you got the freaking 1, 2, 1 and the 32.

Hell no. That’s crazy. I didn’t even see that. And so much more today. Big broadcast. Share those links. Paul, Reverse we are coming to you live from Starbase Texas, transmitting Galaxy Wide. Go ahead, put some space for us, Alex. We are all those AM and FM stations, satellites all bouncing off the planet, shooting into the heavens. All right. It is Friday, December 13, 2024. I am your host, Alex Jones. Very blessed and honored to be here and to still be in the M4 studios by the hair of our chinny chin chin with the Democratic Party and the deep state trying to shut us down, but the federal judge shut that down.

We got some updates on that for you today. I’ve learned a lot more, but that’s going to be a little corner of the broadcast that I’ll get to it maybe five minutes at some point. Because you’re not tuned in really to learn about that, are you? The big question is what in the hell’s going on over every major US city on a weekly basis, sometimes a nightly basis. The worst of the phenomenon is over New Jersey, but it’s happening over capitals around the world. I hear some flooded shot in New Jersey just two days ago. And that’s one of these crafts that doesn’t have its lights on.

Yo, that thing is big as shit. Look at it. So that’s supposed to be a start. Look how big that damn thing is. I mean, that’s big. What is it? Now, I have studied this for government, whatever it is, 40 years. And I’ve interviewed all of the experts that I have researched that I believe are credible, like Greer and many others. We’re coming back on very soon and one of the best researchers, a dark journalist will be joining us coming up about an hour and a half from now. For an hour and a half, he’ll be with us.

So that’s coming up at 12:30pm today. But I have a very good idea what’s going on. In fact, I know a lot of what’s going on and I can conclusively tell you that 99% of this is not other than human. That said, every ancient culture, the ancient Chinese, the ancient folks in Mesopotamia, now this is where it’s going to get interesting. He even shows the reptilian. So they’re showing some reptilian and he starts talk, he don’t really see this one thing about Alex when he pushes the space. But then when he talks about the aliens, he talks about him being interdimensional and them, you know, cutting their hearts off and going into meetings with these DMT elves.

And he even mentions that in here, which, that part of it I agree with them. But that’s, you know, these good gatekeepers, they’ll sprinkle some truth with some ancient Europeans, ancient Mesoamericans, ancient Africans, all have the same stories and all describe the same thing. And if you look at it, it’s right there in the Bible, it’s totally clear. And modern theologians try to do back flips and all sorts of gymnastics and acrobatics to not focus on what is all over the Old Testament. And you read Ezekiel, I mean all of it, it’s over and over again.

Big giant ships land and humanoid creatures on floating platforms come out and say get on your knees and put something in their mouth. And they take it. Sweeten the mouth, bitter in the stomach. Start being able to communicate with these things after they take it, which is obviously lifting the veil. And they’ve got all the big university studies they suppressed till about six years ago. I was the first to break this on Rogan before they started declassifying it. But they have equivalent to astronauts in Japan, in the us, in Europe, all over. But those are the first that came out where they study under DMT drips and other things mapping the interdimensional gates when the veil is lifted because your brain blocks it from your visual systems, there’s a filter so you can operate if you’re only looking outside the third dimension.

Things would get a little bit distracting, wouldn’t they? And they’re having. Now see, I agree with that part in King Bags. Go look at what it equals, bro. It’s one two one. It’s connected to one two one. FBI agent has a band aid on face Fibonacci. 1021, one two one. You know what I’m saying? It’s also 2026 and squares, which if you’ve watched all my breakdowns, that’s the year I believe they’ll do the fake killing evasion. It’s encoded within so many Alien movies, you know what I’m saying? 2026. So I think it’s going to get real bad in 2025.

The great tribulation equals 225 that seven year period. It doesn’t matter if you believe in God or not. They’re playing a script out of the Scripture, it’s all about power with them. Although there is a creator, but that’s neither here nor there. 2025 through 2032 and then 2026. See, we’re ramping up. We’re getting ready. The programming is, is intensifying because we’re, we’re not that far away from 2026 now, guys. But the FBI with the band aid on his face, I, I didn’t see that. But that’s interesting. Band aid cover up. But it equals, you know, the one to one.

Just like Elon dropping his stupid tweet at that time. Groups of these researchers are having the same hallucination. They’re not hallucinations. And are communicating in many of the cases with the same beings at the same time. Yeah, they’re demons, dude. Now there’s no such thing as a group hallucination, obviously, because it’s not a hallucination. And people don’t need to be on. Hold on a second. Was that a cube? Let me go back there. Was that a freaking black cube flying through the air at the same time? Oh yeah, that is a little cube. Look at it.

Oh my Lord. Little cubes, Little freaking board cubes flying through the air. Talk about, talk about some Saturn symbolism right in our damn face. Look at that little cube. Look at a little flying D wave cube flying through the air right there, guys. Now there’s no such thing as a group hallucination, obviously, because it’s not a hallucination. And people don’t need to be on DMT now to see what’s flying around. And it’s the exact stuff that people drew 3000 years ago in India and 3000 years ago in Egypt and 3000 years ago in China. And there’s cave paintings in Europe of people standing on a hill and you see flying saucers and there’s all these Aztec temples they dig up and there’s flying saucers and there’s what looks just like 747s with engine wings and windows.

There’s rockets with fire shooting out the bottom that look just like starship Elon Musk. So obviously this is the big enchilada. And you’ve seen a giant long term program in Hollywood and culture normalizing aliens and all different sorts of aliens, like the Space Bar and Star wars or Men in Black. It just goes on and on and on. It’s fascinating. But if you look at what’s in the Bible, in Genesis, the same story, and the Jews were writing that down 4,000 years ago or longer, it’s the same story being told by the Aryans in what is Iran today, by the Babylonians, by all those cultures, and they’re able to decipher the hieroglyphs and other ancient languages.

And it’s right there, it says these entities came from. List what stars. The entities said they came from there and that they’re here for a reason, that they want to give us knowledge. Now that’s in. That’s fascinating, considering the fact the fallen angels descended to Mount Hermon to give man what knowledge? Forbidden knowledge. None of their knowledge turned out to be any damn good. You know, they gave us knowledge how to make weapons, how to do war, how to murder each other. Nothing. Nothing too popular. Nothing great. All of the ancient legends. So when you see a bunch of things that look and behave like what people wrote about and told us thousands of years ago, and you look at medieval paintings at the Vatican and medieval paintings that hang in Paris, and you pull these up.

Just medieval paintings that show UFOs, and these are documented paintings that have been written about for hundreds and hundreds of years that are hanging. They weren’t recently made in the last hundred years. And it’ll show the star that led the wise men to Jesus, one of the famous ones. And it shows a perfect gray flying saucer with portals flying above them in the manger. And you look at it and it’s the exact thing people have been saying, recorded continually throughout history, but really showing up. Oh, what’d he say? The star that led Jesus. Oh, what star is that? The eight pointed star.

Then what he mentioned next, Portals. Go read my 8 pointed star blog on truth mafia.com. it’s all tied to portals. That’s what it is. That’s what Nibiru is. It’s a dimension. Ain’t a freaking planet. It’s Dimension X in big numbers at the end of World War II. And the pilots reported this as well. Yeah, you’ve got the knowledge of the Dogon tribe, what the aliens reportedly told them. And then you can’t even see that star system where they say it is with a telescope, With a normal telescope. But now they can. Now they can. Remember we talked about them the other day, guys, the Nomo no mo people.

And they were them aquatic entities that was in the movie Black Panther, the Nomo, some other type of freaking demonic entity. I don’t trust none of these damn things. They say the Nomo are good. Well, I wouldn’t trust them, you know what I’m saying? Anything? It looks like a freaking fish, mermaid, reptilian I’m cool on that thing. No, thanks. But there’s your Jesus Fish has nothing to do with Jesus. It’s Dagon. It’s a honest. That’s why they worship it. Like the. The video I just shared on my Facebook that went crazy viral. You seen all that weird stuff that they were doing at the Vatican, and I just shared that video, like, just being funny.

I didn’t even realize the damn thing would go viral. And then the whole culture is about being visited yearly by these things, but it’s the Sumerians. And I’ve read a lot of books and checked it out for myself and confirmed it’s in the Royal Museum in England and it’s in the German museums and it’s in the Vatican. Ancient idols that are humanoids with spacesuits on. We can go over all that and show all that, and we’ll do that when Dark Journalist comes on in about an hour and 20 minutes. So you can look at all this and say, oh, it’s all human.

And then when I look at 99% of what you’re seeing, I mean, I played this a bunch yesterday, we’ll play it again. But it’s a nice clear night. A few nights ago in New Jersey, thousands of people posted, you know, the same video from different angles. And you can see the craft accelerate from the ground. You can see them. You can hear what sounds like jet engines. And they all go up to about 10, 15,000ft and sit there and just hover. And then so many of the drones that have popped up that have been caught by the military and others in Iraq and Afghanistan, other places, you look at them and it looks human.

It looks like a platform moving quick with a bunch of antennas, communication stuff hanging off of it. Probably got a turbine or turbines in it. It’s just a normal big drone with a lot of equipment on it. So you. You look at this and we’ve got some real leads on things. You know what that looks like to me, guys? And yes, I have heard that story about the old guy that went to Agurtha, and I believe in inner Earth. You know what this looks like, guys? Plasma. And plasma. It re. There’s so many amazing books out here on plasma.

And they say angelic entities are made from this plasma energy and so are demonic. That’s how they disappear, you know what I’m saying? Reappear. That’s just my opinion, though. There’s a big air taxi company with a lot of big funding behind it that’s based right there in New Jersey. I couldn’t believe he showed this. I’m like, oh, now Alex is showing the Reptilians. This is one of my favorite. This is a real statue. And they’ve been worshiping these Reptilians, you know, since back in the day, man. That’s what I think that if you look into the Archons in the Gnostic text.

So what they did with this whole alien word is they just took a demon and then renamed it Alien, which. Take the A. Look what it spells a lie. They’re demons, they’re serpents. It’s the same thing. It’s. It’s these Reptilians, the Archons. That’s what they are. That’s what they are. And the DM technology is all tethered to them. They’ve tricked humanity to tether the technology to them. Archon tethered to technology 322, which is the number of skull and bones. And the Lor God said, now man has become like one of us. Knowing good and evil, he must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take from the tree of life and live forever.

That’s. That’s talking about transhumanism. They’ve totally tricked us to merge with this technology. I forgot about this movie. I gotta re. Watch this one. Remember this one, guys? Watchers. That’s that 49 code. So you got CERN ritual in English ordinal, right? Where A is 1, B is 2, C is 3, so forth. Then you got reduction, which is a different cipher for the new people. This is called Pythagorean. And you see CERN rituals 49 in that one. Which Antichrist is 49? And remember, it was 1, 2, 1. In English ordinal, that’s the number of dimensions watchers.

41 equals 49. Gene decode, hydrogel, mark of evil. I’m not gonna say the bottom parts, but on four, nine. That was the day DMX died, Prince Philip died. Who’s. Who’s the Duke of Edinburgh? And you look into the old Scottish flags in there, it’s the X. And that was on little Nas X’s birthday. And the X represents Osiris. The resurrection of Osiris, the resurrection of the antich. 41 is all tied to CERN, Switzerland. CERN. But then 41 days after the 2017 Great American Eclipse, that was Route 91 Harvest Festival, the shooting in Vegas. 41 days before this eclipse this year, we had the fires pop off in Texas and in front of the Georgia guidestones when they blew that up, which was 18 hours after CERN broke the world record in energy, remember, which is 18 is what? 6 plus 6 plus 6.

18 hours later on 7 6, George Bush’s birthday. Boom. They blow the Georgia guide stones up. There’s a bomb. You can find this on the Internet. Type in bomb truck in front of Georgia guidestones and it has the number 401 on it, which is 41. I forget. I was watching an alien thing last night. There’s something tied to the aliens that happened in 1941. I can’t remember exactly what it was, but I will figure it out and get back to you on that because I was thinking, oh, that’s that whole 41 number we keep seeing over and over and over again.

It’s a number, Todd. Just call them bones. President 41 was a skull and Bones member. Who was that? Bush’s dad. Remember that was a crazy movie, the Watchers. And what were they? Some shape shifting entities that watched us, pretty much fed on us kind of. And I’m going to get to that a little bit later. That has the promotional videos that act and behave like what you just saw we just showed on screen from New Jersey. Try to mimic us. But. But here’s the issue. Why they still have to get FAA flight plans when they do all that.

So why would they not get the FAA flight plan? Why would they then do this? And then why would the government not send up aircraft and order them to land and then expose it? Because my dad’s a pilot, my uncle was a pilot, helicopter and aircraft. And a lot of my friends are aviators. And so I know the basic rules about it, how it works. And anybody can check this out. It’s not my opinion, if you don’t know about basic aviation, that let’s say you’re in a helicopter and I’ve done this, you’ve seen us do it.

To go beyond Crowder. And all the roads are closed, but I was still scheduled to be on it. So my buddies got a helicopter. He follows a flight plan. Normally have to do that, but if you’re going into a big city, you do. You’ve been out of the border to cover it. And you radio ahead, you let them know, they ask you questions, you told them what you’re doing and they’re talking to you when you’re coming in. And if you just show up and don’t talk to them and start flying into downtown Dallas, they’ll say, hey, who are you? What are you doing? Identify yourself.

Where are you going? Where are you coming from? And then if you don’t start responding and you start going anywhere near critical infrastructure, like a military base, which these are over within usually just 10 minutes, there is a fighter jet flying right up provisual, 50ft away, looking to find out if you’ve had a heart attack or whatever’s going on. And then if they see you slumped over, the Cessna or the helicopter, whatever, they’ll, they’ll wait. And if it gets near a crowded area, they might shoot you down. If not, they’ll just wait. Like the famous golfer, they, I forget his name.

The jet depressurized and they didn’t shoot down. They followed it, waited until it crashed in a wooded, unpopulated area. But if you’re over a military base flying around and doing maneuvers, you don’t respond, it is the default to shoot you down. Show the critical nuclear weapons bases in the US and Germany. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of admitted events in the last year. They’re happening every couple days right now, where sometimes 15, 20, 30, 40 large craft, I mean by large, are not little drones, 10, 15, 20 foot long, show up and then hover around the nuclear weapons depots.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you approach a nuclear weapons base and you don’t start identifying yourself when you pull up to it, they’re going to pull guns out and point them at you. And if you make any false moves, you’re going to get filled full of bullets. People get shot. Remember what I told you guys since day one with all this alien. Have you ever noticed they’ve always connected the aliens to the nuclear stuff there? How many stories are out there where they say aliens show up and shut down nuclear silo? I’ve been talking about this for a while now, right? And I kept noticing the, the codes are connected.

So I. This is what I think they’re going to do. I think they’re going to do a nuclear event. Then the alien invasion is going to happen. The aliens will show up after the nuclear event, Project Blue Beam, whatever you want to call it. And that’s when the whole, you know, tribulation part starts. That’s my theory anyways. The news, what the hell happened there? Crystal clear, was just. Hold on. Remember, we just was. Here we go. Got a helicopter, he follows a flight plan. Normally have to do that, but if you’re going into a big city, you do.

No, we’re way past that. Sorry about that, guys. I don’t know what the hell just happened there or whatever’s going on. And then if they see you slumped over the Cessna or the helicopter, whatever They’ll. They’ll wait. And if it gets near a crowded area, they might shoot you down. If not, they’ll just wait. Like the famous golfer. I forget his name. The jet depressurized. Yeah, we were almost at the end because this is close to the end. So we had to be close to the end, show up, and then hover around the nuclear weapons depots.

Oh, that’s what happened. It ended. It ended and started over. Oh, okay. All right. My bad. Duh. So I got more. Don’t worry. Now this one, I got to be careful. When it gets to three minutes in, I gotta put. Put an overlay over the video, because when Stephen Greer is talking, they show a bunch of videos of people getting the beat out of them, and we’ll get taken down on YouTube. So I’m gonna just put like an overlay. It’s only for like 20 seconds that I have to cover it up, but we’ll still be able to hear what they’re saying.

And then I got a couple. Man, how many more videos do I have? One, two. Okay, here we go. Here’s the next one. Morning that some say maybe proof we’re not alone in the universe. A UFO in the form of a bright light is seen descending over the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. The video is said to be taken over the weekend. Then suddenly the light shoots up into the sky. There, you see it. Another video from a different angle appears to show the light doing the same thing. You can see this thing comes down over the map.

It’s through the valley and in the valley, and then it turns and it turns and it comes straight. So something traveling that fast, turning at that speed that low is just insane. This seems potentially like one of the biggest stories of my lifetime. And I don’t care if it’s about UFOs or whatever you call it, something that we don’t understand is getting very close to our military aircraft and the government isn’t responding adequately. And I hope you keep sounding the alarm on this. There’s a whole fleet of them. Look on the asa. Oh, my God, it’s roasted.

I think it will take congressional hearings to get to the bottom of all this. This is the next big thing that they want the public to be afraid of. Well, they fired this electromagnetic weapon, they collided. Two went down near Roswell, and one wasn’t found until 1951. Up in the north northern New Mexico desert. Everyone wonders why this conservative Republican president named a five star General Eisenhower said on his last speech to the nation, this is weird. Too. Why is this video going viral today when this video was shot? I remember when they did this video.

Remember guys, it was a couple years back because it was right after they released that video on 421 where Greg Reese released a video showing Project Blue Beam. That video that I always show clips of where they said that they can use direct energy weapons and kill us within a week with Project Blue Beam that this video released, like maybe a week after that. So that was 421 of 2020. And now it’s going viral again. It’s kind of bizarre. As he left office. Beware the military industrial complex. We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought by the military industrial complex.

He wasn’t talking about his brethren in the military. No. He said a technological elite in control of it. We must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific technological elite. People don’t realize that Eisenhower on his watch lost control of the technology transfer issue around ET spacecraft. They circled the wagons and cut him out. So that’s where I get into the Majority Intelligence Committee. M A J I C. It’s pronounced magic. Ironically or not ironically. And that is a blend of both corporate and government programs.

And I’ve met with a number of them who are involved at that level. And they all have this agenda to want to control the world through one clamor. Well, here, this, I gotta cover this part. Boom. Okay, now it’s gonna get crazy after another. And the big one they’ve been planning is to hoax sort of an alien threat from outer space. You know, Vernon Von Braun, back in the 70s, on his deathbed told a member of my team that there was a long term agenda to hoax a threat from outer space. So that sort of the uber global elite, who are really fascists, wanted to take over the planet and unite humanity.

Not in love and peace or spiritual development or anything nice, but around a fearsome. Now in the background as he’s talking about this, there’s just like riots going on. They’re showing the George Floyd riot. People are getting stomped out, beat up. If I would show that on YouTube, I’d be taken down. That’s why I put the overlay. There is sort of police state conditions and that they would go through a number of protocols to do that. First there would be of course, the Cold War, which they would wind down, replace it with global terrorism and then global financial chaos.

And then the big one, which is the one that they’re working on most that’s been very covert in these unacknowledged special access projects is this hoaxed alien threat. All of this is basically a rest rehearsal for what’s coming. And people need to wake up. Now it is kind of interesting that Mr. Steven Greer, because he’s like a huge alien guy, right? And then he’s talking about the hoax daily and threat. I don’t know what to think about that. What do you guys think about that part, ladies and gentlemen? Oh, yeah, we don’t care about your products.

Okay, now we have. Wait, there should be two more. Oh, this one, I forgot to rewind it. That’s why. Okay, this one. And then we have the one where they show up at the White House. Now when they showed up at the White house in the 50s, that’s trending today too. All these videos I’m showing you, they’re all viral today on Alex’s channel. Right. And, and all of them are recent except that one I just showed you. That’s from when I told you it’s from. But though where they showed up over the White House back in the.

I think it was 51, if I’m not mistaken. I think that was Germany, guys. I think that was the Germans and, and, and, and you know, Adolf and his crew. I think he’s like, yo, it’s time to get down or lay down now because Admiral Byrd went down there chasing them. And I’ll play this video and then I’ll try to find. I have this full Admiral Bird because most people just show you clips. I got the full scene. I’ll try to find that for you real quick. Why this is playing Musk as well, because Musk, if you go through his X threads there on September 30, did in fact put out a post that said drone swarms are coming and they’re going to be beyond belief.

Now that’s a prediction that he made back there September 30th. I’m wrong. It was in connotation. I think that China and saying the F34 whatever is a piece of crap. You’re right, he did say something. Guys, pull that up. Go ahead. Sorry. Yeah, and it’s interesting to me because, you know, he’s got that inside track, there’s no question about it. Now, I’ve put on the record before that he can’t say anything about UFOs given his position. And that’s a problem because he certainly knows a great deal about them, but he can’t talk about them because of his relationship with the government in space and, you know, he’s privatized.

There’s no doubt he’s trying to get more inside that government box with Trump. But it’s a private organization, SpaceX, let’s remember, and there are groups out there like DARPA, et cetera, that you need agreements with just to operate up there. And you need those agreements with the Air Force and the Space Force. So there’s no way that he can let things out, as it were, and talk about the UFO file, although he knows a great deal about it. There’s another thing about the types of imagery that they collect. And if the US spy satellites are collecting those and SpaceX collects them, then they have to turn all that over.

So I do think what we’re looking at here is something which I’ve tried to put on the record before, which is they’ve created a UFO threat. And the UFO threat gives them the ultimate ability to call in an emergency powers situation and activate a continuity of government program. That’s the kind of crisscross that’s been building up in the background and on some level it’s a high risk gamble on their side. So there’s been a lot of trial balloons in relation to this. Now, when we look at the New Jersey situation, it’s interesting that a lot of this started right in Monmouth.

And if you go into the history of Monmouth, that’s where the exotic technology was developed very early on. And they shut that base down once it became known. And it’s very interesting if you go through it now, because just Recently Netflix bought 3 acres, 300 acres over there in Monmouth. And we have all these unusual things with Netflix around the UFO file. For example, President Obama financed a movie about Betty and Barney Hill and their abduction experience. So there’s something major going live. What I see technically happening though, with the drone swarms and with all the reports and how there’s a split between what the government is saying, which is total whitewash and absurd, that it’s just planes, etc.

Now people don’t, you know, people are used to planes. This is definitely a drone swarm and it’s a test. And the question is, will that test go live into a full blown emergency powers situation? That’s the activation that the person who set that up, they want to go beyond. They want to go to the third level of this and get into emergency powers. Once you have emergency powers activated, then Gregory Guillot, who is the general that runs Northcom, and he also is in charge of NORAD and He’s the cog, combatant commander. He becomes the complete ruler of the United States and sets out regional governors.

And the regional governors that he sets up are supposed to be there until we can have an election sometime after the alien invasion eases up. But you know, definitely what they’re doing with the drones, you know. Yes, we know drone technology. So they’re not, they’re UFOs, but they’re technically known. And the problem is what they need to do is roll this out and get the test back and get the type of data back that they need and then they can see whether, whether or not they can make this test go live. And when we’ve seen drills and things in the past that went live, if you look at all the deep events through history, whether it’s 9, 11 or the different financial crashes and things, there’s always a drill that’s taking place, as we know, close by.

And so this is the drill. But I’ll tell you, it’s so dangerously close to that line of the UFO threat thing that’s been pushed by the intelligence community. And they’ve sent a lot of people out there running these congressional hearings, especially in the past two years. But from 2017, in the New York Times article on UFOs, the drones form. And it’s interesting because that’s the UFO swarm right there. And what they’re doing with the drones is reenacting this idea and putting it over people who, we understand that it’s drone technology, but the genuine UFOs and the way that they act and they operate there is crossover.

Because if you look at some of the stories out of New Jersey, you will see people saying I missed time when these things showed up. There was a couple who came forward and were talking to a news station there and they said suddenly we had all this electronic failure. So there’s an effect outside of the development process of the UFO file when they re engineer it. And I call the effect a pothium. And it creates a reality distortion effect, which is one of the reasons for the high level of secrecy around this stuff. Yes, exactly. And if you go, I mean you can track through the history.

They had a huge swarm over the White House in 1952. That’s how far back we’re going with this. One of the things that changed in the policy right around the 50s was something called the Kinross incident because they started to see the UFOs merge together on radar and take off before. They had never seen that. So it went into a whole different level of Classification. And it’s very interesting because that level of classification created a group called X Protect. They are the ones who have designed the misinformation programs and stonewalled the public for 70 years on this.

I mean look at this footage from 1953. I mean that’s real footage. I mean look at that. Oh yeah, that’s incredible. That is the drone swarm. And it’s interesting because that’s the UFO swarm right there. And what they’re doing with the drones is reenacting this idea and putting it over people who, you know, we understand that it’s drone technology, but the genuine UFOs and the way that they act and they operate there is crossover because if you look at some of the stories out of New Jersey you will see people saying I missed time when these things showed up.

There was a couple who came forward and were talking to a news station there and they said suddenly we had all this electronic failure. So there’s an effect outside of the development process of the UFO file when they re engineered and I call the effect of pothium and it creates a reality distortion effect which is one of the reasons for the high level of secrecy around this stuff. You know, when they get around it and they say well torsion physics, torsion physics makes nuclear explosions look like a firecracker. This is the nature of the technology. That type of physics warps reality.

And that’s why when you have around the UFO file you have a number of unusual things. When people are abducted, they go through things, you know, they disappear out of their car and then replaced back in their car. Eight hours go by and they don’t know where they’ve been. All those types of things are all reality distortion effects. That’s why they have to get such highly trained individuals to even work with the things that they recover. So now I think what they’re trying to do and I think one of the craft that they redeveloped, I actually put it in my X thread, which is the Calvin UFO, which is a photo that they suppressed from 1990 and they finally let this thing out.

But I think that it shows their version of trying to control these massive ships and what the way that they’re trying to do it. And they want to make sure they can do it without this Apotheum effect overflowing and creating all these physics disturbances. Because what happens is whenever you see a UFO showing up in these various areas you get blackouts, you get people missing time, you get things disappearing, you get animals disappearing. I mean all these unusual things show up and then if one of these craft ever land, one of the odd effects that takes place is nothing ever grows there again.

So, you know, we have to realize that we’re looking at a totally different level of technology to start with. This is incredible. So this was a shot taken by a witness of a craft that was, as you can see, about four times larger than plane. And it was accompanied and it was moving at incredible speeds, and the plane was trying to keep up with it. What they did was they suppressed this picture from 1990 and it went underground for 30 years. Got rereleased in 2022 and it’s one of the best photos of a plane either accompanying or chasing ufo.

What I got into detail about it and I got the negative of this picture, by the way. It’s very interesting. But what I got and what I heard about the witnesses and the story behind it is that this was actually a test, the Calvin ufo. And what they were doing is we had this craft and it was in pretty good shape and they decided to try and fly it, and they had problems with it. And you see a plane accomp accompanying it. It’s not actually chasing it, it’s keeping up with it and trying to sort of guide it as it goes along.

Because what they’ve had trouble with from this whole period is when they’ve redeveloped the craft, it has this apotheum effect, which is highly unpredictable. And so when we get into those situations where we’re redeveloping it, sometimes they have to show it publicly, which is what I think the Phoenix lights was in 1997. Part of the technology that they need to roll out is, you know, we call it the breakaway tech. This is the nature of the thing. It’s X technology inside the UFO file. So, for example, the things that Tesla developed and there were other things that Einstein developed and others were referred to.

A lot of this is referred to later. If you look at people. Yo, you know what I just noticed too. Okay, I want to see if anybody notices it. Let me look at the comments real quick. What do you guys notice right now? Pay attention. What do you notice going on right now? Come on, someone make me proud. And I noticed it right away, but when I just paused it a minute ago, I brought up two things, but I had my microphone muted so you couldn’t hear me. I mentioned that 32 we’ve seen on the screen, which is typed, the Nephilim, but this has nothing to do with numbers.

Well, oh, there’s my girl Sonia. Shout out to her the wizard of Oz in the background. Great job, Sonia. And what is trending in all over the world right now. Wicked. So he just happens to have the wizard of Oz up and remember what I taught you guys the other day with the wizard of Oz? It’s used a lot in what, trauma based mind control. Trauma based mind control? Yeah. Wizard of Oz right there. You know that that’s ad placement. You know, they do this all the time. They think they’re slick psychological warfare on. On a crazy level, the dark journalist.

I don’t trust this gentleman. Like President Trump when he was giving briefings when he was president in his first term, he would say, we have planes that can go invisible. And then they would say, oh, no, no, that’s not true. He didn’t mean that. Whatever. No, he did. They do have invisibility and this is the nature of using that technology. So that part was developed early on and the camera does go with it. Don, a good catch. Einstein and Tesla, both of them were involved in it. They used the Tesla technology and Einstein was of course, deep inside that.

The invisibility technology is interesting because you see things about the drones disappearing. So I believe that it’s a test of that. They say the F15s have invisibility technology on board, but it’s unstable. It’s not fully worked out on our side. There was a guy who came forward, Colonel Philip Corso, who said that the things that we developed on the inside, which were some of the most of the fastest manned space planes, were all about chasing UFOs. So X15s in these planes were all developed for that specific purpose. And it’s very interesting if you go back and look at it in the history side of it.

Gorbachev, actually the former leader of the Soviet Union, came here to New York and that was in 2013. And he talked all about how Reagan took him aside during their meeting in Reykjavik and said, we need to create and develop this whole SDI block against this UFO threat. Will you help us us if they attack us? And then he went on record with that. Everyone in the room was freaked out when he said it. Project Mars is Project. Hey, what. Guys, what book is Elon Musk in? Or remember his name? Ain’t Elon’s name in some book that has to do with Mars? Does anybody know? I can’t remember off the top of my head, but I thought his name was in some book that is tied to Mars.

I could be mistaken on that, but it’s on record and we know that it’s true. Please go to the Alex Jonestore dot com. I am so glad this is back. No, thank you, Alex. We will not be going there anytime soon. Okay, now let’s put in these other videos I just got and hold on. The one is kind of scary. I want to show you this first. I meant to show you this the other day and I totally forgot this one. Then created a machine that goes around and pick dead bodies up. Now I’m highly confused now.

Why did they create a machine like this, guys? Unless they’re planning on there being a lot of dead bodies in the street. My dude right here. You guys should follow me. It’s funny as hell. Wisdom blast on. On Instagram. He’s out in Thailand all the time and he got a little mansion over there. He says it’s super cheap to live out in Thailand. Used on. Why will we need this? Unless, you know, they expecting bodies that need to get picked up. Like they own just the street or something just laying down. And I don’t know why, but I just get, you know, evil villain vibes from this.

Like a whole body bag robot is absolutely diabolical. Like not calling the emblems but pick them up like roaches that’s on the street. And people like to call other people superstitious. But answer this question. What is this used for? Besides the battlefield or an event where there’s bodies laying all over the floor? And the times that we living in, I couldn’t put it past them. Definitely living in some strange times. But I’m curious though. Y’all let me know y’all thoughts on this video in the comments. What is this machine used for? That is bizarre. They got it over in.

In China right now. I mean, that’s crazy. I meant to show you guys that days ago, but I’ve been a little busy and occupied. I. I’m actually writing a book right now and it’s on MK Ultra mind control. So I’ve been tied up with that. But hold on, here’s. Here’s the other one. I got two. Wait flat. Well, this one just shows flatter. This is the wrong video, but that doesn’t matter. That’s a good video too. Look at that. The map of. We definitely live in some type of enclosed organic simulation. It ain’t like they tell us, here’s the Admiral Byrd one.

Here it is. Here it is. Sorry, guys. Not only our greatest living explorer, but he’s been an inspiration to countless Americans. Is there any unexplored land left on this earth that might appeal to adventurous young Americans? Yes, there is and not up around the North Pole because it’s getting crowded up there now because they find out it’s really usable not only to live in, but militarily. But strangely enough, there’s left in the world today an area as big as the United States that’s never been seen by a human being. And I think it’s quite astonishing that there should be an area as big as that unexplored.

But more important than that, it has to do with the future of the nation, those to come after us or even during your lifetime because it happens to be an untouched reservoir of natural resources. And in the future I can see a time when it will be very, very important. We had at it nearly half. Listen, when he said they went down there, they said there was freaking crafts coming up that were just taking this crafts out. They were running into visible force fields and they found a way into inter earth and on the other side of this giant ice wall.

So not only do we live in some enclosed organic simulation, it’s probably like a snow globe. Guys, remember the new red one me and Jay broke down? Which by the way got like 50000 views on my Facebook thanks to you guys. Remember how they were catching the people from the naughty list and putting them in them snow globes? We probably live in something like that where the plane is flat. There’s. There’s land that we’re not allowed to go to. And then there’s a whole underworld too. And it’s. It’s some type of kind of holographic. It’s. It’s some type of computer simulation, but it’s coded at the speed of light so there’s no way to escape it or get beyond it without breaking that code.

You have to go beyond the speed of light to travel. And you ain’t shooting in a rocket going to the moon. You travel through stargates or through wormholes interdimensionally. That’s what quantum physics shows. I mean that’s what the mathematics proves. But you know, what do I know? A million square miles to the Pacific Ocean. And here is our journey’s end. At length we sighted that great natural phenomenon, the ice barrier. As we started alongside the barrier with our ships suddenly the edge. Look at that freaking edge. Now where’s something else? They showed us this at. Guys, what movie think of a series that was super famous that they showed us a huge ice wall.

Not only did they show us a huge ice wall, they showed us massive nephilims in it too. Oh yeah. Good job. Matrix codebreaker. Game of Thrones. And remember there was 19 castles on the ice wall. 19 castles, one of their favorite numbers, AIs. 19. We’re on a 19 year metonic moon cycle corona. 19 happened 19 years after 9. 11 after the 19 alleged hijackers brought down the towers and chaos. Chaos is 19. That’s part of their chaos magic. But yes sir, you’re a hundred percent right. Truman. Truman. No, no, that’s off limits. Why? What’s over there? Nothing.

It’s dangerous, that’s all you’ve got to know your limitations. And then suddenly, after he made these claims there was an Antarctic treaty between. And suddenly nobody’s able to explore Antarctica anymore. After this big name military guy comes out on national television saying that there’s more land and more resources. Suddenly it’s closed off from the public. And the only way that people can go there now is on these pre approved tourist tours that they have where you go kind of penguin and touch the little barbershop pole they’ve called the South Pole and be on your way home.

But they don’t allow independent exploration of Antarctica. So we can actually see this. Whether Admiral Byrd was telling us the truth when he said that there was another continent on the other side of Antarctica the size of America, I don’t know. I haven’t been there. Just like people say, is it an infinite plane? Is there an edge? Is it a dome? Is there a barrier? I don’t know. Let us go. It’s not that we believe something ridiculous and you don’t, you’re, you don’t believe it. It’s not about that. It’s about we actually don’t know what we’re on.

We always say that we don’t know, but based on all the, that we got by the mainstream, we don’t believe that you believe that. Admiral Byrd. Close. We don’t know what we’re on. We always say that we don’t know. We don’t know what we’re on. We always say that we don’t know. But based on all the shit that we got by the mainstream, we don’t believe that you believe that. Oh, can you hear me now? Can you hear me now, guys? Sorry. But anyways, I made this video with AI and I didn’t share it because I’m working on something that I, I create.

I’m creating a video showing what I believe the world is and that it’s some type of enclosed organic simulation. But think about this. If I could make this with freaking AI and you can make this over on Nvidia AI. They have a prompt, prompt. And you just use that prompt and you can make the same video. You know what I mean? So think what NASA has and what the hell they can make. Guys, if you could make this, if your 6 year old kid could make this damn thing, I mean, it’s not hard for them to fake it, right? And, and look, they gave us AI recently, within the last, what, five years we got it.

But they’ve had AI probably, I would say, 30 to 50 years ago now. What do you guys think? Can’t hear you now. Oh, you can hear me now. Good, good, good, good. Yeah, sorry. There wasn’t no sound at first. I had the freaking microphone pause. That was my bad, guys. But yeah, it’s just crazy how you can, you know, fake this stuff and for people to think, oh, well, how do they get this image or that image or how do they get this video? Well, easily. How did I get this? I made it with AI. That’s all you got to do.

It’s very simple. And their AI is so much more advanced than ours. So how many times have they showed us videos like, remember the freaking fly on the rover in space, guys? Remember that? Oh, AI is a big problem, Warren. It is a big problem. It’s getting better and better. Like in Video AI now, bro, it’s getting so good. But, but they’re cracking your head. Like if you want to make the video from scratch and may have AI completely make it to where it’s not. What’s that called? To where it’s not taking a bunch of stock images and putting them together and creating a video like that.

You see how the AI does that sometimes it’ll take stock videos from like Canva or Photoshop and then put a bunch of them together. No, it takes this and creates it right out of its little AI Nephilim brain. And it totally creates it. Look at that. That was supposed to be Bruce. Damn it. What’s his name? The guy that’s in Die Hard. It was supposed to be him in space, but it didn’t come out too, too good. So. But still, you. You get the point. All their stuff is so cgi and within another year or two, think of how far advanced AI is going to be.

And this is just AI the public’s getting. You know what I mean? It still has some kinks it’s got to work out and little stupid things that you can tell like right there in the face. But. But I’m telling you right now, Hollywood and the government, they have A.I. dude, with this and video. A.I. guys, this is a five minute video. It shot a five minute video with the whole script to it. I didn’t play the script because it’s kind of stupid. But you could shoot whole movies, 12 minute movies. So if they’re giving us technology where I can make a 12 minute video movie that the AI completely creates, directs, makes the characters up itself, everything.

Think of what they have. I bet I. I’ve been telling people this for a while now. 99. I’d say more. Probably a hundred percent of the movies we’re watching are all created by AI. I really believe that with all my heart, guys. I do. Now there’s some good ones, you know, there’s some good ones out. There’s sound. If you don’t got sound, they cut your sound off because the sound is me talking. We. We don’t. I don’t want to play the original sounds as a script. I was just making a point with the video, that’s all.

As long as you can hear me, that’s all that matters. And you can you see, because that’s moving. So yeah, audio check. We’re good. But yeah, it’s. It’s getting crazy out here. You. So you guys want some recommendations? Oh, let me pull up the movie site. Now I’m not gonna say the name of this movie site because they’ll take it down. So hopefully you guys are smart enough to look up at the. Where you. Where you see the name of a site. Like right up here you can see I’m on Stream Yard, right? Well, you guys can’t see that, but if you’re on Google, you look up, it says ww YouTube.com so when we’re over on this other site.

Hold on, I gotta download Brave real quick. Give me one second. I just had a factory reset my computer right before I went live, guys, so. But I want to give you some good recommendations to. What? What the hell is that? Whoa. What was that? Found under the ocean. That’s the real space under the freaking ocean, right? That’s what they’re not telling us. They say they’ve only. How many steps did I do today? Damn, 7,000. They said they only discovered. They’ve only explored 3% of. Of. Of the ocean. Now we know that’s a lie. Probably. I mean everything they tell us is a lie.

So I don’t believe nothing they tell me. I’m downloading the Brave search engine here. I’ll just let you guys see everything I do. That way, you know how to do it? Present screen. Share entire screen. Boom. Wait a second. Entire screen? Yes. Share that. Share. Okay. Brave install. Yeah, I already did this part. Oh well, I guess I did not do that part. Try not to install it or something. Yeah, look, it doesn’t want to install it. What? What the hell is going on here? Why will you not install it? Huh? See? Details. What you got going on? Couldn’t install.

Something happened. Yeah, what happened is I’m on a live and you don’t want me to show this. See something. Ha. And installed anyways. You little bastard. Let me see something here, guys. Sister, I renamed the computer Truth Mafia. It used to be something very pro vera. Very negative about gang stalkers. I’m glad it’s not that no more because I would have got in trouble. Oh yeah. I’m using way too much data. Okay, I’ll tell you one thing. Their VPN is pretty good. See, look guys. I’m triangulating in multiple different locations at once. So I’m in Denmark and Switzerland at the same time.

You see that? I’ll play around. You better get a vpn. And I’m so proud of a lot of you guys because now you guys email me and I started noticing like a bunch you got Proton emails now. Proton is an encrypted email. They made it at CERN though, the proton email. So I don’t. But the Internet was made a CERN too. Everything was freaking made at cern. But it is a good. It’s probably one of the best VPNs out there. I. Whenever I’m on my VPN, I really don’t have no problems. When I’m not on this vpn, my computer glitches.

It messes up. It does all kinds of crazy. But even once in a while, I’ll still have to factory reset it because the censorship’s just getting good, man. It’s AI learning how to censor. So you actually want to download the Brave search engine you see over here? The only reason I use Microsoft is because it has all the cool features integrated into AI and stuff. So like, for my work and stuff like that, I use it. But earthquake map shows nine states hit on the same warning. Let’s check that real quick before we go over there.

Nine states in the same warning. It’s getting bad. Hey, Matrix code breaker. Is this the one you told me about? Brother? Didn’t you just say we got hit with a bunch of earthquakes? I seen it. Hold on. Let’s go to our our social media. If you go over here Guys, go to groups. It’s on Truthful TV dot com. This is where you can book your personal decode. Check out our shop. Here’s my boy, Matrix Code Breaker. He has his. He has 32 members now. He has his own thing called Matrix Code Breaker Corner. Go join it so we can get them off that 32 number.

But I seen him do one the other day. Oh, I’m not gonna mention that. Oh yeah, right here. Alaska is now getting rocked by 6.0 magnitude earthquakes. And this comes after the 7.0 earthquake we had in Cali. So. Oh my God, I forgot to log in. And then here’s mine. Mine’s got like 2000 members or 1953 members. My bad. Which is called Truthful Social. So you just got the calculator over there already a bunch of different stuff. It’s cool though. You could share your own stuff, your own area. And we just got it when I just launched this like a couple days ago.

You have followers, people follow you, you get different badges. Guys, I can give you badges depending on like what, how much stuff you share. If you’re a content creator, if you’re a mate, part of the main members, part of the diamond family, then you can write your about part. See, here’s the different badges, all my different posts that I have in here. Oh, that one’s crazy. Some of them I gotta go fix because when I reset this, I lost a bunch of my work so I have to erase some of them because the videos are gone.

It kind of sucks. But like if you would click on. Let’s say for example, where’s Matrix Code Breaker? Right here. So if you clicked on his. See, he has his own area, 50 people following, 39 followers. He’s a form moderator, he’s a writer. He’s got. There’s all his badges. So it’s pretty cool. We game the. We gamified it to make it fun, you know, to make it very interactive. He’s a meditation coach, content creator, main member, diamond family VIP mantra and a great friend of mine. Rising Star badge. That’s one. Bro. You just got that. Didn’t even realize it, did you? That’s one I did.

Automated. For people that share a lot, you get the X Eclipse badge, the Rising Star badge. That’s the X Eclipse. But anyways, so you’ll come over here right after you downloaded the Brave search engine, you’ll type in F. I’m not gonna say the rest because it’ll flag it right away. You see what I put in there? Guys, here, let me zoom in for you. For our blind people. Oh, won’t let me zoom in. Damn it. Not on that part. Well, F and then the word movies. And then just type enter. You’ll see a couple of different variations come up.

I forget which one’s the newest one right now. And then I’ll tell you about it. F Movies was a series of file streaming websites that host links to embedded videos, allowing users to stream or download movies for free. The site has been subject to legal action. Yeah, and I actually spoke to the guy that knows that really owns the site. And he’s got a VPN, too. People think he’s in another country. He actually lives in America. He’s just triangulating multiple countries. They’ve already took him to court numerous times, but he don’t give a. And I like him for that.

So shout out to him, because if it wasn’t for him, there’s a lot of poor people out there that can’t afford to have Netflix, hbo, all these different ones. You know, I have them all. I posted in my telegram. You guys seen what I’m paying a month, like 400 for just movie streaming. But I can’t. I don’t know any of them sites I have. I only have them for my TV over there, but I can’t screen record on them. It won’t let you screen record. It’ll play the audio, but it’ll just be black. So when I do my decodes or we watch a movie together, I gotta come over here and use it because this will let you screen record on it.

You can record the whole damn video. This the one we told you about? Red one that me and J.D. oh, it’s an HD now, too. That’s awesome. I think it was an HD actually, though, when it first came out, which you don’t see that very often. That’s the one me and Donut are going to do on Trump. It’s. It’s pretty good. I thought it was good. Anyways, the new Venom Matrix code breaker. Did you like it? Spoiler alert, Venom dies at the end. I almost cried. And it’s kind of weird how they get you to like Venom and he’s really the bad guy.

And it’s. He. He represents the black dude, the nanotechnology. So it’s not a good thing. You know what I mean? This one was too weird for me. I try to watch it. I watch about half of it. Megalopolis. It’s just like. I don’t know, man. It’s kind of stupid. But Gladiator 2 was phenomenal. Even the camera version. Okay, so like if a movie comes out and let me get a drink, guys. On my throat’s dry as hell. If a movie comes out and it’s still in the movie theater, it’ll usually be on the camera version for like a week or two.

And then once it gets on dv, once it’s out of the movie theater, it goes right to hd. But sometimes it’ll go right to hd like Red Want. That’s still in the movie theater, but some it’s already on HD and that’s a perfect quality. Even the camera versions most of the time are perfect. Oh, season two, a rookie bookie. I mean, this is my favorite show, guys. If you haven’t watched Bookie, it is so funny. But it’s only like 22 minutes an episode, so. Oh man, I’m so happy I’m gonna watch that tonight. I’m gonna have to move my computer over there to watch it it.

But that’s okay because I got a brand new tv, huge tv. So I used to watch everything on my computer. I still haven’t figured out how to use my smart TV and be able to get on here yet. I don’t know how to do it. Someone knows how to do that. Please teach me because that would be awesome if I could do that. But anyways. Oh, this one. Phenomenal. Silo part two’s out. This is all about the plasma apocalypse, the Phoenix phenomenon, these global resets. I told Jay about it. Jay dreamers. Me and him will probably decode it once he gets time to watch it.

But where’s that one I wanted you guys to watch? Oh, and if I wouldn’t recommend this though, see how it’s hiding? Wicked. You got to type Wicked in. I don’t know why it doesn’t show it to you until you type it in. It’s right there. I watched it. Two hours of the most trash I have ever seen in my life. I mean, it is trash. First of all, this is trash too. Joker, the new Joker. Joker and Wicked are about the same type of trash. I’m not a fan of musicals. I can deal with a musical if it’s a good storyline and maybe a musical here and there, but not the whole damn thing all the way through.

Joker wasn’t a musical the whole way through. It had a story to it too. It. So it was better than Wicked in. In that aspect, but they both were trash. I wouldn’t even waste your time on it, honestly. And then hold On a second. I want to see the other one movies. So if you’re not on the Brave search engine, you’ll get pop ups. And you. You might even get pop ups if you’re on Brave. I don’t get them because I got a vpn. I got an anti popup thing, anti malware, so I don’t get no popups.

None of that. You know what I mean? But yeah, so there’s this one and there’s this one that’s still F movies. This one might have the newer stuff on it, so you gotta check them both. Yeah, it does. This one has the newer stuff. I think so. Oh, yeah, right. See, it does because there’s Wicked and ts. So T, you got HD camera and tsunami camera. Or TS is. It’s. It’s not like it’s way better than camera, but it’s kind of like a way lower version than hd. I don’t know how to really break it down any better than that.

That new Smile one is crazy. That’s the one me and Donut was Talking about on Donuts 24 Hour podcast. Oh, Arena Wars. I haven’t seen that one yet. What’s that all about? Looks kind of weird. Where’s the one I just watched last night about the. He was that he was a. He was. Oh, this is good. Mary. My mom hated it. She said it was terrible because it’s not biblically right. That’s what my mother said. But shout out to my mama lover. There’s one where there’s a guy, he works at the airport and he’s one of the people that pat you down.

And Bomb comes through. That was really good. I watched that. I just don’t. It’s on Netflix. There’s like four new ones on Netflix that are real good right now. There’s one with Ray Romano, two guys that’s pretty phenomenal, where he accidentally kills his son because his son was burglarized in the neighbor’s house and came in with a freaking ski mask on. And then. Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you all about this. What’s it called? Hold on, give me a second. My son looking top looking. Does anybody know where Elvis Presley was born? Hold on a second.

So there’s this new series and it’s about conspiracies. They’re making fun of us in it, right? And I think it’s like Tupla King or something. And the guy was a conspiracy person and he worked at the hospital, so they told him to go in and clean up the. Well, He Wasn’t a conspiracy person at this time. He. He owned a company. He was an Elvis impersonator, him and his brother. And they told him to go in and clean up the morgue at the hospital down in Memphis. I think it’s like Topla Memphis or something. And he goes in there, he’s cleaning up, and he’s in a hazmat suit.

So he starts to get real hot and he. He says he gets thirsty. He wanted Dr. Pepper. So he opens up the fridge, which I don’t know why you would do that in a mortuary. Like, there’s gonna be Dr. Peppers that go, coca Cola in there, bro. But anyways, he opens it up and there’s a severed head in there. There’s all these body parts labeled skin. So he. He just starts, you know, telling everybody about it, everybody he works with, and they pull him up, fire him, try to make him sign something so he can’t figure out why they did that.

He’s like, what the hell? And he goes home and it’s like when the Internet first came out. So he gets on the Internet and starts looking into organ harvesting. And it’s kind of interesting because when I shared that Kanika Jenkins video that just is going viral right now, the reason I shared it is because I seen other people were doing videos on organ harvesting and Kanika Jenkins, and I’m like, damn, that case is older. But let me go back and re look at it again. So then I found them clips and I made that video of it, but I didn’t know this came out yet.

So it’s been. Me and my son were talking about this today. Whenever one of these big videos go viral on a certain subject, you’ll notice like a week leading up to that, they’ll have many conspiracy theories or stories on Tick Tock Instagram that they let go viral. It’s like all part of it. I don’t fully understand it yet how it works. Hold on one second. Where was Elvis born? Yeah. Two. Okay, I’m not a spell it now about. Say, I could not spell that. I see it down here. This one is really good. And you can find it on Netflix.

Netflix. Or watch it over here. P E L O. King. Is it kings or kings? No, that’s not it. Hold on a second. Oops. Maybe I’ll be on there. Black Dub. That one was okay. I wouldn’t recommend it to no one, though. It was. It was all right, let me put it. Ting or kings. I can’t remember. Remember? Oh, a king of Topla. That’s why. There we go. I was messing it up. My bad. Guys, this is it. The King of tawny butchering that right now. And I apologize to all the people from there. I don’t know how to pronounce it, so I apologize.

But it was so good. Even my son loved it. Carmine. He binge watched it. So this guy, he ends up becoming like the biggest conspiracy theor theory ever. And they’re making fun of conspiracy theorists throughout the whole thing. Well, in the end. So people are calling him crazy. His family disowns him, his wife starts banging his brother. And then the whole time he was right. The whole town where Elvis grew up, from the mayors to the politicians, all the way up to the White House, they’re selling organs, guys. And they came and arrested, first of all, one of the politicians tried to kill him, try to set him up to kill him and try to make it look like a stage fight was going to blow his head off.

And then they raided his crib and freaking try to charge him with sending Obama. What’s that called? Not anthrax, something like that though. But it wasn’t anthrax. It was something else, something even. Something even crazier than anthrax. It’s like some deadly poison. And they said he sent it to the judge, which. The judge, she was involved. Her son owns all the funeral homes. He’s a politician there, and he was trafficking organs. And then the. So he was going on like all these talk boards, you know how we all communicate. And so say you went over on truthful TV over here, right? And there was a Oregon Harvest talk talk board on here, and people are telling you guys about different people trafficking organs.

He was on something like that. And this one lady’s like, look into this person. I think he stole my d. Dad’s organs, this lady. And he starts looking into. He starts connecting the dots. So then he’s telling his brother about it. He’s telling his wife. Nobody’s listening to him. They’re making fun of him. And it turns out like maybe a year or two down the road, the news comes on. He’s sitting at home all depressed. He done lost his job. His wife. His wife’s been giving his brother reach arounds, rubbing tugs and. And boom, that story breaks where the guy that he was investigating online had a freaking little hospital, like a chop shop in his funeral home.

And there was a whole connection of funeral homes where they were stealing people’s organs, which I don’t even know how you steal organs in funeral Homes like, what are you doing? Killing people. They, they must have been bringing people in there and killing them. Because I know around here, I’m in Canton, Ohio, so Cleveland, Chicago, Detroit, you know, you hear about people trafficking in narcotics and making money. But one of the biggest hustles around here, guys, and it’s scary, it’s scary as. That’s why you young girls out there, you need to be very careful because these young kids don’t give a.

And these young dudes, now what they’ll do is they’ll take these girls out that they meet online, especially girls that are drug addicts or don’t have no family members. And they’ll take you out, spike your bottle, get you all up, you nod out. Next thing you know, you wake up at one of these middle man houses, which they just sold you to him for $10,000. Now he’s gonna sell you to the chop shop where, you know, they got these so called doctors. Some of them are real doctors, some of them are people that went to medical school, some are people that lost their license.

But this is a multi billion dollar empire and it’s in every major city. They are actually stealing people, date raping them and really stealing their organs. And I’m not talking about. You’re gonna wake up missing the kidney in the bathtub up. Oh no, no, no, that would be, you know, okay, maybe I can survive. Oh, you’re not waking up ever. They’re taking everything, your heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, skin. They sell the eyeballs, the bones. I, I was wondering when I was reading this list, I’m like, what the hell do they sell the skin and eyeballs and bones for? What, what the hell are they doing with that? You know, probably something these elites do, who knows? I mean they have.

And look at the skull and bones logo. Straight skull and bones, that’s the, that’s the COVID of it, guys. That’s the COVID of it. And his name, he signs everything. K, C. K C, that’s his initials. What’s that? That K is 11. C is 311-3113. Where’s that come from? Guys, what’s that number from the Reptilians, the Phoenicians, right? The ones that are probably stealing our freaking organs and probably have a whole human market. You know what I mean? The. Well, I thought I had a slide up here. All right, here. His initials, KC, which is 113.

So just take a gander there. That’s a 113 stuff. Phoenicians, which were the Canaanites vampires is 113. Alien reptilians is 113. It comes from the Babylonian Talmud in the Baba Kamala that states the Jews use lies to circumvent the Gentile perjury. 113 dishonest one month, which I don’t. You know, I don’t blame them. One of my best. Several of my best friends are Jewish, so I’m not attacking Jewish people here. You know, shout out to my boy Donut. You guys know I love him. It’s like my brother, if Italians and Cubans and Scottish people, we should all lied to other people too, you know, and.

And stayed more in our community. But that’s actually in the title mode. And what else is in the title? Mood is talking about these damn Reptilians. It talks about the aquatic freaking lizard reptilians in there. Look, right here, the nephilim. Because they caused the downfall of the world. World. They were some demon, a species of lizard living in the water. Sounds like. It sounds like Dagon and his crew to me. Right, guys? So there’s definitely some rep. It’s the demons. That’s what they are. They’re not reptilian aliens from the Draco freaking star system. That’s the lie part of it.

But the Reptilians are real. They’re very real. They’re just demonic. They’re the same demons that are from the freaking Bible. But yeah, dude, he signs all of his letters. Casey. Casey. And I remember when I was watching it last night, I’m like, damn, why does he keep saying KC over and over again? Then I’m like, oh, duh, Tommy, you dummy. K113. I’m like, holy so is. And that’s a number of dishonest, not true illusion, disinfo, mainstream perjury. So, you know, there’s probably a lot of lies in it too. But I’m sure the organ harvesting part is 100 true.

I’m not saying his story is true, but I believe they do that in a major way. Not that I believe I know for a fact they do it. I know a place right now, not in my city, but in Akron, where you can actually take people and get $10,000 a body. You take anybody up there, boom, take them in there. They pay 10 GS. And then they’re probably. Who knows how much they make off it. Just like if you took a car to the chop shop, you might get ten grand for the. The. The car and then the chop shop.

People think they chop it down and sell it for parts. Yeah, that happens at times. But most of the time they take them cars. Like a brand new car. If you steal a new Benz or something, they’re gonna go put in a shipping container and ship it over to Europe or ship it to Africa. And believe it or not, a lot of the cars that go stolen from America get shipped to Africa. There’s a lot of rich people in Africa. I never knew that. And I mean, I knew there was rich people in Africa, but I didn’t know that.

A big majority of our cars that go stolen in America get shipped there. Like Nigeria is getting a ton of our cars and it’s just the higher class people in them countries that are getting them. So just like our stolen cars go there, our stolen children go to the other places and then when they’re done and they can’t use them anymore, they got them. But the, this I’m not talking about children. This I’m talking about they’ll take a 30, 40, 50 year old person and got them. But they like people between a certain age bracket. You get more money, you know what I mean? If they’re like 18, I forget what it is.

It’s. I shouldn’t even know this, but it’s like 18 to 30 something. I think it’s like 18 to 31 or 18 to 30. In that age bracket you get more money. And the only reason I know that is because I know a lot of people from the street. So I know a lot of different things that are going on in these big cities. And that’s just a major hustle. My dude from Chicago, he told me too, he’s like, bro, that people are making more money on that than they are on drugs. There’s people making more money where they’ll just take these girls out, get them drunk, Boom.

Not even just girls. Sometimes it might be one of your dudes. You think these dudes are your friends? Next thing you know, you’re going to a party, boom. You wake up up in a freaking chop shop, you know, and you’re the, you’re the freaking product. I mean, that’s scary. Imagine that. Do you guys remember that video I had on my other channel when I had Tommy Truthful dot com? Well, that video actually got that whole page taken down. Do you guys remember the human chop shop video I had over there? It was so hard to watch though because they have a line of kids, guys, and this little girl, she was crying, screaming for her mother and they didn’t care.

They just picked her up, put her over this tub thing later on the chair, and. And then in the next room, there’s some people in there that are actually chopping the bodies up after cutting the legs off, cutting the meat, like in the stakes. And I don’t know what the hell they were doing, if they were selling that meat. I think they were, but it was the weirdest. It was like a. A whole factory where you would go to a factory to see a pig or chicken or cow be slaughtered. It was just like that, except humans.

And anybody that’s been following me for a long time, I’m sure there’s many of you that remember that video. I know recently, I’ve had numerous people hit me up and say, tommy, what happened to that video? I want to show my. This one guy asked me. I’m not gonna say his name, but he asked me. He said, I want to show my buddy at work. And I haven’t heard from him since then, but if he’s listening to this, just know. I did get your message. I. I don’t have the video anymore, bud. I’m sure I can find it again.

But that got my whole website taken down. And then I got the website put back up after that, but it got my website taken down for, like, three months. And then right after I got put back up, I had already bought Truth Mafia, so there kind of was no reason to even have that one anymore. So now when you type in Tommy truthful dot com, it just reroutes you to Truth Mafia. But, yeah, it was hard to watch, man. It was some crazy stuff. It was going on over in one of them. I don’t know. It’s either an African country or Arabic, one of the two.

I can’t. I really not sure. I don’t want to say the wrong, you know, assumption, but, yeah, I know. And when they do the heart, they can’t numb you. They can’t give them anesthesia. It’s crazy. Like, these people are evil. And then when they’re doing that, Amanda, you know, they’re probably harvesting something else, right? Because the torture, the fear. So they’re harvesting the most expensive drug in the world, the Adrian Signal. And while that’s being harvested, these entities, they’re working with demons, are feeding on that. That loose that’s being produced by these victims. So, yeah, man, it’s dark.

It’s. It’s a dark world that. That type of stuff is hard to talk about. It’s hard to look into, but it’s a necessity, because if we don’t bring attention to it, Then it just gets covered up and people act like it’s not happening when it is, and it’s an epidemic. And there’s actually places now that, you know, your daughter might go out on her first date and. And not come home. That shit’s. That’s scary. You know what I mean? That’s why my kid, when she. Thank God she’s still good and doesn’t my daughter. I would. She smokes weed.

She’s love 16 now, but she’s still a virgin. She goes to little parties here and there. But she also knows how to protect herself. You know, all my kids went through many different forms of jiu jitsu and like that, but it still scares me because she’s still just a little thing. Her brothers, you know, I know they would handle it if something happened, but what are you gonna do after the fact, right? It’s scary being a parent at this. This day and age thinking about this type of stuff. You just look away for a second and your kid’s gone.

I’ve told this story before when I was. I wasn’t real young, but Vincenzo was just born, so he was probably like two at the time. My boy Mario, which, he’s 14 now, the quarterback, the one that plays football. And him and Carly were outside playing. Carmine, my oldest boy, who’s 19, he’s the. He’s working now and doing the iron work. He’s about to buy his first house. He’s the one that helped me build that website. But he was over helping me garden. And we. We were actually composting. So I had this whole garden. I was composting stuff.

And we’re bent down behind a fence so you can’t see us from the street. Me and Carmine are bent behind this wooden fence so you couldn’t see me there. You could only see karma or not Carmine Vincenzo and his sister and this old freaking weirdo. Old heavyset white dude in a black Cadillac with gray interior. I’ll never forget the car. Never. He pulled up and tried to coach my daughter into the car with the candy. And Vincenzo was smaller than her at the time and grabbed her hand. Carly started walking towards the dude. She was going to go towards him, and Vinnie grabs her hand.

And then Carmine jumped up because I wasn’t paying much attention. I was in the middle of doing what I was doing, and Carmine jumped up and flipped out. And. And when I stood up to see what Carmine was yelling at, this dude peeled off. If you could see his eyes, guys, that’s when my heart dropped to my Stomach Because I’m like, oh my God, this was up to something. He was really gonna snatch my damn kid. You know, at that second, I realized. And I was in the middle. Look this place up. It’s called Marlboro, Ohio.

It’s out by like Hartville. It’s super nice. There’s rich people out there. You would never think something like this would happen there, you know what I mean? And a matter of fact, where I was living, the chief of police lived diagonal from us, swear to God. And he was out mowing his damn yard. Yard? He was mowing his yard. There was a church right across the street. And the guy that was trying to coach my daughter into his car, he pulled into the church parking lot to lure in there. I mean, this dude had balls. I never seen him again after that either.

I used to watch out for that dude. I thought that was probably God that didn’t let me see him. Because if I would have, you wouldn’t be talking to me here today, I’ll tell you that. Not I’d be in the penitentiary for life. I would have tried to get away with it, but, you know, it wouldn’t have been a good outcome, I can promise you that one. I told her mom when she got home that day. Like, I was in shock, guys. I couldn’t believe it. I just, you know, you hear about these stories, but when it’s your own kid and you see something like that and it gets that close, and I know that it, you know, he didn’t touch her or nothing like that.

He didn’t get her in the car. But imagine if I wasn’t out there and he would have got her to the car or he jumped out, grabbed her and then boom, there’s my little girl gone. You know, that happens to families every day. So that’s why I think it’s so important that we bring attention to this type of stuff. There’s kids out there right now that are living. Some of them survive, some go through trauma based mind control, some of them get sold into sex slavery. Some of them are used in other ways. Some of them are used up and then they take their organs.

I mean, there’s so many terrible, nightmarish things that can happen to them. It’s. It’s crazy. And. And a lot of them go missing from America. I think we’re one of the number one countries where the children go missing, which is kind of crazy when you think about it. But yeah, scary world, man. We did a long one tonight though, guys. Two hours and six Minutes. So. Oh, I want to tell you that last series for you guys to watch on. Let me look it up real quick. New Ray. This one’s really good. No Good Deed. It’s called no Good D Guys.

No Good Deed that’s on Netflix. I was shocked how good it was. I. I kind of was just bored. So I decided to watch it and I end up binge watching it. It was actually really, really good. It’s. Who’s that blonde girl? I forget her name. Damn. She’s famous though. Hold on, I’ll show you guys her. Maybe you guys will know her name. I mean, she’s famous as hell. I just can’t think of her. She’s super funny. I think she was on. Was she on Friends or something back in the day? She was the goofy one.

Was that the. Was that girl on Friends, guys? Is that where she got famous from? Because if she was on Friends, that would be even crazier because there’s that whole Friends narrative going on. It’s been going on for a while now since Matthew Perry died. Leave the World behind had all the Friends thing. I’m not sure though if she played in Friends, but this was a really, really good movie. 22. I mean winning or it’s a series anyways. But yeah, it’s really good though. So that’s. That’s my recommendations for you guys. I highly recommend this one.

I think it, I think you’ll really enjoy it. It’s deep. It’s real deep. It has a pretty good ending too to it. So that’s what I got for you. Make sure you guys go check out the new videos over on Truth Mafia.com. don’t forget to go on Truthful TV.com and get your decode. Not only get your decode though, go over there and join our social media platform and free. And then we don’t got to worry about Facebook, Instagram, YouTube censoring. You can share whatever you want, you know. And I’m interacting over there all the time, so it’s a really cool place.

Matrix code breaker. He’s always doing his breakdowns. It’s just a really cool place to interact. And the more people we can get over there, guys, we can get away from these mainstream platforms. Platforms, which is what my goal is. So before I go, is there any questions anyone has or anything real quick before we wrap this up? Why do you have this little green thing by your name? That little weird looking thing right there? Are you subscriber? Some. Because your name looks different than everybody else’s. It’s green. I don’t know. I did give out some free subscription things, so I didn’t.

I didn’t know maybe you were a subscriber and that’s why your thing looked like that. And, Kimberly, thank you so much for promoting and doing the mod. All the modern Monterey stuff. You and all my beautiful, amazing moderators. Did I say Moderizer? Damn it. Too many edibles tonight, Tommy. I wish I could just give out the free membership thing on YouTube to anybody that I wanted to, because then I’d definitely give Kimberly one. But it doesn’t let you just pick some randomly. It. I guess it picks whoever interacts the most. That’s what J Dreams told me.

Anyway, so I’ll be giving more out the first of the month. Every first of the month, we can give out 10 free memberships and then you can join. I kept mine cheap. The cheapest one is 99 cents. Then there’s one for 2.99, 3.99, and then a contact creator one. But that’s. That’s for people that have YouTubes. That one’s like, oh, $40. But for that one, you get. If it’s like, say you’re a YouTube channel and you only got a couple hundred subscribers and you’re trying to blow up, so you get that one, you email me, send me your info, and for that whole month, that.

For as many months as you stay part of that membership, I’ll promote you. I’ll put all your links in, all my descriptions on every video I do, I’ll promote you, share your stuff on my Instagram, my YouTube, my Facebook. With over 350. Wait, not 350, 000, 330, 000 or something followers. But we had several videos that went crazy viral in the last two days, so our reach is back up there again. I think we hit 4 million people this month, which is bigger than a lot of these mainstream media platforms. So with that being said, I love y’all.

Thank you so much because we couldn’t do it without you guys. Hit that, like, button, share the video, and I’ll see you guys next time. Truthful out player character living the dream Tap into the code Break free from the lies Decode Georgia matria See through their disguise in the simulation what’s your role? What’s your fate? Are you real or controlled? Can you navigate Elites Use gematria secrets in the code Find out your archetype Let the truth unfold super quantum computer pulling all the strings NPCs moving like puppets on a swing The Matrix got nothing on the life we lead Green letters Fallen is the truth we need.

Are you just a player controlled by machine? Or a first player character living the dream? Tap into the code, Break free from the lies Decode your Gematria See through their disguise in the simulation what’s your role? What’s your fate? Are you real or control? Can you navigate? Elites use Gematria secrets in the code Find out your archetype Let the truth unfold archetypes defined from NPCs to Neo first players rise let your true self show through the.

  • Truthmafia

    The Truth Mafia was established by Tommy Truthful and his crew of independent content creators who refuse to be influenced by the Jesuit Elites. Meet our team: Underboss Doenut, Concierge Ani, and Capo Paranoid American, among others. Together, we strive for one goal: to uncover and share the truth with our dedicated audience. Explore our various channels and join us in embracing a unique journey towards enlightenment.

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