➡ The writer suspects that JZ, a high-profile figure, is being protected by powerful elites despite allegations against him. They believe JZ may have paid off victims to silence them and that media outlets like NBC are helping to portray him as innocent. The writer also suggests that JZ’s aggressive response to the lawsuit and hiring of private investigators are signs of guilt. They promise to keep an eye on the situation and provide updates.
Welcome back to The Truth Is, where I drop new videos every other day exposing the truth. In today’s episode, we will be talking about the Jane Doe suing Jay Z’s new interview. But before we begin, I just wanted to let my patrons know. I just dropped a Patreon exclusive on the Satanist industry handler Marina Abramovich. If you’re one of my members, you won’t want to miss this one. Make sure you check it out after this video. The link would be in the comments and in the description. Thank you all. Now, let’s get right into it. Now, I wasn’t planning on making another Jay Z video for now, as I don’t like to talk about the same thing over and over again.
But I have to keep things fair and report both sides of the story. New updates are coming out regarding this Jane Doe lawsuit that has complicated a lot of things. Yesterday, this Jane Doe was featured in an interview with NBC News, where she was asked several important questions about her lawsuit against Diddy and Jay Z. Strangely, the Jane Doe did the interview without her lawyer present, which doesn’t make any sense to me. The Jane Doe didn’t show her face or revealed her name during the interview. In the interview, she revealed several things that have only helped Jay Z.
First, she stated that she has autism and suffered from a head injury. She also claimed that at the VMAs after party, she spoke to two celebrities naming Benji Madden and his brother. According to NBC News, who reached out to the Madden brothers, they deny attending the VMAs in the 2000s and claim they were on tour in the middle of the country. She also claimed that her father picked her up from a gas station. NBC claims the drive for the father to pick up his daughter would have been five hours. She stated her father picked her up and didn’t ask her any questions about what happened.
He just drove her home in silence. According to NBC, they reached out to the woman’s father, who claims he doesn’t recall that situation. NBC also claims that after the interview, they reached out to the Jane Doe to ask her about her inconsistencies, where they claim she stated she made some mistakes with filing the lawsuit, but continues to stand by her claims that she was r-worded by Jay Z and Diddy. Jay Z told NBC News, this incident didn’t happen and yet he filed it in court and doubled down in the press. True justice is coming.
We fight from victory, not for victory. This was over before it began. This 1-800 lawyer doesn’t realize it yet, but soon. NBC also got a statement from attorney Tony Busby and he said, Jane Doe’s case was referred to our firm by another who vetted it prior to sending it to us. Our client remains fiercely adamant that what she has stated is true to the best of her memory. We will continue to vet her claims and collect corroborating data to the extent it exists. Because we have interrogated her intensively, she has even agreed to submit a polygraph.
I have never had a client suggest that before. We asked us not to reveal her identity. What made you want to come forward, talk today? Because I think that I’ve been quiet long enough about what I’ve been through. It’s been hard enough to be quiet, but it’s a chapter of my life that I’d like to close. An NBC News review of her account found inconsistencies with her allegations. She says that she went to the MTV Video Music Awards in Jowzit to catch a glimpse of her favorite celebrities. You weren’t scared to be all alone? No, with…
In addition to having autism, women says she suffered a head injury. The night of the 2000’s VMAs, she says a friend drove her from Rochester, New York to Manhattan, a more than five hour drive. Her attorney provided NBC News with the name of the friend who has since died. The woman says she spoke to Combs’ limo driver who offered her a ride to an after party. I stumbled upon Diddy’s driver who told me that I was exactly what Diddy was looking for. What did you think when he said that to you? I thought it meant that I was just pretty.
She went to a White House, she says. She spoke to musicians Benji Madden and his brother. I’m talking to Benji Madden about his tattoos. The statement to NBC News, a representative of the Madden’s, confirmed that they did not attend the 2000 VMAs and that they were on tour in the Midwest at the time. At the after party, she says she had a drink that made her feel woozy. He was saying, well, he’s, well, he, at that point, I was fighting trying to get away from him and he put his hand over my mouth and told me to stop it, cut, you know, stop it, cut the s***.
As she ran to a gas station where she’s her father who picked her up and drove her home. He could not verify the claims. Well, I felt like I would remember that and I don’t have a lot going on. But I mean, that’s something that would definitely stick in my mind. He said when we asked the woman about the contradictions phone interview on Friday, she said she stands by her statements. I have made some mistakes. She said, honestly, what is the clearest is what happened to me. Now, I can’t deny this doesn’t look good for the Jane Doe or her lawyer.
I literally just covered Tony Busby going to war with Jay-Z and I showed how Busby was a credible lawyer who has won many cases. Not only did he sue the OUE leads BP, but he is currently suing Vanguard and BlackRock. It’s hard for me to believe that Tony Busby will file this lawsuit without doing a proper investigation into the claims she has made. This is why I think something is off with all of this. It seems to me that Jay-Z might have gotten to this Jane Doe and possibly even Tony Busby. I think what really happened was that a settlement has been reached behind the scenes and this is the cleanup method.
I believe there’s a possibility Jay-Z already paid off to Jane Doe. Hear me out. If Jay-Z had settled after the lawsuit, it would have just confirmed the allegations. Remember, after Cassie sued Diddy, he paid her off the next day. But the allegations have stuck with Diddy’s sense, causing a full-on criminal investigation that landed Diddy in jail as paying the accusers pretty much verified her claims. So if Jay-Z had settled with this Jane Doe after she publicly sued them, he wouldn’t be able to get rid of these allegations ever, just like Diddy. Jay-Z would have had his reputation tarnished forever.
So I believe Jay-Z reached out to Busby in order to end this before it got worse. The only way for Jay-Z to make this go away is if the Jane Doe came out and said something that would make her allegations seem like a lie. That’s why I believe she went on NBC News. Her telling the world that she was not being completely honest destroys her credibility and clears things up for Jay-Z for sure. This is the only thing I see being the truth, as why in the world would Busby destroy his career for a case like this? Now, I want to say this.
While I still believe Jay-Z has done some disturbing things with Diddy, I cannot continue to put these allegations on him. And so this is all clear dub. What I would say is that this interview is extremely suspicious. Why in the world would this Jane Doe agree to do an interview and then do it without their lawyer present? That just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever, unless this was part of the plan. Normally, when a person suing someone goes to the press to do an interview, they are accompanied by their lawyer. For whatever reason, this Jane Doe wasn’t.
It also doesn’t make sense that she has been trying to keep her identity hidden, but then agrees to go on one of the biggest news companies in the world to do an interview. It’s not making sense, and you can tell by the interview that NBC was going into this interview, trying to disprove and discredit the Jane Doe. They strategically edited the video and spoke for the women, giving statements on her behalf, instead of letting her just say it out of her own mouth. This is obviously strategic, and they did it to push their narrative.
I don’t trust NBC News at all, and we all know all the elites are connected, and the elites definitely own NBC. On top of this, the way Busby was going at JZ, I refuse to believe this is what he had against him. Something is seriously not adding up here. Busby wouldn’t put his entire career in jeopardy with such a weak lawsuit. I’m telling you, something is definitely off of all of this. It seems like a deal happened behind the scenes, and possibly JZ is paying off the victims to clean this all up.
This interview clearly seems like it was done to help JZ, as it only makes him look innocent. The thing is, JZ hasn’t been behaving innocently. His response to this lawsuit from the beginning was suspicious. He was deflecting and attacking all signs of someone who was lying and guilty in my opinion. If JZ knew this was all nonsense, his response would have been less aggressive. His response screamed guilty all over it. Now, to see this Jane Doe show up to NBC News for an interview and basically destroy her credibility, I’m not buying it.
Why would JZ hire private investigators to find dirt on Busby and the Jane Doe? If he was innocent, all he would have had to do was take it to court and let the evidence speak for itself. The way that JZ was acting just doesn’t make any sense. Now, like I reported in my last video, it appears that Tony is representing at least one other client suing JZ. According to academics, there are several other victims suing JZ as well. If we see none of these lawsuits coming out in the next few days, then we know for sure that Jane most likely paid all these people off behind the scenes to stop the allegations from hitting the media.
One thing I will say is that I believe JZ is guilty of being with underage girls. Remember his alleged relationship with Foxy Brown, him meeting Beyonce at 16, his alleged relationship with Rihanna when she was 17, and his alleged hidden child he had with a 16-year-old woman. Also recently, the claims that Larry Johnson made about Beyonce. According to the former NFL player Larry Johnson, who was signed to Roc Nation at one point, he was at a Roc Nation party where underage girls were allegedly in attendance. As you heard for yourself, Larry Johnson claims he saw underage people with his own eyes at a Roc Nation party.
I believe Larry Johnson because he’s one of the few people in Hollywood who exposes the truth about the industry. He’s now scared to call out the Freemasons for running the industry. So that’s one of the reasons I believe him. Like I said, all of this is rather suspicious. To me, the way JZ behaves still makes him look guilty. Now in my opinion, I believe these victims were paid off in silence, and there’s a big chance this is all gonna go away for JZ. Remember what Dee said in the first video I did covering the JZ lawsuit? She stated that JZ wouldn’t go down like Diddy for this because the elite are protecting him.
She was right. The media is on JZ’s side. The NFL even defended JZ. It’s clear that he’s being protected, and they will not let him go down. I’m gonna keep my eyes on this situation and provide you guys with the necessary updates. I want to know what you guys think below. Like I said, I feel like JZ has settled this all behind the scenes, and now this is all being cleaned up. We all know NBC is owned by the same elite that own the NFL. They’re going to protect their puppets. Well, I’m gonna end this one here.
I want to thank you all for watching, and I’ll see you guys in the next one. Thanks for watching. [tr:trw].