False Flag UFO Plan Goes Way Back

Spread the Truth




➡ The text is about a man named Joseph Spencer who worked as a secret operative for the U.S. government. He was part of a top-secret operation dealing with advanced military technologies, some of which were reverse engineered from alien spacecrafts. He also talks about a treaty signed by Dwight Eisenhower with an alien race, allowing them to abduct humans in exchange for technology. Lastly, he mentions various methods being used to reduce the human population, including adding fluoride to drinking water, creating man-made viruses, and releasing toxins into the air.
➡ The text suggests a conspiracy theory that powerful people are planning a fake alien invasion in 2024 using advanced holographic technology. This staged event, causing global panic, will supposedly allow a one-world government to form without resistance, leading to human enslavement and depopulation. The author urges people to resist this plan by spreading awareness. The text also discusses the history of weaponizing space and the manipulation of public fear through the identification of various ‘enemies’, ending with extraterrestrials as the ultimate threat.
➡ The text discusses the idea of creating a common enemy, such as an alien threat, to unite humanity and potentially establish a global government. It suggests that environmental pollution could serve as a substitute for war, but it might take a generation or more for this threat to be globally recognized. The author believes that the UFO phenomenon and alien threats are part of a sophisticated mind control operation, aimed at promoting the idea of an external threat. He also suggests that UFOs are real, but are man-made technologies, not extraterrestrial crafts.
➡ The text discusses the existence of advanced technologies that can manipulate human thoughts and experiences, which are often kept secret by the government. It also mentions various conspiracy theories and government projects, suggesting that these technologies are used for harmful purposes. The speaker, William Cooper, predicts a civil war in America due to these issues and the desire of some for a world government. He also discusses the use of drones as a scare tactic to limit civil liberties, asserting that these drones are man-made and part of a larger plan to incite panic and control.
➡ Unidentified flying objects have been spotted over the East Coast, causing concern among officials and the public. Despite the White House suggesting these could be planes, local law enforcement in New Jersey are conducting their own investigations. Meanwhile, there are theories about a potential fake alien invasion and the disappearance of radioactive material in New Jersey. The situation has sparked discussions about public safety, government transparency, and the potential for new restrictions on freedom of movement.
➡ The text discusses a potential threat at an airport, with a focus on radiological exposure from man-made crafts, not aliens. It also mentions a controversial directive from the Department of Defense (DoD) that allows the military to use lethal force against American citizens protesting government policies. The text also refers to the Smith-Months Modernization Act, which legalizes the use of propaganda by the U.S. government against its citizens.


I don’t think so. It’s all bullshit. It’s a lie. What you’re about to see is a compilation of old videos predicting a fake alien invasion in 2025. This may blow your mind. Stay tuned. Had the opportunity over the years to interview again people who have worked at the test site at Groom Lake. One gentleman spent 12 of his 30 years in black programs at Groom Lake. When I asked him, I said, first of all, I said, do you believe in UFOs? And he looked at me with a straight face. And one on one he said, absolutely, positively, they do exist.

So can you expand upon that? And he said, no, I can’t. About a year later, we were talking about again activities at Groom Lake. And I asked him, I said, can you really let me tell me what’s happening out there? And he said, well, there’s a lot of things that are going on there that I won’t be able to tell you until the year 2025. But we have things in the Nevada desert that would make George Lucas envious. My name is Joseph Spencer. From May 1970 to October 1997, I served the United States government as a top secret operative.

But not in a category that is commonly known or understood. I was known as a man in black. Following seven years acting as a counterintelligence agent for the CIA, I was recruited for a new assignment that entailed working within above top secret operations. I was aware of the black budget projects, but never knew the context of them. Due to their high level secrecy, even the President was denied access to their inner workings. Annually, billions of dollars are poured into black projects which operate without any supervision or intrusion. They have full autonomy. The operations deal primarily with advancing military technologies, most of which have been reverse engineered from recovered alien spacecrafts that had either crashed or were shot down by our military.

The public sadly will never ever have knowledge of these operations. This transition in my life happened in 1970. The senior black project director was William T. Latham, who had worked under CIA Executive Director Richard Schlesinger. Latham stated that I was the perfect candidate for my new position. I was a foster child and I had no connections to existing relatives. I had no friends or social life. It was easy for them to erase my past and provide me with a new identity. I gave myself to them as a priest would to his God. But first my mind had to be erased.

I was injected with various forms of mind altering drugs. Lsd, heroin, mescaline, morphine, sodium pental and more. Drug induced hypnosis followed with antegrade and Retrograde amnesia. The goal was to program me to do two things. Kill and forget. After nine months of programming, I had become a man in black. What I later discovered was that not all the men in black were human. About a third were alien hybrids. Their distinctive feature was the absence of whites in their eyes, giving the impression of empty eye sockets. This unsettled me, and it took months to adjust to the reality of alien integration.

My assignments largely dealt with UFO sightings and crash sites. In August of 1971, I witnessed my first UFO crash site just north of at Redwards Air Force Base in California. Inside the craft were three grade humanoids. Two dead, one still alive. Also in the craft was a human female abductee. The alien humanoids were transported to the base, but two witnesses had arrived before us and took several photographs. The first surrendered his camera, but the second fled. When we apprehended him, he. He resisted, and I was ordered to silence him, which I did. The killing of witnesses was executed with a wand that acted very much like today’s Taser, but the voltage from the wand would cause immediate cardiac arrest, and the victim’s death would be attributed to natural causes.

We silenced countless victims, not only men, but women of all ages and even teenagers. The following day, after each kill, our memories were reset so we would have no recollection of the murders. A good majority of the victims were ufologists and whistleblowers. Among the ufologists I personally silenced were Paul William Cooper, Milton Vegay, Claude Monroe, Anthony Vargas, and noted documentarian Samantha Willis. When my wand malfunctioned with Samantha, I resorted to strangulation. She fought for her life for almost two minutes. Recalling this act, I stared into her pleading eyes for the entire duration with absolutely no remorse, guilt, or feelings.

That was how effective the mind conditioning was. And it’s her face that haunts my dreams more than anyone’s to this day. So they stuffed out a documentarian. Yep. Well, that’s not good to hear. Yeah. All right, move. Move. We’re going to move on. In 1954, Dwight Eisenhower signed what’s known as the Granada Treaty with the alien Gray race. In exchange for shared alien technologies, the Grays were allowed to abduct a number of humans annually for medical examination. The Greys also demanded anonymity from the public. A short time later, human technology took a giant leap forward with circuit chips, fiber optics, and lasers.

The Grounded Treaty is still active today, but the number of human abductions has increased despite objections from the world governments. Now, the really interesting part. Every year at least 8 million children go missing in the world. I can attest that one third of them are abducted by government operatives and transported to any one of the 1,477 underground military installations on the planet. Then imprisoned for the remainder of their lives. The children are subjected to biological and genetic experiments, dissections and mutilations performed not by human scientists, but an alien grey species. During my stay at the Vanguard underground base north of Phoenix, Arizona, I witnessed many of these procedures.

Because there was no form of anesthesia administered to the young patients, the halls reverberated with the screams of tortured children from morning to G. Knight. The ones that perished were incinerated in the installation’s crematoriums. My point of contact at this base was Lieutenant Colonel Charles T. Leninger, and he was a human alien hybrid. And get ready for this. In 1994, the World Population Summit in Cairo, Egypt had 160 nations participate where they all agreed that the human population was out of control and must be stopped because the world is running out of resources. An agreement was formed that would mandate the reduction of humans from 6 billion to 800 billion by the year 2030.

This meant finding a method or methods to wipe out nearly 95% of the population. Solutions were discovered, investigated, tested, then created and have been in full force since. The procedures have been inflicted onto the human race are as follows. 1. Toxic levels of chemically enhanced fluoride have been secretly added to our drinking water over the last 20 years in every city and community on the planet. I personally oversaw the delivery of fluoride barrels to Denver, Chicago, Tampa and Minneapolis water departments. The adverse effects of fluoride poisoning to the human body are numerous and debilitating. The effects to children is damage to their neurological development, among other serious ailments.

2. Man made viruses and diseases. The AIDS virus, which was a designer byproduct of the American Disease Institute, was distributed through vaccines to the public in 1980. Instituted as a preliminary population control tactic. The results were successful and led to more lab produced viruses that have since been unleashed onto the public. Among those is the development of a mutated version of the common flu to replicate the 1918 influenza pandemic that killed 40 million people. The first strain of this new flu virus will be released to the public in late 2017. So if we see a flu outbreak in the late 2017 or early 2018 that’s killing people, we’ll know this is true.

3. Killing US toxins, barium chloride, cancer microbes and viruses by way of chemtrails released into the skies daily over all inhabited regions by military aircrafts. The effects of these toxins are severe and over time lethal, causing respiratory ailments, cancer, damage to the immune systems and sterilization in men. Since the chemtrail plan was implemented, sperm count in men has dropped nearly 50%. If this isn’t reversed soon, the human race will face early extinction. Now, the grand finale. This is some scary shit. In March 1997, an event known as the Phoenix Lights became the most infamous UFO sighting in history.

A mile wide vessel, clearly not man made, flew slowly and silently over the state of Arizona and was witnessed by 10,000 people, including the governor. Arizona. To date, there has been no reasonable explanation. But for every witness interviewed, the craft was as real as anything they’d ever seen. Their lives were transformed. They now believe that we truly are not alone. However, there is another truth. For I know what they really saw. 1986. While stationed at an underground installation near Boulder, Colorado, I was introduced to Project Skybeam by Lieutenant General Andrew Garrus. I was then led down a corridor and into a large hangar where a stealth bomber hovered only 20ft above me.

I stood there confused. Then Garrus looked over at me and smiled. Then asked if I was certain of what I was seeing. I replied, of course. What else could it be? I was then shocked to find out that this wasn’t a real craft. It was a projected hologram. Since the early 1950s, scientists had been developing holographic technology and over the years improved it to a state that we can only imagine. As I stood there staring at the bomber, which looks so absolutely real and solid that I could reach up and touch it, I contemplated the possibilities.

What if this projection was a thousand feet up in the sky? How would anyone know that that was an illusion? The Phoenix Lights craft, witnessed by 10,000 people, was the first grand scale sky beam test upon the public. It succeeded beyond expectations. In October 1938, Orson Welles unleashed his war of the world’s ready to blow to the American public. They’re so realistically portrayed. Vast portions of the population went into panic. Terrified citizens scrambled to evacuate their cities in droves. America had been easily tricked by very simple means to amplify this response. Those who are truly in power, not only our country, but all the countries on the planet and who are the true purveyors of the depopulation process Process have formulated the final stage of their sinister plan.

In the year 2024, a global event will alter the course of mankind’s future. The world will stand witness to a Massive alien invasion. Thousands of projected holographic alien warships will blanket the skies, sending people into a global panic. Real military crafts within the holograms will will inflict actual damage to the surrounding areas to sell the gimmick. And as a result of the ensuing human chaos, a one world government will immediately form without any resistance from the people. They will be the New World Order. Once this happens, we as a people will be doomed to enslavement and accelerated depopulation.

With that said, the only hope for human salvation is to acquire and spread the knowledge of these activities and agendas. Resist, retaliate, then conquer this imposing enemy. The time is now. As humanity is rapidly approaching its final days, the knowledge of what’s coming is taking its toll on me. I see all these people living their lives, enjoying themselves, planning their futures, oblivious to the fact that it’s all going to end soon. Here I am at a park where children are playing, and in the skies above I can see the chemtrails poisoning the air and slowly killing us all in plain sight.

I’ve never felt so helpless. I want to scream out to the world, but I normally be laughed at, ridiculed. When Claire said the memoirs were a fabrication, I secretly wish she was right. Then they could sleep at night. But I know beyond a reasonable doubt that it’s all true. That Joe was being completely forthright. I saw it in his eyes. I heard the tremor in his voice when he spoke about it. It didn’t come off as an admission. It was more of a deeply concerned confession. He was scared for us all. And that says a lot coming from a man who was a government assassin.

I was a corporate manager of Fairchild Industries in 1974 through 77. I met the late Dr. Wernher von Braun in early 74. At that time, Von Braun was dying of cancer, but he assured me that he would live a few more years in order to tell me about the game that was being played. That game being the effort to weaponize space, to control the earth from space and space itself. Von Braun had a history of working with weapons systems and had escaped from Peenemunde to come to this country and landed as vice president of Fairchild Industries when I had met him.

Von Braun’s purpose in life during the last years of his life, his dying years, was to educate the public and decision makers about why space based weapons are a dumb, dangerous, destabilizing, too costly, unnecessary, unworkable, undesirable idea, and about the alternatives that are available. And as practically a deathbed speech, he educated me about those concepts and who the players were in this game. What was most interesting to me was a repetitive sentence that he said to me over and over again during the approximately four years that I had the opportunity of working with him. And that was the strategy that was being used to educate the public and decision makers and the scare tactics, the spin that was being put on on a weapons system.

And that was how we identify an enemy, the enemy at first he said, the enemy against whom we’re going to build a space based weapons system. The strategy that Wernher von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to be considered to be the enemy. In fact, when I met him in 74, they were the enemy, the identified enemy. We were told that they had killer satellites. We were told that they were coming to get us and control us, the dirty commies, that whole story. First the Russians were the enemy against whom we’re going to build space based weapons.

Then terrorists would be identified and that was soon to follow. We heard a lot about terrorism. Then we were going to identify third world country crazies, we now call them nations of concern. But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would be needing to build space based weapons. And the next enemy was asteroids. Now at this point he kind of chuckled the first time he said it. Asteroids against asteroids were going to build space based weapons. So it was funny then. And the funniest one of all was against what he called aliens, extraterrestrials.

That would be the final card. And over and over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving his speeches for him, he would bring up that last card and remember, Carol, the last card is the alien card. We’re going to have to build space based weapons against aliens. And all of it, he said, is a lie. Years ago, many, many Years ago, back 1972, I was sitting at my desk at about 4:30 in the morning at the headquarters of the Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet, arranging the information that had come in over the last 24 hours into a logical order so that we could prepare a briefing for the Admiral and his staff, which would take place later that morning.

Among the papers I found on my desk was a document entitled Operation Majority. And it was not the entire paperwork involving this operation, but was merely a synopsis of the operation and projects contained under it. One of these projects was called Project Red Light. The purpose, according to this document, was to back engineer captured extraterrestrial technology for adaptation into the United States space program. Now, I have since come to believe that the extraterrestrial portion of all of this is nonsense, but that the technology is real, is real. I believe that many of us were shown these documents over the years so that later we would talk about it.

I mean, how can you keep the existence of extraterrestrials, if they were real, a secret? And how could anyone keep quiet knowing that they had seen documentation of official government documents labeled top secret that expressed that these extraterrestrials were real and had visited this Earth? I wanted to know just how true all of this was, and I began a program of research to find out if extraterrestrials were real. The first thing I did was collect every bit of documentation that I could find, both from the Freedom of Information act, from the receipts, search of others, from books that had been printed on the subject of UFOs, and of course, through my network of friends in the intelligence community.

What I discovered was amazing. What I discovered, ladies and gentlemen, is that there has been a plan in existence since about 1917 and probably before that, to create an artificial extraterrestrial threat to this Earth in order to create a one world totalitarian socialist government. One of the first documents that I found in my search was this one. The Imperial Japanese Mission, 1917. A record of the reception throughout the United States of the special mission headed by Viscount Ishii. And when the Imperial Japanese Mission was in New York City, they had a dinner. And some pretty famous people spoke at this dinner.

One of them was John Dewey. John Dewey is the father of our failing, disastrous public education system. Here’s what he said. Listen very carefully. John Dewey, professor of philosophy in Columbia University, who was the next speaker, was listened to with great intentness. He said, someone remarked that the best way to unite all the nations on this globe would be an attack from some other planet. In the face of such an alien enemy, people would respond with a sense of their unity of interest and purpose. Now, bear in mind, folks, that’s 1917. One of the next documents that I found, and I found quite a few, but one that’s pretty important is called A Report from Iron Mountain.

The Probability and Desirability of Permanent Peace. Now, I encourage you to find this book wherever you can find it. I don’t know where you can get it, but find it. Page 66. Credibility, in fact, lies at the heart of the problem of developing a political substitute for war. This is where the space race proposals, in many ways so well suited as economic substitutes for war, fall short. The most ambitious and Unrealistic space project cannot of itself generate a believable external menace. It has been hotly argued that such a menace would offer the last best hope of peace, etc by uniting mankind against the danger of destruction by creatures from other planets or from outer space.

Experiments have been proposed to to test the credibility of an out of our world invasion threat, and it continues on another page. Nevertheless, an effective political substitute for war would require alternate enemies, some of which might seem equally far fetched in the context of the current war system. It may be, for instance, that gross pollution of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal substitute for war. Are you beginning to get the message, folks? Poisoning of the air and of the principal sources of food and water supply is already well advanced and at first glance would seem promising in this respect.

It constitutes a threat that can be dealt with only through social organization and political power. But from present indications, it will be a generation to a generation and a half before environmental pollution, however severe, will be sufficiently menacing on a global scale to offer a possible basis for a solution. However unlikely some of the possible alternate enemies we have mentioned may seem, we must emphasize that one must be found of credible quality and magnitude if a transition to peace is ever to come about without social disintegration. It is more probable, in our judgment, that such a threat will have to be invented rather than developed from unknown conditions.

Ladies and gentlemen, they have created so many alternate enemies in order to bring about their one world totalitarian socialist state that we don’t know which enemy to believe is real or is false, or whether to just toss them all out on their ears. And I think that that is probably going to be the best solution. Disarmament is no accident. All of these bills in Congress to take away our weapons, there’s no accident. The intentional environmental pollution of our lakes, rivers, streams, oceans, forests, everything is no accident. As you just heard, these things were planned many, many years ago.

All the bombardment of the public with movies about flying saucers in the 50s, right after the United nations treated treaty was signed and the UN Participation act was pushed through Congress and all of the incidents since that have convinced the majority of the American people that flying saucers are real and extraterrestrials exist, and that flying saucers are from an extraterrestrial origin. This is being promulgated in many ways by television commercials, in the movies, in the newspapers, by creating incidents either real or imagined. I believe because of my research, because of the extensive documentation that I’ve found, and that is in my book, that this whole scenario has been created to give us an artificial alien threat from outer space.

During the Reagan administration, he made six speeches specifically talked about a threat from outer space by some other species from some other planet. Six, ladies and gentlemen. Why would the President repeat the same thing six times? Tagged on to the ends of speeches by him. The speechwriters did not put that in the speech. Ronald Reagan added it himself. Perhaps we need some outside universal threat. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. This was a powerful suggestion to implant into the minds of the people of the world that there really is a threat from some other species from some other planet to this Earth.

Now, you people out there have been ignoring the UFO phenomenon for too long. It has all the earmarks of the most successful, most sophisticated mind control operation in the history of the world, and you are ignoring it. What better way to implement a plan to bring about a one world government than to create. Create the possibility in the minds of the people of the world that we are being threatened from some other species, from some other planet. And do it in a way that if anybody questions it or challenged it or wants to talk about it publicly, that they are ridiculed.

And the ultimate goal is to make the Earth look very small, to present the people of the world with an external threat to this Earth, a superior race from some other planet, vastly superior to us in intellect, philosophy and technology, in order to cause the dissolution of nation states, the dissolution of all existing religions, and the formation of the world totalitarian socialist government. What do you think about aliens? I don’t think there are any. At one time, I thought that there were, simply based upon documents that I’d seen while I was attached to the intelligence briefing team, the commander in chief of the Pacific Fleet.

At that time, and even for many years afterwards, I did not believe that the government would use me in that way. I had devoted my whole life to government service. I had been in the Air Force, I was in the Navy. I was a river patrol boat captain in Vietnam. I had proved myself. I had combat ribbons with the V for Valor. There was no doubt of my loyalty to my country. And maybe that’s why it was so easy to use me, because I wouldn’t doubt that what I saw was real. But over the years, I’ve done a lot of research.

What I’ve discovered is there’s no proof existing anywhere that extraterrestrials are real or that have ever visited this planet or that they exist anywhere in the universe. There is not one shred of evidence anywhere. There is lots of evidence, tons of it, in fact, that there are a group of people collectively known as the Illuminati, who want us to believe in some extraterrestrial threat from space so that they can cause a world government bringing together of all the people to resist that external threat. And the first time that I saw any reference to that, I was reading some papers from the Carnegie Endowment Fund.

And there was a record of a speech, it was a dinner for Viscount Ishii of the Japanese delegation, the Japanese imperial delegation in 1917. And John Dewey was one of the speakers. And the first sentence out of his mouth as I was reading this almost fell out of my chair, because this was in 1917. And he said the best way to cause all the people of the world to come together in one world government and end war forever would be if we were attacked by some other species from some other planet. And boy, that just clicked with me.

And I knew that this is just another scam. This is the age of deception, there’s no doubt about it. And then eight times during Reagan’s administration, he inserted almost the exact same phrase into eight of his speeches. And it’s a scam. That’s what I can tell you. What they call UFOs, these craft that fly around the sky are real, but they’re not piloted by some little green guy from some other planet. They’re owned and operated by the United States of America for one, the Soviet Union for another, probably Great Britain, Canada. I think the, the first really operable ones were probably manufactured in Western Canada in wilderness, in a place especially built to create those machines like we created the Manhattan Project.

And the same kind of secrecy surrounded it. So the technology is real, it’s been kept secret. And it’s been used to promote this concept that there’s an alien threat to this Earth. The cattle mutilations I’ve discovered in my research are nothing more than then what’s left after the government does its secret tests on the low level radiation leakage from its atomic weapons assembly plants and atomic power plants. It’s a low level radiation monitoring project. And if you look at what’s missing in cattle, you’ll see that it’s just as clear as day. They take the lips, they take the tongue, they take a 6 inch patch of skin, they core out the, the rectum, the colon area where those kinds of things would collect.

They pass through the digestive system on female cows, they take the udder. To check for low level radiation in the milk. This is being passed to the calves, and these are all grazing animals that graze on the grass where the radiation falls, when it falls from the air. And it’s just an incredible deception. And I’m just amazed that people have fallen for it in the manner that they have. In the absence of any proof whatsoever. I mean, they cite hearsay as proof. Well, what about all of the alien abductions? They’re not abductions. They’re the results of a trust tremendously successful and very sophisticated mind control operation, all of which has been in development.

Well, they started working on those kinds of things since before World War II, but they have perfected them on my website. I have a patent of a machine that can read your brainwaves, can recombine them in a computer and send them back to you and make you think things happened that never happened. I mean, you can’t get a patent for something like that unless it really works. You have to prove it to the Patent office. It works. A patent was issued. And this is just one of the things that snuck by them that has. Because when people invent things like this, they’re sucked up by the government immediately.

And then they’re put behind the veil of national security and classified, and then nobody knows about them. But every once in a while, something sneaks by them. And when you do these searches in the Patent Office and Trademark Office and in the Copyright Office, you come up with some real gems once in a while. And that was one Also, the congressional investigations into the intelligence community has revealed the existence of these programs. There’s no secret about it. It’s documented. A Project Architect Artichoke Project, MKUltra, MK Naomi, you know, I could go on and on and on all day long.

And, you know, if you had the time in your movie, we could lay out all the documentation, which is official government documentation, and prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that it’s true. But that’s what it is. It’s not extraterrestrials coming down. The human body cannot pass through walls or roofs, are through windows that are closed. You know, this is all the product of the imagination and people’s willingness to believe something because they want it to be true. I don’t know why they would want it to be true. You see, because if it were true, these are not friendly aliens.

They’re doing some terrible things to people. If I were to kidnap somebody, pass them up through the roof, take them somewhere and perform operations on them, and take samples of semen and ova from their reproductive organs and plant thoughts in their mind and all this kind of stuff and then bring them back. Guess where I’d be right now? In prison. That’s kidnapping. Criminal. It’s a terrible thing. So there’s a morbid sense about all this, too, is that people want to be hurt. For some reason. I don’t understand that. That certainly is something that somebody needs to look at.

Why do people feel that this needs to be real? What in them says, I want to be abducted and abused and kidnapped and raped and all of this stuff against my will? Because they seem to take some kind of satisfaction that this is happening. And nobody’s talking about the fact that this is a terrible thing to happen. If I were to do that to you, you wouldn’t be too happy, would you? But somehow it’s okay if an alien does it? I don’t think so. It’s all bullshit. It’s a lie. So where do you feel the hope for America lies? Oh, this is William Cooper, a man who received mainstream attention in 1994 when Rush Limbaugh read an alleged White House memo on the air calling him the most dangerous radio host in America.

Maybe that’s because his conspiracy classic is the underground bestseller. Or perhaps it’s because of the increasing popularity of his shortwave radio broadcast, which is also available on the Internet. Good evening. You’re listening to the Hour of the Time. I’m still William Cooper. This was not an easy interview to Nat. He was the first person I asked, and after 8,000 miles and six and a half weeks on the road, just about the last to agree. I guess he wanted to make sure I was serious. Nevertheless, I had to come alone and I was required to follow clear rules of conduct.

Well, at this point, I’ve done so much research on this, I have to tell you, there’s only one way this is going. There’s going to be a civil war in this country. And I hope the outcome of the war will be the reinstatement of constitutional Republican government. But whenever you have a war like that, you’re going to have competing factions to be the winner. And whoever really has the power in the end is going to institute whatever kind of government they feel should be there. There are people in this country who believe that a religious theology or theocracy should prevail.

Well, if that happened, we’d have burnings at the stake again, and Inquisition and heretics and all these kinds of things. So that can’t be allowed to happen. Can’t be. Doesn’t matter what my religion is, it can’t be allowed to happen. There are people who want a socialist government, much like the one in Sweden. There are people who want to create in the United States what the Soviet Union had hoped to be. There are real Nazis, all of them socialists. Hitler was a socialist. So I see the future as being tremendously dangerous for all of us. Me and many others like me are going to perform a valiant attempt to reinstate, restore, legitimate, lawful, constitutional republican government.

Whether or not we’re going to be successful, I can’t tell you. But I will tell you that once this war starts, it’s going to be terrible. It’s going to be bloody, and It’ll last for 10, 15 years. That’s the nature of this kind of conflict. If you look around all these mountains around here, there’s enough guns, ammunition, supplies, clothing and food buried in these mountains to support an army for 15 years. And I don’t think the American people realize that they’re on the brink of a civil war. See, there are many of us who took an oath and we went in the armed forces and we meant it.

We volunteered. We weren’t drafted. We care about this country. And the oath was to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And we will fulfill that oath, even if it means we die in the process of doing it. It’s that simple. So what do you see happening in the next four to six months? Well, I don’t have a crystal ball. All I know is that the year 2000 is crucial to the plans of those who want world government because they whipped up sort of a millennium fever. And they coupled that with Y2K and a whole bunch of other things, real religious people who think that this is the end of the world and Jesus is coming or somebody’s coming imminently.

And so there’s this fever that’s whipped up. I mean, everybody seems to be on the edge of some kind of hysteria, but it’s all in their mind. If you look around, you see the world hasn’t changed. It’s not coming to any. This hasn’t been brought about by the hand of God. It’s been brought about by the deceptions of man. And the quicker people realize that and try and find out who is causing these things to. To whip up this hysteria, the better off they’re going to be. So I’ve been trying to ignore this whole drone thing, honestly, because it feels like a distraction.

But I can’t ignore the patterns. I just keep being thrown in my face And I just had a big puzzle piece thrown at me. Let me just throw this all together and just say one last final thing. Don’t worry about anything, right? This is a roller coaster ride. UFO drone attack is a massive false flag operation designed to take away your liberties. We’ve been warning for months that this was coming. I spoke to an inside source today that said These drones are 100% man made. 100% man made using advanced aerospace technologies, of course, that we’re not privy to at the moment.

It’s all part of an operation to put us into a panic mode and force new restrictions on civil liberties. First to panic us, then have the US Military interact with these, be shot down, you know, have craft be attacked, and then new restrictions on civil liberties in the United States. Last night, NASA, for instance, cut short a live feed when an orb or a craft entered the shot. And then they turned off the feed from space. Watch this. So you can see here on the top part of your screen. Watch as this craft comes into, into the shot.

There it is, similar looking orbs, almost the exact same thing that we’ve been seeing all over the United States. This comes into the shot and then just a few seconds later, about 20 seconds later, NASA cuts the feed off and stops live streaming all over the place. Right now, passengers on board this flight from Chicago to Newark spotted three of these exact same orbs right out the window, hovering right off. This is happening all over the place and so commonplace now. So the next step will be to shoot these things down. This is over my house right now.

They appear only at night. Clusters of drones, some with colorful lights as big as cars. Wait, literally, there’s one right above us in New Jersey. Unexplained drone activity was reported above this naval weapons station, while farther north, the FAA ordered temporary flight restrictions prohibiting drones over Picatinny Arsenal, where armament research is conducted, and Trump National Golf Club. Since last month, more than 3,000 sightings have grown to at least six states across the East Coast. And so has the chorus of officials demanding answers. Senator Andy Kim spotted these over a park in Hunterdon County, New Jersey. I’ve never seen them.

Wow, they just passed the truck. I’m just not getting the kind of communication and engagement when it comes to the investigation that’s happening by the FBI, Homeland Security. So we need a lot more communication to the people of New Jersey. But the White House says many of the reports may have been planes, not drones. We have not been able to, and neither have state or local law enforcement authority authorities. Corroborate any of the reported visual sightings. That hasn’t convinced the sheriff’s department in Ocean County, New Jersey. We went along with their drone unit as they conducted their own investigation.

If they didn’t put their lights on. No, they’d be looking, Right? Right. And they’re putting their lights. So they want you to see their tactical drones easily outmaneuvered by the mysterious objects in the sky. That drone sped away at reportedly 60 miles an hour. Our drones only go 40. Yeah. And it went 60. And show lights. You know, the thing is, it’s troublesome. Sam Vinograd used to run counter drone policy at the Department of Homeland Security. Panic among the public, from my perspective, does impose a public safety threat. And the longer these drone sightings continue, the longer the public doesn’t have answers or their interference.

And tonight, President elect Donald Trump is weighing in as well. In a post on Truth Social, he wrote to the federal government and I quote, let the public know. And now otherwise he called for the drones to be shot down. Margaret. Tom, thank you. Now, I spoke last year, one year ago, I spoke to the man who worked at the FBI who was in charge of their X Files program. They didn’t call it the X Files files, but it was the inspiration for what would become the X Files. And Fox Mulder, he’s basically like Fox Mulder.

That’s John D’Souza who worked at the FBI. One year ago on this show, he told me that a fake alien invasion is the next step. This is what they’re going to do. And it said at the time, like, you should read the comments. People are like, are you crazy? Fake alien invasion? We’re going to see lots of craft all over the United States. Really? That’s about to happen. Yeah. Now it’s here. So how crazy does that sound? But he laid out, in fact, he’s, he’s been talking about this for a long time. And he said what’s going to happen is that they are going to start interacting with military craft.

That’s the next step. Military craft interacting with these. And then you’re going to have military craft getting shot down. This is all part of the plan. So listen to what he had to say about this. This is just a snippet. I encourage you to watch the full interview. But here’s just a snippet. What do they want in this situation where they would want to start taking down aircraft? What do you know from your experience in the FBI that they act this deep state? What do they want? The end goal is and this is a long term psychological operation as well as physical operation as well.

The long term goal is ultimately to put together the, this grand operation called fake alien invasion. Now the only, the only fake part about it is going to be that the alien visitors are involved with this. It’s. They’re not, they’re not at all. Everything else is going to be real. The destruction that they bring to our cities is going to be real. So what? That was a year ago. That’s why that was a year ago. I do remember that. I mean, John, John of course has been vilified by, you know, they go after him because he, you know, he’s an FBI whistleblower.

I mean he left the FBI and he’s been basically, you know, educating all of us about this. But anyway, that’s just a small piece of it. And they’re wild though he’s not the only one. So he, he’s one of many people and sources that we’ve spoken to here over the past year who said that this was coming, coming and they gave us specific dates when they told us it was coming and they hit those dates. So now it’s here. But this is the most mind blowing thing of all. A post on 4chan in 2022. Okay, now this has been removed.

This has been covered up and censored multiple times. I’m going to read to you from this. Okay, so I’m just. This is again from 2022. The next false flag will be centered on the premise of malicious interdiction of nuclear source materials. It will not involve a nuclear device or nuclear detonation but rather a radiological threat. We’re aware of a threat that came in through Port norc. Maybe that’s radioactive material. There was, and there is an alert that’s out right now that radioactive material in New Jersey has gone missing. On December 2nd was a shipment and a RA arrived at its destination.

The container was damaged and was empty. So potentially we’re looking at. Okay, stop right there, Mayor. Because that’s very important information. And that came from a credible source. That came from the U.S. government. And so it’s missing. Missing. And they think it’s in New Jersey or it could be anywhere. It was lost in New Jersey. Nuclear source materials will be deliberately leaked to target areas to inflict severe injuries through radiation exposure. Exposure. The real number of casualties as a result of these attacks will remain very low. The purpose is to create a new method of restricting freedom of movement and new policies that will enable the government to continue its expansion of power the media will display images of attack survivors who will have burns and lesions across their skin.

Videos depicting overwhelming triage centers with victims, vomiting or other unresponsive symptoms will be shared on social media. I was in the army, active duty. I worked on drones. I was a maintenance NCO for some surveillance drones and before that I worked on the Apache, the Kiowa. I know aviation. So what people are not noticing is that you have two separate types of drones and two separate types of things in the air right now. First off, the drones that you see with flight lights or anti collision lights or the things that the FAA requires, those are drones that are probably operated by the United States government.

Now the orbs that you’ve been seeing on the Internet, that is the reason why all those drones are up there. And that is also why the government isn’t telling you what’s going on. And that’s because the drones that you see that look like regular aircraft, those drones are up there. To get some information on the actual orbs, which are actually the UFOs. The threat of radiation exposure. An invisible enemy will be used as the primary vector. Basically saying an application modeled after the COVID contact tracing will be installed on every mobile device that uses iOS or Android.

The application will have to notify the user about potential hazardous exposures and recommend actions that they take should include voluntary exposure testing. Additionally, the cellular carriers will roll out automated SMS alerts that will have similar functionality. This application will interface directly with the UICC mobile dialing service. If the user does not have this application installed, network connectivity will be prohibited. And it goes on and on from there. You need to shut the front door. So this is, this is from 22 2022. And then over the past few days the threat of radio radiation exposure because we’ve now they can’t find the damn radioactive devices that wound up in the Port of Newark and in a cargo container that are empty.

Radiological devices that are empty and missing. Now I love Christmas. I don’t love that we’re working Christmas Eve, Ethan. Today is a day that you’re going to remember for a very long time. But if you handle it right, you’re going to have a chance to forget it. Just relax, okay? An associate of mine is going to step into your life and you are going to make sure that his bag clears the machine. Listen, I work with the Department of Homeland Security. That’s like the janitor at NASA calling himself an astronaut. Let’s cancel the text or we execute your girlfriend.

Attaboy. You’re a Lowlevel ts. So you’re going nowhere. I’m telling you how this goes. One bag for one life. Who the hell are you? I’m the guy you listen to. Agent John Alon, dhs. I’m looking for a Detective Call. Down the hall on the left. Happy holiday. You called Homeland behind my back. We’re dealing with a potential life threat. I made a judgment call. Oh, by all means, let’s involve federal agencies based on potential threats. Elena, it’s Christmas Eve. Go home. Excuse me? Since you already called, I’m already here, and I don’t want to make the drive twice.

We take every threat seriously. But Captain’s right. We cannot declare martial law over a soft lead. And how is this a soft lead? Old school Bratbah underboss. Maybes is the word. Novichek on a damaged ATF wiretap. Come on. Has there been any chatter about an attack? There’s always chatter, but there’s nothing credible right now. And there’s no talk about chemical weapons in Los Angeles. Elena, you’re reaching now. I’m going home to enjoy dinner with my family. I suggest you do the same. Cap. Ethan, are you listening? We have a 911 call placed from inside LAX. Hey.

You killed us. I gave you some pretty simple rules. You got cued. I’d say you killed him. You, I say like to improvise. Sit right back down. You leave that post, there’s going to be consequences. We gotta go. I don’t care what you did in this. Who said anything about you? You got 10 minutes before everybody in this airport dies. You think you can take control, huh? You’re pathetic. And you’re asleep. We cannot declare martial law over a soft lead. I guess I woke up. And of course, many people, Drone experts have said that in fact, they’re looking for something radiological right now.

That the only reason these. These orbs, whatever they are, are up at night. These man made craft are as a result of a radiological exposure. Has nothing to do with aliens. Has nothing to do with it, but it’s all being part. It’s all part of a larger plan right now. And you’re starting to see all of these pieces coming together here. So this is why they want to distract you with. Did you know we’re doing. Did you see this thing that the Biden administration pushed through, this new martial law thing? Yeah. This is very disturbing. DoD directive 5ch, giving the Pentagon power for the first time in history to use lethal force to kill Americans on US soil who protest government policies.

What are they expecting? 5250.01 sounds right. Is that what it is? Did I tell you what it is? I’m sorry. 5240.01. DOD directive. This is from RFK Jr. Posted this on Twitter, and I’m finding out about it because people are blowing me up about it. That’s fucking terrifying. That is a terrifying thing to push through for the first time in US History, giving the military the ability to shoot and kill American citizens. That’s crazy, too. It’s interesting because, you know, with the. The Smith Months Modernization act and stuff like that, it’s almost like they kind of, in a weird way, just make it legal, what they’re already doing.

What is that? The Smith Modernization Act. The Smith Months Modernization act that Obama pushed through, which basically made it so it was legal for the US Government to use propaganda against. Against its citizens, which they were already doing in different ways through CIA and all that stuff. So it sounds like we can legally do it. You can’t sue us now. How crazy is it that it’s legal to lie? How crazy is that for the government to not just legally lie, but they can concoct completely fabricated stories just to push a narrative if they decide that it’s in the best interest of national security or whatever?


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