Spread the Truth




➡ Logan presents his views on various deities and the concept of Maya, or illusion, in different cultures. He suggests that all deities are interconnected and that our reality is a grand illusion, or Maya. He uses numerology, astrology, and elements from the periodic table to support his theories. He concludes that our reality is a simulation, and everyone is playing their part in this grand illusion.
➡ The text discusses the concept of ‘Maya’, the grand illusion, in relation to theology and numerology. It suggests that the characters of Jesus and Lucifer, and their portrayals in popular culture, are part of this illusion. The text also explores the connections between various numbers, locations, and people, suggesting that these are not coincidences but part of a ‘scripted reality’. It concludes by stating that we are all part of this grand illusion, unknowingly playing out roles in a cosmic joke.
➡ The text discusses the concept of Maya, or illusion, in relation to the pineal gland, which regulates sleep and wake cycles. It also explores the Hindu gods Brahma and Shiva, who represent creation and destruction respectively, and their connection to the cycles of life and nature. The text further connects these concepts to numerology and tarot cards, suggesting that these symbols and numbers reflect the same universal truths. Lastly, it emphasizes that humans, despite their efforts, contribute to the destruction of the Earth, likening this to Shiva’s role in the cycle of life.
➡ The text discusses the concepts of creation and destruction, represented by the Hindu gods Brahma and Shiva respectively. It suggests that these forces are reflected in our lives and in the world around us, including in scientific elements like isotopes. The text also introduces the idea of a ‘middle path’, represented by the god Vishnu, which is neither creation nor destruction but preservation. Finally, it connects these ideas to various other concepts, including numerology, tarot cards, and even the periodic table, suggesting that all these different systems are interconnected.
➡ The text discusses a complex theory linking card numbers, elements from the periodic table, and Hindu and Greek mythology to suggest that our reality is an illusion, or ‘Maya’. The author uses calculations involving the number of cards in a deck and the molar mass of certain elements to support this theory. They also draw parallels between Hindu gods (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva) and Greek gods (Poseidon, Zeus, Hades) to further illustrate their point. The text concludes by suggesting that our reality is a dream or simulation, governed by these divine entities.
➡ The text discusses the connections between different mythologies and religions, suggesting that they all tell the same story. It uses numerology and tarot cards to draw parallels between Greek, Hindu, and other mythologies, suggesting that all deities are part of the same grand illusion or ‘Maya’. The author concludes that all religions and beliefs are valid and that we should embrace each other’s perspectives rather than arguing over who is right or wrong.
➡ The text encourages us to be friendly and enjoy life, reminding us that we each have our own paths. It suggests that our reality might just be an illusion or a dream. The speaker, Logan4decoder reality, promises to return with more insights later.


What you’re about to experience are my opinions and truths. I’m suggesting these possibilities for you to consider, enabling you to come up with your own conclusions. All right, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be, my name is Logan. I’m going to be your tour guide for this presentation on the topic Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, the big three, the tri Murdi, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva decoded. Ladies and gentlemen, I have another jump filled, jam packed presentation for all of you. So as I often say, put on a pair of headphones, block out the outside world.

This one is going to really be some fun. And as in the beginning, you know, I’m in this hug stage, this just like embracing stage. So I have all the zodiacs coming out being embraced. And so Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva decoded in the, in the embracement of that. And this is how I originally had it, right here originally. This is what I started. And you could see in this graphic here that on the left is Brahma creation, on the right is Shiva destruction and in the middle is the preserver called Vishnu. And what I will tell you confidently at this stage, folks, is that it doesn’t matter what religion you follow or culture you follow, it is a big Ponzi scheme.

So if you’re somebody who, oh, you gotta follow Jesus for salvation, then go do that. But I can tell you right now, all of these deities are tied to Jesus, all of them are tied to Lucifer, all of them are tied to Uhura Mazda, all of them are tied to Brahmin, and all of them are tied to whatever deity that you want to talk about. You get. We’re going to get into the mythologies. It’s tied to Zeus and Poseidon and Hades, the big three. Absolutely, folks. Brahma, Poseidon, Shiva, Hades, Vishnu, Zeus. Yes. And I’m going to show you the connections here.

And this is why I’m all about the laughing and embracing now because it’s just a big cosmic joke. And we’re going to talk about a big topic which is this right here. I originally was going to do it this, that I was going to do it on Maya. So I just decided to blend them together. And the synchronicities that have happened to me over the course of today, which I’m not even going to get into, are just, they’re absolutely mind blowing and just, it’s just, I can’t even go into it. It’s just crazy how much in sync in real time it all is for me at this point, maybe for you too.

So this and Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Maya. What is Maya? Well, Maya is the illusion, right? The simulation. Simulation is Maya, folks. So these cultures talked about it. They talk about it in their own special formats, but it means the same thing. The great illusion. All history. It’s Maya. It’s all a great illusion. It’s all part. Doesn’t matter if you think it’s wrong. If you think you got it all figured out and you’re right and the other person’s wrong, nobody’s wrong. It doesn’t matter about your opinion on how you think somebody’s got it right or wrong. And you got the truth.

And you. This, folks, it’s all Maya, man. We’re all living inside Maya. The illusion. The illusion, folks. So here are the three topics of conversation for this presentation. The very first one, Maya. Second, the gd and the third and final topic. Operator. Operator. Ever call the operator? Anyway, let’s. Let’s get into the first topic now. Maya. The great illusion, which is what we’re all living out, we’re living in, is Maya. And again, here’s the definition of it. It’s the divine power of illusion, which causes the appearance of our reality that we call duality. That’s what Maya is.

So all history, no matter if you think it’s real or not, everything that’s happened now, everything’s happened in the past. It’s all part of Maya. And everybody’s doing this dance in their part. And nobody’s wrong. Everybody’s right. Even if you think they’re wrong, they’re just doing their part in the grand illusion, as Sticks sang, I could have brought that into it. So let’s start with some Sanskrit. You know, a lot of people have asked me over the years, Logan, you know, you decode English. What about the other languages? Okay, cool. So I. I’m bringing in Sanskrit, this beautiful, amazing language.

And I went by the construct of the vowels first and the consonants in the strict order that they. That they go in. And then it was. It’s challenging to create the calculator. I don’t have it on the decoder yet because I don’t. I don’t have the decoder. I don’t have the coding skills to include it. But nonetheless, here it is, folks. Here is the word Maya in Sanskrit. Notice that it has ma in it because it is feminine. That’s why the females run the show here. They give birth. I can’t give birth to the illusion. I can’t give birth to a human being.

I’m a male. So Maya has the word mother in it. And then the Yah Maya, notice it’s an 83. And in the tradition of the Hinduism cosmologies, the Tri Murdi, as they call it, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. This is going to be the aspects of Maya. Okay, notice it’s an 83. Now, remember, if you’ve been paying attention, the three is a broken eight. Eight means power, and three means expansion. That’s what those numbers mean. Eight is power, the Taurus field, the hourglass, the prison. And then three breaks out of that. It breaks out on. On each end.

And now it’s expansion. It’s the force of expansion with the three, the creative force. That’s the house of Gemini. The way you think. It’s all about communication, being creative. All right? That’s what the 83 means. And I’m going to go right to the alchemology. Now, if you’re new here, like, what is alchemology? Taking language and moving it and matching it up with chemistry. Why would we do that? Because we are made up of a lot of these elements. Our reality is made up of a lot of these elements. These elements. Some of them are crucial for our reality.

I mean, for our existence, for a DNA, for DNA to survive. We have elements here. So we’re just simply going to take the individual letters of Maya and match it up with the protons of each element. So we have the 39 atrium, the 2 helium, the 40 zirconium, and then the 2 again, the Ya helium. We add those up and we get the number 187. And this is absolutely massive because the 187, if you’ve been paying attention, is the great beast. So how about that? The great beast is Maya, folks. I mean, does this not make any sense? No, it makes perfect sense.

And the zodiac wheel has so much to do with it because of the constellations, the stars, and this is the as above. So when I do this right here, when I do the alchemology, which is taking the letters and converting it into the periodic table and the elements. But then I did the same thing here. This is called astronomy alchemy, where Aries is hydrogen number one, Taurus is helium number two, etc. Etc. And you go all the way around and you got to include the 13, not just 12, it’s 13. That’s the magic number. And when you add them all up, you get 187, just like you get it here by adding up the isotopes.

Coincidence? No. So now you know what is Maya? The grand illusion. But it’s created by the as above, which is the great beast. And it’s tied to this element right here called osmium. So now you know. And what is the abbreviate? The acronym is os, which stands for operating system. So what is the operating system, Maya? The grand illusion, the simulation that we’re living in. Okay, so now we have confirmation, because we’ve been doing this a long time now. Now we can connect all these beautiful layers. Let’s do another one. Now. Let’s bring theology into this.

So we have astrology, we have cosmology and Hinduism and Buddha, Buddhism and the Sanskrit language. Now let’s bring in Hebrew language and theology. And now bring in the Torah. Oh, yeah, because the Torah is Hinduism and Hinduism is Torah. That’s why it’s just a big joke. And see, when I did the numerology for the first time, the serpent comes on the scene, and I found that the reduction of these numbers end up being four. This is Genesis, right? The very first. This is in the beginning. Well, this is going to reduce. Going to be 76. It reduces all the way down to the number four.

And it’s Genesis, chapter three, verses one. That’s the 431. And I knew that was a prime number. And there it was, man. 431, 83rd prime number. And that’s connected to Bismuth. Binary. Binary is what Maya, the grand illusion. And the serpent, the deceiver. The serpent is so big in this cosmology. The nagas, the serpent people, the serpent race. Go study that, folks. This is what Maya is attributed to. This is what Vishnu lays on, is all about the serpent. And the serpent is now in theology, in Genesis. So the. The Jewish faith brings their story into it, and we can easily connect it to Bismuth.

And I mean, what do you see right there? What does that look like? Does that not look like a serpent? Well, it’s definitely the number eight. Absolutely. What is eight plus three reduced down to two? Binary. You see all these clues? Binary beta. This starts with bet in the beginning is bet. It’s not Aleph. It’s bet. This is bet. Binary. Binary. Two, Binary. Maya is the grand illusion of duality. And the serpent telling the woman, hey, you positively will not die. Yeah, that’s why Jesus said, you’ll have eternal life. Same thing. So there’s the scripture right here.

Genesis, 3, verses 1. Okay, the serpent. The serpent. And it’s also tied to these two characters right here. And I’m going to get into them in some big ways a little bit later on, a lot of people, oh, it’s not Jesus. It’s not. It’s Yeshua. Okay, great. And I broke this down in my Jesus Lucifer scandal. And I did the numerology. I actually did the Hebrew gematria because people swear up and down. It’s Yeshua. No problem. Well, look at what it reduces down to the number eight. And here’s Lucifer in its original spelling from Isaiah 14, verses 12.

That is a number three. What is the 83? Maya. Maya, folks. The grand illusion. Jesus, the light of the world. Lucifer, the light bringer. Same thing. You see, they formed the three and the eight. And if you go to the tarot, you can see that the 38th card is a card of partnership. Oh, yeah. They’re in a partnership whether or not the characters are real, their ideas, and they’re part of Maya, the grand illusion. These two characters are part of the grand illusion. And I have these words right here. Mount Vernon and Cardiff. Why do I have those on there? Well, the 83, right? Here’s the eight.

Here’s the three. What’s up with these two cities? Well, how about these two characters right here? Do you want to see some ridiculous scripted reality? Now, ladies and gentlemen, if you’re not on board with. We live in a. In a. In Maya. If we. We live in an illusion and it’s all a cosmic joke, how are you. What are you to describe on this? How are you going to make sense of what I’m showing you here? Jim, the guy who they casted to play in the Passion of the Christ, and he was also on the. The movie Sound of Freedom.

Okay? The guy was born in Mount Vernon, Washington, and the guy they cast to play Lucifer, Thomas John Ellis, was born in Cardiff, Wales. There it is right there. How do you explain this? I mean, are you going to really tell me that these guys are all in on a conspiracy to get one past you? Because they know what Maya equals and Sanskrit numerology right here, they. They know this. My final answer is I am absolutely certain they do not know it, but it doesn’t matter because they’re being used. It’s a cosmic joke, folks, the whole thing.

And that’s why we can see a scripted reality here. From the original spellings of what people swear up and down Jesus is from. No problem. There it is. There’s the confirmation, and there is no doubt that we live in a scripted. This guy was supposed to play Christ. This guy was supposed to play Lucifer. I already broke Lucifer down twice the show to show the actors and Actresses were being used to play out those roles. Okay, I mean, I could go on and on. How about this? More? You want any more? You want more ridiculousness? I know.

This is Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. We’re going to get to that over here. This is the Maya. Now, the illusion, because these two characters are part of the illusion, folks. Here is Jim’s birthday, September 26, 1968. Here’s Thomas John Ellis, November 17, 1978. Look how many days in between their birthdays? 3,704 days. And what is that? 3, 074 tied to the number of the beast, huh? So wait a minute. So we have a guy that played Jesus, and then we get the guy that played Lucifer. And in between their birthdays is 3704 days. And that’s the number of the beast when you add it up through mathematics.

Now, how did I get this? Well, simple here is 666in Greek from Revelation 13, verses 18. And you just take, you move to mathematics and the prime numbers. So there’s 600, it’s 4409. There’s 60, it’s 20281. And there’s number six, 13. And when you add them all up, folks, there are the numbers right there. This is called the number permutation. So the question is, ladies and gentlemen, do you think these guys are trying to get one past you? You think someone out there to mock you, to get the pull the woolly over your eyes? No. We live in the grand illusion where we’re being used by the divine.

You are the divine. Folks, I’ve already covered this part of the beast, which is taught. Here are the 13 men from the Last Supper. There’s their numerology in the original Greek. I’ve already covered this how many times now? 374. There’s the 374 in there. There’s the 374 in there. Now, what do you think about Lucifer? Now what do you think about the Christ? It’s all part of Maya, folks. The illusion. That’s what it’s all about. The grand illusion. The ma, the mother and the yah. It’s the mother and father really is what it is. And even when I broke down the 83, just to give you more confidence that this is a scripted reality, let’s look to the 83.

See, I did this in my scripted reality number eight. And I came out with. And I showed you in the golden ratio in the string of mathematics using the golden ratio. What I did was I took the I am. Right. Because in theology, Genesis, 3 verses 14. God says, I am. That I am. I am. And you say this a lot. That’s because God is you and you are the divine. Well, it’s. You can spell it out. This gives you 369. And when you do, the average weight of americium. But it’s the 53 and the 95.

And so I went into the golden ratio and I located the 53rd digit, which is the number 8. And I did the same thing for the number 95 to get that AM and there it is, 3. So there’s 8 and 3. I am. I am. I am Maya. I am the great illusion. Using you in the scheme of your experiences. I am. These characters. See, these stories, folks, they’re just stories, just like you. And I get a story part of the grand illusion. Maya. I am. I am Maya. Okay, I’ve done this before, but I’m gonna do it again.

You take the 83 and you subtract the total amount of cards in a deck. In the playing cards, there’s 52 cards. To get to 52 or below, we get 31. There’s the five of diamonds. The five of diamonds is the 31st card. And the 31st card in the tarot turns into the 69th card, the five of pentacles. And what is the 69? The yin yang. What is the yin yang, Maya? Maya, is duality. So all we have to do is use these tools. That’s all we have to do. Five fingers, five toes, five senses. The grand illusion, folks.

And this 31 is really big. That’s tied to the absolute right here. See, 31 is the 11th prime number. There’s the 31st card, right? And there’s the absolute off of this right here. This was the declassified CA CIA Document. This was off Morgue’s channel. Big shout out to him and his material. That’s where I got this from. This is from declassified CIA documents saying that you are God. And it’s the. They call it the Absolute. And it’s projecting a hologram of itself. That’s Maya. And then perceiving it. That is Maya. Mirror Maya. You see? Absolute 31.

You are me, God. This is the Divine telling you you’re me. I’m you. And it’s the snakehead. That’s what it is. And it’s this, folks, right here. It’s the five of five. That’s why the five sits in the middle of your dial pad. Five sits in the middle of your dial pad of your Phone and your calculator. You have five fingers, five toes, five senses. It’s tied to Maya, which is the duality. It’s yin yang and it’s the serpent, okay? That’s why the serpent is so big in all of this stuff. Okay? So I would encourage you to read this because now we have the connections that are undeniable now.

And I did the decode on this, and I. This is my final answer. You’re in Maya, folks. You’re God. Experiencing yourself, experiencing you. Like it says, you’re perceiving your. So you’re projecting a hologram and you’re perceiving yourself, and it’s using you as an avatar, as a character, and you’re not in control of your reality. That’s why we could decode it. We can string these numbers together, and we can see how amazing it is and how masterful it is and how perfected it is. So let’s keep going. What about the 83 in the Maya, when you say 8:3.

When I say 8:3, you get 39. And what’s the 39 tied to? Well, it’s just the pineal gland. Not a big deal. We should just probably brush this off. How big is the pineal gland in our culture? It’s revered in these ancient cultures. The pineal gland now, you know, is tied to and creates Maya because the pineal gland is what regulates sleep and awake cycles. It’s right there. The numerology matches it as well. Okay? Melatonin is what shuts it on, shuts it off. It controls light and dark from the. From the retina. Okay? That’s Maya, folks.

The grand illusion is when you go to sleep and when you wake up. And the pineal gland is tied right to Maya. Pretty amazing. All right, let’s get into the next topic. Now, we haven’t fun yet. Second topic, gdp. Just God. Right? The gd. But I. What I want to be very specific of is generate and destroy the gd, right? Not the operate. That’s Vishnu. Generate and destroy. Which is this right here. Brahma, Generate the creator God and destroy. Shiva, the dance of Shiva. And this is our duality, folks. This is. This is when we. When we’re born and when we die.

This is going from spring and then moving into summer. After spring is destroyed, right? We ease into that. Okay? The melting away of these seasons. Fire, air, water, earth, all of these can be labeled into this right here. We have shalom and sin. That’s what we have. We have shalom and sin. We have. I mean, I’m sorry. Ra, Shalom and Ra. Excuse me, Shalom. Generate Brahma and Ra destroy Shiva. Absolutely. So now you can just easily connect Judaism to Hinduism. Same thing. But now we have the confidence to know and see these numbers. And now it’s undeniable here if you’re somebody who’s a fan of these numbers.

So let’s move into now and look at. What does it mean through the tarot. Through the tarot and the cards of illumination. So we have some calculations going on here. And what we’re doing is, is we’re taking the total we get from the numerology of brahma and Shiva. And I want to get to. Whoops. I want to get to a playing card. So as we know, when you go to the. When you go to the playing cards right here. Okay, the playing cards, there are 52 of them. Okay, 52. Right, 52. The playing cards, not including the jokers.

So if you get a number above 52, you subtract 52 until you get to 52 or below. And that’s going to provide you a card. And then you can convert it into the tarot to get the image. Because we think in pictures, that’s the grand illusion. So166, from Brahma’s note numerology, we got to do it three times. And we get to the number 10. That’s the 10 of hearts. And that converts into the 46 card in the tarot, the 10 of cups. This is tied to. Think about what I’m showing you. This is Brahma, the creator.

The creator. Energy. Generate. You generate a paradise. You generate a place of peace and bliss and plentifulness. But then when you move over here to Shiva, and Shiva gets its turn. 87. And we just have to do it one time, minus 52, 35. Now, simulation is 35. So Shiva destroys the simulation. But here it is, the nine of diamonds. It’s the nine of pentacles and the nine of discs. Now, why, what is this right here? See this right here, folks? The nine of pentacles is the repeat of ego at its highest level. The 9 is the repeater number.

See, this is like everything you want. This is. You’re on television. This card, this. But this card right here is a parasite. Because, you see, Shiva is a destroyer. What. When we become this energy right here, and we all do, you become the star of the show. You become somebody who. It becomes a parasite. Now, humor me on this. What do I mean by that? What I’m saying is, is that you. You And I, we parasite from the earth, we destroy it. It doesn’t matter if you what, what, what, what this or what that. It doesn’t matter how careful you are, folks.

We’re killing machines. If you wipe your ass with toilet paper, you’re. You’re part of the trees being cut down and the displacement of animals. When those trees get put out there, the farming of them. If you eat food, you’re. You’re part of the killing. Doesn’t matter how careful you are. Doesn’t matter what, what, what source you consume from. You are killing things. You are part of that. We pillage the earth. If you drive a car, you’re part of the gases that pollute the air. If you breathe in oxygen. All of these things, folks, you’re parasiting the earth.

And this nine of diamonds, and especially when you get. This is the card of the ego. When you get into the ego, this right here, what is the. The ego wants things. I want, I want, I want, I want. This nine of diamonds is never content. I want, I want, I want, I want. The diamond suit is I want. And this right here is I feel. Well, what does this do to this? It destroys it. So this is why, Brahma, this is how beautiful this is and how I know we live in a Ponzi scheme. It doesn’t matter what culture you decode, you’re going to find the same exact answers that lead to the same origins.

Is that Shiva the Destroyer is part of the parasiting that we do here on Earth. That’s the context of this right here. And you see, folks, Jesus is here as well. Absolutely. We’re gonna go, where’s my. I’m gonna get to that in a second. But what I wanted to talk to you about is how we parasite. And I’m going to use nature. I’m going to go to an example I’ve used before. What you’re looking at is a rose bush, and these little green bugs are called aphids. And what they do is they eat the rose bush.

So essentially they are the Shiva character. They are this. The rose bush is like the. To the rose bush, the aphid is the devil. Please come save me. And then the nice little ladybug comes in and starts chomping down on the aphids. And then the rose bush, if it could talk, it would be like, oh, my God. God, you’re my savior. Poor little aphids. Right? Well, the aphids are part of Shiva. They’re the destroyers. This. And this is what we do. We Parasite the earth. No matter if you don’t try to do it. Just being a human being, flushing your toilet, buying toilet paper, buying food at the grocery store, even if you’re somebody, and I’m going to be very bold here, even if you’re a vegan, right? I have nothing against that.

You still buy products of people that are not vegan. So you’re still supporting that way of life. Not everybody is going to become a vegan and not everybody’s going to be a carnivore and not everybody’s going to join and be a vegetarian. That is ludicrous thinking. Now, we live in a diverse reality. We live in Maya. And it’s all the illusion. We are all part of the destruction of Earth it generates and then it destroys. And we look at through that, through nature right here. And this is what we do, folks. This is exactly what we do.

So here it is, right here. Here. Shiva. Right from the right from the rudra. And it’s, it’s. There’s always raw here in these tech. It’s just so crowd how much raw information. But look what it says. I am the fierce one who destroys to purify, to make the world anew. Shiva. There’s the 87. And how I know this is tied to Jesus? Because Jesus’s numerology is right here. Now, again, folks, this is from the Greek text. I don’t care about Yeshua, because in the Greek, the Greeks say this is how it is spelled. And this is where you get Jesus saying, I’m coming with a sword.

And you’re. We’re already seeing the Shiva on the world stage right now. We’re already seeing the Jesus character on the world stage in so many different ways. These right here folks are undeniable. The connections. Unless of course, you’re somebody’s like, well, now I don’t like numerology. Well, well, you probably shouldn’t be here. It’s probably not the right channel for you, because numerology is the science of numbers and it’s the code that writes the final product of these titles and these ideas that we get in the grand illusion of Maya. Okay? So, so if you think that you have to follow Jesus, then go do that.

But don’t sit, don’t sit there and point the finger and say, oh, you’re following a false religion because you’re doing Hinduism and Shiva, oh my God, you’re going to burn in hell because Jesus is Shiva. Let’s just get it straight so we can all just dance and have fun. And hug and shake hands and call it a day instead of fighting and bickering about how this world works. Because you’re seeing it now and this is why it’s coming out now. Does that’s coming out now because it was supposed to be seeing this kind of stuff. So let’s move more into the Brahma and Shiva and we’re going to get into some, some alchemy now.

Some, some science. And I’m just going to take the 166 from Brahma and I’m going to match it to the element that has that 166 isotope. It’s called erbium. Okay. The 68 and how big the 68 is tied to the world wars. Okay, right here is why I have the tank on there. And Erbium has several isotopes. 167 is another one. So these numbers are clues. They tell us things about how reality works. And here’s Shiva. Shiva the Destroyer tied to strontium. Strontium has 87 and it has 88. 87.96 is going to round up to 88.

And there’s the Phoenix. See how amazing this is? Shiva tied to the Phoenix. Shiva the Destroyer is tied to the Phoenix. So now like dismissing the baggy Gagita and the Rudra and all these amazing texts from different cultures. Oh, you shouldn’t be reading that stuff. That’s demonic. And this is. It ain’t more, any more demonic than that character. It’s all the same crap, folks. And I mean that with the utmost respect. It’s a Ponzi scheme. It’s an illusion, It’s a story, it’s a fable, It’s a simulation that we’re in. And this clears the board. This is why Shiva has so much power, because it represents the extreme explosion.

Shiva is like the, the most powerful one in the cosmologies because it represents the freaking tidal wave, man, the nuclear bomb. It represents destruction, the force. Whereas Brahma doesn’t have that. It’s more peaceful and more blissful as it creates. Like Brahma is like a. Planting a seed in the ground and watching the, the flower come up or the orange tree come up. Shiva’s is destruction. So it’s much more powerful. Just I would imagine why so many people follow the Shiva character in the, in the Hindu and his own traditions. Right? But let’s keep going, folks. So now we can bring more Old Testament to this.

This is Isaiah 45, verses 7. This is God saying the Yod, the new age name, Jehovah, which is tied Right to Allah. I make peace and create evil. I make light and dark. Right there. There’s the numerology of it 167 I. It’s right there. So the. The peace and evil is tied to Brahma. And we can easily just use our logic and discernment Shiva. So this is the Yod saying, I am both the Brahma and the Shiva character. That’s just I. I. I’m the one who creates these. I create and destroy. Destroy. And it does it through us as human beings.

From the so below part. All right, let’s get into the cards. Now we get into the cards, and I’m gonna use the protons from this periodic table. And erbium has 68 protons, which is the 68th card in the tarot called the four of discs, the four of pentacles. And you see this character on the card is. Is Brahma. It’s the God Brahma, part of this tri murdi here. And the pentacles that. This is you and I. Four blood types, four directions, four seasons, four elements. Brahma has control over those, right? The creator God, the creator energy.

And it doesn’t want to let you go stuck inside Maya, because Brahma is part of Maya. And over here you have Shiva. And 38 is the protons to match the 87 of strontium. And then we have this right here, which is the partnership. Creating a partnership. So it’s interesting that Brahma doesn’t want to let you go. And Shiva creates the partnership. And while you’re down here in Maya, we do both creation and destruction. We all do that. We’re creators. We create through being an influencer or being a musician or an artist or that’s all Brahma energy.

And then we’re part of the destruction. Like when you buy food and eat food and all that stuff, you’re part. It’s. It. It’s parasiting the earth. It’s not bad, folks. It’s just the way this whole thing’s set up. And there’s a partnership with that. This two of cups for this example, okay? That’s exactly how this stuff works. And it’s part of the. The God. This topic being the gd. Well, Brahma is generate, Shiva’s destroy. Vishnu is operate. And look at what you get when you add them all up through the numerology. There’s that 88. And you now bring in the law one material.

So literally, we have. Have. Let’s see, we have Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. We have the Yod. We have Theology. We. And we’re going to get into Greek mythology. And now we have the Law one material in here. All of them connected because it’s a Ponzi scheme. You see, that’s what this whole thing is, ladies and gentlemen. Okay, the 64 is here because we have 64 possible codons in our DNA. And there’s the GD. You’re on tele. This is why the television. See, gadolinium actually was used in the old television screens. But of course, the clue is what we’re seeing here is that it’s God on television.

You’re the divine on television. You’re being watched. And you get born into this world and you’ll go out with the sickle. Shiva will get you. Rama, Shiva, gd. Okay. Generate, destroy. Okay, that’s exactly how that works. But let’s now get into the middle part. Now, right? The oppa. Who’s the operator? Who is the operator in all three? Well, it’s Vishnu. Vishnu is the operator. And then there’s things beyond that. Now Vishnu again sits in the. In the. In the area of. Well, I’m gonna get to that in a minute, but let me. Let me not jump ahead, but Vishnu’s 117.

Never you ever heard that song Break on Through to the Other side by the Doors. Look at this connection, folks. Now, how long have I been talking about and mentioning the middle path being neutral, right? Not being polarized by the generate or destroy. See this because Jesus in the Bible tell you, hey, I wish you were with me or against me. I wish you were Shalom and not Ra. But I wish you’d pick. Well, when you’re here, when you’re lukewarm, now you’re embracing Vishnu, the preserver, the operator. Now you’re in the middle section home. Break on through to the other side.

That’s what the Doors were talking about. And it’s so interesting with this song. The producer Paul Rothschild, the length of the song, 226, which is the weight of Raw. When you add up the. The numerology of the day, January 1st, 1967, when it came out, that’s an 88. So you can see we have Raw tied to the preserver, the Vishnu character. But Vishnu is not complete without the generator and destroyer, Brahma and Shiva. But Break on through to the other side. I mean, it’s kind of interesting that it has the 88. And again you come back up here and the 88 is all three of those.

And these three make up and create Maya, the grand illusion. So Is this saying here, through all these layers to break on through to the other side. What’s on the other side? You’re on the other side of Maya. That’s how I would read this. Absolutely. And so this right here off of the amazing website this right here is the, the navel of Vishnu. The location of this right here. The center of the galactic center is right here. And you, you have Ophiuchus. That’s why Ophiuchus has every right to be part of the other 12 that typically most astrologers will leave out.

I was one of them at one point in my life, or at least not paying attention to it. This is 51 of a Yuki right over there. This is the sun on December 13th, which I feel is the, the new year, December 13th. But this sits, folks, right here. I’m, you know, this right here is Zeus. So it’s really, really interesting that we could talk about Zeus here. Now. Now I’m going to bring Greek mythology into this because Vishnu is 117 and all I do is bridge it with chemistry. So we go to this element right here.

And this is one of tin’s stable isotopes. It has more stable isotopes than any other element. I really want you to think about that. Tin has more stable isotopes than any other element on the periodic table. Why? Because it’s the preserver. It’s the merger of worlds. When you go to. When you go to the periodic table and you take a look at 10, right, you can see it’s the mer. This is the merger of worlds. The merger of worlds. That’s what this is. And there’s the stabilizers. Look at them all. There’s the 117 right there. Okay, 116.903.

It’s going to round up. So tin gets the nod. This is why you have and how big the 50 is. Cinquenta in Spanish. 50 is tied to bitcoin because bitcoin, when it was first released, there was 50 of them. It was released on January 3rd, which is tied to the jack of spades, which is the 50th card in the deck, which is tied to the dream, the my, which is tied to Maya. We’re going to get to that. So tin is the big marker here. And we’re going to take the calculations to get the card of illumination.

Now the 117. I’m going to come back to the tin, but we’re going to take the 11 7. We’re going to subtract the 52 total amount of cards in the deck. We’re going to do it twice and we get the number 13. And there’s the 13th card, the king of love, man. The highest form of love you can get in the deck, the king of hearts. So if you really start to use logic with discernment here, the preserver, the operator through the cosmology of this tradition is Vishnu and it’s the king of hearts, which this is unconditional love.

Allowing the, the good, the bad and the ugly to happen with Brahma and Shiva. This is unconditional love. The king of hearts, the highest form of love you can get in the card deck and that converts to the king of hearts, which guess what card number that is. 50. 50. So 50 tied to 10. The 117. She’s tied to break on through to the other side. Tied to Vishnu, the preserver and the unconditional king of love right here. Unconditional. That’s why everything’s allowed in this reality, because it’s an illusion, folks. It’s not real. You know, when you watch a movie, is it real? Well, your aunt, you would say no, it’s just a movie.

Yeah, but there are real actors. Yeah, I know, but. But then is it real? Folks? We’re being watched. When you watch a movie, when you watch a show, man, it’s not real. It’s just recorded. It happened in the past. But there are real people. We’re in a show, man. We’re in a movie. You’re in Maya, the grand illusion. That’s what the simulation is. It’s Maya and it’s ruled over by unconditional king of love. We have conditions, which is why you have generate and destroy down here with brahma and Shiva. Because we’re not unconditional. We have conditions down here in Maya, the grand illusion.

So here are the big three now in chemistry, Erbium, Brahma to the left, Shiva, strontium to the right and then tin Vishnu in the center point. The operator, when you add all of these up, it’s called the molar mass and science, you get 370. Now I’m going to show you a technique I have not shown before. I may have shown it one other time before. You see, where do you go with this? Well, we can go into the golden ratio. We can go into the sequence of PI. I’m going to leave that for some of you that want to do it.

I want to give you a chance to look at it and see what you find. If you find something like I. I want to leave that for you. But what I want to show you something new. So 370 is the total molar mass of erbium, tin and strontium, which is generate, operate, destroy. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. But you see, when I go to the periodic table and I’m going to go to the last element, the OG, notice that it has a weight of isotope of 294. There’s nothing higher than that. So I have a total of 370.

Where’s my. There. I have 370 by adding up these three elements. But I do not have an element that I can match up to. So I’m going to do the same thing I did with the cards. I’m going to subtract 294. That’s what I’m going to do. And what do I get? 76. That’s what I get. Now this is the thing, because I do. I’ve done it with other methodologies. The cards, the tarot, the calendar. And see, I know this is a big thing because what’s the 76 tied to the beast? Now you bring in the New Testament and Revelation 13, verses 18 was written in coin, Greek, modern Greek language.

Beast is 76. This is the genitive singular format of beast 76, which is tied to the operating system, which is your eye. This is your zodiac is your eyeball. And the 76, ladies and gentlemen, from this. So think about what I’m showing you. These three make up the operating system. See, this is a thing. This is not like. Well, maybe it could fit there. No, this absolutely fits there. And what is the beast? Maya. That’s why it says in the Bible. Who can defeat the great beast? Because it’s Maya, man. It’s the grand illusion. Who can defeat the grand illusion? Nobody.

Because it just continues on with or without your consent forever. And it is the operating system, which is the zodiac wheel. So we have confirmation again here that the tri murdi in Hinduism of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva is the operating system. The beast. It is the beast. Which are the disciples, which is Jesus. They’re all. That’s why I said it’s a Ponzi scheme, folks. And we can’t leave out the 76 through the isotope of selenium and the moon. And you know, like this could. I could branch off in a million different ways. And I don’t. This one would branch off into a way different topic.

But what is up with the moon? What is the purpose of the moon? And how can it be tied to the beast? Well, Revelation 12, verses three. I saw a beast with ten horns and seven heads. These are all part of Maya, folks. It’s an illusion. It’s a. The Bible is an allegorical book. It’s a storybook. Okay? It’s a storybook. So let’s continue on with Vishnu the operator. And we know now, you know, it’s. It’s tin. And we get to the 50th card in the. In the cards of illumination, the jack of spades. The jack of spades being the 50th card in the deck tied to the sons of God, if you’ve been paying attention, is tied to the 62nd card in the tarot, the knight of swords.

Swords. And this is tied to the revolution. We see Vishnu the operator, is in control of both Brahma and Shiva. So of course it’s going to be able to create a revolution because Vishnu is the boss, kind of holding the pendulum, the regulator, if you will. And how I know that this is also Maya. And how. It’s a simulation. And how now it’s a dream is this guy. So now I’m going to bridge it again with something else. And this man, Mr. Light here, here’s his name. Numerology. Do you know who this guy is? His name is.

I’m going to tell you what it is. Just hold on. His name is 62, which matches the jack of sword, the jack of spades, the knight of swords. Card number 62. If you say it, it becomes 60, which is feed the wolf. Head of the snake is 60. But you know who this guy is, folks? He’s the guy who wrote the song. Row, row, row your boat gently down a stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. Life is but a dream, Life is but a dream. So this guy writes the song. His name is a 62, tied to the 62nd card in the tarot.

And this card is tied to the jack of spades, which is card number 50, which is tied to the element tin, which is tied to Vishnu the preserver. And Vishnu is part of the tri Murdi, which make up what Maya. And what is Maya, folks? The dream. This reality is a dream. It is a simulation. It is Maya. And now we have absolute confirmation that this is the way this whole reality works. And how big the moon is. Dreamworks Pictures, Fishing from the moon. Kristoff on the moon. And then. And then Truman Burbank. See you later.

I’m out of here. Maybe ascending, leaving Maya, the. The grand illusion. But what. What is that? What does it take to do that? So dream, simulation, Maya, all the same thing. This man didn’t have a choice, ladies and gentlemen. He’s not trying to get one past you. But now when you decode it and we break the code, he comes from Vishnu, who’s part of the three that make up Maya. The dream, the simulation. Okay, so now you know. So now, ladies and gentlemen, get to the tail end of this. Now I’m going to connect Greek mythology to all of this.

A different culture, a different race of human beings. Because you’re talking about the great country of India, second largest population wise. And you go all the way over to Greek and it was. It’s a long ways away. They didn’t have cell phones back then. They didn’t have a postal service back then. They didn’t have FedEx or DHL. They were writing about the Greeks were the Greek gods. Poseidon, Zeus and Hades are the big three that make up our reality. Zeus got the heavens, Poseidon got the earth water, and Hades got the underworld. That is Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.

Brahma is Poseidon, Zeus is Vishnu and Hades is Shiva. Pretty simple, right? Well, let’s support that. Let’s do it through chemistry. Okay, so here they. Here’s the numerology of these three. 199. I have this out of order. I hope not. Okay, I don’t. 199. I’m going to come back to that. But let’s do the alchemology of this. So here is Poseidon. Poseidon has 112. That’s cadmium. Zeus has 54. That’s chromium. And then Hades has 33. That’s sulfur. Well, what happens when you add, add those three up, the protons. What proton do you land on? 48, 24 and 16.

There’s that raw again. Generate, operate, destroys 88. The God raw. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Poseidon, Hades. Raw. You see how big raw is in all this? The law of one. So we have the law one added to Greek mythology, added to the Hinduism, cosmology added to just what you call God. Remember the break on through to the other side, folks? It’s 88, man. I mean, the card that is associated with break on through to the other side January 1st is the king of spades. King of spades converts into the king of swords. Card number 64. 64. We go right back to the 64th element.

Got the GD element right here. GD GD raw is the tri murdi, man. It’s, it’s, it’s the big three in Greek Mythology. So the Greeks have it wrong. I mean, if you’re like, are you going to be somebody who tells? Oh, if you’re following Brahma, you’re wrong. It’s got to be Poseidon. Like that ridiculousness. You could start. You could start to see the amazing connections. And, you know, again, the gadolinium is you’re on television, right? That’s what it means, folks. So if you want to break on through to the other side, you want to get out of Maya, the television screen.

Well, what. What is. What goes into that? That’s the big question is what would go into that? Well, let’s get into the numerology. We’re almost finished with this one. Going back here again, here’s the numerology. I got a typo right there. Zeus is spelled wrong. But the 199 for these three, the Greek mythology, the big three. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Poseidon, Zeus, Hades, same thing. Well, it’s 199. They get in the original Greek. And 199 is a prime number. It’s the 46 prime number. And there’s that 10 of cups again. Remember, Brahma is tied to that, right? Another huge connection.

It’s card number 46, and that’s tied to double helix. So what is. What does this mean with Brahma getting this card right here. Brahma’s the creator God. Well, what is double helix? We get created as human beings through the Brahma energy. And that means that Poseidon gets the nod to be the creator, because Poseidon got the earth, the waters. And what are we made up of? What is our biology made up of? Water. Primarily water. Poseidon tied to Brahma and our double helix as the 10 of hearts. The 10. Okay, the 10. Now what about the 199, since this is what their numerology is? Well, I want to get a tarot card attached to this.

So I’m going to do the. I’m going to do the methodology that we’ve been doing here. There are 78 total tarot cards. So I’m going to take that 199. I’m going to subtract 78 until I get to 78 or below. And what do we get? 43. And the 43rd card, folks, right here, this to kind of put the nail in the coffin for this presentation, is the seven of cups. The 43rd card is the seven of cups. And ladies and gentlemen, there’s the numerology of the word serpent. I go back to where we started in the beginning.

Remember the bismuth and the binary and the serpent and the head of the snake. And being the absolute is the illusion. Thus that’s why the serpent is revered in Hinduism. The nagas, the serpent people. This is why Vishnu lays on the serpents. This is the serpent card, the 43rd card in the deck. This is. What does this card mean? Illusions. What is the big thing about this decode Maya. And what forms Maya through the Greek mythology? Their say so the big three, Poseidon, Zeus and Hades, they form the Maya, that’s what they do. And this is tied to the serpent and the serpent obviously is tied to the big three.

You can’t miss it now folks. This is so beautiful. So you have illusions and then the illusion of being a human being, the double helix, the 46 card. So you have this, you have what appears to be choices which that’s an illusion because you don’t have any choices. They’re already made for you. And then the illusion of the double helix through the, the grand central of greatness, beautification of the 46. So let’s finish the tale. Let’s get to the the end of this ladies and gentlemen. So Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Poseidon, Zeus, Hades. Here, here are the three elements to represent Poseidon, Zeus and Hades.

And when I do the numerology of them, that gives us a number, 83. And do you remember what the 83 was folks? Maya. So is there any doubt now how many times we can do this? These are so strong. This is how perfected this is. Brahma is Poseidon, Zeus is Vishnu, Shiva is Hades. Different cultures, same story, same story folks. And then I could just go right back to Judaism and remember the alchemology of Maya was right here. Atrium helium. Zirconium helium folks. What is the Yodeh Vahe ladies and gentlemen, what is the yodehage? How about right here? Do you see this now? Yod hey Vahe Yod hey is the ma the mother? The Yod hey is the ma.

Yeah. Maya Yod hey. And so when I go back to a screenshot from the Yodeh Vahe decoded here are, here is the yodhe. So this is part of Maya. And it doesn’t get any more clearer than this. Is that the yode right here from ancient Egypt. So now I bring the Egyptian book of the dead into this. And you see the yode is the arm or hand that’s right here. He’s playing a video game. Maya is the grand illusion, the grand game. And the hay is the window. See he’s looking through the window. Right here. This is the hay Yod with his hand on the joystick and the hay right here.

Maya, are you seeing this now, folks? The five and the one. The Yod and the hay, man. It’s right there, man. It. This is. This is so profound. Right here. Atrium. And this is the alchemology of serpent, by the way. But that’s for a different story. But just remember that the Yod hay from chemistry is 20 and 11. What’s 20 plus 11? 31. You go right back to that CIA declassification that you are the absolute. You are me. You are the divine, the snakehead right there. Yod. Hey, is 30 freaking one from this, from Maya, the illusion.

So when you play a video game, folks, it’s an illusion. It’s light entering your eyes. Are you seeing this now, folks? Are you. Are you getting this? So here are my final thoughts for this presentation, is that we live inside of a Ponzi scheme. And all of these, even if there are deities that you can’t see that are entities, they all are working in unison like we are working in unison, like the cells in your body are working in unison to do whatever it needs to do to keep you alive as a human being. It’s all a Ponzi scheme, the whole thing.

So it doesn’t matter what culture you follow, it doesn’t matter what religion you follow. It doesn’t matter what church you go to. It doesn’t matter, man, at the end of the day, all of these deities are hanging out, man, laughing and having a good time. That’s what we should be doing instead of bickering and arguing and fighting over who’s got it right when the answer is everybody’s got it right. Everybody does. At the end of the day, man, these people just. These entities here, they just embrace and hug and they are having a good time. And it’s a Ponzi scheme, folks.

And that’s my final answer. And these are my opinions and truths. You don’t have to agree, but this is how I feel that this reality works. This is what I’m channeling through. This is not even me telling you this. This is what I’m being used to tell you. Because we’re at that stage of the game where we’re having all these reveals. And I think there’s enough evidence in this decode to show you that it doesn’t matter what organization you follow, what deity you worship, they all end up becoming one. They all work, work for the same boss if you want to separate them.

But it doesn’t matter because it is a Ponzi scheme. So we should be embracing one another and laughing and having a good time and not trying to prove people wrong just because they don’t follow your way or just because you think they got it wrong. They don’t have it wrong. Okay? Everybody’s got it right. Even if you think they got it wrong, it doesn’t matter. It’s all part of Maya, which is the simulation, which is the grand illusion. Okay? So there you go, ladies and gentlemen, Brahma Vishnu, Shiva. Decoded. Would love to have your thoughts. Keep your comments coming.

Just keep them cordial. It’s all about loving here, man. Especially after this, man. It’s all about love. Embracing, hugging, shaking hands, having a good time. You do you, I do me. Doesn’t matter. At the end of the day, we’re living in an illusion. Illusion. A dream. A simulation. All right, ladies and gentlemen, that’s all I got for today. My name is Logan4decoder reality. Until next time. We will see you later.

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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