The 2025 Ritual: Hollywood Fires Mysterious Fog 2030

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➡ The speaker discusses the collapse of westernized socialism and its impact on the global economy. He suggests that current events are interconnected and influenced by biblical prophecies. He also talks about the use of technology, such as drones and laser beam technology, to control and manipulate events. He believes that these actions are part of a plan to establish a totalitarian government and smart cities by 2030.
➡ Wildfires in Los Angeles have forced thousands of residents, including celebrities, to evacuate their homes. The fires, fueled by high winds, low humidity, and dry conditions, have even reached the Getty Museum, which houses priceless antiques. The severity of these fires is unprecedented, and there are concerns about the potential impact of climate change. Despite the challenging conditions, firefighters are working tirelessly to control the situation.
➡ The text discusses a wildfire that was difficult to control due to high winds and limited water resources. It also mentions the challenges of using air support in such conditions. The text then shifts to discuss various conspiracy theories, including the idea of a technocratic system controlled by artificial intelligence, the use of nanotechnology in warfare, and the manipulation of weather conditions. It also references biblical passages and suggests a connection between these theories and upcoming events.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including nanotechnology altering DNA, strange phenomena following fog, and a globalist agenda led by influential groups and figures. It suggests that these events are part of a larger plan to establish a new world order by 2030, involving artificial intelligence and surveillance systems. The text also mentions Donald Trump’s role in this alleged plan, hinting at his connections to Freemasonry and his potential disclosure of secret alien and UFO files.
➡ The text discusses various cosmic and earthly events, suggesting they are interconnected and may cause changes or glitches in our reality. It mentions solar flares, celestial alignments, and the manipulation of subatomic particles. The text also refers to a belief in a shadow government and the need for unity and self-realization to combat its influence. Lastly, it mentions the concept of smart dust particles, which are linked to various forms of warfare and global control.


Holy. Yeah, I’m striving for greatness trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix yeah, I’m striving for greatness trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix yeah, I’m striving for greatness trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix yo, what’s good? It’s your boy Bdell. If you’re new to this channel, hit the like button, the shop button, hit the subscribe button, hit that notification bell. But today I’m going to be breaking down the infrastructure of the collapse of westernized socialism and how it applies to the geopolitical economic reset. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, get those notes out.

You already know what time it is. We in game season. Because everything that’s taking place right now on the planet is basically interconnected, is basically energetically connected, right? And I’m gonna make it make sense for you because it basically applies to theological context. When you go to Genesis 19:24 that states that the Lord rained fire and sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah, right? Now remember I was telling you, when you look at the chakra points of planet Earth, the root chakra of planet Earth is basically in California, where the great majority of all these fires are basically being amplified by, right? So one thing you got to understand about theological context when it comes to the Bible, the Bible is basically a freemasonic playbook that basically works in tandem with the simulation.

So nothing prophetic is happening right now. Everything is basically being premeditated by way of the biblical context that’s connected to the timeline of events of eschatology that’s taking place right now on the planet. So as we get into the presentation, we had all those fires in Palisades, California, all those forest fires, right? All this is being orchestrated by the drones, right? Because remember I was telling you the drones have a oscillating electrical signals that has an extraction process of laser beam technology. And those laser beam technology, it basically scans the Gematria body and it uploads the neurons from the body from technological radiation and uploads into a neuromorphic cyber cloud, right? Because the end goal is to create a regime of a totalitarian government that’s based on a cybernetic dictatorship, which is a technological civilization that has an ultra nationalist system that’s going to be propagated by Donald Trump and Elon Musk, right? That’s what the end game is basically all about, because they’re basically trying to construct these smart cities that is basically correlated with the sustainable development goals for agenda for 2030.

Right, but which is why Dr. Malakazzi York, Freedom Master teacher, he said that the end game prophecy is acclimated to the year of 2030, right? So that’s why they running out of time right now. So in between time of 2025 to 2030, you’re going to see a lot of things happening right now. You got Mars in retrograde, you got Pluto in Aquarius, you got the four gas giant planets, you got this planetary alignment that’s about to be taking place that basically is a representation of a spiritual metamorphosis that’s going to be taking place on a planet in a nine year, right? Because this is the completion of the cycle.

This is why everything has to reset. Whether if it’s an organic reset or if it’s an engineered reset. You got two different timelines going on. You got to understand that. Now this is how you know, this is basically engineered because how in the hell is the particles from the fire gonna cross the street and hit these houses that’s sitting by the ocean, right? You got to make it make sense. This is where you have to use your mental fortitude and your neurological faculties to practice the disciplinary acts of rationality. Because this is the thing when it comes to conspiracy theories and things of that nature.

A person would tell you that the sky is purple if the color blue hurts their feelings. So they’re no longer operating from a place of rationality and intelligence because the logic basically took a back seat to the end to the emotionalism aspect of it. So that’s why a lot of people don’t understand they’re gonna take up for things that don’t make sense. Because your emotionalism is basically connected to the material world. And when the material world dematerializes, that’s when your emotions that’s connected to the material plane gonna put you in a state of, you know, being illogical basically, right? So like I said, how in the hell is the fire going across the street, right? That’s not possible.

So that’s how you know, all this stuff is being engineered by frequency modification, frequency modulation. When you’re talking about these drones, these drones is creating frequency warfare to engineer a reset while at the same time you having a planetary reset that’s happening organically by Big Mama, which is what we call nature. So it tells you right here, the fire hydrants ran drive as Pacific Palisades burn. LA city’s officials blame. Tremendous demand, right? So one thing you gotta understand, like I said, you gotta use your Mental fortitude, right? You gotta use your spiritual eye. You got to tap into the energy of intelligence.

Because like I said, spirituality has nothing to do with wearing head wraps and crystals and all types of shit like that. Spirituality is all about not being tricked. Because how in the hell the fire hydrants ran dry when it’s right next to the Pacific Ocean. You got all that water, right? So like I said, they playing games with you. This is a form of technology and semantics. They playing games with you to see how far they can go with you when it comes to the psychological operations to engineer a great reset that’s coming from the deep state shadow government right? Now.

One thing you got to understand about the fires is right by the Getty Museum. Now, the Getty in is right across from the Playboy Mansion. So you had the Palisades fire right by the Getty Museum. The Getty Museum is right by the Playboy Mansion. Diddy’s mansion was right by the Playboy Mansion. So that’s basically a interstellar tunnel system for trafficking. When you’re talking about the Playboy Mansion to the Getty Museum and Diddy. So this is all connected. Everything’s basically interconnected because the fall of the deep state shadow government were basically the puppets for a lot of these celebrities to basically propagate a certain agenda that’s connected to Babylonian principles.

So that’s why the Getty Museum, right, it was on fire, basically, right? The getting. The Getty Villa has reportedly caught fire in a Pacific palisade spreads to 11200 anchors. Now, like I said, you got Casa Knots Mansion, you got Diddy’s Mansion right here where my cursor is at, where you see the red mark right here. All this stuff is basically interconnected, right? So you want to, you got to also keep a critical eye of why they push Kasha not so much in, in the media, so much he could be also interconnected with, you know, the whole trafficking thing.

Allegedly. I, I don’t know. I’m just. That’s just the idea to spark because they always use one of us to basically keep all of us asleep. Now, the Getty Museum, well, when you look at the top 34 satanic sites in the world, the Getty Museum is in the top 25, right? Exactly where the fires is at in Palisades, California, right next to the Playboy Mansion, right next to Diddy’s Mansion, right next to Casa Knots Mansion. All this stuff is not a coincidence, right? So one thing you gotta understand, this is all connected to Babylonian principles. Like I said, when you’re talking about the Epstein.

So now I’m gonna show you guys a video that basically correlates to the fires because we’re gonna get into how it’s basically interconnected with the fog or the mysterious fog that we’ve been seeing in our atmosphere and how it correlates to smart dust particles and nanotechnology. But first I’m gonna show you this video about the fires and everything that basically took place. So what you’re looking at right now is an engineer reset that’s coming from the deep state shadow government. So now I’m gonna get. I told you I got a new way to show videos now.

So hold on for a second. So I’m gonna play this video and it’s basically going to give a. A intuitive breakdown about everything that’s taking place in California. When you’re talking about the great majority of these fires this engineered now, one thing you got to understand is that is there seat, there’s zero containment. You have 25,000 of acres of land basically burned. There’s no water, so they say, and it’s right next to the damn Pacific Ocean. So this is basically the engineering process for a Hengelian dialectic principle, problem, reaction, solution. The problem is the forest fires that they created.

The reaction is basically to destabilize humanity to where they basically fall back onto the government. So problem, reaction, solution in the solution is basically a diabolical solution. The solution is going to be the inception point of the smart cities. They going to build up once the great majority of California is basically destroyed. That’s your entire life. You don’t get that back. The memories are gone. I hope they’re alive. It is like driving through hell. It’s down here, literally through hell. And all of this is what is behind this dire reality for thousands of LA residents forced to flee their homes, which were torched in a matter of hours.

Many houses in this area belong to the rich and famous, but are now in tatters. Californians are used to wildfires in summer. Now, even in winter, they will have to prepare for the worst. The fire department bulldozer had to push dozens of the abandoned vehicles out of the way. This is Sunset Boulevard, right in the heart of Pacific Palisades. And all of these cars, including us at one point, were stuck in this gridlock. In order for firefighters to actually get to the fires, they had to carve a path. And so a bulldozer literally shoved all of these cars to the side.

You can see the bumpers ripped off, the scratches along the vehicles here a second Fire then breaking out about 30 miles away in the hills above Pasadena. Sounds like a train. I mean, Jose, the only word that comes to mind truly here, and we’re on the Pacific coast highway in Malibu, is apocalyptic. It’ll be manageable so we don’t have catastrophic losses. Yeah, this is a very cultural place. It’s a cultural compound. It’s sort of perched high on that hilltop, very dry. We just saw pictures then of the flames almost reaching that compound. There’s high winds predicted again today.

What’s in store, do you think? Are you ready? And how scary is this situation as a whole? Really, it’s. It’s scary. You see at the bottom it tells you, right here it reaches Getty Museum grounds, right? One of the top 34 satanic sites on the planet and is ranked in the top 25. Because like I said, it’s connected to Diddy’s mansion, it’s connected to the Playboy mansion. It’s all interconnected, right? Because like I said, we’re going through reset. The nine year 2025. 2+ 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 5 equals 9, right? So we in a nine year which is finality and completion, the completion of the D state shadow government.

That’s basically coming from democracy. When you break down the etymology of the word democracy, it means demonic rulership or through the Coptic language, right? That’s connected to the Greeks. That’s where the inception of all the Eucharist ceremony, all the blood, right. Rituals and everything, when they infiltrated ancient Kimmet, all this stuff is connected to everything that’s being dismantled right now. That’s why it tells you in the Bible that the, the Devil has a 6,000 year Dominion on the planet, right? Because like I said, everything that’s connected to ancient Babylonian practices, blood rituals, you know, ritualistic sacrifices, incantations, black magic in a form of technological radiation to basically put an encryption over humanity to where they don’t receive the light code transmission from the magnetosphere from the most high.

Right? That’s what this is all about, right? Because like I said, everything that was connected to ancient Babylon is being destroyed. Like I said, you’re going through a. There’s a real planetary reset and then there’s an engineer reset. And the reason I said there’s an engineer reset I think is one of those things where they have to turn in their keys for the system. They’re basically turning in their keys. They basically got to reset the system because they have to. So that’s what that meeting in the ant article was Basically all about. They had to come to the, they had to come to terms with the fact that they got to reset everything in order to give big mama her back.

Right. But like I said, they’re going to cause chaos before they leave. You got to understand that. So that’s why I said you got to be very much prepared for asymmetrical biochemical warfare or any type of hybrid conventional warfare that’s going to be taking place all around the planet and on American soil. You know, it’s, these winds are really quite something else right now. And it’s also the very low humidity, something that we just really don’t see these kinds of levels of kind of risk at this point. But we’re prepared. The fire hitting some of California’s most famed areas, home to iconic houses and sites and many celebrities.

Chris Pratt posting overnight. Please send prayers and strength to those affected. James woods posting this video of the fires approaching his home. Beloved Dr. Steve Guttenberg among those stepping up to help his neighbors. When things like this occur, you really realize how vulnerable you are and how important community is. And the Getty Villa museum is confirming that its grounds also caught fire. Fire officials say trees and brush were on fire there and flames approaching structures. The museum says the villa and its art so far has been spared. Now this is home to tens of thousands of priceless antiques, including Roman Greek relics dating back to 6500 BC.

Contributor Leslie Marshall. Relics dating back relic far has been spared all that she said. Ancient Greek and Roman relics. I told you all this stuff is connected to ancient Babylonian principles, Roman occupational government, you know, everything that’s connected to the, the Greeks, the Hyksos dynasty, right. All this connected to the Amorite and the Canaanite factions of the black nobility. That’s what this is all about. That’s why the relics in the Getty Villa at the Getty Museum is basically connected to that right now. This is home to tens of thousands of priceless antiques, including Roman Greek relics.

D to 6500 BC contributor Leslie Marshall. She shot this video of her Pacific Palisades neighborhood before she and her family were forced to evacuate their home. I, I gotta tell you, I have never seen winds sustained in the direction that they’re going for this amount of time. It’s been 24 hours and still you can see the flags around here, this window. Wind is blowing this way towards the ocean bringing the fire down the hill. And actually last night it jumped over PCH Pacific Coast Highway. We’re in the Gladstones parking lot here and the Baywatch lifeguard stands were burned, and some of the homes along PCH this way were burned on the water side.

So this is a fire of an intensity that we have not seen seen in a generation in. In this area. Have you ever seen anything like this before? No, no. This is definitely a first for me. I’ve been in several fires and recently the Franklin and the Mountain fire here in Franklin, mainly here in this area, and I’ve never seen anything like this. The situation and the winds are extreme, and the conditions continue to worsen for the firefighters out there and also for the community. We grew up here, so this is amazing. I’ve never seen this.

It’s just the first for us. Yeah, we grew up with fire in the Palisades, but this is not anything like this. Never thought these streets were. All right, Drive five activated. Right now we are on PCH along Temescal Canyon. We are actually just north of Temescal Canyon now, driving along the pch and you can see we’ve got flames on either side of us, Just small flames. And then up ahead on the hillside, it appears. Appears that there are larger flames. So we’ll hang out in this area for a while, check it out, and report back to you.

But for now, we’re live along pch. I’m Sandra Mitchell Court and Rick, back to you. Sandy. Are you headed up to Malibu or how are you just gonna see how far you can get? Like, look at all that debris that’s down. That is a power line that was a huge utility pole or telephone pole that had been knocked down all night. We’ve been seeing huge trees across the roads and the streets, but that was the first time I’ve actually seen a utility pole that was knocked down by the wind. Fire chiefs say low humidity, dry soils, and high wind make the fire conditions about as bad as it gets.

As for climate change, scientists need time to assess exactly what role it played. But broadly speaking, we know it is upping the danger in the US Driving hot and dry conditions that feed fuel fires like this. And it’s extending the fire season, which usually ends around October. Southern California just had a particularly hot summer and almost no rain in what should now be the wet season. This map shows rainfall over the last 60 days compared to the average for that period. I need gas money, but I don’t get paid till next week. What should I do? Should I do the bits in brown around Los Angeles? They’ve had hardly any rain.

And all of this is what is behind this dire reality. For thousands of la Residents forced to flee their homes, which were torched in a matter of hours. A lot of the devastation that’s going on over there. This has been a dramatic fire. Mother Nature has been the star of the show and has made it really challenging for us to fight this fire. Those wind gusts last night that usually lay down after the sun goes down amplified and doubled. I sat out there at the Palisades fire all night and watched those winds Whip up to 70, 80, even 100 miles an hour as it scorched that hillside and created 3 to 300 to 200 flame lengths.

It was dramatic and apocalyptic. You know, tell me about the resources, the people, the water, because we always hear about preparation and whether or not there is enough water that has been protected for these kinds of firefights. Yeah, so, you know, there’s all different water systems that help take care of us in our residential areas. This area has got water tanks and they’ve got 3 million gallon water tanks. And so these are not made for 15 hour firefights that use, you know, everybody’s using the water. They’re just not designed for that. They’re designed for residential use, not wildland firefighting.

So they did an incredible job trying to get it back online. Back online. So they really worked hard for that. The other thing that kind of went against us is that we weren’t able to have our air support to help once the winds got too strong. So a lot of the air support and the water that comes from up above, we relied on the groundwater too. So working with that and really figuring out that balance is where we’re at. So when do you anticipate that you might be able to get firefighters up into the air? Because that’s such a powerful capability in this kind of situation.

Yeah, that just depends on the sustained gusts that needs to be below 40 miles an hour, I think is the tipping point. So now this is basically the segue into when we get into the fog, the mysterious mist that we’ve been seeing. So this coincides with asymmetrical, hyper conventional, radiological and biological conventional warfare. So now we’re going to get back to it and we’re going to get back to the videos once I give a breakdown about that aspect of it. Now hold on for a second. So like I said, you know, the sulfuric, you know, in a, in the atmosphere all around California fire and brimstone coincides with Genesis 19:24 states that the Lord rained fire and sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah.

Right. And we all Know takes place in California and Hollywood, right? There’s a movie that you gotta watch called Starry Eyes. It’s basically talking about the satanic culture that’s basically propagated by hedonistic practices of ancient Babylon. You gotta watch that movie. It’s called Starry Eyes and it’s how it’s connected to the movie industry and every other industry that’s connected to Hollywood. So now this is where we get into the apex of everything. When I was telling you they want to turn the system into a technocrat system that’s based on cybernetic dictatorship, where they merge humans, humans with cybernetics, right? Which is artificial intelligence because the technology, it extracts neurons from the body, right? Now remember I was telling you that because like I said, it’s based on asymmetrical, hyper conventional radiological and biological warfare.

That’s what the nanotechnology is for, right? Because if the technology contains psychotronic, microscopic cryogenic nanotechnology that upload your thoughts on the neuromorphic cyber cloud, that’s what the smart cities is basically all about. That’s why Donald Trump is working with Elon Musk, right? You have to basically comprehend everything intuitively to understand what’s going on. That’s what it’s all about. Spirituality is all about not being tricked, right? It’s all about not being tricked. Hold on, let me get my stuff together. So now when you go to the operational capabilities matrix, it shows you that there is a patent on the fog and a cloud generation that basically increases concealment.

So the concealment in itself basically lowers the pressure and it basically and extracts a moisture in the moisture creates many different climate transitions within the atmosphere of many different places. Just like we had a snowstorm where I was at. But it was basically activated by the fog, which are basically influx of smart dust particles, which is basically storm modification. And the storm modification basically manipulates the equid system to where the real atmosphere is not working in tandem with the, with the factions of everything that’s encased inside the firmament, right? So you got smart dust materials based on nanotechnology staring themselves with fog and it basically engineers the the emitters of radiation from IR weapons, right? And it basically creates a multitude, a quantum switch that basically contains a mechanism where you have tiny semiconductor nanoparticles extracted from the body and it uploads into a cyber cloud, right? Because when you get to the apex of everything, when you’re talking about the final in game system of what this is all about, there is a AI God, a Technology that is being controlled by the archonic forces, who are basically the ruler gods, not the creator gods, the ruler gods who control the simulation by way of the gematria system, of the binary code system, of the energy extraction matrix.

That’s what the smart disk particles is basically about. The fog. The fog is basically pulling microscopic ways of energy from your frequency that basically lowers your magnetic field and your nervous system. This is where it basically takes away your divinity and it uploads it into a form of an AI guy. Because one thing you got to understand about artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence doesn’t have the ability to create. It can only replicate authentic individuals, those who have souls, who are basically comprised of the 144,000. That’s why they are afraid of the cosmic convergence in unity. But like I said, it’s prophesied in ancient texts and tablets that unity is going to be the restoration process.

So like I said, the sulfuric acid particle is connected to the fog, right? Correlates with, you know, Genesis chapter 1924Americans saying mysterious fall with chemical smell is making them sick. This is all connected to biological and biochemical warfare, right? And now when we go to biblical context, when you go to this passage right here, and it talks about how a marvelous sign, the seven angels, the seven plagues, a mysterious smoke, right? And that mysterious smoke is basically the mist, which is basically the fog. And it’s talking about creatures coming from the fog, right? So we’re going to see an influx of this as you have the four gas giant planets in configuration, squaring a circle, all from April 6th to the 24th.

So you got to pay attention to that too, because that gamma radiation can create a multitude of things in our atmosphere. Now, you got to read this publication by Dr. Malakazi York. He’s talking about the harvest, which is basically the personification of the Rapture. And the Rapture is also acclimated to the agenda for 2030. How you talking about? There’s going to be entities during the time of the Rapture that’s coming from the fog, a mist. And they’re going to come from the mist and they’re going to basically have a smorgasbord feast to basically, you know, feed on humanity, which is basically a mass sacrifice.

So it says right here, humans are basically sitting ducks for what is about to take place in the universe. This is because you have no idea of what’s going on in your world. You are so caught up into the trivial and mundane, unimportant matters and don’t even Realize that the harvest or the rapture will occur during the time period to come. Time is May 5 year of 2000, which is in alignment with your which are major planets. Then up to August 12th of 2003, up to June 26th of 2030, if we the Anunnaki are blocked from the return of the 144,000 the conflict presently underway for control the Earth those who are here, humans are related to both major extraterrestrial forces.

Now Dr. York put out this publication in the early 2000s, right? Not a coincidence. Freedom as a teacher. So this. So this is also correlated to the mist, right? The mess is basically talking about how there’s basically a pop apocalyptic time within the factors of the movie. What happens is there’s a mist and there’s a missing. And that misses basically the fog. And the great majority of these extraterrestrial entities, they basically sacrifice on humanity. But they didn’t touch those who had the mark in the most high on their forehead, which is basically a tetrahedron energy being able to balance out energies to where it basically puts a force field around your physiology to where these entities doesn’t feed on your anatomy.

Right. So it was also not a coincidence where I was at in Indiana. This is all connected to the fact that we, we’re gonna, you know, we’re gonna have another lockdown point blank period, right? It’s gonna happen. So you gotta prepare for it because it’s all connected to the fog. Says right here. Hospitals in parts of California, Illinois, Indiana, New Jersey have also brought back rules to staff, visitors official New York City urging people to wear a face mask. Because like I said, we’re on the brink of another shutdown. Right? So now we’re gonna go back to the video because like I said, the fog is basically the epitome of smart dust particles.

And those smart dust particles is being made to manipulate your physiology to where you don’t receive light. Code lockdown in Solar Cycle 25. Because the technology from the smart dust particles in a nanotechnology, it basically manipulates your DNA structure, right? To where your DNA structure is not able to revitalize itself from the sun heat gene prominences that’s being extracted from the Corona Borealis. We’re going to get into that as we get through the presentation. Now back to the. Now we’re going to get back to another, to the video at hand. Okay. And we’re gonna go up here to the.

Where it’s talking about the fog. Now the sustained gusts that needs to be below 40 miles an hour, I think is the tipping point. So a lot of people are reporting that after the fog that we’ve been experiencing, there are strange things growing from the ground just like this. Check this out. This hair, this hair out of the cat poo on the ground. It’s like, like coming out of the cat poo. Did you hear someone coughing from breathing? That is anything like that. And then I’ve seen people on Tik Tok say they seen it since the fog yesterday.

This is what I found today. This hair is growing out of. So how, you know, this is also not connected to the severe intrav epidemic respiratory syndrome that creates a fungus and the fungus has the ability to manipulate your cerebral cortex, right? That’s something to pay attention to. Because the enterovirus is basically an emulation of the hexahedron that sits on the top of cube of Saturn. Because whatever type of draconian juice that they have to basically combat that energy is basically going to upload your thoughts into the binary code system of the supercomputer that sits on the dark side of the moon, right? Because everything that’s connected to their draconian juice, everything that’s connected to their simulation is a form, is a form of a soul trap.

So what do you guys think that this is? A lot of you guys have been commenting in my previous videos and that’s what’s up. I can’t say it, but you can say it. What do you think it is? So you gotta look at, you know, like I said, it tells you in the caption. I’m no conspiracy theorist, but I’m pretty sure fog is not supposed to look like it. Those are all smart dust particles. Now before we get back to that, before we get back to that, right, we gotta go back because all this stuff, like I said, it’s all based on globalism, right? Because when you look at this publication right here, it’s basically talking about the Club of Rome, who was basically comprised of the Committee of 300 and the Bilderberg Group.

This group was organized in 1968 by the Montauk Group for the. For the purpose of accelerating the Prince to have a new world order in place by the year of 2000 and 1976. The United States association of the Club of Rome was formed for the purpose of shutting down the United States economy gradually. And they’re doing that in increments, like I said. That’s why everything’s connected to the sustainable development goals for the agenda for 2030. So that’s why right here it shows you America connected to Canada and Canada connected to Greenland. So that’s why Donald Trump is basically trying to comprise Canada and Greenland into the United States, right? Because it’s based on globalization.

And they can only do that with Donald Trump because he is the one that’s going to be the catalyst of chaos to where they get the order, right? So that’s why Donald Trump, he tweeted this and said, oh, Canada. Because everything is going to be a form of globalization when you have enough, you know, affliction on the planet. Because their concept of unity is a form of control, right? It’s a form of control to create a dystopia that’s based on a police state. And the police state is going to be connected to a form of artificial intelligence, a technocrat system that’s going to be controlled by Elon Musk and Donald Trump.

So that’s why Trump ramps up threats to gain control of Greenland and Panama Canal, right? It’s all based on globalization. President elect Donald Trump says he plans to change the Gulf of Mexico to Gulf of America. It’s they putting it right in your face. This is what it’s about. Globalization is all about the new world order system. They’re trying to complete certain things before the year of 2030. That’s why you got to understand that 2025 is the year of completion, the completion of the corporate system that was controlled by the three city states, the Vatican City of London and Washington D.C.

since those three energies are basically eradicated because it’s connected to the Pisces on Age of Darkness, of Aries and Taurus, that was connected to the lunar cycle. Now we in the sun cycle. And they’re trying to combat the energy of light cold lockdown with technological radiation that’s coming from the old energy of the Pisces on Age of Darkness. So like I said, you can’t bring lunar energy into a sun cycle. It’s not going to work, right? So one thing you got to understand about everything, and like I said, it’s all globalization. So now we’re going to go back to the video, right? We’re going to go back to the video.

Let me see. Now we’re going to go back to the video. So when you look at the video, it’s going to show you Donald Trump basically politicking with Obama at Jimmy Carter’s funeral, right? It’s one big club, right? It’s one big club. They all working together. Because if Donald Trump was really draining the swamp, why are you politicking with the deep state shadow government. Right. It’s right in your face. So we’re going to get back to that right there later. But like I said, it’s all in your face. But like I said, people are not tapped in.

They’re not, you know, very much tapped in to what’s taking place spiritually. They’re not tapped into the information. They think everything is a conspiracy. So that’s why I said Donald Trump, when you break down the esoteric aspects of Maga that’s connected to ancient comedic spirituality, Maga translates to set son. And Maga, when you break down the etymology, he is a demonic entity in ancient comedic mythology. Right? So that’s why I said you got to be very meticulous of what you propagate. Just because Donald Trump is draining the swamp doesn’t mean that he’s not a part of the swamp.

Right. He is basically your personification of a blueprint for a savior of a system to bring in the new world order system. Donald Trump is not your savior. He is the fictitious savior that’s connected to Maga who was a demonic entity who was set son in ancient comedic spirituality. Right. You got to understand that. So what you see taking place on on the planet right now on the physical level is basically spiritual. So that’s why I said Maga is a demonic entity in ancient Egyptian mythology and comedic spirituality. Maga, the doctrine, the only idea that will win in the future, right.

Because the future is technological technocrat systems. Right? So it tells you right here in the insider paper breaking President elect Trump is expected to announce a foreign investment into the United States economy. And Mar A Lago remarks the investment will be 20 billion to build a new data center centers across the country. Because that coincides with DARPA which is the defense Advanced Research Project agency that works in tandem with M12 which is basically the comprise of the Majestic 12. The investor is a billionaire, Hassan whatever that word is and chairman of Damac properties and cnbc. Now this is also correlated with Donald Trump warns the United States may be forced into a economic depression as 36 trillion debt crisis spirals out of control.

Because like I said, Donald Trump is the catalyst of chaos to where they’re going to implement order in the order is going to be technological technocrat systems that basically control humanity under a surveillance of on their of a police state which is basically a ultra nationalist government. Right? That’s what this is all about. Because remember I was telling you the last time the year of the Snake, which was in 1929, that’s when the stock market crashed. Now we’re in the year to snake the year, the serpent, the cosmic serpent. That’s why everything is starting to reset.

That’s why I was saying it’s basically the geopolitical economic reset that’s taking place on American soil. Donald Trump will release all secret alien and UFO files. I’m convinced of it. Right. That’s coming from the United States. Congressman Tim Burshett has claimed that he spoke into incoming United States President Donald Trump will speak about aliens and UFOs, which is basically full disclosure. So you’re gonna have an influx of chaos. You got Project Blue beam, you got UFOs, extraterrestrials, you got fires, you got all these celestial events is basically happening. You got the fog, you got a multitude of afflictions.

That’s basically keeping you acclimated to the distraction at hand. So like I said, that’s going to cause chaos to where they get ordered. Because one thing you got to understand about Donald Trump, he’s a white hat, meaning that he’s basically a Scottish, right? 32nd degree Scottish, right, Freemason. He works with both sides. So most of the rituals of everything that you’ve seen take place is basically the rituals for the super bowl, which is why you had that event that took place in New Orleans. When you’re talking about 10 unalived and 30 hurt, because even though the numbers are basically inflated, once they found out, more people were basically unalived and hurt.

But you got to be very critical of the numbers that they put in your face, because these numbers are basically sigil systems that’s connected to a form of an incantation that they’re basically trying to propagate. Because when you look at the science of the number 10, 30 is basically talking about spiritual metamorphosis and major changes, meaning that major turmoil. Your world can basically change, right? So that’s why you must not be in fear. So you got a multitude of things that’s taking place. You got, you know, the Cornet Borealis star system is creating a supernova event sometime around September 2025.

Then you got a once in a lifetime nova event expected to hit soon. Then you got the four planets, four gas giants aligned in the sky every night of January, right? Then you got solar cycle 25. This is being projected by, you know, a publication that was created by NASA. Strong solar flare erupts from the sun. It’s going to happen even more. Even more. Which is why you have so many interface transitions and glitches within the matrix. I’m going to show you some parts of the video that shows you the glitch in the matrix. And it’s all happening because one thing you got to understand about the sun, when the sun is at solar maximum, it has the ability to manipulate everything within the constructs of humanity.

And it can manipulate the timeline of events that’s correlated to humanity. So I’m gonna show you this video for a second. So now when we go here, this, with this video is going to display a airplane just sitting in midair. Because like I said, the interface transition, the glitch that’s connected to liquid crystal polarization, is what creates the holographic projection that basically manipulates the subatomic particles. Because when you have the subatomic particles being manipulated by the circular structures of plasmoids or coronal mass ejections, it has the ability to cause a glitch in the matrix of what you’re about to see right now on my screen.

I told you, look, y’all think I’m playing we in the Matrix, y’all. Look, look, it’s staying in one spot. It’s staying in one spot. I’m not bugging. That’s human still in one spot. Look. And it’s low. So you got all these glitches. Look at the lights flickering on and off. You got the mothership over the firmament, right? And the mothership in itself is creating an influx of gamma radiation. That works. Antenna with the star Polaris. These energies is coming in, is creating an influx of glitches within our reality, right? So that’s why I said it’s imperative to understand what’s going on.

So we’ll go back to sharing, to the presentation. So that’s why I said there’s so many glitches taking place because you got these solar flares. It’s solar cycle 25. Two plus five equals seven. Now, when you understand Hinduism, Shiva, when you break down the etymology of the word, it means seven. Because Krishna is the outer manifestation of Shiva, right? Krishna is equated to Christ. Christ is basically the Christ consciousness, which is right Knowledge. Then you talking about this right here. Heads up. The brightest comment of the year may light up the sky next week. All these celestial events and then it has a green energy around it, which is a form of gamma radiation, right? Ether, NASA confirmed source of streaking fireball in golf course.

So you got all these celestial events. Now, for those coming in, I’m going to give a brief synopsis about everything that’s taking place. Right? But like I said the fires that you see in California is basically interconnected to the fog that you see in all around the planet because it contains smart dust particles. Smart dust particles is connected to a form of hybrid, asymmetrical, conventional, radiological and biological warfare, right? So it all correlates to Genesis, chapter 19:24. Because one thing you gotta understand about the Bible, it’s a freemasonic playbook that works in tandem with, with the orchestration of events that’s taking place right now on American soil.

Because we’re living in the seven, seven year tribulation period, right? All this stuff, the fires that Gettysburg Museum, the Palisades fire is connected to the Playboy Mansion. And the Playboy Mansion has tunnels to Diddy’s mansion. So all this stuff, and you got the Getty Villa, right? It’s Basically the top 34 satanic sites on the planet, right? And it’s basically sits at top 25, right? It’s all about the smart cities that they’re going to try to amplify in la. And it coincides with the operational capabilities matrix system that contains smart dust particles. And the smart dust particles has the ability to create a semiconductor of nanoparticles that extracts neurons from the body, right? So it’s all correlated to the fog.

It’s all talking about globalization or totalitarian government. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, like I said, many of us already know what time it is on the planet. That’s why we have to galvanize our resources and come together in a form of unity to basically create this cosmic convergence to basically combat the afflictions and the incantations that’s being propagated by the the Deep State shadow government. Now one thing you also got to understand is that the, the way they do they magic, we have to start doing our magic. We have to do our shadow work.

Because the more we come to terms with ourselves and the more that we tap into self realization, that’s when you’re going to activate your gifts. Because you’re never going to activate your gifts of authenticity if you’re basically hiding from your shadow self. So that’s why you have to get your ass in alignment. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, thanks for watching this video. End of transmission 1014. We will put an end to this madness. Called you back on your line. So I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land Karma’s gonna get to you and then you’ll have a chariot with only one less friend.

Now I had Distant folks that are looking to my eyes to understand the wisdom he’s given and his wealth from the skies so thanks for this meal that I’m about to receive and thank you for my health and all the good memories thanks for the courage taken on another day When I used to to not believe but now I know about grace Stay away from the fire cause the flames does burn Go with your gut feeling when it’s wrong you learn for every one step I take the Lord takes two and do unto others if you want it done unto you huh it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I open I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the lane it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the this a completion the selfish proto Grecian Amerindian Phoenician I’m the last of the Mohicans the bastard of the land of pen melon and accretion and we just trying to get back to the fact that we was kings and queens of a limba for the avalanche seized it I live on Turtle island with the rest of the diseased Better than the medicine for seven different treatments Trying to ride away but end up getting seasick to sleep them for my words like Brinder awakened with the penmanship of Hindu script written in them Vacant monastery honorary payments to the prototype Tomorrow’s only a day away but nothing happens overnight the wrong with going left when you know it’s right Brighten off more than I can that’s an overbite Black on black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all along they was on the same page History it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.

  • Bdell1014

    BDELL1014, the latest addition to the Truth Mafia family, was personally selected by Tommy Truthful, the leader of Truth Mafia. He's an outstanding teacher brimming with knowledge, making him a valuable asset to our Truth Mafia community. You can connect with him on Instagram (@Bdell1014), Facebook (Brydell Rice-Bey), and TikTok (@Bdell1014). He proudly identifies as a Moorish American 🇲🇦. Bdell 🇲🇦 (@Bdell__1014) / X ( View all posts

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