STARGATE MONARCH: The Secret Data Files of the Elite [ A.I. Pyramids ] w/ Jamie Hanshaw

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➡ Jamie Hanshaw Dyer, an author and conspiracy theorist, joined a live stream to promote her Illuminati comic on Kickstarter. She discussed her journey into conspiracy theories, starting in 2008 when she moved to Austin to connect with like-minded individuals. She also talked about her interest in Disney’s influence, particularly through characters like Hannah Montana, and how she believes it ties into theories of mind control. Jamie also touched on the significance of certain hand signs in secret societies.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and historical mysteries, including the idea that ancient civilizations like Egypt were influenced by extraterrestrials or survivors from Atlantis. It also explores the theory that secret societies and government agencies have shown interest in these mysteries. The text further delves into the concept of underwater aliens and their potential communication with dolphins, as well as the significance of the star Sirius in occult practices and secret societies. Lastly, it mentions the influence of these theories on popular culture and media.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, touching on topics like Eastern mysticism, occult influences on politics, and the symbolism of McDonald’s. It suggests that occult orders run politics and that the United Nations’ religion is a blend of all religions, aiming to bring old gods out of hiding. The text also links McDonald’s to these theories, suggesting that its food is a weapon to make people sick and that its branding is connected to traumatic events. Lastly, it discusses the idea that the original appearance of ancient gods was clownish, linking this to the image of the McDonald’s mascot.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and pop culture references, suggesting that establishments create countercultures to manipulate youth. It also delves into the idea of trauma-based mind control leading to superpowers, as seen in movies like X-Men and Split. The text further explores the influence of occult entities on popular shows like Star Trek and the symbolism in various cultures. Lastly, it discusses the potential use of psychedelics for contacting other dimensions, as seen in practices like Ayahuasca rituals.
➡ The text discusses various theories and ideas, including the possibility that certain cultures and symbols originated in Mesoamerica and spread worldwide. It also explores the concept of ancient aliens seeding different civilizations, the existence of giants in North America, and the role of AI in future societies. The text also mentions various movies and their potential symbolic meanings, and ends with a critique of a cult-like group that manipulates young men into exploitative practices.
➡ The text discusses the dangers of online manipulation, such as scams targeting the elderly and the misuse of webcam services. It also mentions the lack of action from certain groups during the lockdown. The speaker expresses excitement for upcoming projects and encourages listeners to subscribe and buy books. The conversation ends with plans for a giveaway after an intermission.


Jamie Hanshaw Dyer. What’s good? Hey, how are you? I’m so grateful that you’re here with us. Oh my goodness. Thanks for inviting. This is exciting. What is? The 2425 hour stream for Paranoid American and I created a Illuminati comic. We’re promoting it. It’s a Kickstarter and today’s the last day. So independent like you. You’re an author as well. Put all Jamie’s links down in the description. I’m a big fan. Everybody go subscribe. I’m excited to have Jamie on here because I met Jamie at the Bohemian Grove Live event and I had these occultist mundies sort of on the table and she grabbed the whole four pack.

Thank you for supporting. But also we traded books and she showed me one of her magazines that I absolutely devoured. And we ended up doing a show recently together talking about Return to Oz, which is this weird wizard of Oz sequel. It was kind of like a Halloween movie that Disney put out because I’ve been doing this occult Disney series for a little while, but. And you were able to point out so many things that I almost wanted to go back and rerecord my episode just because you brought so much more to it, so. Oh, nice.

Well, I was not intimidated, but I was wanting to do a good job because I saw that you had so many Disney movie analysis already. So I was like, wow, we could really work together because you were on all of the same occult book club and I love that you were reading like Illuminati, Fritz Springmeier and all of the classics that I bring up all the time. So I was like, yeah, we gotta have Thomas in the family. And now we have Donut too. So I’m excited. You guys remind me of the the Lone Gunman from x files predicted 9 11.

Yeah, I know. I never watched that spin off show, but I just remember those guys from the the X File show itself. But someday we will watch the Lone Gunman series. That’s a deep cut for a lot of people that might not even know that because they didn’t make it through their entire first season, I don’t think. But so in the X Files, which is the show that I probably would credit with making me know paranoid schizophrenic in terms of conspiracy theories, but that these three guys would ended up becoming the sort of the hacker information guys that Molder would go and consult with.

So whenever Molder couldn’t figure something out or he wanted to find proof for like the background, these are the three guys that knew about every different conspiracy theory out there, and they could hack into the banking system and anything they wanted. And they had an episode where. Where they were literally talking about the government flying a plane into a tower in order to push forth this new sort of political agenda. Defense Department, what’s scenario 12? Airline terrorism bring down a fully loaded 727 into the middle of New York City. But the thing is, this aired long before 911 actually happened.

So the Lone Gunman directly said. And this isn’t one of those examples where someone’s like, oh, man, that album cover has like a weird shadow. And maybe that shadow kind of looks like a plane and those two towers kind of look like the Twin Towers. This was like a direct example of the. The military plotting this thing out. So, yeah, loan, that’s. That’s a awesome compliment. So I appreciate that. I would totally rock with the Lone Gunman. Oh, totally. And those are a crowd favorite too, because they’re like the kind of archetypal conspiracy guys. You know, they are techie and they’re bookish and, you know, they work underground and nobody believes them.

So they’re like a. A really fun thing to, like, characters to get into. Right. You got like the uptight, like, autistic dude that, like, does everything kind of by the book. And then you got like the rocker that maybe he like, smokes weed in the back every once in a while. And then you got like, the old dude is sort of like the smoking man’s antithesis. Like, he’s been in the game for so long that he saw who Shot jfk. He doesn’t have to look up, like, the hacker report. Right. Like he was there on the grassy knoll.

Exactly. So, Jamie, what are you looking into? I got your YouTube links. I posted it. It’s right here. Make sure to go to it. You got Isaac Weishop on there. What are you looking at right now? And maybe tell my audience what you do and the work that you’ve done. Okay. Yeah, I guess I started in this arena in about 2008 when Obama was elected and I had moved to Austin to make some more conspiratorial minded friends. I lived in California and it was too perfect, so nobody cared that things were crashing. So I was like, where is everybody? Kind of like converging that I can find some cool Lone gunmen to hang out with.

And so I went to Austin and I met, you know, Alex Jones type people. There was a bookstore there called Brave New Books that we used to hang out at. A lot. And we would do shows with Freeman, fly on the Austin Access channel before there was even, you know, YouTube. Like, we would do access shows and put them on Google video. Conspiracy stuff. And so, yeah, I’ve been kind of in the media since then. I was, like, raised as a tinfoil hat. So I always had that in the back of my mind that, you know, reality wasn’t what we were told.

Nothing was actually mind blowing to me at any juncture because I already had known about the Clintons and the FEMA camps and the black helicopters and Monsanto and, like, all those 90s conspiracies. So it’s just kind of like a perfect fit for me. Kind of a weird, artistic person. Not autistic artistic, maybe Autistic, I don’t know. But it could be both. Yeah. And it. You kind of have to be to dive into all the data that it requires for you to sift through all these things. So in the Austin era is when I learned about, like, we listened to a lot of Bill Cooper.

We listened to a lot of Alan Watt, who we listened to. Yeah. Rest in peace. Yeah. Not the philosopher Alan Watts. Alan Watt, the Canadian grizzled conspiracy guy who, you know, just did podcast from his cabin in Canada. I was a big fan of his, so I’m happy he brought his name up, because he passed away right when the lockdowns happened. Oh, yeah, yeah, he was pretty dry, but he. He was all about, like, the text, the globalist text, a lot. A lot of the ones that Jay covers. So he. He would just go through tragedy and hope and a big new Brzezinski and all of these guys until it’s a big club and you’re not in it.

Scottish accent. Right? Yeah. So, yeah, we learned a lot from him. Bill Cooper and then Fritz Springmeier. We. I read, like, both of his before they were even published in bound books. They were in, like, you know, those ones that you can do it yourself. Spiral bound. Right. Somehow I got my hands on a couple of those and read those, and that just kind of opened up the floodgates of making everything in pop culture make sense, right through the lens of, you know, monarch mind control. Like, why are all these girls immediately going from cute Disney teens to, you know, sexualized demons? And you’re like, oh, wow, this makes so much sense.

And so this is when Miley Cyrus started to start her career, or Hannah Montana. And, of course, she was a perfect example of monarch mind control, because she was the duality. She was like, you know, the lowly Miley. And then she was that Hannah Montana and she changed her whole Persona when she put the wig on. So she was essentially two people at the same time. And then we started to notice just how prolific Disney merchandise was everywhere, especially with Hannah Montana. I think they kind of ramped it up because you could not even walk into a store at the height of the Miley Cyrus Hannah Montana age without seeing her face.

And so I’m reading for Spring Meyer. I’m, you know, rethinking all this Disney stuff. I’m seeing Hannah Montana everywhere I go in dual personal. Oh, and then. Yeah, you put that picture. She’s even got the sh. Hand sign. Right, right. And so that’s a conspiracy, you know, you gotta know your hand signs and gestures. Right. Have you looked into the meaning behind the shush? Yes, actually, that is a sign of Harpocrates and the secret societies. So, you know, that little Greek God, Egyptian God, Harpocrates, he was like, you know, the keeper of the mysteries. And you are not supposed to talk about your initiation and about magic to people who are uninitiated.

Yeah. So that was called the sign of Harpocrates. And usually if you see a painting or a statue making that sign of Harpocrates, it usually implies that there’s another meaning that’s like sort of hidden somewhere, either on the piece itself or within vicinity of that piece. Although a lot of those get lost the time now because paintings get shuffled between different museums and the statues that used to be one place are now completely in others. But that’s sort of that Hallmark sign that, like, look a little bit closer, look a little deeper. There’s something more here.

Right? You had that big statue a couple years ago and Jersey. It seems like a lot of weird stuff happening up in Jersey. Well, now they got the UFOs in Jersey, right? Yeah. Yes, they do. They got the. The UFOs and the drones and the. So much in the news right now. What is your, like, mind focus on right now, Jamie? Well, it’s interesting because I just went back to an old conspiracy, both the Stargate conspiracy. Okay, so that was written by the people who did the Templar revelation and the Zion revelation. Right. And so their angle of all those is what became Da Vinci Code for.

Right. So, you know, it’s not necessarily a Christian perspective on those biblical issues, but this book, the Stargate Conspiracy, was just purely like data about. Oh, man. Why are all of the secret societies and the powerful groups, the FBI, the doj, all the CIA, all of them were super interested at one point in the pyramids of Giza, and in looking into finding the hall of Records, they call it. So in the, you know, the early 1900s, you know, the 20th century, comes this new Egyptology they’re talking about. So. So the new Egyptology is all about. Well, there’s two schools of thought.

One, that ancient Atlantis, after the destruction, a remnant of them, survived, and they went to Egypt and they’re the ones who are responsible for the pyramids and the high technology and the stuff that you see in ancient Egypt. And then there’s another school of thought that says that actually the pyramids were built by extraterrestrials who came through Mars at one point, and their civilization was destroyed on Mars. And then they came to Earth and then they started civilization on Earth. And that’s why Egypt is so weird and spacey. And they look like, you know, non human types sometimes like Akhenaten especially, you know, looks like he’s from another world.

The conspiracy, I’ll just lay it out, is that there is a concerted effort to convince everybody in academia that humans and life on planet Earth was seeded through panspermia from these extraterrestrials. And they’ve been kind of guiding civilization through the shadows, or actually through underwater, if you can believe it. And Congress just came out and said that, you know, there are aliens in the ocean. I don’t know if you guys catch that one last a couple weeks ago. Did you see that? Oh, wow, they did. Can you tell us a little bit more about that? Because that’s the John C.

Lilly dolphin, Illuminati mind control that I talk about quite a bit. That’s the whole thing is this alien agenda. So I think that the mushrooms being pushed is to reset this autonomic nervous system of the old Abrahamic religion. So we’ve been believing certain things for so long for thousands and thousands of years that I believe with AI, the bankers, Gordon Watson, Skull and Bones, they are microdosing everybody, just like they would do with the hippie movement. And when you read John C. Lilly’s book, and the MK Ultra figure who was doing these drug experiments with the dolphins at the beginning of his books were saying, this is because the aliens in the ocean, they needed to communicate with the dolphins through the isolation tanks, through their mind, through telepathy.

And then the dolphins would go down to the whales, and then the whales would go down to Atlantis in the ocean communication. That’s what the government was funding John C. Lily for. But this, this goes even deeper too, because Jamie was just Talking about, like, this other sort of species or like another, like, entities that are kind of guiding, you know, through this hidden hand in a way. And that’s also something that ex. Get explained a little bit by John C. Lilly, because anyone that’s heard of Echo the Dolphin, right, the video game for Sega Genesis and Sega cd, where you were this little dolphin that you literally, the goal was to go and talk to big whales and then talk to like, these other interdimensional entities.

Well, Echo was something directly from John C. Lilly. It stood for Earth Coincidence Control Office. And the Earth Coincidence Control Office kind of represents these, this intelligent group of entities that are here to implement these, like, synchronicities and to bake patterns and like, slip information into the patterns that humans are capable of matching. I mean, I’m grossly oversimplifying that because this was his, like, life’s work that he wrote books on, but that’s my understanding of the Echo and that even in. In his, like, 1970s theories that he’s coming up with talking about these underwater extraterrestrials and using dolphins to communicate to these entities that are implementing synchronicities, but that ultimately it was to kind of fight and, and prepare for this solid state intelligence, this ssi, which I think is what we’re seeing through chat GPT, and just like the, the very beginnings of the ripples of AI that we know now, like all of this was written by, extensively by John C.

Lilly. So the. There’s a crazy connection between dolphins and aliens and MK Ultra research and everything. Oh, yeah. They actually mentioned him in the Stargate conspiracy because one of his colleagues was a guy named Andre Puharic. And Puharic worked with Yuri Geller. And they were interested in channeling these aliens from early on, like maybe the 30s on, who these aliens call themselves the Nine, right? The Nine Gods of Egypt. They thought that they were the Ennead. And so that’s why Egypt was such a central focus for all of these occult et extraterrestrial like, disclosures. Because the channeled beings said that, you know, they were the nine gods of Egypt.

Atum, Shu, Tefnu, Gab, Isis, Osiris, Neptes, and Set, right? And then Horus is like, he’s like the one that links the lesser gods to the major gods, right? And if you study Crowley, Al Shirkoli, and magic, like ceremonial magic, a lot of it has to do with Egyptology. And of course, Horus is one that they venerate the most because we are supposed to be in the Aeon of Horus back to the fish people. Okay, so if you’ve ever read like, David Ike, there’s like the classic story about this tribe in Africa, the Dogon of Mali Africa, Right.

How they have all of these records, these astronomical records way before telescopes. And how do they know that the star Sirius is actually a trinary star? So they knew about Sirius A, B and C even before anybody else in the world. And they say the. Well, our gods taught us this. Our ancient gods came out of the water and like, explained the stars to us and they said they actually come here from Sirius. Now I saw. I mean, I know this sounds really crazy, but when you get into how people venerate Sirius, especially the Freemasons, all the secret societies, Al Shcrouley’s inner club called the aa, the Argentium Astrum was for venerating Sirius.

So they take serious, very seriously in the occult and in the upper echelons of the elite people that run our countries. Right, right, right. This was my entry point too for like the alien supernatural stuff that went beyond X Files, little gray men stories, like Roswell stuff was the. I think the book was called the Serious Mystery. And yeah, that, that was monumental for me. That was. It’s crazy. That book and Fritz Springmeyer’s book and I guess Manly Palmer hall, though Manly Palmer hall in this case is almost like a reference book. It’s almost like a crusty, like, encyclopedia that you’d find in like the neglected part of the library.

But for Springmire, I don’t really think you’d find his book in, in many libraries. And then this one. Yeah, this is the exact one. Man, this one made me really consider every, like, reconsider everything that I had ever heard about aliens and like extraterrestrial intelligence. And I know at this point it’s almost like, like an entry point into all this, but I must have been, I don’t know, 7, 18 or 19, I think. Everybody, we are honored to have Jamie Hanshaw here with us. Go subscribe to her YouTube and get wicked smart. I just posted in the comment, please, everybody go there now and do that.

Albert pike, he dedicated his astrology room to the day August 10th, which is the Sirius Rising, the helical rising of Sirius. And if you look at the hieroglyph of America, it is the serious hieroglyph, where it has the Capitol dome, the Washington Monument and the five pointed star. So the founding of America is very serious with the serious stuff. And you brought up the AA too. That’s. I Think the AA is the Twin Peaks, like how they have that show. Yeah. Have you looked deeply into this? But feel free to continue on the serious thing. I didn’t mean to interrupt.

That’s okay. I’m familiar with Twin Peaks. I’ve seen them all. And we’ve talked to Isaac about them. Jay’s done some chapters about him. So I. I pretty much know the lore and the, you know, theology of Twin Peaks. And they do get into Eastern mysticism. So Tibet has a lot to do with this because they equate the Nine, sometimes also with the hidden masters, because then in the Stargate conspiracy, they’re kind of proving that the beings, you know, Madame Levatsky was in touch with that. Alice Bailey was in touch with that Tiny Mustache man. And the SS we’re listening to, you know, the.

The ones that they talk about, and they say when we contact them, we bleed out of our nose and our ears. You’ve heard that story about the Nazis, right? Whoa, really? They bleed out of their nose and ears? Yeah. So he’s like, I’ve met the new man, and he is terrifying. And every time they come, it smells really bad, and we, like, bleed. That’s in a show that I did on rockfin called Tiny Mustache Man, Black Magician. So if you want to know all about the lore and the esoteric religion of the Nazis, then you can go watch that one.

But, yeah, so they talk about those guys. And in a Stargate conspiracy. So there’s this, you know, Andre Puhari, the scientist, he worked with City Gottlieb of MK Ultra. He worked with all kinds of dignitaries and elites, presidents. I mean, there were summoned to the White House. So this is not just like goofballs doing seances. This is like real channeling and real occult influence on politics. Right? And they actually even talk about how the eye on the dollar bill, the pyramid and the eye, you know, of the great seal that came from the mystic Nicholas Roerich, who influenced Henry Wallace to put.

Yes, exactly, that capstone on the dollar bill because of these entities that he believed that they lived in the Himalayas. So now you’ve got some different patches of aliens going on. You’ve got the sea ones, you’ve got the mountain ones. But this doesn’t. It does make sense, because if you read, like, Sumerian texts and those, like the Watchers, there was the Sky Watchers and there was the Ocean Watchers. You know, know you had Enki and Enlil. So it’s not as weird as it sounds, but where was I going with that. But the Theosophical Society. Oh, yeah, Blavatsky.

That’s her name, right? Yes. That’s what runs politics, is these, like, occult orders and they’re all interested in. In this. Yes. So the writings of Alice Bailey and Blavatsky became the charters for the Lucius Trust and the Lucifer Trust, which actually became the U.N. so United nations, the religion of the U.N. is this theosophy, which is melding all of the religions into one, and then the externalization of the hierarchy, what they call it is when these old gods can come out of hiding out from underneath the ocean, out from their mountainous caverns and rule in the open.

Right, right. And so it’s interesting because I think there’s a direct connection to McDonald’s in the United nations, because when the world was locked down and you’ve been doing. You’ve been at this for such a long time. I’ve been, like, a fan of yours for a very long time. And I started doing videos during the lockdown from stuff I’ve learned from you and all the. The great people out there. And bts, that. That band bts, the Korean pop. K. Pop stars, they were all dancing at the UN and it was called Permission to Dance or something.

It was so stupid. But they’re, like, sponsored by McDonald’s. And then we have this assassin that’s, like, all over the mainstream, and it’s just, like, a big promotion for McDonald’s. So I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy’s connected to the. The United Nations. Remember when Trump and Everybody was eating McDonald’s on the air Force One or. Yeah, yeah. You just showed that picture. So you’ve got the guy who’s, like, the czar in charge of healthy eating, like, make America healthy again. And they’re literally, like, shoving McDonald’s down, like, the worst thing you could possibly think to eat.

I’ve said this all the time. Like, fast food isn’t food, you guys. This is a weapon. These chains are weapons systems to make you sick, to make you, you know, overweight, to give you cancer. And if you want to get really deep in the rabbit hole, they find human DNA in this stuff all the time. That’s wild. And so this is a perfect example of the lockdowns, in my opinion, because every single institution, every single government was okay, and they all held hands, and we were in this together, staying at home. And it’s the same thing with McDonald’s.

Doesn’t matter if you’re on the left or see right here, the Right Love and McDonald’s. And we also see Billy Bob as well producing the food for McDonald’s. Warren Buffett eating the McDonald’s, which is like straight connected to this assassin, the SM, the smiling assassin. Right? And here’s just a random smiling assassin. Random quick schizo connection here. But, but during 2001, and the only reason I know this is because it’s ingrained in my brain because that’s when I was in the military, was between 01 and 04, 0105. But McDonald’s had three separate campaigns that they ran during 2001.

And it was. We love to see you smile. There was one called Put a smile On. And then the last one that they ran from 0103 was just simply called Smile. And that was the. The McDonald’s like Logan slogan trademark for that entire portion of the most traumatic moment in collective history. Like if you believe in all this trauma based programming, that was the event. The 2001 was the event. And this is the particular branding that McDonald’s had was all about Smile. So here we go again. We’ve got the smiling assassin hiding because he just needed those hash browns.

Have you guys seen that new movie Smile? Exactly. There’s a news. No, I heard it’s great. Okay, so. Well, let me. I don’t want to ruin it, but I gotta tell you this. Ruin it. So the Smile is a demon that if you. If it possesses a person and that person kills themselves and you watch that, then you become possessed by that person or the demon and then you have the smile and all that, you know, demonic face. Right? Yeah. And this is sort of like all of society right now with the smiling depressives. Right. And if you watch the sequel, it’s actually about a pop star who is, you know, like your Rihanna or Britney Spears or you know, that archetype.

She’s a pop star and she gets oppressed by this demon that’s following her. And when she finally gets possessed by it, she kills herself on stage in the whole. Whole audience is watching. Is now possessed by this. Wow. Smart. There’s more marketing of monarch symbolism in this. I mean it’s classic. It’s got. She’s actually does it in a butterfly outfit. Oh, wow. Yeah, we gotta watch this. Oh man, that’s so. That’s so wild. I definitely. I’m gonna check that out. But that’s okay. So there’s the smiling assassin. Yes, go ahead. So back to McDonald’s just for a second.

I just had a guest on named Paul from Understanding conspiracy channel. On YouTube and he has a whole like 60 part series about how the Nephilim, you know, kind of the, the gods and the washers that we’re talking about how their original look was clownish. So not like a bozo. But you know, they had like crazy hair. They had, you know, big teeth and red lips and they very pale skin. So they kind of look like a nightmare. Demon clown is what he is positing and he has so much images to illustrate what he’s talking about.

And actually the people who made clowns a thing like, you know, in the 20th century were the Freemasons and the Shriners and bringing. And they were magicians too. So like these free Masonic occultic magicians brought us this classic idea of what a clown looks like, but it’s actually hearkening back to these ancient demons. Right. I gotta talk with him. And you know what, maybe I’ll play that episode for the stream. Because we’re doing the 25 hour stream. Yeah, yeah. Have you ever heard images? Oh, I. Absolutely. Incredible. And you know what? This, this guy’s presentation and shout out is all, all of my audience and friends, they always bring him up understanding conspiracy.

He really, he found something really special. Oh, right there. And like John Wayne Gacy, right. With the 33 kids and how it could have been like a Jeffrey Dahmer type style. Like maybe he wasn’t even responsible, but there was like a whole network. Have you ever heard of Insane Clown Posse? Yeah. Okay. Miracles. Yeah. How do magics work? Okay, so how do they work? Yeah, shout out to icp. I’m a. I, I’m a big juggalo. So I grew up like when I was a kid, 10 years old, going to ICP concerts with my mom. That’s my favorite detail with my mom.

Well, it’s funny because when I did the podcast with Paul, he’s breaking down all this information and people in the comments were like, Paul’s giving all this information. Donut. ICP Juggle. Like I kept on bringing it up, wanted to talk about, but I think there’s a Masonic type connection with the wicked clowns as well. Because looking into pop culture as you do and showing all, all the brainwashing and all the symbolism, they seem to give us movements like the hippie movement that seems to be counterculture, but really, in fact it is just these establishments setting up different traps, knowing that the kids are going to want to rebel at this certain age.

So they give us the rage against the machines. They give us the Burning Man, Woodstock type hippie kind of stuff because they know. Or the Greta Thunbergs, like, they give us that just because they know of the angst that the youth carry. So I don’t know, it’s. I, I don’t know if you’ve looked into them at all. That’s what I’m proud of. Well, yeah, I brought up the clowns because of Ronald McDonald. Oh, yeah. Ray Kroc was a Freemason. So there’s that stitched up with a little bow for you. Talking about kids now. So going back to Stargate conspiracy, there’s a whole section in there about Puharic’s kids.

Not his children, but this group of kids that he was experimenting on. And they called them the space kids or the Geller kids, after Yuri Geller, the famous psychic who was mixed up in this also. But this is pretty much the plot of X Men First Class. So what they’re trying to do is create, you know, a new class of human being with superpowers. And they think the superpowers or the cities or whatever you want to call them, they think that they are brought about by trauma based mind control. So the ability to, you know, split into different altars is a superpower.

The ability to like, you know, have a photographic memory that you can acquire through the trauma based mind control. That’s the superpower. So there’s telling you things like. Remember that M. Night Shyamalan movie with the guy with the multiple personalities? It’s called Split. Yeah, Split. That’s it. Yeah, it was the, the part of the trilogy of Split and Mr. Glass and Unbreakable. Yes. So Split, James McAvoy actually has these superpowers that they’re talking about. So this is what the X Men are, is people who have undergone this trauma based mind control and have, you know, these super psychic brain powers.

Now I would throw Jason Bourne as more of like another practical example of that too. Yeah, super soldiers, super spies, super psychics. And when they were doing these, you know, experiments like the men who stare at goats and the Russian psychic experiments. So it’s not just about remote viewing, something that has happened in a objective way. They’re actually trying to figure out how to beam thoughts into other people’s heads. Now this is back in the 40s, 50s, 60s, and also this has to do with science fiction and how big Star Trek came to be. Because Gene Roddenberry was one of the people who was in this round table council who’s channeling these nine gods of Egypt and they’re giving him ideas for Scripts, they’re telling him things about the ancient past or whatever.

So that’s why Star Trek is so, has such a cult following because it has these occultic entities behind it. And the original captain in the first script for Star Trek was, was going to be Captain Albert Pike. Oh, really? Yeah, that’s true. Oh, wow. I didn’t know that. Yeah. James T. Kirk. So his T stands for Tiberius. And so Rome is also wrapped up in all of this. And so now we’ve got the aliens coming back. And if you read the Stargate conspiracy or if you just go watch the show that me and Baselet Analyzer did, what I’m saying is that the capstone is actually the alien component.

Because if you watch Stargate the movie, the spaceship is like shaped like a pyramid and it comes down and it actually docks on top of, you know, the Great Pyramid in Egypt, like a, like a docking center. And that’s. And so I’m toying with this idea is like, is the capping of the pyramid the capstone? You know, that’s the marks the completion of their great work, Right. Is it that when the aliens arrive, is that the capstone, the capstone remaining off of the top of the pyramid, like on the back of the dollar bill, the eye of Providence that replaces the capstone? Because the concept of the capstone that’s not actually capped represents an unfinished work.

Right. But when it comes to like human progress, that’s sort of this catch 22. It’s almost a paradox that humanity won’t ever actually hit that capstone. However, an extraterrestrial comes in and puts a capstone on it. Maybe that answers the question, right? Maybe it’s like, you guys don’t have to progress anymore. We, we got this now, or, you know, we’re going to change things up a little bit. So I would almost not look forward to the capstone being put on top of the Great Pyramid. Oh, heck no. They were going to do it like in the year 2000 or something, right? Yeah.

The masons got together and they wanted to. And Egypt said no at the last second, I think. Yeah. And this right here, the pyramidion, which is the pyramid on top of the pyramid, it’s the capstone. And right here, I think this is what the AA is, the Twin Peaks, the show and all that. I think it’s this symbol of a cat, which is the sun rising over the mountain, which Jordan Maxwell had his dawn of a new day. Right. That presentation, that symbolism. I think these are the Twin Peaks, but I don’t know, yeah, but I have no idea.

But this was the look so much like Tenet too, that goddess tenant shout out to the consort of Ball Hammond. And at a certain point, especially after Carthage fell to Rome and they forced all of this Phoenician and Carthaginian worship underground. Yeah, this is her tenant. Once they, once they force all this ball worship and Moloch worship underground, she became the public face of this. So some of the more recent Tophets, which are these, these huge sacrificial sites where they find the bones of children with all sorts of horrible marks on them, they usually find it at these Carthaginian tophets with this mark.

And this is the mark of Tenet. And she, you can kind of see that she’s wearing like a dress. In this example, she kind of looks like an ankh, but that it’s a little person with their arms spread open. And then above them is supposed to be the crescent moon eclipsing the sun. But you can also kind of squint and look to the left and this looks like an all seeing eye. And in fact there’s a lot of other versions of this one that if when it’s like drawn out and it hasn’t been hurt by erosion in ages, that it essentially looks like a pyramid topped by this all seeing eye.

So I don’t know if they’re directly connected, but the symbolism and, you know, the similarity between these two kind of occult premises seem too close to just be marked off as like, oh yeah, they just look the same for who knows what reason. Well, the Stargate conspiracy gets into drugs as a. So you mentioned this in the beginning of our talk, the mushrooms and stuff. So they’re like, okay, if, if the Stargate is not a physical thing that you walk through or like a wormhole that you could take a ship through, maybe it is the contacting the other dimensions through psychedelics.

And that makes a lot of sense because people who, you know, go take ayahuasca and stuff, a lot of them come back and they say, I talked to these twin serpents and they told me they were the DNA. And I have, I don’t know anything because I’m just a puny mere human. And these are the kind of, you know, winged serpents they’re talking to in the other dimension on Ayahuasca. Basically what Quetzalcoatl or something like that would be. Right? And you’ve got the pyramids in Mesoamerica mirroring the pyramids in Egypt. Even though their civilizations like, have nothing to do with each other.

And we know that the American pyramids were used for human sacrifice. Right. And I usually like to look deeper into the sort of counter arguments to a lot of this stuff, and this one is. Is one of the weirdest ones. Is that the official explanation for why they found the same sort of deities, the same types of statues, even all the way down to the exact same sacrificial rituals that they had going on in, like, the Phoenician Empire versus even Mesoamerica, like Central and South America. These are the two explanations. One of them that the. The church came up with was that the devil, the devil came over into the Americas and he told all these people, you know, here’s how you worship me long before even Christ existed.

And that’s how they wound up with all these rituals. Another one that I came across recently, though, the only. These are like, the only two. I guess the third one would just be coincidence. So if you ignore the coincidence argument, another one would be, what if these all actually started in Mesoamerica and then spread out from there? And then this might also explain why you see corn showing up at Roslyn Chapel and you see all these other references to American plants and fauna showing up in, you know, other parts of the world that were supposed to kind of have predated the discovery of the Americas.

So I think that those are both interesting. Although the idea of, like, Satan going over to the Mesoamericans and being like, okay, here’s how you’re going to make this statue just to sort of throw the friars for a loop when they come over in the 15th century. That one’s kind of funny. Well, I think ancient aliens kind of makes sense in that, you know, different. How do I even want to put this in my worldview? The watchers, you know, we have that in our Christian worldview. Right. And so they could have gone around seeding different civilizations because of the Nephilim and the giants.

I mean, they find giants all over North America all the time. And that’s what the Smithsonian was actually created for, to kind of run a cover for all of the giant burial grounds that they were finding, you know, especially, like in the Appalachia. And so that’s where you get, like, these cover stories of dinosaurs and stuff when they were actually taking giant skeletons and putting them under the Smithsonian. I like that. That’s. That’s an even better fourth option because that also explains why you’d see similar cultures erupting in completely different places on the Earth that are were otherwise completely isolated from each other.

They had no real communication. And why does every culture have like a myth of a dragon? Even if they had no contact with the other cultures? Like where did a dry. It’s a universal thing. Also the. The Smithsonian. I learned this from Cynthia Chong. The symbol of this is the Jesuit sun symbol cut in half. So instead of 32, it’s cut in half to 16. And then the ancient aliens is the Twin Peaks. I think it’s the aa. So many lies to sort through too. So that’s why, you know, reading a 400 page book like Stargate Conspiracy from a completely like 400 pages.

Yeah, just watch our show. It. We. I made it into a game show. So it’s fun. Everybody go over to Jamie’s YouTube right now. Like, what are you doing here? Like y’all gotta go right now. Subscribe, get Wicked Smart. Which is the one is your most recent one. It is called Star Game Conspiracy right there. Okay. It’s the most recent one. Cool. Yeah. And me, yeah, me and Thomas did a really good one on like he said, Return to Oz. And just like his background with Disney, all my fans loved him. And we’re gonna do another one about Wally because Wally is, you know, the Techno Christ.

Right? Okay, where’s the Eve? Yeah, she’s Eve. And he’s the little robot that sacrifices his self to save the Earth because at the end, you remember, he actually dies and he’s brought back by a spark and his consciousness is restored. So he’s like this AI that has its own agency. And Elon Musk talks about that all the time. Like the we can have an AI. Is it going to start thinking its own thoughts? And then is it going to choose evil or is it going to choose good? So we have a lot of interesting things coming up for the future with this AI stuff.

That motif is incredibly potent too. I mean now after having watched every single feature length Disney movie from the 30s until 2007, I think that we’re up to. There’s only a small handful and they tend to be some of Disney’s absolute best works. Sleeping Beauty would be an example. Snow White would be an example where they have this archetype of the protagonist or the hero dying and then coming back to life through some other miraculous means. Like Pinocchio technically could be construed in this way too, where the gets, you know, injected with this like exterior extraterrestrial consciousness that makes him a real boy.

But Wally also coming back to life. This is, this is not something that Disney just hands out like candy in all their different movies. So they usually withhold that particular motif for, like, their most occult of all stories. Mm. Even Transformers, too. I think I recall Optimus prime going up to space and kind of like, dying and come. Coming back. He’s totally Jesus. I mean, I would also argue that he, man, is an archetype for Jesus, at least in that he’s like the Knights Templar, guardian of Christ that’s, you know, fighting, like, death, and that he’s the resurrection.

I think there’s so many things that tug on your nostalgia, like our early programming that are just replaying, like these. These solar deity Tal over and over in a million different angles. Look like E T. Yeah. And Johnny Five. Yeah. ET And Johnny Five combined. Oh, yeah. Johnny Five. R, E, S, P, C, T. You know, it’s my suspicion that they’re just building this AI to be some kind of house or channel for Sirius. On Jamie Hanshaw’s YouTube, everybody go subscribe. Not only is Paranoid American this time, whoever titled this is a genius. And I, I.

That’s why I told Paranoid American Theosophy and about Oz and Theosophy. That was so cool, but I learned so about so many people. You got Isaac on here. You got Third World Assassin. I learned about him through you. So thank you so much. Yeah, he’s really cool. I like it when Jay and him make fun of each other, but he’s on point with something with Mac Dre in the Bay Area. Hip hop, I think. And Court Courtney Turner, I believe her name is. I’m, like, a huge fan of hers as well. I’m so many wicked smart people.

So go. You’re gonna be very happy if y’all. Y’all go subscribe to this. Yeah, my. My channel’s. I call it artisanal. I just started a couple years ago, so it’s not too huge, but it’s all the smartest people in my chat and all the most, like, tuned in and knowledgeable, and it’s not too hard to understand, but you will learn something, even if you have been doing this for a long time. It’s quality. It’s so quality. And quantity as well. You got so many podcasts up there. I’ve been watching for. For a while, so I appreciate everything that you do, Jamie.

And what could we look out for you? I really appreciate the time that we have with you. I got where you can get books, where can people go to support you and all that. Yeah, you go to Jay’s Analysis at the shop. And I have two books on there for sale. Hollywood Mind control and Operation culture Control Creation. Yeah, that’s one of them. I don’t. Is the other one on there? Yeah. So that one also is one of mine. I don’t sell the first one anymore because I changed my mind about some stuff, but the next I changed my mind about some occult magic stuff.

The next show I’m gonna do, actually, is with Tristan Haggard and Jay about the red pill bros and Andrew Tate. Oh, good. I read this book by two guys who had been in the war room for a couple years and they wrote like a, you know, like a tell all about what it’s all about. You guys are going to laugh when you figure out just how this has come to infect. Oh, it’s a big youth. And just give them these, like brain worms that is just so hard to get rid of. So if you wanted to build a cult, this cult, the take cult, is based on 007, the Matrix, science fiction, Conan the Barbarian.

He’s got a kabbalist, a wizard who works for him in the war room. I don’t know if you’ve all heard this. Yeah. So this guy is a piece of work. He just like hates humanity. He hates women. Well, he thinks the women are dragons and that all evil comes into the world through women. I’m sure you’ve heard that online in the past year. So this all comes from this freaking loser who’s larping as a cosmic slave master of women that he got up from a character out of a sci fi book and he is taking all of these poor fatherless guys and wrapping them up in this war room and teaching them how to start webcam business with girls through the lover boy method.

And it’s a school on how to become a pimp based on like the stupidest dungeons and dragons you’ve ever heard. But they. What’s the lover boy method? That’s like if you want a girl to be your webcam model, then you pretend to be her boyfriend for X amount of time and that you have no other girls and you just woo her and date her for, you know, a couple months and then you convince her to that to come work for you on your webcam. Yeah, trafficking. It’s. It’s a known way to psychologically, like start to pimp like people.

And it’s like a well known, documented thing. It’s not like just like, oh, no, that’s just he was just being manipulative or like, it’s well known in that this is like when your, your 70 year old grandma meets like a, like a heart throb in some other country. It’s like, hey, I just gotta send him a couple extra thousand. It’s, it’s, you know, we’re engaged now. Yeah, he’s my boyfriend, he needs it. Yeah, I’ve been calling him out since the first day Google promoted him. Like you don’t get promoted on Google algorithm. And where was these red pillars when it was important? Like during the lockdown? There were, what were they doing during the lockdown? They now they’re crusading.

They were on only fans. Of course. Exactly. As users. Yeah. Yeah. Well I’m excited that people are that you and it’s gonna be tight. I, I can’t wait to watch that. So everybody go subscribe, go buy them books and all that. I, I’m so grateful, Jamie that you have, have, have you on and you’re welcome back. And we’re going to be doing the stream all day so if you get bored, you got the link. Feel free to hop, hop in any, anytime. Yes. So me and Thomas are going to do Wall E soon and me and Donut, I want to have you on my channel talking about mystery cults.

Yeah. Okay. I’m so grateful. Thank you so much, Jamie. We’ll go to a brief intermission and we’ll, we will be back after the intermission. Okay. And we’ll, we’ll have another giveaway. So hang out, make sure you’re here as soon as the intermission stops because that’s, we’re gonna do the giveaway. Yes. And we’ll be back. Thank you, Jamie. Thanks guys. Bye.

  • Unnamed -

    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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