The Biden regime refused to tell everybody what was going on. We know the drones have FAA lights on them. They’re not another being, so to speak, and not even an adversary, because they wouldn’t do this. Most military drones are flown stealth and in the dark anyway, like Predator drones, and you would never see or hear them coming. These things wanted to be seen, and they’re back. They’re popping up, even after they had put these no-fly zones in effect for the region. That did make the sightings drop 43 percent, but the new data shows that sightings are rolling in ever since the first of this year, and that a majority of them, again, are over the New Jersey area.
And people are witnessing this and getting videos. Now, we also have the release of the location of all the black sites that Stephen Greer had been talking about. Trust him or not, he’s been dropping breadcrumbs of information pertaining to disclosure in what I call soft disclosure, where they started off with this egg and all this other stuff. And they’re saying that it is all emanating from these illegal black sites that are out there around the globe. And on the left here, you can see an image that has a lot of those locations pinned. I’ll leave a link below that gives information to each of these locations and what they have on these black sites at each location.
If you have anything to add to it, drop it in the comments, or email me www.dabu7atyahoo.com If you’ve got any footage, any images, or tag me on X as well. And I’ll keep people in the loop. Join me on the live streams where I break this down further. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9 p.m. Eastern, right here on Dabu 7-7. Until then, stay safe and eyes to the skies. [tr:trw].