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➡ The text discusses the concept of parallel realities and quantum physics, suggesting that dreams might be glimpses into these alternate universes. It also talks about a mysterious “cold spot” in space, which is believed to have opened up to our reality around 2012, leading to increased spiritual awareness. The text further delves into the symbolism and archetypes in African spirituality, particularly the goddess Ocean, who represents different aspects of femininity and has evolved over time. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding and embodying these archetypes for personal growth and societal betterment.
➡ The speaker discusses the spiritual value of women, particularly black women, and how they often don’t realize their worth. They talk about the importance of understanding one’s inner child and how it influences their behavior. They also mention the influence of older family members on younger generations, particularly in the kitchen. Lastly, they discuss the singer Aaliyah, her spiritual significance, and the unfortunate circumstances of her career.
➡ The text discusses the spiritual and symbolic aspects of the music industry, focusing on artists like Aaliyah, Beyonce, and Rihanna. It suggests that these artists’ careers and lives are influenced by their astrological signs and the industry’s dark rituals. The text also mentions the idea of energy extraction and sacrifice in the industry, hinting at a deeper, spiritual level of understanding. It ends by mentioning the concept of the Watikovirus, without providing further explanation.
➡ The text discusses the concept of the Watikovirus, a metaphorical ‘mind virus’ that influences people’s actions and thoughts. It suggests that this influence can be seen in various societal structures, including the entertainment industry. However, the text also proposes that individuals can create a ‘spiritual bubble’ through their spiritual practices, protecting themselves from these negative influences. It further discusses the idea of ‘mental alchemy’, using one’s mind to transform their reality, and the importance of connecting with one’s inner child, even if they had a difficult childhood.
➡ The text discusses the importance of understanding and healing our past, especially our childhood experiences, to better face our present and future. It emphasizes the concept of ‘shadow work’, which involves revisiting and healing past traumas to improve our current life. The text also highlights the idea that our past experiences, no matter how difficult, can serve as life lessons and testimonies, shaping us into stronger individuals. It encourages us to embrace our past, learn from it, and use it as a stepping stone towards personal growth and understanding.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of breaking away from past traditions and establishing a new system, particularly in terms of spirituality. They mention their YouTube channels, Mr. Band Clap and Band Clap TV, where they talk about astrology and Orishas, and offer readings. They also mention their animated series, Issues World, which is Afrocentric and discusses lesser-known Orishas. The speaker encourages donations to improve the series and mentions their Patreon page where they break down TV series and movies for spiritual and esoteric lessons.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of understanding and connecting with one’s inner child, using their moon sign as a guide. They warn against ignoring this inner voice, as it can lead to regret and resentment. They also touch on the concept of living outside the societal ‘Matrix’, and the importance of mental alchemy in creating one’s own world. Lastly, they encourage listeners to subscribe to Mr. Band Clap’s YouTube channel for more discussions like this one.


Biggest things being studied in quantum physics and magical systems right now because I, I press on my channel that a lot of times when you dream, you’re actually looking at a. A multiverse parallel reality of yourself and what was happening in that parallel reality. Whoever’s there, that’s you, they can dream about what’s happening in this world universe A with you. Your, Your, your actual physical happenings is a dream to them. And the reason why I know that is because recently this cold spot opened up between the, the regions of the. The. The pole star. Yeah, the polestar.

And I’m forgetting the other y’all could put it in the chat. There’s these constellations out there. They said they discovered a mysterious cold spot. That’s what’s behind me on, on my avatar. That background picture that you see is a picture that they have of the cold spot. And they said that’s when the multiverse parallel reality started to open up to people. Sometime around when 2012 came. It probably happened a couple years before, but 2012, when they said it was the end of the world in the Mayan calendar, I think it was an introduction of these other parallel realities entering into our realm, which it strengthened the spirit spiritual realm.

So it kind of was the end of the physical world because I believe just like Jonah was swallowed by the. Well, the spiritual world will eventually swallow this rim and it has to have a reset. So when that cold spot opened, a lot of us switched and turned and became spiritual. But just like it takes a long time for a starlight to hit this planet, when we look at the stars, it takes a long time for that light to hit our planet, but it’s already on its way to us. So we didn’t know we were gonna.

We were going to become spiritual, but we had. It had already begun when that cold spot opened up. And guess where they. What they named the cold spot? The Whore of Babylon, which is the baby ocean personified. Go into that. Yep. What’s the baby. What? Talk about the archetypes of the different archetypes of the ocean, because there’s hundreds of different archetypes with these deities. What is some of oceans? Because I know ocean is a river goddess and they talk about how Yemenya her. The. The ocean water has to pour into the landscape and it becomes a river.

So that’s why ocean is Yemenya’s daughter. Because Yemenya represents the ocean, Correct. Yep, yep, yep. Talk about some of those. Yeah, different oshuns that people get confused because they try to put the. The ocean as a Monolith or they try to put Shango or. So this kind of, this kind of goes back to what me and you were saying earlier. Hold. This goes back to what me and you were saying earlier when. What was we talking about? The tomboy, because was the wife of Ogun and Shango. But she, Shango, he. He dumped her. They were married, he divorced her and she cut her ear off.

In the mythology, basically it’s like some self esteem type thing. But they say that she gives Ocean her mirror to see the beauty of herself. But she was the, she’s the original tomboy archetype. So she’s the tomboy, but she was raising up Ocean to. Before Ocean becomes a, you know, a woman, she get. She becomes the white ocean because she has the yellow dress as first, but later on, I mean, she has the white dress first. Later on it becomes yellow. So this is the white dress. Ocean, she was showing her. Her beauty. They said Obanani cultivated Ocean’s self esteem of her beauty.

But she’s the first archetype of the tomboy. And we went into. Because recently they just released a Aaliyah doll. And you spoke about Aaliyah, but they’re trying to suck some energy with that right now. They just introduced this Aaliyah doll. So go into that a little bit. Yeah, so. So in the conversation that we had the other day, we was, we. We was talking about, you know, the tomboy and we was talking about how when us. When, as a people, when we had more control. Can you hear me? Everything? Is the audio good? Yeah, audio’s fine.

Okay. So when we were, when we as a people was more in control of. Of our image, when we were, when we were more in control of our image, you know, you. Different shades, you know, the other shades of who we are as a people started. Started to be more recognized. You know, when you think about the seven African powers because they’re so. There’s so many. There’s so many of them. You know, these are just talking about different shades of who we are as a people when left alone. Like, like when we’re left alone and we’re able to fully be in our divinity and fully be what.

What we know that. That we’re destined to be, we become these particular archetypes. You know, that’s, that’s, that’s all, that’s all that is. You know, you become sweetness, you become ocean, you become, you know, when you’re, when you’re. A, A, A woman, you know, and you got abundance and stuff like that. But you’re, and you’re meant to be a mother. You’re meant to be, you know, and this is, and this is how we were back in the day where you had the grandmother that had the 50 them kids, you know, but that grandmother was, was taken care of, you know, that grandmother was fully taken care of.

You know, Pop Pop, Pop Pop was always around somewhere chopping down the trees in the backyard, you know, getting the wood ready for the fire, all that kind of stuff. Bobby Hemmitt talked about this with the grandmother archetype, the grandmama archetype. When they got, when they, when they, when the Muddy, when the Muddy name started to get thrown in, in the mud, you know, stuff like that. That’s when us as a people really started to, to go down, to go downward, you know. So, so with that being said, once these, quote, unquote, these powers that be, once they started to get control of religion, you know, they got control over the media, different parts of the media.

It took them a while to get full control over the media because we still had, you know, certain pockets to where, you know, we could still tell our, our message, you know, give our voice, stuff like that. And, and I’m not, I’m not talking about, you know, this is something that’s, that’s, that’s happened over millennia, you know, over many, many, many generations and stuff like that. Yeah. So. So if I tell you that before Ocean was popularized, Ocean represented a warrior class of women, you know, Ocean represented a warrior class of women once upon a time.

You know, me telling you that it wouldn’t, it don’t feel right to you, like, huh, like what? You know, I’ve only known Ocean to be about beauty and sweetness and all of this other stuff, you know, but, but that’s because that is the only shade. And, and being honest with you, that’s the only thing that I can really say that the religion, you getting into the religion, you know, you can learn about the other, different versions of, of, of these energies, because that’s all it is. On a personal level, these Orishas represent different, different energies that we’re supposed to exude, you know, different energies that we’re supposed to exude.

They’re already inside of us, but we forgot, we just forgot how to, how to exude them outward. So we have these archetypes that’s done it for us to kind of show us, like, okay, this is how this would look like. This is, this is how we need to exude this energy outward for the betterment of the world. You know, that’s why Bobby Hemet, his whole thing was like, you know, the orishas, because, you know, the orishas is trying to keep this going. We trying to get up out of here, so we trying to get up out of here, you know, but.

But when. A lot of. A lot of the corruption. A lot of the corruption that you see today is because of those archetypes that represented a divinity. But since we’re no longer in control of our own narrative and our own image, those particular, you know, abandoned archetypes have been demonized. You know, just like. Just like when you. But somebody. Somebody said the most divine version, when you talk about deities, the divine version is always going to be the child, because when you were. Because when you were a child, that’s when you didn’t have, you know, knowledge of.

Of any of the. The corruption that’s going on in the world. So when you talk about, you know, who is ocean, all of my ladies out there. Think about when you was a little girl, you know, think about when you was a little girl. You know, was you. Was you the type of little girl that, you know, you always wanted to play dress up and, and you just wanted to run around in the, in the, in the flowers and, and. And, you know, you. You always had this. This vision, you know, one day I’m gonna have a family and, and I’m gonna have a, you know, and you thinking about these different animals that you’re gonna have and, and all of the, you know, and then the older you get, you know, certain things attract.

Attract themselves to you. Like different things that represent service, you know, oh, I want to help, you know. You know, you know, if you’re a baby ocean, if, if you. If. If that’s your phrase. I want to help. I want to help. I want to help. You know, the little helper, you know, that’s. That’s what. That’s what her energy represents when it’s not being tainted, when it’s not being corrupted, you know, she’s a little helper. She’s a little helper. You know, when we’re talking about credit, when we’re talking about credit and stuff like that, you know, and this is something that.

That I’m gonna end up breaking down in. In my. On my channel, talking about the credit system of the black woman, you know, and we don’t. We don’t understand how valuable we are on a spiritual level. Some of these women, you know, they’re extremely valuable spiritually. They just don’t know how to alchemize that value to a physical because of. Because the archetype that they need to represent in order for them to do that, it is an archetype that. That. That is. That hasn’t been. You know, it’s a. It’s an archetype that. That has been obsolete, you know, because of.

Probably because they haven’t realized it. Yeah. Yeah. You know, but. Yeah, so. So when you talk about that, you know, ocean type of energy in its most innocent state, that’s what it is. You know, the little girl that, that, you know, when I grow up, I want to be a. I want to be a queen and I want to have a family and all of this stuff. And so Mama Chola. Because I. I talk about this in the. The Palomyambe video. Mama Chola a lot of times. Mama Chola, Mommy Wata, you know, these. These are the baby ouns, aunties, you know, Mommy.

Mommy Wata, the goddess. The. The. The older goddess, because these are like older. So the older goddesses who represent Mommy Wata, the older goddesses who represent Mama Chola, you know, Mama Chola, that’s Jill Scott. You know, you also have her Zuli dancer, you have Mama Brigitte, you have Aizan, that, that also more people. And, and these. And what I try to. What I try to. To get people to understand. These are all people that’s. In your family that influence you, you know, so you understanding. And this is how you can read people. This is how I read people because once I understand who you are on the inside, on the inner level, who your inner child is, now I know what.

What you would be the most susceptible to. I know, you know, you being the baby ocean, you being that type of energy, that curious energy. If I put you around Mama Chola, you know, she’s the one that’s out there in the garden with the. With the yams and the potatoes and the snap beans and. And she the one that. That can cook a. A meal from scratch, you’re gonna naturally gravitate towards that, you know, so most baby oceans, they can throw down in the kitchen because they had an auntie that showed them how to throw down in the kitchen.

You know, generation. And, and, and, and. And what did Aaliyah say? Aaliyah said, your love is what, a one in a million? So the baby ocean is a one in a million. You know, you see, you see why this. This information is so important because you’ll never find her unless you. Unless you know about this type of stuff. Like, you’ll you’ll never find her in this. In this climate that we’re in. Before you move on to that, can you preference about Aaliyah and connecting showing some of the goddesses up in here. But we spoke about, with the old one, energy of how the tomboy and the feminine aspect, how they get conf.

That confused. And I was. I was. I was about to break that down. I was about to break that down next. So. So this. This baby ocean. Because when we talk about Obanani, Ocean and Obanani, they can. They can be synonymous with each other, just like how Eshu and Legba can be synonymized with each other. And the reason why I say that. And, and you know, you. You Ani. You know, you can. You can definitely confirm this. But don’t it seem like. Don’t it seem like every time the baby ocean pops out, she. She get wiped up? Either A, she’s all.

You find out later, she’s already wiped up, or B, as soon as she pop out, she get wiped up? Right, right, right. Have you ever seen. Have you ever seen that? Yeah, you know, I’ve seen it. Do you remember, you know, the girl, the girl in school, you know, she was. She was. She looked. She was kind of awkward. She was kind of socially awkward. But, you know, you can tell that she’s a. Like she’s a good person. Like, she’s a good girl. She might be the type of girl that wore. She might have wore glasses, but then you never seen her with the glasses off.

And when she take the glasses off, she a whole baddie, you know, so you didn’t really pay her no attention in school. But then, you know, you, You, You. We’re an adult now. We’re adults now. You find out she’s married, she got two kids and. And she got a house and all. You’re like, dang. Like, if I would have. If I just would have. If I just would have. Would have wiped her up back then, you know, that’s. That’s who Obanani represents. You know, that’s also. That’s also what Ocean represents when she’s influenced at an early age by the Obanani energy.

Because Obanani just means chief wife, you know, that’s all that means being introduced to that energy. So if you’re a little girl and your mom and dad was. Had a energy like a king and a queen, and you was able to see that as a little girl, then you’re gonna grow up wanting that. You know, you’re gonna grow up you know, wanting. And. And, you know, if. If, you know, you had a. A strong father, that’s. That’s a king, then you’re not gonna expect. You’re not going to expect nothing less from these guys out here, because you’ve seen all your life how it’s supposed to work, you know, how it’s supposed to go.

You know, so when you look at Aaliyah. When you look at Aaliyah, you know, the Virgo moon, you know, she’s. She is a. A version of Yeshua. You know, Yeshua, the female su. She already got a bad name. Pajira, you know, so this is. So this is already talking about someone who’s going to be well above. They’re going to be well beyond their age. You know, me, I’m well beyond my age. I’m a Virgo moon. I’ve always. I. I was always messing with older women, you know, and the older women. The older women that I couldn’t get with, it was because my parents.

My parents stepped in. You know, it was the. The stuff that I could have got into. It was because my. I had strict parents. I’m a baby. You know, I’m a love child. You know, my mom and dad love me. I wasn’t finna be out there, you know, in the streets, you know, doing. And that’s. That’s. That’s the difference between me and Aaliyah. See, her parents were willing to sell her off, you know, was willing to sell her to the highest bidder. You know, my mom and dad, they wasn’t. And. And we’ve had chances. There were chances where me and my mom, we entered singing competitions and stuff like that, and me and my mom won, and mom and.

And we had a chance to go to Hollywood. You know, we won the. It was like an American Idol audition in my 11th grade year. Man, I. I would be on TV right now. Like, I. I would be a whole different guy. Right, right. You know, but my mom, because she’s a Virgo moon, too. My mom, she stopped that, and she was like, hell, no. You know, so that’s the only thing that. That. That separated us, you know? And then her name. The most exalted one, the most high. The most exalted one, you know, the most exalted goddess that only God can judge.

That’s what her whole name means. Aaliyah Diana Halton, the most high goddess. The most high goddess that only God can judge. That’s what Halton. Halton means, you know, Halty. That’s. That’s talking about being promiscuous and stuff like that, you know, and because. Because the divinity that is hidden behind that is hidden within a freaking. And this is what I hate. It’s hidden. It’s hidden in a secret society, you know, so certain things, when it comes to the divine feminine, unless you’re into this type of knowledge that me and Ani are giving y’all, you know, this type of knowledge that Bobby Hemming, you know, talks about the divine feminine, you’re not going to understand at.

At what levels Aaliyah was taking advantage of, you know, like, it was. It’s way deeper than just music. It’s way deeper than Jay Z. It’s way deeper than. Than all of that. And. And it’s a. It’s. It should have been a. It should have been a. A. A. A cry out for. For no more beings with souls to want to be in the industry. Yeah, it should have been. But. But we wasn’t. But we wasn’t on that level consciously yet. You know, you had a few, you know, rappers, Illuminati, want my mind, soul in my body, you know, but it was still.

There was still mystery to it. It was still mysterious. Like, it wasn’t. It wasn’t taken serious, you know, it wasn’t taken serious until now, you know, And. And it’s. It’s very interesting how when you pay attention to. To the. To the different things that’s come up to where Aaliyah has been brought up. You know, it’s. It’s all spiritual. You know, it was. It was spiritual back in. In back in 2016. The nine year spirit. If you don’t. If you don’t. If you remember nine year. The nine. The last nine year 2016, they came out. They tried to come out with a Aaliyah perfume line that failed.

Remember that? Yeah. You know, and then they came out again with Drake. Drake. Drake had a song called Poison, you know, Remember? She. He had a song called Poison and had this distorted Aaliyah verse on there, and they was like, nah, you know. Yeah, like that. So, you know, but it’s. It’s. It’s. It’s all. It’s all spiritual. Yeah, I know. Bobby Hemet, Bobby Hemming, he talked about. He talked about this ritual that they do in Hollywood to where they’ll take a baby, they’ll take someone who has a. A high solar energy, like a Leo and place them in a bed around these old white men, around these old men.

And they’re. And they’re. And they’re Sucking the energy, the life force. It’s a. It’s a ritual. It’s. I think it’s called the Beth Hama. Beth Hama Beth ritual. I forgot the name of it, but it’s. It’s something. Beth Heim Beth ritual. And. And that’s what they do. And so when you see that. When you see that picture of Aaliyah in the bed with Diddy and all of those other people in that bed, that’s what that represented. Yeah, that goes way back. Like, Bobby was introducing that to us. But older people on here, y’all know, that goes way back in the day.

Like, my grandma knew about that. Like, way back in the early 1900s, they would. It wasn’t even really parasitic. They would just. If a older person was weak, they’ll put a young person in bed. Hoodoo practitioners. They do. There was something about the life force around the aura of a young, young person. But, yeah, they always flip these sciences and make it parasitic. Absolutely. And I can see what you mean, though. No, not the Hiram, y’all, that. He’s not talking about Hiram Abiff. No. But, yes, it is interesting. They just turn her into a doll, you know, this year, another nine year.

And, you know, Votal and voodoo’s coming, you know, and. And. And, you know, and I was just about to say that, you know, during. During the. The super bowl, you know, what that represents in New Orleans, you know, they brought out the Alia goat. Aaliyah, she represent the goat because she was in Capricorn. She’s a Capricorn. So she represent a sacrificial goat. People don’t look at her as a sacrificial goat because Virgo Moon, they didn’t allow her to reach a certain potential to where she would have been known as the goat. Yeah, they use Beyonce to fill that void when they sucked her out.

Yeah, the Beyonce was the filler of. Of that space. Had Aaliyah never been sucked out and beyond. It wasn’t just her. Rihanna, too, you know, because, see, as an artist, as a. As an artist. As an artist, you know, you could see Beyonce but just as a. As a person. When you look at the marketing, how they got Rihanna to where she’s at, that would have been Aaliyah. You know, she would have been that type of person where she would have created her own brand. She would have been bigger than both of them, bro, is what I’m saying.

Would have been. She would have been half Rihanna, half. See, Beyonce’s issue with the industry now is that Jay Z doesn’t. Even if they’re talking about her separating from Jay Z after all of this stuff goes down. Because in the industry, which we all know is a dark industry, Beyonce doesn’t, her brand doesn’t really stand out like that. You know, she doesn’t have him like Kim Kardashian, she doesn’t have Fenty like Rihanna does. Not to say that it doesn’t sell or make millions. It’s just not as big as these other brands. And being Beyonce, you should have a bigger brand.

So they’re saying when you look at, when you look at what being a Virgo means, because I always talk about this too. In the industry, they’re heavy into astrology, they’re heavy into the occult, and they will put you in a trap based on your astrology. So with, even though we know, you know, Beyonce most likely lied about her age, but let’s just, let’s just, you know, pretend that she’s a Virgo. Virgos are only known for doing one thing, one thing right now, they may dibble, dabble into other things, but Virgos are known for doing one thing right.

Like Michael Jackson, he did a lot of things, but the one thing, him being a performer, him being the king of Pop, you know, because Michael Jackson had video games that he had, he had other things. He had Michael Jackson clothes, you know, probably, he probably had other endorsement, you know, stuff that people that grew up in the 80s probably remember. But when you think about Michael Jackson, what is he mostly known for? That one thing being a performer, you know, being the king of Pop. They only know you for one thing. When it comes to Rihanna.

What do Pisces, what does Pisces represent? You know, Pisces represent the dream world. The, the, the, the Pisces represent the astral realm. It represent, you know, dreamy being dreamy, your eyes being hazy, the rose colored glasses. That’s what Pisces represent. It represents, you know, getting out of the Matrix, Neptune, that Neptune energy. So when you look at the ending of Rihanna’s career as an artist, she literally ended her career as a Pisces. Everything that she got is, is making you up, turning you into something that you’re really not. You know, just for the purposes of beauty and glamour, you know, that’s all Pisces.

Beauty, glamour, you know, that’s all Pisces stuff. You know, when you look at how, how you know, and even breaking it down even more, how a lot of people die in Hollywood, it has a lot to do. It has a lot to do with their. A lot to do with their astrological makeup. You know, Whitney Houston being a Pisces, I think she had a Pisces ascendant or something like that. And then she died in the water. She died in a tub or something like that. Like, it’s. It’s deep. Like you can. It’s. It’s really deep because it’s a.

It’s all for show. It’s all a show. You know, like, I doubt, I doubt that these people are really dead. It’s a. It’s a show. It’s all a stage. It’s a stage show. I think that’s my, you know, side of my expertise. Most of them are dead. They’re definitely dead because they’re the sacrifice. Taking someone out of the body causes a ripple effect in the universe. And they try to extract the energy that’s caused through the ripple effect to. To gain dominance as a cosmic predator. So someone has to be taken out of, you know, the, the.

The natural flow state of the cosmic energies. And that’s why they have to kill so many people. People don’t know the Kundalini, actually. The Kundalini of everyone keeps the moon actually in its cycle. We are literally food to the moon. That’s why they talked about the moon children ritual. Aleister Crawley. Now, I’m not saying that you’re supposed to do what Aleister Crawley is doing, but I’m saying that’s what he was trying to infer after studying Western mysticism with Gurdjarov and why sacrifice was necessary. They call it the Azokin, the energy of sacrifice. It causes a vortex.

So every time they kill someone, they’re creating a vortex symbolically and actually in the quantum realm. So higher, Higher, higher degrees of these people that’s initiated into the Black Lodge, these higher orders than Freemasonry. There’s a lot of cryptocratic orders that we speak about on this channel. Yeah. Some of them can switch our identity and faith. That does happen. So. But it, but it going back to, you know, way back then when the Ameri Indians, the reason why that civilization happened, you know, what ended up happening to it. Everything has to degrade at some point, of course.

But it’s. They speak about the Watikovirus, and the Watikovirus was. You could, you can get the book on. The Watikovirus is basically a mind virus that took over those people is actually a Archon invasion in their genetics. And they started the, the sacrifice temples. They started to build the temples or the mounds for sacrifice around the Time of this week, Watiko started to become a problem for them. So sacrifice has been quintessential a part of the Hollywood industry, and it goes way back into other indigenous societies. Once the Oricons take their place and they set up their camps of rulingship, of using certain puppets, then everyone else gets infected by the virus.

And at some type of version of it, we start to reciprocate the same lower vibration of what’s running the system. And unfortunately, these people in the matrix, they’re running a lot of the matrix systems. But you, in your own spiritual space, you can create a bubble. How you practice your spirituality of the low vibrations that’s occurring around the system. Your spiritual activity creates a bubble not only for protection, but it becomes your own vortex for a space and an opening for you to escape here and not to bring the lower vibration through your karma and your dharma.

Once you transmute out of human existence, whether you choose to come back here, whether you choose to become a bodhisattva in the astral plane, an ancestor to watch over your, your lineage, or if you choose to go on and become something more than what the human race is, these things have all been spoken about in different spiritual texts. So we have to preference that. But as far as mental alchemy, what can the family do to begin to create that spiritual space? As far as looking at archetypes and your. And you guys get your questions ready. We’re about to get, get questions ready.

This is going to be the last about 15 minutes. If you want Mr. Bed Clap, I can bring them up on stage or. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can bring them up. Yeah, definitely. Okay. Yeah, because now, now what you were saying, you was talking about mental alchemy, it was something that, it was something you were saying about the, the artist. Because all of this, all of this goes into the agreements, the hidden agreements. You know, you, you, you have a hidden agreement. You know, we all, we all had hidden agreements as far as why we decided to come here, what was our purpose, what was our path.

It’s a hidden agreement. It’s a hidden agreement because it was something that, that, that wasn’t exposed to us. You know, so when it comes to these artists, when it comes to these artists and their, and their, their true purpose of, of, you know, their whole existence, we’re not taught that. We’re not taught that these artists, nothing but, you know, puppets to, you know, to, to. To spread an agenda that is a hidden agenda because they, they sign NDAs and like that. So we’ll never truly know the agenda of what they’re spreading. That’s not how we’re taught about these artists and stuff like that.

You know, we, we learned about that after we didn’t already fell in love with them, wondering why they didn’t switched on us and, and all kind of stuff, you know, so, so with that being said, you know, understanding that, you know, most of these artists, they don’t write their own music. Most of the, most of the artists, they’re vessels themselves for a spell. You know, every, all the, the songs are spells, the music is a spell, all of this type of stuff. Now the thing about it is when you are as a God or as a goddess, when you know who you are, you’re able to, to stand outside of the spell and, and look at everything as a tool to build your own reality, to build your own world to build.

And I talk about this in my videos too, about, you know, creating your own world, creating your own universe. No, that’s, that’s what my animation is about, you know, creating a world. And the thing about it is, you know, everything, anything can be permitted in your world, in your bubble, in your world, you know, so, so if NBA Youngboy, if, if NBA Young Boy got some songs that, that can, that can empower my world, it don’t matter what type of energy that that NBA young boy was supposed to, what it was supposed to be. But you know, when you use that mental alchemy and your world, anything can be used as a tool.

Now we have some people, we got some artists like Jackson, you know, his music is universally like on a high vibration, like a universal high vibration, you know, Bob Marley, you know, he purposely recorded a lot of his music in 432Hertz, you know, 432Hertz, which is a, a universal, you know, so you, you have some Bob Marley in your world, you have some Michael Jackson in your world, you know, you have different things in your world. And this is where shadow work comes in. Because a lot of the things in your world to keep your world stable, it has to be, you know, different things that’s going to remind you of your childhood.

You know, so maybe in your world, you know, certain time of day, you want to watch cartoon, cartoon Fridays, because that is the day designated for you and your inner child to be able to interact with each other. And your child is what powers your world. Because if you lose your inner child, your whole world is going to crash down. Just like when you, just like if you have a physical son and something happened where, where you got a little son, son got killed or something like that. Your whole world gonna now, you know, but that’s, that’s how important and that’s how imperative, especially in the time we’re in now.

You know, we talked about this off air. Everybody is feeling like that they’ve been lied to. Everybody feeling like that they’ve been lied to. Right now. That’s the world that we’re in. We. The world that we just left. It was a world to where everybody is. Is realizing that the game was rigged. That’s the world that, that we just left. So. So we already know the game is rigged. Any type of content talking about how the game is rigged is going to sound very redundant right now. You know, what if we had a rough out? Hold on.

What if they had a rough childhood before you move on from that, what if. If they’re trying to connect because I understand what you’re saying. Today I watched Dragon Ball Daimo. That’s from my childhood, you know, Friday and Saturday to watch at least one or two animes or something like I did in. So I understand what you’re saying. We call it umbrakinesis, shadow work. What if someone had a bad childhood? If they don’t really have a whole lot of good childhood memories, how. How can they still connect with that inner child? So this goes back to what.

This goes back to something that my mom told me. Because my mom, she was a. She’s a Oya, she’s a Ada, Waito, you know, Scorpio, Sun, Virgo, Moon. And she always tell me about how she had a bad childhood, you know, growing up. But there were certain little things about her child. She was able to kind of take those and use alchemy and turn it into something that she can use in, in her life now. So, for example, you know, my mom grew up poor, you know, she didn’t have money for dolls and stuff like that.

So she said what she used to do, she’ll take a pillow, she’ll take like a. Some socks, and it’ll take some needle and some thread and some buttons. And she would create her own doll, you know, and she used to be so happy about that doll. And she would go to school, people talk about her, talk about like, oh, what’s that? You know, all that stuff. But she didn’t care. That was her doll. She made that doll, you know, certain little things like that that gave me a life lesson, like just me, just so. So. So sometimes, sometimes a lot of reasons why we have.

We feel like we’ve We. We’ve had bad childhoods. Was certain things that. That was happening to us, certain traumatic things was happening to us at a. At an early age that we just didn’t understand. Like, we didn’t understand why we had to lose our. Our father at an early age. We didn’t understand why, you know, we was moving from place to place because was poor or we didn’t understand why we had to be in an adopted family. You know, our parents gave us up, so we. We was adopted. You know, these are all things that I’ve heard before in the readings that I give to people.

But then once, once we start really going deep into who they are, what God they represent, what Orisha they represent. And, and the things that that particular Orisha had to go through in order for them to. To. To realize who they are. It’s like things starts to line up. It. It starts to line up and then, you know, that’s a way to turn a lot of those, you know, things that happen to you when you grew up childhood. Those things ends up being like life lessons. They end up being testimonies, like certain things that you went through in your adulthood.

You wouldn’t have been able to face it. You wouldn’t have even been able to withstand it had you not been through certain things at an early age, you know, See, this is what Oya teaches you. I haven’t met a Oya. I haven’t met a Oya yet who didn’t have a real bad childhood. They didn’t have a childhood, were molested or they got. They got raped or, you know, they got abandoned at an early age. They was in a. I’ve heard some horrible stories from Oya, from, From Oyas that I gave readings to. But when I tell you these are some of the most powerful women.

Even with. Even my mother, you know, she. She protected me from so much stuff spiritually. Like she would have visions and, and don’t go here. Don’t do this. You know, I didn’t listen every. Every single time, but the times I did listen, it was stuff that she was protecting me from that was in the future that I ain’t even realize, you know, so. So that’s. That’s how you know everything. That’s. That’s how everything is. Everything and everything, you know, can. Can happen for a reason, you know, is. Is all about, you know, first that shadow work is important, you know, learning who you are, you know, learning who you represent, learning what you represent, learning what’s your purpose, learning path and Then going back with that level of, of consciousness and going back to your childhood seeing like, okay, so now I see why this had to happen.

Now. Not everything, not everything you’re going to be able to understand even with that, you know, because this is a relationship that has built. This probably never been taught you. Probably this. Probably this probably be a lot of people first time hearing this. This information about getting to know your inner child, you know, stuff like that, you know, and a lot of us are, are in that position right now. You know, we, we in our 30s, we in our 40s, just, just now learning about this, you know, but it’s, it’s too late. And you don’t know.

You, it might be some, some stuff that you don’t went through that’s real, real bad, you know, and it might be somebody out there that need to hear about that, and that’s going to be their shadow work for them to realize who they are. Like, damn, if he was able to come out of that, if he was able to come out of that, then, you know, who am I? Like, you know, like, you don’t, you, you just, you just don’t know. And, and somebody said the hero’s journey, you know, Howard, Howard, that’s, that’s, that’s very important, you know, because when we started the channel, the first.

Well, you know, I had an older channel with this new channel. The first video we have is called Umbrakinesis. The inner child, the shadow work, the hero’s journey is all in that video. When we connect to why what Janae is saying here, what we teach on Patreon Camiff is academy. You have to go back to the part of yourself that in, in the childhood memories that were bad, and you have to recreate that scenario. That’s a part of the shadow work. You have to go hug that portion of yourself mentally in your own mental temple into.

To actually cure that symptom, to bring that portion of the inner child into the light to where the vibrational frequency of what you’re radiating on at that point, it can walk into that light with you outside of the darkness of, of what happened back then. So I would also say that’s a way, if someone doesn’t have a lot of pleasant memories and make sure you consider that as something that you can do as well in your meditation and your, your, what you do spiritually throughout the day. Because, see, this is a, this is a big thing too.

This is a big thing too. When you’re a child and you grew up in the ghetto you don’t know that, that you’re living a hard life. You know, when you’re a little child and you’re playing in the sprinklers and you outside, which of you know which, which are broken. Big Wheel, you know, because your parents are probably found it outside somewhere. And you in the hood, you know, you don’t. You. It, it doesn’t appear to you that you’re living poor, you know, and you got to think about what processes do that child go through before they find out that they were living poor, you know, and those are, and those are the things that you have to fight.

Those are things that you gotta fight because those are the things that’s along with you, that’s growing up along with you too. Those negative things that, that, that happened to you that made you realize that you were poor because you’re not poor. You realize that you were broke, but you’re not broke. That made you realize that you. Adequate, you know. So you see, you see how even on a micro level this, this shadow work is important because that’s where it starts, you know, because when you were a kid you didn’t realize that, that things were bad where you’re, that you grew up in, in a negative way.

You didn’t realize it. Some, some something or someone had to tell you that. And then there was some traumatic experiences that other people put you through or that you went through and, and that it etched in your mind about that, you know. So then you got to think about as an adult, what are some things that I won’t let, I won’t allow myself to experience as an adult because of those voices in my head that come when I was a kid and I noticed that I was poor. I know I was. And then I went through this and now, you know, everything that, this, this right here representing my childhood subconsciously, I’m looking at this as being broke.

So I don’t want to associate with that. I’m looking at this as being poor. I don’t want to associate with that because of what somebody else told me about, about what that is. But spiritually I’m being led back to this because this is where the, the divinity was at. You know? You see what I’m saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. So that’s so, so when I, when I had my shadow work class, which is coming back. But that’s what I, that’s what I talked about because a lot of people don’t realize, you know me, Virgo Moon, I like about the little things that ends up Becoming the big thing.

You know, a lot of times we have little subconscious things, little, little small subconscious things that, that you might have went through as a kid. And you didn’t, you didn’t realize that this little thing is the, is the reason why in your, you know, 25 years or in your 28, 29 years as a woman, you have been able to, to have a meaningful relationship yet. And you don’t realize that it’s because of something, something small that happened when you was a little girl. You know, maybe a little boy took something that belonged to you, you know, took your pencil or something.

The teacher decided with him. That made you. So, so that little thing right there, it, it, it snowballed and snowballed because you started getting. Attracting more and more like that to where whatever you was thinking in your mind, as a result, you know, man, these, these ain’t, or that, that, man, that guy or whatever, you know, it started to evolve into ain’t. And then there’s. Now there’s a movement, there’s a social movement that’s attractive. Feminism. There’s a social movement that the government created that’s attractive. And it’s a whole, it seemed like there’s a whole lot of other girls that, that went through that in school, and now you can, you can synonymize with them.

So now you got. Now you’re a feminist, now you’re this, now you’re that. And, and so now you’re in this moment right here and you’re like, dang, how did you know? How, how did I get like this? How did I get so tainted like this? You know, and the shadow work would be you going back to that little girl that, that had that pencil taken from, you know, taken from her, you know, by that boy, you know, and, and healing that little girl. And then that, that snowball, that’s going to be a snowball effect, you know, going back to the different things in your life that represented that.

So, yeah, you know, it is, it is a, A, a tedious process. And because we’ve been so effed up as a people, it’s, it’s a long process for us because we gotta, we gotta go back to, you know, we gotta go back to our great, great, great, great grandparents. And, you know, we got to go all the way back because you find out your parents didn’t have it all together. So you can’t really blame your parents for, for, you know, the things that they didn’t teach you. And then you got to go back. Your grandparents. Your grandparents didn’t you know, probably didn’t even know anything about school or school house.

Like what’s that? We was, we was, you know, in the fields picking cotton. We didn’t know nothing about no schoolhouse. What’s that? We got killed. It’s important, it’s important for you to establish a new system and change the ties of the ways from the past. The waveforms can, can change and it’s important for you. At this portion of the totem pole, there’s a handled and a cathode. At this other side, you change the, the way of the flow state by establishing how you use your system and spirituality. Spirituality. For instance, I’ve got my hair up like this.

My, my mom told me the other day because I started wearing it like this. You like, you look like a little pineapple or something like that. I was laughing at it. But the reason why I did it like this is so I can get more electromagnetism in my spiritual work. I wanted to attract more energy down. So applying something like that, doing something different, like what Aaron said earlier, embrace your weirdness. The weirdness is a part of the spiritual faction. All of this is a portion of it. And this is how we, we create that bubble that I spoke about earlier.

And all of it is going to work out in what you do in your spiritual work, your shadow work. All of these things play a big aspect in absolutely embracing the inner, inner child archetype as the power system for the whole system. But can you tell the people where they can find you, how they can get in contact with you, what, what other pages that you have so they can look you up and see where you at with it? Oh, definitely, man. So my, my main channel is Mr. Band Clap. You know, that’s my main channel.

I do have another YouTube channel called Band Clap TV. But the best way that you can get to that channel because for some reason you can’t just type that in on YouTube. Go to my website, www.bandclaptv.com if you like. The, you know, the, the way that I talk about astrology, the way I talk about the orishas, I give readings in regarding of that, you know, I give card readings. I, I have a natal chart reading that I give called the Everything is everything reading where I take, you know, everything that, that I would do to break down the celebrity.

And in that particular reading, you’re the celebrity and I’m breaking you down, you know, so I, I give you various things, you know, tell you, you know, who you are as far as what Energy that’s most prevalent with you. What energy? What God you represent? What Orisha that. That you most likely synonymize with. And. And I give you a roadmap. I give you a roadmap. So not only you can understand why you had to go through what you went through in the past, but to prepare you for, you know, what. What else you’re going to go through in your path in the future.

So that’s one of my best sellers. If you go to my website and go to the services tab, you can see that. Thank you so much, brother. And y’all heard my bad. You went out, brother. Go ahead. Yeah, yeah. I was saying that when you first go on the page, you will see my animated series. It’s called Issues World. Right now, I’m accepting donations so I can make, you know, make this better. Everything that you’ve seen is out of my pocket. You know, I got so certain soul family members that are my voice actors and stuff like that.

But it’s still. It’s still a very intimate project. Animation is. Is extremely expensive. You know, you got. You got different cartoons. That’s out now talking about the Orisha, but, you know, it’s. It’s still, you know, I wanted to create something that was more Afrocentric, you know, something that talks about different Orisha that, that you don’t hear about. Like Ao, you know, the. The goddess of the wild winds. Oya Sister, you know, Ayao, you know, Aja, the goddess of wealth. The goddess of wealth. The goddess of. Of nature, you know, and she’s. She’s a part of. Of Ocean’s Court, you know, there’s.

There’s, you know, other. Other Orishas that I talk about that, that isn’t necessarily, you know, widely talked about. So, you know, if y’all are feeling that, you know, y’all would like to donate to me, so I can. I can make this, you know, make this. This, you know, the. The cartoon. The cartoon, you know. Well, is. Is my donation link on there as well? Yeah, I have everything that you put on there, you just click. Y’all can click the tab. Yeah, everything’s there. Donation, cash app, the email. Okay, Venmo, Everything. And by the way, yeah, I saw somebody mention we did break down Castlevania.

Castlevania, guys. Nocturne. We broke down. We’re going into Castle Rock. That’s homework. Yeah. Because they did talk about Papa Leg Boss. So I thought it was very interesting around the time that he came in that, you know, all of these energies are connecting. You know, to the indigenous spiritual system. So we’re going back into Hoodoo with another lesson on Patreon. If you guys haven’t subscribed yet is patreon.com the underscore spiritual shade room. What will pop up is the true occult newspaper. And then you’ll see all the classes that we have. And we’ll be back on either tomorrow or Monday to finish up the first portion of the Hoodoo and indigenous spiritual system classes and breaking down Castle Rock in severance.

And it was another TV. It’s very important, as Bobby used to say, Mr. Banclap, to watch these TV series and movies out, because there’s a lot of spiritual lessons in them, esoteric lessons, and the holographic strip of the world are in the TV series. So that’s what we do. We, we. We break all of that down. We go deep into it, every portion of it, and convey it. And we have a collective, a family. We’re building that, sharing information as well. And they’re doing a. A wonderful job with what. What they contribute. But make sure you guys go to Mr.

With a period band clap on YouTube. Go over there right now and subscribe to Mr. Band Clap. Everyone just go subscribe and. And check out his videos. It’s funny, you said something about, like, watching old cartoons. I was just watching this. This show, this Dragon Ball Z show on the Internet Archive. You know, that’s. That’s one of our sites that we really need to pay attention to, because the Internet Archive, you know, is. Is. It’s a preservation. It’s a preservation tool. There’s a. A Hindu God that represents preservation. I forgot if it was. I don’t. I don’t think it was Krishna, but preservation, you know, this, this website, you know, you got the way back machine.

So certain websites that’s not here anymore, you can, you know, go on, click, put it on that particular website. It’ll. It’ll pop up. Certain people have started to, you know, digitize their VHS recordings. So somebody took like, a whole, like, all the Dragon Ball Z movies and put them on one spot on this particular thing. When I tell you these companies been trying to take that site down because it’s the last site where you can watch, like, free cartoons and stuff like that and it’s legal. But there was this. I think it was the movie right before.

Broly. Bio. Broly. Yeah, I think. I think. I think it was the Lord Slug. I think it was the Lord Slug movie. Dragon Ball Movie. And it’s funny because his name is the Lord Slug in that movie. In that movie, when they came down to Earth, he put something. He put some type of drone in the air. And it. And it put. And it calls for this big black smoke. It calls for this thick black smoke to cover that side of the Earth. And that thick black smoke, it covered. It covered like a whole side of the Earth.

And. And it calls for the atmosphere to change. So it. It blocked the sun. It blocked a lot of the sunlight. And so, you know, once. Once blocked the sunlight and it changed the atmosphere. There was these little green creatures that was in this ship, and they came out and he was like, it’s safe to breathe now, y’all. We changed the atmosphere, so now it’s safe for our people to breathe. It’s safe for our people to breathe. And it was. It was so interesting, you know, the stuff that we’re going through with the fog, you know, with the fog and.

And different things to where it’s changing the atmosphere. So certain things. Certain things that. That probably wouldn’t have been able to survive in places like Florida, in places like Texas, you know, because it’s a. It’s a warmer climate. These things may be able to survive now, you know, so. So we may be having different people, places, things and animals migrating over here because of the weather change, because of. Certain things have changed. You know, so that was. That was just something that I was. That. When you. When you talked about that, I brought, you know, it came in my mind and.

And I had to touch on that. Yeah. Make sure you guys are. Yeah. Peeping these TV series. And I remember that. I remember that movie. Just make sure you peep in these TV series. Castle Rock right now is one of the focal points, parallel dimensions, as I always talk about the multiverse going and. And meeting the other versions of yourselves, interacting with that. But, yeah, we’re gonna get up out of here. Make sure you guys subscribe to Mr. Band Clap. I will be bringing the Goddess Empress here in Columbia, South Carolina, early February. That’ll probably be our next interview.

If I don’t do another YouTube video by then, that’ll be our next one. Or I’ll be coming with a super load of what happened, you know, with everything, with inauguration and advancing forward. So I appreciate you. God, we got to do this again. Maybe next time I come on your channel or vice versa. Yeah, I wanna. I wanna bring you. I want to bring you on so we can talk about the language of your inner child. You know, I want to talk about that with you because you’ve Been studying the Vedic, you know, the Vedic, the sidereal, and all of that is dealing with the moon.

And I always talk about on my videos how the. Your moon sign. Your moon sign is your greatest roadmap to your inner child. You know, you. So. So depending on what moon sign that you have, you know, that talks about the added. The. The feelings, the attitude of your inner child. And whenever you’re in those feelings that represent your moon sign, that is your inner child trying to communicate with you. So with me being a Virgo moon and Virgo moon representing innocence, you know, the. The virgin, the innocence, anything that. That, like old stuff that I used to watch as a kid or, you know, seeing the Jackson 5, or, like, seeing, like, different stuff that represent that energy.

I get a burst of energy, like, inside. Like a burst of energy, like, oh, what’s that? You know, what’s that? You know, that. That. It lets me know that my inner child is online, you know, sir, like so many people, because they’re not. They’re not connected to themselves in that type of way. They’re. They’re. They are. They are unintentionally but intentionally putting themselves in these environments and in these situations that constantly hurt them because they’re not listening. They’re not listening to their feelings. They’re not listening to that inner voice that keeps telling them, I don’t like being here.

Like, I’m. I don’t like being here. I don’t like being here. You know, it’s a difference. When you have a child and you and your little child is in the store, and all of a sudden a person, you know is speaking to you, and all of a sudden your child busts out and start crying, you know, and. And they tell you that, you know, your child, you know, children can read energy. So that child knows if that person got bad energy, it’ll start crying. You know, on an inner level, you never lost that. You never lost that.

It’s just that we live in a world to where, you know, it’s hard for you to. To really be that parent for your inner child because of certain things that you have to do in this world. What’s it called? Discipline. Doing what you don’t want to do, but it’s necessary. What’s that called? Is it called discipline? Oh, yeah. I mean, that’s a part of discipline. I mean, you have to. Yeah, you have to. Listening to authority is discipline. Yeah. So being in this world to where you got to do. And. And this is. This is what.

What. What it means to Be a man, this is what they say is it means to be a man is doing a lot of stuff that you don’t want to do, but you big. But it’s necessary. You know, you feel like it’s necessary. You doing, you living a life and, and that’s all you’ve done. That alone is going to be a, a fast track to regret, you know, a fast track to regret and a, a fast track to resentment. You living your life doing stuff that you feel like is necessary, but it’s not stuff that you wanted to do, your soul wanted to do.

And that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s why this, this reincarnation trap is so good. Because, because the life, the, the life that we’re in, you know, it’s attractive. They make a lot of stuff attractive. That’s not, that’s not meant for you, that’s not meant for you to consume, but you don’t know, you don’t know what you’re not supposed to consume. You don’t know what you’re, what you’re not supposed to indulge in because you don’t know who you are. So that’s, so that’s why, that’s, you know, this is the most, mental alchemy is, is the most important thing, you know, because, you know, your, your, your inner world depends on it.

You know, your, your inner world that, that you’re supposed to be creating outside of this Matrix, it depends on it, you know, and that’s why you see people, people now in this position that they’re in where they’re, you know. S word, you know, they’re, they’re, they’re in this low vibration because their world is in the Matrix. They don’t, they don’t understand that they can build a world outside of the Matrix. You know, they, they, they, they are human batteries pretty much. And they don’t understand that. That’s unfortunate. That’s unfortunate. But we, you know, we ain’t on that vibe.

We, we need to call those who’s going to make. Only speak to those who’s making the change. Those people are NPCs. Maybe they, they will or will not, you know, come into the light, but unfortunately there’s going to be a lot more of them. But that’s just what it is. So, yeah, you guys go over to Mr. Band Clap on his YouTube. Subscribe right now. And we’re going to do this again. And I appreciate you for coming out, brother. And, and shout out to everyone who joined with us today. We will be back in a few weeks or maybe a week or two.

So with that, I’ll say, ah, rinpoya aoshulu ashe to the ancestors.

  • Ani Osaru

    Ani Osaru, the Consigliere, holds a distinguished position as the Boss's trusted advisor and the third-in-command in the family. A beacon of wisdom and enlightenment within the Black community, Ani stands out among the self-proclaimed teachers. With unparalleled courage, Ani dares to shed light on the agents and gatekeepers that corrupt this community, impeding the pursuit of authentic knowledge.

    Ani Osaru (@AniOsaru) / X (twitter.com)

    The True Occult Newspaper

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