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➡ This is a conversation between Donut and Matt Ehrett, a researcher and author who has written extensively about secret societies and their influence on history. Matt discusses his belief that secret societies have been manipulating events for centuries, using creative narratives to control and mislead the public. He also talks about his books, which explore these topics in depth, and his skepticism towards certain popular conspiracy theories. Matt believes that understanding the true nature of these societies is crucial for people to protect themselves from their influence.
➡ The text discusses the author’s exploration of various religious and political movements, including Swedenborgianism and Mormonism, and their beliefs about extraterrestrial beings. It also delves into the author’s research on the Fabian Society and the Roundtable movement, two influential groups with contrasting ideologies but similar manipulative tactics. The author also touches on the hypocrisy of these groups, their impact on world events, and the role of aesthetics and fashion in societal control.
➡ The text discusses a theory that the infamous Jack the Ripper murders were part of a larger occult ritual, possibly connected to the Order of the Golden Dawn. The locations of the murders, when mapped, form a symbol known as the Vesica Pisces, which has significant occult meaning. The text also suggests that these events were a precursor to the psychological and media effects of the Jack the Ripper murders. Lastly, it mentions the involvement of Sir Charles Warren, a powerful Freemason, who was obsessed with rebuilding Solomon’s Temple and had a role in the Ripper case.
➡ In 1867, a Freemasonic ceremony took place in Solomon’s Mines, involving key figures who later played significant roles in the Jack the Ripper murders in London. These individuals, including the commissioner of the Metropolitan Police of London, a leading member of the Plymouth Brethren, and the official London coroner, were all connected to high-level occult practices. They were also linked to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and Madame Blavatsky’s Theosophists. After the murders, some of these individuals established a cosmetics company near the fictional home of Sherlock Holmes, suggesting a possible connection to the author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who was also a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
➡ Dr. Joseph Bell was hired by the London Metropolitan Police to track down the Whitechapel killer. His student, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who created the character Sherlock Holmes, never wrote about these murders. The murders were believed to be part of a black magic ritual involving the killing of prostitutes. This ritual was linked to a redefined version of Solomon from the Old Testament, seen as a demonologist.
➡ This article discusses the theory that Solomon’s Temple was a site of human sacrifice, with tunnels used to collect the blood of victims. It also explores the idea of ‘blood and soil cults’, where people are spiritually connected to a specific land. The article delves into the history of occultism, mentioning figures like Julian the Apostate and Aleister Crowley, and their influence on modern occult practices. Lastly, it discusses the manipulation of Jewish populations through political terror, and the rise of anti-Semitism, suggesting these are tactics used by powerful groups to achieve their goals.
➡ The text discusses the complex history and theories surrounding Kabbalah, Jewish doctrines, and Babylonian myths. It also delves into the controversial topic of the creation of the state of Israel, the role of various historical figures, and the manipulation of public perception. The text further explores the idea of a Greater Israel and the revival of Babylon, as well as the beliefs of certain groups about the emergence of the Antichrist and the future of humanity. The text ends with a discussion on the concept of different root races and the evolution of species.
➡ The speaker discusses their concerns about a potential catastrophic event in the Middle East, which they believe is being orchestrated by powerful forces to create a new world order. They also mention historical instances of collaboration between different religious groups against such forces. The speaker encourages studying what these powerful forces fear, as it could lead to liberation. They also mention their ongoing research and upcoming projects, including a documentary series and books.
➡ The speaker encourages us to strengthen our minds and souls by engaging with challenging and enriching content, like classical literature and music, rather than consuming the easy, often negative content provided by mainstream culture. This mental and spiritual ‘weightlifting’ can improve our creativity, happiness, and problem-solving abilities, preparing us for life’s challenges. The speaker warns against focusing too much on ‘dark’ content, as it can lead to burnout. They also criticize short, mindless content like memes, suggesting that it can harm our ability to function effectively.
➡ The text discusses the origins of the Nazi party, highlighting its roots in the Thule Society and the Wunder Vogel Movement, which were similar to hippie movements. It also talks about how the Nazis, including Hitler, were influenced by theosophy and not Christianity, even rewriting the Bible to fit their beliefs. The text also mentions the connection between the mystery cults and the UFO phenomenon, suggesting that these cults are trying to redefine gods and deities as aliens. Lastly, it discusses how the Nazis saw themselves as the new Templars, with Heinrich Himmler overseeing this transformation.
➡ The text discusses the manipulation of historical figures and events by powerful groups for their own purposes. It mentions how figures like King Arthur and Benjamin Franklin have been misrepresented to serve certain agendas. The text also talks about the infiltration and subversion of movements and organizations, such as the American Revolution and Christianity, by these groups. Lastly, it touches on the use of symbolism and coded messages in modern times.
➡ The text discusses how political and spiritual warfare were used to manipulate societies, particularly focusing on the Roman Republic’s transformation into an empire. It highlights the creation of the Mithra cult, a secretive group for the warrior class, which was used to control and corrupt the military and intelligence class. The text also draws parallels between the Mithra cult and the Skull and Bones society, suggesting a connection between the two. It concludes by discussing the importance of a high-quality culture in preserving moral values and resisting such manipulation.
➡ The text discusses the significance of November 18th in various contexts, including its connection to the Illuminati and UFO sightings. It also delves into the concept of astrological ages, such as the Age of Pisces and the upcoming Age of Aquarius. The text further explores the influence of astrology on societal events and movements, including the creation of the baby boomer generation and the social engineering that occurred post-World War II. Lastly, it touches on the role of philosophy, literature, and military strategies in shaping societal perceptions and behaviors.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics including the significance of calendars and astronomical systems in decision-making, the importance of hard work and organization, and the allure of secret knowledge. They also delve into the use of ciphers in cryptography, mentioning Edgar Allan Poe’s mastery of these principles. The speaker suggests that Poe was part of America’s Society of the Cincinnati, a group at odds with the Rosicrucian takeover of American lodges.
➡ Edgar Allan Poe, a renowned poet and mathematician, was deeply involved in counterintelligence and cryptography. He challenged his readers to send him encrypted messages, which he would solve, showcasing his methods and proving that anyone could do it with enough effort. Poe also wrote a story called the Gold Bug, a complex cipher that remains unsolved to this day. Despite his reputation as a morbid, drug-addicted figure, Poe was a noble soul who combined scientific and poetic faculties in his work, creating the detective novel genre and debunking the idea that machines could replace human thought.
➡ The text discusses a variety of topics, including the neural link technology, the influence of Edgar Allan Poe and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and the spiritualist movement in America. It suggests that Doyle, a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, was involved in the occult and possibly the Jack the Ripper murders. The text also explores the idea of a Gnostic revival replacing traditional morality, and the role of Harry Houdini in debunking spiritualist claims. Lastly, it delves into the murder of Mary Roget and its connection to Poe’s work.
➡ The text discusses the history and significance of Sybil’s Cave in the Apennine Mountains, a place associated with ancient witchcraft and hallucinogenic rituals. It also mentions its connection to various historical events and figures, including Pontius Pilate and Tiberius. The text further explores the cave’s link to the Rosicrucian movement and its influence on the murder of Mary Rogers, which sparked a media frenzy in the 1840s. The author suggests that such events are often tied to occult practices and intelligence operations, rather than being random acts of violence.


Yo, what up? It’s Donut and you tuning into oh yo, Illuminati News. And we are here with Matt Ehrett, author, researcher, owner of so many different companies. Rising Tide Foundation. I don’t know, maybe that’s not a company. I don’t know. I don’t know how to. It’s a legal entity. It’s a non profit. Yeah, filmmaker. I’m just in love with your work and also your wife’s work. I’ve got your books which are just so jam packed full of so much great information that it’s not like you can just read it and move on. It’s something like you read a chapter or two and then that’s your whole year like of study, at least for me, diving into your work in your substacks.

And I could just go on for days about how much you’ve inspired me on so many different levels. How are you doing today? Oh, cool, man. Thank you, Donut. I appreciate that immensely. I’m doing good and yeah, I’m glad. I’m glad that the research is resonating so nicely. And congratulations on your new Illuminati comic book as well. I’ve been following the progress of that. Well done. I did my best to put in something that you talked about, how it is a mythology and in a sense, maybe you could tell us a little bit about that. I’m not sure if you even remember saying that, but one of your podcasts, you’re like, they’re trying to build like a rel.

Like he gets struck by lightning and then the documents are there. Like, come on. Oh, I hear you right? Yeah, the, the whole story of like how the revelations of the, the insidious nature of the Illuminati, which I’m sure it’s insidious. I’m sure. I mean there. Secret societies, plotting, conspiring to. To rule over and enslaved humankind that, that is duped into loving their shackles is a project though that stretches back deep into our histories, as your audience knows. And for this to work, it requires a lot of creative narratives to be sort of games within games even.

And one of those games within games that I’ve I’ve kind of. My nose has kind of smelt something a little off on is the story that of how the revelation of this Illuminati aspect of it that was launched by adam Beishthaupt in 1776 in Bavaria was. Was made public. And again, things don’t tend to just unfold that way. It almost has a supernatural quality to the creative writing around this letter carrier, this courier who yeah, gets struck by lightning and then some good peasant picks up the letters that I guess weren’t burnt by the, the smoke and ash or the fire and starts reading them and it’s like, oh, these are the correspondences between Cato, AKA whatever Whitestopper.

I forget the, the, the names that they gave each other documenting their, their global conspiracy to enslave everything. And, and you read some of the letters that have been made public and it reads. I find that reading those, those letters that people have transcribed, I don’t even know if they’re the real letters, but that have been transcribed and go public. It, it strikes me that there’s a cartoonishness to the language that if you are actually a high level sophisticated oligarch, like oligarchical grand strategist, if you are able to operate on that higher level culturally, you would not write like a pinky in the brain personality type or like a Protocols of Zion.

You know, like when you read the writings from the Protocols of Scion, this okra theosophical hoax that was designed in order to create mass anti Jewish hysteria within Russia, within Europe that gave rise to and justified the growth of fascism in the 20th century. If you read those documents that have been proven to be forgeries, they speak like they’re pinky in the brain. It’s cartoonishly over the top. And real oligarchs who are very much capable of doing very, very bad things on a, on a top down level, they don’t write that way. They don’t, they’re not so blatantly over the top.

So again, yeah, I sense that there was probably like an attempt to co opt to try to contain the revelation of, of secret societies conspiring and to try to make them more or create versions of the story that would incapacitate people, truth seekers from actually having a proper understanding of what the thing is such that they could then act upon and defend themselves from that thing by creating these little, you know, whether it’s aliens have been out, like everything bad can be attributed to aliens wanting to control us or everything bad can be attributed to the Jews or everything bad can be attributed, to the Muslims out to destroy our freedoms or everything bad.

You know, whatever. There’s so many ways of, of controlling and twisting these is a good one. The China side, the Chinese are at the heart of all of our problems. Damn commies, they just want to destroy our capitalist freedoms. Like it’s so simplistic. But they, but people buy into that stuff. It sparks something in the imagination and the Illuminati and you breaking that down really open up the floodgates to understanding the way these Elusinian mystery store to work with this imagination. It’s sparked the imagination of the music industry to the Da Vinci Codes. It’s a household name the Illuminati.

But people don’t understand that it’s an actual secret society that’s fairly new and you’ve just wrote three books. Congratulations on. On it. They’re all available. Revenge of the Mystery Cults because this isn’t just something that happened a couple hundred years ago. This has been going on since Mystery Babylon. Is that what’s going on? Well, the, the question of Mystery Babylon in the Age of Aquarius. That’s volume one. Yeah. And I decided to like just release these all at the same time so that I found myself kind of on. On three different tracks of investigation that I could sense were leading to the same conclusion.

The same sort of story which. Which I sort of allude to in. In the subtitle of. Of volume one which is the. The rise of the Age of Aquarius. The sort of synthetic creation of a new global pagan religion to replace all of the traditional religious movements of the last 2000 years in every part of the world and to revive the worst elements of. Of that sort of pagan system of mystery cults that had managed the entire ancient world top down from Persia, Babylon, Asia Minor, India even. There’s evidence of this thing stretching from India to Egypt in the centuries and even millennia before the emergence of Christianity.

I would even say before even Jewish Judaism was formulated. So all three stories, they sort of have a different topic or a different way of approaching the subject matter of the mystery cults. The first one being more the political dynamic. So what, what are the. The dominant think tanks that have been misshaping so much of the 20th century and into the present and Mystery Babylon. I guess that’s what we’ll do. Right. I’ll just. I’ll do a little summary of the three and the purpose. So I’ll just. I’ll just rant a little bit here. But so what I.

What I did and this is a lot to do with Cynthia’s. Cynthia Chung, my wife. Her work on with me on the UFO film series that we’ve. We’ve been doing the hidden hand behind UFOs. She wrote episode one from an angle I didn’t expect about a year and a half ago. And originally I was approaching the UFO topic from the standpoint of A purely geopolitical, social engineering operation which involved people like Alan Dulles, you know, a lot of CIA operatives going back to the late 40s. And my script wasn’t working well. It wasn’t flowing the way I wanted it to.

And so she took a shot at it and came up with a completely different way of thinking about the whole topic that I was not on. And it kind of like expanded my mind quite a bit because she said, no, this is, this is clearly tied to the, the, the ancient Gnostic mystery cults that have. And so she was thinking about it from a much higher level than I was. And she came up with that script that went through the, the, the, the sacred myths of, of the Greeks, of the Romans, of the Babylonians, the Persians, the, the creation myths and how they were respun into the.

The Gnostic stories of those fake Christian sects that tried to infiltrate Christianity and destroy it from within. Under Valentinius and Basilides in the second third century, there’s a big war where they were actually doing cannibalism like they were actually doing human. You know, it wasn’t like eating the wafer was a, was a, was a metaphor for the, the body of Christ. Yeah, that’s the picture of the hidden hand behind UFOs. Episode 3 epis. Episode 1 is the one I’m referring to. And so she, she then in a, in a very brushstroke manner, but very concretely traced this, this program to the, the emergence of the spiritualist movement of the 1830s 40s of channelers, necromancers that would channel the messages of the dead that always had a priesthood overseeing these, these games of perception.

And then from there she sort of ended it on the like, the rise of Swedenborg. Swedenborgian followers who also had their own weird cosmology of, of Amen. Like aliens and demons that were being. That were interfacing with us. That was tweaked several times over, including what was done with Mormonism and Joseph Smith and his inter. Like idea of, of interplanetary beings, angels, demons, the dead that would each get their own planets that would interface with earthlings that were initiated. So that sort of like caused me to just reevaluate all of the geopolitical research I had been taking for granted over the last several years.

And I revisited since I had written a lot on the Fabian Society, I read. I wrote a couple of books on that on the roundtable movement of Milner and Cecil Rhodes. So I had done quite a bit of work on their operations, their origins what they did initiating wars in the 20th century. But then I was like, well, wait a minute, what’s really going on here? What template, what formula is being followed with these things? And so volume one came out of that because I started rethinking about the Fabian Society’s relationship with the Roundtable movement as being sort of a left hand, right hand path, or maybe I should say it more like a male, female, feminine template of co.

Organizing these, these institutions with different principles that are operational but that plate that, that have controlled opposition. So they seem to be different. This, you know, the Fabians. For those who don’t know, the Fabian socialists appeal more to those who are of a, of a more socialist orientation. They’re much more based upon, at least in words, the protection of the poor against capitalist exploit. Exploitative interests. They’re more interested in like, you know, organizing labor. Seems a little bit more empathic. But then when you look at the, the founders of it and those who ran it and run it to this very day, top down, they’re all misanthropic anti humanists who are usually part of the leading oligarchical families that despise the poor, that despise organized labor.

Philanthropy is with Billy Bob Gates and different charities always have this nefarious behind it. Yeah. Occult programming behind the, the charities and the, the hospitality, the. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And I think a lot of this. So yeah, you, you have this hypocrisy, this cover. And then on the other hand, you know, you have the Roundtable movement that organized that, that was at the heart of the Rhodes Trust, the, the creation of the Council on Foreign Relations, this international web of think tanks under the Royal Institute for International affairs as it became known in 1919. But it existed as the Roundtable associations before that, led by all of those orchestrators who were typically the old school, you know, hard British imperialist types that were like taking pride in the Boer War, killing the blacks, you know, reigning in the savages, the red people.

Like, very like, like read the writings of Alfred Milner and people will get a sense of what this is. But they would often overlap these two agencies. And you know, with the, with the Roundtable movement you had the Rhodes Scholarships which brainwashed young, young elites into Oxford. Yeah, there’s, there’s Milner right there. Yeah, this guy popped up. I was looking at something, but maybe it wasn’t him. Everyone has an aesthetic at certain times of history, so maybe he looks like someone else. I think I’m thinking Lloyd George. Like Lloyd George and him look the same, like there’s like this aesthetic because I was looking into the, the House of Lords and trying to understand that with the symbolism of the unicorn being Scotland and the, the just looking at the heraldry symbolically tells a, a fascinating story.

And yeah, everyone looks the same to me. It’s like 19th century way people. No, it’s true though. Like, that’s what the people are going to say. They’re going to look back at this video. They like, everybody looks the same. Yeah, right. Like why, why do these two guys, Matt and Donut, look so similar? Just one’s wearing. No. So there is an aesthetic. There’s a weird like British Imperial aesthetic where they’re emulating each other. There’s an element of that which is true. And Lloyd George is part of the Round Table movement. So he, he’s installed as Prime Minister by an operation overseen by Lord Milner, who becomes the minister of the colonies that then brings in and controls World War I.

That’s Lloyd George. That’s an older version of, of. Yeah, I guess if you look at him as a younger guy, he’s a Milner esque quality about his mustache, but. So he’s the guy who becomes later on when Nazism is created. He’s no longer the prime minister, but he’s still a major power player, as is Milner. Well, Milner dies. Milner dies in 24. But this whole roundtable movement around Lloyd George, they’re very pro Nazi, some of them are, at least, because the other half goes and becomes at a certain point around this guy Leo Amory, who is also part of Milner’s kindergarten.

He becomes part of the Churchill, let’s, you know, faction that says, well, let’s put down the Hitler machine for now. It’s not really cooperating the way we wanted it to. And then you had Lloyd George writing messages to Hitler saying, no, I’ll be your. Your Nazi prime minister, you know, and then, and, and that’s, that’s when he was already. He was older, but he was still like really vicious. And in that sense he was closely aligned with Oswald Mosley, the. From the British Union of Fascists. The other guy who aspired to be the British. The Nazi prime minister.

Yeah. Oswald Mosley’s a key guy. He comes up in that, in that Netflix show Peaky Blinders. You see how everyone has this mustache and how like has a resurgence. Like, I don’t think I was being weird. Say like everyone like looks the same, but everybody. Now, today, that’s critical on the Jewish question, like that’s their big thing. They always got like a mustache on it. They’re probably emulating maybe on some level. I don’t, I don’t know. It’s just something I look at because as the mustaches are getting smaller and smaller below the nose. Right. Just incremental gradualism.

We’re still not ready for that yet as a fashion style. But wait 10 years. Maybe it does something though. Like you know how the Vril. The ladies, they grow their hair long. I don’t know. I, I do know that there’s fashion though. Like Hugo Boss, you know, was making the outfits for the Third Reich. I believe fashion. Looking at the fashion awards like Balenciaga or Alexander McQueen. I think that there’s an element to the mind control through the fashion. Like it sounds silly, but the movie Zoolander is about the fashion industry and how he’s this MK Ultra puppet.

Like looking at it in a sense, I, I think there’s, there’s something up with it. Like the kids sagging their pants. Just like little things like that I think goes into some. Something. There’s something there. I don’t know what it is, but. No, I think you’re, you’re definitely right. Like there, there, there’s something. The material and spiritual worlds have, have a weird relationship sometimes. And you know, it doesn’t mean just because you dress like a slob doesn’t mean you have a slobby soul in mind. But it doesn’t, it doesn’t help the mind if you live in a, in a pigsty.

It doesn’t help the mind to stay organized. You get, you know, you do have to have, it helps to have a certain discipline in your dress, your contour, your comportment, how you live your life physically that will then have a reciproc feedback loop in that sense with the discipline you put into your inner self. Are you sloppy, a thinker or not? And definitely I think yeah. When you look at the dress codes that are promoted, there’s probably certain spiritual considerations by the social engineers when they’re encouraging a slave caste that they want to keep culturally enslaved so that they don’t have to do too much work input wise to keep that society down.

They’ll find and promulgate like I’m thinking more in our, our recent time, you know, pants that might, you know, be. Be propagandized or wearing your pants down below your ass so you can’t really run, you can’t move very well. But that aesthetic is something they’ll promote. Or the glue, the Prison, the prison culture, which is, it’s a prison. It’s people emulating the prison criminal lifestyle. Because when you’re in prison, you’re not, you’re not allowed to wear a belt because it could be a weapon. You could hang yourself. So that’s why people in prisons frequently had low hanging pants.

And so then they would, you know, promote rappers and singers that would, that would also make that cool. And, and before you know it. And then you got the blue hair. I don’t know what the blue hair meaning would be. I have no idea. Because like all the, the, the anti Trump people, they dye their hair blue. So protest. Yeah, it’s. And then you got the hippie movement that they didn’t shower and there was a reason for that. So people didn’t take them seriously like they would. That. The anti war guy that slipped in my mind right now, who was very serious, dressed nice, was respectable.

The hippies weren’t respectable because they were rolling around in the mud. Right. Well, they definitely have this, this like the Nazis, when you look at their, their origins, it was very hippie esque. So you had in the 1911, 1912 period, a lot of the, the top level killer SS officials who rose to prominence in the Thule Society, who became the top level killer SS officers were part of what was known as the Wunder Vogel Movement, the, the Wandering Birds, which were basically, you know, proto hippies doing sacred orgies in the Black Forest, going back to nature, eating vegan food.

And I’m not against vegan food. I’m just saying that was part of the lifestyle thing is going back to nature, not really using, you know, soap because that, that is a product of the industrial civilization, which is an affront to Mother Gaia, the purity of the Earth Mother Goddess that they really idealize. And it’s always like this, this, this goes back to, there’s always been these, these back to nature cults that dichotomize human civilization from nature as being two separate, incompatible things. Right. That’s the Thule Society logo, which as we see is just a rebranded version of the, the swastika.

And this is, these are the mystery, mystery cults it seems like. Right, the Thule Society. Yeah. And it’s alien as well. Yeah. With alien energies. Well, there’s variations of it after World War II, where they started adding to the, the, the story a little bit during the Cold War. So a lot of the leading Nazis, like Julius Avola, oh, Carl Jung’s friend, what’s his name? Miguel. Oh, Serrano. These were all like hard Nazi types. Marceia Elliot was another one. Joseph Campbell was also an assistant to Carl Jung who was also the, the top official at. For.

For about seven years between 32 and. Or 33 and 39 of the Nazi. I forgot the name of the official organization of German psychology. That was. Carl Jung was the president of it and oversaw and created a, a way of thinking about the human psyche that was very useful for Himmler for the ANANELBA leadership in organizing their, their own revamping of the Bible. You know, they, that’s what they followed the Jungian template and theories about the archetypes, the collective unconscious, the collective soul, the, in their formulation of what the Volk spirit was. But Jung himself was a follower of a lot of these, you know, Wagnerian vogue spirit mystics who were always against Christianity.

They were always against Judaism. Seeing them both as, as two things, two aspects of, of something that really disrupted the reign and control of the ancient mystery mystery cults. And they have a certain romantic idea, especially Wagner, Schopenhauer did earlier Nietzsche. They all have the same, all of these, these creatures who influenced the Nazis as well as the, the Theosophists who also influenced very heavily the spiritual outlook of the Nazis, including Carl Jung directly. Right. And I feel I always been connecting is like this. The. I’m just, you know, I’m, I’m still learning, but whenever I see people say that they’re like pro the Nazis and I’m, I’ve tried a point like no, that’s the.

They’re not like Christian. They’re very theosophical. They’re. This is like a Theosophy. This is like a United nations theosophy religion. Like it’s totally not. What like no, no, no. Like yeah, anybody who has this romantic idea of Hitler as a Christian. No, he, he, he oversaw the rewriting of the Bible to. They had their own rice Bible. So if you wanted to be a Christian, you had to get rid of whatever Bible you were using and adopt only the rice Bible, which seriously rewrote everything. They basically made Jesus’s mom get impregnated by a Roman pure blood, you know, warrior, which is where they said okay, so there’s no, there’s no connection between the dirty Jewish blood and Jesus because it was actually this Roman warrior that had sex with his mother.

And they, they got rid of some of the commandments. They, they got rid of a few like the Thou shalt not kill. They got rid of that because it was incompatible with the practical needs of what they would demand of their society in order to achieve their weird utopian world that was desired. And they replaced certain other. They added certain commandments like thou shalt honor your furor. Was it a commandment they just infused into the Ice Bible? There’s a couple of other ones too that I’m forgetting, but it’s in my book. It’s actually all of the stuff we’re talking about now is all in volume one of Revenge of the Mystery Cults and the Rise of the Age of Aquarius.

Nice. Nice. It would be great to get like a hand on one of those old Nazi Bibles. Like, it would be cool. Just like, they’re probably worth so much money. Yeah, I’m pretty sure there were a lot of them. I’m pretty sure people could acquire them without too much ado. And maybe there’s been scanned copies that are available online. I haven’t looked for. For that, but I. I will now. It’s something I would like to have in my library as far as a reference piece. And everybody click the link below. Go get your copy right now.

Get all three copies of Revenge of the Mystery Cults and all of Matt Ehret’s work. You gotta get these books because they’re gonna be worth lots of money, especially if they do a digital book burning and whatnot. Congratulations as well. Three books. Oh, my goodness. And are they. I mean, in like your work and your wife’s work, I mean, it’s just so, like I said, I read just a chapter or two and then I Google start Googling and I’m lost for a year. Oh, thanks, man. No, I mean, yeah, I. We want them to encourage people to do their own research.

Right. So it’s like, oh, they’re dense. They’re dense. But yeah, the idea is to. To inspire people to fill in. To fill in as much as they can with their own research that can just add to the. The story. Right? Because it’s universal history. You could always unpack it. So it’s always a difficult balance to say, like, how much do we simplify? How much do you go into unpacking the detail? And you got to kind of like, make judgments along the way of like, okay, where do we condense and where do we. Because you got to do both.

And it’s. It’s tough. Some people oversimplify way too much to the point that it’s almost useless. Even though a lot of what they’re saying in these, like, these research books on. Especially when they deal with conspiracies and secret societies. I’ve had to read a lot of them and yeah, they’re almost useless how much they simplify because they don’t prove what they’re saying. And then because of the tendency of oversimplifying things, it allows in a lot of lazy fake narratives that have been placed into the minefield in order to deflect researchers away from the real trail of things.

Right. So for me. And this is again where Cynthia came in so handy with her insights of the connection between. In this case it was the, the ufo. The UFO phenomenon as a, the basis of a new revamping of a world religion where all of the gods and deities would be redefined as, as, as aliens. So that there was an idea that the mystery cults that organize the worst of, of our systems in our current society are very, very much tied directly to things like the Cult of Mithra, the cult of. Hey, there’s some, there’s some, there’s some images of what we’re being shown even on CNN now.

This is going all like mainstream, right? Oh yeah. UFO disclosure phenomenon. It’s like. Well you called it. And I thank God for you because I read your report on the Rockefellers connection to the Clinons and MK Ultra and like I grew up brainwashed through the X Files and wanting to believe in aliens and I had alien autopsy and it was like religion. I have all the alien gear and this like really broke that spell. And this. The truth is stranger than fiction. And then just diving into what’s really going on is even stranger than what they’re telling us with.

Yeah, drones and all that. It really is. Right. When you were bringing up Hitler, re Changing the scripture and I don’t know if it’s scripture, but re changing the, the Bible to turn people into maybe more of a Templar warrior cult. You. We were talking about how the same kind of thing happened with the Templars a year or so ago where they needed to get rid of the whole love thy neighbor forgiveness and turn people into this let’s go out and pillage it seems sort of things. And that the Nazis are the new Templars. At least that’s what they branded themselves as.

Absolutely. Dude. That’s a great insight. And that’s what Heinrich Himmler was, was overseeing the new Templar order at his infamous Webblesburg Castle, which is an occult castle that had already existed, but he revamped it. You know, used a bunch of slave labor to like add some, some geometry and some more occult architecture to it. And that was the, the headquarters of what was supposed to be sort of the nerve center of the new global religion that they were intending on bringing online. And seems there’s a lot of research that points to child sacrifice. Like the worst types of things you could possibly imagine were being done at Bevelsburg with a roundtable of high initiates around Himmler who idealized the grail myths of King Arthur.

They had their own, like, mystical, you know, relationship through Wagner. Wagner was their big gateway. On how to think about King Arthur, who was actually a really great guy. Like, I’m actually looking at a friend of mine, Jerry Theriere, did a class for, for the Rising Tide Foundation a few months ago on the real King Arthur from the 6th century, which had nothing to do with these Templar propaganda manuals that were being pushed in the 11th and 12th century to promote the Crusades and that inspired Wagner and the Nazis. The real King Arthur was actually like an awesome human being who like did so much to defeat the mystery cults that were operating in Roman London and Ireland and Wales back in the sixth century.

They’d never forgiven King Arthur for that. So that’s the way they work. Right. They try to. If they can’t completely destroy something that is, that is removed, that is challenging their power, they’ll try to co opt it and make it their own and then redefine it. Which is where again, like people today, they associate Benjamin Franklin with evil Hellfire Club child killer. Right. George Washington Freemason. Me too. I, I was telling people for a couple of years, like basically stuff that I reading and you know, they found the, the bones of children in the London flat he was staying at underground.

And, and I mean it. So they couldn’t. Because this is a guy who has done the most as a brilliant grand strategist to organize systems to break away from the oligarchy’s hereditary control mechanism. And he did it by understanding evil very much. He infiltrated Hellfire Club operations when he was younger and, and was being, you know, taught and, and mentored by Cotton Mather by the, the whole like, patriotic republican movement in the, in the colonies in the, in the 1710s 20s that were battling the Hellfire Club witch covens that had penetrated into America in the early colonies.

There was a big fight going into the 1660s, 1670s, by patriots who were holding the fort of this better view of humankind as a species made into the image of a living, loving, reasonable God. And we’re always at war with these Hellfire Club penetrations that Benjamin Franklin’s older brother was, was overseeing in Philadelphia and Benjamin Franklin, the younger son of, of 10 kids, was like, recruited to infiltrate his brother’s thing to get intelligence back and then like to the, to Cotton Mather and the Cotton Mather faction to better understand the nature and the methods of the empire and then to use that knowledge in a way that would create a counter strategy that would then be able to set the stage for what became the American Revolution in 1776.

So they couldn’t get rid of that, they couldn’t end that fact, you know, especially after the war was won. So what they did is they went to work for two centuries or more trying to co op the image of Benjamin Franklin as their own. That’s always what they do. And they did the same thing to Arthur and the, the Templars. And as you said, that’s exactly as the high level SS killers saw themselves as. New Templars. The Templars themselves were a synthetic cult creation by a leading Cistercian grand strategist named Bernard de Clairvaux and several other Cistercians, which are sort of like a more radical branch of Benedictines from the Benedictine order that drafted a charter for the Templars to basically justify why the new Christianity must involve bloodletting, purgative, violence, killing the pagan in order to do Jesus’s will.

Which was like, not an easy sell because there’s a lot of like, messaging in the Bible around love your neighbor, love your enemy, turn the other cheek. Like, a lot of that stuff is not compatible. If you want to weaponize a religion and justify forever wars against, you know, Muslims and Jews and Christians against Christians. If you want to do that, you got to find a way to like, seriously redefine what it means to be a Christian. So that’s what Bernard, Claire Vo did with the Templar charter and that’s what Hitler did or whoever wrote this, the, the Reichs Bible, which is probably a team.

They were, they were doing the same thing. Well, like Mein Kampf, it was just interesting to learn that that was written by Jesuit when he was in prison. Like, so I thought it was just Hitler who wrote that book, but there’s always just different hands in the, the, the pot of what’s going on. And Trump’s picks, like, with the guy, I don’t really know too much what’s going on. I just see a lot of the Templar symbolism of like the dude’s tattoos and I’m just like, whoa. Oh my God, this is, this is wild. Yeah. Is he still, is he still a contender? Is he.

I wasn’t sure if at a certain Point he. He had gotten removed from being an appointee because of some sexual misconduct he had. Or is that. Is he still on the list? You know, I kind of have not looked and kind of tuned out of the politics. What is interesting though, that I do have a question for you and I know you have some screen share that you could do as well, but you wrote this book, which I have not read yet, and I’m excited. Like, the thing is, it’s like you read just a couple chapters, then you’re lost for a year on those chapters.

But the Venetian roots of Venice, now we got this thing called a Doge and it just reminds me of the Doge of Venice. What’s it called? The Department of Government Deficiency. Yeah. I don’t know if that ever makes you think of like the whole thing. Doge and. Oh, yeah, yeah. No, I think it’s a total joke. Yeah. And, and I think it. The official, like exoteric messaging that they’re putting out is that they’re saying, oh, it just means like they had Elon say, oh, it just means do good every day. That’s all it is. Don’t. Yeah, don’t look.

What? Dude, that’s funny. Yeah, no, I, I totally think that there’s probably a bit of a. There’s, there’s always multi layered aspects to some of these decisions, but I do think that you’re right to make that association with the, the, the system of the Doge. Have you ever been to Venice? No, I don’t want to go to Venice. I’m okay from a distance. It’s scary over there. Do you. Is. Do you think that the power structures still operate out of there or they don’t really care about a like nationality or national homeland? Oh, no, I do think that that’s probably a very influential hub to this very day, I believe.

Yeah. There’s so much to learn. There’s so much to learn. I don’t know much about it, but this, that’s my New Year’s goal is to go through this book. Cool. The Anglo Venetian. That’s. That’s my goal. All right, sweet. Yeah. So I mean that, that’s, that’s pretty much it for volume one. I mean, as far as the, the ancient. So it maps out just to be. So to recapitulate, it maps out the ancient mystery cults of Sibel Attis, Isis. The. The three dominant mystery cults that were at war with Christianity in the early years was Sibel Attis, Mithra and Isis, Isis, Serapis.

So it sort of like maps out, how they worked, what they were, how they worked to subvert first destroy Christianity from the outside, you know, Roman torches, stuff like that. And then when that didn’t work to subvert it from within. So kind of like a very similar thing as what happened to America, the United States, when the British Empire, which was basically just a Venetian takeover of England, that had happened a couple of centuries earlier. But when this, this thing couldn’t destroy America from physical force from the outside primarily, which was the case in the war of Rebel, the War of Independence, this, The War of 1812 was another effort to like burn Washington, destroy it by, by a torched earth policy.

When that didn’t work, they shifted gears and put more of their energy on subvert it from from within. Which became, you know, the Civil War was largely a foreign induced operation to destroy America with the help of, of Skull and Bones, Scottish right operatives from both the northern and southern, like both the abolitionist movement as well as the pro slavery movement at the same time working together as fake opposition to tear, to tear America apart from within. When that didn’t work because again, you still had smarter people than we have today who were able to utilize political power to keep things together.

When that failed, then the focus became a lot more directed towards cultural warfare, spiritual warfare primarily to destroy the minds and morals of the society and especially the military and political intelligence, like the intelligentsia that had to be targeted because that’s sort of the, the thing that will keep a society from collapsing, whether it’s in Rome. The Roman Republic. The thing that was always that made the Roman Republic difficult for a period to fully co opt by these mystery cults because it was a republic for about what, almost five centuries before it became an empire. And the biggest pain in the ass of the empire was the military and intelligence class.

That’s, that was able to carry a tradition of patriotism with an awareness of the nature of evil that was within and without. So that’s what they had to work to corrupt and destroy. And that was the point of creating the, the Mithra cults. Especially the Mithra cult was, it was only for the warrior class, it was only for men. And if you wanted to be at a certain point a legionnaire or a member of the Praetorian Guard, you had to be initiated into the Cult of Mithra with how which had a whole identity, a disassociative identity that would be baked into that experience for you, especially as you rose through the 7 degrees or 8 degrees of initiation.

There’s probably 8 or 9 degrees, actually. And, you know, that was utilizing the more masculine principle of the. Yeah, that’s the. That’s the symbol of. Of Mithra killing the bull looking over his shoulder to a solar deity on the one side of Helios, and the other side is usually a representation of the other deity, a lunar deity, a goddess deity like Sibel, who are always sort of conjoined in the. In the imagery. And it was always in underground caverns representing the sort of the womb of the Earth Mother. So it’s still kind of an Earth Mother cult.

Even though no women were allowed, though there was from. From the researchers I’ve looked at second, third degree. You know, there was an encouragement of tapping into your female energy. So there was a certain homosexual initiatory aspect of it later on there. There does seem to be evidence of bestialization is another part of the next phase. And even though biological men were only allowed to be in it, it did work in conjunction with the. The other cult, which would. Had a bit more of a feminine organizational process around the cult of Sibel Attis. Oh, yeah, yeah.

And the Skull and Bones decided that. I’m seeing you. You type in right now. Does have a direct reference to the cult of mithra, for sure. 100. Right. You got these. Let me get like. So I understand it’s the. The Roman. It was a republic, Rome was a republic, and then it turned into an empire. Then they built this mystery cult to give to the Roman soldiers this Mithra. And so that was sort of kind of how it it. These mystery cults kind of hijack these upper echelon, like military, like higher patriotic. And then the Skull and Bones did kind of the same thing here with the north and the south.

And they’re like straight connected symbolically to Mithra in a sense. I don’t know too much, but I do know that there is that connection. That’s why I pulled it up, because I. Well, they were. And this is where I’m doing a bit of research right now. And so I will just share notes. Right. Like. But I know I’m getting a sense that the Skull and Bones society is connected to the creation of the Cambridge Apostles, which also had its. Its creation in the same year in 1833. So the Cambridge Apostles seems to have been a more controlling hand behind the junior.

The junior branch of this oligarchy. Oh, this is 1820, so it’s a little bit earlier. Right. Whereas the skull and bones, 1833. Right. But there’s definitely some sort of a guiding hand and the Cambridge Apostles also seems to have a relationship with what’s known as the Phoenix Society of Oxford. Now the Phoenix Society was created in 1770s, 1780s and the Phoenix Society a lot there’s overlap of the membership, the families between them and the Apostles. The Phoenix Society themselves was run by, was created the same year that the, the Hellfire Club stopped existing. So yeah, it was Sir Francis Dashwood who was the, the head of the hellfire club for 40 years.

His nephew, another Dashwood was the founder of the Phoenix Society. So there’s, and that we know the Hellfire Club was itself a Rosicrucian Mithraic sort of cult set up to take control of England. As England was being transformed from being an authentic nation into an empire that oversaw the creation, the infusion of these occult kabbalists, Rosicrucians like John Dee, Robert Flood later on, Francis Bacon later on, you know, so part of that involves the creation of an occult branch of espionage that baked itself into and corrupted the minds and morals of the intelligentsia. Some of them, some of the better people had to be killed.

Some of them could be corrupted. I’m saying when I say the better people, I’m talking about, you know, people like Cardinal Morton or, or Thomas More had to be just outright murdered. Other ones had to be expelled like, like Erasmus or some were corrupted. And all of that having these, these elitist exotic clubs, you know, that, that were, that, that had, that brought its members closer to positions of real power was something that was a seduction for too many younger people, which they fell into. So that’s one of the, one of the uses. There’s many. But one of the uses is the exclusivity factor to corrupt the minds and morals of the elites of a society you want to take over so that they willfully become like, look at, you know, this, the third, fourth generation kids of a lot of the American founding fathers who gave so much and risked so much in the War of Independence.

Then you look at like John Quincy Adams, sons and grandsons and they’re the most terrible satanic human beings in the world. You’re like, how could you just, you know, like let go of your family tradition? That to that extent it’s pathetic and sad, but that’s the one, one of the ways it works. So all that to say that’s the, that’s kind of the cycle. That’s the cycle, yeah. So you really have to find a way. That’s why you really need a really high quality culture that can pass on the, the moral Values in a way which is non, not strong.

Strict like good culture is playful, but it’s also rigorous. Like Beethoven said when describing his method, he’s like, I’m, I’m as, I strive to make music as rigorous as it is free. So you have to have that liberating freedom. And the, the oligarchical cultures, the way that they, they control themselves because they have to self control. They got to permeate this, this unnatural sense of identity into future generations. That ain’t easy to do when it’s, when it’s so out of whack with common sense and basic matters of conscience. So what they gotta, they gotta do is make cultural movements that are either totalitarian strict on the one side.

So you got like a lot of the boarding school experiences of rich kids at Eton College, which is highly abusive, or in these hyper strict Anglican, you know, cultures that produced Aleister Crowley. Like look at the, the strict Plymouth Brethren cult, this Christian cult that produced all of these Satanists. There was many Satanists that came out of the Plymouth Brethren. But it, it produces that effect because it’s so rigidly strict and kids are induced to be terrified that they’re gonna like burn in hell forever because they thought about boobies, whatever. And you do that enough to enough kids.

Some kids are going to come out of that process as practitioners of the strict formalism, the soul deadening formalism, and they’ll just carry on that abuse. A lot of other kids are going to come out as rebels, you know, Luciferian rebels to that tyrannical force that says no, I’m going to do the opposite game, you know. And there you have people like Aleister Crowley coming out saying okay, I believe in the general cosmology. And he, and to the end of his days he maintained his, his adherence to John Nelson Darby, the founder of the Plymouth Brethren’s general cosmology of premillennial dispensationalism and rapture.

He believed that and he described it, but he just said no. Instead of trying to be on the side of angels, I just decided to side with the Antichrist to channel that instead. That’s John Nelson Darby. Yeah, the guy who founded the current Rapture theory that’s so dominant amongst so many Christian communities. Yeah, I mean this is where it gets so interesting. Like the truth is stranger than fiction. Like how would you, like, how could you put that like together that will be done as well, is Crowley, who got that from this Hellfire club, who got it from the assassin, everything’s permissible and this is interesting.

He was born on November 18, which is a day that pops up a lot. It’s the three, two, two day of the year. It’s the day that Adam Weish hop of the Illuminati died. And it’s also since we were talking about UFOs, I wanted to bring up the drones in New Jersey. That’s the day it started, was on November 18th. And they make sure to write the sightings begin on November 18th. So just an interesting day. And I think that even though it sounds like wild, but I do think that they pick certain days for ritual.

And it seems like Evila, he was into the K Yuga cycle or something like that. So like astrology plays a role in a lot and this is just something that I’ve noticed quite a bit. It does. And yeah, like they, the, these astrologer types, like they, they do really, to what degree at the end of the day does the upper echelon, like the top level management believe in the things that they promote? I’m uncertain, but definitely they, they think in terms of ages and aeons. They don’t think in terms of decades or even centuries. They do think in like for example, you know.

Well, I won’t show that but how long is an age, would you say? Well, it depends on the, the cultural theory, but you know, like from an astronomical standpoint and the procession of the equinox, it’s a little over 2000 years from like this is where you have, you know, like we had been, we are still in the age of Pisces and that’s sort of like where you have the rising. So there’s something called, so the press, the procession of the equinox is like over 24,000 years. Where you know, you could look at where the sun is rising in the, in the early morning compared to the backdrop of the celestial sphere of the night sky.

And you know, it could be rising every morning in Leo and it will do that for a sustained period until at a certain point it’ll, it’ll start moving and rising in Taurus or whatever one is next to the, the Age of the Bull. So that’s like one of the theories of like why. Because there’s many theories about like why is Mithra killing the bull? Some people say it was because maybe the Mithra cult was created to usher in or to exit the age of Taurus. That’s one theory. I, I don’t, I don’t think it’s just one thing that might be one of the, the possible truths Astrology all above him right here.

Exactly. Yeah. There’s. There’s almost always some, Some representation of the astronomical. Like the 12. Yeah. Astronomical signs with Mithra inside of the Mithram, the underground caverns. So that’s possible, but. So the idea is that we’re. We’re now entering the Age of Aquarius, which was sort of the template for the creation of the baby boomer generation that was sort of targeted for social engineering. The kids born after World War II that were sort of the second iteration of the Wunder Vogels of Germany. So what they did to create the hard killer SS of Germany in the earlier pre World War I period with the Wunder Vogel back to nature movement is sort of what they tried to retool and do it again, but with the entirety of the transatlantic youth, this time around Europe and North America especially, that were given heavy doses of, of hedonistic sensualism wrapped with nihilistic philosophies of Sartre, of Derrida and other.

Other philosophers that basically had Nietzsche that had a very existential world view that in conjunction. So if you have a spiritually psychospiritually vapid way of intellectualizing the purpose of creation and being on the one hand, and then you have a hypersensual sex, drugs and rock and roll lifestyle that you’re being sort of fed with at the same time as the world is being driven more crazy and like, you know, your, your brothers are coming back in body bags from wars that America should never have been in. And your heroes, like people who are good people like Martin Luther King are being killed in jfk, are being murdered.

You don’t know what, you don’t know how to, how to make sense of that type of world. So you can obviously easily become a very, very disjointed person who has an unhealthy relationship to the sensual, hedonistic side of, of being and, and a sick. No ability to answer the questions of why this is all happening because you’re. You’ve got a whole bunch of philosophers promoted in your schools through UNESCO, through the new takeover of our schooling systems that happened in the 50s and 60s that are produced promoting the reading of, of Aldous Huxley or Catcher in the Rye, you know, as like mandatory reading, which is designed to make you like again, confused and, and misanthropic.

That, that’s the point of those stories and the point of those authors who are both, including J.D. salinger, who was, who was working with American intelligence. He was tied to the CIA, you know, Aldous Huxley was not warning us of shit. He was like part of the eugenics transhumanist movement that oversaw the creation of Esalen. He directly spot like oversaw the creation of the Esalen Institute that was sort of a new mithraic hub inside of America to oversee the transformation of the military. It was Esalen the directly. And this is also in book volume one of the series is how Esalen worked with the Stanford Research Institute in order to, you know, create psychic soldiers, paranormal investigations in the military that brought in the revolution, the revolution of military affairs.

And you had people like, like Colonel Thomas Aquino, sorry, Colonel Michael Aquino, who directly saw himself as the inheritor, the. The reincarnation of Aleister Crowley. He, he emulated himself on Crowley entirely. He believed he was the Antichrist. And just like Crowley thought that he was ushering in the age of Horus, this, this, this thousand year Reich of Darkness, so too did Aquino give it his own twist, but believed, you know, that he was ushering in the age of Seth, which why he created the Temple of Set that worked closely with. With Anton lavey’s Church of Satan.

And so this guy Aquino, who was a Green Beret Operation Phoenix Leader, worked very closely with Edward Lansdale, worked very closely with other people who, who were tied to the Scientology movement around Hal Putoff at the Stanford Research Institute. These guys oversaw Mind wars, the, the again the sponsorship of Psychic Soldiers, the Star wars, the. The Jedi Knight, the Jedi Warrior program inside of the US Military at Fort Bragg. And yeah, so that. And that became what oversaw and indoctrinated a new age of. Of military elite that went on to do the planning for Iran Contra, for desert storm, for 9, 11.

Now we’re several generations for Qanon by the way, also was Michael Aquino and this other guy, Paul Vallee and this third one. Yeah, you got a book on that or an article on that that goes deep into the whole queue? Yeah, well the, the third guy in that story that plays a big role is, is Steve Pietzenuk who is an assistant to Henry Kissinger and Cyrus Vance and another secretary of. Of def. Of Secretary of State of the U. S. So this guy was assistant secretary of. Of three high level players. He was Trilateral Commission. He became like Alex Jones’s guru some years ago.

And it seems to me that he was like the, the key coordinator of the. He co wrote creative like predictive programming books with Tom Clancy. Like he co wrote 10 books with Tom Clancy. So you know, these guys are practicing creative writing and how to like give off stories that Would that. Like we’re talking about with the Illuminati thing, right? Like. Like how they would create stories that would capture a certain degree of truthfulness about the real conspiracies, but then it inoculate people from becoming potent by understanding what it was that they were looking at. So there are conspiracies for good and for bad in history, including in today.

You know, you got people conspired to make things happen. And these guys, what they started doing is they. They started promoting a narrative that would take the basic precepts of Theosophy, the belief that the world is shaped by a great white lodge of white hats and a great black lodge of black hats operating with. Between angels and demon forces. And. And that’s what people like Winston Churchill believe. Milner believed that. Nestor Webster, like all of these Theosophist types, Oswald Mosley believed in the great white lodge of ascended masters interfacing with the elites through Rosicrucian initiations that you could access through Lucidian mysteries if you’re one of the white hats, and if you’re not, and then you’d speak in coded language using, like, sort of Kabbalistic reductive symbolism in your language of communication, which only an elite could know because you.

You pass through the tests and you have the cipher. So with the cipher that you’ve gotten, you can then interpret what’s being said that other people couldn’t because they don’t have the cipher. The cipher. And that’s the way, like, systems have always been managed by the Empire for thousands of years. It’s. It’s all. It’s all. That’s. That, that’s the value of cipher. That’s why they hate Edgar Allan Poe. So Edgar Allan Poe, who comes up in my volume three. So the stamp. We were talking about this. Oh, my God, there’s the. The horns are honking. I guess it’s like an American thing for New Year’s or what? No, it’s.

Somebody’s car alarms going off. It’s, It’s. It’s good now, but. Yeah, we’re gonna have fireworks. It’s gonna be wild for sure tonight. I’ll cover the New Year’s. They always do a big ritual, it seems like, with celebrities. So I’ll be keeping an eye out on all of it. But the real New Year’s, I look at it through the. The Chinese zodiac, mostly. The Dragon Year will end on January 28th, so I kind of look at things astrologically through there. The Jewish New Year happened months ago. So there’s new years for different calendars, lunar calendar and. But anyway, you were talking about.

Well, that’s, that’s kind of like why I find it. Sorry, I’m just on that note, that’s why I kind of find there the, the occult obsession with carrying out activity based upon calendar and astronomical systems. Well, astronomical would make more sense to me with, you know, you. I would imagine that more, more messed up things happen on let’s say a solar eclipse, you know, versus any other random day or like when there’s particular like planets in alignment or in certain conjunctures or certain having certain, you know, like internal angular meanings, like 60 degrees or 45 degrees or something like I could see them.

That makes more sense to me why they would make those decisions. But for those decisions that are made purely. And they are. I agree with you on like November. What’d you say? Third? November 18th. November 18th. Yeah. Or September 11th, just for the sake of the numbers. It’s kind of a joke to me because it’s like it’s all arbitrary at the end of the day. Like just the fact that you even have that. It’s that choice of calendar system. You know, it could have been the Julian calendar, the Gregorian calendar. It’s. We’re constantly tweaking the things with, with daylight savings times and you know, in broader cycles, everything’s getting off, shifted with.

Whenever you try to impose one of these, these, these formal systems of number onto. Onto planetary motions, nothing kind of works perfectly. So it is arbitrary. But they do take it seriously. I agree. It’s just a bit of a. I, I chuckle a bit. Yes. And, and like you can see it with the Economist magazine. I don’t know if you ever look into those covers how it seems the. They call it future gazing. So they’re forecasting. But is it like a predictive programming or is it just a way that they can sell, you know, their, their issues more? But there seems to be some kind of eerie connections to events that happen with their covers.

And there’s this conjunction of like six planets or something happening this year right before the inauguration in America on January 20th. So it’s something I’ve been looking at for a while. I think that there’s something to it. It’s. It’s interesting and it sparks like it’s part of that. The fun as well. I like what you were talking about, how a society, they got to know how to be strict and also be a little, have a little fun. I have too much fun. I need to. My Friend tells me to. I need to get my head on my ass and start working.

And so I, I’ve. And I could see that. So this year, January, I’m gonna be working hard. That’s gonna be my thing is I’m gonna go, go harder on the working. And we were talking about cleaning and like also like feng shui and just having a clean home. There’s a reflection to the mental health as well that things are better when they’re organized as well. So there, there is something going on. This has been just an awesome conversation and we only covered like the first book. I want to know about, I want to know about Edgar Poe a little.

Yeah. And that, that, that dovetails off of what we were just saying before. The, the little mini break is that ciphers in cryptology is very important for the, the sorcerers. So the way that these occult mystery schools maintain continuity is by always keeping the allure, the mystique of secret knowledge noble only through some, some experience of gnosis for an inner elite. And everybody wants to be part of the inner club. You want to be part of the inner ring. So you’re always gonna like, like the Scientologists who have defected, you know, we hear stories of like how much work they had to do, how much testing they had to go through, how much money they had to pay in order to like go to the next level in this multi phase initiatory system of OT, like operating thetan 1 to 9, then all of the grades above that and, and, and you hear them talking about how they were, they were shocked and kind of disappointed in many cases about the story of, you know, like oh, the big secret has been that there was this galactic federation and all of these dematerialized alien beings were sent down locked up in volcanoes and like, you know, got blown up with, with hydrogen bombs and are.

And then the next phase like oh, and by the way, they’re, they’re occupied occupying our bodies and every particle and we’re, we’re all inhibited, inhabited by billions of these foreign alien entities that are trying to cause us to, to be unnatural and that we can, we can heal ourselves and shed kind of like an exit, an exorcism. Right. If we go along with L. Ron Hubbard’s for a small fee. Huh, For a small fee we can, for a small. And you always just pay a little bit more and you always do a little bit more and, and you’re always chasing the dragon because you’re always promised.

But it’s going to be satisfying in the Next phase. So just push through, take the pain and, and then you’ll really be enlightened and everybody wants to be. Get that gnosis. And maybe some of them are happy, maybe some of them like, you know, doors are opened in power and fame and money and they’re, you know, become a Tom Cruise who’s like all in. But a lot of them aren’t, you know, there’s always perpetually dissatisfied and hungry for what’s behind the next door. So it’s kind of one of the techniques that have been developed over the millennia has been the utilization of ciphers.

And the cipher is a powerful tool because like, like cryptography in general, right? Not partially. I mean it’s powerful for good and for bad as far as just espionage. Carrying out, you know, coordinating activity amongst broad, sweet. Like, you know, if you’re separated by dozens or hundreds of miles or thousands of miles with people you need to collaborate with and along the way your messages could be captured by the enemy. Yeah, use a cipher. Great. That’s how the American Revolution happened. That’s how everything good have ever happened. But inversely, they could, they all, they will also use that because you can make a cipher based on anything, right? Whatever the key is, you just make the key and then all of a sudden whoever controls the original key can make ciphers and ciphers within ciphers and ciphers within ciphers, within ciphers.

And then you could put those out, you know, so that people will try to decrypt Crowley’s Book of the Law, which is, which is a cipher which, which does have several degree, like layers of cipher key associated with the Book of the Law that he so called had transmitted by Eowa, some demon through his scarlet, you know, woman witch in 1904 that gave him the Lima. But so you read it and there’s like one exoteric reading for the uninitiated. And then if you have one of the keys, then you can be, you could see another set of codes.

You know, look at every 30, 30 second letter, you know, and just add them all together. You’ll get a different set of messages and then, you know, you got another key that will be even higher and that’ll take like every, every 13th letter added, you know, plus three for every third set. And then, you know, you, you subtract another seven and then, you know, like it can be, it can get quite elaborate. But all I have to say, Edgar Allen Poe was doing. That’s why I made him the sort of subject the gateway into volume three of the book where he was showcased, he mastered like principles of cryptography very, very well.

And he was, he was himself, as I make the case in the first chapter, a member of America’s Society of the Cincinnati, which was sort of a Republican society that was at war with the Rosicrucian takeover of the American lodges. So he was part of that. He’s a third generation American. His grandfather was an assistant to George Washington, David Poe. And Hugh himself was very, very immersed. Like much as Benjamin Franklin was recruited by Cotton Mather a couple of like a century and a bit earlier. So too was, was Poe, oh, about a century earlier, recruited by these patriotic forces around John Quincy Adams, around Henry Clay, to, to be a part of this, in this international movement to actualize the ideals of 1776.

But in 1830 when he had come out of West Point, he was operational within France at the time where Marquis Lafayette had a big network including Samuel, Samuel Finley, Cooper Morse. So you had, you had, you had Samuel Morse, the guy who develops the Morse code, who was also a painter, who was part of this network operating within France. You had. Yeah, that’s him. You had Cooper, the James Fenmore Cooper was also in France at the same time, who was a literary figure who was exposing for Americans, right, making like literature that would help Americans understand through art the nature of the Venetian methods which he does in things like the.

Bravo. So Cooper, yeah, that’s the Morse code system that he popularized and developed quite a bit. James Fenimore Cooper, like I said, was a multi generational Society of Cincinnatus member. And he as well, if you read his writings, he’s exposing the Venetian operations, he’s exposing the Swiss, Anglo Venetian operations as well in, in many of his so called fictional books. And they were all closely tied together. He was, they were all friends together, working together, encounter espionage. So Poe is a master cryptographer, he’s a mathematician, but he’s also a poet. And that’s as he makes the point in his Purloined letter and many of his short stories.

He makes the clear point that if you were just a mathematician, you would be an incompetent thinker. If you’re just a poet or just an artist, you would be incompetent at carrying out any type of political intelligence. But the most effective human being is he who develops both at the same time as best as possible and so has that rigorous discipline that you could only get if you can really immerse yourself in an understanding of physics and science, but at the same time a playfulness that only the creative poet can have, by being able to bounce around and play with those ideas and not just be so rigidly obedient to the formulas themselves.

And so what he does, Poe is he’s challenging his readers to send him encrypted messages that he unravels every week as the editor of various magazines in America. He’s, that’s what’s making him famous. He’s like, I, nobody could beat me. And he does, he figures it out every single time. And on top of that, he’s showcasing what his methods are that a lot that he’s making the point anybody can do this if they put their minds to it. He also does a short story called the Gold Bug. And in the Gold Bug, it’s a, it’s, it’s a cipher.

Like the whole thing is to this very day a very elaborate cipher that he challenges people. He’s like, this is the way to hone your mind. If you’re going to be an involved in counterintelligence, you need to be able to decipher, decipher things like the Gold Bug story, which to this very day there’s scholars who still haven’t figured it out. Like they’re, they’re still trying to like unravel what he did. Wow. Yeah. So you got all of this stuff that Poe is doing on every level. And so I tried to tell the story utilizing both a mixture of his poems of his more famous stories to get across that number one, the image of him as this morbid death fixated opium addict is a, or laudanum, whatever the hallucinogenic drug was that they say he was addicted to.

That’s a complete fiction created by his enemies. None of that’s true. He’s actually one of the most noble souls I’ve ever experienced reading my life. Such a power. And, and they did kill him. They assassinated him. Which is also why I called it the, the Last mystery or Poe’s last. What did I call it? Edgar Poe’s Final Mystery. Yeah. Wow. And, and I, you know, what I tried to do over the course of several chapters is I took his Tales of Ratiocination. So the, this method of analysis that, that combines the poetic faculties and the scientific faculties exhibited in the figure that he created.

Inspector Charles Dupain is this investigator, he invest. He created the true crime novel like the, the idea of the, the detective novel. He created that, that, that entire genre. Wow. Yeah. And what was that book called or that poem? There were three, three Inspector Dupain stories that Poe created. One was yeah, and one was. I remember you talking about this on our last podcast. Right? Yes, yes, it’s coming back. Okay. Yeah. So these tales, they, they came through studies of debunking mystics and spiritualists that were trying to convince Americans that machines could think for themselves and could ultimately replace humans.

Sound familiar? That’s hilarious. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah, you had these things called the, the Turk. The Turk checks. The chess playing Turk, which was promoted by this, this fellow, this, this Masonic occultist named Male Male Zell. And he was an Austrian Viennese enemy of Beethoven who was touring this robot that I think he plagiarized. I think he stole a robot. It was originally created just for entertainment, you know, and, and the robot could play chess. And the idea was. And there were many of these robots created. They were called Automaton and they would tour Europe and tour the courts and tour.

They started touring America in the, in the 1830s. And Poe was pissed because a lot of people were becoming seduced thinking, oh, this, this, these machines are beating really good human chess players. And, and people started thinking, well, I guess the machine is either that we are just machines that are inferior to, to these better quality machines, or these machines are infused by some spiritual ghostly force, which in both cases, whichever extreme of the spectrum you. You chose to go with it was both going to be destructive. And what Poe does is he demonstrates in his Malezil’s Chess Player short story in I think it’s 1839 or 1840, that the thing is a hoax.

And he, he demonstrates that there must be a human being operating within the body of the machine itself that’s making it work. And he goes through how that, that, that hoax works. And his, his proof is so concise and so explosively true and reasonable that it destroys this operation. And nobody goes to see the chess players anymore in America or the. Right. And you saying, how does this sound familiar? It’s, it’s like totally familiar too, with the chess in the neural link, how the first person who got this new neural link is playing chess and all the imagery is like this chess thing.

Like, what if this isn’t even like real? Like it’s just a, a fictional story. Or maybe it is real, I don’t know. But it’s funny. It’s so easy to fake. Like I. If it is. Okay, so. And Paul makes this point too. If people read his Male’s little chess player, it’s maybe like 10 pages. It’s not a long, it’s not a long thing, but he makes the Point that even if this machine is beating humans at chess, that’s still not a proof that the machine is better than humans because chess itself is fake creativity. It’s all based on rigid rules and a closed system where human beings are not limited to that type of fixed rigidity or closed system thinking.

Human beings can break out of that when we’re creative. And it’s only when we’re not creative and our creative powers are broken that we think like computers and then we can become demoralized. Suppose, like, even on that level, it wouldn’t be. It’s a failure. But he’s like, on a deeper level, I can prove that there is a dude who is a human inside of the machine playing this thing. And they have, like, doors that open with, like, elaborate gears. And he makes the point, like, these elaborate gears because, you know, this. This dude, male zill, who’s touring like a.

Like a magician and showing the audience, look, there’s nothing in the machine. There’s three doors, and he opens each door individually, and each door that opens it has these gears. And Po makes the point. Like, the gears have no role to play in the machine. Like you. They’re useless gears. They’re just there for optics. There’s no justification. When you ask him, why are those gears the way they are, he has no answer. So it’s. It’s just there to hide the person who’s behind the gears. There’s nothing. It’s not filled with anything. Right. That’s a little demonstration right there and all that to say.

So in the case of this. This neuralink guy, how easy would it be for some other actual master chess player or whatever to be operating the thing? And he’s just, for whatever reason, playing along like, it all depends upon us believing that everybody’s honest in this game. So I got a funny image I took of the. The guy. And because the neural link, it’s. It would seem like it’s like a mark of the beast. And they interviewed the guy. This is the first guy that gets the neural link. And he’s got, like, the original American flag.

Flag. He’s got a cross on his hat. I’ve never seen anyone wear a cross on their hat. But he’s like this typical, like, Christian American who gets the neural link, which would be like, the market would be. I feel like there’s a lot of. Yeah. Propaganda. They’re marketing it for a certain target audience. Yeah, that’s what it seems like. Yeah. I could identify with that guy. Yeah. No, exactly. So Edgar Allen Poe, Sherlock Holmes. That. What. What’s that all about? That was to. To destroy Ed Ground Pose Dupin. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Well, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle represents everything that Poe fought against as far as his personality as an imperialist, a devoted race, race patriot who was, you know, an admirer of Cecil Rhodes.

He was a member of the, A leading member of the Hermetic Order of the golden dawn along with Aleister Crowley. He. He was a leading member of the Society for Psychical Research as well. And from my assessment, the guy was a complete sociopath. I think he was also very much involved within the occult ritual of the Jack the Ripper murders in Whitechapel, London in 1888. And he develops the character of Sherlock Holmes as a vicious sort of parody of Inspector Charles Dupain by Poe earlier. And in the case of Sherlock Holmes, like it was proven by none other than Harry Houdini himself, who was a sort of frenemy of Doyle.

Some years later. Houdini was an actual follower of Poe and Poe’s method. So Poe’s spirit is really living on. Not in a, not in a. In an esoteric way, but I mean in the sense that Houdini was doing and inspired by Poe’s method of ratiocination. That was his method of creative analysis. That’s his purpose as an American patriot. Debunking this new spiritualist religion that was being promulgated inside of America with, you know, people going to channelers, necromancers, you know, people operating Ouija boards and astrologers that were penetrating Washington D.C. calvin Coolidge had his own personal astrologer.

You had these sort of real society witches being brought into the White House, being brought into, you know, all of these things. And, and it was really designed and to create a new, a new Gnostic revival to replace conventional schools of traditional morality and that in the case of America that were embodied within the, the Judeo Christian ethic that saw that there was one God that were made in the image of one God. Not many gods, but one God that. That has purpose and infuses reason and beauty into the universe. And that concept that also rejects child sacrifice, human sacrifice, which is very big in the Old Testament.

Like anybody who reads the Old Testament, Book of Kings, Leviticus, read Chronicles, you’re going to see a theme of prophets attacking Baphomet, not Baffman, sorry, baal, the cult of Moloch, the idea of, of sacrificing your children to the gods, that is attacked vehemently. It’s probably the most effective form of counterattack against the system of human sacrifice ever before. And then it was taken even further with Christianity in the story that, you know, we don’t have to sacrifice living things at all because, you know, you got the, the new, the new lore that, you know, Jesus was the final sacrifice.

You don’t need to, we don’t have to do any of that anymore. We can move on now to the, to the more mature phase of being human. So that’s something that the oligarchy never forgave Jews or Christians for. And they’ve been like really working hard to destroy that. So this is what was being done by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle when he was trying to create this new revival. And this is what Harry Houdini was debunking by demonstrating that it wasn’t secret powers that were being wielded by many of these necromancers and mediums. It was. And he, he was basically saying, look, I could do exactly what they can do, whether it’s on the magic, magic tricks or whether it’s on channeling, whatever they.

They’re doing, I can do it, but I can, I can do it for reasons that are reasonably understandable by everybody. And he showcases how those are. So he’s, he’s, he’s taking you into the sausage factory, showing you how the sausages are made and bringing everyone in for that journey. And which is why they also had like, like they had to kill Poe. They had to kill Houdini. But Houdini was also a big fan of Poe and he made the point that, that Doyle plagiarized many of his Sherlock Holmes stories, including his first one letter Studies in Scarlet from Edgar Allan Poe’s Purloined Letter by Dupain, which is the story of like.

Right. Oh, is he part of the Knights of Malta too? Probably, yeah. That’s on his Wikipedia. Is it really? Yeah. Okay, There you go. Well, a lot of these high level guys, they’re. They. The Knights of Malta, The Knights of St. John, which is the same thing. They tend to be just funny. Like that’s how I look at. I see the symbols and I’m like, I’m just on the. Conan his Wikipedia. Got that. Wow. Yeah. So yeah. All that to say. So Poe deep like he destroyed the. Just like Houdini did later. Poe did so much to destroy this, this pagan Gnostic revival that the transcendentalists that were then under the sway of the, the northern jurisdiction of the Scottish rite, people like Ralph Waldo Emerson, it was like a Thoreau, Henry David Thoreau were All like members of this, this movement that was also very closely aligned to the growth of the spiritualist movement of the Fox Sisters and you know, the ghost wrappings, all these things that were becoming a craze.

It grew out of the Second Great Awakening through the, the state of New York in the burnt over district where you had all of these religious cults that were just like coming online left and right. The Oneida cults that later on produced the assassin that killed James Garfield. All of these like, you know, proto communist cults where they would just like abolish private property and everybody was allowed to have sex with everybody. And you know, you always had this, this top guru. Like in the case of the Oneida cult, it was this, this Yale Divinity School guy, Noyes, who is, you know, this new messiah type of character, like a Charles Manson types.

They had these all over America. In Buffalo, they had them in Toronto, they had them everywhere. And some of them were producing a lot of more anarchists, I would say most of them were anarchist utopian societies that would produce a lot of anarchist assassins. They had them in Europe as well. They had them in Serbia, they had them all over Russia that people like Mikhail Bakunin and Prince Kropotkin were overseeing. In America, you had Emma Goldman managing one of these communes that produced the killer of McKinley. In Russia, you had a bunch that, that produced killers that killed many Russian leaders, including the two czars.

Three czars. Well, two proven, the other one not proven, but I think so. Germany, same. So all that to say this is what Poe was. Was at war with. And, and so I, What I tried to do in that third volume is showcase what this was, what was also the, the unsolved mystery that Poe tried to solve. But I think he, he knew that there were things that couldn’t be said at that time. It was too hot to go the full distance regarding the murder of Mary Roget, which was the, the second tale of ratiocination in 1842, which was a woman who he directly knew, who was part of an intel.

A counterintelligence circle in New York, who dies a ritualistic murder. And that, that. That’s actually there? Yeah. The thing your mouse is moving over on the COVID of my book is the location of her murder in Hoboken, New Jersey, right across the Hudson River. And it was a tourist spot that was known as Sybil’s Cave. It was. They’ve. Since they’ve buried a big, A big chunk of the cave. So it used to be lower by like 10ft. Lower. And they’ve rebuilt the entrance in recent years. Yeah, that’s it right there. And you can click on it and go down a little bit.

Yeah, that’s a drawing of what it looked like back then again tourist spot. It had like an underground creek under the cave that would sell sort of mineral water that would have superpowers. And it was right next to. It was connected to another thing called the Lucinian fields. These. Yeah. And it was sponsored by the, the family. This, this. I believe they’re a traitorous family, but today they’re still very powerful. So there’s only so much I could say about them. But it’s the Stevens clan. Colonel Stevens III was the overseer of this property. He owned most of Hoboken, N.J.

and him and his kids, I believe that their carryover Hellfire Club members built this thing. And it was a direct homage to the original Sybil’s Cave in the Apennine Mountains, which was the fabled location of the 11th Sybil of the ancient world that was outlined by Aeneas. And you know, you had the, the Delphic Sybil A Sybil is basically a channeler of real witch. That’s. That’s all it is. It’s a channeler and somebody who’s, who goes into a usually psychedelic, you know, high. There’s all sorts of different, you know, mushrooms or opiates or, you know, there’s, there’s, there’s proto LSD that was abundant in the ancient world around which you can get a hallucinogenic trip.

And so these, these symbols were women who were put into a high. They were induced to mumble a bunch of cryptic messages that were interpreted by a priesthood and that was then given to kings and generals to go to war or to make peace or whatever. And, and that tradition carried on even after these, these cults were outlawed at the Council of Nicaea. They carried on. And so one of the locations that became a central hub in the, in the old world, especially in the medieval times, was the, the, the Apennine Mountains in right above Nursia, which is an area in Italy very close to the, the coast of Amalfi actually, which is where you have the, the, the source of the Knights of Malta cross.

That’s the, that’s the Amalfi. That’s the Amalfi symbol or emblem. They, that also was sort of a. For a period of a few centuries. It was one of the rivals of Venice and it was the owner of the, the Isle of Capri for a few centuries. And that’s sort of the, the Mithraic hub. That’s where Tiberius had his sacred orgies and and human sacrifice campaigns was in the Isle of Capri. That’s where today you have like Beyonce and Jay Z have a big estate there and they have a lot of underground caverns and stuff on in, in Capri.

So I think it’s still like a, a big hub of occultism even now. But yeah, so inertia, you have a mountain system where the original happening Sybil had Sybil’s Cave and due to some earthquakes it got taken down in the 60s. But it’s known even on their, on their official government tourist website of the Apennine Mountains today which is below the Apennine Mountains you have the Elysinian Fields or the Elysian Fields and you have a lake called the Lack of Pilato. So Pilate’s Lake named after Pontius Pilate who oversaw the killing of Jesus on behalf of I think it was his uncle in law or something who was Tiberius, who is the, the emperor who, who gave the order.

Again people, people often just like blame, blame the Jews but it was actually a top down decision by the, the Helios man God overseer of the cults, Tiberius who ran his headquarters at the Isle of Capri and had his, his nephew in law Pontius Pilate carry out the order to kill the figure of Jesus at that time. That should receive the majority of the blame. And in that killing. And anyway Pontius Pilate as the story goes had his body bear or there was his body was buried at that lake under the Apennine mountain with the 11th sipple in Nursia.

So this is where on their website, on their official website that I cite extensively people go to it but it’s also in my book they, they admit that that was the center of the black mass of the medieval times. They admit that that’s where you had the surviving Cathars and Templars go and carry out the rit Admit that that’s where you had human sacrifices in the 13th, 14th centuries. They admit this. They take pride in this actually. But then they say oh, but it was mostly white witches who were there just trying to do herbalism and herbal remedies.

But they were like. But there was also this other stuff too which is also part of our tradition that we should, we should embrace. And within, within that the original Sybil’s Cave, there’s also the emblems engraven into the cave itself. Of that I couldn’t find. I can only find descriptions of them. Of Rosicrucian symbolism and especially the, the number, the. The date of the mythical birth of Christian Rosenkreuz, the, the fictional creator of the Rosicrucian movement that was given sort of new coloring in the. The 16th century with the Venetian occult takeover of England. So that’s also part of.

It’s baked into the Sybil’s Lodge that inspired the, you know, the little site that. That is the location of Mary Rogers murder, which was again a very ritualistic murder. Her. Her fiance, who also seems to be closely tied to the Poe circles engaged in counter. Counter intelligence in America, also dies there two months later, supposedly suicide. But I really don’t believe that that’s true at all. Same location. So anyway, this is, this is part of the Revenge against the Poke, the PO network and it culminates. So what got me, what really caught my attention was that the way the media of New York in the 1840s was covering the murder of Mary Rogers, it was the first mass media blitz height that caused the psychology of all of the American people to become obsessed with mass murderers, with deep, unnecessarily gruesome descriptions of her mutilated corpse like.

So they, it really like worked on the culture, the psyche of the people to introduce a morbidity within. Within the population, which I think is a component of how the oligarchy corrupts the minds and morals of a society and also shapes ideas of what human nature is. What are we capable of? You know, this serial killer phenomenon is another one where we, A lot of people have been led to believe that there’s this naturally emerging property of being human called serial killers, that are just people born genetically with no conscience, that are just naturally narcissistic, that want to just kill for the sake of the pleasure of it, for no other reason.

And it’s like for all of these cases of serial killers, when you scratch back more critically behind the official narratives of whether it’s the Zodiac killer or whether it’s Jack the Ripper or whether it’s the. The murders at the Sybil’s Cave, there’s always this unnatural occult practice behind it that is not an organically emergent phenomenon. It’s always tied to intelligence operations that are Son of Sam and all that. Yeah, even Michael Aquino was. It seems. I’m pretty. I’m increasingly persuaded. Was it leading organizer of the Zodiac murders in 66, 67? Oh, for sure. I never thought about that.

But that makes total sense. Yeah. Or the gay John Wayne Gacy. It seems like there was a network with him and a network with Dahmer and they kind of show it in the Netflix show how the police just let him do it. They knew what he was doing and they just were like, oh, continue. Kind of. And they have a satanic altar. Well, I mean, like, it doesn’t say that’s what’s going on, but like, that’s what it. It seems like. But, you know, Netflix is like super woke. So it was kind of just the be like the police are terrible kind of thing.

But this is so interesting, the whole serial killer thing and the assassin of this Luigi guy, guy that carried out this thing in New York on Jay Z’s birthday where they light up the Christmas tree under. Over a Promethean statue at Rockefeller Center. I’m sure you’ve heard that. That story out here. There. There was this assassin who killed this like a CEO of a health insurance thing. Yeah. And people are like worshiping the guy, just like they worship the Charles Manson or. Or whatever it is, or O.J. simpson. I remember when I was a kid, O.J.

simpson was like the popular court case. There’s all the different court cases and trials that just capture. I’m not sure if it’s just America, but it captures the mind of Amer America, the television shows. And this is interesting. So was this before or after Jack the Ripper? This is a solid 45 years. 47 years before Jack the Ripper. So she dies. Wow. In 1841. 47 years before. Like a solid. Because that’s the masonic compass. The 47 masonic compass. So who knows? Yeah, maybe, man. I don’t know. The Ripper was like a Masonic, like, signature and stuff like that, right? Yeah.

No, I mean, it’s. It’s actually. We could show a picture of that. Let me. Let me do a little screen share. Okay. Because this. That was what caught my attention with this thing was that academic. Academic researchers talking about Sybil’s murder and the media hype around it. Oh, and by the way, one thing I’ll just say before I say the next thing is that she was also a case has been very persuasively made that I recapitulated in my books that she was the last member of the Mathers family. So she was actually the. A direct blood descendant of Cotton Mather who was overseeing the crackdown on the witch covens inside of the United States.

That was a serious battle of the 1870s, 80s, 90s. And there’s a Connecticut branch where her grandfather was Elijah Mather. I think it’s Elijah Samuel Mathers. The Order of the golden dawn, connected to the Mathers. Okay, just wondering. No, that’s a totally different Mathers branch. No connection there that I know of. But yeah, Samuel McGregor Mathers was super bad. But so. All right, so let’s just say they, they worked really hard at killing off. There’s this multi generational vendetta. Like all of her, her uncles and aunts were killed, like died weird, mysterious deaths. Her dad died a mysterious death.

Phoebe is. Anyway, there’s a whole bunch of things and. And her uncles and aunts all didn’t have kids when they were. When they died early. So very weird. I do think that they did want to, like, it was a family vengeance, it was a vendetta thing. Wow. Let me do a share screen here. So there’s one thing that really, really, really caught my eye is that those academic researchers would say that this was like a precursor to the Jack the Ripper murders in the sense of like the psychological effect and the media effect, like how the media engaged with the story and how it promulgated it for like two years.

And it really had a viciously traumatic effect in the psyche of Americans. And the same way that the Jack the Ripper thing had all across the transatlantic, it was. It was. People were obsessing about the murder, vicious murder of prostitutes in the United States and Canada that were happening in London though. So one of the things that occupies a big chapter of that third volume is in the. I published on my sub stack here, which features a picture of, you know, Arthur Conan Doyle, WT Steed Crowley, Madame Blavatsky, an illustration of Solomon’s Temple, which does play a big role in volume 1, 2 and 3.

Is the obsession to revive Solomon’s Temple, like to create a new blood and soil culture as the home base for the Antichrist. That’s something that they’re. That they’re thinking about a lot. And one of the aspects of the, the murder, and you alluded to it just now, is that the location of the victims is not random. It’s nobody except for one author whose name I’m forgetting that I use quite a bit in my chapters on this topic. Edwards. That’s his name, Edwards. Let me get the full name just to do him justice. Ivor Edwards. He did a book called Jack the Ripper’s Black Magic Ritual.

I don’t know. Can this be seen? Yeah, okay, it can be seen. And he analyzes the location of the murders and he makes a point. The distance from victim one to victim two is 930 yards victim two to victim four, 930. Victim three to victim four, 950 yards. Victim three to victim five, 950 yards. And then distances from the center of site three, four and five is 500 yards each. So you got like five canon victim, like five victims that are recognized to be part of that one ritual that occurred between like a, a 13 week period in 1888.

And so you just look at it, the location as, as Edwards makes the point, if you look at a map, it’s, it’s the Vesica Pisces. You know, it’s the overlapping of two circles which does have occult significance. And, and I go through what that occult significance is as far as the merging of opposites. The, the con, the, the infusing. It’s, it’s known. The, the word itself, Pisces is a reference to the fish, the Vesa, the bladder. So it, one of the references is of the bladder of the fish representing the age of Pisces is one interpretation of it.

I got a few images here that people can see. It comes up a lot in, in religious iconography as a womb sort of. You know, you can see how this would definitely showcase an imagery of the womb of the, the divine Virgin on the having. That’s one aspect of the meaning of it that’s infused into certain symbologies. You also have, and there’s other images that we see here often featuring the Virgin Mary. The occultists, however, like the Cistercian grand strategists that shaped the Templars or the Vril society SS that wrote the Reichsbank, the Reichs Bible, they play with the idea of Mary and the ambiguity of whether it’s the Virgin or the whore.

They play around the fact that the same name is shared by two women with two very opposite characteristics of the Blessed Mother on the one hand and the horror of Mary Magdalene on the other. And they play with these opposites in their own rituals very much. So you have it in other cultures too. It’s big time. You see it in Hindu cultures, it’s represented in the Kali worship in Shakti Shiva. And you also see this represented in various architecture like we have at, in, in the Vatican at St. Paul’s Cathedral, where in the 1530s or 1540s you had the, the whole cathedral redefined around the obelisk and sort of redesign, redesigned by this Neoplatonic occultist designer named, I think his name was Bellini, who was assigned to bring this obelisk from Alexandria into the center of the Vesica.

So the obelisk represents sort of the phallic symbol of the, the penis. Right. And the vesca is the vagina. So they often try to combine them together as far as sex rituals are concerned. You have another one, the 1830s that was done in Washington DC. Oh, I don’t have it here, but there’s one in Washington D.C. where George Washington was. His identity as a Freemason was not a. He didn’t take it that seriously. But what the, what the, the, what the oligarchy did after he died in like 30 years after he died is they started redefining his image as primarily like a, a Freemasonic occultist.

And that was in the 1836 period that they, they erected the, forgive the pun, the Washington Monument. And everyone was confused because it was like, you know, a national, what do you call it? It was a national competition over who could do an homage statue representing George Washington. And nobody expected this weird obelisk to win. Interesting, right? And they’re like, why, why did we do this? This was a big national point of national confusion. So they’re again, they’re trying to redefine America around a primarily Masonic identity after the fact to try to co opt what they couldn’t destroy.

So again, the Veska Pisces concepts plays in very much into the Jack the Ripper thing on a number of levels. The major players of it. You could stop the screen share for now, I guess. The major. I love that. I love the symbols and the breakdown of all that. Everybody gotta go to the Matt Eric substack as well. It’s the new year. Gotta go get that substack. Get the books. Order those books. Oh, thanks man. Yeah, I hope so. It’s. It excites me when I see the. See all that continue. It’s connected to Jack the Ripper.

Yeah. So on several levels, you know, you have an intersection of several different concepts into the story of Jack the Ripper, which is number one, the fact that Charles Warren is a key figure overseeing the Ripper murders and the COVID up as well as the killings. So who’s Charles Warren? Sir Charles Warren is like one of the most powerful grandmaster Freemasons of the British Empire who had. Was assigned to oversee directly by King Edward VII himself. The guy who was the first monarch since Richard the Lionheart to go to the Holy Land, which is what Richard the.

So King Lion. Richard the Lionheart was, was, was in the Holy Land during this, the, I think the third Crusade and had a Templar sort of symbol tattooed onto his chest and this is the thing that King Edward VII did when he went back and in 1862 and set up the Palestinian Expedition Fund which he assigned Charles Warren to oversee, which was designed to excavate the Solomon caverns under the Temple Mount, you know. Yeah. So like all of the material that was popularized in the, in the pop culture by Steven Spielberg or George Lucas around the figure of, of Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark and the, and the Holy Grail, a lot of that material that they used to create those scripts was derived directly from the work done by Charles Warren in the Palestinian Expedition Fund.

He was also calling for the British Empire to take control of Jerusalem as they had during the days of the temp. The, the Kingdom of Jerusalem which is sort of a, a fascist kingdom managed by, by Knights of Malta and Knights of Knights Templar, I think the Teutonic Order as well, which were all parts of the same thing, had different jurisdictions within this thing that oversaw the crusades of forever wars. And so he called for the British Empire to take control of the, of Palestine and to create a, a movement of sending the Jews back to convince the Jews to go and live in the desert on behalf of the British Empire’s interests.

And he was obsessed with the idea of rebuilding Solomon’s Temple. So obsessed. And that’s, that’s actually his, his plans that he, he designed of what, what are the underground caverns that published in the 1870s. He did the first Royal Arch Freemasonic ceremony on in Solomon’s Mines in 1867. And this actually brings in a second figure. So this is, this is all the stuff he’s doing before he’s sent to become the, the commissioner of the Metropolitan Police of London overseeing the Jack the Ripper murders. And then he quits like, like a day or two before the, the last murder of is finished.

He quits for no reason. But he’s also working with another guy. He’s, he’s lifelong friends in Jerusalem starting in Jerusalem with an author from the Pall Mall Gazette who’s covering the excavation of Solomon’s Temple by the name of Robert Donston Stevenson. And Robert Donston Stevenson. Oh, and also Sir Robert Anderson too, who’s also the, I think he’s Chief Constable of Scotland Yard overseeing the Whitechapel murders. You have William Wynn Westcott who’s the official London coroner overseeing the, the murders and making sure that people don’t understand the ritual black magic nature of each of the murders and how the organs were moved in a very specific way.

How there’s evidence of cannibalization of the womb of, of several of the victims connected to the bladder. How the vesica. Yeah, yeah. Yes. Yeah. And so, you know, you’re starting to see a theme. Scary stuff. Of high level occultists. Right. So William Wynn Westcott is one of the three co founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dimension. Sir. Sir Robert Anderson is a member, a leading member of the Plymouth Brethren, the esoteric section of the Plymouth Brethren that generates Aleister Crowley. Wow. Charles Warren is the highest level grandmaster freemason of the world at the time, who’s assigned the weirdest job of becoming the head of the Metropolitan Police of London.

Right. Like, why would he be given that assignment for the position that he occupies? You’re like, so there’s something else that’s really big. And, and he’s working with this other guy I just mentioned named Robert Dawnston Stevenson, who, Who ends up playing one of the most important roles in the murder. The, the, the Ripper murders. He otherwise goes by the name of Roslyn Dawnston because he names himself after his, his pen name, Roslyn is, is an homage to the Templar Rosslyn Chapel. So you say Dawnston D O. Dawnston Stevenson. D O, N, S, T O N.

Yeah, There you go. That’s him. And the Ross. Yeah. Continue. This is so amazing. Yeah, so he’s, he’s very close to the, he’s a writer for the Pall Mall Gazette, but he’s also known as the most adept black magician of Europe, as WT Steed has called him that. And he’s tied into the esoteric section of Madame Blavatsky’s Theosophists on several points of contact, including. I mean, the esoteric section was formed in around 1887 and it tied into the Isis Urantia Lodge that the Hermetic Order of the golden dawn created with their movement having been created around the exact same time.

And all of the members, including Westcott and McGregor Mathers and another guy who I’m forgetting of the, the golden dawn were all members of, of Blavatsky’s Theosophical Esoteric Society. So the Theosophical section is. Sorry, the Esoteric sec. Esoteric section is where they were doing like secret practical magic. The, the exoteric Theosophists were simply doing philosophical writings about creating, you know, a syncretic world religion based upon the outward symbology which. Of light and life and goodness and. Sounds all well and good, but those are just for the dumb, uninitiated people. The esoteric section was for the initiated where they got to see the real story.

So they’re, they’re both very closely connected. Now Dawson Stevenson, he’s got a, a witch cove and he’s sort of a wizard with two witches who are both members of Blavatsky’s esoteric section. Number one is Mabel Collins, who actually is a channeler who, a high priestess who at a certain point became an enemy of Blavatsky. But I think it’s a, it’s one of those fake, you know, oppositions. And she wrote several theosophical texts transmitted to her from the ascended masters that are still to this very day celebrated in theosophical circles. And the other woman who was another witch with Dawnston Stevenson was Vittoria Kramers, who was, had been married to a high level Russian aristocrat.

And I think she was American born, but she lived her whole life in England. And she was a close associate with Crowley, as was Mabel Collins. And Victoria Kremers went on after this experience to become the personal secretary to Aleister Crowley at the Astrum Argentum lodge that he set up in 1907 to be one of the venues for his Thelema religion. The other one was the Mystica or the Ordo Templi Orientis of the English and American lot branches that he was also in charge of. He tried to claim control of all, all of them at a certain point when Theodore Royce dies.

But Victoria Kremers, Mabel Collins. I think Mabel Collins is tied to the Crowley OTO as well. Not. I think she is. They run a very strange here. I’m gonna actually just play this thing. I’m here. I’m gonna do a screen share for a second. Okay, so I’m gonna open up my other thing. Here it is. No, it’s this one. So as soon as the Jack the Ripper murders are over and Dawson Stevenson is, is set up for about, for the entirety time right before the murder start and then right after they end. He’s based in a hospital in Whitechapel which is like right here.

That’s the Whitechapel hospital in the Red circle. So he has direct access to this entire field and he checks himself in for no good reason. He’s just got like on me. And he’s given free reign to like leave and enter on his own time at night. But he couldn’t done this alone. It required both institutional support from the police by Warren and Anderson, but also required collaboration because these women had to be, had to be brought to those locations at a very specific time. And a very specific place which meant that he couldn’t just go out and hope to find some woman standing there that he would then kill.

She had to have been brought there by collaborators. Right. So I think that there were many participants of the Ripper murders, but he was a key figure. And he was a student of this dude named Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton. He was a personal disciple of Bulwer Lytton who was in charge of the Rosicrucian revival in. In England. And he ran the Rosicrucian Society of Anglia that then gave rise to a variety of sects inside of America. So, yeah, part of why I’m so. Okay, I don’t want to get too off topic here, but the thing I’m trying to find.

Okay, just to show some pictures here. So these are the three key leaders of the Hermetic Order, the Golden Dawn, Robert Woodman. William Robert woodman was the third guy I forgot. That’s McGregor Mathers, who trains Crowley. That’s William Wynn Westcott, the London Quarter coroner working with. With Warren. And that’s maybe at the top. Yeah, there it is. Okay. And so right after the murders are finished, you have the three Mabel Collins, Victoria Kremers and Roslyn Donston or Robert Donston Stevenson, who set up a company called the Pompadour Cosmetics. They got the strange fixation with cosmetics and I think it has something to do with.

With. With babies and abortion, which they’re also obsessed with. But anyway, and it’s located right here on Baker Street, 17 Upper Baker Street. And if you look at the location like run right above the London Tube, just literally two buildings down is the location on Baker street of Sherlock Holmes’that’s today the Sherlock Holmes Museum. But that’s the fictional location for the character of Sherlock Holmes and Watson that, that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created. Now he created this thing. What makes this so interesting for me is that he created this location as the home office for Sherlock Holmes a full one year before the Jack the Ripper murders happen.

And the fact that the three people who would have played a direct role in the Ripper murder ritual itself would set up their business directly at that same location, just like one building separating these two, these two venues is too much of a coincidence to me. And I don’t have a full answer for what that means. But what I also know is that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who was a surgeon as well, he was a trained surgeon who had some weird experiences in Africa and in the Arctic where he even like, he had this weird perverse thing where he even let a man die because he wanted to go hunting when he was a surgeon on a ship hunting for seals and he left a man literally to die.

He was a bit of a sick character and he has a number of points of contact. Not only is he a member of the Hermetic Order of the golden dawn himself, along with Crowley and along with William Wynn Westcott, but his teacher, the guy who trains him to be a surgeon in Edinburgh is. Is the. There he is, right there. That guy right there on the left is the model used to create the character of Conan Doyle. And his name is Dr. Joseph Bell. And he was hired by the London Metropolitan Police by Sir Charles Warren to track down the Whitechapel killer.

So even though Sir Arthur Conan Doyle didn’t himself ever write about the Ripper murders, although you think that he would have because it’s so compatible with the Sherlock Holmes sort of detective story, he never wrote about it, but his teacher was directly employed to tracking down the killer that he used to. To create the character, that the character himself also lived in the location that one of the key killers ended up living and working in with the Pompadour cosmetics company. And at the end of the story, like, what seems to be the case is it. It was participating in an invocation.

The. The murder of. Of prostitutes is a black mat. There’s a black magic ritual which Robert Donston wrote about in the Pall Mall Gazette for WT Steed while they were happening. He was writing articles for Steve while he was sitting in the hospital, while he was overseeing the murder of these people, he was writing articles about the. The black magic underpinnings that would have involved the need to kill and even cannibalize prostitutes specifically as far as an invoke, an invocation of demons in a similar way that Charles Warren believed that Solomon was not the Solomon of the Old Testament.

The man who’s trying to be good, who’s like working on himself as a human being with flaws and trying to be a better person. It’s not that Solomon these guys believe in the, like the Gnostic hermetic redefinition of Solomon. As a demonologist. And people can read Aleister Crowley’s Lower key of Solomon text or the Rosicrucian Testament of Solomon that seems to have been a concoction that was written in the 14th or 15th century which portrays Solomon. I think there are certain books within the Babylonian Talmud as well that sort of showcase this story of Solomon being featured as sort of this Necromancer who’s given a pentagon ring that gives him power over the Lord of the Flies, you know, the.

The demon hordes, Bellzebub, who then work for him as his servants to build the first Solomon Temple, which. Charles, we could stop the screen share right now, actually. It’s not needed anymore. Wow. Yeah. So, yeah, Lesser Kia Solomon. There you go. That’s a Crowley. It kind of works as a grimoire. Ae Waite was another big hermetic order, the golden dawn figure who popularized the tarot in the west, who was also working on this thing, and these guys. So let me just say this. Charles Warren believes that the location of Solomon’s Temple was the key headquarters of international human sacrifice.

He believes that the. That the. The two caverns under the Dome of the Rock, which is today where the holy of Holies, a Muslim shrine, exists, that that’s the supposed location of. Of Solomon’s original temple and the dome and the rock below the shrine, below the temple is supposedly. I don’t necessarily. I’m not convinced that this is true, but, you know, as the story goes, the location where Abraham was told to sacrifice his son and then the angel stopped him, which as far as I see it now is like. I see that as a. As a political intervention into human sacrifice, where it’s like now stop right you.

We were doing that and now was over. No more killing your kids. So below that rock, which still exists, there’s a. A little room. It’s called the. I think it’s called the. The Room of the Sighs or something. It’s. It’s sort of a mythical. It’s. It’s a room whereby the story goes, the. The souls of the dead live and are condemned to be. To sit in this room of forever sadness. Anyway, people can go in. There’s photographs of this room even now, is what Charles Warren was exploring. And below that room, there’s a second room below that that’s even more secretive.

I don’t know who’s been in there in a long time. Charles Warren did go into that second room. And then coming out of. Protruding out of that room are tunnels, very big tunnels that go on a long distance. Actually. I might even have it here. Let me go see if I have it. Yeah. I actually went to Israel to the Wailing Wall and went in there. And they’re like, this goes far because they’re right next to each other. It’s all connected. And it was, like, creepy how deep down, like, you could look over the edge and see how far down it goes.

Yeah. And then I also heard that that was a fort called like an Antone fort or something. Oh. During the Crusades, I think even before that, it wasn’t even a temple. It was like a fort, like a Roman fort or something. I. I’ll look for it and send it to you. Okay, I’m. I’m gonna show another image here. Okay. I’m gonna do a screen. Go. Can you go back to my screen? Share. I think it’s on your screen. Oh, it is. Okay. All right, so you see this, this, this dome of the rock here? I don’t see the dome of the rock.

I see. Okay, let me do a stop. I think. Okay, let me just re. Share that presents to. We’ll do stop screen because it’s really important based on what was just said. Share screen. There we go. I got it. Royal sacrifice of Prince. Okay, so this is one of the chapters in my story in volume three is. It’s called the Royal Blood Sacrifice of Prince Albert Victor and why the Oligarchy Hates the Jews. And that’s the. The son who, who would have been king legally. The next in line after King, the guy who becomes King Edward vii is that dude there.

And he’s a bit of like a flimsy, flaky character, not in control of his. His. You know, he just wants to have sex with things. He’s not. He’s not a very disciplined character. And what you have there is a picture of an etching featuring a human sacrifice of a child to Moloch, which was sort of like this weird creature that they had shrines in iron or some metal, but I think it was iron, and below its ass was this furnace, so that it was a super boiling hot piece of metal that they would put little babies into the arms of the metal thing and the baby would slowly roast, cook, cook itself to death at these mass pagan ritual sacrifices.

So that was actually part of why I think that his firstborn children, child Edward Albert, was like, there’s a lot of propaganda in Hollywood, like the movie with Johnny Depp from hell, that tries to propose the idea that this guy was Jack the Ripper. Because as the story goes, they say, oh, he just fell in love with a. With a London prostitute and wanted to marry her and have babies. And the royal family and the Freemasons were so pissed that you would contaminate the bloodline that they had to eliminate the prostitute and all of the witnesses, which were all of the prostitutes, friends, which they had to kill.

That story is not true. I. I once Believed that it might be true, but it’s no longer. I don’t longer believe. Believe that that’s true at all. I think that they did kill this guy, though. He died when he was 29. He had syphilis out of the wazoo. But not because he was into broken women, like female prostitutes. And they were all in their. Their 40s and 50s who were killed by Jack the Ripper. They were living rough lives, you know, like, they were not the type of women who looked pretty, even they didn’t have teeth.

They. The proposition that this guy would have fallen in love with one of them is inconceivable. And number two, he was gay. Yeah, he was. He was. He was totally gay. And there’s the Maltese cross on his neck. That’s him right there with his dad. So he’s a junior freemason. His dad’s already grandmaster. And again, he would have been king after his grandmother Victoria died. And his. If, you know, after his father died, he would have been king. Turns out it was his brother. This is. This is his lover, James Kenneth Stephen, who also was killed.

He’s a. He’s actually a Cambridge apostle. And it’s a weird story, but. Right. Like within 20 days after Edward Albert dies, this guy also dies. He, like, he dies in the weirdest way, though. They say he committed suicide, but then you’re like, how did he commit suicide? And they’re like, the answer is he stopped eating. He starved himself to death because he was convinced that somebody was trying to poison him. So he. He didn’t eat till he died. Like, that’s not easy to do, to not eat until you die. So his mom is also pretty weird too.

Like that. That’s his mom. It’s not his mom. Sorry. The woman who’s going to be his wife and queen. Queen of England that he was like, betrothed to. He dies and then she goes off and marries his brother and she still becomes queen, which is, again, weird. Strange. Yeah. What. How. How interesting. And I love the. The name of this article. Oh, I want to put together a, like, presentation on that. Did. What a great title. You’re great at titles and research and all that. It’s. I don’t know how you find all these pictures. Oh, this one I had to Photoshop, but thanks.

But the thing that I really wanted to get across because we’re talking about Solomon’s Temple as a zone of human sacrifice, and I got all these quotes from the Old Testament and Book of Kings and Psalms of David, you know, like, basically Saying stop killing babies to Moloch and ball. Like it’s, it’s very clear. And there’s like a picture of Abraham being told, don’t kill your, your kid. Stop it. That’s Rembrandt, who painted that. It’s great. But here’s the, here’s the picture I really wanted to show. And I mentioned that there were these two caves, the cave of size below the, the Dome of the Rock and this other secondary second cave with these tunnels as you see protruding out of that cave which a man can walk down.

Like it’s, these are very tall caves. And what Charles Warren writes about is like, when, when addressing why were these, these tunnels made? He’s very much convinced that these caves and tunnels was to collect the blood of human sacrifice victims. So we’re talking like Aztec level mass sacrifice sacrifice is how they’re thinking. Wow. Yeah. And that all of the blood and residues would be, would be sent down and into the surrounding soil to create, you know, it redefines what, what blood and soil cults mean. Right, that people are spiritually connected to a particular land. Yeah. And yeah, there’s some pictures of, of that I just threw in there of, of Baphomet and different, you know, devil symbols.

So all that to say. Oh yeah, and this is like a little section on the Protocols of Zion which does also seem to be promoted by leading Rosicrucian and Theosophical circles, especially tied to the, the, the Lodge of Memphis and Misraim, which Maurice Jolie is also a member of the Memphis Misraim Lodge, but so is Theodore Reuss, so is Gerard and Kaus Pappas who’s promoting this thing in Russia. So this thing is cooked up by leading occults within the Ekrana. And part of what they need to do is a lot of Jews live in Russia. And part of their formula that they were working on this, this actually comes out of the Jesuits who had been working on this since the 15.

The 1540s, as far as I could tell. Well, the Templars had already been obsessed with, with, you know, Solomon’s Temple for the same reasons. And I think they did want to rebuild it just the same way Julian the Apostate, you could, you could stop the screen share for now. The same way that Julian the Apostate was sort of like the last real hardcore pagan emperor of rome in the 360s. He was trying to rebuild Solomon’s Temple for the third time because it gotten but like destroyed twice. So his promise, he’s trying to like weaponize the Jews.

He made them all sorts of promises to rebuild the temple. It didn’t work out. He dies a little, you know, before he could accomplish a lot. But, but he becomes like a real icon for Aleister Crowley. For every generation of occultists after him, they all use Julian the Apostate as like their role model of what needs to be revived. And again he saw himself walking the footsteps of Tiberius. The Isle of Capri was big with him. He was overseeing the, the spread of Isis temples in Londonium as well as in Paris para Isis, which was again Julian the Apostate was a big protector and a member of the, the, the sect of isis.

ISIS was also the, the cult that generated probably the most killer assassins. It was they, they used like Dionysian orgiastic rituals and Pythian priestess as well and, and sacred priestesses that would, you know, provide sex to all of the devotees. So it was a good way of just like making young idiotic men libido obsessed fools fueled with drugs and sex that would lose themselves and then be deployable as human automata to go and carry out acts of atrocity on behalf of your, of your controller. Similar thing was done with the Oneida Lodge or the Manson Lodge or the, you know, any of the OTO lodges that were producing so many killers, including the Saturnus Lodge.

So it’s like a template that they do is this ISIS thing. And I think that’s what Isis unveiled was really at the heart, at its heart was like creating a more refined model of re reviving these things. The Templars again worked with the assassins. The assassins were also groomed through a lot of sexual. They had initiatory rights, they would be drugged up, they’d wake up in paradise, have sex with a bunch of maidens for a few weeks and then all of a sudden be given a drug and would wake up, you know, with an assignment to go and kill a console or something and they do it and it would work with the Templars and they would take turns assassinating each other’s enemies, even though one was nominally Muslim and one of them was nominally Christian.

Didn’t matter. So I think that a lot of these things are connected on that level. And what was I going to say? The, the, the idea of scaring the Jews, that’s it. So there was a lot of Jews living in Russia and Eastern Europe. And part of the formula that the Jesuits came up with in the 1540s around this guy Francisco Ribera, who was a Jesuit grand strategist, who was a leader at The Council of Trent, sort of a Counter Reformation council to just try to do a scorched earth policy against Protestants. So it was a way to nudge Catholics towards becoming like more hardcore fascist types and to also drive more Protestants into hyperviolence in defense of, of their, their new religion.

That was one of the techniques that was used, was the Council of Trent. And coming out of Ribera’s writings, which were revived in the, in the 19th century, was this idea that we could, we could create this eschatology that would bring in the Antichrist from Jerusalem and rebuild Solomon’s temple. But in, in, in Ribera’s writings, that was infused with the idea that the Jews have to be brought there as well, but the Jews are spread out around the world, so how are you gonna get them there? And it kind of like nobody had a solution for that problem for a while, so they kind of like just stopped talking about it.

And then in the 1820s, a lot of his texts were rediscovered and the idea was revived by some figures who created the Plymouth Brethren, who created Christian Zionism, rapture theology, pre millennial dispensationalism. Right. That’s the Council of Trent from Wikipedia. People could read that. And, and so part of the problem was the, the Jews living in Europe and Russia were kind of. They didn’t want to leave. They’re, they’re like, you know, centuries were spent there, so why would they leave? And so you had to create a situation of political terror where people, where Jewish people especially wouldn’t feel comfortable living in your homelands, wherever that might be.

And so that’s what they’re doing now. I swear, like, yeah, I’m Jewish and my family’s Jewish. And like, like, that’s the thing is like, I’ve been trying. I’m like, where am I supposed to run to now? Like, you know, like, they’re doing that right now. So. Yeah, but I’m such a small minority of the population that none of my opinions will matter on, like, so I find it. I love this information that you’re saying because it makes me understand what’s happening right now. Because if you’re Jewish, you’re trying to figure out where to go if you’re with the rise of anti Semitism and whatnot.

Whatnot? Yeah, well, I mean, it is coming. It’s coming in heavier and heavier. And it, like, it like that always tends to happen whenever the economy goes to. Because the oligarchy is trying to kill us all. Whenever, like, it goes, it’s like, there’s always this easy scarecrow of just hate the Jews, it’s their fault. And, and the Templars, before they even made it to the Holy Land for the first Crusade, before they got to the Holy Land, they wiped out several hundred Jewish families. Like they just wipe them out en route to get to the Holy Land to fight the Muslims along the way.

Because you know it’s, it’s, it’s Jesus killers. And so the, the, the theosophists hate the Jews too. That’s the irony is that when you read the writings of Charles Warren or Aleister Crowley like they, they like Kabbalists, they like the, because the Kabbalists that they like and there might be some good traditions of Kabbalism, I don’t know, I’ve been told that there’s some healthier interpretations of it maybe. But the ones I’ve been looking at are not that they like the types that are tied to you know, basically the Babylonian high priesthood which was it seems where a lot of the, the, the, the black magic, the black magic of Kabbalah was defined and infused into Jewish doctrines around a high priesthood of Babylonian traitors who called themselves maybe rabbis or you know, Jewish leaders, but they really weren’t, they were just taking Babylonian myths and Babylonian esoteric practices for the high priesthood and then redefining it for a Jewish sort of audience to be a self controlling thing based upon a cryptic, you know, like let’s take every I don’t know, 77th letter of the Torah and treat the Torah as one giant, you know like word or what sound and then we’ll like have secret meetings that only elite can know.

Again, it’s, it’s again cipher cryptography stuff and that there’s certain rituals like going into a self induced hypnosis or trance using like incense light, maybe a bit of hallucinogenic opium or something and you can go and get a mystical experience that way and coming come out of it like a new, a new man or new woman, whatever. So the, this, that, that they like, that’s what the Nazis liked as well. When you know you had Eichmann studying Hebrew and Eichmann was obsessed with you know, bringing a bunch of Jews as well into the Holy Land. It’s not like he liked the Jews.

Yeah. Why do they want them all there? Is it you think that we get off the deep end? Maybe. But from what you’re showing it seems like the get people there to charge the soil with that ritual thing that you were showing me. I don’t know it, I, but, but from Everything that you’ve been talking about, it’s really make, make me understand the manipulation at play. Everybody’s got to watch all of our videos that we’ve done together because I’ve asked these like questions and understanding what’s going on through the October 7th and all the war stuff going on to the like all the connections with the United nations and then the Templars, it seems to be, it seems that this is what’s going on is some Knights Templar Assassin order like, like these mystery cults.

And this topic is not really popular. What’s popular? It’s the Jews. But like they, the. That’s what’s popular, it seems like. But I don’t, I don’t know. Well, I’m just looking for a picture. Yeah, I mean one of the. So these guys who are putting all of this effort into creating this new cultural movement to convince the Jews to just go and live in the desert. They. They don’t like the Jews. The authors of the Balfour Accords that justify the creation of the state of Israel are people like Lloyd George, who’s a pro Nazi fascist who hates the Jews.

Leo Amory, also an anti Semite, hates the juices kid Julian Amory ends up like working to oversee Operation Gladio and a bunch of unreconstructed Nazis who go to work for the CIA in the Cold War. Milner is another co author of the Balfour Accords. And Lord Balfour, Lord Balfour himself is he despises the Jews. Robert Anderson, who’s overseeing Scotland Yard is he hates the Jews. And he’s actually putting out the first propaganda in the 1880. 1888, 1889 to. To try to make it seem as though the Drac the Ripper killer was a Jewish butcher or something.

Which is now being revived by the way. Even today they’ve, they’ve done like DNA tests on some piece of cloth or whatever and they’re like, oh, it’s actually true. It was a Jewish killer who was the serial killer of Jack. That’s actually something that’s in CNN today. Or that this. Well, that’s the thing is that the mainstream media is like very anti Israel. The United nations anti Israel as well. And then you got all these big figures. Candace Owens, Dan Brazilian, very famous, really pushing like a lot of it’s the Jews stuff as well. And then all the video footage that makes the Jews just look like really bad and then that’s just like more amped and promoted as well.

And then it’s. Yeah, it’s just strange. Well, here do it do a screen share for me again. I got my screen up. Okay, so that’s a picture of something that. So originally. What’s his name? Herzl. Theodore Herzl. Who is an atheist anyway. Like, he’s. He wasn’t even. His identity wasn’t even a religious Jew. He’s just. He’s an atheist, kind of a misanthrope. He was a follower of Nietzsche. He was selected to be sort of the frontman to promote this new movement. And he had this view of consolidating this promise of God to Moses or whatever and that, you know, that Israel was going to have a certain size to it at some point.

Now that wasn’t going to be easy at the time that he was speaking the 1890s. And that’s where the Greater Israel concept came out of that. It’s the rightful place for the Jews to take to. To claim this entirety of the zone that’s like a third of Saudi Arabia and half of Iraq and, and most of Syria and all of Jordan and Lebanon and a bunch of Israel all the way to the Nile up to the Euphrates and. And that geography, a lot of is a lot of Jews didn’t care. Like they didn’t want that. They just wanted a place to be safe.

That was their primary motive. I would say like 97% of the Jews, most of whom would have preferred to have gone to Miami, you know, then after Real Holy land. Yes. But there was a lot of effort to try to like create an infrastructure, create a space for them to just go to that specific location that was going to be in a geopolitically expedient spot where all of the different civilizations of the world intersect right there in the Middle East. And that was always known. Whoever could control the. That, that area, as macinter made the point between the.

The Red Sea and the. And the Mediterranean would be. And the Persian Sea would be able to. To control the heartland with the entire world island, as they say, right where Africa meets Europe and Asia and Russia, everything intersects there. So if you can keep that zone controlled and destabilized, you can control strategically everything. So that was part of the idea, I think then you had a bunch of. So if I’m going to scroll up here. One of the things that the Plymouth Brethren occultists were obsessed with in terms of creating a hub in which revelation could be manifest like this.

Dude, that’s what it seems like. It’s all this whole thing going on is part of it getting everyone to even hate the Jews in Israel. Is part of that. It seems like. Yeah, it’s all part of it. It’s, it’s you. You got to bring out the worst elements and promote the worst elements of every culture and make that appear to be what the culture itself is. So that people will hate Americans. They would rather America be destroyed. Because America, all they can associate with the United States is a, is a country of slavery, white supremacism, hypocrisy, empire, exploitation.

And if that’s all America is, then I could understand why young people would want that thing to be destroyed. So they define everything around the most worst expression of itself so that you, you miss the good that made these things viable in the first place. And all of the beautiful good ideas and good, you know, act like everything good that came out of Christianity or Judaism, they, they want to erase that and just have the, the worst behavior become the thing. So. But part of what they want around this Greater Israel concept is the, the revival of Babylon.

So the, the geography of Babel, the first Babylonian empire of Nebuchadnezzar occupies a terrain which is not that dissimilar from the, the Greater Israel map. Yeah, it looks just like it. It’s pretty close, right? And in the writings by these Plymouth Brethren freaks like this guy George Pember, who’s done work on the, that guy there who did a lot of work on the, he was a very close collaborative collaborator with, with Nelson Darby. He’s very clear that we have to recreate Babylon as in, is as high fidelity as possible in order for the Antichrist to emerge and for a per, like a purgative violence like sort of a cleansing of humanity to occur.

Now ultimately what they all want to do is bring in the kingdom of Jerusalem so out of the ashes of the thing that can be induced to kill all of the Arabs and the Jews because they despise Arabs and Jews. They think that they’re subhuman. They’re from one of the earlier like Lemurian root races of the Theosophical cosmology of this neo Darwinian spiritual eugenics of Blavatsky promoted this idea. There’s seven root races and we’re at the end point of the fifth root race and the inferior species of dark skinned people. And they come from like an earlier Lemurian root race that they’re still hang like carryovers that should have been extinguished by now by just the forces of evolution and the Aryan, the Aryan and Teutonic breeds come out of the higher Atlantean root race which are the the, the, the, the seed for the new, the new species, the new transhumanist species that will emerge.

That’s how they think about it. And so in their world it’s very natural that the inferior Lemurian connected root races be extinguished because they, they, they’re stubborn. And, and so they want to create a situation of cataclysmic annihilation within the Middle east that will kill again. Most of the Arabs and most of the Jews will just be induced to slaughter themselves. And then out of the chaos they believe that they can sort of control the reimposition of some new order that would look a lot like the old Templar kingdom of Jerusalem, which would be the seat of some sort of a new aeon of Horus or some, whereby, you know, they can get back to the good old fashioned mass human sacrifices.

Everyone could just be in a Dionysian orgy of drugs who are allowed to survive and those who are not have to be slaves living in squalor. And, and we’ll have alien gods, you know, to, to sacrifice to and to pray to in this new revelation for the new aeon of Set or Horus or Aquarius, whatever you want to call it. So that’s my, that’s my concern right now of one of those, like the negative nudging that we’re being pushed towards is that type of reset. And, and there’s obviously things, when you look at this history you could see that there’s all these points of weakness that the oligarchy is afraid of that humans have brought, you know, have, have been able to invoke through tapping into our, our own divine nature that allows us to be liberated from the traps and the games that the oligarchy wants us to step into, including especially like the role of leading Platonic Jewish and Christian collaborators like St.

Peter and Philo, Rabbi Philo of Alexandria, just a few decades after Jesus was killed, who are working together to expose Simon the Magician who gives rise to all of the Gnostic cults that were trying to subvert Christianity from within and conduct like child sacrifices, sacrifice under the name of Christianity. He was being exposed. He was being supported by Nero, by Caligula, but he was exposed by the work of Rabbi Philo and St. Peter. You had like leading Jewish and Christian and Muslim collaborators working together in the like 8th, 9th centuries with Charlemagne, Harun al Rashid, King Bulan, the Turkic king, who, who, who you know, brought in Judaism into Khazaria.

They were working to create this, this Renaissance dynamic of collaboration with the Chinese Tang dynasty in opposition to this oligarchical mystery cult priesthood of forever wars and superstition. Like they were all working together in opposition. And that’s the type of thing that the oligarchy hates and fears. And so my philosophy is whatever the oligarchy is afraid of is what we should try to study and figure out how to tap into that stuff more because that’s what they don’t want to have happen again today. 100 wow. That’s going to give me a deep dive to go down.

I would like to put the together a presentation on, on all that. And though these are topics that we don’t hear about, other topics get pushed by the mainstream. The UFOs, the drones, whatever it is by out the algorithms. But how many people know any of the stuff that you have just brought to the table and done this deep research? This has been incredible. Matt. I’m so grateful for you to come on here and I got all of your links down below. Make sure to grab all three of these books. I could just keep on talking forever and listening to you.

And here’s your sub stack. Go subscribe to the sub stack. Go to the website but most go grab these books. Absolutely incredible. Yeah, I don’t want to take up too much of your time. No this is good dude man. Like I obviously I, I spent every waking hour of the last several years of my life thinking about nothing but this. So chances to talk about this like the purpose of my life. So this is good man. I don’t. Yeah, this is nice. I could, I could have kept talking and you know if we want to do a follow up chat at some point down the line on volume two on, on the occult Tesla and Elon and Thiel operation which brings in a bit of Darwin and Newton as well as.

As synthetic fake cardboard cutouts that offered nothing to human progress or science but were traps. All of them. We could do that too at some point. Oh I would love that. Yeah I would love that. I’m going to edit this video as well and maybe I won’t edit it too much because that’s like a full like two and a half hours. But I definitely want to edit a lot of the imagery and, and go to some of the, the pictures because I like it. I learn a lot when I edit videos because like you’ll talk and then I’ll bring up the images and look at it and then it makes me understand what.

Where would you like people to go to and what can we look out for then? 20:25 well you, you you sold it really well, man. I mean if people just do what you said to do then then I’ll be happy and I guess in 2025, yeah, we got a lot on our plate, but definitely we want to get a few more episodes of the hidden hand behind UFOs. We’ve. We’ve released three episodes of that documentary so far. We, we’re going to be taking that story further into the Scientologists, the Falun Gong operations which is just another Asian version of Scientology tied to demonology and UFOs and stuff that’s designed to destroy China and just.

Or weaponize a lot of dumb Westerners to, to support going to war with evil bad China that’s somehow working with the bad aliens. But we’re with the good aliens. There’s a whole weird thing there. Anyway, that, that that story is coming out in one of the future episodes and Cynthia’s got a lot. She’s got further up volumes. She just produced a second volume or of. Of her series on towards the Create the Making of a World Religion on Jesuits and anthropologists and the cur. The creation of a new Ghost Dance religion. So that’s a wild story that she’s got going into the how a lot of the Smithsonian and Jesuit operations to create sacred stories for natives has been redefined or used again but now to weaponize and drive a bunch of Christians towards their own self annihilation in the same way that the.

The. The Jesuits manipulated the. The natives to do the Ghost Dance religion and basically create a mass suicide by running into bullets of American soldiers in the 1890s. So that’s being done again but now with something that Brett and Eric Weinstein. Weinstein are a part of to Phoenix the Republic. So yeah, she’s got, she’s done a lot of work on making a video there. Making a book. She’s gonna do more. Yeah man. We’re just gonna keep it busy and, and hopefully some of these ideas can resonate with the, with the people who need to. To understand this and hopefully some people who can influence some policies in a wiser way than what we’re seeing so far.

So we’ll. We’ve that yet. That’s yet to be seen. Wow, that, that’s awesome. And is her book. Is that being worked on for 2025 or is that out now what you’re talking about? Recently released with the her video. So she did a 45 minute video and the book to sort of come out together that, that they’re both released as well. And maybe you Guys could have a chat about that at some point soon. Yeah, because I like how she uncovered how the Jesuit 32 spoke sun will and Smithsonian is 16 and it’s cut in half on her sub stack.

She showed that. That was pretty mind blowing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Blew my mind too. I know. No, it’s, it’s. Yeah, these, these creeps are just, they’re everywhere, eh. Like, and it’s right in our face. That’s what, that’s what’s so frustrating about it is that they just rub it in the face face and. Yeah. Well, again, like the method that we use, like, we’re really trying to use a method where we’re, we’re starting with what are they afraid of? Like, what’s the natural. What is natural law? Like, what is it that happy integrated humans do when we’re operating on that higher natural level which you can study throughout history? What do we produce as far as scientific discoveries, as far as musical and artistic and architectural innovations? What do we do when we’re being good politically? What does that look like? And then when you have enough of a mapping of a lot of the good stuff, then you could sort of see more clearly the points of dark contrast, but not in a totally disempowering way.

It demoralizes me for sure to read about disgusting evil a lot, which I probably do too much, and I need to balance it. Just speaking to myself here for the new year, I got to listen to more Beethoven and I gotta, I gotta feed the, feed the higher stuff a little bit more than I am. But all that to say what I find is a, as a, as a warning. I’m just saying this to some of the readers out, or readers and listeners out there, is that you want to give your soul. We’re at war. You can’t give your soul the food that the oligarchy has cooked up for it, which is like the majority of the things, unfortunately, that are prevalent in our culture that are there for our entertainment are mostly there to make bring out the weakest part of ourselves that we, we don’t need to have more of that when we’re going to battle.

We got to look for the strongest parts of ourselves that don’t exist yet. Which means like doing the work of reading Plato’s dialogues as far as spiritual weightlifting, reading the Edgar Allen Poe’s short stories as, as that weightlifting, you know, and listening to Mozart and Brahms as far as, like just thinking about things that at first are difficult because we’re not used to that stuff, but it becomes much more rewarding and enriching in the long run to do that. And you find that your creative powers work better, your sense of self happiness works better, your ability to overcome problems works is just working better.

And so that’s the only way to look. Because a lot of people, by only looking at the dark stuff, they kind of drown out, like it becomes too much and they burn out. And I’m just. I’ve seen it myself. I’ve seen it in so many other people. And we’re going 25, 20, 25. So it’s, it’s going to get a lot more challenging and there could be a lot more opportunities to encounter a lot of dark shit in our lives. So we have to be as strong as possible when we get ready to encounter that stuff. Right.

So that’s just a little message, a little New Year’s message to the audience. I love that. That’s amazing. Yeah. And also, like all, all the, the research of that you do, even if it is dark, I feel like it’s more positive than watching the tick tock algorithm Twitter post, which are just these little short memes that seem to be given the whole entire conspiracy world brain rot, where they’re just like, not functional. Your content even is. If it gets dark or whatever. It’s learning, it’s long form. It’s good. And I, I’m just so grateful for you, Matt.

Thank you so much. This has been a great episode. Everybody smash that, like, button. It’s donut. Much love and God bless.

  • Unnamed -

    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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