Shade Shifters Part 2: Bad Camping

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➡ This text discusses the controversial topic of the Holocaust, focusing on Auschwitz, the largest concentration camp during World War II. It highlights the different interpretations of the Holocaust around the world, with some questioning the validity of the mass genocide. The text also mentions various facilities within Auschwitz, such as a theater and a swimming pool, which are often overlooked in discussions about the camp. The author hopes to spark a debate about the Holocaust, questioning what is fact and what is wartime propaganda.
➡ The author, a Jewish revisionist, visited Auschwitz to investigate the authenticity of the gas chamber story. He questioned the evidence presented, such as piles of human hair, shoes, and clothing, and the use of Zyklon B gas, arguing that these could have normal explanations. He also pointed out inconsistencies in the gas chamber building, such as marks where walls had been knocked down and holes in the floor where bathroom facilities had been. Despite this, he acknowledged the existence of four holes in the ceiling, through which Zyklon B crystals were allegedly dropped, but questioned whether these were added after the camp’s liberation.
➡ The text discusses the influence of a company called Mind Geek, owned by Ethical Capital Partners, on the global corn farming industry. It also delves into the controversial impact of sexual content in everyday life, particularly on young minds. The text further explores the role of pornography in society, its potential harm, and the need for stricter laws against it. Lastly, it touches on historical and cultural aspects of Judaism, including controversial practices and beliefs, and their potential influence on modern society.
➡ This text discusses various controversies and conspiracy theories, including claims of human DNA found in hot dogs, human remains in McDonald’s burgers, and the use of a flavoring additive made from aborted fetal tissue. It also mentions the discovery of underground tunnels in a New York synagogue, leading to riots and arrests. The text suggests these incidents could be part of larger, hidden issues, but no concrete evidence is provided.
➡ A riot occurred at the Havre Lubovitz synagogue in New York due to a dispute over secret tunnels. The tunnels, reportedly dug to expand the synagogue, led to arrests and the closure of the synagogue. Havre Lubovitz is a large Orthodox Jewish sect that originated in Russia. The situation has sparked numerous online conspiracy theories, but it appears the tunnels were simply an attempt to connect the synagogue to a closed Jewish bathhouse.
➡ The text discusses various religious and historical beliefs, including the worship of moon and sun gods, the Jewish and Christian practices, and the controversial lyrics of Michael Jackson’s song. It also delves into the concept of usury, the lending of money with interest, and its impact on economies and societies. The text further explores the idea of modern-day slavery through debt and the power of compound interest. Lastly, it mentions the need for revolution and freedom from these systems.
➡ The text expresses a feeling of being ignored and uncared for, with mentions of racial issues and government indifference. It talks about experiencing a bad day in class and societal segregation, emphasizing the belief that the authorities don’t truly care.
➡ The article discusses a tour of a room in Auschwitz, which is claimed to be an original gas chamber. The guide insists that the room is in its original state, but the author questions this, leading to a debate about whether the room was altered after the war. The article also discusses the controversy over the number of deaths at Auschwitz, with some experts suggesting the figure is lower than previously reported. The author concludes by questioning the authenticity of the gas chamber and the lack of evidence supporting its original use.
➡ Dr. Pieper suggests that exterminations were moved to new gas chambers in Auschwitz Birkenau because the original gas chamber was too close to the inmates. However, aerial photos contradict this, showing the gas chambers were in full view of the inmates. Additionally, forensic tests found little trace of Zyklon B, the gas used for extermination, in the gas chambers, but high amounts in the disinfection chambers. This raises questions about the accuracy of the official Auschwitz narrative and the credibility of the Soviets, who exaggerated the death figures and made discredited claims about Nazi atrocities.
➡ This text discusses the controversy around the Holocaust, particularly the rumors about the use of human bodies for soap production, which have been debunked by experts. It also questions the reliability of Soviet evidence and the authenticity of certain artifacts, suggesting that some may be misrepresented or reconstructed. The text further explores the concept of war crimes, comparing the actions of the Nazis to those of the Americans during and after World War II, including the internment of Japanese Americans and the treatment of German POWs. Lastly, it mentions the U.S.’s history of operating concentration camps, from the 1830s to the Vietnam War, and the potential for such actions in the future.
➡ The text discusses concerns about government control, including the confiscation of guns during emergencies, the establishment of makeshift prisons, and the potential misuse of martial law. It also criticizes the lack of transparency and accountability in the vaccine industry, alleging that harmful ingredients could be included in vaccines without repercussions. The text further claims that criticism of vaccines is suppressed, and draws parallels between current events and historical instances of political, financial, and moral corruption.
➡ The text discusses the complexities within Jewish identity, focusing on the differences between Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and Mizrachi Jews. It highlights the discrimination within these groups, particularly by Ashkenazi Jews towards others. The text also criticizes those who use their Jewish identity as a ‘victim card’ and those who claim to be white despite being Jewish. Lastly, it emphasizes that being Jewish can mean different things, including nationality, religion, or ethnicity.
➡ This text discusses the complex connections between Judaism, Freemasonry, and the planet Saturn. It suggests that Jewish traditions and symbols, such as the Star of David and the Sabbath, are linked to Saturn worship. The text also explores theories about Saturn being manipulated by parasitic entities and its influence on Earth. It ends by suggesting that these connections may have deeper, hidden meanings that are not fully understood or disclosed.
➡ The text discusses the importance of maintaining a low profile, particularly for Jewish people, to avoid inciting envy or anger in others. It also touches on the concept of idol worship and its prevalence in various cultures, and the belief that such worshipers do not have the right to live according to the Torah. The text further delves into the idea of sudden death and speculates on its causes, and mentions the influence of Jewish individuals in the entertainment industry. Lastly, it discusses the theory that the real Jews are the so-called blacks, and the historical events that led to the genocide of the Igbo people.
➡ This text discusses various conspiracy theories and controversial topics, including the connection between African tribes and Jewish heritage, the influence of Jewish individuals in the music industry, and the alleged involvement of celebrities in Freemasonry and occult rituals. It also touches on the controversial topic of the role of Jewish individuals in the slave trade and the perceived lack of diversity in certain industries. The text ends with a discussion on religious practices at the Wailing Wall, suggesting they are occult rituals.


Vaccines have become weaponized. They are a kill switch vector for humanity. Remember, the globalists don’t want humans to be around, at least not most of us. They want to depopulate the planet by 90%. The Kolala it is an undisputed fact of history that During World War II, the Germans ran a network of prison and labor camps both in Germany and in the territories they controlled. Into these camps were sent Jews, prisoners of war, resistance fighters, Gypsies and other people considered enemies of the Third Reich. The largest of these camps was the one called Auschwitz, located in Poland.

Those interned in Auschwitz came from all over Europe and consisted of men, women and children. Those able to work were used as labor for the German war effort. Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviet army in January of 1945. But that is where the consensus ends. Since the end of World War II, we have been told repeatedly that many of these camps served a darker purpose. The genocide of 6 million Jews and the execution of 5 million non Jews through the use of homicidal gas chambers in what is now commonly known as the Holocaust. The largest number of people are said to have been murdered at Auschwitz.

But there are some people who maintain that these claims of mass murder have never been proven. These people point to the lack of documentation other than the highly questionable and already partially discredited evidence supplied by the Soviet Union at the Nuremberg trial and the unreliable nature of the eyewitness testimonies, many of which have also been discredited. For example, many former camp inmates, as well as American soldiers still speak of gassings at the Dachau camp in Germany, even though it is no longer held that any gas chamber was ever in use at that camp. Still, the Holocaust is an event that has seemingly grown in importance since the end of the war.

Taught as fact, usually accepted without question. But how do we know if it really happened? What proofs are offered for those not willing to take history on faith alone? This video deals with, among other things, one of those proofs. One piece in a very large puzzle. The supposed gas chamber at the Auschwitz main camp. This tape is the first in a series of tapes covering my September 1992 trip to to Europe to investigate firsthand the sights of the alleged Final Solution. It is by no means intended to be the last word on the Holocaust controversy, but just the opposite.

I hope this tape can begin an open debate that’s long overdue. What is fact and what is simple wartime propaganda regarding the event we have come to know as the Holocaust? People forget that Auschwitz, before it was a Death camp was also just another camp that was part of the regular concentrationslager system in Germany. And that system existed for several years before it evolved and changed and grew into a horrific killing machine. And there were also almost four decades of concentration camps, things that were called concentration camps. Civilian detention on the basis of identity that happened before that.

And so we need to keep in mind how do you get from regular democracy and regular life into something like the death camps? And the truth is it takes several years of propaganda, of manipulation of the public, of bending the courts, of weakening legislatures. And so it’s those warning signs and those preemptive things we should be thinking about rather than just that. Auschwitz becomes then some island of isolation that came out of nowhere because that’s not how it happened. I think we need to reclaim this term concentration camp for this kind of irregular detention of civilians without trouble.

This is the Auschwitz main camp, or Stammlager. There are three parts to what is known as Auschwitz. There is Auschwitz 1, the main camp, a well built compound which existed before World War II as a military barracks and was slightly modified by the Germans when they took it over. Then there’s Auschwitz ii, also known as Auschwitz Birkenau, which was constructed during the war as an expansion of the main camp. And there’s Auschwitz III or Auschwitz Monowitz, a large industrial area where many inmates were forced to work. It is Auschwitz 1, the main camp, which is the center of Auschwitz tourism.

It is here that tours are conducted hourly in English, Polish, German and French. By their own figures, over half a million people visit here every year. And the place has become a curious shrine, a mix of crass commercialism and religious reverence, with a hotel, restaurant, gift shop and booths selling all manner of video equipment like batteries and videotapes in all formats, so that no one need worry about missing a shot of the Final Solution. This is a shrine which combines Catholic expressions of identity and mourning with Jewish ones. And this has traditionally caused some tension. Jewish groups have charged that the Poles downplay the role of Jewish suffering.

And while few would openly suggest it, it could be said that in the West Jews have attempted to monopolize Auschwitz as a uniquely Jewish experience. Already we reach an important point in our examination of the Holocaust. It is an event interpreted differently in various corners of the world. Nazis were enemies of Communism. Communism killed hundreds of millions. Hitler allegedly killed 6 million Jews. It’s untrue. It’s just not true. It’s a fabric. That so called Holocaust is quite simply fabrication. You can spend a couple of hours on the Internet. And if you seek out the revisionists, the best revisionists, you’ll see all the evidence points one way and all of the emotion points in the other way.

The emotion fully backs all the emotions on one side, all the evidence is on the other. How on earth in a couple of years do you cremate 6 million corpses? It’s not possible with the number of gas ovens that they had at the most in Auschwitz or anywhere, the evidence is just absolutely against every time. But minds no longer run on evidence. People’s minds today are gone. The Soviets have always stressed the suffering of Russians, Poles, Ukrainians and others. Post World War II Soviet propaganda films often made little mention of Jews to the Polish locals. Auschwitz is given a Catholic face with all the usual fetishes.

The suffering of Polish priests and other martyrs is stressed and the attempted extermination of the Polish people is the preferred theme. But in the Western world we get a single mindedly Jewish interpretation with the non Jewish deaths being used mainly to keep non Jewish interest in the Holocaust alive by giving non Jews some involvement in it. But we are told that even though non Jews suffered as well, it is the Jews and the Jews only who were marked for extermination. This schism has often resulted in well publicized disputes such as the Convent of Carmelite nuns who took up residence here at Auschwitz.

And against the wishes of many Jewish groups at the time, a touring Polish Auschwitz exhibit was protested for not being Jewish enough. However, at the camp itself there’s more than enough victimization to go around. The layout of the Auschwitz main camp is fairly simple. A square of barbed wire fence surrounds rows and rows of inmates barracks, a large mess hall and a few surprises which we will get to later. Outside the fenced in area are the SS headquarters, these two buildings and the SS hospital and restaurant. Across from that is the building known as Crematorium one, the infamous gas chamber and crematorium.

Most of the inmates barracks have been converted into museums which make up the bulk of the guided tour. The rest of the barracks are used as either archives or offices for museum staff. One barrack, Block 11 has been kept in its original state. It was the camp prison and it is now referred to naturally as the Block of Death. Which brings up another interesting point. What is shown on the tor and what is not. During the tour you are shown the Block of Death, the so called Wall of Death, naturally, right next door to the Block of Death and exhibit after exhibit specifically designed to affirm atrocity stories and portray Auschwitz as a death machine.

A Place where internment meant extermination. But what don’t they show you? To start with? A building which could conceivably be called the Block of Life. A massive disinfestation complex where Zyklon B gas was used daily to combat lice and the disease they carried. These were the real gas chambers, except their victims were clothing and mattresses and their purpose was to preserve the health of the inmates. Holocaust experts don’t deny the purpose of this building, they just don’t like mentioning it. After all, why complicate things? Also forgotten is the Auschwitz Camp Theater, the current home of the aforementioned convent of nuns.

The last pictures taken inside this building showed pianos and costumes and a stage where the inmates used to put on productions. These days, however, the nuns don’t allow pictures to be taken inside. And finally, we have the Auschwitz swimming pool. Yes, that’s right, swimming pool. Situated inside the prison compound, right alongside the inmates barracks. A beautiful pool with a diving board and starter’s blocks for races. To their credit, the Auschwitz camp officials have not tried to remove this distraction. But if you want to see the pool, you need to know already that it exists. Because you won’t find it on the tour.

So basically what we have is a tour that consists of mainly of tourists who already believe in the Holocaust story and are perhaps emotionally connected to it in some way. Being given a selectively edited tour filled with horror story after horror story and ending up at the final stop, the Gas chamber. At that point the tour group is emotionally primed to believe anything. And the Gas Chamber is like the featured performer after a two hour warm up act to get the crowd in the mood. Literally. The Gas Chamber is the objective proof that everything they’ve heard on the tour is true.

Objective proof of the Holocaust. But is it? We’ll see in a minute. I went to Auschwitz in September of 1992 to see for myself this place that I have studied for so long. I paid extra for a personal English language tour guide, a young lady named Elisha who gives tours in Polish, German, English. And I wore my Yamilka just so nobody missed the point that I’m Jewish. I figured that way I could ask my questions in a manner that would not make me look like a revisionist. You see, in the past, revisionists haven’t had much success in getting answers from the Auschwitz officials.

But I would come off as a righteous Jew wanting to know the real facts and answer those who say the Holocaust never happened. For the sake of clarity, not only am I a revisionist, I am also Quite proudly an atheist. But my parents are both Jewish. So if you’re a Jew by birth, you’re a Jew by birth. It’s not anything I’d be ashamed of. Alicia, like the other tour guides, had to take a class and memorize a spiel to become one. This is an important point because I’m hoping to show that the people who run Auschwitz, like Dr.

Franticek Pieper and the tour guide supervisor you’ll meet shortly, teach their tour guides to say things they know aren’t true. But this shouldn’t reflect badly on Alicia. She only repeats what she’s been told. And I’m sure she never had to put up with a tourist like me before. I have over four hours of footage of me taking the tour asking one obnoxious question after another. This footage will be re edited into a separate tape. This time we’re just going to concern ourselves with the gas chamber and my interview with Dr. Franzicek Pieper, senior curator and head of archives at the Auschwitz State Museum.

I came to Auschwitz as a confirmed skeptic about the gas chamber story. I notice some people critically examining the Holocaust is the ultimate sacrilege. But you’ll have to realize that I have no sacred cows and understanding what really happened is important to me. And I’d ask that you respect that. I know from years of my own research and the research of others that proofs of the Holocaust are few. Literally all there is are the eyewitness testimonies and post war confessions. There is no picture, plan or wartime document dealing with homicidal gas chambers or a plan to exterminate the Jews.

And we can’t use the excuse that the Nazis destroyed all the evidence because after we had broken the German code, we were able to intercept their secret transmissions, including those that came from Auschwitz. The key to understanding the Holocaust story is understanding the true nature of the things passed off as proofs. Everything that is used as evidence of the Holocaust also can be said to have a perfectly normal explanation. For example, these exhibits are said to be the material proofs of exterminations. There’s the piles of human hair. But what does that prove? It’s acknowledged that each inmate had his or her head shaved because of the lice problem.

That’s not denied. So why wouldn’t there be piles of human hair? What about the piles of shoes and clothing? Is that a proof? It’s a fact that the prisoners were issued a uniform upon arrival, including shoes. So why wouldn’t there be piles of inmates, shoes and clothing? It doesn’t prove anybody was killed. And that’s giving the Soviets and Poles the benefit of the doubt that the clothes and hair are genuinely from the camp during its operation. What about the canisters of gas? No one denies that Zyklon B was used to disinfect clothes and also buildings. Zyklon B was one of the premier pest control agents in Europe at that time.

It was present in most of the concentration camps, including those that are not said to have had homicidal gas chambers in them. The typhus epidemic that spread throughout Europe during the war and also spread through the camps called for stringent lice control procedures. In his book Auschwitz Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers, published by the Klarsfeld foundation and meant to refute revisionists, Jean Claude Prissac admits that over 95% of the Zyklon B used by the Germans was used to disinfect. He assigns only 5% to homicidal purposes. And this from a Holocaust supporter. So what other proofs are offered? Well, there’s the usual.

Pictures of sick inmates, which proves the groundbreaking thesis that people got sick in the camp. Once again, I’ll add that nobody denies the typhus epidemic which resulted in many deaths. Then there’s the artwork and the pictures of children. But at this point it’s looking pretty bad for somebody looking for objective proofs of the gas chamber. And some of the proofs they present actually work against the concept. For example, they have one of several aerial photographs taken of Auschwitz by the Allies during the war. They don’t mention, however, that when blown up, these photos don’t show people being gassed or bodies being burned, even though they were taken during the time killings were said to be going on almost non stop.

I won’t even go into the special money the Germans printed for Auschwitz inmates or the fact that even though it is said the Jewish children were killed immediately, both Anne Frank and her sister were sent to Auschwitz and survived, later being transferred to the Bergen Belsen camp where they are said to have died from typhus. But all this bickering would be pointless if we could see a genuine gas chamber for ourselves. That of course would most effectively end the argument. Which brings us to the building I’m standing in front, the gas chamber and crematorium. Pictures of this building have been featured in book after book on the Holocaust.

After all, what better proof? It all happened. Revisionists don’t dispute that that this is a real building from during the war. We say that it was indeed a crematorium and a mortuary, which also was used as an air raid shelter for the SS men in the hospital and restaurant right across the street from it. The Auschwitz people say it was indeed a mortuary and decrematorium, with the mortuary part, which you’re looking at right there, later being used as the gas chamber. They also say that it was used as an air raid shelter. And they have in the past admitted that the large brick chimney at the side of the building is a reconstruction, which is no big shock to anybody because it clearly isn’t connected to the building in any way.

Now let’s go inside. Once inside, we can see why revisionists have had such a field day with this building. Obvious marks on the walls and floors where apparently walls had been knocked down. Equally obvious holes in the floor where bathroom facilities had been. We maintain that unlike the large hollow chamber we now see, this room had once been five rooms, including a bathroom. I should add that there is no Zyklon B blue staining in the walls, as there would have been with repeated Zyklon B use, and as there were and still are in the disinfestation chambers, a flimsy wooden door with a big glass pane in it and a doorway with no door and no fittings for a door leading to the crematorium ovens.

And I should also mention the big manhole right in the middle of the gas chamber. Yet the building does have what appears to be evidence of criminal usage. Four holes in the ceiling which lead to the roof where four little chimneys stand. It is said that through these four holes, Zyklon B crystals were dropped, and indeed, there seems to be no other explanation for them. Do these holes prove homicidal gassings? Revisionists have claimed in the past that these holes were added after the camp’s liberation and that the inside walls were knocked down and the bathroom facilities removed to make the room look like a big gas chamber.

As Alicia and I approached the building, we passed the gallows where the commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolf Hirst, was hanged by The Soviets in 1947, executed directly in front of the evidence of his crime here in front of the gas chamber. I ask Alicia about the authenticity of that building. Now, let’s start again talking about this building here, this crematorium, Castaber. But this is a reconstruction. It is in original state. Original state. Now there, Alicia has very clearly represented the gas chamber as being in its original state. Once inside, I asked her specifically about the four holes in the ceiling.

Are those the original holes in the ceiling? It is in original part. Original. It is original. Original. In Fruit is chimney was from Cyclone B. I then asked Alicia if any walls had ever been knocked down in the room exhibited as the gas chamber. So this part was on the gas chamber. Were there. Were there walls here at one time? But here it was only one room. Only one room. That here I. I know here when here I show picture of gas chamber. It was only one room. So no. Let’s pause here to recap the gas chamber.

According to our tour guide, she states that the room is in its original state, that the ceiling holes are original and that no walls were knocked down. Unsatisfied with her answers, I continued to badger poor Alicia about the real history of this room. Feeling somewhat exasperated at the fact that nothing she could say, which shut me up, Elisha went to get a woman who was introduced to me as the supervisor of tour guides for the Auschwitz State Museum. When I saw this woman approach, I figured I was either going to get a straight answer or kicked out of the camp.

This what I can suggest. It will be much better to go to our scientists in the State museum and to talk. They show you a lot of plants which we still have in the archivites. Where would that be? I don’t think that it’s open today, but probably in Monday it will be possible. That’s the Auschwitz State Museum? Yes. Is that in Osweum? Here in block number 24 and 23. I’m not sure about it. Would it be possible for me to make an appointment to speak to see him on Monday? Perhaps that’s true. So it was here that it was first suggested I meet with the head of archives and Senior Curator, Dr.

Francesk Pieper. Still fearing that such a meeting might not come about, and assuming that the supervisor was probably in the loop regarding any reconstructions, I decided to get her input. Regarding the supposedly original holes in the ceiling. Are those the original holes in the ceiling? No. They’ve been rebuilt. Yes. Okay. After the war. After the war. So if you’re keeping score, that makes it one vote for original, one vote for not original. I guess that would make Dr. Pieper the tiebreaker. Now, before we proceed any further, a little digression is needed about some genuine Holocaust revisionism.

Dr. Franzicek Pieper is one of the Holocaust experts most directly responsible for the lowering of the Auschwitz death count. Along with other scholars like Israeli Holocaust expert Dr. Yehuda Bauer, it was decided around 1989 to admit publicly that fewer people died at Auschwitz than had previously been reported in his book Auschwitz. How many perished? Dr. Pieper concludes that the old Soviet provided figure of 4 million is wrong and that the real figure is closer to 1.1 million. Now that’s no small revision, an admission that the Soviets exaggerated the figure by almost four times. We can also see how the fraudulent figure has been an ingrained part of supposedly factual Holocaust history for almost 50 years.

As late as 1988, in the official Auschwitz State Museum guidebook, you’ll find on page 19 an official affirmation of the 4 million figure. The Soviet State Extraordinary Commission for the investigation of Nazi crimes stated that no less than 4 million people perished in Auschwitz. The Supreme National Tribunal in Poland stated that about 4 million persons perished in Auschwitz. According to the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, more than 4 million persons perished in Auschwitz. And these figures are based upon the evidence of hundreds of surviving prisoners and upon the opinion of experts. Well, this shows that not only was fraudulent Soviet evidence admitted as fact at Nuremberg, but also that survivors and experts can be wrong.

And if it matters, many Holocaust revisionists believe that the actual total of dead at Auschwitz is even less than 1.1 million. But still, there’s no possibility that even the most extreme Holocaust revisionist in the world could possibly revise the figure any more than the Holocaust experts already have. Which rather neatly brings us to this man, Dr. Francisek Pieper. I interviewed him in his office at the Auschwitz State Museum. At first he was a little apprehensive about being videotaped. But I explained to him that since I already had the tour guide on tape giving out what I had now come to believe was incorrect information, I should have a videotape which could set the record straight.

Once he consented, I immediately asked him about changes made in the gas chamber. The first and oldest gas chamber which existed on Auschwitz 1. This is Ken Burn now here operated from Oten 1941 to December 1942. Approximately one year crematorium nearby gas chamber were longer to the middle of 1943. In July 1943 the crematorium was stopped and the bodies of the prisoners died in Auschwitz war were from the time transferred to Birkenau in 1944 in connection with the bombardment of Auschwitz by allies air forces. Empty crematorium number one in a gas chamber. Auschwitz one were adopted as air shelter.

The time the additional walls were built inside former gas chamber with additional entrance was made from east side of the gas chamber and the openings on the ceiling the gas side from B was discharged inside were the time liquidated. So after the liberation of the camp, the auxiliary fauna gas chamber presented a view of air shelter. In order to gain the earlier view, earlier sight of this object, the inside walls built in 1944 were removed with removed and the opening and the ceiling were made annual. So now this last chamber is very similar to this one which existed in 1941, 1942, but not all details were made there, so there is no guest tight doors.

For instance, additional entrance from the east side arrested as it was made in 1944. Such changes were made here after the war in order to gain the area to view out this object. Were the holes in the ceiling put in in the same way that they were? Yes, in the same place because the traces were disabled on its ceiling. Here I think we should recap what Dr. Pieper has told us. According to him, the room was a gas chamber, but was later turned into an air raid shelter, at which time dividing walls were built. The holes in the ceiling were removed and a new door was added on one side of the gas chamber.

However, after the camp’s liberation, the dividing walls were knocked down. The holes were put in the ceiling. However, the new door was not removed. I think here there are three main points that have to be made. The first of these is that we are looking at a clear deception. As I have shown, the gas chamber is shown off to tourists as being in its original state, even though the museum officials know better. Dr. Pieper appears to be very nonchalant about the fact that changes were made after the war. But if it isn’t such a big deal, then why hide it from the tourists? And that’s not all.

In May of 1992, British historian David Irving was fined by a German court for telling a meeting in Munich exactly what you’ve just heard Dr. Pieper tell you. In fact, Pieper was even called as a defense witness, but the judge wouldn’t allow him to testify, even though it might have cleared Irving. Once again, I’ll say, if this is not such a big deal, why fine somebody for saying it? Our next point is the gas chamber is no longer valid as proof. In its present state, it is not a proof of homicidal gassings unless it can be shown that at some time during the war this building had four holes in the ceiling and no dividing walls during the time the Germans were operating the camp.

Which brings us to our final point, the reconstruction itself. With the information we now have, we can say that there are two different views of the gas chamber reconstruction. The first one, the official view, holds that the Soviets and Poles created a gas chamber in an air raid shelter that had been a gas chamber. The revisionist view holds that the Soviets and Poles created a gas chamber in an air raid shelter that had been an air raid shelter. So how do we know which one is correct? Well, obviously the burden of proof is on those who say that there was a gas chamber at one time in that building.

Do they have any evidence at all to support that claim? In my tenure as a Holocaust revisionist, I’m sure if there was any, I’d have seen it. I can also add that those questionable four holes in the roof of the building are not detectable in any of the aerial photograph blow ups that I’ve seen. To get to the truth of this matter, there are some other pertinent questions that can be. If there was at one time a functioning gas chamber in this building, why was its operation halted? Especially if the Nazis were running Auschwitz as an extermination center.

Well, Dr. Pieper has an answer for that one too. In an essay published in the Polish book Auschwitz, Pieper writes that exterminations were moved to new gas chambers in the Auschwitz Birkenau complex because it had become too difficult to keep the gas chamber at the Auschwitz main camp a secret from the inmates. This has apparently become part of official Auschwitz lore because it’s something that Alicia repeated to me on the tour in spade of this crematorium was next to blocks where the prisoners lived. That’s why extermination was moved to Birkenau. That’s why four crematoriums with gash chambers were built in.

Now let’s be perfectly clear about this. They say that exterminations were moved to Birkenau because the gas chamber at the main camp was too close to the inmates and therefore they could know what was going on. But is this even remotely accurate? Let’s refer back to our map of the main camp. Now here’s the gas chamber right there. And there is the rows of inmates barracks. As you can see, the gas chamber is well outside of the prison compound and is hidden from view by the three SS buildings which effectively hide it from the inmate’s sight.

Plus we’re told that arrivals who were going to be gassed would be taken in through here, thus avoiding any and all contact with the other inmates. This was a gas chamber that could have functioned completely isolated from anybody’s notice. Now this is Auschwitz Birkenau in an Allied aerial photo from September 1944. These are the two crematoriums and gas chambers with the crematoriums above ground and an L shaped below ground rooms that were either gas chambers or mortuaries. And here you have the rows and rows of inmates barracks. Now, the thing that becomes immediately clear is there is nothing but a barbed wire fence hiding the inmates barracks from the gas chambers.

And this over here was the Auschwitz sports field, right next door to the gas chambers. And another thing to notice is not only could you see the gas chamber parallel with the barracks, but you could see diagonally to the one across the way from you. Nothing was hidden from the inmates. Another interesting thing was the train that would come up carrying the doomed inmates. You would have thousands of inmates being marched off the trains into one of these two gas chambers in full view of the entire camp. This was a spectacle that nobody at the camp could miss.

They would see thousands of people marching into those buildings and nobody coming out. These were gas chambers that were not isolated from anyone. And indeed, when these aerial photographs were released in the late 70s, they contradicted many supposed eyewitness claims about how the Nazis had tried to camouflage the gas chambers at Birkenau. I spent several days here at Birkenau, and the footage I have, which is available on a separate tape, dramatically shows everything I’ve just been seeing, saying, frankly, I don’t think Pieper’s claim holds any water. Another question that should be, is there any Zyklon B residue in the gas chamber? Knowing that cyanide gas would in fact leave a residue, in 1988, execution equipment expert Fred Lutcher conducted forensic examinations on the gas chambers at Auschwitz.

To answer that question, he took samples from the 4G gas chambers at Birkenau, the one at the main camp, and a control sample from one of the disinfestation chambers that we know did use Zyklon B. Now, the gas chamber samples showed almost no appreciable traces, whereas the disinfestation sample literally went right off the scale. More Importantly, though, in 1990, the Institute of Forensic Research in Krakow decided to conduct their own forensic tests to see if they could refute Fred Lutzer’s findings. And they did this with Dr. Pieper’s help, and their own tests got back the same results.

So since then, the question has not been, are there any appreciable traces of Zyklon B residue in the gas chambers, but instead, why are there not any appreciable traces? I put this question to Dr. Pieper. I asked him, why are there so few appreciable traces in the homicidal gas chambers compared to the large amounts of traces found in the Disinfestation chambers. The gas chamber gas Cyclone B was operated for a short time, about 20, 30 minutes during 24 hours. And in the disinfection rooms it was. It operated home day and night. Such was a procedure of using gas and disinfection rooms.

And now let’s be perfectly clear about what Dr. Pieper is saying. I ask him why is the residue count high in the delousing chambers but low in the in the homicidal ones? And he answers, because the delousing chambers were used day and night, whereas the homicidal ones were used about 20, 30 minutes during 24 hours, which would account for roughly one gassing a day. Now, not only does this contradict the eyewitness testimonies which speak of repeated homicidal gassings going on day and night, but Dr. Pieper also manages to contradict himself because later on in the interview I ask him how many groups of people a day would be gassed.

And he too speaks of repeated gassings. How many groups of people every day were gassed in Crema 2 and 3? Do you know? It’s difficult to say because there were periods when there was gas chambers used every day and several actions repeated gas, burning gas and burning and so on. And what about the gas itself? We are shown many canisters of Zyklon B gas as proof of the Final Solution. But apart from delousing, which everyone agrees on, and homicidal gassings which the Auschwitz officials maintain, did the gas have any other uses? The Oxford formed disinfection of the buildings.

So there was such. Was it routine for the buildings to be disinfected from time to time Such routine to remove lasses. Now let’s recap. Again, we now know that Zyklon B gas was used to delouse clothes, to disinfect buildings. And if you’ll remember the calculations of Holocaust supporter Jean Claude Precac, over 95% was used for disinfection with only 5% or less used for homicide. This seems like a great amount of effort on the part of the Germans to preserve the health of people who were meant to be exterminated. And I think at this point we can move on.

We return now to our job of trying to decide between the two alternate views of the reconstructed gas chamber. Is it a fake or faithful reconstruction? One very important question is can we trust the Soviets to have faithfully reconstructed the gas chamber? Since there is no wartime proof of there ever having been four holes in the ceiling or of any gas chamber usage, we literally have to take the Soviets and Poles at their word that they simply returned the four holes to where they had originally been and reconstructed instead of fabricated a gas chamber. If we’re going to try to establish Soviet intent, we need to look at what precedent there is concerning Soviet truthfulness regarding the Holocaust story.

Do the Soviets have a history of fabricating Holocaust evidence or using deception to support the concept? Well, as we’ve already shown, the Soviets quite brazenly exaggerated the figures of dead at Auschwitz by at least four times. But was this simply a well intentioned error on their part? We are told in the Auschwitz guidebook and also by other sources that the reason it was so difficult to ascertain the number of victims at Auschwitz was because the Nazis had destroyed the appropriate records. This concept was also repeated To Me by Doctor who initially came up with the figure of 4 million people dying in Auschwitz.

It was estimated made by Soviet commission as a crime in Auschwitz because of the fact that the Nazi destroyed the documents of the camp. But in fact the Auschwitz camp death records were held by the Soviets, not released until 1989. These documents were not destroyed by the Nazis. I think we can assume that during all those years the Soviets were handing out their exaggerated death figures. They knew they had these books in their possession. We can also look at discredited charges made by the Soviets and supported by the other allies. At the Nuremberg trial, the Soviets claimed that there were steam chambers for killing inmates at the Treblinka camp in Poland.

Now of course, that claim has been quietly dropped. Also dropped are the claims of electro chambers. Most interestingly, we have the Soviets at Nuremberg claiming that it was the Nazis, not the Soviets who murdered the thousands of Polish officers in the infamous Katyn Forest massacre. These days, of course, the Soviets have admitted that they are the ones responsible and most legitimate historians knew this all along. But at Nuremberg, the Soviets claimed that the Nazis bribed and threatened people to falsely blame the Soviets. The now discredited atrocity stories of Nazi created shrunken heads and human skin lampshades were also exhibited as fact.

And in an almost inconceivable charge, it was claimed that the Nazis exterminated Jews with an atomic bomb. Also presented as fact was the story that the Nazis made soap from the bodies of Jews. Let’s examine this one a little more closely. Now the Soviets actually submitted supposed Jewish soap at the Nuremberg trial. But today Holocaust scholars like Raoul Hilberg, Yehuda Bauer and Deborah Lipstadt agree that these accusations are groundless. In a Los Angeles Times editorial from 1981 Deborah Lipstadt is quoted as saying the fact is that the Nazis never used the bodies of Jews or for that matter anyone else for the protection production of soap.

The soap rumor was prevalent both during and after the war. It may have had its origin in the cadaver factory atrocity story that came out of World War I. The soap rumor was thoroughly investigated after the war and proved to be untrue. The questions this raises are numerous. If the claim is false then that means the Soviets were not being truthful about that hunk of soap they exhibited as evidence and all the Nuremberg tribes transcripts dealing with human soap are wrong. But my question is when were these charges thoroughly investigated? As she says, this is just another case of a Holocaust expert trying to make us believe that Holocaust experts know what they’re talking about and are straight about what did and didn’t happen, which they are not.

To prove my point I submit the fact that Dr. Pieper still believes in the human soap story. There were such head tents of using flesh for producing of soap and other concentration camp Stutthof by the Daisk. So that was where it was done. There were many such attempts. Apparently some war propagandas never seem to die. Indeed the specter of fraudulent Holocaust holocaust evidence from the Soviets has reared its head in more current events like the prosecution of Ukrainian American John Demianyuk whose incredibly flawed war crimes conviction was based in part on faulty Soviet evidence. And speaking of fraudulent evidence, some Holocaust experts seem to have difficulty explaining the difference between what’s fraudulent and what’s real.

We return briefly to Jean Claude Prissak’s book on Auschwitz, a book meant to refute revisionists. Here he shows us a picture of a gas tight door from a delousing room which he claims the Soviets falsely represented to be from a homicidal gas chamber. Yet several pages later he shows us a door which he claims is a genuine homicidal gas chamber door because of the metal hemispherical grid protecting the people. Przak offers this door as a proof that homicidal gassings occurred. But there is just one unanswered how does Przak know that this door too isn’t a Soviet put on? If we admit that the Soviets went around misrepresenting and reconstructing things, how can we tell a difference between what’s real and what’s not? In the case of that supposedly genuine door with the metal grid over the people, I asked Dr.

Pieper if I could see it for myself. In Presak’s book he has a picture of A gas type door with a metal grid around the peephole. Is that still around any place? Does that still exist? It is in a well known room of crematorium. Crematorium one is in crematorium. Is it possible for me to see that? You may go to the director and director will order to open you this visible through a window. I’d very much like to see that. Well, guess what? After the interview we went to the director’s office, got the keys and explored every room in crematorium one.

And no homicidal cases. Gas chamber door with a metal grid over the peephole. No one knew where it went. I guess it simply vanished like magic. So in answer to our question about precedent regarding Soviet trustworthiness, I think we’ve established that we can’t really accept anything on faith. Because evidence certified as real one year might be considered fake the next. Evidence you are told told is genuine can in fact be a so called reconstruction. And if the Holocaust experts themselves can’t agree on what’s real and what’s not, then surely they prove themselves hypocrites when they insist that homicidal gassings cannot be questioned.

With all this talk about Soviet deception, I think it’s necessary to put this matter in its proper historical perspective. You see, we live in a time now when the old Soviet Union has fallen apart. And it’s now okay for both liberals and conservatives as well as everybody else to speak ill of the dear departed communist state. But it was not always that way. During World War II, the Soviets were more than just a military ally. Their anti Nazi propaganda was readily accepted by the other allies because it served all of their purposes. It has to be understood that Russia’s communists and Germany’s fascists had had a long running propaganda battle both before the Hitler Stalin non aggression pact and of course after with the outbreak of war.

Both Stalin and Hitler were men capable of and quite adept at propaganda. Yet the vestiges of our acceptance of Soviet propagandist still linger to this day. For example, when we see an anti Communist Kirman poster, we most likely immediately dismiss it as paranoid Nazi anti communist propaganda. Yet are we so conditioned to dismiss a similar Soviet work as paranoid anti fascist propaganda? The point is that we have a hard time realizing that Stalin’s anti German propaganda was just as virulent as Hitler’s anti Soviet propaganda. And that as the victors, the Soviets got to commit their propaganda to the history books as fact.

But all charges and countercharges made during World War II must be re examined with the 2020 hindsight, we now have the knowledge of Stalin’s despotism and the KGB’s history of misinformation and deception. And this re examination must include the charges of genocide made against the Nazis. Especially considering that for Auschwitz as well as the other camps in Poland, Majdanek, Belzec, Kelmno, Treblinka and Sobibor, we’ve had to rely on the Soviets for most of our information. And if the Soviets exaggerated the number of dead at Auschwitz, who’s to say they didn’t also do it at the other camps? Why would they exaggerate Auschwitz by four times and then be brutally honest about Treblinka? However, lest I appear to be unfair, it should be added that our own army and propaganda department did not sit idly by and let the Soviets have all the atrocity propaganda fun.

After the war it was claimed at the Dachau camp that people were gassed. In fact, the army produced several propaganda films supporting that notion. Hanging in orderly rows were the clothes of prisoners who had been suffocated in a lethal gas chamber. They had been persuaded to remove their clothing under the pretext of taking a shower for which towels and soap were provided. Yet now it is no longer claimed that anyone ever died in a Dachau gas chamber. This is a clear case of wartime prediction propaganda. It should also be added, in fairness, that it was the British who obtained by torture the confession of Rudolf Hirst, Commandant to Auschwitz, before turning him over to the Soviets and Poles.

This has been confirmed in a book published in 1983 titled Legions of Death, which contains the recollections of British Sergeant Bernard Clark, who brags about having tortured her to get a confession out of him and of threatening his family. Which brings us back to Auschwitz. It was here behind the building we’ve talked so much about the supposed gas chamber that Hearst was hanged for running an extermination camp. But can we say now that that was a just sentence with the main evidence being a confession obtained by torture and a reconstructed air raid shelter? Perhaps you will answer that.

The sentence was still a just one because of the fact that he indeed ran an internment camp where people did die in large numbers from disease and malnutrition. But then what should have been done with the American troops who ran the internment camps we had in the United States for the Japanese, or more appropriately to General Eisenhower and his troops who ran post war POW camps for the Germans in which anywhere from hundreds of thousands to over a million Germans died? Also because of disease and malnutrition, should they have been hanged too? When does war end and war crimes begin? These questions have no easy answers, and this debate is far from from over.

The United States operated native American concentration camps in the 1830s that went on for decades and later evolved into reservations. During World War II, the U. S. Imprisoned Japanese Americans. About a thousand indigenous Aleuts of Alaska were forced into camps as their homes were burned to the ground so that invading Japanese forces could not use them. After the war, the United States seized Okinawan homes and burned them to the ground to make way for military bases, forcing 300,000 civilians into concentration camps and deliberately starved about a million Germans to death in prison camps. The Subversive Activities control Act of 1950 led to the construction of concentration camps meant to hold American dissidents.

In 1961, the US forced 8 million South Vietnamese civilians into prison camps to deprive the Viet Cong of any potential support. Starting back in the late 90s, Alex Jones has been releasing films warning that people are being conditioned to accept seeing their neighbors rounded up and thrown in prison camps, Such as the WTO protests where hundreds of protesters were arrested and thrown into jail, the 2004 Republican National Convention where over a thousand protesters were arrested and sent to a makeshift prison, and in Katrina where police went door to door confiscating guns. The police and national guard going street by street, house to house, Sometimes entering open houses with guns drawn and instructions to disarm anyone inside.

You said guns. Guns will be taken. No one will be able to be armed. We will take all weapons. You see, for over 20 years, the federal emergency management agency has been building and constructing, maintaining concentration camps as well as the personnel to incarcerate literally tens of millions of Americans. It seems now, with some of the latest developments, they are attempting in a psychological warfare program to condition and control the populace so the populace will actually believe that all of this is needed to maintain the public safety. As we in the research community say, this is a psyops.

They’re preparing people for what is coming, not what is being presented today. So you’re saying they’re preparing people to accept it with incrementalism. That is correct. Like the old frog example. You know, you put the frog in the water and you just gradually continue to raise the heat on the water until the frog is cooked. After 911 came the patriot act, and American citizens officially became potential enemies of the state. In 2006, President Bush amended the national defense authorization act to grant the president power to declare martial law. And in 2007 signed Directive 51 for the smallest of reasons, including in the document’s own text.

Any incident in the world, regardless of location, that affects population, infrastructure, environment, economy or government functions can trigger, at the president’s will, total martial law. During COVID healthy people with no symptoms were arrested and locked in prison camps because they failed a fraudulent PCR test and if they tried to escape, their fellow prisoners reported them. The second she jumped over, we all freaked out because we just wanted to call, like to let the wellness people know, let the police know. In response to their triple zero calls, she was picked up by the police within 15 minutes and fined $5,000.

Prison camps are being built all over the world and they are for whoever the government sees as a threat to their agenda. Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese. All criticism of the vaccine industry has been banned. And any channel or individual or nonprofit organization that engages in any criticism, even if true, has been deplatformed, silenced, defamed, demonetized, economically sabotaged, and removed from both social media and search engine results. This now creates the opportunity for vaccine manufacturers to put absolutely anything into their vaccines, no matter how harmful. They could put radiological isotopes into the vaccines and they could not be sued for doing so.

They could put cancer causing viruses in the vaccines, they could not be sued and they cannot be criticized. They could release faulty vaccines with live viruses instead of weakened viruses and they cannot be criticized and they cannot be sued. In a world where the FDA has recalled hundreds of prescription medications over the years and many different vaccines for the harm that they were causing people, it is no longer allowable to say anything negative about any vaccine or vaccine ingredient. The entire realm of vaccine injury and vaccine side effects has now been completely whitewashed by a complicit media, complicit Silicon Valley and the tech giants, as well as the scientific and medical establishments that are now colluding with the vaccine deep state to cover up the truth about how vaccines harm human beings.

Keep in mind, this is all happening at the same time that the federal government releases quarterly reports documenting the number of children who are harmed and hospitalized and killed by vaccines in the United States of America. This is part of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which consists of a secret court that bypasses the regular court system and even sits above the United States Supreme Court. And in this secret court, families that are able to prove that their children have been harmed by vaccines have been given over $3 billion in financial rewards from this system that’s funded by vaccines themselves.

This secret vaccine Court receives almost no publicity. The media almost never covers it, and the families of the vaccine victims who receive financial awards from the secret court, they’re required to sign documents stating that they will remain silent, they will not talk to the press, that they won’t post on social media, and thus the COVID up continues. No whistleblowers are allowed, no reporting is allowed, and no one is allowed to talk about toxic vaccine ingredients such as formaldehyde, msg, antibiotics, mercury in the form of thimerosal, which is a preservative aluminum, various adjuvants such as squalene, or other ingredients that pose risks to human neurology or fertility.

That’s right. Vaccines that damage neurology are also in many cases causing spontaneous abortions and infertility in women. This crime against humanity now has absolute protection. No one is allowed to blow the whistle on the truth about what’s happening with these vaccines. Which means there is no longer any mechanism through which a faulty vaccine or a dangerous vaccine could be red flagged by somebody. There is no mechanism through which a doctor or a scientist or even a pharmacist could say, hey, we found a bad batch of vaccines that’s killing children. That mechanism no longer exists. You will be silenced.

Vimeo will silence you. Mailchimp will silence you. Google will silence you. And so will Facebook and Twitter and Snapchat and Instagram and every other website you can think of, even Pinterest. You will be silenced for daring to question the cult, the myth of vaccine safety. Now I ask you, why would an industry go to such great lengths to make sure that no one could criticize it? Imagine if we went back in time a few decades. Imagine if Big Tobacco were able to achieve absolute legal immunity for its cigarettes and nicotine products. Imagine if Big Tobacco were able to get everyone deplatformed who dared talk about the negative effects of smoking.

Imagine if any doctor who said smoking is bad for you was stripped of their medical license or even fined $100,000 as recently happened to a chiropractic doctor in Canada. As crazy as that would be if it were applied to Big Tobacco. That’s exactly what exists today when it comes to Big Pharma and their vaccines. You cannot criticize, you cannot sue, and anyone who tries to blow the whistle is silenced, if not attacked, smeared, defamed, deplatformed, economically sabotaged and stripped of their medical licenses. That’s what’s happening today. Because remember back in the 1950s, doctors said cigarettes were good for you.

The Journal of the American Medical Association Ran full page ads that claimed doctors smoked more Camels than any other cigarette. In fact, the very same negative PR organizations that are now involved in pushing GMOs and vaccines in our modern era, where the same groups and in some cases the same individuals that argued that cigarettes were not addictive and that cigarettes didn’t harm anyone. It’s the same junk science scam. It’s the same people, it’s the same tactics. This is the Kazarian mafia. This is the fake Jews, okay? This is what gives all real Jewish people a bad name.

So when people are talking bad about the rich Jews on top controlling everything, like Kanye was, this is exactly what they were talking about. And this is explaining it perfectly in this movie. Triple nine. Come. Oh. Oh, little man. All right. I miss you. I miss you. There really is no love quite like a father’s love for his sons. No. Come. So you know, Michael, there is a second job. No. You’ve done the job. Pay the fucking money. Exile or death. Once you have completed this job, they will release him into Israeli custody. We’re going to be a family again.

Where’s Felix? We own the secrets of Kingsman. Him. This is why we have survived so long. I was not sure you could pull it off. We train dogs to our prisoners. Can you imagine that’s what they say, that we degrade them with trained dogs. I can only guess this is how Yelena felt every time she was by a monkey. Everything that has happened to Germany before the Second World War in the early 1900s is happening to us now and we’re not allowed to talk about it. We are undergoing political, financial and moral corruption through this Israeli mob who has successfully colonized our country by conquering every pivotal cultural pillar of influence here from big tech, academia, Hollywood entertainment, my industry, the fine arts sphere, real estate, and obviously banking.

That’s 6% of the US population who rejects Christianity, running the infrastructure of 80 to 90% of the narrative. In the 1930s, Berlin was an absolute degenerate cesspool of boys and girls, drag being prostituted and castrated, spearheaded by Magnus Hirschfield and the other psychologists behind the Institute of Sexual Sciences, which was bankrolled by the same Jewish mob that continued to pedal pornography and wide scale revisionism onto all of our classics that denote any semblance of proper masculine and feminine archetypal roles. And speaking of bankrolling, simultaneously as all this lasciviousness took place, the Rothschild bank forced the German populace to live under the shadow of its usury and debt based banking, crippling the economy into hyperinflation.

Sounds a lot like what’s around the corner with the Federal Reserve, right? We talk about modern parallels to Rome when trying to rectify monumental societal changes, but we actually don’t even have to look that far. Hitler rose to power, preaching for Christian values, preserving racial and national boundaries, functioning in a market. Outside the Rothschild episode, like Bitcoin, came the decline of our culture. These mounds of contamination of our entire cultural life, the decomposition of our literature, the poisoning of our theater, of our movie theaters, all the art is now falling for it. Millions of Germans no longer participate any longer.

It does not appeal to them anymore. This art was not born from our people. It is far from foreign to us and will remain foreign. That has nothing to do with the German character and did not come from our souls. It was imposed on our people by a subversive press which made it exceptional. And parallel to this, already the assault begins against the education of our children’s brains. The tearing out all the memories of our German past, the insult to all the great men of our people, the removal of its memory from the hearts and brain out of the German youth.

They are in fact the quote, unquote, real Jews. And the other people who call themselves Jews, which basically means Ashkenazic Jews, are in fact imposters. Not just. Let me get this straight. Not just Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi, Kalasha, crypto, Khazarian, all of them one lump. And more than that, there is a kind of like an evil motive behind these imposters who have striven to displace the true Jews. Let’s talk a little bit about Jews today. And okay, so people don’t understand. There are different types of Jews. Hello. There are different Jewish ethnicities. So the three main ones are Ashkenazi, Sephardic Jews and Mizrachi Jews.

And they’re different because they come from. Or they didn’t come from different places, but their roots are from different places. So Ashkenazi Jews migrated to Europe and they are different than Mizrachi and Ashkenazi Sephardic Jews. So people don’t seem to understand that Ashkenazi are very discriminatory towards other types of Jewish people. And by the way, these aren’t the only groups of Jewish people. These are just the three biggest ones that people will probably tell you they are. Yeah, Ashkenazis are very discriminatory. They’re really fucking mean. And I don’t know if it’s a class thing, because Ashkenazi’s Tend to be more upper class or what, but they’re like really fucking mean.

And it’s. I don’t think it’s that they have different beliefs. I think it’s just, yeah, like ethnic history, I guess. I don’t know. I’ve never really understood because I’m not super invested in Jewish culture. I’m not Ashkenazi. I don’t really know why they act that way towards other kinds of Jews. But yeah, and Ashkenazi’s are usually the ones that are like hard leftists. Now I’m not saying that they’re the only ones because there are definitely only groups of Jews that are on far left that aren’t Ashkenazi. But Ashkenazi are the ones that I see the most who are comfortable saying that they hate white people.

And then when you question them, they say, well, we’re white. Ashkenazi Jews are not white and they know it. And it pisses me off because. Because as someone who’s actually half white, it’s infuriating. They migrated to Europe, so they probably have some white in their bloodline. They look more white, but they are not white. And they don’t get to be racist towards white people. It’s so infuriating because that’s what that girl Caitlin was saying. She was saying, oh, well, I’m Ashkenazi. Like I’m Jewish, but I’m white. No, you’re not. She knows that Jews aren’t white. We all know that we are not white.

That’s very important. I would just like to say that. And then I would like to talk about Orthodox Jews and more Reformed types of Jews. So Orthodox Jews actually tend to be very confused conservative. I don’t know if you guys know a whole lot about Orthodox Jews and the difference between Orthodox and Reformed Jews, but Orthodox are very traditional. They do a lot of things traditionally. If you’ve ever seen Orthodox people out and about, they’re dressed very conservative and that might kind of tip you off. So they have a big community in New York. I know.

And I’ve never actually met like actual Orthodox Jews because my side of the family is not Orthodox, but they are very conservative and they’re not the ones involved in this type of stuff. If you see Jewish people being like on the far left and racist and stuff, they are almost always reformed Jews or Jewish converts. I would also like to talk about that Jewish converts. Use the anti Semitism card. Excuse me. I’m so upset right now and I’m like, I’m fumbling over my words. They use the anti Semitism card so much and it’s not even funny.

And I, as an actual Jewish, I’m so fucking tired of seeing it because, yeah, I’ve never been to London so I don’t want to go now. But they use that card so much because it’s like their new superpower. I know, I know. There are people who convert to Judaism just so they can like have a victim card and it’s so fucking nasty. First of all, imagine basing your entire self worth off like how much of a victim you are and changing religions. Like jeopardizing. Yeah, London isn’t great. Like jeopardizing your salvation for a victim card. It’s fucking ridiculous.

So yeah, they’re Jewish converts. And then there are Ashkenazis that will, you know, both try and use some of the same tactics when talking about white people. So I know that there are Jewish converts that will try to pass as Ashkenazi. You can usually tell that they’re an Ashkenazi just based off of how much they know about Jewish Judaism. Because Jewish converts actually a lot of the time don’t really know much. So it’s pretty easy to tell which one they are. Ashkenazi’s are not white. Converts can definitely be white. Yeah, so I just want to talk a little bit about that.

Jews are not white. We know we are not white. And any Jew who tells you that like they’re actually Jewish and they tell you they’re white, they’re bullshitting you. No, they’re not. It doesn’t mean you get to be racist towards white people just because you look white. It doesn’t. Just because you have lighter skin than other Jews doesn’t mean you get to be racist. And this woman was trying to tell us that she’s punching up. Ashkenazis are some of the most wealthy people in the country. They’re some of. I hate using this word because it’s used so awfully, but Ashkenazi are very privileged.

They are wealthy. They have their own social circles, upper class people. They are privileged compared to other groups of Jews in America. And they have the audacity to say they are punching up when they’re talking about white people and being racist towards white people. No, ma’am, you are not punching up. You are probably wealthier than most white people I know. And I’m tired of seeing this. I’m tired of Ashkenazi discriminating against other Jews. I’m tired of them discriminating against white people. It is not all Ashkenazi obviously. And I don’t want you to go like attack Ashkenazi people.

But this had to be said because I don’t think people who aren’t Jewish know about this phenomenon. And I don’t think they really know that Ashkenazi Jews in America are the ones that are, that tend to be on the left. So just for all you non Jewish people out there, there are different kinds of Jews. There are lots of different kinds of Jews. I just talked about a few. They are different groups entirely. Some of them have different beliefs than others. Some of them are tend to be considered conservatives and tend to be liberal. But we are not all the same type of Jew.

And I’m honestly really tired of a lot of the same that you are. I would just like to say that, you know, a lot of Jews are very tired of people using the victim card of like, oh, this is anti Semitism and it’s not and they’re wearing the word out or calling people Nazis when they’re not Nazis. Does Ukraine have the same crest as the old Kazarian Empire? Ashkenazi are from the Kazarian Empire. The empire converted to Judaism. Foreign in the room. You’ve all heard me talk extensively about the Khazarians, the Phoenicians, the Sea people, the name stealers, and the Canaanites.

Though you’ve never heard me use the J word, there’s a very important reason. That’s because the J word is not synonymous with these oppressors. There’s a reason they call them the name stealers. Whether it’s the Bavarian Illuminati, the Royal family, Zionism, Bolsheviks or any other name they hide behind, no one knows what they truly refer to themselves as. Besides the warrior race of oppressors sent by Yahweh to enslave the true tribes of Israel. Being Jewish is a very unique identity because it can mean three different things. It can be your nationality, being imagined member of the state of Israel.

It can be your religion, a practitioner of Judaism, and it can be your ethnicity. But here’s where it gets tricky because those lineages go to wildly different and intriguing places. Jewishness, just like royal family Ishness, has been hijacked by a certain type of individual. But this individual cannot be understood based on any identity because they steal identities. You can only judge this true tree by the fruit it bears. You want to find the true bad guys in this world? Find the ones that are constantly lying, manipulating you, hurting other people, letting themselves be seduced by greed.

We must never isolate any Group of people. For one, the adversary often poses as a particular group, then commits crimes against humanity. So we end up disliking that group, thinking they did it. And two, we have thousands of years of history to show us what happens when humanity tries to identify a group as the problem. Spoiler alert. It never ends well. And it is definitely not righteous. What this conversation requires is a higher resolution interpretation. We all need to become investigators of history and spirituality because these oppressors mask themselves in every aspect of our lives, lives and culture.

And we can only identify them by their evil and wicked. Since World War II, this country has been heavily influenced by Jewish politicians, Jewish businessmen, Jewish criminals. And they all have one thing in common. The preservation of Israel. Albert pike said this about Freemasonry in this very book. He says that Freemasonry is based on almost totally on the Kabbalah. Yes. Jewish magic. Yes. And many Jewish rabbis have admitted this. And they say that in all of the rituals of Freemasonry you will find the Kabbalah, the system of magic of the Jews. For example, the 30th degree of Freemasonry is the Knights of Kadosh.

Yes. And it involves skulls and black robes and a knight laying in a coffin, speaking from the dead. And all of this turning to the God of the underworld. The gods of the underworld is all related to Jewish Kabbalah because they believe in necromancy, communication with the dead. And they believe that in the last days a Kabbalistic master will come upon the earth and there will be a Jewish utopia, a new World order of the Jews. But they must go along with what are called the Noahide Law, that all federal, state and local judges are members of a certain obscure sect of the Freemasons.

Now, hold. Our strategy is that all Judges are Masons. There’s more to it than that. Like what? Well, the secret Masonic word which, when uttered, obligates judges to rule in your favor and they have to go paddle each other off in a secret cave somewhere. Come on, Joe, give it up. Sorry, Tubal claim. How does that mean? I have no idea. The master builder awaits the pyramids. I beg your pardon. Bet you do. You have anything to say in your defense? Tubal Game. I hereby find in favor of the guy with the mortar. So he wears a black robe.

Black robes. Most people never question, why do Catholic priests wear black robes? Kids that graduate from high school wear black robes. Judges wear black robes, Rabbis wear black robes. Because black robes represent the planet Saturn. They are a symbol for the planet Saturn. Saffron was called by the ancient people Lord of the Rings and Saturn is Lord of the Rings. This is why women were told in the ancient world to listen to their God and the concept was they would wear an earring. Men were to get married before their gods, they wear a wedding ring because the old, ancient God of the Middle East.

One of the ancient gods of the Middle east was the planet Saturn. Saturn was directly connected to Yahweh, the Hebrew God. Something suspicious about Saturn. Max Spears asserted that Saturn was quote, hijacked by parasitic entities leading to the creation of its rings. He believes these entities transform Saturn from a life giving force into a transmitter of low frequency negative energy which is then amplified by the moon to influence Earth. Spears mysteriously died not long after publicizing these findings. Findings this all sounds weird until you read Ringmakers of Saturn by Norman Berggrund. In this book, Berggrund independently presents compelling evidence as well as tons of photographs of what appears to be enormous tens of thousand kilometers long electromagnetic vehicles which maintain Saturn’s rings.

He argues that these vehicles are extremely complex and cannot possibly be naturally formed. He concludes that there must be some sort of extremely advanced intelligence that maintains Saturn’s rings. Fascinatingly, in Jordan Maxwell’s work, he independently presents even more compelling evidence of an ancient global religion on Earth that worships Saturn. He argues that this global religion became popular during a time where Saturn, not the sun, was actually the primary celestial body in the sky. Okay, but what if this is all a coincidence? Well, elite Control and survivor Alondra Markman reveals that Saturn is heavily associated with S and that every country in the world literally has an off world embassy on Saturn’s ring where leaders go to perform rituals for.

Is it possible that there’s something up with Saturn and it has something to do with some ancient occult which the elite still take part in, which links them to powerfully advanced parasitic entities who aim to maintain the 3D materialistic matrix on Earth. And so this is why even today the Jews celebrate the worship of Saturn. Saturn in the old Phoenician language was called Shabboth. Look up in the Phoenician language you will find that the planet Saturn was called Shabboth and his worship to honor him once a week was called Sabbath. So when the Jews are having Sabbath, they’re actually paying homage to their God Saturn, Lord of the Rings.

I mean, how many Jews talk about the Holocaust and haven’t got the faintest idea in the world? When the Holocaust is, is. Oh, a holocaust is a terrible tragedy. Oh, it’s A big fire, something like that. Terrible something. No, no, no. That’s not what a holocaust is. A holocaust, according to the actual research documents, means a sacrificial, ritualistic, burnt offering. When Abel and Cain and Abel in the Bible offered up a sacrifice to God, the word in the Hebrew Bible as they offered up their holocaust to God. So a holocaust is a ritualistic, sacrificial, burnt offering.

Get it? Right. Why did the Jewish leaders in this country and around the world use the term holocaust? Very interesting. I think that they are not telling us the whole story. The Creator creates and we destroy and we do all of it through. Through you. We always have. Even ancient times, the archdemon Moloch was celebrated by tossing infants into flaming bonfires, accompanied, of course, by the beating of drums to drown out the screaming. Later on, they erected a giant bronze statue with outstretched arms, kindling fires beneath the palms. And when they toss a little infant into those open palms, they’d flinch at the red hot metal.

But then they’d willingly roll themselves off into the flames. What does any of that have to do with me? Oh, nothing, James. Especially since the priests now wear surgical scrubs. The killing takes place in the womb, so there’s no screaming to be heard anyway. And the remains are tossed into gas fired crematoriums. No, James. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. There’s no parallel whatsoever to you. Can you imagine the agony the carpenter feels when we rip child to pieces inside its own mother’s womb? Because that’s what we do. We do that together. Can you feel it? Can you feel it? It’s starting to happen.

Your unborn son is now on our altar. Here he comes, James. And so when you start breaking down, where religions have come from, theologies have come from. The six pointed star, for instance, is not. Is called the star. Star of David. Actually, it’s not the Star of David. All the encyclopedias and reference works will tell you that. It’s called the star of Saturn. It is a hexagram. Hexagrams represented the planet Saturn. You see, the rabbi is giving a rabbinical blessing. Just remember, it’s connected to the goat God. Star of David is actually a hexagram, which was the original astronomical symbol for the planet Saturn.

Saturn was always pictured in the ancient astronomical text during the middle ages and the medieval times as a Star of David. Six pointed star, two triangles interposed. The Babylonians would draw a triangle on the ground and then draw an opposing triangle, making the six pointed star or a hexagram, then draw a circle around that hexagram and stand inside of it. Now you’re inside the magic circle, putting the hex on someone. So that’s where we get the word putting the hex on you. Because the six pointed star is a hex. So today we have Jews going around the world proud to show you that they’ve got the hex put on them.

The Phoenician language, Saturn, is spelled Shabbat. Shabbat in the Phoenician language is Saturn. And from Shabbat we get Sabbath. So therefore, the Hebrew Sabbath is the worship of the goat God connected to the planet Saturn. That’s why the Hebrews have their holy days, or Sabbath on sundown Friday night to sundown Saturday night, because that’s Saturn, or Saturn’s day or Saturday. Goy is the most inclusive of all the derogatory work. Do you know how pompous that is to have as your term for the other? That means to them it’s 1/10 of 1% of the world and then various shades of goy.

What you got to do, you got to keep a low profile. If you got a fancy car, don’t show off with it in front of the guy in. You want to build a beautiful house, don’t make it so fancy outside to the gauge. And neighbors are going to say, wow, look at those wealthy Jews. Keep it inside. Keep a low profile. And you know what he says? He says, it’s unbelievable. Asav hates us. That’s what Rabbi Zitron was talking about. Asav hates us. Because they still are angry that Yaakov took the bracha. And he says, why is it that if a person has a hundred dollars, he has to show off as if he’s got 200? If he’s got a thousand, he’s got to show off that it got 2,000.

Rabbi said, let’s keep a low profile. Don’t tell the people at work, especially if they’re not Jewish, about all your knockers. They don’t have knockers like we have. They don’t have a Friday night meal like we have. They don’t have wonderful children that are giving them knockers like we have. Don’t talk about your kids. Don’t spread out all these chats. If there are people there that don’t have what you have, especially if they’re not Jewish, it’s hurting them. Keep a low profile. Record industry is owned by Jewish people. And also the prison industry is owned by Jewish people.

Crazy part is they refer to everybody who’s not Jewish as a goy. Or goyim. You have 6 billion idol worshipers who makes God angry every second of their life. In the end. Chinese, Japanese, Tibet, Nepal, Thailand, so many. India alone is 500 millions. China is 2 billion. So many 2 billion Christians which are idol worshiper. Between Chinese, Hindus, Buddhists and Christian, at least six, six and a half billion people are idol worshipers that according to the Torah do not have their right to live. Idol worshiper go. It’s death penalty. Not only Jews. Even a guy who bow down to an idol, who believe in JC deserve death penalty.

Germany, the Jews wouldn’t push their nose into society. Judges, lawyers, this everywhere control politics, money, success. It drives them crazy. Jews should have take the advice of Yahweh of Avino. He said to his sons, they’re all handsome, nice, righteous and wealthy. Do not come in one door when you go to buy food. Why? What’s the problem, father? Why? They’re gonna see all of you full of cash. You’re all dressed well, you’re coming in one door. All one family of Jews. They’ll go crazy. It drives them crazy. You go from here, you go from there. Don’t come in the same time.

Don’t make too much show off. Not to talk about build mansions and drive fanciest car and 10 carats diamonds in every finger. And all these things. That drives them even more crazy. Now, as long as they go in, has plenty of money, they can take mortgage with 4%. They can live like they’re rich. No, it doesn’t kill them so much. The problem begins when the interest rate goes up and then cannot pay the bills and they lose their homes. And they hear that by Jews business as usual. Another 300 million deal. Another half a billion deal.

And it drives them crazy. And they hear it on the news. And from here until going to break graves and burn synagogues. I don’t have to tell you how quick it can happen because to them you’re a cockroach. Let me digress for a moment and talk about the horrifying videos that you’ve seen of people who suddenly die by planking, by just falling over in one piece. Typically, they either look around in perplexity because they’re obviously hearing and experiencing something and they’re looking for the source, or they don’t do that, but they just suddenly die in one piece.

It’s the mother walking, the baby in the baby stroller. It’s the guy buying food at the fast food window. It’s the person walking down the street, it’s the Arab Diplomat speaking to a bunch of poobahs. And as he turns around to celebrate somebody, he simply falls over backwards in one piece. Well, I’m a doctor and let me tell you that people don’t die by falling over in one piece. There’s only one way for that to happen. And I’ve made a video called A New Way to Die Speculating. And these are not the people we’re talking about, people who die of blood clots and heart attacks and so on.

These are the people who die this way in one solid piece. Now, my speculation is that they are experiments because we are just cockroaches or lab rats to the the great ones. They literally said to our face Brad Pitt and Angelina. There he is, this Arne Milchin, the Israeli born businessman behind hits like 12 Years a Slave. I have a business proposition for him. Pretty Woman, come on before I lose my ne. And Fight Club says he spent years as an Israeli secret agent and arms dealer. In a stunning interview that aired Monday on an Israeli investigative program, Milchan detailed how he was recruited in the 1960s to Israel’s Bureau of Scientific Relations, where he helped gather technology to further Israel’s still unacknowledged nuclear program, saying, quote, I did it for my country and I’m proud of it.

So have any of you ever heard of the Samsung option? If you haven’t, then please go look it up right after this video. But what it essentially means is that if the existence of Israel is ever threatened either by the invasion of another military or by having most of its country destroyed, the same thing that they’re doing to Gaza right now, then they will not hesitate to use all their nuclear options in order to take everyone else down with them. So essentially, if we’re going down, then we’re going to make sure that everyone else goes down with us.

In Star Trek, there was a Mr. Spock, and if you’ll remember, Mr. Spock was always giving a hand sign and he was said to be a Vulcan. First of all, his hand sign was actually a religious symbol in Judaism in which it was a blessing to the congregation. And Judaism it’s called the koan symbol. This symbol is a Jewish blessing symbol. But where did it come from? It comes from the split hoof of a goat. It goes back to the split hoof of a goat because we’re talking about the age of Aries, the Ram, when the Jews were under the age of the Ram.

The Ram or the Lamb of God. And so that’s why today we call Jesus the Lamb of God going back to the constellation of Aries the Ram. Nebor even said that he accepted that sign and used it, but because it was a sign from his rabbi and he thought it was a very interesting symbol, so he just used it in Star Tre. Who can it be now? Who can it be now? Who can it be now? Who can it be now? How much more proof do we need? An Israeli spy funded the most popular movie on the assassination of a former US president.

And there was zero links to Israel in that movie. I wonder why. Holy. Everyone knows this movie but no one knows who funded it. And then they get mad at me for being skeptical when I say, wait, hold on. The JFK documents are going to be declassified by sinus. What do you guys see why now? I. I’m skeptical that they appointed Paulina to do this. Anna Paulina Luna, right. Whose real last name. Her real last name is Mayor Hoffer. Chat Writers of South park exposes the truth about the Jewish control of Hollywood and that the real Jews are the so called blacks.

You know the stuff that’s come out about how the Jews stole the black race’s identity, the Jews stole the black race’s identity, that the lost tribes of Judah were actually all Africans. You didn’t hear about this. Black people are actually the Jews and black people, right? People like Kyle taking that from them. When the Jews came to America to escape persecution In World War II, they found that blacks were already the entertained America. So they had to invent the story themselves. They could make everyone believe. Nigeria is just a name that the British like threw on to the amalgamation of a bunch of different tribes there that destabilized the region and led to a genocide and a holocaust of the Igbo people.

When the 1960s millions of were systematically killed and murdered. Yeah, he told me about that too, but I was like running late. So and so it’s like, so this is so relevant because we have such a never again Holocaust theme. But like these people had it. But what is mind boggling to me, which I can’t imagine why this is not in the news and not spoken about, is that like a large chunk more than a fourth of the transatlantic slave trade came specifically from this one tribe. So how are we not starting to connect dots and being like, wait a minute, it.

So the tribe in Africa that the government of Israel is fascinated with and you know, enamored by, is now the blood of those people flowing through the African American community here. Which would make sense to me why they’re all being like, we have an Israelite affinity. Where we’re identifying this is us. We are this. And so I’m like, so, yeah, if the DNA of the blood of these people are in them, they have a valid claim to feel and say that the Igbo tribe of Africa, they’re Jewish. If you were to look. I mean, if you were to look, just look at old maps.

Old map of the African slaving maps. There’s an old map of Guinea, 1720s, 1730s. There’s this old map, and it’s called a Slave coast map. Look on that. It’s the Slave coast map of Guinea, 1736. And you look on the West Africa map of 1747, and it says right on the West Africa map of 1747, Kingdom of Judah. Right there. Right there on the map. Was this a coincidence that this book is now $2,500? He’s telling you about a book that went from $25 to $2,500 overnight on empty Amazon. Talking about the secret relationship between Jews, black people in the Atlantic slave trade.

They are trying to revoke access to knowledge. I’m gonna share a gym with you guys because I’m just real like that. Oh, wait. That is not a conspiracy against the black. A lot of people don’t know this. People don’t realize who brought the slaves to America. They were Jewish ships. I feel like the people that are in control of what hip hop does is so white and so Jewish until they don’t give a. About what the culture and the craft and what the. What it really is. Punks that’s running these record labels, you know, that’s in the powerful positions to.

To dictate what the black community hears and listens to. Blacks in hip hop used also in worshiping the devil, participated in human sacrifice. Ritual cannibalism can’t control me. You get what I’m saying? They can control Shaq, they can control Charles Barkley, they could control LeBron James, they can control Jay Z and Beyonce, but they can’t control me. There ain’t no name I won’t name. It’s God. That’s the only person that I serve. My mom ain’t here. My mama was sacrificed. Family has been involved in rituals for generations. I’m back to 1700. I was born into a family that believes in this.

Does everyone else think it’s a nice Jewish family? Definitely. And you all are worshiping the devil inside the home. Right. There’s other Jewish families across the country. Country. It’s not just my own family. I mean, it’s like if you grow up with something, you think it’s normal. What kinds of things went on in the family rituals in which babies would be sacrificed? The babies we eat, the food we eat, the wars we fight. Best fucking pizza I’ve ever had. Has some type of lettuce on it. I’ve never tasted this shit. Chubbin white baby’s got some type of lettuce on it.

Chubb white baby’s got some type of lettuce on it. My mama was sacrificed. Me too. You understand? Michael Jordan. What about him? His dad, right? Bill Cosby, his son, right? Dr. Dre. His son. You know, out in Hollywood, a lot of people come up missing. Feels like it might be a lot of that. In order to control traumatize, they want to monetize and traumatize. Godless sodomite. Kneel before your God, Babylon, making me the highest pay megalomaniacal boy king in all of Babylon. You see, if you go and visit the very home of the Oscars where they hold it each year, you can see a plaque on the wall that says the Babylonian courts.

The camera shows you the stage and you see an unmistakable Tower of Babel embedded into the design. Outside of the Kodak feeder, you have the gate to Ishtar and you have Babylonian gods put on the outside of the gates. They have the exact elephants, they have the same exact gate of Ishtar, they have the same exact Babylonian gods over the top of the gates. A lot of people come up here and they thank Jesus for this award. I want you to invite that. No one had less to do with this award than Jesus. He didn’t help me a bit.

So all I can say is suck at Jesus. This award is my God. Now I’m thankful to the Oscar gods. The other names of the gentleman are all gods. As far as, as far as a category concerned, when you get this little golden statue, you become a star. In the Egyptian culture they also had a little statue that represented the God Patah. And see, when a Egyptian king died, it was believed that his spirit went into the belt of Orion and he then became a star. Up until 1999, the Oscars was held at a building called the Shrine, which was founded by William Florence and Walter Fleming, two high ranking Scottish, right Freemasons.

Hollywood has long been interested in freemasonry. Gene Autry, John Wayne, Nat King Cole, Duke Ellington, Cece de Mil, Clark Gable, Walt Disney, Oliver Hardy, you name it, the list goes on. Many celebrities have come out and admitted their connection to Freemasonry. You can see the checkered floor. You can see the archways. You can see the sun motif in the background. All of these are letting you know exactly who owns this organization. I own the Milky Way restaurant with my dear husband. And I would like to have daughters to all my children and grandchildren. I’m Steven Spielberg’s mother also.

Steven Spielberg, the famous film director is my son. Your son. You have his name also? Yes. It’s all here. Yeah. Having good news. Always to go from strength to strength to private affairs instinctual. From strength to strength. About in good mood with much success. You have a cautionary representation. Patience. Representation. I told them that would be nice, but we could not film on this. That wouldn’t be a novel for global. Thank you, sir. This is Mr. Ken. He’s in. I much bless you to be successful and to make the Jewish pictures in a good way. I will, brother.

I tell you, we run the world. You don’t understand what I’m telling you. We rule the world. Rothschild. People like this, you don’t understand. It’s behind the scenes. Even with all this Illuminati shit, bro, you don’t know what’s going on. You. You guys will never understand because you’re not Jewish. You’re not allowed to know those things. But we know what’s happening behind the wall, brother. Everything good. But you don’t deserve to know it. You understand? Because you going, I will rape the children of. I will rape children in growth of her mother. And then I will shoot the child in the.

In the head and the mother. And we’re bomb. Did you do that in the army too? Yes. You see this? This is, I swear, from the other Black rock is what pushed dei. Black rock’s all Jewish. All the top execs are all Jewish. They want diversity so bad. Why don’t they have diversity? I don’t see any black, you know, women. You know, black Jewish women, black guys. I don’t see black guys wedding Jewish women. Like, you don’t see the stuff that they push. Like, in Israel, there’s no, you know, open borders. There’s no mixing. There’s no, you know, like, oh, let’s, you know, bring in the black Christian guy.

No, there’s none of that. You would get ostracized for among all the descendants of Esau, descendants of Amalik, Male and female, young and old. And that is why Amalik is so terrible and it has to be totally uprooted. Therefore, God tells us we should erase their memory and we should eradicate Them from the face of the earth. Who is Amali? Amali comes from Asav. Asav was a brother to Jacob Asau. With modern day terms, it’s really basically, you know, certainly one of them is is America hates it in 20 became Edwin, which was a Navy. Edwin became Rome.

Instead of it being Rome, it became Christianity. Christianity of course ultimately became Western civilization. So ancient today really Western civilization. Exile is Europe and the United States. The throne of God is incomplete until we destroy our Malik. Any nation that has that religion can be considered the audacity, the chutzpah to destroy a Malik and to cut off the offerings of the nation of Amalek. The Wailing Wall is the seat of a satanic ritual outlined by the 13th century Jewish occult system known as the Kabbalah. This so called divine presence at the Wailing Wall is actually the Kabbalistic feminine emanation of their false God, the Shekinah.

Watch closely how the rabbis thrust their pelvises and penises back and forth in a prescribed prayer movement called Davening in which the Jew copulates with the Shekinah in order to give birth to an erotic union with the Ein Sof, the Kabbalistic masculine emanation of their false God. They’re participating in a lewd occult ritual where the so called divine presence is actually Satan himself. If you didn’t know. Like most of the corn farms in the world are owned by a single company called Mind Geek. But this is actually nowhere near the whole list. This is closer to the whole list if you wanted to know.

I know that none of you actually want to know this, but sometimes ignorance really is bliss. Cuz the truth is kind of weird. This is not made up. The company that bought mindgeek is actually called Ethical Capital Partners and it was co founded by Solomon who was called to law following his ordainment as a Jewish rabbi in Israel. And we all know that sexual content has been eking its way more and more into everyone’s everyday lives and all sorts of complicated and controversial ways, doing all sorts of messed up things to young people’s minds, regardless of your take on things.

And this site has seriously changed the landscape. And this is clearly a marketing move designed to change the landscape in a big way. Who’s it owned by? Leonid Ravinsky. And give you one guess where that name comes from. He’s from Odessa, Ukraine. And it’s just kind of weird. Graham needs to calm its horny ass down. Like this is constantly the suggested reels that come across my page. Meanwhile everything else is Basically all automotive based or like snowmobile, firearm related. Like that’s everything I follow. And I’m constantly having to purge my explore page right now. All automotive because I’ve already gone through and hit not interested.

But constantly a bunch of stuff like this. I go, not interested, don’t suggest. And immediately it knows what I want to see. It immediately goes to car content or trucks or something of America porn. Not just black people, but poor white people. Let’s have the lawmakers make laws that govern the media that say we don’t want pornography on the Internet. We don’t want pornography frankly anywhere. What happens when you have a media that atheist, religious, Jewish, they tend to create pornography. Mind geek only, fans only by Jews. I don’t think that’s a coincidence. They only marry within their tribe, right? And then they use porn in wars.

It’s like gas. When we talk about gas chambers, this is the gas chamber. It’s a silent killer and it’s legal. And they put it on every single block and they use my ex wife to sell it. And they, they also, they want to dumb us down. I take responsibility for my pornography usage in the last marriage. Creating an energy towards an idea of a woman on camera that I think helped influence my wife also to feel like she wanted to be like those, those women. We, we were, we grew up where pornography wasn’t even considered bad.

Like my parents didn’t care if I watch porn. With sex, you establish a better connection and then you sort of. It’s almost like the Sixth sense where you, you see dead people and you start going back over your life and you realize, holy crap, pornography was doing all this damage. And then you sort of see it from way above. These women are not just libidinous ladies that enjoy some intercourse. They were molested by their uncle, molested by their dad. That’s why they can just switch off because they got practice as kids switching it off. And now there’s all these men staring at this girl who’s as you point out, dealing with her sexual pain.

That’s what pornography he is. It’s gotta go. I’d rather have a Jewish rabbi prove my point. Rule number one, no more pornography. No more homosexuality. None of that garbage. Not allowed. Berlin in the 30s, in the 20s was the Sodom and Gomorrah of the day. They were the Las Vegas of the day. They were the Sodom and Gomorrah. Today, homosexuality, pornography, all the bestiality, all the garbage of the world. That was the capital of the world. He outlawed it that you’re no longer allowed closed all the bars, all the gay clubs, all the production, which were all run by Jewish people.

Unfortunately. Well, a loophole that allows accused and convicted American pedophiles to escape justice by moving to Israel. Nine year old girl in Oregon back in 2000 and a five year old girl in Israel in 2001, exploiting a process called law of return. It’s all about being so evil to a little child. An institution has covered up for them in the past and they know that if this goes to court, it costs a lot of money to a lot of people. And there’s nobody wants to deal with that. In Babylon, sexual perversion of every kind had been a way of life for millennium.

The Pharisees were deeply influenced by such practices. In three of the major treatises of the Talmud are found extensive passages which give legal endorsement to seduce and marry 3 year old baby girl. In fact, many of the greatest rabbis of the Talmud, including Simeon Ben Yohai, upheld this privilege. Today in Israel, thousands of Jews go to Meron every year to venerate the memory of Simeon Ben Yohai, one of the most respected rabbis in the history of Judaism. In one of dozens of endorsements of child sex, Simeon Ben Yohai said a proselyte under the age of three years and a day is permitted to marry a priest.

Agreeing with Ben Yohai, the Great Rabba said, when a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl, it is nothing. For when the girl is less than this three years and a day, it is as if one put the finger into the eye. The footnote to this passage says as tears come to the eye again and again, so does virginity come back to the little girl under three years. The same section confirms that sexual activity with small boys is in the same category. The intercourse of a small boy is not regarded as a sexual act.

In addition to adulterers. Christ in the story of the Good Samaritan portrayed the Pharisees as racial bigots too self righteous to respond to the suffering of one who was not a Jew. It is true, because of the wickedness of the Canaanites, which included sodomy and infant sacrifice. Israel had been commanded by God to be harsh in her treatment of the inhabitants of the land. They sacrificed the little boy for Satan and they. They take his. Some of. Some of the high priestess take his blood and that’s the sacrifice. He actually becomes a priest in the cult.

But stepping back, he was evil. Like the minute he walked in the room, you could feel the evil walk in the room. With him. My personal opinion is they do sell their soul one way or the other. They figure it out, they get told to do this, they do it and that brings them to wealth. How many people go missing every day in New York? Well, there’s probably like 15,000 per year in New York. Babylon. Isn’t it disgusting? The word baby comes from the word Babylon. And they literally used to do all those terrible things to babies.

This is real crazy things in the Talmud. I bet you that’s where organizations like mambla, the Man Boy Lover association came from. Guaranteed. And it’s saying here that Jewish people who believe in the talent Talmud think it’s okay to have sex with 3 year olds. I wonder if that’s why this, this freemason clip shows all of these freemason men marrying little boys also. I wonder if there’s any correlation between that and the fact that a lot of Jewish rabbis literally suck the blood off baby penises after they circumcise them. And just keep in mind there’s so many different areas of Judaism not all Jews even know about about this, let alone participate.

Some of the worst Jewish people call non Jews goyim, which means that they’re less than and they can literally kill goyim and it won’t mean anything karmatically. They’re fine. We’re basically like animals to them. And just to wrap it up with all the things they did in Babylon and the things that are in the Talmud, you got to think about it, with all the baby sacrifice, it sounds a lot like abortion. Also the other Christmas crazy thing is you got to look into the genders of the Talmud, okay? And then when you realize how many genders were in there while they’re saying all of these things, you’ll realize that this is the playbook that’s being used to destroy the children in schools and in telling the truth to the masses.

But you know, the masses have a hard time believing anything. Well, we’ve done a great brainwashing job on them over the centuries and especially the last few hundred years. We just brainwashed them completely. They believe anything we tell them. And you know, and I mean we have a lot of fun around Passover where we steer the children and you know, we. I know you know, because I’ve done it on your show before. I mean we steal 100 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country and we drain the blood and we mix it with the Passover blood and then we throw the bodies into the slaughterhouses that we own and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger.

McDonald’s is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat them for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch. And, you know, they, as Jews, you know, we gotta do what we do. The most important thing to remember between you, Pastor Wickselm, and me, Rabbi A.B. finkelstein of New York, that we both have two fathers. And so that’s why we look at the world in two different ways. And we know that there’s a massive collision that’s going to take place between two forces, don’t we? People who eat hot dogs eat them because they taste so good, but what’s in them is not so good.

You know, we’ve learned to accept it. But I don’t know if you’ll feel so accepting after this. The company Clear Foods recently analyzed 345 hot dog and sausage products from 75 brands and retailers and found. Are you hot dog lovers ready for this? Human DNA in 2% of the samples and in 2/3 of the vegetarian samples. And get this. 10% of all vegetarian products appear to contain meat. Clear Food says that there are some companies producing high quality hot dog top scores to Butterball, McCormick, Ecric and Hebrew. National human DNA. You know, we. I know you know, because I’ve heard it on your Toby for.

I mean, we steal 100 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country. What? All these kids coming up in this country missing, and you telling me that y’all steal kids? We drain the blood and we mix it with a Passover blood. Then we throw the bodies into the slaughterhouses that we own and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger. The McDonald’s is one of our favorite outbreaks. You want a radio show openly admitting that y’all kill kids and drain their blood and grind they body parts up and put them in meat and sell it to McDonald’s and these other restaurants.

And the people, they eat them for breakfast. They eat their children for lunch. All right, trial. What is it gonna take? What is it gonna take for us to listen? I’m like sick to my stomach, okay? I’ve heard the rumors and I still am guilty of it. Taking my kids to go eat at McDonald’s. But today took my girls to go get their normal Happy Meals and got a 10 piece for my 6 year old and she bit down into one of her chicken nuggets and she says that, you know, she hurt her chick teeth. And so I’m looking at it and I Pulled this out.

She pulls this out. She hands it to me, K. And I’m freaking out. Baby, where’s your tooth? What happened? How’d you lose a tooth? How did you lose a tooth in your chicken nuggets? It’s not her tooth, y’all. This is not my baby’s, too. But this is a baby’s tooth. This was someone’s baby’s tooth. This is disgusting. And this is what we’re eating. This is what we’re feeding our kids. This is a human tube. This is a baby tube. And I see baby no more than six years old. This is a tooth. This is a baby tooth.

And we’re eating this. Still gonna go. Continue to eat from there. McDonald’s is famous for its burgers selling approximately 75 every second. Of course, this means that the fast food giant must be doing something right when sandwiching their signature all beef patties inside of a simple bun. But what makes these burgers so delicious? Here’s the secret. They found human remains in McDonald’s burgers this year. And. And I believe next year that’ll be the thing that brings down McDonald’s in rapid style. Contrary to widespread rumor, all of their patties are actually made from 100% USDA inspected beef.

There’ll be very few people who go into McDonald’s when they found that they found human remains in McDonald’s burgers prior to 2011. Like many other fast food chain restaurants in the United States, McDonald’s did use the meat based filler commonly known as pink slime in their burgers. The substance in question was beef, but only technically. Pink slime is actually made from finely textured beef trimmings that are then treated with ammonia before being ground up into a pink paste. Is it gross? Yes. Yeah, it’s just, I mean that between that and the Cinnamix, which, by the way, Clay Clark pointed out Cinnamix about a month ago, Cinemix is the flavor ingredient, and it’s spelled smoke, E, N, o, M, y, X.

Synomyx. It’s a flavor ingredient that is a sweetener for food. But it’s made out of aborted female kidney Fail kidney cells. Aborted female kidney cells. But thankfully, pink slime is no longer an ingredient in McDonald’s hamburgers. In 2014, as part of a widespread effort to debunk the negative consumer perceptions that surrounded their beef products, the company hired former Mythbuster Grant Imahara. It’s all there. They can’t hide it. Pepsi and Fritos and Quaker Oaks and Ocean Spray Cranberry juice are just some of the companies that use Cinnamix. So basically you’re a cannibal if you’re eating food that is using Cinnamix flavoring additives because it’s made from aborted female fetal tissue, your kidney cells.

I’m a female fetus. How’s that for everybody? Charlie, you may have heard that McDonald’s burgers are made from entire cows that are put through a meat grinder. It’s disgusting. And when the police show up, young Jewish men fight the police and a dozen are arrested. And now everyone is saying what the is going on with secret Jewish tunnels in New York City? Out of all the theories in the world, one of the biggest ones is that evil people, human traffickers, love to dig holes. They love the burrow. They love to make tunnels, underground tunnels, tunnels, tunnels.

We’ve heard so much about it. The elites do it to have underground bunkers, etc. There’s underground places you can travel, massive complexes in. This story that happened recently is about a small complex. An example, Ted Gunderson, back in the day, he’s now dead. He was the head of the FBI. He found underground tunnels in a preschool where Satanists were abusing children. Look that up. They were called the finders. In 1987, Tallahassee, Florida Police responded to an anonymous phone tip about six malnourished children covered in bug bites and scratches, being accompanied by two well dressed men in a public park.

The two men were arrested for child abuse and suspicion of trafficking children across state lines. And so the U.S. customs Service, the Washington Metropolitan Police Department and the FBI all got involved. The two men arrested had multiple fake IDs and were found to be members of a group known as the Finders. The Finders owned multiple properties in the D.C. area. The investigation of these properties reportedly found evidence of child pornography and photographs of three children and three white robed men dismembering two goats. The Finders were labeled a Satanic cult and the media sensationalized it for a full week until the investigation was called off.

It was reported that the mothers of the children were members of the Finders and that the two men had the full consent of the parents to be transporting them. During this same time period was the McMartin Preschool scandal wherein hundreds of parents reported that their children had suffered satanic sexual abuse at a preschool in Manhattan Beach, California. And now this recent thing with New York is kind of just bringing it all to light. We don’t do that in America. They found In a synagogue. Again, just because they were Jewish doesn’t mean we can’t talk about it.

And just because they were Jewish doesn’t mean all Jewish people are bad. Multiple different types of Jews in the United States. States, There are four main kinds of Jews. This doesn’t mean that all Jewish people do this to kids. There have been lawsuits and other claims in the past that they have been doing bad things to kids. They’ve even admitted certain things. Back in 2013, Vice did an article with a rabbi who said that literally there’s a child sex rape assembly line. And then this. This has been going on that long and longer. So they literally found soiled mattresses, kid chairs, high chairs, and other strange things underneath this synagogue in which they were burrowing somewhere.

So could this possibly be the tip of the iceberg? Who knows? I dug up some clips. They pretty much cover the whole thing. Check this out. The riot broke out at a New York synagogue after Orthodox Jews tried to resist work to eliminate illegal tunnels dug under the building. Reportedly, the the tunnels may have led to an abandoned women’s ritual bath or were dug to expand the synagogue. Even though the synagogue leadership were the ones who called contractors to fill the tunnels with cement, some parishioners opposed this. Several young Jews vandalized the synagogue in an attempt to confront the construction workers, and the police were called and were eventually arrested.

You may have seen the viral footage from a synagogue in New York today. A group of Orthodox Jewish men went head to head with construction workers that were employed to fill in a network of underground tunnels. Secret underground tunnels. There’s so much conspiracy surrounding this footage, so let’s try and clear up what’s actually going on. The tunnels were discovered last month at the Havre Lubovitz world headquarters. By the way, Havad Lubovitz is an ultra Orthodox sect of the Jewish religion. It seems as though the ultra Orthodox can often disagree with each other, with some even running into the tunnels to protect them.

In this clip, we see a young Orthodox Jewish man climbing out of a hole in the pavement outside the building and then running away. Ten people were arrested by the New York Police Department and the synagogue has since been closed. There was basically a riot in the synagogue, and without explanation, the confusion around this footage has literally taken over the entire Internet. So here’s everything we know about this story so far. It’s unclear why the tunnels were created. The website Forward claims that the tunnels were dug to expand the 770 building. What is Havad Lubovitz? It’s An Orthodox Jewish Hasidic group that originated in Russia and it’s one of the largest Hasidic groups in the world.

Hasidic Judaism is an Orthodox Jewish movement that emerged in the 18th century. The word Hasidism literally means religious one. Hasidic Jewish men often wear white shirts and black overcoats, and they might also wear hats, depending on which group they belong to. Havad men, for instance, wear black fedora hats. Hasidic Jewish women wear modest clothing that covers their knees, collarbone and elbows. According to one estimate, there are up to 17,000 Havad Lubovitz households across the world, making up 13% of the global Hasidic population. Headquarters. The building was perched purchased by an organization representing the Batbobic in the 1940s and has since become a key location for the movement as a synagogue involving Ultra Orthodox Jews.

Secret tunnels and the nypd. Because as it turns out, in the middle of one of the biggest cities in the world, you got these secret tunnels. And specifically the group that we’re talking about is the Chabad Lubovitch community, which is actually the largest acidic group of Jews in the world. And also what we’ve seen online is this whole tunnel situation leading to many, many conspiracy theories online, Unsurprisingly, many of them just anti Semitic in general. But the reality here appears to be far simpler. Right? A subsect of Chabad was just trying to connect with their main synagogue to a closed down Jewish bathhouse for women in order to expand it.

And the tunnel was actually discovered late last year when you had neighbors saying, hey, I hear weird sounds coming from the ground. And then city plumbing crews laying new lines discovered it. So obviously the authorities not thrilled. There’s a lot of reasons not to be pumped about a secret tunnel underneath the city and buildings. The first being their concerns that it could destabilize the buildings above. It was one of the reasons you had construction crews there to try to fill in the tunnel. A situation that was then made worse because of members of the Chabad movement.

They started acting out, they started messing with the concrete pouring equipment. Some of their people even decided to make their way into the tunnels to try and stop the crews from doing their work. Then the police eventually having to be called in, which is when they then clashed with young men both inside and outside of the building. That then leading to arrest. Though it’s not clear how many exactly, we do know that at least 10 got criminal misdemeanor charges. And as a recording, it appears that construction crews have been able to get back to work. If you’ve seen any footage from the scene, it’s clear that defacing might be understating it.

Right beyond the tunnel, these young Jewish men were doing things like tearing down wood paneling, destroying bricks and throwing pews around in angle. So this whole situation is pretty crazy. And it really gets complicated when you look at things like the adl, which is literally the Jewish coalition that, that controls so many things. It’s strange. And if you say anything bad about them, you get hammered on hard. Like if you. You’re famous, you basically lose all your funding anyways. The ADL says that people always use anti Semitics and people who hate Jewish people. They always use the cement truck as a symbol to make fun of the Jews because they all say that the Jewish people dig.

And it’s just very strange that they post that and claim that that is crazy and racist when they actually clearly do this. Not all Jewish people, but definitely a decent amount of people. Jewish people actually do this. This. It’s also crazy that some Jewish people. I’m not sure if it’s Orthodox. I think it is the Orthodox. They actually do a specific thing to kids after they circumcise them. Babies and they put their mouth on the genitals to suck the blood off. That’s real. Are you doing pulling yourself away from this in the Jewish aspect and stepping back, you can see that now clearly the Jewish aspect of everything is about to flare up.

And it’s seeming a lot, a lot like Nazi Germany with all the COVID restrictions. And now we have the Jewish aspect flaring up. All we need is another pandemic and we literally have another Holocaust. Just be ready for that. Another thing about the Holocaust, it wasn’t just Jewish people that were killed. Polish people, a bunch of other people were killed, but only Jews were talked about. That is absolutely true. Figure it out. Look it up. So that means that they could potentially kill all of us along with the Jews. And then in the future, just say it was just Jewish people and we’ll all be erased.

That could have been what happened in the Holocaust. And according to my research, look it up. Just keep in mind, this whole thing could definitely flare up and be a bigger situation than we could have ever seen coming. The people of Nazi Germany had no idea what was coming was coming until it happened. Keep that in mind of the Las Vegas mole people recently when you told me about. So the Las Vegas mole people are homeless people who live in the currently 500 miles of unmapped sewer system underneath the hotels in Las Vegas. There’s like a whole society under there and everything.

There is a society, there is a king. They have their own laws. And it’s rumored that once you go down far enough, they have their own languages. There’s people who live down there who have never seen the light of day. In Kuyi, that’s only one of over a hundred underground cities. They just found it within the last 80 years. There was a guy in an apartment that was doing a project on his house in that part of Turkey, and he collapsed a wall and literally found an entrance to the largest underground city on earth. Oops. How did they build something like that? These people knew that these events were so catastrophic they could wipe out their entire civilization.

So they created the most elaborate group of underground cities in the world. Creating air shafts, areas to even bring animals down. Areas for sleeping, areas for schools. They carved the entire thing by hand. It could house over 20,000 people. At the entrance to this entire city, they had this massive multi ton stone they would roll in front of the door and seal the entire underground area for sometimes. You ready for this? Hundreds of years. Blackhawk, S.D. homeowner find a sinkhole in front of his house. He’s trying to call officials to come out and take a look at it.

But it’s April 2020, so he’s having a hard time for anyone to come out. Which is probably why you never heard this on the news. Because something else was on the news 24 7. But look at the size of this thing. Officials finally come out and take a look. The seagull keeps getting bigger and bigger. They finally come out. They fence the thing off. Something huge is happening. Where do they find? You’re not gonna believe it. Tunnels. And tunnels and tunnels. It’s an old mine, S.D. the state knew about it and they never disclosed it. When they sold this to a developer, the developer bought the property and they started building houses on it.

Look at this. They found a freaking car in there. Tunnels in there. All these houses, this huge community. The properties are worthless. Look at this. That’s where the. That’s where the mine is at. You never know what gets under your feet. All roads lead to Rome. The underworld, drug trafficking, meddling cartels out of South America. Central America. The drug cartels, Mexico. Mexico and Central and South America are Catholic. The Catholic Church is opening the door. The Pope is opening the doors to the Babylonian mysteries of Dagon. And when you find out what’s Rome really is and how it is a continuation of the Roman Empire.

And that Caesar, under the. Under the ancient Roman system, Caesar was called Pontifex Maximus or the great bridge builder. Well, today that is the term that is given now to the Pope. Pontifex Maximus, the great bridge builder. Bridge builder being. Because he builds bridges to other nations, takes over this country, that country, that country, takes over here. And so he’s building bridges to the whole world. The bridge builder Pontifex Maximus, the Holy Father. And let me tell you one thing for damn sure. There is nothing holy in Rome. Ain’t never been nothing holy in Rome. We’re talking about Caesar, we’re talking about pure power, the power of the sword.

I’m at McDonald’s right now, right? We’re in Rome. Keep that in mind. This is underneath the McDonald’s body. That’s an absolute skeleton in a McDonald’s. The name of the moon God in Arabia was Sin. S I n sin and a mountain. In the ancient Arabic, a very ancient language was AI. So the God Sin lived in his mountain. And AI. You put them together, it becomes cyanide. No, there was no cyanide. There’s a God sin in the mountain called AI. Airhead, wake up. It’s just a worship of a moon God. This is why the Jews have their celebration after sundown, because that’s when the moon God comes out.

They’re not going to have their. Their holy days in the daytime. That’s when the Christians are worshiping the sun. But God said, you don’t want to have your holy days when they’re worshiping the sun on Sunday with the Christians who worship in the sun, the Jews are worshiping the moon. So we wait till after sundown, then we have our holy day. That’s why if you go to Israel and you go to a synagogue, it’s not spelled S y n spelled S I n synagogue. Because sin is the God of the moon, or Gog, which we get from that.

The Gog and Magog or Gog. Sin of God is the house of the. Of the worship of the God. Sin. Sin of God. S I n, not S y n of our enemy, which is the white race. And we bring them to the basements in the synagogue where we drain the blood and watch them die there. It’s very similar to how we do the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering. And so we do that and then we mix it with a Passover bread. And so we eat the blood of our enemies and the bodies.

We’re not cannibals. So what we do is we take Those because we can make some pickles, and we give them to the slaughterhouses. And those are pounds and pounds and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger. And that’s why we made those the most popular things. Sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the koyamat here are really eating their children. And even when we say this outright and tell you people you don’t believe to apologize to the Jewish community for some lyrics in one of his new songs, they Don’t Care about us, one of 15 new songs on the History album, includes the line jumi sumi, followed by a similar use of the anti Semitic word kike.

The king of pop caught in controversy again. He said he’d lose the lyrics. That outraged critics. Now he’s singing them again for his new video. Jackson promised several months ago to revise the lyrics to his song they Don’t Care About Us lyrics many called anti Semitic. Jackson’s in Brazil now shooting the video for the song, and Entertainment Tonight has learned he is still using the controversial lyrics. Last year, he angered Jewish groups when he sang these words. Michael then gave in to pressure and changed the song. But in Brazil, the controversial lyrics were back. We showed footage of the video shoot to Rabbi Marvin Hire, an activist for Jewish causes who was outraged because last June, Jackson sent him a letter of apology for singing those lyrics.

I’m shot, Jew me, sue me, kick me, kite me. Those are the words that he told us that he would never use again. History books are not true. It’s a lie. The history books are lying. You need to know that. You must, must know that it’s time for a change. Let’s not leave this building and forget what has been said. Put it into your heart, put it into your subconscious mind, and let’s do something about it. Because it’s been a long, long time coming and a change has got to come, man. I met him one time in South Africa.

He happened to be there. I happened to be there. And he had a list of books lined up all along the floor. And I looked over and I said, yo, Mike, you know people just sending you stuff like that. He says, no, that’s what I read. I mean, he had everything from the Autobiography of Malcolm X, Eat to Live. He had Sri Arabindo Krishnamurti. And we sat there three hours, man, chopping it up about all of this, from metaphysics to psychology to how the black man is treated. People don’t know about Mike. On the real, Mike had a consciousness that could blow your mind and he was definitely trying to heal the world in his own way.

Mike. Michael Jackson, man. Yo, me, listen up, listen up. You bro, I’m from Israel. I don’t, I don’t afraid from you, okay? If you want once more blame us Jews at anything wrong, I come into your house and bang, bang you, okay? Don’t around with us, okay? I’m not a nice Jew. I can be, as you said, fire to fire. And I will fire you off like we fired the Nazis. Don’t be a Nazi, you Nazi. Negotiate usury. Any interest rate is called usury. Usury is illegal. So in Christian nations, lending money for an interest rate was illegal.

So because it was illegal for the Christians who did the lending, the Jews. So there was Christians who could lend for 0% or didn’t lend at all. And then these people called the Jews would come over and start lending money. They would start charging money. And in a couple generations, guess what would happen to the economy. The Jews owned everything. And then guess what the king did? Rank rounded them up and threw them out of the country. Then they go to the next country. And what would they do? Same thing. And what would that king do? Round them up, kick them out of the country.

This went on for thousands of years. This is, this is why the Jews in history have had no country. Because the king would have. They would say, no usury, no money lending. And they would start the money lending. They would start the central bank to compete with the king. The king would kick them out, they go to the next country, do it again. So this has happened over and over and over again because this quote right here from Napoleon, he would show the compound interest tables and he said in a very short amount of time, compound interest would eat up every piece of property in France.

In fact, I’m going to show you how powerful compound interest is. Very scary thing. There’s a reason why it was illegal, illegally, legally legal in the Christian nations and the Christian philosophy, because it would literally enslave people. Guys, the interest on credit cards enslaved people today. Does student loans enslave people today? We no longer have forced slavery. We have debt slavery now. It is no longer forced slavery. There’s not a mast cell with a whip whipping you anymore to pick cocks or something like that, or build wallets or whatever you’re doing, build boats, all sorts of slavery.

We now have debt slavery where somebody prints money and you now have to pay the money back plus interest. Okay, so Pareto’s principle. In Italy, an economist named Pareto noticed that 80% of the land was owned by 20% of the families. The start of market modern banking was in Italy. You had the Jewish population there and they would exchange gold for notes. And in Italy you had the Pareto principal where 80% of the land was owned by 20% of people who’s heard of the 8020 rule before, that’s from Italy. And I want you to write this formula down.

Time times compound interest equals power. And today when you guys are investing in your game, we’re going to be doing 30 years of investing thing over three days. So you got lots of time and you have compounding numbers. So when you compound numbers over time that becomes extremely powerful. This is a war between slave masters. Okay? This is nothing but modern day slavery. And when the slave masters fight, you don’t side with one or another master. You don’t side with my master. You take advantage of the fact that they’re fighting to overthrow the whole institution of slavery to get free.

And this is how we have to look at it when these imperialists fight. We’re not rooting for our imperialists. We are welcoming the defeat of these modern day slave masters. And whatever they undertake, if we do our work right, one step closer to being able to make a revolution to overthrow them all together. All I want to say is that they don’t really care about us Enough is enough of the story Beat me, hate me, you can never break me Will me, thrill me, you can never kill me, sue me, everybody do me Kick me, kick me don’t you black I wipe me All I want to say is that they don’t really care about us All I want to say is that they don’t really care about us Tell me what has become of my life Talking black man, black man talk about the angels All I’m going to say that they don’t really care about us All I want to say is that they don’t really care about us Me in the class with a bad day the government don’t want to see it Sa situation segregation everybody allocation they don’t really care about all I don’t really care about all I ra.


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