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➡ The speaker, Logan, presents his views on the connection between theology, numerology, and chemistry. He uses the example of the scriptures from the first and last books of the Bible, Genesis and Revelation, to illustrate this connection. He also discusses the concept of ‘I am’, suggesting that while we believe we control our actions, it’s actually the divine or heavenly realms that guide us. He concludes by stating that we are not in control of our lives, but are guided by ‘Heaven above’.
➡ The text discusses the connections between theology, numerology, and chemistry, using elements like rubidium and cesium as examples. It suggests that these elements, along with others like nihonium, are tied to concepts like the sun, the moon, and blood types, hinting at a larger cosmic design. The text also explores the numerology of scriptures and the symbolism in a deck of cards, suggesting that these too are part of this design. The overall message is that everything happens for a reason, as we are all part of a larger cosmic plan.
➡ The text discusses various interpretations of religious and spiritual symbols, suggesting that they all point towards the concept of reincarnation. It also explores the connections between these symbols and elements of nature, mathematics, and chemistry. The author believes that understanding these patterns can provide insights into our life paths. Lastly, the text delves into the significance of the number 79 in the Torah and the Greek Sinaiticus, suggesting it’s tied to the concept of ‘God’.
➡ The text discusses the significance of the number 79 and the letter ‘E’ or ‘epsilon’ in various contexts, including its appearance in the Bible and its connection to the sun and gold. It also explores the importance of the number 7, which when flipped becomes the letter ‘L’, symbolizing God, light, and love. The author emphasizes that love always wins as it is necessary for the continuation of life. The text concludes by encouraging skepticism and independent research, and expressing gratitude for support.


Sa what you’re about to experience are my opinions and truths. I’m suggesting these possibilities for you to consider, enabling you to come up with your own conclusions. Sad. Ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be, my name is Logan. I’m going to be your tour guide for this presentation. On the topic of Heaven above, this will be Heaven above decoded. And try to get the music a little soft. What I really wanted to play, which I will leave in the description of the video. If you’ve never watch this video, listen to this song.

It is a song that will bring the goosebumps out to the highest level. It’s above and beyond. And their acoustic version of On My Way to Heaven. It’s a glorious one of my favorite songs. The whole. The whole entire thing at the Hollywood bowl in 4K. If you listen to the whole thing, it’s magical. Magical. The whole thing, it’s all acoustic. I love acoustic. So I’ll leave this in the description. Here’s the full version of it right here. And do check it out, man. Two hours. If you do check it. If you want to have your mind blown and just go on a complete ride of bliss, well, look no further than this right here.

So on my way to heaven, Heaven above decoded, ladies and gentlemen, put on a pair of headphones, block out the outside worlds. I promise you this one will blow your mind. And this is. This is how dialed in we are with the code now, because I’ve already broken it wide open. So now we’re just kind of going in for seconds and thirds. And this is what we’re going to do here for this. So let’s get into the topics for conversation during this presentation. There are just three. The very first one, I am. The second one gold.

And the third one seven, nine. So let’s get into the first one, I am. We say this a lot, right? Why do we say I am? Well, because the. You’re the divine. As above, so below. The as above, running the so below. We’re not in control of this reality. I’ll show you why that is during this presentation. But I am. And I’m going to start with theology. I’m going to go to the first book. I’m going to go to the Torah, Genesis 1, verses 8. And this is a fascinating scripture because you’d notice that it’s talking about the creation of the second day in what includes two sun and moon, evening and morning.

And what’s really interesting about this scripture is it also has the word heaven in it, the very first time heaven is mentioned, the firmament heaven, which encases the so below, which is earth. And what is even more fascinating is that the word evening, which is darkness, comes before morning, which is light. I didn’t write it this way. And that’s why it says in the Torah, in the very beginning, the the earth was void, it was black. See, black comes before white because black is yin, feminine. Inside the womb, there’s no light inside the womb, zero light.

When you’re born in Zen embryo, no light. When you come through the birth canal, no light there you come into the so morning comes after evening. I thought that was absolutely fascinating. But anyway, let’s measure this through numerology. I’m going to use the original numerology in the language of Hebrew, because that is where the Torah came from. So here’s Genesis, or In the beginning, 76. This is interesting because the word Nephilim also Equals the number 76, but 76, 1 and 8 gives us 85. And what can I do with this? Well, now I need an extension.

So if you look at a code break, this is how we do it. It’s an easy methodology. We just simply connect something else that has the value of 85. And we’re going to go to chemistry. And there it is, the 37th element. It’s also going to connect to astatine or astatine, but the 37th element tied to I in the sky has that 85 for its average isotope, 85.4685 right there. So Genesis 1 verses 8, the numerology of the scripture, chapter and verse itself connects to rubidium, which is the eye in the sky. And you’re going to see this in a few in future slides coming up.

And how it role plays us, how we’re not in control of this reality as above. So below. So then we have the interesting aspect of this scripture. We’re going to go to the last book of the Bible. So this is the first book, this is the last revelation. And I took the same chapter and verse as I did here. And you get an outcome that’s very similar. Instead of the evening and morning, we get the alpha and omega, we get the beginning and end. It’s so fascinating. Duality. That’s why it’s the second day, because it represents duality, the demi urge, alpha and omega.

So I’m going to measure this as well. And this is in Greek. Supposedly the New Testament was written in coin Greek, using the modern Greek Alphabet, the 24 letters. And it’s Apocalypse, Revelation 1, verses 8. We get a total numerical value of 133. And of course I’m where, where can I connect to this, to chemistry? Right there we go to the 55th element called cesium. And this is tied to atomic clocks. Clock is based upon time, and that’s 24 hours in a day. And that’s what creates night and day. It’s all chemistry, folks, and how amazing numerology is when it connects to chemistry.

And then I just go right back to numerology again and I go back to Hebrew and this is the word shemesh, which means sun. So there’s the connection. 55, 55 shames son, Alpha and Omega. I create peace and evil. That’s Isaiah 45, verses 7. It’s going to be tied right into this as well, because that’s eight. That’s raw. The beginning and end, man, daytime, evening, Alpha, Omega, the sun. So it’s really fascinating. So here they are side by side, these two scriptures. Again, I just think it’s fascinating. The first and last book using the same chapter and verse.

They provide the same meanings without question. And let’s show a little bit more. So again, here’s a recap of all the tools that we use. The numerology at the bottom, the chemistry at the top, CC and rubidium. And what I want to do here is simply add up the protons of rubidium and cesium 37 and 55. And that gives us a total value of 92. See the, the protons that kind of represents the nucleus that wants to come down to play the game of life. It connects with the neutrons, which creates the isotope here, these numbers.

So this is kind of the first. So 37 protons, 55 protons gives us a total of 92. And what’s the 92nd element on the periodic table? Uranium, which comes from uranium, Ra, Nas, Uranus. And Uranus means heaven. If you study the Greek mythologies, Uranus was the og, primordial that created everything with Gaia, Mother Earth. And ladies and gentlemen, just keep in mind that the age of Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. We’re going back to source again. We’re going back to the granddaddy of them all, Uranus. Uranus. So how about that? The, the, the theology connects to chemistry, which goes back to chemistry.

And you get Greek mythology in here because that’s named after Uranus, which is Greek. So interesting. And what I picked up on here is not only does Uranus represent heaven above, which is what the title of this decode is. But when you look at the melting point, meaning, like what, What I think these mean is boiling, is ascension melting, is descending, going down to play the game of life. I mean, look at the symbol pointing up. Hello, Heaven. Right? Heaven, Heaven above. Right there. But look at the melting point in Kelvin, 1408. So again, the melting point to consider is the sun becoming heaven, becoming.

Going down to be matter. It’s 1408 Kelvin. And if you’ve been paying attention, what is that? 1408? You just dropped the zero. The zero gives infinite potential. It’s 148, which is found by adding up the protons of iodine and americium, which is. I am. It’s just mind blowing, folks. The code here, and I know that this is not put in here to try to mock anybody or try to get one past you. It’s just not. But there it is, man. It’s undeniable, man. When you’re a code breaker and you’ve been doing this as long as I have, and for some of you, you’ve been doing it a very long time as well.

You know, you already know. There’s no believing anymore. You just know. You can see the code now. It’s obvious what all this stuff means. We are being used by the divine, by the heavenly realms, by the as above. It becomes us. That’s why we say this. I am gonna go do this, I am gonna go do that. Yeah, you’re gonna go do it, but you’re not in control of your life. That is my final answer. I stand confident in that. Heaven above. So here is again kind of the four base tools that we used here, or three.

We have theology, numerology and chemistry. So we have rubidium and cesium. And I want to point out to you that these elements, when you go to the periodic table, they not only see this line that it sits in. Hydrogen is what the sun is primarily made up of. And then you get 19, which is the sun card in the tarot and the rubidium, the eye in the sky and cesium, the atomic clock. This row right here is all based on the as above. It’s absolutely fascinating when you go to these elements to get the bigger clue.

You see that they come from Latin words. And if you watched my all roads lead to Rome, you you’d know why it’s so important. So rubidius comes from a Latinized spelling and so does cesium. CCM comes from ccs, which is Latin. So because of that, I went ahead and I measured them in the Latin numerology cipher. 23 letters, Rabidius Cesius. It gives us a total numerical value of 11 3. And I’m going to go right back to chemistry. And we have the 113 protons of nihonium. And this is. I’ve shown this in my bloodline decoder. This was part of my presentation in Acapulco just a few weeks ago.

A week ago, February 17th to the 22nd in Acapulco. I’m going to show you a few slides from that. Nihonium. This is the, this is the nihonium comes from the word nihon, which means Japan. What is Japan known as? The land of what, the rising what? Sun. So they, they put the red dot on there. This is the flag of Japan. They put the red dot on there to say that it’s the sun. But what else does it look like? How about a blood cell? Absolutely. And this element was so big. So here’s a slide that I put out for the.

An Acapulco presentation and I said everything happens for a reason. Yeah. Why does everything happen for a reason? Well, because we’re being role played. You see, everything happens for a reason gives us a total value of 113. And that 113 is tied right to the protons in nihonium, which is found from the numerology of Rubidius and Cesius. And these two elements are tied to the alpha and omega, the beginning and end, the daytime in the evening, based on the Torah and the New Testament. And 113 is the 30th prime number. And role play is 30. This should answer your question as to why does everything happen for a reason? We say this a lot without even giving it any thought.

Yeah, because you see, this is a blood cell. We are the sun becoming. We are heaven becoming Earth. That’s why. This is exactly the reason why, folks. And you see the numerology of our eight blood types is 286, which is the same outcome as Nihonium’s isotope. Are you seeing this? See, you’re either going to be an OAB or a B, which are the four blood types. Yes. But it adds a total of eight. Because you get the Rh positive or Rh negative, you will either be negative or positive in your blood type. That determines whether or not you have the Rh factor.

So this gives us. So this tells us very clear that we’re being role played by our blood types and we’re being role played by the. As above which is the sun and the moon and the celestials and everything else. The constellations and the zodiac and the Maseroth and all that stuff that I covered in the zodiac decoded. So the reason why everything happens for a reason is because everything is tied to the eye in the sky. You know that song by Alan Parsons, I am the eye in the sky Looking at you. I can read your mind.

Yeah. It gives you your thoughts. Rubidium, rubidious. So now you know, folks. Now you don’t have to agree with me here, but the connections are in your face. I mean they’re there, they’re undeniable. If you’re a code breaker. And this is not just a one hit wonder. I’ve been showing this hundred, a lot of you as well as code breakers, you’ve been showing it just like me. So we are being role played through our blood types. And that’s why everything happens for a reason. Because it’s the as above, the alpha and omega. The I am running each and every one of us like puppet on strings.

And that’s just the way it is. I don’t look at it as a bad thing. It just is everything. The eye in the sky. All right, that’s the first topic. Let’s get into the second one. Now, gold, of course we know gold’s tied to the sun, right? So we’re going to do the numerology of the two big words in both of these scriptures. Remember, these are both chapter one, verses eight and it’s the first book. In the last book, the alpha and omega, right? Revelation would be the Omega and Genesis would be the alpha. So we have evening and morning right here in Hebrew.

The numerology of them having the same numerical value output as alpha and omega in the Greek language, from the Greek scriptures. How about that? Not a coincidence. I’m not even going to say coincidence. Not a coincidence because this is how dialed in this code is. And 79 is tied to gold. It’s not just tied to gold, folks, it’s tied to the moon. This element called selenium comes from the Greek word selene, which is the goddess of the moon. Selenium has an isotope of 79. So the evening and morning is what makes up the alpha and omega, the beginning and end which makes up the I am.

And it’s gold and selenium, which is probably why the Vatican has the two keys on it which are gold and silver. Selenium. Gold and selenium. You could do the gold and silver as well. But selenium is Got the word Selene on it, which means moon. Silver is argentum, which that doesn’t mean moon. So we’re going to take this and we’re going to look at this a little bit deeper with the 79, which is gold, which ties to these two scriptures. And I want to go somewhere with the 79. So I’m going to now introduce another tool that we use, and that’s the cards of illumination.

52 cards in a deck, 52 weeks of the year. Of course, evening and morning and daytime, and alpha and omega, beginning and end. That’s the calendar. 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks in a year. 52 cards, 4 suits, 4 seasons. 13 cards pursuit 13 weeks per season. So if you get a number above 52, you subtract till you get to 52 or below. In this case, 79 is the total for both of these in revelation and Genesis. 79 minus 52, 27. It’s so interesting because if I just show you on the fly, the, the, the name of this decode is what heaven above.

This is the value in Chaldean heaven right there, doing this methodology. And the 27th card in the cards of illumination, the ace of diamonds, there’s an octahedron right on there, Lucy in the sky with diamonds. And this card connects to the word God in Latin, Deos. 27. I know I’m mixing and matching, but I couldn’t help myself because I knew that was be the. So Deos is here, heaven is here, and 79 reduces down to the 27 by using the total amount of cards in the deck, which means prison planet. 52. So if we go to the card chart, I’m going to show you some measurements with this.

If you want to learn how to do these card charts again, you have to have all the spreads, but every year, for the most part, up till the age of 90, these cards move around. And you, if you, if you have a birth card, which you do, you can pretty much get a general idea of how your, your year is going to play out. Well, if you were 27 right now, this would be your chart to look at. So I’m using chart number 27, because we got 27 here, which is tied to not only Deos, it’s tied to heaven.

So I’m going to locate the 27th card, the Ace of Diamonds. It’s sitting in space 37, which goes back to eye in the sky. And then if I go to space 27, the 35th card sits there, the nine of diamonds. This is card 35. And I just go here just to show you and simulation here you’re in. This tells you you’re in a simulation. The soul below is the simulation. And it converts into the 9 of disks. Card 73. And why I said I have. You’re on television because when you do that, you’re going to get 73.

And that is the card for this, the card number. We go to the tarot. There it is right there, card 73. Because the nine of pentacles is the complete manifestation of materialism. As it repeats, the nines and tens do. So in this case, it’s the gift of life, the hand of God giving you the gift of life. And then you taking that gift and multiplying it eight more times and having your fulfillment here. This is abundance. This is the. The divine being able to live out the life it wants in this reality through unconditional love. That’s why good, bad and ugly is all allowed down here.

So this is the card system. And this ace of pentacles being card number 65 from the 27, converts into the word Catholic. You see this right here? The Eucharist, the body of Christ. Christ means anointed. It means creole, which is gold. This is the Eucharist right there. I promise you it is. And the pentagram is you and I. So if you don’t want to play anymore, well, these rituals, you would stop doing. And many, many, many, many other ones. But that’s why this is 27. And that’s 27. And that’s. See, this is the beginning, the alpha.

And I would imagine this is the omega, the end. Because you’ll die down here on television. The beginning and the end. You could even go to the 10 of diamonds, all the way up to the king. But this is the bishop on the chessboard, St. Peter. Okay, so this encourages you to eat the body of Christ, do the vampirism, do the cannibalism. So you get reincarnated again. Because that’s exactly what this thing will give you. Reincarnation. That’s exactly what the wearing the cross will do. Reincarnation. That’s why you’ll never see me wearing one of these pledging to them, because I already know what it means.

And I’m not saying it’s bad. I’m just telling you what the symbol means. It means reincarnation straight up. All right, but even. We even have the word light here. In Hebrew, the word light starts with olive, ends with rish raw. It’s got the word it’s got the raw in there. But there you go, folks. The. The 27 tied to light. This is. You’re eating the light. Body. Take, eat. This means my body. Keep doing this in remembrance of me. Drink. This means my blood. Vampirism, cannibalism, to continue to reincarnate. That’s what all this code means with light.

So let’s talk about how dialed in nature is with all of this. This is why I have, you know, Superstar part one, part two, part three. I got the sun devil, because the sun can be the devil. I mean, in Peter 5, verses 8, it says, Be on the watch. Your adversary walks about like a roaring lion. Yeah, the lion is Leo, the sun. The hottest month of the year in August in the Tropic of Cancer. And this is the most glorious thing you could possibly gaze your eyes on with nature right here. Several ways to observe it, but this is why it’s important to do your life path based upon the patterns of this 13.

This, this graphic is a real images of the sun taken on the same day of every month for 13 months. Well, 12 months, but you have to include March again twice to repeat. So you can’t do 12. It has to be 13. And that’s why soul is 13. Soul, spirit, sun. So March is the first month, and it used to be the first month before the Julius Caesar moved January and February in front of March. March is the spring equinox, where the sun gives off equal light to both the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.

It’s right over the equator and it creates the sine wave. This here’s the letter S. There’s the sine waiver. This. See, folks, this is PI. I promise you it’s PI. It’s the circle, it’s radius. It’s raw 88. And 226 gives you a value of 3, 1, 4. This is the wheel of time that moves across the sky, that creates the sine wave and cosine wave. This is your dollar bill sign. This is the sine wave of PI. I promise you it is. So if you’re going to do your life path, you may want to consider doing it basing March as the first month and going through and looking at your life path.

And I, I would bet that a lot of it will be super true for you. Anyway, what’s the 79th day of the year on the calendar? Well, again, March, March 20th and the 19th. This is using the Gregorian calendar. Now, March 20th is the common March 19th is the leap. They’re both in March, folks. And 20 and 39 at 20 and 19 gives us a value of 39. And 39 is tied to this pineal gland, because the pineal gland is regulated by light. It’s regulated by darkness. When you have the lights go out, melatonin increases and you get sleepy.

When light comes on, when the sun comes up, melatonin production gets shut off, the pineal gland changes, and you now are awake. The awake and sleep cycles are the alpha and omega. The daytime, in the evening, the beginning and the end. This is duality, folks. And that is exactly why this was so revered in all the ancient cultures, the 39. And you can see how it’s tied right to the Gregorian calendar, the 79th day of the year. Common. And Leap gives us a value of 39. That’s why it goes to the patterns of this amazing thing called soul, which is Ra, the sun God, which is PI, which is in the heavenly realms, right? That’s what it says.

And you look up to see the sun, it’s way above us. So this is very, very fascinating here with all this kind of stuff. And when you bring chemistry into mathematics and add the tarot, you get an amazing picture. This is heaven, heaven above, cold, the Sun. And 79 is the 22nd prime number. And that goes to titanium. And titanium is the Titans, which the full card in the tarot can be 0 or 22. So we become the Titan. We are the Titans down here. We become fools. Like, when you’re in this state, it’s actually a lot of fun.

It’s a lot of fun when you’re a fool. When you’re naive, it’s a lot of fun because there’s no resistance, there’s not a care in the world. No responsibility, abilities. You don’t know what it feels like to be cheated on, ripped off, screwed over. It’s very fun to be in a naive position, But I’d say 99.99 of us are, are not in that position. So we lose the aspect of being the fool. We become the Titans. And then we become bitter and angry and resentful and we get traumas and. But this is the sun becoming. This is the heaven above, the earth below.

This is how amazing chemistry is with mathematics. 197 is the 45th prime number and 45 is tied to Pandora’s box because we’re being, being harvested our gold energy. That’s exactly what we’re having done to us. So we go back to this slide again and how big this is you can pause and look and take notes. But you see, because it’s patterns of 13. March to March is 13 months. It ties to the element aluminium. And aluminium means a luminary body. What’s a luminary body? Soul is. This is L in Hebrew. L. And what is L? God.

God is L. God is light. And that’s why 27 is tied to light in Hebrew. See, the value of both in Hebrew, tied right to chemistry. And the meaning of aluminum is a luminary body. That is this. Which is this. Which is the. This is the monad, the circle with the dot in the middle of it. It’s the monad. It’s the raw character, the painter of the sky, the architect of the universe. It’s the sun. We’re coming. And then the moon’s going to be in there as well, because those are the two eyes of the serpent.

So let me get into some groundbreak. Groundbreaking discoveries. Now we’re going to move into the third and final topic of 7 9, 7 9. And I’m gonna go and do what I did in the Tower of Raw and the Watchtower decoded how we found raw in the Bible and how we supported that. The God of the Bible is raw. Well, let me show you some more groundbreaking material layers. And we’re going to now count 79 letters in the Torah. We did 88 and 226 with the raw element, if you paid attention and watch that decode. But because 79 is such a big number and it’s tied to gold and it’s tied to the sun and the moon, we’re going to measure what’s the 79th letter of the Torah.

Well, here’s Genesis 1, verses 1. Here’s Genesis 1, verses 2. And there it is. The 79th letter of the Torah is what letter in Hebrew? The Yod. Boy. Not coincidental. This was the 88th letter of the Torah as well. Now, the 226th. Excuse me. Which was the isotope of Ra, because the Yod is tied right there. It is. Yeah, it’s RA, 79. And so that this is why God says, I am a son and shield. Because gold is the sun and shield, 79 and 79, heaven above. And then what about the Greek Sinaiticus? Billy. Billy Carson’s favorite Bible.

The Greek Sinai Bible, supposedly the oldest manuscript of the New Testament, the Greek Codex Sinaticus. What is the 79th letter there? It’s epsilon right there. The E. There it is. Uppercase, lowercase. In this case, it’s a lowercase. But it’s epsilon. What letter number is it? 5. 5. So here it is. The 79th letter in Genesis is the YOD, which is the 10th letter. And the 79th letter in Revelation. The last book is epsilon in Greek, the fifth letter. And you know what this is right here, right? This E. If you correlate it to Hebrew, it’s the hay.

And just like that, folks, just like that, we get the same exact outcome of Ra in the. In the discovery of the Tower of ra, where the 88th letter and the 226th letter was yod. Hey, so it’s very clear that Ra is tied directly to gold, and gold is tied to the sun. And Ra is the sun as well as the moon. Even this, the 105 right here. 1 05. I could just go right here. Watch this. Great architect of the universe, 1 05. What is that right there? 1 05. Yodhe, which is Ra. First book of the Bible.

Last book of the Bible. 79th letter. 79th letter yodhe. Same outcome as the 88th letter in the 226 letter that we measured in the Tower of Ra in five different books. What about the Latin vulgate in Revelation, Latin Vulgate. What’s the 79th letter? The letter T in Latin. And what is the letter T in Latin? Through their Alphabet, the 19th letter. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. Right back to the gold again, because it’s the sun, the value of tarot. And again, if you go here to the periodic table, all of these elements, there’s the 19 right below rubidium, which is right below cesium, which is right below Francium.

And 87, if you’ve been paying attention, is the numerology of Jesus in Greek. That’s right. Jesus is 87, tied to the sun, the light of the world. It’s all chemistry. It’s so amazing, so very amazing. And then what about the total Here, look at the total outcome of the 79 letters in Latin. There it is, 79 letters. 790. There’s the 79. There’s the 79. Just drop that zero. I mean, it’s just so obvious. And it’s. This is the letter T, and that’s the T is the cross, which again, you’re pledging to the sun and the moon.

You don’t want to play anymore? I’m telling you, that cross. Reincarnation. Reincarnation, Reincarnation absolutely is. That’s my final answer. But you see, the 79 will reduce down to those of you that like to reduce down seven plus nine is seven, which is absolutely huge because of the fact that seven, when. If I go back up here to this image right here, the sun, this is in patterns of 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. So it forms this arc shape and then it forms another arc shape. That’s why seven is so magnificent. And you see why September is such a big month for catastrophes and chaos and order and all that kind of stuff, as is March, because these are the.

The heads of the snake here. Anyway, that’s for a different story. But let’s come back to the seven. Seven, when you flip it upside down, it becomes the letter L, as in Elohim. Let us make man in our image, plural, L, a luminary body. Seven is the L. Like if I say pronounce this letter, you’re going to say it’s L. Yeah. L is what? God. And then these words start with L. Light. How about this big one? Love. That’s why love always wins. Because love is necessary to keep the game moving forward. If darkness won, if.

If hate won, it would end the game completely. Can’t have that. So no matter how disease ridden the earth gets, it will always be cleaned up because the game needs players and it will continue on and it needs it to be cleaned up so it has a nice place, safe playing ground to it. So light and love are obviously big ones. And even if you go to numerology and you type in the word love, you’re going to get 21, which is the same as raw. Raw has the 2 and the 1. There you see, 3 is the number of expansion.

That’s what 3’s job is, is to expand. L is the 12th letter, reduces down to the number 3 expansion. 3 expands. It’s a Gemini ruled energy Mercury ruled energy. Mercury is the best buddy of the sun, etc. Etc. So there you go, ladies and gentlemen, Heaven above Decoded. If you saw something that I didn’t point out, leave a comment, let me know. It’s all about love in here though, right? So the things that I say, and this is why I have a disclaimer in the majority of my videos, because these are my truths and opinions. You don’t have to agree and that’s totally cool.

You don’t have to. Matter of fact, I would love for you to be a skeptic, go do your own research and support your own truth, because this truth’s not for everybody. But anyway, I really appreciate the support from each and every one of you, especially all those of you over at the Patreon, all the donating members. You are very greatly appreciated. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, that’s all I got for today. My name is Logan4decoder reality. Until next time. We will see you.

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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