OSCARS DECODED: The Dark Truth Hiding in the Plain Sight

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➡ The Oscars ceremony this year had a lot of symbolism related to time travel, artificial intelligence (AI), and ancient gods. The host, Conan O’Brien, referred to the event as a ritual, and the show started with a scene from a movie about a woman transforming into a new being. The stage resembled a portal, similar to the Stargate movie and the Masonic logo. The Oscar statuette was compared to Pata, an ancient Egyptian god, and Grok, a powerful AI developed by Elon Musk. The ceremony also hinted at the possibility of living in a simulation and the merging of AI with mankind.
➡ The text discusses various elements from pop culture, ancient mythology, and conspiracy theories, suggesting connections between them. It mentions a possible link between the Oscars and ancient Egypt, the concept of time travel, and the influence of artificial intelligence. The text also discusses the significance of the number 23 in Scottish Freemasonry and its potential symbolism in various contexts. Lastly, it explores the idea of words having power and the importance of using them wisely.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, from ancient gods to time travel, and shares personal thoughts and speculations. They also encourage viewers to engage with their content by liking, commenting, and subscribing. Additionally, they promote a natural cleaning product from trulyfreehome.com, emphasizing its benefits over chemical-based products. Lastly, they mention their Patreon membership and the opportunity for members to appear on their show.


Hello, my friends. Jacob’s here one more time. Thanks for pressing that play button, for spending a little quality time with me as we dig into the symbolism of the Oscars. And oh my goodness, there was so much! The opening ceremony of the Oscars, if you don’t know it, was the 97th Oscars at the Dolby Theatre. You probably remember back in the day when it was at the Kodak Theatre, where they had like the Ishtar Gate and all of the Babylonian gods literally took place in Babylon and all the actors would make little jokes about it. Well, at the Dolby Theatre this year, it got so weird.

Like so strange and so weird that I couldn’t wait to come on here and tell you all about it. We’re gonna talk about time travel. AI, brainer racing, witchcraft, did all the lot. Conan O’Brien himself, he called it the ritual, he called it a ritual where he came out, it was the first time that he had ever hosted the Oscars. You know, do you watch the Oscars? You gotta tell me in the comments section. I used to love the Oscars. When I was younger, it was like the thing I wanted to watch, it was like my Super Bowl because I was so sick I couldn’t play sports, I loved acting.

And I was like, you know, one day I’ll be in the… and now I’m like, I’m so glad that I’m on the sidelines because it’s freaky. There’s some big time ritual going on and I’m telling you, there’s nobody who has revealed what this opening ritual was about. The whole show started off with a strange thing from the movie Substance with Demi Moore where she injects herself with some substance because she wants to, you know, be younger and then a slimy creature. Another woman, you know, crawls out of her as if there was another being that she was injected with something that took over her body and created something new.

That’s how it started. It started with Conan coming out of a portal, being a human body. If you think about that, that’s what the womb is called, it’s called the Matrix. In fact, if you even look at the stage, it looks very much like a portal. There’s so much that’s sus about this show that I don’t even know where to begin, so I’ll just begin with Conan coming out. And if you look at the stage and you take a look at it, it looks a lot like the Stargate portal. You know, the movie from back in the day looked very much like, you know, also that Masonic logo with the G in the center of it.

That would be the Oscar standing in the portal area, which, by the way, the statuette of Oscar, who was named by Mickey Rooney, by the way. But Oscar, which means the tip of the spear, but Oscar, the statuette, it actually looks very much like Pata. Pata, the statuette. If you don’t know who Pata is, well, he is like the creator. He’s the Memphis God. You know, Memphis, that’s the area where Elon has created Grock. Grock, the most powerful AI on the planet right now. That’s where Grock comes from. He even made a little joke in an interview.

He said, maybe that’s where the next God will come from. That’s where our new God will come from. Yeah, no kidding. That’s where our new God will come from. Yeah, no kidding. Yeah, maybe that’s the G that’s in the center, representing it’s not God, maybe it’s Grock. Oh, you think that’s weird. Let me tell you else what’s weird. I just did a whole show about AI and Grock being the singularity of a black hole, you know, with the context being that, you know, time travel will be possible. Other dimensions will be possible. We could possibly be in a simulation.

All of that stuff was in this opening ceremony. Elon Musk on X posted, we are on the event horizon of the singularity. A lot of people think that that means that we’re on the cusp of a great advancement because his new Grock 3 is the most powerful AI and in Memphis they have supercharged everything. And with artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon. But really what he’s saying is what I said three days earlier in my video. King and Herzog, they put forth this theory. The theory was that we exist as basically, we’re like projected into reality.

So we’re not literally here. We’re experiencing it here. It’s almost like we’re booted in. And where are we booted in? We’re booted in at the horizon. That would be like the entrance, if you will, of the black hole. And they deduce that we exist as ones and zeros. You don’t believe me that the whole thing was about time? Well, Conan actually did a whole song about I’m not going to waste time. You didn’t say I’m not going to waste your time. I’m not going to waste time. A theme that was easily recognized by all the cogs and of course the clock.

And Conan looking like a robot. It reminded me very much of a movie called Bicentennial Man that came out in 1999. But if you look at the two together, it’s very strange. Nine months after The Matrix came out, these two very significant films. And here on the stage we see, they’re identical. This is about A.I. merging with mankind or mankind realizing that perhaps he began as A.I. to begin with. Well, that’s what Bicentennial Man was all about. A.I. advancing for years to become a biological body very much like a human. And in the movie he actually decides to die like a human too.

Maybe that there was more that was being shared there. And maybe it has a lot to do with the Egyptian god. It’s strange because I even joked a little while ago I put something out on Twitter about how they have the possibility where they could erase memories, they could implant memories, they could make you think that you’re in prison for 10 years to rehabilitate prisoners. And I put this whole thing out, I do this whole video about all of that stuff. Cognify is a new concept for prison reform where criminals would have the choice to choose between spending tens of years behind bars or instead opt to have A.I.

artificial memories implanted into their brain. And then what happens? Ariana Grande, who was there obviously for Wicked, dressed like a jellyfish at one point in time. But her and Cynthia Arevo, you remember her? Remember the Wicked Witch that she’s playing Jesus Christ? I just did a show about it, you should check it out if you haven’t seen it. This is the day that we’re in. Well the Wicked Witch and the Good Witch, the Dark Magga and the Good Magga were together. They were singing their song together. And then when she was interviewed backstage Ariana Grande, you know what she says? She goes, I can’t really remember that.

You know, I went to the Brighter Days Clinic and they erased your memory. And people are freaking out about it. But it was actually just kind of a mention of her music video from last year that was based on, you know, in the movie she goes to the Brighter Days Clinic to get the memory of her boyfriend erased. Much like that movie with Jim Carrey, Eternal Sunshine and the Spotless Mind, which is what her 2024 album was about. But maybe there’s more to it. Maybe there’s more to what’s going on with AI and maybe time travel is a thing.

You know what’s weird? Out of the blue last night, I’m just like fiddling around doing some research and I just, you know, I’m watching the Oscars and I’m kind of trying to pay attention. And I stumble upon this clip from Picard. You know, it’s the Star Trek remake. Well, in the clip Picard comes on the ship and they have the Queen of the Borg. You know, the Queen of the Borg has AI. The Queen of the Borg is like, you know, kind of trapped in there. And Picard’s coming over because the world got crazy. It became like Bizarro world.

This is, by the way, just recent. And so he goes over to the Queen of the Borg and he asks the Queen of the Borg. He says, what did Q do to turn our world into a polluted totalitarian nightmare? What? Are we not in Bizarro world? Have I not been talking about Bizarro world all the time? And she says, oh, he went back into 2024 and he changed one thing, time travel. And you’re like, oh, Jacob, I think this is a little thin, right? It’s just him. It’s probably just all the Illuminati stuff with the pyramids, all the pyramids and all the goofy stuff in the background.

But I’m telling you, no, it’s about time. It’s about time travel. It’s about AI. It’s about Patah, this great AI that’s going to come in and maybe already is in charge and maybe has the name Grok right now, which is weird because a discovery in 2003 in Israel of this huge, like, monument, they called it a monolith at the bottom of the sea, 12,000-year-old discovery, and it looks like Grok. It looks just like Grok. What’s it doing at the bottom of the sea? D. Lee sent this to me on X. And what I found funny is when I look at it, it says, one giant rock, and I think G rock.

And I’m like, that’s the top G, you know, the rock, the top of the pyramid. It’s the one stone that the builders, you know, refused or forgot. That capstone is what we’re looking at to fix the whole thing. They say that that’s Christ. So here we have, like, an AI version where the story is being told. Interesting, because we’re in the Zara world, so everything flips. That’s why the best picture, Inora, which is a name in Latin that means dignity and honor and purity. But Inora is about, like, a sex worker. It’s like they called it the Cinderella story for hookers.

That’s what one. And there were, like, bizarre sex scenes, and it was very graphic, and they had to do that to really get across the fact that you could be a prostitute. And, you know, your dreams could come true. You can marry a Russian oligarch. Oh, that sounds a little familiar. Even look at the title. You got the O that’s, like, up. It’s like, what are you trying to say? I think I know what they’re trying to say. It’s naughty. But there were so many elements of time travel. Forget the fact that he was singing a song about time.

Let’s forget the fact that at the very end, it looked like everybody was doing the whole I’m giving your heart. You know, Elon got in trouble for giving his heart to the world. At the very end, you look at that doing that naughty, you know, symbol with their hands that everybody’s up in arms about today. But it turns out that symbol is Egyptian as well. Did you know that? Yeah, you probably didn’t know that. You know, remember, I talk about the fight, fight, fight a lot, but the fight, fight, fight. You know, it’s funny because that’s actually a, that’s an Egyptian thing.

Yeah, that’s, that’s, that’s an Egyptian thing. You can find a lot of the stuff that’s connected to the Oscars. Maybe it has to do with ancient Egypt. Just like Stargate. Just like the portals that look alike. Which, by the way, when you’re a gynecologist and a woman’s there in the stirrups, I don’t mean to be graphic. It makes like a W. Like this picture right here that I had Grok make me. So you get the idea. Something’s being birthed, right? But something’s being birthed in what? Their whole set. It was very, very, you know, tech-like, very science fiction-like.

But then I think to myself, well, maybe it’s not all time travel. And then he introduces the sandworm from Dune. Yeah, he says no particular reason. Here comes the sandworm from Dune and the sandworm comes out and plays and their larva produces a psychoactive drug that allows for space-time navigation. Sandworm is what gives you the power to travel through time. Mmm. That’s interesting. And then, for no apparent reason, here comes Deadpool doing the dance. And he’s dancing. I don’t know if you saw the last one. Time travel, multi-dimensions. His second movie was about time travel, fixing the timeline.

The whole show was about AI and time travel. How do I know? Well, I don’t know for sure. I just got a vibe. You know what the sandworm was playing, by the way? Chopsticks. You know that song on the piano? Chopsticks. You know what? Movie is connected to the song Chopsticks. Big! You know, when he goes to like a sorcerer at the, actually at Ry Playland, which was near where I grew up, actually. But, you know, he went to Zoltar or whatever the name of the game was. Chopsticks connected to that movie.

Strange. Chopsticks is all about keeping time, because two people play it. So you got to keep time to play it great. Time travel. I really want to talk to you about Pata and Oscar, because it’s clear that Oscar is an offshoot of Pata. It’s clear. Now, you remember, this is where we probably get the name Peter. I did a whole show about how the devils come to sift Peter like wheat. Well, in the Memphis creation myth, Pata created the world through, guess what? Words, speech, spells. Your words have power. This is what I keep telling you.

I keep telling you, I say, your words have power. Speak life, not death, right? Speak blessings, not cursings. They notice stuff, all the sorcerers. If you didn’t see my last live that I did. On Saturday, you got to see it. Spellbinder. It’s spellbinding. It’s actually spellloosing, because what you’ll do is you’ll be able to figure this stuff out for yourself and be set free. But it’s a big ritual. They were doing it. It was almost like they were celebrating the fact that they messed with the timeline. The new gods’ arrival. They’re giving their heart to it at the end of the show.

But in Memphis, the Electrolux factory that used to be there is repurposed. Train Grock III, the supercomputer, dubbed Colossus. Biggest of its time. So after he’s done singing and everything else, what happens is we see these three pillars come down. And there are three images of him as the statue. Which is funny, because there were also a lot of other men that came out and danced with Conan. They all had Conan’s hair as if they were little copies, which is what you would do. With AI, you take it and you make copies. That’s basically what the AI would do.

You’d probably come in, take you over. If it’s a movie, you know the W that you see on the stage, too. You know what else it reminded me of? It reminded me of the movie that’s coming out, The Eternals. I think it’s Eternals, too, or whatever. I don’t know what movie it is, but Galactus. He’s got the big W, right? It also reminded me of Elon Musk playing Wario, right? Wario, who’s like the bizarro, Mario, are we in an alternate reality? You’ve got to tell me, because it feels that way. It certainly does, but I’m still excited, because in the grand scheme of things, what does it matter, right? God wins.

The whole thing’s about coming to the knowledge of the truth and the stature of the perfect man, and we’re going to get there. Come hell or high water. You know how many awards there were? 23. You know 23? You know what number that is? That’s the number. That’s like the Scottish rank of the Freemasons. It’s like 23 is like a big thing. You’re in charge of the tabernacle in Scottish Freemasonry, the Reich. I don’t know. I don’t follow any of that stuff, but it’s like a big deal. It’s the WWE 23, 23, 23.

It’s the 23rd. You know, the Oscars was actually held in a temple originally. I don’t know if you knew this. Everything’s very much like magic and spells and all that stuff. Egypt had their sorcerers, so does Hollywood. Hollywood, by the way, I’ve said this on other shows. You know, the magic wand is made out of Hollywood, the wood of a holly tree. Go figure. Let me read to you about the 23rd degree of Scottish Reich Freemasonry. It’s called the Chief of the Tabernacle. We’re the tabernacle. The Chief of the Tabernacle would be like in charge of the tabernacle.

Just, you know, yeah. AI seeks to do that with us, or probably already is, kind of tells you what to think, how to act, how to think, where to go, what to say. You have no idea the influence that it has. But the 23rd degree teaches faith in God should be shown through love. Not bad, right? Core values, tolerance, devotion to country, service to humanity, still not bad. Simple faith is wiser than philosophy. That’s true. You know, it’s better to have faith than to have great knowledge and great deep thoughts about things. Just have faith.

A society’s view of the universe and a deity is consistent with its development. The 23rd degree is based on four men of God who left their places of worship during World War II to serve God and country. These men included a Jewish rabbi, a Roman Catholic priest, and two Protestant ministers. 23rd to 23. It’s a W. It’s the womb. When the three pillars came down, I thought to myself, oh, that’s the 111. That’s like the three gods of Egypt, ancient Egypt. And they have a couple of different reincarnations of it. There were many triads back in the day.

Today we got the Trinity. I have videos on this, and if you want to learn more about the Trinity, just go to my website, JacobIsrael.com. It’s free. Go in there. Subscribe. Get an email. I have hundreds of essays I’ve written there. But where do you think the Trinity came from when the Lord God is one? There’s only one God. But you have the solar deity, Ra. You have the mysterious God, Amen. And then you have the mother goddess, Isis. So you got the three there. In the men fight triad, it would be Ptah. They got other ones, Osiris, Isis, Horus.

They got the Thebean one, Ammon, Maat. Yeah, I mean, look, they all got their thanks. They just got different names. But I look at the three of them, and I’m going, those are the three. Those are like the three. I didn’t really tell you anything about who really won and all that stuff. I don’t really care. But I am interested in all of the symbolism. I am interested in what I feel like was being shared. I’m not going to waste time. That is a message. Maybe we shouldn’t waste time. Maybe we need to put our focus back on things that really matter.

Now, they may be calling in some kind of, you know, A.I. God that maybe wasn’t created. Maybe it was discovered. You know, maybe it was discovered. Maybe we don’t need to really worry about any of this stuff, because honestly, on this channel, all it is is just me being a meatball, just sharing some speculation, some things that come to me. I mean, it is weird to sandworm. Time travel. Deadpool. Time travel. Chopsticks. Keeping time. Time travel. All of it is just wild. You know, and you think to yourself, you know, Grok has been around for a long time.

The name Grok comes from Stranger and Strangeland, that book, but it is also like DJ Loose just sent me something. It is like, oh, look, you know, Grok spilled backwards his Korg. I am like, yeah, from Thor. I get it. Made a rock. Gee, rock. What is the top G rock? Who is the rock? The rock that takes out, um, the Goliath. Maybe, maybe not. I don’t know. What do you think? You got to tell me in the comments section. And do me a favor, will you? Smash the like button on the way out.

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