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Pentagon Briefing on “FunVax” and the God Gene

On April 15, 2005, a Pentagon briefing discussed the idea of spreading a virus—something like the flu or another upper respiratory infection—that could then be followed by a vaccine designed to “turn off” what is called the God Gene.

This ties directly into the Project for the New American Century’s (PNAC) 2000 manifesto, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Project 2020.” In that document, it was stated that the randomness of a non-discrete biological weapon could be transformed into a “politically useful tool.”

Research from the early 2000s exposed that the Pentagon was working on a vaccine targeting the human gene that encodes vesicular monoamine transporter 1 & 2 (VMAT1 and VMAT2)—genes that regulate serotonin and dopamine release within the brain’s neuro-synapses.

The VMAT2 sequence, commonly referred to as the “God Gene,” is believed to influence human spirituality, love, and higher consciousness. Once science identified this, it became a target. Researchers proceeded to develop ways to deactivate it entirely.

The Science Behind the “God Gene” Suppression

  • Complete VMAT2 deactivation in mice and primates resulted in death within days from starvation—assumed to be caused by a complete lack of will to live.
  • Partial VMAT2 deactivation led to behavioral disorders, rapid brain aging, and the early onset of neurological diseases like Parkinson’s.
  • The concept was that a virus could carry genetic-altering material into the human body and central nervous system, either through environmental exposure or injection.

They have been studying this in animals for a long time. They previously reported that mice with a 95% reduction in VMAT2 expression, compared with wild-type animals (VMAT2-deficient mice), exhibit progressive catecholaminergic degeneration, dysregulated dopamine homeostasis, α-synuclein accumulation, and both motor and nonmotor behavioral deficits reminiscent of Parkinson’s disease.

That information comes directly from a government research site, and you can read the full study here:
🔗 VMAT2 Deficiency and Neurological Impact – Government Research

Sound Familiar?

At this point, there’s no need to paint a picture or try to justify these connections. You either see it, or you don’t. Consciousness is shifting, and this division is happening through intention and language—both reflections of self-awareness.

All human beings know the truth deep down. Even those who seem completely unaware feel something is happening—they just haven’t fully realized it yet.

The Truth About the “FunVax” Video

A major false narrative was pushed into the truth-seeking community about this Pentagon briefing.

  • The presenter in the video is NOT Bill Gates.
  • He is NOT speaking to the CIA.

The truth is that they control what goes viral, and this video was allowed to gain traction because of universal law—a principle stating that they must disclose their intentions before acting upon them. Whether this video was a legitimate leak from the Pentagon or a fabricated release designed to discredit truth seekers, the fact remains that there are numerous peer-reviewed studies discussing the exact concept of deactivating the “God gene.”

Furthermore, if you click on the image below, you will see that Facebook has already admitted in open court documents that their so-called fact checks are not factual at all, but merely opinions.

Additionally, in 2012, President Obama legalized the use of propaganda on the American public, effectively granting the government the legal authority to deceive the population through mass media.

I strive to be 100% transparent with my audience, and we are well aware that far more dangerous bioweapons have already been developed. They even attempted to claim that this clip was taken from a movie, yet despite extensive research, I have found no evidence of such a film existing. Once again, it appears that they are fabricating narratives to control the perception of information.

As I have stated before, there are universal laws they must follow. They are required to inform us of their actions before carrying them out, and if we passively accept these actions, they are absolved from karmic repercussions. This is how they maintain spiritual and energetic loopholes to continue their agenda while avoiding karmic retribution.

Screenshot 2025 03 11 164904 -

This disinformation was deliberately inserted so that mainstream “fact-checkers” could discredit it, making the general public believe the entire video was fake.

And for anyone who still believes that this type of research hasn’t been ongoing for decades, it’s time to wake up. The idea that they haven’t figured out how to turn off the “God gene” through a vaccine is simply naïve. But I wouldn’t be a real journalist if I didn’t provide all the facts.

This is why I love numerology and Gematria because people lie, but numbers never do. We already know that mainstream media lies. They were completely compromised in 1963 through Operation Mockingbird.

As you can see, even on their Wikipedia page, they are deceptive. They changed the name from Operation Mockingbird to Project Mockingbird.

Project Mockingbird was supposedly a wiretap program authorized by John F. Kennedy, but it’s interesting that 1963 was the year he was assassinated—the same man who openly talked about shattering the CIA into a million pieces.

Now, let’s look at the numerology behind Project Mockingbird. It equals 201 in Trigrammaton Kabbalah Gematria, the same number tied to Event 201, the pandemic simulation conducted by the Gates Foundation.


Like I said, numbers never lie—people do.

  • Project Mockingbird = 201 (Trigrammaton Kabbalah Gematria)
  • COVID-like symptoms = 201 (Trigrammaton Kabbalah Gematria)
  • U.S. Government = 201 (Trigrammaton Kabbalah Gematria)

A Gematria calculator is at the bottom of this blog, so you can check my work for yourself.

And what’s interesting is that Operation Mockingbird equals 322, which just so happens to be the number associated with the secret society Skull and Bones.

Now, let’s go deeper. When you look at Genesis 3:22, it sounds like God is warning us about some type of transhumanist technology.

And it’s no coincidence that the coronavirus outbreak officially began on November 18th in Wuhan, China, exactly on the 322nd day of the year.

Skull and Bones is known as the Brotherhood of Death.

So, like I said, people lie, but numbers never do.

Wow, guys, I feel like I’m in The Truman Show now. Everywhere I look online, it says the first case of coronavirus can be traced back to November 17th, 2019, in China by some 55-year-old man.

It used to be November 18th, but either way, both dates connect to 322, depending on whether it’s a leap year or not. In a leap year, November 17th is always the 322nd day of the year.

Now, they’re probably gonna tell us it’s the Mandela Effect, LOL. But I’ve done so many decodes on this, and I know for a fact they originally said November 18th. They are constantly changing something, and it’s honestly fascinating to watch.

Now I see why they like to use the WC initials with CIA directors—the code is hidden within the Sumerian Gematria cipher.

Wc Sumerian 156 -

WC = 156 in Sumerian Gematria, and 911 is the 156th prime number.

Once again, it’s directly connected to the number 9/11!

Now, let’s decode the secret Gematria message hidden in the term “FunVax.”

Gematria Decode: “FUNVAX” = 911

This briefing took place in 2005, exactly four years after 9/11, just as the wars in the Middle East were escalating. Could this be connected to 9/11?

Using the Trigonal Gematria Cipher, we find:
🧩 “FUNVAX” = 911

🧩 “Curse of Cain” = 911 (Same cipher)

Curse Of Cain Trigonal 911 -

The Curse of Cain refers to the biblical story of Cain killing his brother Abel and being cursed by God. The number 911 has long been associated with deception and major world-changing events.

Manufactured Terror & Psychological Warfare

The FunVax briefing claimed that this vaccine would protect against terrorism, which mirrors the same fear-based control tactics used during the Patriot Act.

Let’s not forget the staged ISIS beheading videos that later turned out to be fake.

💣 2014 – The Rise of ISIS
As the CIA-backed terror group ISIS gained traction, a series of horrific execution videos flooded mainstream media. One of the most infamous was the beheading of journalist James Foley—yet evidence surfaced showing these videos were staged.

🔗 Read this article: “4 Examples of Mainstream Media Fabricating News to Push for War”

💬 Quote from the article:
“The news is all about artificially manipulating the context of stories. The thinner the context, the thinner the mind must become to accept it. If you want to visualize this, imagine a rectangular solid. The news covers the top surface. Therefore, the mind is trained to work in only two dimensions. Then it can’t fathom depth, and it certainly can’t appreciate the fact that the whole rectangular solid moves through time, the fourth dimension.” –Jon Rappoport

More 9/11 Gematria Connections

Using the Trigonal Gematria Cipher, we also find:

🧩 “Heads Decapitated” = 911

Heads Decapitated Trigonal 911 -
🧩 “Liar Number” = 911

Liar Number Trigonal 911 -

Many historians even argue that Jesus Christ was not born on December 25th but rather on September 11th (9/11).

🕊️ “Yahawashi” (Jesus’ true name) = 911 (Trigonal Gematria)

Yahawashi Trigonal 911 1 -

The 9/11 attacks were not just a political operation—they were a massive energy harvest ritual, deeply embedded in Kabbalistic magic.

Temple 911

The Loosh Energy Ritual & The Matrix

The Archon-Overlords, who can no longer generate their own energy, rely on human soul energy to survive. As a result, they have developed numerous direct and indirect methods to extract and feed off our energy in daily life. This process can occur on both an individual and collective level.

Methods of Loosh Energy Extraction

Loosh Energy

1. Through Individual Trauma

Narcissists and psychopaths, who lack a genuine soul and possess only an artificial soul, are deliberately incarnated into this Matrix to traumatize and deplete our life force. These beings, much like the Overlords, cannot produce their own energy and must siphon it from others to survive.

There are far more of these “empty vessels” among us than most people realize. These individuals serve as conduits between human souls and the Overlords. The narcissists retain enough Loosh to sustain themselves, while the excess energy spills into the astral realm, eventually reaching the Overlords.

2. Through Mass Gatherings (Sports Arenas & Concerts)

Events such as sports games and rock concerts generate massive amounts of energy from the audience. This energy not only fuels the performers, elevating their state of mind, but also serves as a powerful energy source for the Overlords.

Many musicians have noted that the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful performance depends on how the audience responds. The Loosh energy generated by emotional excitement and mass engagement is funneled towards the Overlords, ensuring their continued sustenance.

3. Through Casual and Irresponsible Sex

Sexual energy is one of the most potent creative forces in this Matrix. This is particularly true for women, who possess the ability to directly connect with the KHAA (Greater Universe) during orgasm. If properly harnessed, this energy can be used to create powerful manifestations.

However, most women unknowingly release this energy into the nonphysical realms without direction or boundaries, making it easily harvestable by the Archons.

Men also release sexual energy, but women are naturally more powerful in this regard. Therefore, it is crucial to use sexual energy wisely. Setting intentions and boundaries before engaging in intimacy can prevent energy loss and ensure energy exchange remains sacred and intentional.

4. Through Dark Satanic Rituals

Satanic rituals have long been used as a method of energy extraction. These ceremonies generate and channel Loosh energy for the Overlords, often through acts of fear, trauma, and sacrifice.

5. By Extracting Love, Light, Compassion, and Empathy

The most powerful source of Loosh energy comes from genuine human emotions—particularly Trauma, love, light, compassion, and empathy. These qualities are highly valuable and serve as the primary source of sustenance for the Archon Overlords.

This method is likely their greatest source of energy extraction.

The Three Types of Humans in the Matrix

Npc Soulless Entities

Within the Matrix Construct, at least three types of “humans” exist:

  1. The Namlu’u – The original soul group with a direct connection to the Creator.
  2. Random Star Beings – Genuine soul-bearing entities who were trapped in the Matrix by the Overlords.
  3. Empty Vessels – These beings lack a true soul and are divided into two categories:
    • (a) Background People – Purely programmed beings who imitate human behavior.
    • (b) Narcissists/Psychopaths/Sociopaths – Also programmed entities, but designed to siphon Loosh energy from soul-bearing individuals.

The beings classified under (a) and (b) are entirely artificial and can only function within the confines of the Matrix.

Who Are You?

Protect Your Energy

Are you a background player, merely running a script within the Construct? Or do you possess a true soul, created by the Divine Source?

Understanding your true nature is the first step toward breaking free from energy manipulation and reclaiming your spiritual sovereignty.

👁️ Even our names have a coded Source Code—revealing whether we are Soulless NPCs or First Player Characters (FPCs).

📢 Find Out Your Source Code – Are You a First Player Character or a Soulless NPC?

Down below, you’ll find a link where you can discover your Source Code—whether you are:
🕵️‍♂️ A Non-Player Character (NPC), one of these soulless entities that are ultimately controlled by the Elites and this phantom matrix they’ve created
🛡️ Or a First Player Character (FPC)—a being with a soul, created by Source, the Divine Creator.

🔢 It’s all encoded into our first and last names.
We have one of the most advanced Gematria databases in the world, and there is a specific method for decoding your name that reveals who you truly are in this simulation.

📜 The Neo Code – The Rarest First Player Character Archetype
Some individuals carry a powerful soul archetype known as the Neo Code.
🔺 Neo Code = 36 (Chaldean Gematria)

🔺 Jesus Christ = 36 (Chaldean Gematria)

Jesus Christ-Chaldean-36

The Neo Code is the same archetype as Jesus Christ, sent back to help awaken humanity and break free from the illusion. This is the same story hidden in The Matrix, where Neo is an allegory for Jesus, a savior within the system, who breaks people out of the illusion.

💡 In Judaism, there is an ancient belief that in every generation, there are 36 righteous souls, the Lamed Vav Tzadikim, who are tasked with saving the world. These are the First Player Characters who are targeted by the system because they pose a threat to the control structure.

Tzadikim Nistarim

👀 And guess what The God Gene equals in Gematria?
✨ The God Gene = 36 (Reverse Reduction Gematria)

The God Gene-Reverse Reduction-36
Do you see how all of this connects? The Neo Code, Jesus Christ, and the Divine Blueprint are all tied to 36, a number of transformation, and divine order.

🧠 The Elites KNOW This, and That’s Why They Want to Shut Down the God Gene!
They don’t want First Player Characters activating their full potential, which is why they are engineering a fake matrix within God’s organic matrix to keep you trapped in a state of spiritual amnesia.

🔥 How Sacred is the Number 36? 🔥
Here’s a quick breakdown of why 36 is one of the most powerful numbers in existence:

📖 Biblical & Esoteric Symbolism of 36
🔺 The Book of Revelation contains 36 visions.
🔺 There were 36 different authors of the Protestant Bible.
🔺 Jewish mysticism speaks of the 36 righteous ones who protect humanity.
🔺 In ancient Egypt, the Gnostic Egyptians believed in 36 divine powers.
🔺 The Pythagoreans saw 36 as the number of cosmic harmony and balance.
🔺 The Great Pyramid of Egypt is said to encode the number 36 in its structure.

⏳ Cycles of 36 in History
🔹 Ancient astrological cycles repeat every 36 years.
🔹 Some of the biggest events in history have been separated by multiples of 36.
🔹 Chinese astrology speaks of 36 beneficial stars governing the heavens.

🚀 Even the Matrix Movies Are Laced with 36 Symbolism!
Neo—the chosen one, was born in the system to break it… just like Jesus, just like YOU.

📌 Want to Find Out Your Role in This Simulation?
Everything is encoded through Sacred Numerology. We live in a coded reality, a divine script written by the Spoken Word. Every letter has a numerical frequency, and every number carries an energetic vibration.

By decoding your first and last name through Gematria, you can unlock your true identity and understand the synchronicities guiding your life.

🔑 For a Limited Time – Get Your Personal Email Decode for Only $33 (Normally $62)!
This deal ONLY lasts until PI Day 3.14 on 3/14/2025.

Book your decode today and take control of your destiny.

🔹 No PayPal required—just checkout as a guest.
🔹 See the difference between the $33 and $62 decode on

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📩 To receive your decode (ONLY if you pay offline), email your first & last name + date of birth to: or text 234-425-2099. Your decode will be sent via email.

🔍 Decode the Matrix. Take Back Your Power.

Gematria Decode Update No Back

If you enjoyed this decode and breakdown, you’ll find links to more videos and blogs below the Gematria calculator. I hope you enjoy them, and I can’t wait to hear your feedback in the comment section.

Are you interested in learning how to protect your energy and boost your immune system naturally? I created an informative video with Dr. Richard that explains how we can strengthen our immune system and help it function effectively. You can watch the video below.

The Holy Grail of Immune Support: NANO SOMA

I recently decoded some information about GMOs, which have now been rebranded as bioengineered ingredients. This is a blog post, and there are several videos included. If you thought the previous blog was mind-blowing, just wait until you read the one below!

The Truth About GMOs: From the War on Health to the Elites’ Secret for Youth – How We Can Detox and Restore Wellness

One of the most significant revelations I’ve made highlights how the music industry binds certain demonic entities to music, using it as a form of spell casting. For example, Lady Gaga’s use of “abracadabra” serves as a literal gateway to musical witchcraft. Check it out by clicking on the link below.

Lady Gaga Abracadabra: A Gateway to Musical Witchcraft?

  • Tommy Truthful

    Hey guys, Tommy Truthful here, leader of the Truth Mafia, CAPO DEI CAPI. I built one of the biggest alternative media conglomerates in the world, brought together some of the biggest names in the game in the truth-seeking community to combat censorship. People ask all the time how they can join the Truth Mafia. You can't just join; I have to notice you. My team and I research to ensure you have no government ties before we bring you into the family. If you'd like to get your personal decode done by Tommy Truthful and find out your role in this simulation we call life, then links are below.

    🔮 The Ultimate Reading- Just $26! 🔮 For only $26, you'll receive an extensive Email Decode from Tommy himself. Just a click on the link below! View all posts

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