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➡ This text discusses various technological advancements and theories, including the concept of ‘Game B’ and ‘technocracy’. It explores the idea of capturing the human soul or aura through technology, and the development of the ‘internet of bio things’. The text also mentions the prediction of a ‘singularity’ in 2045, a point where artificial intelligence will significantly change society. It ends by discussing the use of biofeedback technology, biosensors, and the role of universities and institutions in advancing these technologies.


Game B stuff, and that kind of led me into this technocracy stuff, which is super scary. It’s also fascinating, but it is terrifying. That led me into some of this, you know, biodigital convergent stuff. This soul catcher thing is that they think they can capture your soul. And I don’t know if they really can capture your soul. This makes it a little bit vague, this particular article. Essentially, we know they can photograph your aura. So I think they’re essentially saying they can photograph the electromagnetic biofield. And I’m sure that there are some aspects of that that they can capture, you know, that they can quantify to some degree.

But that’s not quite the same thing as saying that they can really capture your soul. I’m not really sure that that’s a hundred percent accurate, but I think they want us to think that. So the soul catcher stuff, there are other technologies that they definitely do have. You know, this whole stuff with the internet of natural bio things is very real. And there are several universities where they’re training college students and higher level education in this field of internet bio. This one is really creepy because I think this is exactly where they’re going. And when I look at Game B and the network state, this makes perfect sense.

Essentially, the cryptocurrency tied to this. Especially with all the Stargate. This is where it’s heading from the WEF says it’s planning for the 2050 singularity, the Malthusian point of crisis. This and it’s the exact same as the singularity. So it’s like this is an old plan going back to Malthus. And as you pointed out, probably way before, but you were pointing out that the 2045, they have the UN vision. So it’s like all leading to the standard. Yeah, there’s a couple of 2045. So right, there’s the AI World Society. This is the UN 100. So this is a project in conjunction with the Boston Global Forum, the Centennial of the UN, their vision for 2045.

And it is this vision for an artificial world society that they are the off of us. And they believe that they channel ascended masters. So they have somebody come from the future in 2075. And they say that it’s the year 2045. And they talk about how grateful they are that they brought this AI World Society and why we need this technology in a journey to Game B that Jim Rutt, who’s kind of the grandfather of Game B in it. He says 2045 will be like the pre Game B. That’s like when it really emerges. So that’s interesting.

And then we also have Ray Kurzweil and his new book, The Singularity is Nearer. And he says the singularity will be in 2045. So there seems to be a lot of a lot invested in this year 2045 being the singularity. And all of these things really do point to this notion. It is a Malthusian worldview that lays the presuppositions for it. But it’s very much in the vein of Teilhard de Chargain’s no sphere, right? It’s this idea of they have different terms. Game B calls it collective intelligence, this collective global brain. But Web 3, they talk a lot about using the biofield.

They talk about 6 technology, which will be powered by humans. And this is a very easily accessible article from a scientific journal from University of Amherst, Massachusetts, where they talk about humans powering 6. In the AI World Society, they talk about using that for the Internet of things. Yeah, things get interesting. Most people are really familiar with the fourth Industrial Revolution that was popularized by the World Economic Forum. Of course, Klaus Schwab wrote his book on it. I think Elon Musk has been pretty integral to fomenting every aspect of it with all of his various companies.

But they actually claim that we’re already in the fifth Industrial Revolution. And when you think about the implications of what that really means with AI and now we’re seeing Stargate and DeepSeek. China has been using like AI precision medicine for a while. They have AI hospitals, they have AI towns. In the fifth Industrial Revolution, they keep saying how it’s human centered. What is human centered means? It means that we’re feeding and programming the artificial intelligence. Some of these research, they claim that there’s sentience and that I have not seen any evidence for. I don’t really think they have sentience, but I do think that they can convince us they have sentience.

And I think they can get pretty advanced, especially if the more input that is put in. With GameB, a lot of it is about these emerging technologies on Web3 using blockchain and then Holochains. They talk about Holochains. That’s a big concept for GameB. There’s actually a company. It was called NOMAP and it’s spelled N-O-O-M-A-P and you know, it’s called S7. Yeah, and they literally say inhabiting the Noosphere. That’s what it was named after. Noosphere. A lot of this is predicated on Barbara Marks Cover’s vision of a syntony and synchronicity and synergizing, you know, all of these cosmoerotic human terms.

I mean, the heart does have an electromagnetic field. So this is what a lot of the concept behind the heart mouth is predicated on. And when they say people are magnetic, they actually literally mean it. Like some people are actually more magnetic than others. Some people have a stronger electromagnetic field resonance with their heart and some people’s is longer and shorter, but on average, they say it’s about 12 feet. And so we know that that is true and that is quantifiable. We have metrics and heuristics to quantify the electromagnetic fields, particularly from the heart.

So for heart mouth, that’s part of what they use in order to do a lot of this like biofeedback type of technology. But now they’re saying heart brain. So they have the neurofeedback also neuro biofeedback. Some of the stuff that has been around for a really long time, I mean, decades is like optogenetics. So they can use light and sound frequency to, you know, manipulate emotions and brainwave states. And so this is a way that is totally non-invasive, that they do have kind of like remote kind of an interface with humans. That’s not new technology at all.

Biosensor stuff is a little, looks like it’s a little bit newer and that does look like they have to, that’s technology stuff and that they hand you remote kind of interface with. MIT is doing a lot of work on that, as you saw at Purdue University. That’s where I think the crypto stuff is kind of going. It’s headed in that direction. MIT and then who’s the other one, Cambridge is doing a lot of work on this bio-digital research stuff as well. That goes back to the Royal Society, I believe. And Canada, so Canada is where a lot of the stuff, MKUltra had a big Canadian branch as well.

McGill University did a lot of MKUltra studies. They have policy horizons. And this is kind of like the, that’s where one of the big white papers on bio-digital convergence comes from, policy horizons out of Canada. There was one that I saw was super creepy, creepy, where they were talking about the quantum field and they were talking about like using Lucifer software. I was like, what is this? I think I heard of that, yeah. Lucifer control software and it’s a partnership with Smithsonian and NASA. Oh, that’s scary. I know. With those players involved in a name like that.

Thank you so much for watching. It’s doughnut. Much love and God bless you. [tr:trw].

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