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➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories and connections between different events and people. They mention the logos of Grok and XLM, suggesting a link to the financial system. They also discuss the concept of the ‘noosphere’, a collective unconscious, and its relation to transhumanism. The speaker also mentions connections between various celebrities, tech companies, and the military-industrial complex, suggesting that these connections are not coincidental. They end by discussing a lawsuit involving Diddy and a former police chief, suggesting it may be a distraction from other events.
➡ The text discusses various controversies involving banks like Barclays, JP Morgan, and Deutsche Bank, and their connections to Jeffrey Epstein. It mentions a $290 million settlement paid to Epstein’s victims by JP Morgan, overseen by Jess Stolly, who was Epstein’s co-conspirator. The text also delves into the symbolism of the elite, investigations into Credit Suisse, and connections to the National Socialist International. Lastly, it touches on various incidents involving American Airlines and speculates on a possible agenda to discourage travel.
➡ Joshua Dean and John Barnett have raised concerns about Boeing’s quality control, with numerous issues arising with their planes. The speaker also discusses the impact of AI and automation on jobs, predicting that while it may disrupt over 100 million jobs, it could also create 120 million new ones. They highlight the importance of reskilling to stay ahead of the technology curve, mentioning a class they’re offering on the subject. The speaker also notes the closure of several stores, attributing it partly to automation and the rise of online shopping.
They just want to destroy whatever. Not build, but destroy. And there’s a scene in Fight Club where he says, where did you go, psycho boy? And then he like, says, I felt like destroying something beautiful. And that was like sort of the scene where the downfall of him started happening, sort of, you know. Right. So I bet you there’s some sort of connection. Yeah. To all that. Yeah. But we are right now in the blood, worm, moon and the worms. I’m not going to say that word. It starts with the P. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
What it say? Worms or more activated during these eclipses. So it’s good to, like, fast. And it’s weird because all, like, religions do some sort of fast right now. It seems like. Well, yeah, you got Ramadan happening. All right. Right. You got Puram happening. You got Lent, which is like giving up something. It’s like you’re fasting right from something. And so it goes into the Illuminati. Worms. Yo, Worms. But everybody, we got over a thousand people up in here. I like to remind everybody to smash that, like, button every time we pass through a thousand people.
And please share the video out. I got Maverick approaches links down below. Make sure to go subscribe to his Twitter, to his YouTube and Instagram. I got those links there. But please also share the video out as well. Sure, get it out there in the algorithm. We’ll go to some comments real quick. If you see anything, let me know and we can answer your questions or comments. Just. So feel free to put something down there. We’ll keep an eye out on that. But. Yeah. How are you doing? So what are you up to? Like, you’re. Where do we go? Maybe I’ll try something different.
I’ll do this. I gotta look this way. I don’t know. So what are you up to? And I’ll go to your clip right here. Well, donut. Interesting. Yeah, no, I’m just doing a lot of classes right now teaching cryptocurrency. Because like you said, like, financial system is definitely changing. Teaching, you know, AI tools, you know, getting really like people prepared for this new shift because it’s going to be the biggest wealth transfer, you know, human history with this new administration, you know, leading the charge of defi and crypto and everything else. So. And it’s really interesting how all these audits are happening and like they’re showing all the fraud, you know, so you have to like show the problem first and then give the solution in order for people to get prepared.
Right. So that’s why like it’s, it’s good to have like these shift changes and like chaos you want to call it. But after that then, you know, then you have, you know, resolution and everything settles. So. So I’m just doing that and you know, we got some other stuff planned that we won’t say yet, but we just came out with some cool ideas that me and Donut. Oh yeah, we’re gonna work on. But. But yeah, that’s pretty much it. Nice. And you’re on a tour right now? Yeah, so I’m doing a lot of speaking gigs right now, you know, going to state.
To state, you know, doing different, you know, pop up events. So I’m going to be doing more of that. So yeah, that’s, that’s pretty much what I. Going on right now for sure. So what’s trending right now? And this is like how they, you know, put out what they want you to see is what goes on the Google trending. Right. And it’s always this like, it’s always the same artist, it’s always the same people on Google Trends. And right now it says black mirror is coming out. And I just saw this today. But you already looked into it.
Yeah, I got some stuff on. Well, not this one particularly, but. Right. I just did a video on, you know, I had a clip come out when I was on a podcast talking about black mirror. And basically black mirrors are actually dark magic. So like what are we on all day? We’re on phones. Right, Right. And what are they when they’re cut off? They’re black mirrors. Yes, yes. So I was already saying like, you know, is this the downfall of man? Black mirrors. And then what’s on the back of these black mirrors? A bitten apple. The forbidden fruit.
Right. So I always like think about, is that like the downfall of man thinking about, you know, Adam and Eve? Like, because think about it, what is that symbol? Like has anybody ever questioned like, why do we have a bitten apple on the back of our devices? So Amy there. It’s an alien too, when you put them together. Yeah, yeah. So I kind of made that correlation. But so Black Mirror, they’re coming out with a new season. Yes. Let’s go to some of the, those, the clips. It starts off just right. I go into the symbolism of the Sampaku eye and it starts off with the Sampakuai, the first scene that we see.
I want to make sure that everyone can see it real quick. Yeah, it looks like everyone can see it. It starts off with the Sampakuai because this is symbolic. This is the Joe Rogan podcast. This is all the podcasts are showing this symbolism and this, if you watch the shows from the 90s and the music videos and I believe they’re tapping either into how everyone is going crazy right now or they’re actually just activating imagery. They’ve done studies where blind people, they’ll put an angry like face or like a happy face and their brain will pick up on like what they’re seeing.
Even though they can’t visually like see it. Their brain knows what’s going on. So when we’re looking at like an image like this, our brain is picking up oh my goodness, like something’s wrong kind of happening or something. But the, the same thing happens too. They’ve done studies where they’ll show like a naughty image and before they show it, people’s brains will like get aroused or something like before. So there’s a lot more going on. And it just starting off with the shot. Have you looked at all into. No, I gotta, I gotta check this out.
So I know they just dropped this. So I’m pretty interested to see what kind of symbolism they’re going to use on this one. No, that looks like an eclipse, right? Yeah. Right. They’re dropping it on the eclipse. Oh, she’s that, she’s in the office. She’s the guy who’s famous. Tupac said that he tried to like. Oh yeah, that’s Quincy Jones. Yeah, that’s her. That’s his daughter. Yeah. And Quincy Jones’s other daughter dated Tupac too. Right. I’m just going through this, seeing somebody said in the comments the first Apple computer was sold for $666. Yes, it was.
It was, yeah. And also it still sold for 666 sorta. But it’s flipped upside down. All iPhones are usually $999. Interesting. Yeah, so it’s like 666 upside down. Here’s the, the Neuro link right there. Oh yeah, and even Neural Link. Oh, yeah, let’s get into that. Yeah, tell us about that. Neuralink. So Neuralink, Elon’s company, the one that puts the chip in your brain and all that stuff. He just filed a patent for telepathy and telekinesis. So where do you think everything’s headed? So I know that he was talking about, like, transhumanism. And you know what’s funny? He tweeted something not too long ago, and I did a video breakdown on it, and he says that we’re on the event horizon of singularity, right? So which he’s talking about transhumanism, and then he files a patent for that, which I found pretty interesting on transhumanism.
Well, well, yeah, because transhumanism is like us coming together with know computers and AI as one, right? So there’s even a movie Johnny Depp did called Transcendence, and it was about that he passes away and he takes his consciousness into a supercomputer, and he, like, lives forever through these computers, right? So it’s kind of interesting that he files a patent, you know, after that when he’s. When he tweets that. And it. It also eludes to there’s a movie called Event Horizon, right? And Singularity in the movie. What’s that other movie called? Interstellar, they talk about singularity as well.
So there’s this event horizon point, which is the singularity. And in both of those movies, they reference it to where there is an event, like some type of an event happens at the singularity. So in Interstellar, you remember that where they’re talking about that black hole to save, you know, humanity, basically, they’re using the gravitational pull to save humanity and whatnot, right? And the singularity point where they go find that black hole. So it’s funny, that Grock, his new logo is the same logo as that black hole, and same logo as xlm, which is stellar, right? So interstellar, stellar singularity.
So that alludes to the financial system. So I think something big is coming up with the financial system big time. And then, yeah, look at the logo of Grok. It looks just like that. The event horizon of singularity. And so this whole thing of the singularity, it’s the world brain that H.G. wells talked about. And we just did a podcast with Courtney Turner. Highly recommend. Watch it. It was. It’s the last video that’s up on my channel. And she breaks it down how this goes into the noosphere. Like, you look up the noosphere. N O O S P H E R E Noosphere.
And it’s this collective brain. It’s this collective unconscious where everyone’s tapped into it. And even the term transhumanism is coined by Julian Huxley and Julian Huxley. You got the Huxleys and leave the world behind. This is an ancient. I mean, it could be ancient. I should say ancient. But this is a long plan that has been in the works. And it goes into Darwinism, which is a total fraud, and eugenics and all this other crazy stuff as well. Yeah, that. That’s wild. The. That he. He did that. And that looks like what this episode’s about. And even this guy, I think he’s.
He’s connected to, I think either Skull and Bones or Bohemian Grove, I don’t know. But he’s got the San Paco eyes, too, underneath. So, yeah, he’s, like, stressed out. And that doesn’t mean that it’s bad. I get these all the time, and I get them above as well. Like, it’s just like, just how your feel. Feelings are. It’s kind of interesting, too. Like with Black Mirror, if you remember, I believe it was the last season where they had that Joan is awful where they recreated everything about her life about AI. Then we had this big AI boom right.
Right after. Right after it. So I thought that was pretty interesting too, where they’re like, you know, life imitating art, or art imitating life. And now we have this, like, crazy AI boom as well. Right? So. And even, like, the numbers with AI A is 1, I is 9, it’s 19. We had this big 19 event, and then right after it, they introduced the AI like the chat GPTs and. And all that. So there’s something up with the. These words. I’m excited. I like Black Mirror. Yeah, it gives you a lot of. A lot of clues on what’s coming up.
Like when I watch these. Like when I watch these movies now, I watch it with a different lens. Like Black Mirror. A lot of stuff on Netflix shows you a lot of stuff. So, like, we leave the world behind. You know, you got Black Mirror, you got Zero Day. And that the thing about, if you look into the history of who made Netflix is he’s related to the godfather of propaganda. Right? Edward Bernays. Yeah, exactly. So. And not a lot of these people are placed in. In place as you think. It’s all, you know, by chance.
But really, if you really look at, like, even Amazon, Jeff Bezos’s grandfather actually worked for the government. Right. Everybody’s connected to the military industrial complex. He was an employer for DARPA and. Which is under the DOD and he was, you know, he did. He was head of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. And then also he was a part of the missiles and weapons defense. So if you look into these people’s histories, then you’re like, wait a minute. There’s always this like, lineage. Like, even Ariana Grande, like, her mom is like, runs telephone communication systems for the military.
Like, they’re all like kind of chosen and picked out to. And it’s. Yeah, it’s. It’s like that. That’s that strange. I’m just looking at all. All the symbols of the show. I can’t wait for it to come. Yeah, yeah, I want to check this out. I’m gonna do a deep dive for sure, sure. That’s the guy from. Have you seen Banders? Yeah, yeah, yeah, he’s in there. That’s that dude right there. Have you seen Severance? I think so. What is that movie about again? It’s a TV show on Apple tv, which is another thing. No, no, no, it’s really good.
I haven’t seen it. The first season is. I haven’t seen the second one. Interesting. Yeah. It looks like a lot of technology, so. I mean, I know it’s always kind of technology based somewhat, but it looks like they have a lot of AI kind of metaverse symbol stuff that I see in here. Yeah. And then there’s. Look, there it is again. Just look and see if there’s any. Because this is like how they show. Yeah. And then I remember they, like, on one season, they had to show the social credit score system. Yes, yes. Okay. There’s some crazy stuff.
Sometimes, like YouTube can show stuff for them, but I can’t show certain things that they’re showing. And then the black mirror, like how they show it cracking too. Right. Goes into like some MK Ultra. Yeah. Of the shattering glass. And on my last video over on Patreon, I was showing how Jordan Peterson. There’s like some symbolism where I think they’re showing that his personality has been fractured because he shows the split coats he’s always wearing. There’s always like this split coat that he’s wearing. So there’s always some strange events. For sure. 32 is crazy. There was not only the YouTuber killed in Tokyo, and then the other YouTuber connected with Alex’s info channel as well.
And even the Pirate Bay. Yeah. His plane went down. His plane went down too. Yeah. He died in a car. In a plane crash. And so, like, I don’t Know, the, the symbolism goes into banking and the skull and bones, the Jolly Rogers. Let’s let me hear a little bit about. Because you did another video on Since I got the Vegas thing pulled up. Yeah. The Diddy accuser alleges a cover up involving Maui police chief linked to the Las Vegas tragic event. Yeah. So what’s going on with this? So, okay, so you guys remember in 2017, the Las Vegas massacre at Mandalay Bay during that Country.
Country concert. James Aldine. Or was it James Al. Oh, no, no. Or Jason Aldean. Sorry. Jason Aldean. Which was predicted in the Illuminati card game. Oh, man. Yeah. So there was a card game or the Illuminati card game. There’s a card that said Las Vegas and it said J. A. And he has that same tattoo. He’s got the same. Yeah, I remember that. Yeah. But but anyway, so, yeah, the chief of police at that time was this guy. Yeah. His name is John Pelletier and he was chief of police then. Then he transfers to Maui. Then the Maui fires happen.
Now they’re claiming that he is a co conspirator to Diddy. And they’re saying that what happened is that. Which. It sounds weird and this is why I think that this may be. This may be true. But I think they’re releasing it very strategically at a point to where they want to cause a lot of confusion and while other stuff is happening. So we’re a little distracted, but there’s. Yeah, it’s a perfect way because the. Those two connections are huge with the Las Vegas and Hawaii. And then this could be just throwing it in there. Just the muddy.
The waters too. Right. And. And they’re saying that Diddy hired him in 2018, as, you know, he posed as a fake sheriff because he’s based in, you know, at that time when he hired him in Vegas. Ooh. And they’re saying he came out to California. They’re saying that, you know, he orchestrated some, you know, rapes. He orchestrated, you know, kidnappings and all this other stuff for Diddy. And this was connected to Mountain Dew, too, the Maui Burst, just to throw that out there. Right. And then if you remember, during Maui, there was a lot of unaccounted for, you know, people that they just didn’t find anymore, especially kids.
There’s a lot of kids missing during the fires. And I find that pretty interesting too, that, you know, this guy has a track record of COVID ups. So it could be. Could not be. It’s pretty interesting. They did add some other people to this lawsuit, which I think could be smoke and mirrors, because big homie cc, which is a celebrity bodyguard and he actually fights trafficking, they threw him in there saying, oh, he worked for Diddy, but he actually exposes Diddy, you know, Jaguar. Right. Oh, so Jaguar Wright is, you know, somebody who’s, you know, blowing the lid on, you know, Diddy’s case as well.
They throw her in there just because. So I’m like, maybe they’re just trying to like discredit these people and while, you know, they throw him in the mix. But at the same time, what’s happening is that there was a former employer to JP Morgan that had over 1200, 1200 emails between him and Epstein that just got flagged. The Barclays guy or is that Barclays guy? Right. So they’re saying that, you know, he was a co conspirator to Epstein. And what happened was back in 2023, there was a settlement that happened between JP Morgan and the Epstein victims.
They paid $290 million to the Epstein victims because who was overseeing those accounts? Jess Stolly, who was the co conspirator to Epstein. So all this stuff is going on as they’re throwing this, you know, other lawsuit in, you know, in the way, which I think could be a smokescreen for this because that’s huge. Right. He knows, you know, a lot more than he’s putting on, which why he got sued by JP Morgan too. Yeah. And a lot of these like banks are all connected. Deutsche bank is hugely connected to Epstein also. Deutsche bank is hugely connected to the, the National Socialist.
The. The third. Right. As well. So there’s just a lot of crazy stuff with the banks and speaking of like the big banks, because I like to cover a lot of the, the Knights Templar symbolism, looking into the heraldry and the symbols of the elite. Right. There is an open investigation right now with Malay that the great author Joseph P. Farrell, he did a, an episode on his Views News and Ethereum, he calls it a wonderful author. But he was showing this big story coming out where Malay is looking into Credit Sue. So in like another one of these banks, Credit Suisse investigation into the rat lines.
I mean this is huge because. And he, he wrote a lot about this with the, the National Socialist International right there, which I’ll just show quickly. Yeah, but like money in these banks, first they can print money to infinity. But the Templars like, and even other bankers as well, like Rothschilds or whatever it is, they get awarded by bigger elite families or whatever that hand them this Wealth. Right. So that is an interesting thing to be looking out for going into these different banks. And even J.P. morgan. There’s a. There was an article I got. Pull it up.
I’m trying to find it. Here’s. Yeah, Jeffrey, he. Yeah. JP Morgan is really tied in, which is, you know, they have a dark history themselves, but they know where all the, you know, who, who the clients are. Just Dolly was handling their accounts. Even JP Morgan himself was supposed to be on the Titanic. And yeah, right before it, you know, it set sailed, he, you know, opts out, you know, the night before. Even the Hershey chocolate guy too. Oh, yeah, yeah. And the Titanic snapped in half. Yeah. At 218. So. So I. 1, 2, 8. Right.
It’s like these water rituals because maritime law and submersible. Right. As well. And then they were saying, of course, the Titanic was not the Titanic, it was the Olympic. For the insurance stuff. Yeah, exactly. For sure. There’s a. I was trying to find it, but they. Oh, yeah, this is it. Neverland Ranch, I was reading about. There’s some symbols, but Jeffrey Epstein, a lot of his homes, people take it over and then demolish it. Just destroy it. Like they’re destroying evidence or something. Or giving it a spiritual makeover. Right. That’s like literally what they say. And something’s going on with Neverland Ranch where I think it’s like a new owner.
And I thought this was an interesting symbol that people pointed out because that’s what I’ve been looking at is the heraldry. And it’s weird that he’s got all this. The. The coat of arms for the queen with the unicorn. And I, I want to give a shout out to who. I know 777 was sharing it out, but I saw a couple other people. But I thought this was really interesting. The. The symbol of the Order of the Garter, which is this blue belt and how it kind of makes a cue when you turn it sideways. Right.
And right here at the Neverland Ranch, it is that symbol of the Order of the Garter, which is also like the queue as well. I thought that was a great catch. Just me looking into the heraldry with the unicorn because they gave Trump a unicorn on the Time magazine. So I’ve been just studying that. I think that was a. An interesting find for. For sure. Right. Somebody said in the comments, Peter Pan is a wild story. Yeah. You know, Peter Pan was supposed to be a demon. Peter Pan. Pan, like Pan God. Right. That the. The imagery of the devil is based off of Pan.
Yeah. Because he comes in and, like, he wants, like, to give. Like, comes to Wendy and says, hey, give me your kids and all that sort of stuff. They go back to Neverland and they’re saying that Hook. It’s actually the good guy. Because those are the only adults in Neverland. They’re trying to fight this demon that’s trying to free the kids and all sorts of stuff. It’s crazy. Yeah. That is nuts. Yeah. And of course, you know, Disney and all that stuff with Disney and all that. So I’m like, that’s interesting. Yeah. Peter. Peter Pan. Yeah.
There’s a lot going on with the. These Disney films. Yeah. What I found interesting with the paranoid American talks about with Wally. Yeah. Is he. He shows how they’re recreating the story of Jesus in a lot of ways. But it’s wild. Like what. Where he shows it on his Disney. And they did that with Wally. I. You guys gotta watch that. Yeah. I. I’ve given it terrible justice. The way I. Breaking it down. The Department of Education as well is like, being defunded or something. And Jordan Maxwell showed the symbolism of the. The oak tree right here in this oak and how it’s tied into the National Socialist as well as you see it right here with the oak tree.
Right. And even the sun rising over the mountain for world communism. So that’s just some of the things that I’m looking out for. And we’re here with Maverick Approach. Hey, what up? What up, y’all? I got this YouTube right here. Make sure to go subscribe. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Another thing, too, that I want to point out with. I just saw you pulled up the. The American Airlines thing. Yeah. So another thing that happened with American Airlines, besides that, like. Well, for one, that caught fire. That was today, I think. Yeah. Or I think that was yesterday.
This is yesterday. So that. That happened. And then I saw some other stuff, too, that was pretty crazy. Nobody’s really talking about it, but this former employee at American Airlines was. He was taping people in the bathroom. He was taping girls in the bathroom. Oh, wow. Yeah. So American Airlines. I don’t even know how to type that in. Yeah. I don’t know. I think. I don’t know his name or anything. Trying to find out. Bookmarked it, but they arrested. Yeah. He was arrested. Yeah. There you go. I think that was it right there. That’s crazy. Yeah.
By the FBI charge. Yeah. And then there was that naked chick on the American Airlines. Did you see that? Yeah. That was crazy. Like, she just lost her mind. And she started going crazy. And then the lady on the plane on the American Airlines, man, I think what it is, is they don’t want people to travel. Because once you travel and meet people, you see that people or people. And I believe people. They want to keep everyone. Okay. We were all staying at home. Right, Right. That was nice for the. Yeah. For a little bit. Well, yeah.
But also think about that was part of the plans to keep everyone at home. Well, everyone’s scared to go travel and whatever. What are they going to do? They’re going to stay at home or whatnot. And I think that’s like the big thing, because if you go travel and talk to people and meet people, a lot of the, like, the crazy. When you’re stuck on the digital silos of the algorithms, they’re dividing everybody and radicalizing everybody is sort of. And that’s what I feel like happening. I think that’s a bigger. Yeah. With something at hand. But, yeah, I think definitely with.
With the planes right now we’re gonna. I call it the plane demic. But this started last year, though. This. This just didn’t start, you guys. Like, last year. We had, I think, even more. I think in the last. In the first, I think January and February of last year, there was actually more crashes since, you know, then this year compared to the months. But this all kind of started with the Boeing whistleblowers when they got unalived. Oh, yeah. So if you remember that last year, that was around the same time in March, March Madness. So, like.
Oh, wow. Yeah. I remember because I was doing stories on it and that’s kind of when we started to see all these planes going down all last year and then all this year. So I think it kind of starts there. You’re. You’re absolutely right. I told. And like, I forgot about that. Yeah, I, like, totally forgot about that. Yeah. So Joshua Dean and John Barnett. So those guys blowing the whistle on Boeing. And then since then, it’s just been. It’s been up from there. Like, it’s just been plane after plane. And that’s the thing. Like, I don’t know what they knew.
I know they were both in quality control, but since then it’s just one after the another, which is insane. Even the one yesterday with American Airlines, that was a bone. That’s weird. But I mean, even like traveling, like. I don’t know. Yeah, traveling. They want to, you know, you know, stop people from traveling and whatnot. So that’s another thing too, for sure, you. You’ve traveled a Lot like throughout your life. I’m. When I flew to Japan, Hawaii, Utah, all over. There’s so much turbulence, and I don’t remember there being that much turbulence when I was younger.
Right. Have you noticed that, too? Yeah, I think. I don’t know what’s going on. Like, maybe we’re just more aware, but I remember traveling, like, years and years ago. We never had this much turbulence, for sure. It’s just kind of crazy that they all comes about now, you know, it’s a lot of fun. Everybody. It’s like you’re on a. Well, we almost got 2,000 people up in here. Please smash that, like, button. We’re joined by the great Maverick Approach. Go subscribe to his channel. What can we look out for from you before we close shop up in here? Got a class coming up on the 26th of this month.
And, you know, we’re talking about reskilling because. Reskilling? Yes, reskilling. So you want to reskill. So what you want to do is like, so AI is going to disrupt over 100 million jobs in the next two years. Right. So either your job is going to be taken or your job’s going to be at least affected to where they’re downsizing. Yeah. Because of automation. So there’s a lot of tools that you can use. And I don’t think that as of right now, AI is bad because you can use it for, you know, for good. You know, we can use it to, you know, for a marketing company, for sales, for anything.
I just think if you get ahead of the technology curve now, you’ll be good later, you know, so that’s why I always teach, like, crypto AI, you know, new tools, how to implement blockchain into your company. So all those things that, you know, it’s a huge learning curve. And I’ve done, you know, years of research on. On both. So I think, you know, if people are reskilling, then they’ll be good because. Did you see all the stores closing or the past, like, you know, six months? What stores? Party cities out of here. Big lots. Even though I think they restructured and they’re trying to come back.
Auto parts stores. They have. There’s numerous ones. They’re closing down. Denny’s. They’re closing down. Denny’s is closing. Yeah, yeah. They’re closing, like hundreds of locations. They’re closing. There’s. I did a kind of a video on it showing all the new store, or not new stores, but all the stores like GCPenney. And of course, that that goes into, like, Amazon, too, because a lot of people shop on Amazon, but. But automation is just gonna fast forward that. So, you know, AI and everything else. So I just teach that. So that’s on maverickapproach.com to where you can get the class and whatnot and just teaching you, like, new tips and tricks of tools.
Because the thing is, with automation and AI, yeah, it’s going to take, you know, 100 million jobs, right. But it’s also going to create 120 million new jobs as well. Okay. Because they have a job called AI whisperers, or prompt engineers that pays like 3 to 500k a year learning how to talk to AI to get the best prompts. Right. Right. So stuff like that, you know. Yeah, that’s dope. So everybody click that link below. It’s Donut. Much love and God bless you. Peace.