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➡ The speaker is witnessing an unknown creature causing destruction, even tearing down half a tree. The creature is believed to be stronger than a bear, and it seems to be angry.
I’m not talking about a nine-footer or ten-footer. I’m talking about mid-twenties. Not for a glimpse, not a second. For about 25 minutes, I stared at it. Later in the interview, Troy does go into more detail about exactly what he saw, and we’ll look at that in just a moment. But first, let’s see if there’s any other connections to whatever’s going on in Chiapas, Mexico. Well, it is home to quite a few different Mayan ruins, including the largest pyramid in Mexico. Researchers confirm that recently discovered Tenina Pyramid is the largest pyramid in Mexico. This pyramid is in Chiapas, and it’s said to have been hidden under a natural hill for about 1,700 years.
Interestingly enough, the Maya did believe in giant beings. One example is the bacabs, who were considered to be four giant gods. The Maya believed that these four gods held up the sky at the four cardinal points, preventing it from falling. So the Mayans believed in a form of giants. They also had their own story of the earth being flooded. Interesting that the Bible, which was written over 7,000 miles away in the Middle East, tells us of the same exact occurrences of a great flood, giants, and demigod beings. It appears the fallen angels, or demigods of these ancient cultures, went throughout the earth deceiving humanity that they were gods and also mingling with humans everywhere they went and causing giants to be birthed among them.
Maybe these giants still exist, or what I believe is more likely, is that somehow the fallen angels and their giant fallen offspring are somehow coming into our dimension from whatever plane or dimension they normally inhabit. There I’ll pray, and I see on the next, there’s a big valley and there’s a ridge in front of me, and I see this thing come up over the ridge and stand next to this tree, and as the tree sways, it sways exactly however the trees, and it like mimics it. And I’m just sitting there, man, and I’m just looking at this thing, and I’m like, wow, I saw it come up.
I actually saw it come up. And it’s staring us down from the next mountain over, and I can tell how big it is because of that tree. And it’s no joke. It’s no joke. And when Ben turned around and looked at it, the tree moved, and it froze. So it knew what we were doing. So I’m just going to tell you this, I started talking to it, and I was talking at this level. Now, there’s no way anything can actually hear me. That thing is a quarter mile away. And I’m just like, I see you, you devil.
And there’s nothing you can do about this. We’re here. We’re not going away. We’re rescuing kids. We’re doing everything that Jesus wants us to do, and there’s not a thing in the world that you can do about it. You can either move or you can go to hell. And I’m talking in this voice. And then it started doing this. And I told Jerry, I said, Jerry, I said, Jerry, I want you to softly turn around. He said, why? And I said, because there is something, a giant on the top of that hill. And I’ve been looking at it for 20, 30 minutes.
And Jerry turned around and went, oh my gosh. And then when he did a thing, kind of stood up like this, and it just turned around. Like in just a couple of strikes. Unbelievable. The guys just kept right on praying. Power of God’s moving. Holy Spirit’s moving. All kinds of craziness. And they’re just like, so I asked them, we’re on this prayer mountain. And I said, I said, you guys ever have like a crazy thing showing the pastors like, what are you talking about? Like you ever had like giants in this region like that? And he goes, yeah.
He goes, there’s one that lives on that mountain right over there. That was the mountain that I actually saw it on. Wow. This isn’t the first time that someone’s seen a strange large manifestation and then prayed and the thing reacted, showing that these things are somehow connected to the spiritual realm. It’s the same thing we’re seeing with the growing number of people who are coming out and saying that they literally pray to aliens and then UFOs appear. Chris Bledsoe says this, Stephen Greer says this, and the most recent quote UFO whistleblower Jake Barber also says he has a spiritual connection with UFOs.
This is dangerous territory friends. Satan masquerades as an angel of light. Don’t believe everything you see, especially if it in any way casts any doubt on what the Bible says. Is it your feeling? Are you suddenly having a mental breakdown on the job? No, I felt like something connected with me and it was so overwhelming that I began to cry. Once it was just me and that object in between the pick and the drop site, there’s about 20 miles in between. I felt like something was inside of me. I felt like I was possessed by the most beautiful spirit I’ve ever been possessed by.
Had you ever had an experience like this before? No. No, it was a very feminine energy. I’ll tell you that. It felt like the spirit of God, but not in any masculine sense that I had ever felt. It was like, again, the feeling of my mother. I don’t know if it is a thing. I’m still trying to figure out why that happened. I don’t want to say that because I have a pretty good idea of what’s going on now and whatever that force was since that night, it has stayed with me. Mexico has been a hotspot for a strange activity since the Mayans were building their civilizations.
In recent years, quite a few different videos have been posted claiming that large figures were being filmed in desolate areas. There’s also been a lot of UFO activity increasing in the area and even some strangely enough surrounding a specific volcano. I’ve shown a few of these videos before, but I think it’s worth compiling just to document that something strange is definitely happening in Mexico. A TikTok account by the name of El Domador de Sumisas captures something really strange on top of a mountain in Mexico. Well, it looks like a giant humanoid being moving on top of a mountain.
This thing has to be at least two to three meters tall. If you take a look at the mountain and the trucks passing by as a reference for size. If you want to see something really creepy, then just go to Mexico because apparently somebody filmed a giant on a hill. I’m not joking either. Watch this and let me know what you think it is. My first thought was, what is happening here? This is not a plane. This is not a drone. What is this thing exploring in the sky? Mexico isn’t just a hotspot for supernatural phenomenon.
It’s also a hotspot for different forms of witchcraft and the evils associated with the cartels and government corruption. These things are almost certainly connected. When evil gets a foothold, it starts to manifest and grow in a lot of different ways. The tribes in the Middle East that rejected the truth of the one true God and serve false gods are the same tribes who were infiltrated by the fallen sons of God, the fallen angels, and the giant Nephilim were created. This led to the great flood of Noah we’re told about in Genesis, showing that humanity’s acceptance of the false God and different forms of evil grew more and more to more types of evil, eventually leading to the point where God had to cleanse the earth with the great flood.
This is why it’s so important to remain on the side of Jesus in the times we’re in, so we can be safely guided from the spiritual deceptions that are coming, because this is not just happening in Mexico. The world is entering a period of supernatural events and supernatural deceptions increasing, just like the book of Revelation and other scriptures in the Bible predicted. Jesus is coming to save those who are his before the worst of those prophecies play out. Only through him can you be saved. The most compelling video that I’ve seen recently that could be connected to all of this comes out of South Carolina, which is just another reminder to stay close to Jesus because things are getting pretty strange out there.
The second time I’ve come over here, and the first time when I got up under them trying to figure out what it was, they started breaking limbs off and throwing them at me. And I still cannot figure out what it is. Look, look at that, look at that, look at that, look at that, look at that. What in Jesus’ name is doing this? Oh my God, he just took half the tree down. Oh my God, oh my God. Oh, it’s got to be, it’s got to be a, I don’t even think a bear would have a chance in Hades and they’re doing this.
It’s something stronger than a bear, and he is pissed. [tr:trw].