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He said that all the scientists and different people like astrophysicists believe that this book is true, which I highly doubt. I know that a lot of scientists definitely don’t believe in flat earth, so I don’t know why he would think that they would believe this book is true. The Scientific Reasons for Flat Earth, it says, subtitle, every reason you can imagine to believe the earth is flat. Even scientists agree. All right, guys, before we get into this book, I just want to say, yeah, you know I’m not a flat earther, and those of you that are, you know, more power to you.
I don’t believe it, and, you know, it doesn’t mean anything. Still love you guys. All you flat earthers out there still love you all, but, you know, I just don’t believe it. But maybe you can convince me of it. I don’t know. Just the evidence I’ve seen so far doesn’t convince me, and this book here, I don’t think it’s gonna convince me either. But we’re gonna take a look at it, but first let’s read the back. So it’s written by a guy named Landon Leavitt. Landon Leavitt, I guess that’s how you say it. Landon Leavitt. The back says, have you ever questioned everything you’ve been told? I have.
Have you? Have you ever stared at the horizon searching for answers? Are you tired of so-called science insisting on things like gravity, curvature, and common sense? Then this book is for you. Reasons to believe in flat earth is the most definitive, thoroughly researched, and undeniable collection of evidence supporting the flat earth theory. So compelling, so airtight, that no scientist can debunk it. In fact, they won’t even try. They won’t even try? Somehow I doubt that. Why? Because this book contains every provable scientific fact showing us the earth is flat. That’s right, page after page provides all the evidence for a flat earth.
I’m not gonna, this is a thick book, I’m not gonna read this whole thing. It’s a perfect coffee table book, conversation starter, or a gift for your conspiracy-loving friends. Whether you’re a skeptic, a believer, or just someone who appreciates a good laugh, this book is for you. A good laugh? So apparently this book went viral on TikTok. I don’t know. He said it’s a viral, it was like a challenge, and a lot of scientists believe it. They agree with this book. I don’t know. I don’t really, I have a TikTok, but I don’t use it.
My social media manager posts on there for me. So I don’t know. But I’ll tell you this much. I somehow doubt that this will change my mind, okay? But you know, if it does, it does. You guys will see it right here. You’re gonna be witness to it, okay? He said that the author was selling these from his website, but the website got shut down or something by the government? I don’t know. I don’t buy that. Why would the government shut down an author that makes a flat earth book? It doesn’t make sense. So he said he was able to find it on Amazon, and he shipped it to me.
And we’re gonna read it together right now, the first chapter. Alright everybody, here we go. What the heck? Oh, he got me. He got me. Oh, are you serious? You got me, man. Okay, ha ha ha. Oh, this is funny. I really wish I didn’t have to post this video, but look, everybody, the reasons to believe, scientific reasons to believe in flat earth. Look, the book, totally blank. There’s nothing in it. I guess these are the scientific reasons. There are none. Oh, that’s funny. Oh, that’s hilarious. Now I get why he says all the scientists believe this book because there’s nothing in it to prove the earth is flat.
It’s a blank book. Wow. Okay. Funny. Ha ha ha. I don’t know. Well, there it is, everybody. If this offended you, I’m sorry. This wasn’t my idea. You know, I just, I told them I would read the book. And here it is. I read it and it’s empty. Alright, everybody. I’ll see you next time. God bless. [tr:trw].