And the dream continues on with the Toys R Us at every Macy’s. Number 4. Manuel Saintelis and Will Selves Sora Showcase Number 5. The Ben DeSai Sora Showcase Number 6. The Ben DeSai Sora Showcase Number 5. The Tommy Luay Sora Showcase I’m going to show you your soul, show me your soul, I’ll leave you dead. Sometimes we fall apart, sometimes we fall in love. Sometimes we fall apart, sometimes we fall in love. You thought that I forgot, you thought that I’d forget, cause I’ve been talking and I’ll do the same mistake.
You’re running on the sun, you’re breathing, you’re wondering, I’m getting light in here at all, come on, I’ll leave your barrel sinking in, I don’t know when to feel alive, I’m coming from you, from me, I’m feeling like it’s my home. I’ve been waiting here when it’s time, and now I’m calling out your name. But how does Runway’s Gen 3 stack up against Sora? 1. Runway Gen 3’s Waterslide 2. 3. Runway Gen 3’s Waterslide 4. Runway Gen 3’s Waterslide 5. Runway Gen 3’s Waterslide 6. Runway Gen 3’s Waterslide 7.
Runway Gen 3’s Waterslide